#now I cba to edit hair I'm sorry
fixinglitg · 6 months
So you've read the title and probably just wanna get straight to this, so I will. If you cba to read my explanation as to why I dislike some of the women LI characters, scroll down and find some red text, that's when I get on with things.
DISCLAIMER: After a recent ask at the time of editing this, I just wanna add the fact that this is a friend's to lovers route, and just my opinion. There will be multiple of these, so keep that in mind when you read through.
Fusebox SUCK at writing Bisexual women, and couldn't do a proper wlw to save their life, in my own personal opinion of course. So far, we've had Talia, Marisol, Elisa, AJ, Yasmin, Lily, Najuma, Cora, Angie, Dana, Gabi, Lulu, Bella, Chloe, Flo and Bonnie.In MY opinion, only Talia, Najuma in a way and Angie are the only ones written well.
Talia still has a good relationship with Jake if you don't pursue her, Najuma has no issues with going after Youcef (though she is a little on me sometimes) and Angie has an absolutely amazing friends to lovers and is the only reason why I play S4 despite actually enjoying that season very much weirdly.
So now we'll move onto the bad, because that's what this post is for.
Marisol is such a pain in the ass to get, and I just think she comes across as a bit manipulative and shitty. I've NEVER done a route for her because firstly I don't find her attractive at all, but mostly I think it's just too much of a hassle to get her. And the fact that she continues to use Graham in an attempt to make us jealous is so goddamn stupid like babe, just say it flat out and take my answer.
Elisa is the better of the two, yet ofc I haven't done her route as you HAVE to be on a Marisol route for her. I think she's gorgeous, and I find her kinda amusing (I know, odd me) but I think she just needed to come earlier, or have her be an open route already. I can't comment much more on her as I barely see her much afterwards, but I think she was a waste of potential.
Then we have Aj. And I love my girl, I really do, but S3 is so forgettable to the point where I can't actually remember how pushy she could be? Same with Lily to be honest. BUT one thing I do remember about Lily is the fact that she can steal you at the end, and then Aj leaves which SUCKED because that's how mine ended up the first time round, so she's never been in my good book for that. And then there was also Yasmin, but I haven't done her route so I can't give an opinion unfortunately.
Next we have S4 with Cora as I've already touched upon Najuma and Angie. See, I don't think Cora's BAD but I kinda hate the fact that she's like a false LI. The fact that you can't stay coupled up with her is a little annoying since I would've enjoyed a route with her, but it is a nice change of pace having someone basically reject your MC after coupling up with them. So, not terrible, but not amazing.
Then S5. Oh dear. Lulu is honestly the only one really worth it in the end. She's sweet, and she isn't clingy. Neither is Gabi to be fair, so for wlw I would definitely go for them. I think Gabi is a better character than people allow. She has depth to her, and people always talk about "oh but her little tantrum with the ring" I'm sorry but if a guy was sleeping round my house and I find a ring, I'm gonna think it's for me and not the "other women" you've just found. So I understand why she did it. Besides, she also got a confession out of Suresh, so is it really that bad?
Dana on the other hand, oh dear. Not only can she not take no for an answer, she also cheats on you, and then acts really shitty all throughout casa amor. Honestly, it's really satisfying going after Gabi after being with her, because she brings my mental health further down than it already is. And not only that, she's ugly asf??? She looks ill, I'm more concerned than attracted. And- yeah, the shading is all off, and the hair colour isn't it.
Before I continue my rant about that, let's move onto S6. I think Bella, Chloe, and Flo are all really attractive. The only thing that frustrates me is A. The fact that you can only couple up with them at the final recoupling, and B. The fact that you basically have to pick and choose who stays and who goes. And I think that they're all kinda pushed onto you. Of course, that's a writing error, but it makes me like the characters a little less when they seem really clingy and on you like no-one else exists.
And finally, so far, S7 with Bonnie. To keep things nice and simple, Bonnie should've been an OG girl instead. Whether she stayed as Bonnie or her whole reasoning was pushed onto an OG girl instead doesn't matter. She just never should've been an LI. Having Joyo/Bryson (I think) take her back to the villa when they feel nothing is so stupid. And I know it was only because they wanted to keep her since she's an LI. Which is why she should've been at the villa in the first place, so that it didn't put them in an awkward spot. On top of that, her character doesn't serve much purpose if you're either not into her, or not into women.
SO NOW THAT WE'VE GOTTEN THAT OUT OF THE WAY, you can read on from here if you didn't care about that shit and just wanted to see how I'd do this.
So the female LI of the season (if they only added in one) should be an OG from the start. I think that you have to do specific things to unlock that route. For example, say you're into women, and have a high heart score with said character (that's based on the original app, idk how it'd work for the new one now that the emojis are mostly nonexistent). You should only be able to pursue said woman if it makes sense.It should start off with Woman LI saying how she's into both men and women, and can't wait to start her journey. None of this "oH iM eXciTEd To GeT tO kNoW yOU"
NO. The female LI shouldn't have the sole purpose of being an LI for the MC.Then we'd see her recouple with a guy at least once or twice. During that time, she can talk about how things aren't exactly feeling right for her, but she thinks it might just be the fact that they're in the villa. I don't want to be automatically pushed onto this character. I want her to either randomly come out and say it, or hint at it.
And then after a challenge or some really hefty drama that splits the villa in two (because we love some drama) I'd want this sort of scene to happen:
Note: All FEMALE LI'S dialogue is in YELLOW.
"Hey. MC? Can I talk to you quickly?"
MC would follow potential F!LI to the firepit because it's weirdly symbolic. Then it would either be one of two options depending on if the route has been unlocked.
LOCKED ROUTE: "I'm worried about my time here. I'm just not clicking with anyone right now. (Her partner's name) isn't quite who I thought he'd be. And after today, I'm not really sure if I can trust him or not. Or anyone but you really. I don't know what to do. Since I think of you as the closest girl I know in this villa, a best friend even, I was wondering if I could get your advice?"
This would be securing the fact that she is now locked, and won't be able to be an option later on. I think it's a good idea to lock her to keep things simple. And then you could even add in another woman later to be her partner. Whether the new woman is also an LI too is in the air.
BUT what if she was unlocked? How would that dialogue go? Well...
UNLOCKED ROUTE: "I'm sorry if this is a bad time. Is this a bad time? It feels like a bit of a bad time."
Option A: "No, of course not, what's wrong?"
Option B: "As long as it isn't another secret we don't know of."
Option C: "Yeah, it kinda is with all the drama going on right now."
I imagine this would be after a challenge that reveals things like movie night etc, so just go with me for this one. Of course, her answer and your answer would be different depending on the choice, but it would all lead to this set of dialogue no matter what:
"Listen, I just have something I need to get off my chest. It's been here for a while, and I guess I just didn't want to acknowledge it. At least, not until today. I like you, MC. As in I wanna couple up with you if we get the chance to."
"Are you serious? Why now? What's changed?"
"That challenge revealed a lot. At least, for me it did. You've always been there for me since day one. I've always found you attractive. I just didn't wanna seem pushy. I've tried hinting at my interest in you without seeming weird, but you never reacted. I couldn't tell if you'd even be interested in... Well, me? I wanted to tell you, but I couldn't. I..."
"Please, tell me, (F!LI name)."
"You just looked so infatuated. With him. The way you looked. How you smiled. It felt different to how you looked at everyone else. How you looked at me. Even when you two were bickering a little, I couldn't do that to you. I didn't want to look like I was taking advantage of the situation. I didn't want to get in your way. But, after today, after seeing how he treated you during casa amor? After his slimy hands touched those girls in there only to say how much he likes you, and only thought about you in those moments... It made me feel something else. The thought of you being dumped killed me. And I knew it was because I like you. But I didn't want to admit it until today. And if you need space, I fully understand. And if you don't feel the same, I get it. And I hope we can still be friends. But I need you to know before it's too late."
At this point, I feel like you'd have the option to accept, reject, or say you need some time. Accepting will fully unlock the route, rejecting will of course close it, but saying you need time will keep the option open until you only have the choice of saying yes or no during a later scene a few days later (about 9/12 episodes in the old format).
If you lock her route here, you'd notice a little change in dialogue until the end. How each word seems a little strained as if you can tell she's really holding back how she feels without it being pushy or obnoxious.And finally, I just wanted to add a little scene where she'd couple up with you. Before this, she'd ask if you'd wanna couple up. If you say yes, then she'll be the one who gets to couple up. If you say you're unsure, you'd get the choice. But if you don't, her route is locked again. And if you say no then ofc her route is locked and she'll be a little disappointed that you said you were interested, but she'll be a bit more understanding if your answer was "I need some time" during her confession scene. Because then it doesn't seem like you've led her on. ANYWAYS, coupling up scene.
COUPLING UP WITH HER: "I don't know how much of a surprise this will be. But I've been thinking about this a lot. And now that I know I can, there's no way I'm letting this opportunity go. I wanna couple up with this person because they make me feel as if I can be myself. All my insecurities and flaws feel like perfection with them. And I can't thank them enough for making me feel so... Happy. If I had known them longer, I'd even consider the word "loved." They've been with me from the start, and not only are they my best friend, but my ride or die. They've been there for me through thick and thin, and I wanna be there for them. So, that's why the person I wanna couple up with is MC."
And there we have it. Of course, I'd go more into detail but this post is SOOOOO long already. I hope you enjoyed and my fingers are really fucking stiff now, I've been typing for about 30 minutes, I'm freezing, and I'm tired. But overall, this was so worth it. Let me know your opinions too!
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