#oh to be manhandled by adora
madnessandentropy · 5 months
I'd almost be willing to forgive people being so defensive of abusive romantic relationships if the abuse was more subtle, since a problem in mainstream media is that abuse is only portrayed as screaming yelling and causing physical harm + very vicious in your face insults and demeaning or shaming them and if it's not like that the victim is just over reacting.
And then I remember the abusive relationships they all desperately defend aren't subtle. In fact that abuse is painfully obvious, but the show and fans sweep it under the rug and try to blame it on trauma or forget about it completely and its never criticised or even acknowledged by the characters.
My main two examples are Stolas and Catra.
Let's see here
First Stolas. His isn't quite as in you face but it should be at least a little obvious. The way he demeans Blitz, treats him like a toy, always calls him his little imp (which is very yikes), and oh uh idk literally r*pes him by withholding something Blitz literally needs to get the money to survive and only gives it when Blitz has sex with him, which Blitz has been blatantly not willing to do and incredibly unhappy about.
I literally do not care what you say. If the deal is "you have sex with me and in return I'll give you the thing that will keep you alive" and the other person is extremely unwilling but is backed into a corner, it. Is. Rape.
That's honestly main problem with them.
But no. He's an a soft traumatised owl and Blitz is in the wrong for not giving him time of day or being open with him.
Now Catra.
Oooh Catra
"She's not abusive! She's a traumatised victim fighting in a war!"
Second part correct, first part not so much.
I have more to say here because her actions are much more in your face
Firstly she is often yelling/screaming at Adora, ripping apart her self esteem and calling her stupid (something which Adora comes to believe) and many other pretty shitty things you should not be saying to someone you've supposedly loved since the start. And she continues calling Adora stupid even during her confession.
Catra is constantly shaming and guilt tripping Adora. Repeating her "You left me!" jargon after Adora has given chance after chance, begging her to come with so they can stay together. And many times it is Catra doing the leaving. She has abandoned Adora in perilous situations multiple times.
Physical harm is everywhere. Yes they're on opposite sides of war. But notice how Adora is reluctant to fight Catra and when she does she tries to take her out in as non violent of a way as possible?
Catra does none of that. In fact, she treats Adora 10x worse than the enemies she barely knows, purposefully targeting Adora with her claws and attacking her, laughing in sheer joy as she tortures her in multiple different ways across the seasons. Even before Adora left the Horde, Catra is constantly manhandling her, yanking her around by the hair, tazing her and other actions like that.
Adora has scars on her back from Catra's claws.
Yes Catra had a redemption as poor as it was. Yes she loves Adora (apparently). Yes she had a traumatising upbringing.
But that does not make her actions okay.
No matter how many good reasons you have or how sorry you say you are, it doesn't make beating, torturing and tearing down the self esteem and mental health of your other half okay.
Even if Catra stopped (and she did not), Adora shouldn't have been painted as the one in the wrong in the series. Adora shouldn't have had to be the one to apologise (yes Catra apologised but only when she thought she was dying) and Adora shouldn't have gotten into a relationship with her abuser.
Spop had the perfect opportunity to show that, even if a person is traumatised and says they're sorry, its okay to walk away.
It's okay to care about your own wellbeing over theirs when they do nothing but treat you like trash.
You don't have to forgive them.
You don't have to return their feelings.
Sometimes it's better for the both of you to separate.
But they didn't.
Instead Catra can do no wrong. She's forgiven instantly. They never bring up the lives she's destroyed, the people she killed- including Glimmer's mother. She's just a soft baby who's actually not that bad and Adora is a terrible person for leaving the Horde after learning it was lying to them and committing mass genocide >:/... and an idiot for not noticing that the woman who tears her down and beats her is in love with her.
And I know HB is going to go down this route too, but with significantly worse storytelling
And that almost frightens me
How can I expect subtle abuse to be tackled in any way when in your face abuse like this is romanticised?
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idollete · 20 days
AMIGA eu ainda estou chapada e pensei EM OUTRA COISA cenário parecido com o último but it has a little kick to it !!
em uma viagem da leitora com o elenco, na qual ela fica escondida com o fernando, ela se torna mais próxima do kuku, passam mais tempo conversando e conhecendo o outro. e ela adora essa nova dinâmica, pq além de se aproximar de uma pessoa que acha legal, o fernando fica meio mordidinho de ciúme e depois desconta nela. o esteban depois de um tempinho só sendo legal, se torna uma pessoa atraente, mas se fosse pra pegar alguém, não seria o melhor amigo do seu ficante, né? então tenta deixar esse pensamento pra lá…
em uma das resenhazinhas à noite, em que todo mundo tá bebendo, comendo e conversando, o fernando (já percebendo essa faisquinha entre os dois e novamente, por motivos de causar tesão, tem um pézinho no voyeurismo) fala no ouvidinho dela pra ir pro quarto, que daqui a pouco ele ia atrás pra ninguém suspeitar de nada. ela sobe, mas no meio das escadas escuta o kuku chamando ela, que por estar um tiquinho bêbado criou coragem de aproveitar a chance dar em cima dela, ela o responde e fala que vai procurar uma coisa no quarto, e pede ajuda pq, foda-se, quem mandou fernando não me assumir?
eles sobem, acabam sentando na cama e 5 milésimos antes do primeiro soltar o primeiro flerte, fernando entra no quarto com uma CARA DE PUTO e marrento. o primeiro impulso deles é assegurar pra ele que nada tava acontecendo, e o fernando muda de feição, pra uma de sínico é safado, e diz “ainda bem que nada aconteceu ainda, imagina se eu perdesse um segundo disso?”. aí o kuku e a leitora ¿uai? naaao hermano somos amigos só
o fernando começa a jogar as cartas na mesa, fala que já reparou como agem um perto do outro e comenta sobre o fato de esteban já ter elogiado a aparência da leitora. e aí ele senta do lado dela, que fica entre os dois oh delícia pode ir me botando, e fernando diz “vai esteban, pode beijar ela, eu sei que os dois querem isso” e depois de um tempinho provocando os dois, se beijam sim. o fernando é hiperativo e não consegue só ficar assistindo, então vai subindo com as mãos na coxa dela e quando vê o quão molhada ela tá, interrompe os dois e faz o esteban ver por ele mesmo.
e isso se transforma em uma putaria muito doida depois, pq o kuku vai adquirindo a confiança do amigo dele por osmose. nossa lobinha é transformada em uma bonequinha de pano na mão dos dois amamos manhandling por aqui
não mas aqui você foi LUZZZZZ DIVINA AMIGA!!!!!!
primeiro que fernando contigiani voyeur é SABOROSÍSSIMO, amamos isso por aqui, segundo que ele e o kuku são a dupla mais sensacional que poderia ser colocada em cenários assim
juro que ADOREI demaissss!!!!!
e assim, mesmo fazendo essa putaria toda, o fernando vai SIM ser possessivo contigo, te puxa pelo cabelo e sussurra no pé do teu ouvido que "aproveita, princesa, porque essa é a primeira e última vez que eu deixo outro cara encostar em ti assim. você é a minha bonequinha de foda, só minha"
mas ele também adora te pôr pra fazer as coisas com o esteban, empurra a tua cabeça contra o pau dele só pra te fazer engasgar, diz que ele pode maltratar mesmo, "ela é uma putinha, cara, gosta de ser tratada mal"
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catracorner962 · 4 years
Day Three: I Can’t Believe You Killed My Mother or I Can’t Believe I Hated You
“You’ll never be good at anything!”
“No! No!”
Catra’s claws were futile against the slick green fluid, like oil sliding against her skin, matting the fur of her tail. She writhed, horde clones pressing down on every inch of her, their clawed fingers digging into her skin, so this is what it feels like…. ? The impossible weight of them baring down on her, despite all her fighting and thrashing. Every scream sent more of the vile substance gushing into her throat, choking and spluttering. Images swam in her head, voices echoed.
“I didn’t open the portal! You made your choice! Now live with it!”
“You’re a bad friend.”
“You’re a failure,”
“No!” Catra screamed, back arching off the slab,
“Easy now Little Sister! All beings must suffer to become pure.”
“I will dispose of you myself.”
Shadow Weaver
Catra squeezed her eyes shut against the harsh blinding light, kicking and throwing her arms as the clones held her down.  Out of the black toil of her racing mind another form emerged. This one shorter, fists ablaze with purple sparkling light. Eyes full of unconquerable rage.
“I can’t believe you killed my mother!”
“No…” she coughed. “I did...I...didn’t know!”
Sparkles. She was safe now. Adora would be safe. This was how it was supposed to be. She knew this was going to happen. Knew it the moment she watched Hordak emerge from that pool. Worse than the evil ruler he’d been, he was nothing. A blank vessel for Horde Prime to inhabit and corrupt.
The hot taste of burning water seared across her mouth as she choked for air, ears ringing.
“Are you saving me?” Sparkles had exclaimed.
“Not you! Adora!”
But in doing so she had saved the princess, and maybe deep down part of her was glad. Not that it could ever make up for what she’d done…
“You killed my mother!”
The sparkly princess screamed into her face, her whole body alight with magic. Catra seized, trying to thwart the clones manhandling her.
“I didn’t know!”
She apologized to Adora, and she’d meant it. It was a cruel trick the stars played on her, that apologizing to Glimmer was somehow so much harder.
“S….sparkles! G...g...glim!” She vomited, coughing and gasped. “Glimmer!” Tears ran down her cheeks, mingling with the thick sloshing water.
“You must purge your pain Little Sister,” the clones changed. “Cast out the shadows, cast out the shadows, cast out the shadows.”
Catra squirmed, contorting desperately in the vat of fluid, it burned, eclectic static stinging through her skin into her body, her mind swarming with the faces of everyone she’d ever hurt.
“Cast out the shadows! Cast out the shadows…”
The green water rushed down her throat, flooding her insides with what felt like acid. She kicked, twisting, her head spinning. Fading in and out. In and out…
“Cast out the shadows!”
“You killed my mother, you monster! You’ll never be good at anything. You will never amount to anything. It's no wonder Adora left you. She doesn’t want you. She’ll never love you. You don’t deserve love.”
“Cast out the shadows! Cast out the shadows! Cast out the…”
Catra screamed and the bright green fluid enclosed around her.
Three Years Later
Catra shifted among the lilac sheets, silver moonlight pooling across the bed. She blinked slowly, breathing in the sweet scent of the girl beside her. Her tail curled absently around Glimmer’s calf.
“Hey you,” she mumbled, watching the princess stir awake.
“How long was I out? Is it still nighttime?”
Catra nodded, running her fingers through pink, purple hair. Her locks were soft and shimmering.
“You and Adora, neither one of you can relax enough to get a goodnight’s sleep.” Glimmer giggled, twisting  her arms around Catra’s waist. She buried her face in the girl’s stomach and hummed content. Catra smiled, running her fingertips along Glimmer’s forearm, watching the little goosebumps prickle up. Her skin was warm and soft and gentle, everything Catra never thought she deserved. Everything she never allowed herself to feel. Until now. She held Glimmer tight, pressing her face to the top of the princesses head. A wave of inexorable guilt crashed over her.
“....I killed you mother,” Catra whispered, her voice breaking. Tears edged to her eyes. Glimmer adjusted herself, rolling on to her stomach, chin resting on Catra’s chest.
“My mother made her choice,” Glimmer answered, monotone. She reached her hands up, holding each side of Catra’s face.
“But...I...I opened the portal. Adora was right, that was my fault. I pulled the lever….I…”
“Can I ask you something?” Glimmer whispered against Catra’s lips. She nodded, returning the princess’s kiss with one of her own, though it was tinged with tears. “If you could go back in time...would you do it again? Open the portal?”
Catra’s stomach clenched with that familiar guilt. Guilt that ate at her everyday, though Perfuma’s sessions continuously reminded her that she should be looking forward now, focussing on the future instead of the past. She had tried...was trying to do just that. She’d made amends with Adora, the two of them now best friends somehow once more. She’d even fallen in love with Glimmer. But some things, some things were just too terrible.
“No, of course I wouldn’t!” She answered quickly, kissing Glimmer back with urgency. Wanting to feel her close, wanting to taste her and feel her breath and never ever leave their room. She would never do that ever again...wouldn’t she? Wouldn’t she?
“Are you sure?” Glimmer cocked a brow, fixing her with a look of reproach. Catra scooted up in their bed, pulling the sparkly princess into her lap. She stroked one finger across Glimmer’s jaw, looking into those dazzling eyes. Full of passion and ambition and nobility and no small amount of grit that she loved so much.
“No,” Catra breathed. “No….I’m not sure w..what I’d do...”
Glimmer nodded, sadly, biting her lip, one hand coming up and running through Catra’s hair. She leaned her head on the other girl’s shoulder.
“I love you,” Catra mumbled, reaching up and holding Glimmer to her.
“I can’t believe I hated you,” Glimmer breathed, burying her face in Catra’s neck.
“I’m so sorry,” tears fell down Catra’s cheeks, landing in droplets on her hair. Glimmer looked up, kissing her tears from her face.
“I...I don’t know what I’d do with the portal...b...but if I could...I...I’d take your mom’s place.”
“Shhh….shhhh now, Horde Scum” Glimmer soothed, peppering kisses across Catra’s face. “You don’t have to keep apologizing.”
“I...I don’t know what else to do.”
“You can keep going to see Perfuma, and helping me and Adora and Bow bring magic back to the galaxy. You can keep doing what you’ve been doing.”
Catra nodded, wiping at her face and hugged Glimmer to her.
“Oh, but there is one thing you could do,” she raised a brow in that familiar way Catra recognized.
“Oh really Sparkles?” Her charismatic grin returned.
“Yes,” Glimmer taunted, suddenly pushing Catra down onto the bed and straddling her.
“You can kiss me,”  Glimmer laughed deliciously. Catra obliged.
“You still taste like glitter Sparkles!”
“You love it, Horde Scum!”
Catra grinned wickedly,
“I sure do.”
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jeserai · 5 years
49. “Im too sober for this” for catradora sounds like a lot of fun
#49. “I’m too sober for this”
She’s high now, lazy and suave and stupidly hot as she takes Adora’s drink and downs it like it’s just another glass of water. If that isn’t enough, if watching her smoke and hearing her raspy voice and having the warmth of her body pressed so close isn’t enough, well. Adora quickly discovers that Catra is handsy and flirty and absolutely fucking awful when she’s crossfaded.
Catra has a neat little row of empty bottles in front of her—Adora counts six, plus the one in her hand now. She frowns, looking down at her own drink (her first, and she’s barely even half done with that) and then glances back up to see Catra eyeing her. Neither of them say anything, but Catra pats the couch and Adora obediently gets off of the floor and curls into her side so that they’re squished together as close as humanly possible. Catra hums, low in her throat, then wraps her free arm around Adora’s middle and presses her nose into Adora’s neck.
“Hey, Adora,” she murmurs. This close, Catra almost kisses her skin when she speaks, and Adora shivers. She wants to ask Catra what she’s doing, what her intentions are, but what comes tumbling out instead is— 
How did you drink so much?“
"It’s just beer, princess. This is nothing.”
“Still, it’s a lot…”
Catra’s grin, cheshire sharp and lazy, brushes against her cheek now as Catra somehow presses into her further. “Worrying about me, sweetheart?”
“What—? Pfft, no way! You wish.”
Catra hums again, but doesn’t say anything. Doesn’t pull away, either. Just wraps her arms around Adora’s middle, snaking her fingers beneath Adora’s shirt to rub idle circles against her skin. It feels—stupidly good, and Adora’s cheeks flush as she remembers that they are very much not alone. Suddenly, she can’t help wondering what everyone else must think of them now.
(Of course though, no one is paying attention to them. Somehow, she thinks that even if they were, they wouldn’t care.)
“Does anyone want to smoke?” Perfuma calls out then, and Adora bites back a laugh because even though no one’s answered yet, she’s already digging through her bag for a lighter and her weed.
“I will,” Catra says, and Adora shivers a little as her voice rumbles through her body. Quieter, Catra asks, “Are you going to smoke, princess?”
Adora shivers again, turning her face into Catra’s neck in lieu of an answer. Catra laughs, low and raspy, and nudges her after a few minutes when Perfuma holds out the lit blunt. Adora takes it gingerly, passing it to Catra and watching with her heart in her throat as Catra takes a long hit, lolling her head back to exhale towards the ceiling. It shouldn’t be as hot as it is, and Adora doesn’t think it’s on purpose until Catra looks at her with lidded eyes and winks.
The blunt makes its way around their loose circle over and over, and Catra takes it every time; Adora doesn’t at all, even if Catra teases her about it. (“I’m already a lightweight,” she explains over Catra’s laughter, “I swear I’ll get just as high as you just from contact alone.”)
Catra keeps humming every so often, and her voice has turned just a bit deeper, just a bit raspier, and Adora is—she likes it. A lot. And she likes it even more when she comes back from getting another drink to see Catra stretched out on the couch, legs spread and eyes heavy lidded, that stupid cheshire smile on her lips as she calls for Adora. (Adora takes a huge swig of beer to keep from thinking about it.)
She’s crossfaded now, lazy and suave and stupidly hot as she takes Adora’s drink and downs it like it’s just another glass of water. If that isn’t enough, if watching her smoke and hearing her raspy voice and having the warmth of her body pressed so close isn’t enough, well. Adora quickly discovers that Catra is handsy and flirty and absolutely fucking awful when she’s crossfaded.
(“Adora,” Catra mumbles, “as much as I love having you on my thigh, you’re fucking heavy. Scoot, princess.” And she’s doing it herself, manhandling Adora so that she’s sitting square in her lap. Her nails dig into Adora’s hips, sudden pricks of pain that make her breath catch in her throat, and Catra’s hands stay there far longer than they need to be.)
“Hey, Adora?” Catra murmurs eventually; her hands are still on her hips, by now snuck beneath her shirt to press against her skin.
Catra doesn’t say anything: she leans up and presses a slow kiss to the side of Adora’s neck as one hand snakes down to rest warm and light on her thigh.
And oh, oh. Adora grabs a drink—berry vodka, apparently—and forces herself to take a long swig. “I’m too sober for this,” she mutters by way of explanation, but her heart is in her throat in the best way as she nods. Catra just laughs, light and joyful her ear before pushing her up, impatient as always. But she slips her hand into Adora’s, and keeps their hands linked as they stumble upstairs, chased by the chorus of their friends’ catcalls.
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smxmuffinpeddling · 5 years
#5 seduction
Bow and Glimmer were just hanging out in her spacious room, generally minding their own business and feeling rather proud of themselves. They had just delivered a round of ‘Best Friend Squad’ advice to Adora, and it was probably their best advice to date. “She’s grown up so fast,” Glimmer had said wistfully as Adora skipped out the door, bolstered by a group hug. Now, they simply had to wait for the fruit of their labor to come to fruition, blossoming long-awaited love right before their very eyes-
The door slammed open so hard Bow screamed and Glimmer fell off her ceiling bed. 
“Guys,” Adora wheezed as she stormed in, looking more winded and panicked than usual. “She’s DEAD.” 
“WHAT?” Bow’s voice went higher as he matched the panicked state of his friend. “Who is dead, Adora?!” 
“CATRA!” Adora grabbed at her hair poof, stricken. “One minute I was following your advice and then the next, she’s DEAD--”
“Hold the fuck up!!” Glimmer intervened, waving her hands to prevent any more damage from happening. “You can’t commit murder! My mom would KILL me!” 
“That’s what you’re worried about?” Bow said in disbelief as Adora took to pacing about the room, laughing to herself while muttering “this isn’t happening, this isn’t happening, its all Mara’s fault-” 
“What? Catra probably had it coming!” 
“NOBODY HAS THAT COMING, GLIMMER,” Bow snapped so hard his voice chipped into a million pieces. 
“OH MY god, I actually killed Catra!” Adora shouted into the curtains across the room. 
“Stop saying that, Adora! We can’t let anyone know you murdered Catra!” Glimmer glimmered Adora up onto her bed. “Don’t move!”
“And where are you going?” Bow asked once Glimmer teleported back down. 
“Where do you think?!” she snapped back at him before poofing into glitter. A second later she reappeared wielding a rolled-up rug twice her height. “WE’RE GOING TO HIDE A BODY!”
“NO! NOnononono, I am NOT hiding a dead body today,” Bow tried to take the rolled-up rug away from Glimmer. However, the small Princess was much stronger than she looked, resulting in a heated tug of war. 
“Why won’t you get rid of a dead body for your best friend, Bow?!” Glimmer accused as she manhandled the rug away from the archer. 
“I’m trying to think rationally here! Where would you even hide a dead body, Glimmer?!”
“Well, OBVIOUSLY in a spare room, where else would I hide a dead body?!” 
Their shouting match nearly drowned out the sniffles of their third party member above them. Hearing it, they went from fiery panic to somber guilt in an instant. 
“Maybe we should take stock of the situation first?” Bow offered quietly. 
“Yeah,” Glimmer agreed with an accepting sigh. Just for good measure, she gave one last tug to the rug, but Bow held fast and shot her a warning look. “Ugh, okay okay! Talking first, hiding the dead body later,” she relented. 
A second later they were both up in Glimmer’s bed overlooking the room and their clearly broken up friend huddled in the sheets. 
“Oh, Adora,” Glimmer took pity on her, pulling the blonde into a hug. Adora melted into the smaller girl’s warm embrace, pitiful tears escaping her eyes. 
“Idunnowhathappeneditwasllsocrazy,” Adora’s mumbles somehow strung together a sentence.
“Tell us what happened, Adora,” Bow encouraged in his best supportive friend voice.
It took a few minutes for Adora’s sniveling to calm down enough to understand what she was saying. 
“W-well, earlier, I was trying out those lines you made me rehearse…” 
Adora squinted at the writing she had scribbled onto her palm before speaking in her most confident voice. “Catra, would you like to accompany me to the, Cineighma, tonight? It would be most, auspiciooious.” 
“What? What the fuck language are you even speaking, Adora?” Catra stomped down Adora’s attempt at being charming so fast, the blonde was left stumbling on her own feet. 
“Er, uh, what I’m trying to say, that is,” Adora was deflating faster than a popped balloon. 
“Whatever, check out this weird thing I found in my room.” Catra dismissed whatever Adora was saying to pull her over to her bed. 
“That? Oh, that’s a cushion,” Adora enunciated, proud that she was now the one who knew what a thing was called. 
“Is it like a pillow?” 
“Sort of? Except there’s extra of them.”
“Why?” Catra questioned, tilting her head in annoyed confusion. 
“Uhh… Well, because..? I have no idea,” Adora deadpanned, glaring at the offending mystery cushion as well. 
“I wanna tear it to pieces,” Catra announced, unsheathing her claws. 
“Please don’t.” 
“And then you killed her?” Glimmer said in understanding. Bow cleared his throat and communicated his thoughts that Glimmer should reign it in through his facial expressions alone.
“She wanted to destroy a cushion, Bow! What sort of monster would do that?” She stroked Adora’s head in comfort and whispered: “You did the right thing.”  
Bow groaned. “Then what actually happened, Adora?” 
Adora wiped a trail of snot from her nose. “And then Catra said ‘Shut up idiot if you wanna hit this tail then hit it you coward’ and I was like ‘kay’ because I’m NOT a coward, and then--” 
“WhoaWhoaWHOA, time out!” Bow held up his hands in surrender. “Do we really need to know this part?” 
“Oh, that little hussy!” Glimmer growled, holding innocent Adora closer to herself. “We put so much work into teaching you the art of seduction only for it to be that easy? I can’t believe I actually put thought into my advice!”
“Your advice was ‘waterfall and chill’,” Bow muttered into his palm, which was currently buried in his face. 
“Oh, like yours was any better?”
“I told her to be herself!”
“That never actually works, Bow!” 
“Is that really your take away from this story? Really?”
“My take away from this story is that Adora killed a woman by banging her brains out, BOW!” Adora’s sniffling turned into a full-blown wail, startling the bickering pair. “Not that it’s your fault, she obviously couldn’t handle you!” Glimmer was quick to console. 
“Oh my god, could you please just SHHshedhssheSHHSh!” Bow was about ready to strangle himself with his own crop top. “What actually freaking happened, Adora?!” 
“I hit it!” Adora cried. 
“I turned into She-Ra and I hit her tail!” At this point, an entire waterfall was gushing out of Adora’s face. “She went all-” Adora made a noise like a high-pitched gorilla grunt, “- and now she’s DEAD.” 
“HOW THOUGH?” Bow screeched. 
“Don’t stress her out, Bow! We need to hurry up and get rid of the body!!” 
“I can’t even BELIEVE-- hhhhh- hrnfineFINE, which spare room are we using?”
Outside the door and listening to this entire conversation, Catra wished she actually was dead.
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yukiwrites · 5 years
A Clumsy Addition
Thank you so much for commissioning me again, @arod7293! I hope you like it!
Summary: After seeing yet another child of ELise and Ryoma’s, Felicia and Azura feel the need to expand their family by one more member -- and the maid is happy to be the host for their baby this time. Young Arete is on her way!
Commission info HERE and HERE!
The kingdom of Hoshido was in a state of joy. Their small Queen Elise had been carrying King Ryoma's second child for the past nine months -- and even though it was her second pregnancy, the people's thoughts and prayers stayed with her since she was so tiny while Ryoma was a large man. They worried for their Queen's wellbeing during the entire pregnancy, but that came to an end the very day the royal family gained yet another family member -- a big baby girl with a loud voice and brown hair was born.
"We won't release her name until a while from now, but it's fine to tell you since you're my family!" Elise chirped happily as she welcomed her siblings for yet another baby shower. "She's Carmellia! Like the flower and like my beloved Big Sis, heehee!"
Well, 'welcomed' might not have been the right word: she was still in bed from the birthing, but, this time, Shiro welcomed the guests with a prideful puff of chest.
"Baby shistah, Shiro's." He would point to Carmellia's tiny futon, patting it so as to encourage people to sit closer so he could show his sister off to people.
Camilla cried a little after seeing her namesake cooing uncomfortably and adorably by her small cot. "And you named such a sweet little bun of adorableness after me? I'm unworthy, Elise!" She hugged her youngest sister, wanting to squeeze her dry, but mindful of her condition.
"Heehee... I don't think I'm still there yet in this 'motherhood' thing, so I always keep striving to be like you, Big Sis. I hope naming this little one after you will give me the strength I need to be their guiding light." Elise said awkwardly, smiling softly as she caressed her baby's fluffy cheek. "I just want them to do a good job in raising them like you did with me."
"Oh, my darling!" Camilla sniffled, pressing her forehead on Elise's. "You've already grown so very much since we were young; surely you are already an outstanding mother to these little meat buns. Aren't I right, Shiro-bun?"
The toddler flashed a wide, toothless grin, nodding vehemently. "Uh-huh! Mommy's best Mommy!"
"Shiroooo!" Elise sobbed, snatching her son from his seat to give him a bear hug.
"A-Azuraaaa!" Felicia hiccupped from the door, not wanting to disturb the adorable display of familial love. "I don't know how to announce ourselvess! Everything is s-so cute!"
The princess patted her wife's shoulder, her heart warm from watching the scene unfold. "We will have our opportunity, hm?" She looked down to the toddlers by their feet.
Shigure held onto Felicia's skirt as Linnea stood in front of Azura, both of them watching Shiro being manhandled by his mother and aunt.
Suddenly, Linnea raised her hand as though asking for permission to speak, though she waited for none and spoke anyway. "Lin' too! Huggies, Mommy!" She raised her other arm, stumbling over her own chubby feet to turn around to Azura.
"Shi-Shigure too..." The boy held onto Felicia's leg, pouting visibly.
Both mothers clutched their hearts in adorableness, bending down to pick their children up. "What spoiled little children we have here!" Azura giggled, booping Linnea's nose. The little girl giggled enthusiastically, hiding in her Mommy's shoulder. Shigure looked from his sister to Felicia, his eyes shining expectantingly.
The maid blushed deeply, her heart being maimed by the cuteness of her children. "W-what a spoiled little child w-we have here...!" She stuttered, embarrassed, booping Shigure's nose right after.
The toddler smiled brightly, giggling into his Mama's shoulder. "Heeheee, MAMA'S the best Mama." He said loud enough for the whole room to hear, catching Elise's, Camilla's and Shiro's attention.
The young High Prince puffed his cheeks. "It's MOMMY!" He struggled to disentangle himself from Elise, jumping on the wooden floor.
"Mama!" Shigure didn't even look to Shiro, holding onto Felicia instead. The maid, on her part, was on the verge of having a crying fit due to how utterly cute her child was.
"Mommy!!" Shiro stomped on the floor, his chubby cheeks so stuffed it looked like he had overeaten.
"Yeah! Mommy!" Linnea kicked her feet by Azura's arms, pointing to the princess.
"Oh, my!" Azura gasped softly with a smile.
Shiro's brow furrowed deeply for a second or two, his small brain trying to understand what had happened, but soon a clicking sound could almost be heard inside his head. "MY Mommy!"
"Mine!" Linnea and Shigure said in unison, overwhelming the solo High Prince on the floor. His lips started trembling as his eyes shone with tears.
"MINE!" He stomped on the floor. "Mine, mine, mine!"
"There, now, Shiro! Be good to your cousins, please?" Elise tried to appease her son from her futon while Camilla giggled.
"Isn't it adora- oh, dear, we woke little Carmellia."
"Ah!" Shiro snapped out of it, quickly running towards his little sister. "I sorry! Big bro do shh now!" He panicked.
"Aww, you're already a full-fledged big brother now, aren't you, Shiro?" Elise pinched her firstborn's cheek before collecting Carmellia from her futon, intent on breastfeeding her. "Little Carmy's so lucky, isn't she?"
Shiro widened his eyes, his cheeks reddening with pride. "M-mhm! Shiro best big bro!" He nodded as he watched his mother coddle the little baby, poking her chubby arms gleefully. "Heehee...!"
"Maybe we should excuse ourselves for now," Azura said in a low voice so as not to upset the baby even more. "Forgive us for making a scene-"
"Oh, psh, Shiro's like that with everything!" Elise shook her head, adjusting Carmellia on her breast. "He's just like Ryoma, competitive about everything! Can you believe it? He's TWO!"
"Heehee," Felicia giggled, finding a place to sit. "Shiro's so energetic; just like Linnea." The maid put Shigure over her lap, criss-crossing her hands over his belly.
Azura watched how her wife got all mushy about the royal baby and smiled to herself, quietly sitting beside her. She put Linnea on the floor, the toddler immediately taking off to the futon so as to take a closer look at Carmellia.
She and Shiro exchanged some gibberish baby words, though it actually looked like they were understanding each other as they pointed from Shigure to Elise to Carmellia and finally to Camilla. It seemed like a very important discussion, so the adults simply sat back and watched them do their thing.
Despite their young age, it was surprising how well the three toddlers behaved in the presence of a smaller baby than themselves. Shiro made Linnea and Shigure sit in front of him as he spoke of something serious-sounding in their baby language, as though he were a teacher giving a lecture.
Felicia inadvertently took Azura's hand as they sat there, side by side in that room filled with motherly love. It was as though she was in a trance, watching that young Elise grow up into such a beautiful and caring mother.
It made the maid wonder if she ever could be like that, as well.
Of course, don't get Felicia wrong -- she was as much Linnea's and Shigure's mother as Azura, that was a fact.
But- but she... She wondered how it would feel to carry the fruit of hers and Azura's bond; to nurture it, bring it to life and be the first one to hold it after it was born... Somehow, she found herself thinking that it would be great to have another addition to their small and happy family.
And this time, she would be the one to get pregnant.
"Azura, I..." She whispered as the toddlers got along in the middle of the room.
The princess squeezed her wife's hand. "I am quite sure I know what you'll say, my love." She rested her head on Felicia's shoulder. "And I do think it would be such a great happiness I do not know how to cope with it."
Felicia teared up immediately, sliding one hand through her wife's back, holding her waist. "Oh, Azura...!"
They didn't need words.
Their bond was strong to the point of conveying their strongest feelings through it without so much of a conversation.
They would do it -- they wanted to have another bond child; to make their family even more wholesome than it already was. They would have a third child.
Since Linnea and Shigure didn't need breastfeeding nor constant attention during the nights, Felicia and Azura felt comfortable in leaving them behind for two days or three while they enclosed themselves inside the same DeepRealm that had welcomed them during Azura's pregnancy.
Of course, the twins couldn't be left alone, so they would spend this short week with their aunts Corrin and Rhajat, who happily volunteered to take care of the little ones. Well, Corrin happily volunteered as Rhajat simply smiled shyly under her bangs, always enjoying the presence of little children around her.
Felicia and Azura felt like newlyweds preparing for their honeymoon -- they clearly remembered how dream-like the first eight months of retreat inside the DR were.
Being only around each other, 24 hours a day, worrying only about what name to give to their little baby.
Of course, they would miss the twins terribly, so they would take some of their toys and baby clothes alongside their luggage so as to appease the hole the toddlers surely would leave in their hearts.
They thought about taking Shigure and Linnea with them, but were scared that the DeepRealm would rob them of their youth, much like what had happened to Rhajat and the other DR children. Azura and Felicia wanted their babies to grow up following the proper wheels of time, inside the real world they were born in.
Over the course of the next week, the wives decided on the smallests details, making sure to tell the twins that they would only go away for a short while and to be good children to aunt Corrin and aunt Rhajat.
"Lin be good! Mama and Mommy go!" Linnea saluted clumsily, too young to have eye-to-hand coordination as Shigure held onto her.
"Shigure too. No late, Mama. No late, Mommy." He pouted, already missing his mothers before they even started making their bags to go.
"We were blessed with such good children, weren't we, my love?" Azura picked Linnea up as Felicia did the same with Shigure, sharing a big and warm family hug.
"Mhm; and we're about to be blessed with yet another good girl or boy."
The ritual would be performed inside the DeepRealm, unlike before. After all, neither the wives nor the Queens wanted the children to witness their Mama fainting after being kissed by their Mommy; it would only bring unnecessary distress to their young, budding hearts.
"You know the drill," Rhajat handed each of them a ritual knife, placing a bowl over the table between them so as to collect the blood. "No need to be so nervous, alright? Last time, you almost fainted even though Azura was the one having her stamina sapped." The Queen Consort pointed to the eerily-calm maid.
"Oh, um," Felicia smiled, glancing from her wife to the bowl, then to the Queen Consort. "I think NOW I can understand what Azura felt that time, you know? She simply... trusted me. Trusted that I would be the first thing she would see when she woke up and that I would make sure to catch her; just like I do now."
"I'll make sure our heads don't bonk, either." Azura teased.
"T-that's mean! They didn't bonk that time..."
Rhajat snorted, pushing the bowl closer to them. "... I'll have your blood, now."
"Right," they said in unison, smiling at each other before cutting their wrists and watching the red liquid flow from their arms to the bowl for a short couple of seconds before the healing magic of the ritual knives kicked in and closed their wounds.
"Remember to-"
"Hold our hands, yes." Azura nodded, intertwining her fingers with her wife's closing her eyes. "Our bond will not lose, Rhajat."
"... I believe it." The Queen Consort whispered under her breath, taking the blood so as to add the potion -- the mixture once again turned into a bright shade of pink, signaling its success. "I wonder if mine and Corrin’s would reflect such a clear color... I'm somewhat jealous," she said to herself, but immediately shook her head, walking towards Azura. "This time, you'll be the one drinking it, then kissing your wife."
Azura groggily opened her eyes, the ritual already possessing both wives, sapping them of their strengths and zoning out their senses. She gulped the potion in one go, listening to the sound of her own rasped breathing.
So that's how Felicia felt the day they conceived -- the potion burned from her lips to her insides; it was a fire that could only be put down with the sweetness of her wife's taste. Azura caressed Felicia's cheek, pulling her towards her so they could share a kiss that felt like their first: wild, raw, with fire descending their throats as their bond enveloped them kindly.
They kissed deeply and slow, the hotness leaving Azura's body and entering Felicia's, the magic neatly taking its place in the maid's womb.
Felicia felt her legs give out, but Azura held her close by her waist, unwilling to let go; unwilling to let that kiss end.
The princess and the maid lost themselves in each other's arms until the consciousness left Felicia's body entirely, her mind drifting to their calm and loving future alongside their new child.
The maid woke up two days later over the very bed Azura had used years ago, during their first pregnancy.
"Pregnancy..." Absentmindedly, Felicia trailed her left hand to her stomach, wondering if she could feel something changing inside of her already.
Well, apart from the overflowing love for her wife, her body didn't feel much different than what she remembered; her right hand clasped with her wife's who slept right beside her.
So this was how Azura felt at that time. Such overflowing love! It took everything Felicia had not to start sobbing right there and then, just by watching her beloved sleeping soundly as she refused to let go of her hand.
"Azura..." Felicia whispered lovingly, lying on her side so as to take her wife's beauty in. "So this is how you felt that time..."
"Oh, my darling Felicia," Azura whispered as she slowly opened her eyes, brought back to the world of waking by her wife's voice. "I cannot describe the happiness I feel right now -- after having conceived our child into you; after physically feeling our bond envelop us kindly and lovingly as the ritual drew to a close... Our feelings are one, my love."
"Azura...!" Felicia sniffled, pressing their foreheads against one another as she caressed the princess' cheek. "I can't wait to meet our little one! I really, really can't wait!"
"I am so very much looking forward to spend these eight months in your presence only, my love." Azura whispered over Felicia's lips, taking them with the last of her breath. "I love you so, my Felicia."
"Mmph..." Felicia rolled her eyes in pleasure with the sudden kiss, shyly grasping her wife's nightgown, bringing her warm body closer. "I love you too, my dear Azura..."
The days, weeks and months that followed were each unique and filled with so much love they were fit to burst. Of course, there were their share of tears, as well -- the first time Felicia saw her bump grow, or the day she felt the baby move; or even the first time it kicked so hard it made her lose her balance. All of them were filled with happy tears, clumsy laughter and a lot of cuddling.
They read under the shade of trees, they shared their dreams under the covers before going to sleep; they napped into each other's arms by the fireplace once the weather got cold.
"Say, Azura?" Felicia caressed her seven-months stomach one evening, lying on one of the hammocks they had by the veranda.
"Hmmm?" Azura tilted her head to her wife, never taking her eyes off of the little pair socks she was sewing.
"Do... do you remember the day we went to visit Lady Elise's little girl?" The maid stuttered, her heart pounding by her chest. She had had this idea for the longest time, but could never find the right words to convey it to Azura.
"Of course I do, silly."
"Then... Do you remember how Lady Elise said that she wanted to borrow Lady Camilla's strength by naming little Carmellia after her?"
Finally seeing where her wife wanted the conversation to go, Azura put the crochet over her lap, raising her gaze to Felicia. "Mhm...?"
The maid blushed. "I- What do you think if we- um," she twiddled her thumbs awkwardly, "I also want to borrow the strength of someone I look up to but never had the chance to meet before and I... wanted to give this name to our baby if we're blessed with another girl."
Azura touched Felicia's hand, caressing it with her thumb. "Go on."
"Doyouthinkwecannameourdaughterafteryourmother,Arete?" Felicia said in one breath, panting right after.
The yarn ball and needles fell on the floor. "After Mother...?"
"Oh, um," Felicia glanced at the rolling yarn ball, then back at her wife. "Is that no goo-mmmph!" Azura silenced her wife with a surprise kiss, carefully holding her into her thing arms.
"Of course we can, my love! Oh, Mother, how I wish you were here to see this! The child of me and my beloved, named after the most important person of my early life... I didn't think I could feel this happy, and yet you always surprise me, Felicia!"
"Heehee," the maid giggled awkwardly, resting her cheek on her wife's. "I want little Arete to live happily, with a great name to protect her down the road."
"Yes... Oh, most certainly!" Azura sniffled, her wife's words moving her deeply. "I cannot wait to share these news to the world, my love...! One month to go and we can go back to our children and introduce them to their little sister...!"
"Though I also wanna stay here a bit longer with you..." Felicia pouted adorably, making Azura steal yet another kiss.
"We will be together always, my love. For as long as we live."
The following month came as quickly as it went, and soon the wives were back at the real world -- Felicia sporting a large and healthy bump.
"Mama fat!" Linnea blurted out the very moment they reunited, not even giving her mothers the time to hug her.
"M-Mama sick?" Shigure teared up, stumbling on his chubby legs to hug Felicia's.
Azura laughed heartily, crouching down to pat their twin's heads. "You two remember how Shiro turned into a big brother, hm?" She asked, receiving two confused nods in return. "Well, you will be big siblings too! Mama is holding your little sister inside her tummy until she's big enough to leave."
"MAMA’S TUMMY WARM?!" Linnea gasped loudly, running towards the already sitting Felicia. "Warm!" She touched her mother's knee, the highest she could reach from down the floor.
"Mhm! Your little sister is nice and cozy here," Felicia tapped her stomach. "You'll meet her soon!"
"Shigure big bro?" He gripped at Azura's dress. The princess nodded, picking both toddlers up so she could sit on the bed, beside her wife.
"Yes, you will be soon."
"I think we arrived just in time for the public announcement of Carmellia's name, right? Wait, is that right? We spent eight months in there for us, but only a week passed here, yeah...?" Felicia looked up in confusion.
"Indeed; I'm quite sure our presence will be required at the temple later this week. Do you want to go? I do not want you to push yourself..."
"I wanna go! I wanna see little Carmellia again; and I wouldn't want to deny Lady Elise's invitation! I'm still at my eighth month, so I'm fine!" She made a flexing movement and smiled.
"Very well, then we shall attend. I was told Forrest would bring ceremonial kimonos to the whole family."
"T-the toddlers included?" Felicia blushed.
Azura nodded in understanding. "The toddlers included."
"Awawawa... I can't wait to see them wearing miniature kimonos, aah!" She squealed in delight, pinching her own cheeks.
They've barely come back and were already thrown into the rushing pace of real life! Phew!
The weekend came quickly, and soon it was time for them to attend to the traditional ceremony at the temple: Elise would gong the central bell three times and offer a prayer to the Dawn Dragon, revealing the princess' name to it first and foremost before announcing it to the people right after.
Azura, Felicia, the twins, Corrin, Rhajat, Camilla and the others would be inside the temple in their designated seats, waiting for the people outside to calm their clamors before the private ceremony could begin and a priest could bestow the Dawn Dragon's blessings upon Carmellia.
While Elise and Ryoma were outside, Felicia moved uncomfortably in her hakama (wearing a proper kimono was out of question due to how large her belly was, after all), wondering if she could take it off on her own for a quick bathroom break.
"Azura, Azura!" Felicia whispered gravely to her wife. "I need to pee so bad, please cover for me a bit, okay? Ahh, my bladder..." She stumbled on her feet without waiting for her wife's response, quickly making her way into the far-reaching corridors of the temple.
"Do you need help with-" Azura said tentatively, but Felicia was too fast, "the hakama? Heehee, oh well."
"Mama pee a lot..." Linnea noted, looking around.
"Indeed. That happens when you have to protect a baby inside you." Azura patted her daughter's head, her gaze falling on the uproar outside.
Elise and Ryoma came back after a few more minutes, two servants quickly closing the large double doors behind them. "Phewww, I didn't remember this being so exhausting the first time!" Elise leaned on her husband, too tired to keep walking straight.
"Do not push yourself so, my tiny Queen. It was only last week that you gave birth."
"Yeahh... It really is tiring, but I gotta do it! No, I WANNA do it!"
Azura giggled at her little sister's enthusiasm, wondering at the back of her mind where in the world Felicia had gotten to.
Maybe she got lost? She IS clumsy enough for that... What if she got lost on her way to the latrines? Poor thing, she wanted to go so badly! Perhaps Azura herself should go...
But then the twins would worry, not to mention how rude it would be to the priest for her to leave. Maybe wait a few more moments before excusing herself?
The moment she opened her mouth to speak, she heard a quiet sniffling beside her. Widening her eyes, Azura noticed how Shigure sobbed silently, holding his knees.
"Shigure? My son, what's the matter?"
"Id-id hurds, Mommy...!" He hiccupped, opening his arms to hug Azura's waist.
"Where does it-"
"Mommy..." Linnea started feeling nauseous as well, tears washing down her cheeks.
Azura felt a hollow pit engulf her from inside, cold sweat streaming down her temple and back. What WAS this terribly bad feeling? It was as though a cold hand was plucking her inner organs one by one, throwing them into the pit.
"Felicia...?" She didn't hear her own voice whispering.
A door to the left opened with a bang, a hurried soldiers quickly making his way to Ryoma. "M-My Lord, a prisoner's escaped the dungeons! We managed to track him down here, but we lost him after he went into the temple!"
Azura's heart froze. A prisoner? "Who was it?" She got up, her legs moving without her meaning to. "Who was this prisoner?"
The soldier hesitated, glancing from the princess to the King. "Um, it was Ka'lik, my Lady..."
The princess' ears deafened, a thin and loud ringing sound making her consciousness waver. "Felicia... Felicia!" She turned around quickly, "please take care of the twins for me!" And left through the same door Felicia had used previously.
Dumb, idiot! How could you have let your heavily pregnant and clumsy wife wander around an unfamiliar temple without an escort?! Oh, Felicia, please be alright-
Azura ran through a series of corridors, each turn she took looking exactly the same as the previous one. "Felicia... Felicia!" She panted, the desperation in her voice making her entire body tremble.
"Because of you! I've been rotting in jail! You stupid maid!" A faint yet familiar voice reached Azura's ears.
"I don't care what you do to me, but don't touch my baby!" Felicia barked back, her voice sapped of strength.
"Felicia!" Azura hissed, turning the last corner.
"A-Azura! Don't come! He has a knife!"
Azura didn't hesitate. "And I have water." Without even losing her pace, the princess dove right into Ka'lik, summoning a large amount of water so as to envelop Ka'lik's head with it, intent on drowning him without mercy.
"Grghl!" The man gurgled, letting go of Felicia as he helplessly gripped at his own throat for air. Azura pushed him out of the way, not even sparing him a glance as his body shook with convulsions while he drowned with the round bubble of pure water covering his entire head.
"Felicia! Felicia, oh, my love; what did he do to you?!"
"S-save our baby, Azura..." The maid said faintly, looking down at the middle of her legs -- she bled.
Ka'lik had approached her from behind and kicked her several times before taking out his knife, but Felicia made sure to always keep her back to him so he wouldn't touch hers and Azura's baby.
"F-Felicia, stay with me," Azura lost the color of her face, dreading seeing her wife bleeding to death once again. "Stay with me, Felicia!"
"We'll need to deliver the baby as soon as possible." Were the midwife's first words the moment Felicia was brought in. "I have a birth-inducing medicine in the ready, so I'll need everyone but my assistants to leave-"
"I'm not leaving her." Azura gripped at her wife's hands with all of her strength. "I'm not leaving my wife."
The midwife turned to make the medicine, "then you'll have to do everything we say."
"Of course."
It would be a difficult birthing -- Felicia wasn't entirely conscious for the most part, and the healers couldn't focus their staves on her because that would also heal the birth-inducing medicine AND the wounds the baby would make while coming out.
She would need to feel the pain from start to end, but Azura wouldn't let her feel it alone. She would be there, holding her hand, the entire time.
"Don't leave me, Felicia; don't leave me..." The princess chanted the whole time, for the next five hours. She refused to move, eat or speak to anyone, simply focusing on her tired and weak wife. "You can do it, my love. Push just a bit more, okay? For our baby. For us. F-for me." She sniffled after the sixth hour, finally showing something akin to desperation.
Arete's loud crying filled the room with happiness and worry in equal amounts -- the most critical time would be now: they would need to work their staves tirelessly on Felicia to mend the wounds Ka'lik infused her as well as to stop the bleeding from the birthing.
"Can you hear it, Felicia? It's our daughter. It's as though we knew it would be a girl... It's Arete, Felicia. She's here with us. Can you hear it?" The princess' hands trembled as the midwife washed the baby, hesitant in giving it to the broken princess. She wasn't in a state to hold a little baby-
"Give- give her to me... My baby... I wanna hold her first, Azura..." Felicia tried and failed to lift her hand towards the crying sound, turning her head to the sides, delirious.
"Felicia! Oh, my love!" Azura's eyes regained their shine. "You did it, my Felicia, you delivered our daughter!" She quickly looked at the midwife, nodding for her to bring the baby closer.
It was like magic.
The moment Arete was placed over Felicia's chest, the maid regained her color, the forces she thought sapped coming back for the very reason of embracing her little baby.
"Your voice is so strong, Arete... I'm sure you'll be a great singer, like your Mommy." Felicia smiled, placing a tender kiss over the small head. Arete stopped crying slowly, the constant beating of her mother's heart under her soothing her into her first sleep.
"Felicia!" Azura cried, pressing their foreheads together. "I thought I had lost you, oh, my love!" She sobbed, her warm tears falling over Felicia's lips.
"P-please don't cry, Azura... You'll set me off too..." The maid pressed her lips into a thin line. "I'd rather you kissed me-"
"As many times as there are stars in the skies, Felicia." Azura quickly placed a soft peck on Felicia, followed by another, then yet another one. "Do not scare me like that ever again, you hear?"
"I may need more kissing for that..." Felicia teased, her breath intertwining with Azura's.
"I can provide," the princess smiled, opening her mouth for a deep and much-needed kiss.
The maid closed her eyes to enjoy her wife's taste, weakly lifting her hand to caress Azura's face. "Thank you for being here with me, Azura. I love you so much..."
"So do I, my dear Felicia... So do I."
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nny11writes · 2 years
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Catra: You know what? Fuck it, if no one will date me, I’ll date myself!!!
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29 notes • Posted 2021-11-19 18:00:28 GMT
It’s late and I’m hyped up on sugar but consider: the force forming a master-padawan bond between Jedi!dooku and bb!ahsoka cbnc style
Okay, okay, okay, so I wrote waaaaay too much because apparently I had to work through the angst first (Look Dooku, already bitter and being courted by Palpatine and literally about to leave the Jedi Order because fuck you and fuck this getting saddled with a roughly 5-6 year old Ahsoka would not be A Happy Man Okay With This. Qui Gon had to kick his teeth in before Dooku stopped being a neglectful asshole, and then he still needed to get judged harshly by Anakin (who was ready to commit a minor case of major murder) and Obi-Wan before coming around to it. That is not my fault and I won’t apologize, but unless you really want the angst Imma skip it for what this made me actually think of and want to write out). There was a lot of angst lol, BUT can you picture it? For this to work out, Dooku would need to not leave the Order or Republic. And you know what that means? Time for Palpatine choked on a bagel trope, my favey fave! Enjoy Dooku manhandling his feral trash child!
Padme wasn’t sure how she managed to not laugh instantly. She had become the youngest Senator of Naboo after Palpatine’s unfortunately early passing, and had just finished another exhausting day of learning on the job when she’d run straight into Master Dooku. Who was well known as a Jedi scholar and diplomat, literally digging through the trash while hissing into it. And then, like a magician pulling something impressively large out of his hat, he had pulled a togruta Padawan from the trash by her robes.
It was quite the sight!
The Padwan smiled brightly, “Hello Master, fancy seeing you here!”
“Ah yes,” Dooku said drolly, “whatever might I be doing here considering my Padawan seemed to have vanished from her rotation assisting Senator Taa?”
Padme looked at the young girl again, she must have been older than Padme had assumed if she had a rotation with Orn Free Taa. She did not envy the Padawan, in fact, she could understand wanting to hide in a trash bin to avoid him herself.
“I wouldn’t say I vanished,” the Padawan made no effort to be released, instead hanging happily from Master Dooku’s hand like the galaxy’s least repentant massiff. “I saw that my presence was not required and decided to make better use of my time and his.”
“By hiding in the trash!? Ahsoka...” Dooku sighed heavily before finally putting his apprentice down.
And oh, wasn’t that a bit funny? Anakin had recently met with her for lunch, uncaring of his stained mechanics clothes in the high end restaurant he’d gushed about his best friend Ahsoka. Who was a togruta. She could only hope luck was on her side this time and they were one in the same.
“What?” Ahsoka bristled as she stomped a foot, “It is a better use of my time! It’s not like Free Taa-”
Dooku spoke in the same tired and broken tones that Padme usually associated with her own parents on learning what she’d done this time. “Senator Taa, you will be respectful of the Senator’s title.”
Not that Padawan Ahsoka seemed to be listening. “-and he isn’t even trying to help me understand politics because I’m too young and it’s not earning him any credits-”
“Ahsoka…” Dooku sighed heavily again. Now that she thought about it, it was rather like the way Obi-Wan often sighed Anakin’s name. He rubbed one hand against his face as if to wash his exhaustion off with it. “You are required to finish a rotation to a Senator’s satisfaction, and this is the third time you’ve run away.”
The Padawan crossed her arms and glared at the floor. “They started it.”
“I am running swiftly out of contacts for you to spend this rotation with, how many times do you wish to fail this particular course?”
Padawan Ahsoka scuffed her boot on the carpet, mumbling in embarrassment.
“Padme,” Corde half hearted grumbled through her smile, “no.”
“Padme, yes!” She whispered back before stepping forward. “Pardon me Master Dooku, Padawan Ahsoka, I am afraid I overheard just a bit of your conversation.”
Dooku actually blushed, which she was going to hold as something of a personal award for the rest of her life, and Ahsoka’s lekku wiggled and shifted colors at the attention.
“While I am rather new to the Senate myself, I have been in politics my whole life. I would love to take Ahsoka on, and it would greatly benefit us both I think.” Padme smiled before adding on, “I have heard great things about your from Jedi Skywalker after all.”
Ahsoka, somehow, managed to blush harder. Her lekku going almost more black than blue. Her voice was rather small as she more asked than said, “...Senator Amidala?”
“Yes, that would be me. A pleasure to finally meet you.” Padme walked with confidence before extending her hand for a shake.
Dooku appeared to be either counting backwards from ten or had a massive headache. Perhaps both. Ahsoka, however, happily shook her hand with a wild grin growing on her face now that she realized she wasn’t in trouble.
“Master? I think this could be a very good fit for me,” Ahsoka said, and if it wasn’t for the fact that Padme literally saw her pulled out of a trash can not five minutes ago she wouldn’t have guessed the problems she’d run into here at the Senate. Her posture and tone were spot on for any seasoned politician in the dome.
“Well, that is two against one, but I suppose it is up to you Master Dooku.” Padme kept her voice as pleasant as possible.
After all, in a different timeline Dooku could have been another planetary ruler like herself.
“You will finish this rotation Padawan, and you will behave yourself.” “Yes Master.”
“Thank the Senator.”
“Thank you for the opportunity Senator Amidala.”
Padme smiled, but was able to hold her laughter in. “You are welcome Padawan.”
“Excellent,” Dooku bowed to her, “I wash my hands of this then. I will see you at evening meal Padawan, do not be late.”
Despite the look he was giving Padawan Ahsoka, Padme had a good feeling it was mostly for show. Especially with the way Ahsoka grinned back like a bright white supergiant and bounced on her toes. “Yes Master!”
They watched as Master Dooku spun on his heel and stalked back out of the Senate before Padme finally allowed herself to giggle just a little bit, which was really more Corde’s fault for tugging on her sleeve like that. Ahsoka seemed unbothered as she walked over to join them.
“So, what are we doing next and do you have any embarrassing stories about Ani?”
Padme snickered, “Let’s get a schedule set up and then we can talk about Anakin.”
Her office smelled faintly like old jogans, but it was quite worth it.
30 notes • Posted 2021-01-04 00:45:54 GMT
I’m finally getting around to watching S8 of RWBY and oh my god Ruby you absolute simp!!
32 notes • Posted 2021-01-19 02:25:30 GMT
Still wondering what happened to him
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33 notes • Posted 2021-01-27 21:27:14 GMT
Look, the length of Catra’s tail and how long the fur is on it isn’t something you can measure. You just gotta feel that shit with your heart.
120 notes • Posted 2021-08-23 14:43:45 GMT
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