i-ate-all-my-toes · 2 days
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jk its evening lol
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ratsarecute4 · 2 years
My favourite thing about (most) Germanic languages:
Norwegian: due (pigeon), drue (grape)
Danish: due (pigeon), drue (grape)
Swedish: duva (pigeon), druva (grape)
Dutch: duif (pigeon), druif (grape)
Afrikaans: duif (pigeon), druif (grape)
Frisian: duif (pigeon), druif (grape)
German: Taube (pigeon), Traube (grape)
A few notable outliers: English, Scots, Icelandic
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woahhhgwendolyn · 8 months
Being Married To Ivar Would Include...
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-Ivar being really protective over you in every single way possible. He would fight anyone who tries to mess with you or try and take you away from him.
-Him wanting to make sure that you are safe no matter what and always has someone go with you in the village does not matter if it is him or some other warrior going with you.
-During feasts he always has you sit with him. He does not want you to feel alone or have to sit with another man. So, he just wants you to sit with him.
-When you both are in bed, he loves to cuddle with you and be with you all throughout the night. Sometimes, he lets you cuddle him from behind but his most favorite is when he is laying down on his back and then you just lay your head on his chest.
-You both always having fun no matter what is going on. Everyone always notices that you both are always smiling around each other and making each other laugh at any time possible.
-Him always being super gentle with you. He is always gentle touching you. He always makes sure that when he hugs you or even when you both cuddle that he is being gentle and soft with you.
-His brothers have had a small crush on you at some point but have let it go because they had realized that you were staying with Ivar for a long time.
-His brothers liking you and thinking that you are a good fit for him and could handle all of his crazy tendencies.
-Ragnar and Aslaug liking you as well and treating you as if you are their own family and talking to you as such as well.
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errorca-learns-norsk · 3 months
Free Norwegian Language Resources
I see many learners looking for Duolingo alternatives and realized I haven’t shared any new resources in a bit! So here are my personal favorite Norwegian learning resources that are completely free!
NTNU’s NoW (Norwegian on the Web) — Online independent learning course developed by a Norwegian university that progresses from beginner to intermediate level. Includes reading, audio, practice exercises, and grammar! [A1-B1 level]
Norskappen (App store link) — Fantastic vocab practice with real human spoken audio! There is also preposition practice, article gender practice, and verb practice. The app’s creator actively listens to and incorporates user feedback (link to Reddit post by creator asking for feedback). [A1-B1 level]
Norsklærer Karense on Youtube — Grammar and vocabulary videos produced by a Norwegian language teacher. Lots of in-depth explanations of grammar with examples, differences between similar words, and advice and information about taking the Norskprøven (Norway’s official language test). [A1-B2+ level]
If you are aiming to take the Norskprøven at B2 level, your best resources are often going to be the ones not designated as a “course” — reading articles on NRK or Store norske leksikon, watching Norwegian news/debate shows and podcasts (since B2 level involves being able to reason and defend an opinion) like Debatten or Dagsnytt 18, and lastly, producing your own language in written or spoken format. For that last one it helps to find a tutor who can practice with you and correct your writing, but besides that you can really come a long way for free!
Lykke til! 💫
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Elds er þörf þeims inn er kominn ok á kné kalinn; matar ok váða er manni þörf þeim er hefir um fjall farit.
- Hávamál
Warmth is indispensable for the one who bustled in audibly shivering with knocking knees; fare and fresh clothing are paramount for one who has travelled across frigid fells.
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nordic-language-love · 6 months
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A Child of Gaza
I am a child of Gaza Do you remember me? I was thirsty while you drank I starved while you ate I was afraid while you slept I cried while you laughed I was ravaged while you played I cried for help while you covered your ears I bled out while you were silent I was murdered while you watched
I lived in pain right until my last breath Now I'm in a better place, with better people Better neighbours and a better home But forever remember that YOUR silence killed me A child of Gaza
-Emad Salha
Seen in Oslo
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thesinglesock · 6 months
this moment is dedicated to every native English speaker in Norway who doesn't know Norwegian and has to make it through every single day catching the absolutely batshit weird sentences we blurt out mid-conversation because English is our Silly Language that we pull out For the Bit. you guys are really just on the bus overhearing stuff like
"du vet sånne gutter som ikke har tatt på gress på årevis men så kjøper de seg en studiomikk også er de sånn 'actually, all women are delusional and don't deserve rights' i førtifem minutter i strekk også legger de det ut på nett også plutselig er meningene dems vårt problem? liksom?"
With zero context. Hope you're all staying sane out there.
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Norwegian Bokmål for Total Beginners (January 2024 Crash Course)
12. Calendar
Hello all! Today we've just got some useful when words.
i dag - today
i går - yesterday
i morgen - tomorrow
i forgårs - the day before yesterday
i overmorgen - the day after tomorrow
i morges - this morning
i ettermiddag - this afternoon
i kveld - this evening
i natt - tonight, last night*
(akkurat) nå - (right) now
morgen (m) - morning
ettermiddag (m) - afternoon
kveld (m) - evening
natt (m/f) - night
*I natt describes the closest night. If it's 9am and you say "i natt", it means the night before. If it's 9pm, it means the coming night.
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daqthebard · 5 months
So I’ve been taking Norwegian for a few years and am pretty good, I can read books and understand if someone is speaking to me. But today I decided to play geoguessr map games but with Norsk Bokmål(Norwegian) as my language. And I learned something wonderful. Norwegians call Austria, Østrikke, which sounds normal, until you realize that it directly translates to “Cheese Kingdom”
I love this language
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norwegiatlas · 7 months
norwegian word of the day
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bål (n)
noun campfire
(sing. indef) et bål
(sing. def) bålet
(plur. indef.) bål
(plur. def) båla, bålene
Vi satt rundt bålet og grillet pølser. / We sat around the campfire and grilled sausages.
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studynorwegian · 2 years
That feeling when you slowly start to piece together/understand lines from a song in your target language. That “oh shit wait I get it now” moment
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eiochevart · 26 days
Hva skjedde med sure tær godteri egt???
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woahhhgwendolyn · 8 months
Ivar With His Children Would Include...
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-Ivar would be awesome with his kids. He would be one amazing father to his kids. He is so loving and caring and would also love to do anything for them.
-When he first learns that you are with his child, he becomes really protective over you and also starts thinking about the child that is soon to be born.
-When you are still holding the child, he loves to fantasize about the child and what he or she would be like when they are older.
-He not only talks about the child with you, but he loves to brag to the rest of his family that he is having a child with you and how amazing you are because you are carrying the child.
-When the child is born, he thinks a bit differently now than he had before. He has become more mature and acts more like an adult.
-When the child is older like 8 Ivar would love to play with them and teach them how to fight. That is his favorite things to do with his children, play and fight.
-He has no intention on having weak kids. He does not want his children to be weak minded and to be gullible. So, he often teaches his children good ways to make sure they are not this way.
-When he has free time, he loves to also take his children on rides and teach them about the gods and the history behind their village and the great stories of their amazing grandpa Ragnar Lothbrok.
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bumblesandhoney · 3 months
Fáilte ! 🍀🫧🌌🤍✨
I’m Anna and I’m a fluent Irish speaker, currently doing a degree in Irish ☘️ I’m also learning Gàidhlig (veryyyy similar to Ulster Irish!) and also learning Norsk (Norwegian)
I’m a language nerd, and love etymology and the history behind the words and links between languages !
Expect lots of language posts, strange and magical words, music, and poetry !! 🍀🤍🔆
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I livet går skjønnheten til grunne, men ikke i kunsten
- Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson
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adito-lang · 1 year
Podcasts for intermediate/advanced Norwegian listening practice
Finding Norwegian podcasts has always been a bit daunting for me, because I don't listen to a lot of podcasts in general, but over the past weeks I've discovered some that I really enjoy!
1. Lær norsk nå!
This podcast (norsknivå B1 – B2) cover all sorts of interesting social, cultural and political topics - coffee, the Cold War, right-wing populism in Norway, feminism, Sámi history, etc - as well as aspects of the Norwegian language 🔡 You can listen to all the episodes and find transcripts for them (starting with episode 5) here. The host, Marius, is originally from Nærbø (in Rogaland, near Stavanger), and speaks in both his dialect and also standard østnorsk depending on the episode.
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2. Relax With Slow Norwegian
I'm a tinglehead (someone who loves listening to ASMR ✨), so I was super excited to find this podcast and Lene's YouTube channel! She speaks bergensk and has lots of great episodes and videos dedicated to learning Norwegian centered around a specific topic.
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3. Norskpodden
An awesome podcast (norsknivå B1 – B2) with episodes ranging from grammar to salary negotiation to the the history of queer rights in Norway. Episodes and transcripts can be found here. I find the transcripts helpful, because the host Camila speaks at a quite natural pace (so it gives me a huge confidence boost whenever I can understand most of an episode without the transcripts 😎).
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4. Nylig Norsk
This is a fun little podcast created by students at the University of Bergen. They speak a lot slower than the other podcasts here, which sounds a bit unnatural, but that makes it quite easy to understand (norsknivå A2-B1). The topics are engaging and there's transcripts here for each episode. I like the "city-trip"/regional episodes, and it felt really cool having been to some of the places they talked about! ✈️
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5. Språktalk
This podcast isn't aimed at people learning Norwegian, which is good practice for listening to natural-sounding dialogue. The episodes are all about languages and linguistic topics, so if that's your cup of tea I highly suggest giving it a listen. They had a German guest for one episode who spoke Norwegian sooooo well, it gave me hope for myself 😂
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6. Forklart
Forklart, another podcast that isn't aimed at people learning Norwegian, takes a topic from the news (sometimes domestic news, but more often international news) and breaks it down into a compact 15-minute episode 🗞 There is one episode every day, so if you're interested in keeping up with current political events in Norwegian, this is a great podcast to listen to! Although keep in mind that the podcast is run by Aftenposten (as is Språktalk), which has historically been a centre-right newspaper.
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