#numme part
madneocity-universe · 7 months
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Don't stop the shot, you get the fire: Claudia & Laura
A partir de agora, vamos desconsiderar por partes os acontecimentos do episódio All Eyes On Me de Melodrama.
Aviso de conteúdo sensível: joias amaldiçoadas tentam desviver adolescentes.
Percepções imediatas nunca foram o forte dela.
Acontecia quando ela precisava que seus professores repetissem as explicações mais de uma vez, acontecia quando ela se perdia no meio das fofocas e atualizações dos próprios colegas, e aconteceu, claro, depois que ela sentiu que não deveria mais ser namorada de alguém como Arthur.
Se ela tivesse sido só um pouco mais atenta, ia ter percebido que ele era perda de tempo e a pior decisão de todas, se ela tivesse sido um pouco mais atenta, ia ter notado que Zeno Min estava disposto a tirar ela daquela agonia e a fazer dele muito antes. Se ela fosse uma pessoa mais atenta, ia ter evitado um monte de estresse na vida, e também ia ter notado que ainda usava aquele colar maldito depois de tudo aquilo que aconteceu.
A verdade é que ela só se lembra quando a correntinha de prata começa a diminuir em volta de seu pescoço, se torcendo e movendo e enrolando em sua pele a cada suspiro que ela dá em seu sono, até o pingente de diamantes apertar sua garganta com tanta força que ela perde o fôlego e começa a sufocar. Nos primeiros segundos que ela tenta forçar o oxigênio para dentro de seus pulmões e seu cérebro entra em pânico, ela não acha que a coisa tentando tirar sua vida é o presente de seu ex-namorado, mas quando ela consegue envolver os dedos no fio prateado e o estica com força até ele arrebentar, ela sabe que aquela porra é muito séria.
Tão séria que a faz desbravar os corredores da escola no meio da madrugada, segurando aquela joia como um pitbull em uma coleira, e bater na primeira porta de professor que ela sabe que pode ajudar.
— Essa merda tentou me matar, Ms. Nummes. Matar. — Han deixa a mais velha saber, os olhos ainda cheios de lágrimas pelo sufoco que tinha acabado de passar, mas o aperto em volta do colar ainda firme. — Quais as chances de alguém ter amaldiçoado um presente de ex?
Mas mais do que isso, por que alguém ia querer amaldiçoar ela? Uma patricinha de dezesseis anos superficial e traidora de namorados?
— Eu tenho certeza que tem uma explicação, Claudia. — A mais velha tenta tranquilizar Han, dando um tapinha em seu ombro, crente que ela só tinha tido um pesadelo. — Mas se você insiste, a gente pode dar uma olhada.
Mas até ela, Malia Nummes e adulta naquela situação absurda às três da manhã, duvida das próprias palavras quando enfeitiça aquela peça de volta, a faz flutuar no ar e despejar tudo que ela tem por dentro. O dia que Arthur roubou e enfeitiçou aquele objeto, todos os dias e ocorridos que ele queria que fossem armazenados ali, então todas as coisas que foram guardadas enquanto Claudia tinha o colar pendurado em seu pescoço. As aulas que ela tinha, as conversas atravessadas pelos corredores que ela não percebia que estavam acontecendo, os beijos e palavras doces que tinha trocado com Zeno Min na noite passada, antes do…
— Mas que porra.
Ms. Leblanc olha pra Laura como se tivesse crescido um braço em sua testa, quando ela passa pela porta da diretoria e coloca seu porta-joias em cima da mesa.
— Por favor, não me faça abrir. — Laura diz em um tom de choro, ao colocar as mãos atrás do corpo, a chave pequena bem presa entre seus dedos trêmulos. — Eu… Eu… Tive que colocar aí.
— Mas querida… O que você teve que colocar aí? — Sophie quer saber, mas a resposta imediata que tem é a caixa de veludo cor-de-rosa tremendo em cima do tampo, como se algo estivesse mesmo lutando pra sair dali. — Laura, o que você teve que colocar na caixa?
Não tem uma maneira fácil de contar aquilo, então ela começa do começo.
Só corta a parte que ela só voltou pro dormitório entre as aulas porque tinha se perdido em uma sessão muito longa de amassos, e muita intensa também, que amassou seu uniforme e bagunçou a fita em seu cabelo; o quão rude ia ser se ela aparecesse na aula daquele jeito? Ela precisava voltar, e ela voltou.
Era pra ser rápido, ela sabia exatamente onde seu conjunto extra estava e como fazer outro laço perfeito, só precisava se trocar e arrumar o cabelo, mas então aquele som chegou até seus ouvidos de novo. Estática. Silêncio. Estática. O sentimento de estar sendo observada e ter a certeza que estava naquele quarto sozinha, até algo começar a se mexer na lata de lixo que ela dividia com Margaux, pra descartar todos os papéis, e a mesma que ela usou pra descartar coisas que a lembravam de Arthur.
Ela não tinha nenhuma intenção de remexer aquilo sozinha, a lata praticamente se derrubou sozinha, e quando os papéis e as roupas foram se espalhando pelo chão, aquilo saiu também.
— O colar que eu joguei fora… Eu não sabia que era ele, achei que pudesse ser algum dever de casa que deu errado… Qualquer coisa, menos o colar. — A mais jovem tentava se explicar, ainda ansiosa e assustada e apavorada com tudo que tinha acontecido só uns minutos atrás. — Mas então ele começou a se mover e destruiu minha parte do quarto, se chocava contra tudo, passava fazendo rasgos e buracos em tudo, até me achar e me acertar também. — Ela completa, e só agora Ms. Leblanc percebe o pequeno corte em sua bochecha, que não parece incomodar Sohn de forma alguma quando ela continua a falar. — Eu não sabia o que fazer, então aprisionei dentro da caixa. Eu não sei o que é, por isso preciso de ajuda.
E ela se sente culpada por estar ali, toda a situação a oprimi e ela acha que se seu corpo vai implodir até Sophie dizer que está tudo bem, antes de pegar um peso de papel em cima da mesa com uma mão, e pedir a chave da caixa com a outra.
— Colar de presente, é? — Sophie solta um suspira ao tomar o lugar na frente de sua aluna. — Não vamos saber até conferir.
E em um segundo ela abre a caixa, no outro, acerta a joia inquieta sem dó, e a próxima coisa que ela sabe é que aquilo tudo é muito, muito mais do que ela esperava.
Sanando todas as suas dúvidas sobre aquilo ser só um colar. A estática não vinha de lugar nenhum, e ela também não era maluca por achar que estava sendo observada o tempo todo. Todas as aulas. Todas as reuniões com seus professores. Cada um dos momentos que ficou íntima de outra pessoa que não o garoto que ela ainda chamava de namorado antes.
— Onde foi que você disse que conseguiu ele mesmo?
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vynnyal · 4 years
Geezus, I really gotta go through the whole "oh my god this character is so much bigger/smaller than I thought" phase with every single induvidual hk character, don't I. I stg all of hk's characters have absolutely wack proportions and I'm never prepared for any of them
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mysteryshoptls · 3 years
SR Jade Leech Apprentice Chef Personal Story: Part 2
"Master Chef"
(Part 1) Part 2
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[Cafeteria – Judging Venue]
Master Chef – Jade Version ~Let’s Make Tofu Hamburger Steak 2~
Rook: Bonjour. I smell a wonderful aroma in the air.
Jade: I see my judge is Rook-san. Please treat me well. I will bring the dish shortly.
Rook: Merci, Monsieur Mastermind. I will judge you with whole-hearted sincerity.
Chef Ghost: (Oh, as expected of a server from Mostro Lounge! Even the way he holds the plate is perfect.)
Chef Ghost: (And that smile filled with confidence… There’s no mistake that the food will have been made just as spectacularly!)
Jade: Thank you for your patience.
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Jade: This is the “Special Tofu Hamburger Steak ~ With an Additional Seasonal Flavor”
Rook: Tofu, I see… très bien! I’m simply elated to be able to eat rare ingredients from all over the world all from this cafeteria.
Rook: Hmm~ You can tell how appetizing it will be just from that juteux sizzling sound.
Jade: Fufufu. Please, enjoy it while it is hot.
Rook: Then, I shall dig in.
[bite, chew…]
Jade: …
Rook: Marvellous!! This is interesting…
Rook: At first glance it’s just an ordinary tofu ha… hannwaahehehe…!
Chef Ghost: R-Rook-kun!? You’re suddenly making such a weird noise, what’s wrong!?
Rook: Hai honne, iith numm…!!
Chef Ghost: Eh? What? Did you just say… “My tongue is numb”?
Rook: Fui! (Oui!)
Chef Ghost: How could that possibly have… Ah! You’re not saying it’s because of the Tofu Hamburg you just ate!?
Chef Ghost: Now that I mention it if I look more closely, there seems to be something on the plate that wasn’t on the recipe…
Jade: Fufufu. If you would like, Chef, please have a bite and let me know your impressions as well.
Chef Ghost: They say in “food,” seeing is believing… Got it, I’ll try some too!
[bite, chew…]
Chef Ghost: !?!?
Rook: How is it? To me it was a very new experience. I could almost become addicted to this.
Chef Ghost: Wh-wh-wh-whah ith thith~~~!!
Jade: …Chef please, have some water as well.
Chef Ghost: …Fuu. I get it. I understand…
Chef Ghost: The cause of this numbness is… the various colorful mushrooms in the sauce covering the hamburg, yes?
Jade: Yes, it is as you’ve discerned.
Jade: I used copious amounts of fresh mushrooms that I harvested from the mountains.
Jade: It was quite a painstaking effort to prevent the sauce’s strong flavor from drowning out the mushrooms’ flavors.
Rook: Très bien! Your rich imagination and insatiable inquisitiveness produced such a marvelous cuisine.
Jade: Thank you very much. To receive such praise, it was worth going through the trouble.
Jade: Whenever I come across a rare mushroom or wild plant while climbing the mountains, I make sure to bring it home with me.
Jade: However I’m sure those precious ingredients would be devastated if I only cooked and ate them by myself.
Jade: Recently, Floyd and Azul are wary and won’t consume my dishes for about two weeks after I return from the mountains.
Jade: That is why, I believed if it was the Master Chef course…
Jade: I could have many people enjoy my dishes.
Chef Ghost: So that was your true purpose!!!
Chef Ghost: Jade-kun, you’re a good cook, and a solid student, so I thought I could relax but…
Chef Ghost: You’re the absolute complete opposite, someone to be cautious around! I feel like I was deceived!
Rook: Hahaha. On top of having a special experience, I’m thrilled to have been useful for you, Jade-kun.
Jade: You as well, I was pleased that Rook-san would be the one eating my food.
Lilia: Yes yes. I can’t lose here either! My creative faculties have kicked into high gear.
Chef Ghost: Waaah! Lilia-kun, don’t scare me~!
Chef Ghost: Good grief. Don’t just arrange the recipe as you wish!!
Jade: Yes. I am deeply sorry.
Chef Ghost: That’s not a face that has truly reflected on what he has done.
Rook: Everything’s fine, Chef. As you can see, I am extremely satisfied and if anything, I feel I’ve even gained some strength!
Lilia: Umu. It’s as Rook says!
Lilia: Jade. Don’t listen to Chef’s nonsense, spread your wings and go as far as your imagination will take you!
Jade: Fufufu. Thank you very much, both of you. I shall continue to challenge myself.
Chef Ghost: How can everyone smile like that standing before such a terrifying dish? What in the world are these kids…?
Chef Ghost: He-Head chef~~~! I give up~~!!
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(Part 1) Part 2
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hateswifi · 4 years
Everything is Nothing without Her
So imma lose power soon and I wanted to post something before that so that where this came from. May or may not do a second, depends on demand. Hope you enjoy.
The Master: Master List
He had it all. Everything he’d ever been promised and wanted. He ruled the world, his mother helping him and keeping him on track, his grandfather was actually proud of him. He had it all, but he lost everything. He had become everything his mother had promised. He was, as his grandfather said, the perfect vessel.
That didn’t mean he doesn’t break.
Every night he falls asleep, tears threatening to be shed. Every night he wished he could hold her. 
He wished he could wake up to his annoying brothers and Alfred’s calming presence, back before he was taken back. 
Now, he’s always alone besides when he was making decisions about the fate over those around him. There is another thing he does alone, but that’s because he doesn’t want them to know, he sends out his best men to find her. He may have the world but he doesn’t have his world.
One day two years after he started his rule, he was informed that they had found her. They were under strict instruction not to intercept. He immediately made plans, packed his bag, and left it all behind. When he got to her town, he dropped his stuff off at his hotel and found her apartment. She answered the door with a smile and a child on her hip, the smile fell when she saw it was him.
“You have some nerve,” Marinette said, poking his chest. He stood, stunned she looked as beautiful as the day she walked out, her-- their child-- was beautiful. Her hair long, her face glowing, looking as strong as ever. “You made your choice! That choice didn’t include me.” She finished, turning her back on him. 
“I wanted the best life for us!”
“No, you were caught in the past, you were going down I path I couldn’t follow,” Marinette said, sniffling. He hugged her from behind, he got elbowed.
“Please Marinette, at least tell me about him, is he our child?”
“Does it matter if he is? Will that change anything?”
“I’ve wanted to change everything.”
“Well, actions speak louder than words,” Marinette said, rubbing the baby boy’s back. “I have to put him down for a nap,” Marinette said, walking down the hall. “Please, for me, leave before I’m back.”
“I want to talk! Please Marinette, Angel!” Damian pleads, following her.
“I’m doing what’s best for me and my child,” Marinette said, closing the nursery door in his face. He sighed, went back to the kitchen, he wrote a note.
Dear Angel,
I know I have no right to call you that, but damn it hurts so much to know that I can’t call you that. I want to prove myself to you and him, I don’t care if he’s not, just let me be part of his life. Marinette, I want you to know, I know how it feels to have the world, but I don’t want the world. You are my world and that’s all I need.
I never stopped loving you,
P.S. check the news.
She still loved him, no matter how much it had hurt to be alone and to lose him, she couldn’t stop herself. That’s why she ran away, she hid, and why she sent him away. His path was one that she couldn’t bear to follow, especially with her son. She knew if he was around she may not be able to stop herself from making a rash decision, but she did let one stray tear fall as she read his letter. She did as he said and turned on the news.
“Today in international news, Damian Al Ghul stepped down as ruler. He exploded the capital, his grandfather, Ra Al Ghul, and his mother, Talia Al Ghul, found dead on the scene. He left with a preset audio message to post.” The anchor says, shuffling papers. “And now for his message.”
“People of Earth, I’m sorry for all the pain I’ve caused. I was misled by Talia and Ra, but I do not put the blame fully on them because I had support when this all started. She was my world, and I wasn’t able to see that she was enough. I’m stepping down as of now and forever, I apologize for the terror I’ve caused the last two years.”
“And there you have it folks, as romantic as this is. If you see the former leader call the authorities but for today, celebrate our new found freedom and the road,” The news anchor said before switching topics. 
Marinette sat in silence, until an hour later when she heard her son, Oliver, crying. She scrambled to grab him. “Hi, sweetie, Mama is here baby boy,” Marinette said, picking him up. She held him to her chest and sways back and forth.
It wasn’t until a week later she saw him again. She was in the park with her son when she noticed him entering. She tore her eyes away from his direction, hoping that he wouldn’t approach her or even notice her. But luck wasn’t with her.
Ten minutes after he entered, Oliver was getting fussy so she decided to take him home for lunch. He saw her as she walked by and stood up, putting his sketchbook away.
“I’m making spaghetti for lunch if you want to join us,” Marinette called over her shoulder, Damian stood, shocked.
“Umm I would love to,” Damian said, catching up with her. They walked in a tense silence Oliver’s babbling filled the silence.
As soon as she entered the apartment she filled a pot with water and put it on the stove.
“You haven’t told me his name or if he’s mine,” Damian says, sitting on a stool at the island.
“Nope, you have to answer my questions first,” Marinette said, walking into the living room which is an open connection to the kitchen. She grabbed a couple of toys out for Oliver. “Was any of it real?” “What do you mean?”
“What we had, was that even real or was it because I was Ladybug?” Marinette questioned, he still sat at the island, she stood on the other side, the stove behind her, and a sight still on Oliver.
“How could you even ask that?” Damian said, looking up at her, hurt visibly in his eyes.
“Because Ra put a bounty on my head, not too long after you left,” Marinette deadpanned.
“My original intent of approaching you wasn’t good, but a weel after knowing you, I couldn’t go through with the plan,” Damian said, running a hand through his hair. 
“Why’d you even do this? How’d it happen?” Marinette asked, turning her back to him to put the spaghetti boiling water.
“I was sent to live my father for a couple of months when I was younger, but during one of Talia’s attacks, I was taken back. Not too long after that, I died but was resurrected in the Lazarus pit which brought me pit madness. I was sent to Paris a couple of months later, totally forgetting about everything that had happened with my father. I was sent to Paris, and we all know how that went. When I didn’t deliver on schedule grandfather, I tried to explain to you what was happening, but as soon as you heard his plan you left.”
“Ok, you approached me, telling me that you loved me but you had to leave because of your grandfather’s crazy plan to take over the world,” Marinette pointed out. “Honestly I thought I slept with a crazy guy until you came up on the news. I kind of freaked out and left, besides you know, the only other person who knows where I am is Adrien, and maybe those men you sent to find me.” She finished before cursing under her breath. “Baby boy, come here time for numma numms.” Oliver perked up and ran over, she picked him up gave him a kiss and put him in his seat.
“Can I ask you questions now?” Damian asked, looking at the raven-haired boy, his green eye sparkling beautifully looking at his plate of food. 
“Sure shoot,” She says, placing food in front of him.
“What his name?”
“Sweetie, can you tell your dad your name?” 
“Ollie!” he said, picking up a handful of spaghetti, 
“I’m his father?” Damian said, now really looking at the boy. 
“Damian I might have been a bit pissed at you, it didn’t mean I stopped loving you,” Marinette said. “But you have to prove yourself to us before you even consider being in our lives,” she finished sternly. “You also have to get through Adrien.”
“What do you mean?”
“Ever since he found out I was pregnant he’s been there helping me through everything. He took over guardian for me so I could focus on Oliver,” Marinette explained. “He thinks of Adrien as an Uncle and I won’t hesitate to choose him over you because he’s apart of Oliver’s life and because of how much helps he’s been to me. We have family dinner every Sunday, either in Paris or here depending on Oliver.”
“Marinette, I would do anything to be part of your and Oliver’s lives. Heck, I gave up the world domination,” Damian pointed out.
“Well then, tomorrow, you can join us for family dinner,” Marinette said, standing before taking the plates. 
“I would love to,” he responds as Marinette picks Oliver up. “May I hold him?”
“Sure… ummm I have to go get a washcloth and shirt for him anyways. Just watch out or you’ll have sauce everywhere by the time I get back,” Marinette said, handing him Oliver before disappearing down the hall. 
“Hi Ollie, I’m your dad,” Damian, believe it or not, cooed. Oliver put his sauce-covered hands all over Damian’s face.
“Told you so,” Marinette reappeared, holding a wet washcloth and a clean shirt. “Come here, baby boy.” She said holding out her arms. 
She stood him up on the island as she cleaned his shirt. “Arms up!” she said, him doing as she said. She blew a raspberry on his stomach, making Oliver laugh. His laugh was adorably beautiful. He loved seeing Marinette and Oliver interact with each other, it was just so pure and beautiful. She finished pulling off the dirty shirt and put on the new one. “All set Ollie, you can play for a bit.” Marinette said, placing him on the ground before turning to look back at Damian. “You have a bit of sauce here.” She said, pointing at her cheek.
“Here?” he responded, wiping his face.
“No, let me,” Marinette said, picking back up the washcloth. She approached him and wiped the sauce (and totally not cliche) it felt like time slowed down for a minute it was just the two of them looking into each other’s eyes. Marinette goes up onto her tiptoes he leans down and as they were about to kiss. They were interrupted.
“Mama! Play cars?” Oliver asked, snapping them back to reality, oblivious to what was happening.
“Oh.. umm.. Of course, let’s go Ollie,” Marinette stuttered, a blush present on her cheeks.
“I should be going,” Damian said quickly, still flustered. “Just let me know what time dinner will be.”
“Um ok. Bye Damian!” Marinette said, looking at the, now closed, door. “Damn there I go, falling all over again.”
“Damn,” Oliver mimics.
my sister was roleplaying in roblox earlier with a friend and she kept saying “just pretend” “Imma do this but you don’t know that” “imma be sitting on top of the pizzeria”. Idk, but quarantine is getting to me.
Permanent Tag:
@ash-amg @bee-wrecker @damianette-is-life @mjisntme
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@enigmaincrimson​ - continued from post
There was a blank look from the young woman as she patiently sat there and mulled things over as if contemplating whether to find somewhere else less frustrating to sit down. It was bad enough being shipped off to be part of some special program, poked, prodded, and stared at, but now she’s being glowered at by a cranky harpy.
“Would you prefer if I retracted things and we trade spots?”
Might as well offer something despite being pretty much a big novelty to their fellow tenants and to everyone else. Although she’d probably get in trouble for passing herself off as human again, but if it made the other feel better… so be it.
To be honest, she did have this smooth silky tone that sounded sort of like something you’d only read about in fantasy novels… like one might expect an elegant goddess or a cunning dragon might sound. Hidden under her breath was an inner dislike of being out in the spotlight. She was happier pretending to be someone else, not being noticed as herself… that lovely peace and quiet of not being harassed by curious onlookers with way too many questions for her preference.
Not that she could blame them all that much, her kind has only heard of in folklore, legends, and fairy tales. They’re never really referred to by name, but by the roles they played in events. 
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       Haru couldn’t even look at the other. As of course the way she was kinda being a little rude. She sat quietly in the chair and held her breath as she decided to make a mean look at the wall beside her. The wall was a nasty yellowish color which didn’t help the nasty puke taste she was holding in. As the chair was squishing her after all and her boobs were perked up as she had both hands on her knees while she sat in the chair.
       “Humm numm…”
She shook her head at the other. She wasn’t one to be rude with others as it wasn’t her thing. Nothing on this planet she now called home was worth fighting over. Not even a chair. In this case a couch. 
Though she knew she couldn’t hold for much longer as she knew she would burst so she finally decided to get out of the chair and when she did a big breath of air came out. Almost in relief as she knew if she had sat much longer in that chair her bad side would have came out. In which she truly hated to show. 
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jackhkeynes · 6 years
16th Jun - pez
/ˈpet͡s/ v.in
1. break; be smashed, split, or divided into parts violently, be reduced to pieces or fragments.
Pez se fittay tiburusa obe cu cur po eva roun.
break ipfv branch-p.sbj tree-s.obl-prx away time on under wind big
This tree's branches are breaking off again in the strong winds.
2. shatter, collapse; fall apart into many pieces, or - metaphorically - become overwhelmed or overcome with despair or panic.
Cus pez o bec heoc fa pecquoh bit pie.
then break pfv bowl fruit to thousand piece small
The fruit bowl shattered into a thousand pieces.
Cu sippan o piettay obe, yon qua du yam pezca numme.
time take-psv pfv child-p.sbj away | seen at 1s.obl woman break-ptcp full
When her children were taken away I saw the woman break down completely.
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vegiamilan · 5 years
Via Tiraboschi
Indoe, de spèss se parla de cantoni che in settant'ann hoo vist e bazzigaa… ècco la mia storièlla… Ve pareva che mi seri mai passaa de lì? Ma de segur… de fiolòtt, cont i amis… in di ser d'estaa… a pè dal Corvètt… giò per el Cors Lòd… a cicciara a dinn stupidad… a cuntass di tosann… vedè che film gh'era allCinema Italia in Piazzal Lòd… che magara la domenega dòpo ghe se'ndava… e rivaa in Piazza Buòzzi via, giò per el canton a drizza… e subit t’el lì el monument “ai mort del bombardament del 1916”… ‘sti tognitt… on quaivun el m’ha dii che eren staa di dirigibil… chi l’è che ne sa pussee?... Beh numm ghe se passava arent… ‘n’oggiada al monument “di trii ciocch”… nòmm scherzos… ‘me succed ai tanti statov milanes… pòcch rispètt ò affezion civica? Fòrsi se pò discutt… cert l’è che quand te vedet semper, tutt’i dì, ‘na ròba, a la soa manera importanta, gh’è nient de fà… la diventa ‘na part del panorama… la se pèrd… te passet… la gh’è… e s’ciao… l’è normal… la stòria, la tragèdia che gh’hinn dree, va tutt a remengo… Bon… numm se passava… se ghe borlava l’oeugg… ‘na battuda sui ciocch… se de nò… via drizz vèrs Piazzal Libia… pian pianòtt… ò de prèssa… a seconda del moment… ‘na fermada in on trani… cercà on getton per ‘na telefonada, in quèll moment pussee important del monument: “Anmò quèlla là?” “Sì!” e via a mincionass… che fòrsi la domenega se’ndava nò al cinema insèma… Ma se crèss… Me regòrdi anmò… in Tirabòschi… l’ultima occasion per podè cambià lavorà… ‘na cà vèggia… “Ci faremo sentire”… Occasion andada mal… voeuna di tanti… adèss ne pòdi rid… Tanti cà d’abitazion… e in di strad lateral tanti idustriètt… voeuna, in Còlletta, quèlla d’on mè parent… lontan cusin de cusin… ma èmm fa tanti viagg cont i sò valis… vial periferich… ma intorna al piazzal… pròppi grand… tanti cà de lusso… on rion signoril… ghe stava anca el gerarca Starace… in di sò ultim dì: “Che fai Starace?” – “Passeggio” - “Vieni con noi!” - Pròppi in quèll dì là,che a savèll… l’è stòria registrada, ma numm, allora, el savevom nò… che a scoeula la stòria se la rivava, fada ben, all'unità d'Italia... Per minga parlà de la Piazza Buòzzi, sindacalista mazzaa vèrs la fin de la guerra… chi l'è che ne parlava mai… che giamò la piazza la se ciamava Martiti Fascisti … on'altra pagina de stòria desmentegada… ma a numm l'era ssee settas là sui banchètt… tra i sces… “Ahhh… el chiosch di bibit…” El m’ha dii on quaivun… - “Che inguri!”… Mah… numm, mai compraa nient… domà settaa a cicciara, a spettà el scur e poeu… via indree vèrs el Corvètt… ‘na tapasciada longa… e rivaa finalment a cà… anmò a cicciara on poo sui banchètt in cort… ah la gioventù….
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Online Accounting Software
While accounting is far from being the preferred task of entrepreneurs or DAF, it is the key to healthy growth. And as the business grows, a simple Excel table is no longer enough to manage the accounts. Good news, the innovations in the Fintech and the Cloud have given rise to software ergonomic, easy to use and 100% adapted to SMEs. Some are specialized in  accounting (full-web) , others (ERP) also support larger parts of your daily management (inventory, expense reports, financial strategy).
To find out about existing solutions and find the one that best suits your needs, here is a Top 7 best accounting software for SMEs.
1.  Intuit Quickbooks - The Time- Saving Online Management Solution
General Info  : Created in 1983 in the United States and arrived in France in 2015.
Number of customers  : 2.5 million worldwide
Description  :  Online management and billing software for entrepreneurs and TPE ranked No. 1 worldwide! As a SaaS app (so 100% cloud), it is complete, easy to use and allows integrations with many app: Paypal, Stripe, Receipt Bank, PrestaShop, iScanner, Business Import, Easy Transac, Pepperi, finexkap ...
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✔️ Main features:  Sending quotation and invoices in unlimited, management sales / purchases, automatic calculation of VAT, collaboration with the accountant
The +  : a very neat interface, real-time dashboards, the ability to manage all currencies, compliance with French accounting standards and anti-fraud certification
Price  : From 9.80 € to more than 35 € per month with free trial of 30 days without commitment (for the 3 available formulas)
2.  iTool  - Online Accounting and Management Software
General Info  : Created in 2000 in France. Subsidiary of EBP since 2006.
Description  :  Pioneer of online accounting, it is the first French software publisher to be switched to full web. The SaaS solution for TPE is very complete.
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✔️ Features:  General Account , Commercial Management, Tax Book  
The +:  Careful ergonomics that makes the use pleasant. Free web conferencing and unlimited assistance.
The -  : No native integration possible with third-party apps.
The price:  From 12 € / month for the Start offer at 24 € for the Business and Premium offer on request, with a 30-day free test.
3.  Xero  - Beautiful accounting software
General Info  : Established in 2006 in New Zealand
Number of customers  : 1 million worldwide
Description  :  Ideal for small companies. It is present in many countries (England, France,  Germany, Australia, Brazil, Canada, India, Japan, Mexico, United States ...). 100% Cloud and accessible everywhere (PC, Mac, tablet, mobile with the Xero Touch app). X ero was named " World's Most Innovative Growth Company " by Forbes in 2014 and 2015 and Peter Thiel (co-founder of Paypal) was one of the first investors.
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✔️ Key Features: Accounting, Business Analysis, Setup & Installation, Bookkeeping
The +  : Very good ergonomics and ease of use. User-friendly dashboards. Possible integrations with more than 600 apps including Spendesk for expense management, Paypal, Vend, SquareSpace ... Unlimited users and support 24/7. Management of more than 160 currencies.
The -:  Xero is not yet available in French. Possibility of customizing docX templates / emails / inventories produced but beware of compatibility with French accounting laws.
The news  : Courant 2017 will release a new product based on machine learning and AI to further optimize the accounting.  
Rate  : From $ 20 to $ 40 / month with 30-day free trial.
Do you use Salesforce in your SMB? NUMM  may interest you. It is the first French Salesforce partner to publish an online accounting software.
ERP with accounting modules, dedicated to VSEs / SMEs
In addition to these solutions dedicated to small and medium enterprises, you can also use ERP (Enterprise Resource Planing) . More complicated to set up, they are often privileged starting from a certain size of company, to centralize all the data (commercial, HR, invoicing etc) and to facilitate the global management. This complete software is not limited to accounting but allows you to manage many other aspects of your business! Regarding their accounting module, here is a selection of 4 most suitable for small businesses.
4. Quadratus -  QUADRA Company On demand
General info  : Created in 1991 in France. He joined the Cegid group in 2003.
Number of customers  : 120,000 TPE
Description  :  Publisher of specific software for accounting firms, SMEs, companies in the sectors of cleanliness and transport. Its solutions are 100% cloud, a real digital accounting firm! QuadraEntreprise is the solution dedicated to VSEs, craftsmen and merchants, with the QuadraCOMPTA module for accounting.
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✔️ Main features: c general and analytical omptabilité, followed by cash, VAT returns, review of accounts, customer relationship management
Additional options:  fixed assets, leasing, bank links ...
The +  : Very complete solution, configurable and fully customizable to suit your needs. Optimum data security (hosted in France). 24/7 assistance. Partnership with IBM and Microsoft and support of the Cegid group.
Rates  : Detail to find here (2018)  
5. Bear Book - Online Accountig Software
General Info  : Created in 2001 in the India
Number of customers  : 1.0 million Indian
Description  :Bearbook will take care of all your complex accounting stuff so that you can focus on business.
Get Started for Free
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Easy Accounting
Bearbook online accounting software is as simple as Whatsapp or Gmail. Simply create an account and start using it.
Manage Sales & Invoicing
Customer and Vender management
Smart Reporting
GST Ready Accounting
Using Bearbook GST accounting software you can create online GST Invoice as well as create reports that help you to file GSTs.
Create and Manage GST Invoice
Automated GST Reports
GST Filing
INVOICING made simple
Online accounting software for Data-Driven Businesses.
Accounting software helps you to know where your money is going, what your margins are, and how your departments are performing.
6.  Sage Accounting and Billing  by SAGE - The world's No. 1 in management software for SMEs
General Info  : Created in 1981 in the United Kingdom
Number of customers  : 2.5 million worldwide
Description  :  SAGE is a market leader in integrated accounting, business management, payroll and online payment solutions. The group has experienced strong growth. Today it brings together a community of 100,000 accountants around the world (international ecosystem) . Ciel  (software publisher for small organizations) became a subsidiary of the group in 1992. And in 2011 SAGE launched SAGE Business Cloud COMPTA & INVOICING(formerly SAGE ONE).  
 - Solution for entrepreneurs and small businesses
Description  :  This 100% cloud software is part of the SAGE ACCOUNTING Hub with Sage 50 Sky Cloud Comp (MS Office 365), Sage 100, Sage 200, Sage 300, Sage Live and Sage X3. It is particularly suited to the management of self-entrepreneurs, artisans, self-employed, startups, small businesses and accessible on any medium (PC, Mac, iOS, Android). It is very advanced and integrates all the accounting branches.
✔️ Main features: sales / purchase, cash management, VAT, reporting
The +  : Very easy to use, no training is necessary. Software complies with the law against VAT fraud. Unlimited technical support.
The price  : From 4.50 € per month for the Start formula to 25 € per month (without commitment)
7.  EBP -  Management Software, Accounting, Payroll for SMEs & TPE
General info  : Created in 1984 in France
Number of customers  : 600,000 worldwide
Description  :  This French software company specializes in solutions for small businesses (SMEs, small businesses, craftsmen, professionals). Find on the site the most adapted solutions to your activity thanks to its distinctions by specialties: building, trade, education, associative, other trades.
✔️  Main features:  This ERP helps SMEs to manage their business, CRM, business management, taxation, payroll and accounting. Accounting level, different products are available:  
EBP Accounting line SME
EBP Compta Classic
EBP Compta PRO online
The +  : Without commitment. Very complete tool. Telephone assistance with competent experts. Import and export of parameterizable data. Simple to use and flexible. Intuitive interface. 30 years of profession.
The price  : 25 € HT per month for EBP Compta Classic at prices on estimate (free trial 30 days)
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lostiesart-blog1 · 6 years
In this Video, Infotainment Will Explain Fawad Khan Income, House, Cars, Lifestyle and Net Worth. Subscribe Our Channel:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCDb... Similarly, for vacation or tourism, we tell our readers about the best places in the world for tourism. If you like to see historic places, there is Fawad Khan Income, House, Cars, Luxurious Lifestyle & Net Worth for you right here. If you are into Fawad Khan Income, House, Cars, Luxurious Lifestyle & Net Worth , Fawad Khan Income, House, Cars, Luxurious Lifestyle & Net Worth for that as well are here. Similarly, if you are the guy who wants to take his family and friends to a great green nature loving place, welcome Fawad Khan Income, House, Cars, Luxurious Lifestyle & Net Worth for that. Top mountains, top countries for tourism, top places for fun, top countries for sports, Fawad Khan  Income, House, Cars, Luxurious Lifestyle & Net Worth  is right here in this video. Rajpal Yadav Income, House, Cars, Lifestyle and Net Worth https://youtu.be/PpfpiicpXIw Nana Patekar Income, House, Cars, Lifestyle and Net Worth https://youtu.be/oBuX74G2jkY Johny Lever Income, House, Cars, Lifestyle and Net Worth https://youtu.be/pRvQFX5Qzmk Irfan Khan Income, House, Cars, Lifestyle and Net Worth https://youtu.be/i9YmaHaGmtk Fawad Khan Income, House, Cars, Lifestyle and Net Worth https://youtu.be/9HSSqlLe2vY Fawad Khan is a Pakistani vocalist, show and a performing artist who has likewise picked up fame in Bollywood. He rose to distinction for assuming the part of Hassan in 2010 serial Dastaan, which earned him Pakistan Media Award for Best Actor. From that point forward he has done a few Pakistani serials which incorporate Akbari Asghari, Kuch Pyar Ka Pagalpan, Humsafar, for which he won Lux Style Awards for Best Actor in 2013 Fawad Khan after his blockbuster hits like "Humsafar" and 'Zindagi Gulzar Hai' is the main among all.This nice looking hunk gets paid twenty lac for a solitary promotion and charged 1.5 crore for doing a motion picture in Pakistan. Fawad Khan began his TV profession in Jutt and Bond, an amusing TV arrangement in year 2000. From that point onward, in different TV serials like Rubber Band, Dil De Ke Jayengy, Satrangi, Jeevan Ki Rahon Mein Zindgai Gulzar Hai, Numm and so on.
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