#or I might create a second profile. we will see
pippytmi · 2 months
kacy + a break-up AU based on this prompt list: "you’re my emergency contact and i’ve been in an accident so you drop everything to come to the hospital"
The thing no one says about breakups is that they're an utter inconvenience.
Kate tries to rationalize it; she was dating Lucy Tara for twelve months and thirteen days, it's only natural to have established a routine that will take some time to unlearn. So when she wakes up and reaches for a warm body that isn't there, it still takes a while to remember why. And when she makes her morning coffee, maybe sometimes she will pour the creamer that Lucy likes by accident. (By the end of the week, she will have to pour the whole container down the drain). That’s normal too. Mostly.
Lucy’s absence hits the most in the morning, but Kate goes through the motions anyway. Before Lucy she would always take her coffee outside and sit on the balcony to watch the sunrise, so she still does it. Of course now there’s no Lucy wrapped up in a blanket and insistently making her way onto Kate’s lap to sleep while she does it, but. Kate sips from her mug and watches the clouds roll in over the gloomy horizon and pretends nothing has changed.
The drive to work is quiet save for the gentle patter of rain against her windows. Her radio is still set to the station Lucy likes, and Kate hasn’t managed to change it. Baby steps—that’s all it takes. Maybe tomorrow Kate might have the courage to switch it back to her own.
And when everything at home is too loud and simultaneously too empty, there’s work. Kate gets to her desk and finds a mountain of files with new assignments, and she welcomes them with open arms; her work has always been separate from Lucy, and it's the one constant she doesn't need to readjust to.
For a blissful hour and a half, Kate is in her own world. She argues with a client about what confidentiality means (and what it doesn't). She reschedules the deposition of a plaintiff on a particularly high-profile case because opposing counsel has accidentally double-booked. She creates an Excel spreadsheet to keep track of her new cases but organizes the clients by market value. 
By all accounts, her morning is shaping up considerably. That is, until her cell phone starts buzzing.
She ignores the first call from the unknown number flashing on the screen. Instead, she gets coffee from the awful machine in the break room. The second call comes thirty minutes later, and Kate ignores it again, spends her time politely explaining how to use the fax machine to her confused new paralegal.
When her phone rings a third time—just as Kate has gotten out of a grueling meeting with the senior attorneys which should've been an email—she answers it solely for peace of mind: “This is Kate.”
There's a brief shuffle on the other end. “Hi, I'm calling from St. Joseph Hospital for a Katherine Whistler?”
“Speaking,” Kate says curtly, prepared to give a spiel about how she won't donate at this time when the caller continues,
“Oh—good morning.” More shuffling. “Is this a good time? I have a sensitive matter to discuss.”
Kate frowns even if the person on the other line can't see it. “Yes, it's fine,” she says, and watches as her work phone lights up with another call that she will just have to return later. 
“I'm calling on behalf of a patient: Lucy Tara. She has you listed as her emergency contact. She is unresponsive and we were wondering if you could come in to discuss the particulars of her care…”
The rest of the call is static. Kate almost drops her phone entirely, only grasping onto select words like they're a lifeline. Lucy is alive. Lucy is hurt. Lucy was found unconscious. Lucy has yet to wake up. Lucy is alive.
Kate doesn't even tell anyone she's leaving; she just goes. Later, senior attorney Michael Curtis will tell Kate that she looked extremely pale and sickly when rushing out of the office, but Kate will only remember a vague blur from that phone call to actually arriving at the hospital. It might be the most reckless thing she’s ever done, come to think of it.
Dr. Carla Chase is the physician assigned to Lucy’s care, and she takes one look at Kate and blinks as if surprised to see her. “Forget an umbrella?”
“I'm sorry?” Kate says, heart caught dangerously high in her throat. She's literally choking on worry—Dr. Chase’s words don't sink in until she takes a step forward and realizes she is currently dripping all over the linoleum floor.
Dr. Chase gives her a small, sympathetic smile. “Let me ease your mind,” she says. “Ms. Tara woke up. Our timeline is good, she was not unconscious for long. Has a concussion and a nasty bump, but she's going to be just fine.”
Kate breathes. “Oh,” she says shakily, and embarrassingly, hot tears spring to her eyes at the confirmation. “That's…great. Thank you.”
“You can come inside, see her. I'll go find you a towel.” Even though Kate is a sopping mess, Dr. Chase still pauses to place a hand on her shoulder and squeeze reassuringly.
Even with the worst over, the hardest part is still walking into the room—harder still is watching as Lucy looks up with those wide, curious eyes that become expressionless the instant she sees Kate.
“Kate? What are you doing here?” Lucy asks, voice not quite harsh but definitely not welcoming.
Kate opens her mouth, but is unable to form words. She's too stuck just staring at Lucy: at the bruise that colors the entirety of the swell of her cheek, at the large bandage over her jaw, at the purpling of her black eye. Any relief at knowing that Lucy is awake sinks into horror at the state of Lucy’s injuries.
“Kate,” Lucy repeats, frowning. “Why do you look like someone died?” A beat. “And why are you wet?”
“The—the hospital called me,” Kate manages. “Are you okay? How are you…how are you feeling?”
“I'm fine. I just fell down a stupid mountain.” Lucy smooths down her blanket, twisting the corner between her fingertips the way she does when she's uncomfortable.
“A mountain?”
“It's not as dramatic as it sounds,” Lucy says. “Kai and I were searching for a missing kid and we got separated, and with the rain it was muddy and foggy and…well, you get it.”
“And he left you there? Unconscious?” Kate has met Kai Holman once or twice, and knows very little about him except that just like Lucy, he volunteers for search and rescue missions to escape his normal job. Beyond that, Kate’s opinion of him is quickly going downhill.
“He wasn't there when it happened,” Lucy argues. “I already texted him and explained, but, I told him he didn't have to come see me or anything.” She stops. “So why did you come?”
“Because the hospital called,” Kate says again, which is pretty self-explanatory.
Apparently, Lucy does not feel the same way. “But you didn't have to answer the phone,” she points out. “We’re not together. You could've just said ‘sorry, she’s my ex’ and called it a day.”
Kate stiffens. “You're the one who has me as your emergency contact. It was the…decent thing to do,” she says.
Lucy rolls her eyes. “Okay, congratulations,” she says, “you have done your civic duty of not being an asshole. But I’m alright, so you can go back to deep-sea diving in your pantsuit or whatever you were up to before this.”
“Hold on,” Kate says, a flare of panic overtaking any objection she might have to Lucy’s disdain (which is completely unwarranted, by the way). “How are you getting home?”
“They’ve invented a modern miracle called an Uber, not sure if you heard.” Lucy waves her phone exaggeratedly. “I’ll survive.”
It's an out, and Kate should take it. She should walk out that door and never look back, let all the unsaid issues between them continue to morph and mutate into something ugly and irreversible. But she can’t. 
“I’ll drive you home,” Kate says at last.
Lucy immediately shakes her head. “That’s not necessary,” she says. “Seriously. If you’re that against Ubers, I can call Kai and get him here in two seconds. He’d be more than happy to take me home.”
“That would be unnecessary. I’m already here.”
“And you don’t have to be,” Lucy reiterates, staring Kate down like she expects her to cave.
If it were any other situation, Kate would. She's soaked head to toe from the rain, she has no obligation to be here, and by all accounts either reason would be a rational excuse to extradite herself from this hospital. Especially the former—the chill of her wet clothes is finally beginning to catch up to her, and she blindly brushes back her damp hair while resisting the urge to shiver. It would be the rational decision to go home and change into warm clothes (and explain to her boss why she left without as much as a text explaining why).
But for once in her life, Kate isn't being rational. “I'm not leaving,” she says, crossing her arms in an attempt to look firm. 
Lucy sighs, sagging backwards against her pillow. “Come on, Kate,” she says. “This is awkward enough. I don't need a babysitter after one tiny little fall.”
“Down a mountain,” Kate says, unable to let that fact go. “What do your parents think about this?”
“I…might've not told them. Exactly.” Lucy bites her lip in an obvious effort not to wince. “I asked for the day off when I woke up, so.”
Kate blinks. “You woke up after a traumatic fall,” she says slowly, “and…asked your parents for PTO.”
“I wouldn't call it traumatic. That's such an ugly word. Limiting, even,” Lucy says. “It would've been a total badass move if it hadn't been, you know, raining.”
A knock against the wall announces Dr. Chase’s arrival, who has thankfully brought Kate that towel. “How are we doing?” she asks.
“Ready to get out of here,” Lucy says, sitting up eagerly. “Whenever you say so, doc.”
“Well, I really would recommend a CT scan to be on the safe side,” Dr. Chase says. “But given that you've passed all our cognitive tests and your vision is good, I can consider a discharge…as long as you have someone at home to monitor you today and make sure no further symptoms arise. And no sleeping until your normal bedtime.”
“I’ll be with her,” Kate interjects as she towels off her hair. Lucy looks like she might argue, but her desire to leave must win out, because she doesn't speak up.
“Fantastic. Let me get your discharge paperwork and a prescription for some painkillers—all over the counter. Then we're going to have a serious discussion about what you should and should not do, okay?”
“Got it. Thanks, Dr. Chase,” Lucy says cheerfully, but the instant the doctor leaves, so does her smile. “What was that? You obviously can't stay with me.”
“I know,” Kate says defensively, even if—for a second—she had been completely prepared to. “I'm sure Ernie or Jane can monitor your symptoms just fine.”
“...yeah,” Lucy agrees slowly, as if she had been expecting Kate to argue. Then, “Oh, shit. I actually forgot to tell Jane I'm here.” She frantically opens her phone and starts texting up a flurry, her brow crinkling as she concentrates on her screen, and Kate is brought back to movie nights spent scouring Wikipedia articles and faux-arguing over date night picks and it's…too much.
This is the opposite of unlearning; this is an all too painful reminder that Lucy Tara is no longer in her life. Kate wrings the damp towel between her hands and takes a deep breath to save face. At the very least, Lucy doesn't seem to have caught on to Kate’s internal turmoil, because when she looks up again all the cheerfulness from before is back.
Kate knows in that instant she never wants Lucy to lose that cheer again. “Everything okay?” she asks, aiming for just-polite-enough interest, and Lucy is gracious enough to allow it.
“They found the missing girl,” Lucy says, sagging backwards in obvious relief. “Thank God.” When she smiles, even if it’s down at her phone, Kate nearly tears up all over again.
“That’s great.” Kate clears her throat, places her hands in her (wet) pockets, and tries very hard to act casual. “So is Jane going to stay with you, then?”
“No—she’s the one who found the kid, she has to stay and give the police a statement,” Lucy mutters, biting her lip distractedly as she types out another message. “I’ll see what Ernie’s up to.”
By the time Dr. Chase comes back with discharge paperwork and a spiel about avoiding screens (during which Lucy noticeably peeks at Kate, like she might rat her out), Kate has already resolved herself to zero interference. Obviously it’s not what she wants, but she listens to Dr. Chase and nods along at all the right times while in her head she is already drafting a very long message to Ernie with all the relevant information. Then she drives Lucy home to that bleak apartment that Lucy lives in mostly as a general “fuck you” to her parents, which Kate swears is either haunted or infested by very spirited roaches.
The entire ride there, Lucy doesn’t say anything about the car’s radio being set to her favorite station (and which  Kate would always complain about), which is just as well. Kate isn’t sure how she would’ve explained it.
“This not sleeping thing sucks, I’m honestly dead tired with our without a concussion,” Lucy groans as she exits the vehicle, stretching her arms overhead.
Kate follows her outside, and when Lucy gives her a questioning look, she says, “Ernie’s not here yet, is he? I can at least wait with you until he does.”
“I’m sure I can survive thirty minutes alone, Kate,” Lucy says. “I won’t pass out the instant you walk away or anything.”
“I’d really rather wait,” Kate says, and Lucy sighs.
“Fine. God, I would’ve changed my emergency contact ASAP if I’d known you would be such a stickler for lame hospital rules.” Lucy wraps herself up in a  large black hoodie which Kate recognizes as her own, still muddy from the fall but otherwise intact.
“Why did you?” Kate finds herself asking, mouth three steps ahead of her head, and Lucy pauses outside her apartment door.
“You mean why didn’t I change it? Because I forgot, I wasn’t exactly expecting to land in the hospital.”
“No, why…why did you make me your emergency contact in the first place?” Kate clarifies, her voice strangely quiet even to her own ears.
Lucy methodically unlocks her door, but her hands falter. “Just because,” she says at last. “You know how it is. Anything was better than my parents. Sorry I didn’t…ask you first.”
“Well, I mean,” Kate shrugs, “I didn’t ask you either.”
At that, Lucy whirls around, mouth agape. “You made me your emergency contact?”
Kate hesitates. “Yes? After like six months. It was a practical decision, we spent pretty much all our time together and I assumed…”
Somehow, she’s said the wrong thing, because Lucy’s eyes darken. “Right.” She moves away, digging through her fridge in search of something to drink, and Kate awkwardly leans against the kitchen counter and tries to make sense of what’s going on.
“Did you eat anything today?” Kate attempts to change the subject. “I can make you something before Ernie gets here.”
Lucy takes a gulp of a water bottle and doesn’t respond, just eyes Kate from across the kitchen with a sharp, unyielding glare. Finally, the words seem to burst out: “I wish you weren’t so—fucking—” She shakes her head. “Do you even know how you sound, sometimes? No girl wants to hear that they’re the practical choice. Just once, I wish you’ve would picked me because you wanted me.”
Kate feels her entire body prickle, partly in shock and partly in indignation. “What are you talking about? I did pick you.”
“Did you?” Lucy tilts her head. “”Cause it kind of feels like you picked the idea of me. At least, that’s how Cara tells it.”
“Seriously? Cara? She—” Kate pauses to exhale, swallows back a frustrated sob. “She’s wrong. I’ve never trusted anyone like I trust you. Fuck, I’ve never loved anyone like I love you.” This time, her voice quivers like the sob might escape, and some of the steel in Lucy’s gaze softens.
“Then why did you leave?”
“I thought that was what you wanted,” Kate says. “You were pushing me away, Lucy. What was I supposed to think?”
“You should’ve fought harder for me,” Lucy says. “You could have talked to me. Jesus, Kate, I don’t—I can’t have this conversation right now. I’m basically a prisoner in my house, this is the last thing I need.”
Kate’s shoulders fall. “I know,” she says. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t do that either,” Lucy snaps, and she chugs the remainder of her water before she stalks out of the room. “No apologies. Okay?”
“Okay.” Kate waits to see if Lucy will come back to the kitchen, but she doesn’t. Instead, she hears the tell-tale sound of Lucy banging around through her board game drawer, because the chess set Ernie gave her rattles and gives it away. Kate tentatively enters the living room, finds Lucy sorting through a Monopoly box, but doesn’t try to say anything else.
Lucy breaks the silence all on her own, eventually. “I have nothing to cook,” she says. “But I asked Ernie to bring food with him.”
“Alright.” Kate doesn’t sit down because her clothes are still damp, but she does wait by the couch. “Can I help with anything?”
“No.” Lucy is sitting cross-legged on the floor and carefully stacking Monopoly money into piles by color, her muddy hoodie occasionally smearing against the carpet. “I’m fine.” She obviously isn’t; her jaw is clenched, her back stiff, her entire demeanor still a perfect mirror of her anger.
Kate wisely doesn’t push. And when Ernie arrives carrying Thai food and a thick stack of books which Lucy is outwardly horrified at, Kate doesn’t try to stay.
“I’m going to send you the doctor’s discharge instructions,” she tells Ernie instead, as Lucy gingerly pokes through one of the books Ernie has handed off. “Make sure Lucy eats something before she takes her meds.”
“On it, Dr. Whistler,” Ernie says seriously, his voice going low so Lucy can’t hear afterward. “And thanks, for being there. Even if you two aren’t…”
Kate casts one final look at Lucy Tara, bundled up in her clothes and adorably pouting at the prospect of reading all night instead of playing board games, and feels her heart beat so hard it hurts. “Take care of her,” she says, but it’s not a request.
Ernie gives her a small, sad smile. “I will.” 
Lucy doesn’t say goodbye, but she does spare Kate one brief, sorrowful once-over like she wants to. Kate memorizes that look—lets it linger in the back of her mind—and doesn’t cry until the first cheery pop song from Lucy’s favorite station starts playing on the drive home.
She hits the button to turn off the radio altogether, but her finger slips and she accidentally switches stations instead. Kate eases the car to a stop at a red light, watches as rain begins to drizzle once more, and then she makes the executive decision to switch it back.
Baby steps.
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mikeysbabygirl · 1 year
                 𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒔𝒖𝒈𝒂𝒓 𝑷𝒂𝒑𝒂
Warning : explicit smut, age gap, sugar daddy/sugar baby dynamic, pet names, gun play in Yakuza Mikey's part, dom!reader in some parts, the boys doing so well for you...
Summary : there's a new app to find a sugar daddy, how about they find your profile?
Featuring: Ran Haitani, Wakasa Imaushi, Kokonoi Hajime, Sano Manjiro, Kakucho Hitto.
Let's get started, shall we ?
𝑹𝒂𝒏 𝑯𝒂𝒊𝒕𝒂𝒏𝒊 : (Bonten TL)
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Ran was the first one to get the app, surprising, isn't it ?
He'd tried many of their sugar babies before, and he was quite satisfied with them. Well, they might be a little clingy when everything's over, but ladies tend to be that way with him.
And one day, your profile picture just popped. It has just been created, you were new, and young, student loans probably. Somehow, there was just something... endearing, about your innocent smiling face, a shot taken by your iphone camera rather than hiring a photographer to flatter all your angles, like everyone else.
-" Um, Hi ! " He couldn't help but curl a smile, the contrast between your virtuous face, and the devilish dress you were wearing had him already deep into it. " I'm here for the... sex? No- that's not what I mean ! " He raised his eyebrows seeing the heat rising to your face, so that dirty world didn't drained you of your colors yet ?
-"I'm here to offer... You know what ? I'm your sugar baby. "
Yes, there was just you, your doe-like eyes and your clumsiness, and suddenly, he was trapped in a pink haze, drowning in a gaze.
-" This way, just this way. Go 'head, you doing... Damn great, princess. " He praised, grip tightening around your hair whilst you bobbed your head up and down. That knot in his stomach, already tight, exploded when he shifted his eyes toward your flustered face.
-" Fucking look at you, taking daddy's cock like the best slut I've had. " He was a goner as soon as your teary, big eyes fluttered those wet eyelashes to look at him, and suddenly, he came with no warning, too quickly for the first time in ages, in bliss watching his white seeds leaking from your glossy lips.
What a pretty flower, so obedient, always ready to drop whatever plan you had for a call from him.
What a venomous snake hidden in.
Yes Ran liked to hold his pretty little thing in front of everyone, make his prey sit still and pretty on his lap.
-" Show 'em, baby. " His fingers digged deeper in your waist above him, surely talking about Rindou and Haru, sitting, wide-eyed, lusting in the booth across from yours. " Show 'em why I can't get ya outta my head. " His eyes were deep engrossed in the way your small hole sucked him in, head thrown back, Ran drove a cloud, letting go of the wheel for the first time and letting you take the lead.
But you couldn't care less, if he showed you off like a trophy in the night, you let him think he pulls the strings. Because in the morning, you wrap those around his neck, and he'd wake up suffocating in an empty cold bed.
-" no strings attached, your words. Daddy. " you tease from under his bigger body. His eyes fall on your naked chest, golden necklace of his name he bought for you. He knew you only wore it around him, but Ran liked the pain, the denial.
And for once, Ran lost the race. He didn't left the first, so he came second.
-" Such a whore..." His thrusts were relentless, and you think it's the third time you might cum, with him having you in a matting press. " Three different men, how come this pussy's even this fucking tight?"
And he heard you, under your moans, uttering something like " you never said I couldn't have another". And watched his smirk getting scarier, towering above you, his hand wrapped around your neck.
-" Aw, didn't I ? What a shame. " He cooed, lust and jealousy equally running in his blood. His pussy, his baby, how come would you even let some other loser taste that ?
- " Then watch me show you who owns this body. Let's see who'll dare touching Ran Haitani's bitch, 'kay baby ? "
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𝑺𝒂𝒏𝒐 𝑴𝒂𝒏𝒋𝒊𝒓𝒐 (Yakuza tl) :
C'mon, it's Mikey we're talking about. He's not particularly fond of sex anyway. He is the man without a shadow, no one knows for sure is he an actual person, or just another name behind a smoking gun.
It's his Yakuza era, Mikey pulls the strings of his mafia behind super boarded up doors, only Kisaki knows the keys of.
So when Kisaki stumbles on your profile on a random day, he thinks he got the perfect gift to unwind his terrorizing boss.
You felt like a little knight in front of a thorned kingdom, standing in front of the sitting Yakuza boss, in your white lingerie. His dark hues bored into your body absentmindedly, another pretty face, another empty face.
Then the cute little knight is grazing her fingers over the thorns, and you're kissing him with your hands cupping his cheeks as passionately as if you've known him since years. And he thinks you taste sweet, and now he's really into it, hands around your waist.
And now you're ready to sink his intimidating length inside you, he doesn't even know why, but he lets you take his hands in yours, intertwine your fingers together as he fills you up, and his head's empty.
Just your small hands in his big ones, just the bulge in your tummy from him, your head in his neck and your tears he could feel.
Dizzying, indeed.
He watched you, that night, sleeping with your arms around him. Why were you so touchy? Didn't they warned you, outside that room, to leave as soon as you're done ? But most importantly, why was he allowing this ? Why were you even breathing again, your hair tickling his chest ?
And when the morning came, he watched you getting ready to leave, just like anyone else.
And there he was, frozen by the kitchen, staring as you fought with the pancakes you were trying so desperately to not burn.
-" Sit down, it's almost ready. "
Just who did you think you are, giving orders ? And as if you felt the need to ask something, you flashed a glow dripping smile over your shoulder, and just for a second, he sees mornings,confort, Emma, breakfasts, family, home.
Not bad, he thinks, munching on the pastry. But Mikey's a man of few words, and he gets slightly frustrated by your expectant shiny eyes on him. Intimidating, he doesn't even dare to think it through, but you're the slightest bit overwhelming, intimidating.
-" Overcooked. " He throws the word as a stone at you, expecting you to bleed but not to laugh, moving to sit on his lap. For a second he's at a loss of words, while you lean to lick the cream on the corner of his lips.
-" Well I'm not paid to cook, but to fuck " you shrug, Mikey thinks... He doesn't even think anymore. Ethereal, the noiselessness in his mess of a mind is deafening, so much that he can't overcome it.
Well, Kisaki isn't that surprised, few days after when his boss asks to see you again, considering how good your ratings were. What's surprising is that, he actually asks for you, by your own name.
-" Daddy, wanna cum " you're out of breath, sprayed for him on the bed, with the strong body of that Yakuza boss above you.
-" Then fucking do it. " Another roll of his tongue around your clit had your thighs shaking, he honestly doesn't know since when he turned into a giver, probably at the threshold of your holy entrance.
-" Lemme taste how sweet your lil pussy can be f'me ".
Things constantly change, time flies, but if there's a constant, it's your smile whenever you see him, it's the warmth of you above him in your sleep, it's the spark of worry he spots in your gaze everytime he's out for his shady activities. Not fear from him, but for him.
He swears it's not obsession, only tiptoeing on its edges, maybe. The way you digged yourself a small grave in his dead wastelands.
-" Manjiro..." Your eyes are filled with tears, his wicked demons like that. Pinning you to the wall, his tip kissing your cervix since so long, and it's not moving, just like the gun he's pressing right above your heart.
-" Did i ever gave you the permission to do that, love ?" He likes the way he could feel your pulse going insane under his lips grazing your neck. " Hm ? Did I said you could have other customers?"
Your eyes peer at the phone on the nightstand, you swear you just forgot to delete your subscription to that damn app, again and again. And now you're shaking under him, his gun pressed harder against your chest, his kisses even more passionate, the roll of his hips dizzying.
-" I'm gonna delete it... Now, I promise, 'Jiro, promise " you cry, clinging on his neck. " Just move, please, please, make me cum ".
And it's over devilish, the way the corner of his lips raise darkly, he shrugs.
-" If that's what my bitch wants... would never force you anyway".
He lies, dropping the gun as if it never existed.
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𝑲𝒂𝒌𝒖𝒄𝒉𝒐 𝑯𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒐 : (Bonten TL)
Kakucho liked Ran. Ran was like an older brother for him, and he knew how much that one respected him.
Maybe the only thing he could ever blame him for, was how extra he was.
Antics like, offering him a subscription for a " sugar baby " app for his birthday.
Ran was standing next to the pretty girl, younger than both of them, obviously. And Kakucho thought about refusing his friend's offer, although the girl was undeniably beautiful, he was nowhere near into those kinks.
-" Just let go man " Ran suddenly tapped his back, making him startle. " Go 'head, princess " he as well pushed you against Kakucho's torso. " Get ma man's dick wet ".
See ?extra...
But if Kakucho could say anything, he would probably talk about how cute you were, with that heat rising to your cheeks.
After the awkward uncle Sam ( aka Ran) left both of you alone, you've been finally able to find back your words. Kakucho seemed dry on his edges, but he actually just needed some few laughter from you to relax, taking part in the conversation.
At some point, it was always about inches. Just one more, just a little more. Between your two faces, your hands brushing against each other, pair of eyes locking, time stops, blurs, and suddenly you're in his lap, sharing breath.
-" Just lemme do it" you whispered against his cheeks, he found it funny, your smaller hands trying to pin his bigger ones above his head.
And you kissed, oh god you kissed, as if you had loved him a thousand lifetimes ago. Kakucho's breath hitched like a teenager, as you kissed every inch of his face, every scar, and your mouth fell around his pectorals.
-" Shit, keep rubbing on my cock, angel " he grunt from under you, trying desperately just not to pin you down on the bed and fuck you relentlessly.
Sun rises, nights turned into lazy mornings, and those ones left place to movie nights, to breakfasts and cuddles, he liked for your laughter to fill his big for nothing house.
Now, Kakucho knows it's probably just a role you're playing, for the pretty dresses he'd leave for you on his bed, for the dinners in fancy restaurants, and for your loans that left by the window as soon as he stepped in your life.
But he also knew your whispered "pretty boy" while kissing every flaw of him, he knew the erratic heart beats of yours when his head would lay on your chest.
And everytime he promises he's not falling.
Tearing his eyes away from your ravishing sight, twisting in your bedsheets, standing next to you with a hand in your hair. He swears it's the last time. It's all about money, all about sex.
But the sun sets, and in his living room, you'd be glowing incandescent. A heart robbing smile.
-" missed you daddy " you'd greet, standing up, eyes making love to him before your lips even could.
He's not gonna fall, " it would be fucked up to fall", he tells himself.
Then you're grabbing his calloused hand in yours, intertwining your fingers together, and he finds himself staring at both your hands, fire rising in his guts as you drag him toward the bedroom. You fail to hear him mutter.
-"... I'm fucked up... "
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𝑲𝒐𝒌𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒊 𝑯𝒂𝒋𝒊𝒎𝒆 : ( Bonten TL)
At some point, Kokonoi think he hadn't known anything else than those sugar daddy/sugar baby relationships.
He considered his time too precious to lose on building a strong, healthy relationship. Those things take time, and that he had not.
Now sure he would sometimes think about something... More true, something not hanging on his black card. But years pass by,paperwork piles up on his desk, and finding true love is just... Something for another day.
Kokonoi watches with amusement your eyes widening, he thinks it is somehow cute that your face was so easy to read. The room was bigger than any place you have ever been, the ladies and gentlemen wore dresses and suits you've only seen in the most marvellous fairytales.
And he thinks, by the way, you should not even be amazed by that, considering how the dress he brought you makes you look, considering what you make his body feel.
Somehow, everyone either smiled or bowed at you, some kind of respect you never thought would be directed toward you. Important figures and influencing men and women surrounded you from everywhere, the ballroom giving the impression of a whole royalty around you restricted your breath.
-" I don't think... I don't belong here " your eyes found his in a panicked expression, your new customer tightened his arm around your waist, leaning slightly toward you to brush his lips against your ear.
-" it's part of the deal, princess. You need some money, and i need something pretty on my arm for the night " he flashes a grin that, along with his words, makes your eye color deepen. Something pretty to show off... His words manage to drown your previous anxiety under a raging fire.
Right, if that's what he wants.
And he must admit, you behaved pretty well that night. Politely greeting everyone coming toward you two, throwing stunning smiles and laughing at unfunny jokes. For a first time, he was proud you did it like a boss.
Just as he was thinking you were taking too long in the restroom, his phone rang with the sound of a text he just received. He excused himself toward some business partners and as soon as he opened the said text, his hand froze on the phone.
His eyes silently stared at your right arm, holding your naked tits while the left one held the phone. The way the nude was taken was almost artistic, he almost wouldn't have recognized the backseat of his Aston Martin. Damn, he didn't even felt your hand in his pocket stealing his keys.
As much as he tried to ignore that blaze taking place in his lower abs, he could not ignore the next texts coming again and again. Your thighs, your lips, then your pussy spread on his backseat, as if the glistening was calling for him.
- " Just... Fuck, keep doing this, need this. Need this so fucking much... "
He was a moaning mess on the driver's seat, silver strands falling around his handsome, thrown back face whilst his hand was buried deep in your hair.
Your eyes never left his once, as you were taking his length even deeper. And honestly he wondered how you still didn't choked around him, but everytime your tongue rolls over his tip, purposely hollowing your cheeks, this man loses a new spark of sanity.
With a loud pop, you let go of his shaft and he was about to complain, yet his eyes fell on your pretty face, glossy wet lips and teary doe eyes, he's left speechless for the first time.
-" What a shame, the classy, sassy Kokonoi Hajime, doing such a thing in his car... "
Honey coated voice dripping poisoned proses, he was mesmerized by the fierce look on your eyes, and soon breathed a heavy grunt when you took his dick in your smaller hands.
-" what would these aristocrats say if they saw you... Hm ? " You asked, making him buckle his hips in your hands when your thumb ran over his tip.
-" Stop the tease or I fucking swear-"
-" If they saw your pretty thing sucking you like a damn cock slut ?"
Pathetic, it felt so bad to feel so good.
-" love, for fuck's sake... "
Your dirty sinful words wrapped in a kiss on his tip almost brought him to his peak. Koko knows you're enjoying it, having the big, infamous Hajime Kokonoi panting between your hands, so messy, almost pathetic... A whining man.
-" Go ahead, tell me what you need. Daddy, tell your good girl what you want her to do with your pretty cock "
On your knees for him, you rest your chin on his naked thigh, giving a loving stare that he sincerely hopes won't be engraved in the thin walls of his mind for a whole lifetime.
And as Koko watches you, the beautiful stranger that got a man as important as him playing Russian roulette with his reputation, risking getting caught in such a position anytime-
He thinks he might need to call you back.
His hand tightens around your hair, bringing your mouth closer to his tip.
-" Then show daddy how fucking good you can really take dick".
He thinks the other day might have finally came.
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𝑾𝒂𝒌𝒂𝒔𝒂 𝑰𝒎𝒂𝒖𝒔𝒉𝒊 : (OG timeline)
Why would he even need such an app ? He has ladies, come on-
-" Don't go crying o'mme now, you were begging for my dick, better take it like a bitch".
Or maybe he does ?
His sharp edges might appear mysterious, appealing, yet the girls he "dated " always seemed to somehow end up offended by his rough, careless manners.
And he truly thinks Takeomi's idea is pathetic, why would he need such an app ? And dating younger girls, in addition, he knows he's so gonna wreck them...
-" Hi, are you Wakasa-kun ?"
Leaning on the doorframe, he throws away his cigarette, judgmental stare on you. You do fail to notice the interest sparkling there.
Frail, cheerful, goody-goody look, it's gonna be funny watching that one run away scared, he thinks.
-" am I scaring you, angel ?" His deep voice asks, followed by the sound of the ties he wrapped around your wrists all to the bedframe. Something in his chest lights up at the sight of your little smile while you shake your head from left to right. Wakasa realizes there, he truly wants you, your hesitant moves but constant eyes, your trembling lips and confident smile, your hell of a curves and angelic face, standing on the threshold of hell, ready to dance with the devil.
Swimming in an ocean of lust, drowning almost, though he was the one riding, Wakasa threw his head back, breathless.
-" Fuck, now you clenchin' so damn tight on me... Think i'm obsessed with this pussy. You good baby ? You with me ?"
He could think the rough pace his hips set up would've sent you to overdrive, he could think the ties leaving red marks on your wrists, or the bruising grip of his hands around your waist would've scared you away, but-
-" 'm so close... Don't you stop, daddy, give it to me, I... I need it !"
His pupils in the dark dilated, biting his lip, Waka' grabbed your hair to pull your face up, closer to his, roughly claiming your lips until he needs to inhale.
-" You sure 'bout that, princess ? Want me to go all in ? To dick you dumb on my cock ? " He teases, rolling his hips to give you some friction. He didn't miss how tightly you pull on your ties, desperately chasing more, leaking on him, a low chuckle leaves his pretty lips. " So messy... Such a good slut, where have you been all this fuckin' time ?"
Now that he knows someone down there would take him raw, that someone wants his unhinged side, he truly goes all in.
Wakasa gives you his deepest thrusts, his meanest words, most passionate kisses, and have you squirming and tightening around his length until you're coming undone with him, both collapsing on each other, panting, absent mindedly staring at each other's soul.
You don't know what's next, and he doesn't remember the last time he did it, yet after undoing your ties, his calloused fingers fly to your sweaty forehead, brushing your hair locks away from your eyes.
-" lemme keep looking at this pretty face" he whispers against your lips, pressing his body to yours and sighing.
Yes, Wakasa Imaushi is what you could call a freak. But once the monster finds someone to share his nights with, he also shares his morning glory...
You gasp, feeling yourself being lifted from the bed into his strong toned arms. Wakasa holds you in, princess-like while taking the bathroom's direction, you stare at him, questioning.
-" What's in it for you ?" You tilted your head to the side questioningly after he gently-almost too gently for Wakasa Imaushi- placed your body in the bathtub and started running some warm water for you.
-" Hm ?" He feigns ignorance, eyes focused on something else.
-" I mean, I'm payed for this. You paid me, you don't have to do any of this, customers usually don't-"
And suddenly, you can't talk anymore, your face being cupped in his big hand, you look at him surprised, big eyes into his as he's smirking, leaning toward you.
-" Shhh, I know, i know, princess. " His finger gently rubs your lower lip, lavender gaze trailing on them before coming back to your eyes, a serious expression on his face. " But you did so good to me, lemme make it right, yeah ? Daddy's gonna heal your bruises ".
That night, and another, and a thousand other butterflies in your tummy, you discover, and Wakasa too, that a freak, a mean dom, such an unhinged monster can with the kiss of his princess turn into a king, an aftercare king.
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suzuran777 · 1 year
Nitro Chiral April Fools’, 2005 - 2021
Nitro Chiral recently announced that they will probably not create any new content for April Fools’ in the future. I remember really looking forward to this every year, so I was a bit sad to hear that...! They mentioned that they might change this decision again some day, so we will just have to wait and see... To remember all of the fun jokes they’ve created throughout the years I wanted to make a fun compilation of all their previous April Fools’ jokes (or at least the ones I remember and took screenshots of). Maybe someone already posted something similar, but I had a lot of fun looking at these old pictures again! 
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2005 Togainu no Chi 'Vischio Jack'. This was just one month after Togainu no Chi was released! Nitro Chiral’s website was filled with Arbitro’s hobbies. He announced that the next game will be called ‘Makeinu no Chi’ which means ‘blood of the losers’... The new main visual also shows all of them bleeding from their noses lol.
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Some interesting new items... the Shiki body pillow?
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2006 A year later Arbitro hijacked the official website once more and comments on each Lamento character. He seems to be a fan of Konoe but the others aren't his type... This blog describes it in greater detail (Japanese only). Second part of the website teases the Togainu no Chi fighting game (咎狗の血 餓狗 Mark of the Dogs). I kind of wish they really made this game because the description of it sounds fun.
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2007 Lamento Love Love Gakuen, which was later made into a real drama CD also started as an April Fools' joke! Asato is Konoe’s childhood friend in this, Rai the student council president and Bardo’s a health education teacher. 
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You can still listen to some of the audio clips from the original page here! The plot doesn’t seem much different than the real drama CD they ended up making later. 
2009 Nitro Chiral mentioned they couldn’t do anything for April Fools’ 2008, but they were back in 2009 with..one of the weirder ones. They posted a teaser of their new game, ‘Sweet Potchari’ which literally means ‘sweet chubby’ and as the name suggests, they posted art of all of the sweet pool characters, but this time they’re chubby.
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You could check the profile description of each character and Kunihito’s description mentions that he’s very charming and “both men and women love him” lol. I unfortunately don’t have any high quality versions of these wallpapers anymore. Someone also recorded the voice lines, though listen to it at your own risk.
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2010 This time Nitro Chiral announces a new project called 'YO! Akira'. It’s Togainu no Chi except all of the characters are replaced by mannequins and they’re kinda terrifying. They made videos in which they re-created part of the opening and the game, which someone actually saved and uploaded, so you can still watch it here...! The whole thing is a parody of Japanese sketch comedy series 'Oh! Mikey!!' which focuses on an American family living in Japan, but all the characters are played by mannequins.
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This blog has some more pictures of what the website looked like. The day after this Nitro Chiral made a blog post about maybe spending too much time creating these April Fools’ jokes, but it seems like they had fun! They also had no idea what to do with the mannequins after this.
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2012 I think they skipped 2011 because I cannot find any information about it, so let’s move on to 2012! Arbitro took over the Nitro+Chiral website again and changed it to Bitro+Chiral...
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You could play this short visual novel on the website in which Arbitro introduced his new product line-up. A hataki (feather duster) shaped like Konoe’s tail, a life-sized Akira statue made of chocolate, Onnushi-sama's curry, and blue butter which is supposed to decrease you appetite so you don't have to eat anymore. After looking at these last two pictures I think I don’t feel hungry anymore...
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This is also the year DRAMAtical Murder was released, so they changed the website too! Now it’s DRAMAtical Mother, which is of course referencing the Mother series (Earthbound). You can find some more screenshots and information here.
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Aoba got his own Twitter account too this year, which someone also archived here! The Twitter account actually still exists but I believe they locked it after April Fools’ ended. 
2013 This year they focused on DRAMAtical Murder too! They transformed the website into Junkshop Heibon's webstore (the store Aoba works at in the game). It feels kind of nostalgic... 
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That same year they also released a radio show in which Aoba and Mizuki work for Midorijima Radio Station. They invite Koujaku, Noiz, Clear, and Mink as special guests. This has been uploaded and fan translated, so I definitely recommend checking it out here! They also ended up selling this as a CD later.
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2014 This is one I remember very well because I remember playing the short game they released. It's called ‘Osu-Boys!! ~Ikemen Ryoujoku ☆ Paradise~’ and it's a short visual novel which features the four protagonists, except they're all really clumsy and end up in some really embarrassing situations... I am guessing the artstyle is supposed to be similar to KyoAni’s Free! anime.
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I don’t think I can show the full pictures here because the CGs of this game are quite NSFW, but you can probably still find them somewhere online. Aoba worked at an adult goods shop in this game though, nice new job (?). Unlike the browser games, this one could be downloaded, so some people probably still have it.
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2015 Arbitro once again returns and opens his own 'hentai' museum.... yeah. Someone uploaded the theme song they made for the website, you can find it here. I believe it’s supposed to be a parody of ‘Atami Hihokan’ (an adult museum).
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The website shows a map of the museum and its facilities, some more pictures can be found here. I think the art of the mascots is pretty cute this time...
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You could also play this minigame on the website which also featured the four protagonists. There’s still a video of someone playing through the game, so definitely check it out if you’re interested. The artstyle has a bit of a retro feel.
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2016 This year the website turned into the 'Raira-ryuu honpo' official homepage, an art school that specializes in the traditional art of ...boys love. All of the characters are drawn like famous Ukiyo-e paintings.
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All of the ones above are Tōshūsai Sharaku paintings, so it was pretty easy to find which ones they were referencing!
They also re-drew all of the game covers too and the descriptions of the games were pretty funny. Midorijima was transformed into a big red-light district and the people who lived there were kicked out and are now living in poverty. I hope you’re surviving, Aoba...
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This time there was also a flash game which could be played on the website, a shunga (erotic painting) puzzle. You can find all of these pictures here. Like the previous year they are heavily censored and not really NSFW. 
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2017 This time the April Fools’ joke is a parody of 'The World of GOLDEN EGGS', a Japanese animation series set in an American-style fictional town, except this time it’s called ‘BOYs LOVE Nitro+CHiRAL’. I’m assuming most people who have been in the fandom for some time remember this one. They created a short YouTube video series and it had English subs. You can still find the videos if you look for them on YouTube so please watch them...! It’s all worth it for Konoe singing ‘I’m in Blue’ and the Rhyme fight.
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Youji is always the victim of these awkward conversations... Some more pictures here! You can find the YouTube videos by just searching for the title of the series mentioned above.
2019 After 2017 they stopped updating their website on April Fools’, probably because they were busy working on Slow Damage, but in 2019 they did post some extra illustrations. Not the most happy kind of illustrations, featuring the protagonists and Naito-kun apologizing because they couldn’t do anything for April Fools’ that year...
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2021 Unfortunately this is the last one! 2021 is the year Slow Damage was released, so it makes sense the final April Fools' joke focuses on them. It's called 'Warau Euphoria', which means ‘laughing euphoria’. It’s a reference to Japanese series 'The Laughing Salesman', so they're also drawn in a similar artstyle. 
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The website has a warning that you need to be over 35 years old to enter instead of the usual 18+ warning lol. They also got Towa’s voice actor to record a couple of new lines on the webpage, if you click here you can still listen to a recording of it.
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I’m a bit sad they might not do any of this stuff anymore in the future, but I’m also glad many people recorded videos of the old websites and minigames so we can still enjoy them even now. I couldn’t include every single screenshot in this blog post, so I tried my best to link other pages with more information.
I had a lot of fun checking out their website every year and I really appreciate the effort they put into all of this. I might update this blog with some additional info later!
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flwoie · 4 months
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☆ when vandalizing your seat by writing how you’re done with love creates more vandalism by a response the next day in blue sharpie.
STARRING ≻ schoolmate! leehan x gn! reader (guest star : danielle of nwjns) GENRE ≻ romcom small angst hs au heavily inspired by that one scene from ‘para sa hopeless romantic' (PLEASE U GUYS SHOULD WATCH IT, ITS SO GOOD) CONTAINS ≻ vandalism (duh) so many timestamps and im sorry abt it WORD COUNT ≻ 682 (not proofread im sorry i gave up on using grammar checkers)
🗯️ sona's back with the weird ass titles??? dont know a slick about bnd but here i am. hope you’ll like this anon 😊
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You're done with love.
This is the fourth time you've gone on a date with some weird guy. They keep getting worse every time. Your first date couldn't stop talking and not letting you say a word, followed by your second one, who didn't want to pay for his food, and your third one, well, he couldn't stop calling you insecure—when you weren't. If your friend sets you up on another one, you might as well just go for the first one.
She shows you Instagram profiles of other boys who find you interesting—from what she's heard by others. You interrupt her and slightly push her phone away from your face.
"Y/N, trust me, they're not going to be as bad as the others!" She urges.
"You said that last time. I'm done, Danielle." You clicked on the top of your pen and started jotting words down on your wooden desk.
You pointed out your writing on the table to Danielle, making her roll her eyes.
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'Wow, emo. Are you heartbroken?'
Those were the words that were written below yours in blue sharpie when you walked into class the next day. You pulled out a pen and wrote down your response next to theirs.
'Not really. Men just irritate me. Speaking of which, are you a guy?'
Danielle walks in and sits next to you, observing that you're not only writing on your table but also smiling ear to ear.
"What's got you smiling now?"
"Look," you say, tapping on the ink engraved on the table, "someone replied to my vandal." She leans in to read your messages.
"Very modern," she sarcastically remarks. "Who knows, that could be the love of your life."
"You're crazy. What 'love of my life' are you talking about? We don't even know anything about them."
She nudges your arm after she puts her notebooks on her desk. "But, Y/N, admit it. You're excited," she teases.
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Leehan eagerly walks into class as it is about to start and quickly sits down in his seat to look at your response. He grins and looks around to see if any of his classmates saw him.
He waited for everyone to leave after his class ended. His friend urges him to leave with him so they'll do their project, but all he replies is that he'll follow along. As his friend left, he popped off the cap of his sharpie and replied to your message.
'Not all men, I'm different from them.'
You looked at the message and started writing your response as you waited for your teacher to start class.
"What if we skipped our next class? So we can see who's answering your messages," Danielle suggests.
"No way. We're going to be absent from our next class just because you're curious about who's answering."
"Nuh uh, it's for love."
From there, your conversations continued, with more of yours and his other friends being invested in this so-called love series.
'So you're a guy. Well, I hope you're different from them.'
'Hah! I'm a good boy :)'
'Really now?'
Danielle grabs your pen right after you finish writing, continuing your message with her writing.
'Really now? Do you have a girlfriend?'
'Nope. I don't think anyone would want to date me. What about you?'
She squeals at his response, lightly pushing you back and forth. "He's single, Y/N, he's single!" You scoff and ignore her antics.
'Me neither. My friend won't stop setting me up on dates.'
Leehan hasn't replied to your message since. He's afraid that this might be his last chance at love. He's been rejected by so many girls, all for the same reason.
He just wasn't good enough.
You thought the conversation ended there. It's been days since you last wrote that, and the ink is starting to fade. Danielle lost hope as well until the end of the week.
'Maybe she can set us up together?'
"Hurry up and ask for his name. I might know him!" she exclaims as you quickly write an answer.
'I'd love that. I'm Y/N.'
'Leehan :)'
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ponderingmoonlight · 4 months
Thank you to everyone who supported my blog in 2023 🤍
I can't put into words how much I love every single one of you for your support. No matter if you like one fic of mine or my whole blog, no matter if you write me anon or leave a comment. Let me tell you that I appreciate every minor interaction with the stuff I create over here 🤍
When I started this blog in September (I think lol) I was so scared of sharing my thoughts. But you were supportive right from the start, encouraging me to follow my ideas even in times I didn't feel like it. You might not even know how much you helped me through dark times, how much your constant support lifted me up and helped me getting over the shit that happened 2023 (like Shibuya damn). You have become such an important variable in my life that this blog is literally like a baby to me 😭
Thank you for sticking with me through 2023. I hope you'll stay in the new year as well 🤍
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Also, I'd like to take this moment to pay a special thanks to my lovely moots:
@belovedvamp I know we basically just started talking, but you seem like such a fun person and I totally relate to your Yuta affection lol. Thank you for supporting my works through your constant likes, comments, reblogs and requests. I hope we'll stay in touch this new year 🤍
@risuola you are such a sweetheart. Not only is your writing chef's kiss and you were one of my first ever obsessions here on Tumblr (you are still lol), but you make me laugh and cry like no other. You literally seem like such a fun person and put a smile of my face the second you post. Please keep up being so damn cool and please NEVER stop writing those amazing fanfics 🤍
@kawaiiakamaru we aren't moots for that long but you are supporting me for so long. Just seeing a comment or a blog entry from you makes me happy, as well as your cute profile pic (please never change it hehe). Your first ever fic was absolutely amazing, please keep up the good work and make sure to tag me in your new fics of this year 🤍
@sorrowfulrosebud it's funny how we met through that dang annoying anon who still keeps bugging you lol. In some kind of way, I'm actually thankful for them. Not because of the nonsense they are getting on your nerves with, but because I got to get in touch with your wonderful blog. You are funny, you seem passionate and are so talented like it's absolutely insane! I hope you finally get to live in peace on your blog and continue blessing my timeline 🤍
@ynackerman9499 first of all let me tell you how absolutely sorry I am for not publishing any of your requests recently. They're all so good I literally don't know where to start 😭 you are such a sweet person, our little talk made me giggle the entire time and I love that we basically have the same taste in anime and anime men hehe. Thank you for supporting my blog and especially looking out for me the whole time, I hope we'll talk again soon 🤍
@sitarawrites you actually were one of my first moots over here and our conversations were priceless. I was so happy when you finally decided to share your great works with us! You are truly such a talented writer who makes us feel the emotions of our favorite jjk characters like none other. Also, I love that you are a badass bitch who takes no shit from others. You are actually my example when it comes to badass characters 😭 I wish you all the best and hope that you get the love, appreciation and clamness you deserve in 2024 🤍
@sunshine7queen you are my no 1 supporter since day one and I love you from the bottom of my heart for it 😭 Everytime I open up my tumblr and see that you left a comment under my works (like you literally always do), I get excited immediately, like why is it so fun to chat with you. Also, you share the greatest treasures when it comes to cool artwork or other fics: you're my greatest source for great content over here! Let me thank you for every comment, every like and every reblog and how you always make me feel good about myself. You are a true sweetheart, stay the way you are and have the lovliest new year 🤍
@wifenanami your obsession for Nanami is just as great as mine and I love you for it. But not only that, you are my number one when it comes to Nanami requests and therefore fics on this blog. Literally half of my Nanami fics exist because of your great request that make me laugh and warm my heart while shattering it and making me cry. Also, your artwork is way too good for this world. Sometimes I go through my requests just to see your pics 😭 Thank you for making my 2023 better with your comments, your aesthetic blog and your request. I hope you're sticking with me through 2024 as well 🤍
@selen1um-hexafluoride you are such a funny person, your blog entries made my day so often that I lost count. Let me tell you that your unnecessary opinions definetely matter to me and that I enjoy every single one of them. You write your hcs like a pro, I literally can't wait to see more of you. Please don't stop writing and make sure to tag me in your works (when you find out how hehe) 🤍
@sanicsmut girl, you're the love of my life. Seriously, since that day you decided to comment under my first ever Choso works you've been by my side and supported my works even though they didn't have your favorites (=Choso and Hiromi lol) in them. Even though we don't chat that often, I love your lil comments under my shitpostings as well as I love to see what's going on over there on your blog. You seem like such a funny talented person it's seriously unfair 😭 Also, see this as a petition for you to post more artwork of yours because it's GORGEOUS! Love ya, thank you for all the support and let me see you again this year 🤍
@lees-chaotic-brain oh Petra, you are such a sweet, passionately and badass chick it makes me all emotional. You were my first moot over there and stuck with me ever since. Even though we didn't talk much these last weeks because we're both pretty stressed, I still adore you and our conversations with all my heart. You are such a strong person, going through all this hate of last year with confidence, not letting anyone getting you down that you have been a true example for me. Despite all the things you've been through, despite all the shit you have to endure, you're still so fucking strong and I truly admire you for it! Also, you are one of my all time favorite writers here on Tumblr - no one does it like you! Let me take this opportunity to thank you. Thank you for being my first ever moot, thank you for listening when nobody else did, thank you for the amazing content you gift us with. I'm so glad I met you and I am beyond glad that you are the person that you are. Let nobody ever take your spark away from you (and I publicy promise to finally get your request done) 🤍
@lizziespoem we didn't hear much from each other the last few weeks, but let me tell you how proud I am that you're looking out for yourself and that you put yourself first. Even though I miss your gorgeous fanfics and to just talk to you, I hope with all my heart that you are doing well my german tumblr bestie (melde dich gerne mal wenn du Zeit und Lust hast) 🤍
@hitori979 you're truly making me emotional. You have to be one of the few people who supported me from day one. Your endless comments, you defending me, you liking my whole stuff. Like...I can't even put into words how much you mean to me. I know how busy you are and that you rarely find the time to scroll through Tumblr and get in touch with my works, but you always make sure that I feel appreciated. Even though you don't even know me (and how I just realized I don't even know your name) you check on me from time to time and cheer me up when I feel down. I love our little conversations about jjk manga, I love your opinion on basically EVERYTHING and I love how geniuely funny you are. Let me tell you that your support means the world to me and that I get excited just when reading your blog name. Let me tell you that your ideas inspire me and are actually the source of like half of my best works! You seem like such a smart and empathic person. I really hope the new year brings you less work stress and all the things you ever wish for. You deserve the world, love. And I will be forever thankful for you finding my blog and deciding to support me through everything 🤍
@lavenderdrxp thank you thank you thank you for your likes, reblogs and comments. I loved our lil chitchat and actually enjoyed chatting with you so much that I hope we'll be able to do it anytime soon again 😭 Also, let me promise you that I'll publish your request this year hehe. Have the happiest new year with new episodes of our favorite anime coming soon 🤍
Okay, now I'm crying a lil on my own. Just...thank y'all. Have the nicest 2024 ever 😭
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Sugar and Spice : Chapter 12
Word Count : 1.7k
Warnings : swearing, alcohol, clubbing, cheating, possessiveness, stalking, mentions of divorce, mentions of manipulation
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          He stares at the divorce papers on his desk, his name signed at the bottom. Then he thought about the girl sleeping upstairs unaware to his disappearing feelings. So hopelessly in love, so naïve to the fact that he’s slipping away and there’s nothing she can do. Hurting her was the last thing he wanted to do. Minho from a year ago couldn’t even fathom leaving his high school sweetheart. He was so sure she was his everything.
            One nasty fight later and he was signing up for the site Changbin showed him weeks before. He knew that getting a sugar baby wasn’t going to solve anything, it wouldn’t fix his marriage, but he never expected it would end it completely.
            He scrolled through the endless profiles, none of them piquing his interest. It calmed his heart, made him feel like he was right in thinking that Mi-sun was the one for him. He was ready to delete his profile, pretend he never created it in the first place, and apologize to his beautiful wife. But then he saw her. Standing in front of the mirror in all her glory, the most stunning woman he had ever seen. And he was messaging her before he could stop himself.
            She was just a sugar baby to him at first. Someone to turn to for attention when his marriage was at its worst. When him and Mi-sun were at each other’s throats, unable to speak without arguing. But soon he found himself turning to her even when things were good at home. Asking to see her when he should have been heading home to his wife. Because whenever he was with her, it was like Mi-sun didn’t exist.
            It was wrong, he knew that. But he couldn’t stop himself. She was a drug and he was an addict. Being with her was a need, something he craved every single day. Even when he was home with his wife. He could barely look at her, knowing that if she knew the truth, it would kill her. But after some time, he stopped caring. He couldn’t for the life of him place the moment he fell in love, but he knew that he did.
            And he’s messing it up by being too scared to tell his wife he didn’t love her anymore. He didn’t even need to mention Y/n or his ongoing affair. Falling out of love was reason enough for divorce, and he didn’t want to string her along any longer. He wanted to let her go, allow her to find someone that could love her the way he loves Y/n. The way he used to love her.
            She was thankful for Hyunjin. He always knew what she needed, knew how to get her out of her head before she spiralled too far into the deep end. He would run to her side no matter what, no questions asked. Hyunjin was her rock, her safe space, her soulmate.
            “Let’s forget about both of them and just enjoy tonight.” He said as he poured them another drink. She was still getting ready when he showed up, wanting to look hot enough to make Minho regret not leaving his wife, hot enough to make Cheol regret the words he said. “We’ll find you someone new if we have to. Someone better.” He handed her the drink he made, holding his out for her to cheers. She gave him a soft smile.
            “I don’t need someone new when I have you, Jinnie.” He pressed a kiss to her forehead, telling her that he’s ready to run away and elope whenever she wants. “Don’t say things you don’t mean because I just might take you up on that.” They both shared a laugh before clinking their cups together and gulping their drinks down. “Let’s get out of here.”
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            Hate was a strong word. He knew it the second he said it that he didn’t mean it. How could he hate her when he loved her so much? Joshua understood the feeling. The want to hate her but being unable to. As if she put them under a spell they just couldn’t break.
            No matter what she does, no matter the pain she puts him through, he just can’t bring himself to hate her. It was a curse and a blessing. A curse because he knows she doesn’t love him. She fell in love with someone else despite his best efforts. A curse because he tried to move on, tried to get back into the dating game, but he compared every potential date to her, and none of them measured up. A curse because he stayed loyal to a girl that wasn’t even his.
            But it was a blessing because she was so beautiful. So beautifully naïve. So easily manipulated. She tried to be heartless, tried to keep everyone at an arms length, but she was too trusting. Her heart was too big, she had too much love to give. She hurt him, but he knows she’d do everything she could to make it up to him.
            It was a blessing because he knew how to get into her head, make her doubt the things around her. Make her doubt everything but him. He was the only person who would never lie to her. He was open and honest with her, and he knows she knows that.
            It was a blessing because he knew exactly where she would go the second she doubted everything. He knew she’d run to Hyunjin and he’d run to her side and whisk her off to their favourite club. The same club Cheol introduced them to when they were together.
            It was a blessing because he knew she would be drunk before she even arrived. And drunk Y/n is clingy and affectionate. And he would be right there for her to cling onto. He would listen to her complain about whatever and whoever. He would wipe away her tears. And he would love her more than anyone else ever could.
            Right on time he saw Y/n stumble in with Hyunjin, a wide smile on her face as Hyunjin struggled to hold her up. Her eyes landed on him and her entire face lit up like a kid on Christmas. “Cheolie! You’re here!” She pulled herself out of Hyunjin’s grip and ran to him, wrapping herself around him. “I’m so happy to see you.”
            “Y/n, I should apologize for what I said. It was uncalled for.” She shook her head before he could continue the apology he practiced for an hour in the mirror.
            “Don’t apologize, Cheolie. You had every right to say what you did. I treated you horribly.” She pouted at him. And if Hyunjin wasn’t just feet away, he would have risked it all and kissed it away. He would kiss her a million times and tell her he loved her twice as much.
            “I don’t think Hyunjin feels the same way you do.” He chuckled, motioning towards her best friends glaring at him with a scowl on his face. It would be obvious to anyone that Hyunjin wasn’t fond of Seungcheol. He had his reasons, all stemming from the toxic sugar daddy/sugar baby relationship he had with Y/n.
            Hyunjin noticed all the things that Y/n didn’t. She was too naïve, too blind to notice all the red flags that should have sent her running in the opposite direction. She was too smitten with Cheol’s best friend to notice the possessive nature Cheol possessed.
            “Jinnie it’s okay. Cheol is a good guy, I promise.” Hyunjin wanted to argue that. He wanted to point out all the things that he used to do, but she seemed so happy wrapped around him. As if she wasn’t spiralling just minutes before. Her eyes were sparkling, her face glowing. The hurt Minho had given her completely washed away, and the reason was Cheol.
            “Let me buy you guys a drink, hmm? No ulterior motives. Just want to have a good night with some friends.” Cheol offered, and it was an offer Hyunjin couldn’t refuse. His scowl was quickly replaced with a smile as the three headed for the bar together.
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            “Thanks for tonight hyung.” Hyunjin slurred slightly as held Y/n up outside Cheol’s car. She was smiling, giggling, and Hyunjin felt grateful that Seungcheol was there to bring her smile back when she felt like she was sinking. “She was a mess before we met up with you.”
            “I would do anything for her, Hyunjin. Even if all I’ll ever be is just a friend.” Hyunjin looked at the way Cheol looked at her, seeing all the love and care he held in his eyes. He saw the way she smiled at him, letting go of Hyunjin to wrap herself around Cheol once again.
            “I really have missed you, Cheolie.”
            “I missed you too, love. But you should go with Hyunjin and get some sleep, okay? I’ll text you tomorrow.” She pulled away from the hug slightly to meet his eyes.
            “Promise.” She smiled before pressing a quick kiss to his cheek and then stumbled back into Hyunjin’s arms. Seungmin was already opening the door before the two could make it up the stairs, Jeongin right behind him holding out his arms for Y/n. Hyunjin passed her to her sober roommates knowing they’d do better at getting her into bed than he would.
            “Hey hyung.” He called out for Cheol before he could get back in his car. “I don’t think you’ll ever be just a friend to her.” Cheol smiled, wished him a goodnight, and then drove away while Hyunjin stumbled into the house, deciding to crash on the couch instead of finding a way home.
            His words stuck with Seungcheol the entire way back home. Hyunjin was her best friend, he would know her better than anyone. So if he thinks Cheol still has a shot, then Cheol wouldn’t give up. Not when there’s still a game to play and a heart to be won.
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vidding · 4 months
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The first rule of the Rec Club is that you talk about VidRecs.com.
The second rule of the Rec Club is that you hit the reblog button "as hard as you can."
The third rule of the Rec Club is that if you become member you have to rec.
VidRecs.com is a fan created project one stop shop for all your vid recs. Yeah, I got the domain. The passion didn't stop there. Vid Recs deserve a better place than our selective memories and random bookmarks on the internet. "What kind of features should a site called VidRecs.com have?" Remember, you wanted this.
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A spot to put a blurb about why you recced/love the vid.
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The ability to rec vids with just the Video URL
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A profile page with my avatar and cover image
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Had enough? No?
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Still not impressed. Gee, you're a tough cookie
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It's nearing the end of the year. It's so easy to forget vids you've enjoyed without a reliable place not only to reference but also share them with others. This can be what you want it to be. The groundwork has been done and it's still a work in progress but a lot closer to the ideal than most. All that's missing is a whole bunch of people willing the rec things and the site. Yeah, go ahead and rec the site. 😀
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maleyanderecafe · 5 months
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The Yandere Angel is obsessed with a good-natured succubus (Oneshot)
Created by: aironiro
Genre: Smut
This one was really difficult to word properly and I'm not really sure why. It's not because of the angel and demon words that I don't know it's just kind of weirdly translated. That might be on my end because I finished this one while I was still sick. Hopefully it makes enough sense that it's still enjoyable though, I did like the backstory that the yandere had in this one. It's pretty interesting. If you are interested in a sequel, please donate to kofi.com/lovesicktranslation to fund it.
The story starts out with Lilith being recognized by her fellow succubus, Meribel, who hasn't seen her since the French Revolution. Meribel talks about how there's a corrupted angel attacking people, including the reaper, Yvette. While talking, Meribel is threatened by Cyril, the corrupted angel she was talking about, and Lilith is able to shoo her away. We see that Cyril has been chasing after Lilith for a while, to the point of attacking other Reaper. Cyril asks to have sex with Lilith, which she accepts because she it's kind of her nature, but is basically overwhelmed by it, something that she is confused and horrified by as Cyril ravishes her body. She passes out and recalls her first encounter with him, having gone to an orphanage to corrupt a priest, only to meet Cyril as a child. Cyril seems to be bullied at the orphanage, and Lilith defends him from spirits that want to take his pure soul away. She talks to him a bit, about how she's actually quite fond of humans. She remarks that because his soul is so pure, he will likely become an angel, and that the two will never meet again, and that even if they did, she would eat him. Lilith ends up waking up at her human friend Akari's place after having passed out. She's worried that Cyril might attack Akari and gets a note from Cyril on where to meet. Cyril upon meeting Lilith again, apologizes for what he's done, and states that he wants to be corrupted so that he can be with Lilith again. The two have sex again, and apparently the reason why Lilith feels so good while having sex with Cyril is because it's a taste of true love (?) something that succubus don't taste as they usually charm the people they're targeting. After all that, Lilith takes a liking to Cyril, even planning to allow him to meet and sort of make sure that he doesn't cause any problems.
I'm not super used to oneshot yandere smut splitting up the actual sex part into two sections, but this one does do that and it kept on throwing me for a loop while I was translating. Personally, I think the idea of a succubus feeling intense pleasure when they are actually loved seems kind of stupid, since I feel like there are people who do fall in love at first sight, so a succubus should be used to that type of feeling, or at least have experienced it once before. The lore of the angels and devils aren't made that clear in this story, which might be because this is part of a second series, with the first one introducing Togo and Akari. I guess it doesn't really need to be because it's a smut, but it does leave a lot to be desired. The most interesting part for me is the backstory, since we do get to see how and why Cyril became so obsessed with tracking her down, even if there is seemingly a weird age gap between them since I believe Lilith would have been around 200 years old when meeting Cyril who died at age 14 according to the end profiles (which is never mentioned at all in the story but alright).
Cyril as a yandere is pretty obsessive, having basically ignored the orders of god so much that his halo and wings ended up getting corrupted just so that he could track down Lilith, and even ended up attacking and wounding Yvette (who supposedly is difficult to kill) and nearly hurting Meribel had Lilith not stepped into saving him. He also seemed to have kept his virginity up to this point. I mean I am sort of glad they have a reason to why Cyril a virgin is able to make Lilith a succubus feel good, but it's still pretty stupid in my opinion. I still don't really get why Lilith ends up keeping Cyril at the end, but I guess it's better than letting a yandere angel run around for a bit. Always cool to see a yandere angel though since that's not something you'd normally see in this scenario. Yandere demons seem to be more common and for good reason.
Anyways, hopefully you enjoy this oneshot. The artwork in it is pretty loose so I could get away with the cleaning easier. The fonts kind of irked me because the original Chinese I was basing it off of uses way too many different fonts.
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feral4daryl · 7 months
people, we need to talk about something serious, please read this!
so, it has come to my attention that elo_bbh_fan on instagram has been posting the AI generated pics I made in the last few days. she's a big creator, with over 1690k followers and stealing from smaller creators like me.
I know this is controversial, and I am NOT one to take credit for something an AI did, so I'm really okay with people reposting or using my pics of Daryl for edits or stuff like that. but this is something else, this person is claiming to have spent HOURS editing those pictures when I made them in SECONDS just by writing a prompt.
this is REALLY ridiculous. and when i commented on their post on ig, they simply blocked me. they even put a watermark on an AI GENERATED picture, I mean, how desperate for attention do you gotta be to do something like that??
they even said I stole them from their Facebook post (I'm not even on Facebook??)
i can prove I'm the one who made those pics. you can just look on my blog, you'll see I posted them along with many others, I've posted 30 until this moment.
here are the comments they deleted on ig (I'm butterflyboomx):
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this is their account, please report their profile and their posts:
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as you can see here they blocked me and deleted my comments and the ones calling them out (I created a new account from a different device so I could have access to their posts again):
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these are the posts, they posted it on their stories and on their feed, they're getting hundreds of likes:
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also, here's a screenshot of my other AI generated pics of Daryl that I made using bing!!! you can see the ones they posted claiming as theirs. I have many of those cuz I didn't even post em all:
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this is really serious matter. when I first started creating those pictures, I didn't intend to create any drama at all and I meant no harm, I really just wanted to have fun and share it with everybody else. so it really saddens me this person is claiming rights over something an AI did. it's such a shame and it's totally ridiculous. I might have to start adding a watermark to my pics, something I really didn't wanna do, but since it's being stolen then I really don't see I way out of this. if you read this to this point, thank you so much for listening to me! let's help create a better environment
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blueepink07 · 7 months
Thinking about this question addresed to Muu...
What's your dream for the future?
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Muu wanting to be a model herself it's not something very surprising, sure, especially considering that her mother was a model too.
What are the occupations of your family members?
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However I always wondered what kind of model she can be.
Fashion model industry has a requirement for heights. Usually, you need to be at least 170 cm (5'7") to be able to be a fashion model. Because of Kotoko's height and appearance, even Milgram describes her as having features that will make her a good model!
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In Japan, the height requirement is less strict, the minimum being 166 cm (5'6").
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However, Muu's official height is 162 cm (5'3"), so she doesn't fit the height requirements. And unfortunately for her, the chances of her becoming taller are low, because girls usually stop growing after 15 years old, Muu being older than that.
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So how did Muu receive scouting offers if she doesn't fit the requirements to be a fashion model? Well, simple, despite that I always viewed Muu as being a fashion lover, especially after trial 2, there are other types of modelling!
Fashion (Editorial) Model, Runway Model, Commercial Model, Fitness Model, Parts Model and many more! (if anyone is interested I'll put the link here!)
Based on these, Muu can be, most probably, a commercial model and parts model!
Commercial Models are not restricted by age, height, or size, while parts model basically means having body parts and facial features that make you stand out, usually used on editorial, advertising, and catalog work.
Muu has been complimented many times for her looks, even her profile states that she is very beautiful.
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But modelling is not just about being considered pretty, you need to have something that makes you stand out!
"Being a model isn't just about being “good looking” or “pretty.” There are a lot of beautiful people in the world. If you're serious about getting into modeling, it's important to have “a look.” There should be something unique about the way you look or the way you're built."
And Muu actually posses this feature!
In the first voice drama, Es is noticing her unusual and pretty face features.
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Based on this, we can say that Muu might be a perfect face model!
"Beauty modelling, also known as face modelling, is a category of modelling that takes place predominantly in the beauty industry – so skincare, make-up and cosmetics. Models regularly require extremely close-up photos of their faces, or parts of their faces, so it’s important beauty models are well-groomed and take care of their skin, hair and nails."
Healthy hair and clear skin
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Well-maintained nails
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"You need to learn how to move the tiny muscles in the face to create different expressions. Can you smile or laugh convincingly on demand? Can you look gloomy or thoughtful at a moment’s notice? If you have a natural poker face and struggle to control or show emotions, you’ll struggle being a beauty model."
Muu is very expressive when it comes to her emotions and feelings. If something bothers her, she will not hesitate to be blunt about it. An event that made her upset? She will show her sadness by crying, will be vocal about it. An action that made her happy? Her body language is easy to read and, with a confident and pretty smile, she'll show her cheerfulness!
Moreover, Muu is able to change her emotions very quickly and easily.
A good example is in her first voice drama, where Muu, after many minutes of crying, is changing her attitude in a few seconds, after seeing Es talking with Jackalope.
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So Muu can easily be a famous face model if she truly wants to!
Also, another interesting thing!
Muu is saying that her mother, who was once a model, is not active anymore.
"But while most female models are considered ready for retirement by the time they turn 25, males tend to start later and are more likely to make modeling a long-term career."
Although, 25 is not necessarily the age when female models have to retire, there being many exceptions, depending on how they maintain themselves, for Muu's mother it's very possible that she retired during that age!
If we take Muu's father age, based on this portal timeline conversation:
"Kazui: Hm? Ah…… Kusunoki-chan. Sorry for asking out of the blue, but how old is your father?
Mu: Eh…? Um… I think he’s 41…"
which is 41, and we consider that her mother is the same age, then, when Muu has been born she was 25 years old! The same age when most models retire! So Muu's mother most probably retired short after her daughter's birth!
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thebottomfromhell · 8 months
If requests are open how would the upper moons and enmu feel about a demon s/o whose blood demon art is all about plants like she can create poisonous ivy, long vines, grow trees to shield self from attacks etc.
What if y/n accidentally spawns a blue spiderlily after a near-death experience from an fight with a hashira?
I'm very sorry for how long it took me to do this one. For starters I didn't know well how to so it. First, it was a long ask for the number of characters it included but I am glad we finally include Enmu. Also, I couldn't dicede whenever I should make reader have Poison Ivy's personality or not, but to make it more relatable in the end I decided not to.
Also at first I was making the Hantengu clones separated but I wasn't convinced about how was going, so I erased those sketches and put them together in a way thag lets to the readers' interpretation who they are in a relationship with (the main body doesn't fight, so he isn't there). Also, I really tried to add Nakime, but it was inpossible to get her S/O in a near-death situation with her around.
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Uppermoons + Enmu reaction to GN Demon Reader with Poison Ivy's power s/o fighting Hashira (and basically yeeting themselves into Muzan's favorites, also no canon fights).
Warnings: Slight manga spoiler (Akaza), Mentioned cannibalism, Near death experience, Implied recreational drug use, Some uppermoons being condescending towards reader(most are mostly worried, though, but are aggresive and rude at showing it), Death of unamed Hashira, Open endings
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Enmu really admires your Blood Demon Art, he views it as a wonder, he adores everything you can do with it, and it has saved his life several times. He is not like the Uppermoons, after all, a fight with a Hashira is not something he can just call "my next meal", but something he would fear if it was not for his... passion towards death and suffering. This time the fight is become a lot more difficult than expected, and so he appreciates how you shield him with trees and vines, also the poisonous flowers... When they arrive. "Y/N, darling? It's not that I want to tell you how to use your demon art but, and the flowers?"
His demon blood is stronger, but not as fun as yours. He adores listening the slayers choking in your poison, crushed in your plants, burriend alive in your roots. Killing then while they sleep is not as fun as watching them squirm in pain and fear, and he loves you for it. "There is a weird plant in this area, it feels asleep. I want to wake it up. I can sense it, it's important." Your passion for plants is also amusing, but this is not the moment. But it all happens in a seconds, only by a few inches Enmu manages to save his neck to be cut completely as he falls into the floor, half-faking his death, trying to regenerate as the slayer goes to yours while you are distracted.
You trust Enmu, you know he can deal with the situation, but it didn't stop you to be afraid when you are face to face with a Hashira. Out of fear both your heartbeat and power rises as you feel everything in slow motion as the katana reaches your neck and your partner raises his hand "Sleep." And the slayer does, falling over some glowing blue flowers. You kneel to move the Hashira and see what type of flower might be.... a spider lily? But those are not blue, those are- "Y/N, you did a very good job." Suddenly his voice sounds in your head before doors upen on the floor you step in, making you fall as Enmu watches confused. "You have given me exactly what I wanted."
Daki likes your Demon Blood Art more than he does, she always asks you to make some pretty flowers so she can use them for decorations or to make crown flowers. Gyutaro, as always, as long as his sister is happy, he doesn't care. Where he and Daki live, though, it's not a handy ability, since the intention is to keep a low profile, and a tree suddenly growing in middle of a house is not... it would draw the attention of the slayers. "Oi, ne! I have already told you, stay out of the fight! Ne!" It's not like he can't fight them off alone, but no more than 21 Hashira in more than 100 years managed to find them, and you could easily raise that number to one Hashira per year. You still try to fight when Gyutaro tries to shove you to his sister, for you to keep each other safe. "Damn it, Gyutaro! Let me help!"
Daki complains as well, but unlike you, she actually does what her brother says. "Y/N! Are you an idiot?! What can you do to help onii-chan? He can beat any Hashira alone!" You already know this, by your knowledge there has been no Hashira able to defeat an Uppermoon, only other demons wanting to take said place. Gyutaro is the youngest Uppermoon with his sister, so he doesn't need you. That annoys you, you want to prove your worth to be with one of his favorites.
But again, you must also understand where he is coming from, you can't use anything bigger than flowers here, so you try to use poisonous small plants with spores to cut their breathing and kill them when they can't, but if other people inhale it and also die... it will also draw more attention. Here a woman dying or going missing once a week is not suspicious, here everyone competes for the job, clients dying do. There is no way around it, so you always trie to get something new. You can feel the next thing, it's something you have been trying to build, you know it's a flower, that it's not poisonous, and that it's powerful. You can sense that. "Y/N MOVE!" Too late, the blade of the Hashira's sword is already pressing against your neck. You close your eyes as it digs and bring up that flower, only to feel the blade stopping moving once it's halfway in, with the slayer sounding as if he choked.
"Are you ok?" Gyutaro asks, closer than he was before, and you open your eyes to see him with one of his sickle stabbing through the neck of the slayer. You can't help but feel a bit dissapointed, specially as you look at your feet and see only spider lilies, but... these one have something weird. Spider lilies tend to be red, there are some white ones, others pink... but these are blue. And not the pink with blue stricks that is very weird, but completely blue and glowing. "Y/N." You hear his voice in your head as the biwa cord resonates, changing your setting as Gyutaro calls you, being left behind. "You have done something wonderful." He seems pleased, but... what is going on? Why do you feel intimidated by that? "You have given me the blue spider lily."
Hashira are easy to deal with... for Gyokko, not for you. And while he likes your Blood Demon Art, he prefers to deal with the slayers by his own. Uppermoon Five, why would he need you to help him? Even now, it's not the case, so he is mostly amused of how you try to step into the fight and make yourself useful. "I'm not going to protect you, darling! So don't go dying on me!" He is joking... maybe. If he gets in the mood he will help you, if not, you're on your own. (And part of him wonders how a dying you would look that.) "I don't need you to protect me, Gyokko."
That was mostly out of pride, Gyokko has already faced 14 Hashira by his own, you have at most being able to interrupt their breathings styles. Still, you want to try something new today, there is a plant, a flower you have felt but haven't been able to summon. You can sense it, it's powerful, it's rare, it's something Gyokko will love. After all, even if you won't be feeding his ego by admitimg it, you are aware of the class difference between you two, and it makes you want to impress him. That is the only reason you are using trees to shield yourself of attacks to the neck, wood being cut like papers by the nichirin blade. "It's almost here..." you close your eyes to concentrate on the summoning, having already put distance and a barrier between the slayer and you.... it was a mistake. "Love, don't fall asleep! The Hashira is-"
You stop hearing Gyokko, even though you know he is still talking, everything has bacome slow as the slayer is suddenly right in front of you, katana going forward to your neck. You can basically feel the flowers blooming under your feet but you won't get to finish with them before you are decapitated. Then you feel a big hit that starts taking pieces of both yours and the Hashira's flesh. Ten Thousand Gliding Slime-Fish.... by the time you get put the attack range you are missing a forearm, bites of your legs and side of your face, the poison is painful and slows you down, but you'll live. You lament that you didn't even got to see the plants. "Didn't you say you would not protect me?" And before Gyokko can answer, a voice in your head does. "Y/N. I want you right here, right now. I think you have something I need." That... doesn't sounds good.
Hantengu Clones:
You really get the field messy, "Wow, that tree was so tall it almost hit me! So impressive, Y/N! Do it again!" Urogi and Karaku love it "C'mon Y/N! Give us something bigger! How about some drugs and poison to choke everyone here?", Sekido and Qizetsu would rather not have to deal with that when swords are pointed to their necks, even if they will survive it. "WHY AREN'T YOU TAKING CARE OF THE MAIN BODY?! AND YOU PAIR OF FREAKS STOP FOOLING AROUND!" Their opinions of your Demons Blood Art is as different as each other.
Sekido thinks it's useless, dislikes whenever you use it, whenever it's battle (it gets in his way and it's harder for him to act in a field that is constantly changing) or for fun. Karaku, on the other hand, always defends it, he likes the plants you can make and he is not going to deny abusing of certain leaves or flowers every once in a while. Urogi thinks it's fun, he loves how you can make the highests trees and the prettiest flowers, he likes to play with you using your powers (but it won't let him concentrate in battle). And Aizetsu... "How sad that we can't coordinate our abilities. But it would make me sadder if anything happened to you, so you should just do as Sekido says." .... is Aizetsu....
This is a pair of Hashira, each one with those sidekicks of them, something that surprised every demon in the battle, since they usually don't work in teams. The tsugukos have proven to take advantage of their masterd and play sneaky, managing to decapitate the clones several times while the Hashira attack by face and distract them. This has left Aizetsu and Sekido specially nervious, hence why the anger clone wants you and the main body as far away as possible. Karaku and Urogi trust that you will be fine with them around, and trust the use of your powers.... but.... "Y/N! Whatch out!" Thiscis getting out of control, they can't keep an eye on you, exposed as they try to locate their enemies between the trees. The pleasure clones decides to just destroy the damn area when he sees a tsuguko behind you, you also fly with the hit as trees beging to fall. "DAMN YOU KARAKU! HOW DARE YOU ATTACK US AS WELL?!" "Y/N! I've lost Y/N!" He sceams before a Hashira cut his wings as he was looking for you. "... Sekido... I think we have to...." Aizetsu looks as if he was about to cry and Sekido instantly knows what he means. And he agrees.
It's all too messy, you got trapped under the leftovers with the tsuguko who was about to attackt you. Because of their contusion you managed to pierce a branch in their chest as you summoned something else by the fear of having them so close in a so closed space. The ground is glowing in blue, spider lilies blossoming below you as the slayer's blood falls over them. You watch confused the plant as the rocks, soil and wood over you is retired softly by a giant dragon-shaped entity. "You should have stayed away. Safe." Oh no, you are not going to be scolded by the kid.
And you really are not going to, because a door instantly appears in front of you as Zohakuten's bloos demon art finishes the slayers and shields the main body. "Muzan-sama?" He exists thrugh there with the appereance of a child younger feom what Zohakuten looks. You barely recognized, and you are grateful the kid did before you said something suicidal. "I came to speak to you, Y/N. I think you just did something great." Should you be scared? Because... you think you are.
Akaza totally thinks you can protect yourself, of course some trees, vines and poison can save you from the strengh of mystical nature through breathing excercises. There is no way he is afraid the weak, the human, the slayers, will kill you and take you away from him when he promised to protect you and you promised a life with him but he will have to hold her in his arms with blood coming from her mouth, so fragile and cold when she was always so warm because of her fevers and he had to take care of her but he left and she died ..... Ok, he can't trust you to protect yourself but that is not your fault. He genuinely thinks your Blood Demon Art it's amazing, just as everything you have, but.... you know.... he is overprotective.
"I CAN HANDLE THIS ALONE, GO SOMEWHERE SAFE!" He gives another kick to the Hashira, sending the slayer to crash against a tree, the sound of the bones breaking being easy to hear even from the almost 100 feet away. "You get out of here!" He takes your shoulder and pushes you on the opposite side the slayer is, guiding you forcefully to safety, but with your resistance it's only a few steps he manages to make before the Hashira comes back fighting. When Akaza faces the human, he gets even more scared. "GO SO I CAN FINISH THIS SAFELY! THE SU-" he doesn't get to finish the sentence as his neck is cut while distracted, not enough to take his head of as he breaks the sword before, but...
The slayer jumps to grab you, not even breathing, as the sun starts to come out. The. Sun. Is. Coming. Out. Akaza is having an attack, not knowing what to do to kill the slayer without hurting you as the light starts to reflect against the soil. The sun is coming out and you can't think straight. You are going to die. You are going to die. You feel a powerful, weird new plant growing under your feet but you can't care because you are going to die. You were both going to die until the Biwa sounds, and you are safe inside the Infinity Castle. It takes Akaza, unlike you, some few deep breaths to calm down and slam his fist through the Hashira's face, killing the human. You are still in shock when you hear his voice. "Well Akaza, it seems like you did find the blue spider lily. Y/N, I think you have something I want."
Douma thinks your Demon Blood Art is quite handy, very useful and a marvel at that. Really, who could rival you with that beautiful ability? You can create the most impressive decoration, easily destroy the place with the beauty of nature and kill some humans, what else does he need for someone to fix his home? Oh, you meant in a fight? Nah, Douma thinks it's of it as a burden whenever you try to help. But you are trying your hardest and it's quiete endearing (or maybe the word is "fun"?), so he can't bring himself to stop you. "You are losing badly, Y/N, dear. Maybe you should let me handle it for you. I am always here to help others."
"Shut up, Douma! This is my fight!" It's impossible to say if that is a tease or it just sounds like he is actively trying to annoy you, but you don't want his help. "Okeeey! Still here if you need me!" You have been working on something and now it's the time to try it out, if only you had a few seconds to concentrate without risking losing your head. The space inside the cult is too small for that, but the sun is already up outside, so it would be suicide to ruin the structure and the last thing you want is to accidently kill Douma's followers. You wrap the slayer body with some vines before closing your eyes. Concentrate! Concentra! The Hashira has already cut the vines and the katana is inches against your neck... you hurry the summon the flower sonething when you feel a sharp edge before your head rols in the floor.
Your dead! Your dead, even like this you can feel your heart beat like crazy and you can only see blue petals as your ears go numb before Douma picks up your head and "I'm sorry for killing the Hashira for you, but you stoped moving after I cut your neck so the nichirin blade wouldn't! So I dedided to finish the job!" ... fuck Douma! He scared you! You are about to complain when you hear his voice in your head "Y/N. We need to talk. You have something that I have been looking for. Also, don't bring Douma." Ok, now what? Your body falls when a door opens in the floor with the Biwa, your head still in Douma's hands.... this is akward.... "It seems Muzan-sama is calling for us, huh?" .... who should tell him that he doesn't want Douma breathing the same air as him? .... yes, you.
Kokushibou finds your Demon Blood Art peaceful, and he likes how passionate you are with it. Even as a demon he can appreciate a good looking garden, and he finds it intriguing how it can create life, that is something rare for demons. Still, compared to him... it's not that he doesn't like you around or that he doesn't appreciate that you try to help, but... he doesn't want you to fight by his side. He fights alone and is not interested in changing that, no matter how much he loves you. "Y/N, you are not needed here. Leave." He is direct, not worrying about sparing your feelings, but genuinely wanting you to do as he says.
You are not obeying, and that annoys him, so in his pettiness he stays still as you face the Hashira more willing to attack you than to attack the Uppermoon One, probably trying to delay his end that a fight with his most powerful demon would mean. You move in the open space, using vines and trees to cover up, but the slayer cuts them like paper. There is something you want to try, a flower you have been meaning to call, but for some reason it doesn't come out. It's like a leyend, it exist and is very powerful, but... but maybe a fight with a Hashira will help. Somehow, you can feel it's important, and what is more important than killing Hashira? It grows, you can feel it grows, but-
Kokushibou got bored of waiting and took out his sword and "Third Form: Loathsome Moon, Chains" he attacks the slayer, and you take part of the damage. The breathing style cuts your neck and you fall into the floor with the dead human body, coughing as you choke in your own blood as your head lands against blue petals. "Kokushibou. Y/N. Come to me as soon as you finish." He is respectful to Kokushibou, and it takes you a while to realize you are regenerating from an inch of what was left of the conection with your neck and body. "We will go once you have healed." You don't understand anything, but why can't Kokushibou be a bit softer to you? You almost died! "Sometimes I hate you."
115 notes · View notes
Closer - End of the Line
Pairing: Stewy Hosseini x Fem. Reader Description: You get hired for a photoshoot with the man behind Maesbury Capital for a GQ-style magazine. Shooting is often all about the price. Rating: General/Teen Word Count: 2.8k AN: Hope you enjoyed it as much as it to ideate it! All photos from which I drew inspiration were done for the GQ article and the NYT article. Props to Erik Tanner and Derrick Leung for giving everyone a vision.
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You arrive to the studio just in time to start setting up the equipment and doing test shots to determine the flash intensity. The magazine gave you a list of shots that you would be best to prepare for the feature. The videocall with the stylist was a good opportunity to start making up an idea of what the vibe was going to be with the outfits. You decided it would be best to approach the shoot with some Black and Whites, focus on lighting and keep the backgrounds simple. The man in question was running late and, while you were comfortable with the conceptual proposal for Flux, you didn’t know how at ease the subject would be with trying more artsy pictures and not the classic Bloomberg profile portrait.
“Hey! So, it might take him at least another 20 minutes to arrive. Are you booked after this?��
“Not really, I would’ve just appreciated to be able to finish early so I could get the contacts back to you today.”
“You have until tomorrow night, so it shouldn’t be an issue.”
You were starting to get bored so, in the meantime, you Google a little more about your subject to see if that gives you any additional hints on how to relax him in front of the camera. The headlines were a mixture of financial press and good old classic gossip. On the financial side, Maesbury Capital was almost as getting a visit from the Grim Reaper confirming you were a dead man walking. His word made the difference between a lifeline or the dissolution of whatever you had going for your company. The pictures were classical portraits with him sitting in front of the camera, not doing much aside from looking straight into the lens.
The gossipy headlines were from years past. They portrayed a youth where there were frequent clubbing outings with models, socialites, and actresses around. Some shots were almost from 12 years ago and, while paparazzi would always be pesky with those under the spotlight, he seemed to be out of that circle and into galas. He looked good without the beard during his youth and, in his 20’s, he must’ve been quite the player in the NYC clubbing scene. In either case, he was favored by the camera, so that was not going to be hard to replicate.
In the meantime, you were blasting some rock and pop songs, testing the waters of what could work best to set a mood. You started to bop to some of the songs when the knock on the door alerted you of the arrival of the man of the hour.
“Mr. Hosseini, let me introduce you to our photographer for the day.” He went on to shake your hand as you introduced yourself. “She’ll walk you through the plan as we have two outfits planned.”
He was handsome indeed and he matched the description of both gossipy and financial news. Bloomberg and People agreed on his presence being imposing and how he could command any room he walked into. The one he shouldn’t be able to control was precisely yours as you were the lead during the session, but it would remain to be seen as the pause between your introduction and your next sentence showed a crack in the process.
“Yes! So, we will start with the lighter pictures, making use of the set we have here.” You said, pointing to the indoor area with the flash rig you had created. “And then, once you’ve change to the second outfit, we move outdoors, and we try some high contrast stuff.”
“Okay.” He said, looking at the set as he was processing the brief, before looking at you. “Where do you want me now?”
“Dead center of the set, please.” You were determined to take back your shoot, so as the make-up crew were finishing some final touches once he was under the lights, you took a couple of sips of your coffee to ground you back to reality.
He was sitting, in perfect composure waiting for your instructions. You stood beside him with the exposure meter angled to his face to get a reading for setting up the camera. The proximity gave you a whiff of his perfume. A luscious fragrance, mixing some strong hints of coffee and cigars. The session would get increasingly harder to control if you were going to keep getting distracted with anything pertaining him.
“I’ve always wondered what that is.” He asked, searching for your eyes.
“Exposure meter” You responded, looking chill outside, cancelling the train of thought coming from that gaze inside. “We wouldn’t want to have you look like a ghost on the pictures.”
“Is it even possible?”
“Today, yes. We’re shooting black and white.”
“Any particular reason for that?”
“I think it gives a more intimate, timeless vibe to the shots.” He smirked, seeming pleased with your response.
Picking up your camera gave you back the sense of control you needed. You configure it to the meter readings and started shooting some pictures to confirm everything was according to plan. He looked dazed by the first couple of flashes but regained the composure by the final practice shot. He was a natural in front of the camera, as the third shot was already useful.
“We’re now set to begin Mr. Hosseini. We’ll go for a bit of a chat to get some candid shots, and for others I’ll ask you to pose for the camera.” He nodded affirmatively. “Any questions or music requests?”
“Yes, one.” You raised your sight from the viewfinder. “It’s just Stewy if we’re going get intimate with this.”
“Alright then.” You shield yourself with the camera to hide the hints of blush that appeared after the statement. “Stewy, would you mind angling yourself ¾ for me?”
The initial pose was awkward, but after showing with your body that you were expecting his torso to be in profile with the face angled more towards the camera than out of frame, he started nailing your vision.
“First question, where are you from?” You asked, standing in front of his seat, at eye level from him, and safely shielded away from any direct contact with the camera between both of you.
“Originally, Iran, though I should count myself as a New Yorker after a lifetime here. You?” You answered with the summarized version of your life. You had made it to New York on an arts scholarship that eventually led to your big shot.
You asked him to keep the body posture and change facial angles, but this outfit seemed to be running its course faster than expected. He also seemed to be out of his element with the jacket open, showing the shirt. You asked for a 5-minute pause to check how they were coming along. One was useful, but the rest were giving you very little to work with.
“Are you comfortable with this?” You asked, pointing at the open jacket.
“I can be if you ask me to.” He says, testing the waters with how far he can go with subtle comments.
“It doesn’t work that way. I want you to be you, not business you.” You were probably too in control to notice he was trying to flirt. However, that didn’t matter as you were feeling stressed about the lack of potential in the initial shots.
He started closing the jacket and you snapped pictures of the process. As he was settling the collar, he was getting dazed by the number of shots you were trying to milk out of the process.
“Hey, hey” He tried to get your attention. “Is this really necessary?”
“Everything can be good material.” You said, trying to appear more serious than what was needed from behind the camera.
“Can we pause for a minute?” He said, playfully trying to grab the camera lens. “I’m getting blinded here.”
You pull the camera down, to find him standing closer than what you expected. You get a renewed whiff of the perfume, now having interacted with the leather jacket.
“Is this how it’s supposed to go? You were so relaxed before.” Stewy looks intently at you, leaving the distance of the camera in your hands be the only thing separating you two.
“I’m sorry about that but I need you to do your thing, without minding me, for the candids.” This made you pull your guard down and steal a glance from him being so close. The little glimpses of grey in his beard suited him so well.
“Can I see what I’m doing? Just for reference.”
You show him the monitor with the pictures already taken and give him a few comments. You make a mental note that the candid of him trying to grab the camera is definitely going for final selection. The left side lighting managed to capture the light contrast coming from his streak of grey hair and he looks relaxed. With some additional instructions, Stewy gets the hang of the candids and you repeat a couple of shots with the jacket open.
By now, you’ve learned that he studied at Harvard Business School, quit his rising career in McKinsey for starting Maesbury, and had been to some of the most exclusive bars around. You also start easing behind the camera, letting the atmosphere lighten from your initial absolute grip on the course of the session. He had an imposing presence, but you were guiding how that would translate into the shots.
“I’ll check one final time the monitor, but I think we’ve run this outfit’s course!” You said cheerfully, placing the camera on the table after almost half an hour of continuous shots. Stewy stands behind you, peeking from above the shoulder some of the final outcomes. A playful “No peeking” leaves your lips, making him laugh.
“How can I approve in which I look best if I can’t see them?”
“You won’t. I’m the one getting paid for that.”
“Controlling, I see.” He gave you a side glance before following the styling assistant for the outfit change.
In the meantime, you take a break to gulp the coldest water bottle on sight and start making notes of which pictures you’ll preselect for the contact sheet. You could trace the simultaneous process of you two getting comfortable with your roles. He let go the initial stiffness and you got comfortable directing him. Knowing the next shots were outside, gave you the full confidence you could finish with some quality content. You leave with your camera to the side of the building where the studio was located and start doing some practical shots for adjustment.
While you had seen the outfit pictures from the stylist’s videocall, nothing could prepare you for the final result. If he was looking in control with the first outfit, this one clearly settled who was commanding anything moving forward. The ultramarine blue outfit was doing a number or two on both of you. Stewy was clearly on his element, an impeccable tailored suit, giving him an almost regal look. The blue contrasted with the darkness of his hair and eyes and was ultimately elevated with a watch on a matching color. You were dreading to go with the exposure meter because every step tempted you more towards touching at least the suit lapels.
Standing in front of him, you got it close enough to his face to get the reading and exchanged a determined glance. You were not about to lose it so close to the finish line.
“Are you always so stately in your daily life?” You said standing in front of him, holding your ground.
“Do you mean in control?”
“No, stately. The suits, the watches, the whole cold business persona.” You say taking your stance behind the camera, ready to shoot.
“So, you’ve done your research.” He was standing full frontal, fixing his lapels as you started to shoot.
“I’m asking because that’s all the reference shots I had of Stewy the financier.” The lack of an external flash would give him less hints of any incoming shots. While he could put up more resistance to the guidance, you could get other shots, in motion, that otherwise wouldn’t come.
“What do you know about finance?”
“As much to know you’re like a death sentence.” The response made Stewy smirk and try to pierce the distance between the camera and you after your response.
“Some would call it the circle of life.” Something ticked in him, and he was determined to get his way.
“What’s in it for you? Power tripping?” You crouched to get a lower shot, angling towards getting his hands at eye level.
“Money, definitely. And control.”
“Is that why you want to select the shots? Or are you scared of what finance bros will think of this?” You said teasingly, though keeping a serious tone to match the severity with which he was looking.
“What do you want out of this spiel?”
“You.” You punctuated. “Show me you in absolute control.”
The next shots were a blur. No softness in his eyes, pure and unabridged desire to have it all laid at his feet. You try a couple of takes without the suit jacket to impressive results too. The dark background highlighted his greys and enhanced the depth of the blue suit. It made the exposed parts of him become accent pieces on an otherwise monotone setting.
“Is that what you were looking for?” He said once you lowered the camera and placed it across your chest.
“I’ll let the monitor be the deciding factor.” You say before spotting one final potential angle, something to be playful with since you had made none of those shots. “Before we finish, how about you give me one final angle? An extreme close-up if you will.”
Stewy stands by the doorframe, sunlight hitting his left side. You’re standing a step away from him, enough to get the scene in but benefit still from the extreme close-up angle.
“Do you want me to still dominate you?” He asks, his voice soft enough to make it seem an innocent remark despite the angle you’ve recently explored for the other poses.
“I highly doubt you ever were.” You respond, pulling your confidence out while counting on the camera as a shield. Stewy raises his hands, almost as a sign of a faint victory for himself, shooting a smirk from behind them. His eyes, while on the side, are still fixed in you. The confidence of Stewy Hosseini in one picture, you thought.
Once you walk back and plug the camera back to the screen, you start deciding what could work best for the contacts. You’d let the editors decide, but you were already partial on a five-picture set that would be best for the article. He was taken immediately to get changed and finalize the profile, so he didn’t get a peek of the final shots. The last moments outside had really made you see him in what he must incite in people once he walks into a meeting room. You surrender, let things take its course, and put some resistance but as a method for self-preservation more than salvation.
He came out of the dressing room on another stately suit, yet this was the actual one he had been wearing while you were setting up and chilling in the studio. He was wearing a sweater underneath instead of a shirt, giving it a more casual and welcoming presence.
“Do you have anything else to do afterwards?” He said placing a hand on the upper part of your back. Nothing suggestive until, as you two walked towards the studio entrance, the hand started sliding down towards the lower end of it and you were walking beside each other.
“I wasn’t so sure before, but I might now.” His raised eyebrow gives you an open window for proposing what you had in mind. “Have you ever heard of Rhomboid?”
“Do you know anyone?”
“A couple of friends are organizing it.”
“I’ll pick you up.” He handed you his card and you took it with the hand closest to him. “Dinner will be my treat.”
“In that case, it’s been a pleasure doing business with you.” You stop besides his car, and you hand him one of your business cards from your camera bag.
“Pleasure’s all mine.” As his car goes off into New York traffic you head home ready for a night about town and the new venue your friends scored for this week’s party. You’d have time tomorrow to sort the pictures out. But, tonight, it was all about power dynamics.
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steadfvsthearts · 1 year
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TUTORIAL: staying logged in on multiple tumblr accounts using Firefox container tabs
As rpers, we are constantly looking for ways to be logged into several different tumblr accounts at the same time. While methods like sessionbox and creating new Chrome profiles are popular, I wanted to share this third option that I’ve been using for some time now : Firefox + container tabs !!
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The benefits of this method include being able to have multiple accounts open in a single window without re-logging back in and not needing to re-download xkit when you want to add a new muse. You can also have more than 10 stored containers and more than 5 open at the same time, all for free. I’ve also personally found this to be more reliable than sessionbox ( so far for me, this method has not broken at all and pretty much have never had to re-log back in ).
Detailed instructions below & please like/reblog if you found useful !!
written 03.20.23. ©
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Note: All these instructions are as if I just opened Firefox for the first time. Please also note that if you do not already use Firefox, you will have to add the xkit rewritten extension and set those preferences but you will only have to do that once no matter how many containers ( accounts added ) you make !
First, head to the menu in the upper right > settings
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Click on “themes & extensions” in the bottom left.
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Search for “containers” in the find more add-ons search bar.
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The desired extension should be the very first one that comes up: Firefox Multi-Account Containers. Click the extension and “add to Firefox.”
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Click “Add” & then “Okay”.
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The extension is now installed ! Head back to settings ( you may have to refresh or re-navigate to the page ). On the general settings page, scroll down a little to the “Tabs” section. Next to the “Enable Container Tabs” option, click settings.
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You will now see the default containers ! Now you can remove/change these containers to correspond to each of your muses by using “settings” and “add new container”. You can set the container tab name, color, and symbol.
Default view:
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Below is an example of what things might look like when changed to correspond to muses. You can have more containers than this, I just stopped here for this example --- there are also only 9 unique colors that help identify which container tab is open as shown further below, so logistically it can get a little more difficult to identify which tabs are open ( because they have the same color ), but technically nothing changes that is limiting.
Example view:
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Once last optional step: I recommend checking the box at the bottom “Select a container for each new tab.” What this means is when you open a new tabs, you will get a dropdown asking you to select which container it should go into, as shown below.
If you do not check this, every new tab will be “containerless” or you would have to right click on the new tab button to open a new tab in a specific container. Regardless of the setting, if you ctrl + click or right click on a link directly in a container tab, that link will automatically open in the same container.
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When you have multiple tabs open in different containers, you can tell the difference between different ones by the colored bar at the top as seen below. In this example, I can see the first tab ( blue = muse 1 ), second tab ( orange = muse 6 ), third tab ( purple = muse 8 ), and fourth tab ( green = muse 3 ).
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You can also always see which container you’re in by looking at the end of the address bar where the container name and symbol are shown in the respective container color ( below, I am on muse 6′s container tab ):
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This concludes the tutorial !! You will have to log into the respective Tumblr account in each tab initially, but after that you shouldn’t have to do log outs and relogins anymore.
If you have a lot of tumblr accounts and don’t want to constantly have them all open, I suggest checking out my tutorial here that describes how you can get tumblr notifications for multiple accounts to come into a private discord server !!
I hope you found this useful and please like/reblog if you did !!
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theresattrpgforthat · 11 months
hi! this might be odd but im flirting with this nerd -- do you have any recommendations for 2 players ttrpgs that we can turn romantic?
THEME: Two-Player Flirty Games
Hello friend. There are so many great 2-player games out there that I wanted to recommend but I did my best to cultivate a list with an appreciable amount of variety. Some of these games are designed to be romantic, while others simply have the potential. Some games are slightly more serious, while others have room for goofiness. Enjoy!
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Over the Moon, by Speak the Sky.
Over the Moon is a 2-player role-playing dating game of dark lunar obsession, awkward online dating Q&A, and tantalizingly limited information that's designed for play via online messaging apps!
Each of you plays a moon cultist, witch, or other dark creature who loves the moon a little too much, and whose comrades decided to ‘fix’ this by online dating with ‘normal’ people… but you’ve just been matched with each other instead, and it’s up to you to see if you can make this work. Is the moon your one true love, a third wheel in the sky, or the ultimate wingmoon? Play to find out!
This is a wholeheartedly goofy game that uses romance without expecting the players to take the story seriously. Players will create dating profiles complete with likes, dislikes, and personal qualities. They will also create hidden personal preferences based on moon sign. The game itself progresses over the course of a moon’s cycle, starting on the new moon. You will take turns sending questions to each-other, replacing some words “moon” or other moon-related terms, reacting to messages using exclusively moon emojis. The game even comes with (optional) spicy questions, if you want to progress past flirting, and into something a bit more overtly sexual.
Perihelion, by Meghan Cross.
Perihelion is a prompt based storytelling game about the Sun and the Moon and the relationship that they share.  It can be played two different ways - either as a new and developing relationship or an established and changing relationship. 
Play out the phases of a lunar cycle, making your way through the prompts and treasuring every fleeting moment you have to spend together.
Perihelion has the capacity to be as romantic or non-romantic as you like, with the focus directed instead to the type of relationship being depicted. Whether the relationship is new or established, the Sun and the Moon don’t get to see each-other very much. Their relationship is one of trading places, reading the marks of what the other has left behind. I’d recommend this game if you don’t mind a bit of a more serious tone, but want some ambiguity about your characters’ relationships.
Alone Together in this Vast Space, by Junk Food Games.
Alone Together in this Vast Space is a 2-player one-page ttrpg meant to be played in a single session. 
To play, you need the game sheet, one 12-sided die and access to music.
It is about a lone passenger aboard a spaceship whose only company is the ship's AI. Using music, you will find out what you want to do on this interstellar journey, face threats, and connect more with the only other being with you.
Despite being only one page, I think this game has a lot of potential to create intimacy, romantic or non-romantic. It’s a great chance to introduce your potential partner to the kind of music you like to listen to, and therefore learn more about each-other in the process. 
From the Sea to the Sky, by somewhere with stories.
A two player game about writing to a loved one while you are apart. 
One player resides at the bottom of the sea, having made a home in sunken stone ruins. The second player takes their residence on the moon, observing the stars and the world below from the endless skies.
As a letter-writing game, From the Sea to the Sky provides another option for players who want a nebulous definition of the relationship between the characters. You could be good friends, siblings, former comrades, or lovers. The game is simple, providing a series of prompts that you can use to fuel your initial letter, and the author expects the players to pick up from there and find many things to write about. If you are long-distance, or if you want an opportunity to flex your creative muscles, this game might be worth taking a look at. 
Eyes on the Prize, by ira prince.
Eyes on the Prize is a court intrigue game for 2 or 4 players (1 or 2 pairs) in which you dream up a fake-married couple, then attempt to wield their fraudulent union to achieve their shared goals. Perform badly, and nobody will buy it, tripping up your attempts to advance your plots; perform too well, and you might start fooling even yourselves.
Use a deck of playing cards, a d8, some tokens and a timer to role-play two people doing their best to keep up fake appearances for the purpose of satisfying court society. If you liked the first season of Bridgerton, you’ll probably like this game. If you like fanfic tropes like “only one bed” or “fake partner to bring to the wedding”, you’ll probably also love this game. The outcome is up to the players - do you go your separate ways once the crisis is averted? Do you achieve a satisfying friendship? Do you actually fall in love? It’s up to you!
Ships That Pass, by Ash Can Games.
A game for two players about queer spaceships with crushes on each other, the biological allies they make along the way, and the Powers That Be threatening to separate them all.
Players design their spaceships and then role play scenes between ships, between ship and pilot, and -- if their anomalies are detected -- between pilots and agents of The MAN (Monitors of Artificial Norms), a privatized organization that deals with aberrant tech.
This game leads you step by step through a session of Ships that Pass, going through each step of the game in chronological order. You’ll learn about relevant parts of the fiction as they become necessary to the game. This includes ship design, pilot creation, your first meeting, etc. All the while, any anomalous activity has a risk of tripping the radar of The MAN, who your pilots will try to protect you from but may not always succeed. 
I like the way this game frames romance as between ships; it allows you to role-play romance in new and creative ways, and might also provide a bit of a buffer between two parties who aren’t entirely sure if their relationship is romantic or not. You don’t just play as the ships, you also play as the pilots who are responsible for them. If you want a game with suspense, romance, and a balance of romantic and platonic connections, you should definitely check this game out.
Games I’ve Recommended in the Past
I Have the High Ground, by Jess Levine.
Anyone Can Wear the Mask, by Jeff Stormer.
The Serpent and the Spider, by Junk Food Games.
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akkrosu · 10 months
Thank you, @recentadultburnout, for tagging me and asking for my nine favorite TV shows! I might have gone a little overboard because I haven’t been tagged a lot before, but please indulge me.
This is going to be limited to QLs, if only because I couldn’t think of a single piece of Western (or straight) media I love and/or remember well enough to be able to put on this list. The ones I have chosen are below, in no particular order.
1. The Untamed
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This one belongs here both for being a fantastic story and for being the reason I even discovered any of the other series on this list. My entire “obsessed with Asian queer media” thing started all because a friend once told me, “Let me show you what I’ve been watching recently.” What can I say, drunk Lan Zhan got to me.
2. Moonlight Chicken
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One of the most beautiful, thought-provoking and mature series I’ve ever seen, QL or otherwise. P’Aof is a genius and I would have to hide in shame if I didn’t have at least one of his works on this list. He created a narrative of six real people trying to figure out life and how to be happy and there is so much strength in every single one of them.
3. Not Me
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With at least three watchthroughs one of my most-watched BLs. I mean, OffGun and the social commentary and political action and the queerness of it all and the characters. Ugh, I love this show. Plus, the music and musical editing were phenomenal.
4. Where Your Eyes Linger
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Probably my favorite Korean BL ever? Also the KBL to really get me into KBLs, so it already deserves a medal for that (I was missing out on so much). I’m a sucker for good yearning and forbidden relationships, and this series gave me everything I wanted. And, again, the soundtrack. The instrumental of See U playing as Kang Gook storms Tae Joo’s dad’s house lives rent-free in my mind.
5. HIStory 3: Make Our Days Count
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Yes, it’s the other HIStory 3, the one everyone ignores because ‘he went out to buy salt’. Look, don’t judge me, I own up to my love for this series. It’s not the show’s fault all anyone ever remembers is the tragic ending. It’s also such a beautiful story about a total dork falling in love with a lonely nerd and defying all odds to be with him. Plus, the best sibling relationship ever. And (spoiler) said dork dying doesn’t invalidate everything else the series tells us. Yes, it was sad, but I can deal with the sadness. And sometimes, the sadness is as much part of a show as it is of life.
6. The Eclipse
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This series haunts me to this day. I was obsessed with it, and I still am. Akk is one of my favorite characters ever written, and First portrayed him beautifully. So did Khaotung with Ayan. The sheer existence of P’Golf baffles my mind to this day. These 12 episodes gave me everything I’ve ever wanted.
7. The Eighth Sense
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I take back what I said about Where Your Eyes Linger. This is my favorite KBL. I’m not even sure I can explain why. It’s just so honest. And so, so queer. It made me cry so many times, and the storytelling was magnificent. Plus, it’s one of the few full-length KBLs we have.
8. We Best Love
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The cups in my profile picture are the ones Yu Zhenxuan and Pei Shouyi drink out of in the flashbacks of the second season, so... yeah.
This was my very first QL that wasn’t a bromance, and so I’m very biased. I’m almost mad at myself for making this my first one, because sometimes it feels like nothing else could ever live up to it. I admit to having a special love for season 1, even though season 2 seems to be the one people talk about a lot more. It’s just perfect, everything about it. Especially Gao Shide’s mom.
9. My School President
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What a phenomenal show. I remember how much I was looking forward to Fridays during the time this was airing, and each week it gave me everything I wanted. Gemini and Fourth are fantastic actors, the friend groups made me cry all the time, it’s one of the cutest things I’ve ever seen, and there are some absolute bangers in there, musically speaking. Gun and Tinn will always have a special place in my heart.
Some honorable mentions because it’s really hard to pin down exactly nine:
Never Let Me Go – I spent a lot of time debating whether to put this or MSP in this list because I love them both equally. And because they aired around the same time, they are sort of irrevocably tied together in my mind.
Big Dragon – I loved this significantly more than I ever expected to, and I can’t be impartial about Yai to this day, because I love him with all my heart. This was such a messy, weird, chaotic show, and yet it somehow gave us such beauty and sappy people in love.
Step by Step – It doesn’t get to be on the list because it hasn’t finished airing yet, and so it could still fuck up, but if it keeps going like this, it is definitely going to become one of my favorites. (Same with Be My Favorite, honestly.)
I don’t know many people around here, and certainly not many I wouldn’t feel awkward tagging, but I’ll just be awkward anyway and kindly ask @ellaspore and @biochemjess if they feel up for it. I wanna know! (No pressure, though.)
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graveyard-party666 · 21 days
Blood & Wine
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Here is the new chapter for y'all. I wanted to post it earlier but because of another shelling we had no electricity yet again.
This time it's a bigger chapter. I also tried experimenting with past tense.
I'm also introducing new character here :3
Here's the song for y'all.
Graves is a bully. He is stereotype of the "American badboy" that Red saw on the TV growing up. Interacting with him is not as bad as it could be but he's a weird guy. The amount of psychological issues that guy possesses is crazy.
Red promised herself to not psychoanalize the people she works with (yes, she failed on Ghost) but this man, Graves, is curious subject. Him seeking Shepherds approval screams daddy issues. Maybe his father was cruel, or maybe absent. As once Red learned: sometimes there is two problems - the first one, father is present and the second, father is absent. Both could be traumatizing. Even if the father is present physically but emotionally isn't.
Red only met him once at the briefing with Task Force 141. Her ability to pretend to be a stupid young woman helped a lot even there.
Graves seeks attention. No matter how much praise he would get for doing an amazing job as a commander, he will never be filled enough. Just another proof that many soldiers don't become soldiers just because they are patriotic and ready to protect their country.
But 141 trusts him, Laswell does too. And who is Red to tell them that their narcissistic ally might turn on them one of those days? No one.
He, just like Shepherd, probably would agree with Niccolò Machiavelli's ideas. The end justifies the means. Does it?
All she can do now is create another profile for another terrorist. Hassan. He's nothing new. Fanatic, radicalist, sees his religion as a pressure lever. Huge ego, small... understanding cause and effect relationships.
Religion, religion, religion.... how many of people like him are there? Probably more than enough. Probably even more than Task Force 141 could deal with.
In psychology, religious fanaticism can be understood through various lenses, including social, cognitive, and developmental psychology. It's often seen as an extreme form of religious devotion or belief characterized by rigid adherence to religious doctrines and practices, often to the exclusion or detriment of other aspects of life.
From a social psychology perspective, religious fanaticism can be seen as a product of social influences, such as group dynamics and the need for belonging. Individuals may become fanatical in their beliefs as a way to strengthen their identity within a religious community or to conform to group norms.
Cognitively, fanaticism can be linked to cognitive biases, such as confirmation bias (seeking out information that confirms one's beliefs) and the backfire effect (rejecting information that contradicts one's beliefs and strengthening those beliefs instead).
Developmental psychology may also play a role, as individuals' beliefs and behaviors are shaped by their upbringing, early experiences, and the cultural context in which they live.
Overall, understanding religious fanaticism requires a nuanced approach that considers individual, social, and cognitive factors.
This case is difficult. Difficult enough for Red to think about asking for help even though she doesn't want to burden anyone with her inability to deal with this big of a man in terrorist world. Fanatics scare Red. Fanatics of any sort. Fanatics can choose sides. And psychologist only hopes that "fanatics" around her won't choose the wrong side.
Thank God, Laswell decided that working on that terrorist alone is not good for Red. Oh, Kate, the woman that you are.
"I think you might need help of someone in Hassan's case, Red," Laswell stood in the doorway of Red's office. "Maybe we should add someone for this case? Someone who knows how to do his job..." Kate looked intently, making Red think about her words, which were kind of suspicious.
"His? You had someone in mind?" Red straightened her back, feeling curious.
"Abel Benar. I had a talk with your criminology professor, and he kindly agreed to help us with the case," the woman finally moved, walking towards the window of Red's office.
Red's heart skipped a beat. That one professor she could only dream to work with, that one professor she had a crush on.
"Professor Benar? I thought he was busy with a new university project?" The psychologist cleared her throat. It would be awkward if anyone found out about that girl crush on her professor with an attractive French accent.
"When Professor Benar heard that his, and I quote, 'favorite student' needs help, he postponed all the projects," Laswell's smirk wasn't unnoticed by Red's eyes.
'Oh, well. Good,' all Red thought, while dreading the thought about talking to Graves... or even meeting him again, after receiving the good news.
Yet again, sitting in silence in her office, thinking about what the future held for her, Red was just waiting. She didn't know herself of what. Work had been done already, no more annoying soldiers. But she still sat there, in the office, dimly lit by the table lamp. All she could do was look out the window, at the night sky.
The corridors of the base were shrouded in silence. From a distance, somewhere from the street, she could hear the barking of guard dogs.
She didn't want to work with the professor, much less the arrogant narcissist Graves. But life was not fair; sometimes you had to endure everything. Some might think that Red didn't particularly like the professor, which was not true. She just didn't really want to embarrass herself in front of a genius or have the perfect image she had created shattered by reality. But now it was inevitable.
She kinda missed Ghost too. Yes, he had visited today, but right now, his presence would be much appreciated. His stoicism was good for grounding other people. And what was behind that mask didn't really matter. For some, it might seem scary and strange; for Red, it was just part of him. But we can't always get what we want. And that is okay.
A loud knock brought her out of her thoughts. Clearing her throat, she allowed that late visitor to enter.
"Come in," Red's tired voice rang in the office.
She was too tired, just wanting to relax, at least for a moment.
"You didn't come down for lunch today." Captain Price's bearded face was gentle, even loving.
"I had lunch with me," Red lied. She didn't know herself why she lied.
The Captain's eyes had that slight glint in them, a bit teasing, as if he knew damn well she lied. He probably did.
"Soap said that when he visited your office, you didn't have those snacks that you usually bring to work."
'Of course, he knows,' Red thought to herself, sighing.
"What bothers you, Red?" His husky voice, probably a result of constant smoking, was caring. Yeah, Soap was right... Price did have a smoking problem.
"I'm paranoid. About people, things." Red wanted to give the answer but only left more questions. "I'm just a bit nervous and stressed, that's all."
She smiled at him, hoping he wouldn't ask further. He didn't need to know her concerns about his comrades. It might sound disrespectful if she told him to be prepared for anything with Graves and Shepherd, instead of telling him information about the terrorist they were trying to catch. The last thing she wanted was to be disrespectful towards the captain. Her paranoia was her problem.
But how many times before had her gut feeling been right? Almost every.
"Sweetheart, you're great at what you're doing. And we all know that." The older man started speaking after a short pause. "You can trust us. If there are any concerns or thoughts - share them with us." Captain's smile felt welcoming, and for a second, Red wanted to tell him her concerns, but again, that's not how the military works. They were brothers here. You disrespect one - you disrespect them all.
With a deep sigh, she uttered, "I'm concerned about Graves. I don't know what it is. Just a gut feeling."
Price's face softened as he came closer to the psychologist.
"He's a cunt."
That short sentence made Red laugh. She couldn't help it. Captain was right once again.
"And maybe you got that feeling because of how he was acting in the briefing? Because trust me, Gaz called him much harsher words than I just did after that briefing. I'm impressed Soap didn't try to punch him. As for Ghost... Let's just say he wasn't happy." He continued after a pause, amused by Red's reaction.
"Maybe you're right. Maybe it's just because of the briefing." Red shrugged. "Only time will tell, right, Captain?"
Tag list: @cloudofbutterflies92 @chloekistune @justasmolbard
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