#okay but can we talk about the bullshit that is fandoms (no just RWBY’s this is a larger problem) concept of Morality Gray?
kitkatopinions · 2 years
You treating RWBY fans as incapable of accepting criticism would be hilarious even without your pinned post flat-out saying that people are not allowed to interact with you if they disagree with your batshit RWDE vitriol. "2. Please no one interact with my posts if you are anti-rwde or think criticism of RW//BY is bad and/or wrong and/or immoral."
This is the most bad faith interpretation of that, which is clearly on purpose, but let's go ahead and debate it anyway. If someone thinks the act of criticizing RW/BY at all is bad or immoral or wrong, I want nothing to do with them. If someone thinks RW/BY is above criticism, I want nothing to do with them. If someone thinks that anyone who criticizes RW/BY at all becomes part of a hivemind of horrible people who must be purged from the fandom, I want nothing to do with them. If someone thinks that it's okay to say people in the RW/BY fandom are no longer accepting criticism of the show, I want nothing to do with them. If someone thinks that another person criticizing RW/BY means that it's appropriate to start sending them hate anons on the daily or specifically evading blocks in order to harass them, I want nothing to do with them. And before you ask, I've seen every single one of those. That's a clear example of people who are unable to accept criticism. Me saying that I want nothing to do with people who can't accept criticism of a show is NOT a clear example of someone who can't accept criticism, funnily enough. I didn't say 'anyone who disagrees with me, do not interact.' I said 'if you think criticizing RW/BY is inherently bad and that RW/BY is above criticism, do not interact.' Like, I have people disagree with me all the time. I disagree with my sister on RW/BY. I disagree with one of my friends here who hates Ozpin. I specifically don't follow several RW/DE blogs because they post some things I don't like. I'm open to disagreements and talking about them. What I'm NOT open to is people who think that you should only be allowed to say positive things about RW/BY. Weird how there's a difference there lol. Also, I was careful specifically to NOT throw casual RW/BY fans in with anti-RW/DEs, which is something you'll know if you read all of my pinned post. I have no problem at all with regular RW/BY fans, but if you're someone who has bought into the anti-RW/DE bullshit and therefore thinks that the only thing someone has to do to become a bad person is talk more than once about flaws that are deeper than surface level in your deeply flawed show, than you are anti-RWDE and I want nothing to do with you. If any regular RW/BY fans take issue with my posts, we can have a respectful discussion where we might not agree at the end, but I don't mind. However, if you're someone who is convinced that 'running a criticism blog' means that I'm automatically a lying piece of garbage, we'll never be able to have a discussion and I'm more likely to get hate mail from anonymous cowards. Btw, I pinned that post because I had one of my posts screenshot and cropped and then reposted by someone I had blocked like a year prior who was infamous for taking things people said out of context and who purposefully lied about my sister and who had spent months running a blog dedicated to mocking the ten or fifteen of us who properly tag our posts and have made it clear we just want to be left alone. I made that pinned post because I've gotten death and rape and gun violence threats and those make me uncomfortable. I thought about taking that post down yesterday, but decided to keep it up because one of my friends on this site has been getting harassed by an anti-rw/de coward for the past several days and that's recently transferred to another friend, and I thought 'yeah this is really still relevant.' So, the call of over-sensitivity is coming from inside the house to be honest, my friend. Me saying that I don't want anything to do with people who think any and all criticism of a deeply flawed show is NOT as sensitive as someone spending several days anonymously sending hate to a blog specifically because they can't stand that some people like a fictional character they don't. Maybe direct your campaign against over sensitivity there first and then come back when the bigger threats are eliminated.
Also, I'm sorry, but even if I had no reason for setting that boundary and even if that boundary was actually not wanting any RW/BY fan to talk to me out of fear that they'd criticize me... It still would be better than the people who think that it's morally wrong to criticize a deeply problematic piece of media made by a deeply problematic CORPORATION! Like... Buddy o'pal, start there. XD
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twilightguardian · 1 year
"Imagine thinking that responses to someone cannot be longer than the thing being responded to."
Funny thing is, this is frequently a thing the political right do in America- they spout random bullshit all the time as part of a carpet-bomb misinformation tactic, so that the left spends more time debunking the misinformation.
Fairen is basically pulling from the far-right playbook of covering discourse in FRWBY with so much bs that the series is incapable of standing on its own two feet- because fans of it have to spend time explaining why the lies she peddles (that she often gets from biased recaps because she doesn't watch the show) are based in falsehoods rather than talking about FRWBY on its own merits.
kinda funny that the person who rushes to use sexism as a catch-all excuse to smear her opposition has no problem pilfering far-right debate tactics, huh.
Unfortunately, such a tactic can be used by anyone with proper motivation to do so. So it's not surprising to me that Lilith, who seems to lean very left, would also do this. I don't really want to make this about politics or pointing fingers at one side or another. I mostly made note that Lilith primarily focuses on common politically motivated aspects of book writing, whether coincidental or born from insular spaces.
As for her biased recaps, yeah, they're lies, but I wouldn't say they're just a Gish gallop of lies that one has to debunk. More that she uses half-truths, obscuring the truth in vagaries and massive omissions.
She has a very big habit of ignoring when someone calls her out, and if not, she claims people are bullying her. I've seen quite a few people in the RWBY fandom space say that people disagreeing with them, or messaging them to correct them is 'bullying'. People, like Lilith, weaponize the block button just as much as it's used legitimately.
But it is funny to me that anything she says about FRWBY being bad because it can't stand on it's own misses the point of FRWBY in the first place: It's not designed to stand on its own. It's meant to be complimentary to RWBY. Just like Lilith has written a first draft of her Glints Saga series, she'd taken them down and rewritten a second draft of it. It's like, 'congrats, Lilith, you did the exact same thing functionally that FRWBY is meant to be to RWBY.' A second draft. You also don't typically publish second drafts, either. But the purpose of Fixing isn't meant to make RWBY perfect, it's to show that RWBY can be better than it currently is with only minimal tweaks.
Some people aren't going to like the changes. The majority of the takes I've seen either misunderstand FRWBY by citing canon as the reason why Fixing is flawed, despite Raymond having stated those particular things they evoke have changed for his lore in his rewrite; or they deliberately don't pay much attention and miss the inference, so used to the fact that RWBY usually tells the audience things they should be showing instead, then getting upset that Fixing doesn't do the same.
There's been a few legitimate critiques I have come across, such as one that talks about Ozpin and the host changes. But unfortunately in canon we don't know for certain how the hosting works, or what the end result entails. It kind of seems like they waffle on the answer. There was nothing to really say on the critique, as it was just their opinion that they liked what seemed like their headcanon for RWBY better than Raymonds. Okay, sure. If there was deliberate misinformation or misunderstanding about FRWBY's version, I'd probably step in. But other than that, there's no need.
Stepping back into the writing and politics for a moment, for clarification:
There's a lot of talk within some writing circles or just media circles more generally about women's role in media, and the extremes of that seems to be what Lilith subscribes to. A recent example of this mindset is from authortuber Jenna Streety who released a somewhat problematic video talking about female characters in fiction, where for much of it she was preaching more her personal politics rather than talking about women in fiction (and even insinuated that if you want to write characters outside of your sexual preference or gender, you might be gay/trans. Because you can't just... write a character, you actually just want to write yourself. It might also be why Lilith insists on calling Roman Celtic's self-insert all the time).
Among the things she says is reminiscent of the things Lilith talks about, namely that it's apparently sexist for female characters to have motivations surrounding characters other than themselves, but especially men.
Also like Lilith, Jenna tries to silence all disagreement and criticism levied at her by means of deleting comments and bragging about it on her twitter, calling anyone who disagrees with her homophobic and sexist.
It gives off the implication that actually feminine women are undesirable, and the only valid way to write women is to make them masculine in some way, or unlikeable, selfish assholes. Considering what some critics of RWBY claim the girls are like, it wouldn't be a far stretch to equate this mindset of women being well written if they're this way to the reason why Lilith likes the RWBY girls so much. But with no actual confirmation, it's still a stretch gleaned from inference to how Lilith talks about and treats the female characters of the shows she likes and how the characters are.
Of course there's nothing wrong with a female character having motivations for herself, but the problem is that characters don't live in a vacuum. Yet some advocates of this act like they do. Women, even fictional ones, are human beings (or representative of humans) in case anyone forgot, and we are social animals. Women especially, with ancestral roles dating back to our ancestors in the trees, are more naturally inclined to other people. Friends, parents, siblings, children. There's nothing inherently wrong with a female character's main motivations stemming from another character other than herself, not even a man, and that also tying into who she is as a person. We as people resonate strongly with fictional characters having those connections. It's why so many people criticize Yang for not paying more attention to Ruby, and vise versa. Or all four girls in general not being like we expect women to be and act socially. Indeed, apart from a few small moments, they almost act like they were written as male characters with an S pasted on to the 'he'.
Do I think that was how RWBY was actually written? No, of course not. But male writers tend to need to be a bit more cognizant of how they write female characters on average, or else oddities may occur. It may not have been intentional, subconscious, even. But there's something there with the writing of the girls that feels wrong to enough people in the fandom to take note of.
Here's a response video a youtuber I've come to like named Ian posted recently in response to Jenna's video (In Majima from Yakuza Cosplay), and her issues with the woman's opinions and outlooks regarding writing women or even just as a whole.
This turned into a much longer discussion on the topic than I thought, but I had fun, so thank you for messaging me!
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skye-huntress · 1 year
The Witch from Mercury Reaction
Episode 4: “Unseen Trap”
Yeah, yeah, I know. It’s fun to joke about Suletta being a harem protagonist, collecting marriage proposals like their Pokémon gym badges, but at the end of the day, this is Suletta we are talking about. Even putting aside her social awkwardness, she’s far too terrified of Guel, for good reason since she saw how he treated his last fiancée. Of course, she was going to get the hell out of there. Plus, the girl is already engaged, and there is mounting evidence her own fiancée is the possessive type.
You know what I think, even if Suletta knew about the special uniform and how to change it, she wouldn’t have done so on her own. Girl isn’t the type to intentionally stand out, metaphorically and literally. That said, her Mio-Mio likes to remind everybody every few seconds that Suletta is her betrothed. I, like many others, am convinced this is her way of staking her claim, after all, an engagement ring is just too small and hard to notice.
Oh look, the fan girls are here to question Suletta’s decision, as if they know a damn thing about literally anything. They’re also talking about how its her chance to marry into money when Miorine is right there. Guess no one actually expects that wedding to go through, although probably for different reasons than my own.
Miorine obviously has no problems letting Suletta cling to and hide behind her. She knows by now Suletta will stop if she tells her to, so her saying nothing says a lot.
So at no point before the test does anyone mention to Suletta that she needs a spotter and mechanic? I know that she transferred into the second year and she had to go through that bullshit “inquiry”, but how does this not come up before she is already on the field? That’s to say nothing of this House business.
Slow acting masking what? That’s an awfully convenient tool that seems designed specifically for pranking. You’d think something like that would be a prohibited item
Suletta is really just asking whoever she bumps into in the hall. I’m honestly surprised that in this school full of assholes that no one has taken advantage of her yet.
Once again, people are surprised by how sheltered and ignorant Suletta is. She has no concept of discrimination and is so pure there isn’t a single prejudiced thought in her head. I do wonder if her mother intentionally kept her in the dark about these issues despite how much they’ve negatively impacted her life.
Chuchu needs to take a chill pill. Actually, she needs to down the whole bottle, because that reaction is neither normal or healthy. It’s also ironic that she doesn’t want Spacians in Earth House but she’s the one smashing up the place and causing issues for everyone.
Elan doesn’t hesitate in offering to bring Suletta to Peil House. I’m sure that having her around will help with whatever it is he actually wants from her. I do believe he wants her to succeed and not just with this one test, but I can tell he’s not doing it out of altruism.
I would like to ask Mio-Mio what bothers her more. The fact that Elan is “interested” in Suletta, or perhaps its the idea that Suletta might be more interested in Elan instead of her. She certainly did not hesitate to pull Suletta in close when she walked up to them.
That was a valid question though, why didn’t Suletta just ask Miorine in the first place? As cold and intimidating as the girl is, she’s done more for Suletta than anyone else in the school, plus its in her interest that Suletta succeeds.
Mio-Mio would rather due two jobs at once on top of her own studies than let Suletta get help from anybody else. Surely there’s an easier way but I suppose Miorine has cause not to trust in most other people.
Okay, so I learned of this show through the RWBY fandom and I’m fully aware of the similiarities between Miorine and Weiss but its also funny to think about some of their differences. Just imagine Weiss living like a slob or playing video games in a toilet to blow off stress, it’s quite the imagery.
Obviously I can see a few issues with Suletta’s idea about founding a school on Mercury, but I’ll let the girl have her dream.
I’m finding it kind of sad at this point, hearing Miorine saying Suletta shouldn’t have to carry the burden of others and should live for herself. I get where she is coming from and why she thinks that way. It does seem like the conversation has given her something to think about.
Okay, seriously, how is that not vandalism of school property? And surely there should be security cameras watching who goes near the giant war machines
I am with Miorine on this, Chuchu is acting no better than those other brats, and she’s being an idiot. It literally only takes two seconds to find out Suletta means no harm to anybody. It also doesn’t take much observation to realise that despite being “Spacians” neither Suletta or Miorine have much privilege to speak of. Heck, at least Chuchu is at the school by choice and working towards a real career, Miorine is a effectively prisoner.
But more importantly, Chuchu should want Suletta as an ally. The girl has single-handedly and effortlessly destroyed the reputation of the top earning company in the Benerit Group and its heir, and all for a simple apology. The poor girl isn’t even aware of what kind of damage she has caused or how much she has shaken up the status quo. That’s exactly the kind of person you want on your side if you hate said status quo so much. Also, Chuchu should have a great time bonding with Miorine, they hate all of the same people.
If at first you don’t succeed, try, try, try, try, try, try, tr- you get the idea. Isn’t it odd though that the faculty won’t postpone the test due to what they are no doubt aware is sabotage, but they’ll still allow students to retake tests multiple times. Then I saw someone point out that the school is full of the children of influential people, and they’re probably not allowed to fail anyone out of school. Even if it is annoying for them, they would have to allow students to retake tests until they at least pass.
Chuchu is so extra, she actually made her demi-trainer pose so everyone would know how frustrated she is by the situation, not that it’s really Suletta or Miorine’s fault.
Thinking about it, I’m actually surprised Suletta didn’t break down sooner. This girl just wanted to go to school and be a typical teenager for once, but not once has she had a proper break from the constant drama. She got into a fight with a bully, got engaged, got arrested, was interrogated like some criminal, nearly got expelled, her baby sister almost got murdered, and most of her classmates either want nothing to do with her or want to see her fail. Bless Miorine for doing her best to pick her up from her lowest point, unfortunately for as anti-social as she is, her best leaves much to be desired.
They say that to this day, that first girl to get punched has yet to regain consciousness. In fact, she’s still lying on the ground there, no one cared enough to move her.
That moment when Suletta was punched, the bully seemed shocked. There’s a theory going around that Suletta might have some cybernetic enhancements, probably because Mercury isn’t the best place for a growing human body to develop properly. It makes sense, Gund technology was originally developed to help humans adapt properly to the hazardous conditions of space. Furthermore, its a possible explanation for why she avoids physical confrontations. Rather than be afraid of being hurt, she instead is worried about hurting others. For a girl who avoids getting physical, it did seem like she hit Guel harder than I would have expected. I am not all that convinced yet, it’s just something I’ve decided to keep in mind if there is any more supporting evidence.
For all that, the fact that they just have to take the test again means they got off easy, probably because the staff are just as sick of the shenanigans as Chuchu is at this point. Speaking of whom, she should be grateful that that’s the worst of it, especially for her since she’s the one who actually started the fight. At least now she’s starting to recognise that she has some common ground with Suletta and will let her join Earth House.
That just leaves the question of what Miorine will do now. Suletta has a House now and she’ll have all the support she needs, so she won’t need Miorine to help her anymore. But could Mio-Mio really go back to her days of solitude, or will she find more excuses for why she has to be around Suletta?
And with that, I am caught up. Fair warning, these few are what I come up with when I actually take my time and make some edits. The ones I’ll post as the episodes air will be even more of a disorganised mess of probably poorly worded thoughts
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goldenart0 · 3 years
I think out of all the things that the RWBY Fandom has just missed that the show was trying to say, the way RWBY deals with morality and making it more like it is in the real world is the thing that bugs me the most. Like the show tries so hard to prove that people don’t just fall into boxes it ‘Good’ and ‘Bad’, and that no one says at a one certain moral point their entire live. People can ahd do change, for better or worse. Also, mortality is all a matter of perspective. There are no set rules for what good and bad and everyone, everyone will see it differently. DnD deals with nicely with its Alignment system, having Good mean doing things for others sake and Bad for only your own. Overly Sarcastic Productions video on Anti-Heroes also explains this idea about morality very well.
RWBY is one of those stories that shows morality as it is, as least that I have seen. Morality is fluid, and weird, and complex, and different for everyone. People’s moral codes and how they act can change. People aren’t just good and bad, you can rarely ever but then in those boxes. And best of all RWBY shows that it’s characters think in this way (that you can) and shows that it can have consequences and can make you seem like a hypocrite at times. Trying to fit people into that (wrong) world view is not going to work out well for you 90% of the time. People make mistakes, people have mindsets that are different, sometimes in a way that hurts other but sometimes not, and paragons and Disney evil don’t come up in the real world. There aren’t going to be any infallible mentors here.
And yet, with all of this the fandom still tries to fit characters into easy little boxes of Good and Bad (or worse Morality Gray which you would think would be a broader category that it is), and doesn’t realize that people will make mistakes, or be less then perfect, and that in some cases opposite view can both be valid while being opposite and co-exist.
It just gets on my nerves at times.
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drtwit · 4 years
RWBY and the Shades of EEEEEEVIL!
Villains aren’t exactly uncommon, in fact, you could say they’re a constant thorn in the side of reality that only exist to make a story complicated. They hurt our favorite characters, monologue a second too long, spout threatening one-liners they probably spent weeks in front of the mirror preparing, and sometimes they even have the audacity to have sympathetic qualities just to mess with us even more. In short, they’re a bit rude. However, we’re not here to talk about the sympathetic and redeemable qualities of our nefarious opposition. No comebacks here. No, we’re here to discuss the bushy mustache twirlers, the little Hitler youths, whiny brats and the candy thieves who have a pronounced hatred of puppies.
With pure evil characters who are there to break the story over their knees and practice their maniacal laughter, it’s often that writers forget to incorporate the character’s motivation, or at least fear the mention of that motivation. See, I find that many people find it hard to recognize that even for the most insane and cartoony of bastards, there is a reasoning, however twisted, behind their actions. The Joker commits crimes to spark chaos, push Batman to question his moral code and prove life is just one big joke. Darth Sidious wants to control the entire Galaxy and believe that nothing can be allowed to surpass him, not even his legacy. Zamasu wants to fulfill his image of a perfect universe and see’s Mortals as a stain upon reality. Prince Lacroix wants a bigger dick... Oh yeah, and something about fearing super powered Asians and the apocalypse, but I think he’s just racist. They have motivations and their actions are fueled by how they reason they can achieve their goals.
In RWBY, we have our fair share of evil ice cream flavors. Power hungry Fem Fatal? Darwin’s Edgy Fangirl? Sinster Overlord shrouded in mystery? Extremist swallowed by his hatred? Mustaches? We have them all, so feel free to choose your poison. But the one I want to talk about to illustrate this trend is the most pure evil of the bunch: Jac-ass Schnee.
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This blight upon the good name of a bitching stache has been a point of apathy for me in the show, both as a character who always managed to feel like a background character forced to be an antagonist and as poorly done part of Weiss’s arc. He’s the best example of what happen when you need a character to always be a villain, no matter the scene, no matter the context, he always has to be hatable and pathetic to make sure you still hate him. This leads to a rather inconsistent character.
There’s a previous point of contention the fandom had with his post-volume 3 portrayal, where both in the way Weiss acts and how he’s mentioned prior to volume 4, there seems to be a disconnect to the abusive corporate worm we’d eventually meet. In the first three seasons, he and his company is something that Weiss clearly tried to emulate, something Weiss seemed to take enough pride in to be such a snob about it, something that Weiss goes out of her way to defend against accusations from Blake. You get the idea that Weiss’s father is harsh, distant and negligent, but that he’s still someone Weiss seems to hold a little affection for. Go to volume 4 and the way the two interact make it suddenly makes prior Weiss moments rather questionable, she seems suddenly very clear about how much she doesn’t like him, he’s very obvious with how much of a dirt bag he is and the everything we learn about the SDC and Atlas elite in general make it hard to think Weiss wouldn’t have agreed with Blake back in volume 1. Hell, I found it odd how Winter back in volume 3 cared about Weiss not returning her abusive father’s calls, you’d think Winter would be like “Yeah, fuck ‘em.”
But okay, maybe it’s just some subtleties missed, Jacques is the straight up corporate sleazebag, doing anything he can to get that payday. He has money, and he knows how to use it, dominating the market and knowing which shortcuts to take to move things in his favor. Now, let’s strip away these elements to the concrete core of the the type of evil Jac is. His evil is one of apathy towards morals in the face of greed. He wants money and power, and doesn’t care what he has to do to get it. He’s a good business man who’s worked his way up the ladder. This worked for volume 4, he uses Weiss as a symbol of sympathy towards future buyers at a party, he pretends to care about the fall of Beacon to look good and slaps Weiss when she starts to threaten that with her antics.
And then here comes volume 7 to take him down in the lamest way possible. We have the build up: Weiss running away, the songs about her wanting to break free, the whole motivation of bringing the SDC back to it’s former glory, the fear of having to return to Atlas on her own, ect. He’s her personal villain and as such you’d expect her returning home after he’s had two volumes to build up his already substantial power during a crisis where his business is needed more than ever, he’d take on a rather daunting role as secondary antagonist to Watts and Tyrian. Our first scene with him in volume 7 tells us the answer.
He storms in, easily loses his cool, is revealed that no one really likes him, Ironwood makes it clear he has very little power here, he’s unable to do anything other than throw petty insults at Weiss and immediately he’s stopped being the corporate bastard he’s supposed to be. This continues with the rest of the volume with him, where the writing seems to make him multiple villains at the same time and reduce him to Watts’s mindless flunkie who could have been replaced by any character. His actions don’t connect to his motivation and situation, there’s nothing that makes me believe that he actually reasoned that this would advance his goals.
He’s a ruthless business man who brought the SDC from poultry earnings to a global monopoly. But he doesn’t have one lick of charisma or cunning to the point he thinks taking away people’s jobs will get them to support him rather than hate him.
His company is constantly facing controversies, accusations and attacks with apparently everyone hating him. But he has shit security and isn’t the least bit paranoid of bugs from potential journalists in his house.
He wants money, power and security. But goes along with Watt’s plans that clearly weaken Atlas’s defenses and isn’t suspicious at all at Watts wanting admin access to Mantle’s entire system with no attempt at insurance in case the clearly suspicious mad man doesn’t stab him in the back.
He doesn’t care about Weiss at all, she’s simply a means to an end, even disowning Winter for joining the military. But he still let Weiss attend Beacon, went back to get Weiss from Beacon when he had Jac 2.0 on standby to be his heir.
He’s a man who’s been in the game of feeding people bullshit for years to justify his bad deeds. But he immediately crumbles the moment he’s accused of anything.
He wants to sweep all accusations of unfair labor practices under the rug so they don’t damage his business. But apparently he allowed faunus to get branded with his logo.
On and on it goes, where his motivation is thrown away because “He’s evil, he doesn’t need a reason to do bad things.”. Joker wants to push Batman over the edge, thus he creates a situation that fucks with Batman’s moral code. Sidious wants to crush the Galaxy’s hope, so he constructs a symbol of fear big enough that it can be seen looming overhead from the planet below. Zamasu wants to purge the universe, so he takes the body of the man who embodies the ‘sins’ of mortals and travels to another timeline to make sure the much more powerful Gods and Zeno can’t interfere with his plans. La Fuckwad knows that everyone is looking for an excuse to get rid of him and knows the apocalypse might be coming, so he manipulates a fledgling vampire to get him the sarcophagus of an ancient vampire so he can absorb that refine ‘87 vintage blood wine and become powerful enough to survive.
You can see how they reason they need to do the things they do to achieve their goal. What connects A to B. The only way Jac’s action sync up with his motivation is if he is such a profound moron that Weiss besting him means nothing. “Wow, you beat the illiterate kid at reading, well done.”
As I stated earlier, Jac is viewed strictly as a bastard, strictly as Weiss’s antagonist, in every scene the show has to push in our faces that he’s the bad guy and that Weiss is superior to him. He never gains an advantage over Weiss, or puts Weiss in a difficult situation, he never has a real chance in this story. He is there to be arrested by Weiss. Every scene changes him to be the villain it needs for him to be for us to hate him the most. So, in some he will be calm and composed to frustrate us, while others he’ll be made to yell like a petulant child to make him pathetic and other’s he’ll just be stroking his mustache. His first confrontation with her ends with him getting slapped down and humiliated, then he’s just a yes man who does what Watts tells him to do with no thought or agency, then Weiss just walks into his party, get’s handed victory on a silver platter and arrests him.
That’s it. You got your ice cream flavors, and all of them can be pretty good on their own. However, if you get a bunch of them, stick them in a bowl and then just take a few bites and leave ‘em out in the sun, all you’re gonna get is regular intervals of a muddy looking puddle that eventually becomes grey sludge.
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RevieWBY Volume 6, Chapter 8: “Dead End”
You know, in retrospect, it was kind of our own fault for hyping it up to be Winter. But good on them for not making this new character like a big reveal.
There’s really not that much to say about this episode overall. I think it’s along the lines of Chapter 2 and Chapter 4: it’s dealing with the aftermath of something and setting up for something much more major down the line, thus it can’t really stand on its own. But like with those two, there’s some interesting stuff going on in this episode that’s worth touching upon, especially when it comes to worldbuilding.
Oh, and fyi: some major fandom crtq at the end.
Such Wit! Such Tenacity! Much wow!
This chapter offers up a new perspective on the Atlas military: Caroline Cordovin and her nationalist, racist attitude. We’ve been told in the past that Atlas is the kind of modern military nation, acting without reason, being very self-centered, blah blah blah. The problem is, we haven’t really been shown that: the only real Atlas military characters have been Ironwood and Winter, and (being generous) they’re the good guys. Volume 4 kind of showed just how shitty Jacques Schnee and his circle of buddies can be, but it wasn’t really a perspective on the military: in fact, in the post-gala scene Ironwood, as the military’s representation, seemed the direct counterpoint to the rich assholes of Atlas. With this in mind, this volume has sort of run with the assumption that Atlas’s support will be a piece of cake, but Cordovin present a reasonable obstacle while also giving us more insight into the kind of people who actually make up the Atlas military.
Qrow v. Ruby
Based on his bit from this volume’s intro sequence, how he’s been reacting to the revelations regarding Ozpin, and some comments from Miles on this week’s RWBY Rewind about how he feels awful because Qrow is making all the wrong decisions, this is definitely the volume where Qrow is going to officially hit rock bottom (if he hasn’t hit it already). Whereas Team RWBY is willing to stick to their guns about getting to Atlas even after Jinn’s story and Brunswick Farms, Qrow has given up. Remember, he had possibly the strongest reaction to finding out Ozpin doesn’t have a plan, because he devoted his entire life to Ozpin’s supposed cause and lost so many friends and family along the way: another obstacle has kicked him down even further. After three seasons of Qrow being the drunk uncle who’s still a hero, we’re closing in on dark territory for him.
Ruby has always kind of just accepted Qrow’s alcoholism as one of his quirks, but with this volume’s events she realizes it’s an actual problem, offering a new angle on their relationship after it’s remained at a constant level since Volume 3. This arc is developing quite well: from cautious awareness in Chapter 5 to an attempt to reach out in Chapter 6 to complete frustration in this chapter. I’m curious as to where this will go: it’s the most development/insight into Ruby we’ve gotten that wasn’t straight up told to us.
Well, You’d Be Mad Too
With the previous episode, it vaguely seemed like JNR finding out the truth about Ozpin was about to get glossed over, but NOPE. Their reactions were exactly as they should be, if not strong enough. It’s important to remember that they lost one of their closest friends in the fight between good and evil, and they have essentially been told that her death was for nothing. It’s almost on par with Qrow’s reaction, especially when you take into account how much Qrow has lost from siding with Ozpin all this time. I’m not defending their actions, especially Jaune’s, but rationalizing them in the context of this show. They were not going to take this news lightly, and anything lighter would have been unrealistic.
Can I just add: sidelining JNR for half the volume was a good writing decision. Not only does it decrease the number of characters we need to pay attention to for a storyline that needs razor-sharp focus in order for it to be delivered well, it prevents the utter mess that would’ve occurred if they AND Qrow had been present for Jinn’s story. It also provides a counterpoint to Team RWBY’s perspective: besides having witnessed everything in person, they have had a few days and a traumatic experience to rationalize their next moves. JNR has had no such thing, and they’re going to have to deal with this differently.
Learning Is Fun
In an example of planting-payoff, we finally get some insight into the silver-eyed warriors, three years after we were even aware it was a concept, and three years since we knew anything new about it other than you could use it against Grimm. I like the wink at just how little Ruby (and by extension, the audience) knows about such an important power.
This is a moment where a lot of information we get comes from talking, which is why I think this episode may feel a little slow, comparable to some of Volume 4 and 5′s lower moments. That said, I think the show deserves some leeway on this because this volume so far has really stuck to show-don’t-tell, plus since this is much-desired information having it in the first place is useful no matter how it’s delivered. It can also be said it makes sense to have this story delivered through dialogue, as presumably that’s how Maria learned: it’s like sharing a legend orally, and emphasizing just how rare the silver-eyed warriors are and how dangerous being one can be.
There’s something interesting going on in this scene that a few people have touched upon: Ruby commenting that her silver eyes were activated when she saw Jaune and Cinder sparring, prompting Maria to suggest that perhaps there was something she wasn’t seeing. On first thought, it refers to the fact that Cinder has a Grimm arm. Except the thing is, there’s no point in framing it the way they do: it’s framed as though there’s something mysterious for the viewer to think about, but we all know Cinder’s arm is Grimm. What does this imply about Cinder? Well, we know the whole reason she got the Fall Maiden powers was because she cheated: she used what could be best described as a parasite Grimm. We also know from her “training” with Salem that the new arm is almost a separate entity from her, but she needs the ability to control it herself rather than the other way around. There appears to be a broader implication that Cinder’s connection to the Grimm may be stronger than just a supplement to her powers or a prosthetic to her lost arm: is she becoming a Grimm/Human hybrid along the lines of Salem?
But then again, I could be overthinking it, it could just be an acknowledgment/reminder that Ruby herself doesn’t know about Cinder’s arm. But I guess it’s something to keep an eye on for the rest of the volume.
This is another set-up episode, and it’s not a particularly exciting one at that. It’s hard to judge these on their own considering they’re designed to service a larger storyline, but overall I just thought “Okay, things are gonna be harder than they thought, they reacted as we thought they’d react, we finally got some insight into stuff, and we’ve got our next major arc.” So I’ll just accept this as it is: straightforward set-up, some insight into the show’s mythology. I didn’t hate it or love it, I didn’t dislike it or like it, it was just eh. And considering pretty much all the chapters last volume made me feel “eh” and most of the ones this volume haven’t, I’m still happy to call Volume 6 an improvement.
By the way...if you’ve been on the RWBY tag these past couple of days, you’ve probably noticed my posts about the highly entitled part of this fandom complaining about the sneak peek for the next chapter on RWBY Rewind having animation errors, and the more rwde part of this fandom once again shitting on Miles for calling out someone for being an asshole about it. I admit, I’m getting a little too worked up about this, but honestly this whole business has really made my blood boil over the past week, a week I’ve been trying to use to relax after school let out for break, so, rant time.
IT WAS SO CLEARLY UNFINISHED, DID YOU SERIOUSLY THINK THEY WERE GONNA BROADCAST THE EPISODE WITH SUCH A BLATANT ERROR? It happened because they weren’t done with the episode before they sent the clip in for RWBY Rewind’s live broadcast. And don’t give me that bullshit about how you’re paying with a FIRST account for a 60 second sneak peek to be perfect, you’re paying 3 bucks a month so you can watch the episodes a week early, you know, like the rest of us with FIRST accounts are doing, never mind the hundreds of hours of exclusive content we get in that subscription! And shit, if you’re really on about those 60 seconds of a thirty minute RWBY aftershow needing to be perfect, you could’ve just watched the version that they put up online afterwards, which is so clearly the finished version not just because they fixed the compositing error but they added ambient effects and additional pedestrians in certain shots! I mean, I don’t even watch RWBY Rewind live half the time, most people don’t, I’ve just been paying to watch it starting the day after it’s recorded!
And god forbid Miles tell an asshole he’s being an asshole! I mean, how do you hold up A FUCKING 60 SECOND SNEAK PEEK as evidence of a drop in the show’s animation quality?! Have you been watching this fucking season? The animation is the best it’s been in ages. Like it’s actually absurd how much detail and attention they’ve put into shots, even non-fighting scenes! And don’t even get me started on how good the fights have been! Better sparingly used quality fights than overused often subpar fights (god, Volume 5 was a shitshow)!
You idiots go on and on about “Oh, I’m harsh on this show because I love it! They should listen to legitimate criticism no matter how I deliver it!” Newsflash: you don’t love this show. At this point you’re only criticizing it because you hate it. Because if you were actually criticizing it out of love for the show, you’d be pointing out actual issues this volume. You’d be saying something like “Oh, this kid of information should have been dropped earlier” or “This volume should not have set up Adam as a major player only to more or less not use him for the past 7 chapters.” Or, you know, point out actual problems with the show, even nitpicks like the weird fireplace effects at Brunswick Farms or some animation errors that popped up in Chapter 6. But the funny thing is, you’re not pointing that out. You’re pointing out a 60 second sneak peek that was clearly presented with no pretense of it being the final product and acting like you’ve found the ace in the hole, the proof that CRWBY is lazy and disrespecting of Monty’s legacy.
You don’t love this show. You love to pretend that you’re protecting the show from the very people that make it. But the fact is, it’s them who are in the writers’ rooms, it’s them who are sitting at the computers, it’s them who make the show you pretend to love. And if you’ve resigned yourself to just hating whatever it is they put out, then I’m sorry, but you’re not a fan of what the show is now. So you can either keep moaning about “Oh, Monty wouldn’t have done this,” or maybe accept the fact that there’s no way the show could do whatever it is Monty did because no one can do what Monty would do. They can only do what they do. It’s no longer just Monty’s show, it’s CRWBY’s show too. And if you’re just never gonna be satisfied with that, if every little thing they do and say is gonna make your blood boil, if every choice they make is completely against the show you’ve built up inside your head, then just don’t watch it. It would make all of us, including you, feel better.
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knightofbalance-13 · 6 years
Too bad: Don’t want drama, don’t be a jackass. Same for everyone on the internet.
0:24 No no, there’s a ton of drama about hate being passed off as criticism. Actual critics of RWBY have gotten off scott free and the only ones being affected are you assholes who try to sell your snakeoil opinions as fact and critics who don’t want to be associated with you. And quite frankly: You deserve for the shit you spew.
0:34 Rant huh? (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DBUJ3RrkZhU) Not even a minute...and a good third of that was Miles giving people credit and leniancy. Your video is more of a rant than his, complete with whiny bitching and rambling.
0:46 No, Lord Fatass whined that he was getting called out. That isn’t a response anymore than...well, any response he makes to anyone who doesn’t agree with him.
0:55 Lord fatass has a Patreon and all he does is bullshit all the damn time about RWBY. Fuck, you even compare yourself to a cult leader in that screenshot. Cults are defined by being irrational and rabid with the leader encouraging such behavior. I don’t care what you say your relationship with RWBY is: Lord Fatass calls himself a fan. Your ACTIONS are what I care about you DEFINITELY act like a cult leader.
1:01 Not helping your case that you sound pissed about a video essentially saying ‘‘don’t hate on the creators.”
1:20 Oh, someone’s being disingenuous! Miles never discredited the fandom as a whole or even critics as a whole. He just said ‘I don’t like know it alls and haters.’ You just said that because if you told the truth, no one would listen to you.
1:26 Bull fucking shit. Critics are revered in fandoms and it’s usually the CREATORS that are given a bad name. A critic can shrug off criticism and ignore their own flaws and continue making the same mistake over and over again while if a creator so much as thinks about not gulping down shit, they’re seen as egotistical. You’re lying.
1:30 Lord Fatass literally lies about the show numerous times in his ‘reviews’ and you will outright lose your shit if someone doesn’t call Volumes 3-5 shit. Pretty safe to assume you hate RWBY.
1:34 Yes. And it is literally every single point I’ve figured out on my own just said worse mixed in with personal gripes trying to be passed off as criticism. It just feels like you looked up what other people said and parroted it back to disguise your bullshit as criticism.
1:48 Your Volume 5 review was you rambling about fight scenes. That’s it. You apparently have the patience of a goldfish. P.S. You are literally contradicting what you did in the video you linked because you flipped your shit at people who were saying they liked Volume 5. You’re only doing this to try and build credit.
2:04 So basically, let people be irredeemable assholes, making personal attacks on creators until said creators become so desensitized to criticism due to the abuse they suffered they stop trying to improve because you’re shit at your job and can’t handle being professional in any way. Here’s another saying: “Git Gud.”
2:08 Yes and let’s here about all those dirty commies and how ugly and nasty they are while we’re doing propaganda.
2:16 And flat earthers say that a round Earth doesn’t exist either. Doesn’t make it make it true!
2:25 But if you ordered a steak that was suppose to be undercooked or went to a place that only served undercooked steaks: You’re wrong for bitching about it. Hey look, I broke your lengthy analogy in it’s infancy in under two seconds. Should say something about your critical thinking skills.
2:29 yes but a media student would know WHY it sucked on an objective level while you just pass off subjective as fuck opinions are objective reasons why a show sucks. A chief would be able to know why something sucks anbd why it sucks for being that particular meal while a normal customer would bitch and moan because they ordered a dish and they didn’t like it. Also, this has nothing to do with constructive criticism and is just kind of out of place. Plus your analogy was kind of...short to be honest. You should have looked over your script before writing and thought about it. ... Hey look, I just CONSTRUCTIVELY criticized you. And all it took was NOT being a complete douchebag. Almost as though your skill in critiquing has next to nothing to do with constructive criticism and is instead about HOW you go about criticizing.
2:42 Cept this analogy doesn’t work either. PLENTY of people make calm, constructive reviews of the show, both positive and negative, explaining why the show does/doesn’t work. While the angry reviews basically boil down to ‘this Volume wasn’t made for ME.” So whose more right? The people who can explain why the dish does/doesn’t work as the type of dish it is or the people bitching about the type of dish it is or the flavor of the dish not being a flavor they like?
2:46 Cept they CHOOSE to waste their time and the show is FREE. You only pay to see it early, not to view the show. This is like bitching about mayo being on a sandwitch that was said to have mayo on it and the sandwitch was FREE. I broke that analogy by just looking at it funny.
2:50 Yeah and then they assault the chiefs, sending them hatemail and death threats, attempting to ruin their business through fake controversies, invoking the memory of the dead friend who made the recipe and general act as though they fed them PEOPLE. All while complain about how the dish was too sour when it was advertised as sour. You just keep getting worse and worse at this.
3:03 While the reviews say there were bugs in it (which there wasn’t), saying the dish gave people food poisoning (which it didn’t), the reviwers tried assaulting the chief for using a certain ingreident to the point he doesn’t want to cook and instead of the morning news, it was a recording of the chief just relieving stress with friends. Now you sound like a fucking sociopath.
3:09 I mean, Gordon Ramsey actually knows what eh is saying, in the British version of the show Gordon is a lot nicer and in turn is more well respected, Gordon actually tries to help and encourage the chiefs instead of belittling them and Gordon doesn’t try to force his way of cooking down their throats while attempting to make them quit cooking.
... Now YOU sound like one of those chiefs from Kitchen Nightmares.
3:18 No, you’re going to assault the chief and essentially harass him into becoming your slave. I do not care how pissed you are: You ‘critics’ of RWBY have used up all my sympathy for you. You have to now EARN it and boy oh howdy will it be a HERCULEAN task for that to happen.
3:26 And yet I can, despite not being an animator myself. Also, if you can’t tell what is wrong with a dish then why should the chief listen to you when you could just be a whiny bitch? Also also: Miles is a WRITER and by virtue of making a script for this video, you are a writer. You have no excuses.
And finally: that’s actually a rather adept analogy with Yelp. Because yelp is FULL of people who will us either status as ‘critics’ to harass and bully restaurants into doing what they want. You wanna know what you are? You’re Cartman from the episode “You’re not Yelping!” And we all know how THAT ended (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pDlR_ccnZww)/ Fuck, I’ll make a RWDE version after this.
3:35 funny because that isn’t what constructive criticism is because it’s more akin to ‘this is how you should do this for these reasons’ and what he described is what YOU people do.
3:39 ... But you can help them. You’re just too lazy.
3:51 But you guys DON’T and in fact when people bring evidence of YOUR fuck ups, you’ll whine and moan and ignore it. See, that’s the biggest irony here. Miles is essentially being YOUR critic and you are acting EXACTLY as you perceive him to be. It’s like if a student came to teacher for help and all the teacher did was scream in his face and slap him.
4:03 But you will call the steak shit by saying it was cooked exactly as advertised and you didn’t want that despite nit letting them know otherwise. Also the steak was free.
4:08 And I can say you’re full of shit. Doesn’t make either one of us right. Except i can say WHY you’re full of shit and you can’t explain jackshit.
4:19 No but they’d give it a fair chance and move on if they don’t like it for personal reasons. Now forcing your opinion onto everyone else: THAT’S a hater move.
4:21 No you’re not. Your actions say otherwise.
4:28 You’re not the audience. You’ve made that abundantly clear. You’re like a chicken fan bitching about how a steak doesn’t taste like chicken.
4:37 Name one person and no, Shane doesn’t count. And even then, Shane even admits he was probably being biased.
4:42 Well, when you blow things out of proportion to ATTACK Miles, that would be the case...except if anything, they’re toning it down.
4:54 That’s fucking rich. Not only was Miles NOT talking about critics in general but HE was defending himself from YOU PEOPLE. And he’s ONE person when you’re fucking DOZENS.
5:06 And Miles shouldn’t have to grovel and beg for forgiveness. This is just your shit coming back at you. I do not care.
5:13 Cept that;s your JOB as a critic. Don't wanna do it? Stop calling yourself a critic.
5:22 yet here you are, fearmongering that Miles is gonna annihilate your poor defenseless critics in an age where critics are treated as infallible gods.
5:32 ... So you’re basically affirming what Miles said, that you don’t know what you are talking about. ... You just beat yourself.
5:43 Says the man who says ‘the customer is always right’ unironically.
5:51 ... Miles outright hates working on RWBY because of you. He is scared shitless of what people will do to him if Jaune gets any scenes. A Camp Camp blog got mistaken for Miles and was harassed to the point of leaving because of it. I’ve seen Miles’ life being threatened on this very site. ... Fuck you.
6:11 Yet when that happens for hating on RWBY and making Miles’ life a living hell, it’s A-Okay! ... You’re just fucking salty people aren’t listening to your shit and calling you out.
6:21 This is gonna be GOOD.
6:25 Cept he is in the UK and actually reviews food instead of screaming. Hell, even in kitchen nightmares he doesn’t insult anyone. That’s just Hell’s Kitchen, which is basically cooking Jerry Springer. Congratsm you're Jerry Springer.
6:36 Cept you gave the hatedom every fucking excuse to hate on Miles and make his life hell while parroting their points while also categorizing anyone who disagrees with you a fanboy.
6:52 ‘I’m not calling you out! ... But here's me calling you out indirectly like a pussy!’
6:57 And guess what? Most of RT’s fans have heard ENOUGH of YOU. And unlike YOU, they have an actual reason while you just wanna protect your ego.
My final thoughts? I don’t care how tired you are of it, you fucking deserve every last bit of this. You wanna be a total jackass? FIne, you can get hate for it Wanna be a hypocrite? Get hate for it. Wanna encourage harassment and hatred? Get fucking hate for it.
I do not care. You have lost ALL sympathy from me.
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bittersweetmelodie · 6 years
Fandom: RWBY Pairing: Weiss Schnee/Yang Xiao Long Summary:  Catharsis - the process of releasing, and thereby providing relief from, strong or repressed emotions. Weiss, Yang, and a handful of heart to heart talks. FF.net
Disclaimer: All recognizable characters and places belong to Rooster Teeth.
A/N: I call bullshit on Weiss’s “I know we’re not as close” line. There was so much implied interaction between these two characters. So yea, have some Yang and Weiss comforting each other. 
“I’m just afraid of what she’ll say when we find her. The innocent never run, Yang.”
“She deserves the benefit of the doubt, Weiss. This is Blake we’re talking about, after all. I’m sure that whatever she’s done, she has her reasons.”
“The White Fang, Yang. The White Fang! How is it that we missed it?”
“Don’t you think there’s a reason she hasn’t said anything to us? Maybe she knew you would react badly. So she’s a Faunus? What’s the big deal? She’s still Blake – she’s our friend, and she deserves the benefit of the doubt. Especially at a time like this, when she needs her friends the most. I don’t know what your history is with the White Fang, or what they’ve done, and I won’t pretend like I do, but she must have had a reason for joining them, just as she must have had a reason for leaving them.”
“Stolen dust, hijacked transport trucks… How could she have been a part of that, and then looked me in eyes and acted like she was my friend?” Her lips trembled as the tears threatened to fall. “She was my friend! I would have given my life for her, and – and – I’m not mad because she’s a Faunus. But she was White Fang. She put my family and me through so much misery for years. How can she spend all that time with me, knowing who my family was, and pretended like none of that ever happened?”
“We’ve all done things that we regret. I’m sure you’ve had your fair share of incidences that you wish you could make disappear from your memories. I almost got my sister killed because I was dumb and reckless. And maybe Blake was too – maybe she really thought that what she was fighting for was right, without really thinking of the consequences. Who knows how long it’s been since she was part of the White Fang? We’ve all grown and she’s probably not the same person she was back then.
“And… I think this is exactly what she was afraid of – us finding out who she was, about her past, and shunning her because of it. You… you kind of proved her right, Weiss. I’m not saying that it’s your fault that she ran away, or that you aren’t justified in your reaction,” she added hastily when Weiss glowered angrily at her. “But you didn’t even listen to what she had to say.”
“She ran away. She didn’t exactly offer an explanation before she disappeared. Not that I would have been in the mood to listen,” she admitted, biting her bottom lip.
“Let her explain when she comes back, then. Let her tell you why she joined the White Fang all those years ago, let her explain why she left. Just listen to her. She’s probably hurt and angry. Try to put your hatred for the White Fang aside, and just be there for her. You have to be able to separate her from the White Fang – their ideals are not necessarily the same as hers.”
“Let’s just hope that she does come back,” Weiss whispered. “What if I drove her away for good?”  
“You didn’t drive her away – she’s just afraid of what we might think of her. Maybe she’s a little angry, but when she calms down, she’ll come back. And then you guys can talk it out. Aaand that’s probably her now.” Yang pulled her vibrating scroll from her pocket. “Oh, it’s Ruby. Hey, sis,” she said, pressing her scroll to her ear.
Weiss stared at the ground, wondering how on earth she would convince Blake to come back, after all the mean words they had exchanged.
“They found Blake,” Yang said as she hung up. “They’re by the docks right now. Come on. You can do this, Weiss. Just be there for her – she needs the support the most right now.”
“Okay,” she exhaled. She tugged Yang’s arm gently. “Just… thanks. For acknowledging why I was angry, instead of blaming me for making her run away.”
“We don’t know your past, just as we don’t know Blake’s, and you deserve the benefit of the doubt just as much as she does, Weiss. We’re your friends too – we’ll always have your back, and I know you’ll have ours.”  
“Yang, this is a stupid idea,” Weiss said. “Yang! This is what ladders are for!”
“C’mon, Ice Queen, we don’t have time to go dig out a ladder from the storage room – wherever that is.”
“This is really dumb.”
“I heard you the first time! And the second. And the third. Just hurry up and put up the stupid streamers!”
Weiss huffed from where she was sitting, barefoot, on Yang’s shoulders, hunched over Yang’s head. She had one arm wrapped tightly around Yang’s neck so that she wouldn’t fall; her other hand was clutching a roll of streamers. “You want me to stand on your shoulders while you walk around the cafeteria so that we can hang streamers for the dance. This is, by far, the stupidest idea you’ve had. And you’ve had a lot of bad ideas.”
“Ice Queen, we don’t have all day. Just stand up and tape the stupid streamers to the walls so we can get this over with! Besides, you’re the one that wanted streamers. We could have easily just left them out.”
“Alright, alright, fine!” She placed a hand on the top of Yang’s head and pushed herself up, one foot on each of Yang’s shoulders. “I’m just saying, this is a really, really dumb idea.” She moved shakily to stand on her tiptoes, struggling to reach up and tape the end of the streamer where the wall met the ceiling.
“See? Easy as pie. Now onto the next one!” She started walking.
Weiss, who was still standing on her shoulders, had nothing to hold onto for stability, and when Yang started walking, she lost her balance. “Yang, I’m gonna –” she flailed her arms uselessly in the air as she tried to regain her balance, but to no avail. Before either of them could fully comprehend what was happening, Weiss had landed on the floor with a loud, resounding crash.
“Weiss!” Yang knelt down next to her and gently lifted her up by her shoulders. “Are you okay?”
“Ugh,” Weiss groaned. She sat up and rubbed the back of her head. “I told you this was a dumb idea.”
Yang laughed and held her hands up in mock defeat. “Alright, alright. You sit down, while I go get the ladder and some ice for your head. You okay?”
Weiss grabbed the hand that Yang offered her, and let her puller her up. “I’m fine – just go get the stupid ladder so we can finish the decorations.”
Yang led her to the nearest table and forced her into the chair. “Don’t even think about doing anything until I get back.”
“So, Neptune, huh?” Yang teased as she climbed the ladder, a handful of streamers in her hand. “Never took you as the type to fall for the playboy.”
Weiss flushed in embarrassment. “Sh-shut up! He’s nice, okay? And unlike some people I know, he actually cares about school. He’s actually really smart – did you know he’s one of the top students at Haven? And he did beat you at Remnant, remember?”
Yang glared at her. “I didn’t need the reminder, thank you very much.”
“And what about you?” She asked, taking the first chance that she could to steer the conversation away from herself. “Now that you’ve convinced Blake to go, are you going ask her to go with you?”
“No,” Yang said, pointedly looking away. She fiddled with the streamer in her hand. “Why would I?”
Weiss sighed and rolled her eyes. “You’re hardly subtle, Yang,” she said matter-of-factly as she fiddled with the controls on the fog machine (she had been confined to her chair after her fall, and wasn’t allowed to do much else). “I’ve seen the way you look at her when she’s not looking.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Yang…” She had never been good with words, and she certainly was not very good with emotions. Growing up in a household where talk of feelings (or talk of anything but training, really) was looked down upon did not lend well to situations like this one. In fact, it had left her more or less emotionally stunted. So instead, she chose to take the offensive route, and said, “You’re not allowed to ask me about Neptune, and then shut me out when I ask you about your love life.”
Finally Yang looked up, a sad smile on her face. “I think she’s going with Sun.”
“Oh,” Weiss said, taken aback. She made a face. “The monkey Faunus? I didn’t think he would be her type.”
“Well, apparently he is,” she said bitterly. She flopped down, taking a seat on the top of the ladder. “She went to him when everything fell apart. We’re her teammates – she could have come to any of us, but she chose to go to him.”
“To be fair, I think my reaction was the exact reason why she didn’t want to come to us.”
“It doesn’t matter.” She shook her head. “It’s just a stupid crush.”
“It’s not stupid. It sucks, yes, but your feelings are not stupid. Blake is stupid if she doesn’t want to date you.”
Yang gave a watery snort. “No, she’s not.”
“She is,” Weiss insisted. “Why wouldn’t she want to date you? You’re kind. Beautiful. The sunniest, warmest personality I’ve ever seen. You have the uncanny ability to make everybody around you happy.” She rose from her seat and walked over to Yang. She placed a reassuring hand on her knee. “She’ll come around.”
“No. No, she probably won’t. And as long as she’s happy, I should be happy for her, right?”
Weiss shook her head. “You’re allowed to be sad that you don’t – that she doesn’t –” she let out a frustrated sigh. “You shouldn’t feel obligated to be happy for her. You’re allowed to be sad that she doesn’t like you back. And if she doesn’t see how great you are, then she doesn’t deserve you. Somebody else is going to come along, and see your warmth and happiness, and they’ll give you so much love that you don’t know what to do with it – that’s the kind of love you deserve.”
Yang gaped openly down at her teammate – Weiss was usually closed off and cold (Weiss cold, she had said to Ruby once, much to the younger girl’s chagrin). She never had a nice thing to say about anybody. “Who knew the Ice Queen had so many kind things to say about me?” Yang teased.
“Hmph,” she huffed. “Just because I don’t say anything, it doesn’t mean I don’t think it. You’re – I don’t know; I’m just not used to seeing you sad. You’re the one who’s always making others smile, and you’re always smiling. I guess none of us stopped to think that sometimes you need to be cheered up too. Don’t expect it to happen again though!” She shook her finger in Yang’s face. “I’ve used up my niceness quota for the next three months!”
Yang let out a bark of laughter and threw an arm around Weiss’s shoulder, ignoring the way that she stiffened slightly. “There’s the Ice Queen we all know and love. Now I believe you have somewhere to be going.”
“The dance is tomorrow, Yang, and we haven’t finished hanging up the streamers yet. I hardly think that now is an appropriate time for me to go anywhere.” She stood up and grabbed the roll of streamers out of Yang’s hand. “Come on, let’s finish this so we can leave.”
Yang snatched it out of her hands. “You’re not allowed to exert yourself right now. What you’re going to do is go find Neptune so you can ask him to the dance. And make sure you bring back a good story to tell.”
“I’m not leaving you here to finish the decorating by yourself,” she said indignantly.
“Weiss, I just need to finish hanging the stupid streamers. And you can’t help with that, so go! At least one of us should get to bring a date to the dance.”
She hesitated as she turned towards the exit. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
“I’ll be fine! Don’t worry your pretty little head. Now go, shoo.”
“Alright, alright. I’m going,” she grumbled.
“And Weiss?” Yang called after her.
Weiss paused halfway to the door and turned back to Yang, giving her a questioning look.
“Thank you.”
Weiss tried to cover her disappointment with a smile as she trudged across the campus towards the dorms.
“Yang!” she yelped, jumping backwards when she saw her teammate leaning against the wall just outside their dorm. “What are you doing? Shouldn’t you be sleeping?”
“I waited up for you. You know, to hear the juicy gossip. Like, did you guys kiss under the moonlight? Did he jump into your arms the minute you asked? Come on, Weiss, tell me!” Yang paused when she didn’t get a response from the white-haired girl. “Weiss, what happened?”
“Nothing happened. He said no.”
“He said what? That son of a –” Yang grumbled. She pulled her arm back, and the telltale click of Ember Celica being loaded echoed in the empty hallway. “I’m going to pummel him into the ground.”
“Yang, no! It’s just a stupid crush,” she echoed Yang’s words from earlier in the evening. “It’s not worth you getting suspended or expelled!”
“He made you sad!” Yang pointed out. “I think that’s plenty reason for me to beat him up. I’m sure Professor Goodwitch would understand.”
“No, she really wouldn’t,” Weiss said dryly. “And I didn’t threaten to punch Blake in the face for making you sad.”
“That’s different!” Yang slumped against the wall, letting her arms fall to her sides, and gave a defeated sigh. “I guess we can wallow in our heartbreak together.”
“Yea… Yea, I guess we can,” Weiss said, deflating as she leaned against the wall next to Yang.
Yang slung an arm around her shoulder. “At least we have each other, yea?”
“Yea,” she said, leaning her head on Yang’s shoulder. “We’ll always have each other.”
Yang laughed as she launched herself at Weiss, landing on her and sending Myrtenaster flying across the training room, stopping her mid-attack.
“Yang!” Weiss complained as she tried to push her off. “That’s not how you’re supposed to fight.”
“Pft,” Yang snorted. “I managed to disarm you, didn’t I? That puts me at a slight advantage, Ice Queen. And I’m good with hand-to-hand combat.”
Weiss flailed her arms futilely and started apprehensively at her partner when she started smirking. “What –” she stopped midsentence and let out a small shriek of surprise when Yang dug her fingers into her side. “Stop that! Get off me!” she yelped through her giggles, shoving at Yang’s arms.
“Not until you admit that –”
“You chose the heiress to fight in the double’s round?” Cardin’s voice, arrogant and full of disdain, echoed loudly through the training room, cutting Yang off midsentence.
A hush fell over the students who were training, and although Cardin’s words were directed at Ruby, everybody stopped what they were doing to see how Team RWBY’s leader would react.
Yang could feel Weiss stiffening under her. “Weiss?” she asked. She pushed herself up and held her hand out to help her partner up. When she didn’t get a reaction out of her, she glanced down to see what had her so distracted, to find Weiss staring across the room. Following her gaze, she saw Ruby, who had stopped her spar with Blake and turned towards Cardin, the blade of Crescent Rose dangerously close to his neck.
“Excuse me?” she asked.
“You heard me,” he sneered. “She’s just a Schnee who can barely fight. You might as well just forfeit the match now.”
Weiss clenched her fist, and unknowingly activated her Semblance.
“Weiss!” Yang yelped when a Glyph appeared beneath her.
“Sorry!” Weiss said, releasing the Glyph. She looked away in shame. “I – um – kind of lost control for a second,” she admitted. She took Yang’s proffered hand and pulled herself up. “Damn it! How am I supposed to win if I can’t even keep my emotions in check?”
Yang gave her hand a reassuring squeeze before releasing it. “You’re fine. You’re more than fine. You’ve got this, Weiss. Cardin’s just being stupid, as always. Don’t let him get to you.” Despite her words though, Yang could feel the anger building in her chest as each word fell from Cardin’s mouth.
“I mean, can she even do anything worthwhile? She seems so useless. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her do anything right without the help of her team.”
Yang could feel the rage starting to rise. Her eyes flashed red and she clenched her fists so tightly that her nails left imprints on the palms of her hands. “That little brat,” she grumbled.
“Yang…” Weiss said in a warning tone. She pulled Yang’s hands towards her and gently pried her fingers open to loosen her fist. She didn’t let go until she felt Yang relax. “It’s not worth it.”
Yang took a deep breath and closed her eyes. Slowly she let the fire in her chest die off, and she released her other fist. She glanced down at Weiss, who gave her a weak smile in an attempt to appear unaffected by Cardin’s words. But to Yang, it was obvious that it had upset her, even as she tried to hide it behind her usual stoic demeanour.
“She probably just bribed her way in. Her fighting is terrible, and she’s a shitty person. Everybody knows she’s just here because of her name. You made a terrible decision.”
Finally, she snapped – Yang knew that Weiss didn’t want to be defined by her name, that she was doing everything in her power to try and right the wrongs that her father had done, and she knew Cardin had hit a sore spot.
“What did you say?” Yang’s angry voice boomed across the entire training room, causing everybody else to freeze. Ignoring Weiss’s plea of ’Yang, no!’, she launched herself across the room, propelling herself towards Cardin with Ember Celica at the ready.
“Yang!” Weiss screamed, chasing after the girl.
Yang flew past Ruby and Blake’s surprised faces, and punched Cardin in the gut, sending him flying into a nearby rack of swords. “Don’t you ever talk about Weiss like that again! She’s twice the fighter you’ll ever be! You don’t know how to do anything. All you do is belittle people and put people down to make yourself feel better about yourself. You’re despicable.”
Weiss grabbed Yang’s arm and tried to pull her back. “Yang, stop!” she pleaded. “It isn’t worth it.”
“You’re lucky Weiss is a better person than I am, or all your bones would be broken,” Yang hissed, her arm still raised in an offensive position.
“What is going on in here?”
Everybody froze when Professor Goodwitch appeared at the entrance of the training room, arms crossed and icy eyes glaring at them over the rim of her glasses.
“Miss Xiao Long?” she asked when she saw Yang’s offensive stance.
“He deserved it,” she sulked. She slowly let her arm drop back to her side.
“It was my fault!” Weiss blurted out before Professor Goodwitch could say anything.
Yang turned at gaped at her. Of the four of them, Weiss was the one that prided herself with following school rules, and having a good reputation with their professors.
“It’s kind of you to try and take the blame, Miss Schnee, but you never were one for hand-to-hand combat,” she said, glancing critically over to where Cardin was lying. “Miss Xiao Long, in my office. Now. You three, bring Mr. Winchester to the nurse’s office,” she barked at the rest of Team CRDL.
“But … but.” Weiss stared helplessly as Yang followed their professor out of the training room.
“Aw, she’ll be fine,” Ruby said good-naturedly. “This won’t be the first time she’s gotten detention for losing her temper. Come on, you can spar with me and Blake until she gets back.”  
Weiss hesitated, biting her bottom lip (a bad habit that her father and sister were always chiding her for, but that she had never really managed to break). “You guys go ahead. I’m going to go and make sure Yang is alright.” Without waiting for a response from her two teammates, she took off after Yang and Professor Goodwitch.
“You shouldn’t have done that,” Weiss grumbled as she took a seat next to Yang on her bed.
Yang crossed her arms stubbornly and narrowed her eyes. “He deserved more than that one punch.”
”You didn’t deserve detention.” She sighed, pulling Yang’s hand toward her so she could inspect the damage. She shook her head. “It’s not the first time I’ve heard something like that, and it certainly won’t be the last. It’s just something that comes with being a Schnee – it’s something that I’ve just learned to ignore.” Satisfied that Yang’s hand hadn’t suffered anything serious, she let it drop back down to the bed.
“It doesn’t make it okay. And you don’t ignore it – it actually bothers you, doesn’t it?”
Weiss stiffened imperceptibly. “No.”
“You’re allowed to not be perfect all the time, y’know.”
Weiss turned away, staring at the door of their dorm room. “I’m far from perfect, Yang. And really, I’ve dealt with words much harsher than Cardin’s. My father… is not the most loving person, and nothing I’ve ever done has been good enough for him. He made it very clear how he felt about my incompetence. So maybe Cardin’s right. Maybe I am here because of my name and money, and not because I’m good enough.”
“No. You’re not allowed to think like that,” Yang said, clearly thrown by the girl’s words. This was not a side of Weiss that she had seen before – this insecure, vulnerable girl who looked so small and defeated. She always gave off an air of confidence and superiority. But Yang knew better than anybody how easy it is to hide behind a façade of false bravado. After all, hadn’t she spent years and years pretending to be fine after her mother abandoned her?
“But what if it’s true? I’m really not a good fighter. I – I spent years in my sister’s shadow, never quite good enough. There’s always something I’m not doing right.” She pulled her knees to her chest and rested her chin on them. “My stance is wrong, I’m holding my sword wrong, I left myself open to an attack – there was always something. Maybe my father was right. I barely scraped by the entrance exams – why did I think it would be a good idea to represent Team RWBY in the doubles round?”
“You are so strong, Weiss. You’ve grown so much since your first day at Beacon. Even then, you were strong – you managed to stop my sister from being Nevermore food, remember? You helped us investigate a corrupt organization and we took on the White Fang. And remember the hordes of Grimm that we took down? Do you think we could have done all of that without you there? You’re an important part of this team. If we didn’t think you could handle it, we wouldn’t have voted for you.”
“That’s – that’s probably the nicest thing anybody has ever said to me,” Weiss admitted. “Usually people are criticizing my fighting, not praising it. Thank you.” The last part was said in a whisper so soft that Yang wasn’t quite sure she’d heard it.
“What was that? Did the Ice Queen just thank me?” Yang teased in an attempt to make the other girl laugh – or at least smile. She nudged her gently in the side.
Despite herself, Weiss felt her lips tipping upwards into a smile. “Shut up.” She bumped Yang’s shoulder with her own. “Really, though. Thank you.”
“Aww, you know I’m always here for you, Weiss – we’re all here for you. All you have to do is ask.”
“No!” Weiss screamed as Yang fell to the ground. “Yang!” She ran over and knelt next to the girl. She winced when her knees came into contact with the thick, red liquid. “No, no… Don’t you die on me, Yang!”
Yang tried to smile, but it quickly turned into a grimace of pain. She reached a hand up and cupped Weiss’s cheek, marring it with blood. “Sorry, Ice Queen,” she breathed out. “I don’t – don’t think I’m going to – make it.”
Weiss ripped a good chunk off the bottom of her skirt and clumsily pressed it against Yang’s wound in an attempt to stop the blood flow. “No, no. You’re not dying. You can’t die.” She looked around frantically, praying that somebody – anybody – would be able to stop the girl in front of her from bleeding out. But everybody else was preoccupied with fighting off Grimm, fighting off members of the White Fang, fighting off Salem and her faction. Nobody was available to help, and Yang’s life was seeping out of her.  
“Weiss,” she breathed out. She gave her a weak smile and took Weiss’s hand in hers, ignoring the fact that she was removing the only thing slowing the blood from gushing out. She gave her hand a gentle squeeze before it went slack and the life faded from her eyes.
Weiss jolted awake, her forehead covered in a cold sweat. She looked around her, panicked, only to find that she was in bed, in a hotel room in Mistral, where she had been staying since they had taken Salem down. They would probably all be there until the kingdoms had communication and transportation back up and running – not that she minded. She had no intention of leaving the three girls who had basically become her family. She glanced over at the other bed, where Blake was sound asleep, wrapped up in Sun’s arms. It looked like she was the only one having trouble sleeping.  
She placed a hand over her racing heart and tried to slow her erratic breathing. Had it really just been a nightmare? It had all felt so real – the gravel crunching underneath her shoes, the slickness of the blood on her hands, the way Yang squeezed her hand before she ­–
Weiss’s stomach rolled at the thought of Yang dying, and she bolted into the bathroom, emptying her stomach of her dinner into the toilet. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and let out an unsteady breath.
‘No,’ she thought to herself as she flushed the toilet. ‘It was just a dream. Yang is safe, in her room, sleeping.’ But despite knowing that Yang was safe, Weiss couldn’t shake the dream from her mind, like the image of Yang’s life fading was burned into the back of her mind.
With trembling hands, she rinsed out her mouth before exiting the bathroom. She stumbled blindly in the dark towards Yang and Ruby’s room. She hesitated at the door that joined the two hotel rooms, her hand on the doorknob – it was the middle of the night and they were probably sleeping. But she needed to make sure Yang was there, safe and sound. As quietly as she could, she opened the door and tiptoed inside.
Ruby was sprawled across her bed, snoring softly. Her blankets were askew, but it didn’t seem to bother her. Weiss reached over and gently tugged the covers back up, tucking them gently under Ruby’s chin.
Yang, however, appeared to be having more difficulty sleeping peacefully than her younger sister; her face was contorted into a grimace, and she was clutching her blanket with a ferocity that Weiss had only ever seen her use in battle. Silently, she padded over to the other bed. She knelt down next to the sleeping girl and covered Yang’s hand with her own, giving her a reassuring squeeze. She gently rubbed circles on the back of her hand until she relaxed and released her grip on the sheet.
Yang bolted upright in bed with a sharp gasp, nearly ramming Weiss’s forehead with her own. She looked around, a wild panic in her eyes. When she realized that she was back in her hotel room, the panic faded away into a tiredness of a person who hadn’t had a good night’s rest in days.
“Yang?” Weiss whispered.
“Weiss!” Yang said, forgetting that it was the middle of the night, or that Ruby was asleep in the bed next to hers. “What are you doing here?”
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you,” she whispered. “I – um – I had a nightmare and…” she trailed off, unsure of how to tell Yang that she had seen her die.
Yang shook her head. “You didn’t wake me. I had a nightmare too.” She swung her legs over the side of her bed and got up. “Come on, I’ll make us some coffee.”
Weiss trailed after her into the kitchen. She sat down in one of the chairs and watched silently as she bustled around the kitchen, putting coffee grounds and water into the coffee pot.
Once the coffee pot was running, Yang turned back to Weiss. “So… Do you want to talk about it? Your nightmare.”
“It was just a nightmare,” she whispered. “I shouldn’t have woken you for it.”
“Weiss, it’s never just a nightmare, trust me. I’ve been having nightmares for months since – well, since I lost my arm. Those are fewer and far in between now, but they used to haunt me constantly. The worst kinds of nightmares are the ones that stem from some kind of reality – something that did happen or something that could happen, that you fear will happen.  After all that we’ve been through, we all have plenty of things that our mind could twist into a nightmare. And the haunted look on your face – that feeling of dread that isn’t going away – makes me think you had one of those nightmares.”
Weiss clasped her hands together and stared down at them.
“It helps, you know. To talk about it with somebody.”
“I – I saw you die,” Weiss blurted out. “During the battle, you died, and I couldn’t stop it.”
“Oh,” Yang said, clearly taken aback.
“It was so real. I wanted – I needed – to make sure you were fine. I really didn’t mean to wake you – you look like you haven’t slept in days.” She fiddled with the hem of the oversized t-shirt that Yang had lent her, unable to meet Yang’s eyes.
Yang pushed herself off the counter and strode over to Weiss, taking a seat next to her. She took one of Weiss’s hands in her own and gave her a gentle squeeze, as if the physical action would assure her that she was alive. “I’m right here, Weiss. I’m not dead.” She placed Weiss’s hand over her heart. “Feel that? That heartbeat means I’m alive.”
“I know,” she whispered. “I knew you were safe, but I panicked and it made me feel better to know – I knew I wouldn’t be able to rest without making sure – really making sure – that you were there. I – I don’t know what I would do if I lost you, Yang.” Her voice broke on the last syllable and she let out a strangled sob.
Yang’s eyes softened and she pulled the other girl to her, wrapping her arms around her in a tight hug. “Nobody is dying, Weiss,” she whispered into Weiss’s hair. “Salem is dead and we’re still here – we survived.”
Weiss buried her face into the crook of Yang’s neck and wrapped her arms around her middle, squeezing her tightly. “I know. I know.”
Yang rubbed comforting circles on Weiss’s back until her breathing evened out and she had calmed down.  
“I think I might love you,” Weiss mumbled into Yang’s shoulder.
Yang stiffened and pushed her away by the shoulders. “What?” she asked disbelievingly. She stared at the white-haired girl whose cheeks were slowly starting to turn pink.  
“I – I –” Weiss stammered. “Any one of us could have died during that battle, and I guess it made me realize that I – um – I wanted to tell you. Being a Huntress is a risky job and if anything were to happen – I just wanted you to know.” She backed away from Yang, who was still staring at her. “Oh dust, I shouldn’t have said anything. I didn’t mean to pressure you or anything. I didn’t tell you so that you would – I know I’m not really your type,” she said, stumbling over her words as she tried to get everything out.
“Weiss,” Yang said, smiling softly. She got up and gently placed a hand on Weiss’s cheek. “I need you to shut up so I can kiss you.”
“I – oh. Okay,” Weiss said dumbly as her eyes widened.
Yang laughed softly. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you at a loss for words before.” She leaned in and pressed her lips against Weiss’s in a soft, tender kiss that said everything that she hadn’t – I’m here for you. You haven’t lost me. She pulled away and pressed her forehead against Weiss’s, and her hand came to rest at the crook of her neck. “I think I might love you too.” 
A/N: Rooster Teeth is giving me a lot of freezerburn feels this season and I don’t know what to do, so here, take some word vomit. 
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Let’s talk a bit about Mercury Black
Now, Mercury is my favourite rwby character, but I’ll try my absolute best to be unbiased here.
The thing is: I’ve been seeing a lot of people talking about how much they want Emerald to have a Redemption Arc, and how much they DONT want Mercury to have a redemption arc. This here is the part I find confusing, because as a character that has no say in anything that’s happening, he’s just a secondary villain, following orders, and that makes him (yes, alongside Emerald) a lot more likely and realistic of being given a redemption arc. Salem is the Big Evil, Cinder and the Gang (dr Watts, Tyrian, Hazel, ya know the Gang) are evil, Adam is an evil asshole. I personally consider them Evil because of the position of power they find themselves in - they are all calling all/some shots. Neither Mercury nor Emerald call shit, they only obey.
But that’s not exactly the part I’m mad about, just confused. Maybe redemption arcs aren’t your thing, idk, that’s okay. The thing that makes me mad is something I’ve seen more than one person say. “Mercury was given a choice and he chose the EVIL side, he kills happily because he’s inherently evil and shouldn’t be forgiven.” Multiple people have said that.
“Cool motive, still murder” is one of my favourite things, because a lot of people like to excuse characters of the shitty things they’ve done just because of their childhood and that’s bullshit. Don’t just excuse assholes, and don’t just excuse murder (that’s why I want a redemption arc btw) BUT saying he had a choice and chose evil is some meritocracy shit i will not stand for.
Let’s compare the life and choices of Mercury with that of his “good counterpart”, Yang.
Yang was born into a family of hunters, daughter of a teacher. While her mum did run away, Summer raised her as if she were her own daughter. Ruby came into the picture later on and from what we’ve been told and shown they were a very happy family. Tai obviously didn’t feel great after Summer passed, and neither did the girls, but they coped overtime with each other’s support. When the time came for yang to choose a carreer, she could have chosen anything, but she went with the difficult path of being a huntress like her parents. It’s a path that she knew would cause a lot of pain to her and others but it would also save a lot of people. She chose Beacon, because she went to a good combat school and now could go to the best hunter/huntress training academy to pursue her dream with the support of her family.
Mercury’s past is mostly what we can gather from hints and I’m The One lyrics, but Kerry confirmed he has the/one of the most tragic backstories in rwby. Mercury’s dad was an assassin, his mother nowhere to be seen. Maybe she died or ran away, but either way, Marcus probably didn’t cope so well, given that he was an abusive alcoholic. So Mercury was living with someone who beat him up constantly, maybe every day, someone who didn’t care for him. His father trained him to be an assassin, and he would either become an assassin or become an assassin. The most accepted theory in the fandom (and for me too) is that his dad also cut off his legs for whatever reason. His options were either living with his father while suffering constant abuse or killing dad and starving to death in the streets. How old even was him when he had to make that decision? Then Cinder came along, and who knows what she offered him. He was a kid, and it was probably an option better than starving to death.
Mercury never had the choices Yang had, and I wrote this whole thing just to say that while I agree that we absolutely can’t excuse Mercury for the harm he’s caused and the people he killed, please don’t say he chose evil when he probably never had much of a choice.
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calliecat93 · 7 years
TMNT: Final Retrospective
I was going to wait until the finale aired to post this. However at this point, my interest in the show is pretty much gone and I don’t plan on watching it. I still love it, but I realized during Season 4 that the quality was going down. Who to blame? Ciro? Brandon? Nickelodoen? Viacom? Playmates? All of them? IDK, and at this point it doesn’t matter. Plus I’ve been obsessed with the show since 2012, to the point that it began to affect my actual life and cause problems, hence why I had to start letting it go. So, for now, I don’t plan on watching the finale. But I still love this show and have fond memories of it. So I want to make one more post about it and finally say goodbye to both it and the fandom (I’ll still reblog stuff, but I’m not going to do anymore analysis).
In 2012, things were... not great in RL. I mean they’re bad now, but it was harder to deal with back then because I didn’t have anything to use as an outlet. Fortunately I had discovered Tumblr (and it was a LOT tamer back then), made friends, and found a way to enjoy my shows without having to go to forums/Fanfiction,com all the time. When at my grandparents, the show premiered. I wasn't interested, but my grandfather was currently at a nursing home due to surgery and I was tired and needed something to do. SO I put it on there with no idea what to expect. I had watched the 2k3 Turtles and liked it, but never became a fan and even then I was weary about reboots. 
But the premiere blew my expectations. Great animation, well-rounded characters, perfect casting, a fun and well-paced story, very well done fight scenes, and it all just blended together into one of the best shows I saw on Nick. I mean it’s only competition in terms of good shows was The Legend of Korra, so... but yeah, it pulled me in instantly. At that time the only other thing I was watchign was a PBS ids show called Wild Kratts (that I highly recommend) so I needed another show, so it filled the void. Heck it made me like CGI animation when at the time I was bitter over it due to it killing off 2D.
I hadn’t planned on getting seriously involve din the fandom, just reblog things. Mainly because I saw what doing that did in various anime forums. But the longer I was on here, so many of the complaints began to get on my nerves. I understand why those complaints existed, like lack of female characters, but it angered me that so many were personally attacking the people behind the show. Plus the mroe I watched the show, while I saw the flaws, I felt that people needed to look at them from another end. April was complained about for being a useless damsel in distress without looking at how she was actively involved in helping and there’s a VERY good reason why she was more downkey int he beginning (she wasn’t a ninja at the time for one). It was enough to make me go ‘well if these people can express their opinions and say whatever they want and not are if anyone agrees, why can’t I?’ Plus college made me analyzing things more or less mandatory, so I really began to look deeply into this show more that I had any other. And that led to me analyzing and reviewing the show for the net 3-4 years.
Beneath it all,t he show made me happy. I was able to relate to all the characters. Leo having to become responsible and tired of receiving no gratitude for it, Mikey wanting to make friends despite what hes perceived as without losing his lightheartedness, Donnie’s awkwardness an frustrations about being behind everyone else, Raph’s temper and ability to get easily frustrated, April wanting to be helpful and do more but lacking the ability to do so. I was going through those issues at the time, and in a way I still am now and seeing these characters have those issues and working through them made me feel better. This version of these characters are why I stuck with the show, even if i admit several episodes (Pizza Face for example) were really stupid. I wanted to see what they’d do an where they’d end up. It’s why The Invasion  impacted me so much, it made me fear for them for the first time and I wanted to see if they’d be okay. It’s why I analyzed and began liveblogging, because I wanted to talk about their journeys as characters and explain why they ended up where they are. April especially became so important to be because the hate against her was by far the most unfair and due to it, I got to know her and care about her more and ore. She is still my favorite character and I will still defend her if I have to, because I want people to see why she’s not a horrible cheating, useless idiot. She’s the complete opposite.
But... all good thigns come to an end. As I said my obsession with the show and Season 4′s decline (I blame marketing cause if not for the Space Arc, they could have done FAR more, but gotta sell the toys!) are big factors on why I veered away from the show. But another reason is... well, I was starting to not enjoy it and not just because of the previous reasons. I began to take the show too seriously.I had to argue about everything. I wanted to prove haters wrong, even when now that I look back, there are flaws and good points about them. I realized that I was really no better than the haters, I was blindly in love with the show that I couldn't accept nay criticism about ti. And that was wrong. I was also burnt out from all of it and with RWBY and Miraculous now around, I was ready to move on to something else. TMNT only had the Aeon crystal and the eventual final duel with Shredder left for me, and when those happened I was over it.
Looking back now, I just facepalm at myself. I let the show overrule my life and I should have had more self control. I should have admitted that the show had glaring problems in it. I guess I was worried that if I did, I wouldn't be a real fan, and that’s bullshit. So now we’re at the end, and I really don’t feel anything. I had already moved on by then. I only felt angry that Nick was treating it so horribly, but as for the show ending? I was like “Huh... okay then.”. But I still love this show. I still have so many good memories of it. It helped me through a lot and even with the flaws, it had plenty of good as well. t helped me realize that I like reviewing, hence why I’m trying to become better at it with the Miraculous reviews. And as much as I complained about how volatile fans could be,  can’t say that I hate the fandom. There are a lot of talented people and deep down I know that most people are just as passionate as I was for it, even if not for the same reasons. We all wanted to see the show to succeed, and due tot hat I respect those people. It really was a fun ride all in all, and I wouldn’t change anything about it... except for the personal attacks on the showrunners. I’d get rid of that, but that’s about it.
Thank you TMNT 2012, for everything. For being there for me through these past five years. For making be a better person. For being what would make me smile when I wanted the world to end. You will always hold a special place in my heart. Thank you, and goodbye. Booyakasha everybody!
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kaiyeti · 7 years
To shut the Black sun and Bumblebee fight up.
Okay. I’m sick of this fighting between these two which I like. The problem with these ship being Sun Yang and Blake and the whole fandom love triangle bullshit. So here are my thoughts on how the writes of the show can fix it.
First off, Sun. 
Sun Loves Blake. EVERYONE knows this and Probably Blake to. The dude Stroked her for months. So to solve these, all Sun has to do is grow a pair of coconuts and FUCKING TELL BLAKE HE LOVES HER! That’s it. It will be out in the open and Blake will be forced to reply. Now this can go three way, Blake returns the feelings and Blacksun gets to be happy while Bumblebee groan to which hey they could do a makorra thing, Blake shoots him down and Bumblebee can rejoice but don’t worry blacksun shippers that doesn’t mean Blake won’t fall for him later, Or Blake can not answer him and we all go back to ripping each others throats out.
Second, Yang.
Now Its clear Yang and Blake are close and Yang cares A LOT for Blake. I mean Given the two options of looking for her sister or Blake she choose Blake To which if Ruby found out she probably reply the same way in chibi when Jaune walked on her cloak. Now how do we solve this one. Three simple steps. One, See if Yang likes girls as well as boys. Then stir with Two, See if she does love Blake as a girlfriend or lover and not just as a partner or friend. And place Three in the oven for 20 minutes at the temp of 450 degree, HAVE YANG CONFESS TO BLAKE! See the Sun reacts and just switch the ship names around.
Third, Blake.
Alright her is the main problem. Blake Belladonna. We all love her and apparently so does Yang Sun Adam Llia Weiss Velevet and Ruby Since they are the main other people that are shipped with her. Lowkey Ren and Raven too but I ain’t counting them because Fuck you I don’t have too and I don’t care. Now Aside from the shit lot of evidence on both sides of Bumblebee and Blacksun supporting both ships, HEY HEY! I see you all beginning to argue! SHUT THE FUCK UP OR I WILL BEAT YOU ALL WITH A LION SEAL AN INCH AWAY FROM DEATH AND LET A BULLET ANT DO THE REST I SWEAR TO WHATEVER GOD YOU WORSHIP!... You all calm? Good. Ahem, Aside from both ships showing that they can happen the real question is this, Is Blake Bi? Now there is a rumor saying Blake’s voice actress said Blake has an ex girlfriend which would answer this question if both ships are possible. On a side note, Why the hell hasn’t ANYONE Just asked Arryn this on Twitter or something? Seriously Enough people ask it will get answered. *FOCUS YETI* Right Sorry. Anyway, Saying Blake is Bi allowing both ships to happen, There in lies the problem. Which would Blake pick to be with? Yang or Sun? Now personally I am okay with either though admittedly I’m more of a Bumblebee but still cool with Blacksun. Afterall, Both Yang and Sun show that they clearly care enough about Blake to risk there lives and actually have a deep connection with Blake. So how do we pick which is right for Blake? Which Ship sails and which sinks? The answer to actually Really easy and simple. and the answer is... *pause for dramatic effect*
Seriously! It’s that clear! Look. If you are watch Rwby Solely for your ship then I’m sorry but this show isn’t for you. The writers and the crwby know that the ship fandom is a big part of the fandom and I think that is why they made Rwbychibi to scratch that itch for us but it backfire and made things worse. I love RWBY. I loved it since I first saw the red trailer and I will watch it to the very end and I will Ship my favorite ships, However, I’m not going to let that become the only reason why I watch it. RWBY is a DAMN GOOD show even with its flaws and sadly one of it’s flaws are its short showtime and episode in seasons. Because of this they can go into the ships like we all want them too. Maybe they could if the episodes were longer or there were more of them but they aren’t . Sigh, Look Everyone wants their ship to happen and wants them now but the fact is everyone will still complain about something.
 So Please for the love of RWBY be calm be patient and just enjoy the show. If you want your ship to happen get the writers and crwby to do it right and not rush them or send them hate.
Stop fighting eachother and just sit down and talk to one anther with respect. Anyway, At the end of the day my Bumblebee and Blacksun shippers We all agree Blake has a thing for light color haired people.
Good day.
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kob131 · 4 years
The fact that you think you’ve “verbally kicked my ass up and down the site before” at any point in time during our interactions when all you’re doing HERE is whining and complaining about people I’ve hardly ever interacted with-
So little you got personally mad at Soku for shit talking you and acted like you were betrayed by a close friend.
Yeah sure, you’re not just lying through your teeth to save face.
-to try and claim that it’s somehow MY fault that most people don’t like you and your racism on this site is probably the funniest thing you’ve ever said out of your cognitive dissonance.
What’s even funnier is you can’t even ALLUDE to a time I was racist, let alone fucking prove it while we both know I am one hair’s width away from burying you in your own shit.
Oh and remember that ‘cognitive dissonance bit’...
All you’ve ever done is just double down on your racism and excuse other people of theirs
Must be why the best friend I love like a brother is a black man whose suffered racism.
No wait, I actually ACT this way BECAUSE of the shit he’s gotten and it pisses me off personally.
No one has lost to you, we just decided there were better things to do than talk to you. 
Like talk ABAOUT me insistently and blame me for all the problems you guys get when you get caught lying and manipulating. Or talk about me behind blocks about how right you are and how I was totally lying despite blatantly telling lies. Or bad mouthing me to the point when someone actually talks to me, they think they’re talking to a COMPLETELY different person.
No one’s slandering you, we ALL have receipts of your atrocious behavior.
You mean these? (https://knightofbalance-13.tumblr.com/post/165085985240/your-receipts-are-invalid)
Funny how the guy who held onto your *ahem* ‘receipts’ hasn’t been seen or heard from SINCE making them without a single person from my circle directly interacting with them. Almost like they KNEW they lied and ditched town before they could get flogged for it.
No one gives half a fuck if you’re mad. You can be mad and angry forever and I’m still gonna remind the fndm of everything that you’ve done.
You mean 90% bullshit, 9% misrepresentation and 1% stuff I’ve turned my back on?
Cool, how’s that post endorsing backlash against creators despite the current toxicity of fandoms doing?
No one gives a fuck about you beyond helping to warn other people about you.
Which is why I’m constantly making new friends, even with people who disagree with me...
No really, I’ve talked to a guy whose negative about RWBY. or at least, the story telling and overall writing. I’ve only talked to him once bout it but he’s been better than you or anyone in RWDE. He actually taught me why some people don’t care about the creator’s intent (Because they take so much time and effort trying to convey stuff to the audience that, regardless of intent, they should get it RIGHT).
Your ‘warnings’ are just you being petty and spiteful without even a speck of a good reason.
You being mad doesn’t give you the right to harass people you fucking incel.
Oh hey look!
That thing I’ve been telling ALL OF YOU, DAY IN AND DAY OUT, FOR YEARS.
Guess that makes you a racist, sexist, homophobic Nazi Trump Supporter! You know, since you’re using MY words now.
You need help.
Says the man who acted worse than I have in months.
Oh and remember that cognitive dissonance part? And how you say I harass everyone whose even slightly negative of RWBY?
Well, look up “RWBY Comic” on my blog.
... So, how does that feel? To know that the belief you’ve based everything around hating me for was complete and total BULLSHIT. To know that I’VE been more negative towards RWBY than you lately.
And yet it’s completely okay with me because my issue was always that you people were TERRIBLE at what you do while I put extra effort into my work.
What was that about cognitive dissonance again?
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kob131 · 5 years
*Busts through the wall*
Hello Muffin Man Dan. It's been some time since you’ve entered into my sights huh?
So you wanna try and fight now? Fine then, let’s see if you can even begin to challenge me then.
“This video is a huge video project I’ve been working on with multiple RWBYtubers helping out.”
So that means, by how you treat the CRWBY, you’re not allowed a single mistake or misstep.
Good to know Dan.
Chapter 1: Flaws of RWBY
So Dan, with a target this fucking huge and easy to hit, surely you can do have a percentage of at least 10% valid arguments nd not just throw a bunch of shit at the wall and pretend you did something great when one out of a hundred pieces sticks to the wall right?
Dan doesn’t even make ONE valid argument. The man had a bullseye the size of Texas and somehow managed to miss it while also shooting himself in the head.
His first arguments consists of him saying ‘Well, you were supporting a small company and a fledgling show before so being positive about them then was okay!’ … You know, ignoring how RT was being supported by the creators of HALO, had made the internet sensation Red Vs. Blue for ten years to this point, Monty had made Haloid and Dead Fanatsy among other things ect. Everyone EXCEPT the writers (you know, the people you attack the most) had experience before this so by your own argument you’re wrong. Not to mention the fact that not only didn’t stop assholes from attacking the first  two Volumes but the first two Volumes are STILL what you need to get through in order to get to the latter more professional Volumes so it STILL affects the show long after Rt has grown.
This all ignoring the NUMEROUS fans who started the show after Monty died and had no nostalgia or bias for the man to sustain them unlike you and they all almost UNANIMOUSLY agree the later Volumes are better. And before you try to argue that I’m using the fallacy of ‘Argument Ad Populum”: A. ‘Good’ is inherently subjective so the audience defines what is good and what isn’t. And B. You USE the audience in your argument later so you can’t exactly claim that with my argument without also destroying a latter argument of your own.’
He also tries to peddle off FloofArtist as someone whose trust worthy. For those of you who don’t know, FloofArtist’s beef with the creataors started when he asked Miles for info on Dust and Aura over TWitter and never got an answer...even though he went to an RTX beforehand and asked the CRWBY a question to their faces. The question? ‘How did Qrow get Pyrrha’s armor?’
So he basically pulled that nerd scene from the Simpsons. And then decides to get pissy when he doesn’t get answer on a social media site when the guy is doing something else. I ask, does that sound like someone who is intellectually honest? Or does that sound like someone who tries to put people into dishonest situations and would logically lie his ass off? Yeah Dan is basically saying ‘Oh you don’t know why this politician is bad, go watch CNN/Fox News!’
He then tries to say that ‘ever since V3, the fandom has generally agreed the fight scenes were missing something’ so, you know, he’s using the fanbase here to prove his point even though the same fandom contradicts him everywhere else and he’s gonna smack talk said fandom later on. Also the fanbase generally agrees the fight scenes got back on track in Volume 6 so uh, your point fails.
I could go into his talk about chorography but all he does is talk about interpolating, the neo vs. yang fight, some cuts and just generally does nothing wrong arguing.
And that’s it. This whole segment was supposed to be all about the flaws of the show and he made TWO points. Two points that were deader on arrival than Michael Jackson. Congrats Dan, you completely glossed over so many other issues that naming them all and explaining myself would take me longer than this video in a chapter named ‘Flaws with RWBY’ in a video supposedly a third talking about RWBY the show. Couldn’t even do the bare minimum huh Dan? Fucking pathetic.
Chapter 2: Unprofessionalism
Oh boy, am I gonna have fun here...
So he begins this off by showing a tweet from Lindsay that you can barely read where he claims she’s smack talking people who don’t like the ‘forced diversity’ in RWBY, saying that they’re the people giving them money. You know, ignoring the fact that not all of these people contribute to the show by buying merch, the show is FREE so no, just watching it doesn’t mean you support the show financially, they’re actively trying to strangle money from the creators by lying about them and using them for their political bullshit, you’re USING the fanbase to make this point (the same one you are smack talking and dare gonna smack talk) and this is Lindsay’s PERSONAL Twitter.
Oh an, not like Dan will go on HIS twitter to bitch about every single person who criticizes him, acting far worse than anything he shows here or will show, actively attacks his own critics individually and as a group and shows FAR FAR worse cases of what he’s bitching about.
He then goes onto say that the creators all live in an echo chamber and they lash out before returning to safety. So you know, basically everyone single one of the RWBY critic’s Twitters. No seriously, go onto any video made by a RWBY critic and treat them with 1/1000th of thee contempt and harshness they treat the CRWBY. You’ll end up on Twitter with a snap. So once again, Dan can’t even BEGIN to live up to his standards.
He then plays the Miles clip where he lashes out against critics of the show which seems bad..until you remember that Dan alone has accused them of abusing Monty, using their dead friend as a weapon against them, repeatedly lied about them, riled up his fans into attacking Miles and so much more. And again, this is JUST Dan. And THEN remember that when Dan gets called a single name, he goes on twitter to whine about it, calls everyone else names and then makes videos mocking them so he STILL has no right to say this shit.
He then tries to claim that everyone tells them the same shit which means he’s once again using the fanbase he smack talks for his point even as it contradicts him as damn near everyone loved Volume 6 and many have even said it’s the best Volume of RWBY.
He then tries to deflect criticism against him because he KNOWS he’s setting himself up for a roasting by saying ‘well. I’m criticizing rich people with attitudes so it’s okay!’ … which doesn’t work when you realize that I have about $7 to my name and he gets YouTube money every month and yet I’m still not allowed to criticize him. Even ignoring how fallacious this argument as it somehow means he’s above criticism even as he’s FAR worse in the EXACT same ways: not only does this apply to his OWN critics (you know, the gusy he treats worse than RT has ever done) but Dan is being EVEN MORE divisive than how he sees RT being.
He also tries to make some talk about how them being popular means they deserve to be criticized because betterment of society and our culture and celelbrities and blah blah blah. So basically, “I can ignore your humanity because you’re popular and you don’t act as my slave.” Once again, I only have under 200 followers and at my peak on my old blog I barely had around 500 whereas Dan has 10k subscribers and the people on reddit who criticize him probably have even LESS than me and yet he acts EVEN WORSE so...why should anyone listen to you?
He also tries to leech off the Vic situation by criticizing them for firing Vic. Let’s ignore how this is pandering to the anti-SJW people mobbing around this and look at it like this: Vic is the voice of Broly and Edward Elrich. Meaning he’s far more famous than Rooster Teeth. Sso by Dan’s own logic, they’re ALLOWED to do this stuff since Vic is more famous and more of a celebrity than the entire company. Great job Dan. Also he tries using the fanbase again. We already went over why he lost that right. Oh and uh if you look at Dan’s Twitter feed: ‘https://twitter.com/Obiwanjezz/status/1106810239418945537‘ ‘https://twitter.com/maidmeta/status/1081040501745188864‘ Oh look at what Dan retweeted. Hm, seems pretty damn contradictory to what Dan seems to be projecting. Almost like he’s just pandering to people with an irrational hate of RT to get an echo chamber around him...
Then he goes on and on about a bunch of barely connect bullshit about lesbian fetishists supporting the show just because ‘lesbians’ (even though so many praise Volume 6 without mention Bumbleby) and how even the most venerated RWBYtubers are sick of the show (only citing the lair Floof from before), R/RWBY agreeing with him (with him citing a post that utterly denies him because ‘durr I upvoted it’ even though you can CHANGE YOUR VOTE.) You know, bunch of bullshit that isn’t worth talking about.)
The he tries smack talking the entire RWBY reddit for slander and such (when the worst he’s gotten is accusations of datamining which he’s shown to be talking about) while hes accused the CRWBY of basically grave robbing and disgracing their dead friends work. Again, look in the damn mirror Dan.
Then he makes this big compliation of people in the reddit being sensitive...
Which I can blow out of the water in ONE blow:
Dan has made and removed from his channel no less than THREE videos on me alone.
A comment takes about a  minute to type. A video takes HOURS. So uh...yeah, pretty sure Danny boy here takes the cake.
So then Dan proceeds to say that the fandom is responsible for the ending of Volume 6 (so the fandom is responsible for one of the most conclusive endings to a Volume we’ve ever gotten? Maybe this fandom is worth saving after all!) because they’re all horny and need to fuck. (gee, strawman much?) Even though he’s thrown massive shits for not getting the same treatment.
Chapter 4 (guess I missed the chapter 3 mark. Meh): Representation.
I’m just gonna summarize this entire last part for you guys:
Strawman about entire fanbase liking Volume 6 = gay pandering (ignoring people like Unicorn of War again...)
Talks about homophobes
Leech off Vic
RT is desperate.
Gives doctored screenshots of tweets cutting out any context.
Contradictions (criticizes people for using memes are arguments while using memes as arguments).
And that’s it.
To which I respond by:
You’re the same guy whose going back against everything he’s said on his twitter about politics PRECISELY when it benefits you while you contradict yourself numerous times, your video devolves into pointless rambling and you destroy your own arguments.
Sounds like you’re the desperate one here.
Gee I wonder why? is it because the fanbase liked the Volume even without Bumbleby and you figured out you couldn’t rely on them to support your egotism anymore? Certainly explains your contradictory political stances and how you suddenly start talking about Vic and Adam just as the topics can net you an echo chamber to hide in and protect your ego.
And really, that goes to show why you fail on a fundamental level Dan. You have no convictions, no standards, no morals, no integrity to give substance to your words. Everything you’ve said here either contradicts what you say before or after/applies to you on a much greater scale. And really, your community is no better. You are all willing to throw away what you supposedly fight for and what you stand for when it becomes inconvenient for you, preaching values of self reflection, humility and improvement through criticism...all while failing to embody those values or give any meaning to them beyond lip service. 
Nothing about you feels real or genuine Dan. NONE of you assholes feel real or genuine in what you say or do because you’ve been proven to contradict yourself and betray your values when you need something. And thus, everything you and your friends do and say just becomes ‘Do as I say because I think I’m always right.’ 
And guess what Dan? People, especially the artistically attuned, don’t resonate or accept that. The people who actually care about RWBY, who want to see an artistic vision flourish and grow, sense your insincerity and ego and instinctively reject you because you accept your words would be to accept your toxicity into themselves. And look now. The CRWBY have earned back the fandom’s love and trust while your toxicity consumes you and all but your ilk abandon you to pastuers greater than you.
And it makes sense why you seem to hate RWBY on a fundamental level now because the show challenges people to grow and evolve, to become better people, to live up to their ideals, to prove themselves right. And before, RWBY never put those messages to the test. But now that it has, you reject it because it indirectly calls you out and your ego can’t take it. You can give lip service to quality, to artistic integrity and to Monty all you want now but it’s become certain what you actually mean.
It’s pretty damn pathetic to see you break down little by little over these past few months as you desperately try to bend the world to your vision only to get smacked in the face. And to be truthful, I‘m kind of proud of the fact that I played a pretty big part in your degradation as you crumbled more and more from the pressure I and eventually reality pushed on you. All while I continued to grow and evolve. Wanna know why?
Because I stuck to my ideals and morals.
I think it’s time I finished this little battle or ours for the most part. You’re no longer worth fighting. Just like RWDE for the most part has lost all it’s strength now.
So with this I say adieu. Come join the adults when you’re ready to grow up Dan.
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knightofbalance-13 · 6 years
Why I Hate Raven Branwen
There is quite a few reasons why I think Raven Branwen is one of the worst people in RWBY, tied with Jacques Schnee. The reasons are both analytical and overarching as well as irrational and petty so I’ll show them right now:
Let me go down my list of reasons as to WHY I hate certain people and WHY Raven fits them,
One thing I hate about a person is being selfish to the point of hurting other people. Too many times I’ve seen someone act in a way that hurts another person just for their own personal gratification. Hell, most of my beef with RWDE is centered around this concept and how they hurt others for their own gain.
Raven contains this aspect: She hurt Taiyang, Qrow and more importantly Yang when she left them to go with her tribe. She hurt Yang AGAIN just so she could abide by an arbitrary rule that brought up a lot of pain from Yang. She denied Qrow info on the Spring Maiden because he refused to bend to her will. And she tried getting something out of Yang in exchange for helping her get to Ruby. Oh, and just the tiny fact that she has been DESTROYING VILLAGES for her own gain. This is especially worse in context because of the Grimm, who are attracted to negative emotions which she CAUSES with all her selfishness.
Another thing I hate about Raven, and I'm gonna go into my more petty reasons since I got my major factor out of the way, is just how many people seem devouted to defending her while putting down Taiyang. I make no secret that my favorite character in RWBY is Taiyang Xiao Long and to see a character I love so much being put down for the sake of making her look better is disgusting. Another aspect is how people try to make her more sympathetic when she has shown no traits worth redeeming. And finally, I hate how much focus she gets in the fandom.
Okay, with that shit out of the way, let me go into the other big reasons. Such as her knowledge of her actions. To me, an ignorant villain is more redeemable and likeable than a knowing villain. An ignorant villain can be shown the error of their ways and might even e a good person that’s just being manipulated and controlled by other forces. A knowing villain KNOWS their actions are wrong but keep doing it, showing a disconnect from morality.
Raven knows damn well that her actions are wrong. Considering that Qrow, her TWIN BROTHER (as n, the guy who was raised in the exact same conditions with very similar experiences) knows that the tribe is full of bad people, Raven has no excuse in her actions when regarding her tribe. As for her personal actions: She knew damn well what her actions did to Taiyang, Qrow and Yang. Not just that: She could have easily fixed things with her Semblance but no, she knew they were hurt and that she could help them but she refused to do it. She knew the consequences and she still did it.
Going into a similar reason: Manipulative people have always gotten onto my bad side.They take a hold of people’s mental hag ups and uses that to their own advantage. They twist people and try to mold them into someone different to suit their own needs.  That s disgusting to me.
And Raven fits this damn well. The recent two times we’ve seen her talking on screen (V4 E4 and V5 E4) shows us Raven trying to twist people to suit her own needs. in the first example, Raven tries using Qrow’s loyalty and his care for family to try and get him to join with her and divulge info and in the second, she tries using Yang’s mental hang ups involving herself, abandonment and strength to try and get her to stay with the tribe so she has extra muscle. Hell, I made an entire post about it on the CRTQ blog (https://team-crtq.tumblr.com/post/167237643264/raven-manipulation-breakdown). And believe me, after seeing THAT, I killed any respect I had for Raven. Because that shit is disgusting, especially when you try it on your own BROTHER and DAUGHTER.
Anotehr thing I hate about people is hypocrisy. It just scream arrogance and prideful bullshit when someone chastises someone for something before going and doing said thing. Hypocrisy is honestly one of the most destructive constructs in the world and it makes me boil with anger.
And guess who exhibits this? In V4 E4, Raven tries talking about family before ignoring her daughter entirely to try and get info out of Qrow (something Qrow himself points out.) Then we have her trying to talk to Qrow about family while ignoring her lover and fucking daughter. And finally, she chastises Qrow for withholding info about Salem when she withholds info from him about the Spring Maiden, especially since Qrow is doing it for a selfless reason and her selfish. Then we have V5 E4, where she gets pissy at Yang for just coming by for Ruby when Raven herself pulled this shit with Qrow and only acknowledge Yang because she could use her. And finally, she talks about Yang being stubborn when Raven of all people was willing to doom Remnant for her own pettiness.
Speaking of pettiness, I hate how some people are so petty as to hold grudges over the stupidest shit or to avoid repsonsiblity for their actions. It just reeks of “I don’t have to take bad shit because I’m me and I’m so great!”
And yet again, Raven fulfills the condition. She shrugs off responsibility for Yang, she avoids responsibility for Xion village, she holds a grudge over Qrow for not bending to her will, she avoids responsibility for hurting the Xiao Long-Rose-Branwen family, she avoids helping yang because she hurt Raven’s pride and tries to avoid helping her because she doesn’t get anything out of it. It’s despicable and downright repulsive.
In short: Fuck Raven Branwen and her stupid shit.
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knightofbalance-13 · 7 years
Maybe next time, you shouldn’t reblog from someone you blocked.
“There is no q*eerbaiting or anything homophobic.”Â
????? “There’s no homophobia!!! I’m heterosexual, therefore I know when something is or isnt homophobic and also I get a say in what qualifies as homophobia!”
Nope, that’s my friends. thanks for proving that you don’t consider a person homosexual if they disagree with you. You call queerbaiting when the show is not over yet and you call homophobia when a vats majority of homosexuals don’t acre and equal number of people who call it outright oppose you. All stuff I’ve seen and noted from my friends. 
“That’s just an excuse for people to be thin skinned” Ah yes, homophobia doesn’t actually exist, it’s all in the mind of the Gays™ so they have an excuse to complain, I guess.
Yes, yes, we get it. you’re homophobe who projects their homophobia onto anyone you don’t like as evidence to that I never refer to gay people directly but I do refer to the RWDE tag directly, showing that you only count people as “gay” if they share the same mindset as you.
See, whenever I see the word “Queerbaiting”, people are always using it to mean “gay ship tease.” And that’s not what queerbaiting is since the definition is “hinting at a queer character where there is none.”  And even if that is the definition of queerbaiting, so what? Heterosexual ships get teased all the time and never come true. This just reinforces my point is that you are too thin skinned to not get your ship when literally millions handle it. And then we have the fact that shippers are inclined to misread situations as romantic because thy are shippers. You cannot deny this since I was a part of a community that held that very same mindset.
In. what. world. are people rushing to the defense of lgbt ships?
The one where people make such an uproar about “queerbaiting” in Sherlock that people blamed the showrunner and not the shippers. (https://www.gaystarnews.com/article/fans-accuse-bbc-sherlock-creators-queerbaiting-series-4-trailer/#gs.klRKNY8)
(sidenote: for a cishet dude, kob sure has an easy time using the word “queer”, which is a slur….)
So is “cishet”: I don’t do with my friends, I just “queer” for you because you use “cishet”: You refuse to not use slurs, why should I? Not to mention when I looked up “is queer a slur?”: the bets I could get is that it WAS a slur but is used now in a similar context to “N***a” in African American circles whereas both the urban (http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=cishet), Az (https://www.azdictionary.com/urban-dictionary/definition/cishet) and even queer (http://queerdictionary.blogspot.com/2014/09/definition-of-cishet.html) agree that it is used as an insult. And if you try using the loophole of “it’s just describing a person!”: So is “queer” relating to “gay” which means “happy” or “joyful or “merriment.” 
did i wake up and suddenly live in a world where homophobia doesn’t exist? does fandom suddenly exist in a vacuum where this is no outside prejudice?Â
No, you just delude yourself into thinking this is still the 1960′s instead of 2017 where homophobia is demonized and looked down upon by society as a whole. Where if you start acting like a jackass against gay people, you will be ostrachized. And where apparently things are so okay that people think it’s okay to suicide bait a creator for sinking a homosexual ship (Tokyo Ghoul anyone?)
wasn’t “Not Fall in Love with You” written beforehand by Jeff Williams for a band? as in, not for the RWBY soundtrack specifically? While on the otherhand, BMBLB is the name of an actual ship? and written for RWBY?Â
First three eyes, last no. Jeff has gone on record to say he just makes songs and edits them to apply to RWBY so no, BMBLB was never made for RWBY. Ergo, putting it on the same level as Not Fall In Love With You.
and it’s not like people were unjustified (I do not mean people were justified in attacking Jeff or Arryn) in calling out RT/Jeff for the blatant q*ueerbaiting of that track. Yeah, it was a miscommunication on Jeff and CRWBY’s part, but it was still absolutely q*eerbaiting?? But I don’t think kob believes q*eerbaiting actually exists so I’m basically talking to a brick wall.
No, tahts a mirror you’re looking at: The Brick Wall is you because people like you never use the word “Queerbaiting” for it’s intended purpose. If RWBY was over and there was no LGBT character: yes, it is queerbaiting. But take a look what I said: “RWBY was Over” “Was no LGBT” “Character”: Each of these qualifications must be met to be queerbaiting here. RWBY is not, there can be an LGBT PERSON and ships are completely disregarded for queerbaiting unless there is no character. BMBLB has no canonical connection to RWBY, was never used to confirm anything by the creators and doesn’t prevent any LGBT characters from appearing.
But the most pathetic thing of all is how you conflate everything about RWDE shippers is that you cannot look your own sexuality to see what is going on. This has NOTHING to do with your sexuality: No, it ahs everything and ONLY everything to do. With you. being. a. SHIPPER. Right now, I don’t see you as a rabid gay person, I see as a rabid SHIPPER. You using your sexuality to force your ship is no different than shippers in the past using shit like non-canon and popularity to force their ships. I know you are nothing more than a rabid shippers because this stupid fucking fight between Black Sun and Bumbleby is NOTHING more than a retrain of Amourshipping Vs. Pearlshipping. I have FOUGHT in wars like yours before I’ve MET your kind before on both sides but this is the first time I can say there is a definitive wrong side because neither Amour nor Pearl attacked the creators while Black Sun never assaulted the creators unlike Bumbleby shippers.
If this really was about being gay and nt being a Bumbleby shipper: Then the other gay shippers like White Rose would have demanded a song for themselves but this isn’t because they take it like good shippers, unlike bad shippers like you.
“people don’t hate q*eerships, they just hate this q*eership!” ??? (sidenote: there kob goes with that ‘q*eer’ bullshit again…)
And there you go thinking all queerships are Bumbleby. Guess WHiterose, Monchrome, Freezerburn, Ladybug, Sea Monkeys and Chocolate Rabbit don’t exist. 
This isn’t about being gay, this about Bumbleby having the highest concertration of bad shippers IE YOU.
And again, don’t want me to use “queer” despite no longer even being used as an insult? Stop using “cishet” then.
“many of the rwde shipper i’ve seen are bumbleby shippers” hmmmm. why is that? is it maybe because we’ve been q*eerbaited with bumbleby for a while now and are sick of it??? no of course not, that would require kob to think critically! (not to mention, most rwde posts aren’t even about bumbleby or ships in general? it’s about the shitty writing of the show but lmao!)
No, it’s because you have the highest concentration of bad shippers due to popularity and a few members of RT shipping it as well.  You guys go around being jackasses to everyone and that’s why no one likes you. 
And did I say “rwde posts” or “RWDE shippers?” Because Sokumotanaka, Dudeblade, You, RWBYcriticism, Riprorrude and pageoflore anre all Bubleby shippers who think they can get away with acting this way by trying to use all Bumbleby shippers as a shield, except now people are targeting EVERYONE and your own kind is turning on you.
You sure that lack of critical thinking isn’t you? Because you sure do lobe projecting your homophobia onto other people.
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knightofbalance-13 · 7 years
Sexism, Racism and Phobias over Sexual Identities For All!
One of the many problems with RWBY is that Ruby doesn’t have any arcs dedicated to her at all. You can kinda say that the episodes where team RWBY was formed in vol. 1 was sort of an arc for her, but that’s being really generous considering that was more team-centric than Ruby-centric.
Except you ignore how the ENTIRE SHOW is her arc: She has developed slowly THROUGHOUT her show. She has gone from being childish and naïve to the world like she was in Volume one to accepting that the world is more complex than her fairy tales and understanding how the world works. She still has problems to work through but she has another five or six Volumes left. So she isn't done yet.
If I were to reboot RWBY, one of the easiest way to fix this particular problem is to literally rip the arcs dedicated to Jaune from his generic white male protagonist hands and retool them for Ruby
By that logic we should then rip them from Ruby generic white female protagonists hands and give them to Sun then tear it away from his generic male hands and give it to Illa. When you start making RACE and GENDER an aspect of quality, you are essentially treating these people like objects and incindently end up acting racist and sexist. Not to mention Jaune isn’t even a protagonist, he’s a deturtagonist meaning he is a secondary protagonist thus if he finishes developing before the show is over, it’s nowhere near as big a flaw if RUBY does. And this ignores the fact that Jaune HASN’T gotten any development since Volume 2. Volume 3 gave him nothing and Volume 4 used him as tool for Ruby. But of course, RWDE is so obsessed with white males they will never acknowledge anything that isn’t a white male.
And this WITHOUT the implication that rebooting RWBY means essentially SCRUBBING MONTY OUT OF HIS OWN SHOW.  
In vol. 1, Ruby is let into Beacon two years early. While competent at fighting, Ruby is still wet behind the ears in terms of being a hunter and a team leader and all of this stresses her out. Pyrrha, an internationally famous fighter, finds Ruby’s enthusiasm and naivety refreshing, possibly finding Ruby’s innocence similar to her own when she was younger. She decides to help Ruby out as much as she can in terms of mastering Ruby’s semblance and becoming a competent leader.
And now I’m bored.  Why? because the humor that came from Jaune and Ruby’s interactions and Pyrrha and Jaune’s interactions are gone and replaced with every generic mentor relationship ever. there is no variation or humor, their personalities are not compatible in terms of interesting character development and in fact Ruby and Pyrrha become lesser characters because of it since Jaune added a foil characteristic to both sides. And since Ruby would know who Pyrrha is, that aspect of Pyrrha will never come up and since Jaune is gone Ruby will never have that fellow dorky classmate to make it charming. Congrats, one paragraph in and you’ve fucked up writing. Especially since you are burning up Ruby’s development too fats and thus we get stufk with a  fully developed character halfway through the series anxd now she has nowhere to go but back or be boring.
This would require fight scenes where people aren’t just super mega awesome but at the same time not bad fight scenes for the sake of terrible comedy either (e.g. all the group tournament fights in vol 3). Think Maka and Black Star levels of newb during the first few episodes/chapters of Soul Eater. They’re still competent in fighting, but obviously inexperienced in many other things. So, you know, actual growth and progress can be seen instead of just anime characters doing cool shit all the time. This also requires Pyrrha to be the leader of her team and not Jaune. Pyrrha being Ruby’s mentor will also give more leeway to Pyrrha having more connections to team RWBY. Yang is slightly suspicious of Pyrrha possibly having ulterior motives for wanting to mentor her little sis, Weiss is jealous that the famous Pyrrha wants to spend with Ruby and not her, Blake continues to just be there, etc. It allows Pyrrha to exist as her own person, gives her stronger plot relevance and connection to the main cast outside of being a member of Jaune’s team and the totally-made-up-on-the-spot seasonal maiden, and lets her be more than just a satellite love interest character for Jaune
So you want RWBY to take more from SoulEater, which then means it’s basically ripping it off and losing it’s identity? Good to see the RWDE tag cares so much about originality except when they suggest stuff.
So...Ruby working together with Weiss at the end of Volume 3 where they unite to go save Pyrrha contrasting Volume 1 where Ruby and Weiss were fighting each other doesn’t count as development? What about her learning the trials of leadership in the same episode which allows her to mesh more with Weiss? What about Ruby reconciling her motivation of being a Huntress with tebcruelity of the world showing a level of personal strength and adaptability very few people have? Is that not development? 
See, you focus so much on Jaune’s development you become blind to Ruby’s development. And Weiss’ development And Blake’s development. And Yang’s development. Ironically making YOU sexist.
And then we have your excuses for “improvements”: Pyrrha is too passive to be a proper leader and thus wouldn’t be able to rend in her teammates nor does she show any capability to be a leader (being a leader and being a good fighter are two different things), It makes Yang look stupid for suspecting Pyrrha, Weiss look more like a bitch than she really is. Pyrrha’s own person loses most of it’s meaning because Ruby really doesn’t NEED Pyrrha’s mentoring in combat because, surprise, Ruby si a prodigy in fighting and thus someone like Pyrrha doesn’t have enough experience to impart anything pf value onto Ruby (Espeically considering she has QROW as a mentor, someone who has a compatible fighting style and far more power and experience than Pyrrha) whereas Jaune would need Pyrrha’s mentoring, Ruby and Pyrrha fail in many of the same social ways and for similar reasons whereas Jaune does not and gives a companion to Ruby to sympathize with and someone to make Pyrrha’s flaws come to light. And then she loses the romance angle for her in which is a lot of the series heartwarming moments because there is no one else she is compatible with. And then her similarities to a certain inspiring, brave mentor disappear which is a spit in the face to Pyrrha. And that’s all without considering how this would screw up Ruby’s development since her learning to be a leader is shown in Jaune’s own arc but without it, it becomes more flimsy. 
In essence: Everything gets fucked.
Anyway, in vol. 2, the prom can still happen but just trash all the dumb hetero romance bullshit. It’s pointless, a waste of time, and also badly written. Anyway, Ruby is attending the prom and sees that Pyrrha is all alone with no date. They talk, and Ruby learns how lonely Pyrrha is from being so famous and being put on a pedestal or whatever. Ruby feels bad for Pyrrha and also feels guilty of doing the same things others have done that made Pyrrha feel so lonely in the first place. This moment deepens their relationship and they form a genuine friendship.Â
Oh so Heterosexuality is boring? Okay then, guess that makes homosexuality nothing more than a marketing ploy to draw people in and should be treated with no respect and dropped once the novelty wears out in which we will just find new ways to make heterosexuality good again. See how fucking offensive it is when you say this bullcrap. Also, by this logic, Toradora’s romance is shit because it’s hetero and a poorly written, poorly made, rushed, unaware Yaoi fanfic is good. Becuase that’s how heterophob-I mean, logic works.
Alos, giant plothole: WHy would Pyrrha say this to Ruby? She said it to jaune because he treated her differently but Ruby can’t due to having a knowledge f the Huntsman world. And even if there were some way to shoehorn this in: it lsoes most of the impact because it was said that Jaune had helped her out she fell in love but Jaune was too dense to see it. Now it just looks like angst. Great, this person wants to turn RWBY into the next Evangelion.
So, when Pyrrha gets killed off in vol 3., her death will actually have emotional meaning to Ruby and to the audience. She’s not just a love interest for generic white male protagonist that a good chunk of the fandom (me included) hates because he’s such a blackhole whenever it comes to screentime/character focus. Let’s face it, Pyrrha and Ruby are basically strangers to each other in canon and they’re only friends cause the two teams talk to each other semi-frequently. I don’t think they’ve actually even talked directly to each other even once (and if they did, you really can’t blame me for not remembering). Now, Pyrrha is a mentor and friend to Ruby, so witnessing her death will be legitimately more traumatic to her.
Except: No, it wouldn’t. Any emotions around Pyrrha would feel forced because without Jaune, she doesn’t look as good, her despair is cheapened, her love interest and seemingly promising future is gine, she doesn’t look all that impressive because the audience won’t see how a civilian like Jaune fights, her conflict around being the Maiden and dying will feel forced without the discussion with Jaune and it does not work with Ruby due to Ruby having more pressing matters and if she was inserted in, she would be overexposed in her own series, Ruby DOES become an ACTUAL Blakc Hole Sue, the quality of the show tanks and it dies. Congrats you killed RWBY.
And no, Jaune isn’t a Black Hole Sue nor is that the reason why you hate him: You hate him because he’s white, he’s male and he’s heterosexual because you’re racist, sexist and heterophobic. And as you people in RWDE are so keen on saying: Why should RT pander to bigots? See I know this because criticism’s effect actually dials to one way or another on issues: Since this is a radical change that demands something to be removed entirely, I know that thinsg are fine because the thing isn’t being overdone. Also, I know this because her only criticism of Jaune is hes white and male and she keeps acting like heterosexuality is a bad thing.
And ironically, this actually makes them sexist as hell because they cannot see past Pyrrha’s vagina and see her for the person who she is. She is only worth something if she is completely separate from a man, thus forcing her down one path and one path alone. This also shows that they will refuse to see her strength as a character (her actions for doing good despite the damage it will cause her, her conflict about it, her conflict about her feelings with jaune, her sadness, her strength as an actual fighter) I if it has anything to do with a man, thus never seeing past her gender.  Espeiclaly ironic considering the person Pyrrha is most like in anime is Kamina from Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, AKA the manliest guy in anime so her gender barely has anything to do with who she is.
And finally: I love how this person completely disregards Penny dying, Roman dying, Ruby being to a pulp by Roman, Ruby seeing her sister maimed and seeing her school, destroyed as if cumulative stress is not a thing. I wouldn’t let this person within ten miles of a depressed person.
Which leads us to vol 4., where Ruby is all kinds of fucked up from all the shit that happened to her. Her sister lost an arm, her team is scattered across the world, she witnessed 3 people die right in front of her (2 of them being her friends), and her dream school and the kingdom of Vale are fucked. All of this shit can lead to a number of possible developments for Ruby that can happen over the rest of the course of the show, including 1.) she becomes bitter and cynical, losing all sense of hope and optimism she had, 2.) despite all this, she still retains her hope and optimism, or 3.) a mixture of both, where Ruby realizes that the world and being a hunter isn’t as idealistic like being a hero in her stories, but she still wants to do what is good.
And this si exactly what happened in Volume 4. Literally, word for word. Pyrrha’s death made literally no impact here now because really nothing really changed. Except wait, nobody cares about pyrrha, Ruby ahs no way of processing her feelings about Pyrrha, their relationship would feel cheap and poorly written, Pyrrha will have either made no progress with RWBY or contrived progress. 
And let’s take a lok at thes ethree options. Number one is out because it’s basically a spit in the face to Monty and his message of keep moving forward and would make just a copy of Volume 4 Jaune. 2. is the same as three which is exactly what happened. Congrats, you have two options, one of which was already done and the other literally disgraces a dead man’s work. Not like RWBY would survive to this point with all the imbalances of removing Jaune does.
This amps up the character focus on Ruby while drastically reducing Jaune’s. Like the boy or not, you have to admit the amount of time and priority spent focusing on Jaune’s emotional and personal conflicts and growth is really fucking bad writing when he is supposed to be a secondary character. The show is called RWBY and Ruby is supposed to be the actual main protagonist. If anyone’s going to get an absurd amount of focus about their growth, it should be her.
A.) he’s a secondary PROTAGONIST AKA DETUROTAGONIST. In fact, he would be teh closest to BEING a protagonist as the main character’s Foil. Yeah, you kind of forgot that aspect of Jaune’s character, like everything else that wasn’t the color of his skin or the contents of his pants. SO no, that doesn’t work.
B.) That’s already done before: With characters like Goku who sucked up all the development from characters like Yamcha and Tien and Chtaotsu and Master Roshi and Bulma and then ended up with nowhere to go in Z and it brought the whole show down because the characters that could be explored had to be left behind. This is a flaw so prevelant all but the most hardcore DBZ fans will admit it. You’d just be the idiot who never got the memo.
C.) Again, you are ignoring Ruby’s own development to harp on about Jaune, once more making you the sexist one here.
Disclaimer: What is described still falls into the many clichéd pitfalls like the mentor dying and the other generic shit that is in RWBY’s writing, but that wasn’t the point of this rant. The point of the above text is to fix the lack of character focus on Ruby with the material given from the show, even if said material have been done to death already. It’s a bandaid for one wound, but the body that is RWBY is still riddled with critical injuries of bad writing.
Because cliches are always bad, right My Hero Academia, the highest rated recent Shounen, One Punch man and Mob Psycho 100, web comics who defied all the odds like RWBy, and Gurren Lagann, Montys favorite anime and one of the main inspirations for RWBY?
Except that you just bring up more clichés that don’t get the variations that RWBY has given the ones it has now just to be sexist, racist and hetero and somehow homophobic. COngrats, you fail writing.
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