#oola deserved to kill the rancor not luke <3
basket-of-loquats · 3 years
Hello! Would you maybe draw Oola from star wars? It is okay if you do not, just a suggestion. Have a nice day. Even if things are not so nice, eventually they get better. You can do it! Thank you so very much, and I hope I am not bothering you.
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underrated star wars characters my beloved
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iainwrites · 4 years
Return of the Jedi Assorted Thoughts
-Like the whole bit about Jabba’s Palace?  Pick up “Tales from Jabba’s Palace,” an old Legends anthology that focuses on the side characters you’d see there.  That weird spider walking thing at the beginning?  You learn about them.  The big guy who cried when the rancor died?  You learn his story.  The frog-dog thing?  He gets a story.
-So, what’s the story on Jedi Rock?  Why did Luca do away with the disco-ish thing that was originally part of the film and go for a brand new song/brand new CGI… oh wait.  Lucas.  New technology to “show his true vision” of Star Wars.  Nevermind.
-Did you know: that when they were doing the Special Editions and wanted to add the scene of Oola getting chomped by the rancor, they found out, “Huh.  Femi Taylor (Oola’s actress) is apparently immortal because she hasn’t really aged since 1983.”  So they got in contact with her, she got painted green again, and was eaten alive.  Now you know.
-Can you imagine what RotJ would be like if Ford got what he wished for and Han had just died off?  Yeah.  That was a real possibility for this movie: Ford had said he was done, so Lucas gave him an out and a chance to come back if he changed his mind.  Obviously he did, but just think about it.  What the sequel trilogy would have been like?  
-Does Yoda really have to keep saying Luke’s name on his deathbed?  Here’s his last bit:
Luke...Luke...Do not...Do not underestimate the powers of the Emperor, or suffer your father's fate, you will. Luke, when gone am I (cough), the last of the Jedi will you be. Luke, the Force runs strong in your family. Pass on what you have learned, Luke…
Not edited, not embellished.  5 times in as many lines.
-You know that line “Many Bothans died to bring us this information?”  In Legends, a Bothan trying to get ahead in the Republic would whip that old card out if they didn’t get what they thought they deserved.  “Some of my people DIED, so why am I not getting the treatment I want?”  Draw your own parallels.
-The whole “Do you remember your mother” thing is so dumb, especially with Ep 3 revealling how long the twins actually knew their mother.  Less than half an hour.  Less than a quarter of an hour.  I can understand Lucas trying to tie the eras together, but at least try to do it in a neat and tidy way?
-Did you know: Palpatine’s first name is Sheev.  That’s it.  No other joke.  The most feared man in the universe, the one who toppled the senate and all his opponents, he who defeated the Jedi Order, he who defied death… was named Sheev.
-There’s really no way the Ewoks should have won against a single one of the AT-ST’s.  I can give them ground fighting against the stormtroopers.  But outside of deus ex Wookie, they didn’t have a hope.
-I know that “run for your life” is a pretty basic thing to do in an emergency, but why doesn’t a single person stop to help Luke pull Vader to the hanger?  Sure, the guy will brain choke people that screw up.  Sure, he’s an almighty terror.  But there has to be some sense of loyalty to a superior in that case.  Some members of the 501st must have been running around with enough moral fortitude to go, “Damn.  Boss is down.  Form up and help the dude in heels.”
-Wedge’s kill count in Legends: 2 Death Stars, 64 TIES, 17 Interceptors, 6 Bombers a few years after Endor.  And the dude kept adding to that tally, to the point that the Rogue mechanic realized he couldn’t feasibly paint all the kill marks, so every TIE symbol actually meant 12.  Wedge broke the Alliance’s paint budget by being too much of a non-Force using badass.
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