shotbytim · 4 years
#Chicago #StandUp & #Support #BlackLivesMatter #Justice for #georgefloyd all ever #Black #Man that been #Killed or treated #Unfairly #ThisIsAmerica #NoJustice #NoPeace #NoRacist #Police #Activist being ACTIVE! I’m present & On Count & with the Shits! I’ve learned a lot about what #Cop can do & not allowed to do, such as speak there personal thoughts on the matter or matters of their co-worker in fear of losing their jobs & ridicule themselves even tho they lots of them Hate this bullshit happens as much as we do! #ThankYou to those that spoke to me & that was truly genuine. Help pick out y’all bad seeds before we have to die to find out that bad apple ruining the Police Tree! For all that came out to #March #Protest #Fight for your #Rights iAmHereToo #FrontLine you don’t I will #Live & #Die for what I #Believe in. IF YOU DONT STAND FOR SOMETHINGTHEN YOURE PART OF THE PROBLEM BLACKBALL BOYCOTT #ThisChicago and only #BuyBlack #BlackOwned 📸 #ShotByTim 🎬 @TimIzCocky (at Chicago Downtown) https://www.instagram.com/p/CA0qAOlBeL0/?igshid=1ap1xfjk4z3nt
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abbio · 5 years
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Who you gonna call? K L U X B U S T E R S . . #kkk #ghostbuster #ghostbusters #kluxbusters #antifa #noracism #noracist #stopracism https://www.instagram.com/p/Bvw_z-uAlnG/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=14vrgquyp8fz8
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tinihuang · 5 years
這次之後... 希望繼續加油,繼續幸福下去❤️ 本來就屬於你們的權利,本就不該由別人來決定,但這次戰役只是為了一個正義,一個證明人人平等的理念🌈 我從不想去批評,但說真的... 這次反對方真的太多小動作,明明可以尊重彼此的想法,有需要這樣做出骯髒手段嗎?這樣良心還過的去?晚上還能安穩入睡嗎?不能當個好公民嗎?🤬 我也尊重各方宗教信仰... 但如果心裡明白自己要做對的事情,為什麼要讓一個信仰去影響你左右?為什麼明明有強大自由意志,在這個時候選擇去誓死追隨? 我不是同志,但我知道弱勢族群在這艱辛環境本身難以生存,加上這些歧視會讓年輕生命容易陷入困境危險當中,而助長霸凌現象,只因為「不一樣」和「獨特」。 我曾經是被霸凌者,所以我很清楚那種感覺,因為那種感覺真的生不如死,每天都活在恐懼裡,永遠不知道明天會被怎麼捉弄還是霸凌,即使現在想到還是會起雞皮疙瘩,這就是為什麼我幾乎不太提起,也想辦法杜絕類似事件再度發生。 雖事成定局,接下來將會有更多不公平的考驗和對待,真的希望每個人都該想想這個議題,因為他們真正需要一個肯定、愛和平等,並不是為了亂七八糟的歪理。 單純祝福相愛的兩人,就是這麼簡單,不分性別和性向,因為他們天生如此,這還需要輪到誰反對嗎? 盡情大哭宣洩,之後就要更堅強更勇敢,一樣要生活,繼續為幸福和平權奮鬥下去👭🌈👬🏳️‍🌈 愛你們❤️ #lovewillwin #equellove #beequel #noracist #fightforlove #lgbt #pride #belief #proudofyou #future #happiness #simple #blessed #loveislove #taiwan #同志 #婚姻平權 #性別平等 #性平教育 #反霸凌 #反歧視 #愛 #幸福 #未來 #彩虹 #異性戀支持婚姻平權 #平權前夕彩虹起義 #改變 #愛最大
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princessmetry · 6 years
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bambi-xlcr · 4 years
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It is 11 year passed since MJ passed away... . Even after 11 years, people around the world still love you. … will never change. . I owe what I am today to you. I genuinely respect you. . Thank you always. . マイケルが今も生きてたら…. ウィルスについてもBLM運動についてもどう伝えてくれただろう マイケルがずっとマスクをしていた理由も… 生涯、愛と平和について伝え続けていたことも… . 自粛中の断捨離で見つかったベータのスリラー📼 幼稚園から帰ってたら見るというルーティーン✨ 怖がりだった幼きワタシはゾンビを怖がる隙きが1ミリもなかった(((o( ˙꒳​˙ )o))) とんでもないクオリティでダンサーより美しく歌い踊る天才に釘付け👀♡ それから今日に至るまで。ずっと。 . あなたがいたから、今のワタシがいます。 . この言葉。 . . 偉大な黒人エンターテイナー 「サミー・デイヴィス・ジュニアの功績を讃え、1989年に開催された芸能生活60周年記念祝賀会でマイケルが披露した曲「You were there」 . . マイケルのことを息子という程かわいがっていたサミー 芸歴60年になろうとしてるけれどもマイケルくらいだ。こんなこと観衆の前で出来るのは… とインタビューで答えているほど(灬ºωº灬)♩ . . 同じ黒人エンターテイナーの先人に敬意を表し、この日のためにこの曲を作り、披露したんだと🎙 この曲が披露されたのは、後にも先にもこの時だけ… 神がかった最高のワンタイム・パフォーマンス✨ 何度聞いても涙がでる…(٭°̧̧̧꒳°̧̧̧٭) すでに声帯を失っていたサミーの表情をみてまた涙… . . この半年後、喉頭ガンのため64歳で亡くなります。 彼の葬儀でマイケルは棺の付添人を務めたそうです。 . . 戦争や人種差別、新型ウィルスや災害… より良い世界にするために戦ってきた先人たちがいること 絶対に忘れたらいけないなと。 年金とか、自分たちになんて返ってこないとか口にしてしまうけど 敗戦後の日本を支えてきた人たちの気合いとか尋常じゃないだろうなとか。 もっともっと昔のことも含め、この地球を築いてきた先人に対して、今があることを感謝しなきゃいけないよね。 . . 父上がサミーの大ファンでマイケルも大好きになり 幼きワタシにまでその存在を届けてもらった。 まだケータイやらSNSなんかなかった頃に… スゴいことだよね。ホントに。 . . 来たるべき未来のためにできることを真剣に考えなくちゃ。 暴力とかでなく、愛のある方法で。 平和ボケといわれても、平和な国で生まれ育った私達にも伝えられることはきっとあるはず。 . 毎年恒例、命日 MJ Night •*¨*•.¸¸♬︎☆♡ 今年はそんなことを真剣に考えながら過ごしました(ΦωΦ)♡ ———————————————— You were there Before we came You took the hurt You took the shame They built the walls To block your way You beat them down You won the day It wasn't right It wasn't fair You taught them all You made them care Yes you were there And thanks to you There's now a door We all walk through And we are here For all to see To be the best That we can be Yes I am here 'Cause you were there あなたは、そこにいた 私たちが、ここにたどり着く前から 傷つけられ、ひどい目に遭いながら 人は、あなたの行く道を閉ざし 壁を作ったけど あなたは、それを叩き壊した あなたは、勝ったのです それは、いいことではない 公平ではない あなたは、それに気付くと それを、すべて教えてくれた あなたが、いてくれたことに 感謝しています あなたのおかげで、今 私たちが外に出る扉を 見つけられるのです そして今、私たちはここにいる ベストを尽くす為に そう、私はここにいる あなたが、いてくれたから ——————————————— Hoping for a future, all together, filled with love. #michaeljackson #kingofpop #mj #mjfan #love #moonwalk #thisisit #forever #legends #music #live #proud #love #peace #noracist #blackouttuesday #マイケルジャクソン #命日 https://www.instagram.com/p/CB3v7PRpB4M/?igshid=16wg4p6iati6u
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monsieurplant · 4 years
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BLACK LIVES MATTER Full support! . . #monsieurplant #installation #landart #sculpture #scenography #human #nature #humannature #artwork #blacklivesmatter #BLM #supports #peace #noracist #nujusticenopeace #icantbreathe #respect #tree #wood #vegetal #nature #plant #organic #botanical #urbangardener #thinknature (à Marseille, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBQkckvqDM5/?igshid=bfjt1nexst18
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the-axem-blog · 4 years
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Hating people because of their color is wrong. And it doesn't matter which color does the hating. It's just plain wrong. ~Muhammad Ali . Please Spread Love 🖤 . @davetalas @boostingbee @goatsplan_ . #noracism #blackandwhite #blackpeoplemater #blackoutday2020 #blacklivesmatter✊🏾 #blacklivesmatter✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿 #blacklives #blacklovestillexist #nohate #spreadlove #gratitude #noracistpolice #noracist #endracism #endracismnow #blackpeople #blackpeopleproblems #blackcommunity #blackcommunities (at India) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBAojgRlMeV/?igshid=4x6tbrf9u2rs
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fitcoachsingh · 4 years
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In a racist society, It is not enough not to be Racist, and it is necessary to be Anti-Racist... We can sometimes have racist thoughts or behaviors too.! It takes a lot of courage to fight the little (or the big) racist that exists within us all! I want to live in a society where the Color of a Person's Skin has the Same Meaning as the Color of Their Eyes or Their Hair.! Respect and Unconditional Love to All! Recent Events in the United States and here in Brazil should serve to lead us to a Courageous and Profound Reflection!  . #reflection #courageous #profound #racist #racism #racistsociety #society #antiracist #fightracism #racists #noracist #racism #stopracism #endracism #loveblack #lovewhite #love #unconditionallove #respect #respectpeople #brazil #brazilnews #unitedstates #unitedstatesnews #eyescolor #haircolor #personalisedskincare #skin #racisminamerica #racisminbrazil #blackpeople https://www.instagram.com/p/CA_x6TiFXY4/?igshid=1grcz3vv1stgc
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rugantino7 · 4 years
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#justiceforgeorgefloyd #icantbreathe #georgefloyd #justice #norazzismo #noracism #noracist #noracismo (presso Messina, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAxp5S8F0kN/?igshid=iay86ohbj5ug
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rawmmanews · 5 years
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Viva la Mexico 🇲🇽🌮🌯 #noracist https://www.instagram.com/p/B2rlXk_jm6M/?igshid=tfqwu72e50zm
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shotbytim · 4 years
#Chicago #StandUp & #Support #BlackLivesMatter #Justice for #georgefloyd all ever #Black #Man that been #Killed or treated #Unfairly #ThisIsAmerica #NoJustice #NoPeace #NoRacist #Police #Activist being ACTIVE! I’m present & On Count & with the Shits! I’ve learned a lot about what #Cop can do & not allowed to do, such as speak there personal thoughts on the matter or matters of their co-worker in fear of losing their jobs & ridicule themselves even tho they lots of them Hate this bullshit happens as much as we do! #ThankYou to those that spoke to me & that was truly genuine. Help pick out y’all bad seeds before we have to die to find out that bad apple ruining the Police Tree! For all that came out to #March #Protest #Fight for your #Rights iAmHereToo #FrontLine you don’t I will #Live & #Die for what I #Believe in. IF YOU DONT STAND FOR SOMETHINGTHEN YOURE PART OF THE PROBLEM BLACKBALL BOYCOTT #ThisChicago and only #BuyBlack #BlackOwned 📸 #ShotByTim 🎬 @TimIzCocky (at Chicago Downtown) https://www.instagram.com/p/CA0qAOlBeL0/?igshid=om4wycldtjy7
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blogginbae · 5 years
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▪️CNN) — An American woman is in custody in the Philippines after she allegedly tried to fly out of the country with a baby in her hand luggage, local authorities said. ▪️Philippines Immigration Bureau spokesman Melvin Mabulac said they received a report around 6.20 a.m. Wednesday that a 43-year-old woman had been caught with a child in her bag at Ninoy Aquino International Airport in Manila. ▪️CNN Philippines said the baby was just six days old. CCTV still released by the Philippines Immigration Bureau of the American woman before she was stopped by officials. ▪️CCTV still released by the Philippines Immigration Bureau of the American woman before she was stopped by officials. ▪️According to Mabulac, the woman appeared to be traveling alone and only presented her personal passport. But when staff inspected an oversized carry-on suitcase, they found the child inside. ▪️She did not have any travel documents for the infant," the spokesman said. The woman had claimed to be the child's aunt, but had not provided any evidence that they were related, CNN Philippines reported. ▪️The case has been handed over to the Philippines National Bureau of Investigation's Anti-Human Trafficking Division. #racisttrump #kamixracist #racistinchief #racistwhitepeople #racist #racistas #racistmeme #racistpresident #bootsandbracesdontmakemeracist #raciste #racistpeople #racistasnãopassarão #imnotracist #racistamerica #trumpisaracist #noracist #fogonosracistas #makeracistsafraidagain #racistcops #racistpolice #racistasnaopassarao #racistjoke #racistshit #racista #racisthumor #racistjokes #racists #antiracist #racistmemesarethebestmemes (at Philippines) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1_Wb8uFWjK/?igshid=8au91iljdklt
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guayilandia · 7 years
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#igersoftheday #ig #streetphoto #igers #washingtondc #dc #communitycollectivedc #resist #resistence #noracist #resist #notrump #poster #nomypresident #nohumanisillegal #streetart #art #streetphotography #streetphotographer #street_art #streetdc #life #lifeframer #life_is_street #ourstreets #vsco #exposeddc #fotodc #dctography #acreativedc #wearestreet #fotodc (at Columbia Heights)
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ftgt · 7 years
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#fuckyoutrump #noracist #againstracism #racism #donaldtrumpsucks (à Vichy, France)
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jessbuhmanart · 7 years
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This print was painted from a place of both sadness and hope over recent events. Though it was not painted on August 12, this giveaway is in response to events that occurred on August 12. If you'd like to purchase this print for $10.00, you can do so here: https://www.etsy.com/listing/506969365/flash-sale-unite-print-watercolor?ref=shop_home_active_1 All money made on this print, minus the cost of shipping will be donated to the Southern Poverty Law Center. "The SPLC is dedicated to fighting hate and bigotry and to seeking justice for the most vulnerable members of our society. Using litigation, education, and other forms of advocacy, the SPLC works toward the day when the ideals of equal justice and equal opportunity will be a reality." You can find out more about this organization and how to donate here: https://www.splcenter.org/
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monsieurplant · 4 years
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BLACK LIVES MATTER Full support! 👊🏻🌳🙏🏻 . . #monsieurplant #installation #landart #sculpture #scenography #human #nature #humannature #artwork #blacklivesmatter #BLM #supports #peace #noracist #nujusticenopeace #icantbreathe #respect #tree #wood #vegetal #nature #plant #organic #botanical #urbangardener #thinknature (à Marseille, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBQkHGwqrNc/?igshid=1v1judi4jdo4x
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