#normal wickerbottom
sapphire-drawings · 8 months
I love your swapped au Webber and Wendy so much they bully each other recreationally and get married for tax benefits because Wendy couldn’t figure out how to ask Webber out normally
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Would they really be swapped with Wilson and Maxwell if they weren't emotionally constipated?? I don't think so. Also the tax benefits thought is pretty funny lol
Wendy would be the first to realize there's... "something" against her will. For Webber... He's still learning about human connections. Been mostly isolated for most of his life makes it hard to notice and understand certain social cues.
Also, Au!Wickerbottom makes an appearance for the first time in comic format
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awesomesaurous · 1 year
Do you have any headcanon ages for Maxwell and Charlie?? And some of the other’s if you have them lolz :•)
Ok, if I must. Well my gut settled on like...27, 28 for Charlie, and I feel like Maxwell is at least 40. It would be funny if they were both the same age, and Charlie is baby-faced while Maxwell has aged really poorly, exacerbated by the stress and smoking. Got some city miles on him. Highly doubt it though, I think Maxwell is coded as older, though not as old as Wickerbottom. I don't know how aging works in the Constant? Queen!Charlie seems older than normal Charlie, but maybe that's just the makeup.
As it happens, I did this age progression a while ago, just to experiment with this:
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His twin brother Jack is old enough to have what I assume are 10-12 year-old daughters, so I can't make Maxwell too young, you know? Maybe he's more like 50 by the time we get to "a new reign" and all that.
I think Wigfrid is the same age as Charlie, since they're contemporaries. Winona has been looking for Charlie for 10 years, so she's probably pushing 40. Wilson we all know is 30 and broke af. Woodie is canadian, I think Walter, Wendy, Abigail, and Webber are around the same age, 10-12, while Wurt is the youngest. She acts kind of like a kindergartner to me. Wickerbottom is probably in her 60s. Warly seems like he's 40-something, and I can't really put an age on all the non-human characters (Wortox, Wormwood, WX-78), but I think Willow is in her 20s, and Wolfgang's in his 30s. I think Wes is like, 22, because at the rate his luck was going, it would have been a miracle for him to live to be much older than that.
Ultimately though, they're cartoons and age doesn't matter much!
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waokevale · 3 months
Soo when you say wilson is of shadow origin and has always been weird, is there any sort of reason? Like was he born like that just because of Their natural influence that was happening even before the codex? Or was it more as in his power started as a child ( since thats when the whole codex thing happened) and he just got cursed by it? Or a mix of the two with the merge of the constant and the real world simply accelerating/ boosting the corruption he already had?
( also i'd love to know everyone power on a 1-10 scale like you did for charlie and maxwell 👉👈 )
Love your AU btw!
Well...Let's say he was always 'special', since his parents got involved with a very peculiar group before he was born, but the release of the constant's magic did in fact trigger those powers to expand. So you got that right.
And hmm, I guess I could give away a couple of those power comparisons, but I should also take in consideration their combat abilities, since one's isn't power isn't all that there is.
Wendy & Abigail – 3/10 (In combat it's usually Abigail in charge of the body since she's more skilled, while Wendy bullies the opponents shadow basically )
Webber - 4/10 (His Venom helps although he rarely uses it since he's scared of killing ppl)
Wurt (when she's in a body of water) 4/10, otherwise 3.5/10
Walter – 3/10 (if he knew about his abilities more, that would've been at least a 6.5)
Warly – 4.5/10 (3/10 otherwise) While his abilities don't help with combat, he focused on his agility and weapon throwing.
Wes – 4.5/10 He had to get better at combat, since Maxwell keeps sending him on missions, Max claims he could've easily been a 6/10 if he tried harder.
Winona – 5/10 her gadgets and combat ability make up for her power.
Wickerbottom – 5/10 (if she used her spells more often, would've been about a 7)
Maxwell – 5.5/10 (has more limitations set than Charlie)
Charlie – 6/10
Wigfrid – 6/10
Wolfgang – 6.5/10 (has at least 15 years of military training on him + his power certainly enhances those abilities)
Woodie – 6.5/10 since he's more in control of his various forms and their quirks
WX-78 – 6.5/10 when equipped with Winona's upgrades, without them, 4.5/10
Wortox – 6.5/10 (though he rarely engages in combat, his teleportation and life draining ability certainly helps. if he did, he would've probably been a 7 at least)
Willow – 7.5/10 though she's normally restrained into using only some of her abilities so 4.5/10
Wormwood – 7.5 4/10
Wilson – normally a 2/10 has little combat skill and is one of the newest hires. (In a monster form, which he can't control he's around 8/10)
Wanda – if she wasn't constantly supervised she would've easily been a 10/10, shes limited to being about a 6.5/10
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silversodas · 1 year
Wilson’s Dad energy
Something I don’t think Wilson Higgsbury gets credit for, is while it’s questionable wether or not he should be put in charge of the kids he does care about them and supports them in a way he wishes he could have been supported as a kid.
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Also, as a pleasant surprise, Wilson loves children in general, a trait not usually given to the scientist character. This is evident in his quotes on the children and their stuff, I have been wanting to compile as many as I could in a post for a while. The game has rapidly evolved, especially Don’t Starve together so if I miss any let me know.
Let’s start with Wendy and Abigail
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Abigail is considered a mob since she is a ghost, but she counts especially with the miss information that gets spread around about how Wilson dos not like her which isn’t true, far from it. I mean yeah, Wilson constantly quotes OTHER ghosts about how much he does not like them, but not his ghost child, or any other ghost child interestingly
Pipspook- “Awww, does someone have a little boo-boo?”
It sounds condescending in text, but from Wilson it sounds genuinely nice, especially since his other quotes on random ghost consist of “you got a lotta nerve existing!!” Each character has an observation quote on Abigail, and each one is either scared, sad, or in Willow’s case just curious, but what is Wilson “that offends me as a scientist” Higgsbury’s impression?
Abigail- “Aww, she has a cute little bow”
That’s a flower Wilson. But it doesn’t make his first impression of Abigail any less endearing, and he has more enduring quotes about both sisters in the Wendy rework, or more he has dos not always understand but try’s to be supportive Dad energy quotes like the Sisturn.
Honestly, I didn’t think the game would take Wendy in a Green Witch direction but I am here for it. A lot of people think that the ashes you use for the urn are Abbeys but it’s kinda part of the “spell” for lack of a better word. It’s similar to the mini shrines Japanese families keep in their house of their loved ones when they pass but with a magic twist, the ashes are for protection and the flowers are offerings.
When the Sisturn is full of flowers it raises the sanity of every survivor near it. Technically, that good calming aura is actually Abby herself calming the others with her presence. That’s why characters like Wickerbottom are shocked at the presence they feel, it’s Abby.
Wilson isn’t fazed by the Sisturn, or freaked out by it, and shows his support in true Dad fashion
Sisturn (empty)- “Some flowers would liven it up a bit”
Sisturn (some flowers)- “A few more should do the trick”
Sisturn (full)- “What a brilliant boo-quet!”
The first pun kinda made me roll my eyes but the last one was really cute. He treats the Sisturn like it’s a normal thing to have, him and Webber are the only two not acting brand new, and contributes to gathering flowers for it like the rest of the characters but doesn’t think it’s weird or even a big deal. It’s when the Sisturn is full that they feel Abby’s presence and people start going “woah, what!?” But Wilson exclaims “what a brilliant boo—quet!” To feeling Abby’s calming presence and I think that’s beautiful.
In the rework, Wendy is interested in plants, and in the constant becomes a full blown green witch with her ghostly elixirs for Abby. Wilson, who has a distaste for magic still shows support for the elixir’s and they are technically science the same way Wilson uses science, with the line between magic and science being razor thin.
All Ghostly Elixirs- “Ah yes. Vary science-y”
Not really high praise, but Wilson being a man who speaks without thought and is actually choosing his words carefully here, shows him caring about the person listening to him. He knows this is something she cares about, he doesn’t have to understand it to support it. Also is it just me, or did Wilson name these potions?
Revenant Restorative, Spectral Cure-All, Unyielding Draught, Distilled Vengeance, Nightshade Nostrum, and Vigor Mortis
I know everything is a pun in this game, but Vigor Mortis definitely sounds like something he would come up with.
Side note on Wendy- Wendy speaks in deadpan and has a dry sense of humor like Maxwell, but she isn’t needlessly mean either and she is actually really attached to the other survivors (love is found in the trauma bond). As a matter of fact a lot of her quotes is her expressing fear of them leaving her. She shows signs of abandonment issues, and that’s not surprising, the sudden death of an immediate family member can sometimes cause the child to feel abandoned, even when they know it wasn’t their choice to go. She has some interesting quotes on the ghost forms of the survivors.
Wendy to Wilson: That was a bad experiment Wilson….I’ll get a heart
Wendy to Willow: Say hi to Abigail while I go get you a heart Willow
Wendy to Maxwell: should I give you a heart? Hmm..
Wendy to Webber: A heart could bring back my friend
Wendy to Wortox: did you lose a game Wortox?
These are all in good humor and fondness but she has a bit more interesting quotes for a few of the other ghosts players
Wendy to Wolfgang: Everyone leaves…
Wendy to Wickerbottom: everyone that leaves takes a piece of my heart
Wendy to Wigfrid: Don’t go Wigfrid…take my heart..
Wendy to Wes: you won’t leave us if we give you a heart, right?
At first I thought maybe she liked them a bit better since she shows a fear of losing them and maybe wasn’t that close with Wilson or Willow. But then realized that she has similar reactions to Webber, her vary best friend, and Wortox, who has done the impossible and made Wendy laugh! So now I am thinking it’s the other way around.
Kids feel like they can be teasing and mischievous with people and adults they trust and know like them. Perhaps she doesn’t know where she stands with some survivors and she gets more desperate for them not to leave because she is afraid they will leave her. With Wickerbottom I think it’s more her being hard to read so Wendy doesn’t always feel reassured, even if Wickerbottom watches her and the kids a good chunk of the time. Wendy may feel like she can tease and be calm with Webber, Maxwell or Wilson because she is more reassured they don’t want to leave her.
This story is notorious for being all over the place, they have bits of their story and lore everywhere, it’s like your seeing the notes and story board at all times and your witnessing the story be put together in real time. Recently, they have been leaning more to the original don’t starve together origin of Wilson and Willow being the OGs and everyone showing up a little later (don’t starve inevitable being an example). But that could change, let’s be real.
My point is, if we see it from that point of view, Wendy was actually the third character to be added to the game. It would explain why she seems so comfortable with Wilson and Willow, she even has this sweet quote for when Willow sets something on fire
Wendy to fire starter Willow: come Willow, let’s watch the world burn together
Wendy may have a harder time understanding Wilson, but I get the feeling that he is a positive constant presence, and she is VARY used to having him around. So if he leaves the main base for more then a couple of days, she may not ask where he is, but she will visibly start looking for him. And when she eventually finds where he Galavanted off to, she will just stand there and wait for him to notice her, it never fails to make him scream and jump a foot in the air. Abigail thinks he’s funny
Next Up is Webber
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Now Wilson HATES spiders, and I mean really hates them, and yeah there are quotes of Wilson being wary of Webber
Attacker Webber-I’ll roll up a news paper, just in case
I think it’s to show that Wilson didn’t trust Webber right away, I think what brings Wilson around is how much Webber likes him. It’s heavily hinted that Wilson reminds him of his Dad, and we recently learned that his Father never had time for him. Maybe Wilson learns this and they started getting closer from there, because he definitely does go out of his comfort zone for Webber. Like with the spider care addition to the game. Wilson has some pretty cute quotes for the spider care iteams
Healing goop is an item that heals Webbers pet spiders
Healing Goop-If I see any spiders around I I’ll be sure to give it to them. Maybe
He is REALLY not a fan of the pet spiders, but he is willing to get over himself for Webber, or at least he is trying.
There are also these cute treats Webber makes for them
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Wilson has two quotes for them
1) “oh wow that looks….delicious Webber”
2) “Ah I…just ate! Why don’t you give it to one of your spider friends?”
Wilson may be a bit more graceful then Willow, but just like her, he is as blunt as a brick. So him holding back to not squash his enthusiasm, especially when he knows Webber holds his opinion in high regard, speaks volumes.
Next is Wurt
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Wurts back story is no doubt painful, but thankfully her reasons for hanging out with the survivors isn’t. The survivors have kids her age to play with, kinda implying that it’s vary rare for kids to get turned into merms, and as a bonus they have this stuff called candy!! Also books are neat
Wilson is not a fan of many of the monsters of the world, but she is a kid and now one of them so he acts accordingly
Being revived by Wurt-“why thank you, Wurt”
I don’t know, Wurt kinda has a hard time communicating and is still learning human stuff, so I thought Wilson’s clear, direct and cheerful thank you was especially sweet.
Craftsmerm House- “it’s actually kinda cute”
Wurt has a quote on the craftsmerm house “made it with own claws” so it’s sweet that he supports her enthusiasm.
Finally we have Walter
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Walter is (as far as we know) the oldest of the survivor children, like a lot of kids his age he has something to prove. Walter actually brings something new to the table in terms of gameplay, Walter is presented as a support class player, much like Wortox and Wormwood.
Wormwoods position is defense, he can create traps to create a line of defense in battle and defend bases.
Wortox’s position is technically medic, he can collect the souls of fallen enemies and release them near allies to heal them. He also does not need the same resources humans do, he doesn’t eat food, so he easily acts as an extra set of hands to gather supplies.
Walters position is overwatch, not the game, the actual position overwatch is to be that extra gun that waits outside an operation and comes in if their is trouble. Walter is ment to stay on the side lines and be supporting fire. He also has vary handy ammo that confuses enemies and momentarily stops agro towards fellow survivors. As an added bonus he fears vary little and can tell stories around the fire
Being a supporter he has the personality of someone you can rely on, he wants to be Johnny on the spot. So I had a new respect for Wilson for his quote on being revived by Walter
Reviver- “I can always count on Walter”
Wilson knows how important it is to Walter to be seen as helpful. To be seen as that person you can count on. This quote really made me smile. Wilson’s quote on ghost Walter is cute as well
Walter, Ghost- “I know your having fun, but we’d best find you a heart”
I love that Wilson never try’s to over parentify himself on the kids. Instead of trying to be an authority figure, he prioritizes being a comforting parent figure rather then an authoritative one.
Maybe it’s because he knows what it feels like to be without one, and how hurtful it is to have your interests dismissed when your young. But that’s just my take on it, it’s still a popular theory that Wilson is a remittance man. And with the Wilson rework of him just kinda being dropped at his house may be starting to prove that right
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rhymeswithchronic · 5 days
Don’t Starve Cast’s Stance on Cursing
Wilson: Never curses, insists he is “too gentlemanly”. Is the one to calmly say “language” every time someone curses.
(He does curse, just once. He is working on repairing a fence when he accidentally hits his thumb with the hammer. Thus occurs the famous “Wilson says fuck, the sound heard around the world”. It becomes a sort of joke/tradition among the entire group. “Where were you when Wilson said fuck?” “Happy one-year fuckiversery, Wilson.” He can never live it down.
Unfortunately, Webber was one of them not at camp at the time and as such, constantly pesters Wilson to recreate it. He does not.)
Willow: Every other word out of her mouth is a curse word. She calls every single person in camp “bitch” colloquially. Her cursing got so bad that Wickerbottom has an entire swear jar system with her just to get her to stop cursing in front of the kids. It does not work. When in front of the kids, her cursing is only rebuffed by Walter, who simply starts explaining to the other kids what curse words are and that they are adult words only.
Wolfgang: Covers his ears every time someone curses. He seems genuinely afraid of it for some reason, and literally nobody can understand why. His answer of “bad words” does not help anyone understand his apparent fear of cursing. Because of this, he hates interacting with Willow at all. She does not go easy on him. Poor Wolfgang
Wendy: While she shows no reaction to cursing, she is known for calmly walking up to random adults and asking what various curses mean, even if she should definitely know. You would think she does this just to get under their skin, but she notably avoids doing this to Wolfgang. In fact, her favorite target is Wilson, who simply gives blubbering half-answers. Abigail seems to enjoy this game quite a bit
WX-78: Actively teachers the kids swear words and heavily encourages their use, especially in front of Wilson and Wolfgang. Since Wurt, Wormwood, and Webber for some reason seem to have a deep fondness for them, this almost always works and they always get the last laugh. They themselves never curse outside of their lessons, but it can be noted that they keep flash cards and genuinely treat “curse words” as if it were a class. Wickerbottom keeps confiscating them and somehow, they always end up with new flashcards. How did they even get card paper in the Constant??
Wickerbottom: Does not swear on her own and remains silent about adults cursing, but the second any of the kids are around (or Wolfgang) she immediately shows her most terrifying librarian side. She has a paddle. Why does she have a paddle? She hasn’t used it on anyone yet but by damn is she willing to. Or at least, the others are pretty sure. Nobody knows for certain. She keeps a swear jar for Willow alone, but she has certainly tried with WX-78 before. It was not effective, as to be far, they did not do the cursing, and “teaching kids swears jar” doesn’t sound as good.
Woodie: Swear words simply remain out of his dictionary. He does not hate nor favor them, they simply are words that he does not use. Instead, it can be noted he replaces every curse word with random other phrases, though never directly addressing that a swear would normally go there. Nobody has ever heard him curse and they wonder if he’s even physically capable of it. (Maybe the Constant did something to remove his ability to swear? Nobody can just be that immune to swearing.)
Wes: …
Maxwell: Uses curses exclusively as insults, never in normal conversation. This may sound fine but you can only hear Maxwell say “fuck you” so many times in one day. Every other conversation with him involves insults. Luckily, the kids are all afraid of him so they tend to remain safe, but by golly is he not afraid to express his disdain for anyone and everyone by any (non-physical) means necessary.
(Actively celebrates Wilson’s fuckiversery like it’s a national holiday)
Wigfrid: Similar to Woodie, except she actually *does* seem physically incapable of cursing. Seriously, WX tried and it seems she physically cannot say English swears. She does have another choice of vocabulary though, and most of the group is sure that she is fully capable of and regularly swears… just not in English. Good for the kids. Hard for Wickerbottom’s attempts to cull swears
Webber: WX-78’s golden student. He does not seem to realize that swearing is not something 7 year olds are supposed to do. He doesn’t mean to say “bad words”, but when your teacher gives you an assignment, you do that assignment and you pass with flying colors. Therefore, he will not say curses on his own, but the second WX tells him do, you’d better believe he will do it. Wickerbottom has not punished him for it simply because she knows it’s WX’s doing and is trying to fight it at the source.
Wormwood: The opposite of Webber. They have been noted trying to say curse words but they never actually manage to say them. It’s more likely they run off in the middle of trying to say it than actually say it. The say Wormwood manages to squeak out a tiny “bitch” they were actively praised by WX for the first time ever. They have not managed to reach this high again, but it’s for the best.
Winona: Probably the most normal about cursing. She’s not overly explicit and not overly sensitive about it, simply uses swears as flavor words as most people do. She rolls her eyes every time Wilson tells her to not curse, but it’s always with a grin. She is very careful around the kids though. She’s got morals after all!
Warly: When Warly curses, it means war. Not just from Warly’s front, but everyone’s. If you somehow make the local chef angry enough to start swearing, by god you’d better prepare your vows because you have just incited the wrath of the swarm. Never make the man who cooks your food angry.
Wortox: While not as violent of a participant as WX, Wortox does love a good joke, and sometimes that joke requires convincing children to swear in front of the sensitive members of the group. Unlike WX, however, Wortox actually rewards both sides with candy and treats for following through. It’s a prank, not a cruel act.
Wurt: With her limited vocabulary, Wurt tends to learn words and then repeatedly say them around camp. This counts for all words she learns. Unfortunately, with bad influences, this means occasionally you have to deal with a little merm girl walking around mindlessly saying “ass” as she, unfortunately, carefully adds it to her knowledge of the English language. Nobody has the heart to tell her to stop, and she’ll have a new word the next day, so all you can do is wait and hope the next word is something nicer like “bumblebee”
Walter: Does not curse except for definition use. He repeatedly lectures the other kids about curses and how they are adult only words, and is fully willing to explain them and what they mean. You can also rely on him to know the original meaning of most of these words and how they should be used, although you probably shouldn’t say it still just because of ✨ societal norms ✨
Wanda: “Guys we’re all slowly dying and you’re concerned about the validity of *swearing*?
I rest my case
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peanut-tyrug · 8 months
Something I want to state
To prevent stress/pressure on my end, my DS fics will only include the following characters, unless decided otherwise:
Wilson, Willow, Wolfgang, Wendy, WX, Wickerbottom, Woodie, Wes, Maxwell, Wigfrid, Webber, and Winona
There may be occasions where I include DST’s DLC Survivors, but normally, I’ll only be sticking with the Survivors listed above
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crazysnor1ax · 1 year
More Don't Starve headcanons please! Wilba and Wurt and other characters of your choice this time.
Round three!!
She is a puppy dog in her wereform. She's violent, but if you get on her good side she WILL ask for belly rubs and beg for food.
She hates getting dirty and will throw a fit if something gets on her dress
Constantly brushes her hair to make sure it looks nice
Fights with Wurt A LOT. It's never violent, but just little kid fights. They only get along and work together because the adults make them.
Good friends with Walter! Loves Woby and loves learning about survival things from him and exploring with him.
Full moons are usually spent playing with the other survivor kiddos, if she’s not wearing her necklace (which she usually doesn’t anymore, since the full moon’s effects only last for a single day now)
She has one of those snort laughs, for somewhat obvious reasons (hopefully)
More of a headcanon for Wendy but I’ll put it here anyway: Wendy LOVES the way Wilba talks and spends a lot of time with her just to hear her dialect
LOVES to swim. If the group is sailing she will demand to swim beside the boat.
Has both gills and lungs so she can breathe on land and on water. Her gills are weak though, since she spends of time on land (even before she met the survivors).
Does not like to wear clothes as scandalous as that sounds LOL. Merms just don't wear clothes normally so Wurt doesn't like to wear whatever the survivors make her wear.
Cannot sleep without a bedtime story. Because of this, her and Wendy are good friends since they both get read to before they sleep!
Relating to the above one, Wendy also helps Wurt learn to read rather than just Wickerbottom.
She always boasts about having claws and looking scary but she’s terrified of fighting
Gay gay homosexual gay (jokes aside, she’s a lesbian and everyone knows it.)
I like to to think she used to have a fear of heights but once she actually went flying (ballooning?????) that went away REAL fast
She will refuse to wear any shoes that aren’t her boots
Loves the monster kids!!! And they love her back <3
She keeps asking Winona to launch her with her catapult to see if she can get any air but is, of course, turned down every time
She doesn’t like how calm the waters are now in the Constant compared to how they were in Shipwrecked. Because of that she normally wouldn’t go sailing, but the chance of something attacking them or a pirate raid gets her excited.
She gets annoyed whenever someone tells her to use a weapon that isn’t the Pew-Matic
Loves Beefalo! Doesn’t mind taking care of them despite how messy they are. She’s usually the first in the group to domesticate one, because it means adventure later >:3
She INSISTS on killing giants with everyone but everyone has to convince her that some of the others should do the job (like Wig and Wolfgang)
Winona is her best friend and they do everything together I am 100% correct about this one Klei told me themselves
Love the caves an unhealthy amount. Someone always has to go with her to make sure she comes out again LOL
Whenever she comes across something new she must put it in the Pew-Matic immediately
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rtgamebutsheep · 1 year
Irish Lads Don't Starve AU, because fuck it I have a Google Doc for it now
I know this has been done before, but SHUT let me live my life
Without further ado... lads :D!
Daniel - The Knowledgeable “I’m just trying to keep these idiots alive.” (Based slightly on Wilson/Wickerbottom, voice instrument being a violin)
Has pre-existing knowledge about the game and its challenges. He’s one of those people who combs through the wiki, has most crock-pot recipes memorized, knows how to ruins-rush, has a 295 day save (that isn’t even his longest one, he was just trying to do it with Webber this time), he even mains Wanda. He knows well about the Constant’s mechanics - including ones like Adventure Mode.
No other special abilities like the other lads.
Slightly more susceptible to insanity.
Kevin - The Destructive “I say we just charge in and set it on fire.” (Based on Willow, obviously, voice instrument being a guitar)
Much like Willow, Kevin has complete immunity to fire, and gains sanity from standing near it. He comes with her default lighter.
He also comes with a cute but burnt teddy bear, named Bernie, who will fight shadow monsters for them.
Is way more susceptible to insanity, and takes longer to recover from its effects.
Also can’t handle the cold, at all. He’s more likely to freeze before the lads do.
Seán - The Protector “Alright, lads, let me take this one.” (Based on Wolfgang, voice instrument being a keyboard, in a kind of swingy sounding way? Does that make sense?)
Seán is based on the Don’t Starve version of Wolfgang. He has three forms; Regular, Mighty, and Wimpy. These increase depending on how much he eats, or lifts. Even in his Regular form, he’s a fair bit stronger than the rest of the lads.
When he doesn’t eat for a long while, he’ll go Wimpy, and be far weaker than the rest of them.
His hunger drains faster.
In the dark, Seán’s sanity drains far more than the rest of them, and he sees eyes in the darkness before even Kevin.
Daithi - The Mechanoid “Leave it to the robot, trust me.” (Based on WX-78, voice instrument is kind of a more angry synthesizer? Not as monotone as normal WX.)
A robotic eye, arm, and chest, can protect him against attacks.
Different ‘circuits’ can be plugged into his arm like normal WX, applying different effects to him.
Can lose charge and shut down, needing Lightning to jump-start again.
Any water will damage him, slowly rusting his mechanical parts and seeming to burn his human parts.
Brian - The Monster “I’m just a spider with a spear, this is gonna end poorly.” (Based on Webber, voice instrument is just Webber)
Spiders are 100% comfortable with him, and won’t attack unless he attacks them first. He can even kind of understand them.
If he feeds spiders monster meat, they’ll do what he says, and are neutral to his friends.
Great sanity! You know, because of the whole monster thing.
Pigs try to kill him on sight.
He’s also weaker than some of the other lads, physically.
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cameoappearance · 2 years
Every Don’t Starve character falling out of a time rift
Wilson: "Nobody told me time travel would be such a pain in the rear..." Willow: "Owww..." Wolfgang: "Ooooh, time tunnel make Wolfgang dizzy..." Wendy: "It looks like I survived the journey. Oh well, there's always next time." WX-78: "THAT WAS AWFUL" Wickerbottom: "Oof! Might I suggest realigning the exit point closer to the ground next time, dear?" Woodie: "Looks like I'm still in one piece." Maxwell: "Oh ha-ha, laugh it up. I wouldn't have landed on my rump if the witch knew how to navigate!" Wigfrid: "T'was not one of my more graceful exits..." Webber: "Wheeeeee--OOF!" Winona: "Yeesh, that was a bumpy ride..." Wortox: "It's not nearly as comfortable as my kind's way of traveling..." Wormwood: "Ouch! Oooooh..." Warly: "Mon dieu, somehow that made me a bit seasick..." Wurt: "Oooh... head feel swimmy..." Walter: "Look at us, Woby! We're officially time travelers!!" Wanda: "We're here! Don't be alarmed, a bit of time sickness is completely normal."
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aftout · 5 months
many hours late srry but 4 the ship bingo choice of 3 pick one : warly/wilson, wanda/wicker(ik u have clockwork gears and they're slay im just curious 😋), or uh idk maxwil iguess.?
Hey anon youre so lucky i know no bounds here is all three
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Officially converted to a warlyson truther earlier in September iirc and they are very charming to me ☝️ i like that the freak finds solace in the most normal guy the constant has to offer. I think they learn from each other ☝️ It’s like a good balance where Warly gets Wilson to calm down and Wilson gets Warly to go a bit crazay. And like cooking is kiiinda like a science, if you’re flimsy with your definitions.
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I forgot 🥺 to mark in the “they would fund each other in every universe” because they literally wouullddd. They’re so darling so perfect for one another. The only reason I’m a clockwork gears truther first and foremost is because I’m weird like that, if I had an ounce of dignity left in me it’d be wickerwanda all the way. The point is I think they are very thematically rich and Wanda seeing the beauty in Wickerbottom might make her less afraid of the passage of time idfk.
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My markings make an L and it’s making me cry a bit. USED to be big on Maxwil but i sorta slithered away from it over time— not out of spite or discomfort or anything like that I just found ways to be weirder (Umbra Harvest). I like it when they engage in slapstick violence against each other though and I do enjoy the more serious themes of forgiveness they can bring to the narrative.
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fandomshenanigans · 2 years
Anger headcanons for don't starve characters pls. Also, would love general about the other don't starve characters.
I've sat on this ask for a bit and I've decided to make it into two parts: One for the main cast and the other for the DLC crew.
I'll do the general one at some point.
Anger Headcanons for DST Characters (Part 1: The Main Casts)
This man gets frustrated easily but rarely does he ever get angry
He's probably one of the few who lets said frustration build up until he finally explodes
Most likely the type to scream when angry
Another one I'd think would be the type to bottle up their frustrations until they finally burst
Though she's least likely to let her anger slip when in public, especially when the kids are there to witness it
So she'd likely go somewhere a bit far away from camp and just let all her anger out
Angry? Looks like a case of major arson is on its way
If you think Willow is already fire happy normally, wait till you see her pissed with a lighter in her hands
She most likely burned down an entire pig village out of anger once
Two words: Silent. Fury.
She's already quite the quiet person but when she gets pissed, somehow the silence turned louder as she glares in your soul or whatever it is that offended her
She also has a dark aura surrounding her when she gets angry, courtesy of Abigail
I can see that Wolfgang would be the type to be incredibly patient with others so you gotta really work to make him angry
When he does, this man can get physically violent
He'd likely go to the forest and lets his anger loose on whatever poor creature that happens to cross his path
Another one who's physically violent when angry
Though similar to Wolfgang, she also knows how to keep her temper in check due to her career as an actress
Still, also someone who would go unleash her anger on some poor animals in the woods
It's very difficult since Wes just brushes everything off and doesn't get bothered by much, I mean have you seen his life?
Though when he does get angry, he is surprisingly spiteful and will do anything in his power to get back at the object of offence, whether it's a person, creature or just a straight up object
Another one that bottles their emotions up until it bursts
When WX gets angry, I can see that he would be type that lets out electric sparks from whatever crevice he has on his bronze shell
He looks like the type to throw a full on temper tantrum when he gets angry
Webber is also another person who has a good grip on his own temper but once he lets loose, there's no stopping him until he calms down on his own
Everything he does becomes a lot more aggressive once he gets angry
Like you can hear him chopping veggies from a mile away or when he hacks into chunks of meat. You can always hear the 'thunk' loud and clear
This boi has the patience of a saint so you REALLY gotta work for it if you wanna see him angry and even then, you'd probably feel bad before it even happens
When he does, you best try to avoid him because he has a slingshot with you name on it
I feel like he'd also be petty as hell when angry
Is very likely to start throwing hands when she gets angry and is very much violent
Honestly? I can see that her temper would be quite short especially when she's with the other survivors
I just can't see him getting angry, like at all
The closest I can see to anger for him is annoyance and boy oh boy is he annoyed a lot, especially when he sees the crop plots get trampled
"I'm Not Mad, Just Disappointed ™" kind of vibes
As a librarian, she's the type to get mad a lot but knows how to deal it professionally and very rarely does she show any raw anger
When she does:
So y'all know Ghostbur and his blue? The way I see Wortox dealing with his anger is similar to that
But other than that, I can see Wortox having a fairly short temper and would be the type to throw a hissy fit but would also be a bit violent if pushed
When he gets pissed, he would just go and use that anger to chop down a lot of trees until a tree guardian spawns in
Then, he proceeds to kill it, rinse and repeat until he's calm
Has a short temper and is very much the type to bottle it all up until he explodes
You know those bosses who has a habit of throwing stuff when they get pissed? Yeah that but with Maxwell
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sapphire-drawings · 9 months
I've been wanting to write a Maxwil fanfic for years now, and after seeing your Beauty and the Beast AU I was *inspired*. But I need the deets. I want to be authentic to the AU, mind giving me more info? Feel free to dm me if that's easier as well
I don't think i can possibly narrate what I have so far so feel free to take what I can offer and fill the gaps. Even if it doesn't aling with my idea, it's just a silly Au. Make your own version
May I remind you this is just inspired by Disney's version of the tale? Cuz it really is not. I. Don't. even. have. A. Gaston. . .
Wilson context: he came to town young enough to be a possible bachelor but he's also the mad scientist and very much not social by the folk's standards so he was eventually excluded. Not like he cares. He also dislikes the general uhhh... Ignorace)? Idk how to describe it but he's bitter
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Willow likes to annoy Maxwell around, as she does. Yeah she worried they might not get back to normal but also she worries for Maxwell himself.
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Instead of only focusing on Maxwell's torned portrait, Wilson is distracted by a mysterious glow on the other side of the room before he could reveal the second portrait behind the black curtain. Portrait that is in much better condition
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After Maxwell scaring the heck out of Wilson he runs through the rose garden (he probably has a horse just like Belle) he's suddenly attacked not by wolves, but hounds. The thing is, Wilson isn't exactly a damsel in distress so he takes a nearby branch and does what he can to survive until Max gets there and they fight side by side cuz I think that's cool.
Of course Maxwell takes the big hits protecting Wilson cuz gay✨
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And then they argue a lot while Wilson takes care of their wounds. Wickerbottom would do it but at night they (as shadows) can grab anything and their voices become mere whispers only Max can hear (unless Wilson sanity drops. At this moment he can probably understand them a little). Wendy's there cuz she worries for her uncle, gotta remember to design a better princess dress ...
Sooooo... Yeah... There are more stuff I want to add like Jack and Abby trapped in the mirror only able to come out during full moon. Maxwell markings painfully spreading and kind of losing control destroying stuff and almost hurting Wils. Low LOW sanity and the shadows attack. The library... THE LIBRARY MOMENT AJSJAJSAHSJS SO WHOLESOME
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rhoddys · 1 year
Okay, for "Intimacy:"
1: What inspired you to write the fic this way?
14: Is there anything you wanted readers to learn from reading this fic?
Oh this fic yes
Let's get into it! It's really long lol
What inspired me? Honestly I would like to know myself lol I genuinely had this idea rolling in my head for a while. I remember before I wrote it just constantly thinking about it, and it would not get out of my head until I wrote it. Even now I think about this fic a whole bunch. Intimacy was as I labeled a self indulgent fic, it was for me, I wasn't sure anyone else in the fandom would even enjoy it, especially given how some have portrayed Maxwell (in the early days pre dst). So with that I kind of just wrote it completely for myself, I've really projected heavily onto Maxwell and Intimacy was basically the beginning of that projection. I wanted to have this story of what I would kind of hope would happen if I ever ended up in a situation like this, to have an understanding partner, and someone who would be completely fine with my "inabilities". I've basically always known I was ace and that came with hearing others say i was too young to know, and when I was old enough that one day I'll find someone and I'll stop being ace, I even had an old rp partner say that they used to identify as ace and then they did it and weren't ace anymore. Basically I wanted a fic to say that being sex repulsed is ok, and the best thing is having a partner who understands you and doesn't push you. Wilson throughout this fic grows more and more concerned about Maxwell, especially when he doesn't see him around camp, going to Wickerbottom and showing his worries even as he tries to hold back. When they go to do the action and Maxwell freezes up on Wilson, Wilson doesn't show anger, instead he shows concern and tells Maxwell it's ok. He offers that they can do it at a later time, and even when that is off the table he is completely fine with it and suggests they do as they always do instead.
14. Now this question is definitely getting me to think haha, I've tried figuring out different angles to go about this. It's hard to put into words tbh. The main point of this fic of course was to showcase asexuality, specifically on the side of sex repulsion. It might be an odd thing to say but 'Communication'. In the beginning of the fic it opens with Maxwell avoiding Wilson for most of the day, even leaving the camp for a long while until he's psyched himself up to do it. Wilson himself has no proper understandings of this as he's been a recluse for the vast majority of his life, so he simply assumes that maybe this is normal, or normal for Maxwell, even mentioning that Willow made a joke to him and he wonders if maybe that's the reason for Maxwell's dodgyness throughout the day. In the minor flashback he has to when they scheduled the event he mentions how as soon as Maxwell said it and agreed to it he instantly grew distant. Later when they don't move forwards Maxwell says that he's never been capable, and he feels as though he let Charlie down because of it, he feels that he's letting down Wilson, and he's pathetic for it. In communicating between themselves they come to an understanding and decide that this doesn't affect their relationship and that everything can go back to how it was. Obviously, this isn't always the case either and that's fine if it's done in a respectful manner, but so often ace's are looked down upon, often being pushed into it, and I want people to know that communication is important and if your own partner looks down on you when you communicate something like this to them then you deserve so much better and you are worth more. This goes for literally anyone honestly, if your partner pushes you to do things you're uncomfortable with then you deserve better.
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maxwiljunkie · 7 months
since my messages tab doesn’t work for some reason, you get to read my monologue as a post! (sorry, especially if this makes even less sense than it would as a normal ramble about a story idea)
This is a very long post, so here’s your warning:
Terrorbeaks just sort of appear out of the darkness, right? So Terrorbeak Maxwil (Two individuals, referring to them as Maxwil for brevity) were absorbed into the darkness after their Reigns, a bit like Charlie.
Because they’re Shadow creatures, they can choose whether to be in the shadows or not when there aren’t any Survivors nearby, they have to hide when Survivors with high sanity are nearby, they have to come out when survivors neglect their sanity a bit too much, and when a Survivor’s sanity is really low… Wilson prefers to not talk about it. (I like Maxwell who is overcome by guilt and Maxwell who gleefully tells the most horrific, gruesome story you’ve ever heard equally.)
Due to his longer tenure on the Throne, Maxwell can somewhat speak (By forming vocal chords), but he still sounds like a Terrorbeak to the point he has to clearly enunciate what he says, and he still has to repeat himself half the time. [Is this me projecting my speech issues onto my favorite character? …maybe.] Wilson, however, is non-verbal until Wes teaches him ASL. [Because I only have the knowledge for that, he only knows finger spelling and a few select words… (“Hack” “Magician”, “Scientist”, etc.)]
Maxwell also has a stutter he hates. It reminds him of William.
When they went through the Florid Postern together (Wickerbottom built it and some other Survivors showed up) (Maxwil are both absorbed in the darkness, it wouldn’t take much for them to find each other), the survivors raised their weapons, but they both took a step back, and Maxwell tried to explain that both of them came in peace (“Caaa-Calm down! We aren’t he- here to hurt you!”), resulting in confusion and suspicion from the survivors. None of them quite recognized his voice, due to Terrorbeak, but there was a faint suspicion in the backs of all of their minds.
(And yes, I will be animating the Florid Postern scene instead of finishing my WIP of Webber.)
[I definitely have more to this, I just don’t have the notepad I scribbled it in on me right now.]
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happipoart · 4 years
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theyre at it again (ง'̀-'́)ง 
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peanut-tyrug · 10 months
Not me making a DS Moonbound AU /lh
There’s a WHOOOOLE lot more under the cut. It’s a REAAALLLLLY long post. Have fun reading :) /lh
Note: A few ideas may be subject to updates/changes
My ideas so far
-There is this thing called The Lunar Order (basically consists of the Moonbound Survivors). They watch over the small village that lays beneath Alter and they’ve sworn their allegiance to the Light.
-Moonbound Maxwell leaves the Order in favor of the Shadows, so do a few others. A majority of Order still remains, but Maxwell, blinded by the Shadows, wishes to bring destruction to the Order and the village below.
Ideas for the Survivors’ roles
- Protagonists -
Wormwood - Alter’s descendant and the main leader of the Order. Also the creator of the Order
Winona/Wanda/Wickerbottom - The big leagues in the Order. They’re the main watchers of the village.
Wilson - Still mostly a scientist. He does experiments/studies on Lunar Magic to see how it could benefit the Order.
Wolfgang/Wigfrid/Woodie - The brutish fighters of the Order. They normally are alone preparing for when a major attack on the village occurs (I do have a reasoning for why I put Woodie in here give me a second /lh).
Wes - The Sandman of the village. He’s sleeping during the day, but is awake at night to help everyone in the area with falling asleep. He’s normally in his shrunken form to be more inconspicuous, but whenever necessary, can make himself a more human-like height. He does have wings and a wand too. He’s a pixie.
Warly - I fr don’t have an idea for him rn. It’s changed a few times but I CANNOT think of anything that would work, but also correlate to the Moon.
Wendy/Webber/Wurt/Walter - Webber and Wurt are training to become fighters. Walter is learning how to become one of the big leagues. Wendy isn’t really interested in any of it and prefers to be with Abigail over anything. The others tried to get her interested but failed. They chose to let her do her own thing instead of trying to get her involved in smth she may not want to be involved with. Abigail wants to be a fighter though. Wendy fully supports her and watches her train.
- Protag Notes -
Wes and Wickerbottom are like parents to the children.
Reason for why Woodie is a fighter:
Woodie - I had an idea that (I think came from his description?) he can willing change in and out of his various were-forms. His uses these forms optimally for fighting whenever necessary.
Webber - Due to Lunar Magic, he had been hostile. Through Wes and Wickerbottom’s help, he became more friendly. He can be formidable in fighting though.
Wurt - I had an idea that Lunar Magic caused Merms to be hostile. Wurt however, bc she has not fully turned into a Merm, doesn’t really have this quality. However, this hostility can be triggered. Like Webber, docile, but a formidable opponent.
- Antagonists -
Maxwell - The once Wilson’s assistant has become the King of the Shadows after turning his back on the Order in favor of the Darkness.
WX - Another Lunar fighter now turned merciless automaton after finally letting themselves embrace the evil inside them.
Wortox - Once an angelic, guard for the Lunar Kin, now, after embracing the devil in him, has been consumed by the Shadows.
Willow - She realized it’d be more fun to light the village ablaze with crimson fire instead providing it a bright light to follow (for context: Willow has the ability to create light. Said light was used to light up the village or make the Moon look brighter).
I think that’s basically it.
I came up with ALL THIS in the span of a couple hours btw.
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