#ooc; copacabana
wickedlehane · 9 days
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//ooc; hey yall - I know i've been pretty quiet here for a while. Unfortunately, I don't see my schedule letting up any time soon!! but I'm gonna make a serious effort to queue replies soon. I won't release them until there's at least 10 or so, but I just want to promise I'm not dead, just conserving energy as best I can because it's in such short supply lately <33
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maxphilippa · 4 months
Nickel ii
My favorite thing about him: Genuinely he's one of the most well developed characters and the usage of subtext on him is beautiful. The way they tell you that he is a flawed person, but they never just let him not try to get better or not try to acknowledge what he did wrong. The way they show you how even IF he had his very well fair reasons, he knows he fucked up either way. But they don't purely villanize him like the fandom does. Because he's morally gray. And I like that a lot. His writing is consistent (for the very most part... we'll get into that) and his design is neat.
My least favorite thing about him: Genuinely some of the inconsistencies of him in season 2 and how they've could had have made him be more... openly caring towards Suitcase? So it could be a bit more shown that he does care about her a lot? But mostly just the inconsistencies about him saying "once you make an alliance something personal it stops being an alliance" and like.
Boy. What did you do. Also I KNOW this is because they didn't know what to do with Nickel on early s2 but. Just his characterization thing? Again. We know he cares about Suitcase and fucked things up. But I think that it would've been easier for the fandom to actually get them A BIT RIGHT or for it to not completely rely on subtext, if Nickel was shown to at least respect/care about Suitcase as an ally. However they trying to fix that and I get it. I don't mind the subtext the fandom is just insufferable.
My favorite line: "You don't owe me forgiveness / I just wanted to keep what we had. "
brOTP: knife, silver, microphone, bot, test tube, and etc.
OTP: world's worst polycule, clover, lightbulb, paintbrush, fan, and some others I can't really remember.
nOTP: ... blueberry, honestly. and also silver and knife.
random headcanon:
unpopular opinion: HE'S A CISGENDER MAN AND INSANELY BISEXUAL 💥💥💥 I think that Nickel's character is one of the ones that suffers from the worst characterization and treatment on the fandom, despite the fandom in theory liking complex characters, he sure becomes the most awful, ableist, misogynist character ever in the fandom and like. No! He's not! A complex character is that! Complex characters are meant to do shit but with reasons!
They're not justified but they EXPLAIN the character! Nickel was scared of getting manipulated, or his alliance getting manipulated by Balloon, so of course he would be an asshole towards the guy. You guys kinds forget that Balloon kind of sucked on s1. And of course this doesn't mean that Nickel's treatment towards Baseball and ESPECIALLY towards Suitcase isn't justified, but it doesn't mean he was a dick to them without reason. Yes, it was fucked up, but he wanted to protect them. And Nickel genuinely regrets how he was because he finally knows that HE was the problem. The whole point of his arc was him taking accountability for his actions. Sometimes I think that the fandom just treats complex women "better" because they mischaracterize them and say. Well. High of tone things about them. But can't do that with Nickel. Which thank God because man he suffers from enough OOC here. My boy is just going through shit.
song i associate with him: never love an anchor, tongues and teeth, take me to war, copacabana, love like you, escapism, everything stays
favorite pictures of him:
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knifvd · 3 months
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ooc comforts !
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Comfort food(s):  mac + cheese or my mom's steak and eggs
Comfort drink(s): any kind of iced coffee or hot coffee , thai iced tea or the sweet tangy drink my best friend sent me
Comfort movie(s):  everything everywhere all at once
Comfort show(s):  suits , grey's anatomy
Comfort clothing:  leggings + oversized sweatshirt
Comfort song(s):  the 1 , taylor swift ; she likes a boy , nxdia ; beautiful things , benson boone ; copacabana , barry manilow ; nothing's new , rio romeo ; self - love , metro boomin , a few more
Comfort book(s):  love theoretically by ali hazelwood
Comfort game(s):  val , league , chess
tagged by: @dimensionalspades tagging: @killerhubby , @stamour , @solivcgant , @todestochter , @ferinehuntress and you , the person reading this !
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highsocietyhq · 2 years
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glitter, music, eating, drinking & partying like never before. brazilian carnival is one of the most traditional events in the world and you have been invited by the imperial family of brazil to celebrate the holiday and participate in every aspect of it’s vast culture with front row seats to experience the entire week of colourful exhibitions and the best parties in the country.
the royals will be welcomed in rio de janeiro with a brunch thrown by d'orléans e bragança's on friday and receive vip tickets to watch rio’s special group parades on friday and saturday. attendants will be staying at copacabana palace hotel, which will also throw it’s traditional carnival ball with a tropical surrealism theme on monday. on tuesday, guests will be flown to the city of salvador, where they’ve been invited to attend the camarote da brahma party and be free to do whatever they please for the rest of the trip.
EVENT: brazilian carnival ! DATE: 18-25 of march, 2022 LOCATION: rio de janeiro & bahia, brazil
—— ooc details can be found under the cut.
this event will commence on the 21st of march and ends on the 31st. we ask you to put all threads on hold for the duration of it.
details of event schedule can be found at @carnavalhshq.
dress code according to each individual party
HIJACKING is allowed on threads from open starters.
tag any event-related posts (including outfits, open starters, moodboards) under #HSHQEVENT036 — please don’t use the #hshqevent tag and please don’t put closed starters into the tag.
please LIKE this post once you’ve read it !
most importantly, have fun !!!
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fofocascopacabana · 2 years
O intuito desse post pinado é mostrar como vai funcionar a Gossip/Confess do @copacabana-hqs​, a MUSA BOTAFOGO.
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Sobre a Musa, OOC:
Não será respondida nenhuma ask de hate, muito menos postadas confissões de hate.
Não misturem IC e OOC.
Se algo incomodar, pedimos que falem na moderação, mas esperamos também que compreendam que o intuito de uma gossip não é alimentar o ego e a boa imagem dos chars, pelo contrário, é ser um empecilho para eles.
Caso pensemos em revelar algo que possa ser impactante para algum char em IC, podem ficar tranquilas que alinharemos com os players com antecedência. E por favor, sintam-se à vontade para nos dizer se preferem que algo não seja exposto. Não queremos atropelar a história e o desenvolvimento de ninguém
Se houver mais dúvidas acerca de como funcionará o impacto do blog em IC, o chat está sempre aberto para retirar qualquer dúvida.
Sobre a Musa, IC:
A musa possui inspiração na Gossip Girl (Gossip Girl) e na -A (Pretty Little Liars). Ela é uma blogueirinha faz muito tempo, mas parece que o que antes era um blogspot inocente hoje virou um arquivo de maldade e opiniões "sinceronas" de alguém de "personalidade forte". Ninguém sabe quem é a tal Musa Botafogo ou onde ela consegue as informações (mesmo que tenham as teorias mais malucas disso!). O fato é que muito embora ela compartilhe coisas falsas e exageradas, com nenhum respaldo confiável (como deve ser um bom site de fofoca de procedência debatível), também partilham muita coisa verdadeira e grandes segredos de pessoas importantes que já se comprovaram verdadeiros. Então é sempre difícil separar o que é verdade ou não, e por isso a maioria das pessoas acabam dando o benefício da dúvida para todas as besteiras.
No blog também são postadas histórias de outras pessoas, quando são enviadas pela caixinha direta que ela deixa disponibilizada (estas serão as Confissões). O verdadeiro Secret de 2022.
Tudo o que for publicado terá impacto em IC. Claro que é escolha pessoal fazer o personagem ler ou não as “notícias”, mas se o nome da pessoa está envolvido, muito provavelmente as consequências da fofoca irão ter algum efeito no personagem.
Há alguns boatos acerca da identidade dela. Alguns acreditam que seja uma blogueirinha que quer passar boa impressão no instagram e descontar a chateação da vida aqui, outros que ela nem da região seja; alguns até que ela seja paga pela tal empresa que quer modernizar Copacabana. A teoria mais bem aceita é de que são um grupo de pessoas, já que seria impossível que apenas uma tivesse olhos e ouvidos em todos os lugares.
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Y porque no importa quién eres, si crees en ti mismo y en tu sueño, Nueva York siempre será el lugar para ti.
¡Lena, bienvenida a Upper East Side! Esperamos que disfrutes de tu estadía en el roleplay. Tan solo queda un paso para que estés dentro: tienes 24 horas para enviar la cuenta de tu personaje, si necesitas más tiempo acércate a la administración vía Inbox o IM y solucionaremos tu problema.
PAÍS Y ZONA HORARIA: venezuela, gmt-4
NIVEL DE ACTIVIDAD (1 - 10): 7/10
NOMBRE COMPLETO: paula marié amaya
EDAD: 24 años
FACECLAIM: selena gomez
TRABAJO: diseñadora de modas / fashion blogger
DESCRIPCIÓN BREVE DE SU PERSONALIDAD: carismática, independiente e increíblemente hermosa, son las principales características que identifican a la morena. desde muy pequeña fue forjada como una muchacha responsable y con mucha seguridad en sí misma, por lo que nunca ha temido expresar sus ideales a viva voz sin importar la opinión de quiénes estén a su alrededor. paula suele tener un carácter bastante fuerte, siendo un tanto irascible cuando las cosas se escapan de las manos, o no salen como lo espera. medir sus palabras y acciones cuando algo en realidad le afecta son tareas que se tornan bastante complicadas, incluso podría decirse que le cuesta aceptar con sinceridad las disculpas, haciendo de la morena una persona rencorosa. debido al refinado estilo de vida con el cuál creció, en ocasiones puede comportarse como una persona bastante engreída pero que esto no te engañe, en el fondo tiene un alma noble y solidaria, dispuesta a apoyarte en cualquier momento. el amor y los vinculos entre parejas no es algo que le quite el sueño a la morena, ya que ella misma se describe así misma como un “espíritu libre”. Nunca se ha enamorado realmente, para ella es una pérdida de tiempo el involucrarse sentimentalmente con alguien más… pero aunque le cueste admitirlo, desea tener una relación igual de especial como la de sus padres.
río de janeiro fue la ciudad que vio nacer a la pequeña paula, la única hembra entre dos hermanos mayores y la luz de sus padres (dueños de un pequeño pero reconocido café a unas cuadras de la playa de copacabana). sus primeros años de vida estuvieron llenos de alegría y cariño por parte de sus familiares, todo estaba realmente bien; hasta que una crisis económica bastante difícil empezó a atacar a los amaya… el dinero comenzó a faltar, las ventas a bajar y cada vez se hacía más cuesta arriba mantener el negocio a flote, incluso con tratos y socios, todo empezó a venirse abajo. la única opción viable fue abandonar las tierras brasileñas y con el poco dinero que quedaba optaron por buscar nuevos horizontes en los estados unidos, esperando lograr una mejor estabilidad para todos, en especial para la morena, quién contaba con tan solo cinco años de edad en aquél momento.
después de algunos años bastante duros, llenos de grandes esfuerzos y sacrificios, los cariocas finalmente lograron establecerse en maryland con un exitoso restaurante de comida brasileña, brindándole a cada uno de sus hijos la oportunidad de soñar en grande y llegar lejos sin ningún tipo de obstáculo. esto ayudó a que paula se forjara desde muy niña como una persona trabajadora, comprometida y muy auténtica, pues a pesar de que no ha vuelto a su país natal desde que partieron, mantiene sus costumbres llevando el espíritu carioca a dónde quiera que vaya.
su pasión por la moda surgió gracias a los distintos programas y reality shows americanos quienes fueron su principal inspiración, a tal punto de comenzar a diseñar y confeccionar a mano distintos trajes y vestuarios para sus muñecas Barbie. más adelante dejó las muñecas atrás, para confeccionar y usar al mismo tiempo su propia ropa, haciendo de esto algo más que un simple hobby. a pesar de que estuvo siempre atenta en el negocio familiar, hizo saberle a su familia el deseo que tenía por convertirse en diseñadora de modas, y llevar su creatividad a niveles que ni ella misma podía imaginarse.
es por esto que luego de graduarse con honores de la secundaria, con mucho esfuerzo reunió el dinero necesario para mudarse a un pequeño loft en manhattan y comenzar sus estudios en la escuela de diseño de parsons. años después, por fin paula logró uno de sus objetivos planteados, ahora con la mentalidad de obtener un pequeño local en la gran manzana para dar a conocer sus diseños, pero mientras tanto aprovecha la gran repercusión que existe gracias a las redes sociales, y por medio de sus distintas cuentas, muestra tips de moda y maquillaje.
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cities-alive · 7 years
7, 10, 13?
7: What would you do if you found out you had been cheated on?((OOC: It really depends on the situation, but at the end of the day that relationship would be over and that person would never have my trust again.))
10: What are you listening to?((OOC: I’ve had Bloom by The Paper Kites and Copacabana by Barry Manilow on loop all day))13: What time do you go to bed?
((OOC: Anywhere between 10pm-7am))
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wickedlehane · 8 months
//ooc; hey babes, fun fact- this October, there's a Friday the 13th. And said Friday, October 13th, 2023 happens to be the 25th anniversary of the first airing of Faith, Hope, and Trick. Extra spooky-ooky.
So be sure to keep it 5x5 and celebrate 25 years of Faith! I would say don't do anything she wouldn't do but that list is short, LOL. Leave some knives and cookies out under the tree for her or something, and make sure it's wicked spartan.
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wickedlehane · 6 months
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//ooc; happy halloween, ya nerds!!! sorry to put my freaky mug all over your dash, but I was immensely proud of my costume for this year so I wanted to share it with you.
it's a clicker from the last of us! :D one of my more labor-intensive, but budget-friendly costumes from recent years. This only cost me like $50 in materials. Woo!
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wickedlehane · 3 months
//ooc; ok I've got a few things queued up for the week, hoping to trickle out more when I can by the weekend. things will probably run a lot on a queue for a while here, this year is going to be very busy with writing for me (when is it not, lol)
I appreciate everyone's patience and desire to keep writing with me! <3 faith's my big love (but ill try to spread the wealth with willow and fred when i can too) and i'll never abandon her but i've definitely got a lot on my plate rn and also truly yellowjackets has rotted my brain out
here's a kiss for all of you (drusilla's face always makes me laugh dsjflksd)
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wickedlehane · 4 months
//ooc; last night I read SUCH a good fuffy fic that ticked like... all of my boxes. I was kicking my feet in enjoyment reading it and I'm not even halfway through, it's like 70,000 words
it gave me plotting wants but it's SO wildly specific but also the fic was so well done heehee, it's been so long since i found a fic I actually liked so much
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wickedlehane · 4 months
//ooc; okay, I'm about to be REAL slow for at least a week here -- work is on full time again, plus im starting sports after work again on tues/thurs nights. I have a podcast to record this week and a DND game to prep/run. I'll queue anything I can but thank you all for your patience!!! unfortunately, life gets in the way of writing sometimes LOL
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wickedlehane · 3 months
//ooc; my queue of replies ran out and it's gonna be a few days before I can really get to more. while I'm sad not to be able to work more on threads I'm thrilled that some other big writing projects in my professional life have really picked up. i appreciate y'alls patience with me!
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wickedlehane · 4 months
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//ooc; redacted my name for some privacy, but -- recently I won the Diablo IV "Vampire Hunters Wanted" contest for their Season of Blood event. Entrants had to submit an audition tape showing why they'd make a good slayer. The prize was this awesome box of vampire slaying goodies, including a hand-written note from Sarah Michelle Gellar, who teamed with Blizzard for the contest and helped pick the winners.
So yeah, I was deemed a worthy slayer by Buffy herself. And the crossbow actually works LOL. brb getting this framed and changing my linkedin profile to include Vampire Hunter.
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wickedlehane · 6 months
//ooc; hey- I'm a little out of sorts as we end this week. A friend (not close, but still a good soul) died very suddenly this week, I'm overworked, and I stupidly agreed to do an in-public dance routine fundraiser thing this weekend when I have all the grace and sensuality of tina belcher so I'm feeling pretty rough
I'll get to whatever replies I feel the energy for but I might be quiet here and in DMs, sorry. hoping to come back next week better rested <3 please take care of yourselves and always exercise vehicular safety
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