#oh you don’t want a war with the portgas d.
xamaxenta · 2 years
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Fun pose test that turned into something fully serious idk if I like what I’ve done but its a first and I worked hard on him!
Process video below I will never ever record a time lapse on ipad again because i almost lost this file and my sanity from all the crashing…
321 notes · View notes
nehswritesstuffs · 1 year
Father Like Son, Mother Like Daughter, Parent Like Child - Part 4 of 4
This one ended up being even longer than the last, wtf... at least we’re done now lol
First chapter on [tumblr] - [FFN] - [AO3] 
Second chapter on [tumblr] - [FFN] - [AO3]
Prior chapter on [tumblr] - [FFN] - [AO3]
With the Straw Hats dispersed due to Bartholomew Kuma, it’s time for more than just them to brace for the incoming Age. [11,422 words; AU where Cora-san and Bell-mère raised their six kids in the East Blue and everyone is better-adjusted ]
Nojiko gasped as she saw the newspaper, headlines cementing some of her worst fears in quick succession.
It appeared as though the past few days had been extremely eventful for family members not-her. She went through the articles and tried to figure out if her idiot seafaring siblings were all okay. There was nothing saying that the Heart Pirates weren’t alright, and if her sister’s idiot captain could survive being attacked by Kuma…
“I might just murder the lot of them,” she decided to no one in particular. “No note, no word, no nothing! Not even anything out of Mom and Dad! I’ll kill them!”
“Uhh… Miss Nojiko…?” She looked and saw her tweenaged hired help standing there, confusion on his face and a bushel of mikans in his hands. Oh yeah, that’s right: she had been working in the grove when the newspaper arrived. “Is everything okay…?”
“Maybe? Possibly? I don’t know…” She rolled up the paper and stuffed it in her apron pocket. “You got any siblings, Chabo?”
“No ma’am.”
“Good—they’re only reliable for causing trouble and running up your blood pressure.”
“Uhh… yes, ma’am… if you say so…”
He really hoped he was going to survive this shift.
The doors to Sengoku’s office were violently kicked open, causing the old man to jump in surprise at his desk. To his even bigger surprise, a woman he hadn’t seen in-person for nearly twenty years came barging in, pure fury on her face.
“What the fuck are you up to, Sengoku?!” she snapped. She completely ignored the goat bleating in confusion at her and stormed up to the desk, slamming her hands on the surface. “I’m waiting.”
“It’s been a long time, Captain Cocoyasi,” he stated. “Please clarify: what brings you from your hometown, into a secure government facility, past my guards, and into my office?”
“You put a child on the chopping block for something he could never control and tried to escape,” she hissed. “Your subordinates almost murdered my children. When is this going to end?!”
“You came all the way from the East to remind me of how terrible my job is? That’s what I have Garp for.”
“Both of you are fucking idiots and honestly deserve whatever this New Age deals you.” Bell-mère folded her arms across her chest and scowled at the man in front of her. The goat kept gently butting its head against her thigh—it wanted treats and pets and she wasn’t giving either.
“Was that really your daughter…?” Sengoku asked quietly. “The Straw Hat navigator?”
“Don’t play dumb with me; I know you meddled with her bounty.”
“He can’t do much for his grandchildren, Belle, but he can at least do that.”
Sengoku silently stood as he looked towards the office door, the new voice slightly deeper and rougher than he remembered. Cora stepped through into the room and he lingered by the door with his hands in his pockets.
“Ro… Rosinante…?”
“Yeah,” the younger man affirmed. “It’s me.”
Shakily, Sengoku rushed to Cora and enveloped him in a hug. Tears choked his words as he held the boy he raised, cursing their near-multiple decades apart, only to realize something…
…his boy wasn’t hugging back.
“How much blood is on your hands?”
The question cut through Sengoku swift and precise. He let go of Cora and allowed the man to step further into the office, enough to look out the window upon the training grounds below. Everything was a fucking mess—rebuilding could have become cost-prohibitive.
“All I’ve done is what I’ve had to,” Sengoku stated, making sure the door was closed. “I’ve never run from it.”
“My daughter declared war on you,” Cora said darkly. A chill overcame Sengoku and the older man suddenly felt very exposed. “She declared war as she went to raid Enies Lobby, to rescue her friend, who you have been hunting for twenty years. That woman is not old enough to have committed a crime punishable by bounty… not if it was committed two decades ago.”
“I did what I had to do,” Sengoku repeated. Something sinister bubbled just below the surface of his words; he knew what this was about. His tone set something ablaze in Cora, there was no more time for excuses.
“Children died because of you! Nations erased because of you!”
“Don’t you think you know the choices I had to make!” the older man snapped. “Unlike you, I never ran away!”
“Then what else didn’t you run away from?!” Cora spat. “If you didn’t run away from Ohara and making that poor girl’s life a living hell, then what else did you approve?! Did you give the orders to murder my daughters’ families in Oykot and eliminate those who protested?!”
“Do I only have my sons because you pulled the trigger on Flevance?!”
“You are out of line! There was nothing else I could have done!”
“Stop lying to me! You killed them! You might not have been there, but it was your orders behind it! Admit it! Flevance is dead in part because of you!”
“Their own hubris was what did them in!”
“Hubris?! You want to blame this on hubris?! If anyone’s hubris is to blame it’s the Government’s! The nobility who fled with only a trace of Amber Lead in their blood and their pockets lined in money! My son’s parents were slaughtered while trying to cure what you ran away from! He would look at his sisters and cry, because all he could do was remember the one who died in his arms! Do you think those three possessed enough hubris to deserve to die from it?!”
“You were not there, Rosinante! You do not know the depths of these decisions!”
“Cora.” The fleet admiral looked at him, eyebrow raised. “My name is Cora.”
“The man said his name is Cora,” Bell-mère said idly. She was half-leaning, half sitting on the desk, looking at the things that covered it. “One of our middle kids gave him that name, you know… though I doubt it was the one responsible for this.” She picked up a picture frame and examined the contents: her and her husband on their wedding day. “This looks like our other middle brat’s work. She’s a clever one—safest for the world she stays farmer.”
Silence settled over the office and the two men glared at one another.
“You want to throw everything away for some misguided kids?” Sengoku asked. “Kids that have been exposed to who knows how many lies since they left your home?”
“Compared to the lies I was fed?” Cora walked back to Sengoku, standing close enough to smell the man’s cologne. “Stay away from my children, do you hear me?”
“I’m the only thing keeping those kids from being hunted down like animals.”
“Wouldn’t that get in the way of Justice? You always did wear your guilt a little differently.” Neither man broke eye contact, the stare-down tense. “Belle, we’re leaving.”
“You sure? It’s kind of fun watching you.”
“Yeah, I’m sure.” He waited for Bell-mère to open the office door before taking a step back. “You know, I always felt sorry for Garp growing up. I guess it’s his son and surviving grandson I should pity.”
“You’re an adult, Rosinante. You should know that sometimes good choices don’t exist.”
“That’s why we change the game, to make the good choices anyhow.” Cora turned on his heel and left the office, Bell-mère flashing Sengoku her middle fingers before backing out into the corridor and following him.
“Yeah, you’re not getting an inheritance,” Bell-mère snarked as she and Cora navigated the base’s corridors, dodging people who were looking at them in all manner of confusion. A few even dropped the papers they were carrying in surprise, having been around long enough to remember them both.
Those days were gone now, and they were the only survivors.
“I should have done this earlier,” Cora admitted. They turned a corner and went down a flight of stairs, heading towards the entrance. He tripped over himself and began to fall, with Bell-mère catching him by the collar before he could take a proper tumble.
“Telling him off now compared to ten years ago wouldn’t’ve made a damn bit of difference,” she scoffed. Once they were off the staircase they immediately went outside, where the sun was so bright they nearly had to shield their eyes. “Take it for what it’s worth; he didn’t kick us out or try to arrest us.”
“Almost wish he had.”
“So that what? We can get high on the shit list too? This is all such a fucking mess.” They made their way over to the docks, only to find that there was a stranger sitting in their boat. It was a young woman, barely older than their eldest daughter, with large, round eyes and a casual air about her.
“We’re not a hire service—fuck off,” Cora said. The young woman did not move.
“Never thought you were, Corazón,” she said. “Apologies; do you prefer Donquixote Rosinante? Maybe Commander Donquixote?”
“Is this something meant to scare me? Because it’s not working.”
“Trying to scare either of you is counter-productive,” the stranger stated. “Cora, Bell-mère, my boss would like to have a word with you. He doesn’t want your pity—it’s something more valuable he wants to discuss.” She took a red envelope from her pocket and held it out, a casual smile on her lips.
An envelope with a dragon printed on it.
Luffy woke up with a gasp. His whole body felt weak and shook terribly. The air smelled funny and he felt like he wanted to vomit. He did do just that, in fact, rolling over and deciding that the contents of his stomach needed to be on the floor instead. Shifting to lay on his back again, he groaned in discomfort, though snapped to full awareness as something hit the pillow next to his head…
Correction: a sword stabbed the bit of pillow next to his head.
“Strawhat-ya,” Law growled. Luffy’s eyes went wide as he saw his fellow Supernova lording above him, murderous conviction oozing from his very being. He was straddling him, knees on either side of his waist as his hands held shakily onto the sword’s hilt, his own eyes glinting in something feral… something powerful… something vengeful. Somewhere nearby, he could hear Hancock being restrained by some others… huh… he was back on the girl island…?
“Oh, hi Torao,” the younger man smiled warily. “Were you the one who patched me up?”
“Where. Is. My. Sister?”
Luffy blinked, unsure how to respond.
“WHERE IS MY SISTER?!” Spit flew from his mouth and tears welled in his eyes. “WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU LET HAPPEN TO HER?!”
“Torao, I…”
“Law, come on, he just woke up…”
“I don’t care, Penguin,” Law snarled. “All I want is our sister, safe.”
“Don’t you think that’s something I want too?!” Luffy snapped back. “Nami’s my navigator! I don’t want any other! I don’t want any other crew! I want them! I want… I want…!” It was Luffy’s turn to cry, as everything hit him at once. “I want my big brother back! I want Ace!” He curled into a ball underneath Law, who straightened in order to look at this boy—he was just a boy, wasn’t he—sob pathetically as he mourned not only his crew, but his family as well.
Fuck… maybe it was meant to shake out this way after all.
Standing up, Law pulled his sword from the bedding and sheathed it, stepping back from the distraught teen. He could feel his own older brothers’ hands on his shoulders and his breath hitched—it was something that Luffy was never going to feel again with Portgas and the rest of the crew gone, wasn’t it?
“He just lost everyone,” Shachi said lowly. “Give the kid some space.”
“Every speck of time helps, and he’s the only one with any answers,” Law replied. He watched as Hancock went to Luffy’s side and began fussing over him, pillowing his head in her lap and smoothing his hair. Jinbe and Granny Nyon both looked at one another awkwardly, not knowing how much of what was going on was necessarily… appropriate.
“Then maybe you need to make the answers for yourselves,” said a voice. The brothers looked over to see that Rayleigh had returned to the room, observing the scene meticulously. “Luffy didn’t mean for any of this to happen just as much as you did—in a lot of ways to him, Nami’s as much his sister as she is to you.”
“Ray-ya, I don’t know if you understand how much we need to see our sister again… how much I need to see her and know she’s safe.”
“Then I suggest you get going on training,” the old man said. “Two years is a long time, but once it’s over, then it won’t seem like any time at all. You’ll need to take care while the Age is shifting or you will get left behind. You don’t want that sassy ginger girl to be stronger than you when she gets back, do you?”
“That would defeat the purpose of being the protective older brothers,” Penguin said. His brothers all nodded quietly. It was then that Bepo returned with a few more of the Kuja, the only one of them seemingly allowed to go wherever he wished sans a guard with exception of Rayleigh. “Everyone ready to go?”
“Yeah—Ikkaku says it’s best we leave soon as possible, so that none of the Kuja get too curious about the Tang,” he said. Bepo noticed Luffy was now awake and shifted awkwardly. “Is everything alright?”
“We have work to do,” Law stated. He handed Bepo his nodachi and approached Luffy again, ignoring the glares he was getting from the Empress. Crouching down, he stared at his sister’s captain until he stopped crying long enough to look at him. “Monkey D. Luffy.”
“Yeah, Torao?”
“Now you also know what it’s like to lose a sibling too soon. Do not disappoint me.”
At that, Law stood and began walking towards the door. His brothers followed, only for them to stop at the sound of Luffy’s voice.
“I’m going to become stronger! And stronger! And stronger! And stronger!” the young captain claimed. “I’m never going to lose anyone ever again!” Law turned around and saw Luffy standing, hands clenched in anger.
“It stings, doesn’t it? Losing someone like that?”
“You don’t know what I’ve lost,” Luffy snapped. “Don’t pretend like you do.”
“Now we’re on the same page.” Law snapped up a Room and twitched his wrist, a pile of goop appearing in Hancock’s lap. “That should stave off the sinus headache that comes from that amount of crying; I’m holding you to it, Strawhat-ya.”
“TRAFALGAR!” Hancock raged, having realized what the goop was soaking into her skirt.
“Oh shit gotta go!” Shachi grimaced, pulling his middle brother along. The four scrambled to make their way out of the castle, with Law shambling them halfway to the docks once they were outside.
“You’re an idiot!” Penguin snapped. “I want to come back here! We want to come back here!”
“We’re literally some of the only men to have ever seen this place and lived!” Shachi added. “Doesn’t that honor mean anything to you?!”
“You two are just horny,” Law deadpanned. Both his older brothers stumbled mid-stride—what a low blow.
“Get them!” someone yelled over the square. “They dishonored the Empress! Don’t let them get away!”
“Shit, shit, shit, shit, SHIT!” Shachi cursed, all of them sprinting fast as they could now. Law caught sight of the Tang and threw up a Room, dropping him and his brothers on the deck.
“Prepare to dive!” he ordered. His crew all stared at him for half a second before hurriedly rushing below deck. Only when they were safely underwater could they breathe, with Bepo gently elbowing Shachi.
“I think you meant to say ‘snot, snot, snot, snot, snot’ back there.”
Okay… maybe it was a little funny.
Two years passed in uncomfortable ease.
The rains came, the sun shone, the mikan harvest needed picking.
Power shifted.
A fractured crew trained on their own, refusing to let distance drive a wedge in their hearts.
Others prepared in their own way, yearning for the day they could put plans into action.
Alive Only, the entire time.
Nami honestly felt great. It was better than she’d felt in a long time—two whole years, in fact—and she was beyond glad to be back with her crew.
“Look! It’s the Sunny!” Chopper gasped. He and Usopp hopped off the Bon Chari and ran the rest of the way to their ship, immediately getting drawn into something ridiculous by… oh, seas, was that Franky…?
“Nami! You look well!” The young woman looked at the sound of her name and saw Robin standing on the deck. A warm smile brightened her face, which quickly spread to Nami as well.
“Robin! It’s so good to see you!” She attempted to ignore the boys as she brought her shopping bags aboard. “You don’t know how much I’ve missed having someone sane around~!”
“This sounds like you’ve got plenty to share involving your time away,” Robin chuckled. She took a quick glance and saw that Usopp and Chopper were still occupied with Franky’s new modifications. “Why don’t we put our things away before the crew’s get even more hectic?”
“Ugh, you’re right.” See? This was why Nami liked Robin; despite the creepy predictions and weird sense of humor, she was absolutely the only other person on the ship with a brain. Most of the time.
Trudging up the stairs, Nami and Robin both brought their bags into their room. Nami put hers on her bed and began to go through them, putting her new things away. She got through a couple bags before she turned around and saw Robin, the other woman sitting calmly at the table, watching her.
“Is… anything the matter…?” she asked.
“I’m just glad to be back,” Robin said. “You’re my family—there’s been plenty to process over these past two years.”
After letting out a long sigh, Robin stood and walked over to Nami, bringing the younger woman into a hug. They stayed like that for a while, both taking strength from the other after so long apart.
“Just remember: after all we’ve been through, I don’t doubt you for a moment,” Robin said. “You are better than what came before you.”
“Robin…? What is this about…?”
“I was in a position to do a bit of digging while we were separated,” the archaeologist admitted. “Nothing much, but it’s enough to where I know a bit more than everyone lets on.”
“Considering how you are normally, that’s a lot,” Nami replied. “I trust you; don’t play your hand unless it’s necessary. I think you’re the best at that out of all of us.”
“Then I shall,” Robin agreed. “Now, let’s see what the boys have going on before something disfiguring happens, hmm?”
Setting up shop on Punk Hazard really did seem like a good idea at the time, Law thought as he wandered the corridors, though with each passing moment, it felt as though something was closing in on him. He had so far been unable to access the experiments that Cesar was working on, not to mention the combination of Monet and Pugio keeping an extremely tight grip on him for people who otherwise couldn’t care less. The Marine seemed almost nonchalant about it, in fact; there was something about him that put the young Warlord on-edge, and he wasn’t entirely certain what. It nagged at the back of his brain, making him more jittery than usual, especially now that he was staring down even more Marines on the front doorstep.
“You’re not supposed to be here, Shichibukai,” Vice Admiral Smoker stated. He and Captain Tashigi had nearly a hesitant air about them, while the G-5 mooks behind them were very clearly itching for a fight.
The dichotomy was… odd.
“What can I say? This is my home now.”
“I have it under good authority that it isn’t,” Smoker replied. “Now stop the act and let us in—we’ve got to talk.”
“I don’t know what I could possibly have to talk to you about,” Law said. “Leave me alone; consider this my Kuraigana.”
“Don’t think you’re able to play tough guy with us,” Smoker spat. Tashigi was readying to prevent the conversation from coming to blows when noises began to filter out from inside. “What’s that?”
“Doesn’t sound like nothing.”
“Then you might need to get your ears checked, or does Marine insurance even cover that?”
Just then, the door on the other side of Law burst open, dozens of people piling out into the cold. Most of them were children of varying sizes—giant infants and toddlers alongside normal ones—as well as… shit… some Straw Hats… was she…?
The sight of his sister made his blood run cold.
“Nami, you shouldn’t be here,” he scolded. Despite the warning, he nearly ran to her, bringing her into a tight hug as tears streamed down his face. Suddenly remembering their audience, he opened a Room and popped a coat off a Marine and onto her shoulders before stepping between her and the G-5 contingent.
“I thought you said no one was here,” Smoker deadpanned.
“This is a new development.”
“Anyhow; this makes things less troublesome.” Smoker looked at the others, narrowing his eyes critically. “Let’s get these kids inside! They shouldn’t be out in this weather!”
“…but we’re escaping!” one of the larger children insisted.
“We don’t know what you’re escaping from,” Tashigi said, “but we’re the good guys! We’re here to help, but we have to stay inside a little while longer so we can figure out what to do with you!” She then turned her attention back to her subordinates, who were all rightly very confused. “Come on—you heard the Vice Admiral! Get the kids back inside!”
Grumbling, the Marines all did as they were told, herding the children back inside. Law and the Straw Hats stood off to the side, the Surgeon of Death refusing to let go of his sister.
“Where in the hell did you all come from?” Law asked.
“We could ask the same, to be fair,” Franky mentioned. “Why are you here, Tra-bro?”
“Oi! Don’t lock us out!”
Just as the Marines were about to close the door, a large… alligator-centuar…? Yes, an alligator-centuar came skittering inside, with the remainder of the Straw Hats on his back.
“Hey guys! Look what we found!” Luffy cackled, holding up a pair of legs. Sanji held up a severed head, which seemed to sob in relief. “Oh, hey, you found the head! And Torao!”
“Strawhat-ya,” Law regarded flatly.
“Good; we’re missing no one,” Smoker said, coming over to the group. He stared at the torso-less body and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Was this your doing, Shichibukai?”
“Shichibukai?!” Nami gasped in horror. She began hitting Law on the shoulder, the too-long sleeves of her coat beating against him floppily. “Are?! You?! In?! Sane?!”
“Hey!” he grunted. “A lot has happened!”
“It still doesn’t change the fact you apparently cut a guy into three and spread the pieces,” Smoker said.
“He shouldn’t’ve been irritating,” Law shrugged. He watched as Luffy perched himself on Smoker’s shoulders—honest to goodness his sandals were on the man’s shoulders—and he raised an eyebrow. “You two sure are chummy.”
“It’s not mutual, I assure you,” Smoker grumbled. Tashigi saw what was going on and attempted to disengage Luffy, which only caused him to drape himself over Zoro’s shoulders instead, who barely seemed to register the extra weight.
“Smoker and Tashigi know Mom and Dad,” Nami said, keeping her eyes on the Marine officers. Law considered that, then nodded.
“So, then I trust that I can discuss freely with everyone here?”
“If you have a way to muffle sound, then that would help immensely,” Robin said, her attention more on the other Marines. Law put up a pair of Rooms, one just slightly bigger than the other. Smoker then added some of his smoke between them and it began to woosh around, creating a makeshift sound barrier. “Now then, what is it that you have to say?”
“I’m going to take down an Emperor,” Law said frankly, “and I’m going to do it in one of the most effective ways possible.” The others were quiet at the admission, waiting for him to elaborate.
“How do you propose that?” Usopp cringed. “We’re not talking small-fry here.”
“There’s a very specific pressure point that, if hit, can help take down at least Kaidou, maybe even destabilize enough to get Big Mom as well.”
“That sounds insane, Law-nii,” Nami frowned. “What ‘pressure point’ do you honestly think will be that effective at sabotaging a veteran pirate and pirating lord?”
Law stared directly into Nami’s eyes and took a deep breath. “Uncle Doffy.”
Nami’s jaw dropped as she realized what her brother was saying. Their uncle?! Was he insane?! Her crewmates noticed her shock and all glared at Law.
“We’ve never heard anything about you two having an uncle until now,” Luffy said. He was now on Franky’s shoulder, picking his own nose. “What’s all that about?”
“It’s a long story, but essentially,” Nami cringed, “we have the weirdest family and every even mildly weird family has a rich and eccentric uncle no one likes to talk about.”
“Ha!” Usopp couldn’t help but laugh awkwardly at that. “What, is he, like, a renegade Warlord or something?” Law and Nami both stared at him, which made the sniper shudder. “Oh no…”
“This is an issue,” Smoker stated. “We don’t have the authority to go after your uncle; from a Government standpoint, he is untouchable.”
“Well, then the rest of us can help take him down!” Luffy grinned. He draped one arm over Nami’s shoulders and the other over Law’s. “You can’t help who you’re related to sometimes, but that does mean it can be your business to stop them from doing bad stuff. Who is it?”
“Yeah!” Brook piped up. “We’ve all been so busy and bone-tired these past two years, we’ve rarely read the paper!”
“Whoever it is, Nami-swan, I’m sure we can help!”
“Really, Luffy, maybe I should go with my brothers once this is all done—wait, where are Bepo-nii and the goons?”
“Bepo is doing recon right now—I’m here to hit the flint and get sparks going.”
“Naaamiii, Toooraaaooo, who’s your uncle…?!”
“I just remembered,” Nami said briskly, “that I don’t think I ever told any of you my family name.”
“Isn’t it Trafalgar?” Chopper wondered. The rest of the Straw Hats were a mixture of curiosity, like Brook; confusion, like Zoro; intrigue, like Robin; and something close to fear out of Sanji.
“I’m not getting rid of my original family name,” Law explained. “My siblings—however—none of them had a family name before, so they technically have Dad’s.”
“Both of you are stalling,” Zoro scowled. Nami took a deep breath and exhaled… she could do this.
“My name is Donquixote Nami,” she grimaced, “and my uncle is the Shichibukai and current King of Dressrosa Donquixote Doflamingo, otherwise known to the black market and criminal underworld as Joker. He is my dad’s brother by blood as well as name.”
The Room went deathly quiet, everyone staring at Nami and Law until Luffy burst into laughter.
“Oh, is that all?” he chuckled. “I don’t like the sound of that guy anyhow. Let’s kick his ass!”
“He’s dumber than we thought, sir,” Tashigi marveled. Smoker simply facepalmed.
“It’s nice to hear you speak truthfully, Nami,” Robin smiled. She then glanced over her shoulder to see the children and the G-5 Marines getting on disturbingly well. “We still have some more pressing things to take care of, it seems.”
“The children being here is a big one,” Chopper noted. “They’re being experimented on! I don’t think that’s something that the World Government knows about.”
“Despite this being one of Vegapunk’s old facilities? I doubt,” Tashigi said. “This general area is known for child disappearances and deaths, though something tells me that by asking some of these kids question, we’re going to find plenty of answers.”
“We saw ships on our way in bearing the initials C.C.,” Smoker added. He looked at Law. “Is Cesar Clown here?”
“Along with a lab assistant named Monet possessing a Devil Fruit and a Marine vice admiral—”
“Pugio…?” Smoker and Tashigi both asked at once.
“Sounds like you weren’t here just to see me; I’m hurt,” Law joked flatly.
“Well, let’s get going,” Luffy grinned. “I’m hungry, and all our food is aboard the Sunny!”
It was late that night as the Thousand Sunny sailed peacefully towards Dressrosa. Although there had been no sight of Vice Admiral Pugio despite his earlier presence, Monet had been quickly dispatched and Cesar Clown was unconscious and tied to the mast. Everyone had long finished dinner and had dispersed into their evening routines. Nami found her brother sulking by himself in the aquarium bar, his arm slung over the back of the bench as he rested his chin against it, staring into the tank.
“Hey.” He didn’t move. “So… there’s a lot to catch up on, isn’t there?”
“Not really.”
“We just spent two years without contact—before, it was only a few months at most.”
She sat down next to him and waited; there was only one true way to break through Law’s moody spells and that was patience. Eventually, he looked at her, bringing his arm down so that his head rested directly on the bench.
“I might have stolen Luffy from the Summit War and treated his injuries just so I could threaten him over your safety when he woke up,” he admitted.
“Okay… on-brand for you,” she chuckled. “I was on an artificial sky island called Weatheria learning about weather from these weird old men.”
“I stole the hearts of a hundred pirates to buy my way into the Shichibukai.”
“I was literally in possession of the only vagina on the island.” Law closed his eyes and smiled, trying poorly to not laugh. “What? You doubt me?”
“Exactly the opposite,” he smirked. He straightened in his seat and nodded as he looked at his sister in the wan aquarium light. “I missed you.”
“I missed you too, dumbass.” She pulled her legs up, hugging them so she could rest her chin on her knees. “Bepo-nii’s really waiting for us in Dressrosa?”
“Yeah—he’s got the safehouse and an escape route all planned, on top of looking for the factory.”
“What about Peng-nii and Sach-nii?”
“They…” He trailed off, not knowing how to continue. “We… we fought… about a year ago now. I don’t know where they are.”
“What…?! What in the hell did you fight about?”
“They wanted to funnel information to Sengoku’s other son, saying it would be better to put military pressure on Uncle Doffy. I refused.”
“It was enough to break up over?”
“Yeah.” Law avoided eye contact, hoping it would help him keep his composure. “Our family is falling apart, Nami. Our older brothers are nowhere to be found, you were presumed dead for two years, no one’s heard hell or high water from Mom and Dad since they told off Dad’s dad—not even Nojiko’s gotten a letter from them…”
“Mom and Dad are missing?!”
“Yeah. I’ve been looking, but…” He shivered. “I don’t know if you, Nojiko, Bepo, and me are the only ones left. Up until today, I thought I only had one brother and one sister remaining.”
“Don’t say that.”
“I know from experience.”
“Law-nii, that was different. You are different.”
“I can’t remember my first family’s faces, you know.” It was quiet between them, only the aquarium making noise. “Every time I try to remember them, I think of our family instead. Mom and Dad… Nojiko… our brothers… it’s them I see… I try to think of my kid sister, but for some reason her hair is orange instead of brown…”
“That’s why I have to do this,” he continued. “Uncle Doffy has fucked us up so irreparably that there’s nothing I can do except take him down. I can’t let him take the rest of you away… not when I’m so close.”
“If anyone should take him down, it’s Dad.”
“Yeah, except I was there when Dad had the chance—he almost died, Nami. Dad had him right there and couldn’t pull the trigger. He’s…” His voice grew quiet as he remembered that day. “…he’s not like him.”
“One’s a farmer and the other’s a criminal mastermind… it’s kind of obvious.” She leaned over and rested her head on his shoulder. “I wonder what kind of a man Grandpapa Homing was like, if he turned out both Dad and Uncle Doffy.”
“Dad said he was kind and loving; very open-hearted. Uncle Doffy said he was weak, pathetic, and foolish.” He paused, unsure of how to continue. “Hey… uh… Nami…?”
“Can you… do that thing Mom used to do?”
She took her weight off him and allowed her brother to shift so that his head was in her lap. Her one hand gently carded through his hair while the other rested on his neck, her thumb rubbing soft circles against the nape. She hummed a soft tune—a bawdy sailor’s shanty that was more lullaby than anything when slow and wordless, and let him melt into her touch. His whole body seemed to relax as she continued, going through the entire song before stopping.
“What are we going to do now?” she asked, voice quiet.
“Use Cesar Clown as bait and get our uncle in a position where I can strike him down.”
“You don’t have to do it alone.”
“Remember Law-nii… you’re not alone.”
He didn’t answer her, for he was already lost in thought. The ship wasn’t far out from Dressrosa anymore and he was ready to put his plan into action… even if it killed him.
Sitting in the Royal Palace, surrounded by a lavish display of opulence and might, Doflamingo read over a report given to him by a sentry toy, rushed in as he finished up breakfast. From the looks of things, it appeared that he was going to get a visitor soon… fufufu… how fortuitous…
“Mank, Fahkon,” he said, a grin upon his lips. Two of the guards stepped forward—one bald and the other peroxide-blond, both with their employer’s signature sunglasses as the rest of their unit—and saluted. “It appears as though my favorite nephew is finally coming home to take his rightful spot at my side whether he realizes it or not. I want you to initiate Protocol Corazón. Now.”
“Yes, sir!” the men replied before leaving. Doflamingo looked back at the report, examining the photograph that had been included. It was Law on Punk Hazard, a security camera having caught him with a protective arm around a woman… hmm… not just any woman, but the Straw Hat’s navigator…
Oh, he was going to have fun with this.
Everything was going relatively smoothly, considering all the working parts of the plan. Doflamingo had gone and resigned his spot from the Shichibukai, publicly giving up his position as a Warlord. He called Law’s bluff and agreed to meet him on Green Bit, where there would be a trade-off involving handing Cesar directly over to Doflamingo while—unbeknownst to Joker—some of the others destroyed the SMILE factory.
Well, it would be if some other people would stick to the plan.
“I’m going to need you three to hang back while I make the exchange,” Law said. He and the rest of the Cesar Hand-Over Team were walking through the streets, nearly at Primula. Nami quickly appeared at his side, an unamused expression on her face.
“I did not give up being in the relative safety of the Sunny just to watch you go in alone,” she frowned.
“Nose-ya, I trust that you can control my sister should something come up?”
“If you think I can control Nami, then you’re even more insane than I thought,” Usopp shuddered. Robin chuckled quietly from her spot next to Cesar.
“Our Nami is fiercely protective of her own—no doubt a trait she picked up from her elder siblings.”
“I can’t believe you lot are the ones I have to suffer through,” Cesar grumbled. “Of all the upstart little shits, it had to be these upstart little shits.”
“Don’t get too fussy now, or Doflamingo’s going to get his favorite science bitch back in a bit rougher of shape than intended,” Law warned.
“That’s not nice,” Nami mentioned.
“It’s accurate.”
“Doesn’t mean it’s still not nice.”
“Isn’t this the fountain?” Robin asked. The group stopped and looked at the center of the neighborhood square—there was indeed a fountain, topped with what looked like a dancing woman. They checked the map just to confirm—without a doubt.
“So this is where Bepo-nii was going to meet up with us?” Nami frowned. “It looks more like a place for someone to meet a date.”
“Doesn’t matter; he should be here by now,” Law scowled. He checked the clock on a nearby building, with Robin and Usopp silently noting how similar the siblings’ facial expressions were. “He had explicit instructions.”
“You know the fuzzball than I do, and even I know that’s a pretty hard sell,” Nami deadpanned. Law sighed—his sister was right. “He was to establish our routes and meet us here—it was supposed to be a no-brainer. Leave it to the most neurotic of our brothers to screw up a no-brainer.”
“I’m sure he does his best,” Robin chuckled. She then saw a nervous-looking bear looking around the square and smiled. “I think he might be more on-time than we think.”
Just then, the bear caught sight of the group and tried not to rush towards them. While the bear’s fur was brown, there was no mistaking the tears in his eyes.
“I can’t believe it’s you, Gingersnap!” the bear sobbed, picking up Nami in a tight hug.
“You look… different…” Usopp said.
“It’s a disguise—nothing permanent,” Bepo explained. “Everything’s clear to the Green Bit bridge. It’s dangerous, but I think we can handle it. When I realized who you were bringing along, I instantly felt better!”
“Where is the rest of your crew?” Robin wondered.
“Safe; Bepo dropped them off at a secure location before coming here,” Law said. “Now… let’s get to Green Bit so we can get this over with.”
Once recovered from the shock, ugly tears and snot ran down Luffy’s face as he hugged Sabo for the first time in a long time. He hugged so tightly that it was clear he didn’t want to let go, which made his brother chuckle.
“Ay! Wudduh yuh think yer doin’?!” Bartolomeo snarled. “Mistah Luffy needs t’concentrate before goin’ back out!”
“I’m going to handle that,” Sabo said. Luffy looked at him in bewilderment.
“You just concentrate on helping out your crew take down Doflamingo—some of my associates are already en route.” Luffy blinked and Sabo chuckled. “They’re headed to King’s Plateau as we speak.”
“Where have you been?!”
“I hit my head so hard that I forgot everything we’d been through until very recently,” he admitted. “Now get those things off so you can go and Lucy can keep Ace’s legacy alive.”
Nodding deeply, Luffy took off his Lucy disguise and handed it to Sabo, who hugged him once more, leaving a kiss on top his head as though they were still kids.
“Your punches still like pistols?”
“You know it!”
“Then you won’t have any problem kicking Doflamingo’s ass—get going!”
“Alright! Help my brother, okay Chicken Guy?!” Luffy ran off, laughing through his tears as Sabo and Bartolomeo stared at one another, one amused and the other completely flabbergasted.
Doflamingo was going to be in for it.
In her defense, Nami had done everything according to plan. She stayed back along with Usopp and Robin before they disappeared. After that, she even stayed hidden while Law had a pissing match with Doflamingo and Fujitora. She had completely followed along in her brother’s harebrained scheme, which he had promised was going to go off without a hitch.
So why, pray tell, was she locked up in a dungeon?!
“I can’t believe I’ve been reduced to this,” she muttered as she paced the cell. It was a simple design—stone walls, seastone bars, bed, sink, bucket—and yet there was a very complicated feel to the entire situation. Much of the crew was still in Dressrosa, that much was true, and there was the fact that Law was still alive. Doflamingo was truly a sadist; there was no way he’d let Law do something as simple as die without torturing him first. Bepo was also wandering around, but he just watched her get kidnapped, Law get shot, and a Marine Admiral summon a meteor from the sky—he was certain to need time to compose himself.
An explosion went off outside the palace that made Nami jump. Was she going to be trapped while the others fought on? What if she tried to escape? Waited for the others to get to her? Ugh… she really should have stayed on the Sunny when she had the chance…
Just then, she noticed a string slinking along the floor, coming into her cell. It began to swirl around and form a shape, which eventually solidified into the very image of Doflamingo, who smirked at her.
“Well, this is something,” the string-copy stated. It seemed to regard her carefully, as though she represented part of a puzzle he was interested in solving. “I don’t exactly understand: why is the Straw Hat brat part of this? He doesn’t seem smart enough to go through Law’s plans.”
“That’s the thing about Luffy,” Nami said coolly. “He keeps people on their toes.”
“Allies included?”
“Especially allies.”
“Then maybe this might be to my advantage after all,” the string copy mused. It had only a moment to ponder before the door to the cell block creaked open, at which it unraveled and reformed in the corridor. “Ah, Mank, Fahkon, I take it Protocol Corazón is functioning as planned?”
“Well as it’s going to go, sir,” the bald man said. “Mank and I have everything under control.”
The string copy gave pause. “If that’s the case, then why are you here?”
“We have a bit of unfinished business with the woman,” the blond replied. “I hope that’s alright by you.”
“Fufufu, but of course.” The string copy turned its pointer finger into a key and opened Nami’s cell door. She swallowed hard—this was not looking good.
“Much obliged.” The bald man drew the sword at his hip and looked at Nami, smirking casually. “Good to see you too, Gingersnap.”
Nami gasped as she watched the bald man swing his sword and slice Doflamingo’s copy in half, the entire thing falling limp into a pile of shredded string. She was taken aback as the pair took off their sunglasses and tossed them to the floor, revealing their faces in earnest.
It was honestly enough to make her cry. Mostly in frustration, but she couldn’t help the joy that went along with it.
Bepo was, admittedly, absolutely terrified.
He had only just barely slipped away from Uncle Doffy’s grasp when the exchange went sour. There was no sight of his brother or sister, and the Straw Hats had taken Cesar back into their custody at Law’s bequest and got the hell out of there. Nothing was going true to the plan and now he was running around the palace, attempting to find what was, at this point, Plan Q or R or something like that.
The royal palace was strangely quiet, as much of the fighting was going on outside. He poked his head inside a bunch of different rooms as he wandered the corridors, seeing the opulence and grandeur that his adoptive uncle surrounded himself in. It was such a far cry from the mikan farm that it was honestly jarring, though it also underscored the differences between the man who raised him and the one whom they were fighting. He could not imagine his parents wanting to raise him and his siblings there… to him, the fact there were never any visits was proof enough.
Finally, Bepo came across the Hall of Suits, noting how hollow and dark it was. He nearly passed it right up, but saw someone slumped down in one of the chairs… oh, shit… the chair with a heart for a back.
“Law-nii!” Bepo gasped. He ran to his brother and immediately began panicking at the sight of all his injuries. “Is that a gunshot wound?!”
“Bep, I need you to find the keys to these seastone cuffs,” Law grimaced. “He shot me like he shot Dad on Minion Island—if I don’t get access to my Devil Fruit soon, I’ll bleed out.”
That tidbit sent the Mink into full sobs. “Damn it! I’m so sorry, Law-nii! There’s nothing on the walls here and I don’t know where to look!”
“Just, look in the other rooms!”
“I already did!”
“Well, look again!”
“I’m not leaving my remaining brother’s side!”
“What the fuck do you mean by that?!”
Bepo looked over to see Nami running into the Hall of Suits along with two men he didn’t readily recognize. As they got closer, he caught a whiff of them, his expression turning hopeful.
“Peng-nii?! Sach-nii?!”
“The ones and only,” Penguin said. He reached into his blond coif and pulled out a hairpin, which he began to use to pick at the cuff’s locks.
“Where the fuck did you two come from?” Law groaned. “You look fucking ridiculous.”
“We look like the guys who are currently saving your ass,” Shachi fired back. “As if we were going to let you just  get Fuzzball and Gingersnap in mortal peril without some backup! It’s completely irresponsible!”
“This was supposed to be little more than a suicide mission for me, that I was to complete alone,” Law said. The locks sprang open and the cuffs fell away. “If I succeeded, then great; if not, then only my life is on the line.” As he felt the Ope-Ope’s abilities come flooding back to him, nausea overcame him, leading to him leaning over the chair and vomiting sourly. He wiped his mouth with his coat sleeve and surrounded himself in a Room, attempting to patch himself up the best he could with the potential time allotted.
“Uh-huh, and you completely forgot that he’s our uncle too,” Nami scolded, tempted to use her Climatact to beat his thick skull until he got it. “We’re siblings—we can clean up our family mess together. We even have friends to help where we’d otherwise be stretched thin.”
“No buts!” Nami leaned down and got in her brother’s face, poking him in the bit of chest not marred by a gunshot wound. “Don’t give me that shit! You might have been the only one of us to have lived with Uncle Doffy, but that doesn’t make you the only one responsible!”
“Yeah—we’re doing this together!” Penguin insisted. “What good are dumbass siblings if you can’t ask them for help?!”
“Or rope them into crazy-ass adventures?!” Shachi added.
“Fufufu… I can think of plenty.”
A chill settled over the siblings as someone new entered the hall. Doflamingo casually strolled in, his Haki oppressive as it beat down on the others.
“Stay away from him!” Penguin hissed. He brandished his staff while Shachi held a sword behind him. Nami and Bepo helped Law to his feet, his injuries thankfully subdued for the time being.
“Fufufu… look at my little nephews and niece,” Doflamingo chuckled. They all tensed at that. “I didn’t think nearly all of you would show up… Rosi certainly was… busy while away.”
“Don’t you dare talk about Dad that way, as if you didn’t try to kill him!” Law snapped. “If I hadn’t gotten there in time…! I…!”
“Yes, you certainly did change the course of events,” Doflamingo admitted. “Fahkon, Mank… the both of you? All this time? I’m impressed you were able to keep it together for this long. Did you plan on all of this before or after you joined my guard?”
“Fuck you,” Shachi spat. Doflamingo shrugged.
“No matter—Law, this is your last chance: you are the strongest of my brother’s brood, and I want you to do the smart thing and succeed him as the Corazón. You can do what he never could.”
“Why would I work for a piece of shit like you?”
“…because, I was hoping you were as sharp as I remember. Not a worry though—I have ways to make you see reason.” He lifted his hand and Law blanched.
“You guys need to get out of here,” he growled.
“We can’t leave you,” Penguin said. “We’ll take care of this jackass together.”
“No… I don’t think you understand,” Law replied, voice rising in panic. “All of you need to leave.”
“Which one, which one…” Doflamingo purred. He locked his sights on Nami and twitched his wrist so that his palm faced up, fingers still crooked. “You will do.”
In an instant, Nami’s shoulders jerked back, making her eyes go wide in panic. She tried to drop the Climatact, and couldn’t.
“Parasaito,” Doflamingo smirked. He watched as Nami’s body moved jaggedly before it settled into smoother motions, which made all his brother’s children panic.
“Try to hold still, Gingersnap,” Shachi said. “I might be able to cut the strings.”
“You can’t,” Law snapped. “There’s nothing to cut!”
“This has seastone in the steel—of course it can cut it!”
“Less bickering, more action!” Nami warned. She was beginning to spar with Penguin, who was just barely able to parry her blows without moving in to hurt her. “I don’t care how you do it as long as you don’t hurt me!”
Without a word, Bepo took the situation into his own claws and laid down atop Nami, putting just enough weight on her so that it was difficult for her to move or be moved. Doflamingo scowled as he attempted to pull on his niece’s strings, not getting anywhere.
“Well, that’s boring,” he hummed. “Maybe if I…”
Just then, glass shattered as someone burst through the window, Conqueror’s Haki at full-blast. Luffy took a swing at Doflamingo, raging at the Shichibukai. The siblings braced for an onslaught of broken glass, yet…
“Miss Nami! Youse guys! Ovah here!” They looked to see a barrier between them and the fighting, with Bartolomeo half in a door with his fingers crossed. “Let Mistah Luffy take care of it fer a while! Youse needs t’get yer strength back!” Not taking the opportunity for granted, they ran out of the Hall of Suits, Bepo carrying both Law and Nami.
“Who the hell are you?!” Law asked, attempting to completely ignore the fact he was hefted over his kid brother’s shoulder.
“Oh, I’m Bartolomeo, of the Barto Club! Mistah Luffy and the Straw Hats are mah heroes! There ain’t nevuh been a crew from the East good an’ bold as them! Not recently!”
“I told you we should have stopped back home for a bit,” Shachi snarked. Law pretended he didn’t hear him.
“I have’tuh admit, I didn’t think youse guys would be related to Miss Nami, bein’ Northern an’ all, but I’ve seen woise.”
“How could this be worse?” Penguin grimaced.
“Youse should see who dis oddah guy’s related to,” Bartolomeo chuckled. They rounded a bend and headed towards another corridor. “I mean, he an’ this dame show up with Mistah Luffy’s bruddah, and he says theys here to stop his brudduh from killings their kids! ‘Whose yer brudduh?’ I ask. Apparently, its the creep we’s just ran from! Uhhh… youse guys…?”
Bartolomeo watched as Penguin, Shachi, and Bepo all began to run faster, bursting into the hall ahead of him. They all froze as they saw the two people he had mentioned, casually standing over some freshly-defeated opponents.
“Mom…?” Shachi croaked.
“Dad…?” Penguin marveled. Bepo simply put down his other siblings, completely flabbergasted.
“Took you punks long enough,” Bell-mère smirked. She and Cora allowed their kids to run to them, giving them all tight hugs. “Been a bit—fuck, you’re all tall.”
“We hadn’t heard from you for so long!” Bepo sobbed. “What happened?! Did Uncle Doffy lock you up?!”
“I kind of told your grandfather off two years ago and since then we’re been Revolutionaries,” Cora explained. His kids all stared at him and he chuckled awkwardly.
“I, for one, want to know how you specifically haven’t died,” Nami snarked. “I don’t think you fixed being clumsy overnight.”
“Grauntie Tsuru really worked with me back in the day, okay?” Cora admitted.
“Now, how about we put off talking about Exploits Past for a bit so we can take care of this dry assfuck we call your uncle, eh kids?” Bell-mère asked, jabbing her thumb in the direction of the Hall of Suits. She looked at Bartolomeo, who was staring in slackjawed awe. “Oi, Barty.”
“Yes, Miss Bell-mère?”
“Time to earn your keep, kid. Go distract Mingo for us.”
“Anything fer you, ma’am!” Bartolomeo scuttled off, with Law and Nami groaning in unison soon as he was out of earshot.
“Where’d you pick this lunatic up?” she asked.
“That doesn’t matter,” Bell-mère said. “What does is that we have a plan to get the bastard right where we want him. He doesn’t know we’re here, which is a distinct advantage.”
Her kids all listened intently—with any luck, after this was done, Doflamingo’s existence was never going to hang over their heads ever again.
When Law finally found where the fight had moved to, it was outside, under the harsh and blinding sun. As it was, it took a while for Bartolomeo to get Doflamingo away from Luffy long enough for Law to utilize the short window to cut in. Some razor strings had just bounced off a barrier the green-haired man put up when Law jumped into the fray, a large Room already up.
“Gamma Knife!” He was able to get a quick stab in Doflamingo’s side, causing the older man to cough up blood. Law quickly moved himself away from his uncle.
“Fuck…” Doflamingo hissed, clutching at his side. He glared at Law, teeth bared and temper wildly spinning out of control. “I took you in.”
“…to groom me into sacrificing my life for you,” Law replied. “You never cared about me past that. Cora-san is the one who cared.”
“Rosi was always soft, like Father,” the Warlord sneered. “I guess he would have been your grandfather, in a different world. Living with Rosi has turned you soft as him… all that time and energy I put into you… wasted.”
“Luffy… I need you to help Nami and our brothers fend off the lieutenants,” Law firmly requested.
“…but I want to help you kick this guy’s ass…”
“If he’s not done in fifteen minutes, then come back here, alright?”
“Not one second more, you hear?” Luffy insisted. He then followed the sound of a nearby explosion; Law and Doflamingo were now alone.
“Foolish move, boy,” Doflamingo stated flatly. “He’s got energy for days—you’re barely upright.”
“All I need is to get in one more shot,” Law chuckled. He watched as his uncle’s expression turn into a frown. “What…? Don’t like your odds?”
“I don’t like any of this,” he said. “You’re forcing my hand, making me kill my favorite nephew, for what? Guilt? Vengeance? Some twisted sense that you’ve decided to call morality? I should have killed you when I had the chance. Now be a good boy and die.”
At that, Doflamingo began to swipe at Law with strings, all near-misses as the younger man popped around the courtyard thanks to the Room. Each time he tried to get close, it was another attack of deadly string. Finally, Law landed another hit, twisting the Gamma Knife in Doflamingo’s side, only to collapse afterwards  in exhaustion. He watched in horror as his uncle remained standing—it was impossible…
“My strings can stitch me up inside as well as out, you arrogant brat,” Doflamingo snarled. He stepped towards Law, who was visibly trembling. “Now I can stomp you out for good.” He lifted his foot and aimed…
…only to be stopped by his own brother’s foot getting in the way.
“Name’s Cora; the son you were about to hit gave me that name,” he replied. “Then again, I don’t really think you’d understand things done out of love, would you?”
“Fufufu… aren’t we a little bold for our britches?” Doflamingo chuckled. The two men jumped apart, moving away from Law. “Nice try surprising me; I have to admit that when I heard rumors of you being alive, I thought it was too good to be true. Then your boys went to sea and it was easy to piece everything together.”
“What gave it away?”
“The Heart Pirates, Alive Only—that windbag Sengoku’s the only one able to manage that as a favor to such an obedient little pet who gave us away to Tsuru all that time. Though I do have to admit, the girl’s a surprise. Have her by that Belle you were always pining over?” He clucked his tongue at that. “You became a father so young… and to potentially abandon your daughter at such a fragile age…”
“Like you think Father abandoned us?”
“To the wretched, common wolves, despite the fact we were born in the heavens. They denied us our birthright, so it’s now my right to watch the world suffer and burn.”
“…which makes it my right to stop you.” Just then, Bepo came silently lumbering into the courtyard, crouching down by Law in order to pick him up. Doflamingo drew the gun from his waistband and pointed it at the Mink, only for Cora to point one at him.
“Let them go; your beef’s with me.”
“Oh… nostalgic,” Doflamingo replied, turning his gun towards Cora. The other man’s hand trembled, aim shaky as he took the sound dampening off his youngest son.
“Go,” he said, not looking away from his brother. When he didn’t hear Bepo move, he cocked the barrel of the pistol. “Go, now; that is an order!” Bepo squeaked and scooped Law up in his arms, running away fast as he could. They were soon gone, though there was another explosion and a shishishi to be heard off in the distance. Without aplomb, Doflamingo fired a shot that his brother took in the chest, sending him to his knees.
That was when Cora grinned.
“We need to stop finding ourselves in situations like this, brother,” Doflamingo chuckled. “I thought I demonstrated the first time: you can’t shoot me. You can’t kill me. You are too much like Father.” He frowned as his brother’s smile did not fade away. “Are you that willing to die? Are you that willing to follow in his footsteps?”
“You are right about one thing, Brother,” Cora laughed weakly. “I am too much like Father—I can’t kill you.”
Doflamingo allowed the corners of his mouth to twitch up. Cora was not done, however, despite his labored breathing.
“You didn’t take into consideration one thing though,” he continued. His brother raised an eyebrow.
“Oh? What’s that?”
“My wife is nothing like Mother.”
Inhaling sharply, Doflamingo spun around on his heel, only to be met by Bell-mère pointing a gun directly between his eyes. She pulled the trigger before he could react, killing him point-blank with a spray of blood and brains. His body crumpled on the ground, lifeless and limp, broken and grotesque.
That was when everything changed.
The Birdcage overhead instantly vanished, the citizens sobbing as they dropped their weapons. What was left of the Donquixote Family began to panic and flee, heading directly into traps set by the Marines still there. Dressrosa erupted into joy once again, as they knew that they were finally free to live again as they once had.
“Mom! Dad!” The five siblings, having won their own fights, ran over to their parents, where Bell-mère was helping Cora stand. Law immediately ran a Scan on both of them, finding that there was nothing immediately life-threatening. He then collapsed in Cora’s arms, his energy completely spent.
“We did it,” he breathed. Tears began to stream down his face. “Fuck… we did it…”
“We did,” Bell-mère smiled. She and Cora shared a quick kiss, which made their kids all groan. “Oi; you’re all adults, for fuck’s sake.”
Parents were gross.
Tsuru had a giant headache and it was suspiciously Sengoku-shaped. Because, really, what the fuck was he anymore? Friend? Colleague? Comrade? The guy who keeps showing up? The not-Garp? Nika help her if she knew…
“What does the Inspector General do anyhow?” she asked as they readied to make port. “All you seem to do is wander around and cause trouble for the rest of us.” He munched casually on a cracker, thoughtful.
“I inspect things… generally…”
“You weren’t even assigned to inspect the corpse I have to transport, were you?”
Then again, how was Tsuru to know what Sengoku’s plan was? He slipped away while her unit was all enamored with the Tontatta princess, making his way through the ruins of Dressrosa until, finally, he found the small house in a field of flowers, where they were…
…where his family was.
Suppressing his Haki, he sat out of sight as he felt the raucous environment just out of his reach. There was presumably the owner of the house, as well as some of the Straw Hats, and… his son, daughter-in-law, and five of his grandchildren. He knew that if he had any chance of meeting them, now would be it… and yet… he knew it was not his place to intrude.
“Are you going to come in or are you just going to lurk there like some sort of weirdo?”
Sengoku looked and saw the Straw Hat’s swordsman leaning against the door frame. He regraded him critically, as though he was unsure of the old man’s true intentions.
“Do I have any right? After it all?”
“That’s not for me to decide,” the swordsman said. He watched as Sengoku stood and, after the man hesitated, turned his attention back inside. “Oi, Kyros, got another chair?”
The whole house went quiet as Sengoku lingered by the doorway. He saw Cora towards the end of the table, mid-reach for his fork, with Bell-mère sitting next to him. Aside from the Straw Hats (the Straw Hat himself, of course, being the only one to keep eating as though nothing was happening), the young people he had only seen in bounty posters were sat all around the couple, looking as though they had paused some sort of petty squabble for him to enter.
“Cora…” he choked, voice suddenly gone. “You… you did it…”
There was no response, with instead tears welling in Sengoku’s eyes.
“You were a better man than I ever could have hoped to be… Cora…”
“Gramps, who are you?”
Everyone looked at Luffy, slackjawed as he simply ate away. Nami and Shachi both hit him on the head, causing lumps to comically form.
“That’s the Marine Fleet Admiral, you idiot!” Nami snapped.
“Former Marine Fleet Admiral,” Sengoku gently corrected. “I’ve been out of that game for a while now.”
“Then why are you here?” Cora asked. The tension was palpable as they waited for Sengoku to make a move…
…though they did not expect him to go to his knees.
“I am here to apologize,” he said, showing every bit his age. “Your lives were all much worse due to my actions, whether I thought I was acting for the good of the world or not, and…” He leaned forward and pressed his hands and forehead to the floor, prostrating completely. “…there is nothing I can do, nothing I can sacrifice, to undo what I did… to fully atone for what I did…”
“Ooohhh… this is really weird…” Usopp shuddered. He looked at his crewmates and friends to see that they were all zeroed in on Sengoku. Well, shit.
“…and I want to thank you especially, Nico Robin, for not only living, but accepting my family despite my connection towards them. You are all so much better than this old, worn-out husk.”
They all stayed like that for a while, no one moving as Sengoku knelt on the floor, putting himself at their mercy. Eventually, Robin got up from her seat and went to him, placing a hand on his shoulder.
“I accepted Nami because she accepted me,” she explained. “She knew nothing of me and yet I was her friend. She knew everything of me and remained my friend. She knew very little of the extent of her grandfather’s actions and never let what she learned take away from what she built on her own. It’s easy to love someone like that, and just as difficult to hate.”
“R-Robin…” Nami wavered. The other woman pressed a finger to her lips with a smile.
“The sins of the father are not automatically the sins of the child, and despite this,” Robin told Sengoku, “your son has already bowed to me.”
Sengoku shuddered as he sucked in a breath, shame beating down upon him more than he ever thought imaginable. His tears fell directly onto the floor and the insides of his eyeglasses, only for a different pair of hands to touch his shoulder.
There was his boy, knelt next to him once again.
“Oi! Youse guys gotta get goin’!” Bartolomeo shouted as he burst in through the door. “Vice Admiral Tsuru’s been spotted talking to Issho! It could get bad!” He then noticed Sengoku, going completely pale. “Oh.. I… uh…”
“Shishishi—don’t worry, Chicken Guy,” Luffy smirked. “It’s just a family visit. Isn’t it nice that Nami is related to so many neat people? We’ve got so many extra-bonus-ally-friends that we even have them in the Marines!”
“…and to think that Sengoku isn’t the first one, either,” Kyros mused from his position in the corner. “You Straw Hats and Hearts certainly are an interesting group.”
Yeah… they’d take “interesting” any day.
To stare down the world at sixteen and seventeen, it means you’re staring into a great abyss, unsure of what lies in store for you and yours. There is a certain form of both near-and-far-sightedness that plagues you, tricking the mind into finding substance amongst the wisps and whispers, far from what is actually lurking just out of reach. It’s an uneasy and frustrated feeling, yet one that needs weathering all the same.
To steel yourselves at sixteen and seventeen, it means making promises not meant to be kept and holding them to heart anyhow. It’s quiet letters and silent conversations; lying to others while staying open and honest in private, despite how much it hurts; counting down the days until you can see one another again, with each hour feeling like an eternity.
To be fully-vested soldiers at sixteen and seventeen, it means feeling a small part of you die every time you follow an order, knowing full-well that it could be worse. You could still be a cadet; you could still be a recruit; you could be demoted to chores; so little is justifiable, and yet, you keep going. Yes, sir. Right away, ma’am. You enable the machine that is slowly killing you, as it killed all your classmates’ souls… all your classmates but one…
To love someone else is dangerous, and you don’t know for whom until it’s too late.
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nejibaby · 2 years
A Cruel Man
Pairing: Portgas D. Ace x Reader
"Every single day of his existence after having been with you, every single breath he takes, every single beat of his heart, he dedicates to you. Just not today.”
Word count: 0.7k
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Portgas D. Ace is a good man. Or at least that’s what he believes. And sure, he’s gotten into fights more than what his fingers and toes can count, and it may be a fact that he still doesn’t pay for the food he eats, and yeah, there was a point in his life where he believes sometimes he needs to knock some sense into people, and, well, he’s literally a pirate — a criminal with a huge bounty for his head — but he knows there’s more to him than all those.
He knows he has a good heart. He has fought for and along with people who were powerless. He has saved and freed slaves and prisoners before. He has stood up for those who he happened to witness being unjustly treated.
He has made friends with his enemies who had changes of hearts. And he has made a family out of strangers.
And even though there are still lingering thoughts in his mind about if he’s worthy to have been born, he still pushes through with life. Day by day, one step at a time, one good deed after another, that’s how he lives. That’s what you told him to do, and thank god he has you, because otherwise, he wouldn’t have ever felt his heart lighten.
Lighten, in a sense that you’ve casted away the darkness, and lighten, as in reducing the burden his heart bears.
So that’s why every single day of his existence after having been with you, every single breath he takes, every single beat of his heart, he dedicates to you.
Just not today. Especially not today.
Not even in the past few days.
At least not since Impel Down anyway.
Because now, standing in front of the Marine headquarters, tied with seastone chains, he feels he’s stripped off of all the good deeds he has done.
He feels bare, but… not quite, because apparently at this moment, his crimes are the only things left that should define him.
The World Government has painted him a bad person. And he’s so close to believing them.
But his mind wanders back to you. He visualizes the frown that would be etched on your face if you knew that he’s doubting himself again. He imagines the way you would scold him for being too hard on himself. The pictures of you that his mind comes up with calms the raging storm within him. Just like how it’s always been.
Oh god, he aches to see you once again. He aches to be with you. One more time, maybe? Just one last time.
So when he realizes that the Whitebeard Pirates came to save him, he wonders if you came along too. Pops wouldn’t have let you, that’s for sure. Pops knows just how much you love each other, and if he had driven you to war and became a casualty, he knows Ace would never forgive him.
Although knowing you, you’d probably find a way to come here. And while he longs to see you again, he doesn’t want that to happen under these circumstances.
He wants you safe. He wants you alive.
Even when he probably wouldn’t be.
And in a series of blurred events, he finds himself on the verge of death in the arms of his brother.
And he realizes that maybe he really was a cruel man all along. Because the last thought that had come up to him was the words he said during his last moments with you.
“Ace, you don’t have to do this. Thatch wouldn’t have wanted you to do this,” you told him.
“That’s too bad the dead can’t speak, huh?” He sharply replied.
But when he saw you flinch from his words, he apologized instantly, not being able to stand the sight of you hurt.
“I just want you safe, Ace. I, no, we have a bad feeling about this.”
“I’ll be fine.”
“What if you get hurt?” There were tears in your eyes. “Worse, what if you die?”
Ace had never done well with comforting someone, so he tried to make the situation lighter by saying, “Don’t worry. No grave can hold my body down. I’ll crawl home back to you if I must.”
Unbeknownst to him, these were the last words he’d ever say to you.
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a/n: i’m sorry
song reference/inspiration: work song by hozier
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imasimpforshanks · 3 years
Hello author! Can I ask for K and L for Sanji/Ace please. (Fluff) thankyou!
Fluff Alphabet - Portgas D. Ace
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a/n: hiya!!!! Here is ace’s fluff alphabet! 💗I know you only asked for K & L but I hate only answering a few letters of these at a time LMAO 💀ALSOOOOO I’m going to Sanjis at some point too, because I got a lot more angst asks than fluff so yahhhh! Anywayssss hope you enjoy<3333
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A-Activities (what do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?)
Ace absolutely loves to pull pranks on you AND he loves to pull pranks with you. Once a month you actually have an all-out prank war against one another where even the crew fear that they will be caught in the middle of it.
Oh, and true to his character, the two of you spend a lot of time eating food together. It’s very difficult for any normal human being to eat anything close to the amount Ace eats, so more often than not, it’s you staring at him in awe while he scoffs down another plate of food.
B-Beauty (what do they admire about their s/o? what do they think is beautiful about them?)
He finds your smile to be one of the most beautiful things he’s ever seen, it’s even more beautiful when the smile is directed at him. The moment you smile at him everything else in the world seems to melt away. Ace does everything in his power to bring a smile to your face, because when you smile everything else seems to fall into place. (SO CLICHÉ I KNOW BUT IT’S TRUE!)
C-Comfort (how would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?)
His go to method of comfort is cuddles. He just wraps his arms around you and gives you lots of forehead kisses. He’ll say all these kind things about you and ask what you need from him. If you’re not sure, or if you don’t feel like talking, he’ll patiently wait until you’re ready to talk.
D-Dreams (how do they picture they future with their s/o?)
In every possible future he envisions, you are there. To Ace, there is no future unless you are with him. It’ll be the two of you living life to the absolute fullest, taking it day-by-day.
He isn’t too keen on having (biological) children as he doesn’t want them to be burdened with the blood of Gol D. Roger.
E-Equal (are they the dominant one in the relationship or rather passive?)
He tends to take the more dominant role in the relationship. It’s just his natural personality that seeps through, it’s truly not intentional. He’s confident and loud so there’s not really any way you can’t not listen to him. However, if you were to voice any opinions or comments, you’ve got all his attention!
F-Fight (would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?)
I talk about his fights with his s/o a little in his angst alphabet. Here it is again!
Fights with Ace, although they don’t happen often, can quickly get out of hand. He’s stubborn and his inability to accept that he’s not always right can cause a minor disagreement to escalate into an all-out fight. On a few occasions you have argued about him never turning his back on an opponent.
Your fights tend to be followed by cooldown time. Things can get quite heated (no pun intended) so you need some alone time and space to breathe. After that though, you comeback together and apologize.
G-Gratitude (how grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?)
Ace felt unloved and unwanted by the world growing up (save for Luffy and Sabo, oh and Dadan), so it was quite the change to experience the unconditional love you provided him. He will forever be grateful for what you have done for him, in fact, he’s so grateful about it that he can never shut up about it! Much like how he gushes about his ‘stupid kid brother’ to the Whitebeard Pirates, Ace will also never shut up about you to anyone he talks to. Your name somehow always makes its way into any conversation he has.
H-Honesty (do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?)
The only secret he kept from you was that he was the son of the Pirate King. He was scared that once you knew, you would view him differently. But over time he was able to see that that would never be the case. So, after telling you that, he never kept anything from you ever again. Ace actually finds sharing secrets with you to be a weight off his shoulders.
I-Inspiration (did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?)
You were another person that was able to show Ace he is worthy of being loved. It’s an insecurity of his that will probably never go away, but that’s okay because you’re more than happy to remind him daily.
J-Jealousy (do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?)
I talked about Ace’s jealousy in his angst alphabet! But I’ll go over it again here!
When he gets jealous he turns into such a man child. He’s pouting and moping around while mumbling to himself. He develops quite a petty attitude. If you were to ask him “want to go get something to eat?” he’d respond with “why don’t you just go and ask ____ for some food.” But, as soon as you begin commenting on how jealous he’s acting he’s going to deny it to the end of his days.
K-Kisses (are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?)
I feel as though I may give Ace a little too much credit when it comes to this because I want to think that he’d be one of those amazing kissers, like he just has a knack for it. But in reality, that probably wouldn’t be the case.
Ace is more likely to be quite an overexcited kisser. He’s keen and passionate, that’s for sure. But with your first kiss, he’s a little too keen and tries to move way to fast. After some calming down and a little bit of a giggle to one other he’s in the zone.
L-Love confession (how would they confess to their s/o?)
The two of you are just talking and he’s, unsurprisingly, brought up his brother, Luffy. What is surprising however, is when he tells you how badly he wants you guys to meet each other. Your first reaction was “yeah that stands to reason he wants all of us to meet luffy” but before you could say anything Ace is already going on like “yeah, I just can’t wait to have the two people I love most in the world meet. It’d be real cool” (or something along those lines and probably a little less cheesy LMAO). You just stare at him like “heh?” and he stares at you like “uhhhh… yeah I said what I said?”
M-Marriage (do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?)
Heck yeah, this dude wants to get married! Getting to show you off to everyone? Yes please! Getting to tell you in front of everyone he knows just how much he loves you? BIG YES. Oh, AND a big ass party afterwards? THIS DUDE CANNOT WAIT! Being able to marry you is one of his dreams, and he’s actually been thinking about since the first date you guys went on.
But, he’s really struggling with how to propose to you. He’s gone through every cliché in the book. A ring at the bottom of your glass, in your food, a carriage ride etc. They’re all great ideas but he doesn’t think they suit the dynamic of your relationship. So, he’s going to enlist the help of Whitebeard Pirates and create an elaborate prank (that has a 50/50 chance of going wrong but also still working out exactly as he wanted).
N-Nicknames (what do they call their s/o?)
He likes to call you hot stuff or baby. Initially, these nicknames resulted in a lot of teasing from the other whitebeard pirates but neither of you cared.
O-On cloud nine (what are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?)
Whitebeard and a few of the other division commanders are the first to notice. I mean, it’s not that hard… He is constantly bringing you up in every conversation (if you’re not there) and if you are there, they can’t even get his attention for a moment. You have his undivided attention! It isn’t until Marco or someone says “You’re down baddddd, Ace” that he’s like HUH?
P-PDA (are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?)
Ace loves PDA. He is all about kissing you in front of everyone else. So much so that you constantly get told to “get a room!”. Ace loves to show off his relationship with you to the whole wide world. He’s incredibly proud to have found someone that loves him wholeheartedly.
Q-Quirk (some random ability they have that is beneficial in a relationship?)
Well, thanks to his devil fruit, his body temperature tends to run pretty warm, so you have your own personal heater.
R-Romance (how romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?)
Ace is romantic in his own way, that’s for sure. He expresses his love through teasing and jokes, but also through quality time. He’s big on that. Making sure all his attention is on you so you know just how much he loves you.
S-Support (are they helping their s/o achieve their goals do they believe in them?)
He has so much faith in your ability to achieve your goals. He wants to be able to help you in any way he can, so if you come to him and ask for help, he would be absolutely ecstatic! Ace just wants to be a part of your success story (in the best way possible, I know some people only want to because then they get credited but that’s not why ace wants to do it at all! Nothing makes Ace happier than seeing those he loves achieve their goals).
T-Thrill (do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship or do they prefer certain routine?)
Your relationship is already spiced out enough as it is. He’s got an extremely mischievous personality so is constantly getting up to god knows what, and some how always manages to drag you into it. If anything, your relationship could do with a little more routine (but you both are extremely happy with the way it is).
U-Understanding (how good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?)
Ace is an extremely empathetic individual. He understands a lot more than most, just how awful negative emotions can be (whether that’s sadness, insecurity, anger etc.). So he is quick to your aid whenever something seems to wrong.
V-Value (how important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?)
All relationships in Ace’s life are extremely important to him. He even values them more than his own life. Your relationship is no exception. You’ve shown him love, and accepted him for who he truly is, so there’s nothing he wouldn’t do for you and he makes that very clear every single day.
W-Wild card (a random fluff headcanon?)
He knows all your food orders off by heart. And when I say all your food orders, I mean ALL of them. He knows your food orders for each of your different moods. He memorised them pretty quickly so that he could surprise you with food regardless of your mood.
X-XOXO (Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?)
He is an extremely affectionate individual. Ace is practically attached to your hip at every possible moment. An arm will always be thrown around your waist or shoulders, and he literally wants to spend all day smothering you in kisses. He’s shameless when it comes to affection.
Y-Yearning (how will they cope when they are missing their partner?)
He copes by talking about you to EVERYONE. He tells the crew stories about you (mind you these are stories not only that they’ve heard multiple times, but they were also there to witness themselves). It gets to the point where even Whitebeard is like “ya know what Ace, you can go visit them.”
Z-Zeal (are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind?)
As I said previously, all relationships in Ace’s life are extremely important to him. We saw what lengths he was willing to go to when Thatch was killed by Blackbeard, and you would be no different. In fact, Ace would be willing to do all of that and so much more, if it was for you.
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chenziee · 3 years
Dine and Dash (chapter 1)
[Read on AO3 or under the cut]
Can you believe it's been 11 years since Ace was saved from Marineford? Yeah, me neither. Still feels like fucking yesterday. So happy they managed save him in the end :) #ForeverInDenial
I took the opportinity of the anniversary of chapter 574 being published to finally write the obligatory Everybody is alive and nothing hurts AU that we all deserve, especially a certain beautiful, precious fire boy <3 (And yes, I know the anniversary was yesterday, I fucked up but shhh)
Relationships: ASL brothers, Law/Luffy
Rating: Teen and Up
Words: 1894
Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Everybody Lives, Nothing Hurts, Portgas D. Ace Lives, Fluff, Fluff and Humor, lawlu being cute, Protective Sabo (One Piece), Protective Portgas D. Ace, best big bros protective of their innocent baby bro, ASL Brothers, what else uhhh, i might add more as i go, Donquixote "Corazon" Rosinante Lives
Summary: When the three brothers who had once terrorized the Grey Terminal as well as the Goa Capital come together, nothing good can come of it. Even though they're not children anymore. Or maybe especially since they're not children anymore.
Or; the obligatory Everybody Is Alive And Nothing Hurts AU
When Ace jumped from his raft up onto the railing of Luffy’s ship, he honestly didn’t expect someone to be standing right where he landed. He couldn’t blame Nami for screaming like she did in favor of a normal greeting, and it was also no surprise when Luffy’s voice came only a second later, asking what was wrong in a voice full of alarm. What was surprising, however, was when Luffy’s head popped out from behind what looked like a large polar bear sleeping right on the deck of the Thousand Sunny. Seriously, Luffy and his tendency to pick up the weirdest things.
"Hey, Luffy," Ace greeted, waving at his brother.
A bright smile appeared on Luffy's face when he realized just who the intruder was, scrambling to his feet and immediately falling over, nearly landing face first onto the lawn. Ace just had to laugh at the sight, but his amusement soon died down. Instead, he had to frown at the pained groan and cursing in a voice that was decidedly not Luffy's, and neither did it seem to have come from the polar bear who was still snoozing away without care.
"Sorry, Torao," Luffy apologized with a sheepish smile directed at the person he had apparently tripped over.
Who the hell was ‘Torao?’ Who was the person Ace could only assume his baby brother was napping with? Seemed like an interrogation was in order. Later though, there were arrangements to be made first. After all, having back up on this couldn't hurt and he had the best back up just waiting for him on the next island.
Picking himself up and running over, Luffy nearly crashed into Nami in his hurry this time, but his navigator managed to side step him at the last second, probably expecting something like this to happen. Luffy only shot her a crooked smile and a half-hearted apology, prompting her to shake her head at him, crossing her arms over her chest in a scolding manner.“Honestly, how is your entire family like this? One of you is going to give me a heart attack one day.”
“Sorry,” Ace and Luffy apologized in unison, the both of them bowing to her for good measure. After all, they both knew all too well that Nami’s wrath was scarier than anything they had ever witnessed on the Grand Line so far.
Nami huffed, shooting one last unhappy glare at them before she turned around and said, “We should be arriving at the next island in a few hours, I’m going to check what we need and get things ready.”
Ace sighed in relief; it seemed like they had somehow managed to avoid the worst.
"Ace, what are you doing here?" Luffy asked as soon as Nami walked away.
Ace grinned, finally jumping off of the railing he had been perching on. “Can’t I just come visit my favourite baby bro?”
“Of course you can,” Luffy said, sticking his tongue out at him. “I just didn’t expect you. Weren’t you going to Wano to see Tama?”
“Yeah, but there was a change of plans. Sabo’s actually on the island you’re heading to so I took a detour,” Ace explained with a shrug.
The reaction was immediate. Just as Ace expected, Luffy perked up even more, his smile going impossibly wide and Ace could swear there were stars in his eyes. He was also basically vibrating in place and Ace had to chuckle at the sight. He understood Luffy’s excitement, neither of them got to see the revolutionary nearly as often as they would have liked for obvious reasons, but Luffy was just too cute when he got like this. How he even did the… bright all over thing was something beyond Ace’s understanding but he loved seeing it every single time regardless.
“Sabo’s there?! Why didn’t he tell me?” Luffy cried out, grabbing onto Ace’s arm in his eagerness.
Before Ace could reply, the other person who had been hidden behind the polar bear until then stood up, muttering seemingly to himself, but loud enough for both Ace and Luffy to hear, “Oh great, there’s going to be three of them.”
“Torao~,” Luffy whined, turning to look at the grumpy man with a pout. “Don’t say it as if it’s a bad thing,” he finished, bouncing away from Ace to stand in front of the other man instead.
Ace scowled at the sight of Luffy peeking up at ‘Torao,’ who only stared back impassively as if he wasn’t bothered in the least by Luffy’s puppy eyes. Ace didn’t think that was even possible. Not to mention they were standing way too close to each other for Ace’s tastes.
“It is a bad thing. There’s way too much energy just with you, Luffy-ya. I don’t need more of it around me,” Torao told him, finishing with a light flick to Luffy’s forehad. An action that nearly had Ace toss a fireball at him if only Luffy didn’t start giggling over it.
Suddenly, Luffy stepped even closer to the man, wrapping his arms around his waist and grinning up at him. “You love it,” he announced, sounding all too proud of himself.
“In very small doses,” Torao admitted before leaning down and kissing the top of Luffy’s head.  
Oh, Sabo was so hearing about this.
Ace cleared his throat loudly, raising his hand to make sure the fire crackling threateningly in his palm was the first thing Torao would see when he looked in his direction.
“Nice to see you again, too, Fire Fist-ya,” the man said flatly, one eyebrow raised.
Ace smiled at him, making sure it look as fake as he could make it. “Trafalgar Law. What do you think you’re doing to my little brother?”
“What does it look like?” Law shot back, showing a smirk that only managed to irk Ace further. If Luffy wasn’t standing right there, he would really have thrown that fireball at him.
“Ace?” Luffy asked, tilting his head to the side in confusion as he looked at the fire dancing angrily under Ace’s command.
Ace sighed at that, reluctantly putting the flames out. That asshole was seriously so lucky Luffy was there. He and Sabo would have to corner him later and threaten him when Luffy wasn’t looking. “Anyway, as I was saying—” Ace shook his head, trying to make himself focus on the matter at hand— “I don’t think Sabo knew you were this close to the island. He said he only had one afternoon free and absolutely needed to see me for some reason. So, Luffy. Want to come with us to get something to eat?” he asked, even though he knew the answer. As if Luffy would ever say no to that.  
“Let’s get meat!” Luffy exclaimed loudly, full of enthusiasm and throwing both arms in the air. He nearly punched Law in the face.
Sadly, it really was only nearly but Ace still took great pleasure in returning the smirk Law had given him earlier. He quickly turned back to Luffy, however, and replied, “Well, Sabo seemed like he had something in mind already so let’s just go and see.”
Luffy nodded at his words, a bright, happy smile that looked just the same as it did all those years ago at Mt. Colubo on his face, and Ace felt his previous smirk melt into a fond smile in return. There was warmth in his chest at the sight, the knowledge that his little brother was still the same even after everything that had happened over the years making him incredibly happy.
Without even realizing, Ace’s hand came to touch his own exposed chest, his fingers tracing the rough, large burn scar that Akainu had left there during the war four years ago. It was honestly a miracle he was even alive. He had fully accepted death back on the execution scaffold but then Luffy crashed in, just as loud, just as unexpected as always, bringing so much chaos with him that it changed the entire course of the whole ordeal. And then he accepted it once more when he threw himself in Akainu’s way to protect Luffy.
But now here they were, both of them miraculously alive—thanks to Jinbe, Marco, Vista, and, as much as it pained him to admit it given the very recent circumstances, mostly thanks to Trafalgar Law’s incredible timing and medical skill—and both bearing lava burn scars on their chests as a reminder of what could have happened; what was so incredibly close to happening. It was incredible how much the experience had changed them, yet somehow, how they were still the same as they used to be when playing pirates in their little tree house base.
And when Sabo had appeared in front of them again, with tears and apologies and so very alive, it felt almost inevitable.
Ace shook his head at his own thoughts. This was no time to get all sentimental. “Okay, Sabo’s waiting. Are you ready to go? Striker isn’t really a two person boat but it should be okay,” Ace said, gesturing towards his fire powered raft.
“Yes!” Luffy shouted like he had just won something. “Your boat always seems so fun to play with,” he sang, running over to look down at the slim, sleek raft that was gently swaying along the Sunny.
“Glad you’re so excited,” Ace chuckled.
He went to jump back down on Striker immediately, but Luffy stopped him when he spoke up next, “Oh wait. Do you think we could take the Mini Merry? Torao is meeting his dad on the island, too.”
Ace paused, looking at Luffy with a slight frown. What the hell was a ‘mini merry?’ But more importantly, did they really have to take Trafalgar with them?
Thankfully, Law had saved Ace from having to deal with either of those questions when he spoke up instead, “Thanks but I’ll stay here, Cora-san won’t be there until evening anyway. Plus, I’m not going to risk your brother drowning me on the way.” He shot Ace another one of those smirks when he finished and Ace almost wanted to burn it off of his face but…
“Fair point,” he admitted instead, surprised at the laughter that bubbled out of his chest. He shuddered in horror at the idea of this asshole growing on him.  
“I have no idea what you two are talking about,” Luffy mumbled in annoyance, but perked back up a second later when he announced he was going to let the crew know he was going on ahead.
Ace and Law looked at each other, Ace trying to convey with his eyes the threat of bodily harm that he was thinking in regards to the man standing in front of him. He could only assume he had succeeded when the corners of Law’s mouth twitched up slightly, followed by the surgeon flipping Ace off before he turned around and walked off, sitting down and making himself comfortable with his back resting against the somehow still asleep polar bear.
He was seriously pissing Ace off.
He did have to give it to him, though; if nothing else, this asshole had guts. Reluctantly, Ace had to admit that was probably the most important qualification to pass as Luffy’s boyfriend. He was still not getting out of that interrogation though.
[chapter 2 coming...... as soon as I can finish it]
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lawxbread · 4 years
I wasn’t sure where to send the request, but I was wondering is you could do an x reader where the reader was Ace’s girlfriend and after he died and the straw hats were on haitatus she went to train with Laws crew and they fall in love but she’s afraid of getting hurt again by losing someone she loves because important people seem to always die in her life
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Hey,hey,hey!(bokuto's voice) Oh my god! I really enjoyed writing this, thanks for sending me this awesome plot!! Lol I tried my best but I think I was too descriptive (I got too excited and this got longer than I planned...) But I hope you like it!
A/N: I rushed at the end because I felt every brain cell of mine dying as i wrote the smut scene lmaooo
Synopsis: You were Ace's girlfriend and since when he died you've been afraid of losing someone again. Your heart is wrapped up. You feel solitary. But... What if the doctor, Captain Of the Heart Pirates, heals your pain by making you realize that you are capable of loving again?
"I can't control myself anymore"
"Make me yours, Law"
    Warnings: angst, smut, implied death, unprotected sex, swear-word
   Word count: 3K
It's all dark. You feel something touching your skin lightly. That touch... you recognize it, that warm touch you are so used to. Suddenly, your vision comes to be brighter, a few seconds have passed when you feel a breath on your face, then you finally see it, It's the man you loved wildly: Portgas D. Ace. As soon as you see him, he stops touching you, posteriorly Ace looks at you with tears in his eyes and starts running away. You don't understand what the hell is happening so you just try to reach him, "Wait!! Ace!!!" : You try to scream but, for some reason, your voice doesn't come out. When you realize, Ace abruptly fades away and then the surroundings are no longer warm. You start to cry, still trying to scream his name but not a single word comes out of your mouth. A deadly hush. "ACE!!! NO!" you try again, nothing. All your efforts are ineffective. You start blaming yourself, hopeless.
  "Y/N- ya!!". You hear someone yells. Attempting to come back to your senses, you slowly open your eyes. You feel your sweat rolling down your face and take a deep breath until you feel steady. Eventually, everything seems regular. You see Trafalgar Law staring at you with an apprehensive look and it doesn't take long for him to ask
  " Another nightmare, Y/N- ya?"
   "Uh... Apparently yes." You retort, then add "Law... When will this pain go away?"
   "It depends on you. Everyone has their traumas, I know it's not easy... But, Y/N, you have to move on." Law replies, using a concerned voice tone.
  You start to cry, then you get up from the bed and instantly hug Law. He freezes.
 "H-hey...Y/N-ya...uhh. Everything will be alright..." He says embarrassed while patting your back
  Law gently moves you away and says "Y-you should grab something to eat, Bepo prepared a breakfast."
   "What the hell I just did??!" You think, blushing as you realize the hug you gave Law.
  "O-Ok" You declare.
You were Ace's girlfriend. One year has passed since your boyfriend's death. Portgas D. Ace wasn't just some guy you dated, he was, foremost, your best friend and the only person you could count on.
   Your parents died when you were just 10 years old and you grew up cleaning houses, selling stuff you found in the junk, and doing any kind of service for other people. All of these just to survive, relying on a very small amount of money. Then, you met Ace, when you both were 18 years old, he helped you by beating some thieves that stole bellies from you, and little by little you fell in love with each other. Two years have passed when you heard that Ace was captured by the Blackbeard Pirates and taken over by the Navy, who would execute him at Marine Ford. You wanted to go save him immediately but when you declared to the WhiteBeard you would save Ace with him, he didn't let you go. Whitebeard ordered some of his sons to stay with you and prevent you from going with the rest of the numerous crew, as Whitebeard knew that Ace wouldn't be happy to see his girlfriend in the middle of a war. You tried to fight back but it was worthless.
   You couldn't sleep and eat properly, fretted over Ace's life. Then, you heard the choking news: Ace died in Luffy's arms at Marine ford.
       You couldn't believe it, you just couldn't. 
You suffered so much, you only wanted to die because you had totally lost the reason for continuing to exist.  Until  1 month after Ace's death, a huge yellow submarine appeared in front of you, and Trafalgar Law came out of it saying that Luffy asked him to take you and make you stay with his crew. You didn't have anything to lose so you just accepted the offer. Since then, you've been training with Law while the rest of the straw hats are on hiatus.
   It's not that you still can't accept Ace's death, you know presently that this kind of tragedies happens. It's just that... you are afraid that something similar occurs again. You are so attached to the Heart Pirates Crew, they are like a family to you, and Law has been great to you ...so your biggest fear is losing them. This sort of thought results in constant nightmares, leaving you scared when you wake up.
    "Good morning, everyone!" You say as you approach the kitchen with Law.
   Bepo and Shachi are eating some fried eggs and cake, discussing something about the fish Bepo fished earlier being poisonous.
     "Hello, Y/N!! Did you have another frightening nightmare?" Bepo asks.
       "Yeah, nothing new..." You retort while taking a piece of bacon.
   As you walk towards the dinner table to sit on a seat next to Shachi, you notice Law staring at you non stop, making your heart races. "Uhm, what feeling is this?", you keep thinking about it but don't understand what is going on with you so you just ignore it.
  The things between you and Law have been weird in the past 3 months since you joined the crew one year ago. He seems more comprehensive with you than usual, Law used to argue with you every time you did something wrong but now... He's changed, in a certain way.
    You seat next to Shachi, in front of Bepo and Law. As soon as you realize, Shachi puts on your plate a piece of the cake he is eating.
        " Hey, Y/N-chan, you should try this", Shachi says as he looks at you with a smirk.
    "Oh, thanks..." You say in an embarrassed voice tone, trying to be polite.
    You look at Law and he is still gazing at you, but now he seems uneasy.
   You eat the cake, unintentionally, leaving a crumb on the right corner of your mouth.
   "Y/N-ya, there's a crumb right there," Law tells you as he points from his seat at the crumb left on your mouth.
   "Here?" You attempt to clean it, but you don't succeed since you can't see it.
   Shachi quickly says "Let me clean it for you." He presses his finger against the crumb, taking it off for you. Then he caresses your cheeks "Done, Y/N-chan". He gives you a  smirk.
   You are uncomfortable, really uncomfortable. "T-thanks..."  You stutter.
    You look at Law and he looks pissed as hell but you don't understand why, you just suppose he woke up in a bad mood today.
   Law gets up from his chair not saying anything, then he utters "Y/N, a word?"
  You don't comprehend why he called you and interrupted your meal, but you feel relieved since you don't have to stand Shachi's inconvenience anymore. You obey him, following Law to his office.
  Law could wait for you to eat but he was irritated seeing Shachi shamelessly hitting on you, so he called you just to get you out of there, he knew you were uncomfortable. Besides Law was worried about you, he was jealous. Actually, you are a breath-taking girl, really stunning and beautiful so most of the crew's men always hit on you when they get the chance of doing so. It bothers Law a lot but you'd never imagine that.
   As soon as you enter the office, you shut the door. You notice that Law isn't looking you in the eye and then he starts seeking some papers that he left in one of the desk drawers. He grabs the papers and says:
    "Y/N-ya, I think I don't have to train you anymore, you seem prepared enough to train haki by yourself from now on." Then, still avoiding to look at you, he orders, coldly.
   "So, I need some favors, take these papers that have a list of tasks for you to do at the submarine, most of them are related to repair stuff. " Law putts them in your hands.
  "What? Why all of this so suddenly?" You ask.
  "It's nothing. Just go." Law replies, indifferently.
     You left the office questioning yourself if you've done something wrong for Law to act that way. But not a single idea comes to your mind, so you just decide to do what he ordered since he is your captain.
   Six days have passed since then, you've been doing repairs and improvements all over the submarine, and when you get the chance, you train haki and fight skills by yourself. Since the day Law acted weird, he's been more absent than before. Plus, he avoids you every time you try to reach him and you don't understand why, but seeing Law ignoring you makes you feel sad for some reason. You start to think that there's a remote chance of ~maybe~ you had catch feelings for Law. But... You don't wanna accept them, thinking about how much you loved Ace and he died abruptly makes you feel hesitant to love someone again. You are already afraid of losing Law, if you fall in love with him, you fear that the pain you'd feel if he dies, would be worse, like how happened between you and Ace.
  On your way towards your room, you see Law entering his office so you decide to go talk to him and ask him why he's acting like that.
   You knock on the door. "Come on in," Law says.
  As soon as Law sees you, he instantly changes his facial expression, he seems more anxious, uneasy.
   "Hi, Law. Can I talk to you for a second?" You ask him as you slowly approach his desk.
  "Yes. But be brief, I'm busy." He declares with a coldhearted tone of voice, still avoiding your stares.
  "So..." You take a deep breath, then let out  "Why you've been avoiding me these past days? Have I done something wrong?" 
  Law quickly replies, "I'm not avoiding you. Are you done?"
  "Liar, you can't even look me in the eye!!"
Silence fulfills the room as Law puts his hands on his forehead, letting his head rests on them. You try to understand whatever is going on, a sentiment of heavy tension appears when you look at Law.
   Tension. Simply, tension.
Law , still with his head down, finally confesses "Y/N-ya...Yes, I've been avoiding you" He mumbles. "Do you really wanna know the reason?"
   "Yes!! I'll try my best to help you with whatever is making you feel low!" You declare.
  "I don't think you can help me, but... I can't control myself anymore when I'm by your side.Y/N-ya..." Law admits as he finally stares back at you, and this time, he's looking deeply into your eyes.
  You freeze.
   "W-what? What do you mean by that?" You certainly think you misunderstood his words.
   " I have feelings for you," Law confesses directly, leaving you no more doubts.
  You try to keep your composure, but it looks like you are on fire, your whole body is steaming. You don't know what to do so you just stand still, staring at Law with a shocking glance.
 "Y/N-ya...You don't have to return my feelings, I won't compel you to do anything about it." Law says, then he gets up from his chair, approaching you, so he adds "Look, it's just that it's hard for me to see you and couldn't be able to announce you're mine. I don't know when it started, maybe 3 months ago so you can just ignore it and I'll move on."
   "Law..." you mumble, an immense desire to cry emerges, so when you least expect it, you are covered in tears.
   Law looks surely worried about you, he attempts to approach you even more but you are moving away from him.
"Law..." You cover your eyes with your hands as you cry, "I-I think I feel the same but..." You sigh, "I'm afraid... I'm afraid of losing you! I can't go through that again."
   You are crying a lot but you stop when Law abruptly hugs you.
     "I'm not going anywhere, Y/N-ya." Law whispers.
    Important people seem to always die in your life, you lost your parents when you were just 10, and then you lost Ace... This fear that haunts you has total control of your mind, but, somehow, the last few words that Law said to you comforted your troubled soul.
  "Y/N-ya, take your time," Law says as he sweetly moves you away, now you both are no longer hugging, but staring deeply at each other. "I'll wait for you to make your decision, please rest...have a good night," Law says then opens the door for you
  "Good night, Law..." You leave his office and go straight to your bedroom.
  Two months have passed and surprisingly you didn't have any nightmare during its period. You felt so calm when Law hugged you and said he wouldn't go anywhere, since that day you've been wondering if you are capable of giving love a second chance. Besides, Law is still waiting for your decision but you can't just get through your trauma so easily; however, the time you took to think was enough for you to understand that you were worrying too much about an uncertain future. You thought a lot about it and figured it out that you have strong feelings for him, the idea of having him by your side is being more recurrent in your mind than the idea of losing him. You certainly want him, you want him so bad.
       Since the day Law confessed to you, he is no longer avoiding you and everything is natural between you two. As he is respecting your time and not bringing the relationship matter back.
    You have made your decision. Maybe...It's time for you to move on and tell Law what you want the most: him.
   It's 2 am when you decide to go see Law and tell him your decision, you couldn't wait anymore longer. You go straight towards his bedroom to check if Law is still up and notice that the door is half-open so you slowly push it.
    "Law...?" You mumble as you enter the bedroom. You don't see him anywhere. A few seconds have passed when suddenly Law appears right behind you.
   "Y/N-ya?" Law says, he looks kind of surprised. You turn back to see, then you gradually make steps forwards "I'm sorry I was at the kitch-" You kiss his lips wildly, interrupting Law's words.
   Still with his eyes open, Law can't believe what's going on. He stops you from kissing him, "H-hey....Y/N-ya w-what are you doing?" he stutters.
   "Oh, I made my decision, Law." You confess "I realized that I want you much more than I fear losing you. It seems confusing but..." You look down, "I don't want to live the rest of my life wondering what my life would have been like with you.  I really want to live it." Law smiles.
  You add "I don't care about the future anymore, we are in the present and I want you right now!"
   "Y/N-ya, I want you so much, and hearing from you that you got over your fear really makes me glad..." Law kisses your forehead.
  You look back at him, you both exchanging stares, "I want you, you want me so... please, make me yours, Law"
  Law doesn't hesitate a second, he kisses your lips remarkably as he slowly shuts the door. Law puts you against the wall and starts kissing your neck and touching your right breast with his left hand. You let out a groan.
   "Y/N-ya, you make me so..." Law whispers while he takes off your shirt then he kisses your neck again, leaving it marks.
  "L-law??" you mutter as you are blushing, you just can't believe it, you want him right now.
   He presses his body against yours while he also kisses your lips, you feel his hard manhood touching your thigh. Your whole body is on fire, he unhurriedly moves down his right hand until it reaches your cunt, Law dry rubs it using his index finger as you moan. You can't stand it anymore, the heat between your both bodies is driving you insane, plus his warm touches all over your trunk.
   "Y/N-ya..." Law takes off his shirt and pants, revealing his ample chest with his tattoos, muscles and his bulky underwear, indicating his cock's hardness. Everything about him turns you on. "Take off your skirt and panties ", Law orders, his eyes: full of desire. You obey him, embarrassingly. Law watches every movement of you taking off your remaining clothes, hardening his cock even more.
  Unawares, Law took off his underwear, showing his thick and lengthy dick. Your face turns flushed.
   Law holds you by the waist, making you put your legs around his hips, he controls your waist back and forth bringing in your pussy to rub his cock's tip for some seconds. " Y/N-ya... I can't hold it anymore". He stops then lifts you in his arms, leading you to his bed.
   He lays you on the bed, lying on all fours on top of you and so he starts to gently caress your face, hair,ear... Unexpectedly, you feel the tip of his manhood lightly touching your entrance, then, Law holds your hands, pushing your arms against the mattress. So he starts penetrating, "Fuck. It's so tight" Law exclaims. The impact sound of skin against skin is gradually increasing, Law is moving faster and faster, you can't help but moan, moan a lot.
  "L-Law" you call out his name, "L-Law".
" I love you, Y/N-ya," Law says while he moves into you, you are so close to reaching your climax, and so do him, that in you head only Law and you exist, so your vision starts to blur;  you felt like fire was running through your veins instead of blood. "Law, I'm...almost..." you finally achieve your culmination.
   "Y/N-ya" Law stutters your name as he releases his cum inside you. Law takes a deep breath then he lays down next to you and you both embrace each other.
Law kisses your forehead, "I'm not going anywhere, Y/N-ya. It's a promise." He whispers.
   So you reply to him, "I know." and after a few cuddles you both fall asleep.
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kotachii · 3 years
Ohayo! if you don't mind making a drabble / scenario, where Ace had a lover at wano arc also the older sister of O-Tama, how would the strawhats will react especially luffy, if you only don't mind hehe😅
Strawhat’s Reaction to Ace’s S/O
Note: Thank you for the request! 
      When the Strawhats first realized that the person who saved them was Ace's lover, they were beyond shocked. Nami visibly gasped, Zoro's expression sunken, Chopper was biting his lips to hold back tears. A look of confusion spread across the group as they look at eachother, unsure if they should reveal that Ace is no longer alive. Once again, the guilt to not be at Marineford and help their captain rescue Ace overwashes the crew.
        Seeing the sudden change in atmosphere, (Name) asks confused, "What's wrong?"
        She was faced with a sea of silence, everyone unsure of what to say. Until Robin finally asked, "Did O-Tama tell you about Ace recently?". (Name) shook her head--
        "Portgas D. Ace is dead," Luffy interjected.
        You whipped your head to look at him, not sure if you heard him wrong. Luffy's face was expressionless. "If that's a joke it's not funny," you warned.
        But Luffy's face remained the same, "He's dead."
        Suddenly, you grabbed Luffy by his collar, you were furious, "I said it's not funny!"
        "He's right, (Name)..." Nami tried to interject, but finds herself at a loss of words
        "No you guys are lying!", you yelled
        "Y-Yeah, it happened two years ago during the War at Marinefor--", Usopp continued in Nami's stead
        "No you guys are lying!", you repeated again.
        And Luffy slapped you.
        Not even a light slap, he legit slapped you across the face really hard that you let go of him.
        "Luffy are you out of your mind?!", the crew shouted at him in unision.
        "What the hell do you think you're doing, Luffy?", Sanji said menacingly, angry at Luffy for slapping a woman.
        "She was repeating the same sentence so I thought I would wake her up."
        "It doesn't work like that!!", Nami, Chopper, and Usopp all sighed.
Regardless, their attention turned back to you, who is now in tears. You were completely numb, not even feeling the stinging pain in your cheek
        "B-but Ace promised.....he will come back and take me out to sea with him when O-tama is old enough...and that he would marry me."
        "Oh dear, (Name)-san," Robin whispers to herself. Seeing how sad you were, the crew was visibly broken. Franky has started sobbing.
        You continued, "Portgas (Name).....he said I should start getting used to this name, but what's the point now?"
        "It's not pointless, (Name)," Nami stopped you, "you loved him right?"
        You looked at her and nodded.
        "Then that's why it's not pointless!"
        Luffy approached you again, "I'm Ace's brother, Monkey D. Luffy, I know that Ace would want you to still take on his name."
        Chopper was trying hard to hold back his tears "(Name), my teacher once said that a man only dies when he is forgotten..."
        "Chopper is r-right, (Name), carry on the Portgas Name, don't let it die out," Usopp says to you.
        "Portgas (Name) has a nice ring to it," Robin chuckles to herself.
        "Wait, if Ace is my brother, and you are Portgas (Name) now...then that makes you my sisters!", Luffy exclaimed.
        "Wait--What, Luffy?"
        "Yeah, that means you are my sister now...and O-Tama too!"
        You chuckled, "I guess you're right."
        Finally, a warm smile spread across the crew and Luffy laughed too, "Shishishi, I can't wait to tell Sabo about you now."
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Reading One Piece pt 303: Royal Bloodline
Chapter 550
- Fpos/cs: Forest of Gluttony? Better than I expected for Usopp but not exactly good either
- (I watched OP 12 and while it’s fine, I have a feeling at least half of episodes it was running during ended up fillers. It’s like they decided there’s not enough Straw Hats in the manga and made their own content. Probably that’s when they did all these stories from cover pages. I generally approve but, like, we have a war going, isn’t it exciting enough??)
- South Blue? East Blue? All of them really. People all around the world are anxious. They’re not stupid, they know war is looming over. It’s kinda chilling to be honest
- Everyone wonders if Whitebeard will show up at Marineford. They don’t know how strong Whitebeard is now and they DON’T WANT war
- In Marineford, all citizens (mainly families of Navy personnel) has been evacuated. It’s only soldiers now, on the whole island
- In Sabaody Archipelago, Ace’s execution will be broadcasted there. Insert ‘that’s what happens when you don’t have Eurovision” joke here. It’s very grim for me. Bet Celestial Dragons would be very happy to see that execution, with Luffy there no less
- NOT THAT THE EXECUTION WILL ACTUALLY HAPPEN GODDAMMIT show the world your moves Luffy and save your brother
- they already put Ace on the platform (just like with King Roger. Is that WG custom or what)
- “Only three hours until Ace’s head rolls” …they’ll make him kneel there for 3 hours? With these 2 marines guarding him like that? On live TV and while waiting for Whitebeard to attack? WHO WAS IN CHARGE OF THIS PLAN???
- (Garp, probably. I hope for Sengoku to be smarter than this)
- everyone in Marineford is super antsy and stressed and no wonder
- “100 000 elite troops) wow, that’s a lot of people, who’s feeding them all
- Fifty warships too! That’s so much
- (by the way, Marineford looks nice but clearly very military)
- seriously, how will that pan out. We got two Warlords and Crocodile doesn’t even care about fighting a Navy, he wants Whitebeard. The rest of our prison bunch is nice but no match for FIVE WARLORDS
- …looking at the bright side, at least Blackbeard isn’t here. He’s off at Impel Down, doing God knows what, and now I’m concerned againdamnit *nervous laughing*
- but damn if these Warlords don’t make a great picture, all grouped together
- Ace is guarded by 3 Admirals!!!! They make a great picture too! There’s my man Aokiji, sitting differently than other two and breaking the symmetry! Kizaru looks very disapproving. And Akainu is angry napping like damn. Never saw the last one (he was in Robin’s flashback but I don’t count that) but I know he’s a bastard (again, Robin’s flashback)
- ok, I think all Navy forces are accounted for. Back to Luffy’s Bunch!
- another Gate of Justice. There’s too many Gates and not enough Justice, really
- Sengoku and Garp!
- ?
- Sengoku will talk to Ace?
- No, wait, he’ll make a speech to the world!
- “I have something to say to you all. The execution of this man, Portgas D. Ace… is a matter of enormous import!” …yes? It’s starting a war?
- (Tashigi and Smoker!! And… Momonga? The Badass Captain)
- “Ace… what is your father’s name?” !!!!!!!!!!!!
- …bet he’ll say Whitebeard?
- “My father is Whitebeard!” YEEEEEAH
- no but really, it’s not Dragon., so who? I suspected Fisher Tiger, for like half a second, but that’s not it either so who
- “We were looking everywhere when we got word from Cipher Pol about the possibility that one of his children might be on a certain island. We examined newborns, unborn infants and and their mothers and found nothing.” …this is disgusting. I’m remembering Herod and Baby Jesus now
- “But that was only natural. Your mother used a trick to hide you… that cost her her life!!” oh no
- “We were fooled. The whole world was fooled!” Hina, Coby and Helmeppo are here
- “Your mother lived on the island of Baterilla in the South Blue. Her name was Portgas D. Rouge.” D.!!!!!?????? She was a D. too!!!!????
- (ok, no, I’m know who father is now. SAY IT MANGA!!! SAY IT!!!)
- “She did something we never imagined was possible. She hid her child in her womb for 20 months… in order to save it!” …that’s… not possible. Guys, that’s not possible, when baby’s due, baby’s due, everyone knows that. What the heck
- “She bought your life… at the cost of her own.” That poor woman… and poor Ace, WHY ARE YOU TELLING HIM THIS he’s supposed to die in few hours come ON
- “Your father was executed one year and three months before you were born. The blood of the most terrible fiend the world has ever known… runs through your veins.” !!!
- oooooohhhhhh, marines are catching on
- “Don’t pretend not to know!”
- “Your father… WAS GOL D. ROGER, THE PIRATE KING!!!!” YES!! HE WAS!!!
- What the hell, be proud Ace!! What the hell!
- “My unborn child… is innocent, Garp! Take care of my son!” wait, what
- No, what the hell? Why is Sengoku so dramatic? Why is Ace ashamed? And Garp knew Roger? Enough for Roger to entrust his kid to him?
God, Garp, you couldn’t fuck this up more if you tried! Holy shit!
rOP 302  rOP 304
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xamaxenta · 2 years
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Blood and Fire
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whirlybirdwhat · 4 years
East Sea of Monsters - Chapter 22
Jimbe has always dreamed of suns
Shoutout to the wonderful @soccersarah01 who beta’d this fic for me - love you!!!
Read the entire series on Ao3 for better quality and author’s notes, especially warnings for content within the fic!! Tag “Ficart” on my blog should also show some fanart and podfics for this fic, as well as the link to translations! give them some love!
Sun - Jimbe
Jimbe is the first son of the sea, and he has always dreamed of suns.
Bright, red and bloody – passionate declarations of dreams and something better. A cry of understanding, in the one burned onto his chest, and a shout to the dream of a queen, a race, a kingdom - heralded overhead in bright colors, lighting up the sky.
Suns are red, and yellow, and orange.
Suns mean freedom – mean something better than this.
In his dreams, Jimbe is always reaching out to them. His webbed hand reaching and reaching – for the horizon, for a flag, for his queen, for Fisher Tiger, for something more.
He never seems to reach it.
All he has, when he wakes up, is his hand clutching his own heart, his own personal sun.
It isn’t the same. He’s never grasped that red sun.
Yet now –
Now, in a battlefield beneath a darkened sky, in a war with death in every heartbeat, in a massacre, a hell, Jimbe holds a dying sun.
This sun – it is not red, or bloody, or bright.
This sun is dark, and dying, and a supernova of the deepest pits of hell.
Jimbe holds Luffy as he explodes into something Jimbe can’t quite see, ripping past the Veil and into oblivion; watches Luffy erupt into grief covered by a brother’s blood, holding a sun brighter, and darker, and far more terrifying than anything Jimbe’s eyes have ever seen before.
(There’s something wet running down his face. He thinks his eyes are bleeding.)
Portgas D. Ace dies in his brother’s arms, a burning hellfire finally flickering out, and Jimbe can finally hold the sun.
(As men die and admirals fall, and the world is shaken apart by a grief and monster with insatiable hunger, he wishes he couldn’t.)
When Jimbe fights him for the first and last time, Ace is as the sun incarnate - the sun burning - even as he chokes on his own ashes and flares through sea water.
Jimbe had wondered, at first, what kind of strength it took for a devil fruit user to use his powers through the hate of the sea. It wasn’t a kind of strength he had attributed to the young warlord.
Then, Jimbe remembers the bones shaped into the hull of the Spadille; remembers the way Ace cracks apart in the corner of his eyes, and thinks it isn’t strength at all.
He knows the stories of the East. Every fishman does – the way waters corrupt, the way the waters are dark, and the way that monsters lurk beneath their surface, far deadlier than those at the bottom of the sea.
(They say the East has no seafloor – that it aches, forever, a wound into the world’s side, dark and infected. That it was the void from whence all hell poured forth, that it was death.)
Fisher Tiger had told him more, when he could bear to speak of it – monsters in chains, the way slaves and guards alike went missing in the night, the way people had sharper teeth than any animal, there, and were twice as bloody.
(Fisher Tiger hears the story of the bottomless East and laughs.
Dark waters, he says, eyes far away and hands aching for a weapon, are not endless. But you don’t want to know what’s at the bottom. Better it be endless, bottomless, then to know what’s there.
He doesn’t speak of the demon from the seafloor he met at the tower of gods.
Jimbe doesn’t ask.)
By the fire in Ace’s eyes and the unholy fire cracking from underneath his skin, there is no other sea that he could have possibly come from.
(A demon – a demon, a son of the devil-)
Jimbe fights Ace for five days. He hungers, and he thirsts, and he’s so tired, but Ace does not falter in the face of Jimbe’s sea, so he must keep going.
Jimbe burns, ropes of fire winding their way up his arms and down his back. Haki is useless when every hit cracks apart Ace’s skin, molding to his fists because of inhuman capability instead of any devil fruit, and the sea fears nothing but the devil.
(And it can only drown false ones.)
Ace lands a punch on the third day, one imbued with haki and fire and false fire. It hits Jimbe on the side of his face, and even as Ace stumbles and chokes on the way his skin cracks apart, Jimbe burns.
It cracks into his skin, searing apart scales and flesh, and he is marked by hellfire.
The other burns will fade, the ones littering his hands and feet, the ones made by false fire, devil fruit fire. The one on his face, burned into the side like a flame, and the ones wrapping around his forearms by scorching hands, will forever remain.
A reminder, some will say, but Jimbe will remember the way the flag burned at Fishman island by hellfire, and will know it is a sign of war to come.
Ace burns away the fog around them, on this island, showing the secrets of the world, and Jimbe fights surrounded by monstrous spades.
Monsters in human shape that tower above the trees, monsters without faces, monsters with too many teeth and too many limbs, monsters that smiled and cheered as their captain burned through saltwater.
Jimbe falls on the fifth day, a smile gracing his face toward an enemy that is so much more than him.
It is a miracle when Whitebeard arrives.
Otherwise Jimbe thinks he might have followed that sun to see where it may have set.
After Marineford, Jimbe shakes at night. He can’t speak of what he saw there, when the sun fell from the sky and became red and dark; when gouges were scarred into the ground and left bloody men in their wake.
After Marineford, Jimbe has another scar from a demon.
This one is not a mark of war.
It is a claim, directly around Jimbe’s heart, as if his future captain understood that the sun there was more precious than anything else.
(A dream)
It scares him, sometimes, that he wants to follow the man who fell the Navy - who ate the hearts and souls and flesh of admirals and spit them back out as dead men walking.
It scares him that he wants to follow Straw Hat Luffy, who wears a crown made of straw - made with room for the horns that sprout off his head -who will be king and who lives a trail of hell in his wake.
Jimbe does not remember Marineford well.
He does not remember –
(The island’s name no longer exists in his memory.
Don’t bring him there, Rayleigh had said, as they followed a submarine towards Amazon Lily. You will all be dead come morning.
Rayleigh smiled like a creature of the deep sometimes.
Jimbe wondered why he didn’t trust it.
Aye, Jimbe, fresh from a war, had agreed, and they didn’t go to Amazon Lily.
They went to–)
The aftermath, beyond the words that fought whatever beast lived in Luffy’s chest, born of loneliness and hell.
Jimbe shakes after Marineford, but now, under the sea, he will not forget the demon who saved an island.
(The brother of the demon who burned their flag.)
Luffy soars overheard, and defeats a legend made of wood and an army made of flesh. 1,000 men are unaccounted for in the aftermath.
Jimbe does not question it, and offers his blood to a demon who doesn’t need it.
(In the end, it wasn’t about blood anyway. It was about the things that bind men, the things like suns on Jimbe’s chest and the vows that still ring in his head.)
Luffy, full of teeth and bloody fangs, smiles at him, then, and Jimbe no longer belongs to himself.
In Impel Down, when Ace is chained to the wall next to Jimbe, the very first thing the demon does is laugh.
“It stayed!”
The scar on Jimbe’s face burns.
“You couldn’t bother to say hello?”
Ace laughs again, sparks flying out of his throat despite the sea stone wrapped around his limbs, and Jimbe knows that all the legends are true. “Why would I? There’s more important things going on.” He dismisses, and he is smiling, mouth glowing, despite their situation.
“Hmph,” Jimbe huffs, and settles down for the long wait.
Next to him, the breath of a demon settles into something slower, and though Jimbe’s eyes are long adjusted to the dark, the soft glow of Ace’s heart beat is a comfort.
(He wonders, when Fisher Tiger was chained next to monsters, if he ever felt this way.)
He does not sleep that first night in a cell with a demon. Jimbe, instead, listens to the thrumming of the sea outside his cell, and tries not to think about how the stone sinks around Ace and the hotness in his cell.
He tries not to think of the wet spots all over the walls, the gouges in the corner, and the way men enter and never leave Impel Down’s cold, cold walls.
Across from him, a man made of sand smirks, his hair still impossibly greased and jewels still lining his hand.
“So,” the Crocodile drawls, “They caught you too? A little hunger, picking us off one by one.”
Jimbe has heard how Monkey D. Luffy saved a country on the behest of a single friend; how the Crocodile was the first to fall and Moria didn’t come long after; how even the Marines whisper that he is hungry and Monkey D. Garp laughs at the lists of missing marines following Straw Hat battles.
A man, who hungered for the top.
Who hungered for dreams.
Odd, that Crocodile would assume Jimbe was next.
“No.” He says at last, the word drawn out. “No,” he repeats, and it echoes around the room, “he did not get me.”
The Crocodile cackles then, and it is nothing like Whitebeard’s Gurararara or King Neptune’s Hohohoho – it, instead, is dark like rumbling sands at night, without form or shape in the dark, and Jimbe shivers. “You will,” the Crocodile says. “You’re already marked for it.”
Jimbe has never met Monkey D. Luffy in his life, and the burn scars that arc about his face in a flaming pattern of death are invisible to his beloved crew, to the king, to anyone who isn’t–
Oh, Jimbe thinks and doesn’t say aloud, looking at the Crocodile once more. Oh.
He is glad Ace is the demon he is sharing his cell with.
Then, at the very least, he knows his heart won’t be ripped out of his chest while he sleeps.
On Fishman Island, at the bottom of the sea that is brighter than the East, there is a feast, and then a pirate challenges an emperor.
Jimbe is not surprised.
He cannot be.
(Hey, Jimbe, did’ya know I have a little brother?)
He can only watch, as a ship of dreams, of monsters, sails off into the sea without him; can only know that his home, his captain is leaving him.
(Aladine says Jimbe is different after Marineford – that every man who set foot upon that island is. It was war, Jimbe dismisses, but they have fought in wars before, have fought admirals before.
It’s different, fighting a demon, fighting with a demon, fighting for a demon.
It’s different when a demon eats you whole.)
Jimbe wants to go home.
Jimbe sees Garp the Fist once before Marineford.
It is in Impel Down, and he is crying from a thousand different eyes.
“Ace,” the grandfather of a dying child says, and it hurts. “Why, dammit! Why!”
His voice is like a choir of growls out of harmony. Still, Ace relaxes in his chains as if it were a lullaby.
“Gramps,” Ace acknowledges, and there is no anger there. “You know… you know why.”
Son of the Devil, Jimbe knows, but it’s more than that, isn’t it? More than Jimbe can see with two eyes made of mortality rather than death.
Garp crumbles, and it is as if Jimbe is seeing the fall of something great.
It’s horrible.
It won’t be the last one he sees today.
Garp leaves after that, to the chuckles of the Crocodile and the howls of the other inmates. There’s bloody marks and gouges on the ground where he was, but there is also something in Ace’s grasp.
It isn’t a key.
Jimbe can’t exactly see what it is, only that when Garp left Ace lunged for some empty spot on the ground, hand slipping out of a cuff with the ease of someone made molten, of someone with scars running down his hand due to a missing pinkie.
When Ace leaves, he leaves behind ash marks and burning droplets at Impel Down. He also leaves something feather soft, that Jimbe can’t quite see, but feels like the comfort of ages.
(Later, when Luffy arrives, he will look into the cell and see not Jimbe, but the place Ace left behind. He will pick up what Garp, what Ace, left between cell bars and he will not smile.
Instead, he will put it into his pocket to the sound of the Crocodile’s jeers.
Did’ya know I have a little brother? Ace had asked Jimbe.
(He knows, now.)
On the way up, when men are eaten alive, the Crocodile will slink next to Jimbe and whisper,
Did you know that the hungry one isn’t the first demon to break out of these walls?
And Jimbe will be left with the reminder that Impel Down has never been able to hold the monsters of the world–
And that they roam free.)
At Marineford, Jimbe stood with an emperor against three admirals (stood with men against a monster).
(Or so he is told.)
Now, he stands before an Emperor and does not shake.
A man who is to follow the future king of the pirates, a man who is to follow Luffy, a demon who has daggers in his mouth and boiling blood in his veins, cannot afford to be afraid of a mere emperor.
Big Mom’s eyes are hungry as she stares into Jimbe, but he does not flinch.
He is claimed - by marks around his own personal sun, by a king, by a monster, by a conqueror.
He is not Big Mom’s any longer.
He never was, from the moment Luffy looked into his eyes and took him.
(Jimbe cannot afford to be afraid of  a mere hunger any longer. )
An emperor rages, a deal is done,  and Luffy laughs so bright and loud it burns like the sun, as chaos reigns again, conforming to his will.
Jimbe has never felt so alive –
(Not since before Marineford – not since before the world fell apart.)
Jimbe sees Luffy and Ace together twice in his lifetime.
One is at Marineford, when brothers fought together, when the sun went out and the world went black.
(He does not remember it well – Ace’s smile was something almost too private to bear, even as blasts of Conqueror’s Haki illuminated the truth.)
The second, again, is at Marineford, but in it’s bloody aftermath.
When Luffy rings in an era, blood scarred on to his arm by his own hands - a call to his crew, to his family - he stops by the place where his brother died.
Jimbe wonders if this was what Loguetown was like, to see a king stand in ashes.
(The Devil King did not cry at Loguetown, only laughed.
Luffy is crying.)
He sees Luffy cradle bits of Ace’s bonfire in his arms, the only person who could bear to touch it, and sees brothers reunite for one last time.
(There is a chill over Marineford, as Luffy draws in the ashes of Ace’s own body turned funeral pyre. Jimbe can’t read what he writes, but there is a spark, somewhere, in Luffy’s eyes, and something in the air breathes more easily.)
Days after, Marineford sinks to the bottom of the sea, its ravines and cracks from a monster's grief too terrible to sustain – Luffy’s rage, his echoing cry for a new era, is its final send off.
Jimbe wonders if the Eastern sailors found their way home, at the bottom of the sea.
(There’s no sun down at the bottom of the sea.
Jimbe would hate to drown like that.)
In the middle of a raging ocean just off of an Emperor’s domain, Jimbe is home, he’s home he’s home he’s home, aboard this ship of dreams but–
He can’t stay.
He can’t.
There is an emperor chasing them, and Jimbe is not scared and he is strong, but his crew–
His beloved crew–
They love him.
He cannot abandon them here, to the mercy of hungry monsters.
(He cannot take them with him, to the crew of a hungry demon.)
Jimbe tells Luffy, soaked and shaking, as such.
And Luffy–
Luffy, who Jimbe held dying in a battlefield that hazes from his memory, who Jimbe watched rise, who went a dark supernova–
Becomes a sun again.
“JIMBE!” Luffy says, and his teeth are snarling and his eyes are hungry, “I AM YOUR CAPTAIN NOW!”
And Jimbe finally holds the red sun of dreams in his grasp.
(Jimbe is the first son of the sea, and his dream is the sun.
Red, bloody, and free.)
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anubislover · 4 years
One Hell of A Ride
( It takes a lot more than a pretty face to lure Ikkaku away from her duties. However, when that pretty face comes attached to a hot, shirtless Portgas D. Ace along with a sweet ride, well, who could blame her for being a bit reckless?)
Growing up, Ikkaku’s grandfather had regaled her with wild stories about the Grand Line. Storms that came out of nowhere, monstrous sea beasts, mysterious islands, and, of course, pirates. He’d particularly relished telling the tales of Whitebeard—how he could shatter mountains with a blink, would start wars if you so much as looked at his sons, regularly kidnapped unsupervised children to add to his crew, and was tall enough to peer through the second-story windows of seaside cottages to ensure that curly-haired little girls were sound asleep in their beds and not reading mechanic manuals under the covers.
Looking up at the towering form of Edward Newgate himself, she decided that Gramps hadn’t been exaggerating that last part. And given the size of his crew, she was seriously starting to consider the kidnapping claims might have some truth to them, too.
If it were up to her, she wouldn’t even be on the deck of the Moby Dick, however the Heart Pirates had found themselves crossing paths with the Whitebeard Pirates a month after entering the Grand Line. Marco the Phoenix, recognizing Law as both a fellow doctor and the user of the Ope Ope no Mi, had requested that he give the Yonko a check-up since he was demanding a second opinion. For her part, Ikkaku was only brought along in case any of his medical equipment malfunctioned.
So, while Law Scanned Whitebeard and discussed the man’s extensive medical history, the mechanic busied herself with watching the waves and fighting off boredom. A cheerful man named Thatch had made polite small talk, but the rest of the crew, while not hostile, seemed more interested in keeping an eye on her captain in case he decided to cause trouble. The Surgeon of Death had earned himself quite the reputation in the North Blue, and there were plenty of cocky upstarts like him who would try to make a name for themselves by attempting to assassinate Whitebeard. With Law’s powers, he could quite possibly do it, too. So she couldn’t blame them for being cautious.
Just as she started an internal debate with herself over whether she found the uniforms the nurses on board wore sexy or sexist, movement on the horizon caught her eye.
It started as a small dot with a thin white streak behind it, but it gradually grew larger the closer it got until Ikkaku could see that it was a small, extremely fast boat. Honestly, it was more like a surfboard with a sail than a raft, being long and nearly flat. Ordinarily, Ikkaku’s eyes would be glued to the attractive, shirtless man standing on it, but instead drawn to the flames at his feet and what appeared to be an engine of some kind behind him.
Gramps’ stories had definitely never described a boat like that.
“Looks like Ace is back,” Thatch said from beside her, noticing what had captured the young woman’s attention. He gave a knowing snigger. “I’d be happy to introduce you, if you’d like.”
Her eyes widened a bit at the name. She’d heard of Fire Fist Ace—a rookie that made a name for himself so quickly that he’d earned a bounty of 550,000,000 belli and turned down the offer of becoming a Shichibukai within the first few years of his pirate career. Ikkaku was no pirate groupie, but she’d certainly noticed his wanted poster whenever they stopped at taverns and the like. Mainly because it was usually surrounded by ladies sighing wistfully. Not that she could blame them—he was a handsome man, and she’d yet to find a picture of him where he wasn’t shirtless.
Before she could properly answer, the man had pulled up beside the ship, all but vanishing behind the curvature of the Moby Dick’s broad hull. Ikkaku practically hung over the railing, trying to catch another glimpse of the boat and its sailor. Luckily Thatch was there to grab her by the back of her boiler suit, pulling her away just as Ace launched himself upwards in a bust of flame, vaulting over the rail and landing neatly on the spot she’d just vacated.
Seeing him up close, it was clear that the wanted posters didn’t do him justice. For starters, he looked like some kind of rugged model rather than a pirate. Wavy black hair framed his pale face, perfectly matching his obsidian eyes. The freckles that dotted his cheeks should have made him look childish, but instead they simply added a boyish charm to his grinning face. His shoulders were broad and muscular, supporting toned arms, one of which sported a rather interesting tattoo. Cargo shorts hung criminally low on his narrow hips, and if Ikkaku didn’t know better, she’d say he was sporting an eight-pack. He held himself with a natural confidence that bordered on cockiness, but given his bounty and reputation, it was probably justified.
Letting the awestruck mechanic go, Thatch strolled over to the man and gave him a hearty slap on the back. “Welcome home, Ace. You’re just in time to see Pops argue with trained medical professionals over his health again.”
“I’d hate to miss that,” he replied with a carefree grin, flicking up the brim of his orange cowboy hat. “It’s good to be home. And I see we’ve got some newbies,” he added, eyes landing on Ikkaku. He gave a polite bow. “It’s a pleasure to meet you. Welcome to the family. What’s your name?”
Ikkaku’s jaw dropped, taken aback by his unexpected politeness and his assumption. “Huh? Oh, we’re not—”
“They’re just visitors,” Thatch said, winking at her. “For now. Wouldn’t be surprised if Pops decides to adopt them, though.”
“Yeah, once he’s made up his mind, you’re family,” Ace agreed with a cheerful laugh.
“Whether you like it or not,” Thatch added, elbowing him in the side, which only made him laugh harder. “You two have fun—I’ve got to go get dinner ready, especially since we’ve got so many visitors.”
The moment they were left alone, Ikkaku found herself once more looking over the side of the ship, wondering where the boat had gone. Was there a mooring station Ace had tied it to? A secret door in the hull?
“So, can I get that name?” Ace asked, raising an eyebrow pointedly as he leaned his hip against the railing.
A little embarrassed at her inadvertent rudeness, she quit her search and rubbed the back of her head awkwardly. “Oh, yeah, sorry. It’s Ikkaku of the Heart Pirates,” she replied, holding out her hand to shake. Briefly, she considered bowing like he had, but it felt far too formal for her. Besides, Gramps had always told her that a handshake was the best way to get the measure of a man—test his grip strength, feel the callouses on his palm, see if he thinks he’s too good to touch common working folk.
Without hesitation, the pirate grasped her hand, shaking firmly as he looked directly into her eyes. “Pleasure to meet you, Ikkaku. I’m Portgas D. Ace.” His hand was warm and rough, the skin dry due to his flame powers. She could feel hard callouses on his palm and fingers, indicating that he put in his share of work and didn’t just laze about. And his grip was firm, but not crushing, matching hers equally. It was a good sign in her books—men had both tried to squeeze too hard as an intimidation tactic and held it too delicately because they underestimated her.
When he let go, he crossed his arms over his hard pectorals and leaned casually against the railing, though his eyes were keen and curious as they studied her. “So, what brings Ikkaku of the Heart Pirates into the company of the Whitebeard Pirates?”
She nodded her head towards Law, Marco, and Whitebeard, who appeared to be in deep discussion. “Marco asked my boss to give your captain a check-up.”
“Well, that explains what he’s doing here, but what about you? You the Surgeon of Death’s bodyguard?” he teased.
The corner of her mouth curled upwards. It didn’t feel like he was mocking her strength or potential combat prowess. After all, while there wasn’t an overabundance of female pirates, those that made it to the Grand Line had to be tough as nails. His amusement was clearly at the very idea that a man like Law would need a bodyguard. “Scarier. His mechanic.”
From the way his eyes widened a bit, it was obvious that her answer caught him off-guard, but his grin never faltered. “Yeah? Don’t meet a lot of pirates that employ full-time mechanics.”
“That’s because you don’t meet a lot of pirates whose ship is a submarine.”
A hearty, self-deprecating laugh burst out of his chest at her bluntness. “Got me there! You’re definitely a first for me, and I’ve seen a lot on the Grand Line.”
“It’s certainly a crazy place, but I like what I’ve seen today,” she replied with a chuckle. For a fairly infamous pirate, Ace was surprisingly easy to talk to. He was casual but polite, friendly, and that grin of his could melt butter. It would be no hardship to stand around and flirt with him all day. Ikkaku bit her lip, though that didn’t stop the corners of her mouth from curling up into a coy little smile. Should I ask? Or would that be too forward, she wondered, trying to figure out how best to get what she wanted. Should she just come out and say it, or should she butter him up first?
Seeing her expression, his grin morphed into a smirk, a flirtatious gleam in his eyes as they flickered down to the way her teeth worried her lip. “You look like you’ve got a question for me. No need to be shy—I don’t bite. Well, maybe if you ask me nicely.”
Ordinarily she’d counter that comment with one of her own, but she had far more pressing matters to address. “You got me. I’ve been dying to know; what was that?” she asked, pointing over the side of the ship to where she’d last seen the odd vehicle. “That boat you rode in on?”
“Oh, that’s Striker. It’s my personal raft,” Ace said, surprised at the unexpected change in topic. Not that he minded—it wasn’t often that a girl took interest in his boat. It filled him with an odd sense of pride that it was cool enough to catch the mechanic’s attention.
“I’ve never seen anything like it. It’s beautiful,” she said sincerely.
That made his face light up a bit more. “You wanna take a closer look?”
Ace jumped back a few inches when Ikkaku eagerly leapt forward, hands clasped together and sparkles in her eyes at his offer. “Hell yes!”
He took her down into the belly of the ship where things like extra dinghies, weapons, carpentry supplies, and tools were kept. In the corner was a little workshop full of tools, nuts and bolts, assorted parts, and paint was kept. Next to it was Striker, the bottom still wet from the trip, but the yellow paint gleaming merrily in the overhead lights.
At Ace’s encouraging nod, Ikkaku dashed over, inspecting the boat from the sails to the bow before finally getting to the part she was really interested in. “Whoa. What kind of engine is this?” she asked, brushing her hands across the dark metal surface reverently.
“Uh, I don’t know the specifics or anything,” he admitted, looking a little embarrassed at his lack of knowledge regarding his own vehicle. “You’d have to ask Deuce—he’s the one who built it.”
The vibrant mechanic wasn’t dissuaded, though, simply peering at the propellers jutting out the sides. “I just might. How does it shoot flames like that? It must take a hell of a lot of fuel—not very practical for long trips, I imagine.” Her brow furrowed as she spoke, though; despite looking carefully, she couldn’t actually find anything resembling a fuel tank. Did it run on electricity, then, or some other power source?
“Actually, I’m the fuel,” he replied, raising his hand innocently but proud that he could answer at least one of her technical questions. “My Mera Mera no Mi powers are what propels the ship—the engine just focuses them.”
“Oh.” She couldn’t hide the disappointment in her voice. Here she thought she was going to learn some amazing secret about fuel efficiency or a new power source that she could implement into the Tang’s engine. Yet as she further inspected the engine, the wheels in her head started turning, and she quickly got an idea. “You know, I could probably make a few modifications to the engine so it won’t drain you so much. I’m sure you’ve got plenty of stamina, but on long trips or in a fight, efficiency could be the difference between life and death.”
“Wait, seriously?” he asked, eyebrows shooting up to his hairline. “You know how to do that?”
“Well, I’d have to take it apart, see how it ticks, maybe look over the blueprints if you’ve got them handy, but from the look of things, yeah!”
His face stretched in a massive, eager grin as he fetched said blueprints from the workshop desk. “Then go for it!”
For the next two hours, Ikkaku worked on Striker, examining the pieces, reworking the design, and rebuilding the entire engine from scratch. Dark, curly locks were pulled back in a messy ponytail to keep them out of her face, and some grease had splattered on her cheek, but she hardly cared. She was having too much fun, especially since she was basically given carte blanche to do whatever she needed to the engine.
Sitting on a barrel off to the side, watching the mechanic with open admiration, Ace said, “You sure know your stuff.”
“My job involves knowing the ins and outs of any engine I come across. I specialize in submarines, but I made sure to learn everything I could about mechanics as a whole. I can fix generators, medical equipment, and most other machines I come across,” she explained, replacing the propellers with newer models. Thankfully, the adjustments hadn’t been extensive—Ace’s own mechanic could probably figure out what she’d done, though she made extensive notes on the back of the blueprints just in case. She’d tried to explain to Ace what she was doing as she went, but he’d ended up staring at her blankly, and at one point he’d even fallen asleep. After she’d woken him up with a well-aimed screw, she’d let him dominate the conversation, filling the silence with the tale of how Masked Deuce had built it.
A faint tinge of pink rose to her cheeks at the compliment, though she doubted it was noticeable in the workshop’s light. “Honestly, I’m more impressed that your buddy was able to build even a prototype on a desert island. Most people couldn’t manage that.”
“Could you?”
She was torn between being modest and being honest. While she had total faith in her engineering skills, she knew that saying so could easily come across as arrogant. And, well, he’d seemed really proud of his friend while telling his story. She didn’t want him to think she considered such a thing child’s play. “I mean, probably, but that doesn’t make it any less of an accomplishment.” It was one hell of a feat, and she was loath to take that away from anyone.
He smiled at her answer, resting his cheek in his hand while he watched her work. “I’ll remember that if we ever get stranded on a desert island together.”
She raised an eyebrow, though a flirtatious lilt crept into her voice when she replied, “Expecting that to happen anytime soon?”
“Well, the Grand Line’s a crazy place—you never know what could happen. Better to be prepared, right?”
“Heh. Sure. Though, maybe I should be insulted; would you be that eager to escape? I can name a few guys who’d love to play castaway with a pretty lady like me,” she teased, winking over her shoulder.
She’d expected him to blush or try to backtrack. Instead, his smirk turned devious. “I never said we’d be escaping right away.”
This time her blush was obvious, and she turned back to her work, forcing herself to focus on properly screwing the protective metal plates back on instead of the inviting glint in his dark eyes. It wasn’t that she wasn’t used to men hitting on her—that happened often enough in bars and taverns, especially when she was wearing a short skirt and heels. But rarely did a guy take notice of her when she was on the job. Sure, she looked good in her boiler suit, but it still tended to ward away men. Mainly because of the grinning jolly roger stamped across the back, but the lack of skin helped.
It was…nice, to be honest. That someone like Ace was chatting her up while she was probably at her least sexy, and also being respectful to boot. No blatant comments about her ass and bust. No questioning her skills because she had a pretty face and lacked a Y-chromosome. Just playful banter and grins that bordered on naughty.
“So, how’d a girl with such a respectable skill set end up choosing a life of piracy?” Ace asked casually, linking his fingers behind his head as he leaned back.
“Didn’t have a lot of other options,” she admitted. “When you’re a woman trying to do what’s considered a man’s job, you’re either laughed at or seen as a threat. Law’s the first person who took me seriously and showed genuine respect for my skills. When he offered me a job, I didn’t even care that I was becoming a pirate—if you get an opportunity like that, you take it.”
“Heh. Makes sense. And your captain treats you well?”
“He’s a hardass and a grumpy bastard, but he cares about me and the crew,” she answered with a warm, adoring smile. Law wasn’t always the easiest guy to get along with, and to the untrained eye he was nothing but a rude asshole, but behind closed doors no one could say he didn’t care for each member of his nakama. “I couldn’t imagine following anyone else.”
“Not even Whitebeard?”
Surprised at the question, she stared at him over her shoulder, brow furrowed as she struggled to determine if he was joking or if she was about to get a recruitment speech.
He held up his hands placatingly, a sheepish look on his face. “Sorry. That came out a little strong, huh?”
“I’ve had drunken thugs at the docks proposition me more subtly,” she deadpanned, eyes narrowed in a glare. Briefly, she wondered if this had been Ace’s plan all along; act as a honey trap, get her alone with promises of getting to rebuild his engine, then seduce her away from her captain.
But he looked so thoroughly chastised that she instantly regretted even thinking he’d had ulterior motives. “Harsh, but fair. I really didn’t mean to imply anything. But I’m sure your captain will probably get an offer by dinnertime. Once Pops takes a liking to someone, nothing will stop him from adding them to his family. So, if that happens, would you join Whitebeard?”
Until now, such a thought had never crossed her mind. She respected Whitebeard as much as she feared him. He was powerful and there were some pretty terrifying stories about him, but there were also just as many tales singing his praises. Gramps had told both in equal measure, enjoying scaring her shitless as much as soothing her with the knowledge that the seas were home to a man like him. Even Law seemed to respect him, having found little reason to doubt his claims that he did, in fact, care for his “sons.” But respecting someone and serving under them were completely different beasts.
Finally, she said, “I go where Law goes, but he’s a stubborn control freak—hates taking orders from anyone. So, he might consider an alliance, but he’d never agree to be anyone’s subordinate, even if it’s prettied up with talk of family.” Especially if it was prettied up like that; Ikkaku might not have known all the details of Law’s past, but she did know he’d been part of the Doflamingo Family. And given the pure hatred in his voice when he’d alluded to it, she had the feeling they’d soured his opinion on the word forever.
Undeterred, Ace replied, “Pops is pretty persuasive. I never thought I’d join him. Hell, I spent months trying to kill him!” The sunny smile returned to his face, cheeks practically straining as he continued, “But he won me over, and I’m confident he could do the same with your captain.”
Ikkaku highly doubted that. After all, Law had plans. Big ones that were slowly but surely falling into place. Not that having an ally like Whitebeard wouldn’t be extremely beneficial to them, but in the long run, Law preferred to be his own man.
Still, the pure faith Ace had in his voice made her wonder. Could Whitebeard convince Law to become his son? How, exactly, had he changed Ace’s mind considering how he’d apparently hated him enough for attempted murder?
Well, she’d cross that bridge when she came to it. In the meantime, the final screw was securely in place, and Striker was ready to go.
“There. All set!” she declared, stepping back and presenting the modified raft to her audience.
Black eyes widened as Ace leapt off the barrel, and his grin was excited and eager, like a child who’d been given a shiny new toy. “This is…this is incredible!” he exclaimed, inspecting her handywork. The engine was sleeker and less bulky than before, and while he was no mechanic, he could tell just by looking that she’d made it lighter, too, which would allow him to go faster.
“How about you take it for a test drive? Make sure it’s to your liking?” she said with a pleased grin as she wiped the sweat and grease off her forehead. Whether it was from her crew or a random stranger, Ikkaku did always love when her work was noticed and appreciated.
The bright smile practically split his freckled face at the suggestion, and he ran over to a lever on the wall. Upon being pulled, a small section of a side of the ship flipped open, becoming a ramp that allowed access to the outside world. Dragging the boat over, he eagerly hopped aboard. “Sounds great!” Yet, instead of immediately taking off, he held his hand out to her. “Come on! You fixed it up, so you should give it a whirl, too!”
Oh, that was tempting. Striker did appear to be big enough for two people, but was it safe? Ace had plenty of experience zooming around the ocean, but she doubted she could maintain her balance as easily. That, and it was better to test it without unnecessary excess weight. Then again, test drives were naturally risky; if she’d screwed something up and there was a malfunction, Ace could potentially find himself dead in the water, and with that Devil Fruit of his, it was better to have a copilot who could swim.
The real question was where she was supposed to stand. If she stood behind him, she’d be between the flames coming off him and the engine. That would only result in flame-broiled mechanic. There was definitely no room on either side of him, and even if there were, the uneven weight distribution could throw off the balance.
That left only the bow of the narrow boat.
At her hesitation, his grin became more teasing and he wiggled his fingers invitingly. “Come on; we might find a nice desert island to get stranded on!”
A laugh bubbled up in her chest. If he wasn’t bothered by the lack of space on his boat, why should she? “Well, who could say no to an offer like that?” she quipped, taking his hand. Like with his handshake, his grip was sure, and Ikkaku had no doubt he’d hold onto her tightly and wouldn’t let her fall.
Ace tugged her aboard, letting her plant her feet securely before wrapping an arm around her waist, muscular forearm settling securely right beneath her bust. “I’d say hold on tight, but I think that’s my job, huh?” he chuckled in her ear.
The heat of his skin penetrated through the thick canvas of her boiler suit, most likely due to his powers. No wonder he walked around bare-chested. She’d initially chalked it up to vanity or a public service act. Though, she highly doubted he’d be wearing more clothes even if he couldn’t turn into flames.
“Ready?” he asked as her fingers gripped his wrist for support. It wouldn’t do for her to get weak in the knees, even if she could feel the rumble in his chest as he spoke and the heat of his breath against the shell of her ear.
If Portgas D. Ace was a honey trap, he was a damn effective one.
At her affirmative nod they took off like a shot, bursting out the entryway and onto the surface of the water. Behind her, Ikkaku could hear the engine growl, flames crackle, and even steam hiss. For a moment, she worried about the wind blowing the flames at her feet against her ankles and her boiler suit catching fire, but it appeared Ace had total control over them, or at the very least enough to keep his companion from getting burned.
Striker was fast. She’d already known that from earlier, but her modifications seemed to have done the trick of speeding it up even more. She could feel the boat respond to every minor shift in its pilot’s weight, and she did her best to stay still so as to not throw off his steering. Not that she could really move around much anyway—the pressure from the wind, combined with the muscular arm around her waist, kept her pinned to his chest. Any other time she’d be wholly focused on the sensation of his chiseled torso and washboard abs against her back, but at the moment, she was more captivated by how exhilarating the feeling of the wind whipping against her face was and seeing the ocean around them speed by.
The hot, shirtless guy pressed up behind her was still noted and appreciated, though.
Despite the water spraying around them, not a drop of it touched their skin or clothing, most likely due to the intense heat produced by Ace’s flames. By the same token, any sweat that tried to coat her skin almost instantly evaporated. Law’s stern voice popped into her head informing her she should drink plenty of water when they got back to the ship lest she get dehydrated.
“Having fun?” Ace asked, interrupting her train of thought.
Turning her head to face him was too risky since she didn’t want to throw off the balance, so she simply exclaimed, “Hell yeah!”
“Good! Now brace yourself; I’m going to put this baby through its paces!”
Instead of wasting time asking what he meant, she did as he said, squaring her feet and bending her knees slightly in preparation for whatever he planned to do. She was not disappointed—with an extra burst of flame and a shift to his stance, Striker shot into the air, forming a neat arch before landing back into the water. Next, he performed series of sharp turns, practically turning the boat on its side as he did so, but his grip on Ikkaku never faltered.
As they turned back to the Moby Dick, Ace called out, “Do you trust me?”
Before she could ask him to elaborate or even brace herself again, he shifted his weight so the nose of the raft was suddenly pointed down, sending it beneath the choppy waves.
What the fuck is he doing?! Ikkaku mentally screamed, but all she could manage to do was let out a yelp as Ace hooked his free hand under her knees and leapt into the air, the flames at his feet shooting them high above the water in a wide arch. She heard him laugh as he performed a mid-air summersault, but she barely noticed; she was instead preparing herself for inevitably having to save his Devil Fruit ass and wondering if she’d be able to haul him to the Moby Dick before they both drowned.
Her concerns were for naught, however, as Striker popped up out of the water, and with practiced ease Ace stuck the landing.
After another minute of showing off daring tricks, Ace brought them back to the ship’s hold, Striker skidding across the floor a few feet before coming to a complete stop.
Ace gave the woman in his arms a devil-may-care grin before gently lowering her to her feet. “Looks like your modifications worked,” he teased, taking in Ikkaku’s flushed cheeks and elated smile as she spun around excitedly to face him. Locks of her hair had escaped her ponytail, giving her a charmingly disheveled appearance.
“Th-that was amazing!” she cheered, adrenaline pumping through her veins. “I mean, I should kill you for taking such a stupid risk, but that was seriously just incredible!”
“Glad you had fun!” he laughed, adjusting his hat. “And I wouldn’t have dropped you—Pops would be pissed if I’d recklessly put a pretty lady in any real danger.”
Lightly, she smacked his arm. “I was more worried about you, dummy! If you’d missed, you’re the one who would have sunk like a stone,” she scolded, but his smile was so lighthearted it was hard to stay mad at him. “I’d feel guilty as hell, and I don’t need your captain going after me because I let one of his sons drown.”
His grin faded slightly, and he lowered his head so the brim of his hat cast his eyes in shadow. “I’m sure there’s more than a few people who’d be happy to hear about my demise.”
The shift in his mood was a surprise, but after a moment of processing exactly what he’d said, she declared, “Yeah? Well those people are morons. The world sucks but having guys like around makes it suck a bit less.”
Dark eyes widened and his head shot up at her words. “You seriously think that?”
She tilted her head a bit, pretending to think it over. “I mean, I’ve only known you a couple hours, sure, but you sure as hell wouldn’t make my list of ‘assholes that deserve to die’. Though, admittedly, it’s mostly Marines.”
His smile returned, a little more lopsided, while the corners of his eyes crinkled warmly. “Heh. Brains, beauty, and a heart. You’re one hell of a woman, Ikkaku.”
Pleased to see his happier demeanor return, she playfully poked him in the chest. “And don’t you forget it, Fire Fist.”
He caught her wrist, leaning forward to look in her eyes as he chuckled, “Doubt I could, Miss Mechanic. A girl like you really revs a guy’s engine.”
Before she could even scoff at such a lame line, they were interrupted by the sound of booted feet clomping noisily down the stairs.
“Ikkaku!” Bepo called, bursting into the cargo hold like the Devil himself was after him.
The two humans broke apart, Ace clearing his throat awkwardly as Ikkaku rushed over to calm down her furry crewmate. “Whoa there, Bepo. What’s wrong?”
Leaning on his knees and panting hard, the Mink stared at her with panic in his black button eyes. “Captain’s been looking everywhere for you! He Scanned the ship, but you were nowhere to be found!”
Her stomach dropped. Right, she hadn’t told Law that she’d be with Fire Fist Ace, and they certainly hadn’t notified anybody that they were leaving the ship. Her captain must have been freaking out when he couldn’t locate her. “Shit. How mad is he?”
“He said if you weren’t found in the next ten minutes, he was going to start dissecting people. That was seven minutes ago.”
Brown eyes widened before she bolted for the stairs, knowing that was not an idle threat from the Surgeon of Death. More than that, Gramps’ stories had imparted a particularly vital piece of wisdom before she’d left home—do not get into a war with Whitebeard.
Nearly tripping as she ran out the door onto the deck, she desperately tried to catch her breath as she took in the sight before her; Law, with Kikoku halfway out of its sheath, was glaring at Vista and Izo while Thatch tried to calm everyone down.
“Look, the last I saw her, she was right here talking to Ace.”
“That was two hours ago! And considering how I couldn’t find him anywhere either, that doesn’t ease my concerns!” Law snarled at him. From where she was standing, Ikkaku could see the veins in his neck starting to pop, and behind him Penguin, Shachi, and Uni had drawn their weapons. She could only assume the rest of the crew was searching both the Tang and the Moby Dick for her, hoping that their captain’s incredible powers had somehow simply missed their mechanic. Bepo had simply found her first thanks to his incredible nose.
“We understand your concern for your crewmate,” Marco said calmly from his place at Whitebeard’s side, “but you need to calm down-yoi.”
That simply provoked more of Law’s anger, and his blade flashed in the early evening sunlight. “I’ll calm down when I see for myself that you haven’t kidnapped my mechanic!”
“I’m here!” she wheezed when she could finally pull enough air into her lungs to speak, heart pounding not just from the exertion, but from fear—Whitebeard had braced his hands on the arms of his chair as if he were preparing to get up and settle things himself.
All at once, the men’s heads snapped towards her, a brief flash of relief crossing Law’s face before it once more became an angry scowl. “Where the hell have you been?” he snapped, putting the nodachi away as he stalked towards her. “I Scanned the whole damn ship looking for you!” His face darkened as gold eyes swept across her disdainfully. “Really? I take my eyes off you and you run off for some new plaything? On an enemy ship of all places?” he asked spitefully.
She flinched. His tone was harsh, but she couldn’t blame him for yelling. Or the unspoken accusation. Her windswept hair, flushed cheeks, and mussed clothing surely gave the appearance that she’d been engaged in a roll in the hay instead of taking a joyride. Though, neither was really a good enough excuse for her to have left her post, especially without notifying him. And even if Whitebeard wasn’t the enemy, per say, they weren’t friends, and she’d taken a colossal risk blindly trusting Ace as she had. “Law, I swear—”
“It’s my fault,” Ace cut in from behind her, giving the surgeon a deep, apologetic bow. “When I found out she was a mechanic, I asked her to modify the engine to my raft. When she was done, I requested that she take a ride with me to test it out. I hadn’t realized I was stealing her away from her duties, nor that we’d be gone long enough for anyone to worry. I’m sorry for the trouble I caused.”
Law’s face twisted, looking like he wanted to rip Ace’s head off for said trouble, but at the same time holding himself back because, with his fear regarding his subordinate’s safety fading, logic was returning to his mind, reminding him that he was on a Yonko’s ship, surrounded by his crew, and that Fire Fist Ace would be a powerful opponent in his own right.
He glanced at Bepo for confirmation, who nodded, apparently confirming the story—the Mink’s nose could surely smell the salt and smoke that clung to their clothes, along with the absence of more damning scents.
“…fine. Apology accepted. Ikkaku, you’ve got cleaning duty for the next month for running off without notifying anyone. Like an idiot,” he hissed, clearly still mad at her irresponsible behavior.
She nodded mutely, accepting the punishment without argument. It was honestly a far lighter punishment than she probably deserved considering how she had done a seriously stupid thing. But at least Law wasn’t about to do an even stupider thing by attacking Whitebeard and his sons.
Her throat closed up a little at that thought. Her recklessness could have gotten Law and her crew killed. Normally, her captain was a clinical, cold man who didn’t rush into situations without a plan, but when it came to the people he cared about—like his nakama—he could turn into a hot-blooded fool. What had she been thinking, selfishly running off like she had?
She was snapped out of her thoughts by a warm hand against the middle of her back. Ikkaku turned to find Ace frowning at her in concern, his eyes flickering between her and her captain’s retreating form. She gave him a tight, reassuring smile, but from the look on his face, he was far from mollified.
The tension that filled the air was broken as Whitebeard pointedly cleared his throat. “Well, now that the girl’s present and accounted for, we should have dinner,” the Yonko said, his tone leaving no room for argument. “I could sure as hell use a drink after all this excitement.”
“Didn’t I just tell you to go easy on the alcohol?” Law groused, turning to the massive captain in exasperation. “I literally showed you how messed up your liver is!”
A few of the men turned green, and Ikkaku was certain he didn’t mean an x-ray.
Whitebeard, however, just scoffed. “Look, you gave your diagnosis, but I’ll decide if it’s a good enough reason to stop drinking. You’re a hundred years too young to tell me what to do.”
Beside him, Marco sighed and gave Law a commiserating look that clearly said “this is what I deal with on a daily basis”.
“Man, I think I can actually hear Law’s blood pressure rising,” Penguin muttered, to which Shachi nodded emphatically.
Pinching his brow in the faint hope of stemming the headache that was clearly forming, Law growled, “Fine. Don’t listen to the man who can literally take out your organs and juggle them. It’s not like you’ve wasted two hours of my life.”
“Maybe I’d listen to you if you agreed to become my son,” Whitebeard chuckled, a devious grin on his face as he looked down at the young doctor.
All the Heart Pirates froze. After Law’s fairly violent threats against the Yonko, the last thing any of them had expected was for an offer to join the crew.
Law recovered the quickest, scoffing. “Hard pass. Maybe I’d consider an alliance, but I’ve got no interest in joining your ‘family’ old man. Besides, at the rate you’re going, you’ll be dead soon enough, so what’s the point?”
Damn, Law, I know you’re pissed, but couldn’t you have sugar-coated that just a little? Ikkaku thought, wincing.
Whitebeard, however, merely smirked harder at the blunt refusal and instead turned towards the woman who’d caused such a commotion on his ship. “What about you then, girly? Maybe you’d like to join up? Becoming my daughter would get you out of cleaning duty,” he said with a chuckle.
Ikkaku’s jaw dropped, as did Law’s, Shachi’s, Penguin’s, Bepo’s, and the smattering of other Heart Pirates that had started to return from their search.
“I—you—wha—” she replied rather inelegantly, not quite sure if she should be taking it as a joke or running for the safety of her precious submarine.
Ace, however, seemed thrilled, slinging his arm around her shoulders. “Fantastic idea, Pops! Seriously, she’s an amazing mechanic; completely rebuilt Striker’s engine and made it better than ever!” he said enthusiastically. Turning to the woman in question, he gave her a brilliant grin. “How about it, Ikkaku? Leave your hardass, grumpy bastard of a captain and come join the Whitebeard Pirates!”
“You’re not taking her,” Law growled, hand once more going to Kikoku’s hilt.
The younger man flashed him a challenging smirk, the tips of his fingers turning into flame. “I’d like to see you try and stop me.”
Another growl sounded out, this time from behind them. The pair turned to find Bepo with his teeth bared, fists clenched and ready to fight. “Captain’s right; you’re not taking her.”
Ikkaku was torn between cheering the Mink on for standing up to someone and screaming at both him and Law for taking such a stupid risk. Clearly, their captain wasn’t the only hot-headed idiot when it came to protecting his crew. In fact, she was positive Penguin, Shachi, and the rest of the Hearts were already drawing their weapons. The whole crew is full of idiots! she thought, desperately trying to come up with a way to stop a massacre from breaking out. Apparently, it was up to her to be the smart, responsible one for once.
Finally, she grabbed Ace’s wrist and lifted it off her shoulder. “Here’s an idea; how about everyone stops acting like macho idiots so I can actually give an answer?”
Ace blinked in surprise before giving her a warm smile. “Heh. Sorry about that. Guess we got a little carried away, huh?” he replied, rubbing the back of his head.
“Bit of an understatement,” she replied dryly, though it was hard not to return his smile. He was just so charming without even trying; if Whitebeard really wanted daughters, Ace could probably recruit a whole army of them with just a wink and a grin.
Encouraged by her expression, he said, “So, can we get that answer? I promise you won’t regret joining us; Pops is going to become the King of the Pirates, after all,” he stated proudly.
At that, Ikkaku glanced at Law and saw his jaw had tightened to the point where she could see the veins underneath pulse in irritation. Man, Ace had only known Law for about fifteen minutes and he’d already managed to push nearly half a dozen of his buttons.
Turning back to the fiery pirate, Ikkaku gave him a warm, sincere smile. “Don’t get me wrong; you’re sweet. And you’re cute. And you took me on one hell of a ride,” she added with a wink, pleased when she saw Ace flush and heard Law’s teeth grind behind her. Before either of them could get the wrong idea, though, she cocked her hip and jerked her thumb towards her captain, pure confidence in her voice. “But I’ve already got a boss, and he’s the guy who’s going to be the next King of the Pirates.”
There was a moment of silence, and Ikkaku’s heart stopped briefly as she waited for the inevitable fallout. Ok, maybe her plan sounded less idiotic in her head. Had she really just sassed one of Whitebeard’s sons? Had she really just said, in front of Whitebeard, that some young upstart was going to become the Pirate King instead of him?
Gramps was going to be so ticked when he found out she’d died because she’d ignored his advice.
“Gurararara!” Whitebeard laughed, breaking the tension. His head was thrown back, and his chest shook so hard it was a wonder he didn’t knock his chair over. “Damn, boy! Your mechanic has guts!” There was a pause as he had a brief coughing fit from the exertion, though it failed to erase the grin from his mustached face. “Loyal, too.”
“Yeah. She is at that. My whole crew seems to consist of loyal, reckless idiots,” Law stated, relaxing a bit. He slung his sword over his shoulder and gave the gaping Ace a smug smirk. “Especially her. She might get briefly distracted by a new plaything,” he said, emphasizing the word scathingly as he gently grabbed Ikkaku’s arm and pulled her to his side, “but she always comes back to where she belongs.”
Ace glared at Law, but Whitebeard just continued to laugh. “My sons are much the same,” he said fondly, grinning at his men who seemed torn between defending their Pops’ honor and laughing along with him at the sheer audacity of these rookies. “Makes me think you’d fit right in. So, I’ll ask you, and the rest of your crew, again; become my sons and daughters.”
“Sorry,” Law said, his natural cockiness returning. “Still gonna have to refuse. I don’t take orders from others. More importantly, joining you would mean I couldn’t be Pirate King, and that would mean letting my gutsy mechanic down.” To emphasize his point, Law gave her head a little pat.
At last Whitebeard stood up from his seat, though instead of starting a fight, he grinned down at Law and the Hearts. “Heh. Guess I can respect that. Plus, I don’t need you and Marco squawking at me about my drinking. But the offer’s on the table if you change your mind. In fact, if we meet again, don’t think you’ll get off so easily. Now, can we hurry up and have dinner already? Might as well send you upstarts off with a full stomach as thanks for the entertainment. And I need sake.”
Rolling his eyes at his continued disregard for diagnosis but nodding in agreement, Law motioned for Whitebeard to lead the way. Cocky as he was, he knew he’d already been ridiculously lucky enough to avoid at least three fights with the Whitebeard Pirates and was not willing to chance a fourth.
As the majority of the Whitebeard and Heart Pirates, hungry after all the excitement, cleared the deck, Law hung back with Ikkaku.
“Your cleaning punishment’s cut down to two weeks,” he mumbled, trying very hard to hide a fond smile, “though I should really give you more for nearly starting a war with Whitebeard.”
“Then you’d be cleaning the deck with me, Captain,” she said sweetly, grinning like the cat who ate the canary. “I mean, clearly I was only following your example.”
“Smartass,” he replied with a chuckle, giving her head another pat before walking off, motioning for Bepo to follow him. “Get lured away again and I’m leaving you behind. You’ll be Whitebeard’s problem.”
“Whatever you say, Boss,” she laughed, knowing it was an empty threat. She paused as she felt a familiar heat against her back and looked up over her shoulder at Ace.
“Your boss is a real asshole, isn’t he?” he said, eyebrow raised critically, a look of disdain on his handsome face.
Her responding smile was full of fond exasperation. “Yeah, but he’s my asshole boss. And you may be able to rev my engine,” she teased, pleased to see him blush a little, “but I’m not so easily swayed by a pretty face, even if it does come with a sweet ride.”
He laughed easily at that, just as she’d hoped. “Just so you know, my offer stands, too,” Ace said warmly, friendly grin returning. “I’d love to have a mechanic like you around, and Pops is the greatest pirate in the world. You’d be treated well here.” Despite his words, his eyes held nothing but acceptance, already anticipating her answer.
“I don’t doubt that,” she said, nudging him lightly as they headed towards the dining hall, “but I’m as loyal to Law as you are to Whitebeard.”
“So, no chance I could change your mind, huh?” he said, smile becoming a bit melancholy.
Raising an eyebrow and looping her arm through his, she gave him a saucy grin. “Tell you what; if we ever get stranded on that desert island together, I’m sure you’ll have plenty of time to convince me.”
That brought the heat back into his smirk, and the red of the setting sun nearly hid the rosiness across his freckled cheeks. “It’s a date.”
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goodwordguru · 4 years
One Piece MasterList [2016-2019]
Soul Jars [09-15-2016] With trembling hands, he unscrewed the top and lifted the glass until the soul was within its waxy confines. The jar was almost too small to contain it, but it did, and Marco closed it before clutching it to his chest.
Those Damn Brats! [10-18-2016]
Eye Contact [10-20-2016] Ace must've made some kind of noise because the boy looked up. They both froze as their eyes met and the world exploded in color.
Filling The Void [10-28-2016] Sometime after the events of Dressrosa, after parting with his precious little brother, Sabo has a dream where he's faced with Ace – not the Ace who he'd known as a child, but the Ace who had died without knowing that he still had two brothers.
Closed Doors [10-31-2016] Closed Doors: What's behind the door? Why is it closed?
Harrowing Inferno [11-28-2016] He turned, apprehension and excitement boiling together in his mind and bringing a large grin to his face. "Ace!"
Freedom [12-14-2016] (MarcoAce Week 2016)
Hobbies [12-15-2016] "Your wings are your arms, right? Do they still feel like arms, or do they register as wings in your brain when you're like this?” Cue exasperated eye closing and sigh. (MarcoAce Week 2016)
Laugh [12-16-2016] Marco laughed then; it was soft, unlike the delighted laugh he'd shared with the others, but it held an affection for Ace that he hadn't received since he left Luffy. (MarcoAce Week 2016)
Heroic/Cowardly [12-17-2016] After breakfast and chores were done and over with, Usopp gathered the crew to tell a tale of the brave Captain Usopp's grand dream. (Usopp Week 2016)
First Impressions/Beginnings [03-21-2017] Ace was all alone out there on Mount Corvo, and seemed to have been alone for a long time, and Sabo was all alone, despite being surrounded by people back in Grey Terminal. Ace had to be feeling just as lonely as him, even if he refused to show it. So he wouldn't give up. He would be the best soulmate ever! Ace would never have to feel alone again. "Hey! Ace!" he shouted, charging up the mountain in the direction the brunet had gone. "Wait up!" (SaboAce Week 2017)
Idiot/Genius [03-22-2017] “Are you a complete idiot?” (SaboAce Week 2017)
Sailing/Adventure [03-23-2017] Sabo was recovered by the Revolutionaries, like in canon, but he was not permitted to join the Revolutionaries because Dragon did not want to drag a child into such a war against the world/World Government (Koala hasn't joined at this point; she joined after Sabo did in canon). However, Dragon agreed to drop Sabo off at Loguetown so he was as far from Dawn Island as possible without going into the Grandline. At the age of 18, Sabo decided to set sail for the Grandline to have an adventure. (SaboAce Week 2017)
Scars/Tattoos [03-23-2017] Life was going pretty good, considering the hassle it took for Ace to pass High School in the final stretch.  But in Ace's experience, when things began going too well, something bad was bound to happen. (SaboAce Week 2017)
Blush/Innocent [03-25-2017] “Hey, Ace? Where do babies come from?” (SaboAce Week 2017)
Regret/Hallucination [03-26-2017] "Happy birthday, Sabo. I hope you're freer in the stars than you were down on earth." (SaboAce Week 2017)
Only Sparks Remain [03-27-2017] “But I still can't believe that crybaby became so strong... Can you, Ace?” (SaboAce Week 2017)
Say Cheese [05-10-2017] Art was Usopp's passion.
Burning Memories [05-17-2017] "Sabo-kun? Are you alright?" "Huh? Oh, yeah. Just a weird dream..."
Silence [05-29-2017] Peace, Law discovered, was not easy to come upon while on-board the Thousand Sunny. (10 Days of LawLu 2k17)
Terminal [05-29-2017] He felt like maybe he would be alright with being in a relationship with Luffy as opposed to just a friendship. (10 Days of LawLu 2k17)
Recherché [05-30-2019] “I love you, Torao,” he mumbled into Law's dark hair. “Mm... I love you, too, Luffy-ya.” (10 Days of LawLu 2k17)
Achromatic [05-31-2017] He didn't know what he was looking for, though, until he saw him. (10 Days of LawLu 2k17)
Wish [06-01-2017] Whether it was fighting against a Yonko or dealing with the demons of Law's past that tried to drag him down, down, down, Luffy was there with a smile to make everything better, make everything okay. So why wasn't everything okay right now? (10 Days of LawLu 2k17)
The Dreamer [07-14-2017] A lucid dream is a dream during which the dreamer is aware of dreaming. During lucid dreaming, the dreamer may be able to exert some degree of control over the dream characters, narrative, and environment. (ZoLu Week 2017)
Sunshine [07-15-2017] The world was infested by cruel and corrupt souls. As far as Zoro knew, it had always been that way. (ZoLu Week 2017)
Eternity [08-12-2017] I’m sorry, Torao... (10 Days of LawLu 2k17)
Family & Relation(ships) [01-11-2018] Family, friends, nakama and more, a lot of people love Usopp and he loves them, too. (Usopp Week 2016)
Dreams / Ambitions [01-11-2018] "You are going to bounce back from any fight we get into, whether we win or we lose, and I'm not going to doubt myself, right?" (SanLu Week 2016)
Die Traumdeutung [02-06-2018] He found that staying up for most of the night usually left him falling asleep in time to witness more pleasant dreams. His favorite, which showed up the rarest out of all the dreams, was when he found himself submerged in the ocean, surrounded by fish he used to catch in his own village and fish he was skeptical about the existence of but couldn't deny looked amazing (and appetizing).
Dragonheart [02-14-2018] Dark blue scales, tinted maroon from his blood, had pushed their way out of his skin like thorns from a rose stem. Taking a bath in the middle of the night to rid himself of the blood and throwing away the ruined shirt, Sabo spent the rest of the night pursuing answers on his laptop, finding that the appearance of scales was just stage one of a fledgling dragon's shift to adulthood. Sabo felt ill to his stomach.
Rekindled [02-14-2018] WIP He had died saving Luffy, and now he was alive.
5 Times Trafalgar Law Found Himself Involved In Sentimental Situations (And 1 Time When Words Weren't Involved) [03-04-2018] Law wasn't a sentimental person. In fact, he was best known for his cold and almost sadistically cruel personality. While most information about the North Blue captain were just rumors, he never did anything to prove the public wrong. Not where they could see, anyway.
Hugs/Cuddles [03-21-2018] “Okay, I think I'm finished,” the blond finally said. “You think?” Ace repeated, looking vaguely unimpressed as he took a long drag of his cigarette. Sabo ignored him as he dropped the empty spray-paint can into his bag, where seven more equally empty cans rested. The graffiti took him about an hour to create, and it was a pain to hold an illusion over the alley the whole time, but now that he was done, he could trigger the spell and they could finally sleep. (SaboAce Week 2018)
Then/Now [03-22-2018] Sabo never lost his memories and he didn't go with the Revolutionaries. Instead, he returned to his brothers. (SaboAce Week 2018)
Love At First Sight [03-28-2018] “I see you made it,” he said with a small laugh. He extended a hand and Ace shook it, made speechless by how soft it was. (Kidd was smirking at him out of the corner of his eye.) “I'm Outlook Sabo.” “Portgas D. Ace.” (SaboAce Week 2018)
Laughter [05-29-2018] He could hear Luffy snoring behind him, the lanky man's arm and leg thrown lazily over Law's waist. The doctor basked in the warmth of the quasi-embrace before tossing away the stray limbs and sitting up. (10 Days of LawLu 2k18)
Back to Back + Healing/Injured [05-31-2018] “Ow. Ow! Oooooow!” Law really wanted to punch Luffy, but unfortunately, he was wrist-deep in the other's chest cavity. (10 Days of LawLu 2k18)
Love [02-17-2019] “Bonney, it is ass crack o'clock,” Ace all but growled when he answered his phone at five-something in the morning. “What-” “Who even says that?” Bonney interrupted with an ugly snort, sounding much too awake. That didn't bode well for Ace.
Looking For Yourself [06-06-2019] Trafalgar D. Water Law disliked kids, whether they were his age – twelve – or not. He'd just lost his taste for being around anyone after his little sister and parents died and he was placed into the foster system. So when, to his irritation, a little brat who couldn't have been older than six climbed up next to him on a park bench he'd been reading on, he was less than thrilled. Additionally, the pest wouldn't stop running his mouth once he began to speak.
Plans Made (and Ruined?) [06-06-2019] “That's why I'm here,” he said. “What?” Luffy gave him a look as if he was missing something that should've been obvious. “I don't want you to be alone.” “I love being alone,” Law deadpanned, “so you can go now.” Luffy grinned broadly. “Nah. Because then you'd be lonely, and you hate that.” (10 Days of LawLu 2k19)
Clockwork [11-29-2019] Sanji rose with the sun like clockwork.
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tunesscribbles · 5 years
Portgas D Ace x Reader   Nights
a 4 + 1 style fic | gender neutral reader | subheadings from ‘Shake It Out’ - Florence and the Machine
I I like to keep some things to myself
You heaved the unconscious body on the ship before fully climbing onto it yourself. That marked his- what? 87th failed murder attempt on Whitebeard? It was also at least the fifth time you had to fish him out of the ocean since devil fruit users can't swim. You shivered in the chilly night air. Nothing better than a dive into freezing water in the middle of the night! You really hoped you wouldn't catch a cold as you wrung out your hair and clothes a little.
You were seriously doubting this guy's sense of self-preservation. It was clear as day that he would never be successful. Ironically enough, the only one getting injured due to his murder attempts is himself. So why does he keep doing it?
You accepted the towels another crew member handed you with a thanks. Next to you Ace seemed to become conscious again. You wondered what was going on in his head. Definitely nothing too cheerful, judging by the way he curled into himself, knees brought up, arms folded above and head resting on top. Although he made a pitiful sight with seawater dripping from his body and collecting in a puddle under him, he seemed anything but defeated.
This stubborn idiot was going to try again, wasn't he? You wouldn't put it past him to go for it this very night. Instead of asking him why or trying to convince him not to, like many had tried before you, you threw a towel over his shoulders and moved to sit down.
You lifted your gaze upwards to look at the sky. Not a cloud in sight, no moon either, just billions of twinkling dots. The past few days had been cloudy and childish as it may be, you had missed the stars, just a little. No matter where you are in the world, the stars look the same. They were a source of comfort.
You heard Ace shift as he reluctantly began to dry himself with the towel. Oh, right. For a moment you completely forgot about him. Weren't you supposed to try to talk to him?
"Okay, so..." Strong start, already getting weaker. This was a terrible idea all around. You threw a glance at him to find him looking up at the sky like you were before. There was a certain glint in his eyes, like he was trying to remember where they kept the weapons on this ship.
You sighed. "At least try not to fall into the ocean again tonight." You got up to leave him to his own (certainly self-destructive) devices. "Ain't no man above a common cold!"
II I'm damned if I do, I'm damned if I don't
As soon as Ace finally accepted the invitation and became part of the crew, he defended Whitebeard's name with such vigor that you wondered if he was putting in an extra effort to try to compensate for his earlier actions or if he was simply this much of a ride-or-die person. The more time you spent with him, the more you leaned towards the latter.
It surprised you how lively and open the freckled male turned out to be once he lowered his guard. He seemed so different from the troubled teenager Whitebeard had picked up. Ace was actually easy to talk to and the two of you got along well.
The stars shone dimly through a thin layer of clouds as you were about to land on the next island.
"Lets go grab some food, my treat.", he offered. He stood next to you and spun his bright orange hat on his finger. That hat was frankly ridiculous! As if he was pretending to be some sort of cowboy-pirate.
"You never pay for your food.", you remarked and raised your eyebrows at him.
"That's not-" The hat slipped of his finger and in an attempt to catch it Ace almost threw it into the ocean. He composed himself again and adjusted his trademark clothing item on his head. "I'll pay this time, it'll be nice."
He seemed nervous, why was he nervous? You squinted your eyes at him in a scrutinizing look.
"You're planning something, I don't trust you when you're planning something. You had a prank war with Thatch last week and now you want to pay for someone else's food when you never even pay for your own?"
The look in his eyes was a mixture of panic and suffering like a plan gone wrong. You knew it!
He threw his hands up in defeat. "You know what? Forget it! I bet it wouldn't have worked anyway!" and then his words became unintelligible as he grumbled to himself. Something about being damned if Marco was right and how it was not even that big of a deal, whatever 'it' was. You would feel bad for him, if you had not just dodged a prank.
"Aw, don't be like that! I can help you trick someone else, if you want.", you tried to cheer him up. "Take a look at the stars! It's the perfect night to cause some mischief. Just because I didn't fall for it, doesn't mean no one else will." The more you talked, the more you got the feeling of being on the wrong ship and sailing away into the distant land of "I-really-fucked-this-up-but-I-don't-know-what-I-missed".
That feeling was further enhanced by Ace glancing at you sideways and saying: "You are terrible at this." in a way that made you question what exactly 'this' was and at what point during the conversation the two of started to talk about completely different topics.
There was a hint of amusement in his voice though and you decided to latch onto it to stop this talk from hurtling towards becoming a ship wreck.
"Well, we all have to be something, don't we?" There you go, he laughed. Another interaction salvaged. "We can still go and grab some food, if you'd rather do that."
He pulled a face. "Nah, I don't feel like paying for it anymore."
Now it was your turn to throw up your arms.
III I've been a fool and I've been blind
You hissed as the doctor cleaned out your wound before bandaging it. Next to you Ace winced in sympathy.
You were slightly unsure what to do with him these days. Over time you became good friends, however at some point there has been a shift in your dynamic. Whereas conversations used to flow naturally and hanging out with each other was comfortable, nowadays everything seemed to be accompanied by an underlying tension. An odd sense of nervousness would spread between you and like a wrench thrown into the conversational clockwork, it would bring everything to an awkward standstill. Suddenly you were overly aware of every aspect of yourself that could pass as a flaw and the various ways in which you could ruin this friendship you have come to treasure.
Ace was still uncharactaristicaly silent when you left the infirmary. You gently bumped your shoulder with his to gain his attention.
"I can almost hear you inventing new ways to blame yourself, stop that. It wasn't your fault."
"I was supposed to watch your back!", he said through gritted teeth.
"You did! Otherwise I wouldn't be here to tell you not to beat yourself up. Even if you didn't, it was my fault for not paying attention." His mouth was already open to come back with another argument but you cut him off. "No! No arguing. End of discussion."
And apparently also end of conversation because another tense silence followed your words. You heaved a sigh so heavy it could have sunk a whole ship.
Your fingers brushed past his hand and he flinched away like you burned him. Which was ironic, considering he was the one with the fire powers. This right here is what you were talking about. Why did this have to be so difficult? Why was everything amped up to a hundred and then some? The smallest touch could set everything ablaze and words were weighed down with double meanings and it hurt and still. All you could think was how much you wanted to hold his hand and maybe, maybe-
Something clicked into place. Something you had known in the back of you mind for a while but just now realized. Oh, you thought.
The fact that Ace smelled distractingly like bonfire did not help with the overall situation.
IV Here's to drinks in the dark at the end of my road
"Do you have to be so disgustingly in love?", asked Thatch with an exasperated sigh.
"I don't know what you're talking about.", you replied at the same time as Ace said: "Absolutely!", from where he sat wrapped around you with his chin propped up on your head.
The crew members nearby laughed and toasted to "young love" and that it may annoy the cook to the end of times.
Later that night Ace and you retreated to a quieter place on deck away from the party. You watched the stars overneath and after a while you said: "They're all long burned out and dead."
Ace spluttered and choked on his drink. You had to pat his back to help him.
"The stars. A lot of them are long dead before we can see their light.", you elaborated.
"Oh" Now he looked up as well as if considering them from a new perspective.
"Doesn't stop them from looking beautiful though." You smiled and leaned into him.
"No, it doesn't."
It was quiet for a moment, apart from the party on other parts of the ship, but it was not like the uncomfortable silences in the past. Just a pause, nothing to worry about. There is no longer a rush to get the right words out in time in fear of them dissolving on your tongue otherwise.
You took a sip of your drink while Ace laced your fingers together.
"Disgustingly in love", he repeated the words from before and smiled. You couldn't help but grin yourself.
"Maybe so", you said and playfully swung your joined hands back and forth.
"I love you.", he said and you never really get used to such declarations. Ace turned around so you are facing each other and cupped your cheek in his unoccupied hand. "Disgustingly much!"
If a smile could stop a war, this one had just achieved world peace.
"I love you, too." You dropped a kiss on the tip of his nose and then some more on the freckles on his cheeks, for good measure. "An obnoxious amount!"
Ace leaned in for a proper kiss and for the next few moments the world began and ended right here: You two, with your hands entwined, kissing under the light of dead stars.
A week later Thatch found a devil fruit.
+ I I' m ready to suffer, I'm ready to hope
A year passed. Vengeance proved unsuccessful.
For a long time now you had felt unhinged, off balance without any clear goal in sight. What was there left to do when you have lost so much?
It felt wrong, looking at the night sky and finding it no different to all the times you used to look at it together. The world was cruel like that, it didn't care about your loss.
The world doesn't care, people do. That is one of the most valuable lessons becoming part of Whitebeard's crew had taught you.
Now the uncaring stars slowly faded to make way for the dawning sun.
You laid down a bouquet of flowers on your father's grave. "I have to go my own way again.", you told him. You had already said your goodbyes to the remainders of the crew. This was your last stop before the rest of the world. After spending so much time mourning and fighting, it was time for you to move on, to live for yourself again. You felt tears pricking at the corners of your eyes. 
"Thank you for everything, pops!", you almost choked on your words and had to take a moment to gather yourself. It may get easier with time but it will never just be easy.
You turned to the second grave and had to smile at the sight of a certain hat. "Don't worry, I'll be safe.", you reassured him. Your eyes wandered up into the sky. No more stars to admire. "I wonder if they look the same wherever you are now."
Taking a step backwards you looked at both graves for a last time. "I miss you and I won't ever forget you.", with that you bowed shortly and then turned around to go.
A gust of wind ruffled your hair and for a second the air carried a faint smell like- "Bonfire." You took a deep breath and continued walking down the hill. Your steps becoming faster and faster until you were running and you haven't felt this weightless in such a long time, you thought you might just lift off the ground completely and fly.
(You passed a young man in a tophat on your way down.)
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marcoacesabo · 5 years
The Road of Life after the Sea.
Ace died.
Well that was what he was able to conclude when a lava sized fist busted through his chest and his goodbye to Luffy. (He sometimes stops to wonder how his little brother is doing and if he can forgive him for leaving that mental scar) 
He never really thought much about death, it was just an end to him, nothing more nothing less. Yet it seems death didn’t agree with him. Because in one world Portgas D. Ace took his last breath the very second following Kaen took his first. 
It was used to release a cry loud enough to scare the doctor and create flickering flames that earn his name.
The first few years was disorientating. It took a while for Ace to realize he was once again a baby and not just badly injured from the war. Would anyone blame him for that being his first thought?
It didn’t exactly help that he couldn’t see or hear correctly.  Years went by before he was able to realize that he was in fact, a child.
 Those first few years were spent in an overcrowded orphanage with overstressed caregivers that didn’t seem to care about the strange child pass keeping him alive.
 Ace was able to piece together that his new mother had the same fate of his last mother and he mourns her. 
Just as he did for Portgas. D Rouge, he mourns the person who brought him to life in this world without seeing her face or ever hearing her voice. Even if he had no name for her. 
The people that found him didn’t care to learn it. It would seem they had something against his bloodline once more.
Ace’s new mother was a refugee from somewhere his home was at war with. She crosses the border illegally trying to escape and made it all the way into the central city. There she was discovered just as she went into labor. The stress of fleeing her homeland and the travel were too much for her body. 
She died before she could even hold her child or even name him. ( Ace sents prayers to her every night after hearing two of the workers sneering comments about his mother. They really don’t like foreigners it seems)
Kaen is named after his bloodline. One that allows him to transform and throws flames at will, but Ace knows it’s not some blood induce power these people think it is. It’s his devil fruit following him into his new life.  It’s his ticket to a better place.
Among the orphans, only a few are able to join a fairly new program which generated meals, education and eventually his own apartment. This world’s version of the marines. Usually only reserved for clan kids and rare civilian children under civilian parents but it promises a life outside of the streets. 
The Shinobi Acadamy is where Ace spends his childhood swearing allegiance to his new home.
He excels at it, alongside the only other orphan child allowed into the program with him.  Something tells him that Namikaze kid was going to be a force the likes of which have never been seen before within a few years. 
For now Ace works double as hard. He’s at a disadvantage, even more so then Namikaze, for he must work against the hatred of his blood once more this time in his Shinobi classes and his classmates. But this time he doesn’t hate that blood.
His mother died doing nothing wrong. She died to give him a better life and for her, Ace will not fail. Despite every obstacle in his way, he rises through the ranks and becomes one of the strongest for the Leaf.
He gets a new bounty, under the name Kaen with a new epithet, The Forest Fire. 
He still thinks of himself as Ace, though, and he always will.
He whips around facing his squad leader with a barely suppressed amused smile  “Yes sir? Is something wrong?”
“Don’t pretend you don’t know what you did!” The man shouts gathering the attention of the camp as he waves about a mission report. Ace shifts his face to look politely confused, making sure to have his eyes round enough to accommodate his freckles.
 Worked on Marco all the time.  
Like paper, the squad leader crumbles under his gaze.
Still got it He thinks smugly watching the man blush and fumble. Around him Leaf-nin, shift about having similar reactions. Hiding his satisfaction Ace taps his chin, making sure to stretch his neck the way Izo had taught him a lifetime ago.
“Oh! Are you referring to the Ame mission?” He asks after a moment.
The squad leader finally managed to pull himself together.  “Yes, I am. Kaen you’re one of our strongest. If it wasn’t for you or the Yellow Flash this war would have gone very badly for us. But you can’t just disappear in the middle of a fight to help a rebel group!”
“It wasn’t in the middle. I waited till all the enemy were down. Besides, you should hear the locals talk about them”  His face stretches into a wide smile  “The Akatsuki are heroes. We could use their help. They’re good kids”
“I believe the leaders are about your age Kaen-san”  A new voice interrupt causing everyone to jump to their feet. Ace had flames curling around his fist before the sentence was even finished, the whole camp just a few seconds behind him.
The one to have spoken was wearing the Akatsuki uniform, the only reason he wasn't burned to a crisp. A blond man, around Ace’s age, with an easy going smiling and a metal pipe had his hands in the air as ninja surrounded him.
“Peace. I’m not here to fight.” The man said keeping his blue eyes locked with Ace. He knew those eyes. He knew them. “My leader asked me to get you a message-”
The ninja froze in place, his eyes narrowing. “How do you know that name?”
He took one step closer, wanting to see it truly was Sabo when a cry he thought he would never hear again echoed the skies. His neck snaps with how fast he tilts his head back.
Flying overhead is a blue phoenix. A very familiar one. 
“Marco” He whispers, silent tears rolling down his eyes. The leaf-nin around them shift unapprovable. Ninja didn’t have emotions but Ace doesn’t care.
He’s the son of a Kiri refuge running from the blood-line purge. He’s used to his comrades not approving of him before worshipping the ground he steps on.  
The Phoneix lands just before Ace, shifting into the love of his past life.  
“Ace...” Marco hasn’t changed a bit, still his wonderful sleepy eyes, still the same amount of stubble on his chin and that ridiculous haircut. It’s his clothes that are different, clad in a full jacket and a metal waistband, signaling another Akatsuki member.  “Ace yoi, is that you?”
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sanjuno · 5 years
Ummmm howabout a one piece time travel fic of your choice?
(1/32 SI Promptfest)
The sea is a treacherous bitch, and I have never hated being proved right more than the moment I realized that the undertow that drowned mereally did come out of nowhere just to drag my ass away from shore. How, you ask me at this point, did I know my bitter sarcasm was more than simple railing against my unfortunate circumstances?
The giant glowing sea goddess clad in sea foam and coral tipped me off. A smidge. Just a wee little bit of a hint there.
Terrible and majestic, the Ocean spoke in a voice like the waves crashing against stone. ‘My son will appreciate the help you canprovide, Occhio D Vittoria.’
“… eh?” I was understandably suffering a bit of a BSOD inthe brain, between the worldview shift required when a technical atheist meets withthe divine face to face and the oxygen deprivation. The Ocean then proceeded to slam me head-first down a whirlpool before I could even get a complete word out, and then pain from the bends set my blood on fire.
Needless to say, I was not in the best frame of mind when Iwoke up still under the water. “That’s not my fucking name, you salt-soaked whore!”
A rather scandalized clownfish burbled at me in shock, retreating into its anemone. It took me longer than I care to admit to realizethat I was actually breathing water rather than using a self-taught diving trick to recycle old air. Hard on the heels of that revelation was the notice that my legs had been replaced with a fishtail. Specifically, I was sporting the iconic ray-finned crimson-and-neon barbsof a clearfin lionfish.
“…” I stared for a good long while, trying to make sense of what the hell was going on. This was a situation that called for a witty one-liner. “… Well if I have to be a male-gaze fantasy trope at least I get to be a venomous one.”
… Eh, good enough. I always did have a habit of identifying the benefits of any given situation, and being neurotoxic was a fairly decent defense mechanism when all is said and done. Next step was movement, fairly easy to adapt to given that despite the surface characteristics my tail was still jointed like an aquatic mammalian.This meant I propelled myself with the vertical kick I was familiar with from when I still had legs rather than having to learn how to steer using the lateral movements of an actual fish.
“Mother of fuck!” One hand pressed to my brand new brain injury, I slapped the other one forward to press against the glass wall. Now that I was paying attention to something other than my new meatsuit, I recognized the not-quite-mirror quality of aquarium glass. “Oh, you’ve got to be fucking with me.”
I was in a honest-to-goodness fishbowl. What in the name of all that was held sacred did the Ocean think she was doing sticking me in a fucking aquarium? Was this vengeance for the time I let my mother help me clean my fish tank and she accidentally boiled my placo?
Holy shit I hopenot.
Pressing my face up against the glass I could see… wanted posters. In a… more-than-slightly-familiar printing style. Hm.
My fins flared out in shock as I stared at a wanted poster for Portgas D Rouge. There were other posters, all of them bounties for female pirates. Those, combined with the questionable taste of the statuary bolted to the floor, told me exactly what kind of situation I had ended up in.
I was in One Piece, I was a captive mermaid, and my ‘owner’had a fetish typical of the series’ stock of minor villains. A perversion that was played up for comedy during the build-up and action events while actually being beyond horrifying when realistically considered. I was trapped inside the glass, and swallowing back the surge of fear made me acutely aware of the pressure of what I presumed was a bomb collar around my neck. I had no resources, no allies, no clue what I was even doing in this world, and no realistic hope of rescue.
I was, in short, completely doomed unless the Ocean decided to take pity and toss a miracle or two my way.
Well, ask and ye shall receive… at least so long as the Ocean Goddess still has a use for me, I suppose. The water in my tank vibrated, the walls of the room outside of it shaking madly as what I assumed was a Grand Line style brawl grew closer. An ugly man, made recognizable to me by his inbred ugliness as a World Noble, flew through the far wall to crash into the memorabilia shrine. The posters and broken pieces of plaster flew up into the air.
I am Canadian to my core, and also a mouthy shit with no shame, so I threw my arms in the air and made like a bullhorn. “GOOOOAAAAALLLL!”
The man dramatically emerging from the smoke in a predatory stalk promptly stumbled as he sputtered. Two smaller bodies shoved around his knees to stare at me curiously. The view was a bit distorted, but it was hard to mistake those two particular children for anyone else.
Blinking, I took in the sight of Portgas D Ace and Monkey D Luffy in all their tiny, childhood glory. For some reason they were dressed in the tattered remains of tropical print sundresses. Which really did not make me feel any better about how they had managed to end up in the same room as my cage. Then I lifted my gaze to the adult accompanying them and felt my eye twitch.
It was an adult version of Ace, tattooed front and back with an elaborate phoenix-and-wave design that I had never managed to draw out quite to my satisfaction. Well, at least if I had to be a victimized minority in One Piece I was in a fix-it AU and now I knew how to create a situation where I could make the most of it.
“Hi, Riot!” I waved cheerfully, hoping against hope that anime physics would come into play and let my voice carry through the glass. “Could you be a dear and get the key to this bomb collar before you completely destroy that asshole’s everything?”
“Hi, Pretty Fish Lady!” Luffy waved back, and oh, look at that. There were den-den mushi installed on either side of the glass for easy communication. That made better sense. “Do you know my big brother?”
“I saw him be born! A real firecracker, your big brother.” Technically I am actually telling thetruth, which is great because Luffy is oddly perceptive about things like that. Riot gave me a sharp look, and I winked at him trying to mime holding a crystal ball, hoping he would pick up on the wording and… yeah, there it was. Thank you for your reputation, Madame Sharkey, and let us all hope I never get called out on borrowing it.
“Stop right there, pirate scum!” The man who rushed at Riot was dressed in white, and… yep. There was that sand-blasted awful coat with the hideous epaulettes.
Carnage ensued. The glass of my tank got broken as Riot’s fight with the Noble’s Marine bodyguard ramped up, and I had a terrifying flashback to the time my five gallon tank got shoved off the table and broken glass sliced my betta in half. Luck and possible divine intervention allowed everyone involved in the confusion to avoid gaining a serious injury from the glass shards. Ace proved that his pick pocketing skills were still sharp when he rushed over to me with a stupidly elaborate key ring in hand.
Key in lock and turn and yes! Free!
I ripped the collar away from my neck as soon as the clasp popped loose, glaring at the Noble only just managing to pull himself free of the pile of debris Riot had buried him in. He needed to be buried deeper and I needed my fucking legs back!
A lurch, like when your gut drops out from under you on a roller coaster.
“HA! Feet! Score one for maturity!” I am a very mature and poised individual indeed. Ask anyone. I am also really glad for the worldbuilding that means despite being a mermaid, as an adult I can have feet whenever I need them. Certain people just really need a good curb-stomping, and it is hard to deliver such without heels to slam down into tender places.
I might also have fed the Noble the bomb collar. After arming it. In retrospect, I have no idea how I managed to avoid making a horrid mess of myself.
… Honestly I think I just got caught up in the moment. Also I have a very low empathy score and a duty to future generations to remove certain bad influences from the gene pool. Especially when said bad influences make creepy comments about small children and their ‘uses’.
Noting that Riot seemed to be finishing up his fight, I grabbed one of the wrap dresses from the wreckage of the armoire and cinched it tight, vowing to change into something with a less tainted providence at the first available opportunity. Then I slung the children over my shoulders like particularly vocal grain sacks and headed for the stairs. Predictably, things started to explode as Riot put the Marine down for good. I was already up on the deck with my wiggling burdens by the time a massive fireball chewed through most of the Noble’s ostentatiously gaudy ship.
Riot emerged from the flames, predictably unscathed, and the Marine was nowhere to be seen. He stared at me, I stared back at him, and Luffy whined into my shoulder-blade about me not letting him watch the end of the fight. “You’re a mean Fish Lady.”
“Little fry should not be fighting sharks.” I told the youngest boy even as I tossed Ace at his older counterpart and re-secured Luffy before he could slip free. “Salut, cousin. I appreciate the assist and the chance to get my own back. Although I do hope you have an escape route in mind.”
“My ship is right there.” Riot caught Ace without pausing stride and motioned to where a galleon flying a jolly roger was pulling up broadside to the rapidly burning vessel. The light from the flames made it easy to see Riot frown, his entirely understandable distrust of strangers warring with the reality of the situation I was in when he found me. “… Are you comingalong?”
“If you don’t mind the company.” I smiled at him as we began to move towards the pirate ship and pulled the one bounty poster I had made a point of picking up out of my pocket. “It’d be nice to get to know Miss Rouge’s sons.”
Riot flicked another searching look at me while Ace gaped at the picture of his mother. It was probably the first time the kid had seen her face. Hells bells, they were young. I still had a decade on Riot at this point in his life, more than twice that on Ace and Luffy. Still, time to make the most of being the eldest.
“The name’s Occhio D Vittoria, pleasure to make your acquaintance.” … Aw fuck no. That was not my name. The Ocean was still playing silly buggers and I did not appreciate the sudden re-branding at all.
… Oh shit, maybe the D stood for Drowned.
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Life is Like a Boat [Portgas D. Ace] Chapter One [We Met on the Streets Like Trash]
Disclaimer: I do not profit from this story and all creative rights to the characters belong to their original creator(s); pictures and songs included. Sorin Elva belongs to author PorcelainBlack/PlayfulxPurple. She gave me permission to borrow her on account of us being close friends. Ask her and she'll tell you the same. The plot is mine - what I added.
This work is strictly before the Summit War arc in the series. It follows the manga 12 years before then, when the trio are kids. The fic is again strictly original character x Ace; no poly ASL. Please pay attention to the warning tags. This work has adult themes (the characters may start young, but they will age) and spoilers to the series. Please enjoy.
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Sorin Elva made a grave mistake; she tried to steal from pirates. She was caught, of course, but even for a 9 year old, the consequences were just as dire. They were going to kill her. She’d die alone and no one would care.
Her small body hurt very bad. Elva cried out in pain every time the Lieutenant would kick her. The ribs in her chest felt cracked; her breathing was becoming shallow and her eyelids were heavy with sleep. However, her thoughts were on the books laid out on the ground an arm’s length away from her.
They were important to her. The books would guarantee her survival in the world, but none of that mattered now. Porchemy was going to kill her, crush her bones into dust before she ever got the chance to become a doctor. Still, Elva tried to reach for them, straining to wrap her fingers around the spine of the volume 1 encyclopedia.
Porchemy saw what she was trying to do and kicked the book further from her reach. He loved the sound she made; so sad and very frightened. The young girl was scared of him. She should be, he thought to himself. Elva may have been important to his captain, but that gave her no reason to run around and do as she liked. He kicked her again, just because he wanted to.
“Boss, no offense, but the Captain will shoot us if we kill her.” He made no attempt to grab the man, but he wanted to. Porchemy was making a grave mistake by hurting the little medic. She was important to them, but not only because of her choice in career; Elva was unique.
The large man turned and glared at the Carrier. It was his fault they were in this situation. He lost the money his captain was supposed to pay off to the nobles, then allowed the girl to steal from them. If anyone should be shot, it should be him. Porchemy honestly thought about offering his head to their captain, but they needed him. He could recognize the one who stole from them.
His attention went back to the little girl. She was still on the ground, curled up in pain. It made him sick. “Get the hell up, brat. You’re going to return the Captain’s tribute back to him once we get back our money. It will be up to him what to do with you.”
Elva glared at him; her blue eyes were dark like the sea during a storm. “T–They’re only books. He wouldn’t want them, so piss off.”
Porchemy disregarded her and reached down to pick her up. Her knees collapsed beneath her, but he didn’t let her fall over. His fingers tightened around the hood of her torn shirt, lifting her off her feet. Such a little thing. Porchemy laughed as he dangled her above the ground. She didn’t even put up a struggle. “What’s wrong, brat? Not wanting to fight me? You sounded so ready to throw down a minute ago.”
Elva ignored his questions; he knew the answers. Her eyes burned with tears, but she tried not to let Porchemy see them. He’d only laugh and hit her again, as if her pain was amusing to him. Pathetic. I’m so weak. She dropped her head and stared at the books on the ground. All she wanted was to read the next one; her captain was missing the 2nd volume, but it didn’t matter to Elva. Someday she’d have them all, then again, it was only wishful thinking. She’d never be allowed to leave their crew.
Porchemy shook her little body like a doll, making her head spin. He laughed as her face screwed up in agony. But then, a high pitched scream caught his attention; it sounded like a cry for help. Looking at Elva, he noticed that she heard it too. Her ears twitched, searching for the source of the sound.
“Hey, I heard voices from here; children’s voices.” A stocky pirate with a wood staff came scurrying out from the undergrowth, shoving his finger in the direction of the noise. His superior glared at him and hissed at him to shut up. Porchemy shook Elva again, ordering her to verify what she heard.
“It was someone my age; younger maybe.” Elva listened again. She heard a plethora of voices; each of them male. They were close, but even though they were whispering, she could hear them clear as a bell. “Over there; through the foliage.” She pointed a finger in the right direction and ordered them to follow the path.
The spiteful lieutenant tossed her like a rag doll at the member with the hooded T shirt, who caught her with a grunt. He swung Elva over his shoulder and followed the crew through the bushy forest. She watched sadly as her books were left on the ground; lost to her forever.
Porchemy lead the crew through the forest; a path had opened up. The canopy blocked out most of the sun, but streaks of light that poured through the gaps helped to brighten the area. It smelled of dusty soil and pine resin; a scent that Elva found to be relaxing. She nearly forgot about the others until Porchemy began to speak.
“Those children Ace and Sabo you’re telling me about are famous around here. You’re sure it’s Ace that took your money, right?” Elva twitched her ears; she’d heard of them before. They stole from traders and shady pirates around the Terminal. She had never met them or seen them before personally, but they’d made a name for themselves amongst the people of the junkyard. Elva listened as Porchemy and the Carrier talked about them; nothing was mentioned that she didn’t already know.
Porchemy stopped at the base of a huge tree and glanced around. He found nothing of interest. “Put down the brat.”
The hooded pirate plucked Elva from his shoulder and placed her bare feet on the dry earth. She was ordered to listen and faced the quiet forest, placing her hands on either side of her ears. She could hear nothing at first, then the faint sound of tense undertones filled the air. They were indeed the same young males as before, talking about Porchemy. She heard them mention her and when she looked in their direction, the bushes where they hid rustled loudly. A gentle smile spread across her face, but just as quickly it fell. Elva felt bad for them; they reminded her of the others in the Terminal. All they wanted to do was survive. What right did she have to decide their fate?
“I don’t hear anything.” Elva glanced at Porchemy and tilted her head. “Sorry, but no one is around. All I hear are 3 chatty squirrels in the underbrush.”
The huge pirate gritted his teeth. Little brat! He grabbed her by the arm and yanked down her hood, exposing her pointed ears. Porchemy lifted his sword and put the cold blade to one. “Don’t mock me, brat. If you don’t tell me where they are, I’ll cut an inch for every second you waste.” His blade pressed deeper against the uncovered flesh to stress his point.
Elva opened her mouth, but no words came out. She couldn’t possibly rat them out; the Captain would never allow them to live. Her bright eyes flickered toward the bush and she pointed further into the forest – she couldn’t bring herself to do it. “I hear voices coming from that way. They’re faint, but the same.” She hoped the vicious lieutenant would believe her. His grip on her hood had become loose; he did.
Suddenly, however a boy came running out of the underbrush. Elva yelped as Porchemy tossed her aside and grabbed him, lifting the dark haired boy off his feet. He struggled to be released, but the pirate tightened his grip around his slender body and held him close. “Let go of me! Damn you … help me Ace!” Elva was too scared to move; the pirate would know that she had lied.
“Did you just say Ace?” Porchemy narrowed his eyes, giving Elva a glare before returning his attention to the boy. “Do you know him?”
The boy smiled; a goofy expression that just didn’t fit the grave tone of the situation he was in. “He’s my friend … oh, but he did try to kill me just now.”
“I’m going to ask you one thing. Today, he took our money and ran away. Do you happen to know where he is?” The ingenuous boy puckered his lips and began to whistle nervously, telling Porchemy that he didn’t know; it was obvious that he was lying. This made the Lieutenant snicker. “You leave me no choice then … I’ll make you tell us, don’t worry.” He ordered the same pirate to grab the girl and began walking back towards the junkyard, holding the noisy boy at arm’s length to avoid his unruly limbs.
Elva pushed up on her forearms and stared out sorrowfully at the fading plant life – the boys from the underbrush had come into the clearing, watching them go. Heart beating fast, she felt drained. She silently begged them to help her and cried when they did not.
No use … they can’t hear you. Sorin Elva was an idiot to have hoped for better.
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