dominadespina · 1 month
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Maria Fadrique was born around 1370, the daughter of the last Catalan Count of Salona, Don Louis Fadrique, and his Greek wife, Princess Helena Fadrique, also known as Helena Kantakouzene or The Despina, Helena Asenina.
Not much information about her early childhood has been preserved. We do know that she grew up as an only child to the noble couple and was likely prepared and claimed as the only heir to the County of Salona.
In 1382, at the age of 12, she lost her father and became the Countess of Salona in her own right. However, due to her age, she was deemed too young to manage the county, so her mother, the Dowager Countess Helena Fadrique, took charge as regent. That same year, she was betrothed to Bernat Hug, a son of Felip Dalmau, but the betrothal was annulled.
Despite reaching the age of maturity in 1386, at 16, an age when she was now deemed fully capable of managing the County of Salona, her mother remained in power over all state affairs, and Maria had yet to step a toe into the world of politics. That same year, her mother betrothed her to a son of the Serbian Emperor Symeon Uros for political reasons, but this betrothal, like the first one was annulled. That same year, she was betrothed to an alienated associate of the King of Aragon, but the wedding never took place.
From the years of 1388-1391, Helena refused to repay damages to a Venetian citizen who suffered the loss of property aboard a ship from Ancona by her late husband, Don Luis Fadrique, in 1380. This made her mother very unpopular with Venice.
Her mother was quite hated by the people, who most likely would have preferred Maria to take charge over state affairs, but this never happened. Even at the age of 20, Maria had not taken charge over state affairs. This decision to keep the Dowager Countess in charge would eventually cause their deaths.
Though Necdet Sakaoğlu in his work “Bu Mülkün Kadın Sultanları” claims she was betrothed to Manuel II in 1393, I have not seen another source to confirm this claim.
In this same work, Sakaoğlu tells the story of the capture of Maria and her mother in late 1393 or early 1394. “Turkish soldiers captured the Frankish ship that was bringing Maria to Istanbul in the Dardanelles and captured its occupants.” - Necdet Sakaoğlu, “Bu Mülkün Kadın Sultanları,” pg 88.
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Upon meeting the beautiful and affianced Countess, Sultan Yildirim Bayezid Han was smitten with her, and both the mother and the daughter were brought to his harem in Edirne, and Maria became his concubine.
That same year in 1394, Helena died, but it is not clear if it was due to an execution or other reasons. According to Laonikos Chalkokondyles, the Countess Helena disgraced herself and brought shame upon the people of "Delphi" by committing her authority into the hands of her lover, a priest called Strateus, for which reason the Archbishop of Larissa denounced her to the Basileus (Sultan) and gave him the pretext for taking over the County of Salona. - The Byzantine Family of Kantakouzenos (Cantacuzenus) Ca. 1100-1460: A Genealogical and Prosopographical, pg 161.
As for Maria, she was executed a year later in 1395 after Bayezid found her unworthy of him, and eventually lost interest in her. However, this reason seems highly improbable.
When Bayezid lost interest in her, he wouldn’t have executed her but instead discarded her or even sent her away to the old palace in Bursa. The reason for her execution must be something else, either she was executed for political reasons or she went against the rules or even committed a crime. Nonetheless, it is highly unlikely for a Sultan to execute a concubine because he lost interest in her.
( Sources: The Byzantine Family of Kantakouzenos (Cantacuzenus) Ca. 1100-1460: A Genealogical and Prosopographical, Necdet Sakaoğlu, “Bu Mülkün Kadın Sultanları".)
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nevzatboyraz44 · 3 months
Historical mosques in Turkey🇹🇷
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humasahsultanimsworld · 2 months
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Hürrem Sultan's Green and Gold Patterned Caftan
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okuryazarlar · 7 months
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Falih Rıfkı Atay, Birinci Dünya Savaşı’nda Suriye ve Kudüs’te Osmanlı emir subayı olarak bulunmuştu. "Zeytindağı" adlı eserinde o zamanki Kudüs’ü, cepheyi ve o günün insanlarının ruh yapısını, Arapların Türklere bakışını ele almaktadır.
"Çıplak İsa, Nasıra’da marangoz çırağı idi; Zeytindağı’nın üstünden geçtiği zaman, altında kendi malı bir eşeği vardı. Biz Kudüs’te kirada oturuyoruz. Halep’ten bu tarafa geçmeyen şey yalnız Türk kâğıdı değil, ne Türkçe ne de Türk geçiyor. Floransa ne kadar bizden değilse, Kudüs de o kadar bizim değildi. Sokaklarda turistler gibi dolaşıyoruz.” 
"Ticaret, kültür, çiftlik, endüstri, binalar, her şey Arapların veya başka devletlerin. Yalnız jandarma bizim idi; jandarma bile değil, jandarmanın esvabı."
"Türkleşmiş hiçbir Arap görmedikten başka, Araplaşmamış Türk’e az rast geliyordum."
“Suriye, Filistin ve Hicaz’da ‘Türk müsünüz?’ sorusunun birçok defalar cevabı ‘Estağfurullah’ idi. Bu kıtaları ne sömürgeleştirmiş ne de vatanlaştırmıştık. Osmanlı İmparatorluğu buralarda, ücretsiz tarla ve sokak bekçisi idi."
 "Eğer medrese ve şuursuzluk devam etmiş olsaydı, Araplığın Anadolu yukarılarına kadar gireceğine şüphe yoktu."
 “Kudüs’ün en güzel yapısı Almanların, ikinci en güzel yapısı yine onların, en büyük yapısı Rusların, bütün öteki binalar İngilizlerin, Fransızların, hep başka milletlerin idi… Geç kalmıştık. Artık ne Suriye, ne de Filistin bizim idi. Rumeli’yi kaybetmiştik. Lübnan havası bize Dobruca havasından yüz kat daha yabancı idi. Fakat her yere ‘bizim’ diyorduk.” 
Osmanlı yönetimi “Halep’ten Aden’e kadar süren o koca memlekette” bir Arap meselesi olduğunu düşünür. Atay ise gerçekte böyle bir mesele olmadığını belirtir: 
“Arap meselesi denen şey Türk düşmanlığı hissi idi. Bu hissi ortadan kaldırınız, Suriye ve Arabistan meselesi Arap saçına döner." 
"Hiçbir tarafı yapılmamış olan bir vatanın bayrağını Kahire’ye dikmek için havaya giden enerji, boş Anadolu’yu zengin ve ümranlı bir vatan yapmak için hiçbir vakit kullanılmadı. Türk, harbde kullanılmış, kıymetlendirilmiş, destanlaştırılmış, sulhte ise bırakılmıştır. Geçmişten ders alınmazsa geçmiş geçmeyen olur."
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ottoman-empire · 9 months
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e-yyup · 6 months
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ottoman-empire · 3 months
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