#or MAYBE talk to cisco and get his expertise on transmatter portals
ad1thi ยท 3 years
Was season 5 as bad as I'd said it would be?
it honestly wasnt as bad as i thought it would be!! the main thing i was looking forward to in s5 was Lena's villain arc and it really delivered so i honestly enjoyed it. I have a few gripes about how it was handled but I really liked the scene btwn Kara and Lena in the s5 finale when she's like "I hurt you yes but what about all the times you hurt me?" cuz thats what i felt was missing a bit i just wanted acknowledgment that Kara recognizes she hurt Lena instead of making it about how she lost Lena and I got that so I'm okay
The only real issue I have w s5 (and I was talking about this w @malikjavaddzayn yesterday) is that they dont really address post-Crisis Earth Prime properly. Apart from the symbols in J'onn's fortress there's no proper acknowledgment that Barry and Kara now share an Earth -- and that bothers me because Barry and Kara are supposed to be really good friends
We dont see Kara deal with the loss of Oliver (even though Oliver literally sacrificed himself to not only save people from Kara's Earth, but also to save Kara from her original fate by trading his life for hers with the Monitor), there's no discussion about the trauma of watching entire worlds collapse -- I guess I was really hoping to see Kara grow and change from Crisis but they don't really discuss it and that annoys me
Apart from like, mentions of doppelgangers, there's literally no indication that Barry and Kara's Earths merged. Maybe I'm just biased cuz I love Team Arrow so much, but Arrow balanced Barry and Oliver sharing the same Earth really well by always reminding us that Barry and Oliver are in fact friends, and establishing connections outside of cross-overs. Team Flash were very much characters on Arrow, albeit minor characters - and it just made their friendship and connection more believable
The thing that worked about Supergirl is that because Kara had a separate Earth, all of her villains being Earth-destroying, genodical maniacs was fine - because she literally was the only person there to save them. Yeah there was also Clark but balancing Kara and Clark is done pretty well in the early seasons imo so its not like unbelievable that he's not there for most of her major fights
But now that Barry and Kara's Earths have merged, her villains just don't make as much sense - because if she's dealing with these Earth-ending attacks: like someone trying to kill half the world's population, and they dont even try and address where Team Flash is during this is ridiculous.
The thing about Arrow and Flash is that their individual villains never had such grandiose plans, so its believable that Barry and Oliver weren't constantly calling each other for back-up, and when they did team up in the cross-overs: there's a clear sense that whoever they're fighting is too big to take on by themselves
Obviously I get why Kara's villains need to be so super-powered, but its just hard to believe that all these other superheros who she now shares an Earth with are just completely oblivious to villains literally trying to destroy their planet
I'm just upset that apart from the symbols in J'onn's Tower - they dont even try to address Crisis. A lot of personal introspection and development could've been done for Kara as a character, and a lot of world-building could've been done. I know they did this whole thing on Flash with a Mirror-verse or smth like that, but I wish we could've seen even like a text-cameo from Barry. And the fact that Oliver isn't even mentioned once -- yeah the fact that apart from doppelgangers, and the symbols there's no actual impact about Crisis bothers me a lot
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