#no children would be playing on kiss fm
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💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 We've got a complete list of Family Feud Answers for Family Feud 1 & 2 games for your mobile app needs. Simply find your question below by using cmd/ctrl +. The 6 or 7+ answer round of Facebook Family Feud requires clever playing. Use our Family Feud cheat charts for the answers here! Ask your question and find answers for Family Feud® Live! Name something a person might cheat on that could get them into trouble? I'm planning on making a Google Sheet to have the answer to every survey including Fast Money. This will require the help of all people who are playing. There are many ways to find Family Feud cheat answers. The game is incredibly popular and has a very unique format. Game Discussion: Family Feud. Posted on 30 November 20 at I'm planning on making a Google Sheet to have the answer to every survey including Fast Money. This will require the help of all people who are playing. I know there's a lot that can be googled and there's some on familyfeudinfo. Feel free to list below survey answers in this thread so we can build this database together! Posted on 08 December 20 at , Edited on 14 September 21 at by mossfan Here's a link to the working document. Still very early and answers will continue to be added for as long as I'm still playing the game. Special thanks to all users who have contributed is in the Google Doc. BFRayment , Posted on 21 December 20 at Posted on 28 December 20 at Posted on 29 December 20 at Posted on 03 January 21 at Again, all are welcome to help. Either message me on TA or post your finds here. Proxy Lionheart 1,, Posted on 06 January 21 at Just wanted to add my answers and questions in to help out. Name something in your house with four legs. Table 2. Pet 3. Chairs 4. Bed 5. Insect 6. Couch Name something specific that people complain about 5 Answers 1. Money 2. Weather 3. Taxes 4. Work 5. Traffic Name the worst material for a nappy to be made out of. Wool 2. Paper 3. Cotton 4. Silk 5. Plastic 6. Sand paper Name a piece of Jewellery. Ring 2. Earrings 3. Watch 4. Necklace 5. A person is very strong when he seeks to protect something. Lily Mu RB , Just as a quick reference, what setting does everyone have their game on for these questions and do we know if it changes the game drastically? Which version is everyone here using for this spreadsheet? Posted on 08 January 21 at I've kept it in the USA setting and have played every game on easy except for the the ones where you have to play higher difficulties for the achievement. I saw no change in the answer difficulty or the opponent difficulty for that matter. I would just play every game on Easy if you're still having issues popping the achievements. AC Rock3tman 2,, Posted on 24 May 21 at Posted on 16 June 21 at , Edited on 16 June 21 at by planchetflaw. Name something people do to pass the time when they're stuck in traffic. Radio 2. Sing 3. Read 4. Phone -- Name something that a bank uses for security against crime. CCTV 2. Alarms 3. Guards 4. Vault -- Name an occupation parents brag about their children having. Doctor 2. Lawyer 3. Athlete 4. Teacher -- Name something that could spring a leak. Tap 2. Pipes 3. Hose 4. Waterbed 5. Boat -- Name something specific with wings that you wouldn't want to land on you. Plane 2. Wasp 3. Bat 4. Mosquito 5. Eagle 6. Pigeon 7. Vulture 8. Fly -- Name something you'd have a hard time doing if you didn't have any lips. Talking 2. Kissing 3. Eating and Drinking 4. Whistling -- Name a place in the house a little kid might think a monster is hiding. FM - Closet Name something you wish you had in your backyard. FM - Pool Name something you need to make a perfect Christmas. FM - Family -- Name a food you'd expect to find at every roadside restaurant in America. Hamburgers 2. French Fries 3. Hot Dogs 4. Chicken Posted on 04 July 21 at I have now completed the entire game with all achievements except that one and I just cannot for the life of me get it. Difficulty really isn't the issue as the questions won't be harder, just the AI will for earlier rounds, so I definitely would appreciate if this work gets completed. Name something people use in order to see things better 4 answers 1. Glasses 2. Magnifying Glass 3. Contact Lenses 4. Binoculars Name an animal people are said to eat like 7 Answers 1. Pig 2. Bird 3. Cow 4. Dog 5. Horse 6. Mouse 7. Monkey Finally getting round to continuing this. Thank you all for sending answers so far. I know I haven't updated in a while but I will do that tonight before I go to bed. I added in a few more during the game I played today. May play a few more to build the database. DudeWithTheFace 1,, Posted on 04 July 21 at , Edited on 04 July 21 at by keoskey. Litter 2. Gum 3. Popcorn 4. Sweets 5. Parent 2. Spouse 3. Kids 4. Best Friend 5. Myself 6. Posted on 10 July 21 at Name something kids are told to take turns using 5 answers 1. Toys 2. Bathroom 3. Phone 4. Bike 5. Swing Name a place in the house a little kid might think a monster is hiding 5 answers 1. Wardrobe 2. Under bed 3. Cellar 4. Loft 5. Posted on 14 July 21 at Name a kind of chip 1. Potato 2. Corn 3. Computer 4. Poker 5. Chocolate Name something a person might hold in 1. Emotions 2. Stomach 3. Breath 4. Gas 5. Secrets Besides walking, tell me something feet do 1. Kick 2. Run 3. Smell 4. Stand 5. Hurt 6. Dance 7. Tap Name a noise some people are able to sleep through while others find it impossible 1. Snoring 2. Thunder 4. Train 5. Rain 6. Pet 7. Alarm clock 8. Siren Name the first thing you notice about an elephant at the zoo 1. Trunk 2. Ears 3. Tusks 4. Size 5. Smell 6. Eyes 7. Tail Name something that a sneaky friend might try to steal from you 1. Spouse 2. Money 3. Clothes 4. Jewellery 5. Food Name something with stripes 1. Zebra 2. Flag 3. Candy cane 4. Tiger If you were literally "in the doghouse" for the night, name something you'd want in there with you 1. Bedding 2. Spouse 4. Food 5. Dog 6. Book Name something you might buy your father for father's day 1. Tie 2. Socks 3. Nothing 4. Shirt 5. Card 6. Gadget Name something that leaks 1. Pipe 3. Roof 4. Sink 5. Tyre 6. Engine 7. Hose Name something people are afraid to ride on 1. Roller coaster 2. Plane 3. Horse 4. Bull 6. Ferris wheel Name an occupation you'd hate for your upstairs neighbour to have 1. Musician 2. Dancer 3. Police officer Name something that flies 1. Bird 2. Aircraft 3. Bugs 4. Want to join in the discussion? Please log in or Register For Free to comment. Hide ads.
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mazzystargirl · 3 years
tiktok’s effect on the music industry is insane like imagine if tumblr was like that and bridge over troubled water by simon & garfunkel recharted on the billboard hot 100
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finelinevogue · 3 years
I don’t have a specific request but I just really want to read another Little Moments blurb. Wether they’re teens or babies, I just love them. Have a great day!!
you have a great day toooo!! ok we can definitely do this!! there’s so many adventures they go on that i want to write about, but for now i hope you enjoy this blurb of the family going out for a pub meal;
oli - 21, felix - 19, belle - 16
It was family-night-Friday.
Well, actually, it was yours and Harry’s anniversary and supposedly date night, but your children had decided you’d all go out for the evening to celebrate instead. Whilst you were delighted over the idea of spending the night with your family, Harry wasn’t. He now, quote-on-quote, ‘can’t finger you under the restaurant table’, which is why he’s now in a sulk.
Chuffing man-child.
“Dad, can you at least pretend to look happy to be with your family?” Belle teased Harry, as you were all in the car on the way to the pub you were booked in for.
Harry was driving and Oli was sat in the front, since his legs were extremely long - a bit like his dad - to fit in the back. Unfortunately Felix got the short straw and had to sit in the back with you and Belle, Belle sitting in the middle as she was the smallest. Whenever you came to a red light Harry’s hand would slink behind his seat and dangle itself until you caught it with your hand and gave it a squeeze. It was the little moments like these that made you grateful for your family. For Harry.
Harry smiled and you knew it was real, because it reached his eyes, however he made it seem like it wasn’t real to antagonise his kids.
“Y’can pay for your own bloody meal at this rate.” Oli spoke, looking up from where he was messing around on his phone - probably looking at todays football scores.
“When did you become such a dad?” Felix laughed, scruffing with his brothers hair from where he was sat behind him.
“Dickhead.” Oli tried to reach out and smack his brother but Harry beat him to it and caught his sons fist.
“Oi, pack it in the both of you.” Harry pretended to be mad, but in reality he loved his children interacting with each other - even if they were play fighting.
You loved your little family. So much.
The rest of the journey was spent listening to whatever was on the radio. Belle had requested Capital FM, however much Harry would rather listen to BBC Radio 2. You heard Harry sing along to a couple of songs though, one being Niall’s new song ‘Our Song’. The journey was quiet but peaceful, allowing you and your thoughts to spend 10 minutes or so alone. The word passed by outside as you drove down some pretty sketchy country lanes, until you rounded the familiar corner that had ‘The Cherry Tree’ situated on the left-hand side. It didn’t take long for Harry to pull in and park up, making sure he didn’t leave any valuable on display.
You climbed out of the car and waited for Belle to shuffle out herself, before shutting the door behind her. It was still a bloody Range Rover…
“Y’alright my love?” Harry asked you, locking the car and sliding his hand into yours to hold. His familiar warmth made you smile and your goosebumps melt away.
Your children walked off ahead, talking about goodness knows what with each other. It was funny to see how small Belle was next to her brothers. She, like you, was smaller than the men in her life and also smaller than you. She walked sandwiched between her brothers as they walked inside the restaurant.
“Never been better.” You answered truthfully, cuddling yourself into his side more. He was more than happy to accept you there.
Harry opened the door for you and you walked in after you. He kept a hand on your lower back as you walked to where your children were standing waiting for a waiter.
The room was large and really atmospheric. Lots of chatter from belly laughing customers and tiny toddlers who were on the loose. You spotted people lining up for a carvery and there was a separate area where a pizza oven burned away. As soon as you saw the meat and the roasts though, you knew that’s exactly what you wanted. And with a glass of red wine - divinity.
“Nice and warm in here.” You stated, having been quite cold outside. You spotted a wood burning fire in the corner and guessed that’s where the room got it’s hear from.
“Y’cold m’love?” Harry asked, furrowed brows over you and your health.
“Was. Better now.” You answered.
“It’s ‘cause we live in bloody England.” Felix huffed, stuffing his phone into his back pocket.
“Then move countries, please.” Oli answered in a playful tone, earning a light punch to his side from his brother.
“Idiots.” Belle rolled her eyes at the both of them.
“This is why you’re my favourite chid.” Harry answered jokingly, but everyone knew he secretly meant it. He often spent more time with his Belle and would treat her with a teensy tiny bit more love than his boys, but they were okay with that.
“Charming dad.” Oli added, shaking his head as he crossed his arms over his chest.
“Someone’s been working out recently.” Harry pressed a finger onto Oli’s buff arm. He was visibly flexing, but he still did have a decent amount of built up muscle on him.
“Bro, not cool. We said we’d work out together.” Felix groaned, knowing he was slightly skinnier than Oli and the tabloids made sure to point it out. It didn’t phase him publicly, but you knew it did internally.
“Can work out with me, if you want?” You questioned Felix, already knowing the answer.
“No thanks mum. I don’t want to go to pilates or hot yoga with a bunch of mums.” He rolled his eyes, but earned a slap to the back of his head from his dad.
“Y’pest, be nice to y’mum.”
“It’s actually mixed gender for the hot yoga.”
“Well now you can say bye-bye to that class, missus.” Harry teased you, tightening his hold on your back. When Harry got jealous he got jealous - like pettily jealous. It was something you’d both worked on during the years together, but sometimes it did creep up. Like now.
“I’m not quitting that class, H. You can come with me if y’so bothered that other men and women might be staring at m’arse.”
“Y’bloody well bet i’m coming.” He told you, making you chuckle. He leant down and gave you a kiss to your lips, welcoming it with a needy kiss back since he rarely gave you lip kisses in public. This was pub in the middle of nowhere, so Harry felt safe to give you some loving.
“Ugh could you, like, not?” Felix groaned and his siblings followed. Harry pulled away with annoyance, a smile on your lips though.
“Y’should be happy I love y’mum.”
“I am, just not publicly.” Felix turned his nose up at the memory of his parents kissing.
“Leave us alone, it’s our anniversary.” You pouted.
“Like dad needs that excuse.” Belle snorted and rolled her eyes, making everyone but Harry laugh.
“You don’t need an excuse to love me, H.” You whispered to him and he leaned down to you with a smile.
“I know.” He kissed your forehead this time and brought you closer into his side as his kids were laughing with each other still.
“Where the fuck is the waited i’m bloody starving.” Oli grumbled, patting his belly lightly, clearly annoyed at the waiting of the staff here.
“Um, can I help you?” The shy waiter was bright red in the face from hearing Oli’s comment, making the rest of you snicker.
It was the little moments like these that made you appreciate your life and your little, happy, family.
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ushisrever · 3 years
Hi i saw that the requests are open so, I was wondering if you could do Oikawa x where they already have kids (I always imagined twin girls, just thought it was adorable) hanging out together and maybe him taking his kids to Japan for the first time . Thanks 😊
HII! Thank you so much for sending in a request. I had so much fun writing this piece. I hope you like it as well :)))
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Pair: Oikawa Tooru x fm!reader
Genre: fluff
Word Count: 2.1 k
Summary: You're currently doing a film shoot in Japan as a film director. Though, the only thing is, you miss and want to see your husband and your twin daughters. When Tooru found out you're in Japan, he thought it would be a good opportunity to surprise you and also take this chance to bring his kids to Japan for the first time.
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Y/N: Hi, sweetie! I'm currently in Tokyo right now doing a week-long shoot. I hope you two are doing great there. Are the kids sleeping on time? I miss the three of you 🥺
Tooru smiles at the message you left him. He's already laying down on bed trying not to make any noise to make sure that his three year old twin girls sleeping on each side of him doesn't wake up. It honestly took awhile to get them to sleep. His daughters were completely fussing as he tried to tuck them in on their own beds. After a few runs from one corner to another, all it took was letting them sleep beside him.
He'll really want to video call you at the moment he got the message, but timing couldn't have been perfect at all. So instead, he takes a picture of his sleeping daughters and sends it to you.
TOORU: Yes, baby. I got them to sleep. I miss you so much too. Can we call at around 9 am tomorrow? After I bring the kids to daycare.
It took awhile before you replied to him.
Y/N: I really hope I can cause I really really miss you, but I am currently shooting at that time. I will make sure to call you still at that time!
The feelings are mutual for Tooru. He misses your cuddles…your kisses...and a few intimate moments with you here and there. Though, when she gets a call from a producer to become a director for a movie, he really needs to convince you to go for it. It's your passion. He never wants you to stop dreaming of making movies for years just because you two had kids. Therefore, he made sure to make things work with him in volleyball, with you shooting films, and still being there for your children.
TOORU: It's alright, love. Just call me once you have the time. I'll make sure to have my phone with me. I love you.
After a few more back and forth messages, it took awhile before you two finally said goodbye. You tell him to go to sleep then, but he doesn't end up doing it at all. He just looks up at the ceiling most likely thinking of how many months it's been since you left for a film shoot.
He wonders then how you're holding on through the shoot. He knew how your job can be stressful and tiring at the same time. He knew he could only take the stress away with his sweet little actions and your children.
That's it!
The only thing that is making it impossible to give you sweet kisses and to let you play with your children is because of the distance.
That's it!
He slowly reaches for his tablet and goes to the airline's website and books...tickets.
We are going to Japan!
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"Okay, so you're telling me you're in the airport right now with your two daughters?"
"Yes. Why is that hard to believe?"
Tooru smiles as he watches his two daughters playing in the play area just near their boarding gate. His one daughter ,Layla, goes for the slide while his other ,Emilia, plays with the cars. While waiting, he then thought it would at least be a good idea to tell someone there about these things. Who else can he trust with a secret other than Iwaizumi Hajime? So, before he goes with the plan, he calls Iwa.
"It's just hard to comprehend that you can be mature enough to keep an eye on your daughters...alone. I won't be surprised if you lose one of them. However, if you do, I swear to any high being that I will kill you for being an irresponsible jerk,"
"I will not lose them, Iwa-cha. I am now a responsible man,"
Flight number QR5690, destination Tokyo, is open for boarding.
"Oh, that's us. We gotta go. I'll call you when we get there,"
"You better bring my two nieces in one piece," Iwa then hangs up.
Tooru immediately shoves his phone back in his pocket, gets his backpack and their boarding passes and passports from his bag.
"Layla and Emi, let's go now. Go get your bags in the cabinet," his daughters immediately took their bags and went out of the play area.
He grabs each of their hands and lined up for departure.
Tokyo, here we go!
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Upon arriving in Japan, Tooru managed to immediately get them a cab and head to the hotel. Thanking himself for asking your assistant director's number in case of emergency, he was able to ask what hotel they are currently staying in. It's no point to stay in another hotel.
Luckily, he managed to book a room with two beds - one queen size and one twin size-. It was only then upon arrival that he managed to actually relax. He has to be honest. The whole trip wasn't smooth sailing. There were times when one of his girls would cry...need to pee...or simply not like the food being served in the airplane. He cannot sleep for the whole flight from Argentina to Tokyo.
When he managed to give his daughters a bath, that's the only time he let himself lay back down on the bed for a while.
It's a tiring process for the whole plan to be a success, but he knew it'll be worth it.
"Papa," he hears one of his daughters call.
He turns to see Layla looking at him. "Yes, sweetheart?"
"Out. I wanna go out,"
"Out?" It's quite extraordinary for him that his daughter still wants to go out and explore. They literally just arrived from a long flight. However, that's not really a complaint. Besides, one of the reasons he wanted to go to Japan is to show his girls where their father grew up.
"Sure. Of course, sweetheart. Let's go change our clothes then,”
Then, the little outing began. They went to the beautiful parks of Japan, and went to a few other landmarks as well. His kids did enjoy the outside parks here and there; however, their most favourite is the small kid’s cafe that they found. They take a booth just for them and order them his favourite milk bread and some babyccino - one for each. As they take their first bite, Tooru couldn’t help but melt at their little smiles when they got a taste of the milk bread. He most definitely took out his phone and took a picture of his girls.
It took a bit of restraint to immediately send this adorable picture of them to you. He doesn’t want to ruin the surprise. Then, when they are supposed to leave, his daughters may have asked if they could bring some milk breads at home. And so, the three of them ended up doing so.
When they get home, it seems they are the one surprised when they see you in their room sitting down on the couch. Though, it seems it didn’t matter anymore. The moment you saw the three of them, you quickly ran to them. You kneeled down to hug and kiss your sweet daughters then stood up to give your husband a tight hug.
“Don’t worry. The surprise present still worked. It was a little slip of a tongue from my assistant director,” you smiled.
“We were supposed to meet you at your shoot,” Tooru leans down to give you a sweet kiss.
“It doesn’t matter. All that matters is that my daughters and husband are here,” You hug him tighter.
“Though, I must say, I am amazed that you managed to handle these sweet girls all by yourself. It was just like yesterday when you were panicking because you weren’t able to differentiate Emilia from Layla,” you added as you went back to the couch to grab your bag.
You turn to look through your daughters’ suitcases and grab a few of their clothes. “I believe these two girls need to get ready to sleep,”
“Sleep? It’s only 7 am, though,” Tooru asked with a little smile.
“Well, that is because we have a big day tomorrow,”
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When you found out that you’re going to Japan for a shoot, you immediately thought of one place you want to go to with your family. Now that you actually have the chance to do so, you take your husband and your two beloved daughters to the Studio Ghibli museum - where our childhood selves live among the imagination of Studio Ghibli. Your children are fans of Studio Ghibli movies (all because of your influence). You’ve had them watched, Ponyo and Neighbour of Totoro.
Therefore, you know for sure that they will love the museum. Upon entering the museum, your daughters are just completely frozen still as they see...everything.
“Totoro?” You hear your sweet Layla say as she looks at the big statue of Totoro placed inside some sort of ticket booth. You smile at your daughters just admiring their favourite character.
“It seems they already love the place,” Totoru chuckles.
He calls his daughters and the four of you walk around the amusement/museum park. You went to different places. Took pictures here and there. You found the perfect place to take a picture. You sit down on the bench and your husband lets your two daughters sit beside you. He takes out his phone and takes a picture of them.
“Smile,” Tooru takes a few more pictures before he puts it down.
“We should also take a picture with you. Try asking someone if they can take a picture of us,” you said.
Tooru nods and looks around. He finds a couple passing by and asks one of them if they can take a picture of all of you. They agree and Tooru immediately gives them his phone and he walks over to the three of you. He sits down beside his daughter and you stand up to change seats with Layla so that your two daughters are in the middle.
“Ready?” the man puts them in the shot. You nod to him and the four of you look at the camera. Though, unknowingly, in other people’s perspective this little picture taken is the sweetest image they could ever see. They see the warmth in the parents’ smiles with their daughters. A perfect family photo as some would say it.
After the picture is taken, it’s time to eat lunch. You and your family head to the small cafe inside the place. You order a few themed meals and dessert. Tooru makes sure he gets a good video of his daughters’ smiles as they eat. And indeed from time to time, he takes a video of your smiles as you watch your daughters eat. You had to stop him because he hadn’t touched his food. Though, it was worth taking videos of the three of you because he’ll definitely treasure these moments with the three of you.
Then later you know it, you’re heading home. You are at the back of the taxi with your daughters asleep while Tooru takes the seat beside the driver’s seat. He looks over his shoulder and smiles at his two daughters with their chosen stuffed toys and cute hats they bought in the souvenir shop.
“It seems we don’t have any trouble putting them to sleep now,” he said.
“I believe so,” you chuckled and lightly pat your daughters to sleep.
“Do you have a shoot again tomorrow?”
“Yeah. It’ll just be for half a day...and we’ll have a small dinner celebration. I want to take you, but I’m not as comfortable bringing our daughters there. Some of my team can be a bit...too rowdy,” you replied.
“It’s fine. I think I’ll bring them to their uncle tomorrow. It’s been a long time anyway,” Tooru gives you an assuring smile before turning back and looks straight ahead.
“Though, I really appreciate this, Tooru. Thank you for coming,” He looks back at you and smiles as the two of you exchange I love you’s.
You really do appreciate it. You’ve been a little at the edge lately because of the work. However, seeing your husband and your two daughters, it felt like you could finally do anything. It may be for a while that you really got to spend your time with them, but that little time is better than simply seeing them through the screen. However, you’ll make sure to spend more time with them. You do not want them to ever think that you love your work more than them. If before getting married, your very love of your life is making movies, now it’s your daughters and your sweetest ever husband...Oikawa Tooru.
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pxnk-velvet · 3 years
Can I ask Hokage Kakashi with a kid and wife/fem reader with the song tonight by fm static? (You can decide whether you want nsfw or not) I'm just desperate to see emotional Kakashi with a family. Congratulations of having 400 followers! <3
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Kakashi Hatake x Wife!Reader
Word Count: 0.7k
Summary: After a quick visit from his family, the Hokage receives some exciting news.
Warnings: fluff, pregnant reader, a lil bit of emotional kakashi bc he needs it let’s be real
A/N: lolll I actually have another fic that is sort of like a part 1 to this here! But they can be read separately.....honestly domestic dad kakashi?....it’s a yes for me 🖐🏼😫 Party Masterlist
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The moon hung brightly in the sky, the Hidden Leaf basking in a glow that was truly breathtaking. The view from the office window was definitely something Kakashi looked forward to as being Hokage. Despite the long and treacherous work, he still put every ounce of himself into the position. Even if he was hesitant at first.
If it weren’t for her constant reassurance that slowly washed away any doubt he had, he wouldn’t be here right now. Y/n was one of the biggest influences in his life. Pushing him to strive for more and make the village a better place. For them, for their children, for the future generations. And pass on the Will of Fire that burned deeply within everyone.
He was grateful for her, Y/n. Grateful that she stayed with him despite everything. Sometimes he truly wondered why such a strong, independent kunoichi would ever pick to settle down and get married. Especially to someone like him.
Yet ever since she laid eyes on him, she was determined to spend the rest of her life with him. Something he had grown accustomed to and eventually took on himself.
A soft knock, barely audibly through the closed door, sounded out accompanied by babbling. A dead give away as to who was at the door.
“Shhh, we’re here to surprise daddy, remember?” Y/n’s voice hushed, lifting a finger in front of her smile. Indicating to her daughter that it was time to be quiet.
All the while, Kakashi stood inside the room, obviously aware of the little game his wife was playing with their daughter. Ultimately going along with it.
With his back to the door, it carefully opened, his wife and daughter slipping in through the not so small space, “Say surprise daddy!”
Their daughter babbled incoherently, clapping her chubbies hands together at the sight of her father. Spitting images of each other, personality and mannerisms included. Not to mention the notable Hatake hair, spikey, thick, and grey. All of which she had attained, as well as her mother’s eyes. Something Kakashi loved. Being able to look into two sets eyes he could get lost in for days.
The beauty they held, being able to tell a millions stories without needing to mutter a single word. It was the magic behind Y/n’s eyes that she had passed down to their daughter.
“There’s my girl.” The man smiled, taking his daughter into his embrace. Cradling her head into his chest as she cheerfully giggled, happy to be in her father’s presence.
“Hey you.” Y/n charmed with a smile, standing on her tiptoes to place a sweet kiss against Kakashi’s cheek. Only for him to pull down his mask, leaning down to capture his wife’s lips in another kiss. This one a little longer than before, bursting with life and love.
“So I have some news.” Y/n muttered against his shoulder. The two of them now situated in front of the large window, overlooking the view, while Y/n stood behind him with her arms loosely wrapped around his torso, the baby already fast asleep in his arms.
“Hm?” Kakashi hummed, looking over his shoulder, Y/n placing a kiss there.
“I went for a physical today because I haven’t been feeling too well lately.” Y/n begins, a heavy sigh of relief building in her lungs and releasing it through her nose, “I’m pregnant again.”
The second those words left her lips, he was quick to turn towards her, a surge of emotion rose within his chest.
“Really? That’s great.” He smiled widely underneath his mask, trying hard to keep his voice from weavering. Tears began to swell, his eyes growing heavy at the sight of his wife. A notable glow about her, completely different from the one reflected by the moonlight. An overwhelming feeling of gratefulness flooding his entirety.
His arm came around her, pulling her into his side, the baby still sound asleep in the other. Y/n’s head laid against his shoulder as she ran her fingers through their daughters silver hair.
“Thank you.” He muttered into her ear, placing a kiss just under it.
Y/n’s hand coming up to cup his jaw, their lips capturing one anothers in a tender, loving embrace. Something that would bring the two of them impossibly closer.
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dreamescapeswriting · 4 years
BTS Reaction || Child Interrupts A VLive [Request]
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A/N: I never want to give the children names in these because I feel like I would name them wrong, but if you guys would prefer me to start adding names for the children let me know x I love you x
It wasn't easy getting the twins ready for bed, especially when Jin was busy doing something else,
"I want to see daddy!" You daughter screamed looking over at the door but you pulled her back into the bathroom brushing her teeth and getting her twin brother ready. They were only 5 years old and hadn't quite grasped onto the concept that their father was a busy man who was spending time with Army right now,
"He's busy baby." You whispered to her as she sat on the floor with a pout, she got that from Jimin finding out he got his way whenever he pouted in front of his partner and she decided to adopt onto that and use it at home.
"Be a good girl, you don't see your brother pouting over his dad do you?" You teased squeezing her cheek and getting your son dressed, you were so lost in trying to get your son into the onesie you hadn't heard the door open and you daughter sprinting down the long hallway towards Jin's study. The door he usually kept locked when he was working crept open and she walked into the frame, waving the Army and sitting on her dad's lap,
"Oh hey baby, where's your mum?" He questioned her chuckling as she picked up some food and began eating along with him, another EatJin episode but with a surprise guest. Army were eating it up and loving every second of it, you silently stood in the doorway with her brother on your hip watching them interact with one another. Jin questioned her about her day as if it was just a meal at the dinner table and then she would ask him what Army were saying about her willing to answer all of their questions if there were any.
"I think we should do another episode another day when they can prepare, right now you have to go to bed." He told her being able to read the look on your face, you weren't impressed that she was sitting there and had disobeyed you no matter how cute it looked.
"Come on, let your dad finish his time with Army." She kissed him goodnight before turning to the camera and blowing them all a kiss,
"Goodnight Army." She whispered rushing over to you and her already sleeping brother and going to bed.
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Hoseok and Yoongi were doing an old-style VLive together they decided they wanted to watch people reacting to their videos and songs so they went onto Youtube and began watching. Your son, on the other hand, was getting impatient of not being able to see his dad and was starting to throw a tantrum, he wanted to spend time with his dad and Uncle Hoseok who he hadn't seen in a couple of weeks. Things at the studio had been crazy and this was the first time either of them were finally getting to relax a little bit,
"No baby, come on watch this. Daddy is on the screen." But it wasn't enough for him and you knew that you began playing with his hair to try and relax him enough to take a nap. He got that from his dad if you stroked his hair for long enough he would eventually just fall asleep but he was being too bratty to fall asleep easily for you.
"I want to see daddy now." You sighed at him and text Yoongi to see if it was okay for him to come up but he ignored his phone and continued on with the video with Hoseok. You knew you weren't supposed to go in and bother him but your son was starting to cry and it wouldn't be long until the screaming began, you weren't supposed to give in because it taught them if they screamed enough they would get what they wanted but it was getting to be a joke.
"How about I make snacks instead and we watch a movie?" He stopped crying and nodded eagerly watching as you walked into the kitchen before he made his break for it sprinting up the stairs and barging into the home studio where Yoongi embraced him and continued reacting with him there.
They all came downstairs an hour later and you had your arms folded across your chest tapping your foot on the floor,
"Someone's in trouble." Hoseok sang making a quick break for the front door and leaving you and Yoongi to go scold your son for misbehaving.
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Since the moment your daughter could walk she'd enjoyed dancing, she was always dancing with you and her dad whenever she had the chance and she was attending a dance school for extra lessons so it was no surprise that when you were visiting the studio to bring Hoseok something to eat she immediately went into the Live he was doing and began dancing with him. You had no idea he was even live when you arrived so you figured they were just dancing together until you saw the phone pointed at them and Hoseok laughing about how good she was at the dance they were doing. You sat on the floor behind the camera reading through the comments for any questions to ask Hoseok and your daughter when they finished their routine,
"Does she get her dancing from Y/n or from Hoseok?" You called out and Hoseok laughed,
"I'm the better dancer...so me." You scoffed at him getting up and walking into frame,
"Excuse me I think we all know I am." You joked poking his chest and looking at your daughter who was shaking your head, she walked in front of the phone and smiled.
"I have the talent, it's all me. I'm the best dancer." You and Hobi both started laughing out of shock and she began dancing around the room again, showing everyone what she had learnt in class all week. Army were eating it up while you and Hoseok were still processing how sassy she was,
"She gets it from you." You both said in unison before laughing and going to sit by the phone to watch her continue the Vlive on her own. Army always loved watching you guys together and they especially loved whenever your daughter would show off the talent she got from her dad, no matter how many times she said it was her own.
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Namjoon was in his home studio doing the usual Album talk he always did whenever they put a new album out so you were trying to keep your son entertained by playing with different toys but he didn't seem bothered by any of them, all he wanted to do was go and sit with his dad. Something they did together a lot, they would just sit together in silence or your son would read his books while Namjoon read his and it was one of the sweetest things you'd ever laid eye upon but Namjoon strictly told you both that he had to be alone for this session.
"Dad said no, come on." You mumbled trying to get him to have some interest in the lego's you had in the house but he wasn't bothered his eyes were locked onto the door as he thought of a way to get in there. He was smart just like his dad so you had to watch him like a hawk,
"Not happening buddy," You warned him but it wasn't going to stop him he had the mind of Kim Namjoon and the rest of him was made up from things he'd picked up from his six devilish uncles that taught him all their tips and tricks.
"I mean it." Too late he was up and over to the door before you could even get up from the floor, the door was open and he was inside rushing to sit on his dad lap.
"Sorry Joon, he beat me to it." You whispered when you reached the door but Namjoon shook his head and called you over, letting you say hello to everyone before apologising to them for interrupting their time with Namjoon but they didn't mind, they loved seeing you all together like the happy family you were.
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The Vlive was playing through your phone while you were trying to feed your baby daughter, trying because your 5-year-old son kept trying to go and find Jimin who was the one doing the Vlive.
"He's busy." You told him but he shook his head pointing at the screen,
"He's drawing! I want to draw." You sighed putting your daughter in her crib and taking your son over to the desk where there were things he could draw with there but he wasn't having it, he pouted out his bottom lip and stared up at you.
"Just because that works with your dad doesn't mean it will work with me." You told him sliding him some pencils and crayons but he was still sitting there and giving you the giant puppy dog eyes, damn his dad,
"Baby you can draw here,"
"I want to draw with dad." He turned away from you and stared at the wall, another trick he did with his dad and Jimin would cave him automatically giving him whatever he wanted.
"Won't work." You mumbled kissing him on the head and going over to your stirring daughter, your son waited until he knew you were busy before he snuck out of the room going into Jimin's study.
"Hi buddy, who let you in here?" You heard Jimin ask over the phone and you groaned taking your daughter with you to go and get him, when you walked into the study they were both sat together colouring and talking to Army about anything they wanted to know.
"He pouts to get his own way!" You called out to Army making Jimin chuckle,
"Just like his dad!" You called out again taking our daughter to feed her and put her to sleep.
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Taehyung was doing his FM show with Army, talking about their problems, or anything they wanted to talk about with him. Your daughter was watching him while you laid in bed watching him on your phone, her head as laid down against your chest as you both watched her dad.
"What was that?!" She yelled as she felt the baby kick, you giggled at her before clutching where he'd kicked your stomach.
"Your brother is pretending to play football." You joked watching as she placed her hand on your stomach and started whispering to him as though she was having a real conversation with him,
"Okay, I'll go get dad." She ran off before you could stop her and you waddled to follow her into Tae's home studio, she smiled at the camera knowing what he was doing.
"Baby brother wants you," You waddled into view and he smiled up at you waving you over to his side so he could feel the baby kicking,
"See, he's happy." Your daughter said to Tae who was now answering questions about the baby, due date, what names you guys were thinking of.
"What about me, ask me questions." You daughter demanded making you and Tae laugh as she tried to read through the fast-moving comments on the screen in front of her, giving up and leaving the room.
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The hotel room was just as boring for you as it was for your son who was waiting for Jungkook to come and play a board game with you both but he was doing a Vlive to catch up with Army and spend time with them and your son didn't want to play until Jungkook was with you both.
"Well how about we play a card game instead?" You questioned him but he pouted staring at the door expecting his dad to be in any second, in reality, you hadn't thought this through enough. You were going to see Jungkook for a week while he was on tour and you hadn't thought he would be too busy to come and entertain your son.
"Okay well, have a bath first and it'll pass the time," He nodded and you went into the en-suite to start running him a bath, coming back a couple of minutes later to find him that he was gone and the hotel door that connected the rooms together was open,
"Jungkook I'm sorry." He shook his head at you sitting his son on his lap and laughing as he started talking to Army about his day and what you were both planning to do after the Vlive ended.
"What if we play on screen? Spend time with extended family?" You nodded at Jungkook finding no problem with it and by the look of the chat below the Vlive Army loved the idea as well.
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@yoongisdumplingcheeks @snowy-meowl @lynnthevirgo @jooniesdarlingdimples @kpopfanfictionhoes @lyoongx @callingmyangel @mitzwinchester @fan-ati--c @btsiguess-kpop @rjsmochii​
569 notes · View notes
Chlodineweek Day 2: Playfulness
Chloe snapped open the passenger-side door and ventured, “Old one, this.”
“Ja, I don’t have a midlife crisis.”
Nadine had shut her own door and ignited the motor--and the radio--before Chloe had finished climbing in. She had to look at everything, this girl. With Ukhozi FM crackling, Nadine pulled them into the street.
“Your dad good with cars?” Chloe asked suddenly.
“What…brought that on?”
“He the one who keeps this thing up for you?”
Nadine took her eyes off the road and frowned at her treasure hunting partner. “Sorry--what is it with you?!”
“Oh, nothing,” Chloe said. Carding her fingers through her ponytail as if she was playing a harp. As the buildings outside the window progressed in a long gradient from townhouse to single-floor corrugated roof structures. “I just know for a fact you wouldn’t trust a mechanic.”
“Because they rip you off.”
“You haven’t had it looked at in a while, have you.”
No, Nadine hadn’t. Yes, it was important to her, and the fan belt was noisy enough that the radio didn’t quite cover it at the minimal volume Nadine preferred to keep it on, but fan belts weren’t technically an emergency--
“This is different,” Chloe said. “Are we still in Johannesburg?”
“Orange Farm,” Nadine muttered.
“I don’t...see any trees?”
“Here we are.”
Nadine could already see one of her aunts standing outside, hands on her hips, and calling to her sons in isiZulu. As Nadine pulled up she rolled down the window. Thin arms wrapped around her neck as each boy kissed her cheek in turn, their mother’s strict instructions about their behavior continuing through the pop of a rear door.
A dried-mud-covered soccer ball bounced against the back seats first, and then Nadine’s cousins, ages eight and ten, crashed in through the same door, yelling about Among Us and playing a Youtube video from one of their phones. Nadine opened the door, smirking about leaving Chloe to listen to it all, and embraced her aunt.
Nadine was head and shoulders taller, but the woman dwarfed her in tone of voice as she switched from admonishing her children to her niece.
“Always disappearing, Nadi. Making everyone worry.”
“Not disappearing,” Nadine said, and, tapping her wrist, flipped a bundle of rand notes out of seemingly nowhere and held them out. “Magic trick,” she said in English.
Her aunt shoved them away. “Nadi! Think about where we are, put it away!”
Her family was all like this, too proud and careful in equal measure. Nadine pressed it on her anyway. “Now, you can’t bring up how you used to have to pull me off the jacarandas.”
“You’re still a child. I won’t take money from a child,” auntie said, reaching up to tease at Nadine’s hair, ignoring the money. “You still haven’t found a nice girl to settle down with.”
“No such thing.”
"Of course there is, Nadi. So many girls in the world, so many of them nice. You are lucky."
Nadine laughed. "Not the ones that are single."
Her aunt mock-slapped her upper arm. "Steal one from someone else then!"
Nadine about doubled up then, even though she had already been laughing, and was about to fall down. Her aunt clapped her back, laughing too, and nodded back at the car. "Go on, now."
Nadine got back into the driver's seat not having left the money, and resolved to give it to the boys later. "Everybody buckled?" She said in English.
Matthew was suplexing David around the neck, but they did seem to be wearing their seatbelts. Nadine scanned Chloe's waist for a buckle too, and looked up. The woman's brows were furrowed, her face inscrutable.
"What's the matter?" Nadine said.
"Oh, it's...nothing," Chloe did her usual nervous chuckle, gripped her arms. "I didn't know you could laugh like that."
"I've laughed in front of you."
Nadine reached back to separate the boys, just as if they were groceries, and they ricocheted to their opposite sides of the car before the belts tethered them. Kinetic energy.
"Not like...never mind, it's nothing."
Nadine pulled them out of the street, taking a few turns before she got on the main thoroughfares, when more trees and tall buildings became visible over the turnpike.
Nadine plucked out the ball and let it fall, giving it a quick tap with the side of her boot. It lobbed out over the ocean of grass and her cousins ran screaming after it, barefoot, even as she held their cleats and a blanket under her arm. She let out a scoff and shut the car door.
"Didn't we pass by a pitch over in--Orange Farm, was it?" Chloe said as she passed her.
"Some people call it Farma, too."
"Right," Chloe said, following her. Then: "Why come all the way here when--"
"Nadi!" David cried as he zoomed back. If he was a cartoon character, he would leave speed clouds behind him like the roadrunner. "We have four today, ja? We can play teams!"
"I don't think my friend brought cleats," Nadine said with a chuckle, immediately interrupted by Chloe flinging off her shoe.
"Splendid idea," Chloe said as she elbowed her, hopping on one leg with a grin. "Who picks?"
Nadine laughed again, shaking her head. "I know they look small, but they're really good. You might want to--"
Chloe bumped her in the shoulder. "I've played Aussie Rules," she hissed, as if it carried the weight of admitting to a murder.
"Is that when you ride on kangaroos? They do the kicking? Ball's a rolled up koala?"
The boys roared in laughter.
Chloe sniffed. "That would be Aussie polo. Get our sports right, Nadine Ross.”
Nadine shook her head, laughing, as she dropped the boys’ cleats and headed to the regulation-size end goal. They normally used one of the smaller side ones, but those were taken by a group of teenagers still wearing their school uniforms.
It stretched to either side as she stood in the middle, and she hopped up to do a quick pull-up on the crossbar before plunking down and turning to face her cousins. “It’s been a while. Try to get it past me.”
Matthew, breaking away from another impromptu wrestling match with his brother, ran to the free kick zone and set the ball down, adjusting its position minutely before taking a few steps back. David and Chloe lined up behind him as he broke into a run and smashed where his shoelaces would have been against the ball.
Nadine winced, wishing he’d put on his cleats. She was already moving. She didn’t even need to dive as she swatted the ball clean left.
“Taught you better than that, ja?!” she shouted at the pouting boy, dusting off her hands, as his younger brother ran gleefully after the ball.
Nadine turned and did two chin-ups off the crossbar--rituals were important--and when she dropped back down and turned, Chloe was crouching by David, whispering and gesticulating to him. Was she giving him directions? Describing an elephant in pantomime? Maybe she was teaching him the finer points of Australian Rules Football.
“Clock violation, ja!”
Chloe left him, and David stepped back, and suspicion rose in Nadine’s stomach. There was something about the look on her partner’s face.
She’s told him to put English on it, Nadine thought, almost seeing the boy’s bare foot approach the ball in slow motion. But which way?
She saw him feint, and her reflexes sent her the way she knew the ball would go, not the way the child was going--
But she didn’t see him freeze.
His foot stopped. Nadine had hit the grass by the time he came back into motion, took his final step and his kick finally connected.
The ball passed inches above her then, but it might as well have been the moon. It pillowed against the back of the net as she reached for it, and the next moment Nadine pushed herself off the ground with venom in her eyes for Chloe.
She’d taught David that damned Ronaldo stutter step.
The boy exploded, leaping and pumping his arm, and his brother shouted “LEKKER!!!” while tackling him with a hug. The first rule of being a child was acting like it was the World Cup at all times.
“I beat Nadi! I beat Nadi!”
“Good job!” Chloe was saying. “You beat Nadi! High-five, David! Look how sad she is!”
Nadine was an adult, but still subscribed to the rule of acting like it was the World Cup--rituals are important--and was lying on her back covering her face like she’d lost the penalty shootout to the Italians. The next moment David and Matthew had body-slammed her, laughing themselves silly.
“I want--I want freezer on my team!” David cried.
This revived Nadine.
“Freezer’s yours,” she said, grinning, and let them pull to her feet. She heard Chloe muttering under her breath and they traded glares as Nadine said, “Put your cleats on, then.”
“Freezer’s not wearing shoes!” Matthew protested, even as he pulled on his.
“Because I have magical ice powers,” Chloe said, easing her bare foot under the ball in the corner of the goal and lifting it, only to have Nadine steal it with her head. Chloe turned to yell at her, but Nadine caught it on her knee and dribbled it out to the free kick line.
“Oh, I see,” Chloe said, and walked to the middle of the goal with awesome serenity. “Warning you now, I was in goal most of the time in secondary school,” she smacked her hands together and held them out. “Do your worst.”
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vormirjumper · 5 years
Avengers Endgame Press Interviews Compilation
Last updated: 01/05/19
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Marvel Studios’ Avengers: Endgame- Full Press Conference  
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Entertainment Weekly 
‘Avengers: Endgame’ Cast Full Roundtable Interview on Stan Lee & More 
ET Canada
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Chris Hemsworth talks about the big changes for Thor in Avengers: Endgame 
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Digital Spy
Scarlett Johansson and Paul Rudd Avengers Endgame interview 
Anthony and Joe Russo Avengers Endgame interview 
Interview Chris Hemsworth , Scarlett Johansson & Paul Rudd AVENGERS ENDGAME Marvel 
Interview Anthony Russo & Joe Russo AVENGERS: ENDGAME Marvel
The Graham Norton Show
Paul Rudd Comments On Ant-Man vs Thanos Fan Theory In New Avengers Film | The Graham Norton Show 
Paul Rudd Jumped Out Of A Moving Car To Impress His Date?! | The Graham Norton Show
BBC America 
Paul Rudd’s Absolutely Awful Double Date | The Graham Norton Show | BBC America 
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MTV News 
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The Avengers: Endgame Stars Share the Naughtiest Thing They’ve Ever Done | Good Morning Britain
Daily Mail 
Avengers cast talk the difficulty of keeping secrets at a fan event 
Avengers: Chris Hemsworth looks back at his time playing Thor
Scarlett Johansson reveals Avengers have a ‘disgusting’ text group 
Avengers Endgame cast talk about the franchise one last time 
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Avengers: Endgame Interview Writer/Director Joe Russo and Ava Russo
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The Upcoming 
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Avengers Endgame with Jeremy Renner & Paul Rudd
Chris Hemsworth at the Avengers: Endgame UK premiere 
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Geek Culture 
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Yahoo Entertainment 
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Capital FM
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Avengers: Endgame Cast Answer 50 of the Most Googled Marvel Questions | WIRED
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Vanity Fair 
“Avengers: Endgame” Cast Answers Fan Questions (Paul Rudd, Don Cheadle, & Karen Gillan)
“Avengers: Endgame” Cast Answers Fan Questions (Chris Hemsworth, Jeremy Renner, & Danai Gurira)
BBC Radio 1
“I got real tingles!” Avengers: Endgame’s Chris Hemsworth on Thor’s greatest moments.
Chris Hemsworth and Scarlett Johansson Insult Each Other | CONTAINS STRONG LANGUAGE!
“Rudder!” Scarlett Johansson reacts to Paul Rudd and Jeremy Renner’s Avengers: Endgame Bromance.
“You can trust us!” Avengers: Endgame’s Russo Brothers on Korg, “Thanus” and dusting Spider-Man.
The Avengers: Endgame Cast Try to Chronologically Order All 22 Marvel Movies
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
Just One Question: ‘Avengers: Endgame’ Edition
Chris Hemsworth Tries To Name Every Marvel Film In 1 Minute | Avengers: Endgame | PopBuzz Meets
Jeremy Renner: ‘Avengers: Endgame’ Cast ‘Just As Surprised’ As Fans With Ending | Sunday TODAY
BuzzFeed Celeb 
Chris Evans and Mark Ruffalo Try To Survive Thanos’ Snap
The Cast Of “Avengers: Endgame” Tries To Survive Thanos’s Snap
The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon 
Thank You Notes: Joe Biden, Avengers: Endgame Poster
Paul Rudd and Jimmy on the Making of Their “You Spin Me Round (Like a Record)” Remake
Paul Rudd Fainted in a Hong Kong Bathroom and Woke Up in an Odd Position
Jimmy Fallon and Paul Rudd Recreate “You Spin Me Round (Like a Record)” Music Video
Brie Larson Filmed Avengers: Endgame Without Knowing She Was Captain Marvel
Avengers: Endgame Cast Sings “We Didn’t Start the Fire”
The Late Late Show with James Corden
Paul Rudd & James Corden’s Wildly Inappropriate Kids Duo
1K notes · View notes
Crazy, Stupid Love (Tony Stark X Reader)
Part 3 to S.O.S
Summary: After a moment in the lab and a dazed kiss in the bedroom, both of you are brutally aware of the feelings that are beginning to resurface. Inspired by the movie, Crazy, Stupid Love.
Author’s Note: I’ve grown very attached to this series and I love it, the feedback to it blows my mind and it makes me so happy. So I’m writing another and I hope you guys enjoy it, I adore writing it ;)  And because (y/n) is Hannah and Tony is Jacob. And I do a lot of rain in my fics but it’s just so romantic. This is set in 2003 ish so Tony is in his late thirties and your in your late twenties. y/fm/d = your favorite morning drink, like tea or coffee, (h/t) hair texture, type, like curly, coiled, straight, wavy, whatever you want :)
Tags: @taylorsreputationn​​
Song: Writing’s on the Wall by Sam Smith
Warnings: fluffffffffff, some angst, mild swearing, and just super freaking fluffy, PDA
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Your legs dangle precariously off the balcony’s edge, a mug of (y/fm/d) in hand, hands wrapped around the cool metal while the wind combs through your untamed (y/h/c) hair. You set your drink down beside you and lean back, hands behind you and holding you up as you gaze out on New York’s sunrise, the one time of day you can really think. No distractions, no interruptions, just you, alone with your thoughts in the orange glow of dawn, signalling the start of a new day.
You bite your fingernails anxiously, thinking back to last night. That had to be a dream, kissing Tony, it was only for a second, but you remember it so vividly. You run your thumb over your lip, searching to find any bit of recollection or evidence in your whirring mind. In your line of work, you’re used to everything going by so quickly, things happening in split seconds, everything is life or death. But lately, these last few days, being back here after years of not seeing him, things have been moving so slowly.
Because now you’re suddenly and cruelly acquainted with this awful feeling in the pit of your stomach. And that brings you back.
The day was hot and you remember clearly the nervous sweat between your brow as you were sprinting through M.I.T’s college campus, hopping over bushes like a marathon runner racing for gold. Because you could not be last to your first day of college, not when you’re going to be the youngest one there. Things were already challenging enough. Apologizing profusely and repeatedly when you would bumped into people, and helping a student pick her books back up when you barreled straight into her.
Then it started to rain.
You got to class only five minutes late, but you’re previously styled, curled hair was now damp waves and breathing shallowly with your baby blue dress sticking to your soaked skin. The looks you got are still etched into your brain today, ranging from dirty ones to staring at your now see-through dress and wondering what was hiding beneath it.
The professor looked up at you and took pity on you, letting the tardy slide, something you did not want from a teacher that’s supposed to teach you for the rest of the semester. You wanted respect and to just keep your head down, but after that entrance, you got anything but.
You heard a faint wolf-whistle beside you and were met with the pair of wild eyes and signature boyish grin of Anthony Edward Stark.
“Hey, kid,” he said, leaning back in his chair and looking up at you, narrowing his stare. ���I think you’re in the wrong class, you look a little... young to be in here. The elementary school across the street doesn’t start for another few hours,” he laughed and more of his friends joined in, your cheeks burning with embarrassment.
You smiled tightly, wringing out your wet hair, “I’m 17 and I graduated early, I belong here just like everyone else. And apparently...” you spoke calmly, casting a look in his direction. “-more so than others.”
After that comment, you swear the whole room went silent, even the teacher was leaning in to watch the heated exchange. No one had ever snapped at a Stark like that, he had money, which bought you friends, made you likable. You were the first to call him out.
He smirked, intrigued, and tilted his head to get a better look at you, “You must not know who I am,” he chuckled darkly.
“No, I do,” you cut him off and he raised an eyebrow, asking for you to go further. “But that shouldn’t automatically get you a get-out-of-jail free card so you can behave like a spoiled prick with daddy’s credit card. Just because you have a wealthy family doesn’t make you invincible.”
That earned you a few shocked gasps from the aisles and your face heats up once again, having put yourself directly in the spotlight and on everyone’s radar. So much for keeping your head down.
His smirk widened into a grin as his eyes washed over your body again, he wasn’t going to argue with you because something told him he wouldn’t win that fight. Not frowning in the slighted, but instead impressed, hooked from that moment on.
“Tell me, new girl,” he licked his lips pensively, sitting up in his seat. “Do you believe in love at first sight?”
You pinched your brow, wrinkling your nose with that curious smile Tony has always been so fond of, “What does that have to do with anything?”
He continued to stare at you, awaiting your response, lifting his chin, “Answer the question.”
“I’d like to think so, yes,” you answer finally with a low sigh, the class hanging on your every word while you looked at the very attractive, very childish raven haired boy across from where you stood in the aisle. “Why?”
He broke into a lopsided smile and you were putty, “Because now I do,” he said coolly and the cheesy line rendered you speechless as the teacher finally spoke up.
“Okay, I think the two of you have interrupted the lesson long enough, Ms. (y/l/n), please take your seat beside Mr. Stark. Since you two already seem so fond of each other,” the professor said with a hint of a smile and the class lit up like children hearing their parent say a swear word for the first time.
Tony sat back in his seat and tapped the empty one beside him, winking at you while you begrudgingly made your way over, sitting down with your legs crossed and your notebook out in front of you.
He leaned towards you, “You and I are gonna have some fun together, kid,” he smiled.
You met his eyes, tapping your pencil on the table with an impossibly demure smile, “And what exactly is your idea of fun?”
“So you like him...” Wanda grabs a handful of popcorn from your bowl and munches on it thoughtfully, pinching her brow and button nose. “And he likes you too. But you’re still afraid to do something about it?”
“He’s my mentor,” you roll your eyes, taking your handful as the rom-com Natasha put on plays in the background, neither one of you paying any mind to it as your lively conversation goes on. “Whatever the hell that means. And he’s... I don’t know, I’m just trying to play it cool. We also don’t know that he likes me, there is no guarantee of that,” you lick the salt and butter from your lips, running a hand through your (h/t) hair.
“Are you kidding me?” Natasha says, eyebrows shot to outer space when she comes over and settles onto the couch beside you, heavily amused by your cluelessness that resembles Tony’s exactly, if not more. “You two might as well have big, bold tattoos of each other’s names drawn in hearts on your foreheads, confessing your undying love for one another, but neither of you can see them and everyone else does.”
“It’s not that obvious,” you say but the two of them immediately share a look with a small nod that tells you otherwise and you throw your hands up in frustration. “Well what do you want me to do, since you two apparently know everything now!” You shake your head, “This kind of thing is hard for me, I suppress emotions not express them.”
“I swear you are the female version of Tony, it’s uncanny,” Natasha rolls her eyes, chin propped in her hand on the arm of the couch. “That probably made it easier for him, falling in love with himself,” her lips curl.
Wanda giggles and you chuckle dryly, “Wow, thanks,” you deadpan, setting the popcorn aside now that you’re stomach is filled with a ball of nervous energy, no longer having an appetite.
“Maybe you could start with telling him...” Wanda offers, raising an eyebrow, shrugging her shoulders while she pops a chip into her mouth. “Just a thought...” she trails off.
“Both of you are dead to me,” you mumble, voice muffled with your face in your hands. “We haven’t even talked since we kissed so-”
Wanda coughs loudly from gasping while chewing and holds a hand over her chest, calming her nerves and breathing, looking at you, “You two what?”
“No need for the dramatics, Maximoff, it was for only a second, he probably doesn’t even remember,” you say. But, oh, he remembers. “It felt more like a dream than it did real life. I was half-asleep and it was... it was an accident. But they were so... and he’s just so...” you groan into your hands, hair falling down your shoulders. “God, I feel like a lovesick teenager all over again.”
“Oh, yeah, that’s right. You two met in college. Fetus Stark must have been delightful,” Natasha laughs, grinning wickedly.
“You have no idea,” you sigh. “But he’s been avoiding me since and I’ve been doing the same... and it-it’s a mess.”
“It’s not a mess...” Wanda says lightly, attempting at making you feel better about the situation.
You take your face from your hands and look at her flatly.
She frowns, “Okay, yeah, it’s a mess.”
You fall dramatically back into the couch, sinking into the cushions, Wanda and Natasha doing the same, laying down sympathetically along with you, the only way they know how. No arguing, no talking, no anything, just comfortable silence with only each other’s presence, finding something relaxing in staring up at the blue tinted, glass ceiling, as cheesy at that may sound. You couldn’t count the number of days you three would just do this, laying in silence and stirring with your thoughts, a way to show you’re not alone in what you’re going through. Whatever it may be.
You swallow hard and let out a puff of air, “I know what I need to do.”
Natasha touches up her red lipstick, eyes looking at you from the reflection of the mirror while you sit on the edge of her bed, the bathroom door open, “Are you sure you don’t want to go with us? I think you could use the fun.”
You roll your eyes and shake your head, saying for the umpteenth time, “No, I’m alright. ‘Sides, having the compound for once to myself will be... nice, and you know I don’t really do the party thing.”
“Tony’s going...” she trails off in a sing-song voice, raising her meticulously, drawn arched brows, turning to look at you completely. “Does that change your mind?”
“Nope,” you say, popping the ‘p’. “We’re not attached at the hip, Natasha, let him go have fun, meet... a girl...” you swallow hard, stomach twisting sickly at the thought.
“And you’re alright with that?” she asks calmly, heels clicking on the marble tiles before hitting the carpet of her bedroom floor, looking at you. 
“Y-yeah,” you muster up, flashing her a believable smile and standing up. “Seriously, go, I’ll be fine,” you kiss her cheek and she grips your hand, stopping you from leaving.
“We’re at the pub down the road if you change your mind, (y/n),” she says, walking past you, but not without throwing you a smile until you don’t hear the heels anymore, all the door in the compound locked.
You flop back on the bed, a defeated sigh leaving your lips when things begin hitting you all at once. It takes fifteen minutes of you mulling over or getting just the first idea of what you’re about to do, having been planning it all day, the grand gesture to prove to Tony you do like him. That you like him so much. Because even if you two won’t admit it, you two are both hopeless, or hopeful as you like to say, romantics. 
Then you got it. 
You practically sprint to the coat hanger, grabbing your long, black trench coat, tying the belt around your waist to cover up your silk nightgown you don’t have time to change out of, slipping on a pair of Nat’s sandals, being the first shoes you find. You run out the door, hopping on foot while you zip up the remainder of the sandal and slip into an elevator, looking out while it closes just in time behind you.
The ride seemed as if it was going to last forever as you impatiently tapped your foot, sighing in relief when you finally get to the lobby, bolting out of the revolving door and looking around for a taxi. But, then, just like all those years ago when first meeting Tony Stark, it begins to rain. Almost storming.
You throw your head back with a loud, irritated groan, thinking that at least it wasn’t that far from here before running down the busy sidewalk, weaving your way through the crowds of people, spouting off lazy apologies until you get to the door of the pub, panting with each breath. Closing your eyes and taking a dramatic, deep breath, you twist the door handle and pull it open, stepping inside the bar and immediately setting your eyes on him, talking to a woman who’s touching him way too much but surprisingly, he’s... disinterested.
“Tony,” you say, loud enough over the soft, jazz music playing over the speakers, but the only thing you hear is the blood pounding in your ears, chest heaving. 
Steve and Clint whip their head in your direction, both of their eyes wide and curious to what you’re going to do next.
“Tony is in deep shit now,” Clint sips his scotch and Steve gives him his best reprimanding, dad look. 
“Language, Barton,” he says, eyes still on you though, smiling despite himself while Wanda and Nat look on like proud moms.
Tony looks up to meet your eyes with you in the doorway, hair dripping with rainwater, looking just as you did ten years ago in that sophomore hall, heart seizing when he puts together that you ran all the way here for him.
He looks you over, eyes slightly wide in disbelief, facing you completely, “(Y/N)... what are you do-”
You walk up to him, determined and eyes fixed on him, one leg in front of the other until you reach him, hands on either side of his face and pulling him into you.
Then you crash your lips against his.
You feel him freeze underneath your gentle touch, mind coming to terms with what you’re doing, eyes fluttering close when he begins kissing you back, bruising and passionately. You inhale sharply when he slowly wraps his arms around your waist and lifts you off the ground, your legs behind you as you steady yourself with an arm wrapped around his neck and one still on his cheek. He kisses you like your lips are air and he can’t find his breath, no tongue, no hands wandering, he’s much too smart for that. Just a mind boggling, blisteringly hot, kiss that makes your knees weak and eyes water.
You tilt your head to deepen the kiss and thread your fingers in his dark, inky hair, his grip on you tightening while he kisses you with all the emotions and words he cannot say put into one action. 
You’re the first to pull away, reluctantly, as you say, “I like you.”
He smiles boyishly, in his twenties again, his voice hoarse, “I like you, too.” He kisses you once more, murmuring happily against your lips, “So much.”
Your lips curl when you wrap your arms around his neck, tighter this time, finding this feeling and running with it, never letting go.
Wanda and Nat high-five while sipping on martinis, the picture of utmost elegance.
The rest of the Avengers, however, are a lot less civilized, whooping loudly and exchanging money for the bets they put on you two, but you ignore them all, in your own little bubble.
“Did you Crazy, Stupid Love me, sweetheart?” he whispers with a slight smirk.
You smirk back, “Maybe...”
He hums pleasantly, breaking away to get a look at you, “In that case, I have a few other movie scenes I want you to recreate.”
“Oh yeah?” you ask with a small giggle. “Like what?”
His head falls into the crook of your neck as he sets you down, “Later,” he whispers, pressing a soft kiss to your collarbone before resurfacing and meeting your eyes sincerely. 
He cracks a smile, “Go to dinner with me.” 
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riotgrlpossum · 6 years
Secret Santa
Hey @beaniejared!!! Merry Christmas! I’m your secret santa for @dearevanhansensecretsanta! Here’s some Connor/Jared theatre fluff for the soul. <3
In Kleinsphy We Don’t Say I Love You We Say Fuck You And I Think That’s Beautiful
2204 Words, Rated T for inane amounts of swearing
Connor groaned loudly. The prickly school carpeting was making his back numb, and the lack of sleep inherent to tech week made his entire body feel like he was pumping cough syrup instead of blood.
The bright, fluorescent lights of the booth boring into his brain were not helping.
“Jared!” He whined, covering his eyes with his hoodie. “It’s two in the fucking morning. When are we going to leave?”
Jared didn’t look up from his equipment. “You had the chance to get a ride home with Zoe, Evan, and Alana two hours ago,” He said.
Connor rolled his eyes. “I didn’t know you would be staying so late. I thought if Alana Beck, our ever diligent stage manager, was leaving then you wouldn’t be far behind. You’re generally known as a slacker -”
“You can’t see right now but I am flipping you off -”
“Besides, I would rather be trapped here until dawn than in sitting next to Evan in the backseat of my sister’s car while she and Alana suck face. Yannow, I think he’s still scared of me.”
“He’s not scared of you, he’s just skittish. Like a fucking… chipmunk or something. A sweaty chipmunk.”
Connor snorted.
“And,” Jared continued. “For your information, I can be very diligent. I only slack off on things I don’t care about. Programming the lighting board takes time and patience. Something you actors wouldn’t understand.”
“Oh blow me, Kleinman.”
“Maybe later. Right now I’m working.”
“I’m not even an actor, you know,” Connor said. “I’m not talented. I’m just one of like… five guys who tried out. And like… making me the sadistic dentist? That’s just blatant typecasting.”
“Shut up, Connor. You and I both know that you’re good at this.”
Connor sat up and smirked.
“What was that?”
“Fuck off.”
“Was… was that… was that a compliment?”
“I hate you.”
“From Jared Kleinman?”
“Why are you like this?”
“Did the Amazing Asshole Jared Kleinman just give me a compliment?”
Connor had slowly made his way over to Jared’s chair, until he was right in his face.
“You’re the worst, you know that?” Jared said, a fond smile ghosting over his lips.
Connor shrugged. He was half expecting Jared to lean forward and kiss him, with their faces being so close together, but he instead turned back to his computer with a soft hum.
Connor glanced at the screen. It was full of codes and colors and buttons that he didn’t understand, but he could glean that Jared would not be done for awhile.
He jumped on the the counter next to Jared’s workstation, resting his legs on one of the many plush chairs that occupied the space.
“You aren’t supposed to be up there,” Jared said.
“Mkay, but consider this, I don’t give a fuck.”
Jared rolled his eyes absentmindedly, but didn’t press the issue any further.
“Ya know,” Connor said after ten minutes of insufferable silence. Connor hated silence. And stillness. He’d had ADHD when he was younger. Sometimes he thought he still had it, but his dad had said he’d “grown out of it” and that “adults don’t have ADHD.” “I used to get really high up here sophomore year.”
“Oh, Jesus, that was you?”
Connor shrugged. “Not just me. Charlie Davis and Alan P. were there too.”
“Alan P.? Dana P.’s older brother?”
“Yeah. He was a senior when we were sophomores.”
“There’s no way he was a stoner. He’s going to like… an Ivy League school.”
“So? Those two things aren’t mutually exclusive. But yeah. Alan P. is a major pothead. He was my first kiss, too.”
“Were you guys high?”
“As a kite.”
“Fuck off.”
“What’s that even like?”
“Getting high?”
“Kissing while high. Or getting high. I dunno. Both?”
“Getting high is like… I dunno. It just chills me out. It makes Big Bang Theory watchable, if that helps. And kissing while high is… it depends. Kissing Alan while high was whatever. Cause I didn’t really have a crush on him, it just sort of happened? So it was like… ‘whoa you taste like weed but also have a mouth, that’s fun.�� I dunno what kissing someone I really liked high would be like.”
Jared nodded noncommittally. “So you really didn’t like Alan P.?”
“No? Why?” Connor raised an eyebrow. “Holy shit are you jealous?”
Jared blushed slightly. “No. Fuck you.”
Connor cackled. “Don’t worry, Jared. You’re the only boy I want to kiss. High or otherwise.”
“Connor, that’s gay,” Jared said, a smile pulling at his lips.
“cONor thAT’S gAy,” Connor mocked, doing his best impression of the Spongebob Parrot meme.
Jared laughed softly. Connor loved Jared’s laugh. It wasn’t a particularly melodic or dulcet laugh, it was kind of cackley, and to the untrained ear it would sound mocking, but it was perfect for Jared. It was rough around the edges, kind of disarming at first, but also gleeful and unapologetic. Jared was different and odd and unexpected and Connor thought he was perfect. Jared went back to his programming. Different combinations would light up the stage, and Connor could barely tell the difference between most of them, but Jared would shake his head and change something minute twelve hundred times before he actually inputted a queue. Connor admired the laser focus that Jared had. The only thing Connor could do for a continuous amount of time was read. He also liked to dance or play video games, but neither of those things were still. Connor had to be really high to sit in stillness. Jared seemed to relish in the monotony of inputting codes and tweaking HTML.
Connor abruptly jumped off of the counter, landing less than gracefully. Jared jumped at bit at the sudden movement.
“What the fuck?”
“I need your keys.”
“My… keys?”
“Yes. Your keys.”
“I’m not going to abandon you at the school, Kleinman. Just fucking trust me.”
Jared let out a beleaguered sigh, but reached into his backpack and tossed Connor his keys. They were attached to a first generation Pokemon lanyard. It was adorable.
“Cool. I’ll be back in like twenty minutes.” Connor started for the door.
“Where are you going?”
“Sucking dick for meth!” Connor called as he walked down the hallway to the stairs.
“Bring me some back!”
Connor chuckled. Jared was such a dork.
He walked down the stairs, then left the janitor’s closet that held the passageway to the booth, and exited the school, the brisk night air chilling him to the bone. He left one of the many blocks of wood that littered the floor of the scene shop in the door so that he could get back in.
Jared’s car was a cherry red monstrosity that had over a hundred thousand miles on it and a steering wheel that was held together by duct tape. It could only play cassettes and didn’t get FM radio. Connor absolutely loved it.
He opened the passenger seat door, and was washed over by the smell of dirty laundry, fast food, and Jared. He sat on the cracked leather seat, putting the key in the ignition and stepping on the break. Connor loved driving. His parents took away his car after his last suicide attempt, which, okay, was fair, but it still sucked. It was a weird dichotomy, understanding the measures his parents took to ensure his safety but at the same time being angry and stifled by their constant worry and restrictions.
He flipped on the radio, turning on NPR. His and Jared’s favorite radio show was on. Coast to Coast. It was a conspiracy show that talked about everything from aliens to bigfoot to demonic black eyed children that haunted people until they went insane. It was great. Connor and Jared would stay up until dawn listening to the broadcast in their respective rooms, texting each other back and forth. Gregg Noory was talking about some sort of miniature black hole that scientists were working creating on which had the possibility to destroy the entire world. Driving down a road in the dead of night listening to him talk made the hairs on Connor’s arms stand up. It was exhilarating.
He swerved in to the nearly empty convenience store parking lot. The fluorescent lights illuminated the air around the store like an edgy CW drama. Not that Connor watched edgy CW dramas. He just happened to sometimes be in the room when Zoe was watching them.
He entered the store and grabbed a basket, then headed towards the freezer section. Connor grabbed a carton of rocky road and threw it in. He turned to open the doors again but realized something that felt earth shattering.
He had no fucking clue what kind of ice cream Jared liked.
He couldn’t just text him and ask him, that would ruin the whole romantic shtick. But he couldn’t get the wrong kind of ice cream. Connor came from a family that took ice cream very seriously. One wrong distinction between chocolate and rainbow sprinkles could be the difference between civility and throwing around microwaves. (Connor liked rainbow sprinkles because he was gay and awesome, and Zoe liked chocolate ones because she was a dweeb.)
Connor pulled out his phone and shot a quick text.
To: Hansen
what kind of ice cream does jared like
To: Connor Murphy
What? Why? It’s three am?
To: Hansen
i know what fucking time it is asshole what kind of ice cream does jared like
To: Connor Murphy
Why are you awake? You should be asleep, Connor.
To: Connor Murphy
And cherry garcia.
To: Hansen
pot. kettle. black.
To: Hansen
also, cherry garcia?? fuckin weirdo
Connor grabbed the cherry garcia and dropped it in the basket nonetheless. He also picked up a package of plastic spoons and two water bottles. A suspiciously red-eyed twenty something checked him out and Connor drove back to the high school, not taking notice of the speed limits because it was three in the morning and he had ice cream in the car.
He entered the school, jogged up the stairs, and dramatically kicked open the door to the booth. Jared was still in front of the computer, ever so slightly adjusting shades of pink.
“I’m fighting against every fiber of my being not to make a ‘honey, I’m home,’ joke right now,” Connor said, setting his bounty down on the counter.
Jared turned towards him. “What did you get?”
Connor pulled out the ice cream, flashing a smile.
“Connor, we aren’t allowed to have food up here.”
“I’m pretty sure we also aren’t allowed to be here past midnight so…”
Jared furrowed his brow. Connor smiled wider and handed him the pint of ice cream and a plastic spoon.
Jared opened his mouth to protest, but Connor cut him off.
“Stop being such an Alana and eat the ice cream, Kleinman.”
“Wow. Rude.” But Jared pulled the top off of the carton and tried to pull out a giant scoop, breaking his spoon in the process.
Connor handed him another spoon.
“Fuck off,” Jared muttered.
Connor grinned. “I didn’t say anything.” He opened his own ice cream and dipped his spoon in.
Jared paused, turned back to his computer and grabbed his phone. A song Connor recognized as being from Next To Normal started blaring from the speakers meant for the God Mic.
Connor smiled, and in a moment of bravery, leaned over and pecked Jared on the lips. Even though they’d been dating for a few months, they were shy around affection, both expecting the other to reveal that the whole relationship had been a prank or a lie.
Jared’s face went red, splitting in to a wide grin.
The ate their ice cream in relative silence, occasionally cracking jokes or singing along to Jared’s musical playlist. At one point, Connor put down his spoon and did an entire dance routine in the cramped booth.
“How the fuck have you memorized the entire dance to King Of New York?” Jared asked, incredulous.
Connor shrugged. “I might have a small crush on Ben Cook…”
“Don’t we all.” Jared looked up in fake wistfulness, then looked back at Connor. “So, Newsies is a favorite of yours then?”
“Oh, God no.”
Jared stared at him, offended. “Okay then, Mr. Judgy. What do you like?”
“Off the top of my head? Fantasticks, Apple Tree, and Hair.”
“Oh my god, what are you, seventy?”
“Oh go blow Steven Schwartz, asshole.”
“How can you not recognize that we are in a new golden age of musical theatre?!”
“Okay then, what do you like?”
“Next To Normal, Spring Awakening, and Cats.”
“Okay listen -”
“I cannot believe I’m in love with someone who likes Cats!”
“Cats is - wait. In… In love?”
Connor stopped dead. The late night and the free flowing banter and the being alone with Jared has loosened his tongue, and he’d ruined everything.
“I mean… I just… no! Fuck! Of course not, I’m just… I meant to say… I… fuck you!”
Connor stared at his hands, trying not to freak out.
His head snapped up, and he looked at Jared.
“I… I love you too.”
“Very cool.”
“Insanely cool.”
“Fuck off, Kleinman.”
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ask-puppojiminnie · 6 years
Numbers 200 to 1? \^-^/
200: My crush’s name is:Nyx ♥♥♥
199: I was born in:1998
198: I am really:Tired.......
197: My cellphone company is:MTS
196: My eye color is:Brown
195: My shoe size is:6.5/7
194: My ring size is:6
193: My height is:5 feet
192: I am allergic to:Nickel and perfume
191: My 1st car was:2002 Buick LeSaber 
190: My 1st job was:Postal Clerk
189: Last book you read:Across the Universe by @jiminthefairyprince and @possesen
188: My bed is:Double bed....?
187: My pet:Puppo is Frejya, Kitties Bygul and Trjegul, geckos Leo and Princess Bubblegum
186: My best friend:Jenna, Nathan and Sydney ♥
185: My favorite shampoo is:Herbal Essences Body Envy
184: Xbox or ps3:PlayStation
183: Piggy banks are:a thing....
182: In my pockets:Nothing
181: On my calendar:Jin and Taehyungs birthdays
180: Marriage is:A big goal for me ♥♥♥
179: Spongebob can:Be my bestie
178: My mom:Tracy
177: The last three songs I bought were?You in Me - KardHush - Miss aThe Cure - Lady gaga
176: Last YouTube video watched:Dragons in Places Part 1 - game grumps
175: How many cousins do you have?15
174: Do you have any siblings?A brother
173: Are your parents divorced?Nope
172: Are you taller than your mom?By, like.... a quarter inch
171: Do you play an instrument?Not anymore.
170: What did you do yesterday?Skyped with @nyx-vesperia ♥♥♥ drew a new comic page and wrote a bit of story
[ I Believe In ]169: Love at first sight:Yes
168: Luck:Yes
167: Fate:Yes
166: Yourself:Fuck no
165: Aliens:Yes
164: Heaven:No
163: Hell:No
162: God:No
161: Horoscopes:No
160: Soul mates:Yes
159: Ghosts:Yes
158: Gay Marriage:Yes
157: War:Sometimes
156: Orbs:What.....?
155: Magic:Fuck yes!
[ This or That ]154: Hugs or Kisses:Hugs
153: Drunk or High:Gross. neither
152: Phone or Online:Online
151: Red heads or Black haired:Black haired
150: Blondes or Brunettes:Brunettes
149: Hot or cold:Cold
148: Summer or winter:Winter
147: Autumn or Spring:Autumn
146: Chocolate or vanilla:Vanilla
145: Night or Day:Night
144: Oranges or Apples:Oranges
143: Curly or Straight hair:Depends
142: McDonalds or Burger King:McDicks
141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate:Milk Chocolate
140: Mac or PC:PC
139: Flip flops or high heals:High heels
138: Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor:Sweet and Poor
137: Coke or Pepsi:Coke
136: Hillary or Obama:Obama
135: Buried or cremated:Buried
134: Singing or Dancing:Singing
133: Coach or Chanel:Chanel
132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks:Who?
131: Small town or Big city:Small town
130: Wal-Mart or Target:Target but we don’t have it anymore
129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler:Neither?
128: Manicure or Pedicure:Manicure
127: East Coast or West Coast:East Coast
126: Your Birthday or Christmas:Birthday
125: Chocolate or Flowers:Chocolate
124: Disney or Six Flags:Disney
123: Yankees or Red Sox:Neither
[ Here’s What I Think About ]122: War:Don’t like it
121: George Bush:I don’t know enough to have an opinion
120: Gay Marriage:Make that shit legal everywhere. I want to be able to travel around the world with my wife
119: The presidential election:Ugh.... no comment
118: Abortion:Pro-choice
117: MySpace:Never used it
116: Reality TV:Gross
115: Parents:I love them, but they can be bad sometimes....
114: Back stabbers:Fuck backstabbers
113: Ebay:Don’t use it
112: Facebook:Don’t have it
111: Work:Tiring
110: My Neighbors:I’ve never met them
109: Gas Prices:Pretty fucking bad
108: Designer Clothes:Sometimes amazing. Sometimes, very questionable
107: College:Scary
106: Sports:What is sport?
105: My family:My immediate family is nice.
104: The future:Don’t wanna think about it
[ Last time I ]103: Hugged someone:Sometime in september. My co-worker found out her cat had been run over by a truck
102: Last time you ate:4 hours ago
101: Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile:I saw my girlfriend after a year in the summer.
100: Cried in front of someone:April when my friend told me about her family emotionally and mentally abusing her.
99: Went to a movie theater:July to see Baby Driver
98: Took a vacation:July
97: Swam in a pool:Two years ago?
96: Changed a diaper:Never have
95: Got my nails done:May
94: Went to a wedding:Three years ago
93: Broke a bone:Never have
92: Got a peircing:July
91: Broke the law:Never have
90: Texted:Two minutes ago
[ MISC ]89: Who makes you laugh the most:@nyx-vesperia
88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is:My animals
87: The last movie I saw:Wolf Children
86: The thing that I’m looking forward to the most:My girlfriend coming out here ♥♥♥
85: The thing im not looking forward to:Working in the Post Office during Christmas
84: People call me:Katy
83: The most difficult thing to do is:speak my mind
82: I have gotten a speeding ticket:Nope
81: My zodiac sign is:Libra
80: The first person i talked to today was:Nyx
79: First time you had a crush:6th grade
78: The one person who i can’t hide things from:Nyx
77: Last time someone said something you were thinking:Last night
76: Right now I am talking to:Syndey and Nyx
75: What are you going to do when you grow up:Hell if I know. 
74: I have/will get a job:Yes
73: Tomorrow:Sleep
72: Today:Worked
71: Next Summer:Don’t even know
70: Next Weekend:I think I work
69: I have these pets:Doggo, Kitties and Geckos
68: The worst sound in the world:Ever heard of Justin Beibers song Baby?
67: The person that makes me cry the most is:Probably my mum and dad
66: People that make you happy:@nyx-vesperia @hyperkittyjkat @hobiisthesunfiteme 
65: Last time I cried:last week
64: My friends are:THE BEST
63: My computer is:Acer
62: My School:Don’t go to school
61: My Car:2002 buick lesaber
60: I lose all respect for people who:lie right to my fucking face
59: The movie I cried at was:The Iron Giant
58: Your hair color is:Silver
57: TV shows you watch:Outlander
56: Favorite web site:This hellsite
55: Your dream vacation:Nordics with @nyx-vesperia
54: The worst pain I was ever in was:My concussion
53: How do you like your steak cooked:I don’t like steak
52: My room is:Blue and Green
51: My favorite celebrity is:BTS
50: Where would you like to be:With @nyx-vesperia
49: Do you want children:Maybe one day
48: Ever been in love:I am right now
47: Who’s your best friend:Jenna, Nathan and Sydney
46: More guy friends or girl friends:Probably more guy friends
45: One thing that makes you feel great is:Talking to my girlfriend
44: One person that you wish you could see right now:@nyx-vesperia
43: Do you have a 5 year plan:Hell no
42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die:Nope
41: Have you pre-named your children:I don’t remember
40: Last person I got mad at:Someone at work who yelled at me for not having their parcel
39: I would like to move to:New Brunswick
38: I wish I was a professional:Hairdresser
[ My Favorites ]37: Candy:Coffee Crisp
36: Vehicle:Camero
35: President:Obama
34: State visited:I haven’t been to the states
33: Cellphone provider:MTS
32: Athlete:Don’t know any
31: Actor:Kim Taehyung
30: Actress:I don’t know any....?
29: Singer:Park Jimin
28: Band:BTS
27: Clothing store:Dynamite
26: Grocery store:SuperStore
25: TV show:Outlander
24: Movie:Iron Giant
23: Website:This hell site or Youtube
22: Animal:Raven
21: Theme park:I’ve never been to one
20: Holiday:Halloween
19: Sport to watch:Figure Skating
18: Sport to play:Soccer
17: Magazine:I don’t have one
16: Book:Does Songbird and the Sea by MissterMaia count?
15: Day of the week:Friday
14: Beach:Bay of Fundy
13: Concert attended:Great Big Sea
12: Thing to cook:Alfredo
11: Food:Spaghetti
10: Restaurant:Don’t have one
9: Radio station:kkul FM 06.13
8: Yankee candle scent:Don’t have one
7: Perfume:I’m allergic to perfume
6: Flower:Hydrangea
5: Color:Pink
4: Talk show host:Don’t have one
3: Comedian:Nope...
2: Dog breed:Pitbull
1: Did you answer all these truthfully? Yuppers
F U C K 
Y O U 
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ljaesch · 4 years
"What You Want" was released on September 19, 2000, as the lead-off single from Deborah Gibson's seventh album, M.Y.O.B. At this point,Deborah was still an independent recording artist, but she changed the name of her label from Espiritu Records to Golden Egg Records.
I was an avid listener of KNHC 89.5 FM in Seattle in the early 2000's, and was happy, yet surprised, when they started giving this song airplay. I absolutely loved the song at the time, and I still like it a lot now. It would have fit right in with what was going on at pop radio in 2000, but, unfortunately, Deborah just didn't have the resources as an independent artist to be able to promote the song to mainstream Top 40 pop. I'm grateful that stations like KNHC were willing to give the song a chance, and that at the time I could say that I was hearing a current Deborah Gibson single on the radio.
The music video, though, never grabbed me as much as the song did. While it doesn't look as cheap as a club video, it just didn't look like it had a budget for a video that would get airplay on MTV, VH1, or any other music channel. Outside of a couple of shots, this music video just isn't very memorable.
oh, oh, oh... ooh ooh... oh...
Think once if you want a little bit of fun Think twice if you think I could be the one Three times get your game on ready to run All depends on what you want I could get you caught up in a spin Think twice Is it the real thing you're into Turn your life back to front All depends on what you want
Come in baby I'm freezing Stay awhile or just breeze in Check one, one time together Two for love, real and forever
We're not children anymore no Can't tell what you're in my life for Decide before we take the ride Free fall or a roller coaster oh oh
(ooh...) Put it in a box (ooh...) Friend or a lover or both Choice A, choice B Uno, dos
Think once if you want a little bit of fun Think twice if you think I could be the one Three times get your game on ready to run All depends on what you want I could get you caught up in a spin Think twice Is it the real thing you're into Turn your life back to front All depends on what you want
Listen up no strings attached dear Not into pressure, come around here Let's play What do you say Life's a little game oh oh
And if you want to take it further Hang out, get a little closer That's cool, no rules It's really up to me and you
(ooh...) We'll hang a tag on this (ooh...) After our first kiss We can play this any way we want to
Think once if you want a little bit of fun Think twice if you think I could be the one Three times get your game on ready to run All depends on what you want I could get you caught up in a spin Think twice Is it the real thing you're into Turn your life back to front All depends on what you want
(ooh...) Let's not take it to heart If we take it too far Let's explore What it is we're looking for (ooh...) I feel something in your eyes Could you be him in disguise Don't play him girls it isn't wise So I won't if you tell me what you want
Think once if you want a little bit of fun Think twice if you think I could be the one (The one) Three times get your game on ready to run All depends on what you want I could get you caught up in a spin Think twice Is it the real thing you're into Turn your life back to front All depends on
Think once if you want a little bit of fun Think twice if you think I could be the one Three times get your game on ready to run All depends on what you want I could get you caught up in a spin Think twice Is it the real thing you're into Turn your life back to front All depends on what you want!
0 notes
babegroot · 7 years
1-200 :-) :-)
okay 200 QUESTIONS UNDER THE CUT!! you’re so sweet i don’t deserve your love
200: My crush’s name is: lmao I don't have a crush rn ;(199: I was born in: a hospital :)198: I am really: odd197: My cellphone company is: Virgin196: My eye color is: really light brown195: My shoe size is: 5 UK194: My ring size is: god knows??193: My height is: 5'4192: I am allergic to: n/a191: My 1st car was: I DONT HAVE A CAR190: My 1st job was: nor do I have a job 189: Last book you read: 'astrology' by yasmin boland188: My bed is: big187: My pet: a cat 186: My best friend: i have more than one? sos but rn I've been best friends with Tory for almost seven years now BESIDES MY MUM BC SHES THE REAL G 185: My favorite shampoo is: a turkish one I bought ages ago 184: Xbox or ps3: ugh neither 183: Piggy banks are: useful 182: In my pockets: you can find a vaseline 181: On my calendar: you can always see 12091282 different things to do 180: Marriage is: something that i am not sure about179: Spongebob can: make me laugh 178: My mom: is my best friend 177: The last three songs I bought were? now or never, why'd you only call me when you're high and do i wanna know?176: Last YouTube video watched: what's up - 4 non blondes175: How many cousins do you have? 25174: Do you have any siblings? in total 5 (only 3 by blood, rest is only step)173: Are your parents divorced? yes 172: Are you taller than your mom? no 171: Do you play an instrument? no 170: What did you do yesterday? slept a lot [ I Believe In ]169: Love at first sight: no 168: Luck: yes 167: Fate: yes 166: Yourself: lmao not really 165: Aliens: yes 164: Heaven: yes? but not the way religious put it 163: Hell: read the answer to the above 162: God: not really 161: Horoscopes: YES160: Soul mates: yes 159: Ghosts: yes158: Gay Marriage: yesssssss157: War: sometimes it is necessary ngl 156: Orbs: ??????155: Magic: yes [ This or That ]154: Hugs or Kisses: hugs 153: Drunk or High: lmao i like both but high is less messy so 152: Phone or Online: depends a lot ugh 151: Red heads or Black haired: red heads? brunette? both amazing 150: Blondes or Brunettes: LOVE BOTH 149: Hot or cold: in the middle 148: Summer or winter: summer in brazil, winter in london 147: Autumn or Spring: spring 146: Chocolate or vanilla: vanilla145: Night or Day: night144: Oranges or Apples: oranges143: Curly or Straight hair: depends a lot 142: McDonalds or Burger King: mcdonald's141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: white 140: Mac or PC: pc139: Flip flops or high heals: LMAOOOOOOO SO FLIP FLOPS but high heels are so pretty? I HATE CHOOSING UGH 138: Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor: ugly and rich? our society is fucked so im sorry137: Coke or Pepsi:  coke 136: Hillary or Obama: obama 135: Burried or cremated: cremated134: Singing or Dancing: both 133: Coach or Chanel: idk 132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: idk mannn 131: Small town or Big city: big city 130: Wal-Mart or Target: i dont have these around here 129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: adam sandler 128: Manicure or Pedicure: manicure 127: East Coast or West Coast: ??126: Your Birthday or Christmas: christmas 125: Chocolate or Flowers: flowers124: Disney or Six Flags: disney123: Yankees or Red Sox: ??[ Here’s What I Think About ]122: War: not always necessary 121: George Bush: idk about him 120: Gay Marriage: should be respected119: The presidential election: NOT AMERICAN118: Abortion: a woman knows what's best for her and for her child and being born is not always the best option 117: MySpace: never had it 116: Reality TV: ugh dramatic 115: Parents: important for our development 114: Back stabbers: die bitch113: Ebay: so useful 112: Facebook: an easy way to connect with family 111: Work: gotta pay the bills110: My Neighbors: smoke a lot but are pretty quiet 109: Gas Prices: who knows108: Designer Clothes: not always that cute 107: College: where you find yourself 106: Sports: i wish i could actually do it 105: My family: my everything 104: The future: scary [ Last time I ]103: Hugged someone: last week 102: Last time you ate: 2 hours ago 101: Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile: uhhhhh i dont remember 100: Cried in front of someone: I don't remember 99: Went to a movie theater: SO LONG AGO 98: Took a vacation: vacation rn 97: Swam in a pool: i cant remember rah 96: Changed a diaper: last year 95: Got my nails done: ages ago 94: Went to a wedding: ??93: Broke a bone: never92: Got a peircing: august last year91: Broke the law: a couple of weeks ago for a birthday 90: Texted: hour ago [ MISC ]89: Who makes you laugh the most: my stepdad88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: i've left home and i miss my mum's cofffee87: The last movie I saw: why him?86: The thing that I’m looking forward to the most: going back to brazil this year85: The thing im not looking forward to: completing my exams84: People call me: difficult/the astrology girl 83: The most difficult thing to do is: actually revising 82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: never81: My zodiac sign is: libra80: The first person i talked to today was: katie79: First time you had a crush: when i was 10 78: The one person who i can’t hide things from: my mum 77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: blair almost every single night76: Right now I am talking to: blair 75: What are you going to do when you grow up:  i have no clue
74: I have/will get a job: this summer73: Tomorrow: i'm revising with my friends72: Today: i'm staying in and feeling sad about not revising 71: Next Summer: i'll be in brazil70: Next Weekend: i'll be in ipswich 69: I have these pets: a cat, called pumpkin 68: The worst sound in the world: scratching a plastic surface 67: The person that makes me cry the most is: felipe 66: People that make you happy: my mum, sister and my brother 65: Last time I cried: last week 64: My friends are: SO MANY god i am not naming people here 63: My computer is: old 62: My School: is boring and got a long name 61: My Car: n/a60: I lose all respect for people who: lie and cheat 59: The movie I cried at was: "now is good"58: Your hair color is: dark brown57: TV shows you watch: brooklyn nine nine, from dusk till dawn,  riverdale and sons of anarchy56: Favorite web site: tumblr55: Your dream vacation: going around europe 54: The worst pain I was ever in was: idk 53: How do you like your steak cooked: medium52: My room is: quite big and bright51: My favorite celebrity is: eiza gonzalez? 50: Where would you like to be: in brazil, with my mum 49: Do you want children: yes 48: Ever been in love: yes 47: Who’s your best friend: my mum 46: More guy friends or girl friends: guy friends45: One thing that makes you feel great is: talking to my mum44: One person that you wish you could see right now: my brother43: Do you have a 5 year plan: kinda42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: not really 41: Have you pre-named your children: LMAO lowkey 40: Last person I got mad at: anees39: I would like to move to: brazil 38: I wish I was a professional: psychologist [ My Favorites ]37: Candy: n/a36: Vehicle: n/a35: President: n/a34: State visited: n/a33: Cellphone provider: n/a32: Athlete: n/a31: Actor: zane holtz30: Actress: eiza gonzalez29: Singer: maluma28: Band: the script 27: Clothing store: ?????idk 26: Grocery store: tescos25: TV show: brooklyn nine nine 24: Movie: the last song 23: Website: tumblr22: Animal: koalas21: Theme park: Thrope Park20: Holiday: summer19: Sport to watch: football18: Sport to play: none17: Magazine: none16: Book: milk and honey15: Day of the week: friday14: Beach: ??13: Concert attended: the 197512: Thing to cook: steak11: Food: bbq10: Restaurant: a restaurant in italy near my dad's friend's house9: Radio station: Capital FM8: Yankee candle scent: n/a7: Perfume: some cheap one from boots6: Flower: roses5: Color: white4: Talk show host: jimmy3: Comedian: idk 2: Dog breed: n/a1: Did you answer all these truthfully? yes thats why i look so confused
1 note · View note
Get To Know Me Questions
1. What is your full name?
Julia  .......... . I don’t wanna write my full name out :( 
2. What is your nickname?
Ju  or Jul
3. What is your zodiac sign?  
4. What is your favorite book series?
Harry Potter, Throne of glass and TID. 
5. Do you believe in aliens or ghosts?
NO ghosts, but aliens. 
6. Who is your favorite author?
   John Green
7. What is your favorite radio station?
8. What is your favorite flavor of anything?
9. What word would you use often to describe something great or wonderful?
10. What is your current favorite song?
Heaven - Troye Sivan
11. What is your favorite word?
12. What was the last song you listened to?
Easy for u - Valentina
13. What TV show would you recommend for everybody to watch?
14. What is your favorite movie to watch when you’re feeling down?
The lion king
15. Do you play video games?’
16. What is your biggest fear?
17. What is your best quality, in your opinion?
Listening, I listen and understand.
18. What is your worst quality, in your opinion?
I’m really really stubborn :/
19. Do you like cats or dogs better?
20. What is your favorite season?
of what show? sorry... Summer :)
21. Are you in a relationship?
22. What is something you miss from your childhood?
Not having responsibilities 
23. Who is your best friend?
Her name is Ebba, she’s the one I an rant to about anything and laugh about everything with. 
24. What is your eye color?
Green/gray kind of
25. What is your hair color?
dark blond
26. Who is someone you love?
My mother
27. Who is someone you trust?
My best friend :)
28. Who is someone you think about often?
Rupert Grint, does anyone know what he’s up to?
29. Are you currently excited about/for something?
Jacob Bixenman :))))
30. What is your biggest obsession?
31. What was your favorite TV show as a child?
32. Who of the opposite gender can you tell anything to, if anyone?
My father
33. Are you superstitious?
34. Do you have any unusual phobias?
I am really terrified of arm-wrestling. Uhh I really really hate it!
35. Do you prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it?
36. What is your favorite hobby?
Reading :)
37. What was the last book you read?
Shadow Kiss by Richelle Mead
38. What was the last movie you watched?
The circle
39. What musical instruments do you play, if any?
40. What is your favorite animal?
41. What are your top 5 favorite Tumblr blogs that you follow?
Ohh noo, way too hard!
42. What superpower do you wish you had?
I wanna be able to fly!
43. When and where do you feel most at peace?
At home at night, or at practice with my friends.
44. What makes you smile?
My friends
45. What sports do you play, if any?
Uhm, I do circus? and gymnastics
46. What is your favorite drink?
47. When was the last time you wrote a hand-written letter or note to somebody?
Today! I wrote a happy-birthday card today.
48. Are you afraid of heights?
No, I’m afraid of falling. Ugh, cliche :/
49. What is your biggest pet peeve?
Biting my nails...
50. Have you ever been to a concert?
Oh yes! the last one was Troye Sivan’s. I really loved it!
51. Are you vegan/vegetarian?
Only sometimes, like, for breakfast.
52. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A pink cat princess
53. What fictional world would you like to live in?
J.K Rowling’s, I wanna live in a world of magic
54. What is something you worry about?
My grades, the people at school, my depressed friend, my old grand-parents and me, I’m worried about me. 
55. Are you scared of the dark?
No, I like the dark. I like to be out at night. It gives the world some perspective.
56. Do you like to sing?
57. Have you ever skipped school?
yes... I went on a train and did not come back until after that week-end :)
58. What is your favorite place on the planet?
My room
59. Where would you like to live?
In England, lose to Hyde park.
60. Do you have any pets?
No :(
61. Are you more of an early bird or a night owl?
Noght owl, I’m writing this at 2 am
62. Do you like sunrises or sunsets better?
Sunrises, but I only ever see them in winter when the sun rises late. 
63. Do you know how to drive?
Not yes!
64. Do you prefer earbuds or headphones?
65. Have you ever had braces?
66. What is your favorite genre of music?
Pop/dream pop
67. Who is your hero?
My old teacher
68. Do you read comic books?
No, not really
69. What makes you the most angry?
70. Do you prefer to read on an electronic device or with a real book?
A real book. I wanna smell and feel the paper!
71. What is your favorite subject in school?
Right now it’s Swedish, it used to be History but now we have a new teacher...
72. Do you have any siblings?
An older brother
73. What was the last thing you bought?
A sandwich
74. How tall are you?
75. Can you cook?
Pretty good
76. What are three things that you love?
Food, reading and to work on projects!
77. What are three things that you hate?
Humans, people and some classmates
78. Do you have more female friends or more male friends?
79. What is your sexual orientation?
I don’t know, nothing or everything
80. Where do you currently live?
Just outside Gothenburg, Sweden
81. Who was the last person you texted?
A friend, she sent me a meme about Sherlock Holmes and John Watson.
82. When was the last time you cried?
Like the last time I did math 
83. Who is your favorite YouTuber?
John Green
84. Do you like to take selfies?
Yeah, kind of
85. What is your favorite app?
86. What is your relationship with your parent(s) like?
Pretty close, but I still don’t wanna talk about awkward stuff with them
87. What is your favorite foreign accent?
Scottish, tho it’s hard too understand
88. What is a place that you’ve never been to, but you want to visit?
89. What is your favorite number?
90. Can you juggle?
91. Are you religious?
God no.
92. Do you find outer space of the deep ocean to be more interesting?
Outer space, but both are terrifying 
93. Do you consider yourself to be a daredevil?
No, sometimes maybe
94. Are you allergic to anything?
95. Can you curl your tongue?
96. Can you wiggle your ears?
97. How often do you admit that you were wrong about something?
Almost never, ugh I hate it and I know i’m bad for that
98. Do you prefer the forest or the beach?
The beach
99. What is your favorite piece of advice that anyone has ever given you?
Point your toes
100. Are you a good liar?
101. What is your Hogwarts House?
I’m a proud Gryffindor
102. Do you talk to yourself?
Yepp, I mean who will read this?
103. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
Introvert :/
104. Do you keep a journal/diary?
no, I should tho
105. Do you believe in second chances?
Yes, for some people
106. If you found a wallet full of money on the ground, what would you do?
See what was in it, if there is a license or ID I would just contact the person.  
107. Do you believe that people are capable of change?
Yes, I’ve seen my friends turn in to other persons. 
108. Are you ticklish?
Ughh yes
109. Have you ever been on a plane?
110. Do you have any piercings?
No, only earrings. Maybe I should get a nosering? 
111. What fictional character do you wish was real?
William Herondale and Jace Herondale/Lightwood/Wayland.
112. Do you have any tattoos?
113. What is the best decision that you’ve made in your life so far?
I don’t know, it’s a difficult question.
114. Do you believe in karma?
115. Do you wear glasses or contacts?
No, I would like too own a pair of stylish glasses.
116. Do you want children?
Not right now
117. Who is the smartest person you know?
My friend Vera, she has good grades and she knows how people work... 
118. What is your most embarrassing memory?
Ohh god, I can’t! Al those embarrassing memories! Recently a hot boy commented on a privet conversation and we just ...XD... Noop awkward
119. Have you ever pulled an all-nighter?
Not really but kind of, on a school night we went to a midnight premier on the cinema. 
120. What color are most of you clothes?
121. Do you like adventures?
122. Have you ever been on TV?
I have! I were once in a commercial for a new Arena.  
123. How old are you?
124. What is your favorite quote?
“Did Brother Zachariah just steal our cat?“ - Cassandra Clare, City of Heavenly fire.
125. Do you prefer sweet or savory foods?
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sunshinelukee · 5 years
this is for everyone who’s sad, lonely, bored or just needs some 5sos videos
I made one of these lists a while ago, but I decided to add some more videos, so now there are about 300 videos on here :) there used be even more but apparently links don’t work anymore if there are too many, so I had to delete a few
2011 - 2013
All 5sos Keeks part 1
All 5sos Keeks part 2
All 5sos Keeks part 3
Rolling In The Deep (cover)
Chris Brown/Justin Bieber - Next To You (cover)
Year 3000 (Busted cover)
What Makes You Beautiful/One Thing (cover)
Teenage Dirtbag (cover)
One Direction and 5SOS - Teenage Dirtbag (pie fight)
Superhero (unreleased song)
Teenage Queen (unreleased song)
Bad Dreams (unreleased song)
I Can’t Remember (unreleased song)
I’ve Got This Friend (unreleased song)
Over And Over (unreleased song)
Perfect Disguise (unreleased song)
5SOS on Ashton
5SOS on Calum
5SOS on Luke
5SOS on Michael
Keeks and various stuff (playlist with over 250 short videos)
Yes/no game
Trying English food
That interview where Ash wore a banana suit
First dates and pick-up lines
NOVA FM interview
ODE interview
First in studio interview
Spin the bottle
5 seconds of snogging
Face to face (playlist with 32 short videos)
Ask anything chat
Vevo dscvr interview
Buzzers of death
Snog, marry, avoid
Karaoke on Capital FM
Puppet game
Trying to do makeup
Young Hollywood interview
Dressing up as elderly people prank at Target
Dressing up as Target employees
Don’t Stop the lost tapes
Good Girls behind the scenes
Amnesia behind the scenes
Slsp behind the scenes
Don’t Stop behind the scenes
Sunrise interview
The Bert Show interview
Bus tour
Pre-show routine
Blink 182 - I Miss You in the Live Lounge (cover)
Teen Vogue interview
5SOS play fall songs
Vodafone Big Top 40 Webchat
Chart Show Chat
Truth or dare
Ultimate Question Pong
Instagram videos
The Today Show
Tweet and Dare
What would you say to a talking cow?
A random twitcam
That Ninja Turtle dress up live stream (it’s over 1,5 hours)
Ash London live interview
Another Ash London live interview
The late late show
Answering fan questions with Qmusic
Ask anything chat
Vevo ask:reply
Rowyso tour exposed
This or that? Canada vs Australia
Shazamily feud
Yes/no game
Playing SKH on tiny children’s instruments
Bloopers from playing SKH on tiny children’s instruments
5sos vs fans: who knows 5sos better?
Interview in Japan
First and last
Jenga with a twist
Ultimate rock playlist
Hey Everybody behind the scenes
She’s Kinda Hot behind the scenes
The lost member of 5sos
Cards against humanity
Interviewing the Star Wars cast dressed up as Star Wars characters
Reacting to fetus photos
Bobble head game
KIISFM interview
Network TEN interview
Shane Dawson reacting to 5sos
Drown (Bring Me The Horizon cover in the Live Lounge)
5SOS On Chatty Man
5 Second Rule on The Ellen Show
Best ROWYSO moments compilation
Cake talk first kisses & getting drunk
How rock ‘n’ roll are 5sos?
Elvis Duran show
5 seconds of sketching
MYX Philippines interview
Summer crush
In the kitchen on The Morning Show
Singing Cantonese songs
Slfl tour diary Europe pt 1 / pt 2 / pt 3
Slfl tour diary North America pt 1 / pt 2 / pt 3 / pt 4 / pt 5 / pt 6 / pt 7 / pt 8
Slfl tour diary London / Mex + Aus / Osaka / Nagoya / Berlin / Brighton / Asia
Playing Japanese games
Young Hollywood interview
To bae or not to bae
Girls Talk Boys behind the scenes
Heads up
What a cracker of a game
Ash London live interview
Fitzy and Wippa interview
Backstage tour
celebrating Luke’s birthday on stage
BBC Radio 1 interview
Spin Or Bin Music interview
Best SLFL moments compilation
Best 5sos crowd singing moments (this one gave me chills lol)
Outer Space live
Tour diary South America
Tour diary Japan
Interview with Isabella Pascua
Trying Dutch food
How well do 5sos know each other?
Popbuzz interview (bonus: it’s 30 mins)
Who knows who better?
Smallzy interview
Would you rather
Never have I ever
More never have I ever
Tattoo breakdown
Dad jokes
Reverse song challenge
Interview bloopers
Claro Brazil interview
First and last
5sos take a quiz to see which member they are
Who of you would
Friendship test
Chart takeover
Chart show chat
The meme review
Answering tumblr questions
5sos reacting to 5sos covers
Discussing Youngblood in 5 sauces
Much confessional
Reading YouTube comments
Playing Mario Kart
MTV Music interview
Australian TV interview
ET Canada interview
Reacting to fans hearing Youngblood
NRJ Sweden interview
Jingle Ball interview
Trying to speak German
5sos vs fan
Backstage at the ARIAs
Hit Network interview
Cocktail chats ep 1 / ep 2 / ep 3 / ep 4 / ep 5 / ep 6 / ep 7
5SOS3 tour diary V1 / V2 / V3 / V4 / V5 / V6 / V7
Meet You There tour diary V1
MYX Philippines interview
iHeartRadio interview
No Roots (Alice Merton Cover) in the Live Lounge
SiriusXM interview
The Today Show interview
Lashton answer fan questions
Cake on growing up on the road
Can 5sos remember their own lyrics?
Surprise radio presenters prank
What would 5sos do on a night out?
Answering fan questions on BBC Radio 1
Malum cooking on Sunday Brunch
Elvis Duran Show interview
The making of Killer Queen
Youngblood Official Lyrics & Meaning
Valentine Official Lyrics & Meaning
5SOS Catch Up on The Aussie Stuff They've Missed
5SOS do 'She Looks So Perfect' as a fake country band
Boat ride with 5sos
5sos and the Chainsmokers at the Zach Sang Show (bonus: it’s 38 mins)
Musical beers
5sos and the Chainsmokers talk about wdyl
Ryan Seacrest interview
Another Zach Sang Show
Another Ryan Seacrest interview
Who tweeted it
Steve Harvey meets The Chainsmokers and 5SOS! | Celebrity Family Feud
Guys, if you're dating more than one woman... | Celebrity Family Feud
When I get to heaven, I want... wait, WHAT? | Celebrity Family Feud
This edible underwear tastes like... | Celebrity Family Feud
Blooper Reel: 5 Seconds of Summer
Dancing With A Stranger in the Live Lounge
"You don't even know me sometimes": 5SOS Answer The Internet's rhetorical stan questions
10 Things 5 Seconds of Summer Can't Live Without
Capital full interview
Easier behind the scenes
Ashton speaks to Luke
Ashton speaks to Calum
5 Seconds Of Summer Talk The Perfect Movie Theater Food
5SOS Plays Family Feud Against Elvis Duran Show
5SOS Talks Struggle of Work-life Balance
5 Seconds Of Summer Compete To Build The Best Sandcastle
Interview with QMusic in the Netherlands
5SOS Luke: “I FaceTime with my dog”
RTL Entertainment interview
5SOS On "Diverse" New Album And Why Teen Fans Are So Important
5SOS play “is it easier to...”
Michael talking about his Melody Maker
5SOS Swap Phones And Go Through Each Other's Camera Rolls
Wango Tango interview
5SOS have created a Capital's Summertime Ball playlist
5 Seconds of Summer Guess Life Hacks
5SOS defend their accents and bum bags
5SOS play "Adult Video or Music Video"
Full How Did We End Up Here movie
Full Sounds Live Feels Live show
Full Rock In Rio show
Full Meet You There show
1K notes · View notes
entergamingxp · 4 years
Let your mind wander with 40 of our best reads • Eurogamer.net
We’ve been lucky enough to publish some wonderful work on Eurogamer over the years, written by some wonderful writers, and we thought pulling some of it together at a time like this would be a nice thing to do.
If you see something you like, scroll down to the bottom of the piece and click on the author’s name to see what else they’ve written. There are some real treats I haven’t been able to include here – it’s a long enough list as it is!
Thank you everyone who contributes to Eurogamer and helps make it what it is, and thank you for reading it. Have a nice Easter weekend.
How Age of Empires 2 got some Scottish kids into RTS – Here’s a question: How do you get a bunch of disillusioned kids in the arse end of Scotland into real-time strategy games? Sam Greer remembers the 90s in Scotland and an unlikely gaming champion.
Petscop, the internet’s favourite haunted video game – Last March, a YouTube channel titled Petscop began releasing Let’s Play-style videos of what appeared to be a bargain-bin Playstation One game designed to entice undiscerning children. But things quickly took a darker turn, as Sara Elsam finds out.
An ode to video game doors – It’s easy to underestimate doors, Andreas Inderwildi writes, and yet they are also imbued with a kind of magic. If you’ve ever wanted to see a lot of lovely video game doors, now’s your chance.
After half my life, Ace Attorney’s re-release brought me full circle – Some games can have profound influences on our lives. Jay Castello grew up with the Ace Attorney series and wanted to be a lawyer – but life doesn’t always go the way it was planned.
I went Christmas carolling in Rust with a real piano, and got shot a hell of a lot – When Emma Kent heard that craftable pianos were coming to Rust (with MIDI support) and she could plug a microphone in too, there was only one thing she wanted to do. But would her fellow Rust players share in her festive spirit?
The story behind the Oblivion mod Terry Pratchett worked on – Imagine one day getting an email thanking you for the companion you made for Oblivion, signed by someone claiming to be author Terry Pratchett. Then imagine discovering, many letters later, it really was him. Cian Maher tells an unlikely story of friendship and collaboration.
The Lords of Midnight: on the legacy of a truly epic wargame – Even now, there’s little else remotely like it. Jennifer Allen remembers a cruel but magical adventure for Commodore 64. And thanks to devoted fans, there is now a way to play it.
Red Dead Redemption 2 and XCOM 2 have one crucial thing in common – companionship – From perishable squad mates to tales around a camp fire, Vivek Gohil digs into what makes companions in Red Dead Redemption 2 and XCOM 2 so special.
I was in Football Manager and I don’t know how to feel about it – Imagine our surprise when writer Chris Tapsell turns around and announces he was once in a Football Manager game, a series he loves – but as a football player. If it weren’t for a shoulder injury he may well have been a professional footballer today. But something always bothered him about his FM representation: his stats weren’t right. His height, his birthday, his eccentricity. This is the story of him getting to the bottom of it.
Roleplaying across the internet – It doesn’t have to be people sitting around a table. In its purest form, roleplaying is when a person says, “Let me tell you a story,” and the other person says, “Me too.” Giada Zavarise takes into the world of forum roleplaying.
If Ubisoft wants to cling on to Clancy, it’s time to talk politics – Tom Clancy relished a political drama so why does Ubisoft try to avoid it in his name? Is such a thing even possible? Edwin Evans-Thirlwell takes a closer look at Clancy and the legacy he left behind.
I owe everything I am to Buck Rogers: Countdown to Doomsday – You’re in a game shop in the mid-1990s and you have £15 to spend, and that’s a lot – you’re a kid and you’re poor. Jennifer Allen had a choice on her hands. What to choose? Pele? Streets of Rage? Or how about this box with the hero and the aliens on…?
Kazunori’s War: the world of Gran Turismo’s creator – He keeps a selection of pre-packed bags by his desk so he can leave at a moment’s notice. He’s an occasional racing driver. And he spun out a car at 200km/h as a very naughty youth. He is Kazunori Yamauchi, creator of Gran Turismo, and Martin Robinson travels to Japan to meet him.
It’s not easy being green: a brief history of orcs in video games – Who invented orcs, how did they get their green colour, and when did they start being more than dumb enemies? Nic Reuben seeks answers.
Why did ancient Egypt spend 3000 years playing a game nobody else liked? – Here’s a game responsible for one of the first ever instances of trash talk, a game played by pharaohs, but even after 3000 years of play, Senet went the way of the disonaur. Christian Donlan tries to find out what happened.
The boy who stole Half-Life 2 – In May 2004, a German boy wakes to find his bed surrounded by armed police officers. Seven months earlier, the source code to the in-development-and-late Half-Life 2 leaks onto the internet. Simon Parkin tells the story of a global hacker hunt, from both sides.
The six-year story of GTA Online’s long-vacant casino – When GTA Online launched, the Vinewood Casino was there. It wasn’t open but it was “opening soon”, according to a sign on the door. One year later, still closed; two years later, still closed. Nearly six years later, still closed. Why did it take so long? Jordan Oloman digs into a troubled development.
The cult of Hideo Kojima – What is it about Hideo Kojima that has crowds turn out in their hundreds to meet him? Khee Hoon Chan waits among one such crowd in Singapore, and then all of a sudden, spotlight on, Kojima is there.
Hearts and minds – Tom Bramwell puts on his best suit for the WWE Hall of Fame ceremony, and it leaves him wondering why there aren’t more heroes in games.
The US town ruled by an AI storyteller – Great storytellers talk about creative partnerships with all kinds of things, from drugs to religion to half-awake states of mind. Can artificial intelligence now be added to the list? Emily Gera shines a light on a fascinating storytelling experiment.
The God who Peter Molyneux forgot – Do you remember Curiosity and the promise of a life-changing prize for whoever tapped the last block? Brayn Henderson does – he tapped it. But did it change his life? Wesley Yin-Poole travels to Scotland to find out.
The Wind Waker inspired me to build a boat – Ever decided to build a boat because you really liked a game about sailing around? No of course not. Nor, I bet, have you ever bought an ocarina instrument because of a game, or fashioned your hair to look like Nathan Drake. Or have you? Omar Hafeez-Bore ponders the influence of games.
Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp and the feud that keeps on running – This time he’s demanding a single coconut. Philippa Warr tells the a hilarious story of two lifelong friends falling out over a valentine.
Brando and Bowie: The amazing stories of a man you’ve never heard about – He alone witnessed Marlon Brando’s last ever performance, and David Bowie kissed him on the lips. He held high positions in the video game world and directed big games for big companies. And yet, he never quite found success as we know it. Or did he? Bertie tells a long story.
Why can’t video games get shoulders right? What an inspired question! And it turns out it’s all in the shoulder blades. Alan Wen investigates.
Viva Piñata places a brutal lens on late-stage capitalism – Don’t be fooled by its cutesy looks. Viva Piñata is, as Hazel Southwell tells us, maybe the only game where the kind of business psychopathy preached on Huel-based wellness retreats outside San Francisco will actually work.
The promise of a game world you can touch – James Holland puts his hands in front of him and as the on-screen bubbles start to pop, he feels them popping on his skin, on his bare skin – he’s not wearing gloves or equipment of any kind. Is this the tech of the future?
Inside Tomb of Horrors, the hardest D&D module ever made – Just getting inside can be an ordeal, as two of the entrances lead to certain death, and losing a character level 10 or higher – all that time invested – really hurts. Why would someone make something like that? Malindy Hetfield takes a closer look.
PS2: The Insiders’ Story – The PlayStation 2 is still the best-selling console in the world. It was a landmark machine and its success made Sony feel invincible. Ellie Gibson takes us back to a time of David Lynch adverts and wild parties.
VR has already taken people with dementia to the seaside, and now video games are exploring neurological disease itself – Watching a participant literally cry with happiness as they remove the headset is not a sight writer Luke Kemp will soon forget.
Decoding Shenzhen: The Chinese city that makes the world’s tech – Known as the mecca of manufacturing, Shenzhen is a fishing city turned megatropolis, where an idea can be made a reality and sold in a market stall in two weeks. Arshiya Khullar investigates.
The human cost of Red Dead Redemption 2 – In October 2018, Red Dead Redemption set a new benchmark for the kind of production values a video game could reach. Technically, it was a marvel. But at what cost?
The folklore roots of Sekiro’s anus-ball snatching enemies – Why does an enemy in Sekiro grab a pale fleshy thing from your behind, hold it up like a trophy, then devour it in its own behind? It’s all to do with some disturbing monsters in Japanese folklore, as Ewan Wilson finds out.
Why I play video games – Dr Omar Hafeez-Bore believes a good part of why he chose to pursue medicine was because of video games, and not for the reasons you may think.
Stories with dice: the thrill of old-school D&D – Even 40 years on, video games have a lot to learn from Dungeons & Dragons. Oli Welsh discovers the joy of pen-and-paper role-playing games.
A horse named Gizmondo: The inside story of the world’s greatest failed console – It’s like it never existed now, but for a while Gizmondo – a handheld gaming machine – was going to conquer the world. The 2005 launch party even featured Pharrell Williams and Sting. But less than a year later, the company behind Gizmondo collapsed into bankruptcy. Ellie Gibson hears the whole shady story from the people who were there.
Passing on the gift of games – Have you ever passed the gift of gaming on and watched someone come to terms with it like you once did? Oh the tantrums I used to throw playing Street Fighter! Emad Ahmed has a niece and nephew to pass the gift onto, with surprising effects.
After I stepped into Yakuza’s world, Yakuza’s world seeped into mine – Wish you were there, in Japan? Well, there are few games better than the Yakuza series for taking you there. They helped Malindy remember happy years studying there, and overcome a painful memory.
The quest for Shadow of the Colossus’ last big secret – What if everything in Fumito Ueda’s renowned game had not been found? Could there be a 17th colossi hidden somewhere, waiting to be discovered? Craig Owens takes us into a world of unsolved mysteries and secret hunters.
The secrets of Dark Souls lore explained and explored – It’s not easy to get at the story in Dark Souls because unlike in other games, it’s scattered and hidden away. Richard Stanton connects the dots for us.
from EnterGamingXP https://entergamingxp.com/2020/04/let-your-mind-wander-with-40-of-our-best-reads-%e2%80%a2-eurogamer-net/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=let-your-mind-wander-with-40-of-our-best-reads-%25e2%2580%25a2-eurogamer-net
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