#oc mention: alana blackmore
muse-milkaelis · 4 years
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I sure can! Thanks for the request and well-wishes, Anon :3 We hope you’re all doing alright as well <3
Please join me for soooommmeeeee
Sebastian’s Past Headcanons!
Sebastian ranks rather high up in terms of demons (which makes his interest in playing as a servant that much funnier!)
While demons can embody any and all sins at any point, Sebastian’s main body of Hell is the sin of Pride
First of all, he constantly prides (hah) himself of being an exemplar butler. He has to be the best of the best and more than this, he thrives off being the best.
He goes out of his way to show off with champagne towers, ice sculptures, inventing a new form of curry in buns when he probably could have won on flavor alone, and like, all of the circus arc. All of it.
I would say that Sebastian exemplifies Pride more so than Greed or Gluttony because his actions are more to show off than to hoard things or keep in excess. Maybe if he was greedy for attention. And while he takes great care over his meal and is extremely particular about the development of Ciel’s soul, the simple fact that he is catering a single soul to his tastes rather than slaughtering hundreds just to fill his stomach eliminates the possibility of him being a glutton. 
Some additional minor factors could include things like his appearance, both physical and with his presentation. Do butlers need to be sexy? Certainly not. In fact, making himself so noticeable could even be viewed as a negative attribute as a servant, who should in all aspects be secondary to his master. 
This ruling body ranks above all sins. 
This is because other sins stem from more concrete needs (need to rest, need to eat, need to carry on the bloodline, need to protect oneself from harm) and would reflect self-preservation to some extent. 
Sins are harmful in that they are excess at the expense of others, but many contain our needs at a base level. 
Even greed, which is usually portrayed as material, can be a means to ensure one’s survival as a greedy person can afford to have their needs met.
Pride, however, is not a bodily need, nor does it protect oneself, or ensure our bodily needs are met. While it could be viewed as a self-actualization need in its healthier form, this is not as necessary to life as is food, sleep, and from a purely biological standpoint, the preservation of the species. Pride does not help someone carry on through life, therefore it is the greater sin.
So, the only one higher than the leader of Pride is Lucifer himself!
If Lucifer is a king, the council of sins would equate to something like the circle of nobles that give the king his domain and power. 
There’s some background for you, so let’s get into Sebastian’s own situation!
Sebastian’s family is strict, unforgiving, and intolerant of any nonsense. Sebs was brought up to be an unwavering leader, above everything around him. Pride is everything.
As such, he was just as strict, with no nonsense or thirst for antics like the Sebastian we know and love now.
His best friend (not by his choice!) in Hell was Alana Blackmore, next in line to rule the sin of Lust.
She always had an eye for trouble and found the council to be too stuffy and boring. Alana would drag Sebastian into her antics, much to his annoyance.
Over the years, Alana helped accustom Sebastian to trouble making, even if he never participated himself.
That is, until Alana was cast out from the council.
Without his friend there anymore, life returned to its usual boring work. Bit by bit, Sebastian became disillusioned with his uncompromising, authoritarian, predictable life. He yearned for something new.
Like a midlife crisis, so to speak.
He craved entertainment, and if he could not find it, he would create it.
Sebastian started to visit Earth more often, when he could, stirring up trouble and watching how his actions impacted humans. He could finally let loose and play the games he missed dearly. 
While time and experience has given him a wealth of knowledge of humans and their history, he was always an observer or a catalyst, never part of the cast. 
This is why he has come to enjoy the contract with Ciel so much. Where he once had easy access to any number of souls, this contract was his way of making something his own, making it new and exciting. He could be amused by the unpredictability of humanity and his own laughable role as a servant, experiencing Earth through the eyes of its people for the first time. 
As such, he came to be the intense, but utterly ridiculous and comically silly demon we know now~
Stay safe friends!!
- Stella 💫
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