#open rp starter
featheryhoe 10 hours
芦rp starter禄 馃挒
he鈥檚 passed out on a couch in one of the smaller living rooms of the palace, an ankle brace for minor injuries on one side and some unfinished project for whatever he鈥檚 designing this time on the other.
despite being asleep, it didn鈥檛 look like a restful sleep, but what could anyone expect from passing out late at night on a couch? that鈥檚 clearly not the most restful sleep possible
@penguinmaster9999 @ask-a-spider-on-crack @fizzythefrog @ask-the-archs
(sorry if i tagged u and u didn鈥檛 wanna be tagged, lmk and i鈥檒l remove you)
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They were hanging upside down from a tree, something that was made harder thanks to their mask. Their blood ran to their head and they held their mask in place, unwilling to risk letting it fall when someone could stumble across them but also not wanting to admit defeat to gravity.
They were trying to sort through their thoughts, usually they'd climb a tall building or something to clear their mind, but that wasn't an option right now, so they took one out of Spring's book and did this instead.
Of course, Spring didn't have to worry about the blood rushing to her head like they did, so it was arguable if they were actually getting anywhere.
It was strange. Everything felt lively, yet quiet. Things were definitely happening, but never where they were, and if anything big was happening, clearly no one felt the need to include them or ask for their help.
And that was fine.
That was what they told themselves, anyway. They had always intended to leave distance between them and the rest of the team. It was better that way, no one really needed to know them. Sure, V had accepted them, but there was no saying if anyone else would.
That logic didn't hold up as well as it used to. Not after everything that had happened, from the bots showing up to everything that was Halloween and so on.
They swung slightly back and forth, deep in thought. Honestly, they were distracted by their own thoughts and probably a bit too easy to sneak up on.
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happy-hotelier 1 month
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"Another day, another empty hotel..." He sighs, continuing to mop up the floor in relative silence. The only real noise in the room being whatever song pops up next on his internal radio.
Maybe today someone will decide to become a resident...?
Yyyyeeeaah, no. Probably not. Not holding out hope for that one.
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novaxanomaly 3 months
Open Runa Starter || First Meeting
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It was like any other day at school. Runa was going through her backpack at her locker and suddenly there was a tug on her hair, making her hiss.
"Whoa, it's just me." Her best friend, Takeshi, was there, giving her a hug. She had to admit, his hugs did always made her feel a hell of a lot better.
"What's up, Kesh... I am trying to get my book for class." she said to him and went back to searching her bag.
"Buuut, i have someone for you to meet!" He said to her and smiled widely.
She huffed, "Who?"
Takeshi stuck his hand into her bag, somehow finding her book and putting it against her chest, moving her hand to hold it there. he then grabbed the bag and shoved it into the locker and closed it. "Come on." he grabbed her wrist and dragged her down the hall and around the corner, "Runa....Meet my friend!" he introduced her to the new person and she blinked.
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scarred-by-monsters 5 months
Random Open Starter
It was the constant drip of water that woke Adrian. His eyes fluttered open, taking in the sight around him and realized just how much trouble he was in. The cage was along one side of a dark room with his wrists shackled to the ground while a shackle kept him on his knees by the neck. " Hey!" He yelled, jerking at the chains. " where the fuck am I?"
But he knew. He was imprisoned for something the wolf had done, and he would pay the price. Not the wolf.
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Housewife Therapy (Open Starter)
She had been stressing out for far too long that your muse (or muses) decided to have her go through a certain therapy program to help train women seeking a new purpose of being a housewife. Benefits include stress-free environment and work, simple chores, outings, and self-care sessions. But much more would be there.
Olga Marie felt embarrassed by this. She was worried about being seen weak or turning weak during the program. What if someone in Chaldea Security Organization saw her like this? What if she can't be allowed to use her magecraft? What if this program doesn't help her stress?
Can you help her get more comfortable with the program?
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me-x-the-devil 3 months
Open to; anyone
People sucked. That had been his opinion for years and years now. Ever since he was a teen really and he learned more about the world and how it worked. Though the walls he'd built around himself had started being built when he was much, much younger than that. Xavier never let anyone in behind that exterior wall. He kept things shallow and as distant as he could. And yet somehow, they had managed to climb past a few of those walls. They'd just shown up in his life one day and had refused to leave. It annoyed him immensely. They dragged him to stuff, mostly bars and parties, and wouldn't take no for an answer. So he'd learned quickly that it was best just to agree. So when they'd called him earlier telling him they were going to a party, he sighed deeply, which they'd learned was his way of saying 'fine'. He'd gotten dressed and gone to the party with them, but like most of them, he found himself sitting alone in a corner in this persons backyard, smoking a joint and drinking beer, and watching them enjoy themselves. He knew no one else there so he wanted to make sure no one spoiled their fun. A few people had over the course of the night tried to talk to him, but they had quickly left when he glared at them. He didn't care to know anyone else there. People sucked. But they were the exception.
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cyanidesayshello 5 months
[the corrupt hero sniffled, unable to cry physically yet still seeming like she was, just without the tears.]
"W-why did he yell at me again...? I swear I did everything right...."
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theshadowofthedoctor 30 days
[There's a loud snapping and crackling noise, along with the sound of a scream, and there on the ground was Helena, her blonde curls were streaked with what looked like ash. Her face was planted into the ground and her trench coat had a slash in the back, it didn't look like what ever had attacked her had gotten through the coat fully but it was damaged. Helena let out a groan, barely audible from the ground but at least it sounded like she was alive.]
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thcfantasyfactory 5 months
open to females plot: based on this plot idea
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This was not a good idea.
The young woman he'd been protecting for the past couple of months asked him to stay in her room that night, claiming that she was too scared to be by herself. It was understandable, considering they had a dangerous encounter earlier that day, so her nerves were heightened. Ignoring his better judgment, Dean agreed to it. Now he was standing by her door, arms crossed over his chest, his body stiff. He was obviously very uncomfortable. This is what he'd been trying to avoid for weeks. Being alone with her, in her damn bedroom, was a terrible idea.
Dean was a professional; he didn't cross the line regarding his job. However, he'd found himself in a losing position when it came to her. The urge to be close to her was far greater than the possibility of losing his job. No matter how hard he had tried, he imagined doing things to her that his mother would be ashamed of him for.
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novaxanomaly 12 days
Attention || Asmodeus || Open Starter
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Asmodeus was bored and in need of attention, so he went looking for it. For the demon prince of Lust, it shouldn't be too hard to find someone to at least cuddle with... Right?
He roamed around, bored and ready to just give up and go back to bed, to try tomorrow. We he felt someone approach him. "Ah good, you're here to love me!" He cheered and opened his arms up for a hug.
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silvers-smuttery 2 months
Open RP Starter: One Stop Shortstack
(Male/Futa x Female; canon muses preferred)
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(Artist: loquillo66; I commissioned it)
La Brava was in heaven. Stalking your muse at the gym alone was enough to get her heart pumping and her sweat flowing, but as fate would have it, once she followed them into the train, she found herself pressed face-first into their crotch by the crowd. She could feel the hard dick in your muse's pants throb, smell it even and it made her mouth water.
"Sorry... Your dick is in my face~", she huffed and panted, looking up at them as she nuzzled her face into their crotch.
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scarred-by-monsters 5 months
Random Open starter
Ash didn't see the hit coming. The fist hit her in the cheek and sent her sprawling. Once she fell, her arms pulled up to protect her head as the kicks began.
The others of the camp that were around her stepped further back as the beating continued. Some - far too few for her liking - looked distraught by the sight of her beating.
She never should have come here. But then again, she hadn't actually decided to come here, had she? After being found by those scavengers, she should have moved - change the location of her current safe zone. Ash couldn't have known that the men would simply abduct her from her temporary santuary in the dead of night. Now, she was being beaten for a crime of which she had no knowledge after two weeks of being imprisoned.
As they grabbed her arms, dragging her towards the leadership building at the center of the compound, Ash glanced at the surrounding people. None of them were coming to her defense- and she didn't blame them for that. They were scared, and she was a stranger. Though she could feel the bitterness welling within her, along with the fear.
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helreginn 3 months
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"Fine. You can have my cloak! But this is really on you. The underworld is cold for the dead. Not the living! What are you doing here?"
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