#old iron king
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feartheoldblog · 1 year
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maranigai · 9 months
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I've made this doodle late at night with some plot in mind, but forgot about it in the morning. Post it here anyway because this picture doesn't need a plot to describe the vibe (and also because there is criminally little content with these disastrous guys in fandom, lol).
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The Old Iron King was the most successful ruler before Vendrick, having conquered what remained of Alken and Venn. Even the Mad Knight of Alken couldn't stop his advance.
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darksouls2yuri · 1 year
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jauffre · 1 year
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seasonofthebxtch · 11 months
Iron Keep is a whole other level of misery
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meganechan05 · 9 months
When you're at a family event and you go into sensory overload...
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asherbakugou · 29 days
Valyrian Demigods of Westeros – Son of Arrax
Queen Alicent Hightower stared out the window of her rooms, picking at the skin around her nails as she awaited news of Princess Rhaenyra's birth. She could not wait until her husband, King Viserys Targaryen, saw his daughter for the whore and liar she was, and finally disinherited her for Prince Aegon, his firstborn son.
For years he had allowed his daughter run rampant and now, here she was, cuckolding Ser Laenor Velaryon, making him believe that the child within her belly was his even though he was a swordswallowing heathen. The Holy Seven would never allow one such as him, or a woman like Rhaenyra to have children. They would right King Viserys mistake, however they needed to.
Hours passed before any news was heard. And what glorious news it was for the Red Keep and Kings Landing.
Queen Alicent heard of the birth through the gossip of her maids, forcing them to tell her of the whispers they'd heard.
"Your Grace, the Crown Princess's birth was successful. She gave birth to a son, Prince Jacaerys Targaryen."
"Targaryen?" Queen Alicent scoffed. "His 'father' is a Velaryon, but of course the Princess gets her way. How slighted will the Velaryon family feel when they learn she birthed a bastard and gave it the Targaryen name?"
She sat down at her table, not noticing the frowns upon her maids faces.
"But, your Grace, the Prince is no bastard. The servants within claim that he has been blessed by the Seven themselves," Mira stated, nervously wringing her hands. The Queens hand snapped around, fury written across her features.
"Blessed?! By the Seven! I order you to tell me where you heard such blasphemy!"
"The servents that were helped the midwives while Crown Princess gave birth," Mira began, shoulders trembling even as she held strong. "Prince Jacaerys was born beneath the shadow of an omen. Many are claiming that it is symbolic of the Prince's divine right to rule but . . ."
"But what? Tell me!"
"A friend of ours said the the Prince was born with curly golden-white hair so bright it shone in the sunlight, and that he had the same eyes as his mother, the Crown Princess, with her skin tone as well. But the reason they say he is blessed is because of the marking upon his forehead. He has birthmark that is shaped like a crown, Your Grace," Tayla explained, smiling faintly. She'd been awestruck upon hearing the story, and she hoped to be able to see the babe and his crown.
"No," Alicent whispered sagging into her chair in shock. The Seven . . . Why would the bless the bastard son of that whore? Why would they bless any Targaryen child when they practiced such unholy, and queer customs?
Both of the maids calles out for the Queen worried as she stared blankly into the distance.
"Leave me." Neither moved, hesitant to leave her when she was onviously distressed. "I said leave me!"
Fearfully, the two fled, leaving the Queen to her misery until one of the King's servants came to fetch her so she could meet her 'grandson.'
Straightening and smoothing out the wrinkles that had formed, she followed the servent with Ser Criston falling into step behind her. Unable to hide her bloodied hands, she hid them by clasping her hands together in front of her belly.
The Servent led her to Princess Rhaenyra's quarters where he stepped to the side to allow her to pass. Ser Criston took up post alongside Ser Westerling, Ser Erryk, and Ser Harwin Strong, barely holding back a sneer as he looked at Ser Harwins gold cloak.
Sweeping inside Queen Alicent found the Princess resting upon a chaise, a glass of wine in her hand as King Viserys, Lord Corlys, and Ser Laenor doted over the baby in his fathers arms. Princess Rhaenys stood behind the chaise Princess Rhaenyra sat in, quietly discussing the birth with her.
Looking up, Princess Rhaenys stared her down with deep purple eyes, "Queen Alicent. I see you have finally decided to join us. We were worried the servant had gotten lost or something had happened to prevent you from coming." Rhaenyra hid a smile with her chalice, eyes glinting in amusement as the insinuation went over her fathers head.
"Alicent! Come, come! Come meet my grandson, Prince Jacaerys Targaryen, Heir of the Heir and Future King of Westeros," King Viserys boasted, smiling widely. Alicent gave him a thin smile as she stepped closer to the babe to observe him.
She felt a pit of dread open within her stomach as she stared down at the babe. He looked just like Tayla had described if not more beautiful than even her own children, much to her horror.
Curly white hair sat upon his head, fluffy from being just cleaned, that seemed to almost glow with golden light when Ser Laenor shifted towards the light. Milky white skin, just like the rest of the Targaryen family and when he opened his eyes, she saw Rhaenyras looking back at her. But it was the marking on his forehead that caught his attention when Lord Corlys brushed the curls away.
The birthmark genuinly looked as if a crown sat upon his brow with a strange marking within the very center. The edges stopped just as they reached his hairline.
Queen Alicent swallowed, stepping back as heart pounded. "He's beautiful, Princess. But I find myself tired from all of this excitement. I believe I shall retire to my rooms for the day, thank you."
"Ah, of course, my dear. Have a wonderful evening," Viserys said, already distracted by the cooing babe.
Trying not to scowl, she left Ser Criston falling back into step behind her. She led him towards the Starry Sept to pray in hopes of this being Rhaenyra's only win. To pave the way for her own son, Prince Aegon Targaryen, the King's firstborn son and rightful heir.
She did not know that this was only the beginning for of the rise of the Blacks.
Prince Jacaerys Targaryen, First of His Name, Born in the Shadow of the Iron Throne, The Born King, the Lawful, Bringer of Justice had been born.
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He had not regretted turning down her proposal, not even while he was still a frog, but he should not have spoken to her so scornfully. He ought to have known better than to be impolite to a witch.
But he had too quick a temper, and her advances had surprised him most unpleasantly. He had had no thought of marrying at that time, why should he have? His life was perfectly comfortable.
The witch's temper was as quick as his own, however, and she had not taken kindly to his refusal.
The young king glanced at his looking glass. They still called him the Frog King, and part of him still expected to see an inhuman face looking back at him…
Seven more days to the wedding. Seven days and eight nights until he could call his beloved princess his wife. There was nothing left of his disdain for marriage now. He was well aware what a joke that was on him. He deserved to be ridiculed for it. But he had never met such a woman before! The way she spoke to him- No one at the entire court, no one in the entire kingdom spoke to him like that. It was as if she saw right through him. She hadn’t put up with any of his amphibian rudeness and she wouldn't put up with any royal misbehaviour either.
And yet she loved him.
That was the one, most wondrous thing about her. That she would come to know him like a demanding, bartering frog, that she would see through him like she did, and that despite all this, she could still love him. Love him enough to liken his faults to her own, to make light of them, and to consent to become not just his Queen, but his wife.
No one else would even have entertained the thought.
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radioactivepeasant · 10 months
Fic Prompts: Snippet Tuesday
Continuing from Monday's Snippet, now we come to the bit with Spy Tess. Now, there's a variety of ways she could've gotten here -- @sparguscityangel had an idea of Tess actually being there to report to the spies who trained her, and those spies being loyal to the deposed king of Haven. Other contexts can involve Tess trying to blend in with Wastelanders like in @sonicringnoise 's Friends in Low Places, or there to bring Jak intel (and shiny new guns) from Haven.
Jak stretched up, waving her over from a circle of men and women at one of the cookfires dotting the courtyard of the temple.
"Sit over here!"
Jak really wasn't the outgoing type, and he never had been for as long as she'd known him. But after navigating around more Wastelanders than she'd ever seen in her life, Tess wasn't about to pass up a chance for some information from a friendly face. The circle parted, a little begrudgingly, to let her through, but this seemed more related to having to move while eating rather than an objection to her presence. She dropped down to sit on an overturned crate beside Jak, who pulled a paper-thin circle of some kind of bread from a rack by the fire and handed it to her.
"Dax just schmoozed one of the Foothill Wastelanders into trading a pound of peppers for a sack of rice," he said, flashing a quick smile, "I haven't had rice since I was a kid!"
He pointed Tess to a blackened old pot a woman was stirring with a heavy paddle. Rice piled up high on the paddle, and the weatherbeaten warrior jerked her head meaningfully at Tess. After a second, Tess realized what she was meant to do and obediently held up her flatbread. With a squishing sound, the rice was spread across it in a thick carpet.
"Rice from Foothill, shrimp and pepper from Spargus." Jak pointed to each ingredient in the small bowls Spargans were passing back and forth to add to their rice.
"And," Daxter interrupted, suddenly appearing between them, "Corn from Longstump, for just one tomango!"
The king -- Precursors within and without, that was the king! The actual head of the House of Mar was alive! -- shook his head and laughed as he took the ground corn from Daxter and added it to the pot. "You're a wonder, small one. In another life you must have been a master trader."
"Whaddya mean past life? I'm a master now!" Daxter puffed out his chest, soaking in the praise and approval like sunlight.
About time someone gave Daxter his due, in Tess’s opinion.
She sat and watched them all, allowing the food to cover for her observant silence. Not everyone at this fire was from the desert clan, the Spargans. One of the blue Lurkers from the mountain group had seated herself in the circle, humming something in a quavery old voice as she placidly worked a drop spindle. Foothills Clan mostly traded in cloth and metalhead pieces, as far as she could tell. The folk who lived down near the old Precursor Basin made beautifully intricate guns and staves -- and jewelry that doubled as weaponry in a pinch. Tess had haggled for twenty minutes to get a pair of razor sharp bone earrings from one of the Longstump Clan.
Seemed like Spargus was the gang producing all the Precursor artifacts, by and large. Tess blinked as a thought struck her: did this mean the former king of Haven was indirectly funding the Underground? Was he aware of that?
Daxter settled next to Tess comfortably, wrapping shrimp into the flatbread. Periodically he straightened to bark orders at whoever was manning to cooking pot at the moment -- even when it was King Bloody Damas Himself. Daxter took campfire cooking as seriously as he took the menu at the Naughty Ottsel. Tess bit back a giggle as she watched hardened soldiers grumble and comply with every recipe adjustment Daxter demanded.
Obviously, Daxxie knew what he was doing. His coat was softer and shinier now than it had ever been in the city, and he'd even put on either weight or muscle. He was actually getting nutrition out here in this ghastly desert, and that told Tess more about Spargus than any of its taciturn people could. Jak was just as obviously changed by his months in the Wasteland. His face was no longer pale and sunken -- he'd seen enough sun for a smattering of freckles to dance across rosy brown cheeks -- and his clothes didn't hang so loosely off his shoulders anymore. Like Daxter, his hair looked softer, and about as well-kept as the ocean breeze would allow.
Spargus was in better shape than much of Haven, clearly. Maybe it would be worth it to attempt an alliance.
A tankard began to be passed around the circle, breaking Tess from her thoughts. One by one, Wastelanders took a swig of a bitter alcohol, spiced with cinnamon. Tess managed to get a sip that burned like fire for a second before dulling into a warm glow. Definitely better than what Wastelanders usually carried, although not really to Tess’s tastes. She snorted when Jak's turn was swiftly curtailed by Damas deftly lifting the tankard from his hands.
"Not for you, young man." He took a draught and passed it back to the right.
Tess half expected Jak to be angry about this -- a teenager he might’ve been, but Krew never cared about Tess serving him whatever was watered down the most as long as he paid. And since it wasn't safe to drink the water in most of Haven, there wasn't much else Jak could drink without getting sick. But to Tess’s surprise, Jak only shrugged with a goodnatured laugh.
"So close! I'll get it next pass."
"Good luck with that," Damas snorted, leaning an elbow on one knee and pointing. "I've got eyes on the back of my head."
Jak almost seemed like he was going to argue that, but then he appeared to remember something. He grinned boyishly and settled back into his seat.
"It's true, he does," he said conversationally to everyone and no one.
The elderly Lurker looked up from her spindle with a croaking harrumph. "Little one is too little for grog," she scolded. "Too little for Running the Spire, too!"
Damas took this in stride. "Our rites of passage in the desert are more closely monitored than up north," he assured the old Wastelander. "Any trouble he gets into is wholly of his own making. Isn't that right, Jak?"
Jak snorted. "You're really not gonna let that Arena thing go, are you?"
"You took out a wall with a half dead metalpede," Damas answered dryly, "Lava clean-up took two weeks. No I'm not letting "that Arena thing" go."
Well, Tess mused, clearly some things hadn't changed.
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feartheoldblog · 1 year
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maranigai · 9 months
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I could draw something normal, but I drew a meme with Iron king. In 2023 /sigh/
P.s. He hates when someone calls his domain a "wasteland", it's not a wasteland, it's an industrial area, it's not his fault that he lives in pre-industrial fantasy world.
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Sir Alonne was the one to strike down the Old Iron King, and the catalyst for his transformation.
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darksouls2yuri · 1 year
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dark souls 2 yaoi real?!
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andy-clutterbuck · 1 year
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11x24 | Rest in Peace
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