#oh little moth of clarity
apoemaday · 2 years
“Oh, little moth of clarity”
by Spencer Clark French
Oh, little moth of clarity, why do you now hide? In the past I knew you well— devouring every disguise, gnawing my closet to shambles, exposing the bones inside:
every truth I feared fully clarified.
I should tout your truancy or revel your retreat. Yet, for some reason, I’ve set out lamp tonight. Little probing, perforating brother, please, please,
                         take flight.
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st4rtar0t · 7 months
Describing your first encounter with your future spouse as a writer 🙈
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Picture one
She was like a radiant beacon amidst the sea of faces, her presence undeniable. His heart skipped a beat, and he couldn't tear his gaze away. He was starstruck, and it hit him like a ton of bricks. In that moment, time seemed to slow down, and all background noise faded into a distant hum. Her beauty was not just skin deep; it was a magnetic force that drew him in. Her hair cascaded in glossy waves down her back, and her eyes sparkled with a mischievous glint. Every move she made was effortless, a dance of grace that held everyone's attention. But what really made his heart race was the sense of competition. He couldn't help but notice how she effortlessly charmed the room, engaging in witty banter and laughter with the people around her. It was as if she had a gravitational pull that drew others towards her, and he couldn't help but feel the challenge rising within him. He knew he had to step up his game, to compete for her attention in this crowded arena of admirers. It wasn't just about wanting to be with her; it was about proving himself, showing that he could stand out in the crowd and win her over. The feeling of competition burned within him, igniting a fire of determination. As he watched her, he noticed how she laughed at another man's joke, her eyes crinkling at the corners, and he felt a pang of jealousy. He had to make his move, and he had to do it now. With a deep breath, he pushed through the crowd, his heart pounding in his chest, ready to engage in the battle for her affections. It was a daunting task, but he couldn't back down. He was drawn to her like a moth to a flame, and the thrill of the competition only fueled his desire. Little did he know that this starstruck moment would set the stage for a whirlwind romance that would change his life forever.
Picture two
As I walked into that bustling family gathering, my attention was initially scattered all over the place. I mean, it was the usual drill - a sea of familiar faces, endless chatter, and clinking glasses. Honestly, I wasn't expecting anything out of the ordinary that night. But then, there she was. I'd seen pictures, heard stories, but nothing, absolutely nothing, could have prepared me for the real deal. Destiny, my friend, had other plans for me that night.As I scanned the room, my eyes landed on her, and time did this weird thing where it seemed to slow down. The universe hit the pause button. It was like one of those movie scenes where everything fades into the background, and only one thing remains in focus – her. It was the way she moved, like she owned the room without even trying. Confidence mixed with a hint of vulnerability, a combo I didn't know could exist until that moment. And her laughter, oh man, it was like a beacon in the chaos. It cut through the noise, and I couldn't help but be drawn to it. It was laughter that made you think, "I want to be the reason behind that smile." I couldn't put it into words, couldn't make sense of it, but there it was. It was an epiphany, a moment of clarity that told me this wasn't your average, run-of-the-mill encounter. This was something bigger, something that felt preordained. So, I took a deep breath, summoned every ounce of courage, and made my way through the crowd towards her. I had no idea what the night held in store, but one thing was for sure – this was the beginning of a wild adventure, and I was all in.
Picture three
It was the typical whirlwind of paperwork, people chatting by the coffee machine, and the low hum of office life. But then, I saw her. It was the first time our paths had crossed in this work setting, and I couldn't help but be taken aback. She was something else entirely. But it wasn't just her work ethic that grabbed my attention; it was how incredibly attentive she was to every detail. She would jot down notes during meetings, her pen moving as fast as her mind, and when someone spoke, you could see in her eyes that she was truly listening, not just nodding absentmindedly. It was like she had this superpower of making everyone around her feel heard and valued. And let's not even get started on her looks. I mean, come on, she was drop-dead gorgeous. With those mesmerizing eyes that seemed to see right through you, a smile that could light up the gloomiest of days, and a style that was effortlessly chic, she had this magnetic appeal that was impossible to resist. As I observed her from across the office, I couldn't help but be drawn to her in a way I hadn't expected. It was more than just physical attraction; it was admiration for her dedication, her attentiveness, and her undeniable allure. At that moment, I couldn't help but feel that I had stumbled upon a unique combination of qualities in her . It was like she was the embodiment of what I'd always admired in a colleague, someone who not only worked hard but did so with grace and charisma.
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punkflower11 · 10 months
Choose Your Own Adventure: Miles Morales - Part 3
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“Okay, so what’s our story?”
Situated side by side, Hobie and Miles glared at the piece of wood before them; the only thing separating the pair and doom. Behind it, the single greatest trial either would ever encounter lay, patiently waiting.
Miles had dreaded this moment for weeks. But not even spider-man could evade the fate. 
Dinner. With his parents.
How ominous.
First, having Hobie and his Dad sit together in one room was definitely a mistake. Chances that the two would hit it off were so slim that you had to mentally squint just to imagine it. And unfortunately for Miles, the universe wasn't planning to break the laws of space and time any time soon.
There was no way he surviving tonight. It just wasn't possible.
Not to distract from his impending death, but Miles was slowly coming to the realization that he was also about to out himself to his parents, the funny part being that he didn't like Hobie. Ish.
See, that there was another thing.
Miles may have had a thing for Hobie back a few months shortly after the two had first met. Initially, he had thought the punk to be little more than disruptive, reckless, and frankly, a pain in the ass.
He loved every bit of it.
Enamored his distinct personality, Miles had became drawn to the other like a moth to flame (and in some ways that he'd rather not think about).
However the feelings had vanished almost as quickly as they arrived. With time, the clarity between his various affections for Hobie became blurred.
Sure there were times that Miles feelings for the other were a little less than platonic, but there were also others when he was certain that it felt like normal friendship and nothing more.
Either way, this was not something Miles was planning to poke around with, least of all tonight. Did Miles realize that he was probably sabotaging himself by asking Hobie, of all people to help him out?
Yeah. He did.
But it was fine. He was probably just overthinking it, and everything had actually been completely normal. Besides, everyone becomes helplessly infatuated with their best friend at some point, right?
Yeah, Miles was beginning to panic.
“You're just asking me this now? That’s some pretty shite time management.”
“Well we need something, unless you just want to waltz in there unprepared!” Miles whisper-shouts.
He couldn’t just explain to his family that he had met his boyfriend while traveling through an alternate dimension whilst fighting multiples of his alter ego. If they hadn’t had a heart attack once they met Hobie then they'd definitely have after one hearing that.
And no, Miles hadn’t told his parents that he was Spider-Man. His dad was alive and that was all Miles could really ask for, no need to complicate things further. 
Miles knew what really awaited the punk at the event innocently disguised at a dinner. Spoiler alert: it wasn't just free food. In reality, it was a glorified interrogation; a setting in which his parents could finally lay into his mysterious 'Girlfriend', and in a seemly domestic environment. It was too perfect.
He felt slightly guilty subjecting an unsuspecting Hobie to the absolute shitstorm that awaited him beyond the door, but he also knew that the sooner they got the over with, the faster both their souls could be put to rest. Miles just hoped that Hobie was strong enough to make it through the night in one piece.
“Hey, what was that thing we talked about on the way?”
“You mean Miguel's ass?”
"The other thing."
"Don't piss yourself, I remember."
“Oh yeah? Then humor me.”
“'Don’t call your parents by their first names. Absolutely no swearing, which is not limited to', as you put it, 'sneaky British expressions.'" He recites.
“Fantastic. I should probably also warn you about-" Miles was cut off by Hobie's fist colliding with the door.
“Hobie!” The teen waves him off.
“You worry too much. Relax babe, we’ll be fine”.
The door swung open to reveal Miles’ father, who's gaze fell upon Hobie who was adorned in leather and numerous pieces jewellery.
“Who's this punk?” he asks, distaste evident in his tone. Welp. Now or never.
“He’s my boyfriend. Hobie.” The following silence is palpable. Miles can feel his insides turning.
“He's your what?” a stunned Jefferson parrots.
"Boyfriend. His name is Hobie."
"Hiya." Hobie waves.
“Is that you Miles?” A voice pips up from behind the officer’s shoulder. 
“Hey mom,” Miles gestures awkwardly to the teen at his right. “This is Hobie.” He watches his mother pause as she takes in the sight.
“It’s nice to meet you, come on in!” She pushes past Jefferson, ushering the teen inside. "You''ll have to excuse my husband. Miles left out a few details about you so he's just a little surprised."
Well wasn't that the understatement of the year.
To be fair, Miles had told his parents a perfectly normal amount of information about his 'girlfriend' he could manage without giving himself away. What was he supposed to tell them? Hey, so I'm actually dating an anarchist who wants abolish the police. Like you Dad. Yeah no.
In hindsight, it probably made all the difference but it was too late to change things now. Similar thoughts continued to circulate through his mind as the false lovers stepped inside the residence.
“Mom. I am begging you. Don't scare him off."
Miles wasn't sure of how much energy it took to genuinely frighten Hobie, but he figured that it was better to be safe than sorry.
“Miha. You have nothing to be worried about. He'll be fine, we won't hurt him too badly,” She tossed a casual wink in Miles' direction before returning to the kitchen.
Meanwhile, Hobie was busy looking at the wall to their left occupied by various picture frames. Expression softening, Miles moved to join him but half way through was confronted by his Rio who at present was carrying a large red tray.
“Here, take this to the table,” She orders him, pushing the dish into his arms. “And you,” Her eyes find Hobie. “Comes and help me flip the plantain.” The teen gives Miles a playful salute before joining Rio in the kitchen. Grumbling, Miles beings the trip to the dining table where he finds his is dad already seated.
“Mom, he just got here. Can't you give us a little space?” He calls out to her, exasperatedly setting down the dish onto the table.
“I don’t mind!" pipes Hobie from the stove just as Rio comes out to join Miles in setting the table.
“Hear that Miles? He doesn't mind.” She pats him on the shoulder before lowering her tone. "Also I'm not sure if you've noticed, but I wouldn't call Hobie a girl." She tells him wryly. Slightly panicking, Miles begins to laugh awkwardly.
"Ha. Yeah-no, I wouldn't either." Rio raises an eyebrow.
"Have anything you wanna tell me?"
Miles stiles. Hopefully never, his mind supplies, unhelpful.
At his silence, Rio shakes her head, expression fond. "No-we don't really have talk about it. But in case you’ve forgotten, I'm proud of you. Always.” A sudden wave of relief crashes over Miles. At hearing the sentiment he feels something warm swell in his chest.
"Thanks Mom, I appreciate it. Really."
"I would hope so. Now go join your Dad, he's been waiting patiently." True to her word, there he is situated at the diner table, glaring at Hobie from afar.
No doubt the man was already very concerned as to what Miles was seeing in such a person, but also that Hobie quite literally looked like he was about to jump him. He certainly had the build for it.
Hobie’s appearance wasn't very encouraging either. While Jefferson appreciated a strong display of personal expression, he wasn't so sure that he was as enthusiastic about someone who's personal expression screamed yo let's flip over that car.
In short, Jefferson thought that Hobie looked like trouble, and for his own piece of mind needed to make sure that his son wasn't seeing some sort of radical anarchist.
Where was Miles picking up all of these bad influences anyway? That girl Gwanda had already given him a bad vibe, but Hobie was a whole new level of shady.
"Hi." Miles smiles nervously. Jefferson inhales sharply.
"Look, anytime you'd like clear the air-" the cop is cut off by Rio and Hobie emerging from the kitchen carrying several pots.
"Jeff move your phone so I can put down the stew."
"Can't you just put it over there I'm trying to have a conversation with my-" The deathly look he got from his partner made any protests he had die in his throat.
He could reason with Miles later, but to do that he had to survive dinner first.
Soon, the four were seated comfortably at the table. Hobie next to Miles, Miles next to Jefferson, and Rio at the opposite end.
"Pass the beans, would you Miles?" Miles drops his fork and lifts the dish into his mom's reach. Meanwhile at the other end of the table, Jefferson clears his throat.
"So, Hobie," He addresses the teen. "How are..."
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softichill · 8 months
The Sounds of Nightmares unofficial transcript
Chapter 2 - A Penance at the Bathouse
(created in collaboration with @queen0fm0nsterz !!!!!!)
Chapter 1
[Rewind sound]
OTTO: During our fourth session, developments in Noone’s case unearthed echoes of past failures. The girl recalled a familiar figure. 
[Click, Otto plays the tape]
Recording of NOONE: “The Candleman stood before me, on the rooftop. He wore… a long filthy jacket. His presence… it reminded me of… when the tide goes out.”
[Click, Otto pauses the tape]
OTTO: An uncanny sense of deja-vu, for Noone has seemingly encountered my Cici’s [distorted] Ferryman. I thought him lost forever. Yet, if true, he’s somehow found a way back to where he began. And who is he? Some deranged bedlamite? A mutual dreaming savant, invading the nightmares of innocents? It seems absurd. All I know for certain is that I must dig deeper. 
[tape rewinding]
[Intro plays]
[Various clicking]
OTTO: This is the Counselor, tape number 57, session number 4, patient number… Hm, patient Noone. [Tapping and shifting]
OTTO: I was presumptuous. Judgemental. Now I feel it’s paramount to prioritize Noone’s treatment over several other cases, due to demonstration of abnormal neurological faculties. [Shifting sounds] To dissent her further, today I’ll venture an unconventional method. [something electric is turned on]
[Beeping. Otto sighs]
OTTO: Admittedly dated, but this device should help attain further clarity. 
[Beeping alts. Audio cuts]
[Steps, pages shuffling. Someone knocks on the door]
OTTO: (cheery) Please, come in! 
[Door creaks open and closes]
OTTO: How are we doing today, Noone?
NOONE: Otto, what happens to a stone that has overcome its greatest fear? 
OTTO: You’re… telling a joke?
NOONE: Yes, but I never got the punchline.
OTTO: I’ll have to think about that –
NOONE: Hey, look! A moth!
[Otto shifts to look]
NOONE: We went on vacation once, under my doctor’s advice. Swarms of moths gathered around that balcony each night. They fascinated me, their little ways! How they just… existed. I collected them in mum’s plastic jars. 
OTTO: Well, this might be a good time to tell me about your mother. 
NOONE: …I’d rather not. Mum didn’t share my enthusiasms for crawlies. But moths were my favorite, drawn to light under some kind of spell.
OTTO: Perhaps you see a bit of yourself in the moth. Vulnerable, caught in the spotlight. The fame you received after the cure –
NOONE: I don’t feel cured. At all.
OTTO: …You feel you’re still in the dark?
NOONE: Yes. But I like to try to fly towards the light.
OTTO: [Hum] Then let me be that guiding light. And eventually, together, we’ll leave your darkness behind. 
NOONE: How you said that… reminds me of the place I visited.
OTTO: On your vacation?
NOONE: No. Last night, in my dream.
OTTO: Let’s make sure you’re comfortable before jumping in.
NOONE: Oh, I feel at ease. Calm even. Can I tell you about it?
OTTO: If you like, then I suppose you could –
NOONE, narrating: I awoke to wet air on a rooftop. 
NOONE: Peeking over the ledge, I saw an ocean, stretching all the way to the horizon. On the nearest shore, giant fish-like contraptions crawled out from the waves, and from their mouths, plump men and women emerged. Faces hidden behind wooden masks, bodies tucked away beneath mucky brown robes. Some used sticks to labour up the long winding boardwalk leading from the beach to the lantern-lit market below. 
[Bells and steps]
NOONE: Their destination was behind me. A distant, crooked bathhouse. A voice whispered, “Hey!”, and I turned to see a grubby, breathless boy stepping off a ladder. He dressed in tatty shorts and… shirt covered in pin badgers. He said, 
JESTER, overlapping with NOONE: “Do you know a way out of here?”
NOONE: I told him I was equally lost, but he insisted on traveling together. He went on,
JESTER, (ov. with NOONE): “Other kids call me Jester, because I never run out of jokes. I can tell you some along the way!” 
NOONE: I didn’t reply, so he blurted,
JESTER (ov. with NOONE): “Uhm, a man tells his friend to stop looking for the perfect match…” 
NOONE: But, he stopped. I could tell he realized that parts of him… were missing. As if… just being here… [slimy, crawling sound] was changing him. I realized something too: my headache was gone. Jester yelled out,
JESTER (ov. with NOONE): “Oh! He tells him to… use a lighter!”
[Otto interrupts the narration]
OTTO: Then this boy was the impetus for your joke! [Shifting] You met a child in your nightmare prior, but this one sounds far more… normal. 
NOONE: He looked like the kids from school, only… kinder. The ones at school teased me. Well, until I fell ill. After the water sickness, the same children who made me dread walking through these rotten gates began sucking up. But I’ve always been the same me. 
NOONE: Funny. I feel less me now than before.
OTTO: Children can be cruel. I had my share of tormentors in adolescence. 
NOONE: Really?
OTTO: It’s regrettably common. [Shifting] Tell me what happened next.
NOONE, narrating: Jester pulled my arm. “Look”, he said, pointing me to long planks of wood laid down like bridges between the rooftops. …Other children had traveled this path before.
OTTO: Other children? [Otto writing]
NOONE: The walkways had been placed there. They were too narrow for those swollen adults below. It must have been other children, and Jester – he was real too. [Writing] I felt his presence just as I feel yours here in this room. [Pause] Could that… be the dream sharing you spoke of?
OTTO: Let’s not leap to assumptions. Go on. The planks?
[Pause. Sounds of slow steps on wood]
NOONE, narrating:  We carefully walked each one, building to building. [Steps on terrain and wood, as well as faint bells] Below, the masked figures continued their walk too. Every now and then, a traveler would leave their place in line to take goods from the many merchants who’d offered all manner of soaps and perfumes. Their flowery smells mixed with… the fishy stench, pouring from the chimneys of the bathhouse…
[walking and bells continue]
NOONE: When we reached our final building, our only option was to head down the long ladder, sneaking around the side into an alleyway below. Jester was the nervous sort, so, I did my best to stir his courage and asked, [overlapping] “Have you another joke?”, and he replied,
JESTER (ov. with NOONE): “Oh, right! What happens to a stone that has overcome its greatest fear?”
NOONE: And there it was again. That… lost look. Like granny used to get. I asked him, [overlapping] “You don’t remember?” And Jester simply said,
JESTER (ov. with NOONE): “I’ll know it by the time I reach the bottom.”
NOONE: But, before I could follow… something called out from across the rooftop. A muddled voice, and then… I saw him. That man with- the impossible face. The same one from the room of glass jars, the – I can never focus on him!
[Narration stops]
OTTO: Noone, I need you to recall fine details.
NOONE: I told you!
OTTO: Especially when speaking of persons you’ve seen multiple times. Recurrence implies significance. 
NOONE: He’s a… broken mirror. Or a photograph all torn up. Impossible to piece back together.
OTTO: I have something. [Otto gets up from his chair, steps] A magic glue for your mind. 
[Steps, shifting, Otto sets the device up. Beeping and buzzing.]
NOONE: I don’t want to wear that.
OTTO: (immediately) You must. If you cannot remember specifics then I cannot help you. I must know about this mystery figure, I… simply must. 
NOONE: Um… Alright then. 
[Noone puts on the device. Everything except Noone’s voice becomes slightly muffled]
NOONE: [pause] A pendant?
OTTO: This belonged to someone very important. Gazing into its spiral always gave me relief. I found it can be used to offer my patients that same relief through hypnotherapy… which will help you remember this, um…
NOONE: The Candleman. It’s my name for him.
OTTO: I’d like you to gaze into the spiral. Watch it sway, back and forth. Back, and forth. Fall into the endless turning of the pattern within. As you drift away, drift back into dreaming. Drift into a world coming clearer. 
NOONE: Y-Yes… I see.
OTTO: Then, tell me of… the Candleman. 
NOONE, narrating: …The candleman stood before me. On the rooftop. [Faint, low breathing] He wore… a long filthy jacket. His presence…. it reminded me of… when the tide goes out. And his face… it moved beneath his hat. Like soup. Bits and pieces rising and sinking. Wait… I can see a little better now. 
NOONE: H-His eyes… are long slits. Skin-rough, sagging… like melting wax. He didn’t speak, but somehow I knew. The Candleman wanted me to open myself. To this place. Yes, he has for a while now. Every night. 
OTTO: (muffled) Every night?
NOONE: Oh. I can see it all. A web. He’s… been with me this whole time. Watching. Observing. Waiting…
OTTO: What does he want?
NOONE: I don’t know… [muffled yelling] Someone shouting. I turn to look,
OTTO: I’d like to keep talking about-
NOONE: No! When I turn back, the Candleman was gone. I-I rush to the ladder [Dream!Noone running, clunk]. At the bottom stood a- wart-covered brute with filthy arms. He must have broken away from the boardwalk, and something hung in his hand, flapping l-like a fish. He headed to the Bathhouse and… something told me to follow. 
NOONE: As I climb down the ladder, I passed by an open shop window, and poked my head inside. The merchant… spoke in- a raspy voice, [overlapping] “What’s your pleasure?” A desperate moan came from the customer, and he said [overlapping whisper] “Suds. To cleanse this profound skin.” And then… the merchant lifted- a bottle of pink liquid, and said “This will ease your pain.”
[Dream!Noone continues climbing down, lands]
NOONE: A-at the bottom of the ladder, Jester wasn’t there, so… I set off, making my way through- the overgrowth, that had eaten up the land around the Bathhouse.
[plants rustling] 
NOONE: Until, I reached some vines, crawling up a fogged window. 
[Window being opened, Dream!Noone entering and landing on the floor]
NOONE: I was in some kind of- store closet. [water dripping] The shelves were lined with… cleaning chemicals, and… brushes and buckets. The stink of bleach stung my eyes, so I rush through the door. 
[heavy door opening, echoey bath splashing]
NOONE: A room with shallow pools. And the same polluted taste in the air, as the stream by our apartment. 
OTTO: [writing, muffled] Water parasite preoccupation-
NOONE, Not narrating: (distressed) Something lives on. Even after the cure! Pinching my skin, pulling my organs, my head’s like- cracked pavement and my scalp is- itchy!- So itchy- urgh!!!
OTTO: Enough! Enough scratching. 
[Beeping, clicking as Otto unstraps the device. Beeping powers down, audio is clearer]
OTTO: (comforting) Noone, listen. There’s nothing on you. Nothing inside, either. It’s only you and me, and nothing else. 
[Two pops. Earplugs are removed, Noone gasps, audio is completely clear]
OTTO: It’s alright. You’re back. Safe and sound, as promised. 
NOONE: …Did…did it work? Were details glued back together?
OTTO: Some. Though many pieces are still missing… and this continual mention of headaches concerns me. I’ll look into possible causes and see what can be done. For now; the Bathhouse, you were inside, right?
NOONE, narrating: Yes. And, there was steam hung in the air, making it hard to see anything but… shapes. The shapes of… Bathers, unrobed and- unmasked. Some levered away, some crouched in the water, others huffed the sauna steam. The biggest… sat scrubbing himself with… [child struggling] with something that appeared alive. 
[distant splash, more struggling noises, scrubbing]
NOONE: Creeping through the steam, I hid behind a bucket [splash, child whines, growly mumbling] The big one… was before me, [Child yelling, growly voice] barely resembling a human. His- body was… raw and brown, and he rapidly repeated “Divide the grime from the divine” over and over. I suddenly realized wha- [splash, Jester struggling] who… the creature was scrubbing with.
NOONE: [Jester yells, scrubbing] It was poor Jester, sobbing and thrashing for his life. S-Stumbling in horror, I… I slipped on the slimey [squeak] tile and-
[all background noise stops]
NOONE: The whole room went silent, as they turned their heads… and began a haunting chant.
NOONE: (overlapping whisper) “Cleanse her, cleanse her!” Voices piled as their shapes stood and staggered into view, th-their bodies scrubbed into- raw spectacles, there was nothing I could do for Jester! So, I- I picked myself up, and ran for the door, but it was shut tight! [door clicking, whispers get louder] The Bathers drew near, arms reaching out, [more struggling] my hands grazed a crevice on the wall, which- which I slip- through just in time. 
[Whispers stop, door clattering, Dream!Noone breathing hard]
NOONE: There I stood in the storeroom, once more. The window was open [knocks on the door]- my one chance to escape. I climbed the shelves, [jars clinking] avoiding the jars and containers that filled the room with chemical stink. 
[knock, door breaks down]
NOONE: Glancing back, I saw the monster, standing in the broken door frame- Jester’s limp body under his arm. 
NOONE: His… wart-covered hand reached up, [Growl, Dream!Noone yelps] grabbing my leg, violently pulling me away, [shelf creaks] and all I could do was reach in hope, [creak] my hands grasped a jar full of white liquid, [creak, yelp] and as he ripped me down-
[Entire shelf breaks]
NOONE: The jar followed. 
[Glass breaks, Bather roars & groans. Everything goes quiet]
NOONE: The liquid covered him, head to toe, unleashing a cloud of gas that burned the very air, washing over me, sending me into darkness. …A strange satisfaction came from melting down that vile man. I wasn’t like that moth, searching for the light. I was quite… happy, surrounded by the dark. 
NOONE, finishing: Soon enough… I was back here. In the Copy. 
OTTO: …Hmm… A more intense, personally-rooted conflict this time, a desire to be clean- perhaps to wash away memories of an invasive experience that your anxiety is fixated on. Yet, what bemuses me is your insistence on actuality; claiming material presence of others, and environment. 
NOONE: But, didn’t you say I could be sharing dreams?
OTTO: Yes, but that’s a different phenomenon. We must prescribe further research. I will need to begin nightly tests and observations to aid in reaching differential diagnosis. 
NOONE: Experiments! Do we have to, Otto?
OTTO: They’ll help you feel better! And that’s what you want, isn’t it?
NOONE: …Well… yes. Of all things, it’s the sound of mum saying “Ni-night” I miss most. 
[shifting as both get up]
OTTO: The stone becomes a little boulder!
NOONE: Pardon?
OTTO: The answer! To Jester’s joke! It’s an old one. 
NOONE: (whispering) The stone becomes a little boul… Oh, [giggle]
OTTO: Now, before you pop off to bed, [ceramic scrape] pick out another colorful delight for being such a good girl. 
[ceramic click, wrapper crinkling]
OTTO: Sweets, for my sweet. 
[Outro plays] 
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The first time I ask something heh. If singing for moths is a scandalous thing to do in public, how would the boys react if she suddenly sang? Like when you hear a song on the radio and it sticks in your head and you can't stop singing or humming it
oh, the drama!
Sans: It depends greatly on where her singing was taking place. The moths are very smart, Sans can pick up from context that human singing doesn’t carry the same immense value as moth singing. However... that doesn’t mean he isn’t still moved by it.
If she started singing in his enclosure, while grooming or cleaning, he has to turn his face away because the obsessively adoring expression he gets can be quite frightening and might scare her away. He’ll just sit there, grinning, sneaking in some harmonies in the hopes of encouraging more notes out of her and subtly shifting his antennae to look smoother; regardless of their differences hearing her sing feels like he’s getting to see something he shouldn’t and he loves it.
... If he overhears her singing outside his enclosure, it sounds like it’s for someone else. He gets seethingly jealous. Again, he consciously knows that it’s not the same for humans, but that doesn’t mean he can ignore his jealousy- it’s like watching your girlfriend go over to someone else and start kissing them. It makes him want to be violent.
Red: He sings at her, sure. But only when he’s crazy. When he’s in his right mind, singing is much too much commitment- he definitely doesn’t expect her to sing around him with so much confidence. Much like Sans, the conscious knowledge that it’s not the same for her is greatly overwhelmed by the sensation of HOLY FUCK she is SINGING at ME????
When she sings, he can’t help himself, he chases her and goes in for physical touches... squishing her cheeks is his favourite but he sometimes squishes elsewhere too, getting heart eyelights at her furious noises. He gets physical because he desperately wants to sing back, but singing with someone who doesn’t understand the meaning of the moment feels a little too creepy and underhanded for his tastes.
... That’s all unless he’s in a crazy mood, though. In which case, singing is a one way ticket to his den. No stops, no refunds.
Skull: The thing about Skull is that because he was taken into captivity as a baby and deprived of contact with others of his kind, he doesn’t actually know anything about the dos and donts of moth culture.
He doesn’t understand why her voice makes him want to lie down holding her. He doesn’t understand why he suddenly wants his wings to be splayed wide so she can see all the striking lines and colouring, he doesn’t understand why we should be doing this together thrums endlessly throgh his head. He doesn’t get why when she sings, he starts to respond; making gentle sonourous sounds he didn’t even know he could make. 
Singing with her gives him a degree of calmness and clarity he’s never felt before. He’d do it forever, if he could.
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1dontc4re · 1 year
In which Jacob overhears a phone conversation
This is sort of a part two (?) of that little thing I wrote a couple of days ago. Hope you like it! I haven’t been so inspired to write like this in a while. Jacob and MC are giving me so much to think about it’s crazy.
CW: Jacob is a gross little pervert and has a wank while MC is talking on the phone. Nothing too explicit though.
A/N: The dialogue in italics is meant to be in Spanish, written in English for clarity’s sake. This means that Jacob can only understand a couple of words here and there, if any at all. (My brother said I should just write in Spanish and let people figure it out by themselves. While funny and accurate, I don’t think I’ll do this but I will keep it in mind lmaoooo.) Also the tense might be all over the place, sorry about that.
The smell in here is going to burn his nose hairs clean off.
Jacob hadn’t expected her to come home so soon. He was snooping on the upper floor of her home when he heard the jingling of her keys at the front door. He quickly snuck into the supply closet in the hallway. The one almost directly across from her office. The closet itself was small and cramped, even more so now that she had unpacked her linens, towels, and bought cleaning products. The result is a pungent stench of bleach, moth balls, and laundry soap. He can feel her brand new vacuum digging into his lower back. But he’s willing to put up with that if it meant existing in the same space as her (and escaping undetected, of course, of course.)
She shuffles about her kitchen, placing her shopping bags on the counter and putting her groceries in the fridge, all the while humming to herself faintly. She bounds up the stairs and quickly passes in front of his hiding spot. He had carefully, carefully opened the door a crack, so he could see her pass by. From the small glimpse he got, she was carrying so much in her arms she had to hold her phone in her mouth. She ducked into the office and came back out with her mouth unoccupied (he would give her something to fill it with later if she let him.) She had gone into her bedroom to put down what she was holding when they were both startled by the sound of her phone ringing. Jacob almost bumped his head against a shelf. He catches her running to her office and leaving the door ajar.
She answers the phone and puts it on speaker. “Hello, dear! How have you been? I was just calling to check in on you.” Jacob hears an unknown female voice coming from across the hall. Too bad she’s speaking Spanish and he can’t understand a word.
“Not too bad Mummy, thank you for calling. I just came back from doing some shopping, getting ready for when I start fostering. How’s dad? And the cats? Do they miss me?” He can hear her doing an exaggerated baby voice in those last questions. The voice on the other end laughs brightly. The conversation keeps going and Jacob can feel himself starting to sweat. He can’t help the pang of envy at her having a good relationship with her mother. If only it were like that for him. He wishes for something easy. He pushes the feeling deep, deep down.
“Yeah, yeah”, she continues, “dad can call or text me too, y’know? He doesn’t need you to make all his phone calls.”
“You could call him too! He’s been really sad ever since you went away. He misses you terribly.”
“I know, of course I miss him too. Speaking of, I should send him a picture of my neighbor’s aquarium, I think he’ll really like it!”
“Oh, that guy, what did you say his name was? You’ve been to his place?”
“Yeah, Jacob.” Jacob’s hair stands on end, he’s sweating profusely, his heart is going a thousand miles a minute. “He invited me over for dinner the other night. He’s a really good cook by the way. We just watched a movie and then…” he hears her trail off, hesitating, “then I went home.”
“Oooh, it must be going well then! You haven’t told me what he looks like, is he handsome? Tall?” She laughs out loud and it’s heaven, heaven, heaven. He snakes a hand down to his crotch and starts massaging himself through his jeans.
“He’s short actually! Taller than me still, but yeah, he’s good looking. You know I don’t really care about height. He can be a little intense, I suspect he’s on the spectrum, actually, like Tomi, but I haven’t mentioned it cause I don’t wanna be rude…” He recognizes that name from her contact list, one of her brothers. The call goes on for a little while longer, but he has ways of keeping himself very entertained. Jacob can get off to the sound of her sweet voice any day, if it were up to him he wouldn’t let her stop talking, looking him in the eye, holding on to her small waist and delicious hips, tiny tits-
He shudders violently and reigns his moans in as best he can. He swore he saw stars for a moment there. Hopefully she was too distracted by the call to notice he was there. She hangs up and leaves her office, heading for the bathroom. If she’s in for one of her hour-long showers then he’s in luck. The water starts and the closet door creaks open. He sneaks off to the kitchen and out the back door he goes. Jacob makes a mental note to oil the hinges in every door next time he drops by. He’ll do her a little favor, she deserves that much.
The next time she goes into her closet, there’s a smell she can’t quite place.
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melis-writes · 1 year
Moth to Flame: Chapter 15 "Revelations" Interpretation/Review 💓
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My fellow Moth to Flame girlies know Chapter 15 was a bombshell of a chapter. 👀 The drama and angst came into full force here within revelations, secrets, lies, and understanding but not necessarily forgiveness. Those were definitely the central themes around this chapter.
If you haven't read Chapter 15, please don't read this post any further because it contains spoilers! 😅
That being said, this chapter remains one of the most controversial in Moth to Flame and I don't say that in a bad way, but definitely that every single reader has experienced this chapter differently and thus, the reactions are extremely varied. 👁️👁️
Unfortunately, it's also been the target for nasty comments in particular. 🫤 I honestly don't think any other chapter has had the same treatment. That being said, the interpretation of this chapter will certainly vary from reader to reader and not everyone will 100% see it the same (or you might, who knows! 😂).
Still, seeing that a lot of negativity was being hurled towards this chapter particularly because of Victoria's reaction (exclusively, tbh), I've made a short little interpretation post for our infamous chapter. This isn't to tell anyone how to read/understand it, but setting out the tone/context and give clarity to everything. 💓
You can definitely still interpret Victoria and Michael’s reactions and actions in this chapter differently, not agree with either or, etc for sure. I have nothing against that. ❤️ I’m always curious to know what you guys think, but one thing I will note out front is: Victoria is a character with her own unique personality. I have zero intention on making her “likeable” subjective to every single person’s tastes and beliefs. I also don’t care if she’s seen as “unlikeable”, etc. This is a fictional character and I won’t be told how to write my own characters. 😇
Imagine giving birth barely 2 weeks ago to two babies and then finding wedding photographs of your husband and some random woman in your nursery bag and your husband barely budges once you react to it. It's not realistic to simply brush it aside or go "oh yeah, that must be his ex. How lovely!" and move on.
Getting a lot of "Victoria is weak/whiny/emotional" comments but her reaction was fueled because of:
Victoria found out about Michael's marriage to Apollonia thanks to Kay and Fredo intentionally wanting Victoria to know.
Michael never told or even hinted to Victoria he was married before and he didn't plan on telling her ever.
Victoria gave birth to the twins ~2 weeks ago and is still recovering, hormonal, and raising two very young babies after entering parenthood for the first time. You can imagine the stress she's under already.
Up until then, Michael and Victoria's marriage has been perfect; they've never fought or had an argument before. This definitely adds to how much of a shock this revelation was for Victoria.
How could Victoria not assume Michael had another bride in Sicily? Those photographs are only 2-3 years old. They were very conveniently placed in Victoria's nursery bag of all places. Victoria immediately assumed Michael was cheating on her and someone else knew but she didn't, and this was her way of discovering she was the other woman.
I personally think Victoria's reaction and actions afterward were rational and logical. She tried to leave Michael and would have put up a hell of a fight both legal and family wise to take her babies with her. Yes, she was crying and feeling tremendously heartbroken, but her intention was clear until Michael told her the truth and everything inbetween.
It appeared to me a lot of comments didn't look past Victoria's crying or emotional state which is very normal, a very expected reaction in t his case, especially with Michael in no clear rush to explain things or panicking either... 😐
"How can she be a mafia wife when she acts like this?" How does being a mafia wife have anything to do with your husband potentially cheating on you and the fact that made you upset? 💀💀💀 Mafia wives aren't allowed to have emotions? I'm sorry but that's just ridiculous and stupid.
What I'm trying to explain throughout this chapter is that Victoria's reaction and heartache aren't uncalled for and they don't make her a "weak" person. It makes her human.
If it's one thing I'll make clear about Victoria, it's that she doesn't need Michael. She doesn't need anyone. If she was truly Michael's "other bride" and Apollonia was back in Sicily waiting, Victoria would have filed for divorce and delivered the papers to Michael herself.
Michael is fully to blame here tbh, being a lying piece of shit holding that back from Victoria. We know Victoria would never have reacted that way had he been upfront and honest with her, so this was well deserved. Victoria didn't deserve being lied to or made felt like she was being cheated on. That's the point of the chapter, it delves into Michael's lies and that he'll never change although he does promise to make it up to Victoria one way or another and is insistent on it, but never mentions it again... 😶😶😶 Victoria hasn't forgotten this either, though.
And yeah, so they had hot, sexy make up sex afterward when all was said and done. So what?! 😚 Definitely will never work again but there's a first and last time for everything. 💀
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sasster · 2 years
Wait who're your robots?
i haven't used them much on this blog but i have soooo many.
There's Pixel, he was made as a security bot by my troll Rav. Because Rav is paranoid and needs to have eyes and ears around where he lives and the people he cares about. Pixel was made by like.. Junk pieces from abandoned projects, so he has a residual anxiety about being scrapped and therefore HATES when he has to be turned off for maintenance and has pushed back about it many a time. He navigates the world with childlike wonder and loves to talk to new people.
There's Marco! Also made by Rav, he is a medical unit. See, Rav and his brother eventually find someone that needs their help who happens to be chronically ill. So Rav said "Fuck, I'm not a doctor I don't know this shit." So he made a guy who does! Marco is definitely the big brother between the two. (Despite being much smaller than Pixel) He's much more objective! Focused on his work with little room to play (we're working on that though)
Uhm. There's Kit! He was made by my isopod (alien species I made don't worry about it) Soaren. What's really interesting about Kit is that he was originally made to be just a toolkit. He was a drone. No personality, pick up screwdriver. Put down screwdriver. Saw that wood. Y'know? One day, though, Pixel picked him up! And he didn't like that. So he stabbed him in the visor with a screwdriver and has been developing his personality ever since! (Now he has a real body and everything, but he was originally essentially the R2D2 of our little robot family.) This guy has got QUITE the potty moth, I tell you what. Kit is in love with Deja (They are very mean to each other)
This is getting lengthy. Forgive me.
Sol(ace)! She was made by Koteus after his crew got the corpse ditch treatment. He made her in the image of the species he lived with when he was off-planet, which is why her name is Solace. She was originally created with the function of starmapping, but she decided that she would be much happier as a caretaker for youngsters. So she told Koteus as much! She's filled with childlike wonder as well, and likes to ask questions to gain clarity instea of just looking it up on the great big web of internet.
Cal is her little brother! She told Koteus she wanted a little brother and he was like yeah okay. Cals still new..And he is very shy! If someone he doesn't know that well enters the room he's in, he'll pretend he's just a shell and just lay there unmoving until you leave. Hehe.
There's Bee! Oh man, Bee is Stars android. See, Star was raised on a planet where essentially everyone is the smartest person you've ever met. And while Star is pretty knowledgeable himself he thought it sucked that there are people out there that go without access to what he has access to. So he made Bee! Bee is a database. They take their job very seriously and they catalogue information about pretty much everyone they've ever come across. They're very interested in getting to know you. (The premise of Star being my narrator is that between him and Bee, they gather quite a hefty amount of information about a range of different people) Bees even able to get into secure databases and find out information about someone/thing that might have been expunged or otherwise locked.
I really love to make robots.
Then there's Deja! Deja is an android that was made by a sick little troll of mine (His name is Xanuun if you care). Because he needed a companion, and the trolls around him at that point in his life were not very good to him. Since he was made by a little kid, Dejas a little glitchy. Often repeating words (like a stutter) and full of involunatry movements. He is also a medical bot! He’s very kind and understanding. Unless you're Kit. He is going to beat your ass if you're Kit (He is in love with Kit.)
I have other ones but this post is so long already..
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Now I'm quite curious about Leslie, Percy, and Florence (yes I do know more about Percy than I do about Leslie and Florence, but there's no such thing as "knowing too much about Percy")
Oh yes. Ohohoho yes. Thank you for asking and you are so right, there's no such thing as knowing too much about Percy, like I still feel like I don't know enough about Percy and I'm the author who has three (3) WIPs with him in it, one of which is almost a sort of biography, and is incapable of thinking about anything else.
Okay okay so! Leslie first, because I am currently having a lot of brainrot:
Leslie is a character in Clarity Is Blood On A Murder Weapon and I want to hit them with a brick. Affectionately. They suck but it's okay because I love them and I think they're hot.
Also they are my pronouns buddy (they use they/he/she as well, though I'll be using they/them for this ramble for the sake of clarity) <3
The rest is under the cut!
You see, they were raised in a very "queer people gross only Feminine Woman In Kitchen and Manly Macho Man Dude Bro" because it was mid 20th century America so what can you expect. That was, of course, a problem, cause they're nonbinary and bisexual. So of course they left once they turned like 19. Also they have a younger sister - Roq - who got kicked out for being gay like a year later (when she was 17 oop) but that's another story. They did take her in, of course.
After they left, they met Kevin and Stephen and then a while later Roq started living with Leslie so The Friend Group was created. Stephen in the early days of their friendship was recovering from Very Bad Terrible trauma and later on a few other peeps were abducted into this friendship, but that is probably a story for another day.
Anyways! That's enough for their backstory! Tis time for... *drumroll* ... their personality! And such!
As I said, they suck (affectionate). They're a selfish dumbass honestly, and they just kinda act like they don't give a fuck about anyone's feelings but they absolutely do and they want the people they care about (*cough* their friends and their little sister and their boyfriend *cough*) to be safe and well and happy. But most importantly they always wear heart shaped sunglasses and of course in the scene where they are most vulnerable they are not in fact wearing said sunglasses. In fact they are broken. Do with that what you will.
But other than being a fool and an asshole they are an absolute darling of a person. They get so so hype every time their friends or partners get happy, ESPECIALLY if they're the one that made them happy. They are obsessed with everything heart-shaped. They know all of their friends' favourite songs. They're still a piece of shit but. A darling piece of shit <3
Also they fuck around with gender A Lot <3 because they can <3 and honestly they are really fucking gender in literally anything, ranging from dresses to shirts with giant sleeves to ridiculous pattern combos, like oh lord the gender envy. Also did I mention they're hot. And pretty. Actually I have a drawing of them, if you'd like to see.
And now! Florence!:
She's from the Earl/Edith WIP and honestly she could kill me and I'd thank her. I haven't developed her much yet, but all you need to know is that she says "Well, well, well. I have found a pretty little thief in my room" at one point. She has a really ethereal vibe and it seems like she draws moths and butterflies towards her~ and Edith is but a foolish little moth~ oh and I am implying some romantic emotions between Florence and Edith cause like. She was literally in a polycule with Edith and their husband Jonathan but then Something Happened. Don't even ask me what the something is because I don't know either. Also Florence is the antagonist's sister. Oh oh and she has two borzoi dogs, Frankie and Lola <3
And since I have talked about Percy A Lot I will make this a lil list of fun facts:
- named himself after Percy Shelley
- has watched Different From The Others - aka what is probably the first pro-gay film ever - in a cinema in Berlin in 1919. Makes me wish I was him.
- knows oh so many languages
- loves warm milk. It makes him feel very safe and comfy
- he falls asleep EVERYWHERE including but not limited to sofas, chairs, the ground, Oscar's lap, beds, tables, meadows, trains etc, and if you try to move him he just makes sad pathetic little noises and continues sleeping.
- has a birthmark near his nose
- he never lives in one place for too long but he always leaves something that will forever puzzle and haunt the person who's gonna live there next. Small boxes filled with weird old objects, like vintage pictures, teeth, children's toys. He can in fact be a bit of an odd boy sometimes. I would sell my soul to find such a box by the way.
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Hey hun<3
Ahh stop thank you for being so kind I can't tnejfjje
Ohmygosh yes!!! I love your brain!! Light beams are so ethereal and so damn pretty. I have watched so many videos of concerts and raves just to see the light shine through the smoke. I really want to see that in person one day!!
Oh no don't cry!!! You're too cute. You deserve every compliment and so many more. You're such a wonderful person and I'm so damn happy to get to talk with you so often<33
I swear it's only moths and like old people lmao
Ah!!! stop it you're making me blush!!!! I don't think I'm that special, I just have a tendency of overthinking things. But thank you<333:)))
Hfjwicjwkxkek ohmygosh stop you'll make me fall in love with you or something!!! You're so sweet thank you so much<3333:))
That's so sweet. Neptune is such an amazing planet and a wonderful choice!! I really like that about you, you always have such amazing options. Okay I know that he's just a chunk of ice and rock but he deserves his status back!!! And right?!? There's so much out there just floating!! it's weird to me that you can never see it in any of the pictures that NASA shows us, idk I've always thought that was strange. And like it being so much junk aside, theres so much of our history within it all! We have come so so far in the last 20 years!!!
Nebulas are so incredibly powerful and I'm in such awe of them. They're so beautiful and scary at the same time!! But no you haven't said too much I swear. I love hearing everything you care about! I enjoy reading things that are important to you<3 oh my gosh the thought of living on a whole other PLANET is such an amazing thing to think about. And although I would really like it to be in my lifetime as well, I kind of hope it isn't. Because that would be so scary!!
Getting super into a book is such a wonderful experience and I love it so much but once the book or series ends I am left with so much sadness. Like I've lost a close friend, y'know? It's sad and happy at the same time. Though I'm not reading anything right now. I've been trying to get into another book or series but I can't find anything that I've been taken by just yet. I've read a series called Clockwork Angel in the past and oh man they are three amazing books!! The ending made me cry so much though:'(
Rihanna is such a strong and wonderful woman!! I have so much respect for how much she has accomplished over the years!! And she's very attractive but that's for another conversation haha:) I think Sleep Token is a mix of Pop and Metal. Two of my faves of theirs is Granite and Alkaline. I really relate to those songs. I think they're really nice. What are some of your favourite songs and artists? Anything you're super into right now?:)
Thank you so much! You don't now just how much that means to me, you're so sweet<33
I'm sorry. That sounds really frustrating. I would say it's neat that they came to see you but if it was just sad then not so much. I'm sorry it wasn't better seeing them:( That's so cool that it snowed though! I love the snow!!! I love the quiet and clarity that comes with it:)
I hope your day has been better today!! Mine hasn't been too bad, it was my day off but my boss called me in to take a part of her shift because she had something that came up with her family. I haven't been sleeping very well, or at all, the last few days. But that's alright. Nothing caffeine can't fix haha
My name is Audrey though online I've started going by Ray/Razz. It's just a little more gender neutral and I really like that. And trust me, I don't think I could ever hate you hun! You're all good<3:)
Hiii :))))
'Hun' - Stop aajskhf- That's so cute! <3
You get it!!! I didn't even think about rave lights! I love those. When I got tired at parties, I'd lay on the chairs and watch all the lights. It's one of my favourite things!! They're so pretty! I think rave lights would look sick in person- especially with all the smoke machines, plus music. I hope you get to experience that one day!
It's not even funny how red my face is! You're truly lovely. But I can't handle blushing every other sentence. You're so sweet, thank you. My day honestly gets so much better after speaking with you. You're just that awesome. I'm really happy I get to speak with you often, too. <33
I reject the implication that you're "not that special." You most definitely are! Please, at this rate I'll end up falling in love with you first hun. <3
That was such a specific compliment about options- I'm actually holding on by a thread- Okay- We should start a petition to bring him back to the planet gang! We're technally part chunky ice and part rock! It's not fair. :( I feel like the images may be photoshopped beforehand. Not in- the earth is flat type of way - Never that, more in an enhanced colour correcting, making it look aesthetic way. Or they crop it out, could have just said that, but no I went the long way around. Again, your beautiful brain! I didn't think of the historical value of the machines we've built, but you're completely right! Years of building and history lost in a vast sea of nothing!
At this point, half my paragraphs are going to be about your comments towards me and my lack of functioning after reading them. But I do love how reassuring you are, it's really sweet of you. :) <3 Nebulas are quite literally fucking horrifying, and that's why I love them so much. :) To look at something like that and understand what's happening. Truly the stuff to create an existential crisis. Same with living on another planet. If you were truly there- societal breakdown. You have to carry everything over for it to be the same, morals, behaviours, beliefs. Kind of weird how much you'd have to take morally and functionally. That's if it's liveable. Just visiting. You gots to take respect and love. I have reached the point where I don't know what I'm saying.
I feel the same way about my tv shows! It's like mourning a friendship rather than a tv show or book. Bittersweet... I hope you find a series that you enjoy and get to flutter through and become apart of. I haven't heard of that series. What's it about? What's your favourite things about it? Which were your favourite characters?? - I'm sorry the ending made you cry. :( I bet it's a beautiful story to look back on? I always find if something coming to an end makes me cry, then it was worth it all and more.
She is extremely attractive, and we should definitely have that conversation because it's always relevant! My god, I love her. She's so cool as well, like how are you gonna be that attractive, that talented, with all that swag and on top of that! Perform whilst pregnant at the half-time show- What I'm saying is that women is a goddess and there should be a statue in every town of her. - I will put those on my Spotify and give them a listen tomorrow whilst I get my tattoo done. :) I have so many different top songs. Of all time, I'd say No Eyes by Claptone and JAW would be the one that is completely engraved in me. It's an extremely simple song, but it means a lot to me based on why and when I found it. I have many others, though. Artist hmm- Obviously, Rihanna, Lady Gaga, The 1975, The neighbourhood, the prodigy, etc. The list goes on and on. I can never sum myself up when speaking on music. But currently, I'm listening to a lot of soundtracks and 'dark academia' music. My mind's been loud, so- no lyrics currently.
It's just weird- I feel like every time I talk to them, they don't listen. Or the judge me. That was all. Maybe it was because I didn't eat until they left. I guess we'll never knowwww. But thank you. You're so nice. Again your mind. I love snow. That dampness in sound when it heavy falls, and the small specks of shine in an untouched layer. It's like a gentle blanket over the world. It's so calming. The Shinning is one of my favourite horrors, and those shots of just the snow and no music-phenomenal.
It's actually night now, I just stayed up to respond lmao. Kind sucky you got called in on your off day. Especially since you haven't been doing great. (I hope her family is alright, and that everything was ok.) I'm sorry you haven't been sleeping, I get how frustrating that can become. Have you tried any remedies?
Oh, thank god! I was worried for a minute. -That's what I did with Rj! My full name is Renée, but online it's Rj. Either's fine by me. Thank you for letting me know by the way :) - Again with the hun asfgsk <33:))
(I wrote this whilst tired. I'm sorry if there's any confusion at any point. I'm just as confused)
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magioffire · 2 years
Does Vali have a specific routine or go to activity to pass the time when Heisenberg is away from the factory collecting materials and other such things or does he go with him more often than not?
at first, i feel like vali would only be looking at it from the perspective of how to make an escape attempt. go with hesienberg and figure out the lay out of the village more and find possible hiding places, but no way heisenberg is going to let him go far out of his sight. or stay back and throw caution to the wind and try to escape while hes gone....only for heisenberg to drag him riiight back. (im puttin this under a readmore cuz its fuckin long)
so AT FIRST any sort of routine he could form would mostly be destroyed by the panic of 'ohhh fuck ohhh god i gotta get out of here" that likely happened a few times before vali throws his hands up and is like "FINE' and decides its ultimately within his best interest to stay put. vali realizing that even even if the infection has not implanted itself within him yet, he is still infected with the cadou, and he has a very strong instinct to you know, *avoid* infecting his entire colony with dangerous fungal spores. that would be the real true realization that would ultimately make vali have to consider working with heisenberg, laying put, making the best of the situation. in the hopes of understanding everything he can about the cadou/megamycete.
after that point, vali would stop keeping so much to himself. he would go with heis not only out of a desire to get outside, but also to find out as much as he can about the person hes ultimately stuck with. when he stays behind, which is usually when its cold as sin outside, he gets up to all sorts of...weird stuff.
in the short time vali has spent within the factory, he *has* created closed off spaces for himself, he built them from his own silk and any sort of soft materials and colorful materials he might be able to find from his excersions out into the village and surrounding area. theres not much left thats soft or colorful, but he manages to find it. and he would spend a lot of time creating and tending to those silk spaces when heis is away.
he would likely make his 'main' nest in a place thats easily accessible for heisenberg, but well hidden enough to provide some security. he would also spend a lot of time just exploring the factory, maybe a little bit to heisenberg's annoyance, but he *will* listen if heisenberg tells him that an area is off limits for vali to go into by himself.
he will be *very* curious, though. and he might do things similar to how a child shakes a christmas present and tries to guess whats inside, but he knows if theres any way for their relationship to succeed, they need to respect eachothers space. but places he is allowed to explore around, you know hes looking in every nook and cranny. heisenberg has maybe come back a few times to find vali stuck because of his adventurous attitude.
i think vali would want a space to start his own research -- which would likely start small. vali would start by infecting small animals, like insects, reptiles, birds, with the cadou parasite to see for himself how the parasite functions. i could see him infecting entire colonies of ants, flightless wasps, and other eusocial insect species to see what happens. to observe the 'hive-mind' of the megamycete with more clarity.
centipedes, mantises, and of course, moths and butterflies would be among his favorites for study due to his familiarity with such species already. but pretty much any small species he can effectively breed in a small space that lives within the area is fair game. so for a while vali is going to be bringing in tons of animals he collected into the factory for his research. im sure heis would love that lool. theres just a frog jumping across the factory floor oh fuck the amphibians have escaped containment--
in the summer and autumn months vali is going to want to spend more time outside than inside as often as he can. by that time hopefully their relationship will have progressed enough in trust (and vali stops trying to make escape attempts...) that it would be no problem. vali would always come back, mostly during the early morning, come back to eat and sleep. he would bring food to share too, anything he could collect further out away from the village, where the cadou has not thoroughly infected everything so much. you ever come home and your moth boyfriend has left his sash wrapped up full of fresh food on your workbench. thats how you know he likes you.
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cadriona · 2 years
Little snippet on Signora, incomplete rn but might add more later and make into a fuller little onshot because holy shit that fatui trailer-
TW: mentions of death and dying
She stood at Jester’s shoulder, still that much shorter than him, even in death.
She doesn’t remember what had come over her, all those weeks past— other than a small, pettering urge for her to follow the coffin. She had wings, she remembered— even though they were small, and fragile, and oh so cold in the Snezynayan winter. So unlike those that she had unfurled… when, when had she unfurled moth wings of flame?
She now stood, ghostly and ghastly, before her own coffin. If the ginger brat had actually managed to sweep up much of her ashes, she would be surprised, and maybe a bit touched.
A shudder, as cold permeated non-existent bones, the sensation of ice gliding down her spine as all her nerves were set alight and—
Thank you, dear Tsaritsa, for this last gift.
Signora settled back into her skin, a ghost in all the ways that mattered. She had died, hadn’t she? Perished under the Electro Archon’s blade, struck down even as she pleaded and cursed and wept.
It has been such a long time that she’s held such clarity, since she no longer felt the cursed flames licking at the very marrow of her bones. She was Signora, yes, but now— she also held a bit of Rosalyne inside her, the once naive soul that burned for her love, for her country, and was shunned in return and cast out as a witch.
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With the Price of Death - Ch2 Motive Round 3
8 PM, the third day. The longer this went on, the more of a routine this would become. At least it seemed like, for the most part, the progression of votes had been slow. With so many wrong on the first day, perhaps that made it more difficult to guess on further reveals. Or maybe it wasn’t that much of a relief, in reality as… Well. The slow and steady drip was painful in its own right.
“Alright motherfuckers!! Get your outlaw asses in gear and make your way to the food court! I’ve got some fun announcements for everybody again!”
It was An’s voice. Loud, scratchy and unpleasant. That pesky rule. That pesky rule about showing up when summoned. If it weren’t for that…. Well. You had no choice but to follow her instructions, so you pulled yourself away from your tasks and headed out to the food court, taking a seat as you were beholden to the moth woman’s usual buffoonery.
Much like a court jester, An waddled around the room. She held onto her tablet, reading the information on it with an excited grin. It was as if she was a kid opening a brand new pack of trading cards or something rather than examining votes for a crime.
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“Wow!! You all have used this vote moving around more than the exemptions last motive!! It was pretty fucking funny watching that shuffle go down. Thanks to that you have a spicier option available than you could have, eheheh.”
The food court menus swapped displays, showing your new options to vote on.
3. Attempted Murder - 0
This perpetrator sabotaged someone's equipment with the intention of getting them killed.
4. Murder - 0
This perpetrator has committed two counts of murder in two separate situations.
Neither of these were comforting, really… Not in the slightest. What little clarity these descriptions gave didn’t leave room for relief. That also left another question: If two separate murder counts weren't counted as serial murder, then exactly how many were in the option at the top?
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“Well, now… We got another case of at least one person is right on each of these now!! But if you put a bunch of monkeys in front of typewriters, well….” An snickered. “Guess it’s still pretty decent progress. Let’s look at those fucking numbers, shall we?”
The images on the menus swapped over.
5. Aiding and Abetting - 1 6. Espionage - 1 7. Leaking Government Secrets - 4 8. Curfew Breaking - 2 9. Illicit Drug Use - 7 10. Identity Theft - 1
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“Looks like we’ve got ONE more on the cusp of being revealed, but we’ll see how that goes in the end, riiiiight? We can wait here for weeks if it takes that long for you all to figure stuff out. Noticed you haven’t been collaborating on these all that much!”
An placed her hand on her hip, clicking her tongue a bit as she seemed to be scolding the room as a whole.
“But it seems like the results on these is slower than we expected so far so we’re gonna amp this shit up a bit! Your votes are now worth double what they were before for the rest of this! Getting a correct vote will make it all the more likely some shit will come out, so good luck! Your pay for getting it right will be the same, though.”
“Another annoooooying trend we’ve seen is each round less and less of you are voting, so we’re gonna add a punishment along with the incentive. If you refuse to vote in the future, you’re losing 100 points. If you don’t have that many, then we’ll rough you up and supplement that with whatever that would cost in tokens, so we can make you very poor very fast. Oh! And if you have no tokens too, we’ll figure out what other kind of collateral we can take.”
Ouch that was steep. As useless as points were outside of this game, they were pretty indispensable here. Losing that much would hinder sessions and your ability to mitigate future motives.
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“That’s all! Tata! Toodles! Goodbye now!! You’re dismissed!!”
An waved before skipping out of the food court with a spring in her step.
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leviathanspain · 2 years
sick of the sun
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han lue x reader
synopsis: escaping to bali hadn’t brought the clarity you hoped, and now only did returning finally make you see the truth
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the rumble of your car as you pulled up to dom’s house was sending the crew out the door. you were back, and in style. fished out your own 1970 plymouth cuda from storage, you put in park as your favorite song blasted through the speakers. unlike your sister, you were more for the aesthetic of cars rather than the speed, but that still didn’t mean that dom didn’t modify your cars with the best engines out there. what he did for letty, he did for her little sister, she had made him promise he’d treat you like family, as letty was all you had. and he had held up to that promise.
the sun was setting and los angeles was a busy city, your vacation in bali was nice but you had missed your home, missed your family.
as the crew stepped out to greet you, you watched a certain figure, one you thought you had finally left behind, munching on chips near the doorway. he lifted his eyebrows to you, as if he was saying ‘that’s it?’
you turned the car off, stepping out to hug your sister and dom. kisses and hugs from everyone, you had been brought inside and still yet to have a greeting from him.
could you blame him? why would he want to see you, let alone lie through his teeth and proclaim how much he missed you when he was the reason you left. he kept his distance, and everyone could cut the tension between the two of you with a knife, so they left it be, let you two stare at each other with a hungry anger that could be only sated, other ways..
letty gave dom a pat to bring him out of conversation with you. he looked back at han and got the hint, and you grimaced. your sister had told you it was needed, a need to rehash everything.
han watched as dom got up from his seat out on the porch. you looked out ahead as han sat in the seat and set the bag of chips down next to you. you looked at him and he stared back at you, playing the same old games as before.
“is this is it? just gonna stare at each other until one of us has the balls to kiss the other until we do what we always do?” you cut the silence and han chuckled, “you riding me like your life depending on it or me fucking you on the hood of my car?”you blushed, those were really the two options you always did, and han seemed to smile as he reminisced.
he looked out into the sky, the sun setting slowly, “what did you tell the others?” only letty knew you had left because of han, and you had told her to keep it that way. “that i was sick of the sun. bali has the most beautiful rain.” you told your lie and he laughed. again, that unbearable silence. you and han had once been like moths to a flame, he couldn’t keep his hands and mouth off you, and you couldn’t keep your eyes off of him.
“im sorry.” you whispered, you fidgeted as you thought of what else to say, “i know it was stupid to run away from my problems. especially when i know you’d understand.” you looked at han and he was studying your face, “i love you, and i was scared. scared of the feeling i got everyday, the one that made my heart swell with love when i saw you. even though we were a thing long before i felt that, i could finally see what my sister and dom had, that love that meant you’d do anything for the other person.”
you stood up, and han did the same. he was silent as he walked towards you, grabbing you by the waist and kissing you roughly. his kisses were desperate, pleading, unbelievable he had waited this long for you.
he stopped kissing you for a moment and he looked at you with a smile, “couldn’t you have skipped the speech and just suggested that we take a ride?” you rolled your eyes, “it’s late and i don’t feel like driving-“ han nudged you and once you saw the look in his eyes, you let out a quiet ‘oh’, making han smirk.
you hugged him deeply, “i missed you so much, baby.” you whispered. han kissed your forehead, “come on. i’ll show you just how much i missed you.” he winked as you pulled back.
“letty would kill me if she heard us!” you protested, and han grabbed your hand, pulling you down from the porch, “who said we were going to stay here?” he smirked, “my apartment got lonely without you.”
next thing you knew, han was speeding down the streets of los angeles as you watched him drive, the feeling of love making your heart swell, and for the first time, that didn’t scare you.
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oro-e-diamanti · 3 years
The one with Ethan’s suggestion
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Description | Ethan suggests something that you had never seen coming - but for how long will you be able to resist him?
Content | smut with a bit of fluff
Pairing | Ethan x fem!Reader
Word Count | 3138
Tagging | @ginny-lily @mywritingonlyfans
"You did not just ask me that."
Ethan didn't even seem bothered by your shocked reaction. Instead, he simply kept looking at you, waiting, as if he had posed a completely normal question. You were certain it wasn’t though - who the hell just came out and asked one of their best friends to start hooking up? Surely this wasn’t just you thinking this was more than odd. You couldn’t stop looking at him, relaxing on a lounger in the sun, book still open in his hand, and how he didn’t seem to care.
“Oh, come one, Y/n,” Vic interjected from where she was relaxing on a pool float. “Poor Ethan hasn’t been with anyone since the pandemic started. The least you can do is help him get laid.”
“Get laid by me?!”
“Who else?” Victoria laughed. “It’s not like he can go out and pick up someone when we go on a promo tour in a week. We’re barely allowed to meet anyone as a safety measure.”
You shot her a pointed look and Victoria being your friend for the longest got it immediately.
“And no, I’m not gonna hook up with him. So it’s gotta be you.”
You couldn’t believe the conversation you were having. Had everyone simply gone crazy? Surely, Thomas wouldn’t be on their side in this, right? You watched as he lazily strolled towards your loungers, cigarette in hand.
“Thomas!” You shouted over at him. “Ethan wants me to hook up with him!”
“Fucking finally,” Thomas laughed as you stared back in horror. Was everyone in on this madness? “He’s been moping around for ages. About time he gets laid and relaxes.”
“See?” Ethan interjected. “Everyone thinks it’s a good idea.”
“I don’t think it’s a good idea!”
“Fine,” Ethan shrugged. You hated how much he didn’t seem to care - how he had posed a question like that without an ounce of awkwardness and how your rejection didn’t seem to faze him in the least. You knew he was open about sex and sexuality, you’d been part of countless conversations among the band and had seen him pick up people at parties more than once, but this unnerved you. "If you change your mind, I'm available."
And with that Ethan went back to his book, Victoria went back to floating around the pool and Thomas went back to smoking his cigarette. But you weren't going to go back to anything, because whether you liked it or not, Ethan's suggestion would continue playing in your head for the unforeseeable future.
Three days. It had been three days since that fateful day at the pool and you could barely stand to look at Ethan. It wasn't because you were embarrassed - you all spoke about such things quite openly - nor were you angry at him having asked in the first place - if anything, it was flattering, a man such as Ethan considering you attractive in that way. It was more of a constant thought in your head whenever you were in the same room with him or he talked to you or you looked at him or he so much as popped into your mind. You kept lying awake at night, intrusive thoughts of Ethan towering over you clouding your brain. You didn't know what it was but you knew you didn't like it.
You were pulled out of your thoughts as Victoria approached you, taking a couple of tomatoes you had spread in front of you and started cutting them up. You had been in charge of making dinner most days, with one or the other coming to join you in your cooking endeavors sooner or later. Today it seemed to be Vic, who was giggling away beside you, quite obviously dying to tell you something.
"And what is up with you?" You asked, a smirk on your face. You were happy your friend seemed so giddy and it had you itching to know why.
"I have a date!" Victoria was never one to keep things like these to herself for long - whenever she was positively excited about something, the world simply had to know. "Her name's Paula, she's on holiday here and we're going to go out for wine."
"Just wine?"
"Well, I'm gonna say, don't expect me back here tonight." She couldn't stop herself from smirking and then breaking out in another round of laughter and you joined freely. Good for her.
"I miss dates," you mused. "Or maybe - I don't know. Maybe I just miss at least staying the night with someone."
"You really need to get laid, babe."
"Who needs to get laid?" Damiano had appeared without warning, sneaking up on the two of you and pinching both of your waists teasingly before hopping on the counter next to where you were working. A slice of tomato was stolen and ended up in his mouth before you could react, only hitting him in the arm when it was much too late.
"Y/n," Victoria answered nonchalantly. You stared at her in annoyance but she didn't even catch your eye.
"So does Ethan! You guys should fuck."
"Not you too," you groaned. All of this seemed like a bad joke. In fact, you were starting to wonder if this was all some weird plot your friends had to get you to sleep with Ethan. But why would they?
"Huh?" Damiano sounded surprised but you didn't put it past him to simply put on a good act.
"Ethan asked her to hook up the other day."
"No way!" Damiano exclaimed. "He actually, fina- I mean, he actually asked you that?"
"Yup, and she shot him down," Victoria explained. You were getting more annoyed by the second. Especially because it felt like your love life (or lack thereof?) was being discussed without you. Plus, you couldn't shake the feeling they knew something you didn't.
"Aw, poor Ethan. You know, you should really give him the chance. Make the most of the fact that you've both got the house to yourselves tonight." Damiano's eyebrow wiggle earned him a tomato slice to the face due to pure irritation on your side. He wasn't bothered, quickly shoving it into his mouth and happily munching away on it.
"Wait, what do you mean? Where are you going?"
You sounded much more panicked than necessary. So what if you were alone in the house with Ethan? You'd survive. Easily. You'd read a bit of your book, maybe watch a movie, go to bed. You didn't even have to spend time with him. Right?
"Going out with my girlfriend, she's in town for work. Not sure where Thomas is off to but he's already left" Damiano shrugged, finally hopping off the counter to hopefully stop being in the way. "So, if there's anything you want to do, do it tonight."
So this was it. You were alone with Ethan. No, this was nothing. So what if you were alone with him? Not like it was going to change anything at all.
You had said your goodbyes for the night to the two lovebirds, wishing Victoria the most possible fun on her little date, before pouring yourself a glass of wine and retreating to the patio. You had no idea where Ethan was and you didn't mind.
The sun was setting, the temperature was more than bearable and you had your book lying next to you. Eyes closed trying to enjoy the last rays of sunshine, your hand grasped the stem of the wine glass, and fuck that moth scared the living daylights out of you. And caused you to spill your wine all over your blouse. Red wine. Crap. One was supposed to wash those out immediately, right? Right? You realised you had no idea, as you sprinted towards the upstairs bathroom, already unbuttoning for fast removal.
You threw the door open, feet set to move towards the basin, when you realised you weren't alone in the room. It happened in slow motion, as much as you hated the cliché of it all.
Ethan's back was towards you, strong, hard muscles visible under an array of water droplets that were slowly, slowly making their way downwards, hypnotising you and keeping your gaze locked on them. Your eyes were still travelling lower and lower when he noticed your presence, turning around out of reflex, and you could not help but notice he was not wrapped in a towel, nowhere close, when your eyes fell on-
In a rare moment of clarity, you tore your gaze away, looking up at his face instead, just to find him eyeing up your cleavage. Your blouse was halfway undone, putting your white lace bra on full display. Then his eyes snapped away and looked into yours instead. For a second, it felt like the world was standing still. Your brain only worked for another moment before it decided to let your body - or potentially your heart? - take over.
You told yourself 'fuck it' - or maybe you said it out loud, judging by the sudden smirk appearing on Ethan's face - and reached for the man in front of you. He reciprocated without hesitation, pulling you in and meeting your mouth with his, as he walked you backward until you hit the wall. His body felt hot against yours, providing a stark contrast to the cold tiles pressing into you. His hands cradled your face softly, fingers stroking along your cheeks, while he kissed you, open-mouthed, in a way that left you breathless.
If you had ever had doubts that sex with Ethan would not be worth it, they had evaporated into thin air altogether.
His hands had started roaming your body, finally landing on the last buttons of your blouse. You had expected him to slowly open them up, but instead, he tore the fabric apart in one swift movement, buttons flying and hitting the ground with little clacking noises. You wrecked your mouth from him for a moment, staring at him in both surprise and awe.
"Spiacente," he murmured, although he didn't look all that sorry. "I couldn't help myself. I can get them sewn back-"
"Ethan, stop talking and start fucking me."
Your bold words took both of you by surprise but none of you minded, simply relieved that you were on the same page. His hands were now grasping tightly onto your thighs and, and without giving you a warning, he lifted you up, still pressed against the wall. Your legs wrapped around him instinctively and he took a step back, finding his strength and balance, and slowly carrying you into his bedroom.
You couldn't stop staring at him. Ethan's beauty was a sight to behold on any given day, but the way his lips looked kissed after just a short while and his eyes had that kind of shine to them that had never previously been directed at you, it felt like you were looking at something ethereal. Never mind the fact that you knew he was completely naked, not just the toned chest that was pressing into your torse, but everything else. Hell, you were sure you felt a certain something press into the back of your thigh quite shamelessly.
He dropped you on his bed, leaving you to bounce slightly on the mattress as you lied on your back. He looked like he was about to devour you and you just knew you'd bend to his every wish.
Without any further hesitation, Ethan moved onto the bed, immediately grabbing onto the shorts you were wearing and slowly pulling them down your legs. He held eye contact with you the whole time and you were convinced you had never seen anything sexier in your life. Your panties were the next piece to leave your body. Normally, this would be the point you got nervous about, crossing your legs, hiding behind hands, anything to protect what little of your modesty you had left, but this was different. Ethan took all shame away from you.
"Is this okay?" He asked, as he slowly crawled upwards, spreading your legs and leaving hot, wet kisses along your calves. As much as you appreciated him asking for consent, you almost had to laugh - at this point in time, you had lost all willpower to deny him anything. So, with a blissful smile on your face, you eagerly nodded at him, your hand reaching down and tangling itself into his hair. He groaned as you gave a little tug and the sound was more than enough to get you even wetter than you already were.
At least that was what you thought up until Ethan put his mouth on you. You had been expecting a bit more foreplay, maybe his fingers, but instead you felt his tongue lick along the length of you. Your moan loudly echoed through the room and you had never been so glad that Vic, Thomas and Damiano had deserted the two of you in the house.
Your grasp on his hair tightened as he started flicking your clit with the tip of his tongue. The fact that you could feel his hair tickling the inside of your thighs only seemed to make you more sensitive. Suddenly, one of his fingers entered you, quickly to be joined by a second. Your back arched off the bed in an involuntary reaction as your breathing became more and more laboured. You could hear- hell, you could feel him chuckle against you.
With a sharp tug, you pulled his head away from you.
"I'm not going to be able to take much more, Ethan," you confessed. He looked up at you with wide eyes, chin wet from going down on you and fingers still slowly moving in and out, and you momentarily forgot what you meant to say. "So if you wanna fuck me, I suggest you get a move on."
He didn't need to be told twice. You still sighed in disappointment when he actually removed his fingers from you but you were quickly distracted by him moving them to your mouth and slipping them in. You eagerly sucked on them, twirling your tongue around them, tasting your own arousal, and his composure was slipping with every second he looked at you. He quickly pulled his fingers from your mouth to crawl further up your body, his cock moving against your leg. He was so well endowed it would have almost been frightening if you hadn't been so turned on.
Ethan kissed you with a force that was unparalleled. There wasn't even a question about who was in control. As his fingers trailed from your neck down past your collarbones you both suddenly seemed to remember you were still wearing a bra. You made short work of the piece of fabric, carelessly throwing it across the room, and he thanked you by squeezing your soft flesh in the most delicious way. You repaid the favour by letting your hand wander to his cock and giving him a few strokes. He immediately let out the most sinful moan you had ever heard, head collapsing onto your cleavage.
"I don't think you need any more help from me down there," you giggled.
"With you lying under me like this, I sure don't."
Moving your legs around his waist once more, you slowly guided him into you, your walls swallowing him bit by bit, careful not to stretch you out too fast with his size. It felt like heaven on earth. You both moaned in pleasure as Ethan slowly started moving, making sure you were comfortable as he looked into your eyes, while you broke the eye contact time and time again, too overwhelmed to leave your eyes open every time he thrust into you. You kept grabbing onto what you could, the back of his head, his shoulders, his butt, as he increased his speed, hitting you in all the right places every single time.
You knew you weren't going to last long, not with him on and in and all around you, not with his fingers playing with your nipple, not with his lips clumsily attaching themselves to various places around your neck and shoulders, and as you felt his hand between your legs, softly circling your clit once again, you were gone. You came in waves of euphoria, unashamed of the volume of your moans and the strength with which you pulled on his hair. Your actions, combined with you clenching around him and a few more thrust, had him follow you moments later.
He carefully slipped out of you, never once letting go of you, and turning you onto your side with him so you were facing each other. Both of you were still breathing heavily, vision cloudy, but intertwined. You were convinced he had ruined you - there was no way anyone was ever going to live up to how he made you feel.
"So, did it live up to your expectation?" You couldn't help but giggle as you posed the question. "Getting laid again after such a long time?"
Ethan pushed a damp strand of hair from your face. You hadn't expected such softness.
"It wasn't actually about getting laid, you know."
"It was about you."
"Okay, you've lost me now," you said, brows knitting as your hand searched for his, finger entangling the same way your legs were doing. "What are you talking about?"
"I... I've liked you for a while. And I tried so much, but you never even noticed."
Your mind replayed the last few weeks you had spent with the band in their summer house. Instances of Ethan bringing you food, cocktails, adjusting the shade to make sure you were in it, offering to put sunscreen on your back. Moments of him searching for your company, moving much closer than necessary in the heat, arms constantly touching when you were sitting next to each other. Jokes and teasing from the others, drunken remarks. You hadn't paid attention to any of it. You wondered how you could have been so blind to a man so wonderful.
"Wait, so instead of asking me out like a normal person, you suggested we hook up?" You couldn't keep the laughter in now. The situation was simply too ridiculous and you had not yet stopped riding on your high from the endorphins he had caused.
"It was Vic's idea." He buried his head into the sheets, but you could still see his cheeks turn an adorable shade of pink. "She knew I missed sex and she said you mentioned something similar so she thought this was the way into your..."
"Heart, actually."
You snuggled closer, arms wrapping around him so that your noses were touching.
"Well, as embarrassing as it is, it somehow worked, didn't it?" You stroked over his head lovingly. "And I'm sure not letting you go any time soon."
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lavenderwhore444 · 3 years
Ah shit here we go again
Btw this is moth shigaraki
So imagine this you work at this place that’s like a zoo that has moths and other creatures ( u can tell I’m struggling) so ur coworkers were trying to get this baby moth inside it’s cage but it kept panicking and crying ( I think u know who is this baby moth) u went to see what’s up that’s how u saw the most beautiful moth u ever seen, you picked up the baby moth ( meanwhile ur coworkers were panicking) it just calmed down everyone was 👁👄👁 long story short u were now in charge of shigaraki, u took care of him feed him u did everything, until he was literally taller then u are ( moths grow up fast ok?) shigaraki was in love with u even when u had ur days off ( he absolutely hated when u had to leave home boy would throw tantrums) he would never let anyone touch him if anyone did they might of lost a couple of fingers, when u came back from ur break he would be attach to ur hip he would not let go not to mention he probably scratched the hell out of his neck so u had to deal with that, oh yeah he was overprotective of u won’t anyone touch u
Let’s just say u were super sick so u had to take a week off, u were devastated that ur not gonna be able to see shigaraki (u had to admit that u have fallen in love with him) so for now u were trying to get better, meanwhile shigaraki was losing his shit he thought u left him ( or dead💀 lmao) he couldn’t wait anymore so he escaped, it was easy finding where u lived since he memorized ur scent, u suddenly heard a noise come out of room ( u went to get some water or something idk sis) as u entered u found shigaraki, shigaraki ran to u and just hugged ( basically crashed u with his two sets of arms) he started to cry he wouldn’t let go, u got super worried and asked him what’s wrong, so he explained what happened then u suddenly felt super weak and almost fainted shigaraki was panicking asking if ur ok, u said that u had a fever thats all, shigaraki just put u back on the bed, shigaraki finally had the opportunity to repay u, he had read somewhere that sex can help ( it’s totally not an excuse for him to see u naked) he just wants to please u( his mommy 😏) his wings vibrated at the thought of pleasing u, let just say u had no problem with it. ( so when shigaraki is done reader flops shigaraki on the bed and fucks the shit out of him as a thank u gift lollll)
Kinks umm sub shigaraki whos eager to please and dom reader, this one hundred percent has a mommy kink umm I cant think of anything, this isn’t my best ideas so feel free to ignore this 😔😫
Tomothura :) 🦋
I'm sleepy, and I want milk and cookies. Not to flex, but I only have to see my therapist every other week cause ig I'm just perfect.
Update I now see her once a week and have to take dbt a THIRD (?) time
I have a bad smell and taste in my mouth and nose from covid. It reminds me of meatballs but in the worst way :/
Warnings: masturbation, heat, vaginal sex, humping, loss of virginity (both parties), breeding, & mommy kink.
Master List
I have rewritten this six times. No matter how much I write, whether it's 100 words or 1,000,000 words, I can't create a smooth transition between y/n's like caregiver (?) relationship with Shiggy to a romantic/sexual relationship with him. To put it simply, I give up 💀 . HOWEVER, I did cook up another scenario in my mind, so even though I have strayed from the original blueprint, I will still deliver a moth Shigaraki fic to all of you <3
To those of you brave people who aren't scared of storms:
1) I envy you.
2) I apologize because I need y/n to be scared of storms for my plot.
Thinking abt writing a poly relationship with y/n shigaraki and dabi. It’d just be so cute.
On another unrelated note: why did I get put on the gross end of scent kinks (yes, those exist)? Instead of being like, “mmm sexy cologne,” I'm like, “Dabi reeking after being on a long mission and cuddling, so I have to smell him and get his sweat on me, ” like Claire. Control yourself.
It was a beautiful night. The only light around you was the moon, the stars, and dozens of fireflies. It was warm and calm, no wind, no rain, not even a chill though the sun had set. You walked further through the forest. Your friends had gotten tired and retired to the campsite. You, however, had chosen to wander some more. You found clarity in the woods at night.
You stumbled upon a beautiful pond surrounded by luscious green trees. Lily pads floated in the water, and frogs croaked. The number of fireflies had increased, and little fairy circles littered the ground (you were careful not to step in them). There was a little cabin up a small hill. It had wooden walls and small windows which stopped you from seeing the inside.
You checked the time, 12:55 a.m. As you walked back, it started to rain. Great. A little rain never hurt anyone, right? But then it began to storm. The kind of storm that knocked loose widow makers, that made the ground shake, and could cause mudslides. You had to get inside and fast. You were closest to the cottage from earlier, and the trees got thicker by your campsite. You ran back as fast as you could and knocked on the door.
“Hello? Is anyone in there? It's storming, and my campsite is too far away, ” you called.
“It's open, ” a voice called.
You opened the door and shut it quickly, not wanting to be out in the storm for a second longer. Then, you took off your shoes.
“I’m making tea for us, ” the voice said.
“Oh, it's ok. You really don't have to-”
“I didn't ask you, ” the voice said again, “just accept my hospitality, ”
You sat down on the couch and scrolled through your phone. Even though you had sworn it had 50% left, it was now nearly dead.
“Do you have a phone charger I could borr-” the lights flickered off, “never mind, ”
Here you were, trapped in a stranger's house as it stormed with nothing but a dead phone and no power. The stranger walked into the room, and your first reaction was to scream.
“Calm down. I'm not gonna hurt you, ” Shigaraki said, setting down your tea.
“You're- you have- what are- y-you have, ” you stuttered in shock.
“Yeah, I've got wings and shit. Calm down, ” Tomura said, taking a sip of his tea.
You sat in silence for a moment as you processed.
“I'm tomura shigaraki, ” he said, “if we're stuck here together while it storms, we might as well know each other's names, ”
“I'm y/n, ” you said.
“Pretty name, ” Shigaraki said.
“Thank you, ” you nodded, “so how long do you think the storm will last?”
“No idea, but here it can rain for up to five days, ” he said.
“Oh, ” you said.
“It’ll be fine. I've got food for both of us, ” Shigaraki said.
“No, that's not what I'm worried about. I'm just scared of-” thunder roared, and lightning struck. You nearly jumped out of your seat.
“You're scared of storms, ” he finished, “you can come sit next to me if it would make you feel better or whatever, ” he offered.
You nodded and sat next to him. Despite looking...strange, his presence was very comforting. More thunder and lighting caused you to jump. He wrapped one of his soft wings around you.
“You're fine, y/n. Don't worry, ok?” Tomura said.
Did he know why he was letting you sit so close to him? No. Did he know why he wanted to comfort you? Also no.
“You're wet, ” he said.
You nearly choked, “what?”
“I’ll give you some clothes while yours are in the dryer, ” he said, getting up.
“Can I come with you?” you said, “I don't want to be alone, ”
He sighed, “sure, come on, ”
You both headed up to his room, and he threw you some clothes. Shigaraki looked at you, waiting patiently.
“Well?” he said.
“I'm not gonna change in front of you, ” you said, cheeks glowing bright red.
“I don't know why you're making it a big deal, ” he muttered, turning away.
Truthfully he'd never seen anyone naked and had lived alone most of his life. When he thought about you naked or even just in your underwear, he felt strange.
“I'll be right back, ” he muttered, heading to the bathroom.
He had a strange urge to touch himself, so he indulged. After unzipping his pants, he cupped his hardening cock gently and hissed at the new sensation. It felt weird but good. So good. He wrapped a hand around it and started stroking it gently, nearly moaning out loud.
He turned on the sink to mask any accidental noises. He kept stroking for a while longer, stifling even more noises. Soon he felt an intense tingling sensation in his balls that seemed to grow stronger and spread throughout his cock. As he finally burst, his whole body relaxed, and thick, white sticky liquid shot out of his dick. It was foreign to him, but it felt wonderful.
Meanwhile, outside, you had heard everything. You sat on the bed awkwardly as Tomura came out of the bathroom. He took your wet clothes.
“The um dryer is just downstairs, ” he said, looking towards the floor, “if you want to come with, ”
“Sure, ” you nodded, following behind him.
With your clothes in the dryer, you both sat downstairs on the couch. It was silent until you decided to try and lighten the mood.
“So what um do you like to do for fun?” you asked.
“I like games a lot, ” he said, taking a carrot off a plate of vegetables he'd gotten the two of you.
“I like games too, ” you smiled.
The both of you talked about games for a while until you nearly passed out.
“Hey, head upstairs. I'll take the couch, ” Shigaraki said, noticing your eyelids fluttering shut.
“No, I don't want to take your bed, ” you yawned.
“Get upstairs y/n. I'm serious just sleep in my fucking bed, ” Shigaraki ordered.
“But-, ”
“No, no buts, ” he interrupted.
“The least I can do is let you sleep with me. Won't you crush your wings on the couch?” you said.
“Fine. If it makes you feel better, I guess, ” Shigaraki mumbled.
You both walked upstairs. Shigaraki found a toothbrush for you, and you got into bed with him. You slept back to back, but it was cold. No, frigid. He could tell by the way you were shivering. He turned towards you and held you with both pairs of arms. A wing draped over you, and he rested his chin on your head.
“Don’t make it weird, ” he grunted.
“Ok, ” you said, sleep clouding your mind.
By the following day, you had turned towards him, and you both were completely tangled in each other. It was still storming when you woke up. You pulled Shigaraki closer, savoring his warmth.
“Morning, sleepyhead, ” he said.
“Morning, ” you responded.
He stroked your hair gently, wings humming quietly. He flipped on the light, and to your surprise, it worked. The power was back on!
“I’ll make breakfast, ” you said, getting up.
He pulled you back down, “ten more minutes. You're warm, ”
Ten minutes turned into an hour as you dozed off again. You couldn't help it, he was warm, and his nimble fingers traced designs on your back. The bed was so soft, and so were his wings. After a while, he woke you up, poking your cheek.
“Can you still make breakfast?” he said, smiling down at you.
You looked so beautiful with messy hair and tired eyes. Shigaraki couldn't help himself as he traced a finger over your lips. He saw the blush on your cheeks and rubbed his thumb over your bottom lip.
“You have nice lips, ” he whispered.
“Thank you, ” you said.
He sensed your breathing pick up along with your heartbeat.
“Your heart is beating really fast, y/n, ” Shigaraki said, bringing his face closer to yours, “are you alright?”
“Yeah. yeah, I'm fine, ” you said, “don't worry about me, ”
He nodded, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear.
“If you say so, ” he said, getting out of bed.
You already missed the warmth of his body; it was still freezing from all the rain. How could the weather change so quickly? You followed him downstairs and began to make breakfast. As you were cooking, you felt him put one of his zip-up hoodies over your shoulders.
“You look cold, ” he said, “take it, ”
“Thank you, ” you responded, pushing your arms into the sleeves immediately.
It smelled just like him. This was your routine with him for the next three days. On the morning of your fourth day, the rain had stopped. The thing is, neither of you said anything. You just went about your day together like normal. The truth is, you liked it here. You were so much happier with him in his little house than you had ever been anywhere else.
“The rain stopped over a month ago, ” he said one day, “why haven't you left?” that definitely didn't come off the way he wanted it to.
“Oh well, I can leave if you'd like-”
“No. Stay, ” he said, “I want you here,”
He got up and wrapped both pairs of arms around you.
“Stay, ” he whispered.
“I will, ” you said, pushing your face into the crook of his neck.
He held you like that for a while, savoring the feeling of you in his arms. The months flew by. Soon the leaves turned orange and red and fell to the ground. Next, the ground was bright white from the snow, and tulips began to bloom in the spring.
‘Shit,’ Shigaraki thought, ‘its spring’
He'd been feeling strange lately, and after googling his symptoms, he realized he was going into his first heat. He googled many things that night, some disgusted him, and some did quite the opposite.
“Hey y/n, you should probably head back and get your things. You've been here a while, so I'm just assuming you're staying, ” Shigaraki said, trying to sound nonchalant.
“I'm alright, ” you smiled, tending to the little garden you'd started, “I've gone into town a few times. I have everything I need, ”
“No, really, I think it would be good, ” he said.
“Shiggy, if you want me to leave, it's ok, ” you said, standing up and stroking his cheek.
He loved when you did that. It always made his wings buzz happily.
“No!” he said, “I don't want you to leave, please stay, ”
You smiled, “I'm not going anywhere, ok? You don't have to be so anxious; I'm staying, ”
He nodded, “I just- um, ”
“Go on, ” you urged, combing your fingers through his hair.
“I um think I'm going into...heat, ” he whispered the last part, “and I don't want you to have to deal with that, ”
“I don't mind, ” you said, “if it's alright with you, I’d like to stay. I'll take care of you, ”
He smiled and wrapped both pairs of arms around you.
“You're amazing, ” he said.
You giggled, “so what even happens during your heat? Do you get sick or something?”
“It’s hard to explain, ” he muttered.
“How am I supposed to take care of you if I don't know what's wrong?” you said, pouting up at him.
He shoved his phone in your hand, “here, ”
You read the screen, eyes widening and cheeks getting hot.
You looked up at him, “so you um, ”
“Yeah, ” he muttered, “as I said, you don't have to stay. I’m serious.”
You took a deep breath, “I want to stay. I want to help you in any way I can, even if it means letting you take my virginity. Truthfully I’d be happy if you did, Tomura, ”
“You would?” he asked, “are you sure?”
You nodded, “I think I've liked you for a while now. Even if you don't feel the same way, I just want you to know that I'm okay with whatever you need to do to me, ” your breath hitched at the last part.
You'd never seen yourself as submissive. You never took shit from anyone. Shigaraki didn't see you as submissive either, even with all the things you’d said. When they mixed with your tone and personality, they sounded caring but not in a submissive sense.
You were dominant, but not in the way he'd always thought of it. You were like...
“Mommy, ” he whispered.
So soft and gentle. Calm and caring but independent and strong.
“Can I call you that? It just feels...right, ” he said.
You nodded, “um sure, ”
“Mommy, ” he sighed, pressing his face into the crook of your neck.
You reached up to run your fingers through his hair. Shigaraki groaned quietly.
“About what you said earlier, I like you too, y/n, ” he said.
You smiled and pecked him on the lips. After you pulled away, he pressed his lips to yours again immediately. He grabbed your hair, pulling you closer as you yelped in surprise. He laughed softly, starting to slip his tongue into your mouth. Tomura tried to dominate the kiss to no avail. Instead, he fell victim to the way you were able to move your tongue around in his mouth, leaving almost nothing untouched.
You pulled away, admiring the dark blush on his cheeks. He's so pretty.
“I'm sleepy, mommy, ” he said before yawning.
He picked you up and carried you upstairs. You laughed and kissed him on the cheek. He put you down on the bed and practically laid on top of you. He wrapped his arms around you, letting his wings act as your blanket.
“Goodnight, ” you whispered.
“G’night, mommy, ” he mumbled.
You awoke to something rubbing your thigh.
“Mommy, ” he moaned, “mommy, please. Please, it hurts so bad, mommy, ”
As you became more conscious, you realized that he was humping your thigh. He’d already made a sticky mess in his pants and on your own. You kissed him gently. Letting your soft lips contrast between the rough humping of your leg.
“Want, ” he moaned, “need to mate, mommy. I need to please, ”
“It's alright, sweetie, ” you said, pulling him between your legs.
He began humping your crotch, panting and drooling.
“Mommy, ” he slurred, “I want in. I want in you, ”
His wings had been buzzing violently ever since you agreed. One set of hands cupping your face and the other holding your hips in place as he rubbed his cock on your clothed pussy. You wiggled out of your pants with his help, and he practically ripped off his own pants. He pulled off his boxers and ripped off your panties. He shoved himself into you, nearly screaming at the way your warm wet cunt sucked his cock in. The way you clenched because he was big, so fucking big.
“Mommy, ” he chanted, “mommy, mommy, mommy, ”
He lasted a surprisingly long time, wandering fingers finding your clit. He slammed into you, slapping skin and squelching filled his ears, but all of this was drowned out by his moans and whimpers. Finally, Tomura pushed you over the edge. You clenched and came all around his cock with a loud moan.
“Mommy, ” he sobbed, “breed mommy, I need you to take my cum mommy. I need you to let me breed you and make you all pretty with my kids, ”
“Yes, Tomu, go ahead, sweetie. Breed, mommy, ” you moaned.
He gasped and sobbed as an absurd amount of cum flooded your cunt. It began to ooze out of your cunt around his cock. He collapsed on top of you, panting as his cock softened inside of you. His heat was over. His need to breed you was met. He was exhausted, couldn't move to bathe, only pass out with you safe in his arms.
Over time you did swell up with his kids. He was so excited to start a family, to claim you with his offspring. If you had his kids, you were his, end of story. No one was allowed to look at you or touch you.
‘Mommy’s so pretty when she's bred,’ he thought to himself as he kissed your stomach.
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