#nope nope nope fuckity nope
nemisisnemi · 7 months
I'm drawing a new oc, and i suddenly realized i never decided on what hair color i should give em...fuck.
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g--on--e · 2 years
there is a 100% chance that this is the last time the shield team will be together. the end is at hand.
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Nope Fuckity Bye: Two Theories on Why Sauron Skipped Seeking Pardon
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“Sauron … did obeisance to Eönwë, the herald of Manwë, and abjured all his evil deeds…”
Before diving in, some givens and inferences:
Tolkien’s work is fundamentally Catholic work. To understand his POV, use this lens.
Maiar share a similar psychological landscape to Elves and Men. Men and Elves can procreate. Elves and embodied Maiar can too. Do the math.
Ecclesiastical language is telling. So, let’s clear up the oft misuse of “repentant.” Repentant = contrite (sincere sorrow for offense) vs. Penitent = contrite + actively seeking reconciliation.
Recognize the Sacrament of Penance reflected throughout legendarium
Per his faith, Tolkien believed redemption was ever an option. Thus, a penitent sinner like Sauron would need to satisfy conditions (sacraments) to absolve offense (sin) and reconcile with Eru Illuvatar (God).
All sin can be absolved, no matter how great.
Contrition or sincere sorrow for one’s offenses
Reconciliation aka “confession” aloud to a “priest” for accountability and absolution of sin
Repentance is assigned reparations for amends.
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Theory One. Sauron couldn’t bear facing the Valar, but ecclesiastical language in text strongly suggests pardon meant facing his victims too
Sauron put on his fair hue again and did obeisance Eönwë, the herald of Manwë, and abjured all his evil deeds….
Abjure: to solemnly deny, disavow, or renunciate.
Tolkien might’ve chosen: “disavow”, “renounce”, or “repudiate.” But he chose abjure. As ecclesiastical language, it can be interpreted as holding significance.
For in ye olde Roman Catholicism, “abjuring” occurred in an abjuration - or a formal, timely, voluntary, and public ceremony to renunciate heresy
Rather than a civil criminal trial, it’s suggested, that as a heretic, Sauron would have faced judgment in something closer to this.
(How does an abjuration work? A more robust, public version of the private typical reconciliation process. Moreover, in place of a priest, a higher authority like a bishop is required to oversee it.)
For Sauron hath done much naughty
You shall have no other gods before me. (Ex. 20:2–3).
Heresy is sin deemed especially egregious. And Sauron committed the greatest sin of all: idolatry. For to follow Morgoth was to place a “god” before Eru Illuvatar (God).
Moreover, as a principal perpetrator or accessory, much of Sauron’s alleged* sins are largely war crimes:
murder, torture, slavery, terrorism, breeding corruption/mutilation, spiritual corruption, conspiracy, theft, attempted sex trafficking, propaganda, etc.
Let’s not forget Sauron’s sick lyrical game.
* Sauron is only known through narrative bias of incomplete history. His actual sins could be more or less.
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Applying the Sacrament of Penance to Sauron seeking pardon from Eönwë
Sauron = penitent heretic
Eönwë (representative to Manwë) = priest
Manwë (Valar chief + representative to Eru) = bishop
Eru Iluvatar = God
Sauron (penitent sinner) sought out Eönwë (priest) and confessed his evil deeds (sins) to reconcile with Eru (God). But Eönwë realized Sauron’s sun was in fact heresy, thus requiring the higher authority of Manwë (bishop) to reconcile.
Thus, Eönwë commanded Sauron (now penitent heretic) to seek pardon (reconciliation) with Manwë, who would instigate an abjuration (public renunciation of heresy) and determine a sentence (repentance).
Sauron says NOPE, moving from a penitent heretic to a repentant heretic.
Then Sauron was ashamed, and he was unwilling to return in humiliation and to receive from the Valar a sentence
And an abjuration would be even more excruciating.
Besides the Valar, also present would be Elves who Sauron/Morgoth had victimized. Plus, other Maiar who once befriended him, sought his wisdom, and praised his talents. All who knew Mairon “the admirable.” Now the abhorred, defeated, disgraced.
Before all, Sauron would renunciate his evil deeds that led to ruin and suffering. Perhaps to be met with jeers, curses, and woeful sobs. But also, silent dismay. Fear. Disappointment.
Ultimately, Sauron chose his pride, peaced out, and the rest is history.
He lingers in Middle-earth. Very slowly, beginning with fair motives: the reorganising and rehabilitation of the ruin of Middle-earth
Where exactly? Who benefited? What were the outcomes? Like what, did Sauron open a cat rescue or build playgrounds for disenfranchised youth? It remains unclear. Just another one of Tolkien’s vague passages that deny Readers’ ability to judge for themselves.
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Therefore when Eonwe departed he hid himself in Middle-earth; and he fell back into evil, for the bonds that Morgoth had laid upon him were very strong."
That is, Sauron was trauma-bonded to Morgoth. He also had to be low-key terrified of him. Because at some point, it would’ve became clear that Morgoth’s means didn’t further Sauron’s goals. For what other reason would someone who strives for efficiency continue serving a counterproductive cause?
But Sauron was always vulnerable to corruption. It’s even theorized that Even as Mairon, he had paternalistic entitlement to desired outcomes on Middle-Earth. For lack of boldness or pragmatism, it made him susceptible / a target for Melkor’s Vala power, Eru-may-care audacity, and corruption.
Fast-forward. In forsaking pardon yet engaging in “fair” works, Sauron continues his heresy, his idolatry. But instead of Melkor, he now places himself above Eru.
By skipping abjuration, Sauron robbed himself of humility and thus, true reflection on his evil deeds. Not insignificantly, he robs justice for victims.
By skipping reconciliation, Sauron forgoes support and belonging. One can’t heal in an echo chamber. The “bonds of Morgoth” were heavy and he’d need help breaking free of them.
By skipping repentance, Sauron’s self-assigned “fair works” were likely inappropriate. Nope - perpetrators don’t get to fuck up then decide how to make amends. Victims do.
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Theory Two. Sauron feared being unfairly judged for the evil deeds of Morgoth’s other servants
“Then Sauron was ashamed, and he was unwilling to return in humiliation and to receive from the Valar a sentence, it might be, of long servitude in proof of his good faith; for under Morgoth his power had been great.
Oh, cry Finrod Felagund a river.
But Tolkien overlooked a glaring motive for Sauron fear of a long sentence. Of all of Morgoth’s Maiar servants, Sauron is the only one known to have attempted to seek pardon.
For gravitas, imagine being the only high-ranking member of a fallen fascist regime on public trial. What would you fear? Receiving a sentence disproportionate to your crimes because you’d be the sole focal point of blame and penance. Sauron would be no different.
Sauron’s fear was legit but how likely was it?
Morgoth was hunted down and chained before being thrown unceremoniously into the Void. A fate that certainly would’ve terrified Sauron.
Yet in stark contrast, even after his confession of evil, Eönwë merely commanded Sauron to seek pardon from Manwë. That he wasn’t apprehend or escorted can be interpreted that Eönwë believed his penitence to be true and thus, he’d do as told. Or perhaps Eönwë simply relayed his master’s orders to let Sauron choose to reconcile.
In any event, Eönwë’s response to Sauron reflects Manwë’s benevolence. For the Vala would understand that a servant of evil must first be it’s victim. More likely than not, Sauron would’ve received mercy.
But he instead chose to thro w redemption away with both hands.
Thank you for reading!
Your likesand tagged reblogs are appreciated. Got feedback?
What did you like? Got theories or insights to share?
Disagree? I love good faith debate and sparring!
Spot an inaccuracy? Hey, Tolkien's work is complex. Drop it in comments or DM.
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threefingeredpencil · 2 months
Radiostatic week 2024, day 1, "First Meeting"
(A/N: I wrote this on very little sleep, a cold [?] that caused me to lose my voice, slightly more food then sleep, last minute bullshitting that typed itself, and the first radiostatic playlist that came up in a quick spotify search. It is, in a word, shit. But this is the first prompt week I've ever participated in, and I'll be damned if I won't participate. Read it or don't. Toodles~)
Alastor hummed softly along to the song playing over the televisions on display in a nearby store window, closing his eyes as he tried to place it. It was... interesting to say the least; he couldn't quite hear the words, but the tone was...
Ah. "Video Killed the Radio Star". Naturally. It was all they played, or at least it felt like that to the mildly peeved Radio Demon. Whoever was running the television programs loved showing off "MTV's First Ever Song!". Monotonous if you asked him.
He had to admit though, it was damn catchy. The thing kept getting stuck in his head.
That was a problem he intended to fix today.
(pov switch)
The bell over the shop's door jingled, snapping Vox from his thoughts. He looked up, putting on a grin as he prepared to start his regular spiel...
Oh fuck it was the fucking Radio Demon. Fuck fuck fuckity fuck. Okay, Vox, stay calm, maybe he's not here to kill you just yet, oh fuck what do I do...
"Erm, h-hi, Mr. Radio Demon, sir, shit that sounds stupid, um, h-how can I help? you? today?"
Nice going, dumbass.
Said Radio Demon looked him up and down, and Vox felt a chill go over his cyborg body.
Nope, definitely here to kill me. Well, he had a nice run.
"What is your name, good sir?"
Oh fuck he was talking to him... he'd heard that the Radio Demon liked to play with his prey, maybe if he just played along he'd die nicer? Maybe?!
"Uh, V-Vox, sir."
Oh fuck what had he done wrong, he had definitely fucked up and now he was gonna be eaten, shit...
"Well, Vox, it's a pleasure to meet you. And please, call me Alastor. As entertaining as this 'Mister Radio Demon, Sir' business is, it's hard to carry on a conversation when to other party is acting like a startled rabbit."
Apparently noticing Vox's startled expression, the Ra- Alastor. Alastor chuckled.
"Believe it or don't, I have no intentions of killing you. I do, however, have some minor complaints about your programming. I'm getting rather tired of hearing that wretched song twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, wherever I go."
"O-Oh! Yeah, of course, sorry about that... To be honest it's been getting kind of old anyway, I was thinking of changing it out more often... Got any preferences?"
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stealth-liberal · 11 months
Just saw yet another post featuring kpop idols and their "proportions". Let me be real clear here, an adult human being fitting their entire body through a clothes hanger or being able to wear a headband as a comfortable belt is not the great thing that you think it is. It's a massive, blinking, electric sign the size of something on the Las Vegas strip screaming about eating disordered behavior. Most likely anorexia nervosa or anorexia nervosa mixed with bulimia.
Let me again remind everybody of some very sobering facts:
1. Anorexia Nervosa has the highest body count of any mental disorder
2. Only 35% of anorexics ever actually recover.
3. 1/3 of all bulimics do permanent damage to either their esophagus, their large intestine and colon or all three. This damage negatively impacts their health and quality of life for the rest of their lives
Male or female, it doesn't matter, famous or obscure, it doesn't matter. Eating disorders can and will kill you. Eating disorders can and will give you lifelong health complications. The kpop industry is LITTERED with individuals who are so obviously suffering from various eating disorders that it is mind boggling that the fans don't storm the Bastille, so to speak, about it.
So here's some pushback on things people have said to me when I have posted/spoken about this topic:
1. "It isn't eating disorders, it's just that South Korean beauty and weight standards are so strict!"
Um... how in the almighty fuckity fuck do you think these people are adhering to those standards? With enforced eating disorders, that's how! There is no way to maintain these devastatingly small body weights in a healthy manner, it is not humanly possible. It may be company and culturally enforced, but it's still eating disordered behavior.
2. "My male kpop fave can't have an eating disorder because men don't have eating disorders! Only women have eating disorders!"
Nope, you're wrong. While the greater amount of people afflicted with eating disorders are female, males can and do make up a large minority of eating disordered sufferers. That amount is rising in all countries where the phenomenon is studied. Also, East Asian beauty standards are different than Western ones, this is very demonstrated in standards of male desirability. The "ideal" male body figure tends to be more slender in East Asia than in the West.
People will chase society's shitty standards, even when it hurts them. It happens ALL THE TIME in the West, the East is not immune, so it happens there too.
3. "What the hell do you know about eating disorders?!"
Years ago, my son died in my arms. I was not in a place where I could properly process that grief, so it turned inward. I stopped eating and what little I ate, I used laxatives to get rid of. I am 5'10" tall, and I got down to 99lbs. I would have died if it hadn't been for my loved ones intervening.
I recovered, I am one of the very lucky 35%. Unless you have also gone on the toxic merry go round that is an eating disorder, I know more than you can possibly imagine.
So I guess I only have one more thing to say: When will we stop pretending? When will we call this exactly what it is? When will we say enough is enough?
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bacchicly · 6 months
Garvez Smansgtober Fic: The angsty smutty one where a broken Penelope and a battered Luke ship RobinWest on a plane while grieving for ones that were lost
For @snailsandpuppy-dogtails
I hope you feel better soon!
Content: angst; graphic sex (on a plane - but no voyeurism); optional un/happy ending; likely neither ships will be cannon compliant (notice the verb tense here...nothing like using one's content warning to plan the fic)
Words: not sure...but I have about 45 minutes max I can use to write this if I am to publish before midnight
Not done yet...but I'll try to finish it tomorrow. I like the opening though... Hope you feel better...
The words blur before her eyes. Penelope lets the tablet fall to her lap, she's careful about where it lands but she too tired and sore to hold it up any more but six million miles from sleep. The airplane grumbled around her as fly-over-states pass by somewhere far below...obscured by the 3am blackness and the heavy dense cloud cover they have been flying through for the last couple hours. Her own reflection peers back at her from the dark porthole. She looks awful, dark smudges under her eyes, a tight lined expression, hair just not coifed anywhere near her usual standards. But who's she to complain? At least she made it out... not like-
The airplane jumps and rattles cutting of her attempt at an optimistic noble thought.
Damn turbulence.
The moan may be internal but it is long and teeth grittingly anguished.
Maybe sleep? Just close the book finally on this horrid day ..week...month...hell this horrid fucking aweful decade...just sleep and forget.
Penelope leans back against the seat. Gingerly. Carefully. Wincing only a bit with the prickles of extra pain sparking through the baseline torment. Penelope is now officially with Katniss... Burns are the worst type of pain. Fuckity shittity bag full of hammers and a pint of slug juice awful. Batshit badguys really went too far this time. Ow. Ow. Ow.
Nope sleep was not an option. Being alone with her thoughts not an option. Music or audio books or a movie just felt tooo much... besides what she really wanted to do was finish reading this spicy RobinWest fic. It was a new one - by one of her very fav fic writers and so far Judy and Don were deliciously whumped...and the tension was being built up beautifully... they were alone on a barren landscape...ironically (was this a correct use of the term or more ironic-à-morrisette light?) Judy has been pummelled by a roving gang of space pirates but had been able to fight her way free to rescue Don who had...SUFFERED TERRIBLE BURNS OVER A GOOD PORTIONS OF HIS BODY due to a run in with a space psychopath. Things are looking deliciously grim but Don just noticed that Judy's nipple seemed to be playing peekaboo with the tatters of a uniform...
...maybe a few more pages and then maybe just maybe the turbulence will be over and Penelope will be able to sleep.
At the other end of the jet, Luke's tongue gently probes his split lip. It's stupid because it makes it hurt more but he can't seem to stop.
He can almost hear his Mamá's voice "Lucas! Stop pulling your scabs! You'll never heal!". He always pulled them off anyways....and...oh the self-satifying-shame...ATE them. Something he has grown out of... well... almost always.
Eeeyew. Honnestly - no wonder he hasn't had a date in ages. Yup That's why he's single. A secret gross but fairly normal bad habit. Definitely not the fact that he has been carrying a torch for a certain brilliant vivacious techie blond. Definately not that. Never.
Luke peeks up from his tablet for the billionth time and across the aisles to gaze hopefully secretly at said blond. Still not sleeping. And her next round of meds aren't for at least 1 hour and 12 minutes... Frustratingly only 4 minutes closer than the last time he checked.
Sleep. They both should sleep. Sleep together. Yes. No! No! Fuck no Penelope has never wanted that...wanted him...and why should she...if only he hadn't...then she wouldn't be... and Spence wouldn't be...and Rossi wouldn't have...and...
Better. To just lick his wounds...not literally and regroup. For now there really isn't anything he can do...and he'll be damned if he sleeps if she can't. So it's going to be a night of reading... Luke turns his attention back to the story he was reading. He sort of fell into reading fic by accident..but now it's another secret habit. He is frankly in awe of the fic writers he follows... Ridiculously talented and curious.... Sure, Luke likes tv as much as the next American guy...but how often can he be home and sitting around watching shows? With murderers on the loose and Roxy to spoil... but fic? It was there for him whenever he had a moment. It was quiet and communal and absorbing and...he admitted it...hot.
And since.porn had lost what little appeal it had ever held for him since getting this job... fic was... There for him. Making the shows he particularly loved more vibrant...lasting...hot.
It was weird but he loved how it felt like he was actually making someone's day by reading it...leaving a like...leaving a comment. He wasn't taking advantage of anyone. He was jacking off to reading stories he could be confident in the creators wanted him to see.
Tonight's story was hot off the press too and it promised to be a romp. The writer was one of his favourites because they really captured the back and forth banter between Don and Judy. It always drew him in. Making him smile at whatever the last frustrating round was between himself and Penelope... He wondered if she liked Lost in Space... He'd never heard her mention it. So back to the story...ignore his bruises and the fair maiden in pain just feet away... Judy and Don need saving... funny that she was beat up and he's been burned...
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The Horsemen and Swearing
Death: He’d have to be pretty pissed, and even then it wouldn’t be anything especially gratuitous. Not because he sees an issue with cursing, but because he doesn’t need to swear to make his point. Biting sarcasm and cutting remarks are best done with a sharp tongue, not a dirty one.
Strife: Fuck Fuckity Fuck. All day long, every day of the week. What is the point of salacious words if you can’t use them? He’s a professional, and he’s creative about it.
Fury: She partakes every now and then. An unplanned swearer, and we love that for her. She believes, unlike Strife, that words used rarely hold a greater impact.
War: Nope. It’s classless, and he’s a warrior not a child. He won’t tell someone to go fuck themselves, he’ll just add their skull to his outfit.
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ghost-wysteria · 1 year
Texts between me and my girlfriend(+ our friendgroup):
Me: babe
Gf: yeah love?
Me: whats babe backwards
Me: i wish you would call me babygirl😔
Gf, replying to a message from months ago: (I'll answer your prays bbg😩) i have tho💅
Me: im not really a 10, im more like a 7 maybe an eight
Gf: nah boy your definitely an 20/10 2×
Me: i like you, you lie alot😩😩
Me and my gf playing doors:
Gf: oh thats just my bestie😋💅
Me: i love white boys sm
Gf: *'gf's user' has pinned a message to the chat*
Me: *talking about a Christian lady who was harassing me*
Gf: if i was there i would've smacked that old bitch and said "SOMEONE SHOULD PUT YOU IN A BOX FLOATING DOWN A RIVER GRANDMA
Gf: my dads a motherfucker... bc he fucked my mother
Me: oh yeah I'd think he did💀
Me: 🔫doodoo watee🔫
K: im not havin sex with you waltuh
W: i put my balls in the deepfryer
Me: W wtf.
Me: babe your ruining my confession of love to K
P: the best way to make friends to to express yourself in a way that will attract people with common interests
like faking a heart attack in a nursing home
W: hello bitch
Me: *shrieks*
J: hey griffin!
Me: hey J, and did you just call me griffin? Its daddy to you /j
Me: *sends gif* thinking bout daddy
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All of us: *screaming*
Me: i think i have scoliosis, also i love p#rn(knowing full well im asexual)
Me: im in deep- WAIT NO-
Ex: you can sleep on the chairs
W: ahee
Gf: my tears arent worth your precious life
J: gf what the fuck does that even mean
Me: i have a cup of tater tots
Me: @'W's username' i bet you got a nokia brick phone sized d#ck
W: i bet you got an iphone 6s sized d#ck you asshole
W: my ass on chitter
Me, towards P: im gonna shove your quotable lines up your ass sonny
Me: y'all ever clap your thighs together and just hear ✨clap✨
Gf: nope, i hear a crack when i kick my brothers fucking back<3
W: i want cheese and motherfucking crack
(I might make one of these with my other friendgroup<3)
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nerdgirlriot · 2 years
and now some fractured thoughts about Nope, which I thoroughly enjoyed and has, I think, cemented Jordan Peele as one of my favorite moviemakers working today:
This is a meaty movie, not as cut and dry about its commentary as Get Out and Us. I think I'll need to watch it again to completely codify what I think.
There's a lot of talk about Peele making the movie about spectacle, about visions that we cannot look away from and the consequences of our gawking curiosity. It's also about what we see and what we bury. Keke Palmer's Em talks about how the first "movie" features an anonymous black man, but the name of the white man who took the footage is well known.
It also seems to be about how humanity exploits nature and tries to tame things that they don't understand.
The Gordy's Home incident is very fucked up and I find it fascinating that Ricky took that very very terrifying trauma, internalized it and sort of embraced it because he didn't know what else to do. The fame and the acceptance becomes a coping mechanism because he has no other recourse to keep relevant besides making it a part of himself. So he buys the Hayward ranch horses to FEED THEM TO THE ALIEN CREATURE AND CHARGES MONEY FOR THE PRIVILEGE OF WATCHING THIS HAPPEN WTHAT THE ACTUAL FUCKITY FUCK.
also the scene that actually showed all the people stuck in the alien thing's gullet and how their screams are amplified so when the alien's nearby you can't help but look up in its direction and yeah...jesus christ...
Ricky was weirdly proud of that SNL sketch, though waxing poetic about late '90s era SNL is just...so fucked up. Being oddly detailed about Chris Kattan as the chimp...it's just so weird..
OJ. Just...OJ, who gets the best iteration of the "Nope" line in the movie.
also that the alien is obviously influenced by the Angels from Evangelion, especially when Jean Jacket is in its final form
also when Jean Jacket screams, like really screams, it totally reminded me of when all the Angels in Evangelion scream before they die
having Fry's Electronics be central to the plot is pretty dope. Of course it's the one with the crashed UFO outside
I also love how the movie pays homage to the predominently Black history of cowboys. A series of photographs of a black man on a horse is the first moving image. but damn Daniel Kaluuya riding that horse is one of the most epic things I've ever seen. He's every bit a fucking hero.
I low key love that a TMZ guy went out to the ranch to ambush the siblings and ask them about the incident at the tourist trap where everyone got eaten by the alien thing. And ain't it funny how Logan Paul got roasted for saying he didn't think Nope was good, and how he completely missed the point the movie was making about dudes EXACTLY LIKE HIM WHO MAKE MONEY OUT OF THE CLICKS THEY GENERATE AND THE EYEBALLS THEY ATTRACT.
This is very much Jordan Peele riffing on Spielberg, there are elements of ET, Close Encounters, and even Jaws.
I know these aren't in any order but they're just ideas that I just thought of, just now.
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threenorth · 10 months
Therpahy. Part 2 but third session.
Fuck... Fucking fuckity fuck balls fuck fuck fuck my life, fuck this shit.
This is painful but rewarding right?
She said here's a deck of 52 cards.
Pick 5 emotions you feel.
*picks 75% of the deck*
She's like oh good 25 that's an easy ish - nope.
Oh shi-
We also talked about barriers and lines that I've crossed, but didn't know at the time I did and and now it's time to go back to work...
I really appreciate this as a vent but please if you are reading this leave here.
Or you know what fuck it I'm gonna make another tumblr you don't know of but know that I've always - fucking fuck. fuck!
Ugh. * a song on shuffle comes on *
This song is such a fucking trigger... Good to know...now I understand why you left the music we once loved.
It's a hard day not a hard life.
Why do I do feel all these fucking things...
You know what me.
Today is a good day... We're in treeament one step a fucking time... And the first step is the hardest... And I love myself for it...
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thebibliosphere · 3 years
I got an invite to become an Amazon Influencer and I don’t think I’ll ever feel clean again🤮
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jennhoney · 4 years
I just NOPED so hard I may have pulled something.
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deadby420 · 4 years
I hope you know I still write poetry about you
I hope you know I fucking hate that I still write about you
I hate that you have taken over a whole zodiac sign
I can't write astrology anymore without thinking of you
They promise no one else can see your name
I still feel the God damn scar
I still try to carve it out of me
How long will I still be trying to carve you out of mw
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stimuliandthelike · 4 years
kepler, probably, at some point in his life anyway: t o o th p a s t e
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knightlyss · 5 years
fuuuuck me that nightmare was definitely not ok
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