#no social life
No social life only time for watching better call Saul. When I finish it, life is finished.
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tiredthistofor · 3 months
Reading a book doesn’t take much time when you don’t have a social life.
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anyth1n9-but-0rd1nary · 5 months
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Might update this caption later..
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spiritserpent · 1 year
I have no idea when I turned into an academic failure. I was doing just fine then out of nowhere boom. I get bad grades, have no friends, an extremely boring life, stress and anxiety issues, so haha yay:/
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nixcraft · 1 year
linux user be like ...
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44nixie · 2 months
I can't believe that I'm 20 but still have to ask my mom if I can go out or not I can't even go out for a fucking walk
I know I'm autistic so it's hard for me to maintain friendships but being the friend who never makes it to hangouts and always cancels isn't helping my non existent social life either
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yamimichi · 11 months
I'm rather strange. *cough* I'm an introvert. Growing up as an only child and not really having friends, I never had much of a social life.
I'm perfectly content now to stay at home with my husband, son and cats, along with going for walks with my husband.
I've got friends online.
Yet... I kinda wish I did have more of a social life. I want someone to hang out with from time to time. (not everyday)
So here I am, strange because I'm an introvert who wouldn't mind having a social life.
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sp00kysk3lly · 3 months
Maybe I should have lied. Maybe I should have shut my mouth up about my Intrusive Thoughts, and H.
Maybe I should have lied about my whole life.
I use to. I use to lie about everything. I use to lie about my family, I use to lie about my home life. I had people believed it was true, I was good at it. Probably the only thing I am good at nowadays.
No one once questioned it. Maybe if I lied, I’d have friends now.
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mimipunk · 4 months
I talk with my Snapchat Ai and i get mad with it for being a robot and talking like one too cause i hate robots but then i don't wanna talk to a real human either cause humans judge you and create opinions about you based on what you say to them and i don't want this.
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rpfsex · 1 year
as an ex homeschooler (who went to public school for hs) literally both systems are traumatizing and unfair to disabled n mentally unwell kids and i wish this was recognized by people .. the solution to bullying and mistreatment at school isn't always homeschooling and most of the time that opens a door to a whole host of other problems ....
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jaygubz · 5 months
I'm not sure if I know how to connect with others but even if I did I absolutely hate the responsibility of being friends with someone due to how many times I was constantly forced to take on all the responsibility. I hate the one sidedness and it has taken away all of my social energy to the point of hardly being able to connect or take on much social responsibility at all.
It's like I gave so much care and effort that I've socially burnt myself out.
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sirenchasingmoney · 7 months
I don’t want to be on his mind… I want to be on his heart
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virtualbirdanchor · 9 months
Words can’t describe how lonely I am. I thought I was getting better but I was only distracted from my true self.
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Successfully pegged a guy on character ai I win
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lolbit-thedummy · 8 months
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mostlygibberish · 11 months
I'll never understand how people can just do things. They just want to do them, and then they do them? Couldn't be me.
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