Entry 1 - Internship Preparedness
In my final assignment at Holmesglen, I will be conducting a reflective portfolio of my time spent at my internship which is being completed at Sportslink Travel. In the first entry to this portfolio I will discuss my preparedness prior to commencing my internship and how I assimilated into the organisation's culture. 
I believe that coming into my internship here at Sportslink travel I was fairly prepared and confident with my abilities and that my learnings from class and life had prepared me to be a great and functioning member of the team. 
Coming into the organisation I had recently completed internships including at Sportsmate Mobile, SportsHosts and the Melbourne Mustangs where I completed various tasks, mostly around content creation. 
Pictured Below: Young sports business prospect William Bolch taking in his first professional game of Ice Hockey! (Bolch, 2022)
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I believe that I also possessed various skills that would greatly help me through the duration of my internship. I believe that the skills that would help me the most include my communication, teamwork, planning and organisation. I also possessed hard skills which would help me throughout my degree such as my Diploma in Event Management and my passing of subjects including Sport Athlete Management and Sports Marketing. 
I didn’t get to hit the ground running at the beginning of my internship as I would’ve liked to due to the appearence of some mental health concerns. However, internship host Sportslink Travel were more then caring and understanding; reassuring me that it’s okay and that I can return whenever I’m ready and that there’s always a desk at the office for me to work at, which is great organisational practice (Shilbury et al, 2017). 
Pictured Below: Ryan Holidays’ ‘The Obstacle Is The Way’ a book that encouraged me to challenge myself during challenging times (Amazon, 2023)
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After spending some time off from the internship due to my mental health (in which they were very caring about) I returned to the office. To show my appreciation to those in the team I brought in a box of the best choc chip cookies (Coles brand) which was a gift they loved as it showed my appreciation and in addition, everybody loves choc chip cookies.
I assimilated into the teams culture by being myself and being a respectful, genuine and curious member of the team. I didn’t want to come into the team as a ‘know it all’ as no one likes a know it all but rather as a sponge who was curious to learn all the various aspects of the business and organisaion.
Amazon. (2023, February 14). The Obstacle is the Way: The Ancient Art of Turning Adversity to Advantage (The Way, the Enemy and the Key). Amazon. https://www.amazon.com.au/Obstacle-Way-Ancient-Adversity-Advantage-ebook/dp/B00IX49OS4
Bolch, W. (2022, June 11). Melbourne Mustangs Post. Linkedin. https://www.linkedin.com/posts/william-bolch-65a225183_i-am-excited-to-share-that-over-the-last-activity-6929598570882904064-uDDc?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop
Shilbury , D. , Phillips , P., Karg, A & Rowe , K. , (2017) .Sport Management In Australia An organisational overview. (5th edn). Allen and Unwin, Sydney.
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themamil · 2 years
St Malo to Nice - Reflections on the ride
Having done LEJOG back in 2019, the chance to do the French equivalent not only seemed too good to pass up, but also presented pretty much a like for like comparison of doing end to end in the 2 countries.
Having had time to reflect on my experiences, I thought I'd share come of the comparative differences with the experiences.
Before I go on though, irrespective of your conclusion of this particular reflection, I would say that both rides are definitely worth doing. They both offer a unique perspective on the country your riding in and are one hell of an experience.
The Tour Organisers
I rode LEJOG with the Deloitte Ride Across Britain event which is effectively owned and managed by Threshold Sports. I rode St Malo to Nice with Bike Alive.
You cannot get 2 more contrasting experiences in that regards. LEJOG was 800-1000 people. A small army if you like. ST Malo to Nice was 6 riders supported by 1 man and a Van with a trailer.
As you'd expect with the scale oif a ride like LEJOG it's like shifting a small army from basecamp to basecamp. The organisaion has to be tight and regimented and that's exactly what it felt like. You enter the bubble, get swept along within it for 9 days, and then get spat out at the end. It's all encompassing and single-minded in its endeavour.
The route on LEJOG was signposted all the way and the stops were set at roughtly 40-50k intervals. each day, with lunch being the mid-point stop.
St Malo to Nice was alltogether more relaxed. Derek put us at the centerpoint of decision making and gave us the autonomy to decide when to set off and when to stop. He'd set us off, then overtake us and wait up ahead. If we wanted to stop we could or otherwise we'd carry on. He carried all the necessary sustenance (water, bananas, bars, gels, electolytes etc). For lunch he offered to do a picnic from the van, although some of us elected to sort our own lunch from a local boulanger on route. But again, the choice was ours. As you;d expect, the route wasn't signposted but we instead had maps, but also crucially, followed GPX routes on our Garmins which were perfect 99.9% of the time and for even the .1% of confusion it was pretty obvious which way we were going.
I think both events organise themselves optimally for the scale of the operation and both work perfectly well.
On LEJOG we stayed in tents, ready-erected for us, (although a hotel option was there if you wanted it, whereas on StMalotoNice we stayed in 3* hotels.
On LEJOG you got used to the tents and actually came to love them by the end, although the air conditioned rooms of a hotel were wonderful.
On LEJOG you would have to queue for a shower (unless you were one of the faster riders) which always created a bottleneck (understandable when you have that many people) whereas we had ensuite shower (and sometimes a bath) with the French trip.
Sleepwise I'd say I got roughly the same amount of sleep in both tours. This is more down to over-exertion and twitch, sore legs, than anything else.
The Route
Both routes compare in terms of stats.
Roughly 1600 kms and roughly 60,000ft of climing - they are broadly equivalent. LEJOG is done over 9 days whereas St Malo to Nice is done over 10, so what you lose in terms of daily mileage on St Malo to Nice, you make up for with slighly more climbing.
Both routes I would suggest show you some of the best scenes of the country. Unfortunately for LEJOG it also means you get some of the worst. Certainly I felt LEJOG was effectively days 1 and 2 and then days 6 to 9, with the other days being fairly transitional with the odd exception on the other days.
St Malo to Nice was just stunning the majority of the time. In hindsight, days 1-3 were probably the weakest (although I did enjoy riding along the sea on day 1), but that's probably because we got spolt on days 4 onwards. So they weren't bad, they just got blown away by the later stages.
In terms of climbs, France wins it hands-down. You simply don't get the same scale, challenge and end result of the climbs in France on LEJOG.
And for every climb there's a descent and again, France wins this hands down. This is probably contributed by the road surface, but the descents are phenomenal in every way. Long, manageable and fun with terrific views and sweeping landscapes. they were superb.
Other factors
In terms of road surface, no aurprise here, but France wins it hands down as well. The only time we really had a poor road surface was when we came across roadworks re-laying the road surface. The UK could learn so much in this regard.
In terms of driver etiquetts, again the French win hands-down. I think I had 2, what I would class, close passes in France where I get about 5 on a short loop here in the UK. The French just seem more patient, considerate and supportive of cyclists (we got a number of hoots and waves on route) which you simply do not get in the UK. In the UK it's the exception, in France it's the norm.
As I said in my opening paragraph, both rides are awesome experiences. I really like the idea of riding from one end of a country to the other, and both these rides offer that an do an excellent job at supporting you to achieve your goal.
In hindsight I'm glad I did LEJOG before St malo to Nice because I can't help feeling that LEJOG might have felt underwhelming if I did it the other way around.
Both rides to have transition phases, and any ride like this is going to have those, but France offered up many more breathtaking and uterly awe-inspiring moments than LEJOG. Ultimately though, you are challenging yourself to ride from one end to another, so it is what it is. You have to take the good, the bad with the ugly and that's part of the beauty of a trip like this.
I still love the fact that I've done LEJOG, but I'm equally delighted to have done St Malo to Nice. The real question is, what comes next....
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thecc-calccrew-blog · 6 years
Bedürfnisse und Probleme bei der Studiumsplanung #2
Meine wichtigsten Bedürfnisse bei der Studiumsplanung:
Ordnung und Struktur
Einfache Kommunikation bei der Terminfindung für Gruppenarbeiten
Die Situationsbeschreibung, die zeigt, wie aktuell das Bedürfnis erfüllt  bzw. nicht erfüllt wird:
Ordnung und Struktur
Das Bedürfnis wird nicht erfüllt: Die Professoren lassen den Studenten auf unterschiedliche Art und Weise die Skripte zukommen. Die einen nutzen Moodle, die anderen versenden die Unterlagen per Mail und wieder andere laden sie im Stundenplan hoch. Ein zentraler Ort für die Skripte wäre die beste und übersichtlichste Lösung. Moodle ist meiner Meinung nach dafür gut geeignet. Besonders weil auf dieser Plattform zusätzlich für alle sichtbar kommuniziert werden kann. Das Bedürfnis wird erfüllt: Für eine kurze Zeit konnte man über die HdM-App den Stundenplan nutzen, Skripte herunterladen, die Noten und Prüfungstermine einsehen. Jedoch funktioniert die App nun nicht mehr. Wenn man am PC gearbeitet hat, hat die App nicht viel genützt. Außerdem fehlte der App die Anbindung zum Mail-Server. Somit wurde das Bedürfnis nur teilweise erfüllt.
Einfache Kommunikation bei der Terminfindung für Gruppenarbeiten
Das Bedürfnis wird nicht erfüllt: Ich würde mich sehr über ein Tool freuen, das ähnlich wie der Terminassistent bei Outlook funktionert: man kann die Termine der Kommilitonen einsehen und einen Terminvorschlag senden. So wird langes Diskutieren über die Terminfindung überflüssig. Das Bedürfnis wird meiner Einschätzung nach derzeit nicht erfüllt. Der einzige Kommunikationsweg ist bisher WhatsApp.
Herausforderungen/Probleme, die sich bei der Studiumsplanung ergeben:
Planung des Werkstudentenjobs
Terminfindung bei Gruppenarbeiten
Die Situationsbeschreibung, die das Problem aufzeigt:
Die Kommunikation läuft in der Regel über WhatsApp, dabei gehen gelegentlich Nachrichten gehen unter. Jeder kennt es: man liest Nachrichten oft nur schnell zwischendurch und vergisst dann zu antworten. Die Kommunikation mit dem Professor hingegen läuft über E-Mail, somit sind die Informationen nicht gesammelt an einem Ort. Das wäre in dem Fall der Gruppenchat innerhalb der Arbeitsgruppe. Somit fällt das Nachverfolgen und Nachvollziehen schwer.
Planung des Werkstudentenjobs
Unter der Planung des Stundenplans und in den ersten 2-3 Wochen des Semesters leidet oft der Job. Wenn man Glück hat und einen guten Arbeitgeber hat, kann man sich seine Arbeitszeit in der Zeit flexibel einteilen bis man wieder routiniert zu festen Terminen arbeiten kann. Nicht jeder Student hat allerdings das Glück und muss dann gucken wie er den Nebenjob und das Studium unter einen Hut bekommt. Das ist meiner Meinung nach die größte Herausforderung. Denn ohne Moos nichts los.
Terminfindung bei Gruppenarbeiten
Bei Gruppenarbeiten ist es immer wahnsinnig schwierig einen Termin zu finden. Besonders schwierig ist es, wenn die Gruppe groß ist oder aus unterschiedlichen Semestern/Studiengängen kommt. Jeder Kommilitone hat seinen eigenen Wochenplan. Die Einsicht in die einzelnen Wochenpläne (die Freizeittermine müssten integriert sein), würde eine Terminfindung erheblich erleichtern.
- Caroline
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falcodellerocce21 · 3 years
S‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‍‍‌‍‍ummary The task is a 3000 word written report requiring stu
S‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‍‍‌‍‍ummary The task is a 3000 word written report requiring stu
S‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‍‍‌‍‍ummary The task is a 3000 word written report requiring students to critically evaluate three selected HR areas in an organisaion. Using relevant concepts, principles and theories of HRM, make justified recommendations for improvement. Referencing is Australian Harvard (AGPS) and outlined in the AIB Style Guide. Note: Insert this summary description when submitting a draft to…
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extra-ordinari · 3 years
S‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‍‍‌‍‍ummary The task is a 3000 word written report requiring stu
S‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‍‍‌‍‍ummary The task is a 3000 word written report requiring stu
S‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‍‍‌‍‍ummary The task is a 3000 word written report requiring students to critically evaluate three selected HR areas in an organisaion. Using relevant concepts, principles and theories of HRM, make justified recommendations for improvement. Referencing is Australian Harvard (AGPS) and outlined in the AIB Style Guide. Note: Insert this summary description when submitting a draft to…
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clockworkcreations · 3 years
S‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‍‍‌‍‍ummary The task is a 3000 word written report requiring stu
S‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‍‍‌‍‍ummary The task is a 3000 word written report requiring stu
S‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‍‍‌‍‍ummary The task is a 3000 word written report requiring students to critically evaluate three selected HR areas in an organisaion. Using relevant concepts, principles and theories of HRM, make justified recommendations for improvement. Referencing is Australian Harvard (AGPS) and outlined in the AIB Style Guide. Note: Insert this summary description when submitting a draft to…
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wellesleytco · 3 years
S‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‍‍‌‍‍ummary The task is a 3000 word written report requiring stu
S‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‍‍‌‍‍ummary The task is a 3000 word written report requiring stu
S‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‍‍‌‍‍ummary The task is a 3000 word written report requiring students to critically evaluate three selected HR areas in an organisaion. Using relevant concepts, principles and theories of HRM, make justified recommendations for improvement. Referencing is Australian Harvard (AGPS) and outlined in the AIB Style Guide. Note: Insert this summary description when submitting a draft to…
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guidedpapers · 3 years
Critically evaluate, and recommend improvement to existing human resource management strategies.
Critically evaluate, and recommend improvement to existing human resource management strategies.
S‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‍‍‌‍‍ummary The task is a 3000 word written report requiring students to critically evaluate three selected HR areas in an organisaion. Using relevant concepts, principles and theories of HRM, make justified recommendations for improvement. Referencing is Australian Harvard (AGPS) and outlined in the AIB Style Guide. Note: Insert this summary description when submitting a draft to…
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