les-portes-du-sud · 3 months
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abridurif · 3 months
Encore ceci où on verra qu’écrire est bien différent de parler. On écrit aussi pour n’avoir plus de visage, pour s’enfouir soi-même sous sa propre écriture. On écrit pour que la vie qu’on a autour, à côté, en dehors, mais ennuyeuse et pleine de soucis, qui est exposée aux autres, se résorbe dans ce petit rectangle de papier qu’on a sous les yeux et dont on est maître. Écrire, au fond, c’est essayer de faire s’écouler, par les canaux mystérieux de la plume et de l’écriture, toute la substance, non seulement de l’existence, mais du corps, dans ces traces minuscules qu’on dépose sur le papier. N’être plus, en fait de vie, que ce gribouillage à la fois mort et bavard que l’on a déposé sur la feuille blanche, c’est à cela qu’on rêve quand on écrit. Mais à cette résorption de la vie grouillante dans le grouillement immobile des lettres, on n’arrive jamais. Michel Foucault, Le Beau danger, Entretien avec Claude Bonnefoy, Éditions EHESS. Paris, 2011
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pompadourpink · 1 year
Les virelangues
Seize chaises sèchent - Sixteen chairs are drying
Le petit chat chassait les souris qui sont sous les coussins - The little cat chased the mice that are under the cushions
Didon dîna dit-t-on du dos dodu d’un dodu dindon - Dido dined, or so they say, on the plump back of a plump turkey 
Si six scies scient six cyprès, six scies scient six cyprès - If six saws saw six cypresses, six saws saw six cypresses
Choisis 600 chouchous et si ces 600 chouchous sont chouettes, choisis-en 600 autres - Choose 600 scrunchies and if those 600 scrunchies are nice, choose 600 more
Piano, panier, panier, piano - piano, basket, basket, piano
Un pâtissier qui pâtissait chez un tapissier qui tapissait, demanda un jour au tapissier qui tapissait : vaut-il mieux pâtisser chez un tapissier qui tapisse ou tapisser chez un pâtissier qui pâtisse ? - A pastry chef who was baking at an upholsterer who upholstered's once asked the upholsterer who upholstered: Is it better to bake for an upholsterer who upholders or to uphold for a pastry chef who bakes?
Les chaussettes de l'archiduchesse sont-elles sèches ou archisèches ? - Are the archduchess's socks dry or very dry?
Tu t'entêtes à tout tenter, tu t'uses et tu te tues à tant t'entêter - You persist in trying everything, you wear yourself out and kill yourself by being so stubborn
Trois ogres ocre griment trois autres ogres d’encre ocre - Three ochre ogres scratch three other ogres with ochre ink
Trois tristes tigres trônaient dans un arbre qui trônait au milieu d'un trianon - Three sad tigers were seated in a tree that was seated in the middle of a trianon
Ah ! pourquoi Pépita, sans répit, m'épies-tu ? Dans les bois Pépita, pourquoi te tapis-tu ? Tu m'épies sans pitié, c'est piteux de m'épier ! - Ah, why do you spy on me, Pepita, without respite? In the woods, Pepita, why do you lurk? You spy on me without mercy, it's pitiful to spy on me!
Un chasseur sachant chasser sans son chien est un chasseur qui chasse sans chien mais qui chasse quand même - A hunter who knows how to hunt without his dog is a hunter who hunts without a dog but who still hunts
Si vous voulez vous venger, rendez-vous vite - If you want to get revenge, surrender quickly
Douze douches douces - Twelve sweet showers
Je veux et j'exige les joyaux de ces jolis et joyeux oiseaux jasant - I want and demand the gems of these pretty and cheerful chattering birds 
Étant sorti sans parapluie, il m'eût plus plu qu'il plût plus tôt - Having gone out without an umbrella, I would have liked it better if it had rained earlier
Satan montant des cendres s’attend à descendre mon thé. Sentant mon thé, je monte. Satan m’entendant monter, redescend cendres et mon thé, mais Satan s’étend, et cendres et mon thé descendent - Satan rising from the ashes expects to down my tea. Smelling my tea, I go upstairs. Satan hearing me coming upstairs, brings down ashes and my tea, but Satan extends, and ashes and my tea come down
Fait faire à Fabien fourbe et fautif force farces fausses et fantasques - Makes the deceitful and faulty Fabien play many false and fantastic pranks
Le cri du cygne qui crissait dans le cristal des cris d'oiseaux qui crissaient - The cry of the swan that was screeching in the crystal of the cries of birds that were screeching
Seize jacinthes jaunes sèchent dans seize sachets sales - Sixteen yellow hyacinths are drying in sixteen dirty bags
Un généreux déjeuner régénérerait des généraux dégénérés - A generous lunch would regenerate degenerate generals
Le chaton qui chassait le chat qui chassait la souris qui chassait le rat qui mangeait du fromage - The kitten who chased the cat who chased the mouse who chased the rat who ate cheese
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Movie: Les demoiselle de Rochefort - Jacques Demy, 1967
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vhscorp · 1 year
C'est si doux de parler d'amour, mais si bon de le faire aussi…
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odinsblog · 2 years
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LMAO. Get rekt homophobic ass Republicans
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fleurdusoir · 1 year
Aime l'âme qui respire, s'ouvre et reçoit le lait des étoiles ; qui toujours naît et toujours honore. Honorez l'âme, fils. Soyez au-dessus de la chose. L'âme forte est avide-de goûter-entendre-voir-sentir-toucher, et aussi elle aime penser, parler, engendrer.
Jean-Paul Savignac, Ce qu’est l’âme - Le Chant de l'Initié et autres poèmes gaulois
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mugi0108 · 18 days
Desp t'invite à devenir ami et partager des actions avec lui sur obimy !
Cette application est vraiment trooop mignonne j'en peux plus <3
Vous voulez être ami avec moi, rejoignez grâce au lien !
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inthefallofasparrow · 2 years
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tomorrowusa · 11 months
Twitter has long been described, even by its most ardent users, as a hellsite. But under Elon Musk, Twitter has evolved into a platform that is indistinguishable from the wastelands of alternative social-media sites such as Truth Social and Parler. It is now a right-wing social network.
In December, I argued that if we are to judge Musk strictly by his actions as Twitter’s owner, it is accurate to call him a far-right activist. As a public figure, he has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to the right’s culture war against progressivism—which he refers to as “the woke mind virus”—and his $44 billion Twitter purchase can easily be seen as an explicitly political act to advance this specific ideology.
– Charlie Warzel at The Atlantic.
The extremist social media platform Parler tanked because much of its activity gravitated to Twitter. That's an indication of what Twitter has become under Elon Musk.
While conspiracy nuts, Russian trolls, homophobes, MAGA zombies, and outright Nazis flock to Twitter, sane people are gradually departing.
Don't look for valid climate science on Twitter...
Climate scientists flee Twitter as hostility surges following Musk's takeover
It's time for developers to get serious about a viable alternative to Twitter.
If Tumblr made some changes to accommodate refugees from Twitter instead of wasting money on Tumblr Live, it would be more profitable. Now is the best time to take advantage of an exodus from Twitter. 💡
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nyandzette · 1 year
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Oui, je me parle souvent dans une autre langue dans ma tête, pas vous ?
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queerautism · 1 year
Oh my god Parler is using its own users as a moderation team? This will go Great
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abridurif · 2 months
Il entre, il parle avec les mots qui sont déjà là pour l’accueillir, éprouvant une peine égale à parler et à se taire. Maurice Blanchot, Le pas au-delà, Éditions Gallimard, 1973
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pompadourpink · 1 year
hi! how different is the french spoken in the south of france compared to standard french (which I assume is based on the paris area language?) ? is it likely in your opinion that a foreigner with intermediate to advanced french skills will struggle in one part of france more than in others? thanks so much!
In my experience, people in the southeastern part of France speak with an accent that is quite easy to understand unless you're talking to older people. They essentially drag sounds that should have been nasal and add -uuh sounds to the end of nouns. Example in this video: "C'est commeuh ça" 0:49.
The government has been fighting dialects and accents for a long time and many of them have died or are actively dying. Some, like basque, are probably there to stay because they're considered a big part of the culture, but are nonetheless very niche.
Parisian French is spoken everywhere in the country and is what people are taught in school and therefore naturally speak (outside of elders), so travelling should be pretty easy outside of the occasional expression.
However, while I'm not worried about you understanding the people of Marseille, the real question is to know if you would actually understand the people of Paris. Parisian French is extremely complex. Textbook French and native French are at best cousins and school will not save you if you decide to visit or study here.
Parisian French is quite far from what it was in the 50s: we drop negations, neglect our pronunciation, greatly simplify syntax, have at least one or two synonyms for most words, verlan on top of that (reversing the syllables of a word, ex: mon frère - mon reuf), a thousand fillers and a million expressions. Romance languages are typically very alive and quick to evolve.
Let's compare a few videos:
Meet Jean Rochefort, a stage actor who once had the best diction I've heard:
And here's Emmanuel Macron, less than two months ago. We've gone faster.
Now, here's a recent interview with an actor (2022):
A YouTuber's video with a group, typical speed/pronunciation (2018):
And some stand-up, quite fast (2022):
If you don't struggle to understand those people, you'll be just fine in the South and anywhere else in the country. If you do, that should be your priority!
Hope this helps! x
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vhscorp · 1 year
Accéder au bonheur, c'est parfois juste oser laisser parler son cœur...
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didanawisgi · 2 years
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ut0pice · 8 months
Bonsoir ! Vous allez bien ?!
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