i-ate-your-kneecaps · 8 months
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has this been done before
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mysharona1987 · 17 days
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The government own this women’s embryos now and can do whatever they what with them. She thinks of them as (kinda) her kids but they are not hers anymore.
What could they do with her eggs?
It’s like a bad sci fi film.
Sanctioned by the GOP.
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heterorealism · 1 year
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yagikidd57 · 5 months
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When did being a demisexual become “patriarchal?” (Sarcasm) 🤦🏽‍♀️
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nickysfacts · 1 year
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The feminine urge to crush sexist men who ruined your life with a war elephant!⚔️
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lutealfem · 2 years
If there was a series that was made about a woman who around in the mid 20's early 30's navigating her through her life trying to find her dream career. During this pursuit to happiness through a career and materialism she is occupied by her 10-16 year old self who talks to her (but only she can see her, its like she's talking to her own self conscious) in situations usually urging her to preform to patriarchy, the male gaze and internalized misogyny. She soon learns why she has adapted those behaviours from talking to her younger selves, realizing the social conditioning, objectification and sexualization she has went through in her most formative years. She slowly lets go of these things she finds to be crucial in order to be a woman... would you watch it?
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psychogirly · 1 year
“Often father and daughter look down on mother (woman) together. They exchange meaningful glances when she misses a point. They agree that she is not bright as they are, cannot reason as they do. This collusion does not save the daughter from the mother's fate.”
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yunglungs · 11 months
Men base most romantic relationships off sex. To think about it, every relationship I’ve had with men, started with sex, and had a very emphasised outlook on the sexual part of the relationship. Sex was ruined for me, when the very man who caressed my body and told me he loved me, while indulging in my physique, was the same man who physically abused me. The same hands that held my cheek while kissing me were the same hands used to push me to the ground. My body quickly started to reject sex. When we broke up. I tried so hard to “get back into the game”. I indulged in casual hook up culture. My body rejected it time after time. I have no interest in sex. Sex is a football field. A man's game, each party is trying to score their own goal. Pleasure and satisfaction. Except, I was never really trying to gain pleasure from sex, rather looking for validation in fulfilling a man's needs. I wasn't born like that, I wasn't born with the innate nature to appease men. I was brainwashed, from a very young age, through culture and media. “We live in a man's world, so you have to cooperate and flatter the male gaze”. The duality of men; from violence to love, from anger to lust. I don't think I'll ever entirely understand. Now that I can no longer participate in the twisted game men like to call sex, purely because it is futile, I no longer see myself as a valued participant of male connection. After all, I can no longer offer them what they all seek. It's quite sad because women are such beautifully complicated humans underneath the sex appeal. However, I don't think they have the capacity to comprehend that.
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k00294532 · 6 months
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Disrupt Project (unfinished)
Monday 23rd to Friday 27th
During the week I spent my first time embroidering. We were asked on our first day to think of an image to associate with out project to embroider. While looking at the many examples to give myself ideas I noticed alot of the images where of flowers. Delicate and pretty flowers. Which of course got me thinking and spiraling. The idea of depicting a similar image which the famed medusa. Soft and delicate. Medusas story is a horrible depiction of the world that we live in. Even more so how her story changed. In original mythology she was given a gift. A gift to protect herself and others from experiencing such a horrible incident. She became a symbol. One to provide comfort and solace for women who were victims of abuse from men. Those same men overtime changed this. Depicted her as a monster. So I felt it was only right to depict her correctly. And that's what I aimed to do.
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I hate seeing moids online blame women for the FGM that goes on in African countries. “You’re blaming men but the women are the ones performing the operation!” FOR WHO? FOR WHO?
These women grew up being told that if they don’t mutilate their genitals they’ll be poor, and starve to death in the streets because a man won’t want to marry them.
In Africa, studies and observations have established the fact that the justifications linked to the practice of FGM are quite numerous and in some jurisdictions, compelling. Noteworthy is that the practice varies among several communities, although they are hinged on some common themes such as family honor sake, health, marriageability, and women's status in the communities, among others [25,26,27]. On many occasions, these justifications are presented in a positive manner while less credence is lent to its consequences in order to emphasize its advantages in line with the social-cultural perspective [25]. In fact, in numerous practicing communities and tribes in Africa and the Middle East, FGM is considered a requisite for marriage, and any uncircumcised girl has no chance of being married.
The mothers carrying this out isn’t any less abhorrent to me, and I wish they would beat these men, kill them, for demanding this be a marriage requirement. For marriage being a requirement to live itself. That doesn’t make this any less a patriarchal concept that was started by, and made to please men.
And then you have the loser scrotes who compare circumcision to genital mutilation, when the reality is it’s a much less damaging procedure. Girls who have had FGM performed on them deal with the pain of it every day from tissue damage. They experience many UTIs, genital ulcers, reproductive tract infections, increased risk for HIV, and more. But yeah Sheldon, tell us about how circumcision is “just as bad” because you didn’t get a say in the matter. I’m not saying they shouldn’t get a say but you expect me to give a fuck that your fully functioning dick doesn’t have skin on the outside, and treat that as equal to little girls, are being subjected to an excruciating process that can kill them and will lead to life long health problems? So that they can be married off in CHILD MARRIAGES and forced to give birth to babies when they are babies themselves? Actually go fuck yourself.
Go support women like Dora Nyambe, and Theresa Kachindamoto who help girls escape from child marriages, and build schools for them.
Dora Nyambe’s: Go Fund Me, YouTube, Instagram
Unfortunately I can’t find anything to help fund Theresa’s mission, but if you have anything please, PLEASE share. Aside from that, here’s a link as well to Girls not Brides.
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cherrysoldier · 8 months
watching the whatever podcast ep #89 and as a radical feminist in NZ i am SHOCKED by the lack of education about the patriarchy and misogyny and how they affect dating and women’s and men’s expectations while dating like im literally experience brain cell die off. Carly & Ariel are they only girls on there with some brains and even then it hurts to see Brian mansplain shit and because Carly literally couldn’t find the words to explain what she meant and like i KNOW if those girls even the girl with the pink tank top like if they HAD seen and read the studies and stats that i have read then they would realise they’re literally on the right track with a lot of what they’re saying but because they don’t have specifics some weird 34 year old man can “out explain” them by using more eloquent sounding speak. it’s sooo frustrating seeing women being treated like this.
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jenniferratcliffe · 10 months
Leaf by thorn, a racket is lulled into single tone
Hushing the loud and pretty
Shushing the intelligently soft
Silence drawn on edges of petals -
Too colourful, too curved
Too alive
They want
Ash in the shape of a flame
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p1nk-cupcak3 · 1 year
Unpopular opinion: Professor Polonium wasn't evil, she was driven mad by the scientific patriarchy. She built that whole damn robot and not one of those f*ckers gave her any credit for her brilliance.
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thateclecticbitch · 1 year
It doesn't matter whether Dr James Barry was a trans man or nonbinary or butch lesbian or or genderfluid or a cross dressing woman. What matters is that he wanted to be remembered as James. As he. As a man. He didnt want to be remembered a woman who crossed dressed to fool the public and overcome societal barriers. The systemic changes he advocated for were largely centered around the enslaved, imprisoned, disabled and mentally ill, and improving sanitation. His accomplishments are impressive but are constantly overshadowed by controversy about his gender identity. It needs to be laid to rest, as he intended, which is why I refer to him with he/him pronouns.
If the gc radfem crowd wants epic feminist icons there are plenty others to choose from. Forence Nightingale knew Dr James Barry, yet I dont think I've seen a single radfem mention her. She was literally the founder of modern nursing! She discovered that bad hygiene was the primary cause of death among soldiers in the Crimean war. She improved sanitation everywhere. She established an entire medical school. Florence Nightingale basically revolutionized all of healthcare. AND she did much of that work when she was bedridden for 10 years. All while openly being a women fighting for women to be in medicine at all.
I mean... holy shit! What a fucking badass!
But I guess all that isnt as impressive or as compelling of a narrative as The Cross Dressing Woman™️ to them. As if nursing isnt already considered a less admirable career on account of it being associated with women. You know... mysogyny.
But what do I know? I'm just a dumb TRA.
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