#papa morgott
woahmyboi · 4 months
I need more fics about Morgott becoming a dad.
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draconic-ichor · 10 months
Morgott would be drowning in the fluff of his fully grown children
He’s not the fuzziest demigod anymore!!!
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Imagine adding all the grandmorglings…
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monstrousvoice · 1 year
I always thought of the scenario of a canon divergent where Godfrey got revived early, getting to see what horrible conditions Morgott is putting himself through. I just would love to picture the first elden lord himself hugging his omen son, giving him a firm talking to of why he matters, and then start helping him through the healing process both physical and mental.
Oh anon, I am so here for any Godfrey being a dad content!! Giving Mohg a good smack upside the head for falling for flowery words from a god known to indulge in pain and suffering and blood, telling him to put Miquella back.
Giving a smack upside the head to Morgott for being such a workaholic towards the kingdom and the Greater Will that he's neglected himself and his self-care.
Both Omens scuffing their feet on the ground, feeling chastised by papa Horah and his kitty.
An kind of au with their dynamic being explored is a wonderful one in my opinion 💖
(P.S. and yes, we will be getting papa Godfrey in the later chapters of Court of the Immortals, for those of you wondering :3)
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feartheoldblog · 1 year
give me soulsborne dilfs
i have five spaces left
we got
• papa gasc
• morgott
• sir vilhelm
• siegmeyer
• blaidd
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vaeri-art · 1 year
Hear me out though.
First time playing Elden Ring and seeing Margit.
I could not help but think of Papa!Nier?
Silver hair. Older men. A bod.
👀 i can see the reasoning
now im thinking about morgott in an outfit similar to papa!nier's, but, of course, more revealing...
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thefirsteldenlord · 1 year
Running up, Perona has the completely meaningless bag of treats in one hand, and one o them embroidery looms in the other. About bouncing on her heels, she offers them to Serosh and Godfrey, respectively, beaming with pride and delight.
The embroidery is... Well, it's meant to be of both Godfrey and Morgott, her in the middle as if to scale. All three figures are abysmally done, signaling her being unversed but dedicated to the art.
"Se...rosh!" She happily chirps, offering the open bag to Serosh properly.
@eldenlordofdragons [Perona]
(happy crimus papa)
Whew! He managed to get all of his Santa gear off before Perona came running. He had a feeling he needed to make a quick change once he heard Perona giggling and jumping around in her chambers.
"What thou hath there, Lass? A gift for me? Thou'rt too kind l-" He paused for a brief moment as he saw the tall figure next to him in the embroidery. Was that... Morgott? Has she met Morgott??
He snapped back to attention when he Serosh mewled sharply as he munched down on some treats Perona hand fed him. Maybe it was Margit she made and was thinking off? Either way, Morgott isn't one to just approach a stranger, let alone a child. How she knows of him perplexes him.
"I thank thee, Lass." He gives her a gentle pat on the back. Either way, it's a cute little embroidery that he'll probably hang on the wall of his chambers.
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fellomenking · 2 years
... Yeah, I think another reason why there’s such an appeal toward Morgott: In addition to giving off Papa!Nier Energy, he also kinda channels Goliath energy as well.
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deathblightprince · 2 years
👥 the omen twins? but before godwyn got assassinated
A somber sigh that leaves his lips. "My dear brothers, Morgott and Mohg..."
He pauses his writing of a draft. He sits deep in thought for a moment. There is... many things to be said about his full-blooded omen brothers.
"I was lead to believe they were born sickly and wouldnst make it past infancy, so they were sent away. 'Tis what my mother and nanny at the time told me. They said I couldnst be there so I do not get attached to them. Then when I was maybe 4 or 5, my father toldeth me the real reason for them not present. They were these beastly looking creatures called Omens, and because Golden Order did not accept Omens they could not be seen. I hath only met them a couple times as a boy before my father had to be more careful in hiding them. I hath the faintest memories of what they looked like, but I remember the way they cried so loud upon seeing my father. He was still Elden Lord, so he had to be gone for many hours of the day, but he always rushed back home to care for them when he was still hiding them around Leyendell..."
He paused in memory of his father. Oh Gods, his poor father. "I still remember the look on my father's face when he was forced to leave them down in the sewers, t'was a look of sorrow I shall never forget. T'was the first time I hath ever saw him cry."
He leaned back in his chair. The desire to write to his father was strong, but he still hadn't received one reply from him yet after all these years. He wishes so desperately to speak to him now.
"I most likely made it worse by asking him all the time 'where art they papa? Where did thou take them?' I caused him more grief than I could ever know."
He then looks around the room, checking for any possible eavesdropping guards or nobles who may be passing by. He leans over his desk, his voice more quiet, but his tone is expresses the determination within his soul.
"But I solemnly swear with every fiber on mine being, they will see freedom soon. I hath been attempting to contact them in various ways over the past 5 years. I had not found success yet, but I will try every avenue and method of contact. As of right now, I hath middle men I paid to go searching into the sewers for me. If they find them, they art to give them a talisman that I can use to keep track of them. Once I hath everything ready on the surface, I will bring them back up and give them their freedom, I couldnst care less what my mother hath to say. When that happens I will most likely hath to escort them out of Leyendell. But I know a place where they can stay outside these walls. They'll be safe and at peace there. A sewer is no place for royalty, nor is it a place for any brother of mine."
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wolfgangamaderik · 3 years
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   A békésen, az egész család jelenlétében elköltött Újévi vacsorát hirtelen megzavarta az a tény, hogy Tolya papa, úgy ahogy volt, még öltöny-nyakkendőben, felugrott az asztaltól lecsapta a kés-villát a tány��rja mellé, és elindult az ajtó felé, az előszobába.
-Tolecska te hová mégy? - kérdezte Izus, meghökkenve felnézve a tányérjából. 
-Mindjárt jövök. - zárta rövidre a beszélgetést a családfő, és intett, hogy maradjanak ülve. 
-Papa rosszul vagy? - szólt utána aggodalmaskodva Olga, készen arra, hogy felpattanjon, ha kell. 
-Nem! - szólt vissza az öreg az ajtóból. - Maradsz, eszel. 
-Jó, de ne segítsek? 
-Nem kell, fiam, boldogulok magam is. 
Olga vállat vont, és ismét a vacsorájára koncentrált, néhány szóval nevelgetve közben kislányát is.       - Szívem, zöldséget is egyél, ne csak a húst. 
A kislány bólintott, bekapva szó szerint két kis darab répát, majd ismét a hússal kezdett barátkozni. 
-Mit csinál ez már megint? - morfondírozott Iza, ahogy az előszobából némi csörgés-zörgés hallatszott. Tolya ezek szerint valamelyik előszoba szekrényből pakol kifelé, de miért? És miért pont vacsora közben? 
-Mit keresel? - kiáltott ki Izus, megelégelve a dolgot. 
-A fiatalságát. - vigyorgott az eddig irgalmas csendben vacsorázó Ványa, de ezt a magas labdát már nem hagyhatta leütés nélkül. 
-Ivan. - mordult rá Izus. - Viselkedj, kisfiam. Tosha, gyere már és egyél, mi lelt már? 
-Megvan. - jelent meg Gyatlov ismét a szobában, de nem az asztalhoz igyekezett, hanem a szoba másik végébe a békésen ragyogó szépen feldíszített fenyőhöz, melyen az a nyavalyás fényfűzér egész halkan még most is a karácsonyi dal egyveleget ismételgette, fejhangon de halkan, azonban ahhoz így is épp elég hangosan, hogy behatoljon az ember tudatának legmélyébe, és ott zavarokat okozzon. Gyatlov elvtárs úgy érezte, ezt ő nem lesz képes tovább elviselni kedves családja körében sem, ha Újév van, ha nem. Iza most látta meg, hogy a szerszámos táskája van nála. 
-Tosha te hülye vagy? Újév este neked mi villanyszerelni valód van, azt mondd meg? 
A faterre rájött a sztahanovista öt perc. - vihogta el magát Ványusa. - Az öreg élni nem tud az energiaipar nélkül egy napot se. Az erőmű hősi halottja lesz.
-Vanuska! Ne legyél bunkó. - bökte oldalba öccsét Olga. 
-Jó, azt nem mondtam, mikor. 
-Ványa. - morgott Iza is. - Ilyennel nem tréfálunk, hányszor megmondtam neked, kisfiam. 
-Fogd be kisfiam a nagy szádat, jó? - ült le Tolya bácsi a jolka mellé. - Tedd magad hasznossá, Ivan Anatoljevics, ÉS kapcsolj világítást, mert áramtalanítom a fényfűzért. 
Mivel a szobát eddig csak a fa égősora világította meg, hogy romantikus hangulatot adjon a vacsorához, szükség lett a lámpa fényére. 
-Mi baj Tosha, csak nem zárlatos? - kérdezte a családanya aggódva. 
-Á, akkor már égne a fa. - válaszolt Ványus, jól képzett tanonchoz méltóan. - Vagy leverte volna a biztosítékot, mint vak a poharat. 
-Ványa ne ízetlenkedj már, elég volt. - szólt rá rutinból kisebbik fiára Izabella. 
-Mit csinálsz, Nagyapa? - kérdezte elkerekedett szemmel Anicska, ahogy látta, hogy nagypapája leveszi az égősor kapcsolódobozának a tetejét, majd valamit matat benne. Tolcsi bácsi nem tudott érdemben reagálni unokája kérdésére, ugyanis a kicsavarozott mini csavarokat jó szakember módjára mindig a szájában tartotta, hogy ne tudjanak elgurulni. 
-Papa te most komolyan szétszedted? - képedt el Olga. 
-Mmmhmm. - hümmögött Anatolij Sztyepanovics a csavarokkal a szájában. 
-Volt szíved? - tipegett közelebb Iza szörnyülködve. - Hiszen ma vettük a Szivárványban, vadonat új…
-Nem szív kell ehhez, hanem drótvágó. - okfejtett Tolya bácsi, miközben diadalittasan visszacsavarozta a doboz fedelét, és visszadugta az égősort a konnektorba. Felvillantak az égők, és ragyogtak, a zene azonban megszűnt. 
-Tosha, most miért kellett tönkretenni a zenélőkéjét te hülye vagy? 
-Ez a rohadvány szar nekem nem vinnyog tovább. - jelentette be Tolya bácsi olyan határozottsággal, amire csak egy Anatolij Gyatlov képes. 
-Jaj, Tolya, nem hiszem el, hogy neked az ünnepi asztalnál ezzel kell foglalkozni. Ráadásul miért teszed tönkre a gyerek ünnepi hangulatát? 
-Mer tönkre van téve? - kérdezte Gyatlov, Anicska felé intve, aki éppen semmit nem törődött a némaságra kárhoztatott, és egy karthauzi szerzetessel sorsközössége kényszerített fenyőégősorral, hanem éppen az ajándékba kapott hófehér plüss cicáját ölelgette. 
 -Tejszín kér szépen mamasütit. - fordult a kislány Iza felé, továbbra sem hiányolva a fa által fejhangon vinnyogott karácsonyi egyveleget. 
-Tejszínnek hívják? - kérdezte Iza mosolyogva, és indult, hogy kiszolgálja az újsütetű képzeletbeli barátot. 
-Na, le van tudva. - vont vállat Gyatlov elvtárs. - Az ajándékozást végignyervogta, egy szavatok nem lehet most már. Tűrtem én ameddig tudtam, de mivel fixre van kötve, kikapcsolni természetesen nem lehet, csak halkítani. Nekem ez még így is hangos volt. 
-Hát tényleg brutál vinnyogással volt. - vont vállat Vanuska is. - Kösz fater. 
-Hát azt hittem nagyobb sikere lesz. - kuncogott most már Olga. - A Szivárványban sorban álltak érte, mert újdonság. 
-Újdonság hát, a tömegpusztító fegyverek új alfaja. - ült vissza a családfő is a helyére. 
-Bolond. - legyintett Iza, most már ő is kuncogva, majd helyet foglalt, hogy most már nyugodtan folytathassák a vacsorát- zavaró tényezők nélkül.
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draconic-ichor · 1 year
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Transporting some precious cargo
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draconic-ichor · 1 year
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Hands full of wee omen babies
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draconic-ichor · 1 year
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Take your fuzzy baby omen to work day
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draconic-ichor · 1 year
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The King would often find his young son fast asleep while reading. The tome of the demigods or the history of dragons were of the Prince’s favorites…
Some art of little Magnus and Papa Morgott
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draconic-ichor · 1 year
Mistaken Identity
Fluffy dabble
Morgott/female tarnished
Summary: While trying to celebrate their anniversary, the royal couple get a surprise
Warnings: strong language, sexual themes, mild violence, slight child distress, mentions of nightmares
Feedback appreciated, 18+
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“My Lady, the King has sent for you,” A handmaiden informed politely.
“He has?” The Tarnished asked, almost surprised, thinking her husband had forgotten what day it was in the rush of things.
“Asked for you to meet his Lordship in the Hall of Lords.” She went on, adding with a bit of a smile, “After the children are put to bed.”
“Oh!” The Lady brightened, “Let him know I will be there.”
“At once.” The handmaiden bowed before leaving her office.
The Lady made her way to the Hall, dressing in a conformable pale dress beforehand; the garment clung and extenuated her every curve.
Opening up the doors she gasped, the hall had been transformed: all the furniture was moved along the walls, making a large open area; the candles were extinguished instead the hall was decorated with twinkling golden crystals, giving the space an ethereal glow. Baskets of Erdleaf flowers sat upon every table, filling the room with a subtle sweet fragrance. And there in the middle of it all was a man, a man the Lady Tarnished hadn’t seen in a long while…
Morgott smiled from beneath the veil, offering out a hand to her. She happily took it, being pulled into his arms. He always looked bashful in his form, almost unaware how to properly hold himself.
“Here I’d thought you’d forgotten.” The Lady blushed, looking down.
Morgott took her waist, leading in a dance, “Nay.” His lips curled a bit, “A ruse to fool thee to such thoughts.”
She laughed as he twirled her around.
“Thou hast also been quite silent on the matter.” He pointed out.
“Well, I was planning on surprising his Lordship with berries and an outfit I had made special,” she dipped in to whisper into his ears, “Accost him in his bed.”
He chuckled, “A most wicked plot indeed.”
Elsewhere in the castle a small shape tossed and turned in his bed. Magnus clutched the blankets, suddenly sitting bolt upright. His heart pounded in his chest, the nightmare still chewing at his mind.
The young boy carefully got out of bed, scampering out of the nursery. He instinctively started to run towards his parent’s bedchamber once in the hall but a sound caught his sensitive ears: music softly playing from deeper in the castle, the boy moving towards it curiously.
Their dance slowed, bodies moving in a soft sway to the lull of the music. Morgott tilted forward just enough to place his cheek against the Tarnished’s, inwardly marveling at how easily that simple gesture was to accomplish when in this form. She sighed into the contact, closing her eyes as they danced closer.
“Mine dear Queen...” He whispered into her ear, “Mine wife, mother of mine children…mine only love.” His voice was a husky hum, thrumming her very heartstrings.
“I love you too.” She cooed back, pressing a kiss to his cheek, “The most in all the Lands Between.”
Magnus pushed open the door; rubbing his eye tiredly with one hand, his plush dragon clutched in the other. He blinked up into the twinkling lights, gaze drifting around the room, falling onto the two dancing figures at the center. His little form stiffened, seeing his mother plainly. But the male dancing with her he couldn’t recognize, clearly human by the look of him.
This stranger had the gall to touch his mother.
His orange eyes widened as the man moved ever so slightly to kiss the GodLord.
Magnus dropped his plush, tail fluffing up like a bottle brush.
A screech echoed around the room, followed by the sound of claws against the polished stone. Morgott broke the kiss, brow knotted as he tilted his head, just catching a blur of black shoot straight for him.
Seconds later he hollered out, jolting as the little one attempted to gore him in the side.
The Lady made a sound, shock slowing her movements.
“Stay away from my Mama!” Magnus yowled as he jerked his head back, reading for another attack.
This form was much weaker, the initial blow knocking the wind from Morgott’s lungs. He struggled to stand straight, coughing out with a raised hand, “M-Magnus, Magnus!”
The boy froze, little claws still embedded in the meat of Morgott’s thigh.
“Magnus!” The tarnished chimed in, moving to pull him back.
This man looked human, but that voice. The smaller omen blinked wet eyes up at him bewildered.
“It tis me.” Morgott tried to sooth, showing his palms in a silent beg for mercy.
Magnus allowed himself to be pried off, never breaking his gaze away. “Are you alright?” The Lady asked, looking up to the other.
“I’m fine.” Morgott sighed tiredly.
“Papa?” Magnus furrowed his brow, seeing the familiarity to the man’s features.
“What happened to you?!” Magnus suddenly exclaimed, eyes rewetting as he tried to pull free of his mother’s hold.
“It’s alright.” She tried to soothe, but he was having none of it.
“Simply an illusion.” Morgott knelt down slowly.
Tears wet his fur, the small omen looking over his father worriedly. He looked so small, so frail and strange to him. Hearing his voice flow so naturally from this alien form shook Magnus’s core.
Morgott shot a glance up to the Lady Tarnished, her nodding back in silent agreement. With the mood thoroughly ruined, he reached for the veil.
The air around him shimmered, the visage becoming warped for a brief moment before it was gone entirely. Morgott still knelt on the floor, every inch once again an omen.
The Lady released Magnus, the boy rushing into his father’s chest. Morgott made a sound from the impact, careful to set the veil off to the side.
He held his small son, patting his back softly in an attempt to sooth.
Magnus nuzzled into his father’s neck, wetting his robes with tears and snot. “You looked so scary.” He whimpered, clinging to the much larger omen.
The words struck Morgott.
To any other, the veil would render him more palatable, more normal. Hearing the opposite threw the King for a loop.
“All is well, wee Magnus.” Morgott hummed, holding him closer.
“What are you doing up so late?” The Lady asked, reaching out to brush shaggy onyx curls behind a fuzzy ear.
“Had a nightmare.” The boy hiccuped.
“Well…” Morgott straightened to standing, “Let us deliver thee back to bed, hm?”
As they started to head towards the doors the Tarnished halted them, padding over to pick up the discarded plush from the floor. “You mustn’t forget this!”
“Ah.” Morgott took the plush dragon, offering it to Magnus, who gladly hugged it close, “Mustn’t forget dear Greyoll.”
Magnus gave a little nod, saying his good nights to his mother before Morgott started the walk back to the nursery.
“Doth thee knoweth what this day is?” Morgott asked as he slowly made his way.
Magnus shook his head, face still pressed firmly into the crook of his Father’s neck.
“Tis the day thy Mother and I were wed.” His voice was gentle, titling his head a bit to look at his son. Magnus shifted so he could meet his gaze, eyes still glassy and heavy with tiredness.
“Nine years we’ve been wed.” He went on. He carefully opened the door to Magnus’s part of the nursery, “Seems only a heartbeat in time…”
As he tucked the small omen in, the child spoke, “Did you kiss?” Magnus asked, making a face.
“Enthusiastically.” Morgott answered.
“Ew!” Magnus exclaimed, wrinkling his nose up and sticking his little tongue out.
“‘Ew’?” Morgott scoffed, mimicking the boy’s tone, “‘Ew’ thee says??”
He began to tickle him, bending forward with a wicked smile as the boy squealed out.
“Shhhh, shhhh.” Morgott muffled a chuckle, ceasing his tickle attack, “Thy will wake wee Matilda.”
Magnus nodded, wiggling deeper into the covers. Morgott placed the plush dragon beside him, patting the boy on the head.
“Goodnight Papa.”
“I love you.”
Morgott paused at the door, glancing back. His heart swelled with warmth.
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draconic-ichor · 1 year
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Morgott had just sunk into a large bath, looking forward to the chance to unwind a bit after a stressful week. He leaned back, closing his eyes contently as the warm water seeped into his bones.
It was short lived.
“Papa?” Came a small voice.
Morgott jolted, water sloshing out of the tub. He peered over the edge to see his small son: Maddox. The boy blinked up at him.
“What are you doing?” He asked, stepping on his toes to get closer.
Morgott took a breath to steady himself, sure he had latched the door. “Partaking in a bath.” He answered.
“I’ll help!” The little omen exclaimed excitedly, already pulling off his clothes.
“I am quite practiced in bathing mineself.” Morgott’s words fell on deaf ears as the boy scrambled up the tub side, “Have been successful for some time…”
He sighed as the small one fell into the water, whatever relaxation there was to be had no longer an option. He fished Maddox up to the surface, the boy a fit of giggles.
Morgott leaned back once more, watching as the boy played in the bubbles and splashed about. At least he was getting clean…
“This is fun!” Maddox smiled, clinging to Morgott’s arm to stay above water.
“Aye.” Morgott gave a soft smile, taking a rag to wash behind the little one’s ears.
“I gotta pee.”
Morgott scooped up the boy, gently placing him outside the tub.
Maddox dropped to all fours, shaking off like a dog. He send a spray of water and suds all over, before standing to scamper away, leaving sopping foot prints behind.
Morgott rubbed the bridge if his nose a bit.
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draconic-ichor · 1 year
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Matilda, fresh out the oven!
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