#ok now i am no longer allowed to look at the color pink for the next 48 hours
theinsanecrayonbox · 2 years
KP watches the live action Monster High Movie
watching the MH movie with review watching thoughts. we started this somewhere around 10 am...ended around 1:30 pm. oh goodie, this is a LONG post
right off the bat that’s not Deena, that’s my Leena. sorry i don’t make the rules. 
but also, how was it comfortable for her ears to be in that helmet? and how has she lived with those for 15 years and no one noticed? was she just homeschooled? and she’s now the tofu eater?? and aren’t almonds dangerous for canine? (i know she’s a people too, but werewolves aren’t supposed to have chocolate (sometimes) due to their canine side so...) and her mom also had constant ears too?? but what? i thought, from the preview texts, that she had JUST started to become a wolf, as in she looked human up until recently? how did her mom hide out in the human world? where even IS her mom? (you’re only a min and  half in KP geeze) that family portrait implies she stuck around longer than Aquaman’s mom did so she didn’t at least drop baby Deena off and ran i guess...but yeah mom and kid had ears and that was a JCP portrait; didn’t the photographer think that was strange?? i just...i’m only a min and  half in and i am having far too many questions, i can’t let this spiral like the netflix death note watch review did, i just...i just can’t...
ok so Deena got a hogwarts letter...i guess she applied online? heh “dark web’ sure i’ll give that for a pun. but her dad knows all about monster stuff? ok...but people at the park don’t? i...what is world consistence?!?!?!? i mean, MH always has that problem about how closely linked the human and monster realms are, how much bleeding into one another there is. but i...no, no, just move past it, we need to get hairy pawter to magic school for the plot. but also, half-monsters are a regular thing????? no, no, moving forward...
i know people pointed out the license plate saying “bark” but i wonder, was 9/25 the original release of MH something or other? also...what state is that plate from??? the closest i know is the DC plate, but it’s not exactly right and the mountainous landscape doesn’t match places around there...is it just a made up plate design?
lol yes walk through the spooky skeleton mouth portal. but dad is kinda far too chill with this...kids’ movie though, so that’s to be expected.
oh musical number 5 minutes in...yeah we are a kids movie. but hey the school’s render, though not super top tier (tv budget) does look good. but yikes that poor backgrounder in the neon yellow body suit who’s face paint does not match. that’s rough buddy.
oh hey Ula. just...dropped in with no introduction. and Abbey is...yeah not  gonna touch that yet. but Frankie, also just dropped in. this really relies on you being familiar with the MH lore and setup going into this, doesn’t it? heh mummies in combat boots. but cleo....is not over the top enough...and being besties with piranha Lagoona is still weird to me...i can *kinda* forgive the “i broke up with Deuce over the summer” plot point because that does open us up to new story lines for them (as in them getting back together, not just them dating other people). and Lagoona’s CGI still looks very cheap ^^; but honestly why isn’t she pink like her doll? everyone else gets colored (though now thinking about it Deuce isn’t really green is her...) the fact you have folks with human skintones really doesn’t help your “no humans allowed” sentiment when a class photo looks like half the student bodies are human passing.
wait Heath is bit more bro-mode and less weenie, but kinda right in the hitting on everything that moves (that was Abbey right?). and no Deuce is green, so yeah why isn’t Lagoona pink?
oh hey Ghoulia
ah Mr OC teacher is the newbie student teacher. that’s nice.
and we are starting with teh anti-witchcraft. but ohho, Dracula calls it a “human practice” so my thought that it’s frowned upon BECAUSE it’s humans pretending to be monsters kinda dealio was right. ok, cool, i’m good with that. i also can’t help but wonder if giving that to Drac to complain about has anything to do with his past employment of romani...but we won’t go there since again, kids’ property, it ain’t really gonna go there.
is that Spectra Deena says hi to in the dorm hallway?? also, hey the dorms! we get to see them for once! i have always liked the idea of the school dorms for those monster kids who have to travel too far from home. i mean, i guess now everyone lives there without question, so that’s cool too. but yay dorms.
wait, Ghoulia speaks normally? uh...ok...well, the trend of taking away the neat unique character bits is a thing for G3. but she her line “that always gets the freshmen” (why not freshmeat boo) implies she’s at least a sophomore? that’s kinda cool, it’s nice to have some grade divisions. and i guess Deuce is too since it seemed this was at least his second year at school.
Frankie is kinda awkward but sweet. although, they’re made from famous people parts huh? not just...general parts...or possibly the Skull Shores lady...made from specific famous people parts...like Herman in the new Munsters movie...and Ula is a witch vampire just like Lilly...uh...moving on.
that window looked like it was just glued onto the wall
ok wow, Ula’s personality feels like a complete 180. she’s not into community? she was president of the vegan vampire club and always doing community outreach before. she was into sharing and group activities. i know she’ll grow out of this through her arc i’m sure, but just wow. she’s got more Cleo attitude than Ula.
oh, ok, i take back a little positive points from the castle, it looks not as good in daylight. but also, why is there daylight in a monster realm? eternal night would seem better for most species wouldn’t it?
ok if Frankie’s parts came from folks that didn’t have schools, how can the parts be viable enough to be useable for them in the modern times? did their parents have super juice that rehydrated them or something? (you’re only 15 min into this 90 min movie, you’re never gonna make it KP)
ok if you have on campus dorms, why would you require lockers? that's more me just asking not critiquing the movie’s choices, because logically that just doesn’t make sense to me. lockers are to store your personal and extra school stuff...but you have a dorm room for that here. maybe to cut back cross-campus traffic i guess? just seems redundant to me.
ok wait, Deuce broke up with Cleo, not the other way around? ok...i’ll take back a few of those “i’m *kinda* alright with it” points because it could still be because of Cleo’s family stuff that caused it...
calling Frankie a “walking jigsaw puzzle” could work as an insult...if they looked more mismatched. but they look pretty uniform, just you know, greenish blue. their outfit even coordinates enough. also Deena that was a tiger roar; you are not Tora. and Abbey and Heath are chatting behind Deuce...those two are still going to be a thing aren’t they...
hey Deena is taller than Frankie here. that doesn’t line up. also, was Deena’s surname Wolf before? was her dad named Mr Wolf? is that how her parents met, cause her mom thought she was meeting another werewolf but turned out to be a funny human dude that she ended up falling for? does the monster and human tinders crossover like that if you don’t hit the right setting? or was it a “my gym partner is a monkey” situation and it stuck dad on the monster’s side? i have no basis for any of this, i guess i’m starting to wonder a bit...only 18 min in, that’s not good
heh Bloodgood’s office is in the clocktower. that’s kinda cool...but would be annoying to get to? all those stairs i’m sure. but wait, joan of Arc gave her the coffee mug? ok, ignoring the “i hate mondays” gag would not have been a thing back then, wasn’t she, oh idk, HUMAN???? WHY would you brag about knowing a human (even in the past) well enough to get gifts when your whole culture is AGAINST humans??? she was burned as a witch; was she really one in this setting? but she still would’ve been human then maybe. i know it’s a stupid gag, but you aren’t even following your own lore rules??
ok lore drop. so...the school was founded when the monsters broke free from human oppression. so...they built this pocket for the school so their kids could grow up safely. ok, i can get behind that. does that mean that adults live out in the human world? is this like BeaStars where the kids are separated until adulthood? also...Bloodgood knows momma Wolf; does she know she ran off with a human dude? if not, where does she think Deena came from? ok she makes a joke about him being human...but does she know? is Bloodgood really pro-human and reunification/integration and that’s why she’s making Deena important? also, why is her mom such a big deal; if she wasn’t just a generic werewolf someone should’ve noticed she went missing when she ran off with dad. also, also, Pierre could totally be a monster name, he’s just french-canadian guys (which oh look, i’ll count a half point on my OC checklist since my Leena *is* canadian-american). oh but now Bloodgood is saying humans bad, and hah did make the french joke...but why would a french wolf be rare? again, canadian solves that easily, lots of space for wolves to be free.
LOL Ula making toilet hooch potion. ok, that’s funny, score a point for you movie. but on the other hand...you should’ve locked that door and that’s a public bathroom, you really should’ve been doing that in your dorm’s (or your dorm floor’s) Ula. i get it, you grew up in a castle with a zillion bathrooms no one used, but still girl, plan your secret spell casting better.
ok so Deena turning human is the new change, not that she became a wolf. ok, i’ll give you a point for switching it up...but again that begs the question on how did she stay hidden for so long, especially when they weren’t really hiding -.-
wait so Mr OC Teacher doesn’t have teaching degree? he just quit an accounting job and decided to teach high school? no wonder he sucks
ok school, if you are sentient, and you *know* Deena is human, why not just lock her out of everything? why be cryptic? unless...you don’t mean Deena and you mean Mr OC. GASP! you do mean him don’t  you! because he’s teaching without a license and encouraging the segregation! Deena is a misdirect! also, MR OC is only in this movie as far as i know, so him being kicked out at the end would clean that up nicely... i cracked the code. now to see if i’m right
oh wow, bright daylight on the castle...yikes...
and more Abbey and Heath...meh. also why woudl you want to eat that foot after playing with it, won’t it be gross? also also, was that a HUMAN foot??? so you hate humans, keep segregated from them, but you’ll still use them a food source? what?
Frankie...why do you have innate monster physiology knowledge? all the smart brains you claimed to have were human related. also, why is everyone ok with you being made of human parts if humans bad? GAH! the inconsistence of what parts of humanity are bad is annoying and we are going to be her all day with me pointing them all out. (spoiler: i’m still going to be pointing them out)
oh goodie the “i hate humans” musical number is about to start. 24-25 min in, so i guess the musical numbers are spaced out well enough, so point there.
ok lore dump; 1071 the school was started, and yes it was to gives the kids a safe space, and again human are bad. but we learn about Jekyll/Hyde...so Jackson does not exist...and hey was that mom Wolf? was her name Selena? and she was in school with Eddy and...Drac?? ok...is Ula’s dad not Vlad then? is he like Dracula the 3rd or something? i could buy Eddy and Mom being in school together sure, but if Ula’s dad is the original Dracula that doesn’t line up at all. also, also, that photo must’ve been taken with a digital camera because vampires don’t photograph due to the silver used in film/developing. so again, that would line up kinda with Mom’s age...but why would Eddy’s attempting to be monster/human be that recent? the school was founded in 1071, there were no halfbreeds from then to the 90s? or were halfbreeds allowed up until Eddy??? because Eddy isn’t really a halfbreed, at least not like Deena here is. he wasn’t integrated, and if he worked like Jackson, was unaware of the two consciousnesses. so yeah, he would be a danger to exposing them. while Deena is a halfbreed, despite her puberty hiccups, is integrated. also Eddy did not look like a teenager...BUT again, he was a liability, so kicking him out could still expose the lot of you you know. i get an angry mob killed him apparently (and labeled a “mutant’ so...could he be Mikey’s foster dad then??? O.o) but if he’d stayed human mode he could’ve blended in and plotted revenger, just saying...
wait does Heath have a mullet?? oh wait that’s his hood, ok it looked like his hair ^^; zomr there’s a backgrounder who’s lime green with fizzy dark roots to blonde hair, and i just laughed cause that’d be Betty-Sue easily XD
oh no Cleo don’t try to seduce your teacher! i know you’re thousands of years older than him, but he’s your teacher!!
oh so the lab they find later is Eddy’s not Sparky’s or Hexikiah’s. but he was making a potion to get rid of his human side? so...the opposite of the original story...that’s cool. but also (i say also A LOT don’t i?) does that mean he might be a descendant of the original Jekyll/Hyde then like Jackson? so he was born this way, but the serum kicked in when he hit puberty and that’s when he discovered his human switch (again, like Jackson but reversed since he grew up thinking he was human (the later retcon not withstanding) ). he’d still not be a halfbreed mind you (unless one of his parents was human and that’s why the dormant serum effects were active in him)
i applaud the actors all talking super clearly with fake fangs on. good job kids, you’re doing wonderfully.
her claws are naturally purple? the  air being naturally purple i guess...and wouldn’t  it hurt more to change out ears? eh, at least Frankie is taking the situation well. but you have WWII brains??? i’m pretty sure that guy was human too here my dude. (though i am once again curious how WWII influenced the monster world and how they interacted with that and other historical events). but realistically, you need a sypher key of some sort to decode things, as far as i can tell Frankie is just making up what that book says without any evidence to back it up (then again, i want “realistic” in this? ha! i’m dumb). however...it was vague enough to suggest that maybe he wasn’t purging his human persona, but was looking to integrate...or he discovered his missing piece was his human heritage...
wait Deena can video chat with dad through dimensional layers? so...my jokes about monster tinder might be right? you’d think the monsters woudl have their own cell service and internet that wouldn’t be able to interact with the human ones...but did she have an iCoffin before coming to school? is that why it works? did they jailbreak it?
ok Deuce usually helps at these yearly dinners...has heard it a bunch...so is he a junior? or does this school also house the Middle School? (i’ll take a point for that) i know species age at different rates, but the school year shouldn’t be repeated over and over until you reach the developmental milestone; you’ll have the knowledge, just go to the next grade. or is this not a yearly event, but a bi-yearly one? he’s still not a freshmen. i guess you could get away with him being held back a year, since they keep suggesting he was a trouble maker (though we have no evidence to support that) so he could be a sophomore, and repeated freshman year once. the other option is his mom’s on the alumni committee so he’s attended the event as a guest before i guess
haha “nocturnal feeders please report to the cafeteria”, thank you for acknowledging the  night class
Phil Hermiton? Frankie’s “uncle”? ok, so if he’s in a monster graveyard, then he probably was a monster...so not all their parts were human, i’ll give you that one. but...why? he died at age 30 in ‘04. ok some monsters are shorter life spanned but...he died 18 years prior, his parts wouldn’t be viable for usage. did Frankie’s parents just collect parts when they became freshly available and invented suspended animation to keep then viable for decades?
aww sweet moment of Deena and Frankie connecting.
and Ghoulia lives in the graveyard. i mean...i guess that makes sense. you could use that as an undead dorm, but housing them in a crypt would be better.
oh NOW you’ve learned toilet potions are bad lol. and again, citing witchcraft is a human thing. and another musical number at the halfway point, about being yourself and having friends who don’t judge your weirdness. yeah, sure. 
i need lunch. this 90 min movie has been going on for 2 hours...and we’re only halfway through...ok 30 min later we are back to the movie
hey wait, is it really wise to be loudly singing about spellwork and stuff there when you know Ghoulia’s bed is like 10 feet to the left? but ooo mysterious shadow, dundundun
wait another musical number? oh no just the radio. and the coffin bean is on-campus? i knew mayo was an evil magic! but oh the lore breaky coffee cup is plot important. 
purple haired backgrounder named Scary??? huh...
waitwaitwait confirmation that humans who die become ghosts, because of that Queen Elizabeth I joke????
oh good, the movie had a decapitation for all of 5 seconds
no don’t talk about magic plans, i wanna hear about the dragon lore girls! historical lore for world building!! and dragons!!!! wait...Mr OC has a two toned outfit...half and half...is he gonna be a Hyde? is  that why he’s a nerd and doesn’t look a thing like a minotaur? cause that’d be dumb...
oh it’s mirror zoom call time with the Darculs. so yeah, Drac is now Ram and Ula is Cleo. and vamps vs witches for centuries??? 
monster biology? not biteology? boo
wait Gorgons are ostracized in the monster community? is it because of their human ancestry? the whole “snake hair and turn to stone” can’t be it, other monster species have more deadly powers than those. and Deuce is the first in his family to go to the school? (doesn’t ruin Seth, that’s fine there) so his mom is not an alumni...so he is older than 15 and possibly was held back.
oh it’s another musical number for real this time, 58 min in. again, his glasses aren’t tinted dark enough; i’d give you they could be the proper prescription to reflect/block the goron gaze, but the “they think i’m sleeping” line does not work. maybe he used to have darker glasses in his “a few years i was on a dark path” phase, but it’s not now. but good on Deuce for not getting mad at Deena for saying “i just waned your snake venom”...though he sorta should have...
see Ghoulia is right there and listening to you guys, she knows all your witchcraft and halfbreed secrets. you guys are just lucky she’s cool and not a narc
ok Cleo just admitted she was once mortal, aka human. WHY is she cool to be here??? you guys hate humans. is it because she’s been undead for X-amount of time? it can’t be because she was affected by/used magic since witchcraft is also bad and hated.
“you should be ashamed for not living up to the standards expected of you” well Bloodgood, that’s your fault for assuming these children should be untouchable paragons of monster purity or whatever; you teach high school, you should know better, kids are dumb idiots who do stupid things, whether they are monsters or not
and Cleo’s going to become good because Deena saved her unlife. well...the power of friendship was good, but this is a good way to start that off i guess. the school throwing a tantrum though; why would it “tear itself apart" because of an internal threat? shouldn’t it be trying to purge itself of that threat? or is it more like it’ll rip apart the pocket space they’re in, and phase the school back into the human realm?
oh musical reprise time, 1:05 into it, ok. but surprised she could run away so easily, since you know just caught galivanting past curfew, no one was watching the dorm? and Ula can travel to the human world too??? Frankie too? so anyone can travel that portal? did the other kids all travel by portal/s?
OH! she needed a HUMAN hand to open the door. ok, i did not notice/think of that, so kudos. but why did you invoke the name of your principal as a declaration of shock?
uhoh you left the crypt open, rookie mistake ghouls.
lol Frankie wanting to make a bomb.
oh look it’s Mr OC...and *sarcastic gasp* no way you’re telling me minotaurs are HALF HUMAN. the guy who looked the most human in eth whole school was HUMAN. who would’ve thunk it! i am in complete and utter shock. and he’s not Eddy but Eddy’s son with a minotaur lady? so...he’s a quarter human? whatever, he’s the bad guy and the unclean spirit, hurray i win. but...if he’s Eddy’s son, and Eddy and Wolf Mom were in school together why is he older? did Eddy knockup his prom date or something? but he did say “mother’s maiden name” implying she and Eddy were married? or she married someone...why do i care, he’s the bad guy now, can we just roll with that. so wait, he couldn’t open the door because he didn’t get the human switch (ignoring his hands look human anyways) so...he’s not half human then, because he only got the Hyde not the Jekyll. he makes no sense. G3 Jackson you are not good sir (thank ra). and yeah, is that’s closer to what pure minotaurs look like (and we go know how Manny looks too mind  you) how did no one think he wasn’t a pureblood to begin with???? yeah sure, go threaten to destroy the place as an act of revenge for your dad, that’s fine. i’m still confused by your biology and the world’s politicking here my dude.
ok, so an uber monster that can steal others’ powers...that’s actually a great idea for a villain.
oh hai Lagoona, sorta forgot you were a character here
oh that’s Abbey being a server at the diner...i thought that was a white werecat. kinda wondering who all the alumni donners are though...we got a Nosferatu and a Minotaur (again, we see him there, HOW did you think Mr OC was a pureblood???) but what are the ladies? is the white haired one a ghost lady?
so powerless Ula can still magic, because witchcraft taps into magic and is not innate. good good.
why is Ghoulia rushing in to help out? i get Heath and Abbey having followed Deuce, but she was dirt napping to the left and didn’t bother to jump in to help until now?
it’s funny how human!Deena looks more like Deena than G3 Deena does
and really, we defat the bad guy THAT easily? uhg, kids’ movie
ok so Deena thinks she’s getting kicked out. but again, letting her run out in the human wilds AS A WOLF would just reveal yourselves. you should lock her up...but again, she’s not getting kicked out, she gets to stay cause everyone decided that centuries of segregation might’ve been a bad idea. uhhu, sure. but i guess confirmation that momma Wolf is dead since the “she would’ve been so proud” line kinda suggests that?
dad, cubs aren’t wolves...but wait he’s Apollo? he’s the sun? and momma the moon?? i...that’s cheesey. lets just roll into the closing musical number as everyone’s arcs are quickly wrapped up. Deena gets to stay, Ula gets to study magic with Drac’s approval, Frankie gets to have friends, and Deuce gets to be a politician.
oh and sequel baiting with some witch thinking Ula can destroy all vampires? meh, sure i guess.
so...wow it took me 3 hours to watch a 90 minute movie. but unlike the netflix death note, it wasn’t from rage i just...i like lore, i’m fairly familiar with the G1 lore, and this couldn’t hold it’s own consistency you know? it’s far from a **bad** adaptation. i honestly like it far better than WtMH as a restart of the property. but it...idk. it was far less Descendants than i thought it’d be, so that’s also good. apparently the series is not directly tied to this, this is semi-stand alone as far as i’m aware? idk. it was good to watch it, but probably not something i’ll watch again on my own.
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emberdove · 1 year
The Protecter (A MHA fanfiction)
Chapter One
Nayeli Yoku
I stand there, waiting. I have been standing here for the whole time they’ve been in the room. But the amount of time I have been waiting for doesn't matter. I am a guard. My job is to personally protect the prince and his princess. Prince Izuku steps out of the room and nods at me.
“My fiancé will be out in a moment,” he says, giving me a kind smile. I return the smile.
Prince Izuku was always nice to me, unlike his fiancé, Uraraka. He waits by the left side of the door. I stand on the right, like I always do. I am always supposed to do it like this. Now everything from my training, I do out of habit.
Although the royal family has been accepting female workers that were primarily done by males for the past two years or so, I was the first of the couple hundred women who got chosen to be a guard. I am also the youngest at 15 years old.
Prince Izuku continues to stand with me. It is part of his duty, to always wait for the princess, or would-be princess in this case.
The longer we wait for Uraraka, the more annoyed I get. She is doing this on purpose. Taking forever, making us wait. I understand royal females typically take longer to get ready, but this is absurd. She first entered the room at 12:45, just after lunch to get ready for meetings about the wedding. The prince entered 15 minutes later. He left at 1:30. It is now 3:00 and the wedding meetings start in half an hour.
“Your highness, may I suggest talking to her? It is getting quite late…” I trail off, unsure if I were to speak.
“I think you are right, Guard Yoku,” he says, smiling a little.
He gently knocks on the door and waits for a response. When none comes, he knocks again. Nothing again. He carefully opens the door to reveal Uraraka sitting in her vanity, sorting through her jewelry.
“Uraraka, darling, you have 25 minutes.” Izuku says nervously.
“One minute sweetheart.” Comes her response.
“Ok,” he says, shutting the door.
Exactly two minutes later, the door opens, and she comes out. She’s wearing all pink, which is clearly her favorite color. Izuku offers his arm, and she takes it, smiling up at him. It makes me wonder why a brat like her ended up with a kind person like him. I guess she’s nice only to him.
I follow along behind them as they walk to the meeting room. I stand outside next to the other guards as they head inside. I glance over and notice my best friend, Seki Chie, who I met when I first came here.
“How's the brat?” She whispers.
“Bratty as usual. Now shush.” I whisper back.
We stand at attention, trying to not get in trouble. We all keep our faces blank and expressionless and do our best to ignore our heavy armor. We all stare straight ahead, trying to ignore the fact that we can hear the meeting.
“But I want a bouquet of pink, not peach! I look absolutely horrible in peach!” Uraraka wails. “And I wanted roses, peonies, and baby’s breath! Not orchids and hyacinths!”
“I look absolutely horrible in peach!” Seki mocks. We both snicker. The guard next to me, Tenya Iida, tries to give us disapproving looks, but even he can’t help but smile. He's pretty strict most of the time but not when it comes to stuff like this.
We continue snickering at the rest of the stupid things Uraraka says for the rest of the meeting. Until we hear someone stomping towards the door. We immediately stop and straighten up our acts, as if nothing ever happened.
Uraraka slams open the door and storms out, knocking over a vase in the process. She yanks over a maid and yells at her to clean it up, which Her Majesty would never allow, but somehow is perfectly tolerating when it comes to Uraraka. I mean, at least I think she isn't tolerating it.
But when Queen Inko comes out, her expression is distressed and nervous. She looks over at the three of us. “Do you think she’ll be a good choice?”
“Personally? No, Your Majesty. It's all the prince's choice,” I say to her softly, trying not to giggle at Uraraka's pissed off face.
Queen Inko smiles a little at the three of us, and me and Seki smile back. Iida doesn’t smile but doesn’t frown either. Just… neutral. Like always. Anyways, Her Majesty pats me on the shoulder and turns to Uraraka.
“Now, may I ask, what in the world is going on in your head young lady? That is no way for someone of your rank and age to act. Even the guards are better tempered and behave more than you do.” She asks, sweet but demanding.
“I-i um.” Uraraka stutters, not expecting to be called out on her rude behavior. “I just have mood swings. Yes! That’s what!”
I roll my eyes and try not to scoff at this foolish girl. She is only making a fool of herself and those around her. It's honestly embarrassing to watch. As Her Majesty continues to chastise Uraraka some more, Izuku wanders out into the hallway.
“Mom, what are you doing?” He asks, taking in the scene in front of him. Her Majesty turns and smiles sweetly at him. She’s not the only master manipulator.
“I was just telling Uraraka here to be more careful next time when she knocks something over,” Queen Inko says, as innocent as ever.
“Are you sure? I heard Uraraka yelling a bit, is she all right?” Izuku questions, growing suspicious.
“Of course, she is! If you’re so worried, I’ll take her to the healing hall to make sure.” Her Majesty kept up the facade, and well.
“Alright, but take a few guards to make sure everything is alright.”
“Of course, darling.” Her Majesty nods at the three of us. “The three of them will come with us.”
Izuku nods. Queen Inko begins to guide Uraraka to the healing hall and Seki, Iida, and I follow suit. Seki is on the Queen’s right, next to Uraraka. I’m on her left. Iida is behind us, moving robotically, as usual.
We move through the halls in unison, turning left and right, until we reach the healing hall. We stop at the entrance and Her Majesty turns to Uraraka.
“You will get your minor wounds treated from your so-called mood swing earlier. The healers will let you know when you can leave.” Queen Inko says to her. In all the commotion, I didn't even notice that Uraraka had actually gotten hurt.
“Yes ma’am,” Uraraka says, grudgingly. I’m surprised she didn’t put up any resistance and make a scene. Guess she felt she made enough of a fool of herself today.
Soon enough, a nurse comes over and sweeps Uraraka away and over to one of the cots. Queen Inko turns to leave, and we get back into formation.
Once we’re out of an earshot, Her Majesty begins to speak. “Someone needs to get rid of that girl, and I know exactly who to trust.”
“Your Majesty, you can’t honestly believe that three measly guards can get rid of a future princess! Sure, we don’t like Uraraka, but we wouldn’t harm her!” I blurt. Queen Inko suddenly stops and turns to face us. We skid to a stop, and Seki and I nearly trip and fall.
“First of all, you can call me Inko, as we will be working together. Second of all, I’m not asking you to harm her, just to get rid of her. And third of all,” she says with a wicked grin. “Who said I was asking three guards to do the job?”
I look at the other two, confused. But they’re both confused, even Iida, for once.
“I will be introducing you to some other members of the guard and other castle staff. Together you will produce a plan to get rid of the horrible girl. Not forever, but just for now.” Her Maj- I mean Inko says. “Come on now. I would like you to meet Yaoyorozu, Kirishima, and Denki.”
“Aren't Kirishima and Denki those really annoying chefs?” Seki asks.
“They may be annoying, guard Chie, but they are undeniably good at what they do, and will be sure to help us tremendously.”
Inko leads us down to the kitchens. Outside, waiting, is a young girl about Iida’s age with a black ponytail. Upon seeing us, she gives us a brisk nod. “Are these the guards you brought Inko?”
“Yes, they are, Yaoyorozu. This is Seki Chie, Nayeli Yoku, and Tenya Iida,” Inko responded, gesturing towards us in turn. The girl I now know as Yaoyorozu, nods again. She opens the door, and we enter the kitchens. We cross the room to meet with two boys, one with red hair and the other with yellow hair and a lightning bolt streak.
We all introduce ourselves, then get down to business.
“We have to get her out of the palace first,” Inko starts. “Harming her will be our last resort if we must come to it. As much as we hate Ochako Uraraka, she is still a human being and deserves as much respect as anyone else.”
“Yes ma’am!” We chorus.
“Don’t call me that, it makes me feel old,” Inko says, half-jokingly. Everyone giggled, except Iida. He does smile a little bit though.
“What do we do to get her out of the castle though, Inko?” I ask thoughtfully.
“Well, there is something we could do, but I’m not sure whether or not it’s a good idea…” Inko trails off, going into this daze.
“Let’s hear it first, then we can decide!” Seki says cheerfully. Inko snaps out of her dazed state.
“Well, back in the beginning, when the kingdom was formed, anyone who would marry into the royal family would have to perform a set of tasks to prove themselves worthy of marriage. But as the kingdom of Kiran grew, the tradition gradually stopped, but was not left forgotten.”
“We might as well try it.” Yaoyorozu says with a shrug. “I mean, there’s nothing else we can do at the moment.”
“Yaoyorozu is right. We should try it.” I agree. I catch Yaoyorozu smiling at me out of the corner of my eye.
“Well… the thing is, only the one getting married can set the challenges. I can suggest or help with them, but I cannot choose them for Izuku.”
“Hmm, that will be hard,” Iida says, doing his weird arm thing.
“I’ll propose the idea to him, and we’ll see what happens.” Inko says. She stands, as well as us guards.
We were about to leave when we heard a voice call out.
“ Wait, wait!” Kirishima calls. We all turn around.
“Yes?” Inko asks, genuinely confused.
“There’s something that you should know.” Denki explains hurriedly.
“What is it?” Seki questions.
“Uraraka gives us this random substance every week to slip into Izuku’s drink at dinner. We only did it because we did not want to get yelled at. Please do not hurt us.” Kirishima cries out.
“I won't, I won’t.” We soothe them both until they are calm.
0 notes
charmixpower · 2 years
Ranking the girls Believix forms
1) Tecna 🧑‍💻
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Tecna has the only Believix I actually like. I love her body suit and her shorts and her weird under boob thing. Her wings aren't as interesting Aisha or Musa but the membraneless bottom wing was an amazing look. She looks so cute. I love her bob cut but they should of shaved half of her head. The weird second sleeves were an mistake, but her gloves are amazing. Her weird triple belt thing is ugly but so her and I adore it. Love the rips in her sleeves too!!
Tecna is so cute AHHH
Everyone who doesn't think Tecna is adorable is wrong /j
2) Aisha
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Allow me to repeat my samey argument. Aisha and Musa's Believix right? Choker, off the shoulder crop tops, capri pants with different colored belts on the top and ruffles, head band, and a middle of the calf heeled boots. This is why I cannot say I like Aisha's Believix, it's just too similar to Musa's Believix.
Aside from that Aisha's Believix, for a Believix form, fucks. Her wings are amazing, unique, and relate to her powers! The sheer fabric reminds me of water and I love that. I don't especially like Aisha's purple hair, but like it's tolerable.
If I redesigned Aisha's Believix I'd make it like more sports street wear inspired. Full sports chic but like with the same funky sheer fabric. A little tweaking is all this really needs.
3) Bloom
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Ok first, Bloom and Stella's Believix right? Crop tops with sleeves and straps, gloves that cover the wrist in a bit of the forearm, ruffled skirts with a belt and a ribbon, high sparkly socks (boots?). That's why I can't say I like Bloom's Believix, it's like way too similar to Stella's.
I am so unhappy to put Ploom (pink Bloom) so high up but this outfit is an win for Believix. I hate what ever is going on with her socks and shoes, but the style of her top and her skirt are so cute I can't even be that mad. Her sleeve puff's and the corset over the puffy shirt are so cute. Also I kinda love the hair.
So, redesign idea. I think this outfit could be turned into a dress. Remove the sleeves, turn the gloves into bracelets.
4) Stella
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This transformation gets 2things from me: The purple orange combination is fucking gorgeous, my eyes have been opened; and the hair is super cute. That's it.
The skirt is kinda cute, the boots look ugly as sin, and it's weird that her top is ripped up.
I think Stella should have the fanciest Believix bc her casual wear is already the fanciest out of everyone.
Redesign idea: I'm thinking mix Stella's Believix and her season 2 Gardenia outfit. Keep the skirt but make it longer and in the style of a single layer without ruffles. I think this combined with the changes to Bloom's outfit they won't look so similar
I don't mind that they share elements but lord have mercy I shouldn't be able to look at them and be certain I could swap their outfits and colors/hearts and stars and not be able to tell that they've been swapped. Musa and Aisha's outfit's are at the very least, more personalized
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Musa has been done dirty in every transformation up till now and she's still being done dirty.
What the fuck is going on here. Like what's going on with her pants? Why is she wearing like three separate tops? The long braid isn't bad but why is it styled like that???
I like the shoes, and the wings bc they're cool looking. Tecna, Flora, Stella, and Bloom's wings look so boring next to Aisha and Musa's
A redesign idea....uhh this one is hard s2 back to school mixed with her concert outfit? Mainly the back to school outfit with like a hat? Full pants? Not obviously jeans, more magical looking, but in that style.
6) Flora
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It hurts my fucking eyes, holy shit I cannot explain how much I hate Flora's Believeix. I have sensitive eyes bc I have more color cones than the average person, and Flora's Believeix hurts my eyes so much.
Flora's color palette is pink and green, which is normally handled WELL by the show. The thing about pink and green is that there on opposite sides of the color wheel, which means they contrast a lot. Pink and green can work amazingly well bc their contrasting/complimentary colors but if you turn up the saturation too much (like her Believix does) it instantly noes dives into eye strain territory. Her skirt is migraine inducing.
Aside from the fact that it causes me pain to look at, I also don't like Flora's Believeix bc it doesn't fit with the Believix theme? Like everyone else has sorta street wear vibes?? And then you have Flora. The combo of normal shoes and flower petal outfit clashes weirdly to me. I think the design would of been fine if not next to the rest of Believix and paired with thoese shoes, but it is so... Flora's Believeix my beloathed
Redesign idea, this is harder than Musa, ahhhh. S1 casual dance, except take the sheer jacket around her waist and turning it into a two layer dress. One normal layer and one sheer layer?? Maybe make the outfit off the shoulders? Or arm warmers. The s3 Disco hair, and some of the form of her dance class outfit. That's my idea
*note these redesign ideas are off the top of my head lol
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HASO, “Perfect Timing.”
Alright everyone. I am beginning to realize that maybe expecting myself to write a story every week day with a job and trying to get into grad school and writing a second novel might be a bit..... excessive?
So I am going to try for three times a week. I hope you all stick around :)
And I hope you enjoy today’s story as well. 
Adam stood with his hands behind his back, feet spread to shoulder width. He would never have noticed by himself, but the men and women around him stood a little straighter and stepped a little faster under his watchful eye. Once upon a time they might have only hastened their work if he directly asked them too, but just his mere presence these days could send his crew scurrying to do their work. He hadn’t really changed anything about the way he commanded his men. He was firm when he needed to be but allowed for brevity when it would suit the situation.
However, a few years and some tough lessons was slowly shaping him into the kind of man who could command thousands, sharp posture, calm confidence, and a keen eye. 
But then again anyone who could appear professional while wearing high top heelies was a man to be reckoned with.
Sunny walked up next to him her pearlescent white armor glowing under the light as she leaned on the shade of her matching spear. Her head was held high like his. Where once she had been locked up, and defensive, she now stood with the calm confidence of someone who understood what control meant.
Together they had come a long way.
She tilted her head, “You really think he’s going to let you race this…. It’s a million dollar piece of military hardware, they don’t stand a chance.”
Adam didn’t move, hands still clasped behind his back as he  stared up at the F-90 Darkfire he was preparing for the race, “I wouldn’t be so sure…. I’ll be lucky to come in last place.”
Sunny frowned confused, “I saw those shuttles, they were junk shows.”
He lifted his head as the F-90 was rolled across the deck.
“This is a race, it isn’t combat. She was built for dogfights which means she is going to be heavier than the others. Wing tip to wing tip she is also going to be a little longer than the other shuttles and jets making maneuvering around obstacles more difficult. Sure she likely has a more powerful engine, but that can be as much of a detriment as it is a leg up.”  He gestured in the vague direction of the race course, “We are going to be racing through the planet’s smaller rocky ring. It has an unusual amount of larger, thick chunks which we are going to have to manuver around: the kind of conditions you might see in science fiction movies when they talk about an asteroid field. Asteroid fields are generally too far apart to cause any real issue, but here the rocks are dense, and my flying is going to have to be on pont, having a more powerful engine is going to make her more touchy, and my fitness on the controls is going to have to be absolute.”
Sunny tilted her head listening as he continued. She liked it when this side of him came out. There was something about the analytical, logical side of Adam she found….. Very appealing.
He walked forward to examine the jet himself, “Furthermore, I don’t know if you noticed, but there were a few jets there that weren’t exactly junk shows. A few of them were pretty top of the line, and most of them were built for racing. Lighter, sleeker, faster, and with more engine control than mine.
A lot of my maneuverability is lost out of the atmosphere. This isn’t about how well you can manipulate wind currents, this is going to be all about the very minute rotation of the rear and and wing engines. Their wings are smaller and closer in meaning they are going to rotate more easily than me.
She walked up with him and put a hand on his shoulder, “You forgot to fact in one thing.”
He frowned and looked up, “Oh, what did I miss.”
She smiled slightly, “The skill of the pilot, and I know for a fact that we have the best pilot this side of Andromeda. You can have the best plane in the world, but if you have a shit pilot, then a good pilot in a flying trash can has a chance of winning.”
He Smiled, “Thanks, I needed that.”
He stepped back, “Still it doesn't pay to be too cocky. I have a feeling these people have raced this before, they are going to know what they are dealing with, and I am going tinto this completely blind. This is a test to see if my instincts are better than their practice…. Who knows it could be a very close run thing.”
He moved forward to do an extra check on the outside of the ship despite having a whole team of people to do it for him. Adam had learned to delegate a lot of his responsibilities onto others to avoid burnout, but this was one thing he never left to other people. He came back after a thorough check of the ship and stopped next to her.
His head was tilted to one side as he looked at the machine sitting before him.
“It is missing something.”
Sunny turned her head to look at him, “What?”
He smiled, “Do we have anyone here who has experience with graffiti?”
Donavan Red met him when he entered the hanger, wearing his flight suit and holding his helmet under one arm. He had gone for some of his more simple equipment. Didn’t want to give the guy an excuse to blame his skill on technology.
Red looked him over.
“Nice suit, princess.”
Adam just smiled thinly looking around at the other pilots, “I see I might be under-dressed.”
To be far though, he wasn’t exactly sure what he would have described the dress code, if he had to put it on an invitation. 
The most apt description seemed to have been.
Dress for Pissing contest.
The men and women wore their uniforms in the same way NASCAR drivers might, covered in logos and patterns. Some of them were clearly custom ordered with personal designs on the backs or the helmets, some sporting flames, others cartoon animals, one guy was just covered in black and white skulls.
The affect up close was ok, but from a distance he just looked like an over excited dalmatian, or maybe some kind of flamboyant cow.
A few of them went for color themes, neon red on black. Neon green on blue.
Most of them tried to coordinate with the matching colors on their ship, each trying to outdo the next.
Red smirked.
The docking bay light began to blink red as the airlock was engaged, and the all turned to watch as the doors opened, and Adam’s jet rolled into the docking bay. She was simultaneously both very impressive and very not impressive. She was an instrument of war, and he rockets lined up on either side of her wings said as much. Adam had once considered her rather sleek in comparison to other jets of the day, but looking at her now in comparison with the racing planes and he couldn’t help but compare her to a pitbull or a bulldog next to greyhounds or whippets.
She rolled up slowly and Red raised an eyebrow.
“A whose guy huh?”
Adam smirked, “I don’t know, I kind of like it.”
They both looked up as the F-90 stopped in place, and along her side in delicate blue cursive script was the name Cinderella. The man who had done the graffiti  had even taken the time to add some stylized pink roses to the front and end of the word giving it a finished look.
Donavan seemed both amused and annoyed at the same time.
The men and women around him turned to look over ridicule dying on their lips as they saw the smirk on his face.
It was made pretty clear.
He was going to beat them, and when he beat them, he was going to have a princess logo on the side of his jet, never mind all of their cool paint jobs.
Donavan frowned but then turned to everyone, “Alright load up!.” Adam did as ordered, switching seats with the young pilot in the cockpit and strapping himself in. he adjusted his controls, did a quick once over, and then pulled some power from his engine.  There was going to be an overwhelming desire to go fast, but he knew that speed wasn’t going to win him this race.
The jets began lining up next to each other, and to his surprise, one of the sleek racing models sidled up next to him, and when he looked over, he saw Donovan Red cambering into the cockpit.
That didn’t exactly bode well, but what was there to do about it.
He felt cool oxygen spilling  onto his mouth and nose as the orange tinted visor dropped down over his eyes. He opted not to use the heads up display preferring to see everything around him as he was flying. 
They were all in a line now, and up ahead a large projection appeared on the docking bay doors.
Red lights began to blink as the docking bay was cleared of everyone except for the jets.
The image of a woman appeared on the screen before them.
It was one of the women he had seen before in her cut off jean shorts and tight tank top.
“Ladies and gentlemen start - your - ENGINES!”
All around him the room was filled with a roar as the group of people pushed their engines to an idle.
He could feel the jet underneath him as it thrummed and whined vibrating into his gloves and down into his skin.
His very bones could feel the trembling.
“The course is simple, one lap around the rocky interior ring of the planet. Rules are only this, no leaving the ring, no weapons, and no teams, every man for himself. If the race moderators see any of this, you will be thrown from the race.”
She smiled and leaned back to reveal two green flags in either hand.
She began to wave them.
“On your mark!”
He took a deep calming breath forcing his hand to relax.
“Get set.”
He felt his heart beating  hard against his ribcage, his stomach crawled up into his throat, and he felt the sudden and overwhelming need to pee.
THe airlock doors shot open faster than they should have been able, a clear sign someone had bypassed safety protocols. Caught off guard by this, Adam shot out of the gate slower than he would have liked. Already the racing  jets streaked ahead, their quicker sleeker designs looking right at home against the blackness of space.
He had to remind himself that in space, without wind resistance, sleek didn’t mean shit.
If he was good enough he could have piloted a brick to win.
He gave more joice to the engine and shot forward. He cut under one of his other opponents and then cythed up next to a second.
He was there for only a moment when he saw something coming in from his right.
Instincts had him move fast, and he turned horizontal  shooting upwards just as another jet tried to push him out. He was flying over the two of them now, and gave another burst shooting forward and past them.
This open stretch was the only time he was going to be able to use the power of his engine to his advantage, so he gave her a little more juice and shot forward catching up quickly with the racing models at the front. Two of them cut sideways attempting to block his path. He cursed, forced to fire his engines backwards so as not to go crashing into them. 
The ring was approaching quickly now, and he could see very clearly that they had not been kidding. The belt was dense, less mate out of fine sand, and instead made up of billions of rocks some the size of him, others the size of cars, and even some the size of large houses. It was the strangest sort of formation he had ever seen around a planet, and he wondered idly how they stayed in orbit.
The two jets ahead of him cut right and then left as a rock came barreling towards him.
He shouted and rolled to the side barely avoiding a head on collision, his instincts saving him where his active brain could not.
He snarled.
“Pull it together.”
There was no time to be thinking, there was only time for flying.
WIth a practiced hand he toggled a switch on the side of his thumb, and his helmet was suddenly filled with the sound of music and drums. His brain focused inward and stopped thinking. He shot over and then under rolling between rocks just inches away on either side. Off to his right the planet below was glowing with the light of it’s star, a lightning blue halo around it where the atmosphere glowed.
He cut the left dove down and then rolled up.
He could see the other jets ahead of him cutting in and out through the rocks. His breathing grew even, his body relaxed, his brain heard nothing but the beat of the music and saw nothing but the obstacles ahead of him.
One of the jets pulled up next to him from behind recklessly rolling around one of the rocks. They were racing wing tip to wing tip now.
They cut right and left under and over he rolled left they rolled right. They were shaky just hanging on, but his flying was smooth.
Up ahead one of the other jets lit up with glowing orange as a set of flares broke from it’s back end shatting against the debris behind it.  Rocks were thrown off their normal course and went smashing into each other turning the rock field ahead of them into a meat grinder. Adam shot forward and dived downward while rolling tight, behind him the racer was unable to replicate the move and a piece of rock caught their wing sending them spinning off to the side and out of the ring.
Adam dodged a piece of debris coming in from his left, flipped upside down and shot diving upward and then righting himself just under the jet up front.
He could see the leader now, and recognized it as Red himself .
The jet above him attempted to drop down and knock him out of position, but he gave a burst to the engine and shot forward.
The jet behind him punched downward and nearly collided into a rock before pulling back into the palace.
Adam took their place in second.
Red could see him coming.
Another set of flares was released.
He checked his forward momentum and rolled three or four times to his right. G forces tugged at his consciousness forcing blackness to the edge of his vision. He tightened the muscles of his chest and stomach forcing blood back up into his head as he breathed out in short controlled bursts.
A rock flew overhead, he cut low, bumped up and then executed a rolling turn over a massive rock pulling in behind red and just up to the right to avoid another burst of flares.
The two of them were fighting for the front now.
And red was good, he knew how to handle a jet, but so did Adam.
They roared past a field of rocks splitting apart as a massive chunk came between them. Adam roared forward, and panicked for a single moment as he saw an impenetrable wall of rock appear just before him. Then a crack appeared. He fired the forward engine and cut horizontal passing through an opening that left him only feet to spare. Rock rose up to meet him, and he rotated his engine up dropping vertically before cutting sideways and passing under a rock. Teeth gritted, he punched upward passing through a gap just as it closed behind him.
A yell of exertain escaped his lips as he pulled straight up cutting up the side of a massive mansion-sized rock before diving right back down into the thick of it.
Red was gone, he didn’t see him anymore.
Was he up front?
And then the sleek black jet dropped down from above cutting him off.
He cursed and swerved low past another rock forced to cut diagonal back into line.
He pulled up wing to wing with the men again.
They dove, they pulled up and they took a wide turn ac coordinated together as a military formation never more than four feet apart.
They were going faster than they probably should have reacted. second by second he rolled left Red went right. They both met in a dive rolling past each other, wings almost touching before cutting upwards mirroring each other in opposite directions. The sound of the music melded with the path of his flight.
They were racing side by side just as one of the other jets roared over them careening out of control in a desperate attempt t o reach front. They watched him dive pull up cut left, and then a rock rolled right into their path. The two of them barely had time to react as the rock hit their right wing and then sent them slamming into the next boulder. There was an eruption and a brief ball of fire as oxygen was consumed from inside the cockpit. Debris blossomed up around them in a miniature explosion.
Adam greeted his teeth, eyes wide .
What was once a race suddenly turned into a battlezone. He and Red dove together rolling around the debris desperately trying to avoid getting cut in two. At these speeds, one hit would be the death of them. His heart raced in his chest as he pulled forward cutting  in the triangle made by three boulders side by side. Red mirrored him below.
A chunk of metal shot towards him, and he toggled his right wing burst just in time, lowering his left side just in time for the chunk to go flying past him. He pulled up with a gasp as a massive chunk of rock cut up before him. Red shot below and he rolled over the top coming into second place.
Up ahead a mining barge ascended through the line of rocks.
Adam roared with exertion as he pulled up and leveled out shooting right under the attached arm of the barge. Red lights erupted over it’s hull in a proximity warning as he went just inches overhead.
The barge driver, clearly spooked twisted to the side and the arm of the barge rolled with it, catching a boulder and sending it flying towards the grouping next to it, there was a sudden explosion of rock and again he was forced to roll to the side. Up down, over and under, cything between lines of rock.
He was almost hit once, then twice.
He toggled the forward engines, slowing himself down and then shooting straight up before continuing forward.
The rocks around him were rolling unpredictably colliding and then exploding into smaller pieces. There was no way he was making it through that alive.
He was rolling diving spinning twisting, and then, he felt it…. Something he had only felt on occasion. The world around him went silent, everything seemed to slow, and he was filled with…. With a feeling. It was like light, bursting out from his chest, rolling up through his skin and into his head.
He entered a moment of perfect execution. He cut into a tight roll his wings cything through the minute gaps between debris with timing so perfect it shouldn't have been humanly possible. Rocks passed by him at hundreds of miles an hour inches away  from the glass of his canopy, one wrong move and he’d be dead. He cut through a gap that gave him inches on either side rolld right dove down, turned left, spun once and then twice, and made a completely vertical ascent. Rocks flew past him on his right and on his left.
Up ahead he could see a gap slowly closing before him. He opened up his engine and shot forward so fast everything was a blur.
The rocks collided behind him as they snapped shut, and he flew into the clear firing forward to slow himself, and then red was there too descending from above spinning and wobbling, almost out of control and careening directly towards a house sized boulder.
He panicked firing up and down at the same time and sending him into a spin.
He was heading directly towards the rock .
WIthout thinking Adam locked onto the rock, and fired. A rocket under his wing detached and shot forward exploding violently just in time for Red to pass through unharmed. Red jolted awkwardly and rolled to one side. Adam cut past under from right to left and rolled straight over red to avoid a rock.
There was a moment where the two of them were staring at each other through the clear canopy.
Eyes met for an instant, and Adam could see the wide eyed fear on the man’s face., Then Adam rolled ahead ducking under the last rock and then bursting out into space.
He let the F-90 have her moment, and completely opened the engine shooting forward and cutting through the finish line which flashed bright green. In that moment He was hit with such a sense of exhilaration and joy that he couldn't imagine anything better. Who needed drugs, who needed love, who needed any of that when you could fly.
Hed did a triumphant loop whooping the whole way.
Of course, a feeling like that can never last long and slowly began to fade away. THe reality of what he had just done was both terrifying and amazing to the point he felt his body begging to shake. The tension and fear he had been holding back exploded inside him just like that joy and he found his hands trembling on the joystick.
He let it overtake him. He had been like this since he was young and fighting it would only make things worse. Despite his shaking hands he flew back to the docking bay and landed his jet with the precision of a surgeon. Finally when the engine was off and the flood stable underneath him he slumped back in his seat shaking and racked with rolling tremors. He closed his eyes and breathed long and slow.
Behind him the others came limping in.
None of them were completely unscathed, at least one person was dead. His hands continued to shake as the airlock doors shut, and as soon as the room was pressurized, he opened the cockpit. As soon as it did, Sunny came running into the room and up the ladder. SHeleft her spear on the floor and helped him to climb out.  His legs were shaking and he almost fell if it weren’t for her support.
She knew him too well, sitting him down on the lowest step and kneeling next to him.
“Are you ok?”
He grinned at her, “That was…. Holy shit.”
He held up his hand to watch the shaking, “I’m having an earthquake.”
It was just then that Red jumped out of his jet onto the floor. He staggered when he did but pushed away the men who tried to help, “What the ever loving FUCK just happened. The field had NEVER been like that. Jaz DIED out there, what the FUCK.” 
The people milled around in confusion.
Red turned to him, eyes narrowing as he stalked over. Adam sighed and looked up as the man stopped to stand over him
“I’m sorry, I’ll get out of your hair.”
The man paused confused, “What?”
“I broke the rules. Means I forfeit.”
Red looked almost nonplussed, “What are you on about?”
Adam slowly took to his feet taking a few more deep wreaths to steady himself before drawing to his full height. He was stead now and looked down at Red with an unwavering gaze. He held out a hand, “I used weapons during the race, that was against the rules. These weren’t flares to move the rocks. I used a targeted missile during the race and that means I broke the rules.”
Red stared at him.
Then he snorted, “Damn the rules. You saved my ass.” he turned to look at his people, “I am more than man enough to acknowledge that.” HE turned back to Adam, “You saved my life you crazy bastard. I am not even sure how you are still alive ….. Because that flying…. That was….. Holy fuck.” He grinned and took Adam by the shoulder, “you shaking, man.” He held up his hand to show a tremor, “Me too, now let's go get some drinks and talk this out. I owe you after all.”
The two of them walked off through the forest of shaken pilots, “You are the kind of man I can see myself doing business with.”
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mintymiknow · 3 years
Trust Fall - ch. 9 | Lee Minho
summary | character profiles | masterlist
Pairing: Lee Minho/Lee Know x Reader
Summary: Are you ready to open up to Minho, or does all the effort and time still remain futile in an attempt to open your heart? Something between the two of you begins to shift, but are you ready?
Genre: Secret agent/spy au, romance, angst, action
Word count: Approx. 5k
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Warnings for this chapter: The mc talks about death/someone dying, but nothing is described in graphic
A/N: Surprise! Here’s another update for the series. I seem to have underestimated my current semester...I’ll be way busier in the coming days and weeks, so updates might take longer than usual now. So sorry. To make up for it, here’s ch. 9 with some swoon moments. I hope to update more, but in the case I get swamped with work, I do apologize for delays. Anyway, enjoy this for now! Again, take note that the scientific and medical things mentioned here may not be accurate or realistic, so don’t take them to heart or something hahaha!
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[A/N: the italicized parts are essentially a flashback or recollection of events until the paragraphs become un-italicized again!]
After having your cut disinfected and cleaned in the medical wing - by yours truly, of course - you then proceed to the other medical room where Minho went for treatment. You’re just about to approach the door when you hear muffled voices - Minho and Seungmin.
“You got pretty beat up this time, huh?” Seungmin muses, “Last time you were injured to this extent was what? When you and Jeongin went in blindly into the den of gangs last year?”
Minho laughs tiredly, “Yeah? Well, her safety was my priority this time.”
“Romantic.” the doctor teases before comically letting out a grunt as Minho presumably smacked his arm or whatever.
You feel heat rising to your cheeks, but you shake any weird thoughts away and steel yourself. No time for useless and fluttery “feelings”. You and Minho were being professional, that’s it. You open the door to see Seungmin givin the agent the usual instructions for cleaning and taking care of the injuries he received from the fight prior. Afterwards, he turns around to leave the room, eyes finally falling on you.
“Hi, y/n. Were you able to find the things to tend to your wound?” Seungmin offers a smile.
You nod and smile back, “Yes, thank you.”
“Alright.” the doctor says, approaching the doorway, “Glad you’re safe.”
You give him a soft hum before stepping out of the way so he could walk. Once Seungmin leaves the room, you turn to Minho who is much too preoccupied with looking at the bandages on his torso. It was as if he was too bashful to look you in the eye - were his cheeks actually a shade of pink right now?
He probably knew you were outside when he said things to Seungmin but realized too late that you were just behind the door. If that were the case, why was he embarrassed? Again, you shove those thoughts to the deepest crevice in your mind.
Slowly, you approach the agent and clear your throat. “Are you ok?” you ask timidly.
Minho hums, finally looking up to meet your eyes. They’re tired, you can tell, but the glimmer in them doesn’t waver; you wished you were like that too. “This is nothing.” he replies, nodding his head towards you, “I should be asking you that question.”
You nod, releasing a heavy sigh; that’s all you do in response, and Minho drops the conversation all together. He stands up, lightly patting your shoulder as he walks past you. “Get some sleep, y/n. You need it.” he says.
“So do you.”
“I need to report to Jung.” the agent says flatly, putting a new shirt back on, “I’ll be fine, stop worrying.”
“I’m not worried.” you nearly pout, narrowing your eyes in exasperation.
At this, Minho has to stifle a teasing chuckle, “Fine, whatever. Just get some rest, alright?”
You nod, and Minho takes it as his sign to leave, walking out of the medical room with his hands shoved in his jean pockets. You watch him leave, trying to comprehend why your heart was beating so fast all of a sudden.
You're brought back from your daze when one of the lab equipments rings with a slight dinging sound, alerting you that a test had just finished. You unintentionally jolt in surprise, blinking your eyes a few times to regain your composure. You then glide the wheeled stool over to the far end of the table to retrieve the paper that had printed from the test equipment.
“Hmm.” you hum to yourself, scanning the sheet of paper with your eyes.
You continue to tinker with the red substance from the vial, running tests and combining it with other chemicals to observe specific reactions. You note everything down, unceasingly performing experiments. At some point, you combine the red substance with a few formulas before adding in a drop of liquid from the original serum Cle was currently trying to produce - this was the same serum you had kept hidden from the agents from way back.
As you glue your eyes to your experiment, they widen in surprise as some sort of chemical reaction happens. The liquids combine and fizzle for a few seconds; the red formula mixes with the bronze liquid of the serum, turning into something more copper-like. However, the warm-colored swirls begin to disappear, drastically changing the mixture into a faded yellow color akin to very diluted urine - the liquid was now essentially transparent, save for the subtle tint of yellow.
Your mouth opens slightly, leaning closer to make sure your eyes weren’t deceiving you. If this is what resulted from what you were conducting, that meant you were super close to finally finding the solution. What about that red liquid was so special? You wanted to find out, so you grab another petri dish to put drops of red liquid in, getting ready to examine it under the microscope.
That is, until the door slides open, and a familiarly smooth voice says, “What are you up to?”
Your heart leaps out of your chest, eyes wide as your body tenses. Unclenching your jaw, you swivel in the stool to face the handsome agent, “Going through the samples we got from the last mission.”
Minho hums, eyes scanning the items on the lab table. “Where are Jisung and Seungmin then? Why are you alone?” he asks.
You shrug, “I work better when I’m alone. Please just trust me on this.”
Minho raises an eyebrow before sighing as if he were too tired. Well, his face was still littered with injuries, so you assume he still was tired. “As much as I’d want nothing but to speed things up, you are supposed to be working with your team, y/n.” he says.
“I know.” you start, gesturing around the table, “But I’ll give all my findings and reports to them after. I always do.”
Minho looks at you in a deadpan manner but decides to let you off the hook. Instead, he asks, “What did you find then?”
“Well…” you trail off, still unwilling to tell him everything - just in case, right? You continue, “I have a very big feeling - and I am confident - that these substances are key substances to formulating a solution. Just...give me more time to study them.”
“Good enough.” Minho offers a small smile before playfully flicking your forehead, “Now, I came to tell you to rest. Jung wants you to accompany us on another mission.”
“Why am I needed?” you glare, rubbing the area on your head where he flicked.
Minho answers, “It’s a ball or gala of sorts, and Jung thinks your credentials will allow us easy access into the VIP guest list. Hyunjin somehow managed to come up with some esteemed political cover too.”
You cast your eyes to the floor, involuntary shivering at the thought of having to go on another mission. The last one wasn’t the most pleasant one after all.
The agent isn’t blind to your apprehension; he completely understands and sympathizes with you, in fact. He then reaches a hand out to rest on your head, lighting ruffling your hair. “I promise no harm will come your way.” he gently smiles, but there’s a confidence to it as well, “I’ll keep you safe, promise.”
You look at him with furrowed eyebrows. His eyes still hold their distinct mysteriousness, but you can clearly see the swirls of certainty and warmth in them. It prompts a small blossom of trust, blooming within the dark corners of your heart. You end up sighing and nodding your head, “Fine.”
“Good. Get rested; we leave tomorrow at 4:00 PM.” he smiles once more before making his leave so casually.
You glare and pout, thinking to yourself, “That stupid agent...”
You bite your lip, glancing at your phone laying on the table before your eyes quickly shift to the vial of the now nearly transparent liquid from your tests and experiments.
With a sigh, you squeeze your eyes shut, “This will be the last, I promise.”
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Minho doesn’t really understand why his cheeks are so flushed right now as he stands in front of your bedroom door, hand poised to knock on the surface. His eyebrow twitches nervously, but he steels himself and proceeds to knock either way. A few seconds pass, but you don’t respond. Surely, you were back in your room at this time right? He did tell you to rest.
Minho knocks again, sighing when you don’t respond once more. “Dr. Song?” he calls, but no reply.
“Y/n?” he tries, but alas, nothing again.
He didn’t want to resort to it since he knew you valued your privacy, but his mind went into overdrive at your non-response. He scans his own ID in your door’s digital lock, a beeping sound ringing lightly before the lock makes a clicking sound. The agent slowly pushes the door open, being cautious just in case you were dressing or in the shower. When he’s sure you’re not even inside, he sighs and visibly relaxes.
He looks around the room before looking at the photo in his hand. He was supposed to return it to you from the other day it dropped from your notebook, but he had forgotten. Now that he remembered, you weren’t in your room. Minho ended up thinking you were still with Jisung, so he got his phone and navigated to send you a text.
Coincidentally, he received a text from you at that moment.
Song y/n: Agent Lee, I’ve gone out for dinner and coffee. I also told Chan in advance, so please don’t worry. I’ll be back right after.
Lee Minho: Is that so? Are you alone?
Song y/n: Yes, but don’t worry, I didn’t go far.
Lee Minho: Fine
Afterwards, the agent goes to his conversation with another fellow agent and texts him.
Minho: You let y/n go out?
Chan: Uh...yes. Why?
Minho: Chan…
Chan: Haha, I know Minho. But there’s no harm in it, right? Maybe she got sick of the cafeteria food. She promised to be back soon anyway. Remember...trust her.
Minho: I know but still. Now isn’t the time.
Chan: If you’re so worried, go after her. Lix can track her phone for you.
And without a second of hesitation, Minho leaves your room and heads straight to the tech department in search for a certain freckled agent.
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Meanwhile, you’re seated in front of a familiar face, eating cheesecake and drinking coffee. The figure chuckles, an amused smile on his face, “Cheesecake isn’t dinner, y/n. You need more than that.”
You sigh, raising an eyebrow, “We’ve had worse things for dinner in the hospital, Hyunbin.”
The male doctor shrugs, smirking, “Admittedly, that’s true.”
“Well, I didn’t call you here to lecture me about dinner habits.” you laugh, leaning forward on the table.
“You miss me?” Hyunbin jokes heartily.
You laugh a bit louder, shaking your head, “Hardly.”
“Alright then little miss doctor.” Hyunbin playfully wiggles his eyebrows, “Why did you want to meet?”
“I have something to tell you.”
You sigh, slightly deflating in your seat. “It’s about work. I can’t tell you all the details right now, but I needed your input because you’re still better at chemistry than I am.” you lightly chuckle.
Hyunbin chuckles as well, crossing his arms, “That I do not deny. Well, fire away. What do you need?”
“My job right now requires me to...test certain formulas, and one particular formula I managed to dig out was for fluoroantimonic acid - you know, the strongest acid.” you start to explain, careful to say parts of the truth, but also not everything, “I mixed something in the formula, and the overall structure changed. It was barely an acid afterwards.”
“Polytetrafluoroethylene.” you both say in unison.
Your eyes widen in curiosity, and Hyunbin can’t help but chuckle, “PTFE is used for storing superacids such as fluoroantimonic acid, right?”
“Yes, exactly.” you nod enthusiastically, “So, I am right in concluding that that particular chemical reaction happened because of the PTFE...right?”
Hyunbin hums, leaning back on his chair, “I believe so. In liquid or powder form, I think PTFE is more than enough to create such reactions in superacids.”
You release a sigh of relief, leaning back on your chair as well, “Amazing.”
Hyunbin laughs, tilting his head, “What’s wrong?”
You shake your head and laugh, “It’s just a relief to know that I’m doing an...alright job in work.”
“You always do, what are you talking about?” the male laughs.
For the next few minutes, you and Hyunbin then converse and catch up with each other, reminiscing about memories in the hospital and so on. After about 30 minutes, Hyunbin excuses himself as he needed to get back to his shift. You also explain that you have to head back to work. When the male doctor leaves the coffee shop, you step out a few minutes later.
You’d be on your way back to HQ, but a certain black-shirt-wearing male with his arms crossed blocks your path.
You curse in your mind.
The agent glances sidewards, nodding his head towards a figure that had just entered his car. “So...dinner alone, huh?” he says a bit hostile.
You sigh, closing your eyes, “I know what you’re gonna say, so don’t bother. I’m sorry I lied, but I knew neither of you were going to let me have dinner with him.”
Minho sighs, lips twisting into a disappointed frown, “You could have tried.”
“We both know what your answer is gonna be.”
“What did you guys do? Talk about?” Minho then shifts the conversation.
You don’t bat an eye as you answer the male, “Hospital stuff. Catching up on how work was in Gongjak. Talking about old memories we miss.”
Minho hums, unfolding his arms, “And speaking of memories…”
The agent then pulls something from his wallet, handing you a small photo. Your eyes widen upon landing on the picture, and when you take it from the agent, you look at him in confusion, “How…”
Minho’s expression softens, though you know he’s still a bit annoyed. “I think you dropped it the other day in the lab. Not sure how though.” he explains.
You slowly nod, eyes glued to the polaroid photo, “Oh. Thank you.”
“The guy is obviously your friend, but who’s the other woman?” Minho asks, “Must have been close for you to go all the way here to meet with Dr. Kang to reminisce on stuff.”
You glare at the male, appalled by the callous tone in his voice. “Yes, we were very close as a matter of fact. Closer than sisters.” you huff out, willing your tears to retreat.
Minho glances at his watch before sighing, “Want to take a walk?”
“You look like you need the fresh air.” Minho offers an apologetic smile.
“Ok.” you say softly.
And so you and Minho end up casually walking along a nearby park, letting yourselves relish in the calming wind and basking in the moonlight.
“Hyunbin or Dr. Kang and Ahn Hyejoo - the woman in the picture - were my closest friends in Gongjak.” you suddenly say, quiet enough for only Minho to hear, “After I left SKZ, the three of us started working in Gongjak at the same time. Basically, we entered the hospital together.”
Minho looks at you earnestly, choosing to listen quietly. It wasn’t everyday you’d actually open up, after all. You continue to speak, eyes filled with a certain gloominess, “Hyunbin came from a smaller hospital at that time, and Hyejoo had just finished her training or residency. The three of us had similar shift times and worked in the same hospital floors or area, so eventually, we became friends. As you probably know, I had a difficult time opening up to other people after SKZ, but those two managed to help me through it.”
“Dr. Kang is still in Gongjak.” Minho treads carefully, “Where’s Dr. Ahn?”
“She’s dead.”
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine.” you smile sadly as if remembering a distant memory, “She got into an accident but somehow, her heart survived. So...in a way, she’s gone, but I know her heart was donated to someone who needed it so somehow, she’s still alive. It’s weird, but that’s the world of medicine I guess. No matter what happens, us doctors keep people alive as best as we can.”
Minho can’t help the smile that curls at his lips, specks of adoration and warmth swimming in his eyes as he looks at you. You’ve both now made it back to his car, merely standing by the passenger’s side. The wind howls by, scattering strands of your hair across your face. Minho chuckles softly, reaching out to tuck the stray strands behind your ear; his fingers ghost over the shell of your ear, and you can feel the warmth of his skin.
Your heart hammers in your chest as Minho looks down at you; his features are softened by the soft glow of the moon, and you can’t help but think about how ethereal he looks right now. The male agent’s lips curl into a smaller smirk, “I guess Jung was right.”
You tilt your head, accidentally leaning into Minho’s hand by your ear. He then chuckles, smirk replaced by a small smile, “You certainly are one of a kind.”
And then his hand is gone, and he’s walking towards the driver’s side. You stand there, speechless at his actions and gape like a fish. “Hey...Lee Minho!” you stutter.
“Get in the car, Dr. Song. We should get back and rest.”
“I want to strangle you.”
“How cute.”
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Mission day commences, and you and the other agents have gathered in a luxurious function hall in yet another five-star hotel. Apparently, a Cle agent was attending the gala to meet with a prospective serum buyer. The agents needed to infiltrate the Cle person’s hotel room where, as per intel, his papers and plans were being held.
Minho, Jeongin and Chan were to loiter in the gala hall, eyes scanning the crowd for signs of the target. Changbin and Hyunjin would handle getting into the room when the time was right. You were there to ease suspicion as your credentials landed your group a place on the VIP list.
So here you were, dressed in a pretty white dress, hanging back by the wall and sipping some champagne with the three agents. Chan sipped on his champagne glass as well, sighing, “I want this whole mission to be over so we can celebrate and drink champagne comfortably in HQ…”
Jeongin chuckles, “You say that during every mission.”
The eldest agent shrugs, “My point still stands.”
Minho smiles, adjusting the vest of his three-piece suit. “But you’re drinking champagne now.” he laughs.
“Barely taking sips.” Chan laughs, “We’re on duty, so we can’t risk too much alcohol.”
Jeongin then smiles, clasping his hands together, “Well then, time to split up.”
Chan and Minho nod, and before you know it, the three agents are scattering amongst the crowd. Chan goes towards the other end of the hall, blending in by talking to two women who more or less giggle at everything the dimpled man says. Jeongin heads over to the refreshments table, pretending to be knowledgeable on all the wine as a middle-aged man approaches him. Slowly, the orchestra begins to play some classical music, and the gala-goers are either ballroom dancing or engage in conversation amongst themselves.
Minho takes the champagne glass from your hand and places it on the tray of a waiter that passed by. You look at the agent with a tilt of your head, and he smiles, “Shall we dance?”
“I’m a horrible dancer.”
“Just follow my lead.”
You pout at the male, but he merely laughs and takes your hand, smoothly dragging you to the area where other guests are dancing. He wraps an arm around your waist, pulling you close much to your surprise. His other hand gently grasps your own, giving it a light squeeze. Without much choice, you squeeze back as your other hand rests on his shoulder. Soon, you’re both smoothly swaying to the music.
“I’ll admit that I wasn’t expecting agents to know how to dance as well.” you playfully jab, “Are you trained to do everything in existence?”
Minho smirks, “Not exactly. We just pick up on it especially on undercover missions.”
“I think I’ve watched too many James Bond movies.” you tease.
“Oh? So you like those debonair types, huh?” Minho teases back.
You scoff, rolling your eyes, “I’m just trying to see if they depict agents accurately.”
“50/50.” Minho laughs, “Do you want me to start acting like James Bond?”
You raise an eyebrow playfully, “And end up with me in your hotel bed? No thanks.”
The agent laughs again, playfully pinching your cheek, “Why, what a mind you have, dear doctor.”
“It’s true! Have you not watched any of the movies?” you laugh while trying to defend yourself.
You aren’t sure how the conversation moves along, but somehow, you both end up talking about the previous mission - the one where he had gotten hurt to protect you. While dancing to the orchestra’s music, you don’t miss out on how Minho pulls you closer, giving your waist a very subtle squeeze.
“You know…” he trails off, “I’m rarely a shaken or anxious person, but the day of that mission, I was genuinely frazzled.”
“Why?” you ask quietly.
“Because it’s my duty to keep you safe as an agent of SKZ” is what he wants to say - to pretend he doesn’t genuinely care and hide everything under the guise of obligation.
But he lets something else slip past his lips just this once.
“Because I was afraid you’d get hurt.” he says while staring directly into your eyes.
You feel the heat rising to your cheeks, but you try your best to remain calm. “Isn’t that...normal for people you’re working with in your field of work?”
“As skilled as people think I am, anything is possible. The people that attacked us could have killed me and hurt you. Taken you hostage or brought you to Cle.” Minho starts, “I didn’t want that.”
You hum, “Is this what Jeongin meant when you’re nicer and much more caring than you seem?”
Minh chuckles airily, and suddenly, all other noise is drowned out. “This is me showing you the side of me that only Chan and the rest are privileged to see.”
“Why though?” your voice nearly wavers as you notice how Minho lets go of your hand, both of his arms now around your waist.
“Because I trust you.”
You gulp, slowly but surely wrapping your arms around his neck. “Why?” you repeat your question, afraid of his answer. Or worse, afraid of his decision. 
“Because I can.” Minho answers with confidence, “I want you to know that I trust you so that you can trust me as well. I don’t even need you to trust the whole of SKZ. Just me, Chan and the other boys at least.”
You nod, but before you can speak or make any response, Jeongin speaks into his communication device, and you can somehow tell he’s grinning as he does so, “Target spotted. Shall we set the plan in motion?”
“Got it. We’re on standby now.” Minho says, looking past your shoulder to observe the crowd.
Somewhere in the room, Jeongin has managed to engage in conversation with their target, a bit too enthusiastically talking about the wine in their hands.
“I do prefer white wine.” Joengin laughs with practice, “Lighter and sweeter, you know?”
The target hums and smiles unknowing, “Perhaps, but red wine is much better suited for meat.”
“Oh, steaks and such? You’re a man of fine dining, I see!” Jeongin laughs, “Expensive taste.”
“Hardly. I just see it in cooking channels all the time. Makes me really hungry honestly.” the target points out before sipping his red wine.
Jeongin nods, but afterwards, Chan arrives at the scene and pretends to trip, thus dowsing his own glass of red wine on their target. The eldest agent feigns innocence as he gasps and repeatedly apologizes, “I am so sorry, my goodness! Sorry about that, mister!”
Jeongin pretends to watch in shock, grabbing a bunch of table napkins and dabbing it onto the spilled area on the target’s white dress shirt. “Oh dear, oh dear.” Jeongin sing-songs.
The target awkwardly laughs, gently pushing the two males away from him, “Don’t worry, um...I’ll just get changed. It’s just a stain. I have some clothes in my room, so if you’ll excuse me.”
With that, the target hurriedly makes his leave, and Jeongin smiles a bit too mischievously. “Target is on his way.” he says into his device.
A few seconds later, Hyunjin and Changbin speak into their own devices, “Got it. We’re on stand-by.”
Silence ensues as your dancing slows, no longer ballroom dancing but just subtly swaying to the music. Minho’s arms are secure around your waist just as yours are around his neck. Somewhere along the way, you rest your head against his chest, listening to his steady heartbeat - steady just like he always was. Minho rests his head on top of yours as well, allowing himself to melt and relax with you in his arms.
Never did he think he’d let himself do such a thing. If Chan and Jeongin could see this, they were probably stifling their snickers.
“Minho.” you suddenly say, voice barely above a whisper.
“I...have to tell you something.” you say, unconsciously hugging him closer.
You can feel Minho nodding for you to continue, so you slowly lift your head from his chest to look at him. Your eyes quiver and you have to swallow a ball-sized lump in your throat for you to gather the courage to speak again.
“I’ve been hiding some findings and results from you and the team.” you admit, closing your eyes guiltily, “And one or two vials of evidence.”
You expect Minho to scowl and glare at you coldly, maybe drag you out of the hall to lecture you once again. You, however, do not expect him to hold you closer, inching his face closer just to whisper between yourselves. “I’m not surprised, y/n. I had a hunch that’s what was going on.” he says, and you can swear you hear a sense of amusement in his voice.
You open your eyes to look back at him, furrowed eyebrows expressing your surprise. “I’m sorry, what?”
“You’re not the best liar, y/n.” Minho chuckles, “Though of course you aren’t. You hate lying. I sort of knew all along that there were things you were hiding from me, but Chan asked me to be more understanding of your reasons, and I trust Chan more than anyone, so I decided to listen to him and wait for you to admit it yourself.”
The look of embarrassment that flashes across your face puts a cheeky smile on Minho’s lips before he shifts into a more serious expression. “I do have to ask why though.” he says.
You sigh, looking down at the floor. You’ve both now stopped dancing altogether, merely standing in each other’s arms amongst the busy crowd of guests. “I didn’t know who to trust with this information. The things I’ve discovered could potentially put an end to this Cle serum issue, but I just...couldn’t risk it.”
Minho continues to look down at you expectantly. You clear your throat and bow your head lower, “Sorry, I know you just said you trusted me.”
You feel fingers on your chin, lifting it up to bring you face-to-face with the male. Your eyes meet Minho’s, and there’s some sort of cosmic dance between you two. With raised and expectant eyebrows, Minho whispers, “I’ll let it slide for now since you told me this soon, but please, y/n, refrain from doing that ever again.”
“I know. I’m sorry again.”
He sighs, nodding in acknowledgement. Another blanket of silence covers the two of you despite the orchestra still playing music and other guests chattering with each other.
“Thank you.” Minho suddenly whispers, and it only dawns on you now that he’s mere centimeters away from your face.
He’s so close that you feel his breath mingling with yours, the tips of your noses barely touching. His hands rest at the small of your back, but there’s a certain pressure to his touch as if he was restraining himself from something. Your breathing comes to a stop as does time, and your grip on his broad shoulders tightens. Both your eyes are lidded as you stare at each other; you can tell his eyes have landed on your lipstick-covered lips, and the agent can deduce the same for you - your eyes are definitely caught up in looking at his own lips.
Something in your heart booms - or maybe snaps - and it would seem the same for Minho because he’s leaning closer, eyes now closed as he closes the gap. You shut your eyes as well, preparing yourself for the touch of his lips on yours.
You soon feel the ghosting touch of his lips grazing yours, sending a jolt of electricity up your veins. But just as soon as your lips barely touch, the sound of his communication device going on surprises both of you, and you abruptly pull away from each other.
Embarrassment floods both of you; your cheeks are a shade of deep pink as Minho’s ears turn bright red. Clearing his throat, the agent listens to what his fellow agents have to say. “Target apprehended. We’re in his room. 1117.” Hyunjin says slyly, and it probably was because he was smirking.
“On the way.” Jeongin and Chan say simultaneously.
Minho turns to you, all remnants of flusteredness now gone. “Let’s go.” he says, grabbing your wrist.
But you stop in your tracks, hesitation evident in your body language. Minho understands why, so he offers you a small smile. “Y/n, this time, I promise. No one will harm you. I’m there, Chan’s there, Changbin’s there. Just stay with me, ok?” he says softly.
You eventually nod, answering him by giving him a small smile. Minho flashes one more warm smile before moving his hand to interlace his fingers with yours. With that, you both calmly proceed to the elevators to meet up with the other team members, his hand never leaving yours.
It’s all too familiar.
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little-mad · 3 years
“Tiny ears! Remember?!” With Tara and Thomas!
Ok, I really liked writing this one
From this list of prompts here
And for anyone who doesn’t know, more details about these two can be found on my oc masterlist
After knowing one another for two months, Tara finally agreed to cross into giant territory for her meetings with Thomas. Admittedly, it was kind of awkward standing on opposite sides of the creek. More importantly, being out in the open like that, they ran the risk of getting seen by somebody. Tara definitely did not want to have to explain why she was hanging out with a giant to her family and friends back home.
The spot she and Thomas had decided on wasn’t far into giant territory, in fact Tara could still catch a glimpse of the border through the trees. Meanwhile, Thomas was about as concealed as his giant form would allow in an area with trees shorter than him.
Of course, Tara never would have agreed to the arrangement had she not been confident Thomas harbored no ill will towards her. The guy had saved her life twice, and after getting to know him better and better over time, she could almost call him a friend.
That being said, Tara had been sure to set up clear ground rules. Most important of the rules was that Thomas had to keep his hands to himself unless given express permission otherwise. The giant had pouted extensively about it. He obviously got a kick out of holding and touching her, which was exactly why Tara had forbidden it. Plus, being around hands that could easily snuff out her life made her more than a little anxious, believe it or not.
In order to avoid physical contact while still managing to remain close to Thomas’s eye level, Tara had positioned herself in a high branch of a tree directly in front of where the giant was sitting. Thomas had been fretting like a mother hen as she climbed up, insisting it was too dangerous for someone “so itty bitty.” The comment only served to make Tara climb quicker. She’d been scaling trees since she was little, she knew exactly what she was doing.
“Wait, but I thought you said you wanted to study at that university?” Tara inquired as she absentmindedly swayed her dangling legs back and forth.
During their last meeting, Thomas had explained to her his desire to attend some fancy school in a giant city a ways away. They had something sort of similar on the human side of the border, but it was incredibly far away and was very selective with who they allowed as students. No one in Tara’s town ever even considered it as a feasible option.
Thomas gave a humorless laugh. “Well of course I want to, both Lane and I have dreamed of going there for years,” he explained. “But it costs an arm and a leg to even be allowed to study there, not to mention room and board, food, supply costs...we’d never be able to afford it.” He let out a resigned sigh.
A frown formed on Tara’s face. She couldn’t necessarily empathize with Thomas’s situation exactly, but the feeling of being trapped by forces out of her own control was familiar enough after encountering giants. “So what are you going to do then?” she asked. The First Hunt had marked Thomas’s transition from child to adult, meaning he could no longer rely on his parents and needed to seek out a way to make a living.
“I’ll probably start helping out at my uncle’s shop, at least for now,” Thomas said with a shrug. He didn’t look especially pleased with the plan, but before Tara could call him out on it, he spoke up again. “What about you? Are you going to keep gathering supplies for your doctor?” he questioned.
Since even before she had finished school, Tara had been assisting the town’s physician by foraging for medicinal supplies that could be found in nature. At first it had mostly been freelance, but within the past month she had begun receiving a regular wage from the doctor. Tara enjoyed the unrestrictive nature of the work, plus the pay wasn’t half bad either. That being said, she couldn’t see herself doing it for the rest of her life.
“Well actually…” Tara started, “I’ve been thinking I might want to join one of the scouting parties.” The job was mentally and physically demanding, but scouts were well paid and well respected. Plus, after almost being eaten on two separate occasions, Tara felt as though non-giant related dangers were pretty manageable.
“Are you crazy?!” Tara winced at the unexpected volume of Thomas’s voice, her hands instinctively going to cover her ears against the thundering noise.
When her ears stopped ringing, she lowered her hands and shot a scowl up at the giant’s face. “Hey!” she shouted, “Tiny ears! Remember?!” Despite his natural enthusiasm, Thomas was usually pretty good at keeping his voice at a volume that was comfortable to Tara. Over time, his accidental loud outbursts had decreased in frequency. Whatever streak he’d had was now soundly broken of course.
Thomas’s eyes went wide as he realized what he’d done. “Sorry, sorry!” he exclaimed in an overly hushed tone. His cheeks became tinged with a slight red color and he wore a regretful expression on his face as he looked down at Tara. “I just--I can’t believe you would actually consider doing something so needlessly risky.” When he finished the sentence he began to take on the appearance of a stern father or something.
Tara pressed her lips together. She wasn’t really sure why Thomas seemed so worked up over the idea of her joining a scouting party. In the past, she had described what the scouts did and why they were so important to the wellbeing of her town. She’d mentioned the fact that, aside from ensuring no giants ever crossed into human territory, scouts were also responsible for fending off vicious wild animals, as well as occasionally dealing with bandits that sometimes hung around the woods surrounding the town. Sure, it was probably one of the more dangerous jobs Tara could do, but it wasn’t as if it were a death sentence. It was rare that a scout was ever killed in the line of duty.
“It’s not ‘needlessly risky’, Thomas,” she insisted. “Scouts are vital to the safety of my town. Plus, it’s not as dangerous as you seem to be imagining it to be.”
“The world is a dangerous place, and you’re so small--” Thomas started, but Tara was quick to interrupt him with a raised hand.
“Okay--just because I’m small to you, doesn’t mean I can’t handle myself just fine.”
“But why risk it when you don’t have to?”
Tara rolled her eyes. “I’m not going to live my life in a bubble.” It was becoming increasingly clear to her that while Thomas may view her as a person in some respects, he still thought of her as some kind of weak creature in need of protection. Considering he’d had to save her life on multiple occasions, Tara supposed she couldn’t entirely blame him. But that had been when she’d been in giant territory. Things were different on her side of the border.
At first, Thomas opened his mouth as if he were about to shoot back a retort. However, after a moment’s pause, his expression softened slightly. “I’m--I just don’t want you to get hurt,” he admitted.
Tara sighed. It was hard to stay too mad at the guy when he sounded so genuine. He seemed to really care about her wellbeing, even if he was being a bit overbearing about it. She allowed her tensed shoulders to relax. “I appreciate your concern,” she began, making sure to choose her words carefully. “But I promise, I’ll be fine.” Tara offered Thomas her most sincere smile. “Besides, I don’t even know for sure if I am actually going to join a scouting party. It’s just a possibility.”
With slow, controlled movements, Thomas leant forward so that his face was hanging about a foot above where Tara sat. She stiffened when one of his hands gently settled down beside her on the branch, close but not quite making contact with her body. “You don’t know how much I wish I could touch you right now,” he stated, a petulant look on his face.
With her cheeks flushing pink, Tara attempted to disguise it by fixing an unperturbed expression on her face. “You--you can keep your hands to yourself, Mr. Grabby,” she declared stubbornly.
Even if she trusted Thomas not to hurt her, willingly allowing a giant to touch her felt like crossing some line. Of course, she’d already crossed all kinds of lines just by agreeing to meet with him in the first place. Maybe Tara wasn’t completely opposed to letting him touch her--but only for practical purposes! Allowing him to fiddle with her now was certainly not practical.
Thomas gave Tara a pouty face, but when she remained resolute, he released a dramatic sigh before pulling away. “You’re killing me here.”
Tara snorted as she shook her head. “You are such a drama queen.”
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thegoldielocks28 · 3 years
“SO… you think I’m hot?” - Mathilda and Sergei~
Title: “you think I'm hot” Pairing: Mathilda Alster and Sergei Petrov/Spencer Petrov AN: Written for a writing challenge, for Syfien. Nothing more than a soft moment for the cute couple ~ Hopefully it makes sense ;D
The sun is bright against the almost cloudless sky on this hot summer's day. The humidity makes the heat feel hotter than it actually is, and most people out and about carry either electrical hand-fans or more traditional paddle-fans while crowding the soft drink vending machines that conveniently seem to be just about everywhere.
Japan´s summers are something else.
Mathilda has always been a spring and summer person, enjoying how good weather allows her to dress in some of her favorite clothes more comfortably. Shorts, skirts, blouses and cute tops. Even dresses at times. Today, she's even wearing a big hat, shielding her face from the direct sun. Her pale cheeks are decorated with light freckles, dots that in her case only appear in summer. The summer back home in the UK is a lot milder than those here in Asia, but she can't say she misses the wind or common and heavy rain that much.
Mathilda`s plans are a bit different today. Hence her being slightly dressed up. After several nights of little sleep, and several days when she lost her words upon just seeing him, she managed to ask her crush if he wanted to spend some time together. Just her and him.
They already have, several times, met up by coincidence in the hotel-like apartment building rented for them during a long season of blading. For example while making tea in the shared kitchen. Making small meals. Sitting on the sofa, reading. Watching the matches on TV after they happened. Together with their fellow bladers, teams and friends.
Lately, … ending up staying in the joined area late until they were almost alone, or the only ones left.
Mathilda´s freckled cheeks turn a shade pink upon thinking of her date. Looking at her wristwatch she realizes she´s early, like she always is when nervous. Being late would leave a bad impression now, wouldn't it? The pink haired woman spends about 10 minutes gazing at people, meeting the eyes of polite fans a few times. Apparently, she's quite popular in Japan.
There he is.
Mathilda shifts so she´s facing him. Pale, tall and handsome. Dirty blond short hair. Strong nose and jaw. The heat seems to have made the Russian have to drop the vest he is always wearing, and today he has just a pair of cargo pants, a nicely fit black t-shirt and boots. Revealing his strong chest, and arms. The man is still fully clothed but the sight of him has her skin turn hot. Many seem to assume the tallest member of the Russian team looks least good, but… Mathilda´s eyes has never strayed, even if her attraction to him also didn't start with the way he looked in the first place.
“Hello.” Mathilda can't help but smile widely, then tries to calm herself down. “Hey.” Sergei answers, his voice deep and calm. Those steel grey eyes of his move over Mathilda. Just like she is used to seeing him with his vest, and hat, he is used to her own “battle gear”. Not a soft colored summer outfit, and just a little bit more effort with her hair and make up. All thanks to Julia. It's not like Mathilda doesn't care about those things, it's that she has always been someone who enjoys being without products as well. Mathilda likes being pretty, and Julia has helped her find a style that suits her well. Not as strong as Julia´s often so red and full lips.
“Let´s…” Mathilda starts, she needs to step up since she was the one to ask him out to hang out. “Start walking, the place I mentioned, is a bit further ahead.”
It's a nice summer's day. Birds chirp. Breeze is lovely. Mathilda is so happy she gets to spend today with her crush. Happy to realize they have actually gotten that far from being strangers, to having plans together like this. For a long while she had thought she wouldn't be able to pull it off but as always she didn't let her shyness stop her from at least trying. And there by her side is Sergei. The gentle giant.
The ones who are less happy about their growing friendship are people she could worry about later.
However, things change drastically just over a few minutes. Mathilda notices mid-sentence that something is wrong. Eyes darting up at the much taller man by her side only to get that gut feeling affirmed. Sergei has a queasy look on his face, and his forehead seems damp of sweat. He's squinting against the strong rays of the sun.
“Are you ok?” She tilts her head, looking up at him.
Sergei avoids looking at her. “Hm.” He makes a sound through lips pressed together. “You look… paler than normal.” Mathilda continues. “My body feels… heavy.” Sergei grumbles. “My head… “
“Did you get something to drink before this..?” Sergei looks at her. “No.”
Mathilda´s expression turns more concerned. Especially when guilt washes over her. She had asked Sergei to hang out with her outside in this hot weather that's so unlike what he's used to. Not considerate at all. All she had done was walk ahead chatting because of her nerves, while Sergei had been feeling ill.
If Sergei fainted here, or fainted anywhere, Mathilda would not be able to catch and support him properly because of his size. The man would hit the concrete ground and get hurt no matter if she just stood there, or had him fall over her as she tried to hold him. The mental image of the Russian falling backwards and hitting his head makes Mathilda´s throat go dry. Skull cracked open. Blood. Mathilda forces herself to stop thinking about that.
She extends her hand, and even if holding hands with him would normally make her a nervous mess, she takes his bigger one in hers and tugs at it.
“There's a bench over there..”
Sergei looks at her in silence for a long moment, as if it takes longer for him to register what she is saying in this heat, before he shifts his body and allows her to pull him along. Slow steps. A low, drawn out sound leaves Sergei´s lips as he lowers himself down on the bench. In the shade, it's still hot, but a clear difference from before. Mathilda´s eyes rest on his face for one long moment before she turns away.
“I´ll be back soon, promise.”
Mathilda jogs over to the vending machine closest to them, across the street, and digs in her pockets for some Japanese yen coins. Luckily, she has enough for drinks and after a bit of struggle to understand which drinks are cold and which are hot she manages to buy cans of cold bubble water. Both for Sergei. The moment she returns to Sergei´s side she hands him one of the bottles.
Sergei accepts the bottle, unscrews it and drinks almost greedily. Water running down the side of his mouth, down his jaw and onto that black t-shirt. Mathilda sits down by his side while trying to not seem too worried, even if her emotions are easy to read on her face. Sitting is better than her walking about.
After a moment of slow silence Sergei speaks up. “I am sorry, Mathilda.” His voice is tired. “I think I won't make it to the shop in this heat.”
Mathilda can hear in his voice that he had thought about what to say for a while. Nodding her head, she agrees, she understands. “Let's rest a bit then I will walk you back.” She says, wanting to know Sergei will be alright. After a moment of silence the girl nudges Sergei at his side before she gestures to her lap.
Mathilda´s cheeks turn pink. “One time offer… you know?”
Sergei´s eyes soften ever so slightly as he understands just what she is offering him. The gesture seems to make him feel a bit self-conscious, but not out of dislike. Perhaps because this is a first.
“...I am sweaty.” He says, voice low, as if it is the last negative point he can find.
“I don't mind.” Mathilda says patiently with a slight shrug of her shoulders.
Even if her heart is beating really loudly in her chest she knows this isn't something to get excited for. Sergei feels sick, and needs to rest. If she can offer him some calm and comfort she´d be happy to.
Awkwardly, Sergei lowers his body onto the bench. His head soon rests in Mathilda´s lap. It's obvious this makes the man self-conscious, but after a few moments pass, he exhales deeply and his body grows heavier against her as he relaxes.
Could he have been worried about putting his weight on her?
Up this close, Mathilda notices just how grey his blue eyes really are. Almost silver, steel. His hair is on the border of being brown, dark dirty blonde. A strong jaw, big defined nose and thin pale lips. Those eyes close, as if the moment got too intimate, and Mathilda lets out a soft huff of a giggle.
He even has long eyelashes.
Mathilda is unaware of the slight wetness moving down the side of her face as they sit together so closely. She's getting a bit sweaty as well.
“You're hot.” His words are low, deep.
The way Sergei´s voice breaks the silence has her flinch, just a little bit. Mathilda feels a hot wave of emotion wash over her as she realizes what he just told her. Sergei´s cold, steel gray eyes, looks a bit confused at Mathilda´s reaction. Meeting his eyes, she realizes he wasn't trying to hit on her.
Maybe he had meant to say “warm.”
Mathilda blinks, luckily not feeling too bad about the mistake, and decides to lighten the mood. “So… I am hot..?” She chuckles quietly, reaching for the second bottle of water to help herself to some. Being a native speaker of English, she can understand how some would mistake words like that, having a second meaning appear out of mistake. The way Sergei looks at her was out of concern, not out of something else. “Hot” and “warm” can mean similar things, yet have different meanings in different situations.
“I mean…” Sergei must have realized his mistake. “You look… very warm too.”
At that, Mathilda can't help but let her smile grow wider and warmer as she looks down at the man resting in her lap. Her painted nails softly move into his short hair as she strokes him. Trying her best to make him relax, and feel better. How lovely it´d be if… they could do this in different circumstances. Resting together. Mathilda´s smile fades a little, and her lips turn playful.
“...I'd be ok with you thinking I'm hot.”
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Paint My Spirit Gold
Dukeceit Week Day 2: Green/Yellow
Fans of the YouTubers "Deceit" and Remus "The Duke" Sanders start to suspect that maybe, just maybe, the two of them are more than simple internet pals.
AO3 Link: [here]
Word Count: 2187
Warnings: n/a
@dukeceitweek <3
[ID: A screenshot of a Twitter post by user @CallMeDukie. It features a watercolor-style painting of a snake. The snake appears to be made of melting chocolate, and there is a large bite taken out of its tail. Cherries and jam are leaking out of the snake at the bite wound. The snake's expression of horror is overly-exaggerated to the point of comedy. The caption reads: "liked your snake boi, @SerpenThyme. thanks for the inspo." /end ID]
A notification ding cut Janus off mid-sentence. 
“Wow, someone left their cell phone on, so professional,” he said, giving the camera a dramatic eye roll. That someone was him, of course, because he was the only one in the apartment- just him and the running livestream- but that was no excuse not to be a drama queen about it. He finished wiping flour off his hands and grabbed his phone to silence it; but the notification made him pause. He flicked his eyes up toward the camera and gave a slight smirk.
“My goodness, I’m famous,” he drawled. “The Duke himself has graced little old me with some fan art.”
Most of the comments in the chat wanted him to show it, so Janus opened up Twitter to see the full post he’d been tagged in. It was a watercolor painting of the coiled-snake chocolate sculpture- lovingly named Jake by his viewers- he’d made for his YouTube video last week; it was wearing an expression of such comedic horror that Janus had to stifle a laugh. He flicked his phone screen toward the close-up camera on his counter so his viewers could see.
“How kind of you, Remus,” he said. “All of you should go scold him for what he’s done to poor Jake here.”
Most of his viewers would know he was joking- after all, they were the ones to nickname him Deceit when he provided neither a real or fake name for his online persona. They knew full well what he was like by now.
The oven timer dinged. Janus silenced his phone and set it aside.
“And our first batch of cookies is done. You know, why don’t we show the Duke some appreciation?”
[ID: An Instagram post by user @SerpenThyme. The photo is an artistically-framed shot of a stack of sugar cookies with green, yellow, and pink icing. Propped up against the stack is another cookie, with an intricate icing-drawing of an octopus. The photo appears to have been color corrected to have high contrast, low saturation, and a dark vignette at the edges. The Instagram user @OctoDukie is tagged. No caption. /end ID]
“You know, I have often been accused of actually being a little old lady, what with my fondness for knitted jumpers, rocking chairs, and incredibly fucked up murder mystery books. Today I am doing nothing to dispel this accusation, by making soup.”
The studio was dark and empty aside from Remus' workspace. Everyone else had left long ago, even his own brother, which meant that it was officially ass-o'clock in the morning (or, as most people called it, somewhere between 1 and 2 a.m.) But Remus was stuck in hyperfocus, honed in on putting the last touches on a commission that he'd been putting off for weeks. It's not that it was a tough painting- once he'd gotten started, it was actually a very creatively satisfying piece- but man, executive dysfunction could go suck a dick
“French onion soup, specifically. Because while I do like to pretend I am a classy bitch, I am also, regrettably, a lazy bitch with a distaste for anything that takes longer than one bottle of wine to make.”
Remus hated working in silence. It was stifling, almost suffocating. His brain needed noise like his lungs needed air. So when the studio had grown still and silent, Remus had flipped open his laptop and queued up some YouTube videos. 
“So we have here three pounds of onions that we need to slice up, pole to pole. You’re going to cry no matter what, so if you have any memories you’ve been repressing since middle school, now is an excellent time to dredge those up.” 
And if it happened to be 90% SerpenThyme videos, well. Sue him. 
“Now the first rule of caramelizing onions: fast and sloppy is always better than slow and thorough… at least, that’s what every man I’ve ever slept with tells me.”
Remus choked and glanced over to his laptop screen just in time to catch Deceit's trademark smirk directed at the audience just for a moment. It was the deadpan delivery that always got him. Remus could barely hold onto a joke long enough to get through it without cackling mid-punchline, but this fucker could say the funniest shit like an off-hand comment. 
He wiped his hands off on his jeans (what use were clothes if you couldn't use them as paint rags?) and pulled his laptop across the table.  He typed out a quick comment, citing the timestamp of the joke, and after it was posted, he shut his laptop. 
'Cause ass-o'clock was short for "get-your-ass-home-or-I’ll-kick-it" o'clock. 
[ID: A screenshot of a YouTube comments section. The first comment is by user TheDuke, and reads: "10:42 wow, rude." The second comment is a reply by user SerpenThyme, and simply reads ";)" /end ID]
Janus plopped down on the couch with a slight groan. He didn’t need to stream today, but he really hated missing days. Besides… he was fine. Really. 
He adjusted the camera until he was happy with the framing, and then checked the settings on his streaming software. Satisfied, he started the stream, and watched as his usual viewers rolled in. 
“What do you mean I’m not in my kitchen?” Janus drawled, addressing the chat. He glanced around with an expression of faux-shock on his face. “My goodness, when did that happen?”
He chuckled, and then gestured to his surroundings. “Yes, we are in my living room today. If you must know, my closest and most trusted friend tried to murder me today- yes, Virgil, it was attempted murder and nothing less- and I survived with nary a scratch… and a broken foot, but that is beside the point. Anyway, I’m not allowed to stand for long periods of time, and I may or may not be somewhat inebriated by pain pills and couldn’t stand even if I wanted to. So we are cooking from my couch today.”
Janus paused for a few moments to read the chat messages as they popped up. A few get well soon’s, a few theories about the “attempted murder,” Virgil- who moderated his chat for him- vehemently denying the “attempted murder” but otherwise refusing to clarify the event, and a large volume of wtf why are you streaming today, take care of yourself comments, which made him smile. But one particular comment caught his eye, almost lost amid the torrent of an active chat: wait this kinda looks like the Duke’s living room?
“Oh, VampSuga,” he said, addressing that commenter in particular with a slight smirk. “I haven’t the faintest idea what you’re talking about. Anyway, since I can’t reach my oven from here, I thought some no-bake cookies were in order. For these you will need-”
[ID: A screenshot of a Discord conversation. The text reads:
“VampSuga: Ok ok hear me out. Dukeceit. 
Starstruck96: who?
IneffableSnek: lmao
FeralBeauYasha: lol
VampSuga: Deceit and Remus Sanders! They’re totally dating. I will die on this hill. 
FeralBeauYasha: Isn’t the duke w/ PatPat?
IneffableSnek: no thats his brothers bf
FeralBeauYasha: ohh
VampSuga: Did anyone see Deceit’s stream today? I swear that’s the Duke’s livingroom. 
StarStruck96: idk that seems like a stretch
IneffableSnek: no wait i kno what u mean
IneffableSnek: im watching the duke’s old videos and that one where he shows off all his old weapons he’s in a living room kinda like deceit’s 
FeralBeauYasha: They were acting all cute on twitter too
VampSuga: DUKECEIT”  /end ID]
"Hey guys, been a while since you've seen my face and not just whatever my hands are busy with, when it's within YouTube's terms and conditions I mean. They used to be way more lenient…" Remus trailed off for a moment, then shook his head sharply and plastered on a grin. 
"Anyway! In June me and a few other creators did a fundraiser for the Trevor Project, and y'all smashed the goal, so I let you decide what video I'd make this month." He paused, and gestured to the mountain of clothes piled behind him on the bed. "And you had so many juicy ideas to choose from, but you decided to dress me up like a Barbie instead."
Remus paused to scroll through his phone for a few moments. "Ah, ok, here we go. Twitter user YoonIsMyCat- oh, BTS, nice- sent in this first outfit. Uh… future Remus, put up the post here somewhere." He gestured vaguely to his right. "Y'all went with either a fuckton more clothes or a fuckton less clothes, which I respect. Apparently this outfit is called…” He squinted at his phone. “Amish chic? I take it back, no respect at all.”
Remus cycled through the outfits his viewers sent in, which ranged from the aforementioned “Amish chic” to “2008 rave attire” to “ok now you guys are just fucking with me” (which consisted of one of those big puffy snow coats, lime green in color; booty shorts with the shrug text emoji across the ass; fuzzy pink boots; and a yellow cowboy hat to top off the whole thing. It was awful. Remus loved it.) The mountain of clothes on the bed gradually became a mess of clothes spread across the floor instead, until there was just one outfit left. 
“Ok so Twitter user VampSuga sent me this outfit that I’m gonna call ‘sexy librarian.’ I couldn’t find this exact sweater online, but-” he paused for dramatic effect, before brandishing a sweater toward the camera like a bullfighter. “My boyfriend had something that was close enough.”
Remus hopped up from the bed and switched off the camera so he could change.
“They’re going to lose their minds,” a voice drawled from the doorway. Remus threw his shirt at him.
“Shoo, I’m getting naked.”
[ID: A Twitter post by user @CallMeDukie. It features a selfie of YouTuber Remus “The Duke” Sanders, a Hispanic man with his hair dyed green and styled into a spiked mohawk. He is wearing a yellow knitted cardigan over a black button-up shirt. He is grinning widely at the camera. The caption reads: “my viewers pick my outfits! now live on youtube. go see what i look like as a sexy librarian!” /end ID]
first and only dukeceit shipper ig
wow there’s so many of you now! Hi!!
i want this to be canon so bad omg
i mean just look
[ID: A series of three gifs featuring Youtubers SerpenThyme, aka Deceit, and TheDuke, aka Remus Sanders. Deceit is a black man with long, dreadlocked hair, and vitiligo patches along the left side of his face. Remus is a Hispanic man with green-dyed hair styled into a mohawk, many ear and facial piercings, and tattoos covering both arms. Each gif is edited so that the highlights are tinged yellow when Deceit is seen, and tinged green when Remus is seen.
The first gif depicts a close-up shot of Deceit’s hands as he carefully decorates a cookie with green and yellow icing. The cookie art he is working on appears to be a half-finished octopus. The gif then fades into a mid-shot of Remus, with his back to the camera, facing a canvas. The canvas is blank, and Remus appears to be laying out paints on a table to his left. 
The second gif depicts Deceit seated at his couch, facing the camera. He has many ingredients spread across his coffee table (including oats, cocoa powder, and butter) and appears to be in the process of laying out several more. The gif fades to show Remus seated at a similar couch with a similar coffee table in front of him. The camera is angled slightly downward to better show the myriad of knives spread out across the table. Remus is gesturing wildly with a morning star held in his hand. 
The third gif depicts Deceit in his kitchen. He is pulling on a bright, yellow knitted cardigan, and smirking toward the camera. The gif fades to show Remus in his bedroom, seated on his bed. He is holding up a similar-looking cardigan toward the camera and grinning. /end ID]
“Remus, it’s almost two in the morning. Come to bed.”
“I’m coming, sorry. Twitter distracted me.”
“Mm. I can’t believe the bird app is more distracting than I am.”
“You should try harder.”
“Come to bed and maybe I will.”
“Ok, ok, I’m coming. Hang on though, is it cool if I post this?”
“Sure. They figured it out anyway.”
“Sweet. Ok, Jannie, I’m coming.”
[ID: A screenshot of a Twitter post by user @CallMeDukie. It reads: “Dukeceit is canon.” /end ID] 
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moonamite · 3 years
The Rebels: Epilogue
Marx paced frantically in circles in an open field. Not nervous. TOTALLY NOT NERVOUS. NOT AT ALL. Everyone was saying that that oaf of a King had run off in a hurry to save his Knight in shining armor. All because that lime-sucking old man Meta Knight was in danger from a quest HE went on. TO HIS OWN PLANET, NO LESS, of all the stupidity! The King had temporarily put that dopey anxious meatball of a snail in charge while he left, which helped NOTHING. Every time the snail sighed, Marx wanted to poke him in the snout. What did he have to be tired about, anyways? Kirby said he’d be back soon but he was still gone and it’s been forEVER. Well- Ok, maybe not forever. But it still felt like it! It was so dreadfully insufferably BORING. THIS HAS BEEN A STUPID WEEK AND I HATE EVERYTHING. Marx kicked a pebble furiously. AARGH. Kirby told Marx- Well, everyone, actually- that he was going to meet his parents. Marx remembered it perfectly- especially how Kirby smiled at him and made him believe everything was going to be fine and ARGH SHUT UP, THOUGHTS! He wasn’t bored because Kirby was gone! The world just got boring as soon as he left! Yeah, that was TOTALLY ABSOLUTEY THE REASON. NOTHING ELSE. He’d almost had a heart attack when he heard there was danger- Because Kirby could be in danger! Meta Knight can go die in a ditch for all I care! Marx hoped Kirby would come back in one piece- He’d BETTER come back in one piece or I WILL SERIOUSLY DESTROY SOMETHING. I will PUNCH A HOLE IN THE MOON AND RIP THE SUN IN TWO. Then Marx heard something. A low humming noise. He flicked his ear, annoyed. Ugh, WHY DO I HAVE TO BE HEARING THINGS NOW? He whirled around to continue pacing when something shiny caught his eye in the sky. It was the Halberd. And that could only mean one thing... Kirby! He’s back! Hopefully maybe fully intact! Oh, and also Meta Knight, which was always a pain, but! Kirby! He thought, making his chest do that weird thumpy thing again. Marx launched himself into the air, doing a happy little backflip, then glided towards the Halberd. He hovered in the air for a while, watching to see where the Halberd was landing, then landing softly in a patch of grass in front of the airship’s door, waiting eagerly like a kid about to be served ice cream. And, surely enough, standing in the door was a pink ball of warmth, smiling brighter than the sun itself. Without a sliver of a thought in his head, Marx bounded to him as fast as lightning and scooped up Kirby in his claws. “You were gone forever! If you were away for even a SECOND longer I would have SERIOUSLY lost it!” He cried, trying to sound furious. But it didn’t work. His stomach was doing summersaults and it was so Aggravating! “Aw, Did you miss me? Was it so painstakingly awfully terribly lonely without me?” Kirby said teasingly, in a dramatic tone. Marx pulled away from him, suddenly feeling stupid, AS HE SHOULD. “Nope! No! Nuh-uh! TOTALLY no! I was 100% ABSOLUTELY FINE without you, thank you very much!” He said defensively, trying to make himself look and sound angry. But couldn’t. I am VERY ANGRY. At YOU! YES, GRR, VERY ANGRY AT KIRBY! Even when he tried to makes his thoughts angry it didn’t work. Which, first of all, was RIDICULOUS. He was Marx! He could be mad whenever he wanted to be mad! And secondly, it was, like, PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE to be mad right now! He felt less angry and more like flying high into the skies and touching the moon. Gross dumb sappy feelings! YUCK! “I’m fine! THE FINEST I’VE EVER BEEN, actually!” He said. He could tell his efforts of looking infuriated were failing from the look on Kirby’s face- Which was trying not to laugh. “Hey! Don’t laugh at me! Nobody is allowed to laugh at me! Unless I want them to!” He added, remembering he was, in fact, a jester. This only caused Kirby to begin giggling warmly into his wing, and now his own face was threatening to melt into a dopey grin. It was SO WEIRD. Then a flash of orange darted past him- Then pink. And then red, green, blue, and before Marx could react, he was surrounded by a sea of rainbow- Wings of all different sizes, shapes and colors were all around him, and it was almost disorienting. Marx’s mouth flapped open and shut several times as his head swiveled around in confusion. WHAT. IS. HAPPENING? He didn’t know what to say. He didn’t even know what to think- as if he’d forgotten how to. Why do they all look Meta-Knight-shaped? Are they planning to invade and OH MY STARS THEY’RE EVERYWHERE. Finally, his attention snapped back to Kirby, who was still in front of him. He looked at him with whatever dumbfounded expression he was wearing, since he couldn’t find the words to ask the millions of questions overloading his brain. Kirby just shrugged and shot him a tired look of ‘sorry’ before his face became concerned. He looked into his eyes. “Marx? Are you ok?” He asked in the most gentle, caring, and soft voice anyone’s ever heard. NO I AM NOT I’M SURROUNDED BY HUNDREDS OF STRANGERS FROM SOME FARAWAY PLANET I DON’T KNOW! He screamed internally. But he said nothing. Suddenly, Kirby pulled him into a kind embrace. Only then did Marx realize he was hyperventilating and shaking. “Hey, relax... Deep breaths, remember?” Kirby reminded him patiently in a tone a teacher would use when explaining 2 plus 2 is always 4. Marx’s muscles relaxed. He hadn’t even realized they were tensed in the first place. “Just breathe...” If this were anyone else, Marx would have shoved them off for trying to tell him what to do. But he just couldn’t do that with Kirby. He’d said it in such a way, Marx wanted to listen to him. So he breathed... When Marx opened his eyes (He didn’t even notice he’d closed them in the first place) He was still there- and so were the dozens of other people. Ok, so maybe this isn’t just a dream. But Kirby was still here, with him, holding him. It was like all the fears he didn’t know he had had vanished into mist, an all he could think about was how he felt right now, with not a worry of the future to interrupt this perfect moment. His breathing and heartbeat slowed as he relaxed, and he embraced the otherwise obnoxious fluttery feeling in his chest. He bathed in this warm feeling, until he noticed Meta Knight, standing in the entrance to the Halberd along with the King and another person who looked ALARMINGLY SIMILAR to him, but just two shades of blue lighter, his piercing yellow gaze fixed on Marx, who was still being held by Kirby. Somehow, the old toad always found a way to interrupt his moments of pure bliss. Oh well. He’d just have to deal with it. Meta Knight can go kiss a cactus.
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gardenia-angel · 4 years
Chapter 3
𝓑𝓮𝓵𝓲𝓮𝓿𝓮 𝓜𝓮 𝓝𝓸𝔀
A few hours later I was sitting on the couch. One of my hands handcuffed to the arm of the couch and my other was softly petting a cat that was resting in my lap. I should’ve expected that they weren’t going to completely untie me. They’re trained assassins, that would be dumb of them. I probably would’ve tried to escape anyway. Axel had also put the gag back over my mouth. I guess we weren’t on the level of asking personal questions.
The day just kept getting weirder. Axel had taken off his clothes and was now cooking in the kitchen in just his underwear, a white t-shirt, and a pink apron. What could be weirder than that?! I asked myself. Lo and behold, Otto and Oscar stood face to face in front of me. I watched with perplexed look upon my face. Otto had a knife in his hand, ready to throw. Keeping his eyes on Oscar, he threw the knife in one swift motion. The knife barely missing his foot by an inch. My brows furrowed in confusion as I stayed silent and continued to watch. Oscar picked up the knife and did the same thing. Although this time the knife actually could be seen penetrating Ottos thigh. My eyes widened at the amount of blood that started to pour out. “What the hell?!” I tried to say but it only came out as a muffled noise. They both looked at me a little alarmed, but not even fazed about the blood.
Oscar finally got what I had said and tsked his tongue. “Oh he’s fine, right Otto?”
Otto removed the knife with no effort and nodded to Oscars question. It made me wonder what era they were from, seeing that this is their way of passing time and also I noted their very outdated clothes.
In an instant, it was like I had vertigo. I was thrown into another vision. The three brothers were in a cornfield. Vanya was also in the cornfield. She seemed to be running away from them. In another moment, Axel was about to shoot her but Vanya has sent them flying backwards with her powers.
The vision had come to an end and I was back in my reality. “Are you ok?” Oscar had asked. Axel was about to come and investigate what was wrong but a ‘woosh’ sound could be heard coming from the cupboard. He opened the small door revealing a tube with a message inside. Oscar and Otto came up behind him to see what the message from Commission was.
I already knew what the message was. A picture of Vanya and her coordinates. To get their attention I decided to try speaking again, knowing that they wouldn’t be able to understand what I was saying. So they would have no choice but to take off the gag. Otto came and took it off of me. “Thank god, finally!”
“What were you saying?” Axel asked.
“The message you got from the Commission, it’s about Vanya isn’t it?” They looked at each other, which made me certain that it’s true. “Listen, you shouldn’t go. Vanya’s more powerful than you think!” I continued.
“It doesn’t matter. We have orders.” Axel said before going back to the kitchen. Otto went to the freezer to get ice for his leg while Oscar took the seat next to me and began playing with another cat. When Otto opened the freezer door, I gasped. Sitting inside was the head of the lady that lived here. I turned away quickly, directing my attention to the cat Oscar played with. “I’m gonna be sick.” I mumbled. Oscar turned, seeing the head in the freezer too? “What? Just a head..” He shrugged.
“Just a head!” I scoffed.
Axel had finished making their dinner. He set their plates on the table then came over to me and tried handing me a plate. The smell of fish almost made me gag. “You know, I may not remember who I am but I’m pretty sure I wasn’t a seafood person.” I laughed lightly while trying to block the smell by pinching my nose. Axel still had the plate out for me to grab. Geez I wonder when he’ll loosen up. I shook my head and pushed the plate back towards him. “I appreciate it but no thank you. I’ll pass..”
“You can’t just eat nothing!” Axel said while going over to the table to give his brothers the fish, which they happily took.
“If I’m not mistaken, I think you’re sassing me!” I said in the same tone as him. Oscar and Otto looked at each other after I said that. Axel, taken aback by my words, turned back to me and scoffed. “You’re being difficult..” He grumbled.
“Maybe if you wouldn’t keep me chained, you’d see that I’m not so much of a pain.” I countered, crossing one of my arms around my waist and tilting my head. He narrowed his eyes in thought. “So what you’re saying is you’ll cook for yourself?”
“Yeah I will if I’m hungry but right now I’m not...I’d much rather take a shower..” I mumbled the last part. Axel gave me a funny look, not knowing what to say. “You are going to allow me to shower right?!” I hated this. It felt as though I was being treated like a child.
This time Otto spoke up. But this time they spoke amongst each other in Swedish. I internally groaned. What the hell was being said this time? They didn’t appear to be saying anything bad about me, otherwise they probably would be laughing and smirking. But they sounded serious.
“Fine.” Axel said when he turned back to me. I smiled. “You know I think we will learn to get along very well with each other..” I said as he unlocked the handcuffs. I stood and walked over to the hall entrance. “And don’t worry, I won’t try to escape.” I turned to say. I walked calmly away until I wasn’t in their vision then bolted down the hallway to the bathroom. It wasn’t that hard to find. There were four rooms. Three of them being bedrooms and one being the bathroom. As soon as I shut the door I went straight up to the window. A clever smirk on my face as I pulled the curtains apart.
It was a single hung window which was the type that only opens up a few inches. Not enough room for anyone to fit through. I guess a shower really wasn’t such a bad idea anyways. As I showered, I thought about what was happening with the Hargreeves siblings. I wondered if Five was worried that I disappeared. He probably isn’t though. I was just a burden that was thrown into a story that’s not even mine. But how do I know this isn’t my story? Or maybe I was just in the afterlife. Some weird afterlife if you ask me.
Once I was done, I felt a million times better. I was refreshed and ready to make peace with the Swedes. Or at least try to be on civil terms with them. I still thought it was a bad idea for them to go on their mission. I tried to think of things to get them to stay but no solid statement could come to mind.
I looked down at my pile of clothes. They were absolutely filthy. Both my pants and my shirt were covered in dirt and grime. My shirt also having the smell of sweat and the slight metallic scent of blood. It made me gag. I never knew my clothes would ever smell that bad. I had a decision to make. I either put these clothes back on or I can try to find something to wear in one of the rooms. Leaving the bathroom was a risk I was willing to take. I opened the door slowly as to not make a creak and peaked my head out. The coast was clear, they seemed to still be in the living room. I quickly tiptoed into the nearest room. I turned the light on to see better and took a look around. If I had to guess this was the landlady’s room. Opening the closet I took out a sleeveless dress with a multi colored checkered pattern. Oh yeah this was definitely the sixties. The dress itself was too big compared to my frame. I put it back in its place and made my way into the next room. This room had a slight teenager-ish vibe to it. To put it simple, the walls were slight darkish pink but covered in posters and the furniture and decor were a light cotton candy pink. I walked over to a vanity and picked up a notepad that sat on top. “Packing for college checklist.” I whispered. The lady must’ve had a daughter who just recently went to college. Well I hope she doesn’t mind if I raid her closet.
With that in mind I opened her closet. She barely had any dresses in here, at least none that I would feel comfortable wearing, so I went to take a look in her drawers. I picked out a pair of high waisted plaid pants and a white sleeveless button up top. When I went to close one of the drawers it had gotten slightly stuck. For a moment I had forgotten where I was and went ahead forced it shut with a loud bang. ‘Oh shit they had to have heard that!’ I thought to myself in a panic. I stayed quiet to see if I could hear any footsteps. Within a few moments someone could be heard coming down the hall. I was still wrapped up in a towel and didn’t have the time to change before one of them came. I dashed to the door to shut it all the way before anyone could come in. I closed it with a slam and reached down to lock it, yet there was no lock to be found. “Shit, shit, shit!” I said in a hushed tone as I held my body to the door. One of them tried to open it but found that the door knob wouldn’t budge. “Huh? What are you doing in there?!” Came the angry voice of Axel. He banged on the door. “No! D-Don’t come in!” My strength was no match for his and he was able to push the door open. I took a few steps back and mentally prepared myself for the embarrassment I was about to endure. I turned my head down to the side and winced as I held on to the towel wrapped around me tightly. “What do you think you’re. . oh. .” His voice started off furious but it quickly trailed off. I could feel my face flush as I tried to regain my composure and look at him. He looked absolutely confounded and lost for words. “Uh —umm..” I was also lost for words but I at least broke the silence making him snap out of it and avert his eyes away. He stepped back through the doorway. “Uh, sorry.” Was all he said before closing the door gently. I put my hand up to my my mouth to keep myself from the burst of nervous laughter that wanted to come out. I had mixed feelings of uneasiness, shock, and giddiness. What just happened?!
I quickly changed into the new clothes, not wanting to ponder on the thought much longer, and walked into the living room like nothing happened. They three were loading up guns. They looked up as I entered the room. I put my hands on my hips as I looked at each of them. “You’re still gonna go? Even after what I told you!” Axel looked at me, his eyes lingering for a second before turning to Oscar and saying something in Swedish.
Was it bad that I wanted him to look at me again the way he did earlier?
Oscar made his way over to me and pulled me towards the couch, once again hand cuffing me to it. “You guys don’t believe me, do you?” I sighed as I stared at the wall in front of me. None of them spoke until they were about to walk through the door.
“Even if we did believe you, we still have to do our job.” Axel said before shutting the door behind him.
As I sat there on the couch, the cat from earlier had come up to me again and sat in my lap. “I may not have known them for long . . but I worry for them.” I said softly to the cat, who stared up at me while purring. “Yeah, maybe I will be able to help them. Maybe that’s why I’m here?”
A few hours passed by before I stirred awake again, the cat still sitting with me. I looked at a clock that read ‘1:11 am’. They still weren’t back yet and I wondered what could be happening. As if on queue, one by one walked inside. Their shoulders were slumped and their eyes looked tired. Oscar has a gash the side of his head that was bleeding slightly. Otto has some fresh cuts on his face. “What happened?” I questioned. I knew something was going to go wrong.
Axel was the last to walk in, his face contorted in pain. He took off his coat, his whole sleeve was soaked in blood from a wound on his arm. I gasped softly at the sight of it. I’ve seen so much blood in such a short time. I wondered if it was always like this for me.
Axel rolled up his sleeve revealing a bullet wound. A feeling, almost like and instinct, took over and before I could stop myself, I spoke up. “You guys looks awful! Un cuff me and let me help.”
They all looked at me with their same expression of surprise and suspicion. “Please . . Let me help you.” I said slowly and earnestly. They gave in with little hesitation. Once I was freed I asked Otto, him being the least injured to go find some washcloths and other medical supplies. I went ahead and helped Oscar first. The cut on his head wasn’t too bad, it just needed to be cleaned up. He smiled and thanked me for helping. He stood from the chair to leave the room. “Careful with Axel he may bite.” Oscar joked before disappearing into the hall. I felt my face heat up as I turned to Axel. He had his face in his hand, shaking his head slightly.
“Well anyways..” I said trying to get back to the task at hand. I cleaned the wound up as much as I could. “It looks like you need stitches.” I told him. He nodded for me to go ahead.
“Why are you being kind to us?” He asked as I began stitching.
“I’m not sure.” I said after a moment. I didn’t really know how to answer his sudden questions. “Maybe because you decided not to kill me.” I said with a small smile. I finished up and we stayed sitting there on the couch. “And I feel as though there’s . . Something more to you guys than what’s on the surface.”
“What’s on the surface?”
“Cold hearted assassins that work for the Commission.” I said without a second thought.
“And the ‘something more’?” He asked. His aura seemed to be more at ease and not so tense around me anymore, making me feel more relaxed.
“I don’t know yet . . But I’d like to find out.” I replied in the same soft tone.
“You’re very different.” He said and smiled to that. We sat there in comfortable silence for a while. I felt myself become more tired again and soon my head leaned to the side and I fell back asleep.
“Thank you . .” Axel whispered before falling asleep as well.
❤️Tags : @koelu-chan @gorgeourrific-nerd
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soul-scenarios · 4 years
Onsra | Part XIII [final]
(v.) - to love for the last time; a bittersweet feeling of knowing a love won’t last
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Words: 15.8K
Genre: Demon au, heavy angst, smut
Read: For previous chapters, click here: Masterlist
A/N: It’s finally coming to a close! Thank you for your support and I hope you enjoy reading the last chapter of Onsra.
“Do you really hate me? I remember when you promised you’d love me no matter what. Haven’t we all made mistakes before? I really am just so sorry, baby. I took the time to seriously reflect on how much I’ve hurt you. I think we should start over.”
“Why do you keep ignoring me? Answer my calls. I fucking swear... You don’t want to know what I’d do. I’ll tell her everything.”
“Look, I’m sorry. Please, can you let me see you one more time? I just have to speak with you. That’s all I want, ok? Then, I’ll leave you alone. I’ll leave her alone, that’s what you want, right? I’ll text you when and where to meet. Please be there. If you really ever loved me as much as I loved you, you’ll be there.”
“You’ll come, won’t you? If not, maybe I’ll have to find her. It won’t be hard. Do you think she’ll be disgusted with you if I tell her everything we did? God knows she wouldn’t still be with you if you did. But wait— Oh, baby, no way. You didn’t tell her? Should I then? What do we think? Should we hurt her? Now that I have your attention... you know I’m serious, you’ll come see me, won’t you?”
Jungkook’s face pales, brows drawing together as his hand holding his cell phone drops like heavy weights to his side. It was voicemail after voicemail, one torturous one after another. She was going to tell you everything? What did that even mean? What was she going to tell? There was nothing to... absolutely nothing.
For fucks sake, she was just a human after all, and him— a demon. Yet she always managed to pull off making him feel like he was weak, like he was inferior and powerless. Why was it that somehow he was always unexplainably right where she wanted him to be: at her beck and call? While her words shouldn’t have affected him in this way, especially with all that she had put him through, he somehow felt exactly the way she wanted him to should he even consider defying her.
What she felt towards him wasn’t even remotely close to love; it was an obsession. That’s what made her even more dangerous, but he just couldn’t believe even for a second that she’d cause any physical harm to you. He just couldn’t. He wouldn’t allow it.
Jungkook grits his teeth, the muscles in his jaw tightening as he raises his phone, the nonstop buzzing from the device ringing in his ear. His expression hardens when he reads the dreaded text message from her indicating the meeting place and time. As much as he detested the predicament he was in, he didn’t have much of a choice; this was all his fault after all. Was he doing this to protect you? Or to protect himself?
Fear instills in him as he ponders in absolute silence: Was this it? Would you really leave him this time?
You would. Earlier he was able to alleviate any suspicions and worries you had by promising he wouldn’t see her again because there was no need to. If he chose to defy her, Yoojung would hurt you. What would she do? What exactly would she tell you? Would you believe her? If he chose to submit to Yoojung’s demands and you found out, he’d hurt you because he would have misused and betrayed your trust... But that was only if you found out. His eyebrows crease as he squeezes his eyes shut.
I’ll be there. There was just no other way, was there? Jungkook presses his lips firmly together, shoulders dropping as an exhausting and shaky breath escapes. Would you still love him? His feet feel heavy as he begins to head into the classroom. Don’t let her find out. Don’t let her know something is wrong.
He manages to pull his eyes from the floor to see your friend, Jieun, twisting her body to turn around in her seat to tease you no doubt. She had to have been, especially at the way you were tugging at your turtle neck. The weight on his chest seems to lift at just the sound of your soft and melodic voice. He could never really pin point it, but something about your presence always seemed to put him at ease.
Then the thought crosses his mind: what if he had never met you? Perhaps all this could have been avoided if he had chosen someone else to go after, yet at the same time, he couldn’t imagine not having you in his life now. This was selfish of him, he understood that much. You would’ve been fine without knowing of his existence, of demons. You never would have been involved or dragged involuntarily into this mess of his. Maybe you would be dating someone else... something else... someone human.
There was no use thinking that though; there was no turning back. If only he had known earlier, he would have held you a little bit longer, kissed you a little bit harder... Or if he had known just how deep he’d fall in love with you to ultimately just hurt you and lose you... then maybe it would’ve been better off if you were never his.
“I don’t think he’s quite like that,” Jungkook’s train of thoughts are quickly interrupted when he overhears you bark back at Jieun, catching you quickly roll your eyes.
“I don’t even want to know what Jungkook looks like... Oh— speak of the devil,” Your friend raises her eyebrows inquisitively when she spots Jungkook heading in your direction. She turns back around in her seat to face the front of the classroom with a mischievous and sly grin. When he sees you hiding your face with your hands in embarrassment, he can’t help the way his mouth curves up into a genuine smile for you. He always loved how easily embarrassed and flustered you got whenever anyone teased you, whenever he teased you.
“Hey, good morning,” Jungkook mumbles softly, brushing the hair gently behind your ear as he sits down in the seat beside you. Your hands drop to your lap as you cutely pout at him, a clear indication that you were just being made fun of by Jieun. God, you were just so beautiful... Jungkook feels his heart skip a beat in his chest and that’s when he knew he wanted absolutely nothing more than to savor this moment with you.
He can’t help himself and leans over to press his lips gently against your forehead. A pink blush dances across your face and a small laugh escapes your mouth at his endearing act of affection; it was absolute music to his ears. But his facade ultimately falters for a just split second, the smile slipping from his face momentarily as he’s reminded perhaps this would be the last time he would ever hear it. Perhaps this was it...
I’ll be there
“Y/N... I can explain.” The demon musters the strength to say, his mouth falling open at the sight of you before him. This was not how it was supposed to happen; You weren’t supposed to be here. The color drains from his face and his mind goes completely blank. He feels his heart and stomach dropping simultaneously.
You couldn’t take your eyes off of what seemed to be utter betrayal before you.
“I’m sure you can,” Your lower lip trembles and your voice shakes as you snap at him. It wasn’t your intention to condemn without hearing him out first, but you were finding it difficult to think straight with Jungkook standing so close to her, with her hands touching him... What were you supposed to think? Your words were more than enough for the demon to look down with what you would’ve assumed to be remorse and shame; any longer and he thought he’d crack and simply fall apart under your pain-filled and murderous gaze.
“She’s fucking lying.” The words are violently spat out with pure, unadulterated rage by the demon.
Lying about what? Did he have any right to say that? He also lied to you about seeing her again. Was that all he had to say to you? Did you even want to know? You watch on in a complete loss for words, before turning to look at the woman standing beside Jungkook.
That devilish, twisted smile you had seen once before spreads like the fucking plague across her small, doll-like face. Her taunting gaze nothing short but piercing as she silently challenges you to speak up, to step forward and approach them both, but you don’t. Your eyes follow hers as she finally breaks eye contact with you, her fist tightening around the bottom of Jungkook’s shirt to pull him closer to her as if to show you who he really belonged to. That didn’t bother you for long as you watched her slowly drape her other hand on her stomach.
“I-I don’t understand,” No, you didn’t want to understand. You feel your knees giving way, as Jungkook takes a step forward instinctively before being stopped by Yoojung. Her hand tightens on his shirt, pulling him back towards her. “D-Don’t. Don’t come any closer. Why? Why are you here? You told me you wanted me to be honest with you. I asked when you were going to see her and you said you weren’t. You were the one to get upset with me because you said I was dishonest. I-I told you how I really felt— that I didn’t want you to go. You should’ve just told me if you wanted to. Why are you here?” Your hand shoots out, palm facing him to stop him in his tracks as your anger slowly settles in. Why didn’t he say anything to you? He didn’t want you to know, was that it? He didn’t trust you?
“He’s here to take responsibility.” Her smile darkens as she quickly chimes in to speak on his behalf before he even had the chance to answer for himself. You couldn’t help but feel helpless as you watched the demon finally speak up for himself.
“I don’t know how many times I have to tell you. What are you not understanding? It’s not fucking mine.” Jungkook retorts through clenched teeth before grabbing her wrist to forcibly remove her hand from him. Her eyes narrow at his action as everything begins to sink in for you all at once...
“Let go. You’re hurting us...” She enunciates the ‘us’ and you watch as he releases her wrist quickly.
“No... oh— What the fuck?!” You scream in shock as you begin to step away from both of them. This was madness, what the hell was she going on about? “She’s not... You didn’t...” You couldn’t even find it in you to even say it out loud. It couldn’t be. Just the thought of Yoojung and Jungkook together was vile enough but they... he... No, it couldn’t be.
“I swear to you, I didn’t. We didn’t. God, I wouldn’t do that to you, Y/N, please!” Jungkook shouts abhorrently, eyes pleading with you as he takes another step towards you. Everything was all unraveling and falling apart before him and he felt helpless to it all.
“I don’t understand anymore,” Your voice breaks, tearing your eyes away from the both of them.
“Really? What don’t you understand, Y/N?” Yoojung finally chimes in. “We fucked, simple as that. Is it that hard to believe? Did you think you were special? Is that what he told you when he was screwing you? That he wanted you and only you? Some thing tells me that you believed it.”
“S-Stop...” You cry, knees beginning to buckle. This is what she was good at: getting into people’s head and messing with your emotions. As much as you ddin’t want her words to affect you, it was.
It wasn’t true, it couldn’t be true.
“Oh that’s precious. There’s no way those thoughts didn’t run through your little head when you were with Jungkook. He did so well convincing you. Just look at you. Did he tell you what you wanted to hear? Sorry, but it was only to get his dick wet, to get his temporary fill while he waited for me to come back. You were only a replacement, and that’s all you’ll ever be. This is proof of that. You’ll never take my place. You really thought that he wouldn’t jump at the immediate chance to be intimate with me again? Multiple times at that and it just so happens that now we’re—”
“Please, stop it!” You scream, covering your ears in the hopes to silence once and for all the ringing from her shrill and diabolical voice.
“Shut the fuck up, Yoojung! Will you just shut the fuck up for once with this deranged bull shit?!” The demon raises his voice, his hand curling tightly into a fist by his side as he watches your body beginning to shake, frustrating tears falling down your face. “It’s not true, Y/N. Absolutely nothing she’s saying holds any truth. She’s making this all up. Y/N... please...” He calls your name and hesitantly begins to approach you again. He swallows difficulty, the lump in his throat growing when he realizes you inadvertently were stepping backwards, farther and farther away from him.
Is that all he could say: it’s not true?
“I...” You bite down on your lower lip, hating the fact that you were succumbing to the hurt and letting the words of a notorious manipulator and liar affect you. As much as you didn’t want to believe it, your eyes could not betray you. Not while Yoojung was standing there with her wretched hand on her stomach before you spewing knife cutting words which awoken once more all your insecurities and fears that Jungkook had put to rest. You wanted to run away. Maybe this was all a mistake. Maybe it would hurt less if you just listened to what Taehyung had to say.
“You know me, Y/N... Better than anyone. I wouldn’t do this to you, to us.” His pained voice softens and just as you draw in a deep breath, an ear piercing laughter rips from the back of Yoojung’s throat. She keels over, her arms crossing over her stomach as she continues to burst out in fits of delirious laughter.
“Oh my god. This is just so sad. Oh, how pathetic. She knows you better, Jungkook? How long has she known you for? Oh Y/N... Do you think you know best about his whereabouts 24/7? Well, I’m sorry to break it to you, but when he wasn’t playing the devoted boyfriend role with you, he was underneath me... in me.”
“I didn’t lay a hand on you, and you know that.” He seethes.
“So why are you here? Just tell me why you’re here with her, Jungkook...” You had enough of Yoojung speaking on behalf of him. You weren’t even sure who to direct your anger at anymore.
“Because I knew she would tell you lies if I didn’t meet up with her. She told me she wouldn’t hurt you if I came. She said it was the last time. I didn’t mean for this to happen— you weren’t supposed to be here.” He answers straight away, shoulders dropping in defeat. “You... were supposed to be in class. You weren’t supposed to be here.”
“So you were never going to tell me that you secretly met up with her?” You ask him quietly and as fast as he opens his mouth to object, he closes it, lips pressed together. He didn’t have to answer.
“That’s right,” Yoojung interjects once more with her unnecessary commentary. “So why were you conveniently here, Y/N? Jungkook says you were supposed to be in class, so what were you doing instead? Who were you with instead of attending class like you were supposed to?” Your eyes widen and your breath gets caught in your throat.
Was she trying to corner you?
“I was with Taehyung.” You answer calmly and quietly, refusing to look away from Jungkook and Yoojung as you stare at them head on. You weren’t so sure they heard you from the unexpected lack of reaction from Jungkook.
“Who?” She sneers, her wild smirk spreading from cheek to cheek as she laughs madly. “You were with who now? Say it louder. Go ahead, tell us. Tell us!” You could see her body almost trembling with excitement, like she was getting off on this.
“I was with Taehyung.” 
You didn’t do anything wrong with meeting up with him. You didn’t break Jungkook’s trust, nothing. There was no need to panic, but why did it seem like she knew? Like hearing the name of another demon leave your lips would cause Jungkook to react without question?
She must’ve known you were with him.
Then, was Taehyung somehow involved in this whole thing of his own volition? Could she have forced him? It didn’t make sense. Yoojung.. all of this. Then was he speaking the truth about Jungkook? Or did he have some responsibility in scheming with her?
“You were with Taehyung.” Jungkook’s eyes darken immediately as he repeats what you say. You couldn’t tell if it was disappointment or hurt written on his face by the way his jaw tightened, but if he had anything to say about it you wouldn’t back down. Not after seeing him here with Yoojung; he’d really have the audacity to yell at you for just simply conversing with the other demon? He had no right to be upset if that’s how he felt. 
Yoojung laughs loudly again, breaking your train of thought.
“So you’re fooling around with both Jungkook and Taehyung? Yet you come here all high and mighty asking why Jungkook’s here with me. Look at you getting caught.”
“Caught? I have absolutely nothing to hide. I’ve never fooled around with Taehyung. I’ve never fooled around with him or been anything more than just— acquaintances... contrary to what he said to make you believe that.” You stumble over your words and bite on your lower lip as you look over to make eye contact with Jungkook, directing your attention to him as you continue to speak. “You know we didn’t do anything. You can sense that, can’t you? He just asked to speak with me before class started, that’s all. I saw you and her from the window from where we were standing— from the hallway Taehyung brought me to.”
Your eyes were now pleading with him to understand. If anything, Yoojung must’ve whole heartedly believe that you and Taehyung actually had something going on since that run in between the four of you. Jungkook knew there was nothing going on between you and Taehyung.
You wouldn’t do that to him.
And he wouldn’t do this to you.
“Fuck. Did you get Taehyung involved in this? Was this your plan all along?” He grimaces, hissing under his breath as his attention now focuses on the girl beside him, but she doesn’t answer. “Fucking speak up!” He raises his voice, but her silence and inability to answer says it all.
“Come on now. You think I forced him? He just wanted to show Y/N the truth, about you and me.”
“There is no you and me and there is no us! When will you get that delusion out of your fucking head?”
“Do you really believe her? That nothing happened between them—”
“I do, because I trust her.” Jungkook interrupts her again, refusing to let her finish her sentence. His fists loosen by his side and his shoulders drop as he looks in your direction, refusing to meet your eyes. “She’s given me no reason to stop trusting her.”
“A-And what, Y/N, you believe him? Do you trust him the same way he trusts you? Knowing everything that you do? Please.” She scoffs devilishly from the side and shakes her head slowly as her attention turns from Jungkook to you now. “When will you learn that you’ll be nothing but second best? You can’t possibly think to replace me.”
“I know what it means to be second best. I’ve felt it before. You held a special place in his heart, and for the longest time, and even now still. I was jealous of that, but I’d never want to replace you, especially since you were the person to hurt him so deeply.” Your jaw clenches as you take a step forward. That’s all she was capable of; Manipulative words to feed your biggest insecurities was her tactic. It was to make you feel smaller than her, to feel weak, insignificant and beneath her. She was all talk. “You need to let him go and move on. You’re holding onto whatever you and Jungkook had in the past.”
“You do realize that he is the one who came back to me.”
“After you threatened him!”
“Did I? With what, threatening to expose the truth about us? So who is it that isn’t letting go of the past? Need I remind you that he and I will be sharing a future together?” She challenges, and you look disgustingly at the way her eyes travel down to her stomach again to use as leverage.
“Will you stop fabricating these deranged narratives? There is no way that belongs to me because I. Did. Not. Fuck. You.” Jungkook enunciates each word for emphasis. “I never touched you. I didn’t lay a single hand on you like that. It disgusts me to even think about it.” The demon growls threateningly. A cold chill runs down your spine despite him addressing Yoojung and not yourself. She spins on her heels to face him before jabbing her finger accusingly at him.
“You don’t remember? You wanted this as badly as I did. This whole thing of starting over and this is what we decided on.” She motions to her stomach. “Jungkook. You told me you still loved me. You said you wanted me. It was you who bent me over and had your way with me. You didn’t even want to use a cond—” Yoojung begins before being cut off mid sentence.
A loud and surprised shriek leaves her mouth all of sudden. Even you jump in shock, a scream leaving your own lips as Jungkook’s right fist slams against the brick wall right beside her head. You watch in absolute horror as pieces of mortar and cement fall to the ground from the impact of his fist.
The look on his face was dark and murderous, a look you were unfamiliar with as he stares down at her. With that kind of strength, it wouldn’t take much for him to just simply— you shake the thought from your head quickly. He wouldn’t hurt her... he just wouldn’t.
Oh god.
Jungkook didn’t wince at all from the pain, his body completely numb with rage. He was angry at everything but mostly at himself in believing that there wasn’t a grander scheme in play when he agreed to seeing her. He should’ve known somehow Yoojung would’ve gotten you involved to sever whatever trust left you had in him. This whole thing was his fault for underestimating how truly conniving and manipulative she was. No, he should’ve told you. This is where everything went wrong. He had nothing to hide, so why didn’t he just come straight out and tell you?
“Oh? Now you’re fucking silent? Are you taking me seriously now?” Jungkook chuckles darkly as he tilts his head menacingly and begins to make disapproving tutting noises. “You’re really getting on my last nerves and I’m running out of patience for these fucked up fantasies you’re creating between you and I. What are you trying to accomplish here? Coming to me saying that whatever it is inside you belongs to me when you and I both know I didn’t once lay a hand on you since your unasked return. Did you completely lose it? You were the one who tried to force yourself on me. Either you’re lying, or it belongs to someone else. With your history, I wouldn’t be surprised if it were some other bastard’s, huh? Or maybe you don’t even know who it belongs to? That would be quite something. You think you can just come over here and claim that it’s mine? You’re fucking out of your mind.”
He was completely unrecognizable. This wasn’t the Jungkook you knew. He wasn’t the Jungkook you had grown to love, and that was what scared you. You were finding it increasingly hard to breathe, the air seeming almost thick surrounding the three of you as you stared on at the events unfolding before you.
“J-Jungkook,” You call his name hesitantly but it was rendered inaudible in the demon’s rage.
“Oh? You’re so quiet all of a sudden. Is it finally my turn to talk without interruption?” The demon scoffs under his breath as his free hand slowly creeps up, fingertips trailing up her fragile and small neck tauntingly. Yoojung swallows visibly in fear, but says nothing. His mind was clouded, all he knew was that he wanted to shut her up. How blissful would it be to never have to hear as much as a squeak of his name from her lips. Yes, he was certain he’d like that very much. Then, in much of your horror, an unfamiliar sinister smile spreads across his face. “This is over. How easy it must come to you to spew whatever nonsense comes into that head of yours. Do you think of me as something you can own or can just play around with whenever you want? You think I’m at your disposal? Did you have fun messing around with these mundane human feelings I have? You forget what I am. One more filthy lie, Yoojung, and I won’t hesitate to take these hands and snap that little annoying—”
“Jungkook, stop! That’s enough!” You scream, unable to see this side of him anymore. This wasn’t him. You knew he was angry and you knew he was in pain, but he’d absolutely regret hurting her like this regardless whether or not he felt she deserved it, regardless of what she’s done to him... to you... Tears roll down your face, the icy chills running down your spine not even slightly subsiding due to the dark aura emanating from the demon. “Don’t hurt her. You don’t want to do that. Jungkook, hurting her will do nothing...”
“You’re wrong... You have no idea how badly I want to just...” Anger was still lingering in his eyes, but his hands immediately drop to his side when he sees the tears trickling down Yoojung’s horrified face. He backs away from the frightened girl and exhales sharply, feeling instant regret over losing all sense of control. A defeated and gutted look dawns on his face before he grits his teeth, ripping his eyes away from Yoojung’s figure and not daring to look into yours. “Are you afraid of me now? Do you think I’d hurt even you?” He asks quietly giving you his undivided attention despite not looking in your direction.
Somehow deep down he felt he already knew the answer to that, especially with what just happened now. The decision to come see Yoojung had him already preparing all different types of scenarios in his head, all of them ending with you parting ways and not forgiving him. He broke your trust and saw Yoojung. Hell, she even claimed she was with child— his child. How preposterous. Would you believe what she said over him? As much as he adamantly tried to argue against it, you were going to believe what you wanted to in the end. In fact, he must’ve put the nail on the coffin by letting his emotions get the best of him by threatening Yoojung just now. You deserved better than this.
Yet there you stood, unmoving with your chest heaving up and down as you stare blankly in his direction. Your dainty fingers were fisting your shirt tightly as if clenching your fist tighter would simply put a stop to your incessant shaking. Your inability to answer his question said it all. A grimace quickly forms on his face, his jaw clenching.
“Go on then. You better fucking turn around and don’t look back.” Jungkook forces himself to mutter out. He wasn’t sure why he was telling you this when it was the exact opposite of what he wanted to really say. Please stay with me, Y/N. Don’t leave me. I need you. I’m so sorry. But you don’t move. “Did you hear me? Fucking leave if you’re so scared of me! Just go! You see what I’m capable of. Did you also forget what I was?! You think I’m going to apologize for scaring you? For scaring her? For threatening her life after she’s sought to ruin all that I have? This is who I am. This is what I am. I don’t need your sympathy. I don’t need your pity. I don’t need your acceptance. I don’t fucking need anyone, I don’t need you! Whether you believe me... or trust me after all this doesn’t matter to me anymore.” His voice cracks and his chest aches having said those cruel words, none of it holding any truth.
There was no easy way getting over you, he knew that much. If he had to imagine that you hated him to get through it, he would do just that.
“Is that really what you want me to do? You really want me to leave you just like that?” His ears perk up at your unexpected voice, and he looks your way. His gaze finally meets yours. “I don’t need you to apologize for who you are. I’d never ask that of you. I-I understand you’re angry, but I know you wouldn’t hurt me. You promised.” You take in a deep breath before slowly approaching him, your eyes only breaking away to see what a wreck Yoojung was: Her knees must’ve given in by the way she was sitting slumped to the ground, back pressed against the wall with a hollowness in her eyes as tears continued to run down her face. As horrified as you were to witness such a demonic side to the man you loved, you couldn’t really find it in you to feel sympathetic towards her, especially not with what she’s put him through again.
“D-Don’t come near me.”
“Or you’ll hurt me?”
“Y/N...” Your name is all he can find himself saying when you finally stand before him. You look up at his shaken figure and slowly reach out to take his trembling hand in yours.
You weren’t scared of him.
“You didn’t break anything, did you? It must hurt a lot,” You say quietly while examining his skin torn bloody knuckles. His fingers moved slowly in your hands and you sigh a breath of relief. “Oh... Th-Thank god,” You stammer, tears welling up in your eyes and you weren’t sure whose hands were trembling more— yours or his. After everything that happened just now, your first instincts were to make sure he was alright and that he didn’t hurt himself; what did he do to ever deserve you?
“Y/N...” He mumbles your name softly again as you look up at him through tear filled eyes. “I’m so sorry... Oh god, I’m so fucking sorry... I didn’t mean to— just now I...” He didn’t know what else he could say as he takes his free hand and ashamedly covers his eyes. Jungkook flinches when he feels your warm hand come up to touch his, your dainty fingers gently removing his hand from his face.
“You don’t have to apologize anymore. It’s ok, Jungkook.”
“I don’t get it. I don’t understand you. I don’t understand at all!” The outburst makes you jump as you step away from Jungkook, almost forgetting that Yoojung was still here. The small girl slowly stands, steadying herself before tightening her fists and stamping her feet immaturely. “I don’t get it one bit. H-He went behind your back to see me... We even... You’re supposed to leave him! You’re supposed to—”
“It’s just that I don’t believe you,” You finally answer her.
“I love you the most, Jungkook! All this time, I... I never should have hurt you or cheated on you. I didn’t feel anything with anyone else, like I did with you. I don’t want anyone else to have you if I can’t! I can give you more than she can, just give me another chance. Don’t leave me for her!” She cries erratically. You unconsciously look on with disgust written all over your face, but before you can even echo Jungkook in calling her delusional, someone calls your name.
“Y/N.” Jungkook’s hand inadvertently tightens around yours as you spin on your heel to see the demon standing not too far away from the three of you.
“Taehyung,” Jungkook growls his name under his breath. How dare he show his face here?
“T-Taehyung...” Your stomach drops as you recollect his involvement in Yoojung’s scheme. You had a feeling from Jungkook’s death grip on your hands that he was going to lose it any second now at the other demon’s presence. In return, you give his hand a reassuring squeeze.
“I was wrong. I was blinded by so many things. It was my lack of judgment and I... I just have no excuse for my actions. And for that, I am sorry for my involvement. I never wanted to take part in harming you or hurting you like this, Y/N.” Taehyung’s head hangs low apologetically. “I’m sorry it took me so long, but I’m here to tell the truth.”
“What a convenient time for you to also show up,” Yoojung lets out a laugh. “You’re no better by manipulating and trying to get Y/N to trust you and leave Jungkook for good so that she’d run into your arms instead. No one is going to believe what you have to say.” His eyes narrow but he simply exhales and shrugs his shoulders. He had nothing to lose at this point. She had nothing else on him or to use against him.
“She’s not telling the truth about Jungkook sleeping with her. He never did. She just wanted it to seem that way, and to push it one measure further by saying she was pregnant to get you to leave him. She told me when and where she’d be meeting with him, and told me that this was the last straw— that she was certain you’d leave him after this. It was all meticulously planned out to ensure you were at that very spot with clear visibility of the both of them,” Taehyung looks up to the building, eyes glancing right at the window where both you and him stood not too long ago. “I... I wanted to tell you up there, Y/N, to confess everything, but you left wanting to hear nothing more from me, but from Jungkook himself.”
“Are you fucking serious?!” Yoojung screams mercilessly now. “No one is going to believe you, Kim Taehyung!” But, you did. He had no reason now to fabricate a lie, especially knowing the history he had with Jungkook and with Yoojung. He wasn’t going to protect her.
“Maybe they won’t believe me. But you have to know by now that you’ve clearly underestimated Y/N’s commitment and feelings for Jungkook, and vice versa. Can’t you see that? This is why your plan won’t work... it will never work. Just give it up. I have as well.” Taehyung answers calmly in response.
“I-I can’t... I love him...”
“You’ve hurt him too many times for it to be love.” You turn your attention back to her. “You were just looking to say anything and do just about anything to isolate him, to make him feel alone so that he’d run back to you... so that he’d need you and only you. I’m sorry, but that isn’t love.” After putting him through hell, she had the audacity to still call whatever she was feeling love? The thought was infuriating and you wanted to put her in her place, especially with her fucked up misconstrued idea of love.
“J-Jungkook...” She looks pleadingly at him, hope in her eyes that he would say the opposite of what you had to say. “She doesn’t deserve you! She’s—”
“Yoojung, for your own good, please don’t show up here again.” Jungkook finally speaks up beside you, a calm demeanor washing over him as he squeezes your hand in his. “You can’t be doing this anymore. You need to move on. It’s over. It’s really time you let go of me. Whatever you and I had was in the past. I cannot see a future with you in it, because I really can’t see anyone else but Y/N by my side... I... I really love her.” His voice trails off, eyes distant as he wonders whether anything he just said regarding his future with you would hold true after this. Your mouth falls agape as you watch her finally break with his words, collapsing to her knees speechless with what looks to be acceptance. “And you’re wrong. It’s I, who do not deserve her.”
“Wh-What do you mean you love her? You love her?” Her brown hair cascades over her eyes, her head hanging low and she continues sobbing uncontrollably. Just as you were about to open your mouth to speak, the demon begins to step away, his hand still firmly holding onto yours. “No, no. I-I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I love you, I’m sorry.” She continues, her apologetic chant echoing in your ear as she tries to reach out for grab his wrist. Jungkook swiftly moves aside and forcefully past Taehyung, not giving her even the slightest opportunity to touch him ever again. You try to meet the other demon’s eyes, just for a second... but he couldn’t tear his eyes from the ground. As upset as you wanted to be with him, you couldn’t help but think Taehyung too somehow got manipulated into this.
You say nothing more as you continue to mindlessly follow Jungkook’s foot steps, still hearing the sound of the girl apologizing and crying from far away. She wasn’t following you both though, that’s what surprised you the most. What a huge commotion it was, yet conveniently there were no wandering eyes, that you knew of anyways to have witnessed that whole fiasco.
“Your keys, Y/N,” Jungkook says softly as it snaps you out of your overwhelming thoughts. He removes his hand slowly from yours, stepping back to allow you more than enough space to access the lock on the door. You mumble an ‘oh’ incoherently as you reach into your pocket, realizing that you both were standing before your dorm room. You slowly open your door and spin fast in your heels to quickly look at Jungkook upon noticing no following foot steps behind you; He wasn’t going to come in?
You hold onto the door frame tightly as you watch the demon stand at the entrance way, hands fisted tightly by his side. His dark hair covers his eyes as he actively attempts to avoid looking in your general direction. You feel a tightening yet aching sensation in your chest as you peer outward to look down the hall, wondering out of habit if it was alright for him to be lingering outside of your room for so long.
“She won’t follow you here... not anymore. You’ll be safe.” He says softly, his chest slowly deflating as he attempts to step away from you.
“But how do you know for sure? I don’t care about her following me, but how do you know she won’t follow you?”
“She won’t. Just trust me. You’re safe now.” At this point you weren’t sure if he was trying to convince you or himself. You sigh, a small breath of relief escaping and you hope he’s right. As you look down, you quickly catch a glimpse of red splotches on the ground. Was that blood?
“Hey! Your hand, Jungkook! You’re still bleeding, here let me—“ Just as you reach out, he backs away fast, flinching away from your touch as he quickly puts his already bruising and bloody fist behind his back. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t feel a sharp pain in your chest at his immediate reaction to reject your touch.
“I’m fine.”
“What? No, you’re not! Let me just—“
“I said I’m fine, stop.” He lies as he continues to reject you and takes another step back. Just what was he doing?
“No, you stop!” Your hand shoots out to grab the front of his shirt, clutching onto the fabric tightly as your lower lip trembles. He doesn’t even have the chance to object or remove your hand as you take a large step forward to close the gap between you both. Your arms reach up to wrap themselves around his torso, wanting nothing more than to hold the broken man before you. Your forehead presses against his chest as you familiarize yourself once more with his beating heart, the thumps against his rib cage quickening as you pull him tighter against you. “Don’t push me away... Don’t go, Jungkook.”
He says nothing for the longest time as you continue to embrace him tightly, afraid if you loosened up and let go even for a second that he’d simply slip away from you. It wasn’t until finally you felt his hand hesitantly come up to caress the back of your head that you loosened your hold on him slightly.
“Please don’t leave, Jungkook,” You whisper against his chest quietly before pulling away slightly to grab hold of his uninjured hand. Your fingers quickly intertwine with his as you begin to back up towards your room now.
Don’t leave? You were telling him not to leave? His chest aches at your words, yet he still refuses to make eye contact with you, a hollow expression and lifeless look on his face. You continue to take small steps backwards, your arm fully extended as you give a little tug to encourage him to come with you. Then finally, he’s lifting his seemingly rooted feet from the ground to take a small step forward.
As soon as he’s fully in your room, you rush to close the door and lock it behind you. Maybe you were afraid maybe he’d change his mind and choose to leave.
“Sit on the bed, Jungkook,” You instruct him, but look on with defeat as he just stands still, completely lost. Not leaving you with any other choice, you pull strongly on his arm with urgency as you force him to sit at the edge of your bed like a child. “Ok, ok. I’m sorry, Jungkook, I don’t know if this is going to help too much but I-I know I must have some bandaids somewhere.” You inhale and exhale deeply before quickly throwing your hair into a messy pony tail to get it out of your face. Jungkook sits quietly and motionless as your hands carelessly scramble through your drawers until you manage to find some ointment and bandaids; they’d have to do for now. “Give me your hand, ok?”
You kneel on the floor, noticing almost immediately how he stubbornly turns his head sideways to avoid your gaze despite being directly in front and below him. You hold out your palm but he was reluctant to receiving any medical help it seemed, refusing to put his hands in yours. You sigh quietly at his childish behavior and reach out to take his hand gently in yours, the blood beginning to dry up slowly alongside his bruised and cut up knuckles as you grab a Kleenex to dab gingerly at it.
“It looks bad. Does it hurt? If I’m pressing too hard on it or it stings, just tell me ok?” You ask, looking up in the hopes for a response. Nothing, not even a nod. It looked awfully painful so you expected him to wince, but all you get is more wretched silence and you try not to feel disheartened. His mouth stays pressed shut. This was unfair for him to give you the silent treatment, and as much as you wanted to express your discontent towards how he was behaving right now, his wounds needed immediate attention.
You try not to get carried away with the ointment you put on his cuts, putting as many bandaids as you could to cover the open wounds. When you’re finally done, you let go of his hand and it stays limp on his lap.
“I tried my best, but I still think you should still see a doctor... it could be fractured, and it would be really bad if you were to get an infection. Do you understand?”
He says nothing, a lifeless look in his avoidant and empty gaze.
The uncalled for silence continues until you simply just can’t take it anymore.
“Look, I don’t know what you want from me, Jungkook. I know we need to talk about what just happened. I want to say, let’s talk when you’re ready, but I just feel like we need to address things now... Can you just talk to me? Say something, please.” You huff in annoyance and swallow nervously, wondering if your attempt to initiate the conversation would do any good if he was insistent on keeping up with this silent treatment. “Hey, ok look, if you’re upset—”
“Why aren’t you more angry with me?” Jungkook finally asks, his voice low and uncertain. “Her accusations that I slept with her—”
“But you didn’t.”
“Did you believe me?”
“Did you believe me when I said it?” He asks again, his jaw tightening as he enunciates each word. What was he even trying to get at?
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You challenge him, eyebrows knitting in the center as your eyes narrow.
“Did you believe me when I told you? Or did you only believe that I didn’t sleep with her because Taehyung confirmed it? It makes a difference!”
“What are you even saying? Of course I believed you! Do you even hear yourself? Why else would I had stayed there to take each and every attack and insult Yoojung threw my way? If I didn’t, I would have fucking run away from both her and you. You’re suggesting that I didn’t believe you and rather trusted the words out of Taehyung’s mouth over yours?” He goes silent again.
“But even so, you saw me there with her after I told you I wouldn’t go. You should be furious with me.”
“Are you looking to pick a fight? Do you want to hear me say, I hate you? Or you want me to tell you that I actually don’t believe you and that I trust Taehyung over you? You want me to tell you I’m so angry and that I-I don’t want to be with you anymore? Is that all of what you want to hear me say? Anything more?!” You carelessly stumble over your words in confusion, your voice rising unnecessarily out of frustration towards the end. You didn’t understand him at all. Why was he saying all this? It was as if he was purposely looking for something— anything to punish himself, to make him think you hated him.
“I don’t understand how you could even stomach being here with me. You shouldn’t be here tending to my wounds. You shouldn’t even think to forgive me because I don’t deserve your forgiveness or your kindness. I don’t deserve any of this!” He raises his voice all of a sudden, pain lacing every spoken word. If anything, all of this only proved to him even more just how unworthy and how undeserving he was of someone like you. “So go on then. What are you waiting for? Fucking yell at me. Fucking tell me how angry you feel and how you hate me for having hurt you time and time again... how you feel betrayed and how you deserve more than a fuck up like me. Just tell me to leave.”
Jungkook was breaking your heart.
“Ok, first of all, look at me... Jungkook,” You straighten your back, hands coming forward to press against the sides of his face to make him look at you. “Stop saying I deserve more and that you don’t deserve me... just stop. You keep saying that but I’m right here, aren’t I? I’m still here and it’s my choice to be here with you. Listen to yourself. You’re the one who keeps pushing me away...” You reassure him, your heart aching at the sight of finally meeting eye to eye with him.
“I... I...” He stammers at a loss for words and then he finally breaks down in front of you. Tears fall uncontrollably from the corner of his eyes as his body begins to convulse and tremble as the stress and pressure cracks and washes over him.
“Do you want to hear the truth? You’re right. I felt everything you said the moment I saw Yoojung with you— anger, hurt and betrayal. I felt like I had nothing to worry about because you promised me, but then I saw you with her. She managed to single handedly bring up all my insecurities right in front of me... all the ones you’ve comforted me about and put to rest. I-I wished you would have told me, confided in me. I didn’t know what to think. All I know is that I trusted you and I had to hear your side regardless of what I was seeing, regardless of what I was hearing come out of her mouth. So of course l was upset, Jungkook. Then to hear Yoojung say you slept with her and that she could’ve been pregnant, that hurt the most. I didn’t know what to think anymore.”
“Maybe it was you who didn’t trust me...” You whisper softly to him. Jungkook exhales sharply and places his bandaged hand hesitantly over yours.
“It’s not that. Or maybe it’s just... I-I’m so sorry, Y/N. She left me voicemails, threatening for me to meet up with her one last time otherwise she’d say what she could to hurt you. I do trust you, I... I just didn’t want you to worry... I was scared of what she might say, scared you might believe her. Please know that I didn’t sleep with her. I didn’t. And I made a horribly wrong selfish decision to not tell you I was going to see her, even if it was supposed to be the last time. I didn’t want to because I was scared to lose you. I was wrong and it just made things worse.”
“I don’t think we’d be having this conversation if you just told me.” You mumble quietly under your breath, your lips pressed in a thin line and quirking to the side as you watch him slowly nod his head slowly in agreement. “It really made it that much harder to believe you. Thoughts like, why didn’t he say anything? Why is he meeting her here secretly? Was therefore anything she was saying true? Standing there and watching you with her made me feel like, this wasn’t enough for you. I wasn’t enough for you.”
“That’s just so far from the truth. Is that really what you thought? Not enough?”
“How could I not think that at that moment? I know it was just her words getting to me, you know? I guess everything went according to Yoojung’s plan. She wanted me to ‘catch you’, especially if she knew you wouldn’t say anything to me.”
Of course she knew Jungkook wouldn’t say anything to you about meeting up with her, otherwise there would’ve been no need to think he betrayed you... there would be no need to believe that anything she possibly had to say could’ve been remotely the truth.
“I’m so sorry... for everything, Y/N. I should’ve told you. I made a horribly bad decision and I just thought this would be it. One last time and you’d never have to know and that would be it, but then there you were. It was selfish and I should’ve known better. She just kept spewing lies and I felt myself getting so angry with every little thing she had purposefully said in your presence. I just couldn’t take it anymore. The more she spoke, the more I thought it was going to drive you away, that you’d hate me just like she wanted. I’ve never acted out on my anger in that way before. I felt trapped, like I had no other option, and the thing is, I felt like I was in control for once.” Jungkook places both his hands on his lap before hanging his head low apologetically. “I’m sorry, I-I’ll understand if you’re scared of me because of that. Just know I never want you to see me like that again.”
You had never seen that side of him before, that much was true. Carefully, you pull yourself to your feet to sit beside him on the bed. A small sigh leaves your lips as you lean slowly over to your right, your head resting gently against his shoulder.
“I’m not scared of you, Jungkook. Do you think I’d be here right beside you otherwise? I think if anything I feared for her actually, but I didn’t think she was undeserving of your lashing out after all the hurt she’s put you through.” You place your hand in his on his lap, fingers intertwining quickly and you sigh quietly again.
“Why? When everything was working in her favor, why did you—“
“Because I love you.” You say without even the slightest hesitation. “It’s because I love you...” There’s a long drawn out silence before Jungkook slowly moves his shoulder away from you to turn and face you properly.
“Y/N. Do you regret having met me?” His hand unconsciously squeezes yours, waiting for your answer with uncertainty laced across his face. He’d understand if you did.
“No, I don’t,” You reply confidently, taking your other hand to brush at the hair covering his eyes. Jungkook leans into your touch as your finger tips gently trace his cheek, down to his jawline, then over to his slightly parted lips. “To regret meeting you, would mean I regret ever having fallen in love with you, and I don’t regret that.” You feel his jaw tighten as he swallows and adjusts his throat, taking now your hand away from his face.
“Don’t you think your life could’ve been easier without me in it? Without ever knowing of the existence of demons? If I didn’t pursue you for energy and just left you alone when you told me to, you probably could have potentially fallen in love with someone normal... it would’ve prevented all this hurt that I’ve put you through...”
“I don’t think it makes sense to look back and think that way. That’s like if I say, don’t you think your life could’ve been easier without Yoojung in it? I wouldn’t be here if I wanted to even entertain that thought. You’re certain she won’t come find you anymore?” You wouldn’t put it beside her to still persist in trying.
“I don’t think she will,” The demon’s eyebrows furrow and he shakes his head slowly. “Not with the fear I saw in her eyes. I had never seen that look on her face before.” It was probably because he had never shown that side to her before, because he was never able to stand up against her before.
“Good...” You mumble under your breath, a sense a relief washing over both you and Jungkook.
“Honest to god, Y/N, I don’t deserve someone as understanding and kind hearted as you.”
“When are you going to quit saying that?” Your eyebrows furrow and you sit back, hands pressed firmly in your lap now. You hated this mindset he had, always feeling he was inadequate of receiving your love, like he was unworthy of being with you.
“I’ve hurt you so many times even though I keep saying I won’t. What I did in the past even with other girls... I used them and hurt them too. How could I hate Yoojung for what she did, when afterwards I was no different? My actions were inexcusable and I regret having acted that way. I am not good enough for you.” He grits his teeth as he turns away from you in shame. It wasn’t that he was insecure or uneasy about your feelings for him; He was insecure about himself. He just felt like there was someone more deserving of it than him.
“You’re beating yourself up about the past and about what just happened. It’s not like either you nor I can change any of it, so why? You’re not the same as when I first met you either, you know that right? You’ve grown so much, and you’ve changed...”
“Have I? I still—”
“We all make mistakes though. It’s unfair of you to just punish yourself like this.” You reach out to cradle his face in your hands, chest aching again when you see him shy away slightly from your touch. “And don’t compare yourself to her. Because you are caring, you feel remorse and I know how hard it is for you to trust and open up to others. But you’re trying. You’ve come a long way, Jungkook, can’t you see that? The past cannot be changed. Maybe we never would’ve met if it played out any differently than it did. I guess what I’m trying to say is, you deserve to be happy. You do deserve me, and I’m not going anywhere.”
“I don’t want you to go anywhere. I just... Thank you, Y/N...” Jungkook mumbles quietly before reaching up to hold your hand. He gives it a reassuring squeeze, his lips still pressed into a firm line as he exhales quietly. His shoulders falling from the release of tension and he shuts his eyes. “I’ll work hard to make you happy if you let me.” 
“Yeah.” you smile softly, leaning towards him to gently trail your fingers against his jawline.
Jungkook opens his eyes slowly, his hand coming up to hold yours as he leans into your touch.
“I love you.” His genuine eyes meeting yours, and he holds you gaze as you nod in acknowledgement. A small laugh escapes your lips and you press your forehead against his. “I’m really inexplicably in love with you, Y/N... and I just can’t imagine life without you. I’m sorry for trying to push you away earlier. I’m sorry for a lot of things, but still, I love you so much.” He felt like his heart was going to burst and as foreign and out of character as it was, he begins to tear up at the wash of overwhelming happiness and relief you weren’t going anywhere; you were going to stay by his side.
“Jungkook, I love you too.” You murmur softly under your breath as he leans towards you, his lips urgent and finally meeting yours. You kiss him back gently, relishing in the way his mouth fit perfectly with yours, in the way he made you feel just from a simple kiss. Jungkook pulls away slowly, a comforting smile on his face and your heart sings.
“You’ll stay by my side?”
“As long as you’ll stay by mine.”
Jungkook’s smile spreads and he reaches carefully over towards you, placing his thumb gently against your chin to tilt your head upwards before capturing your lips with his again. Your heart races as his mouth moves effortlessly against yours. Your fingers quickly grab hold of the front of his shirt. You fist the fabric tightly before pulling him in your direction, wanting nothing more than to be even closer to him than you already were.
“Ow—” He winces against your lips when you catch him off guard and your eyes fly open. You didn’t realize how hard you had pulled him in your direction, noticing immediately how despite hovering over you now, he was putting a lot of weight on his bruised hand. “I’m sorry, I lost balance just now... my hand...” He murmurs under his breath, licking his lips and wincing again slightly as his chest heaves for air.
“I’m sorry, I was too... too into it,” You mumble shyly under your breath, scooting backwards to sit up with your back pressed against the backboard it your bed. He follows suit, carefully maneuvering to sit beside you.
Jungkook reaches over, pulling the hair tie from your hair and laying it cascade and fall gently down your shoulder. He carefully brushes your hair behind your ear as he brings the strand slowly to his lips.
“You’re so beautiful, Y/N, and I’m so lucky to have you.”
“I’m very lucky too,” You say back to him and reach to take his injured hand carefully in both of yours. You gingerly raise his hand, pressing your lips lovingly and carefully against his bandaged knuckles before setting his hand back down to rest on the bed.
“Is it ok if I... if we just— can I hold you?” He turns to you and stumbles over his words, asking whole heartedly and opening his arms.
Your mouth quirks into a lopsided grin, wondering why he felt like he had to ask. Was the Jeon Jungkook asking to just simply cuddle? Your grin widens at his horribly awkward phrasing and gesture but there was no way you could reject him, especially not with that genuine and hopeful look on his face.
Nonetheless you find yourself nodding and you reach for Jungkook, your arms quickly wrapping around his torso as you melt in his warm and safe embrace. You found comfort in laying against him, your ear pressed gently against his chest listening to his steady heart beat. It wasn’t long until you find yourself closing your eyes.
“Of course,” You whisper, tucking yourself into his arms as you look up to press a loving kiss to his jaw. You peer up sneakily to catch a glimpse of a rare, breath taking smile spread from ear to ear on Jungkook’s face. “Always...”
You had lost track of time laying there, your fingers calmly running through his hair absentmindedly as you listen to Jungkook’s soft snores. Maybe he hadn’t slept well these past couple of nights, especially with everything he was keeping to himself. It must’ve been exhausting and burdening. Somehow he had shifted himself to laying in your arms instead of the other way around initially, his face pressed into the crook of your neck. He looked so at peace sleeping; you couldn’t bring yourself to wake him up, not that there was anything to really wake him up for. Maybe for once he felt completely at ease.
You gently brush the front of his fringe back to press a small kiss onto his forehead, but he didn’t stir even the slightest. Carefully, you lift his draped forearm from your torso and cradle his head until you’re able to slip out from underneath him. You heave a deep breath, placing his head back gently onto your pillow and brushing his hair out of his face. Jungkook continues to snore away contently, his nose twitching ever so slightly and it makes you smile.
He had gone through a lot, hadn’t he? He needed his rest...
“I’ll be right back,” You whisper, quietly slipping on your shoes and heading for your room door. The door squeaks as you pull it towards you to close it as slowly as you could, all while keep lying a close eye on Jungkook continuing to sleep completely undisturbed. A breath of relief escapes your lips as the door clicks with a shut.
You just needed some air, maybe a drink from the vending machine, or maybe just a much needed walk alone. As much as you wanted to tell yourself you fully processed everything that just happened, you just honestly needed a moment now. You lean forward, pressing your head slightly against the closed door and shutting your eyes. A shaky exhale leaves your mouth and you wonder if everything’s going to be ok after this. While you were fairly confident your relationship with Jungkook was going to be ok, there were quite a few other things on your mind.
“Sorry...” A voice comes from behind you as your eyes shoot open, ripping you out of your contemplative thoughts. You spin fast on your heels, back pressed against the door when you recognize fully whose voice that belongs to. Standing not too far from you was none other than Kim Taehyung, his fringe covering his eyes, his hands shoved deep in his pocket with his shoulders hunched over.
“Y-You really shouldn’t be here.” You say hurriedly as you look cautiously around. You couldn’t help wondering if this was another stunt he was pulling, it Yoojung hadn’t given up like Jungkook had confidently thought. Where was she? Was she standing at the end of the hallway? Or the other end?
“And shouldn’t you be in there with him?” Taehyung wearily asks, still not looking up at you as you click your tongue in annoyance. “If you’re looking for her, she’s not here.”
“I don’t owe you any explanation. In fact, I don’t think we owe each other anything. You should go.” You respond sternly. “I’m not really in the mood to argue anymore, especially with you. You understand that right?” You don’t wait for his reply as you begin walking away.
“I’m not here to argue. And you’re wrong, I do owe you an apology at the very least, if you’re willing to hear me out... which I guess you’re not but I....” The demon mumbles under his breath and you sigh, realizing he was trailing behind you, albeit at a distance. “I-I guess I could’ve waited but I felt the need to apologize right away to you.” You stop in your tracks and chew at your lower lip, craning your neck slightly to look at the demon behind you. His mouth was slightly parted as he waited for your reply, as if he was waiting for your permission to proceed.
“I’m listening,” You mumble as you motion your head for him to catch up and walk with you, and exasperated sigh leaving your lips. As upset as you were with him for his involvement, you just couldn’t bear a grudge against him. He had come to apologize, hadn’t he? You could at least hear him out. You cross your arms over your chest, watching Taehyung swiftly catch up to you through the corner of your eye.
“Yoojung approached me after that whole debacle, you know, the one where I mentioned you and I were together upon seeing her and Jungkook together,”
“You know that probably made things worse. I’m pretty sure I told you that.” You mutter as he sheepishly nods. “She had her suspicions already after all,”
“She wanted Jungkook to be hers alone. She figured if you caught him with her for some reason, it would make you leave him and... make you come to me... Saying it out loud is making me realize now how that would never have worked, but I don’t know, I guess she made me believe that it would.” Taehyung covers his mouth with his hand in embarrassment and continues to walk beside you.
“Is that so?”
“Yeah, so she decided that whole shitty ordeal about faking a pregnancy in the hopes that it would catch Jungkook and most importantly you off guard. You know, to think he betrayed your trust and all. Thing is, she’d know it was a lie, so would Jungkook. She was just banking on you leaving him after hearing it is all.” It was like you had thought; she wanted to turn you against Jungkook. You sigh before slowly taking a seat at the bottom of your dorm building’s staircase. “I shouldn’t have gone along with it. So I’m sorry. I’m really sorry...” He mumbles, sitting beside you hesitantly eyeing to ensure respectable distance between your body and his.
“So why did you?” You finally ask him with a sigh, hugging your knees to your chest.
“I don’t know, maybe part of me still thought Jungkook wasn’t good for you, that everything I’ve told you about him before still held true to his character now. Because somewhere along the way of teasing you, I guess somehow, I just wanted you to look at me.” Taehyung confessed and your eyes widen as you look over at the demon in shock.
“Um... I...” Oh god. You had absolutely no clue how to answer him now.
“Don’t worry, it’s really nothing I expected a response to. I know and acknowledge your feelings for him.” He chuckles and ruffles the back of his hair. “After all those things I said about Jungkook, not once did your feelings for him sway. You know, truthfully I only approached you initially in order to steal you away. It couldn’t have been anyone else but you, because you’re the one Jungkook wanted. I just... wanted him to know what it felt like, you know? When he took Yoojung away... I guess somewhere along the way, it became more—”
“I can’t respond to your feelings, Taehyung. I-I have to say it.” You blurt out, unable to listen to anything else he had to say as you squeeze your eyes shut. This is not what you were expecting to happen. He had fucked up listening to Yoojung just to try to separate you and Jungkook, yes. He wanted to you for himself, yes, because it was part of some stupid fight and ordeal to get back at Jungkook— but not because he somehow felt something more for you. “I’m sorry.”
“I didn’t... You don’t have to apologize, jeez.” The demon shakes his head. In the end, even if he was the one to hurt you, even if he was the one trying to tear you and Jungkook apart, you were here apologizing to him. You truly were something else. “I realized too late that what I was doing was wrong. I don’t expect for you to forgive me for all those things I said about Jungkook, for all the hurt I ended up putting both of you through. So I’m sorry, Y/N.”
“You know, the one who you should be speaking with is Jungkook.” You rest your chin on your hand and turn to him as he raises an eyebrow. “If you want to apologize, then wouldn’t it be more meaningful if you say it to Jungkook directly? I don’t know if you’re trying to apologize because you feel guilty, but you know, if you speak with Jungkook... As much as you may have hated him in the past, wouldn’t now be best to make amends?” Taehyung says nothing and looks at the ground between his feet.
“He wouldn’t want to speak with me, Y/N, you know that, much less want to hear an apology from me.” Taehyung mutters under his breath and you sigh quietly. “How could he forgive a man for wanting to take away his girl? Or for plotting to with his ex?”
“I mean when you put it that way, all hope seems lost... But you were friends before. I think it’s worth a try,” You answer and tilt your head, your lips curving up slightly. “I do forgive you by the way. You had a change of heart and you’re here apologizing so that’s what matters most to me. It would mean a lot more to me, and to Jungkook I’m sure, if you would speak with him.”
“You forgive easily for someone who tried to assist with tearing you apart from your lover for revenge.”
“Perhaps we’d be having a much different conversation if you had succeeded.” You answer and stand up, Taehyung watching you as you put your hands in your pocket. “So, won’t you also issue this same apology to Jungkook as well? Don’t tell me your ego is preventing you from doing so.” You challenge him and he shakes his head.
“You make it sound like he’ll be receptive towards even wanting to stand in the same room as me voluntarily. I tried to take you away from him... he won’t hear me out, Y/N, seriously.” You simply smile down at him before turning and heading back towards your room. A low grunt leaves Taehyung’s mouth as he stands up, trudging behind you. Why did he have a feeling even if Jungkook didn’t want to hear him out, he might just do it for your sake? Was there anything he wouldn’t do for you, Taehyung thought.
The walk back to your room was silent, and you were wondering if Jungkook would get upset at you for meddling between him and Taehyung’s affairs. Ultimately, if Taehyung was here to apologize to you, then Jungkook deserved to hear it too. If he didn’t want to forgive or accept, that was on his terms.
Just as you reach the front of your room, you hear Taehyung swallow nervously behind you.
“This isn’t a good idea.”
“Just wait, ok?” You ask him quietly as you turn to look at him, hand pressed against the handle of your door. He looks away, semi-questioning how exactly you even managed to convince him to be here ready to apologize to Jungkook’s face. If anything, he had hoped to apologize to you, to speak with you, and that’s it. Yet, he knew you were right.
All the demon does is nod, his hands shoved deep into his pocket.
You slowly push open the door to your room, your eyes tracing the still-sleeping figure in your bed. A quiet sigh leaves your lips as you quietly kick off your shoes to walk over towards Jungkook. Maybe he didn’t realize you had left? Most likely not. You feel the mattress sink beneath you as you scoot yourself beside him, fingers reaching over to comb through his hair as his eyes flutter open.
“Mhm... Why did you leave?” He groans and asks suddenly, his hand reaching up to remove yours from his hair as he sleepily presses his lips against your open palm. The way his mouth ghosts over your skin sends shivers down your spine as you try to keep yourself composed.
“I was hoping you wouldn’t notice.”
“Of course I did,” He mumbles softly. “I noticed the absence of you immediately, Y/N.”
“You were sleeping so peacefully. I didn’t want to disturb you and I just needed to get some air, that... and Taehyung is outside. But ok ok, before you—“ You tried to speak fast but nonetheless couldn’t finish your sentence; Jungkook has his hand around your wrist as he swiftly pulls your body towards him. With ease, he manages to flip you onto your back, your back now pressed firmly against the bed as he hovers above you resting on his elbows. You didn’t even have time to react much less blink before you were under him. Now he was wide awake, and you had his fully undivided attention.
“Yes, I know he’s outside. Why exactly now is he out there?” He raises an eyebrow, jaw clenched ever so slightly with irritation as he tilts his head in annoyance. Nothing could get past him... He must’ve sensed him already; of course you didn’t have to tell him a demon was standing right outside your door.
“When I left earlier, he was standing there. He apologized to me for trying to tear us apart. You know, for working with Yoojung.” Jungkook’s eyebrow twitches, eyes narrowing as he makes a tutting sound with his tongue. Why did he seem unconvinced?
“How do you know he meant it? Was this before or after he told you his feelings for you?” Your mouth drops open in shock, your eyes never leaving his. God, the look on your face made it so obvious just now, Jungkook thought.
“Wait. How do you know about that?”
“I didn’t. You confirmed it just now though.” You raise your hand and shove at his chest. “Come on, Y/N, why else would he try so hard and agree to scheme with Yoojung? Didn’t you say it before? That he wanted you for himself?” Jungkook sighs, wondering if you were maybe the only one who didn’t realize it.
“There’s more to it than that... he told me just now. And before you ask or even think about getting upset, I responded to his feelings and told him no.” Jungkook places his hand gently against your cheek before leaning in to kiss the tip of your nose.
“I know that too.” Jungkook answers smugly and confidently and you roll your eyes at him.
“You know, I can’t remember if you ever did tell me why you and Taehyung had a fall out... but you know he had feelings for Yoojung, right? Then you... well... you kind of went ahead and went after her anyways.” Jungkook’s eyebrows furrow as he sits back on his heel, allowing you to scoot yourself into a seated position yourself. You lean your back against your bed frame as you watch confusion rise on Jungkook’s face. “You didn’t know?”
“I... He might’ve mentioned it briefly, but I didn’t think anything of it— I didn’t think he thought anything of it back then.” He mutters, voice trailing off as he looks towards the door. It was her energy they were both after, how was he supposed to have known that Taehyung liked her more than that? How was he supposed to know that he too would’ve felt something more for Yoojung back then?
“Well, he was confident you knew. He was just trying to get back at you.” You mumble and reach out to take his hand in yours. “Maybe talking to him won’t be such a bad thing.” His eyes narrow suddenly, a disgusted look rising on his face as he shakes his head stubbornly.
“After what he did? Getting involved with Yoojung to try to push you into his arms? How do I forgive him for that? For hurting you? How did you even forgive him?” Jungkook argues. Weren’t you trying too hard to mend this broken friendship between him and Taehyung? He had been fine without him all this time.
“He felt like you took Yoojung away from him—”
“Well I didn’t realize that at the time. Are you sympathizing with him?”
“No, I just can see his side as well. He already apologized to me, Jungkook. You know how manipulative Yoojung is and he admitted to having bad judgement earlier. I just... think it’s a misunderstanding that can be cleared up. I don’t know if you have to necessarily forgive, but you can bear it and just hear him out, can’t you?” You take his other hand in his and pull him towards you. Both your forearms now resting against his shoulder as his hands are placed firmly on the bed to support himself.
“Does it really matter that much to you?”
“I think it matters to you more than you’re willing to admit it.”
“You didn’t answer my question,” Jungkook huffs.
“And you didn’t deny my statement,”
“Fine, if I tell you it doesn’t matter?” Jungkook’s face nears yours as he tilts his head, his lips mere inches from yours. “Then you’ll drop this whole thing and let me just love you right here and now?” Your eyebrow raises as his hand slowly begins to caress your thigh.
“Not with Taehyung waiting outside.” You hiss at him and pinch at his hand to stop him from traveling any farther up your thigh...
“I mean, I think he’ll get the message and leave.”
“Not the point. After, ok?” You smile and press your lips quickly against his. “Then I’m all yours.” You don’t miss the annoyance on Jungkook’s face as you pull away from him only for a split second, for he hurriedly chases after your lips again, pressing his mouth urgently against yours as you laugh in your attempt to resist him.
“Don’t have any expectations that he and I are going to suddenly be friends again, but I’ll listen, alright?” Jungkook grumbles, his teeth pulling gently on your lower lip. “You’re mine afterwards,” The demon growls as he forcibly removes himself from the bed and begrudgingly heads towards the door.
“Promise... and good luck,” You call from the bed as Jungkook shakes his head as if refusing to acknowledge your words of encouragement and quietly slips out of your dorm room. Your door closes with a soft click as you slowly exhale the breath you had been holding.
You truthfully weren’t sure how much you even convinced him, or if ultimately just talking it out with him allowed him to go hear Taehyung out of his own volition. Either way, you were certain they’d be able to close this chapter out together, that they’d be able to put Yoojung and everything behind them. It seemed like a misunderstanding after all.
In the end, it was hours before Jungkook let himself back into your room... quite the contrary to what he tried to lead both you and himself to think. The conversation between them both lasted long enough for you to even fall asleep waiting for his return. Jungkook slowly makes his way over to your bed as you scoot over, gesturing with your hand for him to join you. His lips were pressed tightly together as he slowly obliges, hands immediately seeking yours. Your fingers intertwine with his as he settles himself behind you, your back pressed against his chest and his chin resting gently on the top of your head. He says nothing and simply holds you close to him.
Then he finally speaks, admitting to the misunderstanding and lack of communication between the two of them, and how they were driven apart by something, no someone, that seemed so trivial to them both now. It wasn’t according to his plan to apologize either, but he had found himself apologizing to Taehyung as well. Did Jungkook forgive him? It was hard to say; Even when you asked him if he did, Jungkook’s answer was a quiet scoff, a long pause and an ‘I guess’. The demon’s reasoning was that he couldn’t bring himself so quickly to forgive and forget after Taehyung’s countless attempts to take you away from him which had you rolling your eyes. To which you reply, his attempts were futile as you never once entertained the thought of being his.
Of course in saying this, you could feel Jungkook gloating over that as he contently hums in satisfaction behind you. A smile spreads to your face when you hear him bring up how Taehyung confirmed Yoojung wouldn’t be coming around anymore, especially not after how humiliated she was rendered by everyone.
“So that’s good then,” You smile, maneuvering yourself in his arms to turn and face him. Jungkook nods with a soft exhale as you bring your hand up to gently caress his face. “You have nothing to worry about anymore when it comes to her, really.”
“Especially with you by my side. I can’t imagine where I’d be, who I’d be, if you weren’t by my side all this time.” It was one thing to finally feel free from his haunting past, free from the trauma of his first love, another to feel safe and accepted in the present, and to feel worry-free about the future. It was all thanks to you. The only thing he wouldn’t admit out loud to you, is that he was thankful you gave him that push to speak with Taehyung because on his own, there’s no way in hell he would ever. Just like there was no way right now, he was going to tell you you were right about that... maybe another time. “I love you, a lot.”
“I know, and I love you too. I love you, Jungkook.” You say to reaffirm just as Jungkook’s eyes darken, a desire and sudden lust taking over him. He leans down eagerly, mouth hungrily crushing yours as you laugh at his sudden urgency and at the shift in mood.
“We both know that talk went way longer than planned. Remind me of what you had said before I left the room?” Jungkook raises an eyebrow before rolling over on top of you and pressing his thumb to your chin.
“Watch out for your hand, Jungkook... Oh, and the part where I said I’m all yours afterwards?”
“Yeah, that part.” Jungkook growls as he tilts his head, his mouth so close to yours you could feel his shaky exhale. You want nothing more than for him to hold you now, as you raise your hands, fingers grabbing the front of his shirt tightly. “Say it again, won’t you, Y/N?”
“I’m yours, Jungkook.” Your eyes begin to flutter shut when his lips finally graze yours once more. “Your turn.”
“I’m yours.”
It wasn’t long until the semester was finally coming to a close. And while you had missed more classes than you could count, you were pleasantly surprised how prepared you felt going into the final exams week. Nonetheless, what wasn’t a surprise was that you owed the saving of your GPA and mental soundness after everything to Jungkook. Of course you had to give yourself some credit for the late nights of studying and playing catch up.
Even with a busy schedule and all, you still made sure to find time to catch up with Jieun. She wouldn’t have it any other way if she could help it. More than once she’s already dramatically emphasized and teased how you’ve spent more time with Jungkook this semester than you have with her your entire college career prior to meeting him, which was obviously an over exaggeration on her part... but that’s what made her your best friend. As brutally honest and trusting you were with one another, telling her Jungkook wasn’t exactly human wasn’t your secret to tell; it wasn’t like she’d ever ask anyways.
In fact, she never even suspected Taehyung to be a demon either. Again, not that even he had given any hints to having been one either. Oh, and after numerous efforts to flirt with him, Jieun took the loss, fairly confident that perhaps he just had a different ideal type when it came to girls in mind... hm...
As difficult as you may have thought mending your relationship with Taehyung would’ve been, it truthfully wasn’t as hard as you thought. You feared about the possibility of awkwardness of it all more than anything, but it wasn’t like that at all. Maybe it helped as well that there wasn’t much lingering tension as Jungkook made sure to somewhat put Taehyung in his place when it came to making a move on you ever again. It was a good thing the two of them were able to reconcile in the end, maybe they weren’t as good friends as before, but you could at least consider them friendly acquaintances with one another. In your books, that was definitely a step up from before.
Despite all of that, the one who ultimately showed the most support was still Park Jimin. That’s right, as shocked as he was to hear from you and Jungkook about all the shit that happened upon Yoojung’s return, he couldn’t have been happier for Jungkook and yourself. As someone who had been by Jungkook’s side, especially when he was going through a tough time during and even after being with Yoojung, he simply couldn’t believe his ears.
‘I’m really glad he has you now, Y/N’ you remember hearing him say to you. As unsure as he was initially with one, Jungkook being so adamant in pursuing you, and two, you growing feelings for him, he was proven absolutely wrong. It was nice to hear though, you had to admit. Not saying that you were looking or needed his approval to be with Jungkook or anything like that, but it brought a big smile to your face whenever you thought about it... After all, Jimin had been Jungkook’s closest, most trusted friend for so long, had been with him through everything; it meant a lot to you.
“What are you thinking about? You look like you’re in deep thought about something.” You look up suddenly at Jungkook. His eyebrows were raised as he glances down in your direction.
“About you,” You hum teasingly, eyes darting away playfully from Jungkook as the demon scoffs in annoyance as you swing your hand in his back and forth.
“Yeah, ok.” Jungkook says in disbelief as you laugh at his eye roll. “You worried about the exam tonight or something like that? You shouldn’t be. You’re prepared.”
“No, I’m not too worried about that,”
“What? You aren’t? Why are we heading towards the library to study more then? If you’re just stressed, I can think of a few better ways to relieve it.” Jungkook smirks to himself, the corner of his lips upturning and it doesn’t take a genius to know exactly what he’s referring to. He leans down suddenly, his mouth next to your ear as he whispers, “All you need to say is ‘yes, Jungkook, please’ and we can be on our way. My room’s not too far away from the exam room. We can take our time.”
“Stop teasing!” You blush and quickly pull your hand away from his, giving him a playful shove to his shoulder as he laughs. His laughter was warm; It was music to your ears every time you heard it, each and every time pulling on your heart strings. You find yourself involuntarily smiling fondly at him as he makes his way down the stairs in front of you and you suddenly stop. “Jungkook.”
“What? Did you change your mind? That was fast.” He turns to briefly glance over his shoulder at you as he stops just a few steps ahead of you.
“This is where I fell back then. This very spot.” You mumble, your eyes looking down at the staircase before you.
“Mhm, well, aren’t you glad it was me who was there to catch you?” Jungkook smiles up at you, turning fully around to face you now.
“This is where I met you... where it all started,” Your voice grows quiet as Jungkook continues to look up at you, an inquisitive look on his face as he wonders what you were trying to get at. The corner of his lips suddenly fall, the smile disappearing in split seconds when he notices how watery your eyes had gotten.
“What’s wrong? Hey, Y/N...” He calls out to you as you take the back of your hand to wipe at your eyes, unsure why you were overwhelmed with emotions all of a sudden.
“I love you...” You sniffle and as quick as Jungkook was to panic at the sight of your untimely tears, his shoulders drop, a soft exhale leaving his lips. “I know we’ve said it to each other before, and we’ve said it so many times already but I really love you...”
“I know you do. That’s not something to cry about now, is it?” You shake your head slowly. Maybe it was because this was where it all began for you. When you fell, when Jungkook caught you, and when you followed him. You didn’t know what you were getting yourself into, but you wouldn’t change a thing. “If you keep crying, your eyes are going to swell up, and your head is going to hurt. You’re not going to be able to focus nor be able to read the exam questions. Then you’ll have something to cry about.” He teases you in the attempt to cheer you up. It works and you nod with a small laugh, wiping the remainder of your tears with your sleeve.
“Fuck, I know. S-Sorry, no I don’t know why I’m crying...”
“There’s nothing to apologize for, Y/N.” You look down at him as he holds out his hand to you, palm facing up invitingly as you put your hand gently in his. “I really can’t imagine where I’d be without you too. And I’ve told you countless times before, I can’t imagine a future without you by my side. You accepted me, cared for me, understood me, and loved me, flaws and all. Thank you, Y/N. I love you more than I can express in words and I am just so happy and lucky to call you mine.”
He was so grateful for you, for just being the lovely and kind you; you made him feel deserving of happiness, and deserving of love. He never felt deserving of any of those things. He never thought he’d feel something like love ever again. Most of importantly of all, he was learning to forgive himself and to love himself, both of which he also thought once were unachievable. 
But you proved him wrong.
“St-Stop, you’re going to make me cry again if you say anything more...” Your heart begins racing in your chest, the water works starting up again as more happy tears roll down your cheek. He gingerly raises your hand in his, pressing his lips against your skin and you find yourself smiling down at him.
“Alright, alright,” He chuckles as he pulls you slowly towards him, his heart singing in his chest upon seeing that lovely and bright smile of yours. How is it that even with tears in your eyes, you were the most beautiful thing he’s ever laid eyes on? “Now, don’t cry anymore, alright love?”
You gradually take a step, then another, until you’re just one step above and slightly towering over him.
“Demon or not,” You whisper just loud enough for him to hear. “I love you for you, Jeon Jungkook... everything and all that is you.” Your other hand comes forward to brush the hair covering his forehead out of the way as you press a chaste kiss against his skin. Your lips linger there for a second before pulling away. His golden smile widens, his nose crinkling ever so slightly as his promising eyes gaze up lovingly into yours.
“Yeah, always.”
112 notes · View notes
crushzone · 4 years
Hi can I request some reader x Lev if that’s ok and if your comfortable, where whenever they are making out the reader keeps on giggling because of how ticklish they are 🤗
My Muse - Haikyuu!!
Character: Reader x Lev Haiba
Summary: An aspiring photographer in search of their muse, runs into Lev on one of their early morning photography escapades.
Word Count: 8,091
Warning: Fluff, none really, Lev the tickle monster? A little suggestive at one point, but he’s just being a tease lol.
Additional Notes:
Dear anon, I hope you enjoy this! Since your request allowed me a lot of room for exploration, I kind of took it for a spin, but I still hope you find the little ticklish kiss part fun!
As a camera nerd, I hope I was not too technical with this. If I had been, please let me know and I will make revisions haha. I figured it might be fine because if you’re not familiar with cameras, you will be just as confused as Lev was in this!
But if you are a fellow camera nerd, come talk to me because I would love to talk about film photography lol.
ALSO, a bonus quick doodle of model Lev I did to supplement my story. ;)
Please do not repost my work (and artwork), thank you!! 💕
Crank. Snap. Crank. Click.
You sigh in frustration as you come to the end of your film roll, slowly moving across from the beautiful alley cat in front of you to sit down on the side walk, being careful not to scare it away from its glorious pose.
It turns to look at you calmly with its blue eyes, subtly channeling the sassiest impatient expression you have ever seen on a feline, its white fur only surrounds its face like a mask, while the rest of its body is black. If this was your cat, you’d totally name it Erik, or Phantom, like the characters from Phantom of the Opera.
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You pull out an empty canister, a pen and a roll of paper tape from your book bag and sets it next to you as you calmly wind your film, bringing it close to your ears so you can hear it click when it’s done. Then you pull the back cover open with confidence, loading your winded film into the empty canister, taping the top off, and uncapping your pen to label the date.
Looking up to make sure the cat is still there, then to the sky to sigh in relief that dawn is still awaiting your perfect shot. You look back down to your 35mm camera on your lap, re-loading it with a fresh new roll of film.
You close the back with a snap, as you pick the camera up from your lap, running your fingers up and down the side as you try to familiarize yourself with every dips and textures of the device.
Photography may be a hobby for some, but to you, it’s your dream. There’s just so much beauty in the world, so many people to capture, and so many quiet moments like this to remember. You love waking up very early in the morning to have a head start on readying for school, so you can take your sweet time, photographing quiet moments that only happens during the magic hour of dawn, on your way to class.
You bring your camera to frame up the cat, perfectly composing the shots with no spare inch to even bother cropping, because it was just complete.
Crank. You wind the lever of your camera, tongue licking your lower lip in anticipation. The cat perks its ears and its eyes widen, looking so lively and in its element, as if though it was posing for your camera.
“There you are!” A loud laughter sounds and from your peripheral, a VERY tall figure jumps at the cat.
Incredulous, you slowly pull your camera away from your face, no longer sure what you ended up capturing, and you will never know until you’ve develop your film at a later time.
If only you had applied a little more pressure to the shutter, a few seconds earlier, you would have been more sure.
“Oww!!” You finally look up from your camera to see a tall male with silver hair, gripping his hand with a wince, the cat no longer there.
With widened eyes, you take a few steps back. Your parent’s warning about dawn being the prime time for crimes, echos in your mind. But then he turns around with a pout and you can’t help but relax. There’s no way this guy can commit crimes.
“Y/n-san, and don’t judge anyone off their appearance, you never know who the criminal may be.” You mentally recall your mother’s voice, as you stiffen back up.
His eyes trained to his hand, brows furrowed, as he’s watching some blood drip to his wrist, still unaware of your presence.
“Are…are you ok?” You ask quietly, still debating if he’s going to kidnap or befriend you.
Like an eagle, his emerald orbs lock on to yours and you take another step back. He’s so intense. 
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But then just as quickly as his eyes had shifted to yours, a wide enthusiastic grin takes over his features, and you could have sworn that if he was a puppy, and a tall one indeed, his tail would be wagging rapidly.
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“I didn’t see you there, I’m Lev!” He offers his injured hand for you to shake, but you just grab the tip of his long pointer and shakes it daintily; not wanting any of his blood on you.
You let go of his finger then digs through your book bag to pull out a water-bottle and some bandaid. “Here, it’s not much but it should be enough to get you to the nurse without scaring anyone.”
He blinks, a little surprised someone he had just met is so thoughtful to him before reaching his hand back out with a smile. You put your camera strap over you and swings it to the side, before washing away his blood with your water, allowing it to drip down his wrist and on to the ground.
He winces at the sensation of your cool water burning his wound; a strange juxtaposition. However, what’s stranger is that he can’t seem to will his eyes away from your concentrated face.
“What’s your name?”
“Y/n.” You respond, one worded, still too focused on cleaning his wound to carry out a decent conversation. However, Lev did not pick up on the clue as he continues to converse.
“I don’t usually see a lot of people going to school this early. Is this your regular route?” He asks.
You bring your eyes to scan his uniform; White button up, red tie, black vest, and grey trousers that matches his hair color perfectly. A fellow Nekoma peer.
Meanwhile he brings his hand to the side to shake off the access water, swinging his palm up and down to air dry.
“Yea, I like to get up early so I can take some morning photos.”
You unwrap the bandaid packaging as you patiently wait for his hand to dry. Then when it is, you carefully position it so that the scratch only touches the non-adhesive cushion, throwing the crumpled wrapper back into your bag. It’s a tomorrow problem.
“I like getting up early too! There’s just something so magical about dawn, it paints the sky so pink, it almost looks like cotton candy.” He looks up to the sky, reaching his bandaged hand upwards in a grabby motion, as if he’s trying to pick a piece of cloud for himself.
You look up to him, his fair skin kissed by the warmth of the sky as his vibrant green eyes reflect the ball of sun that is shyly rising. your hand that’s been on the camera twitches as the urge to photograph the moment tempts you, but you decide against it, since you’ve only just met him.
Re-adjusting the strap of your book back out of habit, you begin to walk away from him.
“I should get going, nice to meet you.”
He blinks, confused as to why you’re leaving all of a sudden. “Hey, let’s head to school together!” He says, as he bounces up to you.
You turn to him with a sigh. If only he didn’t scare that cat away, you may have started off on a better foot.
He beams at your response. The two of you continue your journey to school in an awkward silence; you’re generally not the most talkative person, and he’s suddenly feeling a little shy to say something because he senses the air being a little off.
“Your camera looks really cool. Where’d you get it?”
You pick your camera up in your hands and smiles fondly at it.
“My parents work at a vintage camera shop close to 8-Eleven. (nope, not a typo, it’s the store near Nekoma in their OVA) This Pentax K1000 is a new camera someone had just sold to us, it’s the one I’ve always wanted, so the moment it came in, my father gifted it to me.”
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I actually own this camera, and it is my baby 💕 
He finds himself smiling with you as he watches you run your hand over the material of the camera tenderly.
“Isn’t it a little scary when you can’t see what you’ve just shot?”
“I think that’s the charm of it. Sometimes I’ll take a photo, forget about it, and when I go to develop my film, I get to relive the moment again.” Your smile widens as you think back to all the silly photos you developed. “It also makes me very picky about my shots, so that all the photos I end up with are all very good ones.”
“That’s so cool! I wish I know how to develop a film!”
You chuckle, slowly warming yourself up to him. “Well, get me a completed roll of film and maybe I can teach you. I’ve done it so many times, I know the procedure like the back of my hand”
In a way, his enthusiasm reminds you of how you were when you were younger; always so excited to learn all the ropes your parents have to offer about film photography.
Maybe he’s not so bad after all.
He bounces energetically again. “I WILL get you a roll of shot film!” And then he stops with a pout. “But I don’t have a camera…”
You laugh, already predicting his dilemma even before he made his promise.
“I would lend you my Leica M2, but I don’t know you very well. You could be an irresponsible camera parent for all I know.”
He doesn’t even know any of the names you are saying, assuming that they are all just camera models, but it doesn’t matter. “I will prove to you that I am a very responsible camera parent, y/n-san.”
“Well, win my trust then, Lev.” You say with a small smile, continuing to walk ahead.
A determined smile slowly make its way to his lips as he brings his fist to punch the air. “I will, y/n-san, I’ll win your trust!"
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It is now lunch break, and you’re using your 30 minutes to head back to your parent’s camera shop, and grab some food along the way from 8-Eleven. Humming quietly to yourself, you bounce down the streets, wondering what new cameras might come in today.
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Speaking of cameras, you wonder what you should photograph next. The film you’ve just loaded is a rather expensive one, best suited for portraits due to its outstanding ability to render skin tone.
Hmm, portraits. You mentally browse through a list of people that may be suitable for your next project, but you can’t seem to decide on one. No one had really caught your eyes recently…
“Y/n-san!!” You turn to the sound source, instantly feel your cheeks warm when you see a group of very attractive, mostly tall, men sitting at the bench in front of 8-Eleven.
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Too many cuties in one photo lol.
They all look so good in their own kind of way…
Suddenly feeling very awkward, you look down to your feet after you’ve accidentally made eye contact with the bed head haired male who gave you a grin. When you look back up, all you could see is half a red bean bun being offered to you.
“Y/n-san! It’s so nice to see you again.” He says, chewing happily with a bright smile, mouth full with his half of the bun, and his long arm still outstretch to offer you his other half.
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Look at him and Inuoka eating omg. 🥺
You suddenly have a difficult time gulping, and with widened eyes, you slowly force yourself to exhale. There’s a strange sensation in the pit of your stomach, a warm feeling that slowly crawls its way up your heart, then to the front of your forehead, as you feel the urge to explode, in tears? In laughter? In a whimper? You don’t know what is going on, and you’re just not going to think too hard about it as you look up at Lev chomping away at his food, oblivious of his effect on you.
How could he be so cheery all the time? It’s like his lips are made to smile and his eyes are made to glisten.
Like a robot, you stiffly bring both your hands up to accept half of his bun between your delicate fingers. You could have sworn the bread looked a lot smaller when it was in his hand.
“Thank you.”
He nods enthusiastically in return. “I was worried because we never really exchanged contact. So I spent a good couple of minutes trying to figure out how to see you again.”
You feel a rush of warmth to your cheeks as you slowly nibble at the soft bread, barely making it anywhere near the filling. “Did that work out for you?”
“Yea! You said your store was near 8-Eleven, so I asked my friends to come get lunch here with me!” He turns back to wave at his friends, though no one returned his gesture except for the tall male with spiky brown hair, waving back with matching enthusiasm. (Inuoka 🥺)
He asked his friends to get lunch here just so he can maybe run into you again?
Looking off to the side, you continue to nibble at your bun, thankful that he’s offered it to you because you’re suddenly too shy to enter 8-Eleven with all those attractive guys sitting in front of it.
“So where are you headed to?” He looks at you with a soft smile, finding the fact that you’re holding your food with two hands very endearing, like a little chipmunk.
“I’m just heading to the shop, I wanted to see if there’s going to be any new cameras that might come in today.”
“Oooh, can I come with?” He leans down to look at you and you can’t resist his eager eyes.
“Sure.” Then you walk off with him happily trailing next to you, readjusting his steps to match your speed.
At the bench, Yaku is holding a melted ice cream, the dessert no longer holding its integrity as the liquid drips down his wrists and on to his grey trousers. He puts it in front of him so it drips to the ground instead, teeth gritting in frustration.
“Freaking Lev! Why would he ask me to hold his ice cream if he’s not planning on getting it back.” He frowns as he watches his tall friend leave with you.
“He forgot his bag too!” Inuoka says when he notices that all their bags are still perfectly lined up next to each other’s.
Kuroo finishes his box of milk with a few airy sips, and tosses it into the garbage bin. “This guy…whoever they were just got him hooked.”
Kenma looks up from his game momentarily to glance at the two of you before looking back down without a word.
The bell to your parent’s store jingles when you open the front door, allowing it to slowly recline back to close.
Your father’s eyes light up when he sees you bounce towards the counter with an enthusiastic grin, while your mother waves at you from the cashier. “I’m here to bother you during my lunch break again!”
Your parents laugh, clearly not bothered by your visits at all, they almost expected you to. Your father looks to the tall boy next to you with a warm smile. “Welcome to our shop!”
Lev smiles back, bowing politely to him then to your mother before leaning back up to look at you. “This is my friend Lev, he just wants to swing by and check out our store.”
“Glad to hear that!” Your father laughs as he sets down a big cardboard box filled with new cameras that arrived today on the glass counter. “Check out our new arrivals!”
You gasp when you spot a model you love, reaching in to pick it up delicately, as if it’s a newborn baby. “N-No way!! A Fujifilm point and shoot in collaboration with Disney?!”
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“Yea! You should have seen the guy who came over to sell it!” Your dad begins.
Your mother turns around in her seat and laughs. “He was all dressed up in a Donald Duck t-shirt and Mickey jeans.”
Why are you so excited over a Mickey Mouse on a camera? Lev tilts his head, a little confused but he’s happy you’re happy.
You turn to him with your sparkles in your eyes and his brightens right back. “I can’t believe a collector in this town decided to sell it to us. This is a very rare collection, and in such pristine condition too.”
I guess, who wouldn’t be happy to see Mickey Mouse on a camera. He’s happy for you.
“Whoa!” He says, unsure what else he could add on to keep your smiles going for longer. “Y/n-san, what kind of photos do you take?”
You set the camera back into the box and picks up another to inspect its condition. “All sorts! I do a lot of street photographies, but I’ll have occasional cravings to do fashion portraits too.”
Your father was about to discuss more exciting facts about the camera in your hand, but your mother places her hand on his bicep to silence him with a smile, nodding towards you and Lev who are conversing happily. The two of you are in your own little bubble.
“That’s so cool! I’d love to have a look at your photos sometime!”
“I would love for you to see it! I have it in my room if you’d like to!”
Nodding his head quickly, he responds. “Yes please!!”
You set the camera back down again and walks over to the employees only door that leads up to your home above the shop. “Thanks for sharing these with me dad! I’ll come look into it some more after school!”
“Of course, honey, There might even be more later!”
With an excited nod, you turn to walk up the stairs with Lev behind you.
“Whoa, Y/n-san!!!” He dashes to the collage of photographs next to your bed, eyeing every single one of them with his eyes sparkling. “Are you sure you don’t work for an editorial or something?!”
You laugh timidly as you sit on the bed, bringing your hand to rub the back of your neck shyly, you’ve never been good at taking compliments. “That makes me happy to hear, Lev, I’ve always wanted to work as an editorial photographer.”
“You should! I know you will.” He says with so much confidence, it almost felt like you’ve known him for much longer than just this morning.
He notices you have one particular male model reoccur in a few of your photoshoots. “Are these your friends, y/n-san?”
“Not really, I’m not really too close to anyone here. But I’m not afraid to ask random people who’s caught my eye to model for me.” Then you look up to see that he’s pointing to a specific model, causing you to look down with your cheeks warm. “Oh, him. We used to be neighbors, but he doesn’t go to Nekoma anymore.” He was your first real crush.
Not quite getting the answer he was looking for, he decides to brush it off and continue to look at your other photos, comically leaning his lanky limbs down just so he can have a closer look.
Meanwhile, you can’t help but draw your eyes back to Lev, unintentionally studying his features: eyes very feline-like, as he studies your photographs like a snow leopard with his big hands on his long long legs. He would look so great with olive on his smooth skin, one that would accentuate the definition of his long neck that leads up to his defined jaws. Perhaps a button up with some free flowing trousers?
Gosh…he is beautiful, how have you not realized it this morning.
Sensing the silence in the room, he glances over to see your eyes immediately snap away from him as you look down to your lap while fiddling with the material of your comforter.
But that doesn’t bother him, he likes that you notice him.
“How come I don’t see you in any of these photos?” He asks, standing up tall.
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“Because I’m the one taking the photos? Also, I don’t think I’m too photogenic.”
“Nonsense!” You look up to see him smile cheekily at you, and you almost just want to raise your camera to photograph him again. “You have the prettiest smile I’ve ever seen!”
You feel immense heat rise up your cheeks and that warm feeling in your gut returns, but before you could burst, he adds.
“But that’s ok! I guess I’ll just have to earn your trust so I can photograph you with the Leila 2.”
You blink before you begin to laugh, finding his failed attempt to remember the names of your camera incredibly endearing. “My Leica M2?”
“I was so close! Yes, that one!” He laughs.
Your laugh slowly settles when you look at his face for the 100th time today, the after smile still apparent on your lips, but your eyes are enchanted by his boyish charm.
You want to photograph him so bad…
“Lev…” You breath, he stops laughing and looks at you, a glint of expectation in his eyes.
Your eyes widened when you realized you actually attempted to speak your mind. “Uhh, um. Nothing…we should probably head back to school.”
His expectation dissipates, replaced by a nod and an unintentional flirty smile. “Yea, but after I get your number?” (Smooth. Lev totally gives me that unintentional flirty boy vibe, where everyone thinks he’s flirting with them, until you realize that he’s just generally friendly lol.)
He doesn’t even know what he was expecting, but he can’t seem to stop himself from trying to learn more about what else might make you smile.
It had been over a month since you’ve met him, and the two of you had been texting frequently. Some days when he’s extra busy with volleyball, you find yourself constantly glancing at your phone in anticipation for his response to just about anything you sent him. When you do get a notification from him, you can’t help but smile widely as you finger rushes to see what he’s said.
You would wake up and fall asleep to his texts, and though you’ve denied your expectations of receiving his daily greetings, he never seems to let you down. It makes you feel special, like he’s always here with you, thinking of you.
Some days, he’ll show up to your shop after practice when you are close to the end of your night shift, just to say hi, and eat some quick dinner together before he has to run home.
Your parents keep asking you about Lev, but you would always tell them that he’s just your friend, and they would exchange knowing looks to one another.
“Oh sweetie, Lev came by last night and he wanted us to give this to you, first thing in the morning.”
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Your mother pulls out a neatly wrapped present with Mickey Mouse printed all over it. Your heart flutters with joy as you feel heat rush to your cheeks and the corners of your lips automatically rise. You reach your arms out to bring it to your chest, before excusing yourself back up stairs.
“I like this one.” Your mother says to your father, who nods happily.
“Yea, I like him a lot too.”
Shutting the door lightly behind you, you flop down on your bed with the present in front of you on the pillow. This is the first time someone aside from your parents had ever gifted you on your birthday.
Reaching for your phone, you move the present on to your prettier blanket before snapping a quick photo of it to send to Lev. He responds almost instantly.
y/n [6:10 AM]
Lev!!! Thank you so much for your present!
Lev [6:10 AM]
Yayy, I’m so glad! Have you opened it?! :D
y/n [6:11 AM]
Not yet! I’m just excited.
Lev [6:11AM]
Well, open it, y/n-san. I hope you’ll like it.
You set your phone down to unwrap your present, until you hear another ping.
Lev [6:13 AM]
Let’s video call! I want to see your reaction. :)
Suddenly you’ve become very nervous, you’ve never video called him before and you weren’t properly dressed yet. You look down to inspect the current state of your appearance: oversized hoodie and boxer shorts, your hair is a mess and your teeth had not been brushed.
You could hold off on unwrapping your present, but you recall your parents specifically say that he wanted it to be given to you, first thing in the morning. But the lingering drowsiness from waking up so early, still weighs your lids and the thought of peeling off your comfortable hoodie and clothing your bare legs feel unbearably troublesome.
Lev [6:17 AM]
Y/n san??
Screw it.
You force yourself not to think too much as you hit a video icon under his name, and he picks up almost right away.
“Y/n-san, happy birthday!” He says, voice still a little husky from sleep, and you instantly feel your heart beat just a little faster as you eye his appearance through your small screen. His silver hair is still messy, unlike his usual neat side sweep, and he’s still bundled up in his purple blanket, allowing his toned arms to come in full display when he hugs a pillow that’s under his chest. Something about his undone appearance makes you want to be right there with him.
“Lev-san!” You gulp as you try to divert your eyes back to his sleepy smile as he lazily rests his chin on a pillow. “Did I wake you up?”
“Nope! I had to be up anyway. Now, open open!” He gestures with a nod.
You set your phone down on your pillow as you sit cross legged in the center of your bed with the present on your lap. He pulls his phone closer to subtly check you out; secretly imagining you in his hoodie instead, then blushes when he notices your bare legs, the hem of your plaid boxers only peaking shyly.
If only his phone would not make a snapping sound, he would have screen grabbed this image of you, looking so temptingly undone. (<- What would he do with the photo tho 👀😉 )
You read the tag and begins to smile, moving your fingers to carefully unwrap the golden ribbons and the dotted paper, making sure to not to rip anything by accident.
Lev sets his phone against his pillow, then leans onto the back of his hands as he watches you with a smile. Your happiness is just so infectious, and he can’t stop himself from craving it.
You squeal and giggle happily when you pull out the camera strap and 3 rolls of film you’ve always had your eyes on. His eyes sparkles and his smile widens at your reaction, as he laughs with you.
He wants this moment to last. He wants to keep seeing you smile.
You did it, you finally asked Lev to model for you.
It had been 2 months since you’ve done any photoshoots, and you can’t seem to figure out why you found it so difficult to ask him to model for you…
You think back to your other failed attempts and face palms yourself when you try to recount all the times you would watch him in his moment in awe, then his name would slip from your lips without your mind’s consent. When he responds and urges you to continue, you would always look away and change the subject.
He steps out of your restroom in the clothes you’ve handed him, and you can’t help but stare.
“Is this ok?” He asks innocently.
And he is more than okay.
He looks even better than how you’ve always imagined him to: standing so tall in his olive button up and brown trousers, his top unbuttoned down by two. His shoulders are a lot broader and his waist more snatched than how you’ve imagined him under Nekoma’s ill-fitting uniform.
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Here’s my quick doodle of Lev for this fic haha.
You run your eyes up and down his figure, trying to come off like you’re looking over his outfit, but really, you’re trying to brush off the tingly feeling at the tip of your ears.
“If you’re comfortable…” You hesitate, as you realize your request may be too much to ask for. “umm…if you could unbutton one more?…ah, only if you’re comfortable, you don’t have t-“ You continue to ramble but he just nods and unbuttons his third one, revealing his toned chest.
You eyes widen because you were not expecting him to be so chiseled, but that actually makes a lot of sense since he’s a volleyball player after all. Then you look away with your cheeks flushed when he grins at you with a wink. (Ah 😳)
Damn him and his pecks.
You mentally shake your head to snap yourself out of his allure, rummaging through your bag on your lap. “Oh…I almost forgot.” Pulling out your black camera, you offer it to him with a smile. “Here’s my Leica M2!”
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He beams and carefully holds it in his large hands, the way he’s observe you when you inspect the store’s new arrival; like a newborn.
“Yes!!! Thank you so much, I almost thought you forgot about it.” Without hesitance, he walks over to his bag that’s next to you on the bed, then pulls out a roll of film. You look at him a little surprised.
“When did you get that roll?”
“Oh, your parents gave it to me on one of the times when I came to visit, but you weren’t here.” He gets on his knees beside you, putting the camera on your bed to perform his first loading operation. You blink when he does it so calmly and so perfectly, snapping the back shut before cranking the lever until the notch reads 0: ready for its first real shot.
“H-How? What? When did you know how to do that?” He looks at you with an excited smile.
“Your father taught me this! Haha.”
Your confusion fades as you begin to feel a little down; you wanted to teach Lev how to shoot on film…”Did he teach you how to develop film too?” You say quietly as you get up with your bag strapped across your shoulder.
His eyes widen, suddenly realizing why you’ve stopped smiling. “No, I asked him not to because I want you to be the one to teach me.” He gets up from his knees to take a step towards you. “Will you help me with that, Y/n-san?”
“Yea.” You take a moment before responding, turning to walk away, but he brings your wrist into both his palms.
“Y/n-san…I’m sorry if I made you sad.”
He sits on the edge of your bed, then gently tugs you into his arms, resting his head against your right shoulder, with one of his large hands comfortably on the small of your back while the other’s on your nape.
You immediately stiffen up before slowly allowing yourself to relax in his warmth, bringing your arms to shyly wrap around his waists and leaning your head on top of his, inhaling slowly to bask in the fresh scent of his silver strands. The two of you stay that way a while, maybe a little longer than you should, before he shifts to look at you. A strange feeling in your stomach at the unusual sight of his face so close to yours at eye level.
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You look right back into his captivating orbs, the charm of his feline-like eyes hold your gaze captive, and like a magnet, you find yourself leaning closer to him as he does the same. Before your mind could register the situation, your soft lips meets his plush ones, and like a feather, he starts with a gentle pucker; a kiss to show that he is grateful to be here with you.
Then another, this time pulling his lower lip to brush against yours before firmly lining it up, his eyes half lidded, drunken on the sweetness of your taste: he’s kindly begging to see happiness return to your oculus.
His arms around your body tightens, as an intense craving for your warmth flushed against his body becomes unbearable. Any skin to skin he can feel, he’ll gladly cherish.
You two pull back to look into each other’s eyes, and like a competition to see who has the better attention to detail, your gaze dances up and down his features, as you ingrain every dust of subtle freckles on his nose and every strand of his fluttery lashes in your mind. Then you bring both your hands to his soft cheeks to pull him back in for a firmer kiss.
This time, he runs the tip of his tongue along your bottom lip, politely asking for entrance as you gladly grant him access. Your tongue dances with his in new found harmony, before switching back to your firmer kisses, falling into a natural rhythm.
He squeezes his hand on your lower back to deepen the kiss and he can’t help but smile to your warm lips when he hears a small giggle vibrate from your throat.
He pulls back, keeping his face very close to yours as he looks down at you, half lidded, with a growing smirk. “I see someone’s a little ticklish.”
“No, I’m not.” As you’re trying to push him away with both your hands, he pulls you in closer with a laugh, reconnecting his lips to yours while his hands ladders up your sides, down your back then to the back of your neck, gently squeezing as he go.
You squirm in his arms, trying to contain your laughter as you try to focus on kissing him, but you can’t help the giggle that escapes you. He pulls back to study your adorable expressions before nuzzling his face to your neck, making sure to breath heavily so you can giggle some more for him.
He is hooked, this is his new addiction.
“Lev, I’m going to kill you!” You giggle as you try to weakly push his head away, but he only nuzzles you harder, wiggling both his hands up and down your sides. “Hahahah!”
The fact that he has you pinned so tightly, heightens your sensitivity as you are tempted to give in to your hysteria.
Then an idea pops up in his mind.
“Y/n-san, wait here.” He says as he sets you free, allowing you to catch your breath as you clutch your sides in an attempt to rid your goosebumps of its phantom. He grabs your camera from the bed, then walks over to set it up on your dresser, opposite to you.
“How do you set a timer on this?”
“There should be a notch to the side.” You respond out of instinct, though you are a little confused as to what he’s trying to capture. Your room is messy from all the clothes you have laid out for Lev to try, and the sun is way too direct to be flattering.
Crank. Tik, tik, tik.
He hovers his hands over the camera for a moment, making sure that it will not fall, then sits back down on his previous spot on the bed. Before you can ask him what he’s doing, he pulls you to his lap then leans down to kiss you with one hand to support the back of your head, simultaneously fluttering his long fingers on the small strip of exposed skin above your waistband. You squirm ticklishly, no longer able to hold back your sweet giggles as he laughs at your reaction, leaning down to trail ghost-like kisses down your chin. He’s thoroughly enjoying himself. Snap.
“Yay, my first shot!” He exclaims excitedly, still tickling and easily holding down your thrashing body with his big hands.
“Haha, you…evil!” You manage mid giggle as you weakly reach your arms out to wiggle at his waist with your long nails, causing him to double over, laughing, before swinging you on to the bed so that he doesn’t drop you by accident.
With his long legs straddling your waist, he pounces at you with both hands, tickling you mercilessly all over, shifting between spots so swiftly that you are not allowed any chance to grab his wrists. When you’ve given up on your defense, you diverted to the offensive, feathering your nails up his exposed neck then to the back of his ears. He laughs obnoxiously, then in an attempt to worsen your predicament, he nuzzles his nose against your neck, using his laugh as a weapon to tickle you with his erratic breaths.
“Ok, ok, I surrender haha.” He giggles, as he tries to stop you by easily grasping both your wrists into one of his large hands and pinning it above your head. Oddly enough, it almost did not seem like you’re the winner here. 😳
Realizing the suggestive position you are both in, he lets go of your wrist to bring one of his calloused hands to tenderly caress your warm cheek, his eyes look to yours with adoration. He didn’t want this moment to be lewd, he just wants it to be soft and genuine.
“I like you a lot, y/n-san.”
You cup his face with your hands before pulling him down to place a kiss to his forehead. “I like you too.”
Then your eyes catch a glimpse of his torso to see that his outfit is now wrinkly again, and from his position above you, gravity had tugged his half unbuttoned shirt revealingly, allowing you to see all the way down his chiseled abs.
You gulp. Oh boy, and here you thought he’s all fluff.
He notices you checking him out, then gives you the biggest, cheekiest grin as he leans down to nibble your ear.
“Like what you see?”
“Shut up.” Smacking his flexed bicep in embarrassment, only to feel heat rising to your head as you felt how rock solid it was.
“I’m going to say it!”
“Why don’t you take a photo of it then.” He says with a wink, earning a laugh and a facepalm from you.
“Goof, I will.”
After getting Lev re-dressed, you take him to all the different places you thought were interesting, mostly away from public eyes. To your surprise, he poses very naturally, you barely have to give him any direction as he just automatically find ways to work his body in harmony with the settings.
Anywhere you go, and everyone you pass, people always seem to turn their heads back around to look at him; some were gazes of infatuated while some were of jealousy. But the amusing part of it all is how oblivious he had been about the looks he’s gotten, instead, his attention is all on you, and that really made you feel a stronger connection to him; both as his significant other and his photographer.
With any moment you were with him that day, you can’t help but raise your camera up to capture all the small things Lev would do; randomly reaching out to touch a small branch as he walks, leaning all the way down to talk to a cat by the side of the streets, and smiling widely every time you call his name, as if he’s meeting you for the first time after a very long time.
You want to capture it all with your camera; a physical manifestation of your memory. And you’re not the only one, sometimes you’ll catch him pull out his camera when you are fiddling with yours, or when the sun would kiss your radiant skin while you look up to the bright blue sky with your fist above you, something you would always do to discern the direction of your shadows. When you turn to him after hearing a snap, he would give you the cheekiest grin, before running up to you like nothing had happened.
Lev is as fascinated of you as you are of him.
You’ve read that a good photographer is able to draw a relationship with any of their models, but there is something really special about a session with someone you share personal interests with outside of the studio.
You never knew how it felt like to have someone like that to photograph, but today is the first time in a long time where every shutter feels like a blink, and the lens you look through feels like the extension of your pupils.
You could have developed the film you’ve shot with Lev that same day, but you decided to be nice and wait until he’s done with his before doing so, since your tank could hold two rolls each time.
It had been a week since that shoot, and you’re surprised when Lev barges into your camera shop after his practice with the cat you’ve attempted to photograph months ago, dangling pathetically in his hands. He raises it up with the biggest grin you’ve ever seen.
“I think I finished my roll!”
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Leaning on the glass counter at the shop, a big smile slowly creeps to your lips. His enthusiasm is so contagious, and seeing him definitely brights up your day every time.
“Congrats! Come here, let’s wind it up”
He sets the cat down, outside of your shop, petting it goodbye, before bouncing up to you and setting the camera down gently on the glass.
“Ok, so you’re going to want to pull this lever up half way, then with the other hand, press down on this little button.” You go to explain the steps, pointing to the different parts of the camera and miming your motion before handing it back to him. “Try it!”
He tries to follow your instructions, nervously pulling the lever up halfway, pressing the button underneath the camera, then begins to unwind. You bring your ear close to the camera to listen for a click, and he does the same.
Both your eyes light up, as he looks to you for approval before opening up the back. The film roll looks hilariously tiny in his large hands as he holds it out to you happily. “I did it!”
“Good job, Lev! Now you can put that in your empty canister!”
But he’s already at it, nodding happily as he rummages through his gym bag for one. Once it’s in, you hand him a tape and he concentrates on labelling it before handing the tape and pen back to you with a smile.
���I really can’t wait!” He hands your camera back to you, but instead, you shake your head.
“It’s yours. I’ve had it for a long time now.” His eyes widen as he reaches across the counter to pull you into a hug, placing a small kiss to your forehead.
“Thank you so much, I will be a very good camera parent!” You laugh.
“You had been! That’s why I trust you” And he smiles back so widely, you never want to feel his arms unwrap itself from your torso.
When your shift is over that night, you bring Lev to your room to demonstrate the procedure with your roll of exposed film, so he can see it with the lights on. You had him reattempt it a few times with his eyes closed, occasionally reaching your hands out to guide him.
Once he feels confident enough, which was very quickly, you lay out everything you need on your bed, tells Lev to sit on the mattress, crosslegged, before throwing a blanket over him and all the tools.
You take a step back to laugh when you notice how silly this looks; Lev looks like a giant on your bed, and now that there’s a blanket over him, he can’t seem to stop giggling.
“Alright, I’m turning off the lights. Hold tight, you blanket monster."
Then you draw your blackout curtains, turns off all the lights and makes sure that your room is completely dark before climbing under the blanket, opposite to him. You didn’t tumble or walk into anything at all since you’ve done this so many times.
“Ok, so treat this just like your practice run! I find it easier to keep your eyes closed.”
He nods, but then he quickly realizes that you could not see him. “Ok!”
Reaching for his film, he begins working on his operation, surprisingly calmly, though he did fumble and struggle to load his strip on to his roll, he kept persisting. Meanwhile, you work on yours in silence and with very precise movements.
Soon after, you load both your films into your tub and closes the lid, before pulling the blanket off.
“Oof, it was hot in there!” He says, stretching his arms up in the dark while you set the tub on your desk before turning the lights back on.
“You’re like a human furnace, it’s never been that warm under the blankets before. how was it?”
He does the grabby hands and pulls you back on to his lap, placing a small kiss to your nose before responding.
“It was really comforting.” Then he gently squeezes his hand on your waist, causing you to wiggle out of his gasp with a squeal.
“I’m not falling for that again!” You exclaim, sitting on the the ground with your arms around your torso to protect yourself from the tickle monster.
He laughs loudly. “But you’re so adorable!”
Lev eventually left to go home after the film was developed.
Excited to see the results of your photoshoot, you stayed up late to scan all the shots. Once it’s done, you disconnect your laptop so you can sit on your bed with your back against the wall, happily flipping through the shots while snacking on some dates.
As expected, all your shots of Lev turned out very well, and you can’t help but linger on some of the photos, obsessing over just how effortlessly captivating he look; he’ll look so seductive in one, looking down at the camera, half lidded with the slightest hint of a playful smirk, while in the next, he’ll look so innocent, with his face tilted slightly downwards, and his almond eyes subtly widened, allowing the sun to bounce off the vibrancy of his gem colored orbs.
You can’t believe that his only modeling experience was of him with his sister, on an ice cream commercial when he was 5. You laugh at the thought of him smothering his face with ice cream.
But what surprises you most is Lev’s album; with photos of you taking up more than half of his roll, and they were all very well shot too. Do I really look like this?
You hate being photographed, but upon looking through his shots of you, you can’t help but feel the warmth of happiness radiate from within your heart.
Through his lens, you looked so authentic and genuinely happy. He captured you at moments you never knew was worth capturing, and you begin to wonder if he had the same urge to photograph you as badly as you did for him, when you first met in the alley at dawn.
Recounting back to all the times you felt his eyes watch you appreciatively, with a warm smile. He makes you feel loved, and special.
You come to realize why you hate to be photographed; you never felt worthy enough to spend a roll of film on. But he’s proving you wrong, as you now understand the way he sees you.
He sees you for you. It’s as simple as that.
Then at the end of the album, you see a photo that brings the happiest smile to your lips: it was his first shot where he’s tickling you. The light that you thought was too direct, turned out to be perfectly exposed, rimming the two of you beautifully, while the mess on your bed provided authenticity to the photo. You can’t help but smile wider as you remember the exact moment when you two kissed for the first time.
You’ve finally found your muse.
Taglist: @shhhlikeme
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princessjungeun · 4 years
From Liking To Loving: Chaeyoung x Reader
Request: could you please do a chaeyoung scenario where the reader is a new trainee around the same time chaeyoung joins and they become friends but over the years, the reader starts to fall in love with chaeng but believes it’s only one-sided?
ok lowkey i hate this but i re read it and told myself it was fine so...if you all hate it pls tell me and i’ll redo it 🥺
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June 6, 2012
You stood in front of the audition panel, palms sweaty and knees practically shaking. Singing and dancing was something you did for fun, you never took it seriously even though that was your dream. When you overheard your classmates talking about the audition you knew you had to at least try it.
Your mom and dad weren’t allowing it, they wanted you to be a doctor or business woman but that wasn’t what you wanted. The only person who encouraged you was your grandfather. He was the one who secretly brought you to this audition. He was the one who secretly signed and payed for dance and singing lessons for you. He was your biggest supporter.
The judges smiled at you after you sang and danced. Despite this you kept a scared fsce on, 13 year old you couldn’t shake the fear away. When the judges told you that you passed you couldn’t believe it. You thanked them, walking to the door backwards not wanting to turn around thinking it’s be disrespectful.
You ran into your grandfather’s arms and told him you passed. He held you close, trying his best not to cry because he was so proud. When you went home and told your parents they weren’t happy, hence why you moved into your grandfather’s house.
June 7, 2012
You walked into JYP building drowning in your grandfather’s sweatshirt he gave you this morning as a token of his love. You balled your fists up into balls and pushed the door open following signs that were set up for the new trainees. You walked into a room with a sign that marked as a meeting spot for new trainees. Upon walking in everyone’s eyes turned onto you. Quickly you scurried into a corner alone, back pressed against the wall and knees hugged to your chest.
A girl walked in and she was really pretty, she definitely stood out to you more than other girls. She scanned the room shyly before her eyes landed on you curled up in the corner. She waddled over to you and sat next to you. Realizing quickly she wouldn’t be the one to talk first you said “hi i’m Y/N...” The girl smiled and said “I’m Chaeyoung.”
July 17, 2012
You and Chaeyoung did just about everything together since the day you met. She practiced with you, conditioned with you, and you were even roommates in the dorms. You both completed your first monthly evaluation together and passed with flying colors. That day you both couldn’t stop smiling you were so happy.
January 3, 2013
You overheard two staff walking out of a meeting with your PD-Nim. A new girl group was to be put into the works. You ran into your dorm and yelled the news to Chaeyoung knowing you two were close to a chance of debut. From then on even though you didn’t know if it was for sure, you both practiced harder than ever.
August 27, 2014
It was in fact true. JYP was debuting a new girl group and you two had been selected into a group of potential candidates. You struggled to keep up with Chaeyoung and the other girls but that didn’t take away your determination. Chaeyoung would help you with anything no matter how much she needed to practice for herself.
November 29, 2014
You both found out there was going to be a reality show, the winners were going to be the ones to debut. Without a doubt Chaeyoung would be selected but you worried that you wouldn’t make the cut. Chaeyoung told you day after day that no matter what happened she’d still be supporting you, even if it wasn’t your time to shine.
December 27, 2014
You in fact didn’t make the cut for SIXTEEN. When you found out that night you nodded and bowed respectfully, thanking your instructors for the opportunity. Quickly you found your way out of the meeting room, deciding you just wanted to be alone. You sprinted to the Han River, tears pricking your eyes. Not even having the heart to tell your grandfather you didn’t make it.
You sat alone on the bench you always sat on with Chaeyoung. “Hey...” A voice behind you made you jump. It was Chaeyoung. She scooted closer to you and you wrapped your arm around her shoulder. She leaned into your body and you sighed contently. She whispered “I got in.” You pulled away and looked into her eyes to see if she was lying. She wasn’t, Chaeyoung can’t lie even if her life depended on it. You held her hand and rubbed your thumb on the back of it “that’s amazing Chaeng, I knew you could. The two of you fell silent and just sat admiring the moonlight reflecting on the water.
“Hey I have to tell you something.” You spoke up not even looking her in the eye. You continued “I love you more than anything in this world. I am in love with you and I have been since the first week I met you.” She looked at you and asked “why are you telling me this now?” You responded blankly “I’m going back home.” She asked “are you serious? Why?”
You told her “i’m not going to debut Chaeng. Let’s be real for a minute. There’s no way they’re debuting another girl group before 2019. That’s five years. I cant keep doing this...especially without you.” She asked you “is that what you really want?” You responded “not yet.” She just stated simply “ok.”
That night Chaeyoung didn’t tell you that she actually felt the same. She was in love with you, but she didn’t believe that what you felt was actually real. Just a feeling of being in the moment. You were just overwhelmed is what she continually told herself.
April 16, 2015
The reality show was going to start in less than a month. Chaeyoung has already started training with the 15 other girls. She’d come home exhausted and more drained than usual, just wanting to lay in your arms as she fell asleep. Although you weren’t training to debut anytime soon, you stayed. You stayed because on the slight chance that Chaeyoung didn’t make it into this group, you two could debut together years later. You wanted to be here for her throughout this journey because you knew it wouldn’t be easy for her.
May 6, 2015
Chaeyoung started the reality show Sixteen. She was scared but she had Somi, another trainee around her age. The other older trainees took care of the younger ones, making sure that they were okay. Chaeyoung moves out of your shared dorm, leaving you to room alone until a new batch of trainees came in.
On the day Chaeyoung moved out she gave you her favorite blanket, a pale pink one with strawberries in it. You wrapped yourself in it every night with a pillow tucked in your arms knowing this was the closest you’d get to holding her in your arms again.
July 7, 2015
You’d watched every episode as it came on tv. Chaeyoung almost always stayed in the Major team, never really dropping below. When her name was announced as a member of the final group you couldn’t help but cry. You wished you were in the audience so she could see you but you were busy training yourself. She called you that night telling you she’d see you the next day.
That she did. Tearfully you ran into her arms telling her how proud you were. She’d tell you everything that happened and about all the friends she’d made and lost over the course of time. That night she slept with you in your dorm, wrapped in your arms. You slipped an I love you as she was falling asleep and she heard but once again told herself it was you being caught in the moment.
October 20, 2015
This was the day Chaeyoung debuted with Twice. Chaeyoung has now realized how much she did love you. She hadn’t talked to you in a long time due to her debut preparations with the group. She missed being in your arms and dancing with you until late at night. She missed when you would playfully kiss her cheek cooing at how cute her dimple was.
You were there for her debut stage as a surprise. She noticed you in the crowd of reporters and that motivated her to do better. When she was offstage she found you and you told her your future plans. “I’m going home. For real this time.” She asked “is that what you really want?” You nodded and told her your decision was final. She was proud of you for going through with your word and following what you truly wanted.
You did in fact go home. You stayed with your grandfather and continued to attend school. You never stopped dancing, deciding that it was one thing you didn’t want to quit. You met up with Chaeyoung more than you through you would be able to. She was tired and drained from promotion after promotion, comeback after comeback, but she kept pushing.
You danced at 1Million dance studio with a few choreographers. Occasionally you did your own choreography, a few videos even going viral.
Chaeyoung continued to meet with you when she could. She grew more beautiful with every day that passed. She was more confident as well, holding your hand and kissing your cheeks more. You never reciprocated because you simply enjoyed it that way. However Chaeyoung thought you stopped loving her, but despite this. She couldn’t stop loving you.
You didn’t see Chaeyoung at all this year. You travelled around with your grandfather. Whenever she was home, you weren’t. You thought about her everyday, sending her pictures of places you knew she’d love, promising one day you’d take her to every single one of them.
You saw Chaeng for the first time since 2017. She looked so beautiful you literally cried. She hadn’t grown in height, but she looked older. The soft baby you once knew was no more, she was a woman now. She held you in her embrace for longer than you could ever want. You realized then that you loved her more than ever before. And she felt the same.
You went to many of Twice’s concerts, standing by the stage in a tiger onesie with a banner of Chaeyoung’s name. She was embarrassed as you sang off key and maybe a little too loud, but this was the you that she loved and missed the most.
You met up with Chaeyoung again, more than previous years. She missed you more than ever as well.
You two walked along the Han River, the same way you did when you were trainees. The lights illuminated the walkway and Chaeyoung held your hand tight, as if she was afraid you were going to let go.
“Did I tell you I’m planning to be a choreographer?” You asked her curiously. She asked her usual question “is that what you really want?” This time you answered honestly, “not completely.”
She asked you “what is it that you want with all your heart?” You stopped walking underneath a light post holding her by the shoulders in front of you. You stepped closer to her and placed your hands on her waist. “This.” You kissed her softly under the light, her hands found their way around your neck. You pulled away and whispered “it’s you I want Chaeng. I love you so much and I have since I told you that day. I love you so so much Chaeyoungie.”
Chaeyoung smiled and pulled you in for another sweet kiss. She pulled away and hugged you, her head nuzzling into your neck. You stood under the light, just you and her. That was all that mattered right now. She told you “I want you too, I love you too Y/N.”
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mi6-cafe · 4 years
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This week our competitors were asked to write exactly 300 words of pure dialogue inspired by the word: “slip”
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Read all the drabbles. (they’re below the line)
Choose three that you like the most.
Fill out this VOTING FORM, telling us your favourites. (You can even leave anonymous feedback for the author).
NOTE: If you are a competitor, you CANNOT vote for your own fic. But please, do vote. :)
The voting period ends at 11:59 PM EST on Sunday night. Results will be posted and anonymous feedback will be emailed on Monday.
Drabbles below the cut:
Title: Slip of the Tongue Author: IrishWitch58 (captain-magicalkitty) Warnings:None Summary: Q let's something slip out during a private briefing. James actually does listen, especially when it's something he's been waiting to hear.
“This is a simple concept. Access the control center, find the central station, and insert this drive. Once it downloads, you enter this sequence on the keyboard, and remove the drive.”
“And what does the download do exactly?”
“It will send their outgoing communications to us first, allowing us to know their plans and modify them in ways the receivers will not suspect. The result will be that we will eventually close the net around the entire organization. The concept is not that difficult if you would just focus. I sometimes think you play up technological ignorance to get attention. I suspect I would be out of patience if I didn't love you.”
“What did you say?”
“I said you were playing at being ignorant and we have work to do. Now pay attention. We still have to get through this briefing if the mission is to have any chance of success.”
“I really think the briefing can wait just a bit. I believe you're trying to divert me. I know what I heard.”
“You didn't hear anything except my frustration with your lack of attention, 007.”
“Then why are you blushing, Q? You do blush very attractively. I recall you turned a lovely rosy shade the first time I kissed you...”
“Just stop right there, Bond.”
“Oh no, I don't think so. I especially remember how pink you turned the first time I put my tongue...”
“I said stop it, this is not the time or the place!”
“I'll stop if you admit it. I know what I heard. There's nothing wrong with my ears. As a matter of fact, you seem to like them as handles when I...”
“Dammit, James. Yes I love you, you arrogant, aggravating, man. Now can we please get to work?”
“With pleasure, darling.”
Title: The Village of Barnsley Author: Venstar Warnings: geekery Summary: roll for initiative.
The Village of Barnsley’s life force is slipping away. Peasants are fleeing and some have disappeared with no explanation.
Excellent. Peasants to do my bidding, ha!
No one seems to know the cause of the decay. What skulks through the twisted shadows of the night? It will take a brave and skillful band of adventures to solve the riddle!
I’m brave and skilled, that’s me.
You are weak and your dice are cursed, Alec you’re going to get us killed.
Do you think my goats are going to be okay?
You can sell them.
If the village is in trouble and they need food for information, we’re selling your goats, James.
Touch my goats and I’ll roll to shoot you with my longbow.
Children, please let the DM continue. I have a meeting tomorrow morning and I don’t want to show up with dark circles under my eyes.
Tanner has to fix the trouble in the town of the MI5 and MI6 joint task force. Maybe taking my dice will improve things for you.
I doubt it. Okay, so this village is slowly slipping away.
What’s in it for us?
Spoken like a true mercenary.
Hey, You want goats, I want benefits.
OKAY OKAY! Your band of merry men-
And women
Your band of merry men AND women
And for those of us who are undecided.
I swear to all that is unholy….YOUR BAND OF MERRY ARSEHOLES has become aware of the changes in Barnsley through some vague rumors. Do you want to roll to hear the rumors?
Shut up, Alec.
That’s Sir Alec the Brave to you!
Yes, we want to hear a rumor. Who gets to roll first? Goat man?
I agree one must gather intelligence.
Let’s roll! I want to hear a rumor!
Title: No, YOU do the mission report Author: stormofsharpthings Warnings: none Summary: slip - noun (FOR BOAT) a place where a boat or ship can be parked, between two piers
“007, why are you driving a boat through the harbour?”
“I’m piloting this yacht because it’s too bloody big to leave drifting as a navigational hazard. The harbour patrol would notice and there’s a dozen dead bodies aboard. I assume you don’t want an international incident...”
“Q,tell him it’d only be his third this year...”
“Alec, shut up and make sure the deck is clear. Q, find out where this wallowing scow normally docks, will you? We'll look suspicious if we just wander about like this too much longer.”
“Too late, James, harbour patrol incoming. Q, got any long-distance lasers?”
“Fuck. Alec, can you divert them somehow? We can’t let them board us.”
“007, head to the northern section of the harbour, to a marina called the Golden Seas.”
“Right. Alec?”
“Just steer us straight and leave the distraction to me.”
“006, why are you stripping that corpse?”
“Q, have you got a drone in the air somewhere? If so, you might want to avert your tender gaze...”
“006, why are you stripping?”
“Take a deep breath, quartermaster, I’m about to engage in a distraction guaranteed to send them away.”
“You’re...tell me you’re not actually...”
“Stop snickering, James, and please explain to our poor innocent quartermaster while I shout angrily at the fools who’ve dared to interrupt our erotic escapades.”
“Well, Q, when a boy likes another boy...”
“No, quartermaster, Alec is not going to engage in sexual congress with a fresh corpse. But the harbour patrol won’t interfere with a rich man’s pleasure cruise, either. They know where their bribes come from, especially when they’re reminded in such colorful Russian. Entering the marina now, Q.”
“Oh, er, slip 24 is the correct one, 007.”
“Right. Dispatch a cleaning crew and we’ll be happy to report our mission complete.”
Title: Quotable Quotations Author: Anyawen Warnings: Summary: Film buffs Bond and Q trade movie quotes to stave off boredom. Bond slips a serious question into the game.
“I’m bored, Q.”
“You’re impossible, Bond.”
“'I do not think that word means what you think it means.'”
“I know exactly what it means, and if I had any doubt, your picture in the dictionary would surely give it away.”
“'Why so serious?'”
“MI6 frowns on using comms for idle chatter.”
“My flight’s been delayed twice, Q. If I have to watch another woman order some salted, drizzled, whipped, pumpkin-spiced abomination, I will go mad.”
“In the interests of preserving what little remains of your sanity, 'I’ll have what she’s having.'”
“'As you wish.'”
“You already quoted from The Princess Bride. You lose.”
“That was before you agreed to play. Doesn’t count.”
“Fine. 'I’m your Huckleberry.'”
“My what?”
“Oh, you don’t know that one? You lose. Again.”
“What’s it from?”
“Tombstone. 1993.”
“Never been a big fan of westerns.”
“'Nobody’s perfect.'”
“Hmmm. 'I can't see anything I don't like about you.'”
“Ha! 'As if.'”
“'You make me want to be a better man.'”
“'Everything is possible, even the impossible.'”
“'Today is a good day to try.'”
“'The present is well out of hand.'”
“'I love you beyond poetry.'”
“... 'I know.'”
"'I want you. I want all of you, forever. You and me, every day.'"
"Uh. 'You talking to me?'"
"'Shut up. Yes or no.'"
"... 'Surely you can't be serious.'"
"'Carpe Diem.'"
“'Even walls have ears,' Bond.”
“'Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn.'”
“James …”
“'Go ahead, make my day.'”
“You’re really doing this over comms?"
"'Our lives are defined by opportunities—'"
"All right, then. 'You had me at 'hello'.'"
“That’s a yes?”
"Yes. 'Come what may.'"
"'I'm king of the world.'"
"Well, your majesty, tickets to Paris and a seat on the Eurostar should have you home in 10 hours. Boarding now. Gate B50. ‘Shake a leg.’”
Title: Freudian Slip Author: SouffleGirl91 Warnings: swearing Summary: Every now and then, the mask slips and he ends up saying exactly what’s on his mind (or, 5 times Bond has a slip of the tongue and 1 time it was Q)
“Don’t you get tired of following orders?”
“Do you?”
“Sometimes. We aren’t their dogs. Stop acting like you are.”
“We could leave, you know? Make a run for it. They’d never find us.”
“I have to go. I’ve got a meeting with my leash. Lead. With my lead.”
“Don’t stick around for too long, James. Loyalty doesn’t always go both ways.”
“Goodbye, Alec.”
“-don’t care what happened with Trevelyan, I will not defend you in front of the select committee a second time. Is that understood?”
“007, I asked you a question. Is. That. Understood?”
“Yes, mum.”
“Ma’am. Yes, ma’am.”
“Take some time. Get yourself together before you come back, Bond. Dismissed.”
“So? How are you settling back in?”
“Getting to know the new Quartermaster? He’s quite the-”
“Moneypenny, if M’s busy, you can just shoot me off. Shoo. Fuck. I didn’t mean that.”
“James? I thought we were past that? Is everything ok?”
“I’ll come back later.”
“The Van Gogh print I recognize, but what’s this one?”
“Hmm? Oh, that’s one of mine.”
“You paint?”
“Sometimes. When I’m not rebuilding guns for careless agents. They’re just daubs, really.”
“Not at all. I like your arse- art! ...I like your paintings, I mean.”
“...Thanks. I think.”
“You should leave.”
“Madeleine, what-?”
“You don’t want to be here, James. I don’t want someone who doesn’t want me back. This isn’t working.”
“So… what? It’s not me, it’s Q- you. You. Fuck. Fuck.”
“Go home, James.”
“Bond? You’re back?”
“I am.”
“They didn’t believe me, you know. When I told them you’d come back to me. Us. Shit. Back to MI6, I mean.”
“Actually, you were right the first time.”
“Forget MI6, Q. I came back to you.”
“You- what?”
“If you’ll have me.”
Title: Note Passing Author: sunaddicted Warnings: none Summary: elementary school tactics are the very best "So, now we are passing notes as if we are kids still in school?" "I wouldn't have had to, if you replied to my texts" "Maybe there was a specific reason why I wasn't doing that - did you think of it while you folded this slip of paper and batted your lashes at Moneypenny to persuade her to pass it along?" "You really sound unnecessarily peeved by the note passing" "Let's say I just expect a little more maturity from a grown man" "I didn't think you would have appreciated being stalked around MI6 any better" "To be fair... that's true.Oh, stop it! I can hear your smugness" "You can't hear smugness" "When it comes to you? I can" "You're just being dramatic" "You're one to talk. Don't get me started: I'm very busy and I don't have the time to list all the ways and occasions in which you have proved how much of a drama queen you are. I actually don't even have the time for this call" "You could have just texted me your answer - or you know, you could have passed me a note: some of us still appreciate the beauty of the written word, the effort of picking out the best stationery-" "-you wrote yours on the back of a recei-" "-the intimacy of putting your handwriting on display. I could go on and on about the meaningfulness and superiority of handwritten notes" "You're so full of bullshit" "And you're stalling: for someone claiming to be oh so busy, you sure are enjoying keeping me on the phone" "Maybe I'm just making you gag for it" "If only you'd let me show how next to nonexistent my gag reflex is..." "Stop - stop right there.I'll come to dinner, happy?" "Immensely so, my dear Quartermaster"
Title: All Wrapped Up Author: Iambid (Flantastic) Warnings: Mature Summary:  Q gives James a present
“Hello darling.”
“There you are.  R told me you’d taken the afternoon off.  Are you feeling alright?”
“Oh yes.  I got a notification that a parcel was due to be delivered… I thought I’d better be here to receive it.”
“Have you been buying gadgets online again?”
“Not quite. Sit down.”
“Shhh.  Aren’t you going to ask me why I’m wearing a dressing gown in the middle of the afternoon?”
“Why are you wearing a…”
“Or perhaps you should be asking what I’m wearing under it?”
“Why, what… oh.  Oh.”
“Do you like it?  I found this company online that sells lingerie for men and when I saw that they had a full set in black satin with a matching waist slip and… well, you’re always saying how much you like satin and…”
“Q?  Shut up.”
“Hehe… what are you-ARGH! Jesus fucking Christ, warn a guy next time!”
“You look delicious. I want you laid out like a platter…”
“Yes, but I’m sure I could have laid down on the sofa on my own.”
“Maybe.  Now let’s see… I like the bra-let.  Very sexy, but what I’d really like to see is what these stockings are attached to under your minxy little petticoat… oh.  Well isn’t that sweet?  Do you know, ladies don’t often go for suspender belts these days? It’s all hold ups.  I can’t stand them.  Oh, but this is lovely.  Just look: you’ve got me a little gift too. All wrapped in satin, done up with a bow.”
“It’s not that little, you cheeky sod.”
“Mmmm, no.  Especially not if I do this…”
“You’re a man of many talents.”
“Were they expensive?”
“Were what expensive?”
“The knickers.  I have I feeling I’ll be tearing them off you before very long…”
“They were quite reasonable... Oh James…”
Title: Slip up Author: AtoTheBean Warnings: None Summary: In which Q fails at technology
“You should tell him.” “Oh my god, you are the worst, most meddlesome best friend ever.” “He’s been back six months—” “I’m very aware.” “—and he’s different.” “He’s n—” “He’s different.  Less…" “Of a prat?” “The prat was charming.  Worked on you.” “Shut it.” “Of course, love...  You know, I think these little happy hours of ours might work better on Zoom.  The telephone just doesn’t capture my commiserating, compassionate—” “Ha!” “—expression.” “I’m off duty.  You don’t need to see my pajamas.” “Wouldn't be the first time.  But I agree; they’re wasted on me.  Best invite him over.” “You’re relentless.” “Because I love you.  And you deserve happiness.” “Deserve has nothing to do with anything.  I’ll have to refill my scotch if you’re going soft.” “Time for the second round, then.” “It’s the third, I think.” “Fine.  Third.   You shouldn’t wor—” “Hold on, someone else is ringing in.  I’ll be back in a mo.” “Fine, but I’m not done—” “...Hello?” “Q? This is James Bond.” “...” “Bond?” “Yes... is this Q?” “It is.   I just… I’m on another call.  If you’d hold one moment… “Of course.” “...” “It’s him.  On the other line.  What do I do?  If I talk to him right now, I know I’ll slip up and say something mortifying.” “...This is still James, Q.” “Oh god. Uh, sorry Bond.  Just one moment.  I’ll be right back.” “Of course.” “...” “I hate you.  You’ve orchestrated this, somehow.  Got me drunk and worked on me to tell him how I feel... and suddenly he’s got my number and he's calling on a Friday night…” “...” “Eve?” “Still James, actually.” “Bugger me!” “I was hoping we might start with dinner, actually.  It sounds like the conversation will be... lively.  Tomorrow at seven?” “...” “...” “Somewhere nice.” “Of course, Q.”
Title: Tongue-Tied Author: sorion Warnings: - Summary: Always listen to your Quartermaster.
"For the record, I do not approve of your course of action, 007."
"Duly noted."
"The only time you duly do anything, I would imagine."
"Dearest Q, if your tone of voice had implied that you truly did not approve or, dare I say it, you were even worried for me, I would have done more than note duly."
"Would you have noted aggressively?"
"At the very least, Quartermaster."
"I'm less than impressed. Assailants are closing in, by the way, in case you hadn't noticed. You also have a blind spot, your four o'clock."
"I had noticed, thank you. Keep me updated on my blind spot, please. ... ... ..."
"Bond! Report!"
"Just some unfriendly fire, no need to worry."
"I was not worried. I asked you to report."
"Of course."
"You will take me seriously."
"I'd make a note, but there's activity in your blind spot."
"Move straight ahead. Watch your left."
"Take the stairs to the roof. I shut down all elevators."
"How very inconvenient."
"It'll be more inconvenient if they shut them down with you inside one. I can take over controls, but even I can't screw in a fuse remotely. And you don't want them to get to the roof before you, do you?"
"Can I assume from your heavy breathing that you are heeding my advice for a change? ... Don't laugh and run."
"Did you lock the door to the stairway behind me?"
"That goes without saying. They'll break it down soon enough, no doubt... But not before you get to your airlift."
"Smug little bastard, I love you."
"... Working with you."
"Slip of the tongue, 007?"
"Ah, well. The sneaking around was fun while it lasted."
"... I'll have you know that nobody here looks particularly surprised. Do stop laughing."
"There's my lift. Wait for me."
Title: you know my name (or you don't) Author: scarytheory Warnings: none Summary: Bond is bantering with Q over the earpiece. The topic is, as usual, the mystery of Q's name.
“I'm pretty sure it's Quigley.”
“Really, Bond? Do you believe that my parents would do that to me? Also, we should keep it professional while you're in the field.”
“This is a professional curiosity. Anyway, it says Quashawn in your documents, but I don't think that's true.”
”When did you see my files?”
”I'm a spy, remember?”
”I'll need to have a word with Eve.”
“Or maybe it's Quirrel.”
“Ten points for the Harry Potter reference, but sadly, Quirrel is a surname.”
“So you are admitting that your first name starts with Q?”
“No! Just concentrate on the mission, Bond. Seriously, sometimes I ask myself, how I could love such an annoying git.”
“You're in love with me, Q?”
“No, that would be absurd! It was a slip of the tongue.”
“Don't flatter yourself, Bond, it's just an expression. It wasn't meant in a romantic way at all.”
“So you love me non-romantically? That makes sense.”
“Oh, no. We are NOT doing this. Can we please go back to your obsession with my name?”
“Perhaps later, this is much more interesting.”
“Don't be a child, Bond. And thanks to you, now I'll need to burn this tape.”
“Such a shame. You could have a beautiful reminder of your love confession.”
“Bond! What do you need me to do to let this go?”
“Shit. I have to tell you my name, right?”
“I think that could work.”
“And if I do that, you promise that we'll never speak about this ever again?”
“Well. Okay.”
“It's John.”
“Really? That's…”
“Boring? Disappointing? Should I change my name to Quasimodo?”
“No. I actually like this one a lot. And… John?”
“When I come back, we should discuss my alleged unprofessionalism over dinner. Non-romantically, of course.”
Title: Static Author: Ksania / @starrboned-art​ Warnings:  Implied canon-typical violence Summary: Bond and Q find themselves in a predicament.
"Good, you're awake."
"I was awake this whole time."
"Of course, my bad for thinking otherwise. Your drooling face is obviously a technique to disarm your captors."
"Glad we're on the same page."
"....Where are we, exactly?"
"And here I thought you were completely awake this whole time."
"I don't know. A warehouse is my best guess. A few miles from London. Grabbed us on the way to Heathrow - how's your head?"
"Hmm, like I got hit by a two-ton truck."
"Memory still intact, I see."
"How are you awake?"
"Luck. Looking harmless enough not to be kicked in the head."
"Ha... Sitrep?"
"Three hostiles at least. One leader, two henchmen. Put a sack over our heads on the way here. Haven’t demanded anything yet - I guess an hour has passed since the car crash."
"Lockpick, back of the belt."
"Bond! That is not my belt."
"Sorry, Q."
"Careful, Bond. Slip your fingers in the wrong pocket and you might find yourself without a hand."
"Why, Q, that's quite the image."
"Just get it done, I hear footsteps-"
"Hush, I almost have it-"
"Ah, I see you're finally awake, Mr. Bond."
"You have me at a disadvantage, Miss...?"
"No need for names. You gave us quite the chase in Berlin, Mr. Bond."
"If you wanted a private audience, you should have just said the word. No need for a crowd."
"No? I feel that your boy toy will be quite persuasive."
"Don't you dare-"
"My, villain standards are slipping these days."
"I'm quite alright, Bond. Told you to be careful with what you touch."
"What was it?"
"Oh, just a normal, state-of-the-art taser. Disguised as a credit card."
"And you never gave me one?"
"Only good boys deserve nice toys."
Title: tête-à-tête Author: azure3795arts Warnings: none Summary: short conversations -
“—Focus on my voice. Breathe. In then out—”
“Yes. I’m here.”
“Sorry, but... Getting a little fuzzy.”
“Hold on. Evac on route. 2 more minutes.”
“I”m afraid I’ll have to see you later, Q.”
“What? 007, What do you—wait—”
“Take care of yourself.”
“No. Bond. Bond!”
“You know what they say about sleeping at your table.”
“That I’m dedicated to my work?”
“No. That you’ll drool and get a stiff neck for your trouble.”
“I don’t drool.”
“Sure. I thought I told you to take care of yourself.”
“Don’t you dare use that card with me, Bond.” – “Not after you did.”
“Resurrection. Hobby—”
“Shut up. You don’t have any equipment to turn in, so do us both a favor and get out.”
“Good morning to you, too, Quartermaster. I’ll leave you to it.”
“... Bond.”
“Welcome back.”
“Thank you.”
“Does M not have more missions for you, or are you just going into early retirement?”
“Well, you saw the medical file, Q—”
“Bold of you to assume I keep track.”
“I don’t suppose I can tell you to bugger off from my flat?”
“You can.” – “At the risk of abusing an injured personnel.” 
“That’s rich coming from you.” – “Whatever. Stay or leave, just pick one and stop bothering me. And don’t disturb the cats.”
“I won’t.”
“Why keep a cot here if you’re not going to utilize it. At least drag your arse on it.”
“You have no right to tell me where to drag my arse, Bond. No right.”
“Yes, and I suppose you didn’t just nearly walk into a wall.”
“That was one time.”
“You can’t keep doing this, Q.”
“What do you—Who is it?”
“Oh, Miss Moneypenny. Come in.”
“Just... Who were you talking to just now?”
“Nothing. No one.”
Title: Lingerie Author: sparklycitrus Warnings: None Summary: Q and Moneypenny have a pleasant chat on a Friday evening off-work.
“Eve, hello. What can I do for you?” “Hello dear boffin. Are you alone?” “Er, yes?” “Oh, good. Don’t worry, nothing disastrous has happened, I just need your expert opinion on a minor personal emergency. Hold one sec, I’m going to call you back on video.” “Video? Wait, what-?” -- “Hello again. Sorry, have I caught you at a bad time after all?” “Pardon my state of undress. I was just getting ready to go out.” “Ooh, is it a date? Who is it? No one I know, I hope.” “Eve – your emergency?” “Right, do change the subject. Well, no matter, here – gold or blue?” “…what?” “Gold, or blue?” “Are those… meant to be worn on a moving body? The construction doesn’t look sturdy enough for, well, anything really.” “You can come up with a detailed improvement plan later. Which one looks better?” “On you?” “No, on M. Of course on me. Tonight. Under a cocktail dress. Personally I like the gold one – makes my bosom look fuller, no? But the blue is a nicer color. And it works better with my shoes.” “…It has to match your shoes?” “What, you think I’m going to stand in a stranger’s bedroom barefoot. What kind of girl do you take me for?” “Uh…right. Apologies. The gold one, then. The brown accents compliment your eyes. The overall structure is more pleasing on a feminine curve. And yes, it does make bosoms look fuller.” “Excellent. Thank you darling. Now carry on with your evening. I shall go get ready myself.” “Ahem, where did you find these anyway?” “An absolutely adorable online boutique! Good prices, too. Why, thinking of getting one for yourself?” “…” “Oh, oh god. You are seeing someone. Oh it better not be–” “Goodbye, Eve. Have a pleasant evening.” “Q–Oi!”
Title: Slip Over Pints Author: ladymars Warnings: No Warnings Apply Summary: R and S try to advise Q.
"I don't know why I let you two drag me here. Three Science Branch heads at the same place outside of Headquarters? There must be guidelines against this." "Well, I think that's 004 flirting with one of the secretaries, if that makes you feel better." "And this place does make M's favourite chips." "So, have another pint and tell us about your little crush..." "Oh, shush, R. It's nothing like that." "Q, dear, I heard you over the roar of the chemical hood. If Bond didn't hear you, he must be deaf from standing too close to explosions." "Hell, I heard you from across the room even. 'Why don't you go and-'" "I know what I said! It was just a slip of the tongue! Nothing more!" "I think you want a slip of something else from him..." "God, S, you're almost as vulgar as the agents. Leave poor Q alone." "If I'm as vulgar as the agents, then Q definitely has a chance with 007. I bet Bond'd appreciate the honesty." "...You'd really think so?" "Q, don't-" "Yeah! You have to be direct with guys like him, or else he's never gonna understand." "Well, I suppose S has a point... Even if he did hear you, he might not have noticed the double entendre." "Ugh, I'd say I was as direct as him driving a car into the side of a building." "He's going to try to justify it like you're justifying it now. Doesn't he spend all his inactive time at Q Branch?" "He hangs out around my Branch to get at the better weapons, obviously." "Or to get at the Quartermaster. We're trying to save you some time here. Turn the slip of the tongue into a slip into bed." "S, honestly, as bad as the agents..."
Title: Not A Contract Author: Shush_MummyWriting Warnings: None Summary: Department heads are always swamped with paperwork.
“Eve, what is this?” “My darling Q, that is an EMP172 form – Official Notification of Intimate Relationship between Staff Members.” “But why is it on top of my Executive Signature pack? Am I supposed to give it to someone – it’s not Robert and that girl from Accounting is it? I’m the Department Head, I shouldn’t have to deal with personal things like this. That's for HR.” “Sweetheart – it’s for you.  I even thought I would save you some time, see on page two - I have already filled out James’ details.” “I beg your pardon?” “You and one ruggedly handsome James Bond of course. That fish mouthed look is very unbecoming Q dear.” “But……” “But nothing. It’s just a slip of paper, not a contract. I am quite frankly tired of watching the two of you dancing around each other. It is time you both did something about it. And if you boys ever decide to make it completely official, I expect some credit during the Wedding speeches.” “Check the back page.” “DON'T SNEAK UP ON ME LIKE THAT!” “You’ve already signed it.” “Of course.” “Eve, please shut the door on your way out.” “I’m not going to sign this, until you have taken me out on a proper date.” “I have a booking for us, for tonight, at the Ritz. I’ll pick you up at your place at seven.” “How do you know where – no, never mind. Seven it is.” “And Q, that grey suit you wore to the Ministerial meeting last week, wear that – please.” “Alright. Now get out of my office. See you at seven, 007.” "If we are going to do this, I think you should start calling me James." "James. But call me Q - don't want you slipping up on mission."
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stardancerluv · 4 years
Is Immortality the Ultimate Gift?
Part Three
Summary: Being together...
“My little lambkin.” He whispered. As you looked above his shoulder, you noticed the sky was beginning to change, dawn was not far off.
“I have to go.”
“Why?” You could see his confusion
“Dawn, is approaching.”
“Oh.” He exhaled. “I probably, have no place to ask this; but can I come with you?”
You had not expected that. “What about her?” You tilted your head towards the bar.
“I’ll talk to her.” The smile he gave you, had always made you forget your worries. Though, you were no longer that girl.
“You do that and I’ll go pay the barman.”
His warm, very human hand grabbed you by the wrist. You could feel his worry before he spoke.
“Oh! You’re a block of ice. You should have ordered a shot to warm you up.” He let you go, but he gave you a warm smile.
“I am always this cold.”
Pressed his lips together, nodding. You had the impression someone close to him was also cool to the touch.
“They are known to be particularly violent.” He gestured to Thomas. “They shoot people out of hand. None of their crimes ever stick.”
You sighed. “That bad?”
He nodded. “I heard him talk to her. He has quite the mouth. He deserves to get the smirk knocked off his face.”
You could smell as drew close to you again.
If only you knew, you mused. I am more lethal, than these two. A caring human, how touching. “Thank you.” You smiled and pushed the money towards him. Turning, you watched as Thomas approached. “I’ll be careful.” You said, looking back at the barman.
“Shall we?” You nodded, letting your attention go back to Thomas.
“Yes.” You followed him out.
“Should we take my car?” He gestured to the red Bentley.
“Sure.” You crossed the street to the shiny red car.
You could, hear the sloshing of her organs as she ran over to the two of you, her stench easily reaching your nose.
You turned to face her. “Yes?”
She stopped mid-running, completely flustered, she struggled to find the right words. Then she found them. “He’s mine, I am only letting you burrow him.”
You grabbed her by her throat. Squeezing, she could not scream. You smiled, as she gasped. “Now, you listen to me.” You spat out. “I fed you tonight. Want to test me? Go back to the bar and look in the ladies room. Understand?”
She nodded, barely but she managed. “Good. Now, the only reason why I am not snapping your throat is because of Thomas. But if you continue to irk me, I will not hesitate to end your rotten life. So stop yapping at me like a small dog.” You dropped her.
She spluttered about before standing holding her throat. It wasn’t the first time, a ghoul had such anger in their eyes.
“You live here?” He cut the engine, after he parked along side your building. He looked up at it through the windshield.
“Yes, but let’s avoid the bar. I need to go to my quarters.”
You knew you had made your place sound proof, but you could only hope that if anyone smelled Thomas they’d assume you merely found yourself a ghoul to take care of your whims.
Once on your floor, you put the code in to lock the elevator in place.
“What’s that for?”
You turned to him. “Safety.”
“But,” His brow wrinkled.
“I’ll be sleeping soon, its the only time I am vulnerable.” You took his hand. “I also don’t want anything happening to you while I sleep.” His warmth was beginning to fade.
What really worried you was you’d go to sleep and wake up; only to realize all of this had been nothing more then a dream. If it ended up that way, perhaps you would finally allow the sun to kiss your flesh.
He squeezed your hand and gently let it go. He reached behind him. “That is why I have this.”
He revealed a small hand gun. One sniff, and you smelled the mixture of a very hard wood and lead. You stepped back.
Something, came over his face as he stepped closer. He put the gun down on a table before coming all the way over to you. “You don’t think I would ever hurt you, do you?”
You realized, your instincts that had kept you alive for so long could cause pain in the man you had once loved and realized could love again.
You closed the distance, moving fast as you had in the bar. Grabbing, his gun you put it into his hand and you brought it to where you heart slumbered for so long.
His hand shook, he stepped backwards when he realized what you had done. Looking around he put the gun back onto the table. You, noticed he could be fast when he wanted to be too. He grabbed you by your upper arms and leaned in close. “Why, why would you do that?”
“I needed you to know that I trust you.” As you looked into those blue eyes again, old emotions swirled to the surface.
“What, if something happened? What if my finger had slipped?”
“I lived a good life. It would be a gift to die by the man I only ever loved.”
His hands squeezed harder, his strength sent a flutter through you. You thought ghouls were weak.
When he let you go, you almost fell down. The sun continuing to rise as your strength continued to dwindle. He turned away. “You really loved me all this time?” He didn’t face you.
“Yes.” The sun was beginning to slid into your place. “We can talk later. Now, please follow me.” As you practically, ran down the hall. Making, it your bedroom suite you went to the panel in the wall. Putting in another code and as soft as a whisper, sheets of metal locked into the window sill, and so as to not be completely hideous eye sore, drapes followed them and were pulled close.
“That is a very keen idea on blocking the sun.” Half of his mouth twisted up, as he nodded.
“Yes, I have mastered techniques on avoiding the sun over the years. Wavering, on your shaky legs you slipped free of your heels.
The sun continued to rise and the weaker you became. “You are not locked in. So you can do as you wish while I..” You hugged your sides, before you crumpled to your knees.
He rushed to your side. “Y/N,” His blue eyes filled with unease. His voice speaking your name echoed sweetly, in your mind. Tears, prickled your eyes. “Let me help you. Tell me what I have to do.” You distantly heard him.
Looking, at him you were barely able to focus. “Get me into my bed.” Your voice was barely a whisper.
He picked you up and brought you over. With one hand he pushed aside the blankets. You pulled them back.
“Are you ok, tell me you are ok?”
“I am, its just time for me to sleep.” You found his hand. “Please be here when I awake. Please be real.”
The velvety blackness of sleep enveloped you. Your maker and no one else for that matter knew why it was like this with the sun. Perhaps, it was the exhaustion of immortality.
Your small hand dropped from his.
“Y/N...Y/N?” He sighed. “I’ll be here. I promise.” He put your hand beside the other one.
He sat there looking at you. Your hair and features were all the same. Your hair and eyes, were richer in color perhaps, that was a vampire thing. He brushed, aside a few strands of hair from your face.
You were no long the young girl who had been his wife. He enjoyed seeing, how you handled Cammy. Being, a ghoul was terribly lonely. He had grown used to it. Occasionally, when meeting a fellow ghoul you stuck together.
In the end, their selfish desires grew tedious so he’d go off on his own again. That’s what had happened with Cammy only, she stuck around after he saved the two of them from a vampire.
As he looked down at you, he could not believe you were here before him, damn. Getting up, how much later he didn’t know. Time for a ghoul, he mused also didn’t matter, it all blurred after awhile. He realized how lucky he was to be able to go out into the sun.
Everything, he would imagine the dark paneling, romantic carvings for the headboard and rich vibrant colors, was you. It reminded him of the bedroom, the two of you had.
Once, in the foyer he slipped off his leather jacket and reaching up he took off the fangs and bullet. He tucked them into one of the pockets of his jacket.
Walking around, it was interesting to see what you had made of yourself with immortality. It was nice. Everything, was different from what he had been around recently. Cammy was a mixture of the sixties and eighties, vary garish colors and patterns.
Spotting, books he wondered what you read. He smiled fairy tales and stories of adventures, that were written while existence was stretching out along aside them. He wondered if you had met any of the writers. The books looked very old.
Seeing, the kitchen intrigued him. Going over to the refrigerator, he opened it. Seeing the bottles, he realized that was how you stored your meals. Some of the bottles, had years scrawled on some labels. Not a bad idea. The amount of glasses you owned made him smile.
Coming, back the living room the over stuffed sofa called to him. Sitting down he sighed, it was incredibly comfortable. Pulling, off his boots, he reclined.
Looking, up as he relaxed, a painting of you caught his eye. The painter, caught all of you. Your delicate beauty and the soft lines of your curves. Looking, over the beauty of the details tiredness was finally, took ahold of him and soon, his mind brought him to when the two of you met
It was a warm summer’s day, the sky had been a brilliant shade of blue and the sun made him squint. He trotted down the dirt path at decent pace on his trusty horse. Stopping, he took a moment to have some water from his water-skin. Rubbing his brow, he was certain that village he needed to go to was just over this next hill. Looking up, was when he spotted you. He smiled.
There you were sitting, under a large tree. As he slowly approached, he noticed you were fast asleep. Your features were soft.
Your eye lashes, laid like butterfly wings on your cheeks, your lips a gentle pink reminding him of flower petals. Your hair, unlike girls in the city was laying around face and shoulders gently. His fingertips had tingled, never had he wanted to touch a girl as much as he wanted to touch you then. He wanted to know if you were as soft and delicate as you looked. The thoughts sped up his heart.
You stirred and he was embarrassed that you had caught him looking at you.
“I dreamt of a sweet and kind prince, is that what you are ?” Your voice was a gentle as a bird song.
“Sorry. Young maiden, I’m not. Just the son of a simple merchant.”
You stood up then. “Oh, well you resemble how a prince should look.”
He had been taken immediately by your imagination. It was sweet. “You are far too kind. Are you from the village; that I believe should be nearby?”
“Yes, I am. Are you looking for an inn while on your journey?” You gently, fluffed your skirt out.
“Yes. More importantly, I am looking for the blacksmith. I heard he makes wonderful pieces.” As he spoke he saw a huge smile curl those petal like lips.
“Sir, he is my father. I can take you to him.”
“Oh, well isn’t that great. I would love that.”
You drew close. “Will you help me onto your horse?”
He was taken aback. “You ride like a man?”
“Yes.” You looked down. “I’ve raced my brothers.”
“I didn’t mean to make you feel bad. It’s just that in the city, we don’t know many ladies that do; and if they do it’s side saddle.”
You smiled. “It is ok. Being the girl with lots of brothers riding side saddle you realize is very hard.”
“I can only imagine.” He smiled and offered his hand. “Come on up, and bring me to your father’s.”
You took his hand and helped you climb up. His heart began to race like his horse at full speed. You wrapped your arms around his middle.
He cleared his throat, “So where to?”
Sleep had been incredibly deep, and fulfilling. Your dreams had been like scattered photographs, as they swirled around you.
His particular scent lingered. So you knew he was still there. You were grateful for whatever blessings you still had, that finally brought the two of you together.
Wanting, to look and feel as fresh as you could; you polished off a bottle you always keep in your night stand. After tidying your bed, you took a bath.
While in the tub, washing with sweet smelling French soap, the tears finally came. Hugging, your knees to your chest. You finally cried. Why, oh why did he have to make him a ghoul.
The two of you were no strangers to differences. He was city folk, you a country girl. Your families had not been so inclined, but in the in the end, the love you shared won out.
Being his wife had made you so happy. You remembered, how the two of you were rarely ever apart.
It was his warm blood you had gulped down greedily. Your need to feed, had been so strong that to this day, you never had felt anything that strong.
Calming down, you finished washing and dried yourself off. Slipping into some fresh clothes, you followed his scent till you found him.
You smiled, seeing him half on, half off your sofa, with one foot resting on the coffee table. Somethings, never changed. He had always loved stretching out as much as he could.
Tucking one of your legs under yourself, you managed to sit in a small spot between his legs. As he slept, you looked at him closer. You noticed, the leather rope that had been around his throat was gone. Had he really taken it off for you?
Curious, you reached out but then stopped and pulled your hand back. Feeling, silly you reached out again and you laid a hand on his chest. There was a very slow, heart beat.
“Yes, Y/N it still beats. Sometimes it beats faster.” His voice was thick, one of his cold hands went over yours. He pressed it harder against where his chest.
“I’m glad it still beats.” Your eyes lingered on your hands; before glancing over at him.
“It’s one of the things I am glad is still part of me.”
“I didn’t mean to wake you.”
“Since, we’re together, I’d rather be awake.”
You placed a hand over his. “Thomas, where’s your trophy?”
“I put it away.”
“You didn’t have to.” You slowly began moving, your hands back
He grabbed your hands. “I saw your face, when I told you what it was. I don’t want you to have to look at it when you look at me.”
You watched as something shifted in those blue eyes. “What are you thinking?”
“I am so glad, I smelled that meal. All I thought would happen was I’d get a meal in, have a few drinks and maybe have some fun.”
You remembered the bartender’s words as he spoke.
“I remember that look. What are you thinking”
“The bartender warned me about you.”
His mouth curled into a smirk. “Oh did he?”
“Cammy and I, are known to be notorious.”
“What is existing, without dabbling into some fun?” You said, swallowing down the anguish that grew in, as he mentioned him and that screecher. Her words, “He’s mine. I’m only letting you burrow him.” Echoed in your head.
He smiled, “That’s how I feel.”
“Thomas?” How could you tell him? The idea of her being with him, while you suffered all these years. The anguish continued to grow.
“Yes, little lambkin?”
You suddenly felt horribly silly. You shook your head. “Nothing, I need something from my kitchen.” You got up, turning away. You couldn’t look at him.
He stopped you with one of his legs. “No, you don’t. You are flushed.” There was an undercurrent to his voice. “Tell me what’s wrong.”
“Nothing’s wrong. And yes, I do.” You practically leapt over his leg.
Tearing, open the refrigerator the glass bottles clinking as you did so. Pulling the cork out of one, you up ended it.
You were almost five hundred years old and you wanted to rip her heart out. The thought of him with her filled you with sadness that was only equaled with your rage.
He was there in the space of a few hearty gulps.
“Tell, me what’s wrong?” He squeezed the words came through gritted teeth.
Finishing, the bottle you it down and licked your fangs.
“Are those your fangs?” Moving again, he barely left any space between the two of you. His cold fingers, cupped your chin. You nipped him. He snatched his hand away and shook it. You licked your fang, you were curious. His blood was like a jolt, you trembled. Your body remember when it first saved you.
“Hey!” He shook his hand but grabbed you chin again. “No nipping.”
You smirked, blood rushing through your system always gave you a bit of a high. As you began to feel better, your desire to rip her heart out grew stronger. You were beginning to feeling things, you thought had died with your human side.
As he stepped closer to you, he put a hand on either side of you on the counter. You felt as his body, pressed against yours. There was no space between you. He looked right into your eyes.
“I am not the same man, I played so many fucking games over the centuries in order to survive. I never played any with you, I don’t want to fucking start now.”
You could not even imagine what he must have done.
“Alright, you to want know?” You growled back, your faces were inches from each other.
“Yeah, tell me.”
“When you said, ‘Cammy and I, are known to be notorious; I wanted to rip her heart out.”
@shantellorraine @dance-like-russia-isnt-watching @mac-n-cheesie @fandomgirl800 @vcat55 @pooshnulooshnu @greybeardthetotallylegalpirate
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