magneticovitalblog · 11 months
Tu peor enemigo eres tu mismo/a
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Como psicólogo y sociólogo, puedo ofrecerte una perspectiva clara y objetiva sobre por qué a veces nosotros mismos nos convertimos en nuestro peor enemigo. Si bien cada individuo es único y existen múltiples factores que pueden contribuir a este fenómeno, hay ciertos aspectos generales que pueden explicar este comportamiento autodestructivo.
Autocrítica excesiva: A menudo, las personas tienden a ser muy críticas consigo mismas, estableciendo estándares inalcanzables y juzgándose duramente en comparación con los demás. Esta autocrítica excesiva puede llevar a una baja autoestima y a una constante sensación de no ser lo suficientemente buenos, lo que puede sabotear nuestros esfuerzos y generar autodestrucción.
Miedo al fracaso: El miedo al fracaso es una preocupación común que puede llevarnos a sabotear nuestros propios objetivos. A veces, por temor a enfrentar el fracaso o a la crítica de los demás, nos boicoteamos antes de siquiera intentar algo nuevo. Esta autolimitación nos impide alcanzar nuestro verdadero potencial.
Patrones de pensamiento negativos: Nuestros pensamientos tienen un poder significativo sobre nuestras acciones y emociones. Si nos vemos atrapados en patrones de pensamiento negativos, como el pesimismo, el catastrofismo o la rumiación constante de problemas, es más probable que nos autodestruyamos emocionalmente y tomemos decisiones poco saludables.
Falta de autorreflexión: Muchas veces, nos involucramos en comportamientos autodestructivos sin siquiera ser conscientes de ello. La falta de autorreflexión y autoconocimiento puede llevarnos a repetir patrones dañinos, sin aprender de nuestras experiencias pasadas. Es fundamental tomarse el tiempo para examinar nuestras motivaciones, necesidades y valores personales.
Influencias sociales y culturales: La sociedad y la cultura en la que vivimos también pueden influir en cómo nos percibimos a nosotros mismos. Los estándares de belleza, éxito y felicidad impuestos por la sociedad pueden generar comparaciones constantes y una sensación de insuficiencia. Además, los juicios y estigmas sociales pueden afectar negativamente nuestra autoimagen y llevarnos a sabotearnos a nosotros mismos.
Es importante recordar que, si bien a veces nosotros mismos podemos ser nuestro peor enemigo, también podemos ser nuestros mayores aliados. A través de la autorreflexión, el autocuidado, la aceptación y la búsqueda de apoyo emocional, podemos superar estos patrones autodestructivos y trabajar hacia una vida más plena y satisfactoria.
Aquí tienes algunos consejos que te ayudarán a convertirte en tu mayor aliado:
Cultiva la autoestima y la autoaceptación: Reconoce tus cualidades y logros, por pequeños que sean. Aprende a aceptarte y amarte a ti mismo tal como eres, con tus fortalezas y debilidades. Deja de lado la autocrítica excesiva y sé amable contigo mismo.
Practica el autocuidado: Dedica tiempo y esfuerzo a cuidar de ti mismo. Esto incluye mantener una dieta saludable, hacer ejercicio regularmente, dormir lo suficiente y manejar el estrés de manera adecuada. Escucha las necesidades de tu cuerpo y mente, y priorízate.
Desarrolla una mentalidad positiva: Trabaja en cambiar tus patrones de pensamiento negativos por pensamientos más positivos y realistas. Practica la gratitud y busca el lado positivo de las situaciones. Cultiva la confianza en ti mismo y en tus habilidades.
Establece metas realistas y alcanzables: Define metas claras y específicas que sean realistas y alcanzables para ti. Divídelas en pasos más pequeños y celebra tus logros a lo largo del camino. Esto te ayudará a mantenerte motivado y a construir una sensación de logro.
Cultiva relaciones saludables: Rodéate de personas que te apoyen, te inspiren y te animen a crecer. Evita las relaciones tóxicas y busca aquellas que te brinden un ambiente de apoyo y positividad. Recuerda que también puedes ser tu propio apoyo y amigo.
Aprende de tus errores y fracasos: En lugar de castigarte por los errores o fracasos, tómalos como oportunidades de aprendizaje. Reflexiona sobre lo sucedido, identifica lecciones importantes y utiliza esa experiencia para crecer y mejorar en el futuro.
Busca ayuda profesional si es necesario: Si enfrentas dificultades emocionales o patrones autodestructivos persistentes, considera buscar la ayuda de un psicólogo o terapeuta. Ellos pueden brindarte el apoyo y las herramientas necesarias para superar los desafíos y fortalecerte.
Recuerda que convertirte en tu mayor aliado es un proceso gradual y requiere tiempo y esfuerzo. Sé paciente contigo mismo y date permiso para cometer errores en el camino. Con práctica y compromiso, puedes desarrollar una relación sólida y saludable contigo mismo, lo que te permitirá alcanzar tu máximo potencial y una mayor satisfacción personal.
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peaceofmindyx · 2 years
Happy Friday! ☀️
It was a peaceful, enlightening, and beautiful morning filled with yoga + meditation + all the cats.
One thing that stayed with me from this meditation session was “You are the creator of your own reality. Own your power.” YES. YES. YES.
Your thoughts, beliefs, perspectives and actions all play a part in your life. You have the power to change the way you see things. You have the power to change the way you think about things within and around you. If you create a more positive outlook, you will see the world differently.
Hold yourself accountable for everything; every thought, every moment. See beyond what scares you and do all of the things you thought you couldn’t.
Be aware. Be present. Create your intentions. See your reality. Own your reality.
Find your energy. Feel your energy. Direct your energy. Own your energy.
Empower yourself. Harness your strength. Create the life you want. Own your reality.
You deserve it. ✨
*All photos were taken by me*
*I am in the first photo*
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rickygadvisor · 2 years
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"Can you build with someone who has not taken the time to build within themselves? Can you know each other well if you have not made the effort to look within and know yourselves as individuals? Can your love for each other be whole, strong, nurturing and giving if you have not activated the power of self love within yourselves? Even when you do not know where to begin, the simple intention of committing yourself to personal growth will start the widening of your self-awareness. Wholeheartedly committing to being radically honest with yourself will help you see things you missed before. From this point, the inner journey begins and you start traversing your personal emotional landscape, understanding the motivations behind your actions, the way your history impacts your behaviors, and the way attachment tries to place constraints on the movement of reality without success. From this point, the foundation of emotional maturity begins its long-term construction and the experience you gain from this building project will bring a new clarity to all of the interactions you may have with others. A world that was once opaque, full of confusion and friction, will start developing a new sense of harmony and effectiveness. Connection is bountiful, but connection is not enough. Connection is a needed beginning, but connection is not the sturdy bridge you need to cross to enter a space where you both feel nourished and ready for a long journey together. When you both bring at least some degree of emotional maturity, you will have a much better chance at overcoming the friction that is common when people enter into close proximity. Two people meet at a much deeper level when they enhance their connection with gentleness, authentic listening and the fullness of compassion that honors themselves and their partner. Each time you take steps forward in your personal growth, you will have more experience to help you show up for each other in times of joy and struggle." Written by Yung Pueblo Photography by @nicoleashley #Repost - @snowwolfunleashed #emotionalmaturity #knowyourworth #embracechange #youareenough #daringgreatly #powerthoughts #ownyourpower #yourwhy (at Miami Beach, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/CdhXNVoLOBV/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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channyybeee · 2 years
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rickyderose · 2 months
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"Celebrate Our Living, Breathing Goddesses - Inspirational Merchandise Collection."
"Our Living, Breathing Goddesses."
As for us men,
We do the best we can,
We help with whatever is possible.
As for our women,
Their tasks never end,
They always get to do the impossible.
If you find inspiration,
Give a small contribution,
Head tour store,
Help us create some more.
~Ricardo Derose
#tshirts, #ourliving, #pillow, #beyourownhero, #ownyourpower, #cap, #totebag, #tshirts, #mousepad, #mug, #hoodie, #fullsleeves, , #black, #white, #reels, #fyp, #explorepage, #viral, #trending, #tiktok, #instagram, #happy, #love, #life, #inspiration, #History #Philosophy, #Poetry, #IGiveYou, #Philoetry,
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starzpsychics · 4 months
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Your future is calling, and it's looking absolutely dope! The universe has your back—trust the journey, embrace the unknown, and manifest your wildest dreams. Your energy is your power, so own it. Remember, you're not just living; you're creating your reality. Stay woke, stay lit, and let the universe unfold its magic in your favor. 🔮✨
Signup for our monthly newsletter to WIN a FREE tarot reading: 𝗵𝘁𝘁𝗽𝘀://𝗹𝗽.𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗻𝘁𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗮𝗰𝘁𝗽𝗮𝗴𝗲𝘀.𝗰𝗼𝗺/𝘀𝘂/𝗵𝗨𝗹𝗘𝟬𝗫𝗖/𝘀𝗽𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴
Tap the Link in Bio to visit our website.
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otaviogilbert · 5 months
how to *actually* boost your confidence: 10 reasons to stop doubting yourself
Unleash the power within you! 🚀 Dive into our latest video on "How to Actually Boost Your Confidence: 10 Reasons to Stop Doubting Yourself." 🌟 Discover actionable tips to transform self-doubt into self-assurance. 🔥 Don't miss out on the confidence-boosting journey that awaits you. Hit play now and let the transformation begin!
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beliketopg · 7 months
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theloulouge · 8 months
Reminder Reflections 43
Confidence is the key. If you don’t believe in yourself, then nobody will.
View On WordPress
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edgeinc · 10 months
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livelifeintentionally · 11 months
🌟 Embrace Your Uniqueness and Live Your Best Life! 🌟
Owning it means realizing that you owe it to yourself to be the best version of you, to embrace your uniqueness, and to live a life that aligns with your passions and values. 🌈
Don't be afraid to let your true colors shine and show the world what makes you special. 🌟 Follow your dreams, pursue your passions, and surround yourself with people who uplift and inspire you. 🌺
Remember, life is too short to live according to someone else's expectations. Embrace your individuality, trust in your abilities, and create a life that reflects the amazing person you are. 💪
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cincosplacement · 11 months
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Unleash Your Inner Strength: Embrace Self-Confidence!
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peaceofmindyx · 1 year
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With October coming to an end I wanted to do a little reflection on this past month. 🦋✨
October is and always will be one of my favorite months. The weather, views, and feelings are absolutely perfect and nothing beats it. This year I finally got my peak foliage hike in, I leaf peeped, spent time with friends and family, and enjoyed what time I could outside.
Between this month being super busy for us, the weather being unstable, me being sick, and getting ready for vacation I was not able to get in another hike or more spend more time outside. I’m feeling a little sad about it, however, I am grateful for the time I got to enjoy.
This month I’ve learned that time spent with loved ones is not guaranteed so soak it up every chance you get, money will always come back but experiences won’t, being more present and setting intentions is important, it’s okay to rest and you should never feel guilty for it, kindness goes a long way, unfollowing or muting on social media is just as important for your mental health as setting boundaries, it’s okay to be up front and honest with your feelings, and over communicating is healthy and should be the new norm.
So in honor of October — I will reflect on the good and the bad, I will take time to rest, refocus, and reset. It’s time for another fresh start.
In honor of November — I will focus on enjoying my vacation, I will continue to write and be creative, I will try to focus more on my personal goals and my blog, I will manifest being mindful and making it an important part of my day, I will get outside as much as I can, and I will enjoy my time with friends and family.
Let yourself bloom. 🌼🫶🏻
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healthy-life-023 · 11 months
Prioritize self-care activities that nourish your mind, body, and soul. This may include exercise, healthy eating, mindfulness meditation, getting enough rest, engaging in hobbies, or spending time in nature.
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prcreativeartworks · 1 year
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"Releasing the Shadow Self" (Part 1) She said to Her: No need for hiding behind the veil Release it once and for all Allowing vulnerability Allowing authenticity Breakout of old beliefs Behavioural patterns Mental bondages Hesitant hearts Be who you truly are Without apologies Without shame Without timidness Without fears Release yourself from the darkness below the moon Know you are deserving Know you are safe Know you are loved Know you are Feminine Divinity Come into the spotlight under the stars Convey your truth Nurture your dreams Sing it Dance it Draw it Write it Breathe it Truth will guide you through Purity in intention Love in heart conviction in passion Consistency in dedication The path will be shown Hurdles are clouds Enjoy the ride cutting through them Laugh through the chills Smile as you squint your eyes Surrender when trust is known The shadows can not reach you anymore.... © Pavana Rani (Mystical Poetry of Pavana Rani) (Photography courtesy of Ankur) ARTWORK PRINTS + MORE on my e-store: https://society6.com/prcreativeartworks/s?q=random+wall-art ORIGINAL ART + ORDERS: [email protected] WORLDWIDE SHIPPING LIKE to know more about the artist: https://www.facebook.com/prcreativeartworks/ WEBSITE: www.prcreativeartworks.com/about @pavanarani @prcreativeartworks #selfieart #selfdiscovery #selfgrowthjourney #selflove #divinefeminine #spiritualpoetry #deepcontemplation #knowingmyheart #loveyourself #ownyourpower #authenticity #photographyart #illusions #sourceoflife #meditationart https://www.instagram.com/p/BwHxZKjDMc7/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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rickyderose · 2 months
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"Hey there, amazing individuals! I'm Ricardo Derose, and I'm thrilled to share my philosophy and poetry with you through my unique and inspirational products.
“Be Your Own Hero.”
Build your life on experiences.
Theory cannot replace practices.
Take calculated risks no matter what the stakes.
Do not be afraid of making mistakes.
Only you can save yourself, stay rational,
Involved in the things that are reasonable.
Be inspired, but do not follow.
Be your own hero.
~Ricardo Derose
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