bledf1rst · 11 months
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" yeah- NOPE. bad idea. why is this giving me flashbacks? "
the kid's small. about-the-same-size-as-his-baby-brother SMALL, and something uncomfortable curdles in his gut at the sight of him, because his baby brother is basically invulnerable. he can fly.
he doesn't think the same of the newest rendition of robin.
he's kind of lost count of how many robin's there has been but the last one DEFINITELY wasn't this short. it's probably why he's following so closely- a lackadaisical hover that's soundless and inobtrusive, and mark can HEAR crime happening miles away but he ignores it. it's not important. it's his first time in gotham in months and this self-imposed tirade he's put himself on is the only thing on his mind.
when there's a lull in what mark can only assume is the kid's patrol, mark lands in front of him. arms crossed and chest puffed out, but any LECTURE he has on the tip of his tongue dies out.
" -are you holding a fucking sword??? "
@notbatboy / closed starter [...]
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roastyoualive · 11 months
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@notbatboy asked:
((you liked for a dami!)) "does your attire come exclusively from hot topic?" damian was not in a position to judge considering the robin uniform consisting of the colors of a stop light but that didn't keep him from saying something.
He glances up... Then down, a furrow to his brow that's torn between mild offence and genuine bewilderment. There's so many things he wants to unpack about this situation, but he doesn't have the time or energy.
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"Does your trash-talk come exclusively from reddit, or did you not get parental permission?"
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hunters-house · 1 year
A starter from @notbatboy
Casper couldn't believe his luck when he heard it. In safe deposit box C794 at the Kingston branch of the Bank of Gotham, there were numerous corporate bond certificates that had not been reported on the owner's taxes, because they had been acquired illegally. Therefore, if someone were to steal them, the owner wouldn't be able to report them stolen, and they could be collected or resold with minimal oversight.
It was a genius plan. The Cascade and his crew would hold the bank hostage, steal the safe deposit box, and then get out before the police arrived. But of course, he had a backup plan in the event the police arrived sooner than expected. He had dozens of copies of his iconic goggles prepared and handed out to the bystanders at the bank, and planted stink bombs at strategic points. Now that he had full control over the bank's systems, he'd detonate the bombs, stink up the bank, and open the doors.
The police would be confronted by dozens of Cascades, and he and his crew, pretending to also be bystanders, would escape in the panic with the box.
It was going great… and then Robin had shown up. When there's Robin, there's also Batman.
"I can help you get out of here. follow me. are you injured?" As much as Damian usually was standoffish with strangers, his savior complex seemed to kick in when he was in costume and lead to him being a bit softer with those he didn't know. For now, anyway, as long as this person proved to be worthy of it.
“I'm okay,” said Cas, though he was hiding the panic he was feeling. Luckily to Robin, it looked like he was just shaking about being taken hostage. “But there's three others. They're in the vault now.”
Batman. He had forgotten to account for Batman!
This was going to suck.
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archaeval · 1 year
RUBY SHIFTED THE WEIGHT OF THE BOX in her arms. “Most of these books are to be disposed of, I’m afraid. They’re old or mildewed, and I don’t want to risk anyone getting sick.” Most of them hadn’t even been touched in the past ten years anyway, much less checked out. It was time to get rid of them and make room for something more useful to her patrons.
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optimisticrobin · 1 year
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@notbatboy liked for a starter.
Perched on the chandelier ( an old habit formed when Bruce had brought him back to the manor all those years ago) Dick lay in wait for his youngest brother to arrive home from school. Intending it to be a surprise, he hadn't told him that he would be staying at the manor for the weekend.
The moment Damian stepped through the door, Dick dropped down and wrapped an arm around his shoulder, pulling him into a side hug. Dick loved all of his brothers, but he'd always felt the closest to Damian. Perhaps it was because he was the youngest, or maybe the fact that they'd been partners in Bruce's absence, but they had an unbeatable bond.
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"Hey kiddo. How was school. I was thinking we could hit the arcade for a couple of hours before patrol."
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"would you like to meet alfred?" unprompted, damian runs up to jules holding what looks to be a chubby black and white tuxedo cat. though damian can barely support the cat's weight, she is purring all the while. damian too had a small smile on his face, excited to introduce his friend to his cat. - @notbatboy
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"Well, hello there, Alfred."
Jules grinned and reached down to scratch the quite cat under the chin. "Alfred is lovely, you must take very good care of him."
Meanwhile Patch pokes his flat face out of Jules' bag with a curious 'mrrp?'
Well hellooo, pretty kitty...
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fightwing · 1 year
damian sneaks up on dick before jumping up on him and wrapping his arms and legs around the acrobat like a koala!! / @notbatboy
dick's only BARELY woken up. and using 'woken up' in the loosest of definitions as the fine line between awareness and sleep walking is blurred with every step. he'd gotten in late to the manor. even by vigilante standards, the sun had started to rise by the time he'd pulled in and rather than disrupt everyone's much needed sleep unnecessarily dick all but faceplanted in his old bed and promptly lost conciseness until this exact moment. he's still kind of on autopilot, superman pjs skimming the ground and following the ultimately single-mindedly focused on coffee when he feels small arms wrap around him like he's a particularly advanced jungle gym. DAMIAN. immediately his arms move to more securely hold his brother in place. " hey! " dick's smile is wide and earnest, and although it's more of a piggyback ride than anything, he'd like to think the hold implies the hug. god he'd missed damian. it'd been too long, and the ache of separation seemed to stitch itself with every passing second. COFFEE, he was reminded. this time, with company. still holding on to his brother, dick continued with his steps. while it may not be the technical sense of 'the morning' it's still those quiet hours that can only be attributed to loved ones. and because dick's feeling sentimental and like his brother doesn't hear it as much as he needs to, he says " i've really missed you, kiddo. " in between steps.
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painofhumanity · 1 year
@notbatboy​ liked the small starter call
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“You know. . . instead of being all stubborn and stoic and all Mini Bruce-like, you could just admit you don’t know what it is and ask your big sister for help,” Veronica prompted with as little teasing a tone as she could manage. 
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hoodedmenace · 1 year
Damian getting a full night's sleep was rather rare. So the few times he had the opportunity to indulge in sleep, he found himself waking up periodically, like it was his body's internal clock ticking off at the wrong times. So that's what patrolling practically every night did to a young boy's body - ruin it's circadian rhythm.
The boy went to get a drink of water, Alfred (the cat) having followed after him as she was awoken when Damian was. As he turned the corner towards the bathroom, Damian caught sight of Jason, and the former assassin stopped in his tracks, tilting his head, breaking the silence with an involuntary yawn.
"What are you doing?"
   Somewhere from far above him, Jason scoffed. “I could be asking you the same thing.” Sure, having Jason in the manor was a rare enough sight on its own, especially when he stayed for the night, but no matter how big the place was, it wasn’t that big. Jason had the gall to sound disgruntled about the entire situation in the first place.
   When Damian held his ground, Jason shifted in the darkness and rolled his eyes, the flicker of green barely the only thing of him visible. “Headache. Been looking at reports. Something something hydration, something something don’t take meds on an empty stomach. You gonna pat me down too, or—?”
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normaltothemax · 1 year
@notbatboy from here
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It was Damian's dumb decision to come to NYC for some secret mission, leaving him alone in case of a threat. Damian saw no problem in this but one thing lead to another and he was currently hiding from a barrage of attacks from a threat that he had no intel on. Even with his training, taking on this many guys at once in an unfamiliar battleground was gave him a very slim chance of winning. He wasn't alone, though. Another hero was with him, one he had heard plenty about (word does spread- even to the decrypted depths of Gotham). So right now they were both under attack. Grand.
"You got anything you'd like to do, Spider-boy? Or am I supposed to get us out of this?"
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Miles heaved out a weary sigh. Why did everyone have to take a dig at the name? Spider-Kid, Spider-Boy, never Spider-Man. It was infuriating! Humiliating! The sheer lack of respect people showed him, just because he wasn't as old as Peter. He didn't bother correcting the other hero, though, deciding he would just purposely mess up his name right back.
"Well excuse me, Weebill." Take that! "I apologize for thinking it would be a good idea to come up with a plan, instead of just trying to bulldoze through all those guys." Considering he'd already been grazed by a bullet, he was hoping to avoid ending the night with more holes in his body than he'd started out with. "I think this one calls for a strategic retreat," he eventually huffed. As much as he hated the idea, he just didn't see another way they could get out of this in one piece. Even just getting away unharmed would practically be a miracle. "There's too many of them. We get out of dodge, regroup, and come back with a real plan." He scratched at the back of his head, mind racing with various strategies they could use. "I can use my camouflage, sneak around behind the guys closest to us and cause a distraction so you can get out. I'll catch up with you afterwards."
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batmanwholxughs · 1 year
STARTER for @notbatboy​​
     { ⛓ } – DUE DILIGENCE appeared to be taken into consideration – for once. By criminals no less, though ulterior motives were undoubtedly at play, witnessing the rates of vandalism, robbery or pure manslaughter SIGNIFICANTLY DROP. Humanity adorned its shortcomings somewhat like a favourite coat, a fashionable choice in bad taste, but an article of clothing that made heads turn nonetheless. So WHY had the coat been abandoned that day in particular, when lawlessness ran amok the one just prior? Something was wrong; a detective’s intuition that regularly rang true.
It wasn’t the first time. Though experiences often underlined a darker nature, that left Bruce deliberating for what felt HOURS before the batcomputer, but was mere minutes. Hand habitually raised to his concentrated features, thick brows furrowed as he traced multiple signals lining the geography of Gotham on the largest screen. GCPD officers, news outlets, anything that sent and received information concerning the crime rate within the city. A stray thought in the recess of the philanthropist’s conscience even entertained the idea of PASSING on patrol that night, and in return, earned a sincere glower under his focus. No, he’d head out anyway.
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Despite attention to the computer governing most of Bruce’s faculties, his HEARING never lacked, and traced movement descending the nearby stairs. But both eyes persisted their search, glued to the monitor.
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divinamour · 1 year
@notbatboy​ is going through it ! |  he was so fucking out of it he could swear the woman before him was some sort of hallucination. he was leaned against a wall, weakly though, arms and lengths sprawled out to the side, with the boy weakly glancing up at the woman, almost awestruck but mostly delirious from the concussion he likely had. green glossy eyes just stare, stare, stare.
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Never had she much deference toward the shadows. It wasn’t impossible for love to bloom in the dark, truly was that where it held quite a significant amount of sway! Her problem with the inky abyss, was that she was too familiar with it. Held too much sway in her adolescence, turned her into the glutton she was now.
    “Take my hand, little bird.” 
Umbrella moved from leading hand to trailing one. The Goddess kept the idea of rain away from this wounded child with one hand, and offered him salvation with the other. 
    “If you wish to breathe your last here, in this gutter, I won’t begrudge you that. Though, I do believe there is more for you in this life than... this.”
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lobotcmy · 1 year
𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐟𝐨𝐫: @notbatboy
God he hated Gotham. Place always smelled like a wet sandwich left out in the sun too long...but he'd miraculously found himself here again. Still, wasn't all that bad, he'd certainly enjoy the crime. However, his eyes caught something that had his interest. I mean, who else would wear clothes that bright out here?
"YO 𝐒𝐇𝐑𝐈𝐌𝐏!" He'd call out, walking over, those enormous shoulders rolling as he did.
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"Long time no see, birdo. Ya still walkin funny after that thrashin' my kiddo gave ya? HAH!"
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svpe · 1 year
'apparently we're going to be working on this together now.' ((he will behave....for now))
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Clark blinked, still struggling to process the current situation. He'd asked Batman for help, and had been promptly told that one of the Bat Team would be on their way. Now, Clark knew that Bruce always started the Robins young, but it was still strange to be teaming up with someone whose head barely rose above his waist. However, if he was good enough for Bruce, he was good enough for Clark. "It seems we will be. It's good to finally be working with you, Robin."
@notbatboy | meme
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brutalscaled · 1 year
( awaken ) : receiver stays by unconscious sender’s side until they wake up + (reverse)
Scar Memes || Accepting!
There was a stark difference between waking up from sleep and waking up from unconsciousness. Sleep was easy, like coming to the surface for a breath of air. Coming back from unconsciousness was that same trip for the surface, only swimming through murky water with only faint glimmers of moonlight to guide your way with no clue how far away your next breath was. 
Croc was fighting with the latter, that slow rise to wakefulness that left one disoriented for a few precious moments. Croc knew the varying scents of Batman's entourage by now, and it was one of those scents that he caught first, far closer to him than he wanted. Sensation became clearer next, with cold stone underneath him and the feeling of rope around his snout, wrists, and ankles. Golden eyes finally opened, sight bleary for a moment before focusing on Robin with a simmering anger.
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"... Well played, boy," he hissed out of the corner of his mouth. "This is usually the bit where the questions start, ain't it?"
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hxllblazer-a · 1 year
@notbatboy || sc!
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"'fore y' ask, she's not here."
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