* Language Learning *
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Ways of language immersion
If you know some more ways of language immersion, please let me know so I can add them!
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Watch a movie in your target language
Change the settings of your phone to your target language
Listen to a podcast in your target language
Read a book in your target language
Listen to some music in your target language
Add a chrome extension to your browser, which changes random words on the web to words in your target language (like Toucan for example!)
Watch a tv series in your target language
Listen to the radio in your target language
Change the settings of some home/kitchen appliances to your target language (your microwave for example)
Join Tandem to speak with native speakers of your target language
Watch the news in your target language
On social media, follow some accounts that post in your target language
Play a videogame in your target language
Cook via a recipe in your target language
Read Buzzfeed in your target language
Listen to an audiobook in your target language
Watch TV shows for children in your target language
Use Lyrics Training
Set your internet browser to your target language
Change your calendar/planner to your target language
Watch some Youtubers in your target language
Follow an online tour of a museum in your target language
Read your horoscope in your target language
Check out children’s songs and lullabies out in your target language (on mamalisa.com)
Read poetry in your target language
Watch interviews in your target language
Read a comic in your target language
Write your grocery list in your target language
Search for motivational quotes in your target language
Read fanfiction in your target language
Play word-based games in your target language
Talk to voice recognition technology (Siri, Alexa, Google) in your target language
Talk to yourself in your target language
Try to think in your target language
Sing along to Disney songs in your target language
Talk to other people on your target language
Research topics that interest you in your target language
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* Language Learning pt. 2 *
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@blueprintfish // @toomuchtostudy // @manhattan-gamestop // @la-galaxie-langblr // @linguisticadventures
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625 words to know pt. 3
Original list; https://blog.fluent-forever.com/base-vocabulary-list/
{Swedish - English}
If you see a mistake, please let me know so I can change it!
En årstid - a season
Sommar - summer
Vår - spring
Vinter - winter
Höst - autumn/fall
Röd - red
Grön - green
Blå - blue
Gul - yellow
Brun - brown
Rosa - pink
Orange - orange
Svart - black
Vit - white
Grå - gray
En färg - a colour
0 - noll
1 - ett
2 - två
3 - tre
4 - fyra
5 - fem
6 - sex
7 - sju
8 - åtta
9 - nio
10 - tio
11 - elva
12 - tolv
13 - tretton
14 - fyrton
15 - femton
16 - sexton
17 - sjutton
18 - arton
19 - nitton
20 - tjugo
21 - tjugoen/tjugoett
22 - tjugotvå
30 - trettio
40 - fyrtio
50 - femtio
60 - sextio
70 - sjuttio
80 - åttio
90 - nittio
100 - hundra
101 - hundraett
1000 - tusen
10.000 - tio tusen
100.000 - hundra tusen
1.000.000 - en miljon - en miljard
Först - first
Andra - second
Tredje - third
Fjärde - fourth
Femte - fifth
Ett nummer - a number
Januari - January
Februari - February
Mars - March
April - April
Maj - May
Juni - June
Juli - July
Augusti - August
September - September
Oktober - October
November - November
December - December
Veckans dagar
Måndag - Monday
Tisdag - Tuesday
Onsdag - Wednesday
Torsdag - Thursday
Fredag - Friday
Lördag - Saturday
Söndag - Sunday
Ett år - a year
En månad - a month
En vecka - a week
En dag - a day
Ett dygn - a 24-hour period
En timme - an hour
En minut - a minute
En sekund - a second
En morgon - a morning
En middag - an afternoon
En kväll - an evening
En natt - a night
En meter - a meter
En centimeter - a centimeter
Ett kilogram - a kilogram
En hälft - a half
En cirkel - a circle
En kvadrat - a square
En temperatur - a temperature
Ett datum - a date
En vikt - a weight
En kant - an edge
Ett hörn - a corner
En stad - a city
Ett hus - a house
En lägenhet - an apartment
En väg - a road
En flygplats - an airport
En tågstation - a train station
En bro - a bridge
Ett hotell - a hotel
En restaurang - a restaurant
En bondgård - a farm
En domstol - a court
En skola - a school
Ett kontor - an office
Ett rum - a room
En by - a town
Ett universitet - an university
En klubb - a club
En bar - a bar
En park - a park
En camping - a camp
En affär - a store/shop
En teater - a theater
Ett bibliotek - a library
Ett sjukhus - a hospital
En kyrka - a church
En marknad - a market
Ett land - a country
En byggnad - a building
Marken - the ground
Rymden - the (outer) space
En bank - a bank
Vänster - left
Höger - right
Rakt fram - straight ahead
Nord - north
Söder - south
Ost - east
Väst - west
En riktning - a direction
En sida - a side
Framsida (en) - front
Baksida (en) - back
Utsida (en) - outside
Insida (en) - inside
Upp - up
Ned/ner - down
Topp (en) - top
Botten (en) - bottom
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625 words to know pt. 2
Original list; https://blog.fluent-forever.com/base-vocabulary-list/
{Swedish - English}
If you see a mistake, please let me know so I can change it!
Att arbeta - to work
Att leka - to play
Att gå - to walk
Att springa - to run
Att köra - to drive
Att flyga - to fly
Att simma - to swim
Att åka - to go
Att stoppa - to stop
Att följa - to follow
Att tänka - to think
Att tala - to speak
Att äta - to eat
Att dricka - to drink
Att döda - to kill
Att dö - to die
Att skratta - to laugh
Att le - to smile
Att gråta - to cry
Att köpa - to buy
Att betala - to pay
Att sälja - to sell
Att hoppa - to jump
Att lukta - to smell
Att höra - to hear
Att lyssna - to listen
Att smaka - to taste
Att röra - to touch
Att se - to see
Att titta - to look, to watch
Att kyssa - to kiss
Att bränna - to burn
Att smälta - to melt
Att gräva - to dig
Att sprängas - to explode
Att sitta - to sit
Att stå - to stand
Att älska - to love
Att gå förbi - to pass by
Att skära - to cut
Att slåss mot - to fight
Att lägga sig ner - to lie down
Att dansa - to dance
Att sova - to sleep
Att vakna - to wake up
Att sjunga - to sing
Att räkna - to count
Att gifta sig - to marry
Att be - to pray
Att vinna - to win
Att tappa - to lose
Att blanda - to mix
Att böja - to bend
Att tvätta - to wash
Att laga mat - to cook
Att öppna - to open
Att stänga - to close
Att skriva - to write
Att ringa - to call
Att vända - to turn
Att bygga - to build
Att undervisa - to teach
Att växa - to grow
Att rita - to draw
Att mata - to feed
Att fånga - to catch
Att kasta - to throw
Att rengöra - to clean
Att hitta - to find
Att falla - to fall
Att knuffa - to push
Att dra - to pull
Att bära - to carry
Att ta sönder - to break
Att ha på sig - to wear
Att hänga - to hang
Att skaka - to shake
Att signera - to sign
Att dräpa - to slay
Att lyfta - to lift
Blandad substantiv
En karta - a map
En punkt - a dot
En konsonant - a consonant
En vokal - a vowel
Ett ljus - a light
Ett ljud - a sound
Ja - yes
Nej - no
En bit - a piece
En smärta - a pain
En skada - an injury
Ett hål - a hole
En bild - an image
Ett mönster - a pattern
Ett substantiv - a noun
Ett verb - a verb
Ett adjektiv - an adjective
Lång - long
Kort - short
Hög - high
Låg - low
Bred - wide
Smal - narrow
Stor - big
Liten - small
Långsam - slow
Snabb - fast
Varm - warm
Kall - cold
Het - hot
Sval - cool
Ny - new
Gammal - old
Ung - young
Bra - good
Dålig - bad
Blöt - wet
Torr - dry
Sjuk - sick
Frisk - healthy
Hög - loud
Tyst - quiet
Glad - happy
Ledsen - sad
Vacker - beautiful
Ful - ugly
Döv - deaf
Blind - blind
Trevlig - nice
Snål - mean
Rik - rich
Fattig - poor
Tjock - thick
Smal - thin
Dyr - expensive
Billig - cheap
Platt - flat
Böjd - bend
Manlig - male
Kvinnlig - female
Tajt - tight
Lös - loose
Mjuk - soft
Hård - hard
Djup - deep
Grund - shallow
Ren - clean
Stark - strong
Svag - weak
Död - dead
Vid liv - alive
Tung - heavy
Lätt - light
Mörk - dark
Ljus - light
Kärn - nuclear
Berömd - famous
Jag - I
Du - you
Hon - she
Han - he
Hen - she/he (genderneutral)
Den/det - it
Vi - we
Ni - you
De - they
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625 words to know pt. 4
En hund - a dog
En katt - a cat
En fisk - a fish
En fågel - a bird
En ko - a cow
En gris - a pig
En mus - a mouse
En häst - a horse
En vinge - a wing
Ett djur - an animal
Ett hav - a sea
Ett hav - an ocean
En flöd - a river
Ett berg - a mountain
Regn (ett) - rain
Snö (en) - snow
Ett träd - a tree
En sol - a sun
En mån - a moon
En värld - a world
Jord (en) - Earth
En skog - a forest
En himmel - a sky
En växt - a plant
Vind (en) - wind
Jord (en) - soil
En blom - a flower
En dal - a valley
En rot - a root
En sjö - a lake
Ett stjärna - a star
Gräs (ett) - grass
Ett löv - a leaf
Luft (en) - air
Sand (en) - sand
En strand - a beach
En våg - a wave
Eld (en) - fire
Is (en) - ice
En ö - an island
En kulle - a hill
Värm (en) - heat
Ett kaffe - a coffee
Ett te - a tea
Ett vin - a wine
Ett öl - a beer
En juice - a juice
Vatten (ett) - water
Mjölk (en) - milk
Ett ägg - an egg
Ost (en) - cheese
Ett bröd - a bread
En soppa - a soup
En kaka - a cake
En kyckling - a chicken
Fläskkött (ett) - pork
Nötkött (ett) - beef
Ett äpple - an apple
En banan - a banana
En orange - an orange
En citron - a lemon
Majs (en) - corn
Ris (ett) - rise
Olja (en) - oil
En frö - a seed
En kniv - a knife
En sked - a spoon
En gaffel - a fork
En tallrik - a plate
En kopp - a cup
En frukost - a breakfast
En lunch - a lunch
En middag - a dinner
Socker (ett) - sugar
Salt (ett) - salt
En flaska - a bottle
Glas (ett) - glass
Metall (en) - metal
Plast (en) - plastic
Trä (ett) - wood
Sten (en) - stone
Diamant (en) - diamond
Lera (en) - clay
Damm (ett) - dust
Guld (ett) - gold
Koppar (en) - copper
Silver (ett) - silver
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Hey friend! I just came across your blog, but as a native Swedish speaker I felt the need to tell you something:
We never refer to anyone as miss/mrs/mr (fröken/fru/herr) because there was this really big social reform thing in the 30’s (don’t quote me on that, but it was sometime from 1920-1940’s) when everyone started calling everyone by first name and use “du” (sing. you) instead of “ni” (pl. you). In other words, everyone is on first name basis with everyone (except for the king…).
I also wanted to say that other than “flickvän” and “pojkvän” you can also just say “tjej” (girl) or “kille” (guy). Like in French or Japanese where you can just say “mon mec” (French: “my guy/boy”) or “watashi no kanojo” (Japanese: “my girl/woman”).
You might be very aware of this, but I just stumbled across your blog and found it inspiring how dedicated you are to learn! I myself am trying to learn French and Japanese (among some other languages…). I hope your learning goes well!
sorry for the long message…
Omg, thank you so much! I was aware of the boyfriend/girlfriend thing, but not of the du/ni thing. Thank you for explaining!!
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2022 Language Learning goals
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Hi guys!! After being gone for a few months due to my study trying to kill me, I'm finally free for January, which means back to language learning! I'm planning on getting back into Swedish.
I haven't had the time to post it here yet, but in the fall I'll be going to Uppsala for my exchange!!! I'm taking this opportunity to motivate myself and really crank up my language learning. Here are my goals for the upcoming year;
1. Be able to have day-to-day conversations
I'm hoping to have a level of around B2 in Swedish before I get to Uppsala, so I can have conversations with others there without having to resort back to English.
2. Be able to follow the news
Though talking about the news might be a step to far yet, I want to be able to at least know what subjects they are talking about and their main points.
3. Spend more time on language immersion
I'm a really bad perfectionist, which means that I'm really bad at trying new things. I usually avoid watching movies in Swedish or listening to a podcast, because I'm afraid I won't understand it and waste my time. However, this year I want to try it more.
4. Try more difficult exercises
The same reasoning as for the previous goal applies here. I want to stop being afraid of making mistakes, and simply see them as opportunities to learn more.
5. Re-check my Tumblr
This goal has more to do with my Tumblr-account than language learning itself. However, as you might have noticed already, I've been correcting my older posts on grammar, spelling and lay-out.
Whether you have set your own language learning goals or not, I wish you good luck on your studies this year!🍀
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Langblr Activation Challenge
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Week 2: Promote other langblrs
As my blog is solely dedicated to Swedish, I will therefore only recommend blogs about learning Swedish or Swedish culture.
Active blogs I follow;
Non-active blogs I use as resources;
If I have forgotten you, or if you also post original content about Swedish, please let me know so! I'm always open to get to know more people ;)
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Language Learning Goals Summer 2021
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Now that I'm finished with my exams, and my summer vacation has finally started, I've decided to pick up my learning Swedish a notch. Here are 5 goals I hope to fulfill/succeed in this summer;
1. Finish the Duolingo Swedish course; I'm currently halfway through level 3, with already some beginnings made in level 4. Finishing the entire course is a goal far away, but I hope it will motivate me to work hard.
2. Finish the first 10 chapters of my 'Complete Swedish' book; I got this book to learn Swedish for my birthday and I'm currently in chapter 4 out of the 20 (you can find the book here). As the chapters aren't that long, I hope to be able to finish atleast until chapter 10.
3. Practice Swedish everyday; even if it is just one vocab list I read through, one grammar concept I learn, or one song I sing
4. Post something on tumblr everyday; I mean, I call my vocab lists "daily swedish lessons", then I should atleast try to actually post them daily
5. Learn more grammar; I feel like I know a lot of vocab, but very little grammar, especially when it comes to verb tenses. A little more attention on grammar will hopefully fix that
Some resources that could always be useful;
- @salvadorbonaparte has a mega folder full of language books, check it out if you are considering learning Swedish via a language book!
- also, check out my masterlist of all my posts, a masterlist of swedish resources (online & free), swedish news resources, available online literature in Swedish, Swedish youtubers and some places where you can test yourself
- Here I answered an ask on recommendations for Swedish tv shows and movies
- a post about some playlists of Swedish songs you might like
- some Swedish memes for you
- more youtube recommendations
Also, know that my asks/dms (?) are always open. Whether you have a question regarding Swedish, Dutch, or learning languages in general I'm always happy to try and help!
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I was tagged by @tealingual, thank you for tagging me!💕
Alias/name: Jess
Birthday: August 15th
Zodiac sign: Leo
Height: 158 i guess? (at least not 1.60, which I'm very salty about)
Hobbies: reading, dancing, journaling, photographing, languages and researching weird/unusual topics
Favorite color: purple
Favorite book: Carry On (Simon Snow #!) by Rainbow Rowell
Last song you listened to: Beautiful way by You Me At Six
Last movie or show you’ve watched: Kastanjemanden
Recent reads: City of Stairs by Robert Jackson Bennet  
Inspiration: Pinterest, mostly
Story behind URL: tbh that is what the homepage of Tumblr was showing when I was signing up😅
Fun fact about me: Last month, I gave a whole presentation on why zeppelins suck to my friend, even though neither of us studies something even remotely in that direction
I tag: @mothappreciationsociety @studyingpearl @stumblingthroughlanguages and all other people that wish to be tagged😊
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Would it be difficult to learn Swedish (especially pronunciation) if you didn't speak any other Germanic language?
Hmmm that is a good question.
As regards to pronunciation, I do not think speaking other Germanic languages will give you that much of an advantage. Unless you already speak another Nordic language.
I do not think that my native language being Dutch helps me pronounce Swedish words better. The Swedish language has a special pitch accent (I have a post explaining it) that follows a certain rythm in sentences, that Dutch definitely does not have. Personally, I struggle a lot with "sj" and "å" sounds.
As regards to grammar and vocabulary, speaking another Germanic language will give you an advantage, but not as much as you would think.
The Swedish sentence order follows the same one as English (for the most part), so already being familiar with English would help you. There are more examples like these where English would help you make Swedish a bit easier.
In my experiences, Swedish is similar to many languages, not only Germanic ones.
However, when it comes to vocabulary, I do think already speaking a Germanic language would make it a bit easier. Dutch are very similar in construction to Swedish words. For example, the Swedish -het at the end of words is very similar to the Dutch - heid and both have the same function. This does make it easier for me to learn vocab.
In conclusion; though speaking already speaking a Germanic language would maybe make learning Swedish a bit easier, not knowing another Germanic language would not make learning Swedish that much harder.
I really hope I've answered your question with this. If you still got some questions, you can always ask!
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Whats your favourite Swedish translator or dictionary? Love your blog BTW its so informative and aesthetic🌻✨💕.
Awhh thank you so much!❤
To be honest, I use a lot of different dictionaries/translators.
If I'm making a vocab list on a certain topic, I like to use Wikipedia in Swedish and English. This allows me to translate the words in the right context.
Then ofcourse I use Google Translate. However, I only use this for understanding words, instead of actually learning them because translate does not take context into account.
Also, when I'm switching between English, Swedish and Dutch while learning, translate is the most useful for finding the words I'm looking for.
Moreover, I use the old dictionary I have, the 'Complete Swedish' learning book and bab.la.
Here is a list of more dictionaries/translators/learning resources I use.
Hope this answered your question!
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Langblr Activation Challenge
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Week 1: Write an introduction post
I was tagged by @tealingual to participate in her Langblr Activation Challenge. This challenge consists of 5 weeks, with each week only one task to be completed. The first task of the challenge is to write an introduction
So onto my introduction..
Hi! My name is Jess, I'm currently 17 years old. I started this blog almost a year ago and I never really made an introduction, I simply started posting, so this is a good opportunity to finally introduce myself properly.
Some other things about me;
I just finished my first year of law school
I'm almost 18, so I'm a leo
My nationality is Dutch
Purple is my favourite colour
Languages I speak; Dutch, English, Swedish, a bit of French and German (technically also a bit old Latin and Greek?)
Other languages I want to study; improve my French, learn Spanish and maybe also Romanian/Hungarian/Irish
Other things I'm interested in; law, psychology, history, sociology, zeppelins and basically most books
My blog is mostly dedicated to learning Swedish, for which I post Daily Swedish Lessons (the "daily" is not completely true😅). Most of these are vocab lists, but I also try to post about resources and general language learning tips.
Also, every Daily Swedish Lesson includes a Swedish Fact of The Day, which is a fun fact about Sweden or Swedish culture to also learn something about that.
The goal of my blog was mostly to motivate myself to keep on learning Swedish, and meet other people who are learning Swedish or a language in general.
You can find my blog under the tags #Dailyswedishlesson and #swedishfactoftheday. Things like asks or reblogs, you can find under #notadailyswedishlesson and #notaswedishfactoftheday
Lastly, I just wanted to say that my Dms/asks are always open for questions. I may not always know the answer, but maybe I can help you find it somewhere else. Also, suggestions are always welcome!
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I'll be studying Swedish at university starting this October. Wish me luck :')
Ohh, that's so nicee!! Good luck🍀
Please keep me updated on how the course is!
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what does the word beestje mean??
In Swedish? - very little
In Dutch, however, "beestje" usually refers to a little animal.
If you see a cute little insect, you would say "wat een lief klein beestje"
The literal translation to English would be "little beast", but we rarely use "beestje" in the context of beast.
To sum it up; beestje is usually used to indicate a small animal or creature.
~ Hope this helps!!
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