yoga-onion · 3 years
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Japanese Mythology & Deities
Major Gods in the Chronicles (38)
Suseribime-no-Mikoto ~ The tribulations of Ashihara-no-shikoo (=Ookuninushi) in the netherworld.
Suseribime was the daughter of Susanoo and the legitimate wife of Ashibara-no-shikoo (later to become the deity Okuninushi).
The god Ashihara-no-shikoo is one of the aliases of Okuninushi. Ashihara ("reed field") means Japan, and Shikoo means "strong man" or "man with strong spiritual power". In the Kojiki, "Shikoo" means a handsome man.
Fleeing the persecution of his brothers (the eighty gods), Ooanamuchi (=another name for Ookuninushi) visited the netherworld where Susanoo was. Susanoo's daughter, Suseribime greeted Onamuchi and they fell in love with each other at first sight and were married.
Susaibime said, "There is a very beautiful god here," and introduced her husband to her father, Susanoo. Susanoo answered, "This is Ashibara-no-Shikoo. Let him stay in the serpents’ chamber”. So Suseribime gave the serpent's scarf to Ashibara-no- Shikoo and told him to wave it three times if the snake tried to bite him. When he did as his wife asked, the snakes naturally quieted down and left the room, sleeping peacefully.
The next night, Susanoo placed Asihara-no-Shikoo in the centipedes and bees Chamber. In the same way, the Suseribime’s sacred scarf of the the centipede & bee enabled Asihara-no-Shikoo to leave the chamber safely. [To be continued]
兄弟の八十神の迫害から逃れるため、須佐之男命(すさのお)のいる根の国を訪問した大穴牟遲神(おおなむち=大国主神)は、出迎えた須佐之男命(すさのお)の娘の須勢理毘売命 (すせりびめ)と、互いに、一目惚れして結婚した。
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yoga-onion · 3 years
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Japanese Mythology & Deities
Major Gods in the Chronicles (37)
Princess Yakamihime ~ Oonamuchi (=Ookuninushi) dies twice over his first wife
The princess Yakamihime rejects the advances of Oonamuchi's brothers, the Yasogami, and declares her intention to marry Oonamuchi. His brothers were jealous of this, so they all consulted with each other and tried to kill Ohanamuchi.
When they reached the foot of a mountain in Hoki Province, they said to Oonamuchi, "There is a red boar in this mountain. We will drive it out, so you wait for it at the foot of the mountain and catch it.' And they rolled down a large stone resembling a boar, which they roasted in the fire. As soon as Oonamuchi received it, he was burnt to death by the stone.
Seeing this, his mother, Sashikuniwaka-hime, wept with grief. Then she went to the high heavens and asked for help from Kamimusubi-no-mikoto. He immediately sent Kisakahihime (a red clam) and Umugahihime (a clam) to dissolve the powdered shell of the red clam in the white juice of the clam, which resembled mother's milk to cure the burns and revive Oonamuchi.
The brothers again deceived Oonamuchi and took him to the mountain, cut down a big tree and killed him underneath. His mother, again, immediately found Ooanamuchi and revived him.
Then she said, "If you keep on doing this, your brothers will eventually kill you", and sent Oonamuchi to the god Ooyabiko in the Land of Kii. When the brothers learned of this, they chased Oonamuchi to the Land of Kii and tried to put an arrow in their bow. 
Ooyabiko said that it was too dangerous for him to stay in this world, so he sent Oonamuchi away to the Ne-no-kuni (the netherworld), where Susanoo was.
それを見て、母親の刺国若比売(さしくにわかひめ)は、泣き悲しんだ。そして 高天の原に参上して、神皇産霊神命(かみむすびのみこと)にお願いした。
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yoga-onion · 3 years
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Japanese Mythology & Deities
Major Gods in the Chronicles (39)
A Rat with a Whistling Arrow ~The tribulations of Ashihara-no-shikoo (=Ookuninushi) in the netherworld [Cont. /See: Part 1]
The next day, Susanoo shot a whistling arrow into the open field and sent the god of Ashibara-no-Shikoo to search for it. And as soon as Ashibara-no-Shikoo entered the field, he burnt the field with fire.
When Ashibara-no-Shikoo was having trouble, a rat came to him and gave him a cue, saying: "The inside of the hole is wide, but the outside is narrow.”
Having understood this, Ashibara-no-Shikoo stepped on the spot and was able to fall into a hole in the ground and hide, thus passing the fire. The rat also brought the arrow in its mouth, which Susanoo had shot.
Meanwhile, Suselibime, thinking that Ashibara-no-Shikoo had died, wept and prepared the funeral. Susano-o went out into the field to confirm Ashibara-no-Shikoo’s death, but he returned alive with an arrow.
That night, Ashibara-no-Shikoo, intending to escape while Susanoo was asleep, tied Susanoo's hair to a pillar in his chamber, and blocked the entrance to the room with a great stone of 500 men. He took Susanoo's sword, bow and arrow, and the harp, and was about to flee with Susaibime on his back, when the harp touched wood and rang out. The sound woke Susanoo, but in doing so he pulled down the pillar to which his hair had been tied. While Susanoo was untying his hair from the pillar, Ashibara-no-Shikoo succeeded to escape.
But Susanoo pursued him as far as Yomotsunohirasaka, the road to the earth, and said to him: "Use my sword and bow to drive away your disobedient brothers. Then you will become Utsushikunitama (Okuninushi), and with Suselibime as your wife you will build a splendid palace and live there. You bastard!“
Thus Okuninushi drove out the gods of his brothers, created a kingdom and ruled it.
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yoga-onion · 3 years
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Japanese Mythology & Deities
Major Gods in the Chronicles (36)
The Hare of Inaba ~ Why Oonamuchi (=Ookuninushi) was given control of the country
This Oonamuchi-no-Kami (=Ookuninushi), by the way, had many brothers, the eighty gods. All the eighty gods of the brothers hated Oonamuchi. Many of the gods of his brothers had a desire to woo Princess Yagamihime of Inaba, and when they went to Inaba together, they gave Oonamuchi a sack to carry and took him along like a valet.
Just as they reached the cape of Kata, they saw a hare lying on the ground, its fur stripped off. When the hare was crying in pain, Oonamuchi, who appeared at the end, asked him why he was crying.
The hare said, "I wanted to cross over from the Oki Islands to this land, but I had no means of crossing. So, I deceived the crocodile shark and said: 'Let us compare ourselves and count who has more kindred. Gather as many of your kind as you can and line them up from this island to the front of Kida. I will step on them and count them as I run across’. Then, deceived, the crocodile sharks formed a line, and I pretended to step on them and count them as I crossed, and was about to descend to the land when I said inadvertently, 'You have been deceived’. And the last crocodile shark caught me at once and stripped me of all my hair. When I was weeping and lamenting over this, the eighty gods who had gone before you told me to bathe in salt water and lie down in the sun & the wind, so I did, and my body was immediately injured.”
Then Oonamuchi told the hare, "Go to the water gate now, wash your body with fresh water, take the ears of bulrush plant at the water gate, spread them out, roll on them and put pollen on them, then your skin will return to normal and you will be healed.” When he did so, his body recovered. This is Inaba's prime hare (shirousagi=the white rabbit). He is now regarded as a hare god.
The rabbit said to Oonamuchi: "Your brothers' gods will never get the Princess Yagami. Even if you carry a sack on your back and act as a servant, I am sure you will be the one to get the princess.“
This anecdote is one of the most famous fairytales in Japan.
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yoga-onion · 3 years
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Japanese Mythology & Deities
Major Gods in the Chronicles (40)
Nunakawahime ~The courtship of Yachihoko (=Ookuninushi)
The god Yachihoko, another name for Okuninushi, went out to meet Nunakawahime in the Land of Takashi, and they sang a song together.
In primitive Japan, tsumadoi was a form of marriage in which the husband went to his wife, a practice which continued until the Heian period.
The courtship was also known as 'yobahi' (crawling in the night), and if the woman allowed it, the marriage was consummated on the spot. Yobahi could take the form of a simple call to the woman from a doorway, or it could involve the presentation of a song.
By the way, Suseribime, the legitimate wife of the god Yachihoko (Ookuninushi), was a very jealous woman.
Her husband, Yachihoko (Ookuninushi), was so saddened by that, when he fled from Izumo to Yamato, he wrote a song of dedication to Suseribime, who replied with a song of offering and retaining a cup. The two gods immediately exchanged a cup to cement their marriage, and to this day they are enshrined as the gods of matrimony.
By the way, the Inaba Princess Yakamihime, was so afraid of Ookuninushi’s legitimate wife, Suseribime, that she thrust the child she bore to the god Ookuninushi, into a tree and returned to her family home.
Okuninushi had many children with various other goddesses, and this number is recorded as about 181.
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