#p.s. it's smut
AH 🤍 could you do ❛ you can kiss me, you know.❜ with stiles pleaseeeeee?
This sounds so sweet!
I don't know how smutty this will end up being, but I have very little control when I get writing, it just kinda happens. Let's see what goes down, huh?
Author's Note: Malia who? You'd moved in across the street from Stiles and his father in sophomore year, and you could never really put your finger on what was going on with him and his friends, but it hadn't stopped you from falling pretty hard for the chaotic, doe-eyed boy next door ;)
Prompt list HERE
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His Anchor
Was this really happening? Everything felt like it was falling apart. The whole pack was a mess and the last person he expected to make him feel like a fuck up was Scott, but sitting here now, soaked down to his underwear—his windshield smashed to pieces—that was his reality.
It was never easy being ordinary among the extraordinary. Stiles had always tried to contribute what he could, and he'd grown to believe he was valued and useful—more than useful—so it was hard feeling like his best friend didn't seem to understand his sacrifices, how hard it was to feel adequate, how important it was to him to be what everyone needed, what everyone wanted. The pressure was so immense sometimes that he'd lay down to sleep and the sun would come shining in through the windows without him catching a wink. Adderall was a crutch he leaned on so hard it was bound to snap any minute. He felt like he was being held together by a fraying thread.
He was sitting there—water dripping from his sleeves—when his phone vibrated in the seat next to him. The screen lit, displaying your name. Stiles picked it up but didn't answer. He let it ring in his hand until the screen went black. He wasn't sure he was ready to talk to anyone, even you. You were this part of his life that was untainted. You weren't a part of the mess. You were his escape. His anchor. If he answered the phone right now, he'd be blurring the lines.
No one in the pack really knew how close he'd gotten to you. He wanted to protect you from all that. He texted you in the middle of the night after one bullshit werewolf-related catastrophe or another, and you always answered. You were there to slide open your bedroom window and let him in. It was innocent enough in the beginning. Just friends. Just talking. Until one night a couple of weeks ago when he showed up in a torn shirt with a split lip. He tried to explain it away as clumsiness, a lacrosse incident, but you didn't buy it. You'd used a damp cloth to help clean his wound and he'd been so impulsively stupid that he thought that soft way you were looking at him was some kind of invitation, and he'd almost kissed you.
It had been different since then. He'd felt so stupid when he'd seen how shocked you looked, how you'd pulled back. Ever since, he'd avoided talking to you about it, despite the few times you'd tried. He hadn't climbed up the side of your back porch to your window since. But right now—with everything falling apart the way it was—he wished you were here, wished things were different, wished he could tell you who he really was.
His phone rang again. It was you. He wet his lips with his tongue, drumming his fingers against his phone, his forearms resting on the steering wheel. On the last ring, he swiped to answer.
"Hello?" he said, his voice trembling. He shouldn't have answered.
"Stiles?" There was a brief pause. "Is everything alright?"
"Yeah..." he lied, looking out through the shattered glass at the flickering streetlight above him, "everything's fine."
There was dead air on the line for a few moments before you spoke again. "Bullshit, Stilinski."
Stiles, pulled in a short breath and gripped the wheel tight in his palms. "It's nothing."
"It's not."
"Can we just drop— Can we just talk about something else?" he pleaded, reaching up to pinch the bridge of his nose between his thumb and forefinger.
"Okay," you quickly agreed. "You wanna talk about that night then?"
"God no!"
"Well..." you paused, "it's gotta be one or the other, because I'm tired of you freezing me out like this."
Stiles flopped back in the driver seat, letting his shoulders relax as he picked at the chapped skin of his lower lip with his teeth.
"Talk to me..."
You had no idea how badly he wanted just that. He wanted to let you in, he just didn't know that if he did he could keep you safe. But he was a master of vaguery at this point, so he'd try to figure out how to explain without spilling the 'creatures of the night live among you' specifics.
"Everything... everything is falling apart..." You were quiet, so he continued. "You ever have those dreams where you lose control of the car you're driving? Like you can't steer it anymore no matter what you do?"
"Uh...I have, yeah."
"Well," Stiles let his head fall back against the headrest, "it feels like that, except I'm awake.... Don't think I could sleep if I wanted to..."
There was a long pause, but he could hear you breathing.
"You there?"
"Yeah... yeah, I'm here..."
He knew he'd barely said anything, but even sharing what little he had made him feel a little less compressed, like he was shouldering the weight of one island less than the entire world.
"Where are you?"
"Down by the clinic..."
"The vet clinic? Where Scott works?"
"Mhm," he hummed, scrubbing the toe of his shoe into the floormat.
"I'm coming down there—"
"No. You're not."
"Stiles..." you sighed and he could hear the frustration in it. "Let me help you...please?"
He softly murmured your name, looking down at the keys stuck hanging in the ignition. "I don't...I'm not sure there's anyone that can help me.."
"Can I at least...try?"
God, you had no idea what you were asking for. If you knew everything, all of it—what Beacon Hills really was, who he really was, all the things he'd done, the people he'd hurt...killed—you wouldn't want to be within 50 miles of him. And yet, here you were, offering him grace and kindness that he wasn't sure he deserved.
It was selfish and stupid, but everything inside of him ached for comfort. For a break. For just a single damn second to breathe. He reached down and turned the key in the ignition. "I'm coming to you."
You were standing at the front door looking out at the street. It was wet and the streetlights glared up from it like the flat of a calm lake. When Stiles pulled into the driveway, you could see Roscoe's shattered windshield.
"What the hell?" You opened the door and stepped out onto the front porch as his headlights went out.
He climbed out of the driver's seat and struggled to get the door closed behind him. "Piece of shit!" he yelled.
"Hey!" you called out, rushing down the stairs.
He slammed the door over and over until it finally latched. "Son of a..." He was looking down at his hand, clenching his fist.
You rushed toward him and grabbed his arm. He was soaked. "Stiles...hey." You squeezed his forearm. "Look at me..."
He turned to you. His features twisted up and tortured. You'd seen him look troubled many times, but this was something new. Whatever it was that had been eating away at him for as long as you'd known him seemed to finally have made its way to his foundation. He was crumbling apart right there in front of you.
"Let's go inside?" you said calmly, leading him toward the house.
He nodded and followed along behind you after you dropped his arm.
When you'd made it up the stairs to your room, he stood just inside the closed door. His clothes were plastered to him, wet from the rain that had only just stopped.
You crossed your room to your closet and pulled out an old oversized Stanford hoodie your father had almost donated to Goodwill and you handed it to him.
"I wish I had more than just a shirt... but..."
"Thanks," he said before he pressed his lips together in a tight, brief smile.
He pulled his thin hoodie up over his body, and the t-shirt beneath rode up a bit along with it, giving you a brief peek at his stomach before you turned away to give him more privacy. When you turned back, he was adjusting the hood of the sweater.
"Where...uh..." He was holding his wet clothes in his hand.
"Here, let me..." you reached out and took them and walked across the room to the door that led to the adjoining bathroom. You hung them over the top of the glass shower and then grabbed a towel from the bar.
When you walked back into your bedroom, Stiles was staring out the window, leaning against the frame of it.
"So what happened tonight?" you asked gently. "The Jeep...and you..."
He turned around and you handed him the towel and he scrubbed it through his hair before he draped it over your desk chair and sat down. "Would you believe me if I said I didn't know?"
You smiled weakly and sat down on the bed across from him. "Maybe, actually..."
He smiled back before he slouched back in the chair and let his head dangle behind it, staring up at the ceiling. "I don't know what to do anymore..." he muttered, clearly more to himself than anyone.
You didn't interject, instead, you gave him space and time to continue.
"Things with Scott are so fucked up."
"I think I broke it...what we had..."
"I'm sure that's not true..."
He let out an exasperated huff. "You didn't see the way he looked at me tonight...like I was a stranger to him..." Stiles sat up again and you could see the pain in his eyes.
"Friends fight."
"Not like this."
"Maybe he just needs to cool off?"
Stiles leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. "Or maybe he needs better friends..."
Those words hurt. Stiles was the best friend you had. He was loyal and kind. Thoughtful and protective to a fault. While you wished he was a little more straightforward and a little less secretive, you never felt that he ever did a single thing with ill-intent. Yet here he was, crushed by the thought that he was somehow inadequate at what you considered to be one of his greatest assets.
"Maybe you shouldn't assume you're the one to blame?" You didn't want to step on toes or stick your nose where it didn't belong, but you couldn't just sit here across from him looking so broken and say nothing.
His lips teased at a smile that never formed before he replied. "What...what would you do to protect someone you love?"
Your breath caught in your lungs and your heart began to beat a little more quickly in your chest.
His hands were clenched together between his knees, his fingers knit together as he waited for your response.
Instinctively, you knew he meant for your family, but you couldn't help imagining what you would do to protect him. Just about anything, you decided.
"Whatever it takes."
His hands relaxed a bit, and he smoothed one palm over the other. "Really?"
You swallowed down your nerves and nodded. "Yes."
He wheeled the chair a bit closer to you. "I— I've..."
"Stiles... you can talk to me..." you inched forward until you were perched on the edge of the matress, "whatever it is..."
"I really can't."
"And before you try to change my mind. I really can't." He got up from the chair and ran his hand through his damp hair. "Some secrets aren't mine to tell..."
It crushed you to know something was torturing him the way this clearly was. You knew he kept secrets from you. So many unexplained injuries, sudden absences, hushed conversations that ended right when you arrived. If he hadn't always made you feel so special when you were alone, it would have nagged at you so much more than it did. One thing was clear. The place? Beacon Hills? Wasn't just a town. And Stiles? Wasn't just the cute boy from across the street.
As much as you wanted to push him to let you in on the secrets you knew he was guarding, right now, you just wanted to be of some comfort.
"Whatever happened... Whatever you might have done..." You reached out for him and took his hand and pulled him down next to you on the bed. "I know you, Stiles..."
He turned, folding his leg under the other, bent at the knee.
"You wouldn't have done it unless you had to."
His eyes fluttered, and you could see tears building in their corners. He looked so grateful and utterly broken at the same time. You just wanted to make it stop. Whatever it was that was eating away at him.
"Come here..." you whispered, reaching out for him and pulling him into your arms. You hugged him tightly until you felt his arms encircle your waist and he hugged you back.
The tension in his body slowly eased and you felt him relax into your touch. His hands splayed out across your back and you tried not to let the way it made you feel to be held tight in his arms distract you from your mission. Comfort.
You felt his hold on you weaken and you pulled back. He was looking at you the way he had that night you'd freaked out and ruined what should have been such a special moment. You'd wanted him to kiss you for so long that you practically ached for it every time the two of you were in a room together for the last year. You just didn't have the nerve to tell him how you felt. You'd been keeping secrets of your own.
His breathing was uneven as his gaze met yours. You watched as his eyes flicked across your features and down to your lips.
You swallowed before he looked back up. Maybe if you could be honest, if you could finally let him in, you wouldn't feel like such a hypocrite for always wishing he would do the same. You mustered all the nerve you had to say what you were about to.
You felt like your heart was going to beat right out of your chest it was pounding so hard. "You can kiss me, you know?"
His eyes widened and his perfect lips hung open the tiniest bit before he managed a response. "But... you... you stopped me—"
"You just shocked me..." you said, interrupting him. "I panicked..."
"I— I thought you..."
"I know..." you breathed. "I wanted to try to explain, but you just—"
"Avoided you ever since..."
"Yeah..." You pressed your lips together in an awkward smile.
"Wow..." he pressed his tongue into the side of his cheek. "I really am just that stupid, huh?"
You let out a tiny laugh, your cheeks warming with a flush you were sure he could see.
He smiled at you, his hand trembling a bit as he lifted it from the blankets and laid it on your thigh.
You laid your hand over it and smoothed your thumb over his knuckles.
He leaned closer and your nerves kicked into high gear, your breath catching in a little gasp when he pressed a chaste kiss to your cheek.
"Is this okay?" he breathed the question against your skin.
You nodded and you felt him smile before his lips brushed past yours so closely you could almost taste them. Then he pressed a kiss to the other cheek.
"What about this?"
"Mhm," you hummed in approval.
His nose traced along your skin until it was tip to tip with your own. "And this?" he whispered before he pressed his lips so gently to yours it felt like you might have made it up.
"Yes..." It was more plea than an answer that you breathed into his soft lips.
The soft sound of satisfaction he made at your admission was proof enough that he'd been waiting for this moment just as long as you had. His hands moved to cup your cheeks as he kissed you the way you'd dreamed he might, only it was better than you could have imagined.
His lips were so soft and skilled as they moved in harmony with yours. He held you to him so tenderly, but there was a desire in his touch that made you feel wanted and desperate. Your kiss deepened when he parted his lips and pulled your lower lip into his mouth.
You let out a soft groan when his teeth grazed over it and you let him in. Let him explore and please you with his tongue as you did the same.
One of his hands held you in place, cupped behind your neck while the other hand slid down your body to your waist. He gripped at the fabric of your shirt and pulled you forward into him.
You took it as a cue, and with only a panted little breath in the tiny space you created between your lips, you got up onto your knees and straddled his hips, your fingers knotting into his hair.
Now he was the one groaning. When your fingernails dragged across the skin on the back of his neck both of his hands dropped to your waist and he gripped your body tightly just above your hips.
His wet pants were soaking through your own. You could feel the effect your kiss was having on him pressing against your thigh, and you smiled into the kiss before you pulled back, your smile widening when he was chasing after your lips.
"What's wrong?" he asked, breathless and flushed. His ears were bright red, and the sides of his cheeks were a soft pink.
"It's nothing... you're just wet..."
He looked down his body, shifting his hips. "Oh. Right..." He clicked his tongue in his mouth.
You knew what you wanted to say, but weren't sure you had the nerve.
"I...uh..." Stiles stammered, his hands still kneading at your waist.
You'd wanted him almost as long as you'd known him, and here he was in your room, on your bed, kissing you, wanting you too. Screw it. "Take them off..."
You felt him tense, his hands finally stilling their movement. "Wait...what?"
You looked down at him and rolled your hips to make your point a little clearer.
"Are...are you serious?" he asked, his eyes as wide as saucers.
You nodded and his bewildered expression turned to one of soft appreciation before he pulled you back in for another incredible kiss.
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aecu · 2 years
cnc w markie <3 👼🏻❤️‍🩹☁️
*note: while it’s not directly stated in the story, this scene is something that was agreed upon by mark and the reader. cnc is fully consensual between two adults and is not rape. if this isn’t something you’re into, please do not read it. not proofread
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mark pulls you up against him, grinding your clothed center against his bulge and running bitey kisses up and down your neck. you feel a firm grip on your neck guide you away from mark’s lips before meeting his stern gaze.
“i hope you know i plan to fuck you stupid whether you like it or not, and you’re gonna take every last drop because you’re mine to use whenever i feel like it. understood?” mark questions. his tone has you soaking through your shorts and onto the rough denim of his jeans.
“no, please,” you beg. you know it doesn’t make any sense. it’s a desperate plea, one that leaves your mouth with no intention besides getting him inside you soon.
“is it no or please? already acting stupid and i haven’t even got my cock in you yet. you say no like you don’t want me yet beg like a slut for me to fuck you. maybe i should check inside those shorts for the answer, hm?” the words leave his voice in a condescending tone that has your cunt clenching around nothing but air. mark doesn’t give you much time before he’s got you pinned on the couch, his fingers working nimbly to tug your shorts aside. he expects to find your panties, ruined with slick and instead finds the cloth of your shorts glossed over and sticking to your cunt. a chuckle escapes his lips while he runs the tip of his pointer finger against your hole.
“for someone who was begging me not to fuck them, you sure look ready to take whatever i’ve got for you,” he tuts. your hips buck up as you struggle against his touch and his hands come up to push your thighs back against your stomach, effectively immobilizing you.
“i told you i wasn’t gonna go easy on you, don’t try and run from it now.” a sharp whine leaves your lips at the statement and mark uses your subdued state to pull his cock out through his fly, so that no more than his shaft is exposed.
the first probe of him against your hole had you jumping. the second, along with the burning sensation that followed, caused you to let out a loud, drawn out moan. he wastes no time getting to work, his pace quick and deep without fault.
“look at you, so fucking wet my cock keeps slipping out of you. all warm and tight just for me, could fuck this pussy all day,” he grunts. his hand slides up to wrap around your neck, orienting you to look at him and it doesn’t take much more than that to get him close to cumming deep inside you. he loves this. the teary, almost fearful look on your face as he fucks into you without a care in the world. he loves the slight resistance you give him even though you want nothing more than to let him absolutely ravish you.
as the spurts of his cum coat your walls, he can only wonder where he might use this newfound kink on you next.
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mirakeul · 3 years
i saw a sakuatsu fanfic in ao3 and it’s in filipino aksjfhsakjfhjkahfsjka
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izaanagi · 2 years
(For your smut ask game) Please, any thoughts about Sukuna, if you ok with him?
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— Sukuna Ryōmen is a grower. It’s not like he is small when he is relaxed, but it’s frightening the way a blood rush expands the girth of his cock, which from ‘climbable tree’ jumps up to a league of its own; one where three fingers in are not enough to be stretched sufficiently wide to fit him comfortably in. And everytime Sukuna does fits it in, you wonder how - until a familiar burn shows up and you know exactly the way your pussy is stretched to host this man’s erected length.
Sukuna loves the process of the lips of your sex opening up a path, that he just walks through and destroys the rest: he loves seeing the slightly pained expression on your face; but Sukuna loves it even more when he starts to bang it in slow and rough, bottoming out, stopping for a second - and then taking it all out just to slam it in all the way again, making you moan, your pussy clench around him and tighten your fists over the bedsheets. His rough voice accompanies every single step of the process, dirty talking you into orgasm: “Babydoll, just keep taking it that good.” “Yes, you’re so pretty so stretched on my cock like that,” until you do cum and he keeps fucking you, cum and sweat mixing it all up in the points where your bodies meet.
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♡ pls fill in this less-than-1-minute 1K survey ♡
send me a character for a thirst / smut headcanon
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abs-so-lewdly · 2 years
𝖁𝖎𝖘𝖚𝖆𝖑 𝕻𝖗𝖎𝖘𝖔𝖓 𝖝 𝕱!𝕽𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗 𝖆𝖘 𝕳-𝕲𝖎𝖋𝖘
jack is involved (shotacon), mind the tw/cw at each link
minors DNI (any minors found interacting will be blocked), contains links to GIFs under the cut, may or may not update from time to time
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Yuki Ange:
(tw/cw.semi-public sex) " when he's feeling a bit pent up after/before a live, you're there to help him. "
Guilitia Brion:
(tw/cw.bondage) " you got on his last nerve, and this is your punishment. "
Eve Louise:
(tw/cw.grinding/dry humping) " this is how your mornings would start off. "
Robin Laffite:
(tw/cw.semi-public sex) " he spoils you at an onsen. "
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Saga Latour:
(tw/cw.rough sex) " morning sex with him always has you walking funny. "
Mist Flaive:
(tw/cw.spanking) " mist needed a stress-relief from handling jack all day long & you were more than happy to help. "
Jack Mouton:
(cw/tw.shotacon) " you teach jack a little lesson on why he shouldn't be such a brat. "
Veuve Elizabeth:
(tw/cw.oral sex) " beth wanted you try on the lingerie specifically designed for you. "
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Dimitri Romanee:
" dimitri couldn't wait until the two of you were out of your formals to ravish you; it must be because of that dress he wanted you to wear. "
Hyde Jayer:
" hyde decides to join you one evening in the bath. "
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Aizawa Yan-
I can see him being into stalking. It might be unintentional on his part.
He first noticed you at a grocery store. You were taking your time at the juice aisle, obstructing his way to the pack he wanted. He couldn't help but think about how silly you looked trying your hardest to reach the pack on the highest shelf. He watched you struggle for a while before walking over to you, making sure his frame would tower over yours, and helping you out.
The smile you gave as you thanked him made blood rush all the way to his dick but he just gave you a little nod before walking away.
Later, everytime he went to that aisle, he'd remember that smile of yours and he'd be leaving the store with a hard on.
It was your fault he couldn't even drink juice anymore without getting a hard on.
He came to the conclusion that it'd all go away if he fucked your face once.
Only problem was, everytime he saw you his breath would get caught in his throat. The binding cloth around his neck felt tighter and he'd have to walk away before passing out.
But you consumed his thoughts. Suddenly, he found himself patrolling areas you went to. He didn't know what he wanted. It definitely wasn't a good idea. It had him going home with a hard on everyday. But, he was doing it anyway.
Eventually, he found out where you live, work, your go-to places to hangout. He even knew who you hungout with it.
But how was he going to go about fucking you?
(I'm in class so this is how much I could whip up. I'm sorry. I think I messed up the tenses)
@fatgumsupremacy come get yall juice sksksk
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nsfwjay · 3 years
omg how could i forget . i have a whole daddy/sir brat tamer jay agenda but where do i even start though :(
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eleanorfenyxwrites · 3 years
All Dreams Were Worth Keeping
Modern 3Zun Sunshot AU
Part 6 - NSFW
Meng Yao has had his fair share of sexual partners. He definitely wouldn’t call them ‘lovers’ as the word implies any sort of...tenderness, an emotional connection as well as a physical. He’s never had anyone he would remotely consider thinking of as a lover except perhaps, on a few occasions, Nie Mingjue. But he also hasn’t allowed himself to think of him that way - until now.
He wonders vaguely as he arches into Lan Xichen’s wandering hands if he should be at all concerned about how quickly he went from, ‘about to be dumped’ to ‘two boyfriends’ to ‘oh god they’re my lovers’, with all the emotional vulnerability that word entails. He probably should be, but..he’s really not.
How can he be when Lan Xichen’s mouth on his neck feels like heaven, soft and warm, so..devoted? He kisses with his whole passionate heart behind it, the delicate ghosting of his fingertips, in contrast, against the most sensitive spots on his neck coaxing a shiver down Meng Yao’s spine. To be treated so tenderly, to be held, kissed, touched like he’s something precious..he’s never felt it before, and so he doesn’t know what else to classify Lan Xichen as but his lover.
His mind turns to Nie Mingjue and he opens his eyes to spot the man in question watching the two of them. He looks perfectly content to keep doing so, but if Meng Yao is going to be treated so well then he wants everything both of them are willing to offer. Together. He’s effectively pinned under Lan Xichen but he manages to shift one of his legs enough to nudge his heel against Nie Mingjue’s hip to catch his attention and the man instantly meets his eyes with the same sort of passionate heat in his eyes that had drawn Meng Yao to him in the first place.
“You don’t want to kiss me too?” he admonishes with an uptick of one eyebrow. 
“Of course I do,” Nie Mingjue grumbles with a haughty jerk of his chin and a glance to the side at the couch cushions. “This sofa wasn’t exactly designed for a threesome though. I don’t think there’s really room for me at the moment.”
Meng Yao hums as Lan Xichen sucks lightly on a spot that makes him shiver again, clearly paying attention to his reactions and planning his next moves accordingly. “Well then, why don’t one of you carry me upstairs? Your bed certainly doesn’t have the same limitations.”
Lan Xichen goes still on him and Meng Yao freezes in the same instant, wondering what he said wrong. He’s never exactly done this before, after all, and certainly never with so much at stake. Lan Xichen is a very gentle and attentive partner, that much is already glaringly obvious, but he still can’t help the feeling that if and when he places one toe out of line he’ll be ejected from this new relationship of theirs before he can even blink. It wouldn’t be the first time.
“We did not wish to pressure you,” Lan Xichen murmurs, unaware of his sudden fear, as he resumes his slow, exploratory kisses along the line of his jaw, seemingly mapping every inch of it. “Taking you to bed has certain connotations, and with the nature of your relationship with Mingjue until now it seemed best to avoid any confusion that we only desire you physically. We will only do as much as you are willing.”
“Do you want to take me to bed, though?” Meng Yao presses as he skates his fingertips down the length of Lan Xichen’s spine until he feels the other man shiver (fair’s fair). He turns his head enough to press his lips to Lan Xichen’s cheek just in front of his ear as he adds, “You don’t have to be polite about it, either. Tell me you want me, Xichen.”
That really gets a shiver and Meng Yao can’t help but smirk as Lan Xichen’s breath trembles along with his muscles. “Of course I want you - we want you,” he breathes like it’s the easiest thing in the world. (Meng Yao definitely isn’t going to survive being the sole subject of Lan Xichen’s affections, he’s so..intense. It’s the best death he could imagine for himself, being treated so tenderly he simply can’t handle it anymore.) 
“Then I would like to be carried to bed,” he replies once he’s gotten himself and his wandering thoughts slightly back under control. “You don’t have to be a gentleman about it.”
“He can’t help but be a gentleman,”  Nie Mingjue pipes up as he stands from the sofa and Lan Xichen sits up with a wry little smile on his face. “I don’t have a problem throwing you around though,” he adds and Meng Yao suddenly yelps as Nie Mingjue bends down to scoop him up into an extremely undignified - and not at all sexy - fireman’s carry. 
“Mingjue!!” he protests as Nie Mingjue’s booming laughter shakes through his chest where he’s slung across the man’s broad shoulders. “What is the matter with you, are you insane?!” 
While Nie Mingjue is distracted with laughing and trying to carry him at the same time Meng Yao manages to slip his arm free with a jerk and hauls himself upright to sling his legs properly around Nie Mingjue’s shoulders and chest, just barely managing to lock his ankles together under his opposite arm as he swats at him.
“Oh goodness - Mingjue put him down before you two get hurt,” Lan Xichen laughs from behind them and Meng Yao glances back at him to see him covering his laughter with one hand and reaching out for them with the other.
“Xichen, grab my arm,” he calls as he throws one arm out behind Nie Mingjue’s back to grab Lan Xichen’s shoulder (and smushes the other hand into his captor’s face to distract him). As soon as Lan Xichen has a hold on him Meng Yao kicks free of Nie Mingjue’s weakened grip around his thigh to swing himself easily down off of him and immediately throw himself into Lan Xichen’s arms instead where he can at least wrap his arms and legs around him and not feel like he’s about to get flung to the floor.
“What in the world just happened?” Lan Xichen asks, clearly a little stunned to suddenly find his arms full though he’s handling the sudden weight admirably, steady as a rock.
“Self defense,” Meng Yao replies simply as he gets comfortable in his perch in Lan Xichen’s ridiculously strong arms.
“I’ve told you he’s flexible before, haven’t I?” Nie Mingjue chuckles as he straightens out his rumpled shirt to continue leading them to his bedroom. “I may have spared a few details as to how he uses it.”
Meng Yao blinks innocently at Lan Xichen as the man pauses in his tracks to raise an eyebrow at him. He bats his eyelashes for good measure and a warm smile instantly softens Lan Xichen’s elegant features.
“Ah...You are going to test my self-control at every turn, aren’t you?” he asks with a chuckle and Meng Yao leans in to go back to mouthing lazily at his neck.
“If you ask very nicely I’ll put my leg up on your shoulder while you fuck me and let you split me in half,” he offers in a heated murmur with a roll of his hips - and miraculously the rest of the trip upstairs is shockingly quick as Lan Xichen hurries to get him in bed. Meng Yao can hear Nie Mingjue still chuckling behind them as Lan Xichen lays him down and he’s instantly starting to see some of the perks of there being three of them. Namely, that Lan Xichen can pin him down and kiss him senseless while Nie Mingjue takes care of all the mundane little housekeeping things - condoms and lube set out in easy reach, a few clean washcloths placed beside them so no one has to get out of bed to clean up when they’re done..very handy, considering how much Meng Yao hates being left alone for even a second once in bed, even for such necessary things. Now he doesn’t have to be.
Lan Xichen shifts as the edge of the mattress dips beside them, turning onto his side without hesitation and dragging Meng Yao with him to keep kissing him as Nie Mingjue joins them. The moment he does, Meng Yao abruptly becomes aware of the next benefit of a threesome.
He’s completely surrounded.
Nie Mingjue is warm and solid at his back, his legs slotted perfectly against Meng Yao’s as he curls up a bit to fit himself snugly around him. One heavy arm slides around his waist and Meng Yao can’t help but gasp softly into Lan Xichen’s eager kisses as Nie Mingjue finishes tucking himself into him to begin kissing his shoulder. Lan Xichen is similarly plastered to his front, their chests pressed together as much as possible and Meng Yao realizes in a quick moment of clarity that he’s never felt like this before. Even with Nie Mingjue and all his bulk, the way his huge hands seem to be everywhere at once, Meng Yao has never felt so...held, so protected. 
He doesn’t quite know what to do with the feeling, honestly, but in the next moment when Nie Mingjue asks, “A-Yao, are you sure you want both of us?” he can at least be extremely sure of his answer.
He parts his lips from Lan Xichen’s just enough to gasp an enthusiastic, “Yes,” and he can only hope that he’ll never be able to forget how it feels when both of them tighten their holds on him in the same moment, both trying to pull him closer in response. Both wanting him.
Lan Xichen crushes their mouths together again in the next instant, the kiss hard and fast in a way Meng Yao can definitely understand - desperation is a feeling he’s all too well acquainted with, he just doesn’t think he’s ever been the subject of such blatant need. It’s going to go to his head far too quickly if Lan Xichen doesn’t calm down, but Meng Yao definitely isn’t about to tell him to stop.
He gasps again as Nie Mingjue’s free hand starts roaming, dragging down his waist to hold him still with a hard grip around the outside of his thigh while Nie Mingjue grinds his hips forward hard enough to rub Meng Yao’s erection against Lan Xichen’s as he bucks forward to meet him. The pressure of being caught between them, the friction of it, has him shuddering a ragged moan into Lan Xichen’s hungry kisses and Nie Mingjue rewards him with a sharper thrust forward, a promise of what’s to come.
Things grow sort of...syrupy after that, languid and heavy as he’s caught over and over in the twin grind of Nie Mingjue behind him and Lan Xichen in front, the pair of them working in tandem to make sure he’s constantly being touched, caressed, pleasured. He thinks it’s Lan Xichen who manages to get him undressed with his wandering hands but honestly Meng Yao is far too busy basking in the pleasure his lovers are offering him to care much about who accomplishes what. What matters more is when he abruptly realizes that between one breath and the next they’ve both taken turns to shed their shirts and the press of hot, bare skin against his makes him gasp and arch his back, trying to feel more of it - all of it - at once.
“How do you want us, A-Yao?” Nie Mingjue asks in his ear, low and rumbling as he slips his hand down between his legs to stroke him until he’s gasping for breath and tangling his legs with Lan Xichen’s in lieu of spreading them like he usually would when Nie Mingjue wants to touch him. He slips his arm back to curl awkwardly around Nie Mingjue’s sturdy shoulder for a bit of leverage as he rolls his hips into the tight heat of his fist. He opens his eyes just enough to see Lan Xichen breathing heavily through parted lips as he looks down to watch, his hips still grinding forward in the same smooth rhythm so that Nie Mingjue’s knuckles press into his hard bulge with each thrust.
“A-Yao,” Nie Mingjue prompts with a nip to his earlobe to help him focus. “Instructions?”
“Lan Xichen inside me,” he manages to gasp and he has the pleasure of watching the man in question’s head snap up to look at him, eyes wide and hopeful. Meng Yao grinds his ass back against Nie Mingjue’s bulge tenting in his sweats and his mouth actually waters at the feel of it so in a burst of inspiration he adds, “And you in my mouth.”
“Fuck,” Nie Mingjue bites out against the outer edge of his ear and Meng Yao groans softly into the flurry of kisses Lan Xichen is suddenly pressing to his aching lips again. “Yes, A-Yao, fuck that’s perfect.”
“Mhm,” Lan Xichen hums against his tongue and there’s so much raw want packed into even that brief moan that Meng Yao’s cock twitches in Nie Mingjue’s grip, slicks his fingers with a bit of precome. Meng Yao sucks in a sharp breath when Lan Xichen breaks the kiss to prop himself up on his elbow and lean in closer to reach past Nie Mingjue to the condoms on the nightstand. (And really, how is he supposed to resist nipping at that ridiculously perfect chest when it’s right there in front of his mouth?)
He grinds his ass back against Nie Mingjue to hear him groan as Lan Xichen leans back to rip the foil packet in his hand open using his teeth, tearing into it with a shockingly impatient jerk of his chin. Meng Yao can’t help but laugh breathlessly, the sound ending on a moan as Nie Mingjue squeezes him just where he likes it, hand perfectly fitted flush with his body at the base of his cock.
“What’s funny?” he asks around the bruises he’s leaving on Meng Yao’s shoulder.
“How impa-ay!-tient Xichen is, ah!” he gasps, breath hitching in the middle of the word as Nie Mingjue runs his fingers in a quick circle over the sensitive head, spreading more of his precome for an easier slide on his next downward stroke. Lan Xichen glances at him from under his eyelashes at that, open condom packet pinched delicately between his teeth, one corner of his mouth lifted in a smirk as he pulls back just enough to get his trousers unfastened and kicked to the floor at the foot of the bed along with his briefs in one smooth go. He pulls the packet from between his teeth only to reach into it with those obscenely beautiful, long, graceful fingers of his to pull the condom out and drop his hand down to start rolling it on.
“You would be equally impatient if you could see what we do,” Lan Xichen says, somehow still managing to sound polite even while naked and flushed, already sweaty and hard as a rock in his own hand. “Mingjue?” he prompts and Meng Yao doesn’t even bother trying to figure out what those two can communicate with nothing more than a name and a flick of Lan Xichen’s eyebrows. He’s content to simply watch their plan unfold in the space of mere moments.
Lan Xichen’s hand replaces Nie Mingjue’s on his cock so smoothly he wouldn’t have even noticed had he not been watching. Nie Mingjue shifts behind him once he’s free and when his hand comes back into his view his palm and fingers are beautifully slick, glistening in the lamplight as he curls those thick fingers around Lan Xichen’s erection next to start getting him ready.
“Do you need to be prepped, A-Yao?” Nie Mingjue asks in his ear once they’re settled into their new tasks and Meng Yao gathers enough brain power to shake his head no as he watches, absolutely mesmerized. “Are you sure? He’s as big as I am..”
“Yes, I can see that, Mingjue, I’m definitely looking,” Meng Yao groans - his attempt at a scathing tone is absolutely destroyed by how debauched he already sounds but it doesn’t matter. He can never keep hold of his sharp edges when he’s in Nie Mingjue’s bed anyway (it’s what he considers one of his worst weaknesses). “I’ll be fine to take him, you can finger me next time.”
Nie Mingjue’s pout is practically audible and Lan Xichen must see it because he huffs a breath that’s probably meant to be a laugh as he releases his tight grip on Meng Yao’s cock for just a moment to brush his knuckles lightly up and down the underside of his shaft, teasing him with a knowing smirk. “We will have plenty of opportunities to do everything we could wish for, Mingjue,” he chides affectionately and Nie Mingjue’s frustrated huff is too warm against the side of Meng Yao’s neck, his overheated skin already glistening with a thin sheen of sweat. He loves it.
“You’re only saying that because you’ve never seen him getting fingered -  if you had you’d be begging him to let you do it.”
“As the one who is going to be inside him, I must say I am in favor of any plan that leads to that as soon as physically possible. We can finger him another time.”
“Fine, but just for that, when he lets me finger him next you’re only allowed to watch, no participating.”
“Oh my god can we please figure this out literally any other time?!” Meng Yao interjects before Lan Xichen can continue the argument with his hand on his dick and Nie Mingjue’s laughter rumbles against his back as Lan Xichen grins at him.
“Our A-Yao is so sensible, Mingjue,” he teases with a long, slow stroke up from root to tip that has Meng Yao gasping as he throws his leg over Lan Xichen’s thighs to attempt to drag him closer. “We should reward him.”
“I’m rewarding you by letting you fuck me, but I’m just about ready to change my mind,” Meng Yao sniffs. The attitude lasts all of five seconds before Nie Mingjue ruins it by releasing Lan Xichen in favor of sliding his still-slick hand back between his legs to press one bent knuckle against his entrance and Meng Yao’s eyes go wide as he chokes on a moan. 
“Are you sure you don’t want it?” Nie Mingjue teases as Meng Yao arches his back a little further, hitches his leg higher on Lan Xichen’s waist to better press himself back into the blunt, stretching pressure of Nie Mingjue’s finger.
“Well..maybe just...just a little bit,” he pants and Nie Mingjue hums his approval as he grinds his knuckle in harder, twisting his wrist to dig it in but it’s not deep enough, not nearly, and Meng Yao can’t help but let out a frustrated whine and turn his head enough to glare at Nie Mingjue out of the corner of his eye. “You tease - either give it to me or let Xichen have me, Mingjue, don’t be rude,” he groans with as much authority as he can manage while caught between the pleasure of both men’s hands on him.
“Now who’s impatient, A-Yao?” Nie Mingjue snarks.
Meng Yao opens his mouth to snap something back but of course Nie Mingjue chooses that moment to uncurl his finger and slam it home inside of him in a sharp, slick glide and Meng Yao can only cry out wordlessly, his hand curling into a tight fist where he’s got it pressed against Lan Xichen’s chest.
“Ohh yes, alright, I see your point now Mingjue,” Lan Xichen breathes as Meng Yao’s eyes squeeze shut so he can better appreciate the feeling of being filled. “Absolutely beautiful, A-Yao.”
Meng Yao can’t help but flush red at that but thankfully Lan Xichen just slides down a bit to hike his leg up onto his slender waist and tuck himself in close to kiss his chest and neck with long passes of his tongue in between nips of his teeth and the soft press of lips. He quickly loses himself in the new sensations, Nie Mingjue’s finger thrusting lazily in and out of his body as Lan Xichen lavishes him in rich, sumptuous kisses on every conceivable inch of his chest and stomach that he can reach.
“Mingjue,” Lan Xichen mumbles around one of Meng Yao’s nipples a hazy amount of time later, sounding thoroughly wrecked. “Is that enough? I want to get inside him. Please?”
Meng Yao shudders and cries out again weakly as Nie Mingjue stretches him open on two more fingers added at once, whimpering in pleasure for the tight burn of it. He can definitely take it, though, which means that they don’t have to delay any longer than they already have. 
He’s perfectly content then to mentally check out and let himself be manhandled into a better position for what he had asked for, but his mind catches up just as Lan Xichen’s hands curl around his hips to line himself up where Meng Yao is on his elbows and knees.
He blinks his eyes open to find that Nie Mingjue’s cock is right under his mouth and he can’t resist leaning forward to lick the tip of it quickly before he gathers enough self-control to say, “Wait.”
It’s almost comical how quickly everything stops, Lan Xichen and Nie Mingjue both going utterly still as they hold him up, Nie Mingjue’s hands propping up his shoulders and Lan Xichen’s hands holding his hips tightly enough from behind that he’s hardly putting any weight on his knees at all.
“A-Yao?” Nie Mingjue prompts, all concern. “Are you alright?”
“Mm. Mhm, ‘M good. I made Xichen a promise, though,” he hums as he sits up with an effort and lounges back against Lan Xichen’s broad chest, feeling too lazy to support his own weight. Lan Xichen’s arms instantly slide around his waist as Nie Mingjue raises an eyebrow at him.
“What did you promise him?”
“A-Yao you don’t have to -”
“You don’t want to?” Meng Yao asks archly as he tips his head back to look up at Lan Xichen behind him. “You seemed all for the idea when I offered it.”
“Well..yes, of course, but -”
“No ‘but’. You want it, I promised it, and we both know Mingjue is going to like watching it. What’s the problem?”
“Well..Will you be able to also take him into your mouth like that?”
“Ohhh trust me, Xichen - he’ll figure out a way to make it happen.”
“Oh...alright then. We can do that.”
Lan Xichen meets Nie Mingjue’s confused look over Meng Yao’s head with a smile, anticipation curling hot and heavy in the pit of his stomach, his erection twitching, somehow, even harder. Meng Yao is pliant in his arms as he gathers him up again and shifts to help him lay out on his back on the other side of the bed, Nie Mingjue watching the two of them with open confusion.
“You are quite certain I will not hurt you?” Lan Xichen checks one last time as he runs his hands up and down Meng Yao’s thighs, utterly mesmerized by the sight of him laid out underneath him, completely bare but for lovebites all over his chest and neck from both himself and Nie Mingjue. He looks so..decadent, clearly enjoying being the center of attention without having to lift a finger if he doesn’t want to, and Lan Xichen personally thinks it’s an absolutely lovely look on him.
“Positive,” he sighs with a rolling arch of his back that turns into him languidly lifting one foot off the bed, opposite of the side Nie Mingjue is kneeling. Lan Xichen stays still as Meng Yao raises his leg in one smooth motion to settle the delicate arch of the back of his ankle over his shoulder. It’s already an impressive stretch considering his height and how closely he’s tucked up against Meng Yao’s hips, but he makes it look effortless.
“Ohh okay, I see,” Nie Mingjue finally chuckles as he turns to face them properly. “A-Yao’s right - I’ll figure out how to get his mouth on me no matter what, and you’re not going to hurt him - he and I do this all the time. Just keep your back straight while you lean down.”
Lan Xichen looks down at Meng Yao again to find that he’s shifted a bit to link his hands under his head while he watches him from under half-lowered lids and Lan Xichen burns so fiercely with want that he’s mildly surprised he hasn’t just completely burst into flames yet.
“Well?” Meng Yao hums with a flex of his ankle to dig his heel into his shoulder. “Are you going to show me how much you appreciate your reward?”
Lan Xichen takes a deep, steadying breath as he takes himself in hand and gets settled with his hips at the correct angle. He checks that he’s slick enough one more time and then he presses forward into the maddeningly tight pressure of Meng Yao’s body with no further ado. His mind goes absolutely blank but for appreciating the hot drag of his rim around him and the feeling of his muscles shifting and relaxing to accommodate his length. He only stops once he’s seated fully inside him and he looks up from where he was watching himself thrust forward to find that Meng Yao’s eyes are squeezed shut and his head tipped back into Nie Mingjue’s hand in his hair to soothe him.
“Go ahead and bend down Xichen,” Nie Mingjue instructs quietly as he strokes himself with his free hand, the dripping head of his cock a mere inch away from Meng Yao’s parted lips. “Stretch him out, he’ll feel better.” 
Lan Xichen obeys and bends down slowly, steadily to press Meng Yao’s perfectly straight leg further and further back towards his shoulder. He feels Meng Yao shiver as they shift enough for Lan Xichen to press even deeper inside him and he finally blinks his eyes open again to look up at him with a glassy-eyed stare.
“Further,” he pleads and Lan Xichen doesn’t know if he means he wants him further inside of him or to press his leg further back so he just does both, pressing down on his leg until there’s nowhere left to go and nudging his own hips forward as much as he can to grind his cock even deeper inside of him. Meng Yao moans sweetly even as he turns his head and lifts his chin to look up at Nie Mingjue beside them.
“Mouth. Now, Mingjue,” he orders next and Nie Mingjue practically scrambles to obey, it seems, as he shuffles forward and holds himself steady with a couple fingers curled around his shaft. Meng Yao turns his head and opens his mouth enough for Nie Mingjue to pop the tip past his lips, instantly moaning a little louder as Nie Mingjue does so. There’s a bit of a pause as he tips his chin first one way and then another, searching for the best angle before he settles and hums a pleased, “Mhmm,” that Lan Xichen is sure means that they can continue. 
Lan Xichen wishes he could watch every second of Meng Yao taking Nie Mingjue further and further into his mouth when the other man starts pressing into him but he knows that if he does he’ll come, and while of course that definitely wouldn’t keep him from continuing, he wants to hold off. Had he not stepped away earlier after making out with Meng Yao to masturbate it would already be a lost cause altogether, he would have already come as soon as he slid inside Meng Yao, but at least with a bit of the edge taken off he stands a chance of outlasting Meng Yao’s orgasm.
Of course even if he can’t watch Meng Yao suck Nie Mingjue off like his life depends on it he can still hear it; he’s got his face pressed to the pillow beside Meng Yao’s head, bracketed in on the other side by his raised leg pressed against the side of his head (which is - god it’s so good), but what that means is that he can hear every single soft noise of approval in the back of Meng Yao’s throat, every wet slide of his tongue, every time he swallows..it’s absolutely filthy and Lan Xichen doesn’t even bother trying to hold himself back anymore. He wants to help Nie Mingjue make Meng Yao feel good, which means that they both have a job to do and by god he’s going to do it.
He takes a moment to gather himself and take a deep breath before he pulls his hips backwards slowly, almost painfully so, to luxuriate in the tight drag of it as Meng Yao tenses around him.
“Relax, A-Yao,” he pants softly with a clumsy kiss to his ear. “I’m not going anywhere, I’m right here.” He punctuates that promise with a quick thrust forward that has Meng Yao moaning sharply, the sound muffled by Nie Mingjue’s cock stuffed in his mouth and most likely down his throat as well. 
For all that Lan Xichen and Nie Mingjue have enjoyed the benefits of having a physically open relationship over the years, they’ve never actually had a threesome. The previous day, after they had showered and Lan Xichen had gotten Nie Mingjue calmed down from the aftermath of his fight with Meng Yao, they’d discussed - among other things - how they wanted to approach it. Lan Xichen, whose knowledge of Meng Yao had been relatively limited at that point, had only specified that he wanted both of them to take their cues from Meng Yao, who was the most likely to be uncomfortable with a new dynamic, especially when considering the fact that Lan Xichen was practically a stranger to him which would complicate things.
Nie Mingjue had been slightly more..specific with his list of desires (and if it getting worked up while talking about it had turned into a bit of heated afternoon sex, that was their business). Lan Xichen had, of course, been more than happy to listen to Nie Mingjue talk in some amount of detail about what kind of partner Meng Yao is, how he has a way of commanding attention and obedience no matter what they’re doing or what configuration they’re in (of which Nie Mingjue had assured him there were many thanks to Meng Yao’s flexibility. Lan Xichen certainly isn’t disappointed on that front).
Lan Xichen is realizing now, just over 24 hours after that conversation, just how little credit he had given Nie Mingjue’s assessment of that particular talent. Meng Yao is thoroughly pinned underneath him, legs spread as far as they can get to stretch him out for Lan Xichen’s eager thrusting, his mouth full of Nie Mingjue’s cock. They should, by all rights, feel that they have the power in this situation. 
Instead, as he does his best to be everything Meng Yao could conceivably want, Lan Xichen finds that mostly what he feels is a desperation to please. Every noise of approval that Meng Yao manages to make feels like an electric shock to his system, setting every nerve alight. And thankfully even with his mouth full Meng Yao seems to be an extremely vocal partner, so those little approving noises are numerous, a constant symphony in his ear as he stretches him as far as he can to sink into him over and over again.
“Fuck,” Nie Mingjue finally bites out (his first coherent word in a while). “A-Yao I..Xichen,” he groans and it’s only because of their discussion the previous day that Lan Xichen knows what it is he wants. They had agreed Meng Yao should get to come first, but with Nie Mingjue clearly so close to his own orgasm they need to make that happen sooner rather than later if they want to stick to it.
Lan Xichen instantly leans all of his weight on his elbow, digging Meng Yao’s knee into his own shoulder just a bit harder as he slips his newly freed hand down between them to wrap around Meng Yao’s so-far-neglected erection. He’s unsurprised, after seeing how wet he got before, to find him already slick with precome, more of it puddled on his stomach and likely smeared against Lan Xichen’s as well. Meng Yao’s entire body jerks and shudders as Lan Xichen gets him in hand and starts stroking him in time with his thrusts and he’s abruptly sure that the only thing keeping Meng Yao from writhing underneath him is their position. He redoubles his efforts, snapping his hips forward as hard as possible and biting down on the side of Meng Yao’s neck in a spot that had made him shiver earlier while they’d been making out.
He can feel it when Meng Yao lets go. His body goes almost unbearably tight around him, tense underneath him, and then all at once he relaxes with a long, muffled groan and Lan Xichen keeps stroking him through it, coaxing every last drop of come and every last second of aftershock from him as Nie Mingjue withdraws from Meng Yao’s slack mouth with a wet, slick pop only to bite off his own moans a second later.
Lan Xichen hauls himself up enough to watch only to find that there’s just something about the sight of Meng Yao looking like the cat that got the canary with his mouth and chin (and neck, and chest, good god) sporting stripes of Nie Mingjue’s come that really does it for him. He teeters on the edge of his own orgasm for a long breathless moment before Meng Yao meets his eyes through his lashes as he licks at the corner of his mouth to clean it and just like that, he’s done for. Lan Xichen leans in to crush their mouths together mostly to muffle himself but also to taste both Meng Yao and Nie Mingjue as he comes. The heat of it burns through his body and for a long moment he’s nothing but sensation, a being made of stimulated nerves and pleasure and his intense perpetual need to be good, to be what his lovers want.
They’re all still for a long, breathless moment as they recover, Lan Xichen’s lips still pressed firmly against Meng Yao’s though now they’re not so much kissing as they are just..resting there together, as close as they could possibly be. Lan Xichen is the first to break the stillness, though he doesn’t go very far. All he does is break the kiss to start cleaning Meng Yao’s face with eager passes of his tongue until Meng Yao is chuckling breathless, tired little laughs around his too-wet kisses.
“God let him breathe, Xichen,” Nie Mingjue grumbles, sounding just as tired but equally as amused as Meng Yao, who has slipped into giggling that Lan Xichen is very much in danger of falling in love with. Especially once he pulls back and he sees that, for the first time since meeting him, Meng Yao is smiling widely enough that both of his dimples are deep crescents in his pink cheeks. God he’s just so -
“Beautiful,” Lan Xichen breathes, entirely besotted. He shifts enough to let Meng Yao slip his leg off his shoulder, finally, to fall wide on the bed and he doesn’t bother trying to resist leaning in to nuzzle their noses together. Meng Yao giggles again, low and soft, and Lan Xichen tips his chin enough to kiss him - keeps kissing him until the moment Nie Mingjue nudges him gently aside to get to work cleaning Meng Yao up with one of the washcloths he’d snagged from the bathroom earlier.
He finally pulls out with a groan mirrored by Meng Yao underneath him, but as soon as he gets rid of the used condom - tying it off and dropping it in the waste bin next to Nie Mingjue’s nightstand - he’s right back, curling up against Meng Yao’s side and pressing hazy kisses to his shoulder while Nie Mingjue finishes cleaning him up and settles in on his other side to hold him close as well.
Lan Xichen closes his eyes to better appreciate the contented quiet, the gentle breathing of his two companions - his partners, his boyfriends, his lovers - and he wonders if anyone has ever died of excessive joy. If it’s possible to die of a broken heart, is it equally as possible to die of a heart so full of happiness the body can’t contain it? If it is, he thinks, then such a death would certainly be worth it.
He’s not quite sure how long they lay there in the dim, satisfied hush, the sheets kicked to the end of the bed and the three of them tangled together in a press of cooling skin and heavy lassitude. He’s just about to slip properly into sleep when he feels Meng Yao - still caught between them - begin shifting around and he drags his eyes open with a monumental effort to check on him.
“A-Yao?” he whispers, the affectionate name sweet on his tongue.
“Shh go back to sleep, it’s alright,” Meng Yao immediately replies, his voice low, as he leans in to kiss his forehead softly. Lan Xichen’s eyes drift shut again as Meng Yao kisses his nose and then his lips in quick succession, and he’s helpless against his body’s need to rest so he sinks into it.
He’s roused again not too much later by one of Nie Mingjue’s hands knocking against his hip. He startles at the sudden, clumsy impact, his eyes fluttering open to find that Nie Mingjue’s eyes are still closed but he’s patting at the bed between them. The empty bed between them.
Lan Xichen comes awake all at once and he sits up, looking quickly around the room that’s equally as empty but for the two of them.
“A-Yao?” Lan Xichen calls, his heart suddenly racing as he waits for an answer that doesn’t come. The house is quiet and dark around them, only the soft glow of the bedside lamp that none of them had bothered to turn off alleviating the gloom. It’s not even enough light to illuminate the hallway beyond the open bedroom door, but it is enough for him to see that there are conspicuous absences in the piles of clothes on the floor and his racing heart plummets. “Mingjue wake up,” he pleads with a shake to the other man’s shoulder. “Where is A-Yao?”
“He always leaves,” Nie Mingjue sighs with a definite pout pinching between his brows as he cracks one eye open. “He’s getting sneakier. I didn’t even feel him go this time.”
A pang of guilt twangs through Lan Xichen’s chest as he berates himself for not having stopped him when he’d felt him getting up, but he doesn’t allow it to slow him down as he rolls out of bed to get dressed in the closest pair of Nie Mingjue’s sweatpants and his discarded sweater from the day.
“I am going to find him.”
“He doesn’t want to stay.”
“Did you ask?” Lan Xichen retorts, just shy of sounding irritated in his worry, as the memory of Nie Huaisang’s counsel from earlier in the evening replays in a loop in his mind while he roots around in Nie Mingjue’s dresser for a pair of socks.
‘Yaoyao never even stays the night, and da-ge never asks him to either, to my knowledge’.
“If he wanted to stay he would, Xichen. A-Yao always does whatever he wants,” Nie Mingjue says now, sounding more alert, and Lan Xichen shakes his head quickly as he slips on the first pair of socks he finds. He’s still learning new things about Meng Yao at every turn, of course, but he’s already quite sure that Meng Yao only does what he wants as far as he thinks others will find it acceptable - and his view of his own behaviors that others will accept is very skewed against himself.
“I am going to find him anyway,” Lan Xichen says with conviction as he turns back to the bed just long enough to hold Nie Mingjue’s face in his hands and press a kiss to his forehead. “If he does not wish to stay then I will be selfish and ask him to anyway. I’ll be back soon.”
He leaves without another word and thankfully Nie Mingjue doesn’t try to stop him again. His mind is racing as he makes his way downstairs, wondering what he’ll do if Meng Yao isn’t anywhere he can find him. He makes it almost to the front door before he comes to a sudden stop at the sight of Meng Yao’s bag still on the floor by the row of shoes. He turns back around to find Meng Yao blinking owlishly at him from the couch in the living room, the space awash in bright moonlight streaming in through the wall of windows that overlook the garden. He’s fully dressed, one shoe on and the other waiting next to his socked foot, and Lan Xichen instantly reroutes to drop to his knees on the floor between Meng Yao’s feet.
“Where are you going?” he asks as he brings his hands up to hold Meng Yao’s waist.
“Home? I have to catch the train, I can’t stay any longer.” Meng Yao replies, as if it should be the most obvious thing in the world. Like he can’t imagine why Lan Xichen wouldn’t have already assumed he would be going home. Like alone in his apartment is where he belongs, rather than comfortably held between his boyfriends for the night.
“Please do not go home.”
“Why not?”
“Stay. Please, A-Yao?”
Lan Xichen leans in to press his face into Meng Yao’s chest so he can slide his arms around his waist properly and hug him tight. Meng Yao’s next inhale trembles, he can hear it, feel the shake of his chest against his cheek, and he holds on a little tighter.
“I never get to stay,” Meng Yao whispers as he runs his fingers through his unbound hair, caressing. “Go back upstairs, Xichen, it’s alright. I need to go home.”
“Why? Why do you never stay?”
“Mingjue doesn’t want me to.”
Lan Xichen doesn’t groan in frustration, but it’s a near thing. He’s quickly becoming sure that he’s never met two people worse at communicating their expectations of each other and what they want - and he grew up caught in the middle of Lan Qiren and Lan Wangji’s near constant silent battles of will.
But now is not the time for arguing. He can hear the fragility in Meng Yao’s voice hidden under the polite timbre of it. He can feel the way he’s shaking a little, his entire body tense against him as Lan Xichen holds on just a little tighter still, buries his face in his chest with a sigh.
“I want you to,” Lan Xichen says instead of speaking for Nie Mingjue - even though he knows what Nie Mingjue wants, he already knows Meng Yao won’t take his word for it.They’ll have time to discuss it soon. Tonight isn’t the time.
“I have work in the morning anyway, and I didn’t bring a change of clothes,” Meng Yao says next.
“I wake early every morning, I will drive you home so you can prepare for the day with plenty of time to drive you to work as well. Please?”
Lan Xichen waits on pins and needles for Meng Yao to make his decision, the man’s shaking fingers still sliding through his hair in a hypnotic rhythm that would threaten to put Lan Xichen to sleep were he not so worried about making sure Meng Yao feels wanted. 
Finally, though, he sighs heavily and Lan Xichen can feel the fight drain out of him in the way he suddenly goes pliant in his arms, draping himself around him to return the hug with his arms around his shoulders.
“Yes, alright, fine,” he sighs with a (mostly convincing) tone to his voice like he’s just agreeing as a favor to Lan Xichen. “I’ll stay for tonight, but you’ll have to sleep in the middle.”
“So Mingjue doesn’t get annoyed?”
Lan Xichen is glad that Meng Yao can’t see his face at the moment as he’s not quite sure he would be able to school his expression into something less than heartbroken at that. This idea that Meng Yao has that he’s not wanted can’t possibly be completely uninformed by past experience, Lan Xichen knows that (and honestly that’s part of why it hurts), but it’s so entirely incongruent with the truth of things now that it makes him wish he could sit the two of them down in a locked room together and not let them out again until they talk. 
“Why would he be irritated?” is all he can think to say, his voice no louder than a whisper.
Meng Yao doesn’t answer, instead he just ducks down to press a ghost of a kiss to the top of his head as he shifts a bit to reach down and untie and then remove the shoe he’s already managed to put on. Lan Xichen instantly picks the shoes up and stands to return them to their spot in the front hall next to Meng Yao’s bag, returning to the living room in record time to find Meng Yao standing uncertainly near the arm of the sofa. He looks away from the stairs when Lan Xichen reappears, seeming almost guilty for getting caught doing it, but Lan Xichen just reaches out to lace their fingers together and tug him towards them to take him back to bed.
When they step back into the bedroom it’s to find that Nie Mingjue has hauled himself out of bed long enough to have managed to get himself dressed in a pair of sweatpants, but no further. He’s sitting on the foot of the bed trying to rub the sleepiness from his eyes and Meng Yao’s fingers tighten in his when Nie Mingjue sits up a little straighter upon seeing them.
“A-Yao agreed to stay with us tonight,” Lan Xichen reports, unable to keep the undercurrent of satisfaction out of his voice. “I will take him home to get ready for work in the morning.”
“Oh,” Nie Mingjue grunts with another rub of the heel of his hand against one eye. “Good. Let’s go back to bed then, I’m exhausted.”
Lan Xichen smiles softly and shakes his head a bit with fond exasperation as Nie Mingjue settles himself right in the middle of the mattress with a deep sigh, his limbs starfished out in all directions. 
“Ah it would seem neither of us is sleeping in the middle tonight, A-Yao,” Lan Xichen teases. “We shall just have to take turns each night, I suppose.” He turns to glance at Meng Yao only to find him looking absolutely shocked, his eyes fixed on Nie Mingjue on the bed. Lan Xichen squeezes his hand once and raises it to his lips to kiss his knuckles briefly before he lets go in favor of slipping out of his sweater and rejoining Nie Mingjue in bed. He tucks himself easily against Nie Mingjue’s side and his arm instantly curls, warm and bulky, around Lan Xichen’s bare shoulders, the other still extended in open invitation.
There’s the soft rustling of fabric and then silence for a long moment before Meng Yao appears on the other side of the bed in his undershirt and briefs. He still looks wary as he crawls onto the bed and tucks himself under the sheet, and for a moment it looks like he’s not going to be so daring as to try snuggling up to Nie Mingjue. It breaks Lan Xichen’s heart all over again to see him darting furtive glances at Nie Mingjue’s relaxed face like he’s expecting a reprimand at any second while he settles in painfully slowly, maintaining a polite distance from Nie Mingjue the whole time. Or at least he does right up until the moment Nie Mingjue slides his arm down to catch him behind the shoulders and pull him into his side as well. 
Lan Xichen reaches out across Nie Mingjue’s chest to stroke the back of his index finger against Meng Yao’s cheekbone as he watches him hold himself perfectly still for a long moment before he absolutely melts. He still looks like he can’t quite believe what’s happening even as he tucks himself into all the possible nooks of Nie Mingjue’s body and gets a lazy kiss to the forehead for his efforts. Lan Xichen offers him what he hopes is a reassuring smile before he leans backwards to turn off the lamp and plunge the three of them into soothing darkness.
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Omg for the prompts: “if you called just to get off on my voice, i’m hanging up” !!!! It can be for whatever character/real Dylan, doesn’t matter, I know you’ll do it justice 😄
I realllllllly hope I can, anon. I'm sure as hell gonna try ;)
I'm gonna write this with Dylan, because I'm the most confident in my ability to write him well. I hope that's okay <3 This is phone sex... so like... warning?
Prompt list HERE
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Tell Me
What hell time is it? Is that your phone? God, you hated falling asleep on the couch. You always woke up so confused. It was just supposed to be one more episode, but that turned into four and at some point, you'd fallen asleep. It took you a few moments to come around to even be certain your phone was actually ringing before you reached over and snatched it from the coffee table. 4 AM.
"What the fuck?" You muttered under your breath before you registered who was calling. It was Dylan. You swiped to answer the call. "Hello?"
"Hey, you."
"Is everything okay?" you asked, rubbing your knuckles into your eye to clear the fog.
"Yeah. Everything's fine."
That was a relief, but now you were a little annoyed. "You do realize it's four in the morning here, right?"
You could tell by his tone that it had entirely slipped his mind that he was on the other side of the world. He was filming in Australia, and even after three weeks, he hadn't quite sorted out that he was living almost a full day in the future.
"I'm sorry. I'm an ass. I just..."
He sounded genuinely sorry, and you couldn't really be upset when you heard his voice. It was hard to find time to talk when he was so far away, so now was honestly as good a time as any.
"Just what?"
He was doing that stupid annoyingly cute thing he did where he feigns being coy when he really has nefarious intent.
"Dyl?" you questioned, sitting up a bit on the couch.
"It's just..." he paused, but when he started talking again, his tone changed. There was a slick darkness to it. "I miss you..."
This little shit called for phone sex at 4 in the fucking morning!? "Are you seriously— If you called just to get off on my voice, I'm hanging up."
"Well..." he hummed. "I didn't just call to get off on your voice." It was annoying that he could be so charming while he was perving from another continent.
"Oh no?"
"Thought I could get you off on mine too."
Distance was a frequent enemy for the two of you, so you were no strangers to phone sex, but he wasn't usually so forward. It generally just kind of organically happened during a conversation that began elsewhere.
"You still there?"
"Yeah, yeah...I'm here."
"Well..." His voice was sweet like honey, "interested?
You rolled over onto your back and stared up at the ceiling, listening to him softly breathing as he awaited your response.
"Mmm," he hummed in approval. "Good." You heard a few shuffling sounds before he spoke again. "So I woke you, huh? Wish I was in that bed with you."
You smiled. "I'm on the couch."
"Mmm, okay...What are you wearing?" His voice is muffled for a short moment, like he was blocking his mic.
You look down at your body and grinned because you knew he'd like it. "Those little shorts you like and one of your t-shirts..."
You could hear the smile on his face.
"Which one?" More shuffling.
"Oh, I like that one...can't believe I left it there."
"I thought you left it for me," you teased.
"Oh yeah?"
"Mhm..." you wiggled a bit, getting more comfortable. "Looks better on me..."
Dylan laughed softly. "You're right..."
You smirked, worrying your lower lip between your teeth for a moment before you posed a question of your own. "What about you? What are you wearing?"
"Oh." Your eyes widened. That must have been what you'd been hearing. He'd been taking off his clothes. "Not wasting any time..."
"Mmm, nope. You should probably catch up."
"Yeah?" you questioned, looking around the room at the floor-to-ceiling windows. "You want me to strip naked right here in the living room?"
"It's 4 AM... no one's gonna see..."
You considered just telling him you were naked when you weren't, but that hint of mischief in his voice emboldened you a bit. You set your phone on the arm of the couch behind you and pulled his t-shirt up over your head, accidentally knocking your phone off onto the rug.
"What was that?"
You picked it up from the floor. "The phone was a casualty of my superior stripping skills," you smiled.
He huffed out a little amused breath. "You naked yet?"
"No...not entirely."
The little groan he let out was so amusing to you. You wished you could see him. He always looked so good when he was desperate.
"Cold in here..." You ran your fingertips down the center of your chest, hoping he was imagining how you must look with your nipples peaked.
"Fuck..." he muttered. "Wish I was there to suck on those pretty things..."
Those words struck a chord and you traced your finger around one of your breasts, tantalizingly slow. You loved how he practically worshipped you with his mouth. You were sure he'd explained every inch of your skin with his mouth and tongue, but his particular fondness for teasing your breasts was well-documented.
"Touch them..." his breathing was a bit more uneven than it'd been before. "Squeeze your nipples and imagine it's me."
You sighed as your fingers traced over the hardened peak of your breast before you pinned it between your thumb and forefinger. You moaned as your eyes fluttered closed and your mind's eye conjured up a hazy image of him.
"Good?" he asked, his voice slick and low. You knew him so well you could tell his mouth was hanging open.
"Tell me..."
Your free hand glided across your skin to the other breast and your squeezed it in your hand, palming it gently before you pinched your nipple between your index and middle finger. "Feels good, but your mouth would feel better..."
"Shit..." His curse was abbreviated by a stuttered intake of breath. "You'd be writhing on the couch if I had my mouth on you."
You laughed softly, your hand gliding down to your navel, tracing soft little patterns on your skin. "Thinkin' about that making you hard?"
"I've been hard since you picked up the phone."
Those words hit different. The warmth that spread through you made your fingers and toes tingle, and you felt the desire pooling up between your legs. He'd made you wet with just a few little words.
"Are you touching yourself?"
"Not yet."
You were impressed. He could behave sometimes, but he wasn't generally one to deny himself pleasure.
"Do you want me to?" he asked, practically purring into the phone.
You closed your eyes again and imagined him laying there naked on his bed, hard and desperate to touch himself, then you imagined the flex of his arm pulling the tendons to the surface when his long fingers wrapped their way around his length.
"You take those shorts off yet?"
Your fingers were teasing at the waistband of them, but you still had them on. "No."
"Take them off."
You obeyed, even though you knew it was more a request than a demand. You slid them down along with your underwear and kicked them off the side of the couch. "They're off..." you breathed, your fingertips gliding up the side of your thigh.
"Good..." he paused for a moment. "Want you to touch yourself when I do...at the same time."
"Okay..." you agreed, your hand gliding up over your thigh until your hand was resting near the heat of your core. You wished he was here. Wishing your hand was his. You missed him so badly you were burning need. Being with him like this was almost torturous because it only made you want him more, but it was better than not having him at all.
You moaned as your fingers slipped into your heat. You were so wet already and it felt so good to hear the sounds he made in your ear.
"Feel good?" he panted.
"Mmmm," you hummed, chewing at your lip. "So good...I'm so wet..."
"Got you soaking our couch and I don't even get a taste..." he grunted before he continued. "That's such a fucking shame...you should probably do that for me too..."
Your finger swirled around your clit and you pressed your head back into the cushions as your back arched.
"Tell me how you taste..."
Your toes curled up when you could finally start to hear the sound of his fist working him over, the way his breathing was growing more erratic by the second. You wanted to please him, drive him as insane with need as you felt. You traced along your lower lip with your slick index finger before your tongue wet it and you drew it into your mouth.
The sinful noise he made when you exaggerated the sound of sucking on your finger let you know he was as desperate as you. "Tell me..." he whispered.
"Good...the way I always do..." you breathed, sliding your hand back down your body and between your legs. "But I wish I was sucking on something else..."
"Oh, God..." Dylan said between his teeth. "I wish I could fuck your mouth...so fucking bad."
"Mmm..." You squirmed imagining his hands in your hair, tugging you over his length while he bucks down your throat, but what you really wanted was him buried so deep inside you that you'd forget your name. "Just my mouth?"
He growled at that, the pace of that satisfying slapping sound of his fist quickening a touch more. "No."
You slipped your fingers back inside yourself and curled them up into that sweet spot inside you that made you see little stars. "What would you'd do if you were here right now...?"
He didn't answer right away, but you could still hear the frantic pace of his hand bringing him closer to release. "I'd pin you down on that couch...fold you in half...and fuck you so deep..." He sounded so breathless and gone that you knew he was on the brink. "Make you cum...feel you squeeze around me...fill you to the fuckin' brim..."
Your orgasm was building, like a wave just offshore about to break. The pressure, that ache for release. You were so close. "Dylan...I want you so fucking bad..."
"Me too, baby..." His words were soaked in sin, but there was a sweetness behind them too.
You were so God damn close, and knowing he was right there with you was making the whole thing so much better.
"Baby, holy fucking shit...I'm so close..." he didn't speak for a moment, but the sinful sounds coming out of his mouth didn't stop. He was moaning low and soft, and you could hear the way he was struggling to keep pace, and then it was like a rubber band snapped. "Fuck!" He called out your name and you knew he'd finished.
Your name on his tongue was more than enough to have you base jumping off that same ledge. You cried out in pleasure, his name and half-formed praise falling from your lips as you rode the high of release. You basked in the way it felt to be connected to him even though he was a world away. You nursed yourself through the throes of it, all the while listening to Dylan's heavy breathing in your ear.
"I fucking love you."
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hardskz · 4 years
[ 6:46 pm ] seungmin sighs in distress as he cuffs your hands to the bedpost. “what a dumb baby you are, so incredibly naive. you really thought you could have your way with me,” he says as if he was talking to a child. “you’re by far the dumbest i’ve ever met.”
“w-what the—“ you stammer, still in shock about the sudden turn of events. this is so not going according to plan. one moment, you had him trembling beneath you, puppy eyes staring at you with uncertainty, and in the next moment he flipped you around with strength you didn’t know his body could even handle. “what the fuck is going on?”
“naive and rude. but that’s alright, i don’t mind.” seungmin clicks his tongue when he grabs your chin. “i’ll just have to teach you manners.”
he’s the embodiment of a contradiction. the set of eyes staring down at you in feigned innocence doesn’t match his free hand slowly ghosting over your panties. the pure face doesn’t match the skill his fingers possess, leaving featherlight touches all the way to your inner thighs. 
slowly but surely, your body tenses up. you know exactly what he’s after, and you’re dead set on not giving him what he wants. however, that becomes progressively harder when he starts toying with your waistband, snapping it nonchalantly against your skin to force a reaction out of you. it costs you your entire willpower to not move radically or let a sound escape — not even a gasp for air. hell, even your stone cold gaze is starting to rip at the edges.
it makes no fucking sense, because he’s the last person you should cower in front of. he’s looking at you as if it’s all fun and games, but the firm hold on your chin and the underlying malice behind his actions indicate the opposite. 
“you’ve never been on the submitting side before, am i right? glad to know that i get to be the first to have their way with you. seems like you’re not as corrupted as rumor says.” he hums, before he swipes your bottom lip with a thumb. a sigh leaves him when you stand your ground and don’t open your mouth. “you still think i don’t actually know what i’m doing? then let me rephrase some things.”
he slides his hand underneath your underwear and gives your clit a flick. it’s subtle, but after being subject to barely real touches, it’s enough to start a chain reaction in your system. 
your breath hitches. seungmin smiles. he leans down, lets his breath fan your ear. 
“you can rebel as much as you want. by the time i’m done with you, you’ll never want to be on top again. you’ll only want to be anyone’s little cumdumpster.”
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blueathens · 3 years
we NEED the mason smut THE BEN SMUT WAS SO GOOD
and there might be three mason smuts in the works...might I’ve got two ideas and the one I’ll definitely do is the amazing one @masonsutd requested.
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sunaluvr · 3 years
sooooo im opening up my timestamp, reactions, and emergency requests!!!
request rules:
♡ i will write smut and fluff!!
♡ pls include the time and concept that you would like in your timestamp request!!
♡ pls include the characters you would like in a reaction!! (no more than 6)
♡ emergency requests are reserved for comfort scenarios, they will be posted as soon as possible after the request is sent (always posted on the same day) pls include that it's an emergency request in ur ask!!
♡ timestamp and emergency requests will be around 300 words!!
♡ i will not write: angst, yandere, toxic relationships, or romanticize dark themes. if a request makes me uncomfortable i will not write it!!
♡ pls specify what you would prefer the reader's gender to be!!
♡ as always, casual chats or anything else go in the ask box :>
click here to request <3
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silver--storms · 4 years
Sweet Like Honey
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This was a request from an anon for a plus size and struggling with body issues reader and Danny smut.  Thank you @satans-helper​ for the gif suggestion and for also sort of requesting this lol. 
It was originally supposed to be a HC but I kind of got carried away. I hope you like it, as always let me know what you think! xox
Warnings: NSFW 18+ unprotected sex, p-word, oral.
    You and Danny had been good friends for years, you saw each other almost every day and shared a love of french fries. You had always secretly pined for him, but tried to push those thoughts to the side, you knew he’d never be interested in a girl like you.
  Danny seemed to have a type, tall, thin and long beachy blond hair, though the relationships never lasted too long. If you asked him he’d tell you his type was dark hair, bright eyes and a killer smile. Yet he always seemed to end up with the same kind of girls, the homecoming queen, someone you’d never live up to.             You had always struggled with body image, always feeling like the frumpy best friend, never anyone’s first choice. You had tried to lose weight, but could never stay consistent at it. You were average at best, never really catching anyone’s eye and spent most of high school single and an outsider. Danny never seemed to notice, he always included you, inviting you out to parties and to other social gatherings. You don’t think it ever phased Danny that you were only really part of his “clique” because he wanted you there.
     As usual Danny had invited you over for pizza and movies, your typical Tuesday night routine and like always you picked up a twelve pack of Sam Adams on your way over. It was Danny’s turn to pick the movie, of course he picked a slasher film, he knew you were a baby and couldn’t hang when it came to scary movies. Halfway through you were practically holding a blanket up to your face, barely able to focus on the screen, you turned your head and pushed it into Danny’s arm.
He just laughed at you,  “You good? Do you want me to turn it off?” he said while wrapping his arm around you.  
You admittedly were a little caught off guard by him pulling you close to him, his warm familiar warmth washing over you, his smell was intoxicating, you couldn’t help but nuzzle into his bicep. 
   “Y/n?” he brushed some hair out of your face, “Did you want me to turn it off or not?” he chuckled as he cocked his head giving you a confused expression.
Snapping back to reality, realizing you hadn’t answered him, “Uh..no, it’s fine, just this scene is freaking me out.” 
     Danny just nodded, returning his focus to the t.v, he pulled you closer into his chest. His arm sliding down and following the curve of your waist. His fingers gently caressed you, moving their way farther down and stopping at your hip. Danny’s touch alone caused goosebumps to dance across your skin, you were frozen, staring at the movie completely unphased by how scary it was a few moments ago.Your heart was beating out of your chest, unsure exactly what was happening, you could feel an unspoken tension between the two of you.
     A few moments had passed, Danny still rubbing your side, you could feel his breath tickling your face. You looked up to find Danny staring right at you, matching your gaze, your eyes were locked. Danny sighed, looking down at his lap,
   “Y/n, Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?” his words hit you like a ton of bricks, unsure if you had fallen asleep and this was somehow some sort of dream.
 “Uh..” you stuttered, “I guess not, I never really thought you ever noticed me.”
He looked back at you, tilting his head  “Why do you think I’m always wanting to hang out so much?” He admitted, “Or how about why my relationships have never lasted past two months?” 
    You just looked at him with a confused expression as if he had asked you to do mental math, “What?” you said, perplexed, thinking back to all the times you had shoved your feelings down deep inside of you when he’d tell you about a new girl he liked or when you had to watch him take other girls to a dance back in high school.
    Danny moved his hand to cup your face, tilting it up to his, he tenderly pressed his forehead to yours for a brief moment and kissed you ever so delicately. You felt yourself melt into him like honey, the taste of his lips was even sweeter, he quietly moaned and slipped his tongue in.  Before you knew it, he was climbing on top of you and working his way down to your neck, he sucked hard leaving marks all over.
   Your hands slid up his neck, holding the back of his head, tangling your fingers in his curls. You wrapped your legs around his waist, unable to hold back, letting out a deep moan when he bit down. Danny took this as a queue to keep going, his hand started to pull your shirt up, almost exposing your stomach. Like a reflex, your hand shot down to his, stopping him mid-action, immediately you panicked. You suddenly felt extremely insecure, knowing you didn’t fit the cookie cutter image you assumed he was used to seeing.
Danny looked up at you, his eyes got big, “Oh my god, I’m sorry did I upset you?” he said in a concerned tone.
 You sputtered, “Uh, no, Danny it’s just..” you looked down, feeling your face get hot,  “It’s just that I don’t look like the other girls you’ve been with. I just don’t want you to be disappointed.” you sighed.
Danny’s expression fell for a second before leaning back in to kiss you, he pulled back and whispered against your lips, “You could never disappoint me, I happen to find you extremely sexy you know?” 
You felt your heart flutter, letting a smile escape you “Yeah? Do you want to prove it?” you quipped, unable to believe those words were leaving your mouth. 
Danny just chuckled while grabbing your wrist, jerking you up quickly and practically tossing you onto his lap,“Yeah I do.” he said, sweeping you up into a passionate kiss and going back to where he left off on your neck. 
  You felt his erection pressing into your center through his pants, without even thinking about it you started to grind into him and panting into his ear. Danny’s hands traveled down to your ass, giving you a firm slap and a tight squeeze.You could feel yourself getting wet, your panties were soaked as you rocked your hips back and forth. You pulled your top off, sliding it over your head exposing your full breasts to Danny, he quickly removed your bralette and almost instantly his mouth met your nipples. 
He sucked, flicked and bit down hard causing you to yelp. His calloused hands slid up and down your waist, massaging your skin and driving you crazy. You couldn’t take it anymore, you feverishly started unbuckling his belt and working down to the fly of his pants. The fabric was strained, holding back his growing bulge, when you finally got it open his cock sprung out without warning. 
    Danny grabbed a fistful of your hair, following his lead you got on your knees and gummed him over his boxers. With his other hand, Danny gripped the couch and bucked his hips up towards you with a moan. You pulled his pants all the way down, along with his boxers, exposing his large cock. It’s length was intimidating, but you were up for the challenge as your mouth started to water. The moment your mouth met the tip of him, Danny’s mouth dropped open and he threw his head back in ecstasy. Your tongue swirled the tip of his dick, making sure to slide it over his slit and give him a few soft sucks.
   Danny was impatient, he gently pressed your head down farther onto him and you gladly obliged taking more of him until he hit the back of your throat. You gagged from how thick he was but kept going, your saliva dripping down onto the base of his cock and your eyes starting to water. You picked up your pace and felt him throbbing as his filled your entire mouth. You were surprised with how vocal Danny was, he was shamelessly moaning, letting our sharp pitched gasps and deep groans.
     At some point Danny stopped you, panting heavily, he had you stand up and slide your pants down but kept your lacy underwear on. Coincidentally they were bright blue, his favorite color. You straddled him as he slid your underwear over to the side, you mentally prepared yourself to take on his size, lining him up with your opening. You carefully sat down onto him, just the tip first as you adjusted, but you were so wet it wasn’t long until he filled you up and bottomed out. 
  When he hit your hilt, Danny sputtered and dug his nails into your skin, “Holy shit, you’re so tight and wet, you feel so good on my cock.” he said with an explicit sigh.
   Hearing those words from Danny was enough to make you cum almost instantaneously, but you held back and started to hop up and down on him. Danny firmly grabbed you by your hips, controlling your rhythm as he bounced you up and down in a fast but rough pace. Every time you slammed down on his huge cock, he plummeted against your g-spot, it was over from then on. Danny held you still, taking control he hammered into your pussy causing you to cum hard and fast. You cried out, breathless, it was all you could do to hold on to him while being wrecked by the intense waves of pleasure.
     You felt yourself contract around him, Danny moaned with you, increasing his pace. His muscles flexed beneath you, he was close, you felt him about to pull out so he could cum but you wanted to feel him cum inside of you. You pushed his hand away, picking yourself up with your knees and rolled your hips into him as he hit his high. Danny moaned loudly as you felt his warmth coat your walls, the sensation alone made you fall into another orgasm.
  The two of you moaning together, rocking into each other, both delirious with pleasure. As you both came down from your highs, still in his lap, Danny pulled you in close to you. Still breathing heavily he said,
 “That was absolutely amazing, y/n. I’ve never cum so hard in my life.” he admitted, “why didn’t we do this earlier?” he smiled at you.
You just laughed, “All I know is we’ll never know how that movie ended and I’m okay with that.” you said leaning in for another sweet kiss. 
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edgecfeden · 4 years
open to: f/nb something the morning after !!
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addison: i swear i didn’t ghost you, i’m just out getting us coffee addison: i guess it helps that you’re at my place, too?? addison: also if you see a super annoying girl lounging around that looks exactly like me except with way more tattoos, tell her hands off and that you’re mine addison: also also if she tries to tell you her dic/k is bigger she’s lying
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noahscents · 4 years
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Happy 2 Years of To All The Boys I’ve Loved before!!
*cough* feel free to celebrate by reading some of my Peter Kavinsky imagines here
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bloodhcunds · 3 years
i’m currently looking for more filthy plots to write, preferably on discord or sideblogs! bonus points if they include dark/t*aboo themes. i have almost no limits, so please make sure to check out my rules page and see for yourself whether or not our writing styles would mesh! give this a like or dm me if you’d be interested at all ❀◕ ‿ ◕❀
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