#outdated science
asteroidtroglodyte · 1 year
Professor Einstein has proposed that no one can outrun a beam of light. Harrumph, I say!
Transversing the Luminiferous Æther
Exceeding the speed of light is trivial once you understand that this “Universal Speed Limit” is caused by what is known to scientists as the “Doppler Effect.”
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The common Doppler stands between 12”-15” tall and rides about on electromagnetic beams. Being exceptionally shy, they use their eponymous effect to slow down those who approach their velocity, so as to avoid drawn-out conversation with strangers.
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The Doppler detects these velocities using telepathy. So, there are 4 essential ingredients to overcoming professor Einstein’s so-called “limit:”
Lead Helmet: for blocking telepathic beams
Turtle: to provide slow thoughts
Swimwear: for swimming in the fluid Æther
Bromine: for Consistency
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Once the superluminal has been achieved, it is essential to remember that you will reach your destination before anyone sees you arrive, which may cause existential scheduling complications.
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This may become problematic at dinner parties, as the host may feel obligated to set additional places for your numerous light echoes, disrupting their dinner plans.
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However, as such velocities reverse the river of time, you may simply go back and tell yourself where you are going to be before you arrive. Simply remember to inform the host that you are not an additional guest, but a herald from the future, and have as such already eaten.
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If a fish fork is not served, a salad fork may be used in its place, unless salad is served as the first course. It is impolite to ask for an additional fork unless soup is also served in which case the host be subject to “Kingston’s Rule”
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Dinner conversation should pique the interest but not dwell upon the controversial. A smoking jacket is always appropriate.
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markscherz · 10 months
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🐸🚨New Frog Just Dropped!🚨🐸
Meet the ✨Most Beautiful Tree Frog✨, Guibemantis pulcherrimus, a new species described by my colleagues and me in the journal Zootaxa this week. The scientific name 'pulcherrimus' literally means 'most beautiful'. It's a close relative of Guibemantis pulcher (just 'beautiful', ha!), but has more little spots and less pronounced lateral blotches. It's found in the northeast of Madagascar, where it lives in Pandanus screw-palms.
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darkwood-sleddog · 1 year
how many of you have trained a psychiatric service dog and how did that go for you? asking for a family member and also because man some of the service dog programs are REALLY really really into alpha & dominance theory which....puke.
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ace-aro-sasha-nein · 1 year
I think all psychonauts games are really unique and well crafted etc, but the first game touched on a very specific experience of mine that literally no other media has been able to capture. You play as a young character that is deeply enthusiastic about an institution that appears to be dying. (The camp’s buildings are decrepit, the adult supervision seems a bit checked out, a kid could loose their brain and nobody would think they were, like, that different from normal, the guy who flips burgers at the lodge is an old and well respected agent, one person has set up a sparsely furnished lab underneath an old (rather unethical) government research facility, said facility is left unattended to the point that kids can trap each other in there without anyone noticing… ) idk the whole camp is falling apart a bit, and certainly doesn’t bode well for the Psychonauts as a whole, and I would have loved if the Psychonauts had felt more on-its-last-legs in psychonauts 2. But games are not only built for me!
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st-turbulentic · 1 year
Scott Clarke was progressively asked increasingly elaborate *hypothetical* questions over the span of three years by a group of children and a mother of one said child.
Not to mention all of the shit in town he would have witnessed during those things— and now. He’s living in a town where everything is alllllllll blown up???
Scott Clarke needs to be in season five.
Imagine him and Murray? Best friends? Husbands? Boyfriends? Soulmates?
All of the above: Yes.
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Yeah, the MCU is cool and all, but the John Hughes Cinematic Universe chews it up for breakfast and spits it out on the regular.
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menderash · 11 months
just checked a radfem's blog before blocking and one of their most popular posts is them going full HP Lovecraft on the very concept of mixed race people as well as a side of antisemetism. normal day in terf land, I presume.
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mourningmaybells · 2 months
no longer in college but they need to fire art professors and lecturers for bringing up twitter discourse. you're gonna assign me readings then go on a rant about cartoon network fans and things i need to be on twitter to know? die.
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blueberry-beanie · 6 months
it seems my obsession about a certain satirist is a double-edged sword
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un-pearable · 8 months
i get normal amounts of heated about badly written multiple choice questions
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mystacoceti · 1 year
Susan Sontag was reading science fiction in the 60s, like, post-Clarke, -Aasimov, -Sturgeon, contemporary with those guys and Tiptree, Delany, Zelazny, Le Guin etcetera etcetera ‐‐ and the science fiction she sometimes mentions in her journals and essays is still the most stereotypical 40s pulp "space ship crashlands on planet"
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mutuals. babygirls. tell me something interesting. i wanna know about stuff you find cool
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viovio · 2 years
vincent edgeworths dumb fucking stupid ass how'd he become the lawyer when his ocean facts are outdated by like 60 years. all the ace attorneys would kill him with rocks
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