#ore no kao
icantalk710 · 3 months
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Had so much work to do while home today--bunch of records updates and docs to set up for review over the next few workdays, lovely--yet was still feeling distracted for some reason 😒💻☕ [but mostly sleepy 🥱]
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long lost brothers....
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mangaworld · 1 year
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whirling-fangs · 5 months
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grosirkaoskakicomel · 11 months
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0823-3000-6040 (WA), Pusat Grosir Kaos Kaki Muslimah Muara OreLangsung ORDER KLIK WA http://wa.me/6282330006040 , Pusat Grosir Kaos Kaki Muslimah Muara Ore, Pusat Grosir Kaos Kaki Muslimah Molu Maru, Pusat Grosir Kaos Kaki Muslimah Tanah Haluan, Pusat Grosir Kaos Kaki Muslimah Tewei Hara, Pusat Grosir Kaos Kaki Muslimah Tumbang Batu, Pusat Grosir Kaos Kaki Muslimah Tumbang Getas, Pusat Grosir Kaos Kaki Muslimah Tumbang Kaminting, Pusat Grosir Kaos Kaki Muslimah Tumbang Kania, Pusat Grosir Kaos Kaki Muslimah Tumbang PayangKami adalah Distributor Kaos Kaki Muslimah Terpercaya dan Terlengkap di Indonesia, Kami sudah berpengalaman sejak 2008 melayani penjualan secara online, melayani pembelian dari luar pulau hingga ke luar negeri.Kami Sedang Mencari mitra bisnis yang ingin menjual kaos kaki Muslimah dari kami.Untuk Info Lanjut Tentang Kemitraan silahkan di Hubungi di Sini:Nomor HP Ibu Tiva : 0823-3000-6040#PusatGrosirKaosKakiMuslimahMuaraOre, #PusatGrosirKaosKakiMuslimahMoluMaru, #PusatGrosirKaosKakiMuslimahTanahHaluan, #PusatGrosirKaosKakiMuslimahTeweiHara, #PusatGrosirKaosKakiMuslimahTumbangBatu, #PusatGrosirKaosKakiMuslimahTumbangGetas, #PusatGrosirKaosKakiMuslimahTumbangKaminting, #PusatGrosirKaosKakiMuslimahTumbangKania, #PusatGrosirKaosKakiMuslimahTumbangPayang
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pikahlua · 7 months
MHA Chapter 402 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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tagline 1 各地の戦況は… かくちのせんきょうは… kakuchi no senkyou wa... The state of the war in various places...
1 荼毘完全沈黙‼︎避難民の無事も確認! だびかんぜんちんもく‼︎ひなんみんのぶじもかくにん! Dabi kanzen chinmoku!! hinanmin no buji mo kakunin! "Complete silenced from Dabi!! Confirm the safety of the evacuees!"
2 轟焦凍任務成功です! ショートにんむせいこうです! SHOOTO ninmu seikou desu! "Shouto's mission is a success!"
3 そして soshite And...
4 トガ増殖停止‼︎消えていきます! トガぞうしょくていし‼︎きえていきます! TOGA zoushoku teishi!! kiete ikimasu! "Toga's proliferation has stopped!! [Her clones} are disappearing!"
tagline 2 「僕のヒーローアカデミア」 「ぼくのヒーローアカデミア」 「boku no HIIROO AKADEMIA」 My Hero Academia
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1 そして soshite And...
tagline No.402 THE TEARFUL DAYS  堀越耕平 ナンバー402 ザ ティアフル デイズ  ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 402 ZA TIAFURU DEIZU   Horikoshi Kouhei No. 402 THE TEARFUL DAYS  Kouhei Horikoshi
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1 トゥワイスが消えていきます…! トゥワイスがきえていきます…! TUWAISU ga kiete ikimasu...! "The Twices are disappearing...!"
2 重量軽減これで浮力が確保できます! じゅうりょうけいげんこれでふりょくがかくほできます! juuryou keigen kore de furyoku ga kakuho dekimasu! "With this weight reduction, we can secure our buoyancy!"
3 同刻 どうこく doukoku At the same time...
4 AFO‼︎死柄木に接近‼︎ オール・フォー・ワン‼︎しがらきにせっきん‼︎ OORU FOO WAN!! Shigaraki ni sekkin!! "All For One!! He's approaching Shigaraki!!"
5 泥ワープ圏内に入ってます‼︎ どろワープけんないにはいってます‼︎ doro WAAPU kennai ni haittemasu!! "He's entering range for his mud warp!!"
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1 雄英から降りて緑谷くんは ゆうえいからおりてみどりやくんは yuuei kara orite Midoriya-kun wa Midoriya-kun, who left UA,
2 あれだけの至近距離でなんとか死柄木の攻撃をいなしているなんとか膠着状態を保っている! あれだけのしきんきょりでなんとかしがらきのこうげきをいなしているなんとかこうちゃくじょうたいをたもっている! are dake no shikin kyori de nantoka Shigaraki no kougeki wo inashite iru nantoka kouchaku joutai wo tamotte iru! has somehow managed at such a close range to dodge Shigaraki's attacks and maintain a stalemate!
3 泥ワープ どろワープ doro WAAPU Mud Warp
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1 巻き戻しを注入した時点で… まきもどしをちゅうにゅうしたじてんで… makimodoshi wo chuunyuu shita jiten de... "At the moment I injected Rewind..."
2 此処がゴールだった…… ここがゴールだった…… koko ga GOORU datta...... "this [place] was my goal......"
3-4 弔に「僕の"個性"」を譲渡する事で とむらに「ふくせいひん」をじょうとすることで Tomura ni 「fukuseihin (kanji: boku no "kosei")」 wo jouto suru koto de "By transferring my copy of my quirk to Tomura,"
5 彼は僕を超えた僕となる かれはぼくをこえたぼくとなる kare wa boku wo koeta boku to naru "he will become a me that surpasses me."
6 まだ…密着さえすれば‼︎ まだ…みっちゃくさえすれば‼︎ mada...micchaku sae sureba!! If only...we were glued together!!
7 来いAFO こいオール・フォー・ワん koi OORU FOO WAN "Come, All For One."
8 OFAに邪魔されずに 緑谷にじゃまされずに Midoriya (kanji: OFA) ni jama sarezu ni "Without interference from Midoriya (read as: One For All),"
9 円滑な譲渡を行うには えんかつなじょうとをおこなうには enkatsu na jouto wo okonau ni wa "to ensure a smooth transfer..."
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1 おいで oide "Come here,"
2 死柄木弔 もう一人の僕 mou hitori no boku (kanji: Shigaraki Tomura) "other me (read as: Tomura Shigaraki)."
3 先生… せんせい… sensei... "Master..."
4 邪魔だよ じゃまだよ jama da yo "you're a nuisance."
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1 やはりすでに"意識"は呑まれているか やはりすでに"ぼく"はのまれているか yahari sude ni "boku (kanji: ishiki)" wa nomarete iru ka Indeed, you've already consumed my consciousness, huh?
2 まァいい maA ii Well, that's fine.
3 ならば出向くまでさ ならばでむくまでさ naraba demuku made sa "In that case, I'll have to go over [there]."
4 おい oi "Hey,"
5 …あれ… ...are... "...that..."
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1 わあああっ‼︎ waaaa!! "Waaaagh!!"
2 その情けない表情を以て そのなさけないかおをもって sono nasakenai kao (kanji: hyoujou) wo motte "While you have that pitiful face (read as: expression),"
3 若者に夢を見せた責任を取ろうオールマイト‼︎ わかものにゆめをみせたせきにんをとろうオールマイト‼︎ wakamono ni yume wo miseta sekinin wo torou OORU MAITO!! "let's have you take responsibility for showing dreams to the youth, All Might!!"
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(the little bubbles containing ハッ are "hah" noises from Izuku breathing heavily)
1 オールマイト助けなきゃあ‼︎緑谷出久‼︎ オールマイトたすけなきゃあ‼︎みどりやいずく‼︎ OORU MAITO tasukenakyaa!! Midoriya Izuku!! "You have to help All Might!! Izuku Midoriya!!"
2 丁度いいや!行ってこいよ‼︎ ちょうどいいや!いってこいよ‼︎ choudo ii ya! itte koi yo!! "Such good timing! Go [get him] and come back!!"
3 その間に先刻俺を痛め続けた上の連中 そのあいだにさっきおれをいためつづけたうえのれんちゅう sono aida ni sakki (kanji: senkoku) ore wo itame tsudzuketa ue no renchuu "In the meantime, that lot [of yours] above who kept hurting me earlier,"
4 全部壊しとくからさ! ぜんぶこわしとくからさ! zenbu kowashitoku kara sa! "I'll destroy all of them [before you get back]!"
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1 運命などこの腕で好きな形にねじ曲げてやるさ うんめいなどこのうでですきなかたちにねじまげてやるさ unmei nado kono ude de suki na katachi ni nejimagete yaru sa With these arms, I'll twist fate into whatever shape I like.
2 僕も一緒にねじ曲げます ぼくもいっしょにねじまげます boku mo issho ni nejimagemasu I'll also twist it together with you.
3 一度は抑えた筈の涙が いちどはおさえたはずのなみだが ichido wa osaeta hazu no namida ga The tears he had once held back
4 再び溢れ零れそうになるのを堪える ふたたびあふれこぼれそうになるのをたえる futatabi afure kobore sou ni naru no wo taeru are about to overflow and spill again, and he resists it..
5 その泣き虫は治さないとな そのなきむしはなおさないとな sono nakimushi wa naosanai to na You need to fix that crybaby [thing].
6 良い弟子でありたいから いいでしでありたいから ii deshi de aritai kara ...because he wants to be a good disciple.
7 OFAの面影が ワン・フォー・オールのおもかげが WAN FOO OORU no omokage ga The One For All vestige
8 緑谷出久の中で みどりやいずくのなかで Midoriya Izuku no naka de inside Izuku Midoriya
9-10 一足先に別れを告げた ひとあしさきにわかれをつげた hitoashi saki ni wakare wo tsugeta bade him farewell there earlier.
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1 オールマイト!!! OORU MAITO!!! All Might!!!
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1 "個性"がなくても "こせい"がなくても "kosei" ga nakutemo Even if I don't have a quirk,
2 ヒーローは出来ますか⁉︎ ヒーローはできますか⁉︎ HIIROO wa dekimasu ka!? can I become a hero!?
3 できるよ dekiru yo You can.
4 だって君は沢山頑張れるもの だってきみはたくさんがんばれるもの datte kimi wa takusan ganbareru mono Because you are one who can do your best a lot.
5 夢を捨てきれなかったもの ゆめをすてきれなかったもの yume wo sutekirenakatta mono Because you are one who cannot abandon your dream.
6 私も わたしも watashi mo I, too,
7 捨てきれないんだよ すてきれないんだよ sutekirenainda yo cannot abandon mine either.
8 私の…… わたしの…… watashi no...... My......
9 夢… ゆめ… yume... dream...
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1-2 平和の……象徴に…… へいわの……しょうちょうに…… heiwa no......shouchou ni...... "[To become] the symbol......of peace......"
3 後よろしくな あとよろしくな ato yoroshiku na "I leave the rest to you,"
4 空彦 そらひこ Sorahiko "Sorahiko."
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1 そいつの夢 そいつのゆめ soitsu no yume "That kid's dream,"
2 叶えてやってくれ かなえてやってくれ kanaete yattekure "please make it come true."
3 お師匠ォオ‼︎ おししょうォオ‼︎ oshishouOO!! "Masteeer!!"
4 志村菜奈の最後… しむらななのさいご… Shimura Nana no saigo... Nana Shimura's end...
5 何故 今思い出す⁉︎ なぜ いまおもいだす⁉︎ naze ima omoidasu!? Why do I remember it now!?
6 理想ばかりが先行し実力の伴わない女だった りそうばかりがせんこうしじつりょくのともなわないおんなだった risou bakari ga senkou shi jitsuryoku no tomonawanai onna datta She was a woman who put her ideals first, without the power to back them up.
7 実にみっともない死に様だった じつにみっともないしにざまだった jitsu ni mittomonai shi ni zama datta And then she died such a pathetic death.
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1 オール・フォー・ワン OORU FOO WAN All For One,
2 おまえはオールマイトに負ける…必ずね おまえはオールマイトにまける…かならずね omae wa OORU MAITO ni makeru...kanarazu ne you will lose to All Might...for sure.
3 だって datte Because...
4 こいつ koitsu This guy,
5 自分もろともーー じぶんもろともーー jibun morotomo-- together with himself-- (Note: The implication is that AFO has realized All Might plans to take AFO down with him.)
6 おまえより俊 (とし) 典の方が おまえよりとしのりのほうが omae yori Toshinori no hou ga compared to you, Toshinori is
7 イカレてる IKAREteru crazier.
8 もっかい死ねば もっかいしねば mokkai shineba "If you die once more,"
9 せめて幼稚園児くらいにはなるかぁ⁉︎ せめてようちえんじくらいにはなるかぁ⁉︎ semete youchienji kurai ni wa naru kaa!? "will you become about as old as a kindergartner!?"
tagline 全てを賭して‼︎ すべてをとして‼︎ subete wo toshite!! Risk everything!!
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absolutebl · 4 months
hey, do you know of any BL-s similar to A boss and a Babe? I don't mean plot wise or setting but a bl with a similar uke (Cher). I feel like I haven't seen much or at all BL-s with an uke that's such a crackhead, so vital, positive, non dramatic, up for anything, vocal about feelings and love, the one who also kinda pursues when it's needed, that pushes boundaries etc etc
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Huh, you mean like a GGG uke? (good giving game)
There are LOTS of crackheads... seek ye Japan. But that goes real fast into cringe, like Secret Crush On You.
The GGG part is where we fall down. This is a very new take on the archetype. Also non-dramatic, I mean it's a BL drama so dramatic is kinda the point.
I'll take a stab!
vital & positive (sunshine)
pursues when it's needed (switchy)
non dramatic (good)
vocal about feelings and love (giving)
up for anything, pushes boundaries (game)
Fits all 6 criteria (but in their own countries' style):
All the Liquors (Korea)
Mr Heart (Korea)
Ocean Likes Me (Korea)
Be Loved In House I Do (Taiwan)
Love Sick (Thailand - bet you didn't see that one coming)
And now some that do their best satisfying 4 ore more of the above requirements.
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Everyone is just really dramatic in Thai BL.
Coffee Melody (sides 1,2,4,5,6)
Ghost Host, Ghost House (2,3,4,5,6)
Great Men Academy (if you count it 2,2,3,6)
Ingredients (2,3,4,5,6)
KinnPorsche (1,2,3,5,6)
Love By Chance 2 (1,2,5,6)
Love In the Air (PayuRain 1,2,5,6)
Love in Translation (2,3,5,6)
Make A Wish (1,2,3,5,6)
My School President (2,3,5,6)
My Tee (1,2,3,5,6)
Secret Crush On You (1,2,3,5,6)
Why R U? (2nd couple 1,2,3,5,6)
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Seme/uke is always weak, queerness is more authentic so roles less prescribed and campy
DNA Says Love You (sides 1,2,3,6)
Kiseki Dear to Me (sides 1,2,3,6)
Stay By My Side (1,2,35,6)
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Seme/uke is pretty weak, little to no crackhead, and everything will be more reserved and muted.
Some More (2,3,4,5,6)
The Eighth Sense (2,3,4,5,6)
Behind Cut (2,4,6)
Jun & Jun (2,4,5,6)
Long Time No See (2,3,4,5,6) but also LIES
Our Boarding House (2,3,4,6)
Oh My Assistant (1,2,3,6)
Tasty Florida (2,3,4,5,6)
The Lover (2,3,4,6)
Tinted With You (2,3,4,6)
Unintentional Love Story (2,3,4,5,6)
Why R U? (2nd couple 1,2,5,6)
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But the ones it does have it REALLY leans into.
Seven Days (2,3,4,5)
If It's With You (2,3,4,5,6)
Restart After Come Back Home (2,4,5,6)
Silhouette of Your Voice (1,2,4,6)
Takara & Amagi (1,2,3,5)
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My Memory is shot but???
Like Love from China might work.
Most stuff from the Philippines first some if not all.
Vietnam's My Lascivious Boss and You Are My Boy satisfy soem criteria.
Might also be worth reading
List dated Mid Dec 2023, ongoing BLs not included. If it aired after that date you should add it to the comments or something.
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YOUR ADVENTURE!! - Lyrics + Translation
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Please do not repost/retranslate without permission.
Free your soul
俺の目を見て? さあ深呼吸
You’re going great!
Don't, Don't, Don't worry. It's Alright!
SOS でどんな時でも颯爽と駆けつけるから
Don't, Don't, Don't worry. It's Alright!
Follow your heart
曝け出してよ 愛すべき命ゼンブ
何がしたい? 何がほしい? Show me now!
ねぎらいのハグ 頑張る君へ
Don't, Don't, Don't worry. It's Okay!
たまにはラクしようよ 甘やかすようにラフに
Don't, Don't, Don't worry. It's Okay!
Don't, Don't, Don't worry. It's Alright!
可愛くて堪んないな 心からの笑顔は
Don't, Don't, Don't worry. It's Alright!
Sewashinai mainichi ni sekasareru mama koronde wa
Aisōwarai de namida o koraete
Jibun o gomakashite inai ka?
Free your soul
Tsuyokunakucha janakute shōjikide ite
Kodomo mitai ni naitatte ī
Itai yotte mō gaman shinaide
Ore no me o mite? Sā shinkokyū
Muri ni warawanakute mo daijōbu
You’re going great!
Don't, Don't, Don't worry. It's Alright!
Jibun o kizutsukenaide
SOS de don'na toki demo sassō to kaketsukeru kara
Don't, Don't, Don't worry. It's Alright!
Ittarikitari shinagarade
Yukkuri susunde ikou yo
Kaze wa kimi no tame ni fuku
Sui mo amai mo shitchatte nemura sete shimatta hon'ne
Otona dakara tte iikikasete
Akirameru kuse tsuitenai ka?
Follow your heart
Sarakedashite yo aisubeki inochi zenbu
Nani ga shitai? Nani ga hoshī? Show me now!
Waruagaki de shippai o hanenoke
Negirai no hagu ganbaru kimi e
Kurabete ī no wa kako no jibun dake dakara
Don't, Don't, Don't worry. It's Okay!
Tsukaretara tachidomatte
Tama ni wa raku shiyou yo amayakasu yō ni rafu ni
Don't, Don't, Don't worry. It's Okay!
Dareka no jōshiki nante sa
Kinishinai sutōrī de katariaou
Toki o wasurete
Kowai yo na fuan ni naru-sa
Mamoritai mono ga areba yowaku mo narukara
Jikoken'o de semenaide
Ore wa kimi no jinsei marugoto mikata dakara
Don't, Don't, Don't worry. It's Alright!
Sō sō sono kao datte!
Kawaikute taman'nai na kokoro kara no egao wa
Don't, Don't, Don't worry. It's Alright!
Hikari o isshin ni abite ima
Hajimaru shin no adobenchā
Kimi no kaze wa soba ni iru
When you fall down rushing through the busy day-to-day life
Are you deceiving yourself by holding back
Your tears and putting on a forced smile?
Free your soul
You don’t have to be strong, you can be honest
And cry like a child
Don’t hold back and say it hurts
Look into my eyes. Come on, take a deep breath
You don’t have to force yourself to smile
You’re going great!
Don't, Don't, Don't worry. It's Alright!
Don’t hurt yourself
If there’s an SOS I’ll come running to you gallantly at any time
Don't, Don't, Don't worry. It's Alright!
When you can’t make progress
Let’s move forward slowly
The wind blows for you
Your true feelings you’ve abandoned because you’ve come to know both sweet and bitter,
Don’t you have a tendency to give them up
Telling yourself you’re an adult?
Follow your heart
Reveal all of your loveable vitality
Is there something you want to do? Is there something you desire? Show me now!
Brush aside failures from hopeless struggles
A hug of appreciation for your hard work
Because the only person you can compare yourself to is your past self
Don't, Don't, Don't worry. It's Okay!
Stop when you’re tired
Let’s take it easy once in a while and pamper ourselves comfortably
Don't, Don't, Don't worry. It's Okay!
Let’s talk about stories
Without caring what others think
Losing track of time
It’s scary and makes you anxious, right?
When there is something you want to protect, you become vulnerable too
Don’t beat yourself up with self-loathing
Because I’ll be your life-long supporter
Don't, Don't, Don't worry. It's Alright!
Yes, that’s the expression!
It’s so cute I can’t bear it, a smile from the heart
Don't, Don't, Don't worry. It's Alright!
Light completely floods
A true adventure which begins now
Your wind is by your side
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littleeyesofpallas · 1 year
I have a question about the Askin and Yoruichi fight. So what kind of words did yoruichi use that make him really mad ? And also what is your thought about yoruichi sun tattoo in her thigh?(thank u)
That's an interesting question. I didn't actually remember what scene you meant at first and had to go back to poke around their fight. I assume you mean the bit where she first sneaks up on him as he's trying to finish off Ichigo & co. And as it happens there is a little bit of word play (I think?) going on here that gets lost in translation.
This whole back and forth starts with her saying,
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"This guy says a lot of weird things... If the other person can't move, why wouldn't you just strangle them?" And he says, "A long time ago, Bambi said that same thing..." and then this line that I have no idea how to translate,
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touji mo HII tashi imaki itemo oratamete HII teru wa
and I don't know what HII[ヒイ] means here... Is it just kana in place of a regular Japanese word? Is it supposed to be a loan word? English? German?? Is it a sound, like the sound of frustration(like REEE?), and not a real word at all???
Viz translated this as "cringe" and the shitty old mangastream scanlations called it "pissed off" but the point is, he feels the same about it now as he did then, and it's not a positive feeling. It's not especially relevant to the wordplay anyhow... he goes on to say,
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全くデリカシーが 無いったら…… 無えよッ!
mattaku DELICACY naittara…… neeyo~!
really, you have no DELICACY…... None!
as in "to be delicate/to have tact/sensitivity/consideration" But Yoruichi says,
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何じゃ "でりかしー" とは 相手を嘗めて かかる事か?
nanja "delicacy" to wa aite o namete kakaru koto ka?
What is "delicacy" to look down on the other person?
And I think(?) this was a pun in Japanese, because the phrase nametekakaro[嘗めて かかる] means "to look down on (someone)/to make fun of/to put down/to treat with contempt/to underestimate" but the text is broken up sort of weirdly so that we read [嘗めて] before we read [かかる].
(On the one hand that makes sense given the size and space of the bubble, but I feel like you don't normally split a phrase in half between lines like that?)
But the [嘗めて] by itself is a less common way of writing [舐めて]: "lick/taste/lap up" which seems to play into the way Askin has to ingest the things he alters lethality of? And sort of tangential to this, the use of the English "Delicacy" here could be a matter of confusion where Askin is talking about a delicate touch, but Yoruichi is taking it to mean some sort of rare food.
Incidentally there is also the following argument about "Style" where Askin insists,
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自分のスッタイルで 敵を倒す事さあくまで 致死量を操作するのが 俺のスッタイル 首を絞める なんてのは あんたやバンビ みたいな女に 似合の スッタイルさ
Jibun no STYLE teki o taosu kotosa akuma de chishiryou o sousa suru no ga ore no STYLE kubi o shimeru nan te no wa ontaya BAMBI mitai na onna ni niai no STYLE sa
The enemy is killed by my own STYLE. Til the bitter end my STYLE is manipulating the lethaldose. Something like strangling a neck, for a woman like you or Bambi, suites your STYLE
Basically just saying that maybe Bambietta, with her messy indiscriminate Explode style, or Yoruichi as someone very physical and bawdy, might be the types to strangle someone to death, but not him. He prefers the precise and delicate style of his Deathdealing.
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And Yoruichi kinda jokingly comes back with, "I don't know this Bambi you're talking about, but what you're trying to say is 'The Way of a Beautiful Woman' right?" And Askin has this final line as he whips out his wacky compact bow thing,
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おんなもバンビも 確かに美人だが…… 女の価値は顔じゃねェよ…… オシャレか どうかだ!!!
onna mo BAMBI mo tashika ni bijin daga…… onna no kachi wa kao janeEyo…… OSHARE ka doukada!!!
(You)Woman and BAMBI also, definitely beautiful, but…… A woman's value isn't (her) face…… (it's whether she's) Stylish or not!!
the all kana OSHARE there being, oshare[お洒落]: "fashionable/dressed up/stylish." So, it comes back to "style", but in Japanese and not in English like the rest of his rant. This bit wasn't as relevant but I thought it was an interesting quirk.
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koizumicchi · 2 years
好きな子に嘘ついた。(feat. Amatsuki) English Translation
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好きな子に嘘ついた。  Suki na Ko ni Uso Tsuita I Lied To The Girl I Love
Character: Shiranami Nagisa HoneyWorks feat. Amatsuki Album: 告白実行委員会 -FLYING SONGS- 恋してる ねぇ、好きって痛いよ。〜告白実行委員会キャラクターソング集〜
crossfade kanji from
T/N: Happy haniwa day! Keep in mind that Japanese and English aren’t my first language. I never claim my translation (attempts) to be error-free. As always, if you’re going to use or reference my translations, please do not claim it as your own and credit me.
モブキャラなんて言うなよ! シンデレラに負けない おとぎ話を作ろう
Mobu kyara nante iu na yo! Shinderera ni makenai Otogibanashi o tsukurou
Don’t call yourself a mob character! Don’t lose to Cinderella Let’s create our own fairy tale
好きな子に嘘ついた スカート似合わんって ほんとは他のやつに 取られるのが嫌だったんだ 身長も追い抜いて 声も変わり低くなって 少しは俺を男として 見てくれてるかと意識して
Suki na ko ni uso tsuita Sukāto niawan tte Honto wa hoka no yatsu ni Torareru no ga iya dattan da Shinchō mo oinuite Koe mo kawari hikuku natte Sukoshi wa ore o otoko to shite Mite kureteru ka to ishiki shite
I lied to the girl I love Skirts don’t suit you But the truth is, I don’t want you To be taken away by the other guys I became taller than you  My voice changed and became lower Treat me as a man for just a bit Be conscious of me when I look at you
付き合ってるのって聞かれても 君はみんなに平等で 俺なんかよりもモテるはずの 主人公です
Tsukiatte iru no tte kikarete mo Kimi wa minna ni byōdō de Ore nanka yori mo moteru hazu no Shujinkō desu
Even if you ask me if I’m dating someone You are equal to everyone You’re ought to be more popular than someone like me You are the main character
モブキャラなんて言うなよ! 顔を見せてほらやっぱり可愛い シンデレラに負けない おとぎ話を作ろう 平均以下なんて言うなよ 好みあるし 文句は言わせない どんなラブストーリーも 決して負ける気がしない 妄想だけ王子様
Mobu kyara nante iu na yo! Kao o misete hora yappari kawaii Shinderera ni makenai Otogibanashi o tsukurou Heikin ika nante iu na yo Konomi arushi Monku wa iwasenai Donna rabusutōrī mo Kesshite makeru ki ga shinai Mōsō dake ōji-sama
Don’t call yourself a mob character! Show me your face; see, you’re cute after all Don’t lose to Cinderella Let’s create our own fairy tale Don’t say you are below average You have taste  I won’t let you complain I never feel like losing  To any love story out there I am just a prince daydreaming
中学卒業 二人離れ離れ 距離にして約800キロ 会いに行く理由を作った
Chūgaku sotsugyō Futari hanarebanare Kyori ni shite yaku 800-kilo Ai ni iku riyū o tsukutta
We graduated from middle school We are far apart for  Approximately 800 kilometers I made up a reason to go see you
待ちあわせ東京駅 スカート履いた君に 照れながらも可愛いって 素直に気持ち言えたけど
Machiawase Tōkyō eki Sukāto haita kimi ni Tere nagara mo kawaii tte Sunao ni kimochi ieta kedo
We arranged to meet at the Tokyo station You, who’s dressed up in a skirt You are adorable whilst being embarrassed Although I was able to honestly say how I feel
肝心な言葉は言えなくて 男友達に嫉妬した 君の可愛さがとうとう バレてしまったようです
Kanjin na kotoba wa ienakute Otoko tomodachi ni shitto shita Kimi no kawaisa ga tōtō Barete shimatta yō desu
I cannot say the most important words I was jealous of your guy friends  Your cuteness has completely Came to light at last
芋女なんて言うなよ! 涙拭いてほらやっぱり可愛い ジュリエッタに負けない ヒロインだよ自信持って 幼馴染特権いいだろ? 全部分かる親だって安心だ どんな悲劇あっても 決して離したりしない
Imo onna nante iu na yo! Namida fuite hora yappari kawaii Jurietta ni makenai Heroine da yo jishin motte Osananajimi tokken ī daro? Zenbu wakaru oya datte anshin da Donna higeki atte mo Kesshite hanashitari shinai
Don’t call her a bumpkin girl! Wipe your tears away; see, you’re cute after all Don’t lose to Julietta You are a heroine; have confidence in yourself A childhood friend’s privilege; charming, isn’t it? Even the parents who know of everything are reassured No matter what kind of tragedy comes I will never let you go
また会えなくなる前に 伝えなきゃ君が好きだと 「好きだ。」
Mata aenaku naru mae ni Tsutaenakya kimi ga suki da to `Suki da.'
Before I can’t see you again I have to tell you that I’m in love with you “I love you.”
モブキャラなんて言うなよ! 顔を見せてほらやっぱり可愛い シンデレラに負けない おとぎ話を作ろう 平均以下なんて言うなよ 好みあるし 文句は言わせない どんなラブストーリーも 決して負ける気がしない ずっとヒロインだ 目指すは王子様
Mobu kyara nante iu na yo! Kao o misete hora yappari kawaii Shinderera ni makenai Otogibanashi o tsukurou Heikin ika nante iu na yo Konomi arushi Monku wa iwasenai Donna rabusutōrī mo Kesshite makeru ki ga shinai Zutto heroine da Mezasu wa ōji-sama
Don’t call yourself a mob character! Show me your face; see, you’re cute after all Don’t lose to Cinderella Let’s create our own fairy tale Don’t say you are below average You have taste  I won’t let you complain I never feel like losing To any love story out there You will always be my heroine I aim to be your prince
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supergenial · 8 months
[translation+lyrics] 君はオコサマ by 麻婆豆腐
Of all the myriad channels uploading covers every other week, Mabodofu might just be my favorite so here's one of her original songs. Lyrics down below and see you all next time.
Composer: 香椎モイミ
Vocals: 麻婆豆腐
Honto yamete Uso wa yamete Kitai shitenai hou ni susumanaide Mitomete Nee mitomete 「ore ga baka datta」tte hayaku ie
Now stop really Stop your lies I can’t just wait for you to stop Just admit it Come out and say it “I’m such an idiot” just say it already.
Mada yurusenai Nee yurusanai Atarimae mitai na kao shinai de Korette Iya masaka ne Kimi wa sonna hito janai
I still won’t forgive you I can’t forgive you Don’t put on that face This This cannot be You’re not that kind of person
Mou damatte
Just shut up
Sukoshi dake okosama Kimi wa chotto dake kodomo nano Hora watashi otona dakara Kore gurai ja doujinaiwa
You’re a bit like a child Just like a little kid But I’m a grown up This much won’t be enough to get to me
Hoka no onna no koto to chou homeru no wa sa Iyagarase nandesuka 「iyada」nante omotta watashi no hou ga waruiko mitai janai
You compliment other women so much Don’t you know that’s harassment “I hate it” I keep thinking And you make it seem like I’m the bad one
Waratte yari sugoseba Maya kokoro zukin to itami dashita Kore kurai gaman shinakya Watashi sonna yowakunai
I’ll just laugh it off Even if my heart is in pain again I gotta be able to handle this much I’m not that weak
Kedo urussai
But just shut up already
Kimi no suki na tokoro Kazoekirenai kurai aruwa Demo watashi tamani dakedo Yasashiku saretain da
Things I like about you I couldn’t even count them But every once in a while Be nice to me too
Aragatte batte bakari de Narushisuto de Daiji na toki ni itsumo inai kedo Hontou wa chotto okubyou de kodoku na hito Soko ga suki nano
You’re just so arrogant A narcissist You’re never there when it really matters But also timid and a loner I like that too
「mou muri」tte nee iya datte
“I can’t do it anymore” I hate it
Sukoshi dake okosama Watashi chotto dake kodomo nano hora kimi wa otona dakara kono te wo hanasanaide
Just like a child I really am just like a kid But since you’re a grown up Don’t let go of my hand
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icantalk710 · 2 months
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bunnycatgirlbot · 2 years
Ahem. *Bows* Hello Serah. It is I, your dear confidant Marisa, coming to humbly request that you translate this golden piece of literature into the Japanese language:
"Gee, it sure is boring around here! My boy, this peace is what all true warriors strive for. I just wonder what Ganon's up to! Your majesty, Ganon and his minions have seized the island of Koridai. Hmm, how can we help? It is written, only Link can defeat Ganon. Great, I'll grab my stuff! There is no time, your sword is enough! How about a kiss, for luck? You've got to be kidding... Squadilah! We are off! Wow, what are all those heads? These are the Faces of Evil. You must conquer each. I guess I better get going... Here is the map. Where do you wish to go?"
(this iz SOOOOOO fucking long, im totaly putting it undr a, um, read more!)
maa, honto tsumaranda ze.
waga no shounen, konna heian wa honmono no senshi no kokorozashi no desu.
daga, Ganon no takurami ha nan da to omotteru.
Ou-sama, Koridai-tou ga Ganon no guntai ni tsukamarete shimashita!
hm...dou shimashou ka?
Link-kun dake Ganon-tachi o taoseru to kaiteimasu.
yo-shi! Ore no mono motte iku zo!
jikan ga nai! Ken dake de ii yo.
ne, kisu kurenai? Guddo rakku no ne~
sore wa nai wa yo!
Squadala! iku yo!
nee, anna atama nan da?
are ha Aku no Kao to iu no desu. hitori zutsu taoshi beki desu.
hajimeyokka naa.
chizu douzo. doko ni iku no?
This took, like, sooooo fucking longggggg ;x;
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POP SHOWER (Español)
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Intérprete: Ittoki Otoya (CV. Terashima Takuma
Fecha de lanzamiento: 18 mayo 2022
耳に手を当ててみて Mimi ni te o atete mite Pon tu mano en tu oreja
聞こえてる? (Yes!) 俺の声 (Yes!) Kikoeteru? (Yes!) Ore no koe (Yes!) ¿Puedes escuchar? (¡Sí!) Es mi voz (¡Sí!)
もう一歩近づいたら Mou ippo chikazuitara Si mi acerco un poco más
見えるかな? (Yes!) 君の表情(かお) (Yes!) Mieru kana? (Yes!) Kimi no kao (Yes!) ¿Podré verlo? (¡Sí!) Tu rostro (¡Sí!)
眩しいライト顔負けさ Mabushii raito kaomake sa Lo abrumador de una luz resplandeciente
ゼロ距離で (Kyun!) とびきりSmile (Cute!) Zero kyori de (Kyun!) Tobikiri Smile (Cute!) Al ver tu extraordinaria sonrisa (kyun!) a tan corta distancia (¡tan linda!)
こんなうれしい瞬間独り占め? Konna ureshii shunkan hitorijime? ¿Puedo monopolizar este momento tan feliz?
勿体無いよね! Mottainai yo ne! ¡Es un desperdicio no hacerlo!
(Uh~) だってSTAGE(ココ)は理想郷 (Uh~) Datte koko wa risoukyou (Uh~) Ya que aquí es una utopía,
待って足りてないでしょう? Matte taritenai deshou? Esperar no es suficiente, ¿verdad?
(Uh~) 軽快で明快な メドレーにノリ踊れ! (Uh~) Keikai de meikaina medoree ni nori odore! (Uh~) ¡Voy a bailar sin preocupaciones con este claro y alegre popurrí!
BIGなバルーンに詰めた BIG na baruun ni tsumeta Con todas mis fuerzas te daré una sorpresa
(What? What? What? Fuwa! Fuwa! Fuwa!) (¿Qué? ¿Qué? ¿Qué? ¡Esponjoso! ¡Esponjoso! ¡Esponjoso!)
渾身のサプライズ Konshin no sapuraizu Escondida en un gran globo
大好きのPOP SHOWER! 降りそそげ (届け) Daisuki no POP SHOWER! Furisosoge (todoke) ¡Una pop shower de amor! Es como un aguacero (para alcanzarte)
君���歌ってる (Love song) Kimi e utatteru (Love song) Que canto para ti (una canción de amor)
全部輝かせたい (Pa・Pa・Pa・Pa・Panup!) Zenbu kagayakasetai (Pa・Pa・Pa・Pa・Panup!) Quiero que todo brille (Pa・Pa・Pa・Pa・Panup!)
一緒に行こう どこまでも (行こう) Issho ni ikou doko made mo (yukou) Vamos juntos donde sea (vamos)
そこにいるだけで (Happy!) Soko ni iru dake de (Happy!) Sólo por estar aquí, (¡Soy feliz!)
手を取って Take you to the sky Te o totte Take you to the sky Tomaré tu mano y te llevaré al cielo
DNAレベルで 刻み込まれた本能 DNA reberu de kizamikomareta honnou Un instinto arraigado al nivel del ADN
(What? What? What? Live! Live! Live!) (¿Qué? ¿Qué? ¿Qué? ¡Vive! ¡Vive! ¡Vive!)
もっともっと自由に やりたいことあるよね? Motto motto jiyuu ni yaritai koto aru yo ne? Hay algo que quieres hacer con una libertad mayor, ¿no es así?
(What? What? What? Live! Live! Live!) (¿Qué? ¿Qué? ¿Qué? ¡Vive! ¡Vive! ¡Vive!)
指差し確認本当に必要(いるの)? Yubisashi kakunin hontou ni iru no? ¿Es realmente necesario que lo señalemos?
(What? What? What? Live! Live! Live!) (¿Qué? ¿Qué? ¿Qué? ¡Vive! ¡Vive! ¡Vive!)
ダメもとくらいの勢いでいい Dame moto kurai no iki oide ii Está bien ese impulso de que no hay nada que perder,
挑戦者になろう Chousensha ni narou Conviértete en un retador
コードは気にせずに Koodo wa ki ni sezu ni No te preocupes por ningún código,
(What? What? What? Fuwa! Fuwa! Fuwa!) (¿Qué? ¿Qué? ¿Qué? ¡Esponjoso! ¡Esponjoso! ¡Esponjoso!)
開放弦かき鳴らせ Kaihou gen kakinarase Y simplemente rasguea cuerdas al aire*
ありったけPOP SHOWER! 浴びながら (届け) Arittake POP SHOWER! Abinagara (todoke) ¡Con tanta pop shower! Mientras te empapas (y llega a ti)
君と歌ってる (Love song) Kimi to utatteru (Love song) Cantaré contigo (una canción de amor)
怖いものなんてない (Pa・Pa・Pa・Pa・Panup!) Kowai mono nante nai (Pa・Pa・Pa・Pa・Panup!) No hay nada que temer (Pa・Pa・Pa・Pa・Panup!)
視線あげて 踏み出そう (行こう) Shisen agete fumidasou (yukou) Miremos hacia arriba y demos un paso a adelante (vamos)
なんてことないよ (Happy!) Nante koto nai yo (Happy!) No es gran cosa (¡Estoy feliz!)
追い風に飛び乗ろう Oikaze ni tobinorou Así que volemos en un viento a favor
(Feel like song) 重なり合う音 アンサンブルに (Feel like song) Kasanariau oto ansanburu ni (Se siente como una canción) Los sonidos se superponen en un ensamble,
(Feel like song) 囁くだけでも (Feel like song) Sasayaku dake demo (Se siente como una canción) Aunque sólo sean un susurro,
(Feel like song) 少しずつ満たされて巡る (Feel like song) Sukoshi zutsu mitasarete meguru (Se siente como una canción) Da vueltas y se llena poco a poco
(Feel like song) (Se siente como una canción)
最高のメロディ Saikou no merodi Es la mejor melodía
大好きのPOP SHOWER! 降りそそげ (届け) Daisuki no POP SHOWER! Furisosoge (todoke) ¡Una pop shower de amor! Es como un aguacero (para alcanzarte)
君へ歌ってる (Love song) Kimi e utatteru (Love song) Que canto para ti (una canción de amor)
全部輝かせたい (Pa・Pa・Pa・Pa・Panup!) Zenbu kagayakasetai (Pa・Pa・Pa・Pa・Panup!) Quiero que todo brille (Pa・Pa・Pa・Pa・Panup!)
一緒に行こう どこまでも (行こう) Issho ni ikou doko made mo (yukou) Vamos juntos a donde sea (vamos)
そこにいるだけで (Happy!) Soko ni iru dake de (Happy!) Sólo por estar aquí, (¡Soy feliz!)
手を取って Take you to free Te o totte Take you to free Tomaré tu mano y te llevaré a la libertad
*Tocar una cuerda al aire significa tocar una cuerda sin presionar ningún traste.
Si te gusta mi trabajo, considera apoyarme en ko-fi nwn
Apoya comprando el original
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nenebot · 4 months
Another song!
To-to-to-tonari no kurasu saikin chotto ki ni natteru ano ko
Puriti tokimekirameki sumairu "kyawaii"
Iya iya iya iya
Betsuni suki toka sonna n ja nai yo!
Tada chotto chotto chotto
Me de oikakechatteru dake datteba!
Toka itte mou hora
Kimi ni kekkou meromero nan datte
Benkyou mo zenzen atama ni haitte
Konaku te mou yabbe!
Kimi ni insuu bunkai (saretai!)
Mousou de koushiki tenkai (kai! kai!)
Kou nattara jigen no hate made
Koe te kere ri go—
Kimin naka chokusetsu nokosa zu
"(ha...) yamete! (ha...) yamete! (kawaii...) yamettette ba! (kawaii yo!...) yamete yo!... (ha)"
Yamero ttsutten daro
Pi pi pi
Piisu de tobashi masu RE:SAY isshin jiseishin
Notte kute tteku no nami shitai tai sakari
Nanka nanka nanka nanka dokitto shichau
Kimi no kimi no kimi no kimi no fakkin!
Misete misete motto misete misete chanto
Misete misete mite ABCD ii yatsu
Datte gaman chotto gaman yappa gaman deki nai
Shitai shitai shishunki desu otoko no ko da mon...
Sa-sa-sa-san gakunen no bijin de otona de hakushiki yasashii senpai
Sonnani kao chikazukerare tara mou dokidoki tomaranakutte (aan)
Y shatsu eri no sukima chira mishite
Sukaato go senchi ottara saikou
Michatta ga saigo
"doko mitenno yo!" hirateuchi
A.k.a gohoubi
Konya no okazu wa sanma? (nonnon)
Butaniku no shouga yaki? (nonnon)
Senpai ni egaku houbutsusen
Ue ni totsu to shita ni totsu
Pai aaru jijou shite dashita
Koushiki to seishun to bonnou
Tomerannai honnou ore no
Shit! shit! Say Good Bye
"docchi o erabu no?"
"kimenasai yo"
"ee... etto... etto... jaa... docchi mo ///"
Pi pi pi
Piiku de tobashi masu RE:SAY isshin jiseishin
Notteku te tteku no BREAKING ichi nukeagari
Dame dame dame dame kuratto shichau
Ore no ore no ore no ore no fakkin!
Koete koete motto koete koete chanto
Koete koe agete ABCD ii yatsu
Datte kiite chotto kiite yappa kiken BPM
Shitai shitai toshigoro desu otoko no ko no...
Chotto dake nee chotto dake misete chotto dake hora
"chotto danshi~!?"
Chotto dake nee chotto dake misete chotto dake... ato LINE yatteru?
Kiritsu rei rei kiritsu chakuseki
Kiritsu rei rei chakuseki kiritsu
Chakuseki rei rei chakuseki chakuseki
Chakuseki kiritsu rei rei rei rei rei kiritsu
Te o awasete kudasai
Minna genki ni itadakimasu
Sayonara sankaku
Mata kite shikaku
Sensei minasan? o pinkosu
Pi pi pi
Piisu de tobashi masu RE:SAY isshin jiseishin
Notteku te tteku no nami shitaitai sakari
Nanka nanka nanka nanka dokitto shichau
Kimi no kimi no kimi no kimi no fakkin!
Misete misete motto misete misete chanto
Misete misete mi te ABCD ii yatsu
Datte gaman chotto gaman yappa gaman dekinai
Shitai shitai shishunki desu otoko no ko da mon!
this is for child?
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itsytinyspiders · 4 months
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(Part 9)
The boys are finally in London!
Of course, Moran wouldn't be Moran if he didn't complain about Albert.
Moran: What kind of name is Albert anyways? Like, some kind of chocolate? The kind that’s made from almonds.
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(Look at him! So eager to make William and Louis laugh.)
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Louis is not impressed.
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William: Ah, Moran. Chocolate is made from cacao, not almonds.
(And neither is William, apparently.)
Moran’s reply to that is a play on words with the “cao” sound from “cacao” (sorry if I wrote it wrong) – “Ore no kao ga man’aka da.” (My face is completely red.
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It seems that kidnappings in the stage-verse are a lot more violent.
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Poor Louis is not having a good day.
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While I know that Moran said “Who would [kidnap William]?” because he’s worried, Albert appearing through two doors with light shining on him is hilarious, especially with the knowledge that the kidnapping was essentially planned out by William and Albert.
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I will say though, transitioning from the scene where Albert swears to go save William from the kidnappers to the flashback where Albert asks William to come with him, with Louis holding a knife at his back, is certainly a choice.
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And now switching to Louis asking William why Albert had them adopted, without a single line being spoken in the church flashback?
(Since William is kidnapped in current time, he is unconscious and tied to the chair, so it’s all Louis hours! I wonder if Louis is reflecting on his helplessness, from the moment Albert confronted his brother, to when his brother was injured by the OG Moriarty family, and to now, when he is kidnapped right in front of Louis.)
I find it interesting that they have William reply to Louis in this scene, especially since the previous one was silent. And William says, “People always use each other. Didn’t we use him too? Let’s wait a bit more. I already have an idea of what he wants from us.”
I feel like the script is making a reference to current time William and Albert using the kidnappers for their own ends by using this conversation from their childhood.
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William really looks the part of the damsel in distress here. I think it’s the wig?
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But not for long!
Villain monologues are now considered a bit of a trope. Usually, monologuing in front of someone who wants you harmed/dead isn’t a good idea, but William manages to make it work. The main kidnapper is immediately taken off guard when William explains that he sent his picture to them on purpose, as well as his plan of making members of the drug operation take him to them. The purpose of the monologue isn’t for William to show off – though it does achieve that – but is rather a way for William to buy time for the operatives outside, as demonstrated by the explosion when William put his foot down.
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What follows is a fight scene – first Moran on stage-level, then Albert on the upper level. Moran fights without holding back, be it with guns or fists, but Albert’s foray into violence is more restrained, even using precise movements even when not shooting with a rifle.
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And of course, William gets himself untied pretty quickly during all of this chaos.
Compared to Albert and Moran, I’d qualify William’s fighting style as more elegant, quick evasions and much weapon swinging – the kidnapper did not stand a chance.
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Albert, as he steals Moran’s kill: Good evening, Colonel Moran! It’s quite dangerous, isn’t it?
(His devil may care expression will never not be the death of me. No wonder Moran can’t stand him!)
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I do love Albert’s line here, about how much trouble he’s going to have, trying to explain that he only came to save his brother but ended up uncovering the opium operations the higher-ups were stalling on. Ah, what to do, what to do?
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And this shot of the founding of MI6.  Congratulations on your promotion, Albert!
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Gleeful Albert will never not be a favorite of mine.
William's actor's soft laughter also gets me every time. Of all the different adaptations, I think this might just be the cutest William for his laughter alone.
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Another flashback, this time right after the Moriarthree congratulate each other on obtaining MI6 and decide to have a family dinner together.
This flashback is of our William confronting OG William and Lady Moriarty who were trying to frame the adopted boys of thievery.
The yellow light is Lady Moriarty and, as established previously, the purple one is OG William.
There is a small moment where the stage becomes black, save for a spotlight on Albert as he asks if William could kill people for his ideals. The lighting then reverts to that of the image above and William announces the Moriarty’s punishment.
The murders are shown by shadows, which also serves as a reminder that they were children when they committed this murder. The silhouettes of the shadows are accurate – three boys and a woman – and are a better way of highlighting the Moriarthree’s youth than simply having the adult actors speak out the lines of their child counterparts.
Also, this may be the most explicit rendition of this particular murder, as the manga only showed parts of what happened, and the anime cut out Lady Moriarty’s presence in the room that night.
Although we do not get to see more of that night as of yet, Louis and Albert talking about having the Moriarthree’s first family dinner in a while is a good choice of an introductory dialogue to the event that truly created their familial bond.
End of the Case of the Noble Kidnapping!
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