orgonevalley · 1 year
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hermes-gems · 1 year
Natural Malachite Polished Stone ◇ DM / WhatsApp / Email / Telegram for info ◇ [email protected] ◇ Telegram: @HermesGems #Malachite #MalachitePolished #NaturalMalachite #MalachiteTumbled #MalachiteTumble #SemipreciousStones #HealingCrystals #crystalhealing #HealingStones #Healing #7Chakras #7ChakraCrystals #7ChakraStones #ReikiCrystals #ReikiHealing #ReikiCharged #Reiki #OrgoniteCrystals #Orgonite #OrgoniteStones #Orgone #OrgoneCrystals #OrgoneEnergy #HermesGems #HermesJewelry #Hermes
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creature-wizard · 1 year
Hey, um. What do you know about orgonite? I have some from my time around New Age stuff. But I'm prone to thinking it's just bullshit now. I don't really know what to do with the pieces now. One piece is even appropriative, because it's a hamsa (I was definitely very ignorant when I got it about seven years ago). I've put it in particular away, but I'm still not totally sure what to do with it. It's just little bits of crystal and metal in resin. It feels stupid, but I'd rather get some advice before I do anything. I'm still coming to terms with where my head was back then. You've been super helpful with your blog, so thank you so much for being here.
Orgone is pseudoscience, but there's nothing wrong with resin art or anything, and I've personally felt that if you're the sort who puts stock in things like talismans and witch bottles, then putting things in resin would be a perfectly valid form of magic.
I think as long as a piece isn't culturally appropriative or something, it's fine to have around, whether for the aesthetic or for any other value you suspect it could have.
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aideshou · 10 months
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Love her @thechembow 🌧️ 🌀
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thevirginwitch · 1 year
oh boy I can’t wait to buy an overpriced quartz-and-copper-coil resin pyramid from etsy so can accumulate enough orgone energy to achieve orgasm
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alchemy-of-spirit · 1 year
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Yule Dragon Aesthetic
Red Jasper is a powerhouse for providing a profound sense of well being. It helps balance aggressive and intense emotions, warding off negative energy.
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432oneness · 2 years
Aurora Ankh
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Really love how this orgonite ankh changes color throughout the day. Filled with elite shungite; amethyst, black tourmaline, black kyanite and so much more. This one-a-kind piece is only available from 432oneness. Let us create a custom Aurora Ankh with your favorite crystals.
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crazyskirtlady · 2 years
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Rain Summoning Altar🌧️
Water base, unbound mixed crystal matrix orgonite;
Magnetic Bioceramics
Quartz pyramid
Azurite spear inside a Copper coil
*This is a tried and true model for me, living in an drought stricken area I am always able to summon at least a little rain with this to my immediate vicinity.
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orgoneamplifiers · 1 year
Happy 4/20! The beautiful State of Colorado has legalized a few things that are still illegal in most parts of the world.
Colorado is a leader in natural and experimental treatments. With its legalization of medicinal Marijuana in 2000 and the legalization of medicinal psilocybin 🍄 in 2022, Colorado is the perfect place to build and expand our understanding of healing energy. Standing on the shoulders of Wilhelm Reich and many like him, we began this project to continue this journey of understanding.
Featured in this video:
•Green OA-3000
•Yellow OA-3000 with a Citrine upgrade
•Red OA-3000
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waka-sorahogiya · 1 year
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オルゴナイトの存在を最初に知ったのは2011年の震災の後だったか? ⁡ ネット上で調べものをしていて、何かの拍子にアンテナに掛かったように記憶している ⁡ その少し後に、当時お付き合いのあった方から、アメリカのヒッピーから購入したと、お土産に小さなオルゴナイトを頂いたのが実物を目にした最初 ⁡ それからしばらくして、日本でもオルゴナイトを作る作家さんが増えてきて、空前のブームに至っていますね。 ⁡ ここまでも幾つかコレクションしてきていたオルゴナイトですが、去年所沢のイベントに出展した際にご来場くださった方がオルゴナイトを作っていらっしゃるとお聞きして、ご無理を承知の上でオーダーをお願いしてみました。 ⁡ 先日、月がおとめ座を通過中の期間に作品完成のお知らせを頂き、こういう星の巡り合わせだったかとドキドキしながら到着を待ち、届いたのがこちら✨ ⁡ なんと2つも制作して下さっていて、先に写真で見せて頂いた時からペアで誕生したようにしか思えず、2つともオーナーにならせて頂くことに ⁡ 「満月」と「新月」のイメージ はたまた、ペルーの「太陽のワカ」「月のワカ」の遺跡ともリンクしているような? ⁡ 到着した日の夜すぐに室内で撮影して、日光の下で撮影できる機会を待っていたのですが、今日こそ!と思い立ったその日はうお座の月が、わたしの誕生時のドラゴンヘッドの上を通過していくタイミングでした ⁡ ドラゴンテイルで誕生して、ドラゴンヘッドで陽の目を見る ⁡ とことん、イニシエート占星術に生きています ⁡ ひろこさん、オーダーを受け付けて下さりありがとうございました🥰🙏🏼💖 ⁡ IG @irias_gaa ⁡ ‪#オルゴナイト #orgonite #ピラミッド #blissoftheday #magic #wizard #alchemist #alchemistjourney #sorahogiya #japan🇯🇵 #instagram #instadaily #イニシエート占星術 #宙星祝屋 #Y2023 (at Shibaura) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpFlP4DS2ti/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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thechembow · 4 months
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Rolling Fog
Jan. 5, 2024
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orgonevalley · 1 year
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The power of water 💧 As a Pisces ☀️ Pisces 🌚 and Scorpio ⬆️ I understand the power of water and letting things flow. Here are some great uses for water in your spell work and manifestations. 🌊
#orgonevalley #orgonite #witchesofinstagram #witchaesthetic #witchcraft #witchy #witchlife #witchyvibes #witchystuff #witchyways #witchythings #witchart #witchmemes #witchtips #witchtip #witchjewelry #witchfashion #witches #water #watersigns #waterislife #waterwitch #waterelement #elements #elementals #waterdrops #watersign #waterlust
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hermes-gems · 1 year
Amethyst Cluster ◇ Amethyst Geode ◇ DM / WhatsApp / Email / Telegram for info ◇ [email protected] ◇ Telegram: @HermesGems #AmethystCluster #AmethystGeode #AmethystCrystal #AmethystStone #Amethyst #RawAmethyst #SemipreciousStones #HealingCrystals #crystalhealing #HealingStones #Healing #crystals #Geode #cluster #7Chakras #7ChakraCrystals #7ChakraStones #ReikiCrystals #ReikiStones #ReikiHealing #ReikiCharged #Reiki #OrgoniteCrystals #Orgonite #OrgoniteStones #Orgone #OrgoneCrystals #OrgoneEnergy #OrgoneStones #HermesGems #HermesJewelry #Hermes
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creature-wizard · 1 year
Concerning the claims about organite countering things like radiation, 5G, wifi, bluetooth... it sounds like new age gobblygook so I dunno. I'm not sure if it's legit or not.
Yeah, no, orgonite definitely doesn't have any significant ability to disrupt anything like that. Metal shavings, bits of wire, chunks of quartz, etc. cast in resin can't do that. If you want something that can actually block EMFs, you need something like a Faraday cage. Where something like gamma rays are concerned, you need lead shielding (which works because lead is dense enough that it can't get through).
Basically, we're looking at a product of the belief that apparent supernatural phenomena is actually electromagnetic phenomena. This is an idea that took off around the Victorian era, because wiring wasn't very good and people blamed flickering lights on ghosts. The idea's stuck around ever since, despite it making like zero sense if you actually stop and think about it for more than five minutes.
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ashacandleorgonit · 2 years
Orgonit Nedir?
Orgonit, çevresindeki enerjiyi dengeleyen, metal, reçine ve kristalden yapılan, sürekli çalışan bir cihazdır. 
Freud’un öğrencisi olan Dr. Wilhelm Reich, 1930’lu yıllarda orgon olarak adlandırdığı kozmik yaşam enerjisinin varlığını bilimsel metotla keşfetmiştir. Bu araştırmalarının sonucunda organik ve inorganik maddeleri katmanlar halinde bir araya getirerek ilk orgon akümülatörünü geliştirmiştir. 
Orgonitteki reçine, kuruma sürecindeyken büzülür, kuvars kristalini sürekli olarak sıkıştırır, bu da kristalin içinde piezoelektrik etkisi yaratır.
Kristalin mükemmel simetrik moleküler yapısı dışardan bir güce maruz kaldığında bir voltaj, frekans üretir. Bu da kristalin, temizlenmeye ihtiyaç duymadan kendi frekansını devamlı ve güçlü bir şekilde yayınlamasını ve etrafındaki enerjileri dönüştürmesini sağlar. Bu nedenle orgonitin içinde yoğunlaşan enerji kristal sayesinde temizlenip amplife olur. Orgonitin, Dr. Reich’ın DOR (deadly orgone energy) olarak adlandırdığı negatif enerjiyi, pozitif enerjiye (POR) dönüştüren bir jeneratör olma özelliği buradan gelir. 
Reçine (organik) enerjiyi çeker, binlerce yılda oluşmuş ve dünyanın titreşim frekansını taşıyan kristaller enerjiyi dengeler ve metaller (inorganik) de enerjiyi iter, yani dengeli enerjiyi dışarı verir.
Reçine, karbon tabanlı organik bir maddedir ve kristalleşme sürecinde, tıpkı suyun donma sürecinde gözlemlenebildiği gibi, etrafındaki ses, frekans ve niyetlerden etkilenir.
 Bu nedenle reçine kristalleşme sürecindeyken belirli niyetlerle programlanabilir. Orgonit, kristalleşme esnasında etkisinde kaldığı enerjilerin izini taşıyacağı için bu zaman aralığı orgonit yapımında büyük önem taşır. Bu süre zarfında pozitif niyet yüklemek, ses vibrasyonları ve frekans uygulamak orgonitin verimliligini artırır.
Başlıca Faydaları:
- Orgonit ile kendimizi etraftaki değişken enerjilerin kaosundan biraz olsun koruyabilir, yaşadığımız mekanlardaki elektro manyetik radyasyon kirliliğini azaltabiliriz .
☀️Başlıca Faydaları: 
*Etrafındaki havanın ve suyun moleküler yapısını düzenler.
(İçtiginiz su bardagının yanında yarım saat beklettiginizde suyun moleküler yapısı daha harmonik bi düzene girer ve alkali degeri dengelenir )
*Sağlıklı negatif iyon yayar. Bulundugu ortamdaki negatif iyonları pozitife dönüştürür.
*Elektro Manyetik Radyasyonun zararlı etkilerini azaltır. Televizyon telefon bilgisayar gibi elektronik aletlerden gelen radyoaktif enerjiyi uzaklaştırır. Orgonit bir çeşit koruma kalkanı olur
*Vücudun bağışıklık ve endokrin sistemini destekler.
*Dikkat ve konsantrasyonu artırarak zihinsel disiplini geliştirir.
*Çakraların temizlenmesine ve aktive olmasına yardımcı olur.
*Hücrelerin titreşim frekansını yükselterek, vücudun genel enerji seviyesini dengeler.
*Bitkilerin, sebze ve meyvelerin daha sağlıklı büyümesine yardımcı olur. Ölmek üzere olan yada solmuş bir bitkinizin köküne orgonit koyup bir iki hafta bekleterek bitkideki degişimi gözlemleyebilirsiniz.
*Uyku ve rüya kalitesini artırır. Uyurken başucunuza koydugunuzda rüyaların daha duru ve berrak olarak hatırlanmasını saglar .
*Sezgilerin ve psişik güçlerin uyanmasına , güçlenmesine yardımcı olur.
Bir niyet belirleyip orgonitinize yüklediginizde o niyet çerçevesinde çalışır.
*Zihinsel ve bedensel sağlığın dengelenmesine yardımcı olur.
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alchemy-of-spirit · 1 year
The many uses of Orgonite in the craft 💕
This plate is pack with ingredients associated with love, including copper, rose, shells & rose quartz! 🥀
The bottom layer is my Orgonite mixture with over 20 different crystals and metals to give a powerful energy effect that can charge and cleanse items!✨
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