#on the other hand hot hot hot 👀❗🔥!!!
amorelray · 8 months
It took me a HOT🔥 second to get into this show, but once I was in - I was hooked. Warning, there is a LOT of ❗Fanservice❗ in this show as well. (Gosh darn it, Anime. Can we please chill with the Fanservice?)
I'm someone who grew up watching crime shows and one of the ones that I loved was called "The Mentalist." If you're unaware of the show, I'm sorry for your loss.😞 Basically, the show revolved around a "Mentalist" that helped out the local PD in order to investigate crimes and crack cases. However, what made this man particularly special was that he'd read people's "tells" and assess the situation with absolute precision. The reason why I bring this up is because the protag, Yumeko, feels like a demented version of that man.😈
She LOVES gambling🃏, but she's an absolute beast at mind games🧠 and reading situations and people. She quite frequently will think outside of the box in order to come to a conclusion or force a hand against her opponent. This is a show that is really about the mental and mind games behind gambling and the people playing rather than the gambling itself. It focuses a lot on the psychological mind and worlds of the characters participating in each of the gambles; which I find HIGHLY intriguing.👀 I've always been one for wanting to understand mind games and trying to gather what the other person might do next when backed against a wall. Plus, it's always fun seeing someone have a game they believed to have in the bag turned on its head in a matter of seconds.
So, if any of this suits your fancy - I'd suggest picking this show up and giving it a try!👍🏻
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