jaysworlds · 2 years
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[ID: three doodles of venom and my oc serin. venom is a little black pile of goop with white eyes and a zig-zag mouth, and serin is a blue puddle with black eyes and turquoise freckles.
one: venom is hesitantly poking at the puddle. he says ‘Eddie! What is this?’ Eddie, from off screen, replies ‘That’s a puddle, love.’ Venom says ‘it’s looking at me.’
two: serin moves across the puddle and opens his mouth. venom makes the questionable descion of putting a tendril inside his mouth.
three: venom has an exclamation mark above his head. he’s pulled his tendril out of the puddle fast enough that bits of goop have gone flying. he says ‘bit me, Eddie!” Serin is making the :3 expression. end ID]
(to the tune of two trucks) two goops. hanging out.
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jaysworlds · 2 years
First fic of the new year is extremely soft Mercy hurt/comfort which. you know what thats pretty on brand for me
under the cut for being mildly suggestive and mercy being mercy
Mercy understands Theo. Theo wants him, the way so many people have, stares and sneaks glances when he thinks Mercy isn’t looking and tells him he’s beautiful when they finally fall into bed together.
Mercy has been wanted before. He understands what it is to be desired.
Serin is something else entirely. Serin has no interest in him, so caught up in loving Theo that he has eyes for no one else. He has no time to want Mercy.
(Mercy envies them, sometimes. They love each other so much, care so deeply for each other, and Mercy has never had that. Probably never will. He is desired, but never loved).
He doesn’t begrudge Serin that, of course. How could he? They both love Theo, and Theo loves Serin and wants Mercy. That makes sense.
But Serin is … different. Serin doesn’t want him, but somehow he treats him like he does. Brings him food and fusses over him and takes the time to teach him to swim, and Mercy doesn’t understand. He has no reason to, doesn’t want the only thing Mercy has to give, but he insists on it.
Perhaps it’s for Theo’s sake, but Theo gains nothing that Mercy wouldn’t offer him freely. (Because Mercy would never tell a soul, but he would sit at Theo’s feet and obey him the way he has no one else, if he asked. Mercy has never been in love before).
He doesn’t ask, almost afraid that if he does then Serin would stop, and he doesn’t think he could bear that. It makes him feel almost loved.
Serin doesn’t stop. Just keeps being kind.
“Mercy!” he calls, one clear, blue morning. Theo is confined to his cabin, having caught a chill, and Serin has been hunting, leaving Mercy alone on the deck.
Mercy comes over to the edge and Serin manifests just for a moment to wave at him.
Mercy laughs quietly, throwing the net over the side and waiting for the tug that means Serin’s ready to be pulled back up.
“Hi,” Serin says, as soon as he’s back on deck, and flows into a form approaching human. “Have something.”
“Another gift?” Mercy asks, chuckling. “You know what Theo said. If you bring him any more gifts he’ll-”
“Not for Theo,” Serin interrupts. “For you.”
Mercy’s smile fades a little. “For me?”
Serin nods, giving him a wide grin and holding out a hand. “For you.”
He’s holding an opal, about the size of a child’s fist. Mercy hesitates for a moment and then picks it up, turning it over in his hands.
“Made me think of you,” Serin says, pleased. “Like your eyes.”
Mercy glances up. “Thank you. But … why?”
He’d asked the same after Theo had complained about yet another of Serin’s gifts. Stop this, the ship will go down under the weight, he’d grumbled, and Serin had told him you don’t have to keep it. But he had, of course. He always did.
Mercy had asked why Serin kept bringing him things, if he only complained, and Serin had laughed and said I love him.
He says the same now.
“I love you.”
Mercy tightens his fist around the stone, eyes welling up with tears he can’t choke back. He opens his mouth to say I don’t understand and it comes out as a sob.
“Mercy?” Serin asks, and suddenly he’s there in Mercy’s space, cupping his face and wiping away his tears. “Is everything alright?”
“I’m sorry,” is all Mercy can manage.
Serin hushes him quietly, pulling him closer and wrapping him up in his arms. He doesn’t say anything, but it’s enough.
They stay there until Mercy’s legs give out under him and Serin lowers them both to the deck, still cradling him like a child.
It’s a long time before either of them move.
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jaysworlds · 2 years
Whumptober 2021 Day Twenty-Six
The last thing Mercy remembers is thinking this is it, I’m going to die.
That had been hundreds of miles beneath the surface of the ocean, being circled by some unimaginable horror, and he had been so certain.
Now, though, he’s laying on his back, staring up at the bright blue sky, tiny white clouds scudding across it, and he doesn’t feel dead.
He feels wet, mostly, soaked hair sticking to his face and thin clothes sodden. And cold.
He’s pretty sure you’re not supposed to feel anything, if you’re dead, so all signs point to him somehow, against all odds, still being alive.
He tries to sit up and immediately starts coughing, body expelling the water in his lungs.
Something touches his shoulder and he jumps, turning to stare, and finds himself facing a human man with long, windswept blond hair.
He’s very pretty, but luckily Mercy is saved from saying something stupid by another round of coughing up salt water onto what he’s pretty certain is the deck of a ship.
The stranger smacks him on the back, which helps a little, and Mercy keeps coughing until the water is finally expelled and he can breathe again.
The feeling of air in his lungs again is a welcome relief, and for a long moment he just focuses on breathing, shoulders heaving. The stranger is silent, at least for now.
“You’re lucky to be alive,” he says, when Mercy’s finally breathing evenly again. Something in his voice suggests that he suspects it’s a little more than pure luck.
“I am,” Mercy says. His voice sounds raw, and he wonders if it’s simply from the salt water, or if he’d been screaming when he blacked out. He doesn’t remember. “I suppose I have you to thank, for that?”
He doesn’t understand how. He’d been miles under the surface, beyond where even the light reaches, and there was no way a human could have made it that far.
The man hums, and shakes his head. “Not me.”
“Then who?”
The man nods towards a pile of blankets which looks … like a pile of blankets, really. At least until the pile of blankets lifts its head and he realises that no, there’s something in it.
It’s hard to make out any features, really. It seems as though its just comprised of shifting water, blues and greens and nothing solid.
At least until it blinks at him, eyes a deep, inky black, and he realises that somehow this is the creature he’d met miles under the surface.
Smaller, though. A lot smaller.
“You saved me?” he asks. He’s confused, really.
It grins at him, lines and lines of teeth. “I did.”
He doesn’t really know what to say to that. I thought you were going to eat me sounds rude.
“Thank you,” he says, finally. He can’t take his eyes off it, and he can’t deny that his heart is pounding, even if logically he knows its unlikely to eat him now, if it saved him earlier.
It just keeps staring back, mouth stretched into a wide smile.
He takes a deep breath, and finally tears his eyes away. “My name is Mercy. I … appreciate your help.”
The human man nods. “I’m Theo. This is Serin.”
The creature – Serin – waves at him. Its claws, much like its teeth, seem to be the only parts of it which are really solid, though its fingers have the appearance of being webbed together.
Mercy shifts and realises he’s freezing, his soaking clothes doing nothing to keep out the wind. If anything they’re only making it worse.
He shifts again, trying to wrap his arms around himself. It doesn’t help much.
“You’re cold,” Theo says, eyeing him, and he nods, though he’s reluctant to admit to any weakness.
“Here.” Serin’s voice, and Mercy turns back to it to find that it’s stretched itself out into a form that resembles a human one, and is holding out a blanket to him.
He accepts it, and finds that its remarkably dry. He’s assumed Serin to be soaking wet, but perhaps not.
Serin gives him another wide, unsettling grin and its form collapses in on itself, until it’s a puddle in its pile of blankets.
Mercy looks away, wrapping the blanket around himself. It helps a little.
“I’ll go get you a drink,” Theo says, pulling himself to his feet and shaking his hair out of his face. “Stay here.”
He doesn’t trust Mercy. Mercy doesn’t blame him, really.
“C’mon,” he says, and Mercy glances up, confused, but he’s talking to Serin, offering him a hand.
Serin’s form flows into something that resembles a human standing on two legs, and it takes the hand Theo offers, linking their fingers together. Mercy watches them go, watches as it presses a kiss to his cheek just before they disappear into the belly of the ship.
He won’t ask. It’s none of his business.
It’s beginning to get dark. The first of the stars are appearing in the veil of the sky over his head, and he looks up at them.
He wonders vaguely if they’re watching him. If they know that somehow he’s survived.
He hopes so. Hopes that they’re watching him sit on the deck of a strange ship in the middle of nowhere with a blanket wrapped around his shoulders and fuming.
“Fuck you,” he says, voice shaking from the cold.
He’s not in a good place, really. He’s fallen and freezing and completely at the mercy of strangers who have no reason to keep him alive, but he’s alive. Gloriously alive, in fact, despite the fact he can barely feel his fingers.
Maybe this is going to turn out alright.
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jaysworlds · 2 years
Whumptober 2021 Day Twenty
Mercy is dying. Or at least, he’s going to be dying. Soon. The end is coming.
It would be easier if he were actively dying, he thinks. He’d have the pain, the choking, to distract him from the dark and the cold and the water pressing in on all sides.
He hates the water. He can’t swim, and even if he could he would have no chance, not this far from anywhere. He could swim for days and still there would be nothing but sea for as far as he could see.
He didn’t bother trying. Didn’t even bother to try and struggle. Now he’s just sinking, lungs full of salt water and eyes staring up as the light of the surface far above him begins to fade.
The ropes keeping him bound have unravelled and drifted away, at least. His limbs are free, though it will do him no good. When his power finally dies he will drown, bound or not.
Perhaps the ocean would be somehow beautiful if it weren’t trying to kill him. Perhaps it still is, light sparkling on the surface so far above him, but he cannot see it.
Curious fish swim up to him, circling him and darting away when he moves. He tries his best not to think about the sort of creatures he’ll meet when he’s sunk just a little deeper.
There are monsters out here. Monsters like he can’t even begin to imagine.
Maybe he should be struggling, but to what end? Eventually he would run out of energy and then he would sink. All struggling would do would be prolong his inevitable end.
He never wanted this. All he’d ever really wanted was to live.
And now, here he is. Facing his own death for the second time.
He’s not so scared, this time. It will probably hurt more, but he’s old, now, and he’s seen enough death. Fear will do him no good.
He’s angry, though. Upset. Helpless.
The helplessness is perhaps the worst. At least the first time he held the power over his own life, at least the first time he could have fought it, had he wanted to.
This time he has no choice. He sinks ever deeper, and by now he’s deep enough that trying to get to the surface would be futile.
It’s starting to get dark. The surface is getting further and further away, the water around him darkening to a deep blue. Soon he’ll be the only light around, and he’ll start to attract the things that live down here.
He doesn’t know what would be worse. Drowning or being torn apart by sea monsters.
Perhaps if it’s a monster then at least it will be quick. And isn’t it sad, the only thing he can hope for anymore is a quick death.
If he cries there’s no one around to see it, and the water swallows the tears as soon as they fall.
It’s not like he had anything, really. No family, few friends, but he was alive, and that was enough for him. He’s always been someone to rejoice in life, the simple pleasures that living bring.
He isn’t coming back this time, he knows that. He’s already had a second chance, and he won’t get a third.
This is the end. This is the end.
He’s growing weaker, he can feel it. His faint glow is dimming, and his powers are weakening. As soon as they’re gone completely he will begin to choke, and then he will die.
Something moves in the water around him, and he freezes.
He isn’t sure what it is. He can’t see anything, just more water, but he can feel the water shift.
It feels as though he’s being circled by … something. Something huge.
This is how he dies, then. Torn to pieces at the bottom of the ocean by something he can’t even see.
He’s … afraid. Not of dying, but he hates the thought of being killed by something he will have no opportunity to fight. He can’t even see the thing, so well camouflaged by the water.
It’s still circling him. He feels himself buffeted back and forth by the currents it creates, but he can’t catch even a glimpse of it.
Until it opens its eyes, huge and inky black, and stares at him. One of its eyes is easily bigger than his entire body, and as it opens its mouth, a swirling void lined with teeth as long as his arm, Mercy realises he never stood any chance at all.
All he can see are eyes and teeth, and he doesn’t even try to struggle. What would be the point? It’s going to kill him, and nothing he does is going to change that.
He closes his eyes, wishing for unconsciousness, but his mind is still clear, and the water in his lungs has not yet begun to choke him.
He’s going to face his death awake and in his right mind, whether he wants to or not. There’s nothing he can do about it.
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jaysworlds · 2 years
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[ID: Serin being a goop. He’s a little pile of blue coming out of a puddle with black eyes and little blue-green lights across his face. end ID]
serin can also be a goop
today is a day of drawing goops apparently
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jaysworlds · 2 years
Whumptober 2021 Day Twenty-Nine
“You’re still not dead?”
The man speaking (Mercy is sure he’d mentioned his name, but in his defence he’s been a little busy being executed for the past hour or so) seems professionally disinterested, but there’s a note of frustration in his voice.
If he had the option Mercy would say something snarky, like sorry for the inconvenience, but unfortunately it’s sort of hard to speak with a broken neck and a rope digging into his throat, so he just sort of … chokes at him. Snarkily.
The man presses his lips into a thin line. “You will be. Given time.”
Mercy makes an uncomfortable gargling noise, which if it could actually be understood would have meant no, actually. I won’t.
Of course, it just comes out as senseless gargling, and the man rolls his eyes.
Earlier, when Mercy had pointedly not died when his neck had snapped, the man had stood close enough for Mercy to kick him in the face, which had been pretty funny, but he’s wise to that now. He’s standing just far enough away that Mercy can’t reach him, and so he’s given up trying.
Maybe if he pretends to be dead the man will get closer and then he can kick him again.
He’s given up hope of them cutting him down and trying again later. Which, to be fair, is probably for the best, because the next thing they try will probably be something like chopping off his head. And he can survive a lot, but that would be enough to off him.
Really he’s hoping that Theo and Serin will get back and find that he’s gotten himself into trouble, and perhaps come to his rescue (although he knows that Theo, at least, will stop to laugh at him first. Because Theo is an extremely loving husband).
It’s not the most comfortable of situations, as much as he’s trying to make light of it. Even if he can survive all this it still hurts, the rope digging into his neck about at the point of drawing blood. The lack of oxygen won’t kill him, but it’s still not nice, and his chest is heaving involuntarily, trying to catch a breath that never comes.
The man walks off. He’ll be back soon, Mercy knows, to see if he’s managed to choke to death yet, and Mercy will still be here, feeling sorry for himself.
Maybe next time he comes back Mercy will try to kick him again. It hurts, but it would definitely make him feel better if he managed it.
He passes out every so often, and comes to abruptly trying to catch a breath. He’s not really sure why, if it’s the pain or the lack of oxygen, but nor does he really care. The short reprieve is all he gets.
The man comes back. He’s not close enough for Mercy to kick, and he isn’t happy that he even tried.
“Will you hurry up and die?” he says. He looks as though he’d like to kick Mercy, but luckily for Mercy he’s out of reach.
Mercy chokes at him in a way he hopes comes across as suitably sarcastic. Probably not, probably just comes across as him choking, but he can hope.
The man scowls. Mercy does his very best to twist his mouth into a smile, and just about manages it, too.
He’s pushing his luck, taunting someone who more or less holds his life in his hands (presuming he manages to figure out a way to kill him), but if Mercy weren’t the sort of person to push his luck then he wouldn’t even be here, and he can’t imagine pushing his luck a little further can make this already bad situation much worse.
“I’ll find a way to kill you,” the man says, face twisting in anger. “Just you wait.”
Mercy just gurgles at him. Mockingly.
He snarls and raises a fist, but what’s he going to do? Punch Mercy in the kneecaps? He’s on the ground and Mercy’s up here, and if he gets too close Mercy will just kick him in the face again.
He must realise that, because he just shakes his head and walks off.
Mercy sort of drifts off again after that, and when he comes to the man is talking, loud and angry, and when Mercy manages to open his eyes he finds that he’s standing on the steps to the gallows and talking to Theo and Serin.
Theo’s eyes drift past him and meet Mercy’s, and he presses his lips into a thin line in the sort of way that suggests he’s trying not to laugh. Mercy isn’t sure what he looks like, but he imagines it’s not awfully pretty.
The argument (assuming that’s what it is; Mercy isn’t really listening) ends abruptly as Serin bites the man’s head off. His body falls almost comically, and Serin shoves it aside.
Theo starts giggling, at that point, and Serin rolls his eyes, punching him in the shoulder and walking over to where Mercy is. Mercy wants more than anything to be able to speak enough to say wait, no, make Theo do it, I want to kick him in the face, but he can’t.
Serin stretches himself out, pausing for one moment to kiss Mercy’s cheek before he cuts the rope, catching him before he can collapse. It hurts a lot more with the rope gone, and even without the pressure around his throat he finds he still can’t speak.
Theo comes to crouch beside them as Serin lowers him to the wooden platform of the gallows, taking Mercy’s hand. It takes a bit of concentration, but Mercy manages to squeeze his fingers, and he smiles.
“You’ll be alright,” he says, lifting Mercy’s hand to kiss his knuckles. “We’ll get you back to the ship.”
Mercy can’t speak, but he smiles as best he can. He can sort of move, but not nearly well enough to walk. It seems they’ve realised, or at least Serin has, because he scoops Mercy up, holding him like a baby.
They’re about half way back, by Mercy’s reckoning, though he’s been slipping in and out of consciousness and his reckoning may not be the best, when he realises his throat is healed enough to speak.
“Theo,” he says, nuzzling his head into Serin’s chest. His voice is horribly scratchy, but audible.
Theo looks over, smiling. “Yeah?”
“You have really good taste in husbands.”
Theo snorts. “Oh, yeah?”
“Yeah,” Mercy says, attempting to tip his head back and finding that Serin’s holding him steady enough that he can’t. “If he wasn’t so in love with you I’d steal Serin.”
Theo laughs, reaching out to stroke Mercy’s hair. “Yeah, he is pretty great.”
“Ask me next time Theo is being annoying,” Serin suggests.
Mercy tries to laugh at that, and finds it just hurts his throat. “Ow.”
Theo shushes him, smiling fondly, and takes his hand. “We’ll be back soon, and you can rest.”
“That sounds nice,” Mercy says. He’s exhausted, really, and he knows it’s going to take a lot of energy for his body to heal the broken bones and torn sinews in his neck.
“Go to sleep,” Serin says, leaning down to kiss his forehead. “I’ve got you.”
“I know,” Mercy says, fond, and closes his eyes.
He won’t sleep, not like this, but it’s nice to know he’s safe.
He loves them both so much.
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jaysworlds · 2 years
serin is a non-newtonian liquid
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jaysworlds · 2 years
mercy when he first meets serin: i am about to get eaten by some unimaginable horror, my only choice is to make my peace with god before im torn limb from limb
the unimaginable horror in question:
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jaysworlds · 2 years
Mercy (drunk): Theo, if Serin and I were both drowning and you could only save one of us, who would you save?
Theo: Merc, he's a fish
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jaysworlds · 2 years
serin and mercy’s first meeting is SO fun because they both have wildly different first impressions of each other
mercy: holy shit this is it i am about to die this is the end for me what the fuck
serin: what is this weird glowing thing. gift for theo perhaps?
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jaysworlds · 3 years
Whumptober 2021 Day One
It’s been … a few days, now, Mercy’s beginning to lose track. Everything just sort of hurts.
The pain is duller than it was at the beginning, but everything just … aches. The ropes keep him immobile, suspended above the filthy cell floor, and it’s been long enough now that they’ve cut into every part of him they’re touching. He can do nothing but breathe and take what little food his captors deign to give him. They want his blood, he thinks. They’ve been steadily draining him of it, slitting his wrists to let it drip slowly down his arms and into their bowls. He doesn’t know what they want it for, but likely to sell. It’s rare, probably expensive. He’s never bothered to check.
It hurts. By the gods it hurts.
He won’t be here forever, or that’s what he tells himself. Theo will come for him, sooner or later.
The old insecurities tell him that no one’s coming, that Theo doesn’t care. They’d fought, the last time Mercy had seen him, and he regrets it now. Regrets the things he’d said, regrets that they may be the last things he ever gets to say to Theo.
He hates the thought that Theo may think he’s not coming back of his own volition. Maybe he and Serin will just move on without him, assume he doesn’t want to travel with them anymore. Assume everything they had is over.
Gods, he hopes not. He misses them both so much, a constant ache in his chest. Worse, almost, than the physical pain.
He’s only cried once. His captors caught him and mocked him for it, and he hasn’t done it again. Even now he has enough self-control to hold the tears back.
He’s slipping, though. He doesn’t know how much longer he can take this, how much longer before his body gives out. He’s stronger than any regular human would be, but even he has limits. Eventually it will kill him.
Nothing he can do about it, though. He just has to wait.
He tries praying. Sometimes Trix will listen to him when he calls, but not this time. He prays, and his prayers go ignored.
He drifts, after a while. An old coping mechanism, one he thought he’d shaken, but it seems not.
It’s easier, when he isn’t quite there. Mind … almost somewhere else. He’s aware of his body, but only just. It doesn’t quite feel like him anymore.
He notices when he’s lowered to the ground, finally able to collapse on the cold ground, but it’s distant. Feels like dying.
Someone’s speaking, but he can’t really hear it through all the fog. He just … he just needs to rest for a bit.
When he wakes, wakes properly, everything still hurts, but he isn’t bound anymore. He’s laying on his back in bed, staring up at a ceiling he recognises, and there’s the faint, familiar back and forth of being at sea.
He tries his best to sit up and fails, weak limbs giving out under him. He knows he needs time to heal, but it’s frustrating.
There’s a gentle pressure in the centre of his chest, pushing him back down onto the bed, and he settles back down again, just barely managing to turn his head enough to see Serin sitting by his bed.
“Rest,” he says. “I’ll wake Theo.”
Mercy closes his eyes, hearing Serin slip out of the chair. When he opens his eyes again he’s alone.
He’s going to recover. It’ll be alright.
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jaysworlds · 2 years
i know i hold mercy up as like. 8gp sexyman and he IS
but also mercy's first impression of theo is 'oh my god hot man?? saved my life??? i am in love with him'
and theo's first impression of mercy was 'what the fuck is this drowned rat serin dragged up'
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jaysworlds · 2 years
i know im always ‘serin is a fish’ this and ‘serin is a fish’ that
really hes more of a goop
a slime, perhaps
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jaysworlds · 2 years
feeling soft about mercy and serin’s relationship
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jaysworlds · 2 years
if i could draw i would draw serin so much because he is so pretty
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jaysworlds · 3 years
Whumptober Day Twenty Nine
“Lie down.”
It’s not an order, but it’s accompanied by a soft pressure on Mercy’s chest. Theo couldn’t actually hold him down, not if he really wanted to get up, but he settles back onto the bed anyway, exhaling slowly.
Even such a small movement hurts, and he finds that he doesn’t actually want to get up at al.
Theo sighs and the bed dips as he sits down. Mercy doesn’t try to sit up again, but he tips his head so he can see Theo and the rest of the room.
Theo looks so tired, and guilt flares in Mercy’s chest. It’s not his fault he got injured, of course, but he still feels bad for making Theo worry.
“I’ll be alright, darling,” he says quietly, reaching out and cupping Theo’s cheek. “I promise.”
“What if one day you’re not?” Theo asks, his voice ragged with exhaustion. “What if one day you push too far and I lose you?”
“I’ve survived worse,” Mercy promises, pulling Theo’s hand down and pressing his lips to it. “Don’t worry about me, please.”
“I do,” Theo says, and attempts a smile, though it’s only a weak shadow of his usual grin.
Mercy just sighs and rolls back onto his back, wincing a little at the pain. “How long has it been since you slept?” he asks, instead of arguing the point.
“I slept for a couple of hours last night,” Theo tells him. “Serin insisted.”
“Good. Where is he?”
“Making food.”
There’s a short silence, and Theo links his fingers through Mercy’s, careful to avoid putting any pressure on his chest.
“I wish you’d be more careful,” Theo says, after a bit, and Mercy looks over to find tears glistening in the corners of his eyes. “You’re not invincible.”
Mercy thinks about making a stupid joke, but the look in Theo’s eyes stops him. “I know, darling,” he says, instead. “I’ll try, I promise.”
It’s not in his nature to be careful. He’s never had to be; never had anyone who would care if he died. He’s always lived life as fast and hard as he could.
It got him killed once, a long, long time ago, but he barely remembers it anymore.
Things are different now, though. He has Theo and Serin and children, and if something were to happen to him it would hurt them.
He doesn’t want to hurt them, but it takes time to break the habits of centuries. Still, he’s going to try, if he can. For Theo’s sake.
And because bed rest, as it turns out, is really fucking dull.
Theo stays with him as much as he can, but he has a ship to run, and Serin can’t do it all by himself. He needs Theo.
So Mercy finds himself alone an awful lot, and by the gods is it boring. He can’t play cards when he can barely even sit up, and he finds himself staring up at the roof of the cabin and drinking an awful lot.
It gives him far too much time to think, and he finds himself having regrets over things that happened millennia ago.
It’s not good, and the sooner he can start moving around again the better. There are a lot of things that he would really rather not think about.
The worst part is that he can’t talk to either of the others about them. They just wouldn’t understand, though it’s not their fault. They’re just … things Mercy has to deal with alone.
Or not deal with alone.
It’s a blessed relief when he can finally sit up again, even more so the first time he makes it out of bed. He can’t even walk across the cabin, but it’s something.
Baby steps are still steps, after all.
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