obioraobieze · 3 years
sunday 15th november 2020 02:27gmt <🎨>>
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War is defined by mindless and military subjugation of opposing parties
If truth shall be courageously harnessed here, brute force undeniably would be affirmed as, signifying reduced presence of discerning intelligence. Rational negotiation being energy sapping, time consuming and mind-stressing, nations find military force easily effective. Instead of using reason to win over dissidents, they are beaten into submission.
It must be noted that the situation of military brutality is rampant in the newly independent sovereign states. Perhaps, concerned citizens only recently emerged from vicious, bloody struggle for independence, and it is virtually impossible, to make rational political negotiations. Rather communities needs inculcate the virtue, before the separation.
By implication, communities agitating for independence, shall not wait until full separation from their parent country, before establishing substantial frame work, for responsible civil administration. It is also at this early stage, that contentious issues straining national relationships shall be tackled, to manifest functional cultural patterns.
nwa obodo na-echi eze
november 15th 2020
onitsha nigeria
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obioraobieze · 4 years
sunday 3rd may 2020 05:05 gmt <🎨>>
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In colonialism, humans submit to overwhelming pull towards unification
As far back as history would record, instances of global civilizations have always been observed. Great empires emerged through pulling together, by military might, smaller communities of initially, isolated nation states. With time, as the frustration and humiliation of losing one’s national identity fades, there grows acceptance and submission.
Eventually, a new world order is established. Though not immediately, a universal thought pattern begins to emerge. It would be fundamentally, fashioned around the collective culture of the dominating colonial power. Accordingly, there would be, to a large extent, creations of singular religion, language, political system of civil governance, and overall culture.
This state of affairs endures through a great span of time, and in instances, beyond a hundred years. In line with nature, as the subsumed states mature in the new world order, the military might of the colonizing power begins to wane. The colonized nations would attain independence, and slowly begin to rebuild themselves.
nwa obodo na-echi eze
may 3rd 2020
onitsha nigeria
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obioraobieze · 4 years
sunday 28th june 2020 03:09gmt <🎨>>
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Sufferers of mental illness of compulsive stealing, were never criminals
By the natural constitution of humans, there are bound to be occasional breakdown of functioning parts of the biological system. Demands of negotiating safely, around the nooks and crannies of the organized communities, create distress. And often enough, the mind caves in under such intense pressure. As a result, humans appear harshly remorseless.
Mostly, what the kleptomaniac steals, is of little use to him. His purpose was not exactly to economically, enrich himself. He had no purpose at all. The sufferer moves, as if in trance. He, in a manner of speaking, wakes up to the sudden presence of the things he stole. He is slowly, drenched in remorse and humiliation, over his actions.
In as much as stealing is legally defined as crime, the fact of helplessness, by which the offence is committed, completely removes kleptomania from the ranks of criminal offence. Sufferers are deeply unconscious of their actions and do not always remember, moments afterwards. The greatest response of law shall be medical, and not legal prosecution.
nwa obodo na-echi eze
june 28th 2020
onitsha nigeria
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obioraobieze · 4 years
sunday 16th august 2020 01:28gmt <🎨>>
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Appropriate facilities need to exist for successful prison reformation
Naturally, humans resist change, especially the correctional. When, the human is confronted with his criminal offence, with status of indictment, he begins to panic. He quickly puts up resistance, and may go on the run, to avoid arrest and prosecution. He hardly accepts his prison sentence. He rebels, right through the prison gates.
The implication is that the imprisoned human shall receive from prison authorities, services that would keep him in a state of mental quiet. It is only then that lessons directed towards his reformation, would be learnt. Accordingly, infrastructures shall be modelled towards instilling in the errant human, a strong sense of self-worth.
Therefore, comprehensive actions shall be advanced towards enhancing the reformative qualities of the prison complex. Population of inmates shall, be adjusted to available residential accommodation, educational buildings and materials, including feeding provisions. Of course, there shall be consideration for their religious preferences.
nwa obodo na-echi eze
august 16th 2020
onitsha nigeria
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obioraobieze · 4 years
sunday 18th october 2020 02:20 <🎨>>
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Like every living thing, all sovereign countries grow old and then die
Looking at the nature of earth through recorded history, one would firmly arrive at the conclusion that, with passage of time, everything shall submit to demise. So far as it manifested at all, as time goes, tear and wear of usage shall drain off its strength, functionality and eventually, durability. Great empires, like everything, are no exception.
It has been observed that nations that held on together, into centuries, did eventually succumb to disintegration. What exceptionally nourishing political policies and activities did achieve, would be another stretch of time, nothing else. As the awe and influence of the ruling class begin to wane, agitation for independence increases among regions.
Towards the end of a distinguished empire, erstwhile docile and loyal neighbouring countries, would present retaliatory and expansionist tendencies. Coupled with internal wrangling, it becomes a matter of time before the great empire breaks up into smaller nations. That is, if external military forces do not overrun and colonize it wholly, or in part.
nwa obodo na-echi eze
october 18th 2020
onitsha nigeria
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obioraobieze · 4 years
sunday 20th september 2020 02:37gmt <🎨>>
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A majority rule, has always determined successful civil administration
In the first instance, it was by virtue of the majority population, that the organized human community was achieved. The civilized communities of a nation in effect, derive sustenance from the union of greater number of similar ethnic groups. By the union, these groups together, exercise comprehensive political control over the entire sovereign state.
It may be reasoned, that the sheer force of numbers presented to the majority, a potential authority of immense implication. This emboldens them at all times, to relentlessly fight against all manner of domination. And throughout recorded history, dictatorial suppression of the majority population, by a few powerful people was eventually, squashed.
There is clear conclusion derivable from the fact of majority rule, in the benefits of history. It is observable that it is unrealistic to muffle the greater population of a sovereign nation, and trample on their constitutional rights. Notwithstanding the prolonged period of subjugation, oppressors were always overthrown and majority rule installed.
nwa obodo na-echi eze
september 20th 2020
onitsha nigeria
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obioraobieze · 4 years
sunday 31st may 2020 03:26 gmt <🎨>>
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Crime has always been the lot of humans as they conceive great strides
Based on attitudes of humans through recorded history, there is always a moment when the human is overwhelmed by distress. Within this state of profound mental strain, he suffers such distracting anguish that obedience to letters of law, becomes less than a fleeting thought. At this point, divesting himself of the hobbling burden is most paramount.
Therefore, every human continually, on varying scales, contravenes the laws, as laid out in the constitution of his country. He commits a crime on a regular basis, mostly unintentionally, in private and unnoticed. In fact, with the complex make-up of human life, with lessons arising from series of trials and blunders, a crime is committed!
Accordingly, punitive measures needs reflect the inevitable handicap, constituted by unrelenting transgression, the human is saddled with. It is indisputable that the human, labouring through tortuous plains of earth, would likely, fail to get it right at first attempt. As he flails and fumbles around, he continually commits a crime!
nwa obodo na-echi eze
may 31st 2020
onitsha nigeria
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obioraobieze · 4 years
sunday 6th september 2020 01:48gmt <🎨>>
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Durable communal decisions fail, when everyone battles to satisfy self
All the way from historical past, arriving at a working decision in every communal congregation, has never been an impossible task for the humans. The pain the community suffers rather, is sustaining the final resolution of a general debate. It appears that even before the conference ends, alternative versions of the final decision would surface.
For this reason, when a close look is taken of the human in a communal conference, he would be observed to engage in regular struggle with a barrage of personal ideas. He is not alone. This applies to everyone else. In as much as the principle public issue of the debate, remains in focus, the individual constantly, faces distractions from within.
Without doubt, there is definite damage in succumbing to the self-seeking sentiment. With time, the wellbeing of the sovereign nation is compromised. And in the quest to protect self-interest, strife and anarchy envelop the country. Notwithstanding the distress of mounting inconvenience, self-interest needs be controlled for the nation to prosper.
nwa obodo na-echi eze
september 6th 2020
onitsha nigeria
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obioraobieze · 4 years
sunday 30th august 2020 02:23gmt <🎨>>
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Labours of humans through centuries, created present political states
Equitable, though complex national political arrangements, presently enjoyed by humans, were conceived centuries ago. Humans of the time, laboured through extended periods of great strife and anarchy, to build on structures left behind by previous civilizations. Because of fluidity of political culture, universal sameness resulted.
The reasonable interpretation of the above truth, would only be conscious efforts of present humans, to contribute their quota, towards the continued evolution of national politics, the world over. Officers needs take into consideration, the fact that their shortcomings in omissions and adverse commissions, irrevocably damage nations.
Therefore, the officers of national and regional governments universally, shall inculcate in themselves, the benefits of labouring for the majority. This would only be achieved when letters of the national constitution, are religiously adhered to. By the same discipline required for growth, non-performing officers shall be dismissed.
nwa obodo na-echi eze
august 30th 2020
onitsha nigeria
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obioraobieze · 4 years
sunday 23rd august 2020 03:28gmt <🎨>>
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Penal system is mostly judged by successful reintegration of ex-convicts
From close observation of humans in organized communities, it is evident that no one is irreversibly corrupt. The seeming irredeemable nature of the habitual offender, stems from difficulty every human faces in taking correction. He is distraught at the humiliation of being discovered, facing prosecution, and perhaps prison detention.
What is necessary, is that organized community shall collectively, come to terms with the reality of the prison, as correctional establishment. It can never be a destination of doom for lost souls. Accordingly, the reformative qualities of the prison, shall be respected by the entire civil authorities and organized human population.
From the ongoing, it would only be fair to affirm, that directly attached to the penal system and prison establishment, shall be a LOVE PACKAGE for the returning ex-convict. His reformation shall be celebrated, to encourage him in battling any potential relapse, into criminal sentiments. He was never doomed. He was always appreciated.
nwa obodo na-echi eze
august 23rd 2020
onitsha nigeria
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obioraobieze · 4 years
sunday 7th june 2020 03:58 gmt <🎨>>
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Crime is prevalent among humans living in poverty and low intelligence
What can clearly be discerned, from humans in organized communities universally, is the fact of reduced intelligence being correlated with poverty. It could even be argued, that absence of relatively functional intelligence easily, nourish misrepresentation of reality and facilitation of poverty. Perhaps therefore, poverty is absence of knowledge.
Ordinarily, it would be dismissed as common knowledge, to relate deliberate and constructive labour to blooming success. However, when the humans’ intelligence is not raised enough, deductions of this nature, become Herculean in dimension. Out of frustration, they grapple with all manner of alternative routes to success, worsening their frustration.
Furthermore, with images of success helplessly overwhelming in brilliance, the besieged humans succumb to lawlessness. Initially, they would be bullies, intimidating their weaker neighbours, with threats of violence of all kinds. It follows that judicial response eventually, shall focus on intellectual rehabilitation and interpretation of hard work.
nwa obodo na-echi eze
june 7th 2020
onitsha nigeria
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obioraobieze · 4 years
sunday 9th august 2020 01:43gmt <🎨>>
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The prison remains invaluable to society, by its reformative services
It is highly probable that, it was at the same time humans resolved that there needs be a penal system, for the maintenance of law and order, that prison detention was conceived. Without doubt, there has to be comprehensive isolation of the human, undergoing reformative cleansing. He needs separation from distractions in free society.
Because trial and error remain the only process, by which humans ascend the ladder of evolution, since creation of earth, the institution of civil correction shall equally, remain compassionate. The prison establishment shall comport itself in a manner, that makes the prisoner appreciative of the necessity, to repair his mind and image.
Notwithstanding the harsh strains of undergoing punitive physical detention, the errant human cannot be left to moral deterioration, based on maudlin sentimentality of pity. It is preferable that more prisons are built, than for strife and anarchy to wreak irreversible havoc on humanity. Contrary line of action, would be detrimental.
nwa obodo na-echi eze
august 9th 2020
onitsha, nigeria
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obioraobieze · 4 years
sunday 29th march 2020 02:56gmt
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The worker that regards co-workers as family, is continually fulfilled
The ability of the nuclear family to serve as a successful communal unit, perhaps stems from the fact of all members staying and performing together, for a long time. It can therefore be seen that the official work place, has strong resemblance to the nuclear home. All the workers come together and spend so much quality time.
Thus the worker desirous of complete fulfillment in his place of work, shall accept the inevitable state of closeness. He needs to appreciate that everyone’s official duties, are strongly dependent on the affairs of every other worker. In playing the team game, the worker increases his potential for laudable performance.
From all indications therefore, the official work place is a second family to every worker! Performing together for a length of time, there grows personality affinity between everyone. And in a lot of instances, the second family of the work place, turns out more beneficial for the worker, making him rely on it for personal gains.
nwa obodo na-echi eze
march 29th 2020
onitsha nigeria
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obioraobieze · 4 years
sunday 2nd august 2020 01:49gmt <🎨>>
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A courtroom rekindles in every citizen, his equality with everyone else
Present civilization of humans, is firmly structured on the inviolable foundation of equality, of everyone before the law. Irrespective of status of all kinds, the law as interpreted in the courtroom, accords every citizen within it, equal recognition. This elevates the judiciary to a level of profound trust, establishing it as the ultimate hope.
A courtroom has an open view structural arrangement, whereby transparency is generously celebrated. Everyone and everything done and said, are visible and easily perceptible. Greatest respect and trust perhaps, arise from the appellate levels of litigation. These higher courts, from merit, verify claims of dissatisfaction from aggrieved litigants.
It is therefore, easy to receive relief from one’s grief, when a citizen drags his complaint from one level of the courts, to another. Accordingly, all judiciary personnel, from lawyers to bailiffs, registrars and various levels of the bench, shall view their jobs as especially essential. They have profound impact on the integrity of the society.
nwa obodo na-echi eze
august 2nd 2020
onitsha nigeria
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obioraobieze · 4 years
sunday 26th july 2020 01:22 gmt <🎨>>
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The judiciary enables a free and fair environment for defense of claims
The very structure of the judiciary creates a phenomenal establishment, for resolution of all manner of disputes, that could emanate from humans, in communal habitation. This arrangement builds in humans, a relief packet to fall into, in moments of unbearable provocations and aggressiveness. Thus, it effectively prevents retaliation and vendetta.
It follows that, to a large extent, the judiciary modelled the organized human community, to the point of refinement. In the process, it saved humans from the primitive savagery that was their lot, earlier on. Therefore, notwithstanding whatever reservations there might be, litigation needs be next line of thought, when endurance breaks down.
Understandably, there would be discontentment even when a courtroom litigation fails, through the appellate levels, and ultimately, in the supreme court. The appreciable factor arising at that point, is the resignation and peace of mind, that follows the finality of the apex court ruling. The rage and fury of initial provocative grief, also abates.
nwa obodo na-echi eze
july 26th 2020
onitsha nigeria
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obioraobieze · 4 years
sunday 19th july 2020 01:38 gmt <🎨>>
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Hurting the innocent citizen in every police action, may be unavoidable
Because at most times, the duty police officers are greatly outnumbered by citizens in a given community, these officers may become extremely tensed up. They are likely to exhibit hypersensitivity, bothering on paranoia. Under this state of mind, the agitated police officer, is bound to overreact, confronted by overwhelming acts of lawlessness.
It is therefore, understandable, that time and again, innocent citizens come to physical harm in the course of police action, towards eradication of crime. In as much as this hurts, it does appear that such painful confrontation, serve a great purpose. It comes as personal contribution to the advancement of the penal system, by the descent society.
Without argument, there are issues of friction arising between the police and the general public, in every community. Yet, the police force is the only option available for the present civilization, in sustaining the penal system. Thus, every civil member of the organized community, shall make obedience to law and order, his personal religion.
nwa obodo na-echi eze
july 19th 2020
onitsha nigeria
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