#non existent photoshop skills
xxlovelynovaxx · 4 months
Listening to Epic the Musical and went to join the discord server, only to find this:
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I'd like to preface this by saying I am a member of a DID system that experienced intense childhood trauma. We identify as "mixed origin", meaning in our case we do not believe trauma was the ONLY cause of our system, but we do believe it likely played a part in the formation of our multiplicity. Now, onto talking about this screenshot.
1. Pluralkit's creators are inclusive of nondisordered systems. It's one thing to say "no OCs" (which pluralkit is fine with, but some servers simply aren't for purposes of ACTUAL roleplay and that's fine), but to say "only OSDD/DID systems are allowed to use this" and imply that all other systems are "roleplaying" is just bog-standard anti-endo bigotry. Also, UDD and other lesser-known disordered systems are of course excluded.
A reminder that the creators of the Theory of Structural Dissociation, the DSM-V-TR, the ICD-11, and the APA all recognize the existence of nondisordered systems, and that they haven't met a high enough standard of proof to claim explicit causation via trauma of dissociative disorders. At this juncture, every actual scientist abides by the cardinal rule of statistics - correlation is not causation - and another important basic rule of logic - that "x causes y" does not prove "ONLY x causes y". Or in other words, neither the converse nor inverse of a true statement are automatically true. In mathematics, these logical fallacies are referred to "affirming the consequent" and "fallacy of the inverse".
2. Short of someone actively telling you "I am faking a mental illness", you CANNOT tell if they are. It's not possible even for psychiatric professionals to determine this, let alone random laypeople. Even screenshots "admitting" faking could be photoshopped, but more than that - that rule makes the server unsafe for every SINGLE system, even those with OSDD or DID. On what grounds do they claim a system is faking? Having the audacity to claim that our narrative of our own experiences is most reliable and that we are capable of determining our own origins? Having too many or too few alters? Enjoying aspects of even disordered systemhood? Achieving functional multiplicity?
Fakeclaiming when done to any kind of system, but ESPECIALLY disordered systems, will often severely worsen dissociation and internal communication and can even make amnesia more severe. Even most professionally diagnosed disordered traumagenic systems struggle a lot with doubt, in part due to the very nature of the disorder, which often is a response formed as coping skill for severe trauma which masks itself from both external and internal scrutiny for safety.
It is not worth risking this harm to "protect" systems this doesn't even help, much like it's not worth say, denying SSI to 90 percent of people who need it just to keep the extremely small fraction of a percentage of fraudsters (who are willing to try to live in conditions of extreme poverty without ever being able to marry or save money) from getting it.
(It also seems to stem in part from a pluralmisic society which obscures and erases the very experience of plurality, so that many of us don't discover the labels for our experiences until late enough in life that it shatters a long-held view of ourselves that we then have to contend with as a fundamental shift in our understanding of ourselves. A similar thing occurs with trans people in transphobic societies doubting our transness due to spending our whole lives thinking we were cis, but just in the wrong way, and that everyone is miserable trying to be their assigned gender at birth.)
3. "Alters under age 13 are not permitted to speak in this server as per Discord TOS." Discord's TOS is entirely dependent on legal age and therefore bodily age. Littles and middles are childlike entities in an adult brain and body, and it is therefore up to each system to determine what is safe for their own non-adult members to handle. While some littles and middles may be very like actual children and therefore their systems restrict their activity, some systems have littles and middles that are perfectly capable of using the adult brains' faculties to safely navigate normal interactions. Note that this isn't a restriction on nsfw interaction, which is strictly prohibited in the server iwrc, which while offensive when done "for littles' safety" is at least something reasonable to refuse consent to interact in that capacity with a little for your own personal comfort.
4. "Factive alters sourced from EPIC collaborators are required to speak through an anonymous proxy or base profile when interacting with the server". So, essentially, the comfort of singlets is more important than the health, functionality, and safety of systems. It can be destabilizing to have to mask or pretend to front as someone else.
It is also saying "it's not okay to be openly an entirely separate individual with your own life, consciousness, and experiences, simply because you were unintentionally created by someone's brain based on a different living individual". In this case, the people saying this also believe the only possible reason for this unintentional influence on an alter's existence is due to a severe mental disorder - that they likely believe is only caused by trauma. (They likely consequently believe alters can only be SPLIT through trauma!)
So what they are in effect saying is "if trauma caused a person to exist inside your brain whose formation was influenced by one of us and who therefore shares a name and maybe mannerisms with one of us, they are not allowed to be openly themselves around us". Imagine if an autistic person who often mirrored mannerisms shared a name with them!
5. Re: the last point. They claim that people using pluralkit are people, but notably, they only recognize them as individuals. They do not recognize the personhood of non-parts based systems. "When speaking with someONE who uses pluralkit, remember you are speaking with A real PERSON". Now, they could be referring to the individual alter fronting at the time (and just not acknowledging cofronting out of ignorance or forgetfulness). Except for the damning line:
6. "Please note that Pluralkit is a bot used by INDIVIDUALS with DID/OSDD to facilitate communication". Now, I wanted to touch on, once again, that pluralkit's creators are open to and even intend for the bot to be used by nondisordered systems and even roleplayers. Once again, I have no issue with servers not allowing its use for roleplay purposes, since that doesn't dehumanize any actual systems nor refuse to recognize the personhood of individuals within any systems. But also... they literally are refusing to recognize the existence of actual DID and OSDD systems who identify as multiple people, not individuals!
While it is possible that the creators of Epic the Musical were simply trying to create a safe space for systems and are simply ignorant to the harm that sysmedicalism and creating a culture where fakeclaiming is allowed and even encouraged DOES, I find it more likely that a moderator, creator, or system that is close to one of the above is a sysmedicalist.
Below the cut for brevity of this post is a primer on system discourse (syscourse) and sysmedicalism for those that may not be immersed in the plural community.
Tl;dr of the part above the cut: This server is unsafe for even DID/OSDD systems, discriminates against and violates the autonomy of littles and factives (misunderstanding what littles and factives actually ARE in the process), and does not recognize the actual personhood of alters and headmates and multiplicity of disordered systems. This is just ableism, and extremely disappointing as a DID system that is a fan of the musical.
For those that don't know, sysmedicalists are plurality's version of transmedicalists. They believe that the only way to be many people or parts in one body (which is what plurality is) is to have a severe mental disorder that causes extreme distress and dysfunction, as a result of severe long-term childhood trauma, usually between the arbitrarily named ages of 9 and 12. Like transmedicalists, they believe that multiplicity is inherently a mental illness, and that you can't be plural if you don't experience extreme distress around it.
To be a [identity]medicalist is to pathologize and medicalize an experience that is not inherently either to the point of claiming all nonpathological and nonmedical forms of the experience don't exist, and usually also involves defining an identity primarily by the severe distress it CAN cause in some individuals, staging an arbitrary standard of suffering as a prerequisite that if not met is grounds for fakeclaiming anyone who derives any happiness or positivity of any kind from said identity.
They claim that a term coined and primarily used by trans systems is transphobic, because "transness isn't a mental disorder and systemhood is!" They fail to recognize that like transmedicalists truly believing transness is only a mental disorder incorrectly, they are also clinging to a claim that only the disordered form of a wider experience of being "many in one" is valid or real, and that everyone else are just "fakers" "stealing resources from real trans people/systems".
See iirc @livseses wonderful post for further similarities on transmed and sysmed arguments, which I will link later if I can find.
On the other hand, even psychiatric professionals, in an industry known for disregarding the experiences of neurodivergent and mentally ill people in favor of the narratives that neurotypicals with degrees in the subjects of our lives make up based on their external experiences of us, agree that nondisordered systems can exist. Most now also believe that trauma is not a prerequisite for plurality.
The DSM acknowledges cultural experiences such as mediumship (not all of which are from closed practices), and the ICD goes further to state that the same experience of "two or more distinct personality states" they describe as one of the requirements for DID does not "indicate the presence of a mental disorder". They also use cultural multiplicity as one example, clearly stating that the same experience of multiplicity present in DID can be present in the absence of a disorder.
These disorders are also very purposely not categorized in the "trauma disorder" section of diagnostic manuals, but rather in a section for "dissociative disorders". Even personality disorders, which are well-recognized as being mostly traumagenic in origin, are also not categorized as trauma disorders, for the same reasons of both lacking a high enough standard of proof that trauma is the only possible cause, as well as for the simple reason that dissociative and personality disorders are much more highly self-similar than they are to trauma disorders. Anyone claiming that "DID/OSDD are trauma disorders" and that to claim to the contrary is misinformation is themselves spreading anti-scientific misinformation.
It is also worth noting that by all modern definitions of disorderedness, a mental disorder requires either distress or dysfunction (and in some cases, both). Therefore, a DID or OSDD system that achieved functional multiplicity would not longer be considered functionally disordered.
Traumagenic is the term used to describe systems formed due to trauma. There is zero proof whatsoever that the trauma that forms a system is required to occur in childhood, and in fact seemingly previously healthy war veterans have been acknowledged in medical literature as displaying symptoms of complex dissociative disorders. While there is not a high enough burden of proof to discount the possibility that every single case was just a covert system's presentation made overt by the recurrence of trauma or development of PTSD, there is likewise not proof that trauma that occurs later in life (particularly for neurodivergent individuals with developmental disorders, as the parts of our brain involved in multiplicity often develop in different orders or at different rates.
Endogenic is the term used to describe systems formed for reasons other than trauma (and by most members of the community, for mixed origin systems that were not FULLY formed from trauma. The coiner maintains that full lack of trauma is required for "correct" use of the label; see my previous posts about the harm of prescriptivism and the ludicrousness of defining a term for an identity you don't claim and a community you are not in).
Endogenic does not necessarily mean nondisordered, as anything from trauma occurring after initial system formation to simply the brain's "wires" getting crossed, so to speak, may be able to cause a dissociative disorder even in the absence of the usual stimuli of trauma. Basically, if your brain has a "push in case of emergency" button, there's always a possibility however many failsafes are built to prevent this happening that it will accidentally be set off in the absence of an emergency. Likewise, traumagenic does not inherently mean disordered, as in the case of previously disordered systems who achieved functional multiplicity, or again, weirdness in an extremely complex organ we barely understand causing the brain to push the emergency button but only part of the stuff that is supposed to be caused by the button happening.
Plurality is simply a form of neurodivergence. People can be multiple consciousnesses or "people" (the defining of which falls more under the purview of philosophy than psychiatry) in one body without there needing to be a reason. Assuming singlecy (being a singlet, a nonsystem) is the default is as based in pluralmisia as assuming being straight is the default is based in homophobia.
It's also worth noting that the majority of psychiatry and psychology, as soft sciences, are based entirely in self-reporting. While yes, dissociative disorders can obscure knowledge of trauma until a system is ready to process said trauma, in the absence of any other notable amnesia or other disordered symptoms, it's actually more likely just from a logical standpoint alone that a person is simply right about saying "there are multiple people in this body" than they are unaware of trauma, let alone just "roleplaying" or "faking". There are simply too many endogenic systems for that to be the case.
Why would total amnesia around exactly the chronological bounds of the trauma, despite a system not having any periods of time missing from their memory, be the ONLY symptom experienced? In a society where even if you HAVE a disorder treatment is often inaccesibly expensive and the majority of people regard anyone who identifies as multiple as "insane" at best and "dangerous and needing to be locked up" at worst, what is to be gained from identifying as plural if that's not truly who you feel you are? It's the same tired arguments of nonbinary and nondysphoric/nontransitioning trans people in general just "pretending to be trans for fun". No one does that!
Also, traumatized people are not helpless crazy people that need "help" being paternalistically told what our "actual" experiences are because we're too ill to ever be right about our own lives and ESPECIALLY our subjective internal thoughts, emotions, and ways of experiencing the world and our selves. That's just extremely basic foundational sanism.
Some will claim it's not "for fun" but as a result of delusions or other mental illness that endogenic systems "claim to exist". They claim that delusional and mentally ill people need to be forced into treatment "for our own good", even if the alleged delusions are neither causing distress for us, dysfunction in our lives, or influencing us to act in ways which cause any material or quantifiable harm to others. And no, being offended by the existence of a subgroup of people within a marginalized group is not harm. That's just bog-standard bigotry.
This is also just basic sanism. It's the idea that if someone holds uncommon beliefs or is in any way abnormal, that those beliefs and abnormalities need to be suppressed and stamped out for "our" own good and for the good of society. It's the same (fascist) rhetoric that causes everything from autism [Coolsville sucks] spe/aks seeking a eugenicist "cure" for autism to white supremacy. Note: neither autistic people nor nonwhite people nor any other marginalized group are inherently "abnormal". They are simply minorities LABELED as such by those in power.
I know someone might try to take that line out of context to claim that I AGREE that marginalized peoples are abnormal, coolsville-sucks-style, hence my clarification and inclusion of that in brackets to make any bad faith actors have to at least black it out if they want to screenshot that out of context. That way, anyone bothering to actually fact-check will see immediately that they are twisting my words and acting in bad faith. I've been around the syscourse block long enough to know people WILL do this.
There's further arguments to be made that "normality" is simply a descriptor for things that do not significantly deviate from arbitrary averages and that abnormality itself is therefore morally neutral, but I digress.
I do however, want to encourage people to look into the subject of "mad liberation" for more on questioning and challenging the assumptions that anyone with any mental disorders or trauma is incapable of being a reliable source on their own experiences and existence.
Anyway, plurality has existed for as long as humans have been recognizably human. Many past and present peoples acknowledge forms of it, both in open and closed cultures. Most reputable psychiatrists and psychologists acknowledge the existence of nondisordered and endogenic systems, and further studies are being done into this form of neurodivergence already. The few professionals that don't are typically those like the ones present in the video released by McLean Hospital which fakeclaimed actual professionally-diagnosed disordered systems (which also goes to show just how fakeclaiming only ever ends up harming the people it's claiming to be used to try to protect).
Finally, "plural" is a term coined specifically to be inclusive of all systems, regardless of origin or disordered status. Plural was never a term that belonged only to disordered traumagenic systems, and to claim so is to actively speak over the inclusive systems responsible for coining the term and spread misinformation.
Tl;dr Endogenic and nondisordered systems exist, are valid, and should be believed about the ways they experience their own consciousnesses and brain. This is backed even by doctors in the field of "dismiss people who have abnormal experience of consciousness and supplant their narratives with what neurotypicals THINK is going on based on how we experience the actions of neurodivergent people. Trauma is not the only way to form a system, and intensely distressing mental illness is not the only way to BE a system.
The Epic the Musical server is unsafe for any systems, which as a DID system, makes us feel sad and angry and hurt.
Anti-en/dos, just block us. Even if you can come up with a new argument instead of the same repetitive and inane misinterpretations of scientific literature (or those actively disproven by scientific literature, no less) and pseudoreligious baseless beliefs about plurality, all I would do is tear apart the foundation of the new "argument" for bigoted exclusionism. I've already weighed more evidence than you've ever read, and I won't be convinced that this time the group just trying to live their lives and be accepted as they are is ACTUALLY harmful evil invaders faking and stealing resources because trust you bro. We also know more about our own mixed origins than you as a stranger are capable of ever discerning.
We've been harmed enough by fakeclaiming as a multiply physically disabled and neurodivergent queer traumaendo DID system to ALWAYS side with the people against fakeclaiming anyway, we BELIEVE minorities and especially neurodivergent people about what's going on inside their heads, and quite frankly, we just don't like exclusionist bigots (like you) and don't want exclusionist bigots (like you) interacting with our posts.
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To be honest I'm already thinking what I can do with this pic 😂 I have an idea but I don't know if it will work with my non-existent photoshop skills 🙈
/ please we need it for our fun 🤩
Warning: her face ⚠️ 😂
It's not good, I post it because I have a new idea 😂
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styxnbones · 1 year
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this image came so clearly to my mind i had to go and immediately dust off my non-existent photoshop skills, just for you @stormlight-archive
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Tying Up Loose Ends (and a massive dive into how my mind works in game design)
There's basically one more thing I need to do for the project: create a marquee on PhotoShop. Otherwise, it's finished. Debriefs have been filled in, research processes outlined, files zipped and assignments sent off. My game is ready to be packaged and put on an arcade machine, and it'll run right out of the box. I obviously don't want to come off as prideful, but I think a finished game on this project is something special. At the very least, a polished game - not something that, yeah, it plays, but it's glitchy and scraped together just in time for the deadline. A game where I set out to do a thing and succeeded in considerable capacity. Toxic Waters was a good game, but it wasn't perfect. It was my first proper Unreal project and I overshot what I thought I could accomplish - multiple enemy types, combat with various unique weapons, large non-linear levels, advanced puzzle mechanics and an in-game shop had to be cut. Overdeath was a fine idea with an admittedly bad prototype level attached to it. The core gameplay loop was yet to be implemented, and the final "game" was a mess of poor time allocation and unused assets sitting unseen beneath the Z-kill. Sweat Pursuit could've been this. Another case of NitroSodium thinking he could make something that, in truth, was far above his skill level. But I did it!
I think I've mentioned this before, but this project was more about functionality than immersion. With Toxic Waters, I had a whole world envisioned; the Hydromorph Research Complex, a flooded scientific facility of snaking pipes and wailing sirens. The game was chunky and mechanical, a fine-tuned set of systems waiting to be utilized by the player to escape. With Overdeath, I wanted to create a wacky, vibrant homage to games like Serious Sam, where every shot fired has some effect to the world, blasting apart boxes or inflating them to double size. The key was always Create an experience, but after Overdeath failed to be interesting nor playable, the focus shifted to Make a game, specifically because Sweat Pursuit relies entirely upon its mechanics. Blog-wise, there were no walls of text debating on what weapon would be thematically relevant a la Toxic Waters, no collages of frozen outposts and junked snowcats like in Overdeath. All my thoughts were on the functionality of Sweat Pursuit, because without it, the whole thing collapses. I don't like making games like that. I much prefer the artistic merits of game creation; designing worlds and coming up with interesting ways the player can interact with them. For my next project, the looming, ominous FMP, I want to go back to that Toxic Waters era of design. I want to flesh out a world and build it so that a player can move through it, use all the moving elements that make it tick, jump on its platforms and exist in this deeply-stylized stratification of a real place.
I think the FMP is about lottery tickets? But obviously that'd be altered somehow to fit an idea. Right now I have no clue what I'll do for it. I've got something like three months though, far longer than my other projects, and I am a little intimidated by it. I mean, we're given a whole week for our teachers to explain it. How complex is it gonna be? I think I can add a second pillar to my gamedev formula.
I: Create the bare minimum before everything else. A game needs to be playable and functional as a concept before any more work is done.
II: Doubt is your biggest impediment. Having a solid idea to build off on is key to starting your project correctly.
I think for the rest of this week I'll be relaxed. Today I did crunch pretty hard. As my friends would say, I locked in. Headphones up, Deus Ex Area 51 Combat breakbeat blasting in my ears, not talking to anyone until my evaluations were done. But tomorrow, I'll do a little relaxing PhotoShop work, release my grip on the tight ball of stress that has been the Equilibrium Project for the last month, recuperate and prepare myself for whatever comes next. It's nice to word-vomit like this at the end of the project, archive the various thoughts that played in my head on loop as I connected nodes and playtested, but could never be fit into the work schedule. I'm ready to try something else. To utilise my new ideas and programming knowledge in a brand new, interesting way.
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eggthew · 4 months
my photoshopping/editing skills are non existant. is commissioning someone to put some mammoths near a train track possible
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ripfredweasley · 1 year
What if, when I have time sometime in December, I‘m taking posters for films/shows Rob or Dominic have been in plus my non-existent photoshop skills, and made them Dexmas…
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alphabravohotel · 2 years
“tag people you wanna know more about” 
Tagged by @cmipalaeo . I did this and took it down, but here it is again.
Fav color
I used to joke that my favorite color is plaid. Actually, I think it's maroon.
Currently reading
The Granta Book of the Irish Short Story edited by Anne Enright. I've been on an Irish literature kick this year.
Last song
“Someone Somewhere Tonight" - Walt Wilkins. It's one of my favorite songs. I thought about it this morning. Walt wrote it a few years ago now and it has been covered by several artists.
Last series
I caught up with season 10 of Call the Midwife.
Last movies
Do Hallmark movies count (don't judge)? No? OK, well...I watched The Irishman with DeNiro and Pacino. Excellent if you love mafia movies.
Currently working on
My photography skills. Getting back into an old hobby. Jumping into the deep end. Also working on my Lightroom and Photoshop skills which are non-existent.
I tag whoever wants to play!
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daz4i · 1 year
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flexing my non-existent photoshop skills for a bit
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banghwa · 2 years
I hope something absolutely luscious and/or evil and/or divine blesses your day and that you take all the time to love on yourself.
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(my photoshop skills are non-existent, but I really tried my best 😅 I'm really laughing so hard -- love you!)
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PLSSSS SOB tysm em !!! :’)) no luscious evil divine events yet BUT the day is still young so let’s hope i can have fun despite a full day of classes !!! :’))) 😈 smooch tysm ilu im sending u a piece of bday cake in the mail 🧡🧡🧡
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Could you plz edit the pic of Trollba in her cheap black dress at the ghosted premiere!! 😅😅
To be honest I'm already thinking what I can do with this pic 😂 I have an idea but I don't know if it will work with my non-existent photoshop skills 🙈
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Mastering the Art of Portrait Retouching: Essential Techniques Revealed
In the realm of digital photography and visual storytelling, the ability to add hair seamlessly can elevate the quality of portrait retouching to new heights. Whether you're a professional photographer, a hobbyist, or an aspiring digital artist, mastering the techniques of portrait retouching in software like Photoshop can significantly enhance your creative repertoire. 
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In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the essential techniques that will empower you to transform portraits with finesse and precision.
Understanding the Basics of Portrait Retouching:
Before diving into the more advanced techniques, it's crucial to grasp the fundamental principles of portrait retouching. At its core, portrait retouching involves enhancing the appearance of subjects while preserving their natural beauty and characteristics. 
From correcting skin imperfections to refining facial features, every adjustment should be made with careful consideration and attention to detail.
The Importance of Hair Retouching:
One of the most impactful aspects of portrait retouching is hair editing, as it can dramatically alter the overall look and feel of an image. Whether you're adding volume to thinning hair or refining the hairstyle for a more polished appearance, mastering hair retouching techniques is essential for achieving professional-grade results. With the right tools and methods, you can seamlessly blend new strands of hair into existing ones, creating a seamless and natural-looking effect.
Tools of the Trade:
To effectively retouch portraits in Photoshop, you'll need to familiarize yourself with the various tools and features available. From the Clone Stamp tool for removing blemishes to the Healing Brush tool for seamless skin corrections, Photoshop offers a plethora of options for achieving flawless results. 
Additionally, utilizing layers and masks can help maintain non-destructive editing, allowing you to fine-tune adjustments without altering the original image.
Advanced Techniques for Portrait Perfection:
Once you've mastered the basics, you can explore more advanced techniques to take your portrait retouching skills to the next level. This may include frequency separation for precise skin retouching, dodge and burn for enhancing highlights and shadows, and liquify for subtle adjustments to facial features. By incorporating these techniques into your workflow, you can achieve professional-grade results that are sure to impress clients and viewers alike.
The Art of subtlety:
While it's tempting to go overboard with retouching, especially when working on portraits, it's important to exercise restraint and maintain a sense of realism. Avoid excessive smoothing or reshaping, as this can result in an unnatural and overly airbrushed appearance. Instead, focus on enhancing the subject's natural beauty while preserving their unique characteristics and personality.
Mastering the art of portrait retouching requires patience, practice, and a keen eye for detail. By understanding the fundamental principles, exploring advanced techniques, and exercising subtlety in your edits, you can elevate your retouching skills to new heights. 
Whether you're adding hair, refining facial features, or perfecting skin texture, the techniques revealed in this guide will empower you to create stunning portraits that captivate and inspire.
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govindhtech · 4 months
The Top 11 AI Tools That Designers Must Use
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Enhance Your Creativity with Top AI Tools(Design tools) AI tools are essential for innovation in today’s fast-changing design world. These tools redefine design by improving efficiency and creativity. Automating tasks and unleashing creativity, AI is changing how designers work.
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MS Designer AI Tools are essential for designers looking to improve their skills due to its intuitive interface and powerful features.
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DALL-E 3 has improved context understanding, precision, and image generation, according to OpenAI. DALL-E 3 has improved its ability to match textual descriptions with visuals.
This was done to simplify image generation by providing more detailed information that meets user needs.
Key features and capabilities include:
Ability to create creative images from text. Ability to comprehend intricate language. Can create images of non-existent objects, animals, and scenes. Create new images by manipulating or combining concepts. Ability to create images in various styles and techniques. Recognition and adaptation to input context. High-resolution, detailed image generation. Create multiple versions of a concept. Ability to match input images. Machine learning algorithms enable learning and improvement. WOMBO Dream- AI Art Maker Wombo Dream, simple text-to-image generator AI Tools, turns your image description into digital art. It is ideal for creating digital art for NFTs, social media, marketing, or personal enjoyment.
Wombo Dream is easier to use than Midjourney, a GenAI image generator. To use Wombo Dream AI Tools, enter your prompt and choose an art style (realistic v2, Horror v2, anime, or Steampunk). The tool does the rest. If you’re unfamiliar with different art periods, this method is helpful.
A light/dark theme switch and pleasing minimal design. Notable features include:
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The AI Tools helps beginners understand AI reinforcement learning and image generation.
Some key features are:
Data dimensionality reduction speeds up machine learning algorithms, especially for complex or large datasets. Reducing features can improve algorithm performance by removing noise and irrelevant details. When a model has too many features, it may overfit and not generalize to new data. Feature extraction simplifies the model and prevents overfitting, improving its generalization to new data. Extracting key features can reveal data processes. OpenArt OpenArt is a groundbreaking platform that uses Stable Diffusion to make art creation more accessible. Users can experiment with AI-generated art and express themselves in new ways with help of these AI Tools.
The platform has many tools and features to help users realize their artistic visions. From beginners to experts, OpenArt has something for you. OpenArt lets you explore art like never before.
Some key features are:
Openart AI gives artists, influencers, and web designers many art styles to create unique AI-generated art. No tutorials are needed with Openart AI’s intuitive interface. Its simple design makes it suitable for beginners and experts. Users can customize their artwork to the last detail with Openart AI’s unique colors, themes, and advanced features like stable diffusion effects. Neural Canvas Neural Canvas is a cutting-edge AI-powered digital illustration generator. This tool uses advanced algorithms to create unique, high-quality illustrations for many uses. Create captivating images for blog posts, e-books, and comics.
Its intuitive interface and powerful features make it easy to create stunning illustrations that will captivate your audience and help you stand out in today’s crowded digital landscape.
This has key features:
100 styles and characters: Use different styles and characters to make unique illustrations. Illustration moods and styles: To convey the right message, choose the right illustration mood and style. Main character choice: Choose and customize your main character. Make AI Comics: Use AI to create comic strips from your inputs. Publishing AI-written e-books: Write and publish e-books with AI. AI Comics Factory If you like comics and manga and creating new storylines, you’ve probably struggled to draw well. Maybe character proportions or background design overwhelm you. But don’t worry a solution is coming.
The AI Comic Factory is revolutionizing cartooning.
Features that make comic design fun and easy:
Write scenes to create a comic book with AI Tools. Customize characters, backgrounds, speech bubbles, and fonts in various comic genres. Change text, panels, elements, colors, and filters to improve AI-generated comics. Your comics can be exported as PDFs and viewed and rated in the app’s gallery. AI Comic Factory is a free, open-source app that showcases AI models with help of AI Tools. RunwayML Gen-2 Runway ML, an advanced AI system, creates unique videos from text, images, and video clips. Runway announced on X in 2023 that Gen-2 was upgraded. It improves text-to-video and image-to-video algorithms, but it is not Runway Gen-3. These enhancements will boost video quality.
The new features are:
The new Motion brush uses image prompts to animate images. Unique to Gen-2, you can synthesize videos in any style with a text prompt. Create a video based on an image and text prompt. Single-image content-guided video synthesis. Make every video frame match any image or prompt. Render mockups in style and animation. Use simple text prompts to change video subjects. Apply an image or prompt to untextured renders to make them realistic. Customize the model for higher fidelity results to maximize Gen-2 power. GetIMG.AI Getimg.ai is an AI-powered tool that makes stunning images easy. It has amazing AI art tools to create, modify, and expand images.
This image generator AI Tools and editor can help beginners and pros create visually appealing content quickly.
Some key features are:
For personalized results, DreamBooth will train custom AI models. Outpainting creates seamless scenery or elements. Inpainting easily removes text, watermarks, and other objects from images. Image-to-Image uses text prompts to change images. ControlNet lets you precisely edit pose and lighting. Portrait Fix Faces automatically enhances facial features and expressions.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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ishmums-blog · 4 months
Beyond Boundaries: Exploring Clipping Path Mastery
In today's visually-driven world, the mastery of a clipping path is akin to wielding a precision tool for image manipulation. "Clipping path" refers to the technique used in image editing software to isolate and separate specific parts of an image from the background. This mastery transcends mere technical expertise; it's an art form that allows creative professionals to go beyond boundaries, transforming images to captivate audiences and fulfill diverse purposes.
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Understanding the Essence of Clipping Path
At its core, a clipping path involves drawing a line or vector path around the desired subject, separating it from the rest of the image. This precise technique enables editors to manipulate the subject independently, altering backgrounds, enhancing compositions, or facilitating seamless integration into various design contexts.
Types and Tools
Clipping paths vary in complexity: from simple shapes to intricate, multi-faceted subjects. Understanding and employing tools like the Pen Tool in Photoshop or specialized software aid in achieving precision.
The Journey to Mastery
Precision and Detailing
Mastery demands unwavering attention to detail. A pixel-perfect clipping path is the hallmark of expertise, ensuring clean, flawless edges that seamlessly blend into new backgrounds.
Techniques for Complexity
Navigating complex images, such as those with intricate patterns or fine details, requires advanced techniques. Mastery involves strategies to conquer challenging edges and maintain quality.
Workflow Optimization
Efficiency is key. Masters streamline processes, utilizing shortcuts, actions, and automation without compromising quality.
Applications Across Industries
E-commerce and Product Photography
In the e-commerce realm, high-quality product images are paramount. Clipping path mastery ensures clean, professional visuals, enhancing product presentations and boosting sales.
Advertising and Marketing
In advertising, impactful visuals are non-negotiable. Clipping path mastery enables the creation of attention-grabbing ads, where products or models seamlessly fit into diverse promotional contexts.
Fashion and Editorial
Fashion and editorial industries rely heavily on visually stunning imagery. Clipping path mastery assists in creating flawless compositions, allowing designers to experiment with different backgrounds and layouts.
Challenges and Solutions
Handling Difficult Edges
Mastery isn't without challenges. Dealing with complex shapes, fur, or intricate patterns demands creative solutions, often involving the combination of manual techniques and software prowess.
Time Management and Efficiency
Balancing quality and time efficiency is an ongoing challenge. Masters adopt strategies to optimize workflows, ensuring timely delivery without compromising the precision of their work.
Client Communication and Expectations
Understanding client needs and effectively communicating the possibilities and limitations of clipping paths is crucial. Mastery involves not just technical skill but also interpersonal finesse.
Advancements and Future Trends
AI and Automation
Technological advancements, including AI-driven tools, are revolutionizing the field. Mastery encompasses the ability to harness these advancements, integrating them into workflows for enhanced productivity and precision.
Integration with Augmented Reality
The fusion of clipping path mastery with augmented reality opens new creative dimensions. Seamless integration of edited images into AR environments requires a deep understanding of both technologies.
Emerging Tools and Techniques
Staying updated with the latest software updates, tools, and techniques is pivotal for mastery. The willingness to adapt to evolving trends ensures a competitive edge.
Training and Skill Development
Resources for Learning
Numerous online tutorials, courses, and communities exist for aspiring and seasoned professionals to hone their skills. Mastery is an ongoing journey of learning and adaptation.
Practice Exercises and Tutorials
Engaging in deliberate practice, experimenting with different images and techniques, accelerates skill development. Mastery is honed through consistent practice.
Continuous Improvement
The pursuit of mastery is never-ending. Professionals committed to excellence are always seeking ways to refine their craft, staying ahead of the curve.
In the world of visual storytelling, mastering the art of clipping paths transcends technical proficiency. It's an ongoing journey toward precision, creativity, and adaptability. As technology evolves and creative demands expand, clipping path mastery remains a cornerstone for those venturing beyond boundaries in the realm of image editing and design.
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jennifermurphseo · 6 months
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Common Challenges in PSD to WordPress Conversion and How to Overcome Them
If you're a website owner looking to revamp your online presence, you've probably heard of the benefits of converting your PSD (Photoshop) design files to WordPress. While this process can significantly enhance your website's functionality and user-friendliness, it's not without its challenges. In this article, we'll explore the common challenges in PSD to WordPress conversion and provide practical solutions to overcome them.
Lack of Technical Expertise
One of the most common hurdles in PSD to WordPress conversion is the lack of technical expertise. Many website owners and designers may not have the necessary coding skills to perform the conversion smoothly. To overcome this challenge, consider hiring a professional who specializes in WordPress development. They can efficiently handle the technical aspects and ensure a successful transition.
Compatibility Issues
Compatibility issues can disrupt the conversion process. Different PSD files may have varying compatibility with WordPress themes and plugins. To avoid this problem, always ensure that your chosen PSD design is compatible with the WordPress platform. Additionally, use compatibility testing tools to identify and resolve any issues before the conversion begins.
Design Consistency
Maintaining design consistency during the conversion is crucial to providing a seamless user experience. To address this challenge, pay close attention to details in the design files and ensure they are accurately replicated in the WordPress theme. Using a skilled developer who understands the importance of design fidelity is key to achieving consistency.
Responsive Design
In today's mobile-centric world, responsive design is non-negotiable. Failing to create a responsive WordPress site can result in a poor user experience and decreased search engine rankings. To overcome this challenge, implement responsive design principles and test your site on various devices to ensure it looks and functions flawlessly.
How to Overcome These Challenges
Now that we've identified the common challenges, let's discuss how to overcome them.
Hiring a Professional
Hiring an experienced WordPress developer or a professional web development agency is often the best way to address the lack of technical expertise. They have the knowledge and experience to handle complex conversions and can provide valuable insights to make your website stand out.
Choosing the Right Plugins
Selecting the right plugins is crucial for enhancing your website's functionality. Consider using popular plugins like WooCommerce for e-commerce or Yoast SEO for search engine optimization. These plugins can save you time and effort while delivering excellent results.
Rigorous Testing
Thorough testing is essential to ensure that your newly converted website functions correctly. Use tools like Google PageSpeed Insights and perform cross-browser testing to identify and fix any issues. Testing your website thoroughly will help you avoid problems down the road.
Best Practices for PSD to WordPress Conversion
To ensure a smooth PSD to WordPress conversion, consider these best practices:
Proper Backup
Before making any changes, create a backup of your existing website. This ensures that you can revert to the previous version if anything goes wrong during the conversion process. Use reliable backup plugins to safeguard your data.
Clean and Organized Code
Clean and organized code is the foundation of a successful WordPress site. It enhances performance and makes future updates and modifications easier. Ensure your developer follows coding best practices and adheres to WordPress coding standards.
SEO Optimization
Search engine optimization is essential for internet presence on your website. Be mindful of SEO recommended practices during the conversion process. Make sure your meta descriptions, titles, and permalinks are optimized for search engines. This will raise the search engine ranks of your website.
In conclusion, PSD to WordPress conversion offers numerous benefits, but it comes with its fair share of challenges. Lack of technical expertise, compatibility issues, design consistency, and responsive design are some of the common obstacles you may encounter. However, by following the suggested solutions and best practices, you can navigate these challenges successfully and enjoy a seamlessly converted WordPress website.
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How to Get Premium Software for Free: Unveiling Legitimate Methods
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Introduction: In the world of digital technology, premium software can often come with a hefty price tag. However, there are legitimate ways to acquire premium software without violating copyright laws or resorting to piracy. In this blog post, we'll explore some ethical methods that can help you get access to premium software for free. - Open Source Alternatives: One of the most popular ways to obtain software for free is by opting for open source alternatives. Many premium software solutions have open source counterparts that offer similar functionalities. For example, if you're looking for an alternative to Adobe Photoshop, you can explore GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program). These open source options are developed by communities of volunteers and can often be as powerful as their paid counterparts. - Free Trials and Limited Versions: Many software developers offer free trials of their premium products. These trials provide you with a chance to test the software's features and functionalities before committing to a purchase. Additionally, some companies offer limited versions of their software for free. While these versions might not have all the advanced features, they can still be valuable for basic tasks. - Educational Licenses: If you're a student or an educator, you might be eligible for educational licenses of premium software. Many software companies have special programs that provide discounted or free licenses to educational institutions and their members. These licenses are intended to facilitate learning and skill development. - Freemium Models: Some premium software follows a freemium model, where the basic version of the software is offered for free, but advanced features and functionalities require a subscription or a one-time payment. This can be a great way to access the software's core functionalities without spending money, while still having the option to upgrade if needed. - Giveaways and Contests: Software developers occasionally run giveaways, contests, or promotions that allow you to win free licenses for premium software. Keep an eye on the official websites, social media channels, and forums of software companies for any ongoing or upcoming giveaways. - Non-Profit and Charity Programs: Certain software companies offer their products for free or at a significantly reduced cost to non-profit organizations or charitable causes. If you're involved with such organizations, it's worth reaching out to software providers to inquire about any available programs. - Government and Institutional Access: In some cases, government agencies or institutions might have agreements with software providers that allow their employees or members to access certain premium software for free or at a reduced cost. Check with your workplace or relevant institutions to see if such programs exist. Conclusion: While it's tempting to turn to piracy or unauthorized methods to obtain premium software for free, these actions are both unethical and illegal. Instead, consider exploring the legitimate avenues mentioned above to access premium software without breaking any laws or violating copyright agreements. From open source alternatives to free trials and educational licenses, there are numerous ways to enjoy the benefits of premium software without emptying your wallet. Read the full article
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