#oc: River Adrik
aidendh · 8 months
River: *creeping up behind him*
Adrik: *very loudly* I hope no one’s about to play a prank because I’m thinking about making Pancakes later!
River: ...What kind?
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~Child Of The Storm~
Nikolai Lantsov x OC
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Image by - @brokendreamtale2
Warnings- none
A/N- This chapter's quite long because it would've been much more work dividing it up into two chapters. So lemme know if you'd like to be added or removed from the taglist!
Taglist- @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @sirisuorionblack @nadeleine123n @marauders-wife @evelyndane
Ch-48 ~Glimmer of hope~
Once they’d been set to move, they met with Alina and Mal at Chetya’s Well, a natural fountain at the crossroads of four of the major tunnels. 
If the Apparat did decide to send a party after them, they’d be harder to track from there. 
At least that was the idea, but they hadn’t anticipated the immense crowd of priestguards and Grisha crowded around the fountain to see them off.
They were all in ordinary travel clothes, their kefta stowed in their packs. Anaya had dressed in a tawny shirt with a pair of military-like pants and a coat over it. 
The pilgrims reached out to touch Alina’s sleeve, her hand. Some pressed little gifts on them, the only offerings they had. 
Anaya could see Genya’s surprise when a woman placed a dark green prayer shawl around her shoulders. “Not black,” she said. “For you, not black.” 
 Mal took the lead. Tolya and Tamar brought up the rear, scouting behind them to make sure that no one followed. 
Through David’s access to the archives and Mal’s innate sense of direction, they’d managed to construct a rough map of the tunnel network. They had started plotting a course to Ryevost, but there were gaps in their information. No matter how accurate they’d been, they couldn’t be sure of what they might be walking into. 
The safest passage for them at the moment, had been the tunnels that led north. So evidently, Mal had decided to take up that path.
The tunnels grew darker as they moved farther from the White Cathedral and its strange alabaster glow. 
Soon, their way was lit by nothing but the swaying light of the lanterns. In some places, the caverns were so narrow that they had to remove their packs and wriggle along between the press of walls. 
That wasn’t the most ideal route but the problem was how frustratingly slow progress they’d been making. 
They were marching in a long column with Zoya, Nadia, and Adrik spread out along the line, in case of a cave-in, the air the Squallers could summon might provide valuable breathing time for anyone trapped. Anaya moved beside the squallers, so as to update them on regular intervals on how below ground they were, on the basis of the humidity in the air.
 David and Genya kept falling behind, but he seemed to be the one responsible for the lag. Finally, Tolya hefted the huge pack from David’s narrow shoulders.
 “What do you have in this thing?” He groaned.
 “Three pairs of socks, one pair of trousers, an extra shirt. One canteen. A tin cup and plate. A cylindrical slide rule, a chondrometer, a jar of spruce sap, my collection of anticorrosives-” David began listing
 “You were only supposed to pack what you need.”
 “Exactly.”  He gave an emphatic nod. 
“Please tell me you didn’t bring all of Morozova’s journals,” Alina said
 “Of course I did.”
 “Maybe they’ll make good kindling.” Alina roller her eyes
 “Is she kidding?” David asked, looking concerned. “I can never tell if she’s kidding.” 
Mal slowed their pace as they were approaching an underground river. He had Alina walk directly behind him, casting light over the path.
As they grew closer, the roar of the falling water became deafening, the river rushing past at uncertain depth, plumes of mist rising from the rapids. 
Mal nodded to Anaya as a signal. 
She stepped forward, raising her arms. With a harsh wave of her arm, she forced the water to move sideways, forming a clear path in the middle. She held her position as the rest moved forward. 
As the water had been coming straight out of a waterfall, it had an immense force that made it harder for her to keep it steady.
Anaya was the last one to move forward. She kept her arms slightly outwards, still exerting force on the water to keep it away. She dropped her arms as soon as she reached the other side, already exhausted because of the lack of proper rest.
“Why can’t we stop in this dank cave instead of the next dank cave?” Zoya groused.
 Mal didn’t break stride, but hooked a thumb back at the river. “Because of that,” he shouted over the din of rushing water. “If we’ve been followed, it will be too easy for someone to sneak up on us with that noise as cover.” 
Zoya scowled, but they pushed on, until they’d finally outdistanced the river’s clamor. 
They spent the night in a hollow of damp limestone where Anaya had no other choice but to listen to Harshaw's blabber about his beloved tabby.
For two days, they carried on like that, moving through the tunnels, occasionally backtracking when a route proved impassable. 
Anaya had absolutely no idea where they were going anymore, but when Mal announced that they were turning west, she noticed that the passages were sloping upward.
Mal set an unforgiving pace. To keep contact, he and the twins would whistle to each other from opposite ends of the column, making sure no one had drifted too far behind. 
Tamar had started trying to teach Nadia some Shu ballads. Unfortunately, her memory was terrible, but her brother’s was nearly perfect and he’d eagerly taken over. The normally taciturn Tolya could recite entire cycles of epic poetry in Ravkan and Shu, even if no one wanted to hear them. 
Though Mal had ordered that they remain in strict formation, Genya frequently escaped to the front of the column to complain to Alina. 
“Every poem is about a brave hero named Kregi, every single one. He always has a steed, and we have to hear about the steed and the three different kinds of swords he carried and the color of the scarf he wore tied to his wrist and all the poor monsters he slew and then how he was a gentle man and true. For a mercenary, Tolya is disturbingly maudlin.” She spoke.
 Alina laughed and glanced back
“How is David liking it?” 
“David is oblivious. He’s been babbling about mineral compounds for the last hour.”
 “Maybe he and Tolya will just put each other to sleep,” Zoya grumbled. 
Even the two inferni had become insufferable. Stigg didn’t want Harshaw near him because he couldn’t stand cats and kept slipping to Anaya's side in attempts of conversating with her. Though he remained unsuccessful at all times.
Adrik was supposed to stay near the middle of the group, but he wanted to be close to Zoya. Zoya kept slipping away from the head of the column to try to get away from Adrik.
Harshaw liked to drag his flint along the cave walls, sending off little sparks, and he was constantly slipping bits of hard cheese out of his pocket to feed Oncat, then chuckling as if the tabby had said something particularly funny. 
One morning, they’d woke to find that he’d shaved the sides of his scalp so that his crimson hair ran in a single thick stripe down the center of his head.
 “What did you do? You look like a deranged rooster!” Zoya shrieked 
But he just shrugged. “Oncat insisted.” 
Anaya had an intense urge of screaming at all of them but she knew it would be of no use as they would still continue to be insufferable idiots.
Still, the tunnels occasionally surprised them with wonders that rendered even Anaya speechless. They’d spend hours with nothing to look at but gray rock and mud-covered lime, then emerge into a pale blue cave so perfectly round and smooth that it was like standing inside a giant enamel egg. 
They stumbled into a series of little caves glittering with what might well have been real rubies. Genya dubbed it the Jewelbox, and both her and Alina took to naming all of them to pass the time. 
There was the Orchard, a cavern full of stalactites and stalagmites that had fused together into slender columns. And less than a day later, they came across the Dancehall, a long cave of pink quartz with a floor so slippery they had to crawl over it, occasionally sliding to their bellies. Then there was the eerie, partially submerged iron portcullis they called the Angelgate. It was flanked by two winged stone figures, their heads bent, their hands resting on marble broadswords.
Anaya wondered how all of that’d come to be there.
 Zoya and Anaya had been complaining to each other about their entire crew's behaviour when the first explosion hit.
The whole cavern shook. Little rivulets of pebbles clattered down on them.
 Zoya grabbed Anaya’s arm in an instant, yanking her away from the falling rocks.
 “Lights out!” Mal shouted. “Packs off.” 
They shoved their packs against the walls as a kind of buttress, then doused the lanterns in case the sparks set off another explosion. 
Another explosion sounded
Both Anaya and Zoya were now at Alina’s side.
Long seconds passed. 
Another explosion hit. 
This one was closer, louder. Rocks and soil rained down on their bent heads.
 “He found us,” Sergei moaned, his voice ragged with fear. 
“He couldn’t have,” Zoya protested.
 “Even the Apparat didn’t know where we were headed. It’s a random attack,” Mal spoke.
"Not the most ideal way to meet one's demise" Anaya murmured
 They heard the smatter of pebbles. 
Genya’s voice trembled when she whispered, “That cat is bad luck.” 
Another explosion sounded, loud enough to almost burst their eardrums
“Metan yez,” David spoke. Marsh gas. 
Anaya smelled it a second later, peaty and foul. 
If there were Inferni above them, a spark would follow and blow them all to bits. Someone began to cry.
 “Squallers, send it east.” Mal commanded 
Zoya moved, she and the others sending a rush of air to drive the gas away from them. 
It’d suddenly gotten hard for them to breathe. 
 Anaya’s ragged breathing echoed throughout the cavern.
The space seemed too small. 
“Oh, Saints,” Sergei quavered. 
“I see flame!” Tolya shouted. 
“Send it east,” repeated Mal in a steady voice. 
The Squaller wind followed. 
Anaya heard a sob from Zoya’s side. She held her hand without further thought, as she felt Alina’s on her own. 
Another one
This time the whole tunnel roared with the sound of falling rock.
 Anaya heard people shouting in the dark as dust filled her lungs. 
When the noise stopped, Mal said, “No lanterns. Alina, we need light.”
The girl summoned a thread of sunlight and let it blossom through the tunnel.
 They were all covered in dust, eyes wide and frightened. 
“Tolya?” shouted Mal. 
“We’re all right.” Tolya’s voice came from behind the wall of fallen rock blocking the tunnel, but it was strong and clear.
“Where’s my brother?” Nadia yelled . 
He’s here with me and Tamar,” he replied.
 “Sergei and Stigg?” Alina asked. 
“I don’t know.” 
A wave of panic rushed towards Anaya.
When no other explosion came, they scrambled towards Tolya’s voice as he and Tamar dug from the other side. In a matter of moments, they saw their hands, then their dirty faces staring back at them. The twins scooted into their section of the tunnel. 
As soon as Adrik dropped his hands, the ceiling above where he and the twins had been standing collapsed in a billow of dust and rock. He was shaking badly.
“You held the cave?” Zoya asked. 
Tolya nodded. “He made a bubble as soon as we heard that last boom.”
 “Huh, I’m impressed.” Zoya said to Adrik.
 At the elation that burst over his face, she groaned. “Never mind. I’m downgrading that to grudging approval.” 
“Sergei? Stigg?” Anaya called out
 Silence, the shift of gravel.
 “Let me try something,” said Zoya. 
She raised her hands. 
Anaya heard a crackling in her ears, and the air seemed to have grown damp. “Sergei?” she said. Her voice sounded weirdly distant.
Anaya suddenly realized what she’d been doing. She remembered a trick the squallers used to do in back in school.
 Then she heard Sergei’s voice, weak and trembling, but clear, as if he were speaking right beside her. “Here,” he panted. 
“It sounds like it’s coming from below us.” David said
 “Maybe not, the acoustics can be misleading.” Zoya replied.
 Mal moved farther down the passage. “No, he’s right. The floor in their segment of the tunnel must have collapsed.”
 It took them nearly two hours to find them and dig them out.Tolya hefting the soil, Mal calling directions, the Squallers stabilizing the sides of the tunnel with air as Alina maintained a dim illumination, the rest forming a line to move rocks and sand. 
When they found Stigg and Sergei, they were covered in mud and nearly comatose. 
“Lowered our pulses,” Sergei mumbled groggily. “Slow respiration. Use less air.” Tolya and Tamar brought them back, raising their heart rates and flushing their lungs with oxygen.
 “Didn’t think you’d come,” Stigg slurred. 
“Why?” cried Genya, gently brushing the dirt from around his eyes. 
“He wasn’t sure that you’d care,” Harshaw spoke from behind. 
There were mumbled protests and some guilty looks. But they had been thinking of Stigg and Harshaw as outsiders. And Sergei, he had been lost for a while now.
When Sergei and Stigg could walk, they headed back to the more intact part of the tunnel. One by one, the Squallers released their power, as they waited to see if the ceiling would hold so they could rest. 
They brushed the dust and grime off one another’s faces and clothes as best they could, then passed a flask of kvas around. Stigg clung to it like a baby with a bottle. 
"You alright?" Anaya asked him
"Yeah". A swift grin appeared on his face, a rare sight.
“Everyone okay?” Mal asked. 
“Never better,” Genya said shakily.
 David raised his hand. “I’ve been better.” 
They all started laughing.
 “What?” he said. 
“How did you even do that?” Nadia asked Zoya. 
“That trick with the sound? It’s just a way of creating an acoustical anomaly. We used to play with it back in school so we could eavesdrop on people in other rooms.”
Genya snorted. “Of course you did.”
 “Could you show us how to do it?” Adrik asked . 
“If I’m ever bored enough.”
 “Squallers, are you ready to move again?” Mal said
  They all nodded. 
“Then let’s get the hell out of here,” Mal said. 
Alina lit the way. They were still wary of what surprises might be waiting for them. They moved with utter caution, the Squallers on alert, and Anaya occasionaly updating them of the humidity to be sure of how near the surface they were. But still, they barely had any idea of where they’d been.
They were well off the map that David and Mal had created. Every sound seemed magnified. Every fall of pebbles made them pause, frozen, waiting for the worst. If the earth came down and the Squallers’ powers failed, they would be crushed and no one would ever know. 
Eventually, they became aware that the grade of the floor had turned steep. And Anaya soon informed them of the rate of the humidity. They were almost back on the surface. 
Some sighed in relief, there were a few quiet cheers, and less than an hour later, they found themselves crowded into some kind of basement room, looking up at the bottom of a trapdoor. The ground was wet there, pocked by little puddles, signs that they must be close to the river cities. 
Tolya pulled David’s old watch from the pocket of his coat. “If this thing is keeping time right, we’re well past sunset.”
 “You have to wind it every day,” David spoke.
 “I know that.” 
“Well, did you?”
“Then it’s keeping time right.” 
Tolya appeared as he might just throw David off in the opposite direction of the tunnel.
“With our luck, someone will be setting up for midnight mass.” Zoya sniffed.
 Many of the entrances and exits to the tunnels were found in holy places, but not all of them. For all they knew, there could be a whole army of nichevo’ya waiting for them above. But it seemed like a better option to Anaya then staying down there any longer.
Mal believed the explosions had been a random attack on the tunnels, and that was the only thing that made sense. The Apparat couldn’t know where they'd be or when. And even if the Darkling had somehow found out that they were headed for Ryevost, why bother using bombs to drive them to the surface? He could just wait for them to turn up there.
 “Let’s go, I feel like I’m suffocating.” Alina spoke
 Mal signaled for Tolya and Tamar to flank her. 
“Be ready,” he said to them. “Any sign of trouble, you get her out of here. Take the tunnels due west as far as you can.” 
It was only after he’d started climbing the ladder that Anaya realised they’d all hung back, waiting for him to go first. Tolya and Tamar were both more experienced fighters, and Mal was the only otkazat’sya among them. Yet he was the only one taking the risk.
At the top of the ladder, he gestured down at Alina, and she released the light, pitching them into darkness.
 Anaya heard a thump, the sound of hinges straining, then a soft grunt and a creak as the trapdoor opened. No light flooded down, no shouts, no gunfire.
 Her heart was hammering in her chest, as she anticipated for the worst to happen.
 They followed the sounds of Mal levering himself up, his footfalls above us. Finally, Anaya heard the scrape of a match, and light bloomed through the trapdoor. Mal whistled twice, the all clear. 
One by one, they ascended the ladder. A chill went up Anaya’s spine as she headed up.
The room was hexagonal, its walls carved from what looked like blue lapis, each studded with wooden panels painted with a different Saint, their golden halos glinting in the lamplight. The corners were thick with milky cobwebs. Mal’s lantern rested on a stone sarcophagus. 
They were in a crypt. 
“Perfect, from a tunnel to a tomb. What’s next, an outing to a slaughterhouse?” Zoya said
“Mezle,” David said, pointing to one of the names carved into the wall. “They were an old Grisha family. There was even one of them at the Little Palace before-”
 “Before everyone died?” put in Genya helpfully. 
“Ziva Mezle, she was a Squaller.” Nadia said quietly.
 “Can we host this salon somewhere else?” Zoya asked. “I want to get out of here.”
 The door looked like heavy iron. Tolya and Mal braced their shoulders against it as the rest arrayed themselves behind them, hands raised, Inferni with their flints ready, Anaya with a blade summoned.
 Alina took her position in back
 “On three,” Mal said.
 A burble of laughter escaped Alina. Everyone turned. 
 “Well, we’re probably in a graveyard, and we’re about to come charging out of a tomb.” she spoke
"Perhaps we would be declared as 'Saints risen from the dead'" Anaya added in a dramatic tone
“Good point. Let’s lead with ooooooo.”  Mal said with a slight grin
 He then nodded at Tolya. “Stay low.” He counted down, and they shoved. 
The bolts shrieked, and the tomb doors flew open.
 They waited, but there were no sounds of alarm to greet them. Slowly, they filed out into the deserted cemetery. This close to the river, people buried their dead aboveground in case of flooding. The tombs, arrayed in tidy rows like stone houses, gave the whole place the feel of an abandoned city. A wind blew through, shaking leaves free from the trees and stirring the grasses that grew up around the smaller grave sites. 
The whole surrounding was quite gloomy, but Anaya didn’t care. She let out a heavy sigh, as she felt the warm brush of air on her skin. 
Even though, they’d gone through all kinds of trouble to attain the luxury of being on the surface again, she believed it was worth it. 
For the first time in months, she felt hopeful.
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OC Masterlist
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The Ambros Twins
Ohm Ambros
Sulien Ambros
Baudelaire Family
Emil Baudelaire
Razvedka Unit
Fujimoto Katsumi
Ezel De La Croix
Hien Sun-Heimdall
Valorant Protocol
021 Grimshaw
024 Artisan
Pen & Paper
Killian Von Constantine
Beaumont Fillet
Reyes Castro
Li3n N0va
Apex Legends
Rainbow Six Siege
Obey Me
Gabriel Levesque
Dead By Daylight
Véronique Sacha
Blaise Devereux
Ad Vitam Per Morte
Alee Destan
Adelheid Ziegler
Cirino Agosti
Amery Feuerschild
Serafim Destan-Mixtio
Marilla Destan-Mixtio
Céfiro Destan-Mixtio
Amelia Destan-Mixtio
Faer Destan-Mixtio
Aurum Rubedo
Finn Brunner(Feuerschild)
Zain Antal
Ares Antal
Ignas Dagys
Deven Agosti-Wolnes
Cypress Corbyn
Eleazar Fletcher
Lazarus Fletcher
Honkai Impact 3rd
Honoré La Montagne
Brand New Animal
Farkas Kardos
Persona 5
Madoka Hirabayashi
Ship Chart
* means its canon
-Ad Vitam-
*Spiced Maple (Alee Destan/Vesper Mixtio)
*Bleeding Ink (Alee Destan/Mieran Atrum)
*Dead Orbit (Alee Destan/Lumio D’Stella)
*Kir Royale (Alee Destan/Lumio D’Stella/Mieran Atrum/Vesper Mixtio)
*Doctor’s Orders (Heidi Ziegler/Miya Carpenter)
*Blackthorn (Cirino Agosti/Heath Wolnes)
*Divine Water (Amery Feuerschild/Aiden Marin)
Severed Pasts (Alee Destan/Sienna Taylor(Senette Wolnes))
*Cyber Kiss (Aurum Rubedo/Charlie Kovač)
*Masterpiece (Finn Brunner(Feuerschild)/Fennel Destan-Mixtio)
*Passive Belief (Cirino Agosti/Alee Destan)
*Railbird (Alee Destan/Heath Wolnes)
*Moonflower (Cypress Corbyn/River Destan-Mixtio)
Perfect Catch (Ignas Dagys/Alee Destan)
*Catfish (Ignas Dagys/Caiden Destan-Mixtio)
Broken Petals (Alee Destan/Sam Taylor)
Death’s Embrace (Sulien Ambros/Ajax Nikolaev/Galin Maher/Decord Harcourt)
*Death’s Guardian (Emil Baudelaire/Galin Maher/Decord Harcourt)
*Frozen Shadow (Galin Maher/Decord Harcourt)
*Nightsky (Ohm Ambros/Dainsleif Baldr)
*Mors Caeli (Sulien Ambros/Ajax Nikolaev)
Of Singed Flame (Ohm Ambros/Diluc Ragnvindr)
Of Broken Ice (Ohm Ambros/Kaeya Alberich)
*Sunrise Lovers (Inessa Tymancha/Sasha)
*Whiskers! (Kisa Giraldo/Lucille)
*Cloak & Dagger (Emil Baudelaire/Decord Harcourt)
*Knighttime (Farkas Kardos/Arlen Leventis)
Shark Tooth (Farkas Kardos/Shirou Ogami)
Frozen Heart (Kevin Kaslana/Honoré La Montagne)
*Moonlight Shard (Honoré La Montagne/Harper Selene/Darien Alba)
*Dawnlit Ice (Honoré La Montagne/Darien Alba)
*Iceheart’s Aria (Honoré La Montagne/Harper Selene)
*Caged Ghost (Grimshaw/Cypher/Omen)
*Flying Colours (Artisan/Quyen)
**Broken Dove (Raphael Laurent/Colombe Alarie)
*No longer canonical.
*Dark Side of the Moon (Corvus/Ay)
Mortem Caelorum (Sulien Ambros/Ajax Nikolaev)
Ferrum Mortis (Emil Baudelaire/Galin Maher/Decord Harcourt)
Putridum Malum (Caïn Constantin/Eden)
Rubrum Spiritus (Decord Harcourt/Galin Maher)
Vita Ultra Putredinem (Ohm Ambros/Heiden Baldur)
Saltare Solis (Inessa Tymancha/Sasha Schäfer)
*Of Blood & Wine (Emil Baudelaire/Vien Hoang)
0 notes
~Chasing Tails - Tale One~
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Written by: 🍡, 🦷
Fandom: Genshin Impact (SAGAU: villain au)
Character(s): copious amounts of ocs (🍡: Jiahao, Edda, Damus (mentioned), Xiulan (mentioned), 🦷: Hanju, Adrik (mentioned)), other characters mentioned
Warnings: being hunted (mentioned), injuries (mentioned), ocs (lmao)
Summary: Previously after being on the run for days on end, you black out and now find yourself in a tent in an unknown camp.
A/N: *subjects y’all to our ocs*
Anyways if this is received well we might write a alt pov version of Jiahao and the gang meeting darling/reader
<Previous> <Next>
The third time you had awoken, it was in a tent. Rather, you had just awoken in a tent. With a pounding headache and a general ache all over, but you weren’t dead. Surprisingly. Blinking blearily, you looked around, trying to gather your surroundings and the best escape route. You could see dirty bandages, your clothes cleaned and folded neatly on a mat (thankfully you were left with your underclothes), and what might’ve been bottles of ointments.
Hearing footsteps, your head snaps up to see the tent flap opening. In steps your savior, maybe savior? You did see multiple people before you passed out, after all. They step closer to you, holding a bowl of something, and a cup of what’s probably water. Though they did stop when you tried to scramble away.
“Hey, hey, hey-” they say, obviously trying to placate you, “It’s safe, I’m safe?” They try to gesture but realize that their hands are full, it was pretty comical, leading you to snicker softly. The stranger places the bowl and cup where you can reach them, and your body unhelpfully reminds you that you haven't exactly eaten a full meal or drank anything but river water. So you reach over, warily, grabbing the bowl and cup.
As you ate in awkward silence with the stranger, you could only observe and try to figure out who they were. Maybe they were part of a hunting party looking for you, but then this whole treatment wouldn’t make sense. Would it? Eyeing them up and down, you were able to pinpoint a few things; they had clothes similar to the Liyue characters, their long hair was blue and white, they had a hydro vision, and that... your gaze falls on a pair of ears. A pair of furry ears.
(Your brain unhelpfully supplies, once again: not a playable character, but not plain enough to be a background character or npc?)
You almost choke on a chunk of mushroom, an Adeptus, they were an Adeptus. In response to your half-choking sound, your host(?) begins to panic slightly, “Hey, hey- slowly now?” They sounded unsure, but it was enough to calm you. At least a little bit.
“You’re-?” You stuttered, a shaky hand pointing at their ears, fear clouding any sense of social anxiety that came with doing so. An unspoken question passed between you two, and your host grimaced, confirming your suspicions. You tried to get up again, to bolt, to run. You could almost hear the sound of the other Adepti and Zhongli with them-
You were stopped again, “Hey- look, I’m not with them, okay?” They said, though their voice was flat, the way they said it made you stop. Taking this as a cue to go one, they started, “My contract with Rex Lapis was voided due to extraneous circumstances.” And what they said next, knocked the wind out of you.
“Rex Lapis’s orders to hunt you down don’t apply to me.”
You sit back down again, blinking owlishly at your now empty bowl. The person across from you runs their hand through their hand, muttering about how ‘Xiulan and Adrik are better at this stuff than I am... but nooo, they insisted they had to go get more food-’. Stopping their muttering, they focus back onto you, “Right, I should probably introduce myself.” Clapping their hands together, they continue, “My name is Jiahao, former? Former. Adeptus, and welcome to me and my friends camp?”
You stare at them.
Jiahao stares back.
“...I also use he/him and they/them?” They supply, trying to break the sudden tension.
The sheer absurdity of it all finally gets to you, and you burst out laughing, the kind of loud laughter that makes you shake and wheeze. Honestly, it kind of made you glad, that finally, there’s some kind of normalcy. And that you were finally safe, and with people that are (probably) sane. Wiping a your face and trying to present yourself with some shred of dignity, you introduce yourself to Jiahao. Catching a glimpse of his relief that you were okay.
It gave you a shred of hope, that maybe you could survive here.
After explaining that Damus and the others all had helped clean and bandage your injuries, Jiahao tells you that you were out for a few days. In turn, you explain the circumstances that lead to all this and your injuries. As you spoke, you watched as their expression slowly sour more and more at your circumstances. Sighing, they pinched the bridge of their nose, clearly frustrated.
“So basically,” he slowly started, “all this... manhunt? Started because you looked like the Creator? And they assumed you were some kind of imposter looking for attention?”
You shrug, “Apparently so, I don’t- I don’t even know who this creator person is? I thought the ‘creator’” you made air quotes with your fingers, “Would’ve been Celestia or something?”
Jiahao sighed and ran his hand through his hair again, “Right, well. If it’s your appearance that’s the issue, we should probably do something about that then. How do you feel about a mask? Or a veil? Both?” He offers. “We probably have a few extras in storage. I can ask Edda and Hanju about it?”
You nod, accepting the idea, “I’m open to whatever you have, really.” Sighing, you lean back, the pain in your limbs now just a dull ache. “I’m honestly just glad to be alive.”
They give you a sad smile, before saying, “Alright, I’ll go fetch them then,” they stand up, give you a pat on the shoulder, and walked over to the tent flap, “It won’t take too long, probably.” Then Jiahao walked out, presumably to fetch ‘Edda’ and ‘Hanju’.
As they left, you slump down, tension leaving your body. As your mind finally caught up to what was happening, and trying to pin any of the names mentioned to anyone you knew from the game. Unfortunately you came up with nothing, but maybe that’s better... after all, they don’t seem to see you as some kind of ‘imposter’. So you shelved it in the back of your mind, deciding to come back to it later.
So you sit, for a few minutes, before hearing footsteps approach your tent area again. Looking up, you spot Jiahao with two other people, Edda and Hanju probably. The shorter of the two seemed to be a cryo user, if the vision around their neck meant anything. The other one looked to be a really sad dendro user.
(Mentally you first bump yourself because FUCK yeah another dendro user that isn’t Baizhu or that one kid you could never remember the name of-)
Jiahao gestures to the two, and introduces them to you, “Right, the one who looks like a Fatui defector is Edda, the sad green one is Hanju,” he says, clearly fond of the both of them, and you have to stifle a giggle at the look Hanju gives Jiahao for that kind of introduction.
The sad green one, now identified as Hanju, rolls his eyes after giving Jiahao a look. There was fondness in the scornful expression, however. “Silly introductions aside… It's good to see you up and about.” They remarked, their tone neutral despite your circumstance. “Jiahao already informed us of your predicament, and we still have to inform the other two…” Hanju glances over to the aforementioned Adeptus, well, former Adeptus.
Jiahao just shrugs a bit, mouthing something along the lines of, ‘When they get back we’ll have a group meeting about all this,’
Hanju just huffs in response, but continues on anyways, “Regardless, know that we are on your side.”
The one who looked like a short Mirror Maiden nodded, and cheerfully chirped, “Right! Most of us here aren’t any strangers to being hunted or wanted by the government anyways, so this isn’t the first time we’ve picked up a stray criminal,”
“They’re not a criminal,” said the fox.
“Schematics, shmatics,” Edda claps their hands, before turning around and lightly dropping a pack, presumably masks of some sort judging by the noise it made. “Back to the topic of disguises! We’ve got a handful of masks from different origins here, so take your pick! A couple intact veils as well too,” they pause, “and we should probably think of a cover story about why you have a mask too.” They add, nonchalantly.
You blink, as you open the pack and are greeted with, as they said, many masks from different regions. Looking back up, you ask the three gathered, “Why... why do you have so many anyways?”
“Oh they’re Edda’s spares,” Hanju adds, ignoring the indignant ‘Hey!’ from Edda. Tuning out the playful squabbling, you sit down and began to look through the pack of masks, and a ‘handful’ doesn’t even begin to describe the amount in it. Thumbing the gilded filigree of one mask, it was too pretty, too eye-catching, so you put it to the side. Not what you wanted, you had to lay low after all. The next mask was of (what you assumed to be) Inazuma design, a fox base with red accents, simple but elegant. You put that one in the ‘maybe’ category, plus it was cute. Another two added to the ‘maybe’ pile was theatre masks, comedy and tragedy, you internally laugh as you recall the one time you tried to join a theatre club. You intentionally avoided the oni and nuo masks, far too flashy.
So what ended up in your ‘maybe’s was: one kitsune-esque mask, two theatre masks, a vaguely abyss mage shaped mask, and one very simple featureless mask. The veils were put aside, you had planned to use one in conjunction with a mask anyways since cloaks apparently didn’t exist here. Weighing the pros and cons of each mask, as well as having to think about of a cover story for why you had a mask for anyone other then your.. saviors? Allies?
What a headache...
Your brooding is interrupted by a bowl of soup, again. This time offered by Hanju, “You know, you can take your time with this stuff,” he sits down next to you once you take the bowl. “We’re not really going anywhere for a good while.”
A flash of what happened only days ago makes you cringe, you look down at the bowl and the masks, “Are we? ...You saw how I was before.” You sigh as you stir the soup, “I don’t want to get you all wrapped up in my mess,”
Hanju scoffs, but there’s no heat behind it, “We were part of your mess the moment we found you,” they prod your side with a spoon, making you yelp, thankfully it was your uninjured side, “Besides, we said we were on your side, didn’t we?”
You only hum in response. This week(?) started out as a nightmare, but honestly, you didn’t particularly mind this outcome. This felt like a home, even in the short time you’ve been here.
Maybe things will be okay. Maybe you’ll be able to find a way home.
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echoes-lighthouse · 3 years
The Society Of Unity
Hi guys! This isn’t self-ship related, but I just picked up an old story again and I wanted to introduce my OCs with some moodboards, if anyone was interested! Sharing my ideas helps me stay engaged, and I’d really love to finish writing this book this summer if I can! 
Each of these characters is a member of The Society Of Unity, a political student group at a school for witchcraft in the Kingdom of Ebka. Each of them has their own reasons to be interested in politics, but they share a conviction that the kingdom is doing things wrong. 
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The main character of the story! A Witch of Shadow, who can manipulate shadows to lift and move objects. She’s very studious, and enjoys reading stories of rebellion, smuggled in from the Southern Republics. She’s the founder of the Society of Unity, and likes everyone to share their opinions peacefully, to work together for change. 
(six other characters are under the ‘read more’!!!) 
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Mira’s love interest and secondary main character! Anninurik grew up in the rural area, where famine is common, while their crops are seized by the Guilds that sell it in the cities. Her entry to the University is a great accomplishment, and she’s vowed to focus on her studies. But anger at the nobility burns under everything she does. A Witch of Blood, she uses her breath for small enchantments and her blood for more detailed rituals, drawing on the power of her own body. 
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Mira’s old friend, a Witch of Hope that uses the bonds and emotions between people to create illusions. His parents are both metalworkers, and he’s the first witch in the family. They’re confused but supportive of his studies, as well as his childhood interest in theatre. Adrik thinks of himself as a supporting character: always quick to lend a hand to any of his friends, in return for a good cuddle session. 
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Coming from the wealthy Southern family, Trissy is a friendly Witch of Sight who spends most of her time with friends from class. However, her visions have led her to the Society of Unity, and she’s convinced that they have a destiny to find the lost princess of Ebka, the true heir to the throne. She’s determined to hone her talents enough to see their future more clearly. 
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Lynia is from the far North, and her fair skin marks her as a Changeling, left by the Fae. She is a Witch of Hope, using her own conviction to create small objects. Sensitive to both light and sound, she often wears dark glasses and fabric tied around her ears when she has to go into a crowd. The Fae are only encountered in the Northern edges of Ebka, where they live under the snowy land, and Lynia’s appearance is often seen as a bad omen. But Lynia loves her friends fiercely, and enjoys the little things in life: the taste of a sweet bun, the chilly water of the rivers. 
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Yetta is a dropout of the University, who is trying to make a living as a Witch of Sight on the streets of the town. She mostly comes to the Society meetings because there’s food there. She grew up in the country and witnessed a failed revolution against her parents’ landlords when she was young, and has no faith in the Society’s convictions. But neither does she have any love lost for the ruling classes. 
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Kondra grew up in the same city as Trissy, but came to the Society before she did. Kondra is endlessly curious and friendly, joining all the radical clubs he can find. He has a very wealthy family, and enjoys using his noble connections to further the causes that he picks up along the way. It’s hard to get a real read on his convictions, but he’s unfailingly warm. (Pun intended: he’s a Witch of Heat, absorbing and producing fire and heat through his power.) 
Thank you if you read this all the way to the end!! I’ve written 12,000 words about these kids, and I’d really like to finish their story if I can! It’s designed as an exploration of the revolt vs. reform arguments, set in a fantasy world roughly inspired by Imperial Russia and Late Medieval England. I really need a name for the book..... 
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aidendh · 4 months
Adrik: *to Suke and River* I am at lost for words!
Suke: *voice over* Despite being ‘lost for words’, he simply ment in the English language. He continued to yell at us in Russian for the next 45 minutes.
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aidendh · 4 months
Adrik: *sharpens knife* I've got ways of making people talk.
Adrik: *cuts a piece of pancake*
River: ...Can I have some?
Adrik: Pancakes are for talkers.
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aidendh · 8 months
 *River sneaking into house at 2am*
Suke: *turns in a swivel chair* Care to explain where you have been?
River: *full confidance* I was with Adrik!
Adrik: *also turning in a swivel chair* Care to try-
*The chair keeps spinning*
Adrik: Suke help, I can't stop the chair- Д*****!
*The chair tips*
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aidendh · 1 year
River: Whaddya call a fish with no eye?
Adrik: *not looking up* Myxine Circifrons.
River: ...
River: fsh.
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aidendh · 1 year
Suke: What time is it?
River: I don’t know, pass me that Cello and we’ll find out.
River: *Plays Cello loudly and extremely out of tune*
River: It’s 2 am.
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aidendh · 2 years
Consisting of my Persona 5 Harris Twins AU
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Suke, Adrik and Abalynn
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Shadow! Adrik and Suke, and Cognitive! Abalynn
Next is the 3 Harris Brothers
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Adrik and River fighting over Suke's time
Lastly, the Persona Trio as Keychains
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Suke, Adrik and Abalynn
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aidendh · 2 years
Adrik: *about Teress and Daisy* If I don’t see my little дети in the next two minutes I’m gonna start breaking things. Possibly objects. Possibly fingers. Possibly the Geneva Convention.
River: *currently smuggleing them, sweat drops*
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aidendh · 2 years
Adrik: Poison is a magic transmutation potion that turns people into corpses.
Suke: This knife is actually a magic wand.
Abalynn: Meet me in your parking lot for a Wizard duel.
River: *cocks Nerf gun* Magic missile.
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aidendh · 2 years
Mrs. Harris: Where's River, Adrik, and Leo?
Suke: They're playing hide and seek.
Mrs. Harris: Where?
Suke: *the seeker* That's what I'm trying to find out.
(Leo is a fake name for a Childhood Friend of River's)
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aidendh · 2 years
Suke: Can I be frank with you guys?
Abalynn: Sure, but I don’t see how changing your name is gonna help.
Adrik: Can I still be Adrik?
River: Shh, let Frank speak.
0 notes
aidendh · 2 years
Adrik: Wake me up!~
Suke: *Absentmindedly* Before you go go.
River: Don't leave me hanging there like a Yo-Yo~
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