#normal life au
911nmg · 6 months
Bring me out of the dark
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Winterwidow/ Buckynat - normal life AU
Dual POV
Art by the incredible @burninblood
As an aspiring ballet dancer Natasha Romanov didn't get to have many friends growing up, now, aged twenty-two, her flatmate Maria wants to solve it by introducing her to "the family", also known as the dorks of her friends, however childhood scars are still tearing her apart.
Bucky Barnes is not doing so well since coming back from Afghanistan, now disabled and with severe PTSD he doesn't even bother to hang out with Steve or Maria anymore, until he does.
When both meet they start a cat and mouse game that slowly tores away at their walls, but, can two damaged people bring each other out of the dark or are they destined to spiral into darkness?
Starring role - Natasha's POV
Can't sleep! Can't breathe! - Bucky's POV
Control - Natasha's POV
R.I.P. to my youth - Bucky's POV
Game of survival - Natasha’s POV
Unsteady - Bucky’s POV
Shadows - Natasha’s POV
Run boy run - Bucky’s POV
Demons (part I) - Natasha's POV
Demons (part II) - Natasha's POV
Battle scars - Bucky’s POV
Human - Natasha’s POV
Safe and sound - Bucky’s POV
Everything is lost - Natasha’s POV
Where do we go from here? - Bucky’s POV
My heart's grave - Bucky’s POV
I didn't ask for this - Natasha’s POV
Can't help falling in love with you - Bucky’s POV
Haunting - Natasha’s POV
Meet me on the battlefield (part I) - Bucky’s POV
Meet me on the battlefield (part II) - Bucky’s POV
Nightmare - Natasha's POV
Silence looks good on you - Natasha's POV
If I didn’t know better - Bucky's POV
Sanctuary - Natasha's POV
As the world caves in - Bucky's POV
What was I made for? - Natasha's POV
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scary-lasagna · 4 months
I just finished watching what if, and I was wondering, what if the creeps never became The creeps? What do you think they would be?
angry bc i typed all of this out and tumblr ATE all of my words (my phone turned off and it didn’t save and it was completely my fault) and i am SUING tumblr
Jeff - After living off of his parents for a while, he got a full time job at an animal shelter. He creates music on the side and has a handful of followers. He never talks to his family. He’s made his own between people he’s met online and friends he’s made in real life.
Liu - As the oldest, his parents pressured him into college. He pursued a law degree, and attempts to call Jeff often. Jeff always pretends to be working, busy, or doesn’t have his phone on him. He’s a lot more successful than his brother, being a popular lawyer and all, and even keeps in contact with his parents.
Jane - Became a healthy dose of a Government hired P.I. She’s amazing at her job and anyone from her childhood would never be able to recognize her. Jeff ran into her while she was stationed in her hometown for a brief moment. But she still hasn’t forgiven him for ruining her chance with Liu. It was nice to see him again. Maybe in another universe they’ll actually like each other.
Nina - She does fashion on the side, and hops from job to job, mostly in the fashion and makeup industry. She’s not quite sure where she wants to go in life.
Eyeless Jack - Carried onto pursuing his major as a surgeon. When the incident happened he was already in school, halfway through the path of a lifelong dream of his. After school, he’s one of the top surgeons in the state.
Ben - Just some dude in IT. He works for a cable company, and helps old ladies connect to the internet or restart their router from his cubicle. By the ghoul possessing his brain from the whole cult incident, it created a super-genius tech savvy ghost. But without it, he’s just some guy that grew up with an N64 and a love for computers. He also plays a lot of PC games, and has a discord of online friends. His best friend across the country works in an animal shelter and is free in the early hours of the morning.
Tim/Brian - Continued through college and lives a normal life on the daily. Brian has a major in film history, and Tim graduated with a psychology degree.
Toby - Lyra still ended up dying somehow, but as a less exciting meningitis case as opposed to a car crash caused by Slender. Toby still stood up to his father, and ended up escaping with his mom to a new life not too long after. He has a degree in childcare and works with kids, he also has a nice girlfriend that he’ll marry one day.
Kate - Full-time baker. After moving out of the woods of West Virginia, she moved across the country into a small city where a baker took her under her wing. She was taught how to bake, make coffee, and run a shop. They eventually fell in love and got married. :)
Clockwork - The baker. She opened a shop in the city to escape her abusive home. It was a hit with cute animal themed bread biscuits and cakes.
Laughing Jack - Technically he was an angel gifted to Isaac, but maybe in a normal universe he was part of a traveling circus in the 1800s. Maybe in a normal universe he kept his colors.
Lost Silver - A repair tech. He has his own little shop in a rather large mall. He fixes phones, computers, gaming systems, he’ll even dabble with lights and TVs. The shop doubles as a card shop where people can play retro arcade games and pokemon tournaments.
Jason - A Universal Studios imagineer. He has unlimited potential for his ideas, and has one of the best animatronics worldwide, sporting for $19.2M. A human-like animatronic, taking on the role of a puppeteer that controls small marionettes.
Helen - A quite popular self-taught artist on the east coast, but on the side he paints murals on the sides of buildings for businesses. He moved to America with his grandparents after the bullying in his homeland got too terrible to handle. His mother got the help she needed.
Hobo Heart - A pop-emo heart-throb of the Y2Ks. He got his heart broken and never let it go. Created a hit song about catching his girlfriend cheating and calling a cab, while he’s taking a smoke, and she’s taking a drag. And he’s going to bed and his stomach is siiiick, now she takes off her dress now-
Sally - Destroyed the monarchy and grew up to become the president of England. Achieved world peace. She still has tea parties. ALT: Became the CEO of a sock puppet company.
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nyktophoros · 1 year
I propose a soukoku fanfic where they meet when they're little kids and they're just happy lil childhood crushes. No mafia, no murder, just happy healthy boys.
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adorable-deku · 2 years
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wrote another chap of the fic where izuku tries so hard to be normal that he lets his guard down and immediately Faces Consequences
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rk-tmblr · 10 months
Nessuno ti conosce come me -Geto Suguru
!TW! Character Death, Description of Anxiety and Violence.
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A quell’ora tarda la sala-caffè era silenziosa, privata delle chiacchiere scambiate fra colleghi e dal borbottio incessante della vecchia macchina per il caffè.
Tacendo ascoltava il ronzio costante dei neon accesi nell’ufficio accanto che di tanto in tanto veniva interrotto dal trillo cristallino della bottiglia di sakè contro le due tazzine di vetro scuro, un paio di sospiri e un tonfo secco sul legno appresso all’altro.
Erano rimasti per gli straordinari, indifferenti a dover fare le ore piccole, c’erano solo loro due seduti al tavolo rotondo che si trovava immediatamente a destra varcato l’ingresso della sala, non troppo lontano dalla credenza ad angolo dalla quale si erano procurati il liquore.
Una delle quattro pareti, quella a loro dinanzi, era intagliata da una larga finestra che dava unicamente vista verso la città buia: lontane e calde brillavano le vetrate degli altri palazzi, invece al posto della luna un alto lampione verde filtrava a bande all’interno della caserma. Riuscivano a vedere nella penombra della sala grazie a questo e alla luce che superava la soglia della stanza adiacente, dove avevano lavorato poco prima.
Avevano scambiato a malapena due parole, sostituito la loquacità di cortesia con shot di sakè. Questa volta era il suo turno di riempire i bicchieri e Geto lo lasciò fare perdendosi a fissare la luce che danzava oziosamente sulla superficie del liquore versato.
«Potremmo anche dirlo, no?» borbottò posando la bottiglia e circondando la propria tazzina con le dita della mano sinistra, sollevò lo sguardo ed incontrò quello incuriosito del corvino; «Sappiamo tutti che è stato 🀰🀰🀰 ad uccidere 🀰🀰» disse con ovvietà prima di mandare giù qualche sorso.
«Sono stato io ad ucciderlo» replicò infastidito dai suoi modi saccenti, l’orgoglio gli stampò un leggero ghigno sulle labbra alla reazione sconvolta del collega; «Non 🀰🀰🀰» ribadì per fugare ogni dubbio.
Geto assaporò quegli attimi come il più spietato dei predatori.
Sinistramente vi trovava qualcosa di affascinante in quelle iridi dilatate dalla paura, nel terrore che scatenava quell’animalesco istinto di sopravvivenza di cui gli uomini pavoneggiano stupidamente la dimenticanza.
Il battito cardiaco accelera, i muscoli si irrigidiscono, la sudorazione aumenta per avvisare con il proprio acre odore i simili nei paraggi… sfortunatamente per lui erano soli.
«Perchè?» domandò posando il bicchiere sul tavolo così da celare il tremore nervoso delle dita.
Il corvino sospirò scettico sull’importanza di una sua risposta; «Per tutta la merda che ci ha fatto passare» accontentò ugualmente l’esigenza umana di voler capire anche quando non ce n’è davvero alcun bisogno.
«Ora va meglio?» vanificò le promesse della vendetta e Geto non si interessò minimamente se le sue intenzioni fossero dettate dalla pura curiosità o se invece lo avrebbero portato a presentarsi come paladino della giustizia.
«No, ma mi sono divertito» ammise freddamente sorridendo, «Sono sempre stato consapevole che uccidendo 🀰🀰 le cose non sarebbero potute cambiare così come ero pienamente cosciente del mio desiderio di vederlo morto» spiegò scolando tutto d’un fiato il sakè rimanente; «Ho solo fatto ciò che potevo realizzare fra le due constatazioni, capisci?»
Rimase in silenzio incapace della qualunque, a fatica gli pareva pure di respirare: l’aria si era fatta pesante e stantia aleggiava, ricordando il tanfo di morte. Forse era l’impressione di vedere il sangue tingere di vermiglio le mani del corvino oppure…
Percepì lo stomaco cedergli, una sensazione di vuoto lo colpì bruscamente quando realizzò di aver lasciato la pistola all’interno del cassetto della scrivania in ufficio.
Simile ad una preda costretta all’angolo, immaginò se stesso correre fuori di lì, disperato lanciarsi sulla scrivania e maledire l’obbligo di sette caratteri come codice di sicurezza mentre impacciato dal panico armeggiava contro i tasti-
riprova più in fretta,
riprova, dai andiamo, forza, sbrigati!
-la volata contro la nuca sudata.
Essere freddato alle spalle come il vile degli esseri.
«Perché me lo hai confessato?» forzò la lingua asciutta a staccarsi dal palato per pronunciare quelle parole, la gola secca gli complicò maggiormente la respirazione.
Geto inclinò appena il capo sulla sinistra e sorrise cortese.
Gli mostrò quello stesso sorriso che mostrava a tutti quotidianamente, quello così ampio da strizzare i suoi occhi scuri a mandorla affilandoli ancora di più... ma questa volta non allungò la mano verso la bottiglia per servire un altro shot di sakè.
«Potremmo anche dirlo, no?»
Tre giri di chiave e poi abbassò la maniglia.
Fu sorpreso nel ritrovare l’albino seduto alla scrivania, indaffarato dalle verifiche di fine trimestre. Si spogliò del cappotto nero e lasciò le scarpe ordinate nel genkan, silenzioso indossò le ciabatte e camminò verso di lui.
La piccola abat-jour faceva brillare d’argento le sue lunghe ciglia, che sfioravano i vetri degli occhiali rettangolari, accarezzava dolcemente il suo profilo rendendo teneri i segni lasciati dalla stanchezza accumulata nell’arco della giornata.
Anche Geto era esausto e dalla stessa mattina in cui aveva lasciato casa, non aveva fatto altro che sperare di ritornarci il prima possibile.
«Satoru, che ci fai ancora in piedi?» gli baciò il capo, mentre con una mano gli coccolò amorevolmente la schiena. Sorrise nel sentirlo abbandonarsi al tocco, rilassare le spalle tese curve in avanti, abbandonare la penna fra le dita e sollevare il viso fino a sfiorargli il naso con il suo.
«Erano rimasti pochi compiti da correggere e volevo finirli per sbarazzarmene al più presto» mugolò assonnato, ma ricambiò la sincera piega sulle labbra.
«Mh, non dovresti sforzare così i tuoi bei occhietti» lo riprese giocosamente, suscitando una sua piccola risata.
Per Gojo n’era valsa la pena dato ch’era riuscito ad accoglierlo tornare dal lavoro. Lo lasciò sfilargli gli occhiali e avvolgerlo in un abbraccio per sollevarlo da quella sedia, che era oramai diventata scomoda sotto il suo sedere. Avvolse le lunghe gambe attorno al suo bacino e sentì cliccare l’interruttore dell’abat-jour ma vedeva già nero perché le palpebre si era chiuse da sole, non appena si era ritrovato avvolto dal suo calore.
Non ebbe alcun timore nel sapere che il corvino si stava muovendo nella totale oscurità dell’appartamento per raggiungere la camera da letto, si fidava del fatto che mai avrebbe permesso che toccasse suolo e poi adorava la sua forza: nonostante la differenza di altezza, Geto non faceva alcuna fatica a prenderlo in braccio e trasportarlo con sé e gli piaceva tanto quella premura che sapeva di quell’infanzia che avrebbe voluto avere ma che non aveva mai avuto… fra le sue braccia, appeso al torace dell’altro, come un koala su di un albero, si sentiva incredibilmente vulnerabile ma al sicuro, protetto e amato.
«Nooooo» piagnucolò rifiutandosi di lasciarlo andare, non appena la sua schiena toccò il materasso.
«Torno subito, dammi solo due minuti per cambiarmi, ‘Toru» gli baciò la guancia e delicatamente lo convinse a slegare gli arti di dosso.
«Sbrigati Suguru, vedi che conto eh!» lo minacciò mettendo il broncio.
Il sonno sfidò la piccola promessa, eppure il corvino riuscì ad affiancarlo prima che si addormentasse davvero e cancellò immediatamente la sua infantile smorfia con un’amorevole Buona notte sussurrato a fior di labbra.
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ellemany · 2 years
Yokye Week #4 - Lost and Found / Normal Life AU
Words: +400 (non-edited)
It had been a really long day. 
The water supply was defected by the morning, so Yoru couldn't take his daily shower. The traffic in the city was terrible and he got late for his work. Some kid spilled soda on his Rick and Morty t-shirt and he entered the office embarrassed as ever. His boss scolded and humiliated him in front of everyone, making him do twice of his usual work. He even had to bring some of it home. To make his day even better, he lost his wallet somewhere.
All that he wanted by now was to lay on his sofa and watch the newest episode of The Boys, eating his Curry Cup Noodles.
Then the bell rang. Yoru cursed in Japanese the bastard who was disturbing his night.
Probably was the owner of his apartment, saying something stupid as always.
-I swear… - He said out loud, walking to the door. - If you complain again about the price of the tomatoes I will… - He opened the door and gave up on talking.
 It was the most beautiful redhead girl he ever saw. Amazing green eyes and constellation-freckles spread by her face, neck and… Wow what boobs. God bless whoever created the cleavage blouses.
-Hi… - She smiled awkwardly, that Yoru didn't notice since his gaze was on her chest. - I think this is yours. - She showed him his wallet. Yoru took a moment to take his eyes out of her body and look at the object. - I found this morning in the hall.
 Yoru opened his lips, receiving the wallet. She had an aussie accent.
-Thanks… - He looked at her again, tilting his head to the side.
-Don't worry. It sucks to lose it… - She smiled a little and, noticing her smile, Yoru melted.
 "Don't screw this, trash." He thought with himself.
 - You're… -He cleaned his throat, supporting his body on the door.- Visiting someone? I never saw you before.
 - I'm your neighbor. I live with my brother next door. - She pointed to the apartment of the most hateful neighbor that Yoru ever had. Yoru and Breach hated each other in the time that their gaze met. - I get out early and come back late. That's why we never met. My brother was the one that recognized you… - The girl seemed to talk more, but she gave up, snuggiring. - And I… Kind of wanted to meet you anyway. I'm Skye.
 Skye… Yeah, Yoru went from hell to sky(e) with her mere presence. The name fits well.
-I'm Yoru… 
 Some time after this meeting, he realized that he never imagined he could be so happy for losing a wallet. And she never thought that it would be her own luck to find someone else's wallet.
+ Bônus¹: I really love the Normal Life Aus since my babies deserve some normal problems instead playing with dead as a job. In this Au, Yoru works as a graphic designer and Skye is a vet. ^^
Breach... Well, Skye never asked how he managed to have money and he never told her so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
+Bônus²: Yes, they're in the future, but The Boys still exists. It's actually a remake/sequel with Cameron Crovetti as Homelander >.<
Thx for reading (๑ > ᴗ < ๑)
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samisadeangirl · 1 year
Happy belated Wincest Wednesday! (As Jimmy Buffett sings, It's Wincest Wednesday somewhere, or something like that) My question is, do you have any Wincest headcanons and/or fic tastes (tropes, genre, etc) that have changed drastically since you started shipping it?
Hi there!!
My apologies that I didn't have a chance to answer this earlier, so this is now a week late (but still Wincest Wednesday).
First thing off the top of my head that's changed since I started shipping Wincest is my preference for who tops vs. who bottoms. I initially started out preferring top!Dean and bottom!Sam probably because I'd come from reading yaoi where the seme (top) was usually the older of the pair and the uke (bottom) the younger. At some point though, my tastes flipped so now I prefer top!Sam and bottom!Dean instead. Some of the reason* for the change is due to the brothers' lovemaking styles in canon, where Sam tends to be more aggressive and domineering while Dean tends to be softer and more passive (as in letting his partner take charge). Some of it goes back to yaoi again because the uke is always the prettier/more feminine-looking of the pair, regardless of age, and some of it is just plain old size kink because Sam is huge (and proportional in fanon!) and can make even a tall guy like Dean look small.
Similarly, my preferences in D/s fics changed too. I again started out preferring Dom!Dean and sub!Sam since Dean is not only the older but also the bossier of the two, but my tastes changed when I realized that was too superficial of an interpretation. Sure, Dean is more often in charge on hunts and stuff, but that wasn't by choice--he had the responsibility of "taking care of Sammy" pushed on him since early childhood, so it makes sense (at least to me) that he'd enjoy the chance to put that burden down and let someone else be in charge for a short while (just like some powerful businessmen, politicians, etc. prefer being a sub for similar reasons). Likewise, Sam has had control of his life taken away far too often, between John, Azazel, Lucifer, the various possessions, etc., so it again makes sense that he'd want the opportunity to have control in a D/s relationship--as well as being able to take care of Dean after so many years of Dean taking care of him.
Beyond that . . . I guess my interest in normal life AUs has diminished. IMO you can't have Wincest without the codependency, and you can't have the codependency without the shared trauma of their messed up childhood (where they were taught to only rely on family, particularly each other), losing everyone they cared about, having destiny forced on them, and so on. So in a non-hunter, no supernatural AU where Sam and Dean didn't have some other trauma to make them codependent and instead had normal, happy childhoods, I just don't see how they wouldn't be like any other regular siblings and probably wouldn't even be very close since they're so different.
*Objectively I know that topping vs. bottoming (or switching) is purely a sexual preference and has nothing to do with personality, behavior, or anything else, and that some of my reasons are decidedly influenced by heteronormativity. But 1) we can't always control what makes our kinks tick, and 2) fiction =/= reality, so I wouldn't apply this sort of thinking to real-life queer people. It does bother me when I see posts going "X is totes a top/bottom because he's [insert trait or stereotype here]!" and people who claim to be triggered by whose tab A goes into whose slot B are heading into special snowflake territory (I may have a preference, but I'm not going to avoid a potentially good fic because it has a different top/bottom combo).
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shepscapades · 6 months
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It’s so much later than I usually post, but I wanted to quickly finish up a few leftover doodles from session 1 of Secret Life, plus a bunch of silly doodles from Session 2 before the new episodes drop tomorrow :]
also. Couldn’t help but to dbhc-ificate some of them DGBJDHK
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beybuniki · 9 months
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love language
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makowcy · 6 months
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gif from that hit 90s space mining anime that is real and not made by me
au by @kiszoneszczury
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911nmg · 1 month
New chapter alert - Bring me out of the dark
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Winterwidow/ Buckynat normal life AU
Dual POV
Art by the incredible @burninblood
Ch. 26: As the world caves in - Bucky's POV
- Please - I softly lifted her head and tried to curb the desperation from my voice - What can I do for you right now? What do you need?
Natalia surprised me by getting up and pulling my head down until our foreheads connected. The movement made the ache flare up on my shoulder but I didn’t have it in myself to care, not when I could finally give her a one armed hug to try and take the pain away.
- Focus on breathing - I whispered, noting her frantic gasps - It’s over now - I promised - You are safe now, Natalia. I’ve got you.
I’d hold her for as long as she’d let me, protect her, stand guard - You are safe now. I’ve got you - I repeated.
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radiance1 · 8 months
Killer Croc's little bro was apparently in Gotham.
How did everyone know? Because he was seen physically dragging said older brother out of the sewers and into the nearest cafe.
And Killer Croc was just. So docile??? He was shy, a bit nervous, amused, and was practically harmless. Which wasn't something anyone would have associated with Killer Croc.
And the fact that said little bro can lift him up easily too? What kind of parents did they have for their son to be able to lift up the Killer Croc so easily?
Meanwhile, Jack just doesn't get why everyone reacts negatively to his big brother, it's not like he was a ghost for goodness sake and yea he's working on not being like he was before his son revealed himself to be part ghost, but still.
His brother was still human, just extra.
Why did Jack come to Gotham? He was kinda maybe forced out the house to go and find his brother because he liked talking about him but never actually went out to find him.
Jack and Croc may be half-brothers, yes, but he's still family.
Jack strongarms Killer Croc into not living in, well, the sewers and at his house he bought when he came to Gotham and they both caught up with each other's lives. Jack told Croc about his family, and by extension the shit views he's had on ghost because it was a major part in their family dynamics, and Croc told him about his own life in Gotham.
Minus the more gruesome, parts.
Killer Croc lives with him for a while and notices that he didn't really seem to care for his life. Which is a major no to Croc, who tries to get him to gain some amount of self-preservation, yes he knows that his little bro is more durable than the average human has any right to be but please for the sake of your big bro's heart, please take care of yourself.
Jack is a bit floored by this, and tries to wave it off as a non-issue. But if Jack can strongarm Croc into living with him, then Croc can definitely strongarm Jack into things as well.
Busting through walls is fine, alright. He gets it, it's very fun. But please don't stick random things into your mouth that can kill you, nor follow strangers down an alleyway and shrug off a stabbing (Killer Croc had some choice words and actions for the person who did such a thing.), and please, please practice stranger danger, little bro. Please.
No, he doesn't give two, three, four, five or ten fucking shits if you have microsurgeons in your blood that gives you a superhuman healing factor, you can still feel pain little bro, and stop skipping meals and sleep to work on your inventions! No, you cannot substitute either for energy drinks!
The batfam keep an eye on the two brothers and find it to just be the both of them strongarming the other into healthy behaviors basically. (With a lot of verbal and physical "I love you"'s, the Batfam could NEVER. slash joke teehee.)
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adorable-deku · 2 years
new normal izuku chap babes
not making a meme for this one bc i cannot think of a single funny thing to say about this chapter
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lotus-pear · 6 months
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i think you guys are onto smth..
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i unironically got invested in this HELP
#WHERES THE FIC AT IF SOMEONE WRITES THIS I WILL PAY THEM A HUNDRED DOLLARS😭😭#kunikida serving the country while dazai's serving cunt😔#dazai was born to malewife but forced to manipulate and i think that's the greatest tragedy of bsd#anyway some facts i would like to share abt this au thay i came up w while drawing!!#takes place in 1939 (start of wwii) and there was a mandatory draft that required one male over eighteen from each house to serve#both of them are still twenty two and had been engaged for abt two years before getting married that year#newlyweds! unfortunately kuni had to go fight and they were seperated :(#before the war kunikida was a math teacher at the local high school and dazai obviously managed the household and didn't work#he's hopeless at cooking and meal prep even w recipie books so they either get those prepackaged meals or kuni makes dinner when he gets ba#so like when he's making lunch for kunikida he normally just packs a basic sandwich w raw fruit#kunikida always appreciates the effort even tho hes probably sick of having the same thing everyday but he won't complain abt it#when kunikida joined the army he was relieved that the mess hall had better food than dazai#he was the only one in his platoon that never complained abt the food so his fellow soldiers assumed it was bc he came from a tough bg#when in reality he was just used to being poisoned on a daily basis from his dumbass husbands cooking and was hardly fazed from army ration#they write to each other although its more dazai sending and kuni receiving bc hes off fighting and doesnt have time to write back#dazai talks abt life on the homefront and how he has to grow a victory garden (everything is DYING HE CANT EVEN RAISE TOMATOES)#and kuni writes abt his fellow soldiers and how the war is going and when he thinks he'll be home and how he misses sleeping in a bed#ANYWAY yea thought i'd share sry for infodumping in the tags again#this post is for like the four ppl that care abt this specific flavor of knkdz so hopefully this gets four notes at least#bungou stray dogs#bungo stray dogs#dazai osamu#osamu dazai#kunikida doppo#doppo kunikida#kunikidazai#knkdz#lotus draws#bro sry for posting at two in the morning i couldnt sleep until i got this out of my head they have infested my brain
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yokiteryokiter · 1 month
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Kiss for the cutie next door~
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tapakah0 · 9 months
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Pt. 10 | Pt. 12
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