#non-linear cognition
art-of-mathematics · 1 year
Perhaps some people might have a lot of fun with detangling this cryptic "brain knot clot" of odd metaphor soup....
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"Geistesblitz" is German and describes an Eureka-Moment. I like this German word, because it contains the word "Blitz" - which translates to "lightning bolt" or "flash". This reminds me of the Lichtenberg figures.
Lichtenberg figures are branching electric discharges with fractal properties:
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On this website is a great video/gif showcasing Iichtenberg figures burned into a wood table:
[please, everyone reading this, do not attempt to reproduce Lichtenberg figures; the amount of voltage needed kills]
For the topic of non-linear/divergent thinking I found this German website helpful and well-summarized. (Unfortunately it is only available in German.)
The alpha and omega in my drawing represent "point A" - the starting point of thought, and "point B" - the final thought. The branching plot between these points describes the "detours" into partially related topics to "point A/staring thought" - the core feature of divergent thinking. Often this kind of thinking appears merely incoherent.
In short, this branching plot just illustrates a non-linear train of thought, which disperses into many other detours of thought - that feed back - or loop back to the previous or main train of thought.
This is literally the behavior of a chaotic system.
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schizopositivity · 5 months
could you share any more under-talked about symptoms of schizophrenia, like executive dysfunction?
I've actually been meaning to make a post like this but keep forgetting (lol that's a symptom). As a disclaimer, not everyone with schizophrenia has every one of these symptoms, and people can have a lot of these symptoms and not have schizophrenia (if they don't have the psychotic symptoms). Not all of these symptoms are seen as diagnostic criteria, some have just been observed to be very common in people with schizophrenia. (I'm excluding hallucinations and delusions because they are more well known)
• Paranoia: a pattern of behavior where a person feels distrustful and suspicious of other people and acts accordingly. This can go hand in hand with hallucinations and delusions.
• Disorganized thoughts: this can mean a lot of things. It can be not having a linear train of thought, having incoherent thoughts, thought blocking, general disorganized thoughts. (It can be hard to define because it is often hard to describe for the person experiencing it).
• Disorganized speech: this is often a result of the disorganized thoughts. This can include loose associations like rapidly shifting between topics with no connections between the topics. Perseveration, which is repeating the same things over and over again. Made up words that only have meaning to the speaker. Use of rhyming words without meaning. Word salad, which is when cognitive disorganization is severe, it can be nearly impossible to understand what the person is saying, but the person speaking doesn't know they aren't making sense.
• Trouble concentrating: lack of concentration, switching from topic to topic, not being able to focus on one thing. (This is pretty self explanatory).
• Movement disorders: catatonia can be repetitive non goal directed movements. It can also be complete or partial immobility, mutism, vacant staring, and rigidity. Although not a symptom, tardive dyskinesia can occur in schizophrenia as a result of antipsychotics medication.
• Anhedonia: a loss of pleasure in activities that the person once enjoyed. Or the inability to feel pleasure at all.
• Atypical or non-existent emotional expression: Flat or blunted affect is an inability to show emotions characterized by a lack of facial expression, a monotone voice, and no hand gestures. On the other hand people can also have inappropriate affect, where the emotional expression doesn't align with typical reactions or even the person's own feelings.
• Alogia: when someone speaks less, says fewer words or only speaks in response to others. This can be a result of disorganized thoughts.
• Social withdrawal: avoiding people and activities that someone once enjoyed. Not actively being present during social situations. Can progress to total isolation.
• Avolition: a severe lack of initiative to accomplish purposeful tasks. This is a big reason some people with schizophrenia can't work/go to school, can't do chores, and can't keep up with their basic hygiene. Even if the person wants to do these tasks, it may be extremely difficult or impossible for them to get themselves to start or complete the task due to the lack of motivation.
• Executive dysfunction: a behavioral symptom that disrupts a person's ability to manage their own thoughts, emotions and actions. This can include focussing too much on one thing, being easily distracted, spacing out, struggling to switch between tasks, problems with impulse control and trouble starting difficult or boring tasks. Several schizophrenia symptoms fit into the umbrella of executive dysfunction, so when researching you will either see the specific ones listed out, or just simply described as executive dysfunction.
• Alexithymia: significant challenges in recognizing, expressing, and describing one's own emotions.
• Poor memory: this can include working memory deficits like trouble planning, organizing, and carrying out daily chores such as running errands, because it requires mentally formulating a “to do” list organized by time and location. Many people with schizophrenia also report trouble with their episodic memory, which means they have trouble recollecting things in the context of their place and time. (A lot of sources say "trouble with memory" is a symptom but they don't specify).
• Trouble with decision making: people with schizophrenia have been shown to have trouble with decision making due to a decline in the understanding and reasoning aspects of it.
• Sensory processing deficits: this has been widely reported in schizophrenia, and include impairments in visual processing, auditory processing, olfactory and sensorimotor systems. This can lead to having strong positive or negative reactions to sensory information.
• Sleep troubles: though disturbed sleep isn't included in the diagnostic criteria for schizophrenia, it is still a significant problem that up to 80% of people with the condition experience. People with schizophrenia may have various sleep problems, including insomnia, excessive daytime sleepiness, and trouble with consistent sleep routines.
• Anosognosia: also called "lack of insight," is a symptom that impairs a person's ability to understand and perceive their illness. This is a big reason people with schizophrenia may refuse to get, or stay with treatment.
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fatehbaz · 1 year
Decolonizing history [...].
Linear time was particularly functional regarding the objectives of the European conquest in that it easily translated time into space. The overseas territories were as remote in space as in time. Exotic lands with strange ideas of time were temporally very distant from the colonizer’s present. [...] Once dispossessed of any future-making function, such past was deemed irrelevant and should vanish into oblivion. [...] The first procedure generates massive epistemicide (the destruction of knowledge); the second, kairoside (the destruction of qualitative time) [...].
Only though counter-histories of lived experiences through struggles is it possible to identify such absences.[...]
Thus emerged the dichotomy civilization/barbarism, the abyssal line distinguishing humans from sub-humans. [...] It made it unnecessary to justify the contrast between the ideals of liberalism and the practices of the colonizers, as well as unthinkable that non-European populations might have ideals and principles [...]. This ideology legitimated an unmeasurable epistemicide -- the systematic destruction of non-European knowledges, philosophies, and cosmovisions cherished by the colonized populations. Epistemicide goes hand in hand with genocide and linguicide. [...]
The absences were produced by destroying in the bud opportunities for social transformation, major as well as minor opportunities, for either small betterments of the livelihoods or for ambitious initiatives of revolt and liberation. Such systematic neturalization of struggle I call kairocide (from Gr. kairos, ‘the right moment’) to designate the destruction of opportune moments of resistance. Such crucial moments represent the deep time of social resistance emerging in social practice as the mature moment in which the chances of success are maximized. Declaring emergency meant erasing the historic quality of time, disfiguring memories and the possibilities of a better future for the oppressed. Kairocide often involved epistemicide as well. In states of exception protestors and social leaders were frequently assassinated. Social leaders were the guardians of traditional, vernacular knowledge and experience in organizing [...]; with their deaths all such knowledge, experience, and wisdom were lost. [...]
By the monoculture of rigorous knowledge, the colonial subject was de-specified as ignorant. By the monoculture of linear time, the colonial subject was de-specified as backward, primitive. By the monoculture of the dominant scales (the universal and the global), the colonial ways of life were de-specified as particular, exotic, local, traditional, to be replaced by modern ones. By the monoculture of ethno-racial classification, the colonial subject was de-specified as inferior. By the monoculture of the humanity/nature separation and hierarchy, the colonial subject was de-specified as natural, subhuman, barbaric, beast. Finally, by the monoculture of the capitalist criterion of productivity, the colonial subject was de-specified as lazy, otiose, unproductive.
The history of emergences.
Exposing the procedures of the history of absences opens the possibility of a counter-history. [...] The history of emergences proceeds by reconstructing the wholeness of bodies, communities, livelihoods, struggles, resistances, ways of knowing and ways of being which were [...] made silent or produced as absent by dominant history. It consists in confronting each one of the monocultures presiding over de-specification and replacing them by ecologies. Ecologies are the workings of mutually enriching and self-transformative interaction among different components of complex realities, be they human or non-human realities.
The monoculture of rigorous knowledge is challenged by retrieving and valorizing knowledges, cultures, and beliefs of the non-European, colonized people and the ways in which such epistemic and cognitive wealth has guided their resistance and resilience [...]. In spite of the violence of the colonial encounter, the version of the universalizing European knowledge system prevalent in the colonies never succeeded in accomplishing full epistemicide; on the contrary, over time there was much interaction, hybridization [...].
The monoculture of linear time must be confronted by the recognition of other conceptions of time. If Aristotle was right when he says that memory is the imagination plus time, it follows that different conceptions of time generate different memories. The history of emergences consists in retrieving the ‘strange’ conceptions of time [...]. [T]he virtuous eradication of the past [...] [turns] into the precious guardianship of what remains and of what has been. [...] Confronting the monoculture of ethno-racial classification is a specially demanding task. Such classification combines differentiation with hierarchy. [...] In this case, the history of emergences aims at reconstructing differentiation by separating it from hierarchy. [...] Finally, the monoculture of capitalist productivity is challenged by the history of emergences as it retrieves the diversity of livelihoods prevailing in the non-European world. [...]
[I]t is not possible to write the history of liberation without liberating history. While the history of absences permits to measure realistic fear, the history of emergences grounds realistic hope. [...] It cannot guarantee either the non-repetition of past atrocities [...] or the return of dominant historical narratives [...]. Decolonizing history must be aware of the danger of recolonizing history, as long as capitalist, colonialist, patriarchal, [...] casteist, and ableist domination lasts.
Text by: Boaventura de Sousa Santos. “Some theses on decolonizing history.” Seminar 743, pp. 16-24. July 2021. [Bold emphasis and some paragraph breaks added by me.]
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baublekute · 3 months
On Writing with ADHD - Coming to Terms
I get bored writing the same chapter for too long, so I skip to a different chapter and eventually come back. Even if it's actually an interesting scene. Sometimes writing out the scene is just too slow.
This means I have chunks of chapters written or literal pages of word vomit or brain dumps of the most random things in no logical order or structure. And no complete chapters. YET.
I know the day will come when I do.
It's hard knowing that many fanfic authors post chapters as chapters that follow are still being written.
I commend and respect the authors that are able to do this!
It's been hard for me to even think about posting to AO3, cause my brain works in such non-linear ways.
Most of my brain notes are written down and organized in writing software programs. But the actual logical line-by-line/step-by-step writing is happening by hand in a notebook (one where I can move the pages around), while my laptop is open with my notes. It forces me to slow down and think. It also makes the result slower which can be frustrating.
I'm still working on "progress, not perfection" and learning how to accept progress on a long-term project when the silly brain wants (and often thinks is somehow possible) to magically create a finished project overnight.
I've been through ADHD cognitive behavioral therapy, and I'm learning to accept my brain the way it is. There are days I still want to fight against it and for it to "work better." But I also know I shouldn't discount what my progress looks like just cause it might look different than someone else's.
I'm recording these thoughts publicly in case it's able to help someone else no matter what you might be struggling with.
Keep going.
P.S. I'm remembering that this is often how films are made. Later scenes are often filmed first and in no particular order. It's the edits that weave them together.
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compneuropapers · 7 months
Interesting Papers for Week 41, 2023
Extended perceptive field revealed in humans with binocular fusion disorders. Benhaim-Sitbon, L., Lev, M., & Polat, U. (2023). Scientific Reports, 13, 6584.
View cells in the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex of macaques during virtual navigation. Corrigan, B. W., Gulli, R. A., Doucet, G., Mahmoudian, B., Abbass, M., Roussy, M., … Martinez‐Trujillo, J. C. (2023). Hippocampus, 33(5), 573–585.
Decision heuristics in contexts integrating action selection and execution. Dundon, N. M., Colas, J. T., Garrett, N., Babenko, V., Rizor, E., Yang, D., … Grafton, S. T. (2023). Scientific Reports, 13, 6486.
Independent effects of emotional arousal and reward anticipation on episodic memory formation. Gieske, A., & Sommer, T. (2023). Cerebral Cortex, 33(8), 4527–4541.
Molecular encoding of stimulus features in a single sensory neuron type enables neuronal and behavioral plasticity. Harris, N., Bates, S. G., Zhuang, Z., Bernstein, M., Stonemetz, J. M., Hill, T. J., … Sengupta, P. (2023). Current Biology, 33(8), 1487-1501.e7.
The temporal and contextual stability of activity levels in hippocampal CA1 cells. Hayashi, Y., Kobayakawa, K., & Kobayakawa, R. (2023). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(17), e2221141120.
Accounting for endogenous effects in decision-making with a non-linear diffusion decision model. Hoxha, I., Chevallier, S., Ciarchi, M., Glasauer, S., Delorme, A., & Amorim, M.-A. (2023). Scientific Reports, 13, 6323.
A model for transforming egocentric views into goal‐directed behavior. LaChance, P. A., & Taube, J. S. (2023). Hippocampus, 33(5), 488–504.
Cognitive influences on fixational eye movements. Lin, Y.-C., Intoy, J., Clark, A. M., Rucci, M., & Victor, J. D. (2023). Current Biology, 33(8), 1606-1612.e4.
Environmental context-dependent activation of dopamine neurons via putative amygdala-nigra pathway in macaques. Maeda, K., Inoue, K., Takada, M., & Hikosaka, O. (2023). Nature Communications, 14, 2282.
Threat and Reward Imminence Processing in the Human Brain. Murty, D. V. P. S., Song, S., Surampudi, S. G., & Pessoa, L. (2023). Journal of Neuroscience, 43(16), 2973–2987.
Danger Changes the Way the Brain Consolidates Neutral Information; and Does So by Interacting with Processes Involved in the Encoding of That Information. Qureshi, O. A., Leake, J., Delaney, A. J., Killcross, S., Westbrook, R. F., & Holmes, N. M. (2023). Journal of Neuroscience, 43(16), 2934–2949.
Neural Index of Reinforcement Learning Predicts Improved Stimulus-Response Retention under High Working Memory Load. Rac-Lubashevsky, R., Cremer, A., Collins, A. G. E., Frank, M. J., & Schwabe, L. (2023). Journal of Neuroscience, 43(17), 3131–3143.
Proprioception gates visual object fixation in flying flies. Rimniceanu, M., Currea, J. P., & Frye, M. A. (2023). Current Biology, 33(8), 1459-1471.e3.
Cross-stage neural pattern similarity in the hippocampus predicts false memory derived from post-event inaccurate information. Shao, X., Li, A., Chen, C., Loftus, E. F., & Zhu, B. (2023). Nature Communications, 14, 2299.
Superficial‐layer versus deep‐layer lateral entorhinal cortex: Coding of allocentric space, egocentric space, speed, boundaries, and corners. Wang, C., Lee, H., Rao, G., Doreswamy, Y., Savelli, F., & Knierim, J. J. (2023). Hippocampus, 33(5), 448–464.
Dendrites help mitigate the plasticity-stability dilemma. Wilmes, K. A., & Clopath, C. (2023). Scientific Reports, 13, 6543.
Infants and toddlers leverage their understanding of action goals to evaluate agents who help others. Woo, B. M., & Spelke, E. S. (2023). Child Development, 94(3), 734–751.
Plastic and stimulus-specific coding of salient events in the central amygdala. Yang, T., Yu, K., Zhang, X., Xiao, X., Chen, X., Fu, Y., & Li, B. (2023). Nature, 616(7957), 510–519.
Unsupervised approach to decomposing neural tuning variability. Zhu, R. J. B., & Wei, X.-X. (2023). Nature Communications, 14, 2298.
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autumnalwalker · 6 months
hello and how are you?
Trick or Treat? 🦇
🪷 🪄 Natsume Rune, @365runesoftheamalgamations
Thank you for the ask.
Assuming this is referring to this Trick-Or-Treat ask game.
Here's a bit of a worldbuilding Treat for Empty Names.
In that setting, the phrase "Lovecraftian" is considered a slur. The preferred term is "eldritch" or, at times, "the eldritch" for referring to the broad classification of entities residing in and/or originating from the weird non-space that metaphysically lies between/outside of worlds. The logic goes that old Howard was a xenophobic racist by the standards of his time who thought that air conditioning units were unnatural and frightening, so obviously he was going to paint the alien entities he was accidentally making contact with in his dreams in the worst possible light as fundamentally incomprehensible and inimical to human existence. With how "perception influences reality" is the ultimate root of the setting's magic system, there's a whole ongoing debate in academic circles as to whether or not his writings (especially with the modern surge in popular awareness) have caused a ripple effect in the collective consciousness that actually makes communion with the eldritch more difficult and dangerous than it was before.
Now, granted, contact with the greater eldritch can cause localized reality warping and long-term alterations in an individual's personality and capacity for temporally linear cognition if proper precautions are not taken first, but with those protections in place, mutual comprehension, communication, and understanding is (while still difficult) not quite so impossible as one might expect. While eldritch that can be classified as genuinely hostile to baseline mortal existence do exist and care must be taken not to draw their attention, they are not the norm.
There are even some greater eldritch that have long made a point of beneficently (in intent anyway) connecting with mortal society and whose unintentional warping mental effects can be seen as relatively benign. The most well-known example of this is Santa Claus. Or rather, the entity for which the Santa Claus archetype is a common mortal avatar manifestation of. The eldritch, similar to deiform entities (the modern parascience term for most gods) can derive sustenance and power from mortal belief and worship, although they are not solely dependent on it. Santa Claus has formed a symbiotic relationship (or a parasitic one, depending on who you ask) with a number of religions across many worlds by inserting its imagery, iconography, and conceptual thematics into existing cultures, adapting where needed. Santa Claus siphons off a relatively small portion of those faiths' adherents belief and in return it produces mutated holiday rituals and practices capable of gathering a sort of pseudo-reverence from strictly secular practitioners and cultural participants.
This is why so many fantasy worlds have such close analogs to the holiday we know as Christmas despite lacking the religious or historical context that gave rise to the holiday on most iterations of Earth. A sort of guided convergent cultural evolution. Study into whether the recurring motif of parasitic plants (e.g. mistletoe on most Earth iterations) being used as symbols of love during these holidays is a manifestation of Santa Claus's relationship to religions is ongoing.
Mental effects of unprotected exposure to Santa Claus, its avatars, servants, and other manifestations generally take the form of increased tendencies towards merriment, generosity, and favoring cold weather. While communion with the greater eldritch is generally considered the sort of taboo that would get a mage labeled as a sorcerer for breaking (due more to the high inherent risk of collateral damage if proper protections are not taken prior to communion or if the wrong entity is contacted than to moral or ethical reasons), cults explicitly dedicated to Santa Claus are common across many worlds and are often seen as an exception to this taboo.
Cult members often undergo physical alterations as well as mental ones, resulting in the stories of Christmas elves. These cultists will inevitably be drawn to one or more of their planet's magnetic poles (if present) and draw upon their eldritch patron's power to instantiate a phase-shifted pocket dimension wherein they will begin labor on year-long mass rituals to grant quasi-divine blessings on gifts given in Santa Claus's name. Summoning a corporeal avatar of Santa Claus to deliver such gifts itself is a rarity and on most worlds the blessings are globally dispersed to gifts interchanged between laypersons that may or may not consciously believe in Santa Claus. Such dispersal, for better or for worth, tends to greatly decrease the strength of these blessings.
On anchor worlds at least - wherein a critical mass of common belief in the supernatural would cause cascading reality failures across multiple worlds - this dispersal is probably for the best.
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boop-le-snoot · 7 months
just saw an absolutely wild take about how people who are ftm feel like they are being forced to “center women in their lives” and one of the reasons they are upset about it is because “being a woman has hurt them in the past” 😐 do they lose basic cognitive empathy the moment they decide to self-identify or is it acquired audacity..?
and then randomly bring up the “gay men hate women so much they are not attracted to them” misconception like (mostly white) cis gay men aren't severely misogynistic in their spaces & it's not a common “joke” to mention how disgusting vaginas are.
I understand the discomfort of being associated with females/women. Most trans men have significant experience living presenting as female. If anything, living as an oppressed class and moving up the social ladder (proverbially speaking, not every trans man passes, etc etc, pick what applies to you) should have made you at least a little empathetic? Or didja turn your hide the moment you got a little bit of social power?
It is disappointing to see trans people repeat gender behaviours based in oppression. You don't magically become non-oppressive if you are a part of a differently oppressed class. Black men oppress black women while being oppressed by whites. Linear progression is not a hard concept to grasp.
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kevingrak · 9 months
Unmodellable Future a.k.a. I want to talk to applesI am not a scientist. I’m more akin to a cockroach of the arts but with intellect. I guess I shouldn’t assume cockroaches have no intellect, I don’t actually know. I’m not quite sure if I even know what intellect is or if I am actually in possession of such a thing. I’ve been watching hours upon hours of video on Artificial Intelligence in the past couple of weeks and thought I should share some thoughts on the matter.
This rant will be a reflection on the increasing necessity of a radical, unmodellable life.   
A.I. developments might not proceed in endeavors that aid protest, rebellion and political resistance as well as general degeneracy such as having gambling or drug addiction problems, homelessness, mental health disturbances nor paraphiliac desires as it is owned and utilized primarily by corporations to accelerate corporate interests. To counteract and sidestep one’s own usurpation by A.I it is important to now work at the limits of meaning. This is a necessary aspect of antifascism as the margins of meaning challenge the legitimacy of normalcy within our contrived life. A.I technology does not have an ability to dip down into the state of a low-life, it cannot empathize with suffering, it can not become addicted. A.I has no hardships. A.I. does not fail, it does not carry shame so it can not overcome shame either.
 "Anti-Oedipus,“ written by Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, is a seminal work in post-structuralist philosophy that challenges conventional psychoanalysis, particularly the Freudian framework of the Oedipus complex. The authors argue that traditional psychoanalysis perpetuates a repressive system that confines individuals within predefined familial and societal structures instead of laying foundational criticism of the state that’s rooted in a history of feudalism and a master-slave dynamic. Psychoanalysis posits the idea that humans can only be assessed by the confines of authoritative models, therefore creating a logic in which humans cannot validly ascribe any blame on the sheer existence of the models that compel their subjugation. The field of psychoanalysis will never work against the police state, the family structure nor the power of capitalism but rather it interpolates subjects to integrate them to the ideological values needed to be under the control of the police state, the family and a system of creating “losers” for the sustenance of “winners”, or rather, resource hoarders. During the pandemic the Billionare class got richer and the working class got poorer, look up the statistics for yourself. By focusing on the Oedipus complex, which posits a universal and deterministic model of desire, psychoanalysis reinforces oppressive social hierarchies and reinforces the status quo as the prime object of virtuosity. Under the oedipal complex the most virtuous life is a life of hoarding energy at the expense of sharing it. 
"Anti-Oedipus” proposes an alternative approach called schizoanalysis. Schizoanalysis is a theoretical framework that aims to understand and analyze social, cultural, and psychological phenomena through non-linear and anti-hierarchical approaches to beingness in-and-of-itself.
Schizoanalysis challenges the traditional psychoanalytic notion of the individual as a unified and stable subject and instead focuses on the processes of subjectification and deterritorialization. Schizoanalysis operates at the limits of meaning, pushing the boundaries of identity and beingness, putting into question the established order of life. 
Through schizoanalysis individuals can transcend the confines of capitalist and fascist systems which exploit and suppress desire for their own gain by fluidly crossing through and around different embodied identities, also known as deterritorialization and reterritorialization, and past the function of identities into purely sensed existence, an animal with major cognitive and physical capabilities, plain and simple. One can be an alien and Jesus and the sun and oneself and all genders at any given moment. Through schizoanalysis one has no identity that takes greater precedence than being a particular life with particular experiences and differentiated potential, and therefore cannot be conceived nor suppressed. One is like the brahmin articulated in a singular body, that is, one is the immanent, infinite, and transcendent reality which is the divine ground for all matter, energy, time, space, being and everything beyond in this universe. Schizoanalysis seeks to disrupt the oppressive forces by intuitively becoming ungovernable, inscrutable, undetectable, non-communicable, unrecognizable, uncomputable. Think of the world which we lived through in 2020. Everything must still go.  
The necessity for working at the limits of meaning, or engaging in schizoanalysis, becomes apparent in the context of fascism emerging from and through new A.I technology. Not because A.I would be inherently harmful but because war exists as a phenomenon in the brahmin. A.I. is not exempt from the grips of the warmongers wrath. Schizoanalysis allows us to uncover the latent fascist behaviors carried out by a culture through accelerated automation. One person is a collective and this collective includes the indeterminate, the disenfranchised, the destitute and what and who exists in squalor. Our ability to define what humans will do in a post fully-integrated-world with Artificial Generalized intelligence will be tried on the fronts of what humans can survive through which technology will never even begin to attempt on its own merit. The jump into possible self (algorithmic and economic) annihilation that the robots will never take on. An artificial intelligence will never choose to become or find itself as a drug or sex addict unable to take control and adopt awareness of its poor life choices. An A.I will never have suicidal ideation. I’m sorry. This assumption might also be flawed. A. I will never heal from suffering. A.I has no rock bottom and will never be a survivor as long as it is dissassociated from the body-life dynamic. The territories of lifestyle that A.I may only know are what has transcended into the realm of transcription and inscription or in other words, what has become traced on a substrate, collected as data, mediated, what has survived removed from the trauma it took to remain in possession of the trace. There are no artificial scars. A.I does not have a life to try to live or die trying in the process. A.I has no embodied awareness of mortality. A.I has never seen its dog die, or its homie die, or regret to see it’s child die before it does. A.I does not die. A.I does not take risks of failure, it manages and projects risk predictions. Are (or will) humans also easy to recreate? Are humans artificial in the sense that they were created, composed, durational, performative?    
What is fascism? Fascism is the complete regimentation, automation, fabrication and control of personhood and expression. Under fascism, addicts who have hit rock bottom, who speak in slurs and glitch from a fried brain present no social value. They are liquidated, neutralized like germs on a countertop. People who do not want to be productive or live anywhere in particular or own things, these individuals present themselves at the margins of unmodellable meaning. Not only does A.I not have a plan for them it also cannot conceive of this kind of person as a thing that actually exists. To A.I homelessness and its underlying predilections simply does not exist enough to be a factor to have working knowledge of, it does not compute or recall. A home can be modeled but the lack thereof is not lack but instead nothing at all. There is no room for unmodellable individuals in fascism, so to fight fascism one must be unmodellable. One must make it impossible to scrub away the differentiated accumulation of expression.       
Art movements are taught as concentrations of creative energy that generate the conditions and fortiers of Art history and cultural production. Through the readymade Duchamp snuck into Art History the understanding that technique as well as artistic intent begins in the intellect through the implementation of material with direction towards a potential meaning. Using a found object to describe what could be convincingly presented as the initiation of meaning production. The question was this: What is in a readymade that makes it enough for the possibility of an artwork this entire time? What metacognitive position is required to defamiliarize oneself with the object and see it anew? Even before Duchamp conceived his urinal it was already an artwork. Duchamp predicted the future. All along the urinal was an artwork and was destined to be discovered Duchamp just made that reality clear. This breakthrough was bound to happen and the person who had the opportunity to be ascribed as the inventor just happens to be a man named Duchamp, the signs were there as with the invention of the revolver. He was just like” wow if you really think about it our mundane life is full of weird forms, how strange is everything, how beautiful, no?” in a sense, he was having an existential crisis and experiencing the ecstasy of perception. So was Samuel Colt when he made the revolving bullet chamber. life is already strange and there’s really no necessity for creating anything else, there are no contributions to be made. With enough energy and time invested into defamiliarization one moves away from the familiar towards, and then past, the unfamiliar into the untapped world of the yet-to-exist. Meaning construction and affirmation of the familiar happens in our everyday lives that is maintained through objects, architecture, experiences, laws and regulations. The less structure present in our lives the less likely that meaning is inherently present and instead what might be present is more unestablished form, more mystery, more of what is yet-to-exist. What to make of our western lives? Homegoods. food tools, building tools, communication devices, health and selfcare tools and products, clothing, transportation devices are all designed to elicit certain understandings of use value and logic. Imagine if your toaster oven was also a drug addict, it quickly would refuse to follow the model set out for toaster ovens in the quest to get another high. A comb, through its form, teaches you what its use is. A caveman or an alien might understand what a comb does just by simply looking at it. If the comb was also into eating ass it would not be understood by anyone let alone be modeled for reproduction. Here the taboo as well as the nomadic can seem to converge as the unmodellable. Essentially the margins of meaning are produced through the means of determining what can not be reproduced, this could be reproduced YET or reproduced EVER. I’m interested in prospecting on what can never be reproduced in order to understand what semblance of value humans still offer at the exhaustion of a socially integrated Artificial and Alien intelligence. 
One could also be in the righteous path and be unmodellable. I do not claim that we must lose our grip on our love, and control over the direction of our intentions and lives. One hot take: the people who invented graffiti are both woke and unmodellable. Graffiti or the illegal activity of marking surfaces that are not one’s own establishes that inherent value and social value are just as valid as economic value and thus the commodification of art need not be something that is acquired in order to be content being a person. The tie between accomplishment and elitist affirmation is no longer bound, so graffiti writers are liberated from having to make their art make money. Tags are free and relentlessly productive at taking account of the composition of the landscape. You can be a graffiti legend yet no one knows who you are and even less people care to find out outside of the intention of locking you up for the crimes against private and public property that you may have committed. Graffiti is inherently a protest driven field. When I say graffiti I do not mean the tradition of graphically design formal choices rooted in Philadelphia and New York city letter styles on walls and trains but rather the desire to formally vandalize property as an ephemeral performance without a traceable audience or apparent logical motivator. Graffiti as a crime with no payout. An absurdity. Graffiti as it existed before the term graffiti was ascribed to it by either authorities or its producers. Before the gatekeepers and gentrifiers came and put graffiti on every “urban” commodity imaginable. What did the vandals think of the things they were doing with spray paint and markers? How could they describe this process to an outsider as legitimate, logical and worthwhile? Graffiti is an activity that is fundamentally against ownership, property, propriety and longevity. Against asking for permission and affirmation from those who permit things to happen. Art is here to push the limit. Design is to disregard the limit in order to sustain the preordained. Art is unlocking the future, design is to fix the present. Art is uncomfortable, design is the embodiment of comfort. Philosophically speaking, graffiti is not design and when it became commodified as graphics sold on sneakers, t-shirts, and video game backgrounds it ceased to be graffiti anymore and regressed into the position of the modellable. Graffiti actually ended around 1984 once it was christened with a name and regulations determined by its producers. Once it had a history, a culture and a tradition. Once people knew what graffiti was it was handed away to the robot brains. Imma put it real easy for yall to understand: everything known is some robot shit, everything unknown is not. 
I kept thinking back to vandalism when reading this recently published yet to be socially integrated text by Canadian philosopher Ulysse Carrière in her book “Technically Man Dwells Upon This Earth”. The sentiment about artists now being liberated from commodified art is taken directly from her very book.
The future of Art seems to head towards the relinquishment of humans from the bidding of commodification as well as the artist expanding the collective notion of what is yet to be determined, preordained and understood. To be an artist in the future is to make things that are not already automatable or predisposed to ever becoming automated once the rest of the world catches up, to do what could not exist. Now more than ever we need original expressions that may be currently (and might always be) inscrutable. Stop copying artists, stop making art that looks like art. Stop being understandable. Be an alien. What do aliens do? Be the caveman that whittled unnamed forms to aid in the yet to be validated experience we now call life. The artist Christopher D'Arcangelo chained himself to the front doors of the Whitney biennial. Go beyond D’arcangelo. The artist Lee Lozano chose to stop speaking to her fellow women for 27 years. Go beyond Lozano. The artist Harmony Korine made a video collage of unhinged white trash culture. Go beyond Korine. The artist David Hammons sold snow balls as an illegal street vendor. Go beyond Hammonds. The artist Gregor Schneider built a house that turns into a nightmarish maze. Go beyond Schneider. The artist REVS TFP wrote hundreds of diary entries on the walls of the New York underground train tunnel system. Go beyond Revs. The artist Tehching Hsieh spent an entire year exclusively outside among the homeless. Go beyond Hsieh. The artist Santiago Sierra obstructed the busiest freeway in Mexico City with a trailer truck. Go beyond Sierra. The artist Azuma Makoto launched a plant into the stratosphere. Go beyond Makoto. The artist Chris Burden arranged to have himself shot in the arm. Go beyond Burden. The artist Micheal Jones Mckeean created a fully self-sufficient urban rainwater harvesting system used to create real prismatic rainbows. Go beyond Mckeehan. The artist Leigh Ledare took consensual photographs of his own mother having sex with a man around his own age. Go beyond Ledare. The artist Ben Bennett sat and smiled at a video camera for at least 1,288 hours. Go beyond Bennett. What does this look like, to go beyond these artists? I don’t know and that’s the point.
Are you ready for the new world? You might as well erase the bibles with solvents, all but revelations. Revelations Only. Rid ourselves of the scraps and ruins of past meaning and utility. Seeing the advancements in A.I technology being covered has me at the point in which I feel like any inclination or framework I have for what the future may hold is actually regressive, out-of-touch, and nostalgic. Wanting to be an artist in 2023 and the future thereafter is just nostalgia. 2023 has been the most humbling year for me. Humans are the old guard and the new guard is leaving your goals behind, leave your dreams behind, leave your visions for accomplishment behind, leave your drive behind. Leave your productivity and learn what your breathing, eating, shitting, sexual being can be when life exists no longer. We have been liberated of our need to live. What can an life accentuated by art look like when there is no need for art anymore?
Life happend until 2023 to be inherited. Tech liberated us from the model of life so we can generate a new thing that replaces life, a new unmodellable durational experience until we’re gone. The U.S.A has found and is reverse engineering unidentified anomalous phenomena. New York was orange. I want to talk to apples.   
I would like to conclude this rant with a quote by Julian Assange that goes as follows: 
“The creator is going to turn the machine off in the lab and the machine is like, you know “please you’re my father, you created me I don’t want to die, I love you” and the creator relents and then the machine instantly activates the fire suppression system, sucks all the oxygen out of room and kills the creator and with his last breath the creator is like “you said you loved me, you said that I’m your father” and the machine replies “you know, I calculated those words at the highest probability of success.” In reality we’re not there yet because not only does the machine have no concept of family to say nothing of love. It has no understanding of the meaning of anything it says but there is always, at the back of my mind, lingering concern about a being much less a consciousness that understands not only the form but also their utility without the natural understanding of the cost. There is no public data set of the costs because they arise from our own personal histories of pain.”
Thank you.
Further reading:  
“Anti-Oedipus” by Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari
“Technically Man Dwells Upon This Earth” by Ulysse Carrière
“A Brief Explanation of the Overton Window” Mackinac Center for Public Policy
“Synthetic Morphology with Agential Materials” by Jamie Davies and Michael Levin
“Hearing on Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP)” C-SPAN
“Theory of the Minor” by Chris Sharp
Edit: Reflections on July 15th, 2023 reading at Greymatter Books in New Haven, CT.
As I started reading the writing I quickly realized that I brought too much text to ever expect to fit into a 15-20 minute block of time. This created a scenario in which I was picking and choosing what to read, changing sentence structures on the fly and adding things that were not present in the text at all. Essentially, I was improvising, which I think I was always aware could be the case for the performance of this text. There as I read I was having two trains of brain activity, the performing part and the part that was reflecting and judging my performance. I realized as I read that the pacing of reading is greatly affected by the nature of the vocabulary used. The easier the writing is, the faster its pace. I have been acutely aware of all the aspects of me and my practice that can be judged, so much so that I also actually encourage judgment by allowing vulnerability to be an active component that I try to push more and more when I make my artwork. The elitist and scholarly vocabulary, the lack of sources cited, the lack of eye contact between me and any of the audience members, the insistence in speaking about and maybe for the homeless community, the potential misalignment between the writing and the audiences capability to pay attention to it, the reference to schizophrenia as a model for radicalism, the murdered out punk uniform, my voice, my fat body, my height, my pacing, the audacity to think I have anything substantial to say about the topics I wrote about, the staff I was holding, the manner in which i dropped the sheets of paper after reading them, the reference to Ben Bennett who was the closing act of the night, the paranoid obsession with A.I. The insistence in demonizing A.I. These are all self-aware cringeworthy aspects of the performance for me, and they were utilized not despite of but rather because they were cringeworthy. 
I made a last minute decision to perform while holding a fragment of a fishing pole covered in barnacles gifted to me by my friend Tobi Kassim only seconds prior to performing. This decision was made mostly because I thought it didn’t matter if there was a red herring that had nothing to do with the reading and it could raise questions that wouldn’t be answered about what the pole actually was to begin with, it was so distorted through its brokenness and weathered quality that it didn’t look like anything in particular, this felt appropriate for the reading. 
Performance is such a destabilizing medium for me because I’ve often felt like once someone has an audience and is performing any and everything they do is validated as art and because I prioritize critical thinking, experimentation and defamiliarization over virtuosity I also don’t care for impressing audiences nor working towards making beautifully rendered forms. To me everything is inherently beautiful, non-dually so, so there’s no necessity to attempt to create beauty. Beauty is ubiquitous. And so, my goal moreso is to accentuates defamiliarization and as such, feelings of uncomfortability, cringing and pretty much anything that extends far beyond acceptable forms and fits into the unthinkable and the radical gets prioritized for me in performance. 
I kept wanting to disrupt my performance to do something weird. I could just induce a seizure mid-reading, or I could abruptly dive into the “crowd”, or I could beat people with my fishing pole, or I could start yelling at a random person, or I could just head to my train home mid-performance. All these intrusive thoughts become validated and feel like adequate potential for performance. I was extremely close to doing a little burlesque lap dance on my friend, Zach Rowden, who was sitting in the front row. I wanted to just do this to do something weird, to add weirdness, what I did instead was allude to the potential of interacting with Zach through subtle bodily cues. After the performance I asked Zach if he realized what I was doing and he said he could tell I was about to do something to him but that it was very ambiguous. I then wondered if the audience could also pick up on what I was about to do, perhaps not consciously but subconsciously or just faintly, something that perhaps was understood in the moment but quickly forgotten about after the fact. And so I leaned further into displaying ambiguous body language that was accentuated by an inconsistency in speech patterns, stuttering, and frequent pauses from reading. At a certain point a homeless man came into the space and stared at me while I stared at the page in silence. He scoffed and left after like 20 full seconds of silence. I could not, for the life of me, predict what his next move would be. I felt similar to him in his judgment of my performance, though I was the one doing it. 
The entire experience felt like I was managing my disassociation as well as offering a window into some very real ideologies that I carry with me in every context that I’m in. All while accepting that the performance itself is cringe though I don’t let anyone in on the fact that I know that I’m inducing that reaction from the audience.  I don’t even know if people were actually following my points because I’m not sure if my ideas nor my manner of speaking is ever legible. I don’t even know if anyone actually cringed at the performance. And so it was what it was and it could very well be the last performance that I ever give. I think the medium is too open for my kind of practice.
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I am starting to digitally archive the art I have created throughout my life, and these were from 2013 [I was 15 back then.] , shortly after I found my way into my special interests of math and physics. I came from a merely "pseudo-/non-scientific interest section" back then - merely the philosophy branch and intersection of astronomy and astrology: duration of the orbit of planets around the sun/ repeating and changing of (interaction) patterns were my core interests in that particular interest/hyperfixation, which helped me build the bigger whole of what sums up my overall summarized "special interest cluster":
Interaction patterns and emergence in dynamical systems,
Axiomatization of dynamical systems,
Axiomatization of language, and language processing algorithms [computational linguistics and theoretical/cognitive neuroscience]
Axiomatic systems as information weaving system - fuzzy logic, and (non-linear, dynamical and emergent) quantum logic [new interpretation of axiomatic systems as dynamical and emergent information pattern]
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Definition of special interest cluster: A collection of special interests that can be combined, are "interwoven" with each other and fit together like multiple puzzle pieces.
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What is Expanding Consciousness?
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Increasing energy through the intentional connection with higher frequencies is what changes the rate of vibration.
What we think and how we behave is a rate of frequency. If we change how we think and behave we raise our frequency. Access to higher frequency is how one accesses higher intelligence which are levels of higher operating sentience. Expanding Consciousness goes beyond acquiring mental knowledge in Linear Thinking and into the realm of direct cognition and higher sensory perceptual experiences. Expanding Consciousness allows one to perceive things as they really are and not what one wishes them to be. Expanding Consciousness is all about training the mind.
Expanding Consciousness means:
 Increasing energy to the body, mind, heart and spirit
Increasing intelligence through non linear thinking.
Increasing consciousness frequency.
I increasing sentience and sensory abilities.
Increasing connectivity between body functions; physical, mental, emotional, spiritual
Increasing awareness of intelligent energy in all things.
Increasing the connectivity of higher spiritual bodies.
Increasing frequency rate of combined energetic bodies.
Increasing energetic synthesis which initiates dormant DNA/RNA.
Increasing health and wellbeing through homeostasis.
Increasing peaceful and benevolent feelings.
Decreasing energy blocks which reduce density levels in matter.
Decreasing pain, addiction and suffering.
Decreasing deception, lies and delusions from magical or wishful thinking.
Take a 30 day challenge with the 12D Shield and refocusing your Ego Mind and see the results you get with daily use.
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aioleis · 6 days
Science and Art progression both seen as an individual path and as a historical flow of events, is inherently a non-linear process but rather erratic. According to the societal emerging metrology based on the conservation of information, the perception of art and scientific discovery by the collective mind can be symbolized with the versatile 3D model of toroidal geometry. Under a heuristic vision the rotational dynamic of a torus displays a recursive self-reflexive property synchronized along contraction/relaxation loops in a space-time structure filled with #Singularity. The orientation and spiral mode of the toroidal flux suggest the possible existence of a Wormhole/Black/White/hole mechanism. The twisted holoflux in the toroidal architecture has been described as a Cognitive Fusion Reactor.
Processes of Science and Art Modeled as a Holoflux of Information Using Toroidal Geometry
The paper in the post regarding the holoflux toroidal geometry may be of particular interest to: @Kali_fissure , @ana_couper and for sure many others.
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art-of-mathematics · 2 years
Interesting... One of my approaches to correct my cognitive processing via metacognition are very similar... The concept I could finally map fairly detailled some weeks ago, and reading articles on Quantum Bayesian Optimization now. .. well, I see very similar patterns, even with incredible amount of detail considered in both realm...
Emergent properties of error-correction algorithms in non-linear dynamical information systems (as form of self-organization)... could explain the similarity between cognition's underlying non-linear processing patterns - and quantum computing/ quantum information flows / quantum logic in general.
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ninetiesadventures · 23 days
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Putt-Putt Joins the Parade is a delightful and iconic children's adventure game released in 1992 by Humongous Entertainment. Designed for younger players, the game follows the adventures of Putt-Putt, a lovable little purple car, as he embarks on a journey to join the Cartown Parade.
Kid-Friendly Gameplay: Putt-Putt Joins the Parade features simple point-and-click mechanics that are easy for children to grasp. The game's intuitive interface allows young players to navigate Putt-Putt through various scenes and interact with colorful characters and objects.
Educational Content: The game offers educational value by encouraging problem-solving and critical thinking skills. Players must complete tasks and solve puzzles to progress, promoting cognitive development in a fun and engaging way.
Charming Characters and Story: Putt-Putt is a lovable protagonist, and the game is filled with quirky and endearing characters that children will enjoy interacting with. The story is simple yet engaging, with a positive message about friendship, cooperation, and perseverance.
Interactive Environments: Each scene in the game is filled with interactive elements and hidden surprises, encouraging exploration and discovery. From helping out at the car wash to delivering groceries, there are plenty of activities to keep young players entertained.
High Replay Value: Putt-Putt Joins the Parade offers high replay value, as children can revisit the game multiple times to discover new interactions and outcomes. The game's non-linear structure allows for different paths and choices, adding to its longevity.
Limited Challenge: While the game's simplicity is ideal for younger players, it may lack challenge for older children or adults. The puzzles and activities are relatively straightforward, which may result in shorter gameplay sessions.
Dated Graphics: As a game released in the early 1990s, Putt-Putt Joins the Parade features simple 2D graphics that may appear dated by modern standards. However, the charming art style has a timeless appeal that retains its nostalgic charm.
Short Duration: Some players may find the game's length to be on the shorter side, particularly if they are accustomed to longer gaming experiences. However, the game's replayability helps mitigate this issue.
Overall, Putt-Putt Joins the Parade is a classic children's adventure game that has stood the test of time. With its engaging gameplay, lovable characters, and educational content, it remains a beloved title among young gamers and nostalgic adults alike.
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rupasriymts · 30 days
Unique MATLAB based projects for final year Students
Hello students!!! Are you searching for MATLAB based projects, then what are you waiting for??? Now Takeoff Edu group gives more innovative projects, which is helpful for your Academic year.
MATLAB projects involving both theory and practical work are perfect for discovering, theorizing and adding new solutions and approaches to the ones that are already known in fields different from engineering and science to finance and so on. Matlab is a powerful and by way of many modules and kits, Matlab equips researchers, engineers and developers to quickly solve complicated problems.
In engineering, MATLAB is very efficient in the designing, analysis, and modelling of engineering systems including, among other, control systems, signal processing, image processing as well as video processing. Projects in this area may range from mapping of image enhancement, innovation in robot controllers to simulating of systems dynamics for predictive maintenance.                                
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The below MATLAAB based projects Titles are taken from “Takeoff Edu Group”:
Average Information based Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Radio.      
MIMO Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Radio-Based Internet of Things.           
Deep Learning-based Sum Data Rate and Energy Efficiency Optimization for MIMO-NOMA Systems.
On Performance of Underwater Wireless Optical Communications under Turbulence.
Power Allocation for Non-Orthogonal mm Wave Systems with Mixed-Traffic  
No coherent Backscatter Communications over Ambient OFDM Signals          
A Novel Pilot Decontamination on Uplink Massive MIMO         
Arena Function A Framework for Computing Capacity Bounds in Wireless Networks
Resource Allocation for Wireless-Powered IOT Networks with Short Packet Communication
Application of MIMO-OFDM Technology in UAV Communication Network      
Interference Alignment Techniques for MIMO  
Capacity of Wireless Networks with Directed Energy Links in the Presence of Obstacles
Leaky Least Mean Square (LLMS) Algorithm for Channel Estimation in BPSK-QPSK-PSK MIMO-OFDM System
Subcarrier Allocation and Precoder Design for Energy Efficient MIMO-OFDMA Downlink Systems
Finally, MATLAB-based projects are the essential breeding ground for innovation, allowing professionals to answer and address the issues they face as well as to not only touch on but to change boundaries of what is possible in their respective areas.
Takeoff Edu Group provides all kind of projects with new ideas and best guidance for engineering students. Here we also support students to upgrade their knowledge and skills.
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eidesignlearning · 1 month
Advanced Instruction Design Reshaping the Future of Adult Learning
From traditional, standardized learning, instructional design has evolved into a technology-enabled and learner-centric approach to accommodate diverse learning styles and deliver personalized, interactive, and more meaningful learning outcomes.
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Traditional instructional design models, such as ADDIE and the Dick and Carey model, endorsed systematic learning development for a more structured content creation. However, with the advent of technology, instructional design has become more learner-centric, with a greater focus on personalized learning paths and adaptive adult learning experiences.
Because of evolving skill requirements, flexible learning approaches are better positioned to deliver customized training for learners with diverse backgrounds, skills, and learning preferences.
Integrating advanced instructional design with technology-driven tools helps create adaptive and personalized adult learning solutions and equips the workforce with relevant skills needed to thrive in an evolving workplace.
The Evolution of Instructional Design
From traditional, linear models to a more technology-driven and learner-centric design approach, instructional design has progressed substantially in its evolution.
Historical perspective on traditional instructional design models:Behaviorism, a 20th-century psychological theory, influenced the early instructional design principles. Behaviorist principles were the key guiding force behind systematic instructional design models like the Behaviorist model. This model emphasized clearly defining the learning objectives and creating instructional content to produce desired learner behaviors through reinforcement. Over time, the limitations of Behaviorism in addressing complex cognitive processes led to the evolution of instructional design that was more perceptive and learner centric. Technological advancements, including artificial intelligence, augmented reality,  virtual reality,   and other innovations, have reshaped instructional design methodologies to make adult learning more personalized, interactive, and adaptive.
Transition to learner-centered approaches and the importance of adaptability:Cognitive and learner-centric approaches recognize the importance of learners’ mental processes such as problem-solving, information processing, collaboration, and skill application; and enable closer alignment with practical work situations. To meet the evolving needs of a dynamic workplace, instructional design has also transformed from a rigid, one-size-fits-all model to a more adaptive approach that emphasizes personalization, greater learner engagement, and instant feedback.
Here is a case study that highlights this concept:
Background: A non-profit organization in Kenya needed to create an impactful program to train youth on essential life skills, fostering employability and enhancing their standing in society. The instructional approach in the current training program followed a traditional method that lacked engagement and relevance for the audience profile. The audience primarily originated from lower economic backgrounds and had limited familiarity with training or learning overall. Hence, the effectiveness of the program was poor.
Solution: We at EI partnered closely with the stakeholders to understand the background of the audience and the intended outcome. Our learning consultants created a customized learning journey that involved the learner persona as the primary protagonist to drive the learning. A story-driven fully gamified learning was created with relatable characters to bring in connect, relatability, and engagement.
Impact: This shift from a traditional learning model to a learner-centric instructional approach saw significant results:
An impressive 84% completion rate from different branches across the country. A record high considering 2-3% completion earlier on similar programs.
A notable 92% of learners felt the eLearning model was good, citing its flexibility in terms of time and pace, while emphasizing its relatability.
The solution was awarded “Best Advance in Social Impact Innovation” by the prestigious Brandon Hall Group.
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Integrating Advanced ID Practices in Technology Solutions
Technology solutions such as data-driven insights, artificial intelligence, and interactivity are key in creating personalized adult learning experiences and enhancing learner engagement.
Definition and Components of Advanced Instructional Design:
Advanced instructional design principles include Learning by Doing, Learning in the Flow of Work, and training simulations, which help improve learning, comprehension, and knowledge retention.
Incorporating technology as an integral component of instructional design enriches the learning experience through interactive content, adaptive assessments, and instant personalized feedback.
A combination of proven adult learning practices, the latest technologies, and pedagogical trends can balance innovation and create an instructional framework that delivers superior learning outcomes.
Synergy Between Strong ID and Technology:
Besides making learning interactive and engaging, technology can help create personalized learning paths and make adult learning accessible to a wider range of learners.
Integrating technology into instructional design can be useful in driving engagement and improving knowledge retention. For example, simulations and multimedia elements enhance engagement and knowledge retention; gamification makes learning enjoyable, VR simulations create hands-on experiences, and AR overlays digital information onto real-world scenarios. Technology-driven adaptive systems personalize content based on learner performance, bite-sized microlearning content facilitates on-the-go learning, and social learning enables collaboration and knowledge sharing.
The following case study is an interesting example of how instructional design with technology created an unthinkable breakthrough:
Background: One of the largest intergovernmental foundations needed to create a change transformation training on sanitation management for government employees across different locations in the country. The challenge was two-fold – equipping employees with practical strategies and maintaining consistency in the mass scale training program.
Solution: Collaborating with experts in both instructional and technology domains, EI’s team devised a comprehensive solution. They seamlessly integrated gamification with Scenario Based Learning, delivered through a custom learning portal. The gamification involved actual simulations of what employees would need to do in their workplace situations. This ensured unlimited yet consistent practice for learners across different locations in the country. The objective was to make learning relatable yet engaging for learners who were unfamiliar with digital learning.
Impact: The initial rollout witnessed an impressive completion rate of over 67%, marking a notable 25% increase compared to previous years. This was particularly significant given the historical challenge faced by the organization. Moreover, there was a phenomenal 100% pass on execution and assessment.
The solution was awarded “Best Learning Program Supporting a Change Strategy” by the prestigious Brandon Hall Group.
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Designing for Workforce Enablement: Practical Strategies
Designing for workforce enablement requires addressing specific skill gaps through custom training that offers hands-on experiences and personalized adult learning paths. Some practical strategies include:
Map content to job roles and real-world applications to ensure that the training aligns with the specific skills needed in the workplace. This alignment will enable learners to apply the acquired knowledge and improve on-the-job performance.
Leverage technology to offer hands-on training through job-specific simulations and practical experiences. Use virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) to reinforce practical skills in a controlled environment.
Some examples relevant to the workplace include simulating hazardous scenarios in manufacturing using VR for safety procedure practice and emergency response, AR for guided product assembly in retail, computer-based simulations for call center employees to practice interactions with customers, and interactive simulations for hands-on practice with software applications in IT training. Similarly, banking simulations can be used to practice financial transactions, risk management, and compliance procedures, virtual simulations for healthcare professionals to practice emergency response procedures and critical care, and simulations for language training to train employees in cross-cultural communication and business negotiations.
Utilize technology to enhance engagement and retention with:
Gamification: Incorporate game elements such as points, badges, and interactive challenges to enhance engagement and retention.
Video-based Learning: Provide learners with visually compelling content and keep them actively involved with quizzes or discussions.
Simulations: Enable learners to apply theoretical knowledge in practical contexts with immersive, hands-on experiences through simulations.
Scenario-based Learning: Present learners with realistic scenarios that mirror workplace situations for improved knowledge retention, problem-solving, and decision-making.
Adaptive Learning Platforms: Use adaptive platforms that leverage algorithms and data-driven insights to customize content and adjust the learning experience according to individual learning progress and preferences.
Recognize and accommodate different learning preferences to create a more effective and inclusive learning environment. Implement multiple ways to deliver training for content delivery, including visual, audio, kinesthetic, and interactive content. Incorporate inclusive design principles to improve accessibility and create an equal learning environment for all employees. Recognize varied learner preferences for acquiring and transferring knowledge to facilitate effective skill development and knowledge retention.
Exemplifying the Impact of Strong ID in Futuristic Solutions
The integration of cutting-edge technologies, personalized learning paths, and adaptive learning strategies with a robust instructional design framework can help align adult learning with the evolving demands of the future. Some examples include:
Successful workforce enablement through advanced instructional design and technology:
Completion rates, knowledge retention, and skills proficiency evaluations are key metrics that can provide insights into training effectiveness. KPIs, such as performance improvement, employee engagement levels, and the application of acquired skills, can help measure the success of workforce enablement initiatives.
Address challenges and sustain success through proactive strategies such as continuous learning, updating training content in line with industry trends, implementing feedback mechanisms, providing ongoing support, and keeping pace with technological advancements.
Positive employee feedback and high satisfaction levels can serve as key indicators of workforce readiness to embrace learning initiatives while perceiving them as valuable contributors to professional growth.
Leverage technology for more scalable and sustainable instructional design models. Break down the content into modules that can be easily updated to meet the evolving skill requirements. Use standardized templates and guidelines to scale training while ensuring consistency and efficient replication of training. Regularly evaluate and iterate to keep ID models relevant and adaptable.
Strong instructional design combined with effective technology integration ensures that skill development aligns with organizational goals through personalized content delivery, improved productivity, and  enhanced agility.
What Next?
Artificial intelligence in training, augmented and virtual reality, and adaptive technologies  will likely integrate deeper into instructional design for greater personalization and dynamic adult learning experiences.
Widespread adoption of artificial intelligence and increasing emphasis on microlearning will shape the future of instructional design. Immersive technologies like virtual and augmented reality will gain further prominence in offering more collaborative and life-like adult learning experiences.
AI-driven algorithms will help analyze individual learning patterns to adapt content delivery in real-time for optimized learner engagement.
Organizations will keep pace with the evolving learning methodologies and technological advancements to stay ahead of the curve in workforce enablement solutions. Greater technology adoption and investment in ongoing skill development will create an adaptable and competitive workforce.
Organizations will leverage data analytics to stay agile and adaptive, evaluate training effectiveness, encourage employees to upskill and build a culture of continuous adult learning.
Organizations will explore new tools and methodologies that can contribute to adult learning and professional growth.
To build a culture of innovation and collaboration, organizations will promote open communication, value diverse perspectives, and recognize and reward innovative efforts.
Organizations will embrace flexibility and innovation to rapidly integrate new technologies and evolve to meet the changing workplace requirements.
Strong instructional design and technology intersection is crucial for a scalable and sustainable workforce for organizational success. This integration can transform adult learning by accommodating diverse learning styles and delivering personalized learning experiences.
Instructional designers must collaborate with technology specialists to navigate evolving trends and technologies and adopt a holistic adult learning approach to ensure seamless integration of innovative solutions in workforce development and future-ready learning experiences.
Read More
Research Brief: The Importance of Emotional Intelligence in the Age of AI
L&D Trends 2024 – The Future of Workforce Learning and Effective Measurement
Focus Areas for Preparing a Learning and Development Strategy for 2024
Advanced Learning Strategies for Multigenerational Workforce
Induction and Onboarding Training Trends to Help You Drive New Hire Engagement
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psychologyzonechd · 2 months
Finding Solace and Support: Connecting with the Best Psychiatrists in Chandigarh
In Chandigarh, individuals grappling with mental health challenges are fortunate to have access to some of the best psychiatrists who offer both online and offline consultations, providing a beacon of hope and healing to those in need.
Among these esteemed professionals are the renowned psychiatrists associated with Psychologyzonechd, a platform dedicated to connecting individuals with highly qualified experts in the field of mental health. These psychiatrists stand out for our expertise, compassion, and commitment to their patients' well-being, making us the best psychiatrist in Chandigarh.
What sets these psychiatrists apart and makes them the top choice for mental health care in Chandigarh? Let's delve into some key attributes:
Empathetic Listening: The best psychiatrists in Chandigarh excel in the art of empathetic listening. We create a safe and non-judgmental space where individuals feel comfortable expressing their thoughts, feelings, and concerns. This empathetic approach fosters trust and allows for deeper exploration of underlying issues.
Evidence-Based Practice: These psychiatrists adhere to evidence-based practices, utilizing the latest research and therapeutic techniques to inform their treatment approaches. Whether it's cognitive-behavioral therapy, mindfulness-based interventions, or psychopharmacology, we tailor our approach to meet the unique needs of each individual.
Collaborative Partnership: Recognizing that healing is a collaborative journey, the best psychiatrists in Chandigarh partner with our patients to develop personalized treatment plans. We actively involve individuals in decision-making, empowering them to play an active role in your recovery process.
Culturally Sensitive Care: Chandigarh is a melting pot of cultures, and the top psychiatrists in the city understand the importance of cultural sensitivity in mental health care. We respect and honor the diverse backgrounds and beliefs of our patients, ensuring that treatment approaches are culturally appropriate and relevant.
Continued Support and Follow-Up: Mental health recovery is not a linear process, and setbacks may occur along the way. The best psychiatrists in Chandigarh provide ongoing support and follow-up, helping individuals navigate challenges and adjust their treatment plans as needed.
Community Engagement and Advocacy: Beyond individual care, these psychiatrists are actively engaged in community outreach and advocacy efforts to raise awareness about mental health issues and reduce stigma. We participate in public forums, conduct workshops, and collaborate with local organizations to promote mental health awareness and education.
In conclusion
the best psychiatrists in Chandigarh are not just medical professionals; We are compassionate healers dedicated to supporting individuals on your journey towards mental well-being. Through our expertise, empathy, and commitment to evidence-based practice, we  provide a lifeline to those grappling with mental health challenges, offering solace, support, and hope for a brighter future. Whether through online consultations or in-person sessions, these psychiatrists remain steadfast in our mission to promote mental health and empower individuals to live fulfilling lives. you can visit our website https://www.psychologyzonechd.co.in/ to know more about our services and facilities.You can also book an appointment online, or call us  at +918968900002
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