scienceacumen · 11 months
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Is this an alien? Probably not, but of all the animals on Earth, the tardigrade might be the best candidate. That's because tardigrades are known to be able to go for decades without food or water, to survive temperatures from near absolute zero to well above the boiling point of water, to survive pressures from near zero to well above that on ocean floors, and to survive direct exposure to dangerous radiations.
The far-ranging survivability of these extremophiles was tested in 2011 outside an orbiting space shuttle. Tardigrades are so durable partly because they can repair their own DNA and reduce their body water content to a few percent. Some of these miniature water-bears almost became extraterrestrials in 2011 when they were launched toward to the Martian moon Phobos, and again in 2021 when they were launched toward Earth's own moon, but the former launch failed, and the latter landing crashed.
Tardigrades are more common than humans across most of the Earth. Pictured here in a color-enhanced electron micrograph, a millimeter-long tardigrade crawls on moss.
📷: Nicole Ottawa & Oliver Meckes / Eye of Science / Science Source Images
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holistichealingg · 4 days
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shaonicwhite · 1 year
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no longer will the blob be gentle
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luxudus · 9 months
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An art piece i made about 2 months ago but never got around to posting it. This was the final project for my school's art class in which we had to make a triptych
    In a distant galaxy that glows a faint turquoise lies a remarkable world named Iia’Oo-uo. A tropical water world larger than Earth orbiting three suns. It is home to a menagerie of strange alien forms. The line between Plant and animal life is often very blurred. Photosynthetic life comes in shades of red, purple, yellow, and pink. Colonial organisms flourish everywhere. And radial symmetry is far more common on Iia’Oo-uo than on Earth. One such group consists of Arthropod-like organisms with eight limbs for locomotion and respiration, two antennae, six eyes, and six oral tendrils akin to the Portuguese man of war.
    One such species from that phylum has made a remarkable adaptation. One that changed the course of history forever, Sapience. Referring to their people as the Uueia-Ouoo-Oo, They are a species of four-foot-long Arthropod-like predators that take on a mix of niches. But are most known for filling a role not too similar to Dolphins.
    Their oral tendrils have become strong and more flexible. Aiding in catching prey and crafting tools akin to the tentacles of an octopus. They take on a vibrant shade of magenta to identify each other in the open water. And unlike most of the other alien arthropods of their world. The Uueia-Ouoo-Oo rarely use their front six limbs, only using them to hook onto the seafloor. They mostly use their rear limbs as a set of fins for swimming.
    The Uueia-Ouoo-Oo are very agile swimmers. They are capable of changing between 3 different methods of aquatic locomotion. When relaxing the muscles in their entire body, they can perform Anguilliform swimming akin to eels. By stiffening muscles in the front half of their body, they can switch to a mix of Subcarangiform or Carangiform swimming akin to Trout. By tightening the muscles in their entire body, they can even switch to Median-paired fin swimming, akin to many fish native to coral reefs.
    Yet despite their alien appearance, they think and act like us. They enjoy art and music and feel empathy for one another. With the lack of predators, their love and curiosity far outweighs their fear. The Uueia-Ouoo-Oo may not be human, but they capture what it means to be human.
    The biggest challenge with starting a civilization underwater is the impossibility of fire and metallurgy. Where most intelligent species either stagnate or die out. The Uueia-Ouoo-Oo prevail through selective breeding and genetic engineering. Throughout their history, they have learned to modify the life around them into tools and technology.
    Coral analogs are grown into vast cities. Color-changing invertebrates bred into handheld screens. And Radio communicating hives of small alien cnidarians become the backbone of the Uueia-Ouoo-Oo Internet. Life and its protection and mastery is a focal point of Uueia-Ouoo-Oo culture. Within 20 thousand years, they reshaped their entire planet in their image and created a paradise. But this is just the beginning.
    Once they conquered their world, their eyes turned skyward to explore the heavens. It took over millennia to find out how to do it. Nonetheless, the Uueia-Ouoo-Oo still prevailed. They came to the idea of growing vacuum-sealed organisms capable of photosynthesis and omnidirectional jet propulsion. Chromatophores cover the interior, changing color to match what this bioship sees. Along with a tendril connected to its nervous system, allowing the pilot to insert the tendril into their head, effectively becoming one with the ship.
    Lastly, they somehow learned how to create artificial wormholes, allowing the bioship to teleport anywhere in the universe. They explored the heavens with an unmatched fervor. Surveying millions of galaxies, every star within those galaxies, and every planet around those stars. All the while, they expanded at a similar pace, reshaping dead worlds into ocean worlds as beautiful as their homeworld and protecting the worlds that evolved their own alien ecosystems.
    One day, during a galaxy-wide survey, they found a unique world amongst an 8-planet star system. Like millions of other worlds, this planet had life. But it had something else. One species in this world became sapient and developed a planet-wide civilization. The Uueia-Ouoo-Oo had never seen this before, and they were eager at this discovery.
    Here 3 Uueia-Ouoo-Oo celebrate the discovery before their expeditionary fleet heads through the wormhole. Ready to venture to this world the natives call Earth.
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thisthat-ortheother · 2 months
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nihilanth-stims · 1 year
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a pink themed houndeye stimboard for anonymous!! whhirrrrr... brrrrrrr...!!
🎀🎀🎀- 🎀🎀🎀 - 🎀🎀🎀
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eeveekitti · 6 days
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i got to talk about some of my spec bio for a biology assignment woo!!!
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starriesse · 27 days
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Pro.shippers + Rad.queers, please do not interact with this post! If you use my filtered gifs, please credit me and the original gif makers + reblog.
Credits— 01 ; 02 ; 03 || 04 ; 05 ; 06 || 07 ; 08 ; 09
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themesopelagiczone · 5 months
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earth fact time. in 1991, nasa launched about 2,500 moon jelly polyps into space. they wanted to see how developing in zero-gravity would affect jellyfish behaviour back on earth. by the end of the mission, there were about 60,000 jellyfish orbiting earth - they'd gotten BUSY up there.
essentially, the way humans tell which way is up and which is down is a bunch of tiny crystals on a bunch of tiny hairs in our ears. the crystals roll around and move the hair cells, which signals directions to our brain. jellyfish have similar crystal-hairs around their bells (the umbrella-looking bit), so knowing how jellyfish responded to 0G development would help us figure out how humans would do in a similar scenario!
results found that, once returned to earth, the moon jellies had trouble getting around. they had vertigo and couldn't tell up from down, and sort of looked drunk, if moon jellies could get drunk. doesn't bode too well for us, i think.
NOVA | the atlantic | jellyfishart.com
photos: ume-y (flickr) | akron zoo
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littlemoondesigns · 4 months
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This is something I made in August (under a different alias lol, the name is my Instagram which is now called CannDesignz!).
I won't be posting on this account very often, only if I draw something which is usually just when I get a whim to.
I used Krita and it took roughly 3 hours!
I was inspired by Astrology and Marine Life, so I thought to put them together. The 3 weird octopus creatures are actually called Man'O'Wars! They aren't single organisms, I believe they're actually a kind of siphonophore!
The planet is Pluto, which represents transformation, death, karma and rebirth in Astrology.
Check out my Astrology Blog!
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briedegilles · 7 months
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self indulgent turbo (2013) fan art in 2023
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theargonautsproject · 18 days
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Il viaggio è cominciato, individuato il primo pianeta che pare sia completamente ricoperto dagli oceani o quasi. Osserviamo la terra un’ultima volta. Quante vite sono state vissute qui? Quanti hanno guardato le stelle cercando di capire chi ci fosse oltre noi?
Una piccola domanda che necessita di tante energie e tecnologie per avere una risposta, speriamo altresì di trovare forme di vita evolute anche se questo ci mette davanti altre problematiche;
Parleremmo a loro eventualmente per conto nostro e non per conto della razza umana o del pianeta terra e non dobbiamo interferire con nessuna vicenda. Saremo osservatori silenziosi che varcano i confini mai varcati.
Quando arriveremo alla prima destinazione vi manderemo aggiornamenti. Argo tiene bene la navigazione tra le stelle, sembra quasi che non vedesse l’ora di partire.
Restate sintonizzati per novità 🚀
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owlthatnestslow · 1 month
Space ships and Aliens
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admircot · 1 year
Yeah all the deep, and somewhat existential themes in Outer wilds did get to me. BUT.
Scientists being absolutely delighted that kids were incorporating their research in their little kid games did GET to me.
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allpowerfulaxolotl · 3 months
Something that freaking blows my mind is the realization of just how old humans are as a species and therefore how much human history is an empty mystery
The human history we learn in school and museums generally goes back to about 4000 BC
Neanderthals are often discussed as living 10,000 years ago during the ice age
Homo sapiens as a species are 300,000* years old. Three hundred thousand!!
It’s so freaking insane to me to think about the age of the history we discuss versus three hundred thousand years of humans existing before that, the magnitude of what we don’t know. It also puts into perspective the truely exponential rapidity of human societal development.
To put that growth a little further into perspective, we only began farming about 12,000 years ago, like 288,000 years after our species started existing. Fast forward and it took us 58 years to get from our first flight to outer space
*160,000-300,000 depending on who you ask, evolution being a gradual process
Edit because more than one person has now seen this post and it contains a mistake: the Neanderthals were 40,000 years ago, not 10,000
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pockycatz · 9 months
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1 year after my space manta ray, I present to you: space horseshoe crab :)
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