#panny art
pannypunkpanda · 1 year
More dincobb—
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I did this for my besties b-day
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oxidi · 2 years
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Budapest, 2022
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cardboardfeet · 2 months
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silly chara x self comic thing. um. because i love him (more keisuke. as well. bc he deserves it)
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cohapon · 10 months
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May 2 was the birthday of my oc, Panny! This is a drawing I did then to celebrate and a little comic.
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bowsnbugsnax · 2 years
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now I don't normally draw grumpus fully clothed but man some the fashion blogs I follow have really been poppin off lately
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dbzebra · 2 years
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I drew Panny last night :)
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gorgugplushie · 2 years
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ANYWAYS hc that annie cannot dress herself to save her life, her pr team has forbade it bc she comes out looking like a tourist dad or a overgrown toddler (wheels teases her by treating her like one
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strange-doll-child · 2 years
He got a background now
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wally-b-feed · 9 months
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Anthony Fineran (B 1981), Treacle Jam Panny, 2023
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radiotusciaevents · 2 years
I Panni Sporchi al Live Art Summer Festival
I Panni Sporchi al Live Art Summer Festival
Venerdì 19 agosto, presso la Villa Comunale di Vetralla in occasione del Live Art Summer Festival, Prima Rassegna Teatrale della Città Incantata andrà in scena “Panni Sporchi” uno spettacolo di Marco Paoli con la regia di Simone Precoma. Panni Sporchi è una produzione Live Art, centro di produzione teatrale in collaborazione con il Teatro San Leonardo di Viterbo. La vicenda si svolge in una…
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lunarbrambles · 2 years
I've been wanting to make icons but like, I just haven't had that patience and spoons lately because my chronic pain makes it painful to hold my damn WACOM bamboo pen on top of being like, so out of practice it takes two hours to warm up and get use to the disconnect from the tablet to the PC. I really want to get a graphics display tablet for this reason, considering I don't have nearly as much issue with traditional art save for the fact it still causes issues with my RA between it being painful to hold pens and the fact extended periods of arting usually results in my finger joints locking up.
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pannypunkpanda · 1 year
Dincobb doodles
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life-of-architecture · 5 months
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Kraków Kościół Wniebowzięcia Najświętszej Marii Panny czyli Bazylika Mariacka foto z 18 grudnia 2019 i 15 lipca 2020
Wysokie na ponad cztery metry epitafium z czarnego marmuru dębnickiego, projektu Franciszka Placidiego, poświęcone dwudziestemu czwartemu archiprezbiterowi parafii mariackiej. Jacek Augustyn Łopacki herbu Kotwica (1690-1761) był doktorem filozofii i medycyny oraz fundatorem licznych przedsięwzięć charytatywnych i artystycznych. W młodości osobisty medyk kardynała Conti zanim ten został papieżem Innocentym XIII, potem w Krakowie leczył na równi magnatów i robotników. Pochowano go w tym miejscu zgodnie z jego własnym życzeniem.
Pragnę i nieodmiennie naznaczam, aby ciało moje bez żadnej odwłoki, zaraz in crastino śmierci pogrzebione było przy kościele Najświętszej Panny Maryi w Krakowie na cmentarzu w ziemi w tyle ołtarza Crucifixi przy murze kościelnym. fragment testamentu J.A. Łopackiego
Czemu się mam żalić, że chociaż dopiero przy zaczynających się żniwach, a już frumentum Electorum nieodżałowany Prałat grobowym na proch jest starty kamieniem, że usechł w oczach naszych tak ozdobny rozmaitym cnót Świętych kolorem, dosyć pięknego bo liliowej niewinności różowego wstydu, ten hiacyntowy kwiat flos decidit & decor. fragment mowy Jana Kantego Laskiewicza na pogrzebie Łopackiego
rysunek Stanisława Cerchy z 1902 r.
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akwarela Stanisława Fabijańskiego z 1917 r.
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rysunek Leona Kowalskiego z 1924 r.
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akwarela Stanisława Janowskiego sprzed 1942 r.
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Zdzisław Gajda, historyk medycyny, przytacza anegdotę o Łopackim: …były krakowskie odpusty u Panny Maryi okazją do swoistego widowiska: przychodziły tłumy opętanych, wzbudzając widokiem swych cierpień najwyższe politowanie, co równoznaczne było z rozsupływaniem mieszka. Otóż po głównych uroczystościach kościelnych wychodził archiprezbiter na plac przed kościołem w stroju pontyfikalnym, przed nim zbierała się gromada dręczonych przez złe duchy (…). Otóż Łopacki, jak to u dobrych lekarzy bywa, nie był w ciemię bity i miał dobry zmysł obserwacji, nie odmawiał tradycją przyjętego zwyczaju, ale podejrzenie miał. I pewnego dnia się przejadło. Wyszedł jak zwykle, modły odmówił, kropidło wziął, opętanych pokropił, a gdy spodziewanego skutku wszyscy się dopatrzyli, rzekł: A oszuści, a nicponie! A udawacze! Gdybyście byli prawdziwie opętani, nic by wam nie dało to moje kropienie, bom zwykłej, a nie święconej wody na was użył!
fragmenty dyplomu doktora medycyny Jacka Łopackiego wydanego przez Uniwersytet w Padwie w 1711 r.
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portret Iacentego (Jacka) Łopackiego w siedzibie Arcybractwa Miłosierdzia, mniej niż 100 metrów od jego grobu
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Kraków, Poland Saint Mary's Basilica taken on 18 December 2019 and 15 July 2020
Over four meters (14 ft) tall epitaph made of black marble, designed by Francesco Placidi, marking the grave of Jacek Augustyn Łopacki (1690-1761) of the Kotwica coat of arms, the 24th Arch-Priest of the St. Mary's parish, and also Doctor of Medicine and Philosophy, a philanthropist and art patron. In his younger years he was the personal physician of Cardinal Michelangelo dei Conti before the latter became Pope Innocent XIII; later in Kraków he kept treating magnates as well as laborers. He was buried on this site in accordance with his own wish.
I want and consistently make a disposition for that my body, with no delay [and] just in crastino of death, shall have buried in the cemetery next to St. Mary's Church in Kraków, in the ground behind the Crucifixi altar next to the church's wall. excerpt from J.A. Łopacki's last will
Why should I complain that though the harvest time has barely started, frumentum Electorum lamented Prelate already is ground by tombstone into dust, that a Hyacinth flower, so adorned with the color of various Holy virtues [that is] quite beautiful lily-rose innocent modesty, already wilted before our eyes, flos decidit & decor. excerpt from the speech of Jan Kanty Laskiewicz at Łopacki's funeral
[drawing by Stanisław Cercha, 1902]
[watercolor by Stanisław Fabijański, 1917]
[drawing by Leon Kowalski, 1924]
[watercolor by Stanisław Janowski, before 1942]
Zdzisław Gajda, historian of medicine, recounts an anecdote about Łopacki: …parish festivals at St Mary's used to be an occasion for a peculiar spectacle: crowds of possessed came arousing pity with the sight of their suffering, which resulted in loosening the purse strings. After the main celebration the Arch-Priest used to come out wearing the pontifical vestments to the square in front of the church and before him gathered a huddle of those tormented by evil spirits … Łopacki, as good doctors are, was no fool and had good observation skills, hence while not denying the tradition, he had his suspicions. And some day he had enough. He came out as usual, said the prayers, took the aspergillum, sprinkled the possessed, and as soon as everybody saw the expected result, he exclaimed: Ah, you frauds! Scallywags and impostors! If you were truly possessed, my sprinkling would help you nothing, as I have used ordinary, not holy water on you!
[pieces of Doctor of Medicine diploma of Jacek Łopacki issued by the University of Padua in 1711]
[portrait of Hiacynt (Jacek) Łopacki in the premises of the Archbrotherhood of Mercy, less than 100 m (90 yd) from his grave]
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cohapon · 2 years
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Panny in various outfits
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bowsnbugsnax · 2 years
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I've been pretty distracted by stardew valley lately but man, @kokytea has some bangin were-grumpus lore and I just couldn't resist. I love anything werebeast.
So have a mop.
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nancydrewwouldnever · 5 months
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Unknown Artist from Rajasthan, A Monumental Portrait of a Monkey, ca. 1700-1715, watercolor/paper (Art Institute, Chicago)
An inscription on the back of the painting states the monkey's name was Husaini, and he was the pet of Daud Khan Panni, a nobleman at the Mughal court.
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