#o cebreiro
jkrikis · 4 months
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camino frances / o cebreiro
© 2023  Yiannis Krikis
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eopederson · 27 days
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Palloza, O Cebreiro, 2011.
The round stone building topped with a straw roof is a traditional building type in the mountainous areas of northwestern Spain.
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eopederson3 · 24 days
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O Cebreiro desde el Albergue, Lugo, 2001.
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agustivm · 10 months
6ª Etapa. Villafranca del Bierzo a Cebreiro. 32-33 km. 14 de abril de 2022
De Villafranca del Bierzo a Cebrreiro. Día espléndido de luz     Subiendo el Cebreiro  
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camino-frances · 5 years
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Day 26: O Cebreiro / Triacastela
Album: Camino Day 26 Map: https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/341073
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slowroadtosantiago · 11 months
Day 36 - Las Herrerias to Fonfria
Today was the last of our big hill days. Over the course of the day our ascent has been 1039m, with the first 678m climbed in the first few hours. My phone is showing over 14 miles. Nonetheless, we’re not feeling too bad at the moment!
We set off about 20 past 7 and we could see low cloud ahead. We were hoping that we would climb above it rather than it hanging around throughout the whole climb. Leaving the village in the early morning light we initially walked uphill on the road up through some lovely green countryside before the path started to climb on a dirt path. It reminded me very much of walking our local tracks in Wales.
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Up and up we went to the first village. It was still early so we pushed on to the next village for breakfast. The path left the woodlands and came out into an open area where we were indeed rewarded with amazing views with the cloud below us.
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A final push to the next village and we found a cafe open for breakfast. The last part of the climb was relatively mild in comparison to the first two sections, we even had a mountain biker pass us huffing and puffing away.
We finally emerged at the top and O Cebreiro. The views back down were tremendous. O Cebreiro is also a very quirky place, there are quite a few thatched houses which we hadn’t seen before. According to the book it’s also where more people start the Camino from, but we didn’t find it too busy.
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The countryside on the other side of the hill looked so Welsh! Even the hedgerow flowers reminded us of home - dandelions, buttercups, forgetmenots, daisies and the odd bluebell. The fields were full of wild flowers and the paths undulated by the side of a very quiet main road.
We stopped for coffee at a place that was also the village shop. Shortly afterwards, at the top of a rise, we came across a statue of a pilgrim heading west. Someone had left an envelope for pilgrims to open, so we did and there was a sweet note inside.
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A few more kilometres later at the end of a nasty climb and with our stomachs starting to rumble we came across a cafe where we ate a huge slab of tortilla each. As we were sitting outside a group of horse riders arrived, de mounted and had a beer which the resident dog objected noisily to.
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Also pecking about under the tables were some hens and a cockerel!
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According to the map, it would all downhill from there, and it was more or less. A couple of miles later we arrived at our Albergue.
It’s a fab place. There is a great hangout area with comfy sofas, we both have bottom bunks in a large well spaced out bunk room complete with real sheets (not the usual paper ones), and duvets. We’ve got little bedside lights and cupboards with electric points in. When we arrived the lady on reception saw our stamp for Casa Susi where we were a few days ago and said that they were all friends. I could see why as even though this place is very much bigger, it has a similar vibe.
After showers and washing through my smalls I sat and worked out how many miles my phone has walked. It’s showing 424 miles at the moment (it’ll also include post walk wanders).
Jane went off to have a drink with Deiter, one of the Germans we met a while back, while I did some admin. I joined Jane a bit later and she was sat talking to two Americans, Rick and Richard, who work in the wine industry.
At 7 we went for the communal meal. It was held in a separate traditional round building like the ones in O Cebreiro. The food was fabulous and very much traditional to the area, starting with a vegetable broth, then a really tender beef stew with rice, followed by a local cake that tasted like it had ground almonds in.
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As we left the dining hall the neighbouring farm was bringing the cows in for the night.
We’re now back chilling in our bunks. Tomorrow will be shorter at 11.5 miles. It will still be a bit undulating but nothing compared to today!
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bonsoirs37 · 11 months
23/05 étape 49 Ambasmestas - Triacastela
Le petit déj n'est servi qu'à 7h30, trop tard pour nous, mais il ne faut pas partir trop, on risque une non ouverture au prochain village. Tout est dans le timing. Donc départ 6h30.
C'est toujours avec plaisir que je me lève chaque matin pour effectuer l'étape du jour. Je me demande déjà comment je vais faire quand je vais revenir à la maison...
Après les 900 m de dénivelé positif (cumulé) parcourus hier, nous allons dépasser les 1100 m aujourd'hui, les montées ça va , mais les descentes me paraissent plus difficiles. Sur 35 km c'est gérable, surtout que les derniers km sont en descente, sur ces derniers km nous imprimons un bon rythme ( comme si nous venions de commencer).
Les paysages et les traversées de villages sont très agréables , surtout le passage en Galice avec ce premier village : O Cebreiro qui nous accueille avec de la musique celtique...J'ADORRRRE. Village avec des toits de chaume, boutiques en rapport avec , bien-sûr, el Camino, mais aussi avec la culture celte. Je résiste et attends la fin du voyage pour faire les emplettes. (C'est stratégique : j'évite de porter des objets sur les 5 derniers jours...oui vous lisez bien..5 jours, dingue comme ça passe vite).
Depuis le début de la Galice, nous avons toujours de beaux paysages ( comme d'ailleurs depuis Astorga), on a envie de rester là et d'admirer sans fin ces lieux authentiques et très peu transformés par l'humain.
Nous essayons avec JP de prévoir le cheminement depuis les sommets que nous "gravitons", mais souvent il y a un changement de vallée et nous sommes à côté de la plaque. Peu importe, nous apprécions chaque mètre dans notre évolution.
Pour les Pèlerins français...? Toujours aussi peu présent. J'ai parfois l'impression d'être en Corée ou en Chine.
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giamonkey-blog · 2 years
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We made it to O Cebreiro. Blessing of the pilgrims by a young Spanish priest. This church has been an important way point of the Camino since the 12th century. It features the grave in the church of Don Elias Avalon’s Sampedro who’s life work was the Camino. He started the tradition of yellow arrows to show the way.
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alessandrozorco · 2 years
Un mese esatto di cammino per fare quasi 850 chilometri. Da Pamplona a Santiago. Attraversando la Navarra, il Riojas, Leon e la Castilla e la verde Galizia. E poi fino alla fine del mondo. L'oceano. Nuovamente la sensazione della sabbia tra le dita. Prima a Muxia e poi a Finisterre. Senza soste, perché quando si inizia a camminare è impossibile fermarsi. Il mio cammino, desiderato per anni, lascia una traccia indelebile nel mio corpo, nella mia mente e nel mio spirito. Durante la prima parte di questo viaggio è il corpo ad abituarsi alla fatica, nella seconda è la mente che viaggia libera nelle praterie solitarie delle mesetas e nella terza è l'anima ad aprirsi alla visione delle montagne che portano a Santiago. Si dice che la prima parte rappresenti la passione che lascia spazio prima alla morte e poi alla resurrezione. Io di questo cammino ho sentito risuonare ogni singolo passo, quelli sudati sotto il sole e quelli sotto le stelle, con la luce frontale comprata da Decathlon. Porto dentro di me i tantissimi incontri fatti. Persone speciali. Uniche. Con alcuni ho condiviso solo un momento, con altri ho passato molto più tempo, strigendo legami a volte fortissimi. Eppure il cammino mi ha insegnato che oltre che ad amare, bisogna anche imparare a perdere le persone, senza attaccarsi troppo. Ognuno, come nella vita, va alla sua velocità. E ognuno ha il suo cammino. Unico e irripetibile. Come la pietra con la freccia gialla che ci hanno regalato a O Cebreiro. Ieri a Finisterre, ultima tappa di questo viaggio, ho buttato nell'oceano il lucchetto che avevo comprato prima di partire, pensando di dovere in qualche modo proteggere i miei averi. Ovviamente non mi è servito a nulla perché nel cammino è quasi impossibile che qualcuno prenda apposta le cose degli altri. Ecco perché quel lucchetto, che rappresentava le mie paure e il mio cuore chiuso per anni, è volato dritto nell'oceano. Ora che sono giunto al chilometro zero, mi riposo un attimo prima di ripartire, zaino in spalla. Perché veramente la fine del cammino segna l'inizio del vero cammino. Ultreya!
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rizomaticamente · 5 months
O valor dos nosos argumentos dependerá da súa capacidade para mostrar até que punto certas prácticas alternativas, que ben poderiamos denominar biopoéticas, son quen de liberar a noción de vida do estrito dominio da xestión económica e político-admisitrativa do Estado.
María do Cebreiro
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borderpaolino · 6 months
Santiago d.C. 2009, dodicesimo giorno.
Martedì, 12 maggio. Pedrafita do Cebreiro – Santiago de Compostela Pioggia forte per tutta la notte, oggi potrebbe essere il giorno di Santiago. Salvo complicazioni. Dormire molto o poco non ha più importanza. Preparo le cose con dovizia. Scendo per la colazione, al bar. Una coppia di pellegrini si rifocilla. Pago il conto, la Tv è accesa, meteo pessimo. Sella Mattutina è rimasta in una specie…
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jkrikis · 5 months
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camino frances / o cebreiro
© 2023 Yiannis Krikis
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eopederson · 2 months
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Paisaje gallego cerca de O Cebreiro, Lugo - Paisaxe galega preto do Cebreiro, Lugo, Galicia, 2011.
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eopederson3 · 19 days
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Paisaje gallego con señalización del Camino Francés - paisaxe galega con sinalización para o Camiño frances, cerca de O Cebreiro, Lugo, 2011.
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onthesameplanet · 6 months
《騎馬》法國之路 - Day 26
In Liñares616.0 km completed.156.9 km to go.0530-1330 昨天還發文說天氣好熱,睡覺時連睡袋都懶得打開,誰知昨晚就凍醒了,但由於睡在上格床,又懶得走上走落,最後縮左一團繼續睡到五時起床。 由 Trabadelo 去 Liñares,要爬過前往 Santiago 的最後一個山脈。Liñares 剛好是這一段路線的最高點,加上 Liñares 在朝聖之路前的一個城市O Cebreiro…
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camino-frances · 5 years
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Day 25: Trabadelo / O Cebreiro
Album: Camino Day 25 Map: https://www.openstreetmap.org/node/766650410
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