#now he actually looks like holmes (kind of) i'm so happy
Everlark (Mockingjay, Ch. 20-21)
(there's so much chapter 21 about the old peeta resurfacing and it feels like a reward for suffering through what this book has made me suffer through so far)
i take bogg's telling katniss to kill peeta as him just saying "do whatever you have to do to get the job done"
katniss being like um surely he doesn't think i can just kill peeta? like surely not. and then her literally being like i'm just gonna do the first two things he said and ignore the third
finnick putting on and adjusting peeta's mask while he's unconscious. the fact that katniss notes this. i cry
peeta realising he's killed mitchell hurts a lot. the capitol really turned him into something he's not. and he's fighting it so hard still
the compassion the other members of the star squad show peeta is actually very heart-warming, they're so understanding. finnick looking after him. holmes automatically going to carry an unconscious peeta so they can start moving again without being asked to. finnick reassuring him; actually everything finnick does. them refusing to leave him behind even though he is an actual threat to them
katniss thinking of the hanging tree while contemplating peeta's request that they kill him. the fact that she realises it might even be the more compassionate thing to do at this stage to give him nightlock. but the same way he says he can't let her take it at the end of the book, she can't do it here
"i feel the arena all around me... once again i'm battling not only for my own survival but peeta's as well"
i personally don't think katniss could have ever killed him. there's just no chance. when his survival is so intricately linked to her own. they're a package deal. and they fight so hard to keep each other alive.
peeta holding out the can of lamb stew to katniss. so mad we didn't get so many important moments from this book in the movies. they did a terrible job of showing the moments where peeta was coming back to himself. all his comments to the others, this moment
"the memories of rain dripping through stones, my inept attempts at flirting and the aroma of my favourite capitol dish in the chilly air. so some part of it must still be in his head too. how happy, how hungry, how close we were when that picnic basket arrived outside our cave."
OUR cave. like it was their first little home. first little intimate space just for them.
the fact that she paints this time in their cave as romantic and sentimental and picturesque. she's romanticising tf out of it. like she was in a death arena but in that moment, she was happy and close to him and that mattered so much to her
her hope at him returning to himself dripping off the page. that he remembers this.
(an aside: katniss being snarky about snow's puffy lips and saying his prep team need to be lighter with his blush is sooo funny)
in my catching fire summaries, i noted that katniss's desire to save peeta is actually a very selfish one. she's saving him for herself. because she wants him so badly to live. she wants him to be able to live more than herself. and the thought of him living while she doesn't is a personally comforting/happy thought for her. yes he deserves to live and he's a wonderful person but she's doing a lot of the saving of him for herself. because she NEEDS him to live. so her line here is interesting: "if it's true, it would be kindest to kill peeta here and now. but for better or worse, i am not motivated by kindness." - i think this is her essentially confirming what i believe or have gathered so far from what she tells us. saving peeta is not her showing him some great kindness. it's for her. she can't let him die for her own personal need and reasons. (and this isn't me criticising her, i don't think her reasons for saving him are selfish in a bad immoral way. just that she is a teenage girl in love with a boy and she desperately can't let him go)
she does the whole 'am i saving him because i care for him or because i don't want snow to win' but like it's been clear why she's been saving him thus far and continues to
"why can't i just let him go?" because you love and need him sweetheart. and you literally would not be able to live without him
and it's funny that despite all the emotion behind her reasoning, she comes out bluntly and says: so are you coming yourself or do we have to knock you out
"i slip it into my pants pocket, where it clicks against the pearl"
ugh. the key that keeps him restrained is now with katniss. her taking control of that part. the fact that it clicks with the pearl, reminding her of her boy with the bread who gave her this pearl that she's inseparable from. reminding her of exactly why she can't let him go, let him die.
peeta's comment to pollux when no one else can think of anything to say!! why didn't they include these things in the movies? auihfuaedhfufkeadh
the fact that his words are able to make castor laugh and pollux smile. he is so charming, so good-hearted, so good with people. and it's coming back. the boy with the bread is there, behind all that fog. he's there.
and again, katniss's hope at realising this. her glancing back at him. i can feel her emotions even though she's not always forthcoming with them
her wishing she could read his mind and go inside it to help him. settling on making sure he's eaten. taking away the lid so he can't hurt himself.
him saying mockingjays need wings to survive kinda feels like flirting/charm idk
"slowly, as i would with a wounded animal, my hand stretches out and brushes a wave of hair from his forehead. he freezes at my touch, but doesn't recoil. so i continue to gently smooth back his hair. it's the first time i have voluntarily touched him since the last arena" - never forget what the movies took from us!!
them smoothing/playing with/brushing back each other's hair has been a constant since the first book. an intimate thing, a comforting thing. and here, after all that's gone on, katniss knows what might help him sleep and she takes the risk of touching him. it could've gone so badly. but she still did it, for him. and for her.
him whispering "you're still trying to protect me. real or not real"... i want to hug him so bad. but he feels it. he feels her wanting to still protect him and he needs the confirmation.
protecting each other is what they do guysss
he has horrible circles under his eyes from not being able to sleep but, as katniss smooths his hair back, he falls asleep after a minute. do you understand how important this is?????
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A little opinion about the boys?I love your blog 🩷
Thank you~
William - Not my type, but I don't dislike him. He's so self-giving, and kind and very polite........and I'm a girl who likes jerks. Sometimes he can be crazy for example, in his birthday story, I was spoiled that one time, on his birthday, he asked his victim to sing him 'Happy Birthday' before killing him. I mean that's brutal but badass at the same time! When he's with Kate, so far, he's very kind, and asks her to be more open and more selfish with her desires and it's just all fine. It didn't make me go 'Awww, that's so cute!!!' or anything. It's just fine. His route is a little drag though, I won't lie.
Liam - Okay. I didn't like Liam at first. I thought his looks and his profile sounded boring (except for him being a stage actor, I LOVE IT WHEN MALE LEADS HAVE DIFFERENT JOBS!) I was scared that they were going to make him overly flirtatious....but I'm glad that he isn't. He's so cute! OH MY GOD, HE'S SO CUTE!!! His route looks fucked-up and also according to @archiveikemen she told that the story isn't an 'I can fix him' story, which I really appreciate btw! His route does have some cute moments like him acting in front of Kate to cheer her up and jumping off of roofs while carrying her in his arms...those are all so cute, and I love it!! His personality is very innocent and childlike and other members are worried about him because they don't want him to get hurt because of his curse. I love him now, he went from being my least fav character to one of my favs!!
Harry - Ofc, I love him. I find him cute! I find his lies also very cute. He's like 'I and Liam are not buddies.' and the same Harry is worried about Liam getting hurt. I love their dynamic too. Other than this I don't know too much about him because I haven't even started his route. But I love him and I find him interesting. Also his route. just from its preview looked cute and less dark, I guess? So I'm curious. And given that he's a Sherlock Holmes fan, I wouldn't be surprised if later Cybird releases a card of him and Arthur together.
Elbert - I think this guy is an idiot! lol. A funny idiot. He wants to lock Kate in his room because he thinks she's the one he is looking for...man that's so creepy and hilarious at the same time. Outside that, I think he, like William, is a kind and polite character. But I like him more than William because I feel like Elbert could be a yandere....maybe I'll be proven wrong. But he seems like he could be a Yandere character. Also, I find his ability really interesting. The other male leads have abilities that are very good for their 'Crown-related' jobs, so I'm curious how they use Elbert's ability in desperate circumstances. You can use his ability on your enemies if you want to mentally torture them.
Alphonse - For me personally, I don't care about him. I don't hate or like him. I don't even find him......interesting. He looks to be like he's hiding something and is into shady businesses and I feel like I have seen so many characters like him. I can't give any examples, it's just I 'feel' like I have seen characters like him before. He looks to be the spy of this game, but who knows? One thing I really find interesting is his ability is really fucked-up if you think about it. You can use that to literally manipulate people into showing them what YOU want to see. That can actually mess up people's minds in reality. But as a character, he's a hit or a miss for me. Let's wait of his main route.
Roger - His profile says he is egoistic but I don't find him that egoistic. When you read his bond stories, I find him really caring towards, Kate and other members of the Crown. Even when he says he uses Liam as his test subject for his 'human experiments', it doesn't seem like he's tormenting him or anything. I don't know, prove me wrong. I like him though.
Jude - \(≧▽≦)/(≧◡≦) ♡σ(≧ε≦σ) ♡Σ>―(〃°ω°〃)♡→(˘∀˘)/(❤ω❤)(。・//ε//・。)(*/ω\)(⁄ ⁄>⁄ ▽ ⁄<⁄ ⁄)(„ಡωಡ„)
Ellis - Yep! He's hot, caring, kind, funny and creepy. Yes! I find him a little creepy but I love that creepiness. His ability actually involves restraining people...................why do I feel like we might be getting 'bondage' scenes in his route? He has this certain smile that looks like he wants to tie me up at this moment and I like that smile. Towards, Kate and the others, he is very kind. All he wants is for everyone to be happy and if he finds anyone unhappy, then he will do anything to make them happy. This can be mess-up too, like in the prologue he offers to kill Kate because she looks unhappy to him. This same guy is also like 'I'll make sure you will be happy while you live with us.' Look I love creepy guys okay. I find them genuinely funny most of the times. I also love his dynamic with Jude. These two are so hilarious together. Hands down the best pair in this game! For example this one scene in William's route:
Victor: "Ellis, do you want to go on a mission with them?"
Jude: "There he goes again, using my men without my permission."
Ellis (Sad puppy dog eyes): "I don't mind, but....."
Jude: "But what?"
Ellis (Sad puppy dog eyes): "If I go, and at that time, if Jude encountered the happiest moment of his life. Then I wouldn't be able to see it."
Jude (Angry): "Tch. You, creepy bastard! I hope you go there and die."
Victor - I love Victor. He's my second fav character! I love his lively, chirpy and loud personality. It's cute. He's like a real dad! Reminds me of my own dad. Maybe that's why I like him! He's like the comic-relief character of this game. A funny guy and I like that. It's better than a cold, brooding, unapproachable character that looks cool at first but becomes boring later on. He cares for the Crown members, and also looks after them, making sure all their wishes are fulfilled. Even Kate. He makes sure that as long as she lives with the Crown, she's happy and safe. Still, I don't know much about him, but so far, I really really enjoy him whenever I interact with him.
Now, Jude - I FUCKIN LOVE THIS MAN AND THIS LOVE IS OVERFLOWING RIGHT NOW!!! I can't contain it! I love this motherfucker! He's ruthless, arrogant, swears, bullies, delinquent, kind, caring, cute, and ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL!!!! Just look at his smile man! It's so angelic compared to his arrogant personality. I wanna kiss this man on the lips every time I see him being kind to Kate! I wanna call him a jerk every time he bullies Kate! God! I even want to keep him to myself and never give him to anyone when he's being so FUCKIN CUTE!!! The more I learn about him, the more I love him! He's so lovely! He's absolutely lovely....there's no saving me from this jerk, guys! Even his ability is so cute. He can help me sleep! For some reason, no amount of medicine works on me! Maybe his warmth, his angelic smile, and his ability will help me!! Honestly, I cannot express my love for him completely just through words! I love him! I AM JUST HOPELESSLY IN LOVE WITH THIS GUY!!
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mariana-oconnor · 6 months
Thor Bridge pt 2
The Gold King has come to hire Holmes to prove his mistress (?) did not kill his wife.
That is a very strange statement.
"My love faded. If hers had faded also it might have been easier. But you know the wonderful way of women! Do what I might, nothing could turn her from me. If I have been harsh to her, even brutal as some have said, it has been because I knew that if I could kill her love, or if it turned to hate, it would be easier for both of us."
Are you... trying to excuse abusing your wife by explaining that you did it to make her hate you?
I don't think that argument is as sympathetic as you think it is.
"Then came Miss Grace Dunbar. [...] The whole world has proclaimed that she also is a very beautiful woman. Now, I make no pretence to be more moral than my neighbours, and I will admit to you that I could not live under the same roof with such a woman and in daily contact with her without feeling a passionate regard for her. Do you blame me, Mr. Holmes?"
"I do not blame you for feeling it. I should blame you if you expressed it, since this young lady was in a sense under your protection."
Holmes understanding the innate consent issues of employer/employee power dynamic relationships here and restoring my faith in the human species.
"I'm not pretending to be any better than I am. I guess all my life I've been a man that reached out his hand for what he wanted, and I never wanted anything more than the love and possession of that woman."
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You know that it doesn't make it better if you say 'I accept who I am and who I am is a piece of shit,' right? You can't just brush things under the rug by acknowledging that they're bad. You've missed out the whole step where you try to be a better person. That's an important step. If you acknowledge that you're a piece of shit and then choose to remain being a piece of shit, that's actually kind of worse than if you hadn't acknowledged it in the first place.
And 'possession'? Please someone save that poor woman. He'll get bored of her in a few years as well and try to convince her to hate him by abusing her.
"I said to her that if I could marry her I would, but that it was out of my power. I said that money was no object and that all I could do to make her happy and comfortable would be done." "Very generous, I am sure," said Holmes with a sneer.
Holmes is best boy right here. I am living for this sneer. He is not letting this fucker pretend that he's a reasonable human being.
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"When I had sworn—as I did—that she should never be molested again, she consented to remain."
So you had previously been molesting her? Is what you're saying. If I'm reading this right. The word has no doubt shifted in meaning since this story was written, but I'm still willing to bet it wasn't anything good.
"She knew the influence she had over me, and that it was stronger than any other influence in the world. She wanted to use it for good."
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She really said 'here is an abusive, would-be adulterer who sexually harassed me and uses his power and influence to control and hurt people' and then went
✨I can fix him!✨
Oh, sweetie, no.
(Well, at least this is the story according to him)
"She believed and said that a fortune for one man that was more than he needed should not be built on ten thousand ruined men who were left without the means of life."
Well, she's not wrong about that.
...we had the address of Sergeant Coventry, of the local police, who had first examined into the affair. He was a tall, thin, cadaverous man, with a secretive and mysterious manner...
'Cadaverous'? Really? Must you go out of your way to insult everyone at every turn, Watson? You couldn't even think of an animal to compare this poor man to, you just went to 'yeah, he looks like a corpse'?
And your friend, Dr. Watson, can be trusted, I know.
You wouldn't be so sure of that if you knew how he was going to describe you.
"Don't you think there might be a case against Mr. Neil Gibson himself?"
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I really hope so.
A path led us through the pheasant preserves...
I have never read a more 'landed gentry' phrase in my life.
"I will be at Thor Bridge at nine o'clock. G. DUNBAR."
I do note that the note is not addressed to anyone in particular. Which seems like it might be important.
And Holmes agrees with me that not hiding the murder weapon is a dumb thing to do and therefore it's more likely to have been planted.
So far the only suspects we have other than the woman already in jail are the husband and Mr Bates who seems to really enjoy talking about how terrible his employer is.
The husband doesn't seem to fit, alas, unless this is a very elaborate double bluff, and we only had one of them the other day. Mr Bates doesn't appear to have a motive, but that doesn't mean he doesnt have one. He does seem determined to discredit the guy who wants Miss Dunbar set free.
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fool-who-dreams · 2 years
home sweet home
Sherlock invites you to be his plus one to John and Mary's wedding. You haven't seen him in years, but he still feels like your home.
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"Your- you want me to be your- best man? me?" Sherlock asked after several minutes of silence.
"Of course Sherlock" John reassured his best friend with an amused smirk on his face.
Sherlock was confused, surely, but happily surprised nonetheless.
"So? Do you think you could do it?"
"Y-yes. Yes, I do."
"No offense, but that is not something I'd want to hear from you when talking about my wedding."
Sherlock let out a nervous laugh, but his mind was elsewhere. He was organizing, browsing, scheduling, defining, panicking. But he was happy.
As the wedding planning went on, - Sherlock being really involved in its every part - it became the detective's priority. The great Sherlock Holmes was already really selective when it came to cases to take on, but now, since he vowed to dedicate most of his time to his new responsibility, he became even pickier.
Mary and John tried everything to distract him once in a while, but it only worked for a brief period of time: no mystery was intriguing and time consuming to the point where he'd take more than six hours to solve it. Until what was supposed to be just a simple question completely froze his brain.
"Hey Sherlock, I was thinking..." John begun.
"Well done, John, I always knew you could make it one day." Sherlock mocked.
"...I was thinking" John repeated with a roll of his eyes. "who you're going to take as your plus one to the wedding."
"My plus one?" Sherlock looked at his friend with confusion in his piercing blue eyes. "Am I not enough on my own?"
"Of course you are." John chuckled. "I'm just saying, if there's anyone you'd want to ask, feel free."
"That's a kind offer, thank you John." Sherlock smiled, but the feeling of confusion wouldn't leave his head; then it moved to his stomach. He thought about it thoroughly, but the whole time he knew who he wanted to see standing next to him in such an important day. It was you.
He hadn't seen you in so long, but he never missed a chance to talk to you via text. The two of you had been friends for as long as you could remember. The dynamics of your relationship was nothing but an innocent childhood bond, that slowly tuned into the best kind of flirty friendship. You had left England years prior, due to your parents' job, then to your own. But you wouldn't have missed the wedding for the world, you couldn't miss a chance to see your favorite curly-haired best friend.
The day of the wedding finally came and so did the reception.
"So, Sherlock" Mary begun as the bride and groom approached him. "Are you having fun?"
"Yes, very much so." He absentmindedly replied while attentively looking around.
John tried to follow his gaze for a few seconds. "Are you looking for someone?"
"Yes, I am looking for my plus one."
"You brought someone?" Mary smiled. "Like- you actually brought someone?"
"Yes. Is this so surprising to you?"
"Yes. But in the best possible way."
"Why so?" Sherlock asked, moving his focus on the bride.
"Because now John owes me 10 pounds." She laughed.
"No, no I don't owe you anything because we still don't know if that's actually true. I won't believe it until I see her. Or him."
"Her." Sherlock corrected as his gaze started scanning the room again.
"Or him." John replied.
"Oh no, it's definitely a her." Mary interrupted while openmouthedly following the point where the best man's gaze had fixated upon.
The moment you walked in you quickly scanned the room in search of the familiar face. You felt really confident and beautiful in the outfit you had chosen and, from the gazes you were receiving, many of the guests would agree with you.
"There she is." Sherlock smiled warmly as you approached him and the spouses. "On time, as always." He mocked.
"Why William, you have somewhere else you'd rather be than here, waiting for me?"
"Never." He confessed sincerely, kissing your hand softly. How much had you missed him. The two of you always jokingly flirted, but you couldn't help but feel a thunderstorm in your stomach every time. Neither of you would address the feeling they'd get when the other said or did a certain thing in a certain way. You could only hope it was all true. But it would be unrealistic and unfair of you to ask the most famous persona in the whole England to not get involved with anyone because you loved him.
"Wait a moment-" John interrupted. "William?"
"Oh right. You're known as Sherlock here, aren't you? The Great Sherlock Holmes. I don't mind it, it has a nice ring to it." You jokingly pinch his blushing cheek as he rolled his eyes. "You must be Mary and John. I'm y/n." You smiled at the two, shaking their hands. "Congratulations. You know, I've heard so much about you two."
"I can't say the same." John's gaze darted between you and Sherlock, not hiding his confused expression.
"Oh Really?" You turn your eyes to meet the icy blue ones of your friend. "Maybe William is just ashamed of me."
"It's the exact opposite of that. If I had told them how beautiful you were, they would've thought I was crazy." He flirted.
"That's not why we think you're crazy, Sherlock." John chimed in, causing you and Mary to giggle.
"Can I get you anything to drink?" Sherlock offered. Mary and John politely declined the offer, but you didn't.
"Yes please, a glass of wine would be perfect." You smile thankfully, watching him walk away.
"He was always so sweet and kind, and just so fun to be around. I'd give it all to be able to live in the same city as him. Like when we were kids, and we were neighbors." You say nostalgically, earning puzzled and perplexed looks from the spouses.
"Sweet and kind? And fun to be around?" John exclaimed amazed. "Your William and our Sherlock must not be the same person, then." He let out a chuckle, followed by Mary.
"He always was a little...peculiar, if that helps. But I'm glad he has found people who love him just as much as I do. He always talks about you two, I've heard the most wonderful things."
"That's very kind of you, y/n." Mary smiled. "And that's very kind of Sherlock." She let out a giggle.
"There it is." Sherlock smiled. He handed you the glass, to which you kindly thanked him with a small kiss on the cheek. You didn't need to turn your head towards him to know how deep the shade of red that had taken over his cheeks was.
"You see that too, right?" John whispered to Mary. "I'm not going crazy, am I?"
"No, he's blushing hard." She whispered back.
The two newlyweds excused themselves to go check on the other guests, leaving the two of you alone.
Not too long after you were standing before an unforgettable moment. You couldn't help but tear up at the sight of the weds, dancing to the sweet familiar sound of Sherlock's violin. You knew that song far too well, he always used to play it for you. He had written it for you.
After the first dance of the bride and groom you quickly dried your teary eyes. But, as soon as you lifted your gaze again, Sherlock was no longer amongst the musicians that had just then started playing all together. You looked around and to your immediate right, there he was, standing next to you, dangerously close.
"Could I have this first dance?" He softly whispered in your ear. His deep, warm voice making your heartbeat accelerate.
"You'll always have the first dance." Your lips brushed against each other before lightly pulling him towards the crowded dance floor.
He was right there, right then. His voice, his gaze, his touch.
"I missed you." You whisper.
"Me too." He lightly tightened the grip of his hand on your waist. The two of you just stayed in the moment for a few seconds before Sherlock spoke again. "When are you going back to the States?"
"In a couple of days." You replied sadly.
"Where are you staying?"
"At a friend's. She offered me her spare room."
"I have a spare room. And I am your friend."
"You know you're much more than that, Sherlock." You confessed as your eyes drowned into each other's. "If I stayed at yours, I would risk never wanting to go back.
"It's fine by me." He smiled, making you chuckle. Your lips spontaneously turned into a smile the moment your head reached his chest.
Every time, he made you forget why going back to where you lived was so important when your home was right there, in your arms. Home sweet home.
would you like a part 2? maybe with a bit of angst?😁 lmk!!
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teaspoonnebula · 11 months
The Beryl Coronet Part 1 - Notes!
I'm having a lazy Sunday morning so I'm going to luxuriously type out my thoughts while I'm reading today's letter! I'm especially excited because I don't think I've properly read this one.
bow-window looking down the street
I have however read this little nugget of detail because I tried to find any and all descriptions of Baker Street for a game I'm making (The Beekeeper's picnic, you can wishlist it on Steam if you like...)
In a different story it's described as having a bay window. Both bow windows and bay windows project from the exterior wall. Bow windows usually have more panes of glass to make a smooth outward curve.
Both are also fiendishly difficult to convey when you're working with 320x130 pixels.
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“Holmes,” said I as I stood one morning in our bow-window looking down the street, “here is a madman coming along. It seems rather sad that his relatives should allow him to come out alone.”
Outdated attitudes towards mental health aside, I think it's sweet that Watson is able to see someone in distress at a distance and immediately find it sad nobody is looking out for him. His doctorly instincts are aroused!
Sherlock Holmes pushed him down into the easy-chair and, sitting beside him, patted his hand and chatted with him in the easy, soothing tones which he knew so well how to employ.
Likewise, Holmes is knows by now how to handle someone in distress. There's a really sweet illustration of this moment by Josef Friedrich
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We have done a good deal in this direction during the last few years, and there are many noble families to whom we have advanced large sums upon the security of their pictures, libraries, or plate. “‘It is absolutely essential to me,’ said he, ‘that I should have £50,000 at once.
B-b-b-Blackmail, methinks. Either that or this is some kind of scam on the bank (perhaps they upfront the money for the coronet but never receive it, or receive a fake) But since we're apparently dealing with a famous notable person, I don't think that's going to be it)
‘You have doubtless heard of the Beryl Coronet?’
There has already been a mountain of discussion about coronets in the LfW server - what precisely it is, how the word is pronounced, the etymology...
I'd always thought a coronet was something like this - basically a tiara but a little more gender-neutral!
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Turns out it's actually a small crown which has a top to it.
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“‘I should be happy to advance it without further parley from my own private purse,’ said I, ‘were it not that the strain would be rather more than it could bear.
I really hope this is just lip service and he wouldn't have really done that. Please Mr Holder, don't lend clients your own money! I feel he's being set up here, either by the narrative or by this Mysterious Notable Man.
I determined, therefore, that for the next few days I would always carry the case backward and forward with me, so that it might never be really out of my reach.
I just want to sit all Sherlock Holmes characters down and give them a long lecture about how the most vulnerable time for any precious or valuable object is when it is in transit. Also the the bureau of your dressing-room is not actually more secure than a safe at London's second largest bank.
Another, Lucy Parr, the second waiting-maid, has only been in my service a few months.
She gets a name, and is therefore Suspicious.
I could not trust him in the handling of large sums of money. When he was young he became a member of an aristocratic club, and there, having charming manners, he was soon the intimate of a number of men with long purses and expensive habits
Libertine son Arthur is also Suspicious.
Twice my boy has asked her to marry him, for he loves her devotedly, but each time she has refused him.
...... they're cousins? Right? I mean they are cousins. Not just cousins, but she's been adopted by his father. Right?!
I thought that first-cousin marriage was a bit of an eyebrow-raiser at this time even though it did happen sometimes.
Where are the jewels which you have stolen?’ “‘Stolen!’ he cried. “‘Yes, thief!’ I roared, shaking him by the shoulder. “‘There are none missing. There cannot be any missing,’ said he.
Ok, I think that was actually a "Stolen?!" and he's as surprised as anyone. The beryls were already gone by the time he got there. I'm sure Lucy's disappearance has something to do with it!
at the sight of the coronet and of Arthur's face, she read the whole story and, with a scream, fell down senseless on the ground.
I feel bad for laughing at this.
I am enjoying this one SO MUCH so far! The missing item genre of Sherlock Holmes story is one of my favorites, and so far we've had a really tense tragic narrative with lots of complexity.
I am a little worried that this story isn't a well known one and so perhaps it's a bit of a flop towards the end - but who knows, perhaps it's appropriately a hidden gem!
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thefisherqueen · 8 months
Letters from Watson The Missing Three Quarter it is today. After this story I'm completely caught up again with these letters. Very happy about that :)
Even the most insignificant problem would be welcome in these stagnant days.” Be careful what you wish for, Holmes
For years I had gradually weaned him from that drug mania which had threatened once to check his remarkable career. Now I knew that under ordinary conditions he no longer craved for this artificial stimulus, but I was well aware that the fiend was not dead, but sleeping; and I have known that the sleep was a light one and the waking near when in periods of idleness I have seen the drawn look upon Holmes's ascetic face, and the brooding of his deep-set and inscrutable eyes. Ok nevermind, give this man all the cases he wants and needs. These stories really get very real about mental health struggles and the ever-slumbering fight that is addiction. It's really quite beautifully and sympathetically written and cuts right to the heart
that dangerous calm which brought more peril to my friend than all the storms of his tempestuous life. I feel like this is a good reminder that needs are so different person by person. A lot of mental health advice and resources are about helping one calm down, relax, while for some that's really the opposite of what they need. It's the same for me. My natural state is to be calm, tending to tired and sluggish and almost empty. And I can function in that state but barely. I need regular external stimulation to pull me out of that, need to do something with my hands, something that stimulates my brain and gives me energy to actually live my life
sixteen stone of solid bone and muscle *calculates how heavy that is* Just a little over 100kg. Not at all what I would consider enormous, but then everage height was lower back then so I guess he'd be stockier
“It's awful, Mr. Holmes, simply awful! I wonder my hair isn't grey. They really were fond of overnight grey hair transformations back then, weren't they?
Godfrey Staunton—you've heard of him, of course? He's simply the hinge that the whole team turns on. I'd rather spare two from the pack and have Godfrey for my three-quarter line. Took me a while to remember this was about rugby. So, a missing rugby player then. Could be interesing! Everything from kidnapping to murder to runaway to disorientation is on the table
Good Lord! Mr. Holmes, where have you lived?” Holmes laughed at the young giant's naive astonishment. “You live in a different world to me, Mr. Overton, a sweeter and healthier one. My ramifications stretch out into many sections of society, but never, I am happy to say, into amateur sport, which is the best and soundest thing in England. However, your unexpected visit this morning shows me that even in that world of fresh air and fair play there may be work for me to do This is so funny, and also kind of wholesome? Holmes is very amused that Overton assumes he knows anything about sports, but also doesn't tear Overton's passion for sports down, just points out that it's not his area yet still wants to help him
Half an hour later the porter tells me that a rough-looking man with a beard called with a note for Godfrey. He had not gone to bed and the note was taken to his room. Godfrey read it and fell back in a chair as if he had been pole-axed. The porter was so scared that he was going to fetch me, but Godfrey stopped him, had a drink of water, and pulled himself together. Then he went downstairs, said a few words to the man who was waiting in the hall, and the two of them went off together. This sends off all kind of alarm bells
So Godfrey was already anxious, received a note that made it worse, and then went off with someone without telling or taking anything. This gives major blackmail vibes
The visitor of the night before was not a gentleman, neither was he a working man. He was simply what the porter described as a “medium-looking chap”; a man of fifty, beard grizzled, pale face, quietly dressed. He seemed himself to be agitated. The porter had observed his hand trembling when he had held out the note. This rough-looking man might be innocent, then
“We have only to find to whom that telegram is addressed,” I suggested. “Exactly, my dear Watson. "My dear Watson" will always make me smile :)
here is so much red tape in these matters! However, I have no doubt that with a little delicacy and finesse the end may be attained. I'm excited for some clever tricks and manipulation!
“One moment! one moment!” cried a querulous voice, and we looked up to find a queer little old man, jerking and twitching in the doorway. Do we have Overton's uncle here?
 As to those papers with which you are making so free, I may tell you that in case there should be anything of any value among them you will be held strictly to account for what you do with them.” “Very good, sir,” said Sherlock Holmes. “May I ask in the meanwhile whether you have yourself any theory to account for this young man's disappearance?” Holmes is very much not impressed by this man's antics. I love how he just blandly agrees with him, which is the first rule of deescalation. Great way to keep him cooperative
“I quite understand your position,” said Holmes, with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. “Perhaps you don't quite understand mine. Oh! Trouble for this sir!
Godfrey Staunton appears to have been a poor man. If he has been kidnapped it could not have been for anything which he himself possesses. The fame of your wealth has gone abroad, Lord Mount-James, and it is entirely possible that a gang of thieves have secured your nephew in order to gain from him some information as to your house, your habits, and your treasure.” Some clever manipulation going on here. Holmes already has deduced that this lord doesn't care at all about his nephew's well-being, so an appeal to help out of concern about his nephew's safety would accomplice nothing. If Holmes twists it into a threat to his riches, however...
Nothing would induce him to give his old uncle away. Awfully confident considering he never did anything for Staunton. Of course Holmes doesn't really think that the possible kidnappers are after information about the lord, but if they are, I guess they don't need torture
In the meantime spare no pains, Mr. Detective! I beg you to leave no stone unturned to bring him safely back. As to money, well, so far as a fiver, or even a tenner, goes, you can always look to me.” Goal accomplished!
I am sorry to trouble you,” said he, in his blandest manner, to the young woman behind the grating; “there is some small mistake about a telegram I sent yesterday. I have had no answer, and I very much fear that I must have omitted to put my name at the end. Could you tell me if this was so?” Yes! I guess that will work
that exceedingly unpleasant old person I just love Holmes' insults. They sound so polite and therefore somehow hit harder
“I have heard your name, Mr. Sherlock Holmes, and I am aware of your profession, one of which I by no means approve.” “In that, doctor, you will find yourself in agreement with every criminal in the country,” said my friend, quietly. Solid burn from Holmes
Where your calling is more open to criticism is when you pry into the secrets of private individuals, when you rake up family matters which are better hidden, and when you incidentally waste the time of men who are more busy than yourself. Someone feels threatened!
Incidentally I may tell you that we are doing the reverse of what you very justly blame, and that we are endeavouring to prevent anything like public exposure of private matters which must necessarily follow when once the case is fairly in the hands of the official police. You may look upon me simply as an irregular pioneer who goes in front of the regular forces of the country. Is Holmes trying to protect Staunton here? If this case becomes public, I guess that would set off a lot of speculation about the player's fate, which - however unfairly - would harm his reputation
“I have no sympathy with these childish games. The young man's fate interests me deeply, since I know him and like him. The football match does not come within my horizon at all.” You cannot care deeply about Staunton and at the same time completely disregard his greatest passion, doctor. I don't like this man
Holmes replaced the bill in his note-book. “If you prefer a public explanation it must come sooner or later,” said he. “I have already told you that I can hush up that which others will be bound to publish, and you would really be wiser to take me into your complete confidence.” Really unwise to try to lie to Holmes
Dear me, dear me; the post-office again!” Holmes sighed, wearily. “A most urgent telegram was dispatched to you from London by Godfrey Staunton at six-fifteen yesterday evening—a telegram which is undoubtedly associated with his disappearance—and yet you have not had it. It is most culpable. I shall certainly go down to the office here and register a complaint.” Such a dramatic delivery. A+
Dr. Leslie Armstrong sprang up from behind his desk, and his dark face was crimson with fury. “I'll trouble you to walk out of my house, sir,” said he. Totally the villain of this story. My for-now theory is that this doctor is blackmailing Staunton, threatening to reveal medical information if Staunton doesn't pay him more. Not sure how the other 'victim' fit into this
“I have not seen a man who, if he turned his talents that way, was more calculated to fill the gap left by the illustrious Moriarty. Holmes is getting major villain vibes as well, then. Wonder how this will end
And now, my poor Watson, here we are, stranded and friendless in this inhospitable town, which we cannot leave without abandoning our case. This little inn just opposite Armstrong's house is singularly adapted to our needs. If you would engage a front room and purchase the necessaries for the night, I may have time to make a few inquiries.” Oh, the intimacy of it all
These few inquiries proved, however, to be a more lengthy proceeding than Holmes had imagined, for he did not return to the inn until nearly nine o'clock. He was pale and dejected, stained with dust, and exhausted with hunger and fatigue. A cold supper was ready upon the table, and when his needs were satisfied and his pipe alight he was ready to take that half comic and wholly philosophic view which was natural to him when his affairs were going awry. Good on Holmes for eating!
The sound of carriage wheels caused him to rise and glance out of the window. A brougham and pair of greys under the glare of a gas-lamp stood before the doctor's door. “It's been out three hours,” said Holmes; “started at half-past six, and here it is back again. That gives a radius of ten or twelve miles, and he does it once, or sometimes twice, a day.” The doctor himself is the one that is holding Staunton captive? I had not expected that
I do not know whether it came from his own innate depravity or from the promptings of his master, but he was rude enough to set a dog at me. Neither dog nor man liked the look of my stick, however, and the matter fell through. Relations were strained after that I bet they were. The image of Holmes wielding a stick as a weapon is very amusing to me
“Could you not follow it?” “Excellent, Watson! You are scintillating this evening. I have trouble reading Holmes' tone here. Not sure if this is sarcastic or not? I suspect it is - damn, Holmes, Watson is only trying to engage in your narrative. Have some patience
We had got well out on the country road when a somewhat mortifying incident occurred. The carriage stopped, the doctor alighted, walked swiftly back to where I had also halted, and told me in an excellent sardonic fashion that he feared the road was narrow, and that he hoped his carriage did not impede the passage of my bicycle. Now that is scary
Meanwhile, I can inform you that no spying upon me can in any way help Mr. Godfrey Staunton, and I am convinced that the best service you can do to that gentleman is to return at once to London and to report to your employer that you are unable to trace him. You underestimate Holmes' stubbornness, doctor. Curious to know how they will go on from here
I think that possibly I can attain our end by some independent explorations of my own. I am afraid that I must leave you to your own devices, as the appearance of two inquiring strangers upon a sleepy countryside might excite more gossip than I care for. Holmes, will you please be careful when you go out trampling off on your own?! This doctor will not hestitate to make you dissapear, too
“No, no, my dear fellow, there is no cause for alarm. It is not upon this occasion the instrument of evil, but it will rather prove to be the key which will unlock our mystery. On this syringe I base all my hopes. Oh well, now I am puzzled. It is a sedative? Then this might get dark
When you have finished come downstairs with me, and I will introduce you to a detective who is a very eminent specialist in the work that lies before us.” A dog that can sniff out the trail? Just a wild guess
When we descended I followed Holmes into the stable yard, where he opened the door of a loose-box and led out a squat, lop-eared, white-and-tan dog, something between a beagle and a foxhound. A dog it is!
Well, Pompey, you may not be fast, but I expect you will be too fast for a couple of middle-aged London gentlemen, so I will take the liberty of fastening this leather leash to your collar. Now, boy, come along, and show what you can do Very cute :)
“A threadbare and venerable device, but useful upon occasion. I walked into the doctor's yard this morning and shot my syringe full of aniseed over the hind wheel. Ah! Not what I thought at all, lol
And, by Jove! here is the brougham coming round the corner. Quick, Watson, quick, or we are done!” Love the amount of action happening in this story
My friend knocked at the little rustic door, and knocked again without response. And yet the cottage was not deserted, for a low sound came to our ears—a kind of drone of misery and despair, which was indescribably melancholy. Very scared now for Staunton
At the foot of the bed, half sitting, half kneeling, his face buried in the clothes, was a young man, whose frame was racked by his sobs. So absorbed was he by his bitter grief that he never looked up until Holmes's hand was on his shoulder. “Are you Mr. Godfrey Staunton?” “Yes, yes; I am—but you are too late. She is dead.” Those medical bills were for this woman, then, who I assume was Staunton's sweetheart? I wonder what the doctor's role in this was. Certainly nothing good
If, as I imagine, there is no breach of the law in this matter, you can absolutely depend upon my discretion and my co-operation in keeping the facts out of the papers.” Dr. Armstrong took a quick step forward and wrung Holmes by the hand. “You are a good fellow,” said he. “I had misjudged you. And so did I misjudge the doctor. What a twist. Doyle had me entirely on the wrong foot
She was as good as she was beautiful, and as intelligent as she was good. No man need be ashamed of such a wife. But Godfrey was the heir to this crabbed old nobleman, and it was quite certain that the news of his marriage would have been the end of his inheritance. All this secrecy and tragedy for the sake of inherentence? That is just sad. Was the problem then that this girl was low class? And marriage with her would be enough to exclude Staunton from the will? I will never understand financial law
I did not tell him how urgent the danger was, for I knew that he could do no good here, but I sent the truth to the girl's father, and he very injudiciously communicated it to Godfrey. So the other man Staunton went with was the girl's father? Last mystery explained!
Oof. That was quite a read, a lot of plot and excitement in such a short story. I guess it was Holmes' words about kidnapping, and Anderson's very suspicious and threatening behaviour that sets the reader entirely on the wrong foot. But not liking someone is of course not the same as actual wrongdoing. Quite a masterpiece from Doyle
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salsedine · 9 months
Oh no you reblogged it too. :/ Well then. *cracks hands*
Irene Adler, Merrill, Rings of Power Tar-Miriel and at this point I have to ask him: Ishmael from Moby dick. (how many/if you want of course💜✨)
Hello! <3 And these are all great, thank you for asking! But definitely under 'the read more', this is going to be a little long.
Irene Adler
-First impression: talented opera singer that managed to outwit both Holmes and the king that was stalking her AND carve a happy life for herself + her husbands; “The Woman” indeed.
-Impression now: pretty much the same - although with age I've come to appreciate more the crossdressing subplot. You get the idea that it is something that she does quite often and enjoys (especially given the freedom that comes with it). This is also for the -headcanon/idea for a story section, but I hope that eventually some adaptation will explore the potentially queer aspect of it. No, not you, BBC.
- Unpopular opinion: maybe it's not a big deal NOW, but I still consider the aforementioned BBC adaptation one of the worst in terms of characterization. They managed to make it worse than a story written in the XIXth century, congrats!
- Favourite relationship: her canon husband seems to like her as she is- which is nice, so he can stay.
- First impression: I almost didn't recognize her from her tiny cameo in Origins, ops. Beside that, as soon as the other dalish started badmouthing her I pretty much immediately switched into 'protective mode'.
- Impression now: she is brilliant! why nobody notices that! By trying to restore the eluvian she is actually doing a keeper's job, and she didn't even get possessed despite doing an internship with a spirit/demon - that's impressive. And sure, sometime she can be a little awkward, but she comes from a completely different culture compared to the other characters - of course she is awkward. It’s like moving from Abbiategrasso to Amsterdam, I’d be a little overwhelmed too.
- Favourite scene: The "I believe in you, Hawke" moment during The Last Straw - everybody is (understandably) a little torn and full of doubts and yet she is the first one to be 100% on your side.
- Headcanon/story: since she cleansed the Eluvian, I guess that it’s almost-canon that blood magic could cure the taint? It’s kind of a shame that her relationship with Anders doesn't progress past his prejudices (and a few admittedly nice but short dialogues), because then you'd have a dalish mage that actually knows how to deal with spirits and can potentially cure the taint AND a possessed mage/grey warden. It’s pretty much 80% of the magical plot condensed in two characters, come onnnn.
(same with the whole 'tranquility' thing, since we saw very early in the game that interacting with a spirit can, albeit temporarily, reverse it. No I'm not over that quest)
- Unpopular opinion: I wish the romance storyline was... better written? I would have been 1000% more supportive lol. No really, they emphasized how much Merrill idolizes Hawke, while I would have opted for a more equal relationship.
- Relationship: beside the romance option, I'd say Varric and Isabela. And special mention to Aveline – I know she is not a particularly popular character but some of her dialogues with Merrill are quite sweet.
- First impression: Cynthia Addai-Robinson could stab me and I'd thank her for her time.
- Impression now: same :P no really, this character has a lot of regality and grace, like some sort of fragile strenght. She really felt like a Tolkien character, so to speak.
- Relationship: not romantic, but I enjoyed her clashes with Galadriel and Elendil, and the overall idealism VS political realism contrast.
- Favourite moment: the whole sequence with the falling white flowers, and her final parting with Galadriel - she looks like a byzantine empress 90% of the time, so it's hard to pick one.
- Story/headcanon: not much of an headcanon, but I hope that they'll show more of her ruling in Numenor.
- Unpopular opinion: I don't think i have any? Are there popular/unpopular opinion about her?
- First impression: The novel starts with him explaning that he sails to fight depression (“with a philosophical flourish Cato throws himself upon his sword; I quietly take to the ship”) so I immediately liked him. And "call me Ishmael"? - he is the one that tells the story and we don't even know his real name. The epitome of the unreliable narrator, and he tells you that himself.
- Impression now: Pretty much stayed consistent – I appreciate how he is the opposite of what people expected from a male character in a seafaring novel: introspective, melancholic and prone to philosophical musings, with an unconventional approach to religion (a lot), not particularly adventurous in the physical sense, and gay.
- Relationship: “Thus, then, in our hearts' honeymoon, lay I and Queequeg — a cosy, loving pair.” What can I add? It’s like a marriage, "until death to us part" and everything- and even after that, since Ishmael avoid drowning by clinging to Queequeg's coffin.
- Headcanon / idea for a story: I don't think I can write Moby Dick fanfiction, really. I’ll leave that to Vinicio Capossela lol.
- Unpopular opinion: I don't find Ishmael’s musings about whales boring? They are definitely not the worst part of the book (that's the XIXth century racism).
+ cute seal bonus if you read all that stuff, congrats!
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hey-sherry · 1 year
Act VI Screenshots and OPINIONS and spoilers and yeah yeah
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Here we go! The place from all of those trailers! :D
(Some screenshots have been brightened up to look better on Tumblr)
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The pre-rendered cut-scenes are gorgeous in this game, I wish there was more because I want to look at all the art in its beautiful glory.
I was quite happy with the white lilies as a guide, as I use them a lot in my own art because they remind me of a canal where I grew up... quite similar to this swamp, actually! So this area felt a little bit like home. A dreary home, but nevertheless! I thought that the choice to either follow the instructions or just explore the swamp a bit more felt really organic. We don't follow the main quest in this house, so I had fun getting lost and looking at the sunken cabins and getting eaten by the alligators. I wish there had been a side-quest or perhaps a special secret area to find, but it's also not really a time for that, so that's fine.
For Frogwares, the water lilies may be a subtle reference for Water Lily Games that released the SH hidden object games? Not sure, but it fits!
I got "lost" in precisely one place, and that is right after Watson shot down the bodies to feed the alligators. For some reason, it took me about a dozen deaths to realise I need to go back to the boat, and not continue forward. lol. Sherlock Holmes I am not!
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This is as good as place as any for a mini-rant, but here goes (and yes, you have heard this one before): I am so annoyed with how random the beard thing is. They both have it, then in the cut-scene they don't, then Watson randomly gets a stubble, then then... I was never a fan of it, but the inconsistency made it worse. It made a lot more sense towards the end of the chapter and I'm okay with that.
The outfits, too! I love changing outfits in TA and CO, it's half the fun for me. But TA snaps the outfits back so often (or prevents me from picking a new one entirely!) that it's just not really fun. I completely understand that a certain outfit may be needed so you don't look like a complete clown in a serious cut-scene, but yeah... it's been kind of frustrating in the last few chapters.
Rant over, onwards! :D
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I didn't take a cap of The Void (just gonna use the Dishonored term here), but I loved that puzzle SO much!!! It was just the right amount of challenging, the mirror puzzle was super cool in concept, and Sherlock having to kill himself as he calls out for Jon and Watson was just *chef's kiss* the manpain and agony I've been hoping for. Yes, I like to suffer, and I like to see my blorbos suffer. Very normal!
Watson taking the reins at the end of chapter was so great, I love to see him more confident and assertive.
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The weird trance... then the exact moment from the CO ending (apologies for the derpy screenshot)... yes yesssss very gooooddddd
I enjoyed this chapter IMMENSELY!
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You don't say 💀
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And what a way to end the chapter! LOVED it. Oh, the redesign for Champagne and Lucy is really neat, and I really liked both of them as characters.
Now I'm ready for some quality drama, weee!
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lordgrimwing · 5 months
20 questions for fic writers
tagged by @zannolin. Not tagging anyone but never let that stop you from doing something.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
98 (100 by early next week. the wonders of posting two short stories a week)
2. What's your total A03 word count?
274,925 (over 100,000 from works posted this year. Again, the wonders of posting two little things every week)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
The exhaustive list (but only what I've posted to public places), in no particular order
The Transformers
Brave Police (Mostly just a beta reader on that one, though)
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Star Trek/Enterprise
The Expanse
Inheritance Cycle
Rowland Sinclair Series (by Sulari Gentill - yes, I will encourage you to read/listen to the series! Also, the smallest fandom for which I write, ie. I created the tags and it's basically mine to control. Gosh, I should really finish my current WIP so the characters don't feel abandoned.)
Redwall (technically, the only things I've posted in a podfic of someone else's story)
Sherlock Holms
Detroit: Become Human
Beyonders (Another WIP I should finish so I can once again say I own more than 10% of the fandom)
Rings of Power (I'll separate it from the works that Tolkien was actually involved in)
Lord of the Rings/The Silmarillion (the source of the 2 stories per week)
-I sure hope that's everything-
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
In order of greatest to least
It Started With A Fever (Detroit: Become Human)
Interruptions (Transformers)
Checking Samples In Real Time (Detroit: Become Human)
Dawson's Christiana (Temeraire)
Scavenging More Than Parts (Transformers)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I respond to every comment. Why? Because I like it when authors respond to my comments and I want readers to know that I see and appreciate that they not only took time to read my story but also to say something kind about it.
Admittedly, I am sometimes very late to responding when I'm busy or the comment left me very flustered (because how do I adequately convey how wonderful the reader made me feel?)
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably, It Started With A Fever. It's a sickfic and the sick character isn't better by the end but there is a plan for diagnostic testing and treatment. So, more open ending than angsty.
Actually, I looked back and realized that Spy in the DMD (Transformers) is angsty because readers don't know what will happen to the characters at the end (live? die? etc). Yeah, so that's probably my angstiest ending.
Though now that I'm thinking about it, Negligence (Silmarillion) is also a but angsty and certainly more likely to actually get people to have feeling over the characters and want a good ending than Spy in the DMD.
Okay, okay, I'll stop thinking about it and just move on (but Dawson's Christiana is--)
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Home (Inheritance). Ok also a little angsty, but the entire purpose is saving a character who died in canon and at the end he finally gets to go home with his best friend, even if he isn't totally healed from everything.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Nope. Most I've had is someone taking the time to comment about how they disagree with the premise of a story/how I interpreted why the directors/designers of a TV show did what they did.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Awkward smut? Like, I've only written it a little so it's probably still pretty clunky for people to read.
But in all seriousness, I write enthusiastically consensual slash and het smut. Basically, I want everyone to be happy and have a good time while I use them as writing guinea pigs. I'm sure that the more I write, the more I'll branch out into trying various things.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I have not written a crossover (beyond crossovers between various series/universes in the Transformers franchise. Does that count? Like, it's canonically established that that's a thing that can happen).
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Nope (when your writing is only so-so, you fly under a lot of radars)
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope again (see above)
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I am a co-author on two stories (Transformers and Brave Police). For both of those, I was mostly just a beta reader but I did end up writing 2 chapters for the Transformers story when the author wanted a different POV (most of the story was first person and then I did more of an omnipresent third person).
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
Across all fandoms? That's actually very hard. I'm not a huge ship person, like, let everyone be with whoever they want to be with. BUT, if we're going based on ships I've written and that I enjoy writing, Celebrían x [loving and devoted person, usually Elrond] is pretty high up there (Silmarillion). It's good soup.
But also, Carn x consequences of his actions and pinning for Roran is near and dear to my heart (Inheritance).
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
The sequel to It Started With A Fever. I would love to explore how my medical and scientific training could fit with android diagnostics/medicine, and you know I love me some good angst and hurt/comfort with a happy ending. However, I just don't really see it happening because of how much work it will require and the fact that I'm not even reading fics in that fandom now and have my writing time filled to bursting with LOTR/Silm stuff.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I'm reasonably good with grammar? Like, I passed all my English courses and writing classes? I write what I want to read so at least one (1) person enjoys it.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I spend too much time working out exactly how I want to say something and end up not actually writing very much. I'm not very confidence with figurative language, so my writing tends to be quite straightforward and literal (which isn't bad, but I WANT to use more figurative language). Editing, my nemesis.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I'm not opposed to it and I've seen it done very well with non-sense languages from Transformers. If someone does it, I prefer that the narration indicates at least the general idea/mood of what was said so that I don't have to translate it. Also, it feels clunky when the author just writes the direct translation after what is said (if it's important enough that you want the readers to know exactly what is said, why are you using a different language in the first place?).
So, that's my two cents.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Publicly? Transformers.
But way back in the distant years of my youth, before I knew what fanfiction was, I did a lot of fanfiction and story planning for Redwall.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
I am very proud of It Started With A Fever. I put a lot of time into writing the story and even worked with a wonderful beta reader. In the end, I think it really improved my capacity as an author.
On the other hand, I love Home because I SAVED CARN!!! My sweet, pathetic little spellcaster who gave it his best and had a death that was at both times thematically appropriate and sadder the longer I thought about it. *gently hugs him so he doesn't break before passing him back to Katrina and Roran*
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more-than-a-princess · 6 months
"I'm happy we could spend time together, Sonia-senpai. I understand you still have quite the busy day ahead of you, after all." He chuckles, currently heading back to the front of the local park where they initially met up at. He took her around the shopping district, thinking that'd make for a fun time. Whatever shop may have caught her interest, he'd happily go along with it and go inside with her. And any cafe or bookstore they surely popped into, he treated her to whatever she liked. Once they reached the park, Shuichi gestured to a nearby bench for them to sit at. "Now, to finally give you your gifts... I really hope you'll like them! Here you go... " From inside his bag, he pulls out a gift bag. One of the first things inside, were a small container of homemade red velvet chocolate chip cookies. Along with that, was a Halloween themed gift set containing black and red colored bottles of perfume, hand lotion, and a candle. A picture of a rose were depicted on them, with the scents of them all being called 'Vampire Blood.' With the kind of scent it is, being a mix of floral and fruity.
"I-I made the cookies, myself! And as for the gift set... I had saw it when looking through a store, to see what I could get for you. And naturally, I just had to get this the moment I saw it, since I thought you would absolutely love it. And the scent actually does smell nice... ! I hope you'll like it, too, Sonia-senpai: all of it." (HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SONIAAA!!! ❤️ 🌹 🩸)
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Sonia's Birthday Asks 2023 - Accepting until Monday, October 16!
It was true that both of them led busy lives: as the Ultimate Detective, Sonia only imagined the sorts of cases he was asked to solve (unfortunately, nothing as fascinating as mass murders or serial killers. Otherwise, she would've adored chiming in with all of her amassed knowledge from the likes of documentaries, non-fiction books, and published case studies that she indulged in for fun). But October was the best month of the year, if just for all of the horror and dark mystery titles aired and published in accordance to the spooky season. It felt odd, in her opinion, to take Shuichi from clothing store to clothing store, especially if there were no styles that suited his fashion taste as well. So instead they perused all manner of festive decor: new pens and stamps in a stationery shop to pair with letter-writing supplies in a gothic style, a supermarket's display of carved pumpkins (and specials on kobocha and various chocolate treats), a discount store full of Halloween costumes and cosplay items (she couldn't resist in putting Shuichi in a Sherlock Holmes-style hat, cape, and magnifying glass, though she'd balked at the rhinestone crowns and scepters for herself). Bookstores were a given, of course, and it was the place where they were both guaranteed to find some treasures.
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But now they walked back from a themed, seasonal spooky cafe. The Vampire Cafe, a favorite haunt of hers, had been fully booked out for the month but one of the video game cafes was themed to a horror murder mystery game, complete with additional Halloween decor and macabre takes on cafe meals. Her hot chocolate, dripping down the sides with raspberry syrup to resemble blood, had been proof enough of the commitment to the theme. She hoped his mood was just as lighthearted and content as hers, Sonia smiling as she sat on the bench he'd indicated. "You arranged gifts for me, Saihara-san?" She asked, surprised. "But this day was such a fun gift already! I am truly blessed!"
She opened the first container's lid carefully, first perplexed by the cookies within before beaming. "These are very red cookies! Very spooky indeed. Are they...a berry flavor, of some sort? Perhaps with some sort of jam?" Red velvet, more of an American invention, had not gained popularity in Novoselic. Yet. Shuichi would likely need to inform her about the cocoa in the cookies, alongside with their red color.
The other gift was far simpler for Sonia to understand. She gasped in surprise, in awe, her fingers tracing over the black lace and antique gold packaging before uncovering the contents inside in their black and red bottles and containers. "Oh! A vampire's blood themed beauty set, it is so beautiful!" She exclaimed, examining the bottles before popping the small candle out of its plastic packaging. "Vampires are the most romantic theme for Halloween, you know. Well, vampires and ghosts and The Addams Family, really. But look, Saihara-san! When you light the black flame candle, it bleeds red with hot wax. How truly dark and terrifying! At least nothing shall befall me upon lighting this black flame candle: I am in no danger of rousing the Sanderson sisters!"
She chuckled at her joke: it was likely Shuichi didn't grow up on the likes of Western Halloween-themed movies and might not catch her reference, but the prospect amused her at least. "Thank you so much, Saihara-san. From your gifts to our wonderful day out, I have had such fun!"
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galaxythreads · 2 years
NO NO CRINGING I LOVE THAT FIC - HOW DARE QUESTION 😠 so many scenes from stygian live in my head rent-free. goons dragging Loki away????? Nat getting Loki to eat a banana???? the ELEVATOR bit with Clint alone. cinematic masterpiece. the DRIVING???????? BUCKKY????????????????? the entire thing is iconic honestly it's like "we don't have any keys" "what? what on the nine do we need KEYS for?" "to start the car!!!" "KEYS?!" and the Avengers getting along - making a smoothie the first time sakjdjgshjfek Loki not being able to see and tehrefore not being able to eat at the start and not know where things are around him and who is there without magic ;-; Bruce talking to Loki when the adoption comes up and the entire conversation being so dkjfsgsdg like neither WANTS to be there fr like yes i'm going to figure out his medical history but oh no this conversation has devolved into a um. metabolism lesson? Thor shows up and Bruce is just guilty the entire time but curious too akjsfhv and I remember whenever there *was* any improvement with Loki's condition it felt like such a BIG thing - possibly because of the time and struggles along the way to get there? like he doesn't show to be improving with the sight till WAY into the story. and ALSO how could i forget the fic OPENS with Loki disrupting the ENTIRE RAFT like COME ON that's so cool and secxy and am not the anon from before but i'm VERY happy that fic is there even if you don't look back on it so well so thank you for it and I hope you find your more recent writings better to yourself because ALL of them are a delight
no jokes, no exaggeration, I love you with my whole soul. I will give you my firstborn.
Thank you. Thank you so so so much.
I had NO IDEA anyone felt so passionately about this fic. I know people like it, but it's so rare for anyone to tell me that now, given how old it is. It's literally so strange to me to think about anyone actually....enjoying my fics. I love the support I get on my fics, I really really do, but specifics on WHY a story is so beloved to them is so rare and so precious to me.
And like. Okay. Stygian is a mess of grammatical errors and weird inconsistencies, I know that. I want to go back and edit it up into fighting shape because I think I would do a much better job now, four years later, than I did initially, but the thing is--I don't want to remove the comfort of the fic from people. There are fics that I reread all the time despite the grammatical mess and I know the sentence structure and word placement by heart and if anything changed I would have a breakdown, and I imagine there are people that feel the same about Stygian so despite my frustrations with it, I leave it the same.
this just-- it just reminds me how much I love the story. I planned the fic out in a notebook across several long, lazy summer afternoons, completely embracing the tropes of loki and avenger fics because I wanted to and it was enjoyable. I meticulously plotted out an arc for every avenger + thor and loki and carefully detailed when and where their POVs would be the most impactful. It was my first real exploration into the characters and everything felt so raw and exciting.
I had Clint call Natasha his partner because of CBS Elementary and how Joan Watson and Sherlock Holmes call each other partner despite being completely platonic. It felt like such the perfect word and I STILL use that today.
I planned the "WE NEED THE KEYS YOU FOOL" scene after one in Sorcerer's Apprentice 2010 and how cool it was that Balthazar started the car with magic.
Loki was blind because of an image that I saw on Pinterest that looked cool and i looked for other fanart of blind Loki and it just kind of went from there. I barely knew how blunt force trauma actually worked. I didn't even know how many bullets a gun could hold on average.
Loki and Thor had their major argument based off of a fic I read for BBCs Sherlock. 
The scene where they’re in total darkness and being attacked in the tower was based on a Spider-Man/Avengers fic I read a long LONG time ago. I can’t even remember if it’s IN the fic I’m thinking of. 
Lila was obsessed with cats because my younger sister was going through a phase and her line "I want to have so many kitties I can't step on the floor" was something she said.
I had no idea how Loki, Nat and Clint were going to break into the HYDRA facility and made that up on the go. The facility being where Clint was kept at the beginning was a happy accident
I wrote some chapter beginnings in notebooks to fight my writer’s block. The original version of Steve waking up after they escape the Tower was written in a notebook with a purple pen. 
I completely planned from the start that the beginning would be the Avengers saving Loki from HYDRA and then Loki saving them to parallel it. 
The amount of people who have asked me if Loki was still blind at the end of the story is insane. TO ANSWER THIS: THE ANSWER IS NO, HE COULD SEE.
And also the sight thing--Loki being blind is a HUGE part of the story. It wasn’t supposed to be this vague thing that happened and then went away. It was intentionally kept there for the majority of the story because the story is called “Stygian” which means darkness. When Loki healed and was able TO see the story was over. That was the goal. 
I couldn’t even drive when I wrote this story. I had to look up how to drive a car, oh my gosh. And how a dishwasher works. And guns. And ventilation. And how to shoot a bow and arrow. 
There was so much love poured into this story, so much exploration. I forgot about that. Yeah, it’s cringy and kinda terrible, but I worked so hard and put so many countless hours into this fic. 
Anyway. Wow my brain went away from me there. But thank you. Here’s a garbage dump of my thoughts about it. anon, I really do love you. You’re a blessing <3
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cryptidwritings · 1 year
15 Questions Tag Game
Using open tags from @i-can-even-burn-salad and @littleperilstories because these look super fun!!
I'll openly tag this one, too.
I'll be answering these for Isidro and Moss during this current arc.
1. Are you named after anyone?
Moss: "I wouldn't put it past my dad to name me after a stump in the woods before an actual person. So no."
Isidro: "...Just a no for me."
2. When was the last time you cried?
Moss: "When I was a kid. Crying is useless."
Isidro: "Aye, probably a few years at this point."
3. Do you have kids?
Moss: "No," he cringes at the thought, "I couldn't... do all that. Not interested."
Isidro: "Not that I know of," he smiles and gives a wink but clears his throat a second later, "n-no I don't. I'd like to but..." he rubs his chin, "next question."
4. Do you use sarcasm?
Moss: "No. I like being direct."
Isidro: "It depends who I'm talking to and since I'm uh..." he gestures towards Moss, "not lately, no."
5. What's the first thing you notice about people?
Moss: "Um... how can I...?" He is obviously a bit more uncomfortable with this question, "if they're... angry? I guess?"
Isidro: "I try to take in everything. The things that stand out most differ from person to person."
6. What's your eye color?
Moss: "Blue. Like the sea, apparently."
I shrug, "it's part of the story but I don't want to explain why yet." Moss doesn't like my reasoning.
Isidro: "Grey."
7. Scary movies/books, or happy endings?
Moss: "The first and last book I read myself was a history book. Not many happy endings in that..."
Isidro: "I've been too pre-occupied to read, but I would probably like the happy ending."
8. Any special talents?
Moss: "Out of the few, the ability to get the shit knocked out of me is the only one that's been semi-helpful."
Isidro: "Enough to get by. I just do what I'm told so I don't have to hone my friend's particular special skill," he smiles. Moss rolls his eyes.
9. Where were you born?
Moss: He is tired of answering this question, but indulges you. "Holm. Where the grass is greener at the bottom of a riptide."
Isidro: "Windover. I miss it."
10. What are your hobbies?
Moss: "I used to explore the cliffs. Now there isn't much else to do besides, I don't know... sleep?"
Isidro: "Aye. Sleep is a good one. That's my answer, too."
11. Have you any pets?
Moss: "No. They'd just end up dead in the winter."
Isidro: "My family owned a horse. He was old when I left so I'm not sure if he's still alive."
12. What sports do you play/have played?
Moss: "Is running a sport? Holm kids are best in that. That and fighting, I guess."
Isidro: "Helping with the farm took most of my time. Can't say I would have liked to play a sport anyway."
13. How tall are you?
Moss: "...five four and a quarter."
Isidro: "five foot nine."
14. Favorite subject in school?
Moss: "History. Though they wouldn't teach it right."
Isidro: "I could never pay attention long enough so I don't think I have one."
15. Dream job?
Moss: "A sailor. Any kind, I don't care."
Isidro: He smiles, though it doesn't reach his eyes, "beggars can't be dreamers, you know that," he looks down, "besides, They'll never just dismiss me from service... they never do."
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mariana-oconnor · 11 months
The Silver Blaze pt 1
Blazin' time.
Like I said on my commentary for Wisteria Lodge, I do remember this one. I will try not to give anything away. Although, again, I don't remember whodunnit, just whatwasdun and various assorted clues, which will probably mean that I will realise whodunnit as we go.
I also don't remember if the culprits die offscreen in a random shipwreck. Has anyone done a statistical analysis of the bad guys comeuppances in the Holmes stories? Probably. I feel like 'death by convenient shipwreck' is going to be up there.
“I am afraid, Watson, that I shall have to go,” said Holmes, as we sat down together to our breakfast one morning.
Woop, in media res this time. No commentary about how this is in the few months following Watson's wedding. Just BANG Holmes g2g.
When, therefore, he suddenly announced his intention of setting out for the scene of the drama it was only what I had both expected and hoped for. “I should be most happy to go down with you if I should not be in the way,” said I.
I think we underestimate what a relentless gossip fiend Watson is. He wants the tea, but he's far too respectable to just go over there and find out for himself, so he's been sitting there hoping that his bff will give him an excuse to go be nosy. And being an excellent bff, Holmes is doing just that.
We're going on a horse hunt, we're going to maybe catch a famous one... And we are going to judge literally everyone involved, because that is the Watson way.
Watson this time doesn't even mention his patients - or his wife - ACD has clearly decided not to bother trying to fit this into the continuity. How very fanfic of him. I support this choice.
“Our rate at present is fifty-three and a half miles an hour.” “I have not observed the quarter-mile posts,” said I. “Nor have I. But the telegraph posts upon this line are sixty yards apart, and the calculation is a simple one."
I was about to make a commentary about why Holmes was doing this, but then I remembered that I used to do pretty much the same thing on the motorway when I was a kid. Not with telegraph poles, but with the little markers for the emergency phones. So I really do not have a single leg to stand on. The only thing I can mock here is that he knows how far apart telegraph poles are and honestly I find that kind of a reasonable thing to know.
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Yay maths!
"I presume that you have looked into this matter of the murder of John Straker and the disappearance of Silver Blaze?”
I did not remember the murder. I did remember the horse. I guess that tells you what 10yo me's priorities were. Although I never quite made it as a true horse girl.
"On Tuesday evening I received telegrams from both Colonel Ross, the owner of the horse..."
Another colonel. There are so many colonels. Far too many colonels. Other ranks are available.
"...Mapleton, which belongs to Lord Backwater..."
Lord Backwater? Really? Were you just not trying with names at this point Holmes? Lord Backwater who lives in the middle of nowhere? According to Google he also appeared in The Noble Bachelor, so maybe I should have noticed this then, but still.
Lord Backwater, who is probably good friends with Sir Yonder, Her Grace the Duchess of Inthastix, and Col. Rustical.
I'm going to stop now.
We do have the return of the 'gypsies', so I'm anticipating at least one person suggesting that they had something to do with it, because of course someone will. But they won't be the actual thieves, I'm pretty sure, just another red herring based on prejudice.
"She took no liquid, as there was a water-tap in the stables, and it was the rule that the lad on duty should drink nothing else."
Well that's a way to stop people from getting drunk on duty, I suppose. Although if they wanted to, they could just hide booze in the stable. Is it also intended to prevent them from being drugged? That's pretty extreme, considering their food is coming from the house anyway.
"As he stepped into the circle of yellow light thrown by the lantern she saw that he was a person of gentlemanly bearing, dressed in a gray suit of tweeds, with a cloth cap. He wore gaiters, and carried a heavy stick with a knob to it."
I will not make the joke. I will not make the joke. I will not make the joke.
A wizard's staff has a knob on the end.
...that was not the joke I was intending to make, but sure. Let's go with that. Enter stage left: A wizard with a knob on the end of his staff.
“‘Oh, indeed! What a stroke of luck!’ he cried. ‘I understand that a stable-boy sleeps there alone every night. Perhaps that is his supper which you are carrying to him. Now I am sure that you would not be too proud to earn the price of a new dress, would you?’ He took a piece of white paper folded up out of his waistcoat pocket. ‘See that the boy has this to-night, and you shall have the prettiest frock that money can buy.’"
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If this guy isn't a deliberate plant, he is the worst at this. 'I understand that a stable-boy sleeps there alone every night.' How tf do you understand that if you came upon this place by accident. Also, creepy thing to say. Also 'I got lost on the moor, but I just happen to have this piece of paper in my coat for the stable-boy who is guarding the stable tonight, purely by accident.'
And that's not even getting into the creepy condescension of the 'you shall have the prettiest frock' bullshit. He's got to be doing this on purpose, right. You don't just walk up to someone and start throwing red flags at them while wearing a hat saying 'I'm totally trustworthy, wink'.
“‘Good-evening,’ said he, looking through the window. ‘I wanted to have a word with you.’"
Woman literally ran away from you rather than speak to him, and he's just like, 'I should keep going'. Read the room, or the...stableyard, I guess. But still, this man must be putting this on. I cannot believe anyone is this bad at anything. He's a deliberate decoy made of red flags.
"The girl fled away to the house, but as she ran she looked back and saw that the stranger was leaning through the window."
Right, so he left the message with Ned Hunter, then. Who may or may not be an accomplice in this.
"The door was open; inside, huddled together upon a chair, Hunter was sunk in a state of absolute stupor, the favorite's stall was empty, and there were no signs of his trainer."
I guess the 'you can only drink from the stable tap' rule didn't work, then. Who could have seen that coming? I guess Sus Wizard could have drugged Ned's food through the window. But that doesn't explain how he could have opened the stable, though. I'm inclined to think that Ned was in on it, but then I am a naturally suspicious person, and this feels like an inside job. I know earlier in the story it says that all of the stable boys are of excellent character, but that's hardly evidence. Locked stable - someone got in and got away? Inside job seems the most likely. Then drug yourself to say 'who, me? couldn't have been!'
"...he was wounded on the thigh, where there was a long, clean cut, inflicted evidently by some very sharp instrument. It was clear, however, that Straker had defended himself vigorously against his assailants, for in his right hand he held a small knife, which was clotted with blood up to the handle"
Or... he cut himself with his own knife.
"But from that morning he has disappeared, and although a large reward has been offered, and all the gypsies of Dartmoor are on the alert, no news has come of him."
Oh, hey. So no one is blaming the travellers. I stand corrected. Cool cool.
"He did not attempt to deny that he had acted as described upon the evening before, but declared that he had no sinister designs, and had simply wished to obtain first-hand information."
Is the sus wizard just an incompetent creepy buffoon? Is he really not involved at all? If so, wow. Guy needs to work on just... everything. Absolutely everything.
“Is in not possible,” I suggested, “that the incised wound upon Straker may have been caused by his own knife in the convulsive struggles which follow any brain injury?” “It is more than possible; it is probable,”
Yep. Glad we're all agreed on that. This would be a lot easier to clear up with DNA, but alas you are trapped in the Victorian era still.
"Two gentlemen were awaiting us in the station—the one a tall, fair man with lion-like hair and beard and curiously penetrating light blue eyes; the other a small, alert person, very neat and dapper, in a frock-coat and gaiters, with trim little side-whiskers and an eye-glass. The latter was Colonel Ross, the well-known sportsman; the other, Inspector Gregory, a man who was rapidly making his name in the English detective service."
At first I thought the animal description was of the colonel, but no, obviously it is of Inspector Gregory (not to be confused with Inspector Gregson, who is the bulldog). Lion is a little more generous a description than 'ferret'. Poor Lestrade.
"At the same time I recognize that the evidence is purely circumstantial, and that some new development may upset it.”
Holy shit! Someone is acknowledging that evidence is circumstantial! This is huge. Congratulations Inspector Gregory you win a sticker for achieving competency level 1. Woo!
“We have quite come to the conclusion that he wounded himself in his fall.” “My friend Dr. Watson made that suggestion to me as we came down. If so, it would tell against this man Simpson.”
Aw, Holmes giving Watson the credit for figuring that bit out, even though he'd already worked it out himself. That's sweet.
“Why should he take the horse out of the stable? If he wished to injure it why could he not do it there?"
Alright, interesting question. Who would want to steal the horse, rather than injure it. People who care about horses for reasons other than money. This again points to people in the stable, or people who work with horses (Also just... reasonable people, because hurting an animal like that is pretty horrible, but we're looking for plot relevant reasons). So someone from this stable, or someone from the nearby Lord Backwater's stable (where they conveniently have the second favourite, who presumably would win if Silver Blaze was out of the way).
"Above all, where could he, a stranger to the district, hide a horse, and such a horse as this?"
I have an idea about that. But I won't say because I think I am remembering things now, and I won't give it away.
Has anyone seen the film Charade? You should, it's pretty good. Also relevant here for reasons that I won't say because spoilers.
“We have found traces which show that a party of gypsies encamped on Monday night within a mile of the spot where the murder took place. On Tuesday they were gone. Now, presuming that there was some understanding between Simpson and these gypsies, might he not have been leading the horse to them when he was overtaken, and may they not have him now?”
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And you were doing so well.
Apparently there's no connection to the other stables, although there has to be a connection to something somewhere. So far we have three places the horse might be: wandering the moor, with the travellers, or in the other stables. I suppose he could also be being hidden in the same stable as before for some sort of insurance grab. What was insurance like in Victorian times?
Wandering on the moor is a possibility, if he escaped his horsenappers, I'm pretty sure the travellers are, like I said before, a racist red herring to play on readers' prejudices, so that leaves one of the stables. Given that the stable Silver Blaze was taken from only has four horses max, it would be really difficult to hide a horse in it without someone noticing. That leaves the other stables. OR... a fifth option that we haven't been introduced to yet. Maybe he's pulling the carriage that they rolled up in? That'd be a funny ending.
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annesdiary · 1 month
10 March 2024
Okay so a bit of an update for myself. for my own sake. It's going to be long af.
Future me, if you're rereading this, bring a cup of tea. Well, actually popcorn.
I think I may just talk a bit about each person who is close to me.
B got together with her crush, the guy seems to be a sweetheart.
A forgot my birthday.
E too. I told her, she apologized. Shortly after that she hung up the phone.
I thought I needed closure from E too. And I called her to talk to her.
(Idk if you know this; I'm a smart woman, I'm quite familiar with literary theory, victorian literature etc. that's what I read in my free time, that's my field of speciality). I mentioned my research about Sherlock Holmes. It's late, I'm tired and I don't really want to get into the details.
Me: I'm doing this research about Sherlock Holmes and literary stuff.... E: what literary stuff? you need to be more specific, you can't build a research on "literary stuff".
Me after I patiently explained some stuff that I presume she didn't understand: And than I have to do a poster about it. E: you know who you should talk to? *a student she had's name* Me: why would I talk to her? E: she can draw. you can't just slap text on a poster and call it a day. Me: I spent hours going through last years winners to see what I have to do, those contained predominantly text and small-ish, simple illustrations E: *going on and on about stuff she doesn't know because she hasn't been a part of academic life in decades* Me: *finally giving up* You're right.
I called her as a friend. Just because I told her "Sherlock Holmes and literary stuff" she assumes that that's all I have in my head. Meanwhile I'm reading academic papers published by people from the most prestigious universities in my second language in my free time. She last learnt literature (very basic stuff!) when she went to uni. She learnt English literature as part of her ESL programme. At least 25-30 years ago. English was NOT her major, English literature for her was ONE course. . Literature is my major, it's one of my hobbies, I am (by university thing's standards) kind of an expert in it. How dare she look down on me, seriously. In regards to my field of study.
I'm fine. :)
E was tagged in a post, making god-knows-what with woman, one of her friends. (And other ladies.) I never heard anything good about that lady. E only ever talked shit about that woman. E wanted to cut this lady out of her life several times.
Now this lady posted several pictures with E, doing some painting activity.
Thinking of the quote, I don’t know who said it: If I’m a lot, then go find less.
I talked to T a few weeks ago, he was going somewhere by train and we texted, he was telling me kind of nsfw jokes and I kind of enjoyed that. A few hours later, he shut it down, telling me he thinks he went to far.
K is sweet as ever. We talked a few weeks ago, well, she asked for my advice about some girls who went to our class in high school. I didn't keep in touch with them, she did. And it felt so good because she told me how heathy she thinks out friendship is. And how I understand when she doesn't have time to meet up but I know she's always here for me.
And now for the absolute best part: N told me she'd like me to participate in a thing. I have to do research and then put everything I've found on a poster. She helped me with that and she is the absolute best.
I'm so happy I met her and she was kind of my way into academia. It was my first time writing an abstract and she was so kind and patient with me. (I think considering it's my first time, I actually did great, I did the thing with one correction. After I corrected the mistakes she found, for the 2nd time she said it was a great start.)
I'm so grateful for her and I feel like this attachment is the healthiest I am capable of. Like I know she corrects me because she wants me to be better. I know she's a great communicator and she'll let me know if I'm too much/annoy her/crossed a boundary of hers.
In her last e-mail she said "Okay, it's a great start, send it to *a prof's name* if he accepts it, great. But if not, there will be other people who accept it."
Which is so reassuring both emotionally and academically.
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theotherrookie · 2 years
😒 😒 😒 Gimme three!
send 😒 for me to talk about a trope/cliche I hate. (Still accepting)
Welcome to a new episode of "Doc is annoyed at the new Star Trek again"! Buckle up because this will be definitely long.
As we're on the internet and I still have flashbacks from Ghostbusters 2016's incredibly academical discourse, a preemptive disclaimer since I'm going to reference the shows: I grew up watching on and off various iterations of Star Trek. It was one of those things the whole family would sit down to watch and I still rewatch it because it's one of the few things on Netflix that I can stomach. It's by all means not a masterpiece of writing. It has revolutionized TV in the '60s and later, pretty much made fandom into a mainstream thing, but between very good episodes with very interesting takes there are many episodes where stuff didn't age well/was straight up sexist or racist even for the time. I recognize this, let's move on already.
1) Asexual rep
So, this is a controversial matter because to this day we're starved of representatives in media. I usually don't care for this stuff because I don't care to see romance especially if my token character is annoying as hell. However, I'd like to discuss how very often the asexual of the group is anything but human.
As far as I'm concerned, it makes sense. Someone who isn't human is likely to not see romance and sexuality the way most humans (of any orientation/identity) do. The show has variety as far as this is concerned but I can agree that the aces are usually some kind of machine-based lifeform even elsewhere.
I personally don't take issues with stuff like "I'm an android, I can't have a romantic relationship with you [the way you conceive it]." It makes sense. An android doesn't have parents the way we supposedly do and definitely doesn't get sent to sex-ed or sees any type of relationship the way we do. Moreover, as far as I'm concerned, I like androids and I like stoic cyborgs so having that as rep is cool.
What I dislike is the next step. Either the acedroid has a Pinocchio moment and becomes a real boy with real feelings, or any kind of character progression gained through dozens of episodes is nullified because "I still don't get love because only humans get love." We really don't get it, so screw that noise.
For once it'd be nice to see an ace character who gets to be ace in peace. I'd like to see them go "Well, I've learned a lot about feelings the way biological lifeforms intend it. I seem to have my own set of feelings, even if they are more subtle than my very emotive friends. I'm different. I'm complete and I don't need to get fixed. I'm happy the way I am."
Or we could shove them in the arms of a dude because "Pretty people can't stay single" or "Well, the actresses were memeing about it so they're lesbians now. Look! The pretty lady is a lesbian! We're a good corporation!"*
*also kudos for the accidental biphobia by implying that the evil mirrorverse is such because the lesbian married a man. It would be as such if it wasn't for the fact that it's canon that she was into men in the older stuff (despite both I and the fandom wishing otherwise because fuck that guy). Good job, guys 😬
I'm going to leave this here:
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2) The smart guy is an asshole
"Doc, have you seen that new Sherlock Holmes? He's a genius but he doesn't get social interactions."
I used to think that writers out there think that making a smart guy into an asshole is actually a genius take, an original idea that no one has tried before and something that will keep me invested into any adventures that do not include this guy and a truck running him over for 40 minutes straight.
Now I'm pretty sure that someone is just bitter they could never grasp what a sphygmomanometer is or that the Earth is round and takes their frustrations out like this. The asshole nerd is everywhere and he's sexist because he's smarter than women and their uteruses.
Actually, too many characters are made into assholes.
"So, we're a crew of highly trained specialists with an average of three uni degrees each. We can build a nuclear accelerator using a spoon and an old Betamax tape but never in those ten years of training has anyone taught us about such trivial things like discipline and respect for our peers. Fuck you!"
It isn't the best of feelings when I'm rooting for the character the closest to myself to die a horrible death, you know. Please, make adults act like adults again. I'm not watching a Fortnite gameplay.
3) In English, dammit!
Take that bit from above about the highly trained crew and add that for some reason never in their entire career they ever learned how valuable clear communication is when you're about to blow up with your entire spaceship.
"The thing is on fire! The fucker broke down!" Very professional and also very useful when ever your goddamn toilet is connected to a supercomputer.
Once again, there's two options: either this is the sloppiest attempt at making science accessible to those very stupid children networks insist actually exist in the real world, or someone simply can't be arsed to use words with more than four syllables.
Either way, I find that stupidifying people, especially in a sci-fi show, breaks the immersion and basically shoves your story on the side of fantasy. You know, the genre where every slightly strange even is explained with ✨magic!✨
Also, swearing. You don't look good if your characters make the AVGN sound like a gentleman.
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finelinevogue · 3 years
hey, if you have the time can you write a blurb where harry gets home from the studio and he's stressed, so the reader ask him to take a bath with her? and it's really fluffy, with rose petals and wine glasses? I know this is all over the place, I'm sorry shakshskwh
we all need a bit of domestic harry fluff in our lives so here we are <33 hope you like it;
You knew something was wrong without having to ask him.
Harry had rushed out of the apartment this morning to go to the studio, having had an important call from Tyler about something, leaving you to clean up around the house all day. However, there had been no good morning text from Harry, or even one from a lunch break, and he hadn’t picked up your call when you did. Harry never ignores you, unless he is in a really bad mood. Something to do with not wanting to be a burden and pass on his troubles to you. So you, being the best girlfriend in the world, had decided to do something kind for him when he gets home.
About an hour ago you’d texted Harry just to check up on him and also so you could time your plan of making him feel better.
To Harry: I love you. Hope you’re okay. Let me know when you’ll be home❤️
From Harry: Sorry about today love. I’ll be home at around 7pm. I love you xx
You’d bought the raw ingredients from Asda and made blueberry muffins - Harry’s favourite - along with buying some avocados in case he preferred to have that on toast when he gets in. You’d bought a bottle of red wine, the cheapest you could find obviously, and poured two glasses waiting. Finally, you’d ran a hot water bath with lavender soap and added a few rose petals, because you knew they were good for calming and relaxing. The bathroom smelt soft and cosy, like a warm blanket on a winters evening.
It was 7:08pm when he walked through the door, you hearing the door shut with a heavy sigh of relief from your boyfriend. He slipped off his blue checkered vans and walked through into the kitchen, his keys making a clattering sound as he dropped them in the key-bowl.
“Y/N, love?” He called out to you, but you didn’t respond. He furrowed his eyebrows at the silence, but even more so at the arrangement that was left on the kitchen counter-side for him.
He made his way over, his socks making him slide slightly on the shiny marble floor. He took in the selection of things on the side; the blueberry muffins, the avocado, the glass of red wine and its’ bottle and even a little cut out photo of you and him that he knew you’d stole from a photo frame - somewhere around the apartment. He smiled as he picked up the photo and remembered the memory well; you latched onto his back as Harry waded through a muddy puddle back in Holmes Chapel, because he didn’t want you to get wet and he’d been the only sensible one in wearing welly boots. You were both laughing and it made Harry’s heart swell at how much your happiness could bring him his too.
He placed the photo down and turned to the envelope that sat next to the plate of muffins. It was a white envelope signed ‘H x’ on the front and underlined. He turned it over and undid the seal, bringing out a card that had written on the front ‘You’ve got this!’ which Harry could’ve sworn he saw in Asda the other day underneath the exam congratulations cards. He smiled at your kindness, turning it over briefly but then sighing when he noticed you’d written a message too.
“God damn you Y/N.” He muttered under his breathe, tears forming in eyes from the overwhelming amount of love he had for you - just as you had for him.
Harry, it read, I know today had been tough but look, you got through it and i’m proud of you and for that you deserve a blueberry muffin! If you’d rather share a glass of wine with me then come join me upstairs and we’ll finish the bottle together. I love you always. Yours, Y/N. It was signed with a kiss of your lips in pink lipstick. Harry brought the paper to his lips and kissed over the mark where you’d kissed, never feeling so loved than right now.
You were an absolute treasure.
Harry picked up his glass of wine and the bottle, before heading off upstairs. Originally he’d thought that you’d been in bed, waiting for him with a tub of raspberry ripple ice-cream and the latest episode of Love Island, but as he ascended the stairs he could smell the lavender bubbles and the even sweeter scents of your rose petals you loved so much.
He walked into the bedroom first, just to make sure that you weren’t actually in there, before making his way to the bathroom. As he opened the door, the heat hit him all at once making him feel so cosy and blanketed.
Then he saw you.
You were shoulder deep in the bath, which was tucked into the corner of the room in a triangle sort of shape, looking as beautiful as ever. Your hair was up and out of the water, it not being its’ wash day today, and you’d accidentally given yourself a bubble beard. You looked innocently perfect, even with a glass of wine in your hand. You smiled when you saw Harry, moving from the far side of the bath to the side closest to Harry. You rested your arm on the side of the bath, propping your head up to have a steadier vision of your boyfriend.
“Hello.” You spoke softly as Harry walked over to the bath, placing both his glass and bottle on the side of it carefully. He then came in front of you and crouched down with a crack of his old-man knees.
“Hi beautiful.” He stroked your cheek with his fingers, watching as you hummed in sight of having him so close and so loved up.
“You okay?” You asked, looking into his eyes for any sign that he was about to lie. You wanted him to be honest with you and honest he was.
“I can’t lie and say everything was perfect today, no.” He chuckled, you pouting when you heard his answer.
“I’m sorry. Want to take a bath with me?” You asked and this is exactly what Harry loved about you. You didn’t force him to talk about whatever had happened when you could clearly see he was still working through it himself, instead you simply comforted him and tried to help him remind him that you were here for him whenever he was ready to open up.
“Love to. Let me just go undress.” He stood up, but you reached out to grab him on his blue jeans before he could get very far.
“Don’t go. Undress here, please?” It was the little please that made Harry cave, not wanting to make you upset. He’d do anything to make sure you were happy.
He nodded and pulled off his socks first, making you laugh as he wiggled his oddly sized toes. Next was his grey TPWK jumper that he pulled off over his head along with his t-shirt.
“Damn.” You wolf whistled as his torso became exposed, making Harry shake his head and laugh at you from your silliness. “This strip tease is ten out of ten, Styles.”
“Oh shut up you.” He laughed as he pulled his jeans off and then finally his boxers. He didn’t even hesitate on that last item of clothing, both of you being absolutely comfortable with exposing yourself in front of each other. There was nothing sexual about being naked with each other, however, this time. You were just in love with each other. Simple as that.
He stepped into the bath, you moving back over to the far side so he could climb in. Once he sunk down and submerged his body he let out the biggest and happiest sigh, making you giggle. He took his glass of wine and took a large sip from it, leaning his back in relief afterwards.
“Nice?” You asked, knowing the answer already because it was sat proud on his face.
His eyes met yours and you pursed your lips under his gaze. You could see the cogs turning in his head and you only wished that you could see inside his head, just for a moment, to understand how he felt.
“C’mere.” He spoke softly, turning to put his glass back on the side as you shifted over towards him. Once you met him, he took your glass.
“Hey!” You whined in protest.
“Can have it back in a minute. Just want you for a bit, okay?” He explained, devoting his entire attention to you now. You sat on his lap and spiralled your arms around his neck, Harry’s hands finding their home on your waist.
Your lips both did the talking then.
He cupped your face gently and pulled you into him until your felt his plush pink lips kiss yours. You divulged in him and his love, feeling his warmth everywhere and your mouth. He was warming your heart the same way the bath warmed your bodies. There was nothing rushed or sensual about the kiss, it was simple and pretty. His lips moulded to yours perfectly and his tongue made sure to slide it’s way inside your mouth for a taste. You tasted divine - like the richest, most expensive, of wines. He pulled back first, not before you could push an extra peck to his lips for good measure.
“I’m so lucky to have you, Y/N.” Harry smiled, keeping ahold of your face as he spoke to you.
“And I you.”
Harry shook his head as the misunderstanding of his words. “No. You seriously have turned my life into something worth living and I couldn’t be happier to be with you. Y’so special to me, Y/N, and I love you.”
“I love you too, Harry.” You leant to kiss him again. “And i’m here for you for anything.”
“I know. That’s why i’m lucky to have you.”
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