#npd tag
a-sip-of-milo · 6 months
I love people with npd so much. I’m sorry that world is so ableist. I’m sorry that you can’t be anywhere without hearing the word ‘narcissism’ or ‘npd’ used in a negative light. I’m sorry that there isn’t anywhere near enough support.
I’m so sorry that you can’t win. It must be so suffocating and aggravating, living in a world where it feels like everybody hates you. You deserve better.
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anotheraspdrager · 8 months
"my ex was a narcissist!" and it's just a random dude who can't take accountability because patriarchy
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epick-cluster-b-blog · 2 months
hey fellow pwNPD i have a question. do you guys lack sympathy, empathy, or both (or neither)? i find that even when i can put myself in other people’s shoes so to speak, sometimes i just don’t care lmfao. like i have absolutely no sympathy and i feel apathetic. wondering if any other fellow narcissists can relate.
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thecandyispoisoned · 2 years
Excuse my lack of response, you just said something that my brain decided is an attack now I hate you until further notice and I'd rather not talk to you because if I do I might say something hurtful and I'm trying to convince myself that I'm a good person
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psychopathicnarc · 2 years
Tumblr media
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unholy-angel · 2 months
cw: SEX
do you guys ever wanted to fuck themselves? like genuinely feel attracted for yourself... is that a npd thing? or i am batshit insane
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narckaveh · 9 months
heyy! asking a question to ALL NARCISSISTS!
any reblogs adding of your experience is helpful!
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myaspdnpdnotes · 2 months
A friend (now no longer) drove me home the other day and the conversation revealed he believes people with personality disorders ~change their voices~ when their ~other personality~ comes out
Let me tell you I almost put his head through the steering wheel
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anotheraspdrager · 6 months
you'll never convince me that empathy's a real thing, what happens is you see a person in a bad situation and imagine being in their place so you put yourself in a bad mood too, you're not "absorbing or sharing their emotions" you're just making their bad situation about you and assuming they feel the same way as your imaginary self in your imaginary scenario, and you may get it right sometimes but without any guarantee exactly because there's no actual connection between the two emotional states
edit: check the comments before replying thx
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Hate having npd bc tell me why im agonizingly jealous of my best friend bc her fucking CAT likes her more than me
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venusfaierie · 1 year
so my favs get to be unhinged and commit atrocities and everyone calls them babygirl, but when i suggest murder i’m looked at like i’m insane and told to “get help” ok i see how it is
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mischiefmanifold · 2 years
An Explanation of the Diagnostic Criteria of Narcissism (Narcissistic Personality Disorder / NPD)
In order to be considered a narcissist, someone has to meet five or more of the nine criteria listed in the DSM-V. The symptoms have to be pervasive (present in a wide variety of contexts) and clinically distressing.
1. Has a grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g. exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements).
Exaggerating your own achievements
Criticizing and dismissing others’ achievements or talents
Constantly boasting or talking about yourself
Believing yourself to be infallible or invulnerable
Believing that you are more intelligent than others
Thinking that common rules don’t apply to you
Acting selfishly
Treating others with disdain or contempt
Not caring if you hurt someone with your actions
Being quick to anger if you’re challenged
Being unable to see how your behavior affects others
Being unable to see how unrealistic your beliefs and actions are
2. Is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love.
Often make up stories where you are the main character or are better than everyone else
Often imagine yourself in positions of power
May often imagine yourself in ways that distract from emptiness and unstable emotions (such as powerful, in control, beautiful, knowledgeable)
Fantasies of winning awards
Fantasies of being praised for your perfect work
Fantasies of getting the ideal partner and having a perfect relationship
3. Believes that they are “special” and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions).
Only choosing services you consider “the best” (e.g. fly first class, stay in five-star hotels, and eat at top restaurants)
Purchasing only name brand items or items that you deem are “the best”
Insisting on seeing prestigious specialists, even for minor health concerns
Seeking out friendships with people you deem worthy and ignoring anyone else (potentially also believing that the person you’re friends with should be grateful that they were chosen)
Dating only people they deem “the best”
4. Requires excessive admiration.
Expect others to admire your style, looks, or abilities
Feeling enraged when you don’t receive praise for accomplishments
Hint to others for compliments if they aren’t offered automatically
Spending a lot of time wondering how others perceive you
Do things specifically to earn praise
5. Has a sense of entitlement (i.e. unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with their expectations).
Expecting to get certain things just because you exist or with no specific justification (such as special access to certain areas or items of clothing)
Believes that you and your needs come before everyone else’s
Believing that since you work harder and do a better job than everyone else, you should get to set your own schedule
Believing that everyone should cater to you
6. Interpersonally exploitative (i.e. takes advantage of others to achieve their own ends).
Putting yourself down so others recognize your abilities or talents
Insisting that others help and support you before taking care of themselves
Complimenting someone just to receive praise back
Failing to realize when you’ve made unrealistic demands of others
Treating people unkindly when they’re unwilling to do things for you
Lying or deceiving others to get your needs met
7. Lacks empathy: is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others.
Focusing on your own problems and feelings without realizing that others have important needs, too
Expect others to put you first
Have trouble understanding other people’s feelings and experiences
Have little interest in other people’s difficulties
Consider expressing feelings a sign of weakness
Avoid doing things for others unless it benefits you
8. Is often envious of others or believes that others are envious of them.
You may envy people who are getting praise and attention for their achievements and talents
You may believe that others envy you and your abilities
You may assume that others are working behind your back to steal the opportunities you deserve
You may feel uneasy or upset if someone you are close to is given attention by someone else
9. Shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes.
A “high and mighty” attitude or snobbishness
Contempt for people who make mistakes
Scorn for those who don’t recognize your superiority
A tendency to patronize “ordinary” people
Aggressive or sharp responses to perceived criticism
Grandiosity: (Source 1) (Source 2)
Other Symptoms: (Source)
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rocketpunchblam · 2 months
I don’t think you have npd, don’t sell yourself short
You seem really sweet/gen/pos :)
i mean these with all my heart, fuck you
you have no idea who i am, i purposely try to be nicer on tumblr. you have no idea who i am as a person or have a right to say what i do and don’t have
“you seem so sweet” i have gone through years of therapy to work on myself. you think i say i have npd because it’s cute and quirky? My npd is a product of my poor childhood, you clearly have no idea what npd even is
you think i want to have npd? i don’t, i use to be so sweet and kind and i mourn being that person.
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npd culture is being super generous with compliments and favors because you expect other people to rely on constant validation and approval from others as much as you do
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