#oct 14th ment
Sun[day] 23 October 1836
11 3/4
No kiss ver[y] fine sunny morn[in]g and F[ahrenheit] 60° now at 9 a.m. br[eak]f[a]st fr[om] 9 to 9 40/.. - A- [Ann] d[i]d h[e]r Fr[en]ch –
all (exc[ept] the cook) w[e]nt to ch[ur]ch Lightcliffe - and Rob[er]t Mann ca[me] to ta[ke] ca[re] out of doors – w[e]nt
d[o]wn to him at 10, and st[ai]d out walk[in]g all ab[ou]t till ca[me] in at 1 – ment[ione]d the pit oppos[i]te the intend[e]d back
Lodge – ord[ere]d ab[ou]t the Lodge r[oa]d – w[e]nt to the Lodge - then al[on]g the f[iel]ds look[in]g for large old roots of large trees
to ma[ke] up the Lodge-r[oa]d br[ea]dth w[i]th - then to the meer - and saunt[ere]d ho[me] by the walk – Ga[ve] Rob[er]t 2/.
for his civil[it]y in com[in]g to look ab[ou]t and keep off trespassers whi[le] all serv[an]ts were away
and ask[e]d him to dine w[i]th them – ca[me] up to A- [Ann] f[ou]nd h[e]r at lunch[eo]n (a lit[tle] rice broth) - she
h[a]s at Mr. Jubb’s and my req[ue]st tak[e]n to lunch[eo]ns ag[a]in for the last few days - out of sorts about the
dinner bell ringing   because I thought it the kitchen maids place to ring it for our dinner as
well as the servants A-  [Ann] thought the footman ought to ring for us    I let A- [Ann] come round
again gradually as we walked always best to take little notice of her being out of sorts gave
her about a glass and half of Malmsey Madeira on coming in and left her in good humour
and lain down – walk[e]d w[i]th A- [Ann] in the walk fr[om] 1 3/4 to 3 5/.. then at 3 1/4 left h[e]r lain d[o]wn
on the bed (for an h[ou]r) and ca[me] to my study and wr[ote] all the ab[ove] of today till 3 23/.. p.m. fr[om] then to 4 50/.. r[ea]d
a lit[tle] of the alph[abe]t of Electric[it]y and wr[ote] and cop[ie]d ‘Let[ter] 1 p[age] to ‘Mrs. Bull, 3 Friargate, Derby
‘P[o]st p[ai]d’ to go tonight sor[ry] that in conseq[uen]ce of my a[un]t’s d[ea]th I h[a]d been so long in ans[werin]g Mrs. Bull’s let[ter]
(rec[eive]d on the 14th inst[ant]) hav[in]g no long[e]r any gr[ea]t tie at ho[me] h[a]d made s[u]ch a diff[eren]ce in
my arrange[men]ts I h[a]d determ[ine]d to gi[ve] up the th[ou]ght of engag[in]g a h[ou]sekeep[e]r at pres[en]t - Mrs. B-  [Bull]
to let me kno[w] wh[a]t I am indebt[e]d to her, and I will pay her thro’ the Yorks[hire] dist[ric]t b[an]k –
the h[ou]sem[ai]d and groom kno[w] their work and can do it well – disapp[ointe]d in the f[oo]tman who is
on[l]y ver[y] tol[era]ble - at 4 55/.. (in 25 min[ute]s) A- [Ann] and I r[ea]d al[ou]d to each oth[e]r the who[le] of the ev[enin]g
serv[i]ce – r[ea]d a lit[tle] mo[re] of the alph[abe]t of electric[it]y – dress[e]d – din[ner] at 6 1/2 – coff[ee] upst[ai]rs – r[ea]d
tonight’s pap[e]r - A- [Ann] r[ea]d Fr[en]ch – ver[y] fine day F[ahrenheit] 51° and fine moonlight night now at 9 1/2 –
fr[om] then to 10 1/2 r[ea]ding alph[abe]t of Electric[it]y – ha[ve] r[ea]d in the court of today the first 83 p[ages] of this interest[in]g lit[tle] vol[ume]
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whatachillkill · 3 years
oct 14th ment
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