#om mobi
nomaishuttle · 6 months
its like actually of the devil when i eas little i used to pick all the strawberries iut of the strawberry banana frozen fruit mixture . and now i do the same but with the bananas and i look back at my.younger self like . why did yiu not take the banana why would you do that
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omemade · 2 years
Hot Sauce & Moby Duck
Hot Sauce & Moby Duck
Hot Sauce & Moby Duck… Sounds like a couple of characters from a spoof detective series! No, this is the story of Moby a wild mallard abandoned by its mother and how a Hot Sauce got its name. It was Maundy Thursday when I got a phone call from Kit. She was on her way back from picking MissT up from a GCSE revision class. “Can you get the dogs out the way and get a box ready for when we get in?…
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kuwdora · 2 months
Festivid 2023 Recs - Part 01
My first batch of recs! Some fun and sweet and funny vids from animated shows, comedies, a trillion media adaptations, THE CHOCOLATE GUY, Shakespeare, and more. Incredible work from amazing vidders this year.
Hard Times by elipie. Star Trek Lower Decks. Boimler. A Boimler vid! To Paramore! Boimler really does have some HARD TIMES. But in the end he has all of his friends that also go through hard times and are at his side! The timing in this vid is so much fun. It’s so energetic and full of shenanigans. And it makes me CACKLE. A must-see for Lower Decks fans!
Here It Goes Again by eruthros. Moby Dick, multi-source. Ishmael/Queequeg. Soooooo many different Moby Dick live action and animated shows and films! This is incredibly fun and a joy to see the sheer amount of times this story has been made for the screen. All to OK Go! #teamwhale 📝 Lots of notes at the vidder's journal about the Moby Dick adaptations.
She’s a Lady by lily_the_kid. Christine (1983). I'M SCREAAAAMING IN LAUGHTER AND AWE, the brilliance of Tom Jones song for the car. the car as a character. I’m sorry this is one of my favorite kinds of things to vid and it’s even better when I get to see people make vids I love making cause i get to enjoy the fruits of the vid joy!! This is so funny and serious at the same time. crack treated seriously. Horror + comedy + seriousness = my jam. Amazing. I’m also admiring all the subtle musicality of the editing, too because this song is delicious with the drums and horn section. #TeamChristine
Teenagers by tafadhali for Dimension 20. Adventurers do whatever we want, with no consequence. THIS VID IS JOY. I couldn’t help but grin during this whole vid. The transitions are so much FUN and i love the way the vidder uses the miniatures throughout the vid with everyone’s reactions and silly faces. Oh what a great way to run with this song too.
Your Horoscope for Today by Josett_Arnauld. Game Changer. I don’t know this show at all but I believe it’s some kind of comedy/improv thing, judging by the antics here. And they're SUCH good antics. Comedy show + Weird Al = VID OTP! This is chaotic joy and silliness and a must-see for anyone who wants a dose of laughs. It’s so smartly timed and the transitions are so fun too.
The Only Way To See by BeatriceEagle. OMG it’s a vid about The Chocolate Guy!!!!! The song choice is so lovely tribute to the creative process. Om nom nom nom this is delicious editing.
I’m Going To Make You Love Me by periru3 and tafadhali, a Christine (1983) A DUET! FROM TWO VIDDERS! This is so fucking clever and funny and utterly fucking brilliant. This absolutely is smashing all my horror/humor buttons.
Everybody Talks by absternr. Much Ado About Nothing. Filmed stage productions! TO NEON TREES! The joy of theater, and these productions in particular! Some I recognized and others I hadn’t seen. Oh, it’s so much FUN. Delightful editing, great use of the song and I definitely ran to drop this vid link in in several of my Neon Trees and Shakespeare friends laps.
Caught in Hit and Run by turquoisetumult. Clue (1985). The vidder used Paula Abdul for the vid!! And I can’t emphasize enough how much fun this vid is. The editing, the comedy, the EDITING! It’s bouncy and grooving along with the physical comedy SO WELL.
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magnuswesterberg · 1 year
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Det här var under den tid jag var ung och formbar. Men så fick jag en förkylning på hösten 1985 som aldrig gick över utan fortsatte och fortsatte tills det i november bildats varklumpar i respektive halsmandel. Värst var det på höger sida. Det gick så långt att jag till slut fick svårt att svälja. Jag hamnade under höstterminen i andra ring på infektionskliniken på Östersunds Lasarett och där låg jag inlagd några dagar med penicillinbehandling och blev smalare och smalare. Löven föll och jag kom efter i skolarbetet. Den första snön föll. En flicka i klassen dök upp med böcker, berättelser och stenciler och långt senare har jag fått klart för mig att hon tyckte om mig, och kanske såg sin chans att komma mig nära då jag var sjuk, svag och ensam. Eftersom det var en infektionsklinik var det dock restriktivt med besök från familj och klasskamrater. Febern gick aldrig ned och till slut opererades jag.    När jag kom tillbaka till klassen sen framåt advent var jag 9 kilo smalare och ingen frågade vad jag hade varit med om på lasarettet. För att fördriva tiden på lasarettet hade jag läst Herman Melvilles äventyrsroman Moby Dick. Min fascination för valar började i sjukhussängen. Alla som har läst Moby Dick vet att den är en rejäl och förunderlig tegelsten att ta sig igenom. Jag sträckläste boken och allt sedan dessa febriga höstdagar i Östersund har jag fått med mig att evolutionen mest av allt är en slump. Livet på Jorden startade i vattnet för att sedan fortsätta på land och så småningom skapade evolutionen däggdjuren. Eller slumpen skapade dem, om ni så vill. Problemet är att ett av dessa däggdjur – någonting grått, nyfiket och levande som närmast kan liknas vid en flodhäst – ledsnade, gav upp en varm eftermiddag på savannen, gick ned till havet, och utvecklades till valen, vilken som alla vet, inte är en fisk utan ett däggdjur. Djuret med ben, svans och lungor var tillbaka i vattnet där allt en gång hade börjat, fast denna gång med nackdelen att inte ha gälar att andas med utan däggdjuret blev dömt att jämt och ständigt återvända till vattenytan för att hämta luft. Varje timme dyker den 1 000 meter ned i totalt mörker och äter i stort sett bara en och samma sak, bläckfiskar.    Det Herman Melville skriver om är jakt på kaskelotter vilket pågick så intensivt med utgångspunkt från ön Nantucket utanför USAs östkust, att kaskelotten som art var ytterst nära att utrotas. Sjömännen kokade valspäcket i industriell omfattning ombord på valfångarna, för att väl i hamn sälja det för vidare export och användning i gatlyktor. Oljan från späcket gav en klar och starkt lysande låga som under 1800-talet lyste upp gatorna i New York, London, Berlin och Paris. Vad hände sen? Jo, människan hittade olja i marken, och behövde inte segla runt på världshaven och döda kaskelotter i industriell omfattning. Oljan i marken räddade kaskelotten. Lika paradoxalt är det att England en gång höll på att hugga ned all skog som fanns på brittiska öarna, men så hittade människan kol i marken som hade långt mer energi lagrat i sig än ved, och Englands vackra skogar räddades av kolet i marken.    Nu tänkte jag skiva något om litium, halsmandlar, zink och uran, men överallt i världen håller vetenskapsmännen på att söka efter vad allt detta ska rädda.
During my impressionable youth, I encountered a seemingly endless cold in the fall of 1985. It persisted until November when abscesses formed in my tonsils, particularly severe on the right side. Eventually, swallowing became an ordeal. My condition led me to be admitted to the infectious disease ward at Östersund Hospital during the second year of upper secondary school. There, a regimen of penicillin treatments saw me growing thinner over several days. As the leaves fell, I fell behind in my studies. The first snow came. A girl from my class visited with books, tales, and handouts, and only much later did I realize her affections for me; perhaps seeing an opportunity to draw close while I lay there, ill, vulnerable, and alone. However, visits were sparse due to the ward's strict regulations. My fever remained stubborn until surgery became the last resort.
Upon my return to class by the time of Advent, I was 9 kilograms lighter and curiously, no one inquired about my hospital experience. To pass the time, I immersed myself in Herman Melville's "Moby Dick," an adventure novel of considerable heft. It was in the hospital bed that my fascination with whales began. Anyone who's tackled "Moby Dick" knows the monumental effort it is to digest such a tome. Feverishly, I devoured the book, and from those autumn days in Östersund, I gleaned that evolution is largely a game of chance. Life on Earth, which began in water, ventured onto land, and eventually, through a serendipitous twist of evolution (or chance), a certain grey, curious, river hippopotamus-like creature tired of savannah life, ventured back into the sea and evolved into the whale. This mammal, equipped with bones, a tail, and lungs, returned to the aquatic realm where life originated, but with the disadvantage of lacking gills for breathing, hence condemned to perpetually resurface for air. Hourly, it dives a kilometer deep into the abyss to feast almost exclusively on squid.
Melville's narrative revolves around the intense hunting of sperm whales, which nearly led to their extinction. Sperm whale blubber was processed on an industrial scale aboard whaling ships, originating from Nantucket, to light the streets of cities like New York, London, Berlin, and Paris with a bright flame throughout the 19th century. Then, as fate would have it, the discovery of oil underground negated the need for such extensive whaling. Ground oil saved the sperm whale in a twist of irony. Similarly, England was once on the brink of deforestation, but the discovery of coal, with its superior energy potential, preserved the British woodlands. Now, scientists worldwide are exploring what resources like lithium, tonsils, zinc, and uranium might save next.
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petervc88 · 7 months
Cappelle Calling - 11 september 2023
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Om de datum van 11 september kon ik niet heen, dus ik draaide een aantal platen die met New York te maken hadden. Ook de LP van de Week, 'The Wild, The Innocent & The E Street Shuffle' van Bruce Springsteen uit 1973, koos ik met die reden vanwege een nummer op het album over New York.
Terugluisteren kan hier.
Dit was de playlist:
Uur 1:
Peter Tosh & Mick Jagger - IYou Gotta Walk) Don't Look Back (1979) The Rolling Stones - Angry (2023) Moby - Natural Blues (1999) Bruce Springsteen - Kitty's Back (1973) (LP van de Week) The Beatles feat. Billy Preston - Get Back (1969) Pip Blom - Get Back (2023) David Bowie - Friday On My Mind (1973) (DisCovered) Don Henley - New York Minute (1989) Smash Mouth - All Star (1999) (Filmplaat - uit 'Rat Race' ) The Verve - The Drugs Don't Work (1997) Bruce Springsteen - Wild Billy's Circus Story (1973) (LP van de Week)
Uur 2:
Jay-Z feat. Alicia Keys - Empire State of Mind (2009) The Gaslight Anthem - Little Fires (2023) Bruce Springsteen - Incident On 57th Street (1973) (LP van de Week) Blackbird - Pink Shades (2023) The Easybeats - Friday On My Mind (1966) (DisCovered) Bertolf feat. Tim Knol - Even The Bads Ends Badly (2023) Bruce Springsteen - Rosalita (Come Out Tonight) (1973) (LP van de Week) Bruce Springsteen - New York City Serenade (1973) (LP van de Week) Billy Joel - New York State Of Mind (1976)
Mijn bijdrage over 'New York City Serende' van Bruce Springsteen is hier te lezen op Ondergewaardeerde Liedjes.
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Cappelle Calling is iedere maandagavond van 20:00 t/m 22:00 te horen op Radio 90FM. Iedere woensdagmiddag wordt de uitzending herhaald van 18:00 tot 20:00. Suggesties voor DisCovered of De Filmplaat zijn welkom via de Facebookpagina van het programma of via [email protected].
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techwatchmagazine · 7 months
DJI Osmo Mobile 6
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Kulezinsuku, umakhalekhukhwini wesimanjemanje, ikhamera esezingeni weyinye yezinto eyenza uhluke. Njengoba kulula ukthwebula izithombe nokuqopha ividiyo ekwazi ukuqopha noma ngabe kukude kangakanani loku okuqophayo, kodwa amavidiyo asezingeni kuba nzima ukuwenza ngenxa yokuthi isandla oqopha ngaso asihlezi sime ngendlela eqondile. Ngale DJI etsha, eyi 3 – Axis, eyi – Osmo Mobile 6 isifikile , ezokwenza noma ezokwazi ukukusiza uthwebule kahle ngezinto ezizokusiza uthwebule njengomuntu okufundele ukuthwebula.
Le Osmo Mobile 6, ingene esikhaleni se - Osmo Mobile 5, ngaphandle kokuthi yona inezinto ezifana nenduku (Rod) enwebekayo ongayisebenzisa ukuzithwebula wena kanye nokuqopha amavidiyo ngezindlela eziningi nezihlukile. Iphinde yafakwa ibhathini elikwazi ukunweba noma ukusondeza loko okufuna ukukuthwebula noma ukuqopha, kanye nokufaka nokwenza ividiyo ngendlela oyithandayo ngokufaka i- App ehambiselana nayo. Ivuma yonke indlela yomakhalekhukhwini, kangabe i – Android noma i- IOS , futhi elungiseka ngendlela elula kakhulu.
Le – Osmo Mobile 6, ayibizi kakhulu kune Osmo Mobile 5, kodwa kungabe yinto ephusile ukunyukela kwi Osmo Mobile 6? Ama – Vloggers nabantu abaziphilisa ngezinto ezintsha nezifakwa kwinthanethi, kungabe bayadinga ukukhuphukela kelena? Asithole kabanzi.
Izinto ezibalulekile ngale Osmo Mobile 6
Yi 3 – Axis, inomazibuthe owenza umakhalekhukhwini ufakeke kalula, ukusebenza okusheshayo (kwi iOS kuphela), iscrini se – LED esikhombisa ubungakho bebhetri nokusebenza kwekhamera., ibhathini elisecaleni elivumela ukhwehla kanye nokusondeza loko okuqophayo. Induku (rod) ekuvumela ukuthi uqophe/uthwebule noma ingayiphi indlela, ibhathini elivumela ukuthi loko okuqophaya noma okuthwebulayo ukufake kwizinkundla zokuxhumana ngokushesha, izindlela ezihlukene zokuqopha ividiyo yakho, i – App ekufundisa ngezindlela ezahlukene zokuthwebula amavidiyo kanye nebhetri elihlala iskhathi esingamahora angama- 65.
I– Osmo Mobile 5, ephume esikhathini esingaphansi konyaka ingama 189mm x 44mm, kanti le Osmo Mobile 6, inkulu nje kancane, kodwa iyakwazi ukuphatheka futhi ayisindi.
Esikuthandayo: Iyaphatheka futhi ayisindi, indawo yokubamba yenza kube lula futhi kuqonde ukuthatha noma ukuthwebula noma ukuqopha. Ibhathini elisecaleni nalapho ukhetha khona kuseduze, ihlala iskhathi esingaphezulu kwamahora – 6 kuyaphezulu.
Esingakuthandi: ezinye zezinto azisebenzi komakhalekhukhwini bakwa – Android, umkhombandlela wokuyisebenzisa ubatshazwe ngokwedlulele.
Le Osmo Mobile 6, indawo yokuyibamba iyaluleka kuye ku 215 mm (8,5'') uma uyilule yonke ukwzi ukuqopha noma uthwebule izithombe ngezindlela ezahlukene, futhi isebenziseka kalula. Iscrini sakhona siyakwazisa uma umakhalekhukhwini usulungele ukuthatha noma ukuthwebula, ngaphansi ikutshela ukuthi inani lebhetri lingakanani.
Ngaphansi kwibhathini lokuqopha, kunebhathini lokuyicima nokuyivula. Okukhulu ngayo ilamabhathini asemacaleni avumela uyilawule ngendlela othanda ngayo. Uyacindezela kanye nje bese ikhamera iyasebenza, iqonde ngqo kuloko ofisa ukukuthwebula noma ukukuqopha, uma ucindezela kabili izosondeza noma izihlele ngendlela esezingeni nehehayo.
Ngemumva kwayo kune (trigger) bhathini, ngokuyiciphaza nje ivusa ubuchwepheshe be DJI Active Track S.O, evumela ukuthi ilandele loko okuthwebulayo noma okuqophayo noma ngabe kuyanyakaza. Ukuyivula nokuyivala kuthatha ukuciphaza ibhathini nje.
Le – Osmo Mobile 6 , ubukhulu bungango 1/2 '' - 20, nento yokufaka eyi UNC, evumele ukufaka ezinye izinto zangaphandle okubalwa ama USB, Ikhompyutha ephathekayo nokunye. Inembobo eyi M3 0 – 5 phezulu, ongayisebenzisa ukufaka ikhamera lens noma umbobho wokukhuluma kanye ne vlog combo, edayiswa ngenani eliphindwe kathutha kunajwayelekile. Kummkhiqizo nje uwodwa, we Levlog Combo ubandakanya i – DJI Mic Transmitter/Reciever.
I-Osmo Mobi 6, ifika ne OM Fill light phone clamp, (R 1 062) esebenza kwasazibuthe obamba umakhalekhukhwini wakho ungawi okanye unyakaze. Khanyisa nge- LED, yi – App eyaziwa nge DJI Mimo App, yize kulula ukuyisebenzisa koswa kubuye kuthathe isikhathi eside ukuyifunda ngakho konke, ongakufunda ngendlela kodwa. Kunye i – App yakhona eyaziwa ngokuthi nge Lightcut eyakhelwe abantu abathat noma abaqopha nokuhlela amavidiyo asezingeni lobuchwepheshe. Ilula futhi kuqondile ukuyisebenzisa, ikuvumela uwasike, ufake izihloko nomculo ngaphezulu.
Kunjani ukuyisebenzisa? I OM6, ithe ukusinda kune OM5, ekuynika ukuyisebenzisa ngendlela engakhathazi nengahlukumezi. Okuhlaba kakhulu umxhwele ukuthi kulula kakhulu ukuyisonga nokuyixhuma kumakhalekhukhwini eyenza kube lula ukuyisebenzisa. Indlela yokukhombisa (Display bar), eveza umbala oluhlaza masukutshela ukuthi ungaqala ukwenza loko okwenzayo. Yize bekungangcono ukuthi kunendlela yokushintsha ijubane lokuhambisa ngesonwabu (slow motion), uhlelo le Dynamic Zoom, ekwazi ukukuvumela usondeze noma uhlehlise loko okuqophayo ngaphambili kokuqala uqophe.
Iyashesha futhi isebenziseka kahle, awudingi i SD Card, konke kuhlala/ gcineka kumakhalekhukhwini kwabasebenza ngoku Vlogs noma ukuqopha izinkulumo (Podcasts) , lomkhiqizo muhle kakhulu kubona.
Sengiphetha: Uma uqala ukuyisebnzisa lomkhiqizo kuzothatha iskhathi ukuthwebula/uqophe ngendlela eyikhethelo neyakhelwe yona. . Yize kubalula kakhulu uma usebenzisa umakhalekhukhwini wakwa IOS kodwa kuthatha isikhathi ukuthola zonke izinto ongazisebenzisa ngayo. Induku ekuvumela uthathe izithombe njengochwepheshe, kodwa nenani lizothi ukuba xaxa. Yize ibiza njengetho oyifaka kumakhalekhukhwini, kodwa angeke uyikhalele imali yakho, kakhulukazi uma kuwumsebenzi wakho ukuqopha noma ukuthwebula amavidiyo.
Ungayithola (R4 420) ezitolo zakwa DJI.com, Incridible.co.za *(Kuhluka ukuyithola kwakho)
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peterpijls1965 · 1 year
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Animal Rights
Mensen die zich bekommeren om dierenrechten begrijp ik meestal wel, al hoef ik het niet per se met ze eens te zijn. Ik vind Animal Rights de beste plaat van Moby, maar die werd buiten Amerika alleen in België gewaardeerd. En daarbij ben ik na een mislukte poging geen vegetariër, en Moby wel.
Brigitte Bardot wil sinds haar 40ste niets meer te maken hebben met mannen, maar des te meer met dieren. Ze begon als getalenteerd ballerina, maakte furore als actrice en is als tachtiger nog steeds een fanatieke dierenactivist. Dat spreekt op zich voor haar. Ik eet koeien en varkens op, Brigitte Bardot zorgt voor behoud van diersoorten en hun recht op een fatsoenlijk bestaan.
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buzupontocom · 2 years
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Novos BRTs do Rio terão cabines para proteção de motoristas e sistema que impede carros de rodar com portas abertas Os novos ônibus do BRT encomendados pela prefeitura do Rio para os corredores de articulados virão equipados com um sistema que segregará o espaço destinado ao motorista do resto da carroceria. O dispositivo será em forma de vidro temperado ou material semelhante mas transparente, como acrílico. O mecanismo é uma medida de segurança para tentar evitar agressões de passageiros contra os motoristas. Essa é uma das novidades que constará no novo modelo que será apresentado oficialmente pelo prefeito Eduardo Paes na semana que vem. O primeiro carro tinha chegada prevista para madrugada do próximo domingo em uma das garagens da Mobi-Rio (estatal que opera o BRT) em Curicica. Com capacidade para cerca de 200 passageiros, ele deixou a garagem da fábrica da Volvo em Caxias do Sul (RS) nesta quinta-feira. Mas o cronograma foi antecipado e o coletivo já está no Rio. Motoristas se revezaram ao voltante para cobrir o percurso de mais de 1,4 mil quilômetros até o Rio. ‘’A cabine deve ser uma unidade fechada, integrada à carroceria, que proteja o motorista e dê continuidade visual harmoniosa aos demais revestimentos internos do veículo’’, diz um trecho das especificações técnicas do coletivo, incluídas no edital de licitação pela secretaria municipal de Transportes. Uma dos motivos para preocupações com a segurança dos motoristas encontra-se em outro dispositivo que integrará os articulados. om base em uma especificação da Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas (ABNT) editada em 2021, os carros terão um bloqueador de portas automático: ou seja, o carro não pode rodar enquanto as portas estiverem abertas. Nos últimos meses, passageiros tem forçado as portas dos modelos atuais e motoristas não têm conseguido impedir, por risco de agressão. Na última segunda-feira, um homem que forçou a porta de um articulado caiu de um viaduto do BRT Transolímpico (Recreio-Vila Militar) na Curicica. A tendência é que esse primeiro coletivo fique como uma espécie de demonstração de como será a nova frota. #BuzuPontoCom #RiodeJaneiro #Brasil (em Rio De Janeiro, Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ci5UQM1LxSg/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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chakytron · 3 years
📺 Trendletter: Autos & Vehicles CABRIOLET CHALLENGE: PERTARUNGAN DIMULAI (1/12) Description: Road Party Season 2: Cabriolet Challenge Episode pertama #CabrioletChallenge, kompetisi dimulai di sini. Episode berikutnya akan tayang di channel Ridwan … TopTrengingTV Hunting the most trend video of the moment, every hour every day 24/7. Youtube Video Data Published At: 2021-01-16T03:00:03Z   Tags: …
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bxstiae · 4 years
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Tagged by: @hyaciiintho [ thank ye. I dont really do this for myself tbh. But i couldnt do one for link lol ]
Tagging: anybody who wants to do this tbh. Idc.
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allatra · 3 years
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#аллатрапутешествует в Амстердам, Нидерланды #repost @allatra.tv.nederland Beste mensen, 🥰 mis de kans niet om het meest verbluffende 🤯 boek te lezen! 📖 Het is gratis en je kunt het in de Nederlandse taal hebben en in drie formaten: PDF, MOBI & EPUB.🧐 Download het via de link: 🔗 https://allatra.tv/en/book/anastasia-novykh-allatra #АллатРа #Нидерланды #амстердам #книга #книги #книжнаяполка #книжныймир #книголюб #книгоман #чточитаешь #читаемвместе #читайтекниги #читай #читать #AllatRa #allatraistravelling #book #allatrabook #books #booksgram #booklove #bookblogger #booklovers #booklife #bookphotography https://www.instagram.com/p/CSsFN6yM6cy/?utm_medium=tumblr
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onepiecehcs · 5 years
i have a cold, so to distract myself from my headache i made this
Nami swears in Swedish and the crew has since then picked up some of the language, but only words and no grammar so no one can actually speak it.
It drives her up the wall so much that eventually she gives in and gives them lessons.
She dropped a book on her toe.
Sanji + French = Zoros imminent doom
How,, can a human being make those sounds???
Law has pale patches on his skin that are an aftermath of Amber Lead.
So many people have mistaken it for vitiligo, but since the majority of the world still thinks that Amber Lead was contagious, Law doesn’t mind the misunderstandings.
The majority of pirates are almost always wearing some kind of jewellery, mostly in the form of earrings or necklaces.
It’s rumoured that Fire Fist Ace has a tongue piercing.
Only the Whitebeard Pirates know for sure if that is true or not.
Usopp and Sanji are responsible for the haircuts on the Sunny.
You may think that Franky should be one of them, but he can’t be trusted with a pair of scissors close to anyone’s head but his own.
He is killer at braids and hairstyles that doesn’t require sharp objects though, along with Usopp.
Nami and Vivi regularly talk on the Den Den, to keep in contact. They also write letters to each other.
They are in a long distance relationship!
Nami has promised to take her out to sea with her someday and be Gay Pirates Together (+ the crew.)
Speaking of Nami, she gets the most tattoos of the crew. I’m leaving it to your imagination to figure out how she looked after the timeskip.
Zoros ankle scars get questions and stares whenever they go to the beach
He either doesn’t answer, or gives an answer that just leaves you with more questions.
“I don’t like wax after that whole debacle.”
Each and every Heart Pirate has a tattoo somewhere on their body.
Penguins tattoo, for instance, is like Aangs arrows, except black, and twisting around his limbs like a snake, ending at his neck, and without the arrowed ends.
Shit I forgot about Bepo. Uuh, he is physically incapable of getting a tattoo, so he’s actually the odd one out in that aspect.
Both Kidd and Killer sound like extras from the movie “Brave”.
Edward Newgate Speaks With An English Accent And Nothing Can Convince Me Otherwise.
I mean “Newgate”??? Have you ever heard anything more,,english???
Thatchs’ full name was Edward Thatch. He started introducing himself with only his last name after joining the Whitebeard Pirates.
He definitely got teased for it.
Some people are genuinely worried about Marco flying south whenever they land at a winter island.
Ace could can play the fiddle.
The crew discovered this about a week before him joining them.
Marco is bisexual and so was is Thatch.
Vista can and will pull out flowers from his sleeves by the dozen just to startle you.
Haruta is Top Prankster on the Moby Dick.
April is a terrifying month for each and every Whitebeard Pirate.
Whenever Nami sees a rowan tree with a lot of berries, she will instantly know that the next island they stop at will be a winter island ( a Swedish children’s rhyme goes like this: Det blir extra kallt när vintern är här, om rönnen har ovanligt rikligt med bär!” It basically means that if a rowan tree has a lot of berries, the following winter will be unusually cold.)
Chopper, in his usual form without the hat and not counting the horns, is exactly 4.03 feet (123cm) tall after the timeskip.
Kidd doesn’t drink coffee for health reasons, while both Marco and Law, two Actual Doctors, cannot function without at least three cups of coffee in the morning.
There is a type of mermaid that can keep growing until they are approximately the size of two navy battleships.
These mermaids are later found to actually not be another type of mermaid at all, but are in reality a whole Other Species distantly related to the sea kings.
If the Strawhats ever meet one Luffy is immediately dead set on making them join the crew.
I say them because not only are there males as well as females, but they travel in pods!
If Ace had lived, he and Nami would have become great friends, partly thanks to their mutual love of felines.
Robin loves birds, and is fascinated by Marcos and Pells devilfruits.
Devilfruit users eyes do the cat thing where they glow when the light hits them right.
Ace and Marco look terrifying whenever they use their powers in the dark.
An incredible number of pirates are superstitious
The scale looks like this: Usopp—Ace—Luffy.
In other words: This sure that ghosts exist—I don’t really believe it, but I respect it—That’s complete and utter bullshit.
The wall above Usopps’ bunk in the guys bedroom on the Sunny is covered in his artwork.
Jinbe took one look at the Strawhat crew and thought, “These children need an uncle,” and then became the Best Uncle To Have Ever Graced The Five Seas.
In a modern au I personally think that Rouge would have been from either Quebec or somewhere in France,,,so.
All I want to say is that the thought of Ace speaking and knowing french is,,,*chefs kiss*
And that’s it.
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cardest · 3 years
San Francisco playlist
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San Francisco  - my favorite city in the world! The bands, the music, the songs are all here, in this playlist I created. I threw in a bit of Sac and went south by San Jose, Monterrey and up past Sausalito. Can we make it to 250 songs? Let me know what bands/songs I left out.
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Have I left out a song or a band in this San Francisco playlist? Let me know! Cheers! 
Play the songs here at this link: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-iHPcxymC1-HLG9q5rZLsqs8EYh6bhu- San Francisco
001 The Dillinger Escape Plan w/Mike Patton -  When Good Dogs Do Bad Things 002 Night flight Orchestra - California Morning 003 Quincy Jones - Call Me Mister Tibbs OST (Main Title) 004 James Taylor Quartet - Dirty Harry theme song 005 Faith No More - Seperation anxiety 006 Streets of San Francisco TV show theme song 007 Santana -  Evil Ways 008 High on Fire -  Electric Messiah 009 Metallica - Disposable Heroes 010 Hammers Of Misfortune -  Dead Revolution 011 Buddy Guy -  Hello San Francisco 012 Faith No More - Jungle 013 Isaac Hayes - Shaft 014 Orange Peels  - Back In San Francisco 015 Idris Ackamoor and the Pyramids - Message To My People 016 Thee Oh Sees - The Dream 017 Merle Haggard - Here In Frisco 018 Audrey Horne -  California 019 Journey -  Lights 020 Death Angel -  Hatred United / United Hate 021 Mel Tor Me - Got The Date On The Golden Gate 022 Duke Ellington -  Tourist Point Of View 023 Sons of Anarchy  - This Life (Sons of Anarchy Theme Song) 024 Larry Graham's Central Station - Earthquake 025 LARD - I Wanna Be A Drug Sniffing Dog 026 Machine Head -  California Bleeding 027 Neurosis -  The Doorway 028 KING WOMAN - Utopia 029 Lalo Schifrin - Magnum Force OST  Main Title 030 Forbidden -  Adapt Or Die 031 DBUK - In San Francisco Bay 032 Jack Name - Werewolf Factory 033 John Carpenter - Theme from "The Fog" 034 Khiis - Saboor 035 Richie Havens -  San Francisco Bay Blues 036 Metallica - Battery 037 Autopsy - charred remains 038 ExTREMITY_-_Crepuscular_Crescendo 039 The Otherside -  Streetcar 040 Quincy Jones - Ironside (TV Theme) 041 Megadeth -  Back in the Day 042 Sly and the Family Stone - Stand! 043 Faith No More -  From Out of Nowhere 044 Willie Hutch-Vampin (The Mack OST 045 Orchid -  Mouths Of Madness 046 Lalo Schifrin - Bullitt OST - On The Way To San Mateo 047 Vince Guaraldi - Woodstock's Dream 048 Fantomas -  4-11-05 049 Violation Wound - Fearmonger + State of Alarm 050 Primus - Those Damned Blue-Collar Tweekers 051 The Flower Pot Men - Let's Go to San Francisco (Part.1-2) 052 Bosse-de-Nage - Crux 053 Rod McKuen - The Beat Generation 054 Dionne Warwick - Do You Know The Way To San Jose 055 The Watchers - Sabbath Highway 056 Possessed - the eyes of horror 057 Scott McKenzie – San Francisco (Be Sure to wear flowers) 058 Tower Of Power -  Oakland Stroke 059 Big Trouble In Little China OST - Pork chop express 060 Vio-lence -  Calling In The Coroner 061 Black Oak Arkansas - The Big Ones Still Coming 062 Mr. Bungle - Love Is a Fist 063 VUUR -  The Fire - San Francisco 064 Testament - The Haunting 065 Electronicat - Frisco Bay 066 Y&T - Mean Streak 067 Thee Oh Sees -  Toe Cutter/Thumb Buster 068 Sweet - California Nights - Promo Clip (OFFICIAL) 069 Sadus - Swallowed In Black 070 Chuck Berry - San Francisco Dues 071 Sammy Hagar - Keep on rockin' 072 Fuzz -  Sleigh Ride 073 Otis Redding - Sittin' on The Dock of the Bay 074 Pleasure Leftits - The Gate 075 BL'AST - Sometimes 076 Santana - Samba de Sausalito 077 Acephalix - Upon This Altar 078 Sun Ra    - Lady With The Golden Stockings 079 Chris Isaak - San Francisco Days 080 Pointer Sisters - How Long (Betcha' Got A Chick On The Side) 081 High On Fire -  Carcosa 082 Will Haven -  When The Walls Close In 083 The Coup -  Laugh/Love/Fuck 084 King Khan - Teeth Are Shite 085 Deafheaven -  Irresistible 086 Glitter Wizard -  Blood of the Serpent 087 Jefferson Airplane -  It's No Secret 088 Cannonball Adderley - This Here 089 The Warlocks -  Can't Come Down 090 Squirmy Sax Man - I Still Believe 091 Acid King - Coming Down from Outer Space 092 George Duke - Sausalito 093 The Lost Boys - Cry Little Sister (Theme From The Lost Boys OST) 094 Betty Davis - [They Say I'm Different] He Was a Big Freak 095 Fever Tree - San Francisco Girls 096 The Dillinger Escape Plan w/ Mike Patton -  Pig Latin 097 Build Them to Break - Lucky Strike 098 Montrose - Rock Candy 099 PRIMUS - THE TOYS GO WINDING DOWN 100 Joe Satriani - Big Bad Moon 101 Sleater Kinney - Jumpers 102 GRUESOME - Dimensions Of Horror 103 Sly & the Family Stone - Everday People 104 Huey Lewis and the News - Back in Time 105 Hammers Of Misfortune - 2 17th Street 106 Jerry Fielding - Prologue _ Main Title (The Enforcer OST) 107 Metal Church - The Dark 108 Deftones - Ohms 109  John Lee Hooker - Frisco Blues 110 DRI - Go Die 111 16th & Valencia Roxy Music- Devendra Banhart, What We Will Be 112 MC Hammer - Too Legit to Quit 113 Dead Kennedys-Police Truck 114 Rancid - Adina 115 San Francisco's Shiver - Up My Sleeve 116 Bernard Herrmann - Vertigo OST - The Bay 117 Faith No More - Last Cup Of Sorrow 118 Blackburn & Snow -  Stranger In a Strange Land 119 The Doobie Brothers - What A Fool Believes 120 The Grateful Dead - Sugar Magnolia 121 Cab Calloway - San Francisco Fan 122 The Charlatans - codine 123 Buck Owens - Want To Live In San Francisco 124 Sleep - Dragonaut 125 Death Angel - 5 Steps Of Freedom 126 Neil Young - Heart of Gold 127 Vastum -  Reveries in Autophagia 128 Dead Kennedys -  Moon Over Marin 129 EchoBrain -  Colder World 130 Riz Ortolani    - Lombard Street   131 Waylon Jennings - San Francisco Mabel Joy   132 Con Funk Shun - Confunkshunizeya 133 Chic - Hes the Greatest Dancer 134 Peace Creep - Radio Free Alcatraz   135 ABBA - Santa Rosa 136 Brian Wilson and Van Dyke Parks - San Fransisco 137 Together Band - California Curl California Girl 138 The Hellers - It's 74 In San Francisco 139 Pat Todd - No Place Like Home 140 Nancy Wilson - I'm Always Drunk In San Francisco (And I Don't Drink At All) 141 Anathema -  San Francisco 142 Blue Cheer -  Fool 143 Exhumed - Gravewalker 144 Darondo - Let My People Go 145 Exodus -  Blood In Blood Out 146 Lalo Schifrin Dirty Harry OST - Scorpios Theme   147 Johnny Cash - Folsom Prison Blues 148 Wild Light - California on my mid 149 Herbie Hancock - Man-child -  Hang Up Your Hang Ups 150 Fantomas -  Spider Baby 151 The Lord Weird Slough Feg -  Headhunter 152 The Animals - San Franciscan Nights 153 Twilight - Dance with Me 154 THE POINTER SISTERS - Yes We Can Can 155 Residents - Hello Skinny 156 CCR HEADCLEANER - Eat This Riff 157 LEON WARE  - Thats Why I Came To California 158 Creedence Clearwater Revival - I Put A Spell On You 159 Comorant - The First Man 160 Bosse-de-Nage  - The Trench 161 Hell Fire - Free Again   162 Riz Ortolani  - Golden Gate Bridge 163 Fleetwood Mac - You Make Loving Fun 164 Uther Pendragon - San Francisco Earthquake 165 Melvins - Zodiac 166 La Luz - California Finally 167 The Wyatt Act - Push 168 Santana - Soul Sacrifice 169 Cheap Trick - On the Radio 170 Electric Wizard -  Venus In Furs 171 Led Zeppelin -  Misty Mountain Hop 172 Tommy Castro - Callin' San Francisco 173 Viscious Rumors - Digital Dictator 174 Ghoul-Off With Their Heads 175 Diesel - Sausalito Summernight (Single Version) 176 Sheila E - A Love Bizarre 177 Starship - Nothings Gonna Stop Us Now 178 Jeffry Osboune - I Really Don't Need No Light 179 Nazareth -  Alcatraz 180 Freak of Nature - Rescue Me 181 Metallica - Crash Course In Brain Surgery 182 10000 Maniacs - Hey Jack Kerouac 183 Faith No More -  Get Out 184  URSA -  Wizard's Path 185 Jefferson Airplane - Aerie (Gang of Eagles) 186 Tower of Power - Just Enough and Too Much 187 Fred Hughes - san francisco is a lonely town 188 Mamaleek - Eating Unblessed Meat 189 Moby Grape - Naked If I Want To 190 Exodus - Metal Command 191 Pig Destroyer - Alcatraz Metaphors 192 the Donnas - You Make Me Hot 193 Hot Tuna - True Religion 194 Heathen - Opiate of the Masses 195 Fanny - Come and Hold Me 196 Sadus - Hands Of Fate 197 Negative Trend - Meathouse 198 Forbidden - Forbidden Evil 199 Spazz - Crush Kill Destroy 200 Testament - The Preacher 201 HEXX - Morbid Reality 202 Vio-Lence - Phobophobia 203 Dead Kennedys - One Way Ticket To Pluto 204 Tom Waits - Get Behind The Mule 205 CRETIN - It 206 RAMONES - Judy Is A Punk 207 Full House - Intro 208 Willie Alexander and the Boom Boom Band - Kerouac 209 Primus - Dirty Drowning Man 210 Wooden Shjips -  Motorbike 211 The Tony Williams Lifetime Ego - Clap City 212 Middle of the Road - Sacramento (A Wonderful Town) 213 Green Day - At the Library 214 Slayer -  Gemini 215 Tetema - Cutlass Eye 216 Defiance - Death Machine 217 Brisco County Jr theme 218 Doug McKechnie - Crazy Ray 219 Ulthar - Furnace Hibernation 220 Mr. Bungle -  ANARCHY UP YOUR ANUS 221 Dirty Ghosts  - Let It Pretend 222 They Might Be Giants - San Francisco (In Situ) 223 Metallica - The Shortest Straw 224 OM - Unitive Knowledge of the Godhead 225 Laaz Rockit - City's Gonna Burn 226 Autopsy - Skullptures 227 Mordred - Spectacle of Fear 228 Sly & the Family Stone - Luv N' Haight 229 Possessed - Seven Churches 230 Machine Head - The Rage to Overcome 231 Thelonius Monk - San Francisco Holiday 232 The Units - The Mission Is Bitchin 233 Del Tha Funkee Homosapien - Mistadobalina 234 Arnocorps - Dead lift 235 The Grateful Dead - The Golden Road 236 DRI - All for nothing 237 Jim Martin - Disco dust 238 Thee Oh Sees - I come from the mountain 239 Death Angel - Discontinued 240 Starship - We Built This City 241 Captured! by Robots - Endless Circle of Bullshit 242 Pins Of Light - My revenge 243 Sun Ra - We Travel the Spaceways 244 Faith No More - caffeine 245 David Lee Roth - Just like paradise 246 San Francisco Fog Horns by Golden Gate Bridge 247 Abscess - Tormented 248 Mortuous - Bitterness 249 Dead Kennedy's - California uber alles 250 Twitch Angry - San Francisco 666 Neurosis - Water Is Not Enough
So, hop on a cable car, grab ice cream at Swenson’s or bark back at the seals down by Pier 39. Catch a Bear’s game at Berkeley and do some squirmy sax moves in the Haight after you down some beers at the Toronado and play my San Fran playlist! Here are the songs in the link: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-iHPcxymC1-HLG9q5rZLsqs8EYh6bhu-
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keimisan · 3 years
NAHH I FORGOT TO TURN ON ANON 😭 i feel exposed lemme just "Sunne walo suno ai sabhi hota hai Dil deta hai jo Woh jaan bhi khota hai Pyaar aisa jo karta hai kyaa mar ke bhi marta hai Aao tum bhi aaj yeh sun lo Daastan hai yeh ke ik tha naujavaan jo Dil hi dil men ek haseena ka tha deewana Woh haseena bhi ki jiski khoobsurati Ka duniya bhar men tha mashhoor afsana Dono ki yeh kahani hai jisko sabhi Kehte hai om shanti om Naujavaan ki thi aarzoo uski thi yeh hi justjoo Os haseena men usko mile ​ Ishq ke sare rangroop Naujavaan ki thi aarzoo uski thi yeh hi justjoo Os haseena men usko mile Ishq ke sare rangroop Usne na jaana yeh nadani hai Woh ret ko samjhaa ke paani hai Kyo aisa tha kisliye tha yeh kahani hai Dastaan hai yeh ke us dilkash haseena ke Nigaahon dil men koi doosra hi tha Bekhabar is baat se us naujavaan ke khwabon ka Anjaam toh hona bura hi tha tooten Khwaabon ki is dastan ko sabhi Kehte hai om shanti om Sunne walo suno aisa bhi hota hai Koi kitna hase utna hi rota hai Deewani hoke haseena khai kya dhoke haseena Aao tum bhi aaj yeh sunlo Dastaan hai yeh ke us maasoom haseena ne Jise chaaha woh tha andar se harjaai Sang dil se dil laga ke bewafa ke haath Aake usne ik din maut hi paai Ik sitam ka fasana hai jisko sabhi Kehte hai om shanti om Kyo koi katil samajhta nahi Yeh jurm woh hai jo chhupta nahi Yeh daag woh hai jo mitta nahi Rehta hai khooni ke haath par Khoon us haseena ka jab tha hua Koi waha tha pauhauch toh gaya Lekin use woh bacha na saka Roya tha pyaar uski baat par ​ (Roya tha pyaar uski baat par) Daastan hai yeh ke jo pehchaanta hai khooni ko Woh naujavaan hai laut ke aaya Keh rahi hai zindagi katil samajh le uske sar par Chha chuka hai maut ka saaya Janmo ki karmo ki hai kahani jise Kehte hai om shanti om Kehte hai om shanti om Kehte hai om shanti om" outta here right now 😧
when he realized it was shanti's spirit and not sandy though....#deeplymoved 💔
i kinda guessed it was you, like i onli kno two desi tr blogs and one of them hasnt watched this mobie yet.
but are you the chicken and knock knock anon too-
deepika in that black dress *chefs kiss* #deeplymoved 💔
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Breaking Writer's Block: 14- MarcoAce- Bowling
Ace chomped down angrily on his fork.
"Whoa there Ace, buddy. What'd the potatos do to you?" Thatch slid onto the bench next to him, hand coming up to ruffle his hair only to quickly withdraw it with a yelp when Ace's teeth came a gnashing.
"It's Marco!" the younger huffed, the now empty fork dangling from his mouth as he slouched his head to the table. "He keeps nagging on me about how bad my grammar is in my reports. It's not my fault we didn't all get the chance to learn grammar as well as he did!" 
Thatch forced down the sympathetic comments of Ace's lacking childhood, and instead says "well at least you can take solace in the fact that you have 10 or so pounds on him so even though he bests you in height you could probably knock him over like a bowling pin."
Ace opens his mouth to complain only to hesitate and take on a contemplative visage.
The fire user bounced the fork in his mouth, the handle waving up and down as a plot formed in his mind.
"Thatch you're a genius."
"Are you sure you want me to do this?" Jozu asks hesitantly.
"Did I stutter Jozu? Just make sure you aim right!" Ace shifted in his balled position and curled tighter.
"Okay but don't come crying to me when you end up in the ocean." with his final warning and Ace in literal hand, Jozu wound his arm back and with a mighty yell heaved forward and launched Ace in a high speed role across the ground.
As fast as a laughing bullet Ace knocked into Marco's shins, sweeping the bird's legs out from beneath him. 
Feeling the impact Ace's maniacal laughter changed into one of victorious-ness and his triumphant grin was firmly in place even as he rolled straight off the side of the Moby.
That was.
Until he saw Marco's state.
Right before his descent to the water below Ace saw his aftermath. 
Or, there lack of.
Blue wings splayed out kept Marco suspended in a sauve up-side-down fashion, equally blue eyes filled with patient amusement and a flaming promise of retribution held eye contact with his own gray ones before Ace's vision was replaced with water.
Well damn, that didn't go as planned.
Oh well, at least Marco had something other to focus on instead of his sentence structures.
Have this crack fic as a product of my procrastination. You're wel-ry....sorr-ome...whatever combination of sorry and welcome you can think of.
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magnusljostad · 5 years
Dette er meg. Født i 1992, alderen sier seg selv. Med en far som kommer fra Arendal, regner jeg meg selv som en arendalitt da bruker mesteparten av tiden min på sommerhuset på Hisøy (selv om jeg kommer fra Asker). Før bachelor-årene mine i Kristiansand har jeg godt et to-årlig studium på en linje som er nok så lik Litteratur, film og teater - Film- og TV produksjon. På disse to årene har jeg lært meg alt jeg liker å gjøre i dag. Alt fra hvordan å håndtere et kamera til Adobe programmer bruker jeg daglig når min hobby er å ta bilder og filme reisevideoer.
Det sier seg kanskje selv at mitt favoritt emne når det kommer til LFT og uttrykksformene er film. Jeg bruker mye tid bak kamera og jeg har tidligere jobbet på flere kjente norske produksjoner som produksjonsassistent og innspillingsleder (på Hotel Cæsar for å nevne den morsomste jobben). Hvis jeg skulle valgt ut en favorittfilm, ville det blitt The Beach med Leonardo DiCaprio. Alle scenene i filmen er så gode at jeg får gåsehud hver gang. Spesielt den scenen hvor Richard, Françoise og Étienne ser stranden for første gang, med Mobys sang Porcelain i bakgrunnen.
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