#non mi ami
sebaxyana · 1 year
il sonno non ti salva
se hai l’anima stanca.
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lanimalascrivo · 2 years
Pensavo che solo il "disamore" avrebbe potuto dividere me e te, eppure alla fine dei conti, a partita finita, io, mi rendo conto che a dividerci siamo stati noi, il tempo, i dispiaceri, quelle parole dette a metà, o quelle parole dette di troppo, che alla fine, hanno sempre fatto un pó male.
Adesso so che a dividerci non è stato il solo non amarsi più, ma quello che ci ha portati piano piano, a dire basta, è finita.
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che tutto, qui,
parla di te.
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Non lo merito tutto questo male
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alenaphale · 2 months
so guys a little while ago i came up with a les mis artistic au that I think would be interesting for you to acknowledge! so basically the idea of it is this:
everything takes place in modern france. les amis + cosette + eponine (basically the youngsters mentioned in the second volume (maybe even montparnasse)) are studying in the académie des beaux-arts on two different faculties, visual arts and music. i am yet to figure out who studies what, but some things are already obvious to me, so I would like to share some of them with you
• first of all the dean of the faculty of visual arts is valjean, the dean of the one of music — javert. their approaches to what is art and how one should give a proper education on it are quite different — opposite, even, because where valjean strives for freedom in self-expression and his students’ own unique understanding, javert is equally devoted to precision (which is, for every performer who I have a misfortune to be myself, is as beneficial as it is painful, sometimes even destructive to the very purpose of performing music)
of course it would be silly to expect such a confrontation would not affect their students.
• so, very vaguely: enjolras, combeferre, courfeyrac (because i couldn’t force myself to separate the great trio of The leader, The guide and The centre™), jehan, marius and cosette are all in the orchestra.
- enjolras is a conductor, of course
- combeferre is the first violin. sometimes when enjolras by some miracle is not present at the rehearsal, he fulfills his duties — and, believe me, his tolerating attitude really is a blessing to the musicians
- courfeyrac is either a timpanist or a pianist-accompaniator (both options make perfect sense in my mind and I cannot decide)
- jehan is a harpist (feel free to make your own suggestions, but I tried to express his passion for middle ages, romantism and his poetical nature with this choice)
- marius is a violinist because I thought it would be hilarious for him to play soppy melodies whenever he’s pining on cosette
- cosette herself is a cellist. at first, i was going to make her an opera singer (soprano), then i was contemplating on her being a violinist as well, but then I thought — goddamn it, i love women who play cello, and it would reflect her character so well (which i of course am planning to develop a bit from what monsieur hugo provided us with), and I just don’t want to see her as something high-pitched! the solemn and a bit sorrowful, yet so noble and beautiful timbre of cello seems to suit her image in my mind.
• as for the artists, here we have OBVIOUSLY my man grantaire, eponine, joly + bossuet, feuilly and bahorel. most of them are painters, with few exceptions: for example, joly is a sculptor in my mind, and feuilly does decorative art (also I am sorry he is also a student here and joly is not a medic it is all only for the sake of the composition)
i don’t want to make this post too long so I shall continue in the next ones! i hope this idea is entertaining enough for you my fellow readers. also i think it is pretty obvious that i have little to no knowledge at all about visual arts so please be free to comment your own thoughts
(also i am new to the fandom (although I’ve been into les mis for quite some time now) and I would really appreciate any sort of communication) :)
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leftoverspagehhti · 1 year
Ok. I'm going to share a headcannon with you all today. Share opinions on it. Please.
I see so many people giving Javert a first name and it just makes my little brain confused. Like, he is not Emile or Rein, or whatever you guys try and call him. He is Javert. And that's why my headcannon is that, as a child, he was not named. My idea is that his mother couldn't care enough to give him a name.
You might be thinking "Well, how in the actual fuck would that work?" Here's an example:
Instead of:
"Name, get back here!"
It would be:
"You, get back here!" Or she wouldn't address him at all.
Ok now you might be thinking "Then how and when does he get named Javert?"
He receives that name from the state/government. Before you say anything, think about it. Javert is such a bizarre name. And it seems to be his only name. It would only make sense for him to have been a nameless child prior, due to the fact that his state-given name is litteraly his only name.
Sorry that sounds dumb. I should've worded it better, but I have a fever and am half delierous (can't fucking spell) therefore I don't rlly have the mental capacity to do so.
Ok that's all bye
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4li3ns0ul · 1 year
Scusa se ti amo ancora e non riesco a smettere.
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ofpd · 8 months
maybe i should motivate myself to write this essay by remembering that when it's done i can write my essay for my other class on les mis...
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robertoperodi · 1 year
Se mi ami - If you love me
Se mi ami.È domanda e dubbio.Vivi con l’amore nel cuore e non cercare di vivere con l’amore nella testa,sforzandoti di comprendere cose che in realtà non puoi capire. Se mi ami.Non stancarti dei miracoli.Non sottoporre a giudizio le parole d’amore, sfiancando la tua mente.Non chiedere altre prove. Continue reading Untitled
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omarfor-orchestra · 2 years
Hold on funny scenario in my head just dropped
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sebaxyana · 1 year
voglio andarmene così lontano
da non saper più ritornare indietro.
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lanimalascrivo · 2 years
E farò finta che non mi manchi, che non ti penso.
Farò finta che la decisione che ho preso è quella giusta, non mi guarderò indietro, perché è lì che ti ho ferita, nell'esatto modo in cui tu hai ferito me, innumerevoli volte.
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violeblanche · 2 years
Io ogni lunedì notte: TI ODIO 🫠
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bluntsafetypin · 1 year
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queerographies · 1 year
[All'amico che non mi ha salvato la vita][Hervé Guibert]
Con uno stile iperrealista, confinante con la diagnosi, Guibert descrive il lento ma inarrestabile progredire dell’AIDS, il disfarsi del suo volto angelico, dei suoi riccioli biondi e di quello sguardo magnetico che avevano incantato i salotti parigini.
Quando Hervé Guibert pubblica All’amico che non mi ha salvato la vita, nel 1990, è ormai divorato dall’AIDS, un male ancora mitologico, esotico, considerato alla stregua di una «roba che viene dall’Africa, malattia da stregoni, da ipnotizzatori». Il virus ha messo il giovane scrittore di fronte a un bivio: scrivere il romanzo infinito e consegnare il suo dolore alla letteratura francese, oppure…
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Io volevo te..e tu volevi me?
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