#olivia olson might be my twix voiceclaim now
shadowofthelamp · 4 years
So, linking something with Bubbline and relating it to Tulip/Twix got me thinking of Twix and Marceline, and, well...
Twix traced her hand over the wall, dust trailing the synthetic fingertips and swirling out into the stale air. Kit said he hadn't been down these halls since soon after they left the planet, and she could believe it. There were animals nested in the chairs and plants had overgrown the halls, creating half a jungle and half a home, burn marks on the walls and cages scattered about.
Carefully, she pushed at the door to her room. It had jammed- not rust, irken components didn't rust, but 300 years takes its toll. She needed to ram it with her shoulder before it opened. More dust, but this room at least hadn't been touched- likely because of the stuck door.
Her bed was... unmade. As if she'd left that morning. It still felt soft. The shelf had a haphazard collection of crystals she hadn't brought to the house on- no, she'd told herself not to think of Tulip and the girls today. She placed them back up, not wanting to dwell on how long they'd been knocked askew.  Sir Pollen was resting next to them, upside down, with the underbelly worn thin and white compared to the soft honey of the rest of his body.
She took a breath that she no longer needed before hugging him to her chest and letting the air back out again.
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