#notre dame bordeaux
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Bordeaux France
Photo: Dieter Krehbiel
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kamomille9 · 1 year
Fanfic Pendranièvre : Le Coeur a ses Raisons... Chapitre 5
Hello Everybody !
Oui, je sais je vous ai fait attendre mais je ne vous oublie pas !!
Bonne lecture et dites-moi ce que vous en pensez !!!  
Chapitre 5 : La Conviction
Guenièvre de Carmélide n’aurait jamais pensé apprécier autant ce voyage avec le chevalier gallois. Il était un peu simple d’esprit et pas très adroit mais d’une gentillesse incroyable et d’un humour tordant. Toute sa vie, elle avait été habituée aux hommes bougons et repliés sur eux-mêmes. A contrario, Perceval ne se privait pas pour dire ce qu’il pensait. Il n’avait aucun filtre, ses émotions étaient toujours sincères et ses paroles dépourvues de toute méchanceté.
Oui, Guenièvre n’avait vraiment pas l’habitude…
Ainsi, ils discutèrent de tout et de rien, ne s’arrêtant que la nuit pour se reposer, jusqu’à ce qu’enfin ils aperçoivent la grande maison bourgeoise appartenant à sa tante.
Ils se présentèrent aux gardes à l’entrée qui firent relayer l’information. Quelques minutes plus tard, une petite dame brune, coiffée d’un chignon compliqué, vêtue d’une robe rouge bordeaux et or, se précipitait vers eux.
_ Ma Reine ! Pourquoi ne m’avez-vous donc pas prévenu de votre visite ? Cela vous aurait épargné cette attente !
Les gardes laissèrent entrer les deux voyageurs et Guenièvre en profita pour prendre sa tante dans ses bras.
_ Ma très chère tante, comme je suis heureuse de vous voir ! Toutes ses formalités sont à présent inutiles, je ne suis plus Reine et je viens humblement vous demander refuge…
Fraganan ouvrit grand les yeux mais préféra se taire en jetant un coup d’œil furtif aux gardes.
_ Venez, entrez donc ! Vous devez êtres épuisés après ce long voyage.
_ Je vous présente le Seigneur Perceval, un chevalier du Roi, qui a tenu à m’accompagner jusque chez vous.
_ Je vous remercie Seigneur Perceval d’avoir pris soin de ma nièce durant ce long voyage.
Le chevalier gallois exécuta une brève révérence avant de répondre :
_ J’allais pas la laisser toute seule quand même ! Elle dit qu’elle est plus la Reine mais pour moi elle sera toujours l’épouse du Roi Arthur et donc notre Reine à tous !
_ Quelle fidélité ! Je dois dire que c’est agréable d’avoir encore de valeureux chevaliers capables d’une telle qualité !
Guenièvre sourit doucement à Perceval en secouant la tête.
_ Perceval a tendance à dire ce qu’il pense sans réfléchir. Je lui suis reconnaissant mais il sait très bien que ma décision d’annuler ce mariage est complètement justifiée !
_ Vous allez me raconter tout ça devant un bon déjeuner ! Vous devez avoir faim !
Alors que Perceval acquiesçait joyeusement, Guenièvre ne pouvait s’empêcher de penser que la boule formée dans sa gorge, même après trois jours de marche, n’était pas encore descendue…
Le repas fut plaisant. Guenièvre était ravie de revoir son oncle Owen, duc de Lindon. Il était le seul homme de sa famille à préférer la parole aux actes. C’est un érudit qui aime les livres et le calme. Rien à voir avec son père ou son grand-père ! Yvain restait un cas à part… Mais après ce qu’elle avait vécu, c’était ce dont elle avait besoin : le calme. Après avoir mangé, Fraganan accompagna Guenièvre à sa chambre laissant son mari avec Perceval.
_ Seigneur Perceval, je vous remercie d’avoir amener ma nièce ici. Je pense que c’est le meilleur endroit pour qu’elle puisse faire le point et se ressourcer.
_ C’est pas faux. Je souhaitai vous demander un service que je préfère que la Reine ne m’entende pas.
_ Guenièvre n’est plus Reine mais je vous écoute.
_ Non mais laissez tomber, elle sera toujours la Reine pour moi ! Je voudrais prévenir la bonniche de la Reine que nous sommes bien arrivés sans encombre mais je ne sais pas écrire…
_ Je vois… N’avez-vous point peur qu’écrivant à cette jeune femme, le roi finisse par l’apprendre ?
_ Bah si… mais justement, je voudrais aussi rassurer le Roi… Je suis certain qu’il doit s’inquiéter pour sa femme…
_ Seigneur Perceval, Guenièvre n’est plus la femme du Roi !
_ Oui mais ça c’est comme le fait d’être Reine, pour moi elle sera toujours la femme du Roi Arthur et je sais qu’il aime sa femme le roi.
_ Vous avez l’air bien sûr de vous…
_ Je sais pas pourquoi tout le monde pense que le Roi il aime pas sa femme. Moi j’ai toujours su qu’il aimait Guenièvre.
Owen regarda intensément ce chevalier plein de convictions. Sa femme était très proche de la Reine. Il savait donc que Guenièvre, même si elle ne leur avait jamais clairement dit, n’était pas heureuse avec son mari. Il avait donc du mal à croire et comprendre ce que lui disait Perceval. Toutefois, une telle conviction, une telle foi, une telle confiance en ses propos, faisaient douter le duc de Lindon…
_ Très bien Seigneur Perceval. Nous allons écrire ensemble cette lettre et nous l’enverrons par la suite sans que ma nièce ne le sache…
_ Ça me gène un peu de pas lui dire mais j’ai peur qu’elle soit pas très joisse si elle l’apprend…
_ Non, vous avez raison ce n’est pas nécessaire qu’elle le sache… Et puis, comme elle le dit si bien, elle n’est plus la Reine, elle n’a donc aucun ordre à vous donner en la matière !
Perceval esquissa un sourire. Il ne comprenait pas tous les mots du duc mais il en saisissait le sens. Guenièvre avait eu raison de venir ici. C’était beaucoup plus calme que Kaamelott. La preuve : il n’y avait eu aucun cri pendant le repas…
_ Comment as-tu fait pour faire annuler ton mariage ? C’est un vrai tour de force !
En tête à tête avec sa nièce, Fraganan ne s’était jamais formalisée avec les formules de politesse. Guenièvre en avait toujours été sincèrement heureuse. Ses parents ne l’avaient jamais respecté même en tant que Reine mais avec Fraganan c’était différent. Elle aimait que sa tante si douce et calme reste aussi proche d’elle malgré son accession au trône, si on peut appeler ça comme ça…
Guenièvre expliqua donc à sa tante ce qu’il s’était exactement passé. Elle n’omit aucun détail et s’autorisa même à vider son sac pour toutes les années de maltraitances émotionnelles qu’elle avait subi. Elle n’avait jamais abordé tout ça avec personne, autre que Lancelot, car elle ne voulait pas que la rumeur puisse se propager sur le sujet. Le peuple était déjà conscient que le Roi n’était pas amoureux de la Reine et cette humiliation était bien suffisante à son goût.
Une fois le récit terminé, Fraganan se contenta de s’approcher de la jeune femme et l’a pris dans ses bras. Elle l’avait laissé parler et avait bien écouté tous les déboires qu’elle n’avait jamais su voir lorsque Guenièvre venait leur rendre visite. Là, bercée tendrement par sa tante, Guenièvre soupira de soulagement, comme si elle avait retenu sa respiration durant toute son histoire, et pleura. Elle pleura sur sa vie, sur son mariage, sur son ex-mari qu’elle aimait malgré tout et sur son impuissance à le rendre heureux.
_ Pourquoi ne pas avoir tenté ta chance avec Lancelot au lieu de venir ici ? demanda Fraganan quand sa nièce fut calmée.
_ J’ai besoin de réfléchir… Je ne suis pas amoureuse de Lancelot. Je suis peut-être naïve mais en quinze ans je n’ai pas su voir qu’il était amoureux de moi…
_ Il y a une raison à ça ?
_ Une simple, évidente et triste : je suis amoureuse d’Arthur…
La sœur de Léodagan acquiesça doucement. Elle le savait mais était-ce bien raisonnable de continuer à aimer quelqu’un qui vous a fait tant de mal…
_ J’ai besoin de me poser loin de tout ça. De peser le pour et le contre. Je ne sais pas si cet amour que je voue à Arthur pourra partir en jour… Je ne sais pas non plus si je suis capable d’aimer sincèrement Lancelot. Tout ce que je sais c’est que je veux être heureuse, aimer et être aimée complètement. Je ne veux plus de demi-mesure. Arthur ne m’a jamais aimé… Je dois donc simplement savoir si je veux donner une chance à Lancelot ou pas…
_ Je comprends… Reste ici autant que tu le souhaites. Tu sais que tu es la bienvenue ici…
_ Merci beaucoup…
_ Néanmoins, es-tu consciente qu’en annulant ton mariage, tu as également ouvert la porte à tous les bons partis du pays qui vont vouloir épouser la princesse de Carmélide ?
_ Je sais… C’est pour ça que je suis partie sans dire où j’allais.
_ La rumeur va finir par se répandre Guenièvre. Nos serviteurs vont forcément en parler autour d’eux et la nouvelle atteindra tout le pays. Comment feras-tu alors ?
_ J’ai encore un peu de temps avant que cela n’arrive et tous ses prétendants devront d’abord passer par mon père !
_ Le connaissant, il voudra sélectionner le meilleur parti possible…
_ Ou faire tout ce qu’il peut pour que je redevienne Reine…
_ Tu serais prête à envisager cette possibilité ?
_ Un mariage sans amour, sans respect, sans gentillesse ? Certainement pas non…
Guenièvre soupira bruyamment sous le triste regard de sa tante. Elle n’était certainement pas opposée à redevenir la femme d’Arthur Pendragon… Cependant, elle ne voulait plus de sa vie d’avant… Depuis trois jours, elle retournait cette histoire dans sa tête. Elle savait qu’elle avait pris la bonne décision. Elle l’assumait et si elle devait rester malheureuse toute sa vie autant qu’elle soit libre plutôt qu’enchaîner à son Roi.
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darl1ngd3ar3st · 2 years
fuck it *posts comic dialogue idea*
"can you tell me where we're going now?"
"do you remember the car we had our first date in?"
"my cadillac? yeah, I remember."
"well, I heard through the grapevine that that same car is up for sale."
"that still doesn't answer my question, stu."
"the guy selling the car is in france."
"so we're going to france?"
"I've never been."
"you'll love it. the cars in bordeaux, but we're stopping by paris and notre dame after we pick it up."
"a-are you serious?"
"more serious than the plague, love. france is,, wonderful, to say the least. and I can drive us back to london, and we can get fancy dinners and go see the eiffel tower-"
"Oh my god I'm so fucking excited, i-i could literally kiss you."
"you're adorable."
"I take what i said back."
"wha- hey, I-"
"I'm kidding. come here, stupid."
"mmh, okay."
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lsundarinfo · 2 months
Exploring the Winter Wonders of France
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As winter blankets much of Europe in snow and frost, France emerges as a captivating destination for travelers seeking a blend of culture, cuisine, and picturesque landscapes. From the snow-capped peaks of the Alps to the charming villages of Provence, France offers a myriad of experiences to enchant visitors during the winter season.
Before embarking on your journey to France, thorough preparation is key to ensuring a smooth and enjoyable trip. Firstly, familiarize yourself with the necessary documents required for entry into the country. Depending on your nationality, you may need to obtain a tourist visa or have a valid passport with sufficient validity. Check the official website of the French Embassy or Consulate in your country for detailed information on visa requirements and the application process.
Once your travel documents are in order, it's time to plan your itinerary. France boasts an abundance of attractions, ranging from iconic landmarks to hidden gems. In winter, cities like Paris, Lyon, and Bordeaux offer a magical ambiance, with festive lights adorning the streets and cozy cafes beckoning visitors to indulge in French culinary delights. Don't miss the opportunity to explore famous landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower, Notre-Dame Cathedral, and the Louvre Museum.
Venturing beyond the bustling city centers, France's small towns and countryside unveil a quieter, more intimate side of the country. Explore the charming villages of Alsace, where half-timbered houses and cobblestone streets exude old-world charm, or wander through the sun-drenched vineyards of Burgundy and Bordeaux, sampling world-renowned wines along the way.
For those craving adventure off the beaten path, France offers plenty of opportunities for off-roading and long-distance biking. Whether you're exploring the rugged terrain of the Pyrenees or cycling along the scenic routes of the Loire Valley, be sure to come prepared with proper gear and equipment. International visitors can obtain an International Driving Permit France (IDP) before arriving in France, allowing them to legally drive a vehicle or motorcycle in the country. Familiarize yourself with French traffic rules and regulations to ensure a safe and enjoyable journey.
Accommodation options in France cater to every budget and preference. Budget-conscious travelers can explore options such as couch surfing, hostels, or budget hotels for affordable lodging. Websites and apps like Couchsurfing, Hostelworld, and Airbnb are valuable resources for finding inexpensive accommodation options across the country.
For outdoor enthusiasts, France's diverse landscapes offer endless opportunities for hiking, camping, and adventure. National parks such as the Vanoise National Park and the Mercantour National Park boast scenic trails and breathtaking vistas, perfect for hiking and solo camping. Before embarking on any outdoor excursion, be sure to check park regulations and obtain any necessary permits or passes.
If you're planning to explore France by vehicle, renting a car or motorbike is a convenient option for independent travel. International visitors can apply for an International Driving Permit France (IDP) online through their home country's automobile association. This permit, along with a valid driver's license from your home country, allows you to legally drive in France for a specified period.
In conclusion, winter in France offers a wealth of experiences for travelers seeking adventure, culture, and natural beauty. By adequately preparing for your journey and embracing the spirit of exploration, your winter escapade in France is sure to be an unforgettable experience. So pack your bags, hit the road, and get ready to discover the enchanting wonders of La Belle France!
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dottholidays · 2 months
Explore the Charms of Europe: Unforgettable Tour Packages by Dott Holidays
Are you dreaming of wandering through cobblestone streets, marvelling at centuries-old architecture, and indulging in delectable cuisines? Look no further than Dott Occasions' carefully created Europe visit bundles. From the romantic allure of Paris to the breathtaking landscapes of Switzerland, our tours offer an immersive experience that will leave you enchanted.
With Dott Holidays, your European journey begins with convenience and comfort. Our tour packages are meticulously designed to cater to every traveler's preference, ensuring a seamless experience from start to finish. Whether you are a history enthusiast, a foodie, an art lover, or an adventure seeker, we have the perfect itinerary to suit your interests.
Picture yourself strolling through the picturesque streets of Venice, getting lost in its intricate maze of canals and bridges. With Dott Holidays, you can immerse yourself in the romance of this enchanting city, experiencing a gondola ride along the Grand Canal or savoring authentic Italian gelato in a quaint piazza.
As you explore Europe with Dott Holidays, you'll encounter the breathtaking beauty of the Swiss Alps, where snow-capped peaks meet lush green valleys. Take in panoramic views of this stunning landscape aboard the famous Glacier Express train, a journey that will leave you in awe of nature's grandeur.
One of the highlights of our Europe Tour Packages is the opportunity to visit iconic landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower in Paris, the Colosseum in Rome, and the Acropolis in Athens. Our knowledgeable guides will provide fascinating insights into the history and significance of these cultural treasures, enhancing your appreciation for Europe's rich heritage.
Whether you're sipping wine in the vineyards of Tuscany, admiring the art collections of the Louvre Museum, or exploring the fairytale castles of Germany's Romantic Road, Dott Holidays ensures that every moment of your European adventure is filled with wonder and delight.
Don't miss out on the chance to explore Europe's wonders with Dott Holidays' Tour Packages. With our unbeatable prices, exceptional service, and unforgettable experiences, your dream European getaway is just a click away. Book now and let us transform your movement dreams into the real world!
Dott Holidays' Europe Tour Packages! Embark on a journey through iconic destinations such as Paris, Switzerland, Germany, France, and Italy, where every moment is infused with wonder and discovery.
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Paris: The City of Lights
Begin your European adventure in the romantic streets of Paris, where timeless landmarks like the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame Cathedral, and Louvre Museum await. Indulge in delectable cuisine, stroll along the Seine River, and immerse yourself in the city's artistic ambiance.
Switzerland: Alpine Splendor
Next, venture into the picturesque landscapes of Switzerland, where snow-capped mountains, pristine lakes, and charming villages await. Experience the beauty of Interlaken, Lucerne, and the Swiss Alps, and marvel at nature's majesty at every turn.
Germany: Historic Charm
Discover Germany's rich history and vibrant culture as you explore cities like Berlin, Munich, and Heidelberg. From medieval castles to bustling markets, each corner of Germany offers a fascinating glimpse into the past and present.
France: Gastronomic Delights
Continue your journey through France, savoring the Flavors of gourmet cuisine and fine wine in regions like Bordeaux, Provence, and the French Riviera. Explore charming villages, vineyards, and coastal towns, indulging in the art of living à la française.
Italy: La Dolce Vita
Finally, conclude your European odyssey in Italy, where ancient ruins, Renaissance art, and culinary delights await. Wander through the streets of Rome, Florence, and Venice, soaking in the beauty of iconic landmarks like the Colosseum, Michelangelo's David, and the Grand Canal.
With Dott Holidays' Europe Tour Packages, your dream of exploring Paris, Switzerland, Germany, France, and Italy becomes a reality. Immerse yourself in the beauty, history, and culture of these iconic destinations, creating memories to last a lifetime. Book your European adventure today and let us guide you on an unforgettable journey through the heart of Europe.
Visit Our Website: https://www.dottholidays.com/tour_package_view/european-marvels to book your next international Europe Tour Packages from Dott Holidays
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uneaffairequiroule · 5 months
Découverte de la Vélodyssée en vélo : de la Bretagne à la Côte Basque
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La Vélodyssée est une magnifique route cyclable qui vous emmène à travers les plus belles régions de France, de la Bretagne à la Côte Basque. Avec ses nombreux paysages variés et sa richesse culturelle, cette balade en vélo est un vrai plaisir pour les amoureux du deux roues et de l'aventure. Alors enfourchez votre bicyclette et venez parcourir la Vélodyssée, le temps d'une escapade ou d'un périple complet ! L'itinéraire de la Vélodyssée La Vélodyssée se compose de plusieurs sections permettant aux voyageurs de découvrir différentes régions françaises et leurs particularités. Longue de 1200 km, elle propose des itinéraires adaptés à différents niveaux de difficulté et inclut près de 70 % de pistes cyclables sécurisées. De la Bretagne au Pays de la Loire Le point de départ de la Vélodyssée se situe en Bretagne, à Roscoff. Dès les premiers kilomètres, les cyclistes auront l'occasion de s'imprégner de l'ambiance typique bretonne, avec ses villages pittoresques, ses forêts mystérieuses et bien sûr, ses fabuleux panoramas sur la mer. En passant par Brest et Quimperlé, on longe la côte jusqu'à St-Nazaire où commence la partie ligérienne de l'itinéraire. Du Pays de la Loire à la Nouvelle-Aquitaine Traversant la Vendée et la Charente-Maritime, on découvre les Marais Poitevin, La Rochelle ou encore l'Île de Ré. L'itinéraire s'enfonce ensuite dans les terres, le long du Canal de Garonne, pour rejoindre Bordeaux, ses vignobles et sa célèbre métropole. Après avoir traversé les Landes de Gascogne, la Vélodyssée rejoint l'océan Atlantique à Bayonne et se termine sur la sublime Côte Basque, à Hendaye. Les petits trésors d'époque médiévale à découvrir sur la route Tout au long de la balade en vélo sur la Vélodyssée, il est très intéressant de s'arrêter dans certains villages à l'architecture médiévale préservée. En voici quelques-uns : - Josselin, avec son somptueux château du 11ème siècle et ses ruelles étroites; - Vitré, une superbe cité médiévale avec un patrimoine architectural incroyable; - Guerande, réputée pour ses marais salants et sa vieille ville fortifiée; - Pons, située sur le chemin de Saint-Jacques de Compostelle, où vous pourrez visiter le donjon et la chapelle Saint-Gilles. Des édifices religieux surprenants Dans les régions traversées par la Vélodyssée, on trouve également de nombreux édifices religieux témoignant de leur signe à l'époque médiévale. N'hésitez pas à faire quelques détours afin de découvrir des trésors tels que : - L'abbaye de Redon et son cloître splendide; - La basilique Notre-Dame du Marais à Séné, un véritable joyau de l'art gothique; - L'abbaye de Sablonceaux et ses superbes voûtes ; - Le prieuré Saint-Nicolas de La Chaume, niché au sommet d'une falaise. Préparer sa balade sur la Vélodyssée Avant de vous lancer dans cette aventure passionnante sur la Vélodyssée, il est essentiel de bien se renseigner et, surtout, de bien s'équiper pour pouvoir profiter pleinement de votre balade en vélo. Voici quelques conseils pour vous aider à préparer votre périple : - Rédigez un plan détaillé de votre itinéraire, en prenant en compte les distances journalières ainsi que les points d'intérêt ou étapes à ne pas manquer. - Prévoyez un budget adéquat, en tenant compte des frais liés à l'hébergement, la restauration et les visites culturelles. - Informez-vous sur les équipements nécessaires, notamment les vêtements confortables et adaptés à la pratique du vélo, un matériel de réparation, une gourde et un sac étanche pour protéger vos effets personnels. - S'équiper d'un vélo solide et adapté aux conditions de voyage : un vélo tout terrain avec des freins à disque, des pneus larges et une selle confortable est préférable pour aborder la Vélodyssée dans de bonnes conditions. Avec ces quelques conseils en tête, vous êtes maintenant prêt à partir à l'aventure et à découvrir cette incroyable balade en vélo qu'offre la Vélodyssée. Alors n'hésitez plus et venez vivre cette expérience unique entre patrimoine, nature et culture à travers l'une des plus belles routes cyclables de France ! Read the full article
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lilstjarna · 8 months
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Poitiers est une ville de l'ouest de la France riche de ses ruelles médiévales, de ses nombreux parcs et églises ainsi que de son passé. On se perd agréablement à la recherche des façades anciennes, des hôtels particuliers et des chapelles romanes. Sa localisation pratique permet d'en faire une étape centrale pour un grand week-end dans le département.
Comment venir ?
Poitiers se situe :
en train : 30min de Tours, 1h20 de Paris, 1h45 de La Rochelle, 1h50 de Bordeaux, 2h de Limoges
en voiture : 1h de Tours, 1h30 de La Rochelle, 1h50 de Limoges, 2h d'Angers, 2h d'Orléans, 2h de Le Mans, 2h20 de Bordeaux
en bus : 1h50 de Tours, 2h25 de La Rochelle, 2h50 de Bordeaux
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Quand et combien de temps ?
Poitiers est une ville à taille humaine qui se visite facilement en une journée. Cela vous laissera le temps de contempler les multiples églises du centre et de vous promener dans les parcs verdoyants. Pour rester sur place plus longtemps il faudra prévoir des expéditions dans les villes ou villages des environs.
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Quoi voir à Poitiers ?
Des bâtiments historiques : place du Maréchal Leclerc, Hôtel de la Bidolière, Hôtel Fumé, Hôtel de ville, Hôtel Claveurier, Palais des Comtes de Poitou-Ducs d'Aquitaine, Amphithéâtre, Hôtel Jean Beaucé, Prévôt, Échevinage
Du patrimoine religieux : Eglise Notre-Dame-la-Grande, Cathédrale Saint-Pierre, Église Saint-Hilaire le Grand, Église Saint-Jean de Montierneuf, Église Saint-Paul, Église Saint-Porchaire, Église Sainte-Thérèse et Sainte Jeanne d'arc, Église Sainte-Radegonde, baptistère Saint-Jean, Eglise st germain, Eglise st hilaire le grand, Chapelle st louis
Des musées : Musée st croix, musée d'Histoire naturelle, musée du Palais des Comtes
Des parcs et jardins : parc de Blossac, jardin des plantes, parc floral de la Roseraie
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Quoi faire dans les environs ?
Des activités : Futuroscope, Grotte de Norée, Lac de St Cyr
Des villes et villages : Chauvigny, Châtellerault, Saint-Savin-sur-Gartempe, La Roche-Posay, Angles-sur-l'Anglin, Parthenay, Montmorillon
Des monuments : château à Moncontour, Église Saint-Hilaire de Melle, château de Thouars, Abbaye de Nouaillé-Mauperthuis, Abbaye de Saint Savin sur Gartempe
Des jardins et parcs : Laverré, Touffou, Jardin du château de La Mothe, La Guyonnière, Arboretum du chemin de la découverte, Vallée des singes
crédits photos @ lilstjarna
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fiyatinedir · 8 months
Fransa Ülke Rehberi
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Fransa, tarihi, kültürü, sanatı ve mutfağıyla dünya genelinde büyük ilgi uyandıran ve "Işık Ülkesi" olarak da anılan, Batı Avrupa'nın en büyük ülkelerinden biridir. Fransa, sahip olduğu çeşitli doğal güzelliklerden, tarihi şehirlerine, dünya çapında ünlü müzelerden enfes lezzetlere kadar pek çok cazibeye ev sahipliği yapar. Ülke, Eiffel Kulesi, Louvre Müzesi, Notre Dame Katedrali gibi dünya çapında tanınan simgeleri ile turistlerin ilgisini çekerken, Provence'nin lavanta tarlaları, Fransız Rivierası'nın sahil kasabaları ve Alpler'deki kayak bölgeleri gibi doğal güzellikler de keşfedilmeyi bekler. Ayrıca Fransız mutfağı, dünya gastronomisinin önde gelenlerindendir ve şarap, peynir, baget gibi simgesel lezzetlerle ünlüdür. Tarihi zenginlikleri, sanatın kalbi Paris, romantik köyleri ve zengin kültürel mirasıyla Fransa, her zevke hitap eden bir destinasyondur. Bu ülke rehberinde, Fransa'nın farklı bölgelerini, şehirlerini, kültürel özelliklerini ve görülmesi gereken yerlerini daha yakından keşfedeceksiniz. Ülke Künyesi: - Ülke İsmi: Fransa - Diğer İsimler: Fransız Cumhuriyeti - Vize: Schengen Vizesi - Resmi Dil: Fransızca - Nüfus: 68,25 Milyon - Telefon Kodu: +33 - Zaman Dilimi: GMT +1 - Konsolosluk: Paris Büyükelçiliği, Lyon Başkonsolosluğu, Strazburg Başkonsolosluğu - Para Birimi: Euro - Din: Hristiyan
Genel Bilgiler / Rehber
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Fransa Genel Bilgiler - Rehber Fransa, özgürlük, eşitlik ve kardeşlik ilkelerine dayanan kuruluş prensiplerini benimseyen bir ülke olarak Avrupa'nın batısında konumlanmıştır. Ülkenin toprakları Akdeniz'den Kuzey Denizi'ne kadar uzanırken, denizaşırı bölgeleri arasında Fransız Guyanası, Saint Pierre ve Miquelon, Fransız Polinezyası gibi farklı coğrafyalar bulunmaktadır. Korsika Adası, anakaraya en yakın Fransa'ya bağlı bir yerleşim bölgesini oluştururken, başkent Paris ise tarih boyunca Fransa'nın kültürel ve siyasi hayatına yön vermiştir. Marsilya, Lyon, Nice, Bordeaux, Nantes, Strazburg gibi şehirler de tarihi dokuları ve kültürel mirasıyla milyonlarca gezginin ilgisini çekmektedir. Ülkenin 12 farklı bölgesi, her biri farklı özellikleriyle ön plana çıkar ve her seyahatte farklı rotalar belirlemek mümkün olur. Bu sayede doğal güzellikleri, tarihi hazineleri ve kültürel zenginlikleri keşfedebilirsiniz.
Ne Zaman Gidilir?
Fransa'da yıl boyunca farklı iklim koşulları etkili olur, bu nedenle seyahatinizin zamanlamasını bu faktörlere göre yapabilirsiniz. Güney bölgeleri, özellikle Marsilya, Bordeaux, Nice gibi şehirlerde Akdeniz iklimi hüküm sürer ve bu bölgelerde dört mevsim tatil yapmak mümkündür. Yaz ayları, deniz tatili ve eğlence için tercih edilen dönemdir. Kış aylarında ise Pireneler ve Alpler'deki kayak merkezleri popülerdir. İç kesimlerde ise ilkbahar aylarında doğal güzelliklerin tadını çıkarabilirsiniz. Paris, yaz aylarında turistlerin akınına uğradığı bir şehir olduğu için daha sakin bir atmosferi tercih ediyorsanız mayıs ve eylül aylarını düşünebilirsiniz.
Nasıl Gidilir?
Fransa'ya Türkiye'den en kolay ulaşım hava yoluyla gerçekleşir. İstanbul ve Ankara'dan Paris, Lyon, Marsilya, Nice gibi büyük Fransız şehirlerine haftanın her günü direkt uçuşlar düzenlenmektedir.
Ne Yenir, İçilir?
- Peynir: Fransa, dünyaca ünlü peynirleriyle ünlüdür. Gruyere, Camembert, Roquefort gibi çeşitli peynirleri denemelisiniz. - Şarap: Fransız şarapları dünyaca ünlüdür. Burgonya ve Bordeaux bölgelerindeki şarapları tatmalısınız. - Kruvasan: Ünlü Fransız hamur işi olan kruvasan, kahvaltılarda veya atıştırmalık olarak tercih edilir. - Kurbağa Bacağı: Özellikle Fransız mutfağında geleneksel bir lezzettir. Fransa'da LezzetlerAçıklamaPeynirFransız peynirleri dünyaca ünlüdür. Brie, Camembert gibi çeşitler Paris'te tatmanız gerekenlerdendir.ŞarapFransa, dünya çapında ünlü şaraplarıyla ünlüdür. Alsace, Bordeaux, Burgonya gibi bölgelerde tadabilirsiniz.KruvasanKat kat hamurun içinde çikolata kaplı, tereyağlı bir açma türüdür. Fransız kahvaltısının vazgeçilmezidir.Kurbağa BacağıTadı tavuk etine benzeyen bir Fransız lezzetidir ve özellikle Paris restoranlarında bulunabilir.SalyangozSalyangozlar özel soslarla hazırlanıp servis edilir ve Fransız mutfağının önemli bir parçasıdır.Ördek KonfiGaskonya'ya özgü olan bu ördek yemeği, Paris'te de tadılabilir ve Fransız mutfağının ünlü lezzetlerindendir.NavettePortakal aromalı bisküvi türüdür ve Güney Fransa'da popülerdir.TapenadeZeytin ve kaparilerden yapılan bir tür mezettir ve yemeklerden önce sıklıkla yenir.Mürekkep BalığıMarsilya'nın deniz ürünlerinden biridir ve liman boyunca iyi balık lokantalarında bulunur.AioliLimon, zeytinyağı, yumurta ve sarımsaktan yapılan bir sostur ve balıkların yanında servis edilir.FougasseKalın kabuklu bir ekmek türü olan Fougasse, Marsilya'da yaygın olarak bulunur.La BouillabaisseAkdeniz balıklarıyla yapılan bir çeşit balık çorbasıdır ve özellikle Marsilya'da ünlüdür.Fondueİsviçre'nin geleneksel yemeğidir ve eritilmiş peynire ekmek batırarak yenir.Çikolataİsviçre'nin meşhur çikolataları, özellikle Basel'de tatmanız gereken lezzetlerden biridir.Ballı KurabiyeBasel şehrine özgüdür ve balla yapılan bu kurabiyeler oldukça lezzetlidir.Fındıklı KekBasel'de meşhur olan fındıklı kekleri mutlaka denemelisiniz.Sıcak ŞarapSoğuk kış günlerinde Basel'de sıkça tüketilen sıcak bir içecektir.Basler MeblsuppeKarnavallarda özellikle tercih edilen bir tür un çorbasıdır.MilchkaffeBasel'de sıkça içilen sütlü ve kremalı bir kahve türüdür.Zuger KirchtorteLikörlü meyveli bir tür tatlıdır ve Zuger kirchtorte olarak bilinir.Balık ÇorbasıAkdeniz balıklarıyla hazırlanan balık çorbası, Nice'te özellikle tercih edilen bir öğün öncesi lezzettir.Deniz Ürünlü Pizzaİtalya sınırına yakınlığı nedeniyle Nice'te lezzetli deniz ürünlü pizzalar bulabilirsiniz.Fransız Usulü Patates KızartmasıFransız usulü patates kızartması, Nice'te popüler bir atıştırmalıktır.Nice SalatasıAkdeniz yeşillikleri üzerine balık, soğan, yumurta gibi malzemelerle yapılan bir salatadır.Tarte TropezienneKrema ve çikolata ile hazırlanan bu tatlı, küçük şekerlemecilerde ve pastanelerde bulunur.Meyveli DondurmaSıcak havalarda tercih edilen en popüler tatlılardan biridir ve çeşitli meyve aromaları vardır.Fransa Lezzetleri
Gezilecek Yerler
- Eyfel Kulesi: Paris'in sembolü olan Eyfel Kulesi, mutlaka görülmesi gereken bir yapıdır. - Louvre Müzesi: Dünyanın en büyük sanat müzesi olan Louvre, birçok ünlü sanat eserine ev sahipliği yapmaktadır. - Champs-Elysées: Ünlü alışveriş caddesi, lüks mağazaları ve kafeleriyle ünlüdür. - Disneyland Paris: Aileler için eğlence dolu bir destinasyondur. ŞehirYerAçıklamaParisEyfel KulesiParis’in simgesi, muhteşem manzarasıyla ünlüdür.ParisLouvre MüzesiDünyanın en ünlü müzelerinden biri, binlerce eser barındırır.ParisChamp ElyseesParis'in en ünlü caddesi, alışveriş ve güzellikleriyle ünlüdür.ParisDisneylandHem çocukların hem de yetişkinlerin keyif alacağı eğlence parkıdır.ParisVersay SarayıBüyüleyici bir saray ve bahçe, zengin tarih ve sanat eserleriyle doludur.ParisPantheonTarihi bir kilise, harika bir iç mekanı ve tarihî önemi ile bilinir.ParisNotre Dame KilisesiGotik mimarinin en güzel örneklerinden biri, Victor Hugo'nun meşhur romanından tanınır.ParisZafer TakıNapolyon tarafından inşa edilmiş, büyüleyici bir anıt.ParisConcorde MeydanıFransız İhtilali'nin önemli meydanlarından biri, tarihi olaylara tanıklık etti.MarsilyaCours Estienne d’OrversGeleneksel Fransız lezzetlerini tadabileceğiniz bir meydan.BaselMunster Basel KatedraliKentin sembolü, kırmızı rengiyle dikkat çeken bir katedral.MarsilyaNotr Dame Le Garde KilisesiYüksek bir tepede yer alan görkemli bir kilise, şehir manzarası için harika bir nokta.MarsilyaVieille ChariteTarihi bir yapının dönüştürülerek kullanıldığı kültürel bir merkez.MarsilyaGaleri La FayatteÜnlü markaların alışveriş yapılabileceği büyük bir alışveriş merkezi.MarsilyaPradoDenize girmek için popüler bir yer, güzel plajlar ve sahil şeridi.MarsilyaChateau d’ıf (Monte Cristo Kontu Adası)Monte Cristo Kontu romanından tanıdık bir hapishane adası.MarsilyaCalanquesMuhteşem deniz manzaraları, kayalık kıyılar ve yürüyüş rotaları sunar.MarsilyaCite RadieuseLe Corbusier'in tasarladığı modern bir apartman kompleksi.MarsilyaLa Musee d’Histoire Naturelle de MarseilleGüney Fransa'nın tarihini anlatan bir doğa tarihi müzesi.BaselMarkplatz ve RathausBelediye Binası Rathaus ve kentin buluşma noktası.BaselRen NehriAvrupa'nın en uzun nehri olan Ren Nehri, şehrin ortasından geçer.BaselKunstmuseumGüzel sanat eserleriyle dolu önemli bir müze.BaselHistory MuseumBasel tarihine dair bilgiler sunan tarih müzesi.BaselBasler Zoologischer Garten (Hayvanat Bahçesi)Dünyanın en eski hayvanat bahçelerinden biri.BaselTengualy Çeşmesi10 demir makine heykeli içeren özel bir çeşme.BaselMittlere BrückeŞehrin sembollerinden biri, 1226 yılında inşa edilmiş bir köprü.BaselAugusstinergasse ve Rheinspurg CaddeleriTarihi yapıların bulunduğu iki önemli cadde.NicePromenade des AnglaisŞehrin en ünlü sahil yolu, plajlar ve tarihi binalarla ünlüdür.NiceCours SaleyaTaze meyve ve sebzelerin satıldığı ve Fransız kültürünü deneyimleyebileceğiniz bir pazar.NiceVieux Nice (Eski Nice)Tarihi ve dar sokakları ile ünlü eski bir mahalle.NiceJean Medicine CaddesiÜnlü markaların mağazalarının bulunduğu alışveriş caddesi.NiceCimiezŞehri tepeden gören bölge, tarihi ve güzel bahçeleri ile ünlüdür.NiceColline du ChâteauŞehir manzarası için mükemmel bir tepe, aynı zamanda tarihi kalıntıları barındırır.NiceMassena MeydanıŞehrin tarihi merkezlerinden biri ve gece aydınlatmalarıyla ünlüdür.NiceCimiez ManastırıGüzel manzaralar sunan eski bir manastır.NiceNotre Dame de Nice BazilikasıParis'teki ünlü Notre Dame Katedrali'ni anımsatan bir bazilika.NiceŞarap Tadım TurlarıAkdeniz kıyısındaki şarap bağlarını keşfedin ve tadım turlarına katılın.LyonNotre Dame FourviereBüyük bir bazilika ve şehrin sembolüdür.LyonFourviere TepesiBirçok kilisenin bulunduğu bu tepe, güzel manzaralar sunar.LyonOpera BinasıHem mimarisi hem de sahne sanatları için ünlü bir yerdir.LyonParc de la Tete D'orŞehirdeki en büyük yeşil alanlardan biri, güzel bir park.LyonPlace BellecourAvrupa'nın en geniş meydanlarından biri, kafeler ve etkinliklerle canlıdır.LyonSt. Jean Baptiste KatedraliGotik kilise, astronomi saati ile ünlüdür.LyonGüzel Sanatlar MüzesiKentteki sanat eserlerini sergileyen önemli bir müze.LyonBartholdi Çeşmesiİtalya'nın Roma kentindeki aşk çeşmesi kadar ünlüdür.NantesSt. Pierre KatedraliŞehrin en ünlü tarihi yapılarından biri, güzel vitraylar içerir.NantesBeaujoire ParkıHuzurlu bir atmosfere sahip büyük bir park, dinlenmek için idealdir.NantesBretonya Dükleri ŞatosuFransa'nın şatolarından biri, büyüleyici bir tarihi yapı.NantesNantes Güzel Sanatlar MüzesiTarihi ve modern eserleri sergileyen bir müze.NantesFeydeau AdasıŞehrin merkezindeki bir ada, tarihi binalar ve sokaklar içerir.NantesJül Vern MüzesiÜnlü yazarın eserlerini ve kişisel eşyalarını sergileyen müze.NantesPommeraye PasajıFransız pasajlarından biri, alışveriş yapmak için güzel bir yer.ToulouseLa Capitole de ToulouseKentin sembolü olan eski belediye binası, mimarisi ile ünlüdür.ToulouseWilson MeydanıKentin en önemli meydanı, canlı bir atmosfere sahiptir.ToulouseSt. Sernin BazilikasıGotik kilise, şehirdeki en eski psikoposların mezarlarını barındırır.ToulouseJapon BahçeleriNefes almak için güzel bir doğal ortam, Japon estetiği ile düzenlenmiştir.ToulouseReu d'Alsace Lorraine CaddesiAlışveriş caddesi, nehir kenarına götürür ve ünlü markaların mağazalarına ev sahipliği yapar.ToulouseMedievel CityUNESCO Dünya Mirası listesindeki bu kale, tarihi atmosfer sunar.ToulouseCarcassoneOrtaçağdan kalma büyük bir kale, tarihi atmosferini korur.ToulouseSaint- Raymond MüzesiRoma dönemine ait eserleri içeren bir müze.AngersAngers KalesiŞehrin sembolü olan bu kale yüksek duvarları ve tarihi özelliği ile tanınır.AngersBrissac ŞatosuLoire Vadisi'nde yer alan en yüksek şato, büyüleyici bahçelerle çevrilidir.AngersBotanik BahçesiRenkli çiçekler ve ağaçlarla dolu güzel bir botanik bahçe.AngersSt-Maurice KatedraliGotik tarzda inşa edilmiş olan bu katedral şehirdeki önemli bir dini merkezdir.AngersLurcat MüzesiÇeşitli tarihi ve modern eserlerin sergilendiği bir müze.AngersŞarap MüzesiŞarap üretimi ile ilgilenenler için tarihi kalıntıları sunar.AngersSerrant ŞatosuBüyüleyici bir şato, Loire Vadisi'nde yer alır.AvignonPapalık Sarayı14. yüzyılda Papalık merkezi olarak kullanılan tarihi bir saray.AvignonSt. Benezet KöprüsüPapalık Köprüsü olarak da bilinen tarihi bir köprü, şehrin sembollerinden biridir.AvignonAvignon KatedraliRoma döneminden kalma beyaz bir katedral.AvignonPetit Palais MüzesiOrta Çağ dönemi sanat eserlerini sergileyen bir müze.AvignonAvignon SurlarıŞehri çevreleyen surlar, tarihi öneme sahiptir.Fransa'da Gezilecek Yerler Listesi
Yapılacaklar Listesi
- Pointe de la Parata'yı görün: Corsica adasının güzelliklerinden biri olan bu nokta muhteşem deniz manzaraları sunar. - Angers Kalesi'ni görün: Angers şehrinin merkezinde yer alan bu tarihi kale, Orta Çağ'dan kalma bir şaheserdir. - Görkemli Papalık Sarayı'nı görün: Avignon'daki bu saray, Orta Çağ'dan kalma önemli bir tarihi yapının parçasıdır. - Ulusal Denizcilik Müzesi'ni gezin: Paris'teki bu müze, denizcilik tarihini ve kültürünü keşfetmek isteyenler için harika bir yerdir. ŞehirYapılacaklarLyon- Eski Lyon’un dar sokaklarında yürüyün- Lyon Güzel Sanatlar Müzesi’nde zaman geçirin- Notre Dame de Fourviere Bazilikası’nın görkemli yapısını görün- Profesyonel Lyon mutfağı ile tanışın- Gece hayatının tadını çıkarın- Festivallerden birine mutlaka katılınNice- Monastère Notre Dame de Cimiez’i keşfedin- Matisse Müzesi'ni ziyaret edinParis- Louvre Müzesi'ni ziyaret edin- Le Bourget Havacılık ve Uzay Müzesi'ndeki eserleri inceleyinNantes- Bretonya Dükleri Şatosu’nda masalsı bir gün geçirin- Saint Pierre Katedrali’nin muazzam mimarisini gözlemleyin- Güzel Sanatlar Müzesi’nde yer alan eserleri görün- Bretonya mutfağının en lezzetli örneklerini deneyin- Kendinizi Nantes’in gece hayatına bırakınCannes- Meşhur Cannes Film Festivali’nin düzenlendiği yeri görün- Le Suquet ve çevresinde şehrin eski yüzüyle tanışın- Rue d’Antibes’de alışverişe çıkın- Musee de la Castre’yi gezin- Şehrin en güzel kiliselerinden birini görün- Marche Forville Pazarı’ndan Fransız tarzı alışveriş yapın- Promenade de la Croisette boyunca yürüyün ve alışveriş yapınFransa'da Yapılacaklar Listesi
Gece Hayatı
Fransa, gece hayatı açısından özellikle güney bölgelerinde canlıdır. Marsilya, Nice gibi şehirler, yaz aylarında renkli gece hayatıyla dikkat çeker. Paris ise her türlü gece eğlencesini sunar. Şanzelize Bulvarı civarındaki üst düzey gece kulüpleri ve romantik restoranlar bu şehrin gece hayatının vazgeçilmezlerindendir.
Alışveriş / Ne Alınır?
Fransa, dünyanın modanın merkezlerinden biridir. Paris'teki Şanzelize üzerinde lüks markaların mağazalarını bulabilirsiniz. Antika ve ikinci el ürünler için sokak pazarları harika bir seçenektir. Hediyelik olarak peynir, çikolata, şarap veya Eyfel Kulesi temalı ürünler tercih edilebilir.
Festivaller ve Fuarlar
- Nice Karnavalı: Şubat ayının ortasında düzenlenen bu karnaval renkli etkinliklere ev sahipliği yapar. - Limon Festivali (Menton): Şubat ayında Menton'da düzenlenen bu festival, devasa limon heykelleri ve renkli etkinlikleri içerir. - Uçurtma Şenliği (Berck-Sur-Mer): Nisan ayında gerçekleşen bu şenlikte renkli uçurtmalar gökyüzünü süsler. - Cannes Uluslararası Film Festivali: Mayıs ayında dünyanın dört bir yanından ünlüler Cannes'da buluşur. - Fête de la Musique: Yazın başlangıcını müzikle kutlar ve tüm Fransa'da ücretsiz konserler düzenlenir. - Avignon Festivali: Temmuz ayında gerçekleşen bu festival, tiyatro ve sanat severleri çeker. - Les Chorégies d'Orange: Opera tutkunları için önemli bir etkinliktir.
Tatiller / Önemli Günler
- Yeni Yıl: 1 Ocak - Paskalya: 28 Mart - İşçi Bayramı: 1 Mayıs - Yükseliş Günü: 5 Mayıs - Zafer Günü: 8 Mayıs - Bastille Günü: 14 Temmuz - Azizler Günü: 1 Kasım - Ateşkes Günü: 11 Kasım - Noel: 25 Aralık
Dikkat Edilmesi Gerekenler
- Şehir indirim kartlarını kullanarak bütçenizi kontrol altında tutabilirsiniz. - Yaz sezonunda konaklama fiyatlarının artabileceğini göz önünde bulundurarak erken rezervasyon yapabilirsiniz. - Restoranların kapanma saatleri ve Pazar günleri açık olma durumu değişiklik gösterebilir. - Fransızlar, genellikle kendi dillerini tercih ederler, bu nedenle bir çeviri uygulaması kullanmak faydalı olabilir. - Merkezi konumlu konaklama seçerseniz, şehir içi ulaşımı kolayca sağlayabilirsiniz.
Fransa, geniş ve kaliteli ulaşım ağlarına sahiptir. Paris'teki raylı sistem ile şehir içi ulaşım kolaydır. Otobüsler ve taksi hizmetleri de mevcuttur. Şehirler arası ulaşımda trenler ve karayolu ağları sıkça kullanılır.
Fransa, zengin kültürel geçmişiyle dikkat çeker. Gotik üslubun çıkış noktası olarak bilinir ve sanat, edebiyat ve mimaride önemli katkılarda bulunmuştur. Fransız edebiyatı, uzun bir geçmişe sahiptir ve dünya çapında tanınmış yazarlar yetiştirmiştir. Fransız mutfağı da dünyaca ünlüdür ve çeşitli lezzetleriyle öne çıkar.
Fransa, Avrupa'nın ekonomik açıdan güçlü ülkelerinden biridir. Gayri safi yurt içi hasıla 2,77 trilyon dolar olarak hesaplanır ve büyüme oranı %1,5'tir. Fransa'nın ticaret ortakları arasında Almanya, İtalya, Belçika, İspanya, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ve Çin bulunur. Otomobil sanayi ürünleri, elektrikli ev aletleri ve hazır giyim ürünleri ihracatın önemli parçalarını oluşturur.
Vize Nasıl Alınır?
Türkiye Cumhuriyeti vatandaşlarının Fransa'ya seyahat etmek için Schengen vizesi almaları gerekmektedir. Vize başvuruları, Fransa Konsolosluğu tarafından yetkilendirilmiş özel kurumlar aracılığıyla yapılır. Başvuru için pasaport, fotoğraf, nüfus cüzdanı fotokopisi, finansal belgeler ve talep dilekçesi gerekmektedir. Ayrıca vize başvuru formunun eksiksiz doldurulması ve seyahat sigortası poliçesinin sunulması gerekmektedir. Ülke Rehberi bölümünden, ülke bilgilerine ulaşabilirsiniz. Ayrıca İlginizi çekecek içerikler; Fransa Telefon Fiyatları Fransa Araba Fiyatları Read the full article
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rennestaxi35 · 8 months
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Découvrez les villes lointaines avec Rennest-taxi35 Partez à la découverte des villes lointaines depuis Rennes en choisissant les services de Rennes-taxi35. Nantes, la capitale de la région Pays de la Loire, vous charmera avec son riche patrimoine historique et ses nombreux musées. Bordeaux, réputée pour ses vignobles et son architecture élégante, vous offre une expérience culturelle et gastronomique unique. Lyon, la ville des lumières, vous émerveillera avec sa belle vieille ville, ses traboules et sa délicieuse cuisine lyonnaise. Marseille, porte d'entrée vers la Méditerranée, vous séduira avec son Vieux-Port animé, ses calanques et sa culture vibrante. Strasbourg, au carrefour de l'Europe, vous enchantera avec sa magnifique cathédrale, ses canaux et sa fameuse cuisine alsacienne. Toulouse, surnommée la "Ville rose", vous accueille avec sa douceur de vivre, son architecture unique et sa scène musicale dynamique.  
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Rennes-taxi35 est disponible en toutes la France Découvrez les villes les plus importantes de France avec les services de Rennes-taxi35. Paris, la capitale, vous séduira avec ses célèbres monuments tels que la Tour Eiffel, le Louvre et Notre-Dame. Marseille, la deuxième plus grande ville, vous offre son ambiance méditerranéenne, ses plages et son Vieux-Port animé. Lyon, connue pour sa cuisine renommée et son patrimoine architectural, est un incontournable pour les amateurs de gastronomie et de culture. Toulouse, surnommée la "Ville rose", vous accueille avec son atmosphère chaleureuse, sa richesse historique et ses espaces verts. Nice, sur la Côte d'Azur, vous charmera avec ses plages de sable, son climat ensoleillé et ses ruelles pittoresques. Bordeaux, célèbre pour ses vignobles et son architecture élégante, est un paradis pour les amateurs de vin et de culture. Strasbourg, située à la frontière avec l'Allemagne, vous fascinera avec sa magnifique cathédrale, ses marchés de Noël et son quartier pittoresque de la Petite France. Nantes, dans la région Pays de la Loire, vous offre un mélange parfait de patrimoine historique, d'art contemporain et d'ambiance urbaine. Que vous souhaitiez explorer ces villes pour affaires ou pour le plaisir, notre service de taxi vous garantit un transport fiable, confortable et sécurisé. Réservez dès maintenant et partez à la découverte de ces villes importantes de France avec Rennes-taxi35.
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taruntravell · 9 months
The Greatest Places to Visit in France
France is a country known for its rich history, stunning architecture, delicious cuisine, diverse landscapes, and vibrant culture. There are numerous incredible places to visit in France, and while it's difficult to narrow it down to just a few, here are some of the greatest places you should consider exploring:
Paris: The "City of Light" is a must-visit for its iconic landmarks, including the Eiffel Tower, Notre-Dame Cathedral (currently under restoration after the 2019 fire), Louvre Museum, Champs-Élysées, Montmartre, and more. The art, fashion, and culinary scenes in Paris are world-renowned.
Provence: This region in the southeastern part of France is famous for its lavender fields, charming villages like Gordes and Roussillon, and the historic city of Avignon with its stunning Papal Palace. The local markets, vineyards, and beautiful countryside make Provence a picturesque destination.
French Riviera (Côte d'Azur): Enjoy the glitz and glamour of cities like Nice, Cannes, and Saint-Tropez, which offer beautiful beaches, luxury shopping, and a vibrant nightlife. Don't miss the scenic coastal drives and picturesque coastal towns like Villefranche-sur-Mer and Eze.
Loire Valley: Known for its fairytale-like châteaux, the Loire Valley is a UNESCO World Heritage site with over 300 castles. Some of the most notable ones include Château de versailles, Château de Chenonceau, and Château de Amboise.
Mont Saint-Michel: This stunning abbey perched atop a rocky island in Normandy is a UNESCO World Heritage site and a marvel of medieval architecture. The surrounding bay also offers unique tidal experiences.
Bordeaux: Famous for its wine, Bordeaux is a city in southwestern France known for its beautiful architecture, vibrant atmosphere, and excellent dining experiences. Take a wine tour in the surrounding vineyards and taste some of the world's finest wines.
Lyon: As the gastronomic capital of France, Lyon boasts a rich culinary scene. Explore its old town (Vieux Lyon), UNESCO-listed Basilica of Notre-Dame de Fourvière, and the picturesque banks of the Rhône and Saône rivers.
Alsace: With its half-timbered houses and colorful streets, Alsace feels like it's straight out of a fairytale. Strasbourg, the capital, is home to a stunning Gothic cathedral and the picturesque neighborhood of Petite France.
Normandy: Known for the D-Day landing beaches and the historic city of Rouen, Normandy also offers picturesque coastal towns like Honfleur and charming countryside.
Dordogne: This region is renowned for its prehistoric caves, medieval castles, and charming villages like Sarlat-la-Canéda.
Remember, this is just a glimpse of what France has to offer. Each region has its own unique charm and tourist attractions, so you'll never run out of incredible places to visit in this beautiful country.v
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educationinaustralia · 10 months
Things to do in France
When visiting France, there are numerous activities and attractions to explore. Here are some popular things to do in France:
Visit Paris: Explore iconic landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower, Louvre Museum, Notre-Dame Cathedral, Champs-Élysées, and Montmartre. Take a stroll along the Seine River and enjoy the charming atmosphere of the city.
Explore the French Riviera: Head to glamorous cities like Nice, Cannes, and Saint-Tropez. Relax on beautiful beaches, wander through charming old towns, and soak up the vibrant Mediterranean ambiance.
Tour the Loire Valley: Discover magnificent châteaux like Château de Chambord, Château de Chenonceau, and Château de Villandry. The region is known for its stunning landscapes and vineyards.
Explore Provence: Experience the picturesque beauty of lavender fields, olive groves, and charming villages like Gordes, Roussillon, and Saint-Rémy-de-Provence. Don't miss the stunning Gorges du Verdon, known as the "Grand Canyon of Europe."
Visit the French Alps: If you enjoy outdoor activities, head to the French Alps. Enjoy skiing, snowboarding, hiking, and breathtaking views of the mountain landscapes. Popular destinations include Chamonix, Annecy, and Grenoble.
Discover the Palace of Versailles: Take a day trip from Paris to visit the grand Palace of Versailles. Explore the opulent halls, gardens, and the famous Hall of Mirrors.
Explore Bordeaux: Wine enthusiasts shouldn't miss a visit to Bordeaux. Discover the world-renowned vineyards, taste exquisite wines, and explore the charming city center.
Visit Mont Saint-Michel: Experience the magic of this medieval abbey located on a rocky island off the coast of Normandy. Explore the narrow streets and enjoy breathtaking views. Click here for Visa Issues
Explore the D-Day Landing Beaches: History buffs can visit the historic sites of the Normandy landings during World War II. Discover museums, memorials, and the beaches where the D-Day invasion took place.
Enjoy French cuisine: Indulge in the delightful French cuisine, from croissants and baguettes to cheese and wine. Try regional specialties like bouillabaisse in Marseille, coq au vin in Burgundy, or crepes in Brittany.
Remember that France is a diverse and culturally rich country, so there are countless more attractions and activities to discover depending on your interests and the region you are visiting.
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peoplealsoaskfor · 11 months
11 of the BEST Places to visit in France
France offers a multitude of incredible travel destinations to explore. Here are 11 of the best places to visit in France:
Paris: The capital city is renowned for its iconic landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower, Louvre Museum, Notre-Dame Cathedral, and charming neighborhoods like Montmartre and Le Marais.
French Riviera: This glamorous coastal region features luxurious resorts like Nice, Cannes, and Saint-Tropez. Enjoy stunning beaches, upscale shopping, and a vibrant nightlife.
Provence: Known for its picturesque countryside, lavender fields, and charming villages like Aix-en-Provence and Avignon, Provence offers a delightful blend of history, culture, and natural beauty.
Bordeaux: A paradise for wine lovers, Bordeaux is famous for its vineyards and wineries. Explore the city's historic center and indulge in wine tasting tours.
Loire Valley: This enchanting region is dotted with magnificent châteaux, including Château de Chambord and Château de Chenonceau. The area is also renowned for its scenic landscapes and vineyards.
Mont Saint-Michel: Situated on a rocky island, Mont Saint-Michel is a medieval abbey and a UNESCO World Heritage site. It offers breathtaking views and a unique atmosphere.
Normandy: Known for its historical significance, Normandy is home to the D-Day landing beaches, the picturesque town of Honfleur, and the stunning cliffs of Étretat.
Alsace: Located on the border with Germany, Alsace charms visitors with its half-timbered houses, beautiful vineyards, and enchanting towns like Strasbourg and Colmar.
Lyon: As France's gastronomic capital, Lyon is a paradise for food lovers. Explore the city's vibrant food markets, sample delicious cuisine, and visit the ancient Roman amphitheater.
Marseille: France's oldest city offers a rich blend of cultures and stunning Mediterranean views. Explore the vibrant Vieux Port, visit the historic Le Panier district, and enjoy fresh seafood.
Corsica: An island in the Mediterranean Sea, Corsica boasts rugged mountains, pristine beaches, and charming coastal towns like Bonifacio and Calvi. It's an ideal destination for outdoor enthusiasts.
These are just a few highlights, and France has much more to offer. Each region has its own unique charm, history, and attractions, making it a country that caters to a wide range of interests and preferences.
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farsidejr · 1 year
eiffel tower day was a few days ago and im crying because i literally forgot so my dumbass missed that shit anyways that was my birthday happy late birthday to me #france#parisfrance#eiffel tower#notre dame#bordeaux#marseille#nantes#lyon#strasbourg#chamonix#musee du louvre#arc de triomphe#louvre#versailles#sainte chapelle#musee d'orsay#tuileries#louis vitton#place de vosges#hotel de ville#jardin de plantes#bonjour#bonsoir#grand palais#louvre pyramid#pont des arts#petit palais#trocadero#trocadéro#trocadero gardens#french#france#francais#parisfrance#in paris#arc de triomphe#eiffel tower#tour eiffel#crossiant#crescent#crescendo#decrescendo#pianissimo#piano#mezzo forte#forte#fortissimo#notre dame#louvre#claude debussy#claire de lune#fortepiano#legato#marcato#staccato#glissando#rinforzando#fermata#forza#mezzo staccato
sorry you missed your birthday dude maybe next year i'll mark it on the calendar, hope you find your French DNA donor
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dan6085 · 1 year
French culture encompasses a wide range of influences, including art, cuisine, architecture, fashion, and language. The culture of France is often considered one of the most sophisticated and refined in the world, with a strong emphasis on tradition, history, and elegance.
Art and architecture are integral parts of French culture. France is home to some of the world's most famous museums, such as the Louvre and the Musée d'Orsay, which house some of the most important works of art in the world. The country also boasts an impressive number of historic buildings and landmarks, such as the Eiffel Tower, the Notre Dame Cathedral, and the Palace of Versailles, which are considered architectural masterpieces.
French cuisine is renowned for its sophistication and elegance. Traditional French dishes include coq au vin, ratatouille, and bouillabaisse, and are characterized by the use of high-quality ingredients and an emphasis on presentation. French wine is also famous, and the country is home to many of the world's most renowned wine regions, such as Champagne, Burgundy, and Bordeaux.
Fashion is also an important aspect of French culture, with Paris considered the fashion capital of the world. French fashion is known for its elegance, refinement, and attention to detail, with brands such as Chanel, Dior, and Yves Saint Laurent synonymous with luxury and high-end style.
Language is an important aspect of French culture. French is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world, and is the official language of France, as well as being an official language in many other countries. French literature is also considered to be some of the greatest in the world, with writers such as Victor Hugo, Marcel Proust, and Albert Camus having a profound impact on literature and culture.
In addition, French culture is also known for its love of philosophy, cinema, theater, and music. French cinema has a rich history and has produced many influential films, directors and actors. French theater is also a strong tradition and many famous playwrights and actors come from the country. French music also covers a wide range of styles, from classical to contemporary, and has produced many talented musicians.
In conclusion, French culture is rich and diverse, encompassing art, architecture, cuisine, fashion, language, and many other aspects of life. The country is known for its sophistication, elegance, and attention to detail, and has had a profound impact on the world's culture and history.
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lsundarinfo · 1 year
France Travel Guide
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One of the most exquisite countries in Europe, which saw a footfall of 100 million tourists in 2020, must be on the list of every travel enthusiast. Known for its language, cuisine, culture, and fashion, the popularity of France is increasing day by day. The best thing about this country is the wide range of experiences it offers. It doesn’t matter if you want to spend your vacation relaxing in a countryside vineyard sipping on some wine or want to go underwater and reunite with nature, France has everything.
Another important thing to know about the country is the fact that it is well connected through roads, and if you want to experience the real France, it should be a point to take a road trip. You can hire a car and get to experience the countryside as authentically as possible. It will not only help you in being truly free from arrival and departure timings but can also lead you to unplanned and impromptu adventures. And those are the kinds of stories that you will want your grandchildren to know!
Let us take a look at some of the destinations in France that you will regret missing –
Paris – Well, no brownie points for guessing this one. Also known as the City of Light, this city has been a crucial part of the modern history of the world. Poets, painters, musicians, most of those who revolutionised art and literature have walked through the streets of Paris. In this French city, love is always in the air, along with the aroma of baked goods and perfume. The Eiffel Tower and Notre Dame Cathedral are of great historical importance.The Louvre Museum has some of the greatest works of art in the world. The Château de Versailles is just a one and a half hour car ride away from Paris and without any argument one of the grandest architectural pieces in the world.
The island of Corsica – To the south of France lies the beautiful island of Corsica. You might have come across this one if you were an Asterix fan.The city of Bastia is famous for its streets, cafes, churches, scenic beauty, and markets. Take a day to walk the beautiful metropolitan area to blend in with locals and absorb the beautiful warm Sun. Take a tour of the Balagne villages which are just a 20 minute drive away. Catching a sunset in the village of Occi can be a magical experience for you.
Nice – The foundation of the city takes us back to the time of the Greeks. It is one of the biggest attractions for international tourists. Nice is widely known by Henri Matisse, the famous painter who lived and worked in this beautiful French city. There are several things that you can do in Nice, such as taking a bus tour around the city or dedicating a day to museums. However, to experience Nice in its truest sense, you must take the cruise from Cannes to Monte Carlo.
Bordeaux – It’s not difficult to locate this name, right? If you are a good old wine lover, you have surely seen Bordeaux many times. This quaint port city is a massive wine hub that reportedly produced 440 million litres of wine in 2020. Apart from the obvious attraction of lovely Bordeaux, this place offers peaceful countryside that is perfect both for you and your gram. Spend a weekend in the region tasting some wine and basking in the sun in one of the gardens that run along the riverside.
Normandy – Although this northern region has a history of injustice, war, and suffering, it is surely a place that you would not want to miss. The Normandy coast gained popularity during the Second World War and has since been one of the major attractions for tourists with historical interest. The region has expansive beaches lined with white-chalk cliffs. The grandeur of the landscape is absolutely breathtaking and sublime. Guess that is the reason why Claude Monet spent a good deal of his life and painted some of his best works in Normandy.
The Alps – If you are an adrenaline junkie, you should not miss the opportunity to visit the part of the Alps that falls under the jurisdiction of France. Outdoor sports such as skiing, snowboarding, mountaineering, and paragliding are some of the activities that will account for some of the central experiences of your life.
Loire Valley – While France equates to romance, not every place in the country will be able to offer you the kind of privacy that you might expect with your loved one. Loire Valley is one such place that will give you the chance to escape with your partner. The serene nature of the valley and the beautiful accommodation options this place has is ideal for a romantic getaway or a honeymoon. It has also been recognised as a World Heritage site by UNESCO.
Dune du Pilat – When in France, there is no reason to miss Europe’s tallest sand dunes. Located in the Arcachon Bay area, it attracts a huge number of tourists every year. You will not only be shocked at the sight of the high dunes, but you must also climb to its peak to see the breathtaking view.
Mont St. Michel, the grand abbey on this island located near Normandy, is a treat for both adults and children. It is said that this beautiful structure was the inspiration behind the famous children’s tale Rapunzel and it also inspired the creative directors of the Disney movie Tangled. Don’t deprive yourself of this beauty when you’re in France.
Things to do in France
France is more than simply a tourism destination. This lovely nation provides a plethora of things to do and activities.
France not only boasts strong arts, culture, and architecture, but it also offers a diverse cuisine. While most of the lesser-known towns have recently gained a lot of attention, Paris remains one of the most-visited cities in the world. Enjoy the capital by riding along the Seine, circling the Arc de Triomphe, or driving to Versailles.
If you’ve always wanted to visit the most romantic city in the world, driving is the most liberating option. Plan your own schedule and have greater freedom in deciding how to experience France without the hassle of commuting.
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If you are planning to go around the country on the road, you must remember that you should possess an international driver’s permit. This will give you the ability to rent a vehicle and drive around to reach your preferred spots.
Although almost all of these tourist destinations are accessible by public transit, it is always a good idea to rent a car as a tourist or foreign visitor. This lets you travel according to your desires, making as many pauses as you wish, even for something as simple as a nice little selfie and making memories, without the driver constantly pressuring you to hurry or disguising their annoyance each time you ask them to stop.
An International Driving Licence France, on the other hand, is a perfectly straightforward answer to this tiny problem that threatens to ruin your vacation mood while in France. With the help of ITCA, you may apply for an international driving licence and obtain your international driver permit France in only a few easy clicks. You may visit these tourist destinations whenever and wherever you choose with your international driving permit in hand. The land of serenity, love, romance, and wine is waiting for you to be explored. Go ahead and book a vacation in France!
France Driving guide
France is a lovely and diverse country with a fascinating history and culture. France is a famous tourist destination for visitors worldwide, thanks to renowned sites such as the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre Museum, and Notre Dame Cathedral. Enjoy delectable French food, world-renowned wines, and picturesque landscapes. France offers something for everyone, from the gorgeous beaches of the French Riviera to the snow-capped summits of the Alps. Whether you enjoy history, art, or outdoor sports, France will have a memorable effect on you. Whether you are visiting France for a short or long time, having an international driver’s licence and a local driver’s licence will provide you with the finest experience.
Car rental in France
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If you want to make your vacation as easy as possible but cannot bring your own car, renting a car is an alternative. Finding where to rent a car in France or researching all rental cars might be difficult, but fortunately, car rental guides are widely available.
Required Documentation
Car rental firms have terms and restrictions, so read them before proceeding. The legal criteria for driving a rental automobile in France vary widely; however, the following are the typical requirements:
● Current local driver’s licence.
● International driver’s licence according to UN Conventions 1949 or 1968
● Passport.
● For pre-booking, use an international debit or credit card.
Choose from various rental cars to match your personality and holiday mood. Rent a minivan or an economy automobile for a more elegant and cost-effective journey. Compact and family automobiles, which can carry more passengers and luggage, are suitable for family and group travel. In France, you may also hire a premium car as you wish.
Car rental in France is less expensive than in any other country. You may rent a car for as little as $12 per day. However, the cost varies based on the type of vehicle rented.
French traffic regulations
Now that you know how to get your rental car, the following section will teach you about the driving regulations in France. This will help you adjust quickly and drive like a Frenchman. Check out the driving regulations and other important facts about driving in France below. Drivers should be mindful of roadside hazards, speed limits, and other limitations. So, before you drive in France, figure out what is unique to you and do a car maintenance check.
This is one of the most crucial traffic regulations to remember. Private drivers are allowed a maximum legal blood alcohol level of 0.05%. At the same time, the rate for buses, coaches, and novice drivers with less than three years of experience is limited to 0.02%. Police can perform random breath tests, and such tests, as well as drug testing, are required if a motorist is involved in an accident or commits a significant offence.
Parking regulations
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Parking is permitted only on the right side of two-lane roads and both sides of large one-way streets. Yellow lines or street signs indicate restrictions and dashed yellow lines indicate that parking is not permitted. Parking metres and machines that accept credit or debit card payments are indicated by street signage.
Your car will be towed and seized if you park illegally. You must go to your local police station, pay the fine, and then release the car.
Horning caution
At specific times of the day, a horn must immediately inform other road users. In France, you must flash your low lights to warn of an approaching vehicle from dusk until morning. Horns are absolutely forbidden in all metropolitan areas, save in extreme cases. Horns with several tones, sirens, and whistles are also forbidden. You should also constantly use low beams.
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The police can fine drivers up to €750 on the spot for breaking traffic laws. The police have the authority to seize the car until payment is made. You can pay in Euro cash, French bank checks, or traveller’s checks. The car and driver’s licence may be seized in specific situations. You should know everything if you don’t want your domestic driver’s licence seized in France.
If you are stopped or checked by the police and do not stop throughout the course of the check,
Driving without a valid driver’s licence or insurance
exceeding the speed limit by more than 50 km/h.
Multiple offences
in the event of a hit-and-run.
Operating a vehicle with the incorrect category licence, which does not cover that vehicle.
In the above scenario, your vehicle may already be the property of the French government.
Speed limit
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Remember that France’s national speed restrictions are measured in kilometres and meters. All road signs and lane markers are in metric units. The speed limit is 130 kilometres per hour. The speed limit on non-urban highways is 80 km/h, whereas, in urban areas, it is 50 km/h. Drivers with EU licences who exceed the speed limit by more than 40 km/h will have their licences revoked.
Seat belt legislation
Seat belts must be worn at all times by both the driver and the passenger. The driver must ensure that all passengers, especially those under 18, wear seat belts for adequate vehicle support. If a child under age 10 is seen sitting in the front seat without a seatbelt or in a child’s seat, the driver faces a €135 fine. Adult passengers who crash without wearing a helmet or a seat belt will be fined an extra 135 euros.
Legal driving age
According to French highway regulations, one must be at least 18 years old to drive. Generally comparable to other countries, the driver must be at least 21 years old to qualify for car rentals. Some rental firms may rent to people at 18, but waiting until the minimum rental conditions are met is preferable. If you are under the legal driving age, do not drive on French roads, especially on slopes.
Overtaking rule
Overtaking is a right-hand traffic concept, whereas overtaking is a left-hand traffic principle. On slow-moving highways, you can overtake other cars on the right side in some circumstances when heavy traffic limits a specific lane. Ensure there are no incoming cars that might cause an accident when passing.
The driving side
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Drive as though you are a native of France.
Tourists are permitted to drive in France. Driving in France requires an IDP, or international driving permit. A verified translation must accompany all valid domestic driver’s licences for tourists if they want to drive a car in France. The International Driving Permit, a legal document translation, is available at e-itca.org if you want to drive on your own in France. When driving in a foreign nation, you must have an IDP. E-ITCA.org also provides an international driving permit France with express shipping globally.
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